Three Frenchmen in Bengal 1
Three Frenchmen in Bengal 1
Three Frenchmen in Bengal 1
OR 3
BY 5
S.C. HILL, B.A., B.Sc.
This account of the commercial ruin of the French Settlements, taken almost entirely from hitherto
unpublished documents, originated as follows. Whilst engaged in historical research connected with the
Government Records in Calcutta, I found many references to the French in Bengal which interested me
strongly in the personal side of their quarrel with the English, but the information obtainable from the Indian
Records alone was still meagre and incomplete. A few months ago, however, I came across Law's Memoir in
the British Museum; and, a little later, when visiting Paris to examine the French Archives, I found not only a
copy of Law's Memoir, but also Renault's and Courtin's letters, of which there are, I believe, no copies in
England. In these papers I thought that I had sufficient material to give something like an idea of Bengal as it
appeared to the French when Clive arrived there. There is much bitterness in these old French accounts, and
much misconception of the English, but they were written when misconception of national enