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CHAPTER 13 Multiple Deposit Creation and The Money Supply Process

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Multiple Deposit Creation and the Money

Supply Process

Dr. Mohammed Alwosabi

Money Supply (MS) Process
• Money supply (MS) process refers to the
mechanism that determines the money
• It refers to the implementation of monetary
• It is important to understand the MS
Process to understand exactly how open
market operations (OMOs) change the
money supply, and thereby affect the
economy (interest rates, inflation, output,
employment, money, etc.)
• The majority of money (M1) is in the form
of deposits.
• Therefore, we want to understand how the
banking system creates deposits, and in
the process, creates money.
• The central bank is a key player in the
money supply process but not the only
Four Players in the Money Supply Process:
1. Central Bank (CB): Most important player
since it ultimately controls the supply of
money in the economy.
2. Commercial banks: Depository
institutions that accept deposits and
make loans.
3. Depositors: Bank customers (individuals,
companies and institutions holding bank
deposits - checking and savings
4. Borrowers from banks: Individuals and
companies who borrow money from
• The Central Bank's Balance Sheet (BS)
and the Monetary Base (MB):
• In this simplified version of the Central
bank’s BS, we will focus on only 4 items to
see how they affect the economy’s money
Central Bank’s Simplified BS
Assets Liability
Government securities Currency in circulation
Discount loans Reserves
1. Government securities: The CB holds
government securities (Treasury bills, bonds,
notes) for two reasons: (i) buying and selling of
government securities is one of the CB’s major
tool (known as OMO) in controlling the
economy’s money supply, and (ii) holding
government securities provides a return.
2. Discount loans: The CB makes loans to banks
through its discount window operation. The CB
does not encourage banks from borrowing
through its discount window on a regular basis
since the CB is acting as a lender of last resort
for the banks.
1. Currency in circulation (C): Cash in the
hands of the public, outside the banking
system. They are basically IOUs from the
government issued by the CB like a govt.
bonds, but pays zero interest. Currency
is a liability of the CB, because a BD20
bill could be redeemed for 2 tens, or 4
fives, etc; or if it is worn out, banks can
redeem it for a new BD20 bill
2. Reserves (R): All banks have to keep a
certain percentage of the deposits as the
reserve requirements established by the
CB. The banks do so in two ways:
• (a) All member banks are required to open
an account with the CB and they can
maintain their reserves by making a
deposit into that account.
• (b) The banks can keep cash in the banks’
• Reserves are a liability of the CB, an asset
for commercial banks.
• We can further break that reserve into two
• (i) Required reserve (RR): This is the
amount of money a bank needs to keep by
law. This is determined by the reserve
requirement ratio (expressed as a
percentage of a bank’s total deposit) set
by the CB.
• (ii) Excess reserve (ER): This is the
additional amount of money a bank
chooses to hold for liquidity reason.
• These two liabilities of the CB are called
the Monetary Base (MB).
• MB = currency in hands of public +
reserves of banking system
MB = C + R
• MB is also called High-powered Money, or
• It is called high-powered because an
increase in the MB leads to a multiple
increase in the MS (M1 or M2).
• CB directly controls the monetary base by
increasing or decreasing government
securities and thereby increasing or
decreasing bank reserves and/or
• If they purchase a Treasury bill for BD100,
it increases assets by BD100 and liabilities
by BD100.
• By increasing bank reserves by $100, the
MS is increased.
• Monetary policy works by affecting the
CB's balance sheet.
Control of the Monetary Base (MB)
• OMOs always affect MB, one to one.
(OMO = UMB) and (UMB = UR + UC)
• A BD100 OMO always increases MB by
• However, whether the OMO increases R or
C depends on the public's willingness to
hold cash, which depends on MD.
• This mean that although OMOs always
affect MB it is not always affecting
• Also, when the CB increases the monetary
base (MB) by supplying the banking
system with BD1 of additional reserves,
deposits (D) and M1 increase by a multiple
greater than 1, a process called multiple
deposit creation.
• When the CB wants to increase the MS, it
engages in an open market purchase of
government securities from the public and
adds them to its portfolio.
• For contractionary (restrictive) policy, it
engages in an open market sale of
government securities from its portfolio to
the public.

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