The document discusses how the flight management system (FMS) handles forecast and predicted wind data to support flight plan predictions. It explains that the FMS uses pilot-entered wind data, interpolated values, and default profiles to determine wind estimates along the flight plan. The more comprehensive the wind data provided, the better the FMS predictions will be. It outlines the rules for how values are interpolated and propagated when wind data is incomplete to generate a wind profile for the entire flight plan.
The document discusses how the flight management system (FMS) handles forecast and predicted wind data to support flight plan predictions. It explains that the FMS uses pilot-entered wind data, interpolated values, and default profiles to determine wind estimates along the flight plan. The more comprehensive the wind data provided, the better the FMS predictions will be. It outlines the rules for how values are interpolated and propagated when wind data is incomplete to generate a wind profile for the entire flight plan.
The document discusses how the flight management system (FMS) handles forecast and predicted wind data to support flight plan predictions. It explains that the FMS uses pilot-entered wind data, interpolated values, and default profiles to determine wind estimates along the flight plan. The more comprehensive the wind data provided, the better the FMS predictions will be. It outlines the rules for how values are interpolated and propagated when wind data is incomplete to generate a wind profile for the entire flight plan.
The document discusses how the flight management system (FMS) handles forecast and predicted wind data to support flight plan predictions. It explains that the FMS uses pilot-entered wind data, interpolated values, and default profiles to determine wind estimates along the flight plan. The more comprehensive the wind data provided, the better the FMS predictions will be. It outlines the rules for how values are interpolated and propagated when wind data is incomplete to generate a wind profile for the entire flight plan.
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FMS Winds MD-11 FMS Winds for Flight Plan Predictions John Lapointe Flight Technical Services 3 January 2001 3 Objectives FMS wind basics Cruise forecast wind entries and defaults Cruise wind linear interpolation and propagation Propagation of wind values in cruise Propagation limitations in cruise Climb and descent forecast wind entries and defaults Climb and descent linear interpolation and propagation of wind values Wind blending in cruise, climb and descent Conclusions FMS Wind Topics 4 Explain how forecast, current, and predicted winds are entered, interpolated and propagated for use in FMS flight plan predictions Help pilots make better wind related decisions resulting in improved accuracy of FMS flight plan predictions and more cost effective operations FMS Winds - Objectives 5 The FMS wind model supports flight plan predictions by projecting reasonable estimates of winds along the flight plan Wind data is used for ETA's, fuel burn, step climb points, max/optimum altitudes, flight plan page altitude predictions, EFOB, descent paths, fix info page data, econ airspeeds, pred to calculations, RTAs, path intercept points, et al Forecast and predicted wind values are based on pilot entries on the MCDU, uplinked wind data, and/or default values FMS Wind Model Basics 6 In-flight, the FMS blends current and forecast winds to compute the predicted wind The Message - The more accurate and comprehensive the wind data provided to the FMS, the better the quality of its predictions and the more cost effective your operation can be FMS Wind Basics 7 Forecast wind for cruise is entered on the VERT REV 2 page for any cruise waypoint Linear interpolation of both bearing and magnitude is used to determine forecast wind between entered altitudes Wind values computed for each waypoint can be reviewed on ACT F-PLN page 2 FMS Winds - Cruise 8 FMS Winds - Cruise (Example of basic wind matrix and flight plan with no wind data assigned to waypoints) FL370 FL330 FL290 A C D E F G H I J B Flight Plan Vertical Profile Waypoint No Wind Value Assigned Flight Planned Altitude S/C S/C Wind Matrix 9 FMS Winds - Cruise (Example of fully populated matrix with data entered at every waypoint) FL370 FL330 FL290 A C D E F G H I J B Flight Plan Vertical Profile Waypoint Wind Value Entered Flight Planned Altitude 210/80 210/80 220/70 210/70 290/70 300/60 300/40 010/80 020/80 010/80 230/80 220/70 200/80 290/50 300/60 310/70 020/80 030/70 030/80 200/80 200/80 220/90 310/60 310/80 030/90 020/80 040/90 330/80 220/90 220/80 Best case scenario 10 If no entries of forecast wind exist on the VERT REV 2 page for any cruise waypoint, forecast wind for all cruise waypoints will default as follows: If Trip Wind has been entered, the forecast wind for all cruise waypoints will be equal to the Trip Wind (Case 1) See slide 10 Trip Wind is defined as the overall route average wind and is entered on the F-PLN INIT page If Trip Wind has not been entered, the forecast wind for all cruise waypoints will be zero magnitude with current wind or along track bearing (Case 2) See slide 10 FMS Winds - Cruise Defaults (What happens when no cruise entries are made) 11 FMS Winds - Cruise Defaults (Matrix is completed with trip wind default) FL370 FL330 FL290 A C D E F G H I J B Flight Plan Vertical Profile Case 1. Trip Wind = HD050 Case 2. Zero (HD000) if no Trip Wind entered HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD050 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 1. 2. 1. 2. 12 If there is at least one pilot entry of forecast wind, then the forecast wind for all waypoints without entries is determined by propagation Propagation is defined as copying of entered wind data from the waypoint(s) where the entry is made to other waypoints for which no entries have been made FMS Wind Propagation - Cruise (How the FMS deals with an incomplete matrix) 13 Propagation is performed in a forward, horizontal direction toward the top of descent through each waypoint until another waypoint is encountered for which an entry at that altitude has been made (Rule 1) If there are no more waypoints with entries at that altitude, then the propagation is performed through each remaining waypoint (Rule 2) For waypoints which are prior to the first waypoint with a wind entry, propagation is performed from that first entry in a backward direction toward the top of climb (Rule 3) FMS Wind Propagation - Cruise (Here are the rules - See slide 14) 14 Flight plan modifications which affect any waypoint with entered forecast winds result in another propagation of the affected forecast wind values (Rule 4) Propagation in a vertical direction is used to determine forecast winds above the highest and below the lowest altitude entry (Rule 5) The forecast wind between successive cruise waypoints is obtained by linear interpolation of both bearing and magnitude (Rule 6) This cannot be seen on ACT F-PLN page 2 Linear interpolation is used to determine forecast wind between entered altitudes (Rule 7) FMS Wind Propagation - Cruise (Here are more rules) 15 FMS Winds - Propagation Rules (How waypoints get wind values in an incomplete matrix ) FL370 FL330 FL290 210/80 210/80 210/80 A C D E F G H I J B 290/50 Entered Wind Data Propagated Wind 210/80 210/80 210/80 210/80 210/80 210/80 210/80 290/50 290/50 290/50 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 300/60 290/50 290/50 290/50 290/50 290/50 1,2 6 7 Propagation Rule 3 1* 3 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 3 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* 1* *Rule 2 also applies 4 = Flight Plan Mods 16 When pilot entered forecast wind data is not assigned to every waypoint, an incomplete matrix exists and the propagation function assigns forecast values to all waypoints (Scenario 1) See slide 17 Scenario 1 demonstrates that propagation of winds at FL290 assigns a favorable tailwind to the end of the flight plan This misrepresentation may cause the FMS not to generate step climbs at the correct points in the flight plan as it assumes the higher fuel burn at FL290 is more than offset by the apparent tailwind FMS Wind Propagation (Managing wind propagation limitations) 17 The inaccurate wind profile will negatively impact fuel predictions, ETAs, and other performance functions for the remainder of the flight Therefore, when an incomplete matrix exists, one technique is to enter forecast wind data at any but only one altitude This will limit horizontal propagation and provide a more accurate wind profile for flight plan predictions (Scenario 2) See slide 18 FMS