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Phone and Controller Setup For Ntrip

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Connection setup for Trimble TSC2 Controller KYTC

cell phone.
Network Connection setup for KYTC Samsung SLM cell phones
and the TSC2 controller
1. Make phone discoverable for controller
Samsung SLM
Select ptions in the lo!er right corner b" pressing on the #
button on the top right of the number pad.
Scroll do!n to $luetooth and select %1& 'ctivation. (se the Select
option %) button on top left of number pad& and toggle to *.
Select Save b" using the # button on the top right of the number
Scroll do!n to %+& M" ,hone-s .isibilit" and follo! the same
process as above to turn visibilit" to *.
/*ote0 the default name for the Samsung SLM is S12'343 !hich
can be confusing if there are multiple SLMs in the vicinit" !hen
creating a $luetooth partnership. 5 recommend creating a uni6ue
name for "our phone b" doing the follo!ing0
Scroll do!n to %4& M" ,hone-s *ame and press the Select option.
7nter a name to distinguish this phone from others and select
2. Create a *e! ,artnership
Turn on the controller and select Start8Settings
Select the Connections tab ) Select $luetooth and make sure that
the Turn on $luetooth and Make 9evice 9iscoverable are
Select the 9evices tab ) Select *e! ,artnership0 the controller
!ill scan and provide a list of $luetooth devices available.
Select "our phone !hich !ill be indicated b" S12'343.
*ote0 :hen not using $luetooth; disable on both the phone and the
controller to save "our batteries.
Step 1. Setup a *e! Modem Connection
Turn on $luetooth on the cell phone and set to discoverable. Turn on
the data collector and select Start8Settings8$luetooth. Select <add
ne! device.= You ma" be prompted to send a pin number from the
collector to the phone and then from the phone to the collector# enter
something "ou !ill remember like >>>>.
*e?t; select the <Connections= tab at the bottom of the page. Click on
the <Connections= icon.
Select <'dd a ne! modem connection= under MY 5S,.
5n the <7nter a name for the connection0= dialog; ke" in a name for the
connection. 5f "ou are using a cable from the phone to the collector;
make sure 2a"es Compatible on CM1 is selected.
5f "ou are using a $luetooth phone; Make sure "ou set this @eld to
$luetooth. This connection name !ill be used in Step 2 Create a Dial
Select <*e?t= once "ou have these settings correct.
7nter />>///1A in the number to dial @eld and select <*e?t=.
Bor .eriCon service enter A333
5f "our provider !as Cingular and is no! 'TDT; the (ser name !ill be0
5S,EC5*1(L'F1,FS.CM and the ,ass!ord !ill be0 C5*1(L'F1
Click <'dvanced= to continue.
Bor .eriCon service (ser name0 is "our 1G digit cell phone number
follo!ed b" EvC!+g.com and the pass!ord is vC!
Set the $aud rate0 to 11H2GG. 5n the <7?tra dial)string modem
commands0= ke" the follo!ing string 7I'CTLY as sho!n0
Bor .eriCon service the 7?tra dial)string commands0
Note! Some users ha"e encountered modem connection
pro#lems using $%SP&Cingular' in the user name and dial string
modem command& Su#stituting ()P for %SP has worked for
those who e*perienced this pro#lem&
Select K in the upper right hand corner.
Select <Binish=.
Step 2. Create a 9ial ,ro@le
5n Surve" Controller; click on Con@guration89ial pro@les and Select the
*e! tab.
T"pe in a name for the pro@le. Select 5nternet rover as the ,ro@le t"pe.
Select the connection name created in Step 1 from the drop do!n
menu under (se connection0 ) the $luetooth modem0 should
automaticall" populate !ith the cell phone 59. Select none from the
',*0 dropdo!n menu. To connect to the KYCFS server enter
1H>.1>.1G.2N in the 5, 'ddress0 bo? and 21G1 in the 5, ,ort0 bo?. Click
on the O menu in the lo!er right corner.

Check the bo? under (se *TF5, and select 1,FS from the Connection
t"pe0 dropdo!n menu. Click 7nter and save the pro@le.
Step +. 'ssign a Surve" St"le
5n Surve" Controller; click on Con@guration8Surve" st"les.
Select *e! st"le and enter a name under St"le name0 to use the dial
pro@le. Select 1,S for the St"le t"pe0 and click 'ccept to save settings.
Select Fover options. Set the Surve" t"pe0 to FTK. Select CMFJ from
the $roadcast format0 dropdo!n menu and select 'n" from the (se
station inde?0 dropdo!n. Click on the P menu in the lo!er right corner
to continue.
Set Satellite diQerential0 to QR set 7levation mask0 to 1GS and the
,9, mask to T.G. Click on the 2U4 menu in the lo!er right corner to
The follo!ing settings are t"pical for KYTC. Select the FNUHNGGUS,S3N?
5nternal or the FN Model 2US,SNN? 5nternal %depending on "our receiver
model& from the T"pe0 dropdo!n menu. Select $ottom of antenna
mount from the Measured to0 dropdo!n menu. 7nter T.HT for the
'ntenna height0 and click on the right arro! button to select the (nits
!hich are surve" feet %sft&. Click on the +U4 menu in the lo!er right
corner to continue.
Bor the HNGG receiver; make sure that (se L2e0 is set to Yes. Bor the FN
also check L2C. Bor the FN Model 2 !ith 1L*'SS or FT !ith
1L*'SS; also check the 1L*'SS bo?. Click 'ccept to save settings.
Select <Fover radio= then click on 7dit in the lo!er right corner.
Make sure "ou have <T"pe0= set to 5nternet connection. (nder 9ial
pro@le0 choose the pro@le used to identif" the $luetoothU,hone
connection created in Step 2. Click 'ccept to save settings..
*trip Connection for the TSC2
Set the t"pe of surve" and the broadcast format in the controller. 5n
this e?ample the broadcast format is set to CMFJ and the surve" t"pe
is FTK.
Bor the selected format it is necessar" to select the receiving medium
for the data. Bor *trip this !ill be done via 5nternet connection. 5t is
important to set the correct 5,)address and the 5,),ort %KYCFS is
1H>.1>.1G.2N; port 21G1&; the 5,)address links to the selected
Trimble Surve" Controller makes the connection to the cell phone
!hich then makes the internet connection. nce the connection is
established the user can start the surve" b" selecting a prede@ned
Surve" St"le.
Selecting the Surve" St"le %e.g. KYCFS& automaticall" establishes the
connection to the de@ned broadcaster.
The user is presented !ith a full list of the available sources for
receiving correction data %mount points& !ithin the proVect area.
The user simpl" selects the
most appropriate mount point.
5n addition to the mount
points the source list also
provides an identi@er
%t"picall" the location of the
reference station&; the
streamed correction data
format details %e.g. CMFJ&
and the t"pe of solution %e.g.
single base&.
nce the mount point is selected the soft!are sends out a command to
receive correction data; a fe! seconds later the FTK)1,S Fover !ill
obtain a successful initialiCation and is read" to commence surve"ing.
7?ample of a @?ed solution in Trimble Surve" Controller using the CFS
station KYT1.
ther Cell ,hone Tips for Samsung SLM
To avoid having to authoriCe the blue tooth connection0
Brom main menu select ptions then scroll do!n to $luetooth and
Brom there scroll do!n to M" 9evices and select "our controller. :ith
the controller name highlighted; select options and then select number
+ 'uthoriCe 9evice.

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