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Figure 7-7 - Plug Valve Detail: Ball Valves

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Valves Section 7

Ball Valves
Ball Valves are used in many of the processing industries. As shown in Figure 7-8, a all valve is
similar to a plug valve e!cept the plug in a all valve is spherical instead of eing tapered or
cylindrical. "i#e the luricated plug valves, these valves are $uic# opening. %hey also provide a
very tight closure on viscous or hard to hold fluids. Ball valves are non-stic#ing and pressure drop
through the valve is reduced to a minimum due to the full pipe si&e opening in the all.
Ball valves are made in three general patterns'
Venturi port
Full port
(educed port
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Section 7 Valves
%he venturi port has a reduced diameter
venturi configuration. %he full port valve has
an inside diameter e$ual to the inside
diameter of the pipe. %he reduced port
generally involves one pipe si&e smaller than
the line si&e.
Butterfly Valves
Butterfly Valves are low pressure valves of simple design, which are used to control and regulate
flow. %hey are characteri&ed y fast operation and low differential pressure drop. %hey re$uire
only a $uarter turn from closed to full-open position. Butterfly valves are not intended for
pressure tight services. (uer seat utterfly valves are manufactured in a wide range of si&es,
from , inch diameter to )) feet in diameter and more. 0owever, in industrial applications valves
are usually found in ranges from , to ,1 inches.
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Valves Section 7
shown in
7-*, the
of the
shown in
een diversified y introducing three different valve odies without variations in the interaction
etween seat and disc. %he flanged utterfly valve has a short valve ody and is flanged at oth
ends. 3f necessary, welding ends, in lieu of flanges, can e provided. Butt welding of utterfly
valves is not a standard connecting method and is not desirale ecause of possile damage to
the seating surfaces. %he lug-wafer utterfly valve has a shortened valve ody with protruding
lugs whose olt circle matches ad4oining flanges.
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Section 7 Valves
%apped holes can e provided and cap screws can e used to fasten the lugs individually to each
flange, thus permitting the valve to e used as a dead-end valve also. %he wafer utterfly valve
consists of a short ody li#e the lug wafer ut without the lugs. %his valve can e inserted and
centered etween two ad4oining flanges. 5as#ets may e molded onto the ody or may have to
e inserted for a satisfactory flanged 4oint.
/ost utterfly valve component parts are of metallic materials with stem and disc often furnished
in a higher alloy material than that of the ody ecause of service re$uirements. %he valve ody,
which is also the valve seat when the utterfly disc reaches a perpendicular position, is often lined
with ruer or plastic materials to provide a pressure tight shutoff. 6hen the stem protrudes
through the valve ody, a gland sealing is provided to eliminate fluid loss at this point.
afety a"# Rel$ef Valves
Safety and (elief Valves are mounted directly on piping, pressure vessels, and e$uipment that is
su4ect to potentially dangerous overpressure in case controls malfunction. %hey are set to open
automatically at a set pressure to relieve system pressure efore it gets high enough to cause
damage. A typical safety relief valve is shown in Figure 7-)).
Safety Valves are also #nown as pop safety
valves. %hey are a spring loaded, $uic#
opening, full flow valve for systems containing
pressuri&ed, compressile fluids such as
steam, air, or other vapors or gases.
/anufacturers set and test each safety valve
in accordance with code re$uirements, then
seal the set pressure and overpressure
ad4usting devices. %he set pressure is
ad4usted y increasing or decreasing the
spring compression. Spring pressure holds
the valve closed until the set pressure is
reached, at which time the system fluid
pressure forces the valve completely open.
Spring pressure forces the valve disc ac# to
the seat when the fluid pressure drops slightly
elow the opening pressure. %he difference
etween the opening 7set8 pressure and the
closing 7resetting8 pressure is called
lowdown. %he lowdown can e ad4usted y
an ad4usting ring that forms a chamer
7huddling chamer8 elow the disc. %he valve
is usually e$uipped with a hand lever so that it
can e tested periodically. 0and levers are
prohiited, however, for no!ious and
flammale gas applications.
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Valves Section 7
(elief Valves are similar to a safety valve ut open only slightly at set pressure. 3nstead of
immediate full opening, they open wider if the pressure increases aove the set pressure. (elief
valves are normally used for li$uids, such as water or oil, where release of a small volume will
rapidly lower the pressure.
Safety (elief Valves comine the features of a relief valve and a safety valve. %he valve will
crac# open to slowly relieve uilt-up pressure or pop fully open in case of rapid pressure
increases. %he valves are suitale for li$uid and saturated steam service. A typical application is
in hot water heating systems, where steam might e generated y uncontrolled heating. %he
diameter of the piping on the downstream side of the relief valve is always larger than the piping
on the upstream side.
9epending on client re$uirements, all safety and relief valves are re$uired to e tested :2-*2
days prior to start-up to verify valve set points.
Ru%ture D$s&s
A cruder and much less costly device than spring loaded or electrically actuated safety valves for
pressure relief is the rupture disc.
A rupture disc is a pre-ulged memrane made of various metals, depending on the service for
which it is intended. A disc may e used instead of a safety valve or installed ahead of a safety
valve if'
%he disc has ample capacity
%he ma!imum pressure rating of the disc does not e!ceed ma!imum allowale pressure of
the system eing protected
%he area of the disc is at least e$ual to the area of an e$uivalent relief valve
%he disc is guaranteed to urst within plus.minus ); percent of its specified ursting pressure.
3n most cases where a safety valve is used in con4unction with a rupture disc, the rupture disc is
set to relieve at ,2 percent aove the safety valve. %he safety valve will ta#e care of all normal
over pressuri&ation, while the rupture disc will ta#e care of e!cessive pressures and will protect
the system in case of safety valve failure.
%he stem is the lin# that connects the valve operator or actuator to the sealing disc, plug, or all.
A particular motion 7travel8 is necessary to open and close a valve. "inear motion is needed for
gate and gloe valves, whereas rotary motion is needed for all, plug, and utterfly valves.
Stems should always e oriented etween the hori&ontal and vertical position.
%ypes of stems for gate, gloe and angle valves are shown in Figure 7-), and are summari&ed as
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Section 7 Valves
Rising Stem with Outside Screw and Yoke (OS&Y)
3n this arrangement the outermost part of the stem is threaded. %he stem is smooth along the
part that is inside the valve, and is sealed 7pac#ed8 so that the threads are isolated from the fluids
that are in the line. %wo styles are availale< one having the handwheel fi!ed to the stem so that
they rise together, and the other having a threaded sleeve that causes the stem to rise through
the handwheel. 3n oth styles, the position of the stem indicates the position of the valve disc.
Rising Stem with Inside Screw
%his is the simplest and most common stem arrangement for smaller si&e low to moderate
pressure gate, gloe, and angle valves. %he threaded part of the stem is inside the valve ody
and the stem pac#ing is along the smooth part that pro4ects to the outside. %he threads are thus
in contact with the process fluid inside the valve. %he stem and handwheel rise when the valve is
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Valves Section 7
opened, thus indicating the position of the valve disc. =nly the smooth end of the stem is
e!posed to the atmosphere.
Non-rising Stem with Inside Screw
3n this arrangement the stem turns, ut does not rise when the valve is opened. 3nstead, the disc
travels up and down the stem threads when the stem is turned to open and close the valve. %he
stem threads are e!posed to the line fluid< thus limiting use to fluids that will not corrode or erode
the threads or leave deposits on them.
Sliding Stem
%his stem does not turn. 3nstead, it is moved straight out or in to open and close the valve. %he
most common application is for handlever operated $uic# opening valves. =ther applications are
in control valves that are operated y hydraulic or pneumatic cylinders.
%he 4oint etween the ody and onnet must e pressure tight under the service conditions for
which the valve is to e used. Bonnets are made of materials that are the same as or compatile
with the valve ody. %he onnet is a pressure retaining component of the valve< thus onnets
must conform to code re$uirements. Several types of onnets are availale for various service
conditions. %he asic types that are most commonly used are'
%hreaded Bonnet
>nion Bonnet
Bolted Bonnet
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Section 7 Valves
-ressure Seal Bonnet
Seal 6elded Bonnet
%he %hreaded Bonnet shown in Figure 7-): is the simplest and least e!pensive onnet 4oint. A
metal to metal seal is effected etween the ody and onnet. %his type is suitale for many small
low pressure valve applications. 3t is commonly used in these applications where the valve will
not re$uire fre$uent dismantling.
%he >nion Bonnet also shown in Figure 7-): is a two piece design consisting of the onnet and a
ring that slips over the onnet. %he ring is called a onnet ring or union onnet ring. 3t has
internal threads that mate with e!ternal threads on the valve ody. /etal to metal seals are
effected etween the ody and onnet and the onnet and ring.
%he Bolted Bonnet type shown in Figure 7-): uses a gas#et to seal the 4oint etween the ody
and onnet. %he onnet has a flange that is olted to a mating flange on the ody. Various flange
facings and gas#et styles are used. Some designs have the onnet secured y studs that are
screwed into tapped holes in the valve ody. =thers have machine olts or studs with a nut on
each end, in which case the ody flange has holes drilled through to match the holes in the
onnet flange.
3n a -ressure Seal Bonnet, the onnet gas#et is placed in a recess etween the onnet and the
valve ody. A retaining ring is positioned aove the gas#et 7seal ring8. %he gas#et is wedge
shaped, so that line pressure pushing outward against the underside of the onnet will cause the
onnet to wedge the gas#et tightly against the ody wall. %hus the higher the pressure, the tighter
the seal. %he sealing surface along the ody wall must e accurately machined, ground, or
lapped to a very smooth finish.
Seal 6elded Bonnet is sometimes referred to as the reechloc# design. %he usual arrangement
is a threaded onnet that is screwed into the ody until a metal to metal seal is formed etween a
onnet lip and mating ody lip. %he lips are then seal welded. %he 4oint is lea#tight, and will
remain so as long as disassemly is not re$uired.
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