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KPDP - A Real Case Study

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KPDP A Real Case Study

(Extract from KPDP Marriage Matching Rules: Theory and Practice to be

published in KP-Ezine Dec 201 issue ! """#$pastrolo%er#com &
KPDP Marriage Matching Rules
1# 'he Krishnamurthi Padhdhathi Dasa(ida Prorutham (KPDP& rules for matchin% of
horoscopes for marria%e framed b) *hri K#P# Kuppu +anapathi co(er 10 matchin% criteria
to chec$ as follo"s, - - -
2# -n)thin% abo(e .0/ can be ta$en as matchin%# 0ut for happ) married life the o(erall
matchin% percenta%e should cross 1./ minimum#
# 'hese KPDP marria%e matchin% rules framed b) *hri Kuppu +anapathi can be utilized
in man) "a)s2 for example2 if one "ants to $no" "hether - and 0 can become partners
in a business (enture# 3t means %ettin% a partner to do partnership business2 the
compatibilit) chart i#e# KPDP "ill clearl) thro" li%ht on it# *imilarl) if there is difference
of opinion bet"een a boss and his subordinate or bet"een the o"ner of a compan) and its
top executi(e etc#
1# K43*56-784'53 P-D5D5-'53 D-*-93D- P:48'5-7 (KPDP& ;:4
7-'<536+ 5:4:*<:PE* ;:4 7-443-+E2 b) K#P# K8PP8 +-6-P-'532
KP = -strolo%) >ear 0oo$ 1??12 pp 2-@@
2# http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comA%roupA$BpBs)stemAfilesA-rticlesA
KPDP#doc2 KPDP for 7atchin%
# K#P# D-*-93D5- P:48'5'5-7* - 48CE* ;:4 7-'<536+
5:4:*<:PE* ;:4 7-443-+E2 b) K#P# K8PP8 +-6-P-'532
KP-Ezine e-7a%azine 7arch 2001 issue ! """#$pastrolo%er#com
@# http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comA%roupA$BpBs)stem (KPDP discussion&
Aspects Uncovered by KPDP Matching Rules
@# 'he KPDP marria%e matchin% report co(ers ten marria%e compatibilit) criteria of the
horoscopes of a bo) and a %irl# 'his report does not co(er other aspects of marria%e
matchin% li$e lon%e(it)2 education2 health2 child birth2 career prospects and financial
Useul !ndication o KPDP "o# $%
D# 3n combination of the results of a stud) on 10E KPDP matchin% charts and his
experience of KDPD marria%e matchin%2 in Kana$ 0osmiaFs opinion2 the KPDP criterion
no# 10 ("hether the period lords operatin% at the time of matchin% in both charts indicate
desirabilit) for matchin% for marria%e& score is more important than the o(erall matchin%
score2 and more than .0/ score of the criterion no# 10 is preferable for marria%e
matchin% in order to pre(ent the possibilit) of separation or di(orce#
?# Ghene(er a misunderstandin% or problem rises in married life2 it is ad(isable to chec$
ho" is the score of the KPDP criterion no#10 at that time# -s lon% as this score is hi%her
than .0/2 the problem ma) not be so serious that can be sol(ed b) mutual understandin%#
0ut this score is si%nificantl) lo"er than .0/2 the problem ma) be serious for a possible
separation or di(orce#
&'a(ple) *: KPDP Matching Report o +# Singh and ,is -o(an
&'a(ple) .: KPDP Marriage Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1
.)$: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 on Marriage 2$* 3une *%$45
(KP-stro @#1 Print-out usin% KP6-&

Source o Chart Details:
11# 'he marria%e of 0o) H and +irl > passed throu%h "ell "ith the excellent o(erall
matchin% score of 1D#/2 alon% "ith all criteria scorin% .0/ and more#
1D# 'he scores for criteria no# 1 to ? remain constant all the time for a matchin% chart2
but the criteria no#10 score is chan%in% dependin% on the runnin% Dasa2 0hu$ti2 -ntra# 3n
this case2 the no# 10 criteria score "ill increase from .0/ on marria%e (12 Iune 201& to
.D#/ after 2 )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 201.# 0ut it "ill decline to @1#E1/ after .
)ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 201DJ further decrease to #/ after D )ears of marria%e
on 12 Iune 201DJ reco(er to .0/ after 10 )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 202J and fall
a%ain to @1#E1/ after 1. )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 202# *tartin% "ith a(era%e .0/2
the lo" le(el of the KPDP criterion no# 10 less than .0/ indicates the possible periods of
unstable relationship in the married life#
.)*: Matching Reports o /oy 0 and +irl 1 on Marriage6 Ater * 1ears6 7 1ears6
8 1ears6 $% 1ears and $7 1ears o Marriage
-ft 2 >rs
-ft . >rs
-ft D >s
-ft 10 >s
-ft 10 >s
1 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00
2 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00
100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00
@ .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00
. 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00
E .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00
1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1
D 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00
? EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1
10 .0#00 .D# @1#E1 # .0#00 @1#E1
'otal 1D#@ 1?1#E1 11.#01 1EE#E1 1D#@ 11.#01
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1D#/ - Excellent 7atch
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1?#11/ - Excellent 7atch
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 11#.0/ - Excellent 7atch
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1E#E1/ - Excellent 7atch
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1D#/ - Excellent 7atch
:(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 11#.0/ - Excellent 7atch
.)4: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater * 1ears o Marriage
2$* 3une *%$75

.).: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater 7 1ears o Marriage
2$* 3une *%$85

.)7: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater 8 1ears o Marriage
2$* 3une *%*$5
.)9: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater $% 1ears o Marriage
2$* 3une *%*45
.):: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater $7 1ears o Marriage
2$* 3une *%*85

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