Wind Propagation (Managing wind propagation limitations ) 18 FMS Winds - Propagation (Scenario 1 - Managing wind propagation limitations - winds entered at planned altitudes) FL370 FL330 FL290 210/90 210/80 200/80 200/80 200/80 200/80 200/80 200/80 200/80 220/90 A C D E F G H I J B 290/50 290/50 290/50 290/50 290/50 310/70 310/70 310/70 310/70 030/90 020/80 040/90 030/90 030/90 030/90 030/90 030/90 030/90 030/90 A/C Heading 020 Tail Cross Head Propagated Wind Pilot Entered Wind 300/60 Propagation Direction 19 030/90 FMS Winds - Propagation (Scenario 2 - Managing wind propagation limitations - winds entered at any but only one altitude) FL370 FL330 FL290 210/90 210/80 200/80 290/50 300/60 310/70 030/90 020/80 040/90 A C D E F G H I J B 210/90 220/90 200/80 210/80 310/70 020/80 040/90 030/90 020/80 040/90 210/90 220/90 200/80 210/80 290/50 A/C Heading 020 Tail Cross Head 300/60 310/70 Propagated Wind Pilot Entered Wind 220/90 300/60 290/50 Propagation Direction 20 The forecast wind for climb is based on pilot entries on the CLIMB FORECAST page Linear interpolation of both bearing and magnitude is used to determine forecast wind between entered altitudes (Case 1) Propagation of both bearing and magnitude is used for forecast wind above the highest entered altitude (Case 2) If there are pilot entries on the CLIMB FORECAST page, but no pilot entry is made for the origin altitude, the origin altitude forecast wind will be zero magnitude with a bearing equal to the lowest entered climb wind bearing FMS Winds - Climb (Entered Data - See slide 20) 21 FMS Winds - Climb (Linear interpolation and propagation of pilot entered climb forecast data) Entered Climb Forecast Data 280/50 FL 250 260/30 FL150 250/20 FL100 240/10 Surface (FL000) FL280/280/50 FL210/272/42 FL130/256/26 FL090/249/19 Climb Interpolated Values FL000/240/10 2 1 Case 1 = Linear Interpolation Between Altitudes Case 2 = Propagated Value 22 If there are no pilot entries on the CLIMB FORECAST page, the forecast wind for climb defaults as follows: If Trip Wind has been entered, the forecast wind for climb is ramped linearly from zero at the origin altitude to the Trip Wind value at 20,000 (Case 1) If Trip Wind has been entered, the forecast wind for climb will be equal to the Trip Wind at and above 20,000 If Trip Wind has not been entered, the forecast wind for climb will be zero magnitude with current wind bearing (Case 2) FMS Winds - Climb Defaults (No data entered - See slide 22) 23 FMS Winds - Climb Forecast (Trip wind linear interpolation with no pilot entered climb forecast data) FL200 T/C Surface FL100 FL150 HD050 HD050 HD038 HD025 HD000 Case 1. Trip Wind = HD050 Case 2. Zero if no trip wind entered HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 1 2 24 The forecast wind for descent is based pilot entries on the DESCENT FORECAST page Linear interpolation of both bearing and magnitude is used to determine forecast wind between entered altitudes (Case 1) Propagation of both bearing and magnitude is used for forecast wind above the highest entered altitude (Case 2) If pilot entries on the DESCENT FORECAST page exist, but no pilot entry is made for the destination altitude, the destination altitude forecast wind will be zero magnitude with a bearing equal to the lowest entered descent wind bearing FMS Winds - Descent (Entered Data - See slide 24) 25 FMS Winds - Descent (Linear interpolation and propagation with pilot entered descent forecast data) 260/50 FL200 230/10 Surface (FL000) 240/30 FL100 250/40 FL150 Entered Descent Forecast Data FL210/260/50 FL160/252/42 FL120/244/34 FL070/237/24 Descent Interpolated Data Case 1 = Linear Interpolation Between Altitudes Case 2 = Propagated Value 1 2 FL000/230/10 26 If there are no pilot entries on the DESCENT FORECAST page, the forecast wind for descent defaults as follows: If Trip Wind has been entered, the forecast wind for descent is ramped linearly from zero at the destination altitude to the Trip Wind value at 20,000 (Case 1) It Trip Wind has been entered, the forecast wind for descent will be equal to the Trip Wind at and above 20,000 (Case 2) If Trip Wind has not been entered, the forecast wind for descent will be zero magnitude with current wind bearing FMS Winds - Descent Defaults (No data entered - See slide 26) 27 FMS Winds - Descent (Default Trip wind linear interpolation with no pilot entered descent forecast data) FL200 T/D Surface FL100 FL150 HD000 HD025 HD038 HD050 Case 1. Trip Wind = HD050 Case 2. Zero (HD000) if no Trip Wind entered 1 2 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD000 HD050 28 The predicted wind for any point is computed by blending the current wind and the forecast wind The predicted wind is equal to the current wind at the current aircraft position and altitude For cruise, the influence of the current wind decreases linearly such that the predicted wind equals forecast wind 200 NM ahead of and 10,000 feet above and below the aircraft (See slides 28- 29) For climb and descent, the influence of the current wind decreases linearly such that the predicted wind equals forecast wind 10,000 feet above and below the aircraft at any given time with no forward limit (See slides 30-33) FMS Wind Blending 29 FMS Wind Blending - Cruise B C D E 200 NM Forecast Airspace A Forecast Current F -10000 +10000 Blended Value Forecast Value 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM Forecast Blended Wind Airspace Blending +5000 -5000 30 FMS Wind Blending - Cruise (Current altitude and off altitude predictions) B C D E A Forecast 100% Current 80%/20% @B 60%/40% @C 40%/60% @D 20%/80% @E 0%/100% @F F 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM 40 NM Forecast 1 2 Example Wind Value = 1. 40/60 value at current alt then 2. 50% linear between that value and forecast at 10,000 above 100% Forecast Blended Value = % Current and % Forecast 100 % Forecast 0%100% 50%/50% 50%/50% 0%/100% 31 FMS Wind Blending - Climb Blended Wind Airspace* 10000 Maximum Altitude Forecast Wind Airspace Time Now T/C Forecast Portion of Climb Blended Portion of Climb * Blended airspace has no forward limit 32 FMS Wind Blending - Climb Forecast Current Forecast +5000 -5000 -10000 +10000 Blending 100 % Forecast Blended Value = % Current and % Forecast 50%/50% 75%/25% 25%/75% Time Now 33 FMS Wind Blending - Descent Blended Wind Airspace* 10000 Forecast Wind Airspace Forecast Portion of Descent Blended Portion of Descent Time Now * Blended airspace has no forward limit 34 FMS Wind Blending - Descent Blending Forecast Current Forecast +5000 -5000 -10000 +10000 100 % Forecast Blended Value = % Current and % Forecast 25%/75% 50%/50% 75%/25% Time Now 35 The better the input of wind data, the more accurate the FMS predictions Manual entry of wind data at every cruise waypoint may not operationally practical so knowledge of limitations and workarounds can bring success As an absolute minimum, trip wind should be entered on the F-PLN INIT page for every flight Suitability of using trip wind alone should be evaluated for each phase of flight FMS Winds - Conclusions 1/4 36 If even one wind is entered for a phase of flight, trip wind defaults are overridden and propagation will determine wind values at waypoints and altitudes Propagation may not provide an accurate representation of the actual wind profile and may impact the quality of FMS predictions Accuracy is degraded when winds are propagated to waypoints that differ significantly from the forecast at those waypoints Propagation between a few waypoints where winds dont change appreciably is insignificant FMS Winds - Conclusions 2/4 37 Propagation can be limited by entering forecast cruise winds at any but only one altitude This technique forces propagation into a vertical direction except for a small amount of horizontal propagation between adjacent waypoints where no entries have been made If forecast winds are going to be entered, they should be inputted at waypoints (cruise) or altitudes (climb or descent) where significant wind changes occur or there is significant difference between forecast/current and Trip Winds FMS Winds - Conclusions 3/4 38 Significant descent forecast winds should be entered before final descent path computation at approximately 40NM from the T/D All vertical profiles will have a blended portion and a forecast portion and significant variations in these values can cause problems meeting path constraints For all phases of flight, blended airspace is always referenced from the current aircraft position and climb and descent have no associated forward limit Blended or predicted winds are not displayed The PROGRESS page displays current wind The ACT F-PLN page 2 displays forecast wind FMS Winds - Conclusions 4/4