The KPDP rules can also be used to assess the compatibility of business partners. Examples are provided of KPDP reports for different couples over several years of marriage, showing how the 10th criteria score on relationship desirability changes over time and periods of instability.
The KPDP rules can also be used to assess the compatibility of business partners. Examples are provided of KPDP reports for different couples over several years of marriage, showing how the 10th criteria score on relationship desirability changes over time and periods of instability.
The KPDP rules can also be used to assess the compatibility of business partners. Examples are provided of KPDP reports for different couples over several years of marriage, showing how the 10th criteria score on relationship desirability changes over time and periods of instability.
The KPDP rules can also be used to assess the compatibility of business partners. Examples are provided of KPDP reports for different couples over several years of marriage, showing how the 10th criteria score on relationship desirability changes over time and periods of instability.
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KPDP A Real Case Study
(Extract from KPDP Marriage Matching Rules: Theory and Practice to be
published in KP-Ezine Dec 201 issue ! """#$pastrolo%er#com & KPDP Marriage Matching Rules 1# 'he Krishnamurthi Padhdhathi Dasa(ida Prorutham (KPDP& rules for matchin% of horoscopes for marria%e framed b) *hri K#P# Kuppu +anapathi co(er 10 matchin% criteria to chec$ as follo"s, - - - 2# -n)thin% abo(e .0/ can be ta$en as matchin%# 0ut for happ) married life the o(erall matchin% percenta%e should cross 1./ minimum# # 'hese KPDP marria%e matchin% rules framed b) *hri Kuppu +anapathi can be utilized in man) "a)s2 for example2 if one "ants to $no" "hether - and 0 can become partners in a business (enture# 3t means %ettin% a partner to do partnership business2 the compatibilit) chart i#e# KPDP "ill clearl) thro" li%ht on it# *imilarl) if there is difference of opinion bet"een a boss and his subordinate or bet"een the o"ner of a compan) and its top executi(e etc# Sources: 1# K43*56-784'53 P-D5D5-'53 D-*-93D- P:48'5-7 (KPDP& ;:4 7-'<536+ 5:4:*<:PE* ;:4 7-443-+E2 b) K#P# K8PP8 +-6-P-'532 KP = -strolo%) >ear 0oo$ 1??12 pp 2-@@ 2# http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comA%roupA$BpBs)stemAfilesA-rticlesA KPDP#doc2 KPDP for 7atchin% # K#P# D-*-93D5- P:48'5'5-7* - 48CE* ;:4 7-'<536+ 5:4:*<:PE* ;:4 7-443-+E2 b) K#P# K8PP8 +-6-P-'532 KP-Ezine e-7a%azine 7arch 2001 issue ! """#$pastrolo%er#com @# http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comA%roupA$BpBs)stem (KPDP discussion& Aspects Uncovered by KPDP Matching Rules @# 'he KPDP marria%e matchin% report co(ers ten marria%e compatibilit) criteria of the horoscopes of a bo) and a %irl# 'his report does not co(er other aspects of marria%e matchin% li$e lon%e(it)2 education2 health2 child birth2 career prospects and financial status# Useul !ndication o KPDP "o# $% D# 3n combination of the results of a stud) on 10E KPDP matchin% charts and his experience of KDPD marria%e matchin%2 in Kana$ 0osmiaFs opinion2 the KPDP criterion no# 10 ("hether the period lords operatin% at the time of matchin% in both charts indicate desirabilit) for matchin% for marria%e& score is more important than the o(erall matchin% score2 and more than .0/ score of the criterion no# 10 is preferable for marria%e matchin% in order to pre(ent the possibilit) of separation or di(orce# ?# Ghene(er a misunderstandin% or problem rises in married life2 it is ad(isable to chec$ ho" is the score of the KPDP criterion no#10 at that time# -s lon% as this score is hi%her than .0/2 the problem ma) not be so serious that can be sol(ed b) mutual understandin%# 0ut this score is si%nificantl) lo"er than .0/2 the problem ma) be serious for a possible separation or di(orce# &'a(ple) *: KPDP Matching Report o +# Singh and ,is -o(an http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comAneoA%roupsA$BpBs)stemAcon(ersationsAtopicsA2D12D http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comA%roupA$BpBs)stemAmessa%eA2D1? &'a(ple) .: KPDP Marriage Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 .)$: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 on Marriage 2$* 3une *%$45 (KP-stro @#1 Print-out usin% KP6-&
Source o Chart Details: http,AA%roups#)ahoo#comAneoA%roupsA$BpBs)stemAcon(ersationsAmessa%esA@EED? 11# 'he marria%e of 0o) H and +irl > passed throu%h "ell "ith the excellent o(erall matchin% score of 1D#/2 alon% "ith all criteria scorin% .0/ and more# 1D# 'he scores for criteria no# 1 to ? remain constant all the time for a matchin% chart2 but the criteria no#10 score is chan%in% dependin% on the runnin% Dasa2 0hu$ti2 -ntra# 3n this case2 the no# 10 criteria score "ill increase from .0/ on marria%e (12 Iune 201& to .D#/ after 2 )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 201.# 0ut it "ill decline to @1#E1/ after . )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 201DJ further decrease to #/ after D )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 201DJ reco(er to .0/ after 10 )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 202J and fall a%ain to @1#E1/ after 1. )ears of marria%e on 12 Iune 202# *tartin% "ith a(era%e .0/2 the lo" le(el of the KPDP criterion no# 10 less than .0/ indicates the possible periods of unstable relationship in the married life# .)*: Matching Reports o /oy 0 and +irl 1 on Marriage6 Ater * 1ears6 7 1ears6 8 1ears6 $% 1ears and $7 1ears o Marriage <r 6o 7arria%e 12-E-201 -ft 2 >rs 12-E-201. -ft . >rs 12-E-201D -ft D >s 12-E-2021 -ft 10 >s 12-E-202 -ft 10 >s 12-E-202 1 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 2 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 @ .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 . 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 E .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 .0#00 1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 D 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 100#00 ? EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 EE#E1 10 .0#00 .D# @1#E1 # .0#00 @1#E1 'otal 1D#@ 1?1#E1 11.#01 1EE#E1 1D#@ 11.#01 :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1D#/ - Excellent 7atch :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1?#11/ - Excellent 7atch :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 11#.0/ - Excellent 7atch :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1E#E1/ - Excellent 7atch :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 1D#/ - Excellent 7atch :(erall 7atchin% Percenta%e, 11#.0/ - Excellent 7atch .)4: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater * 1ears o Marriage 2$* 3une *%$75
.).: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater 7 1ears o Marriage 2$* 3une *%$85
.)7: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater 8 1ears o Marriage 2$* 3une *%*$5 .)9: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater $% 1ears o Marriage 2$* 3une *%*45 .):: Matching Report o /oy 0 and +irl 1 Ater $7 1ears o Marriage 2$* 3une *%*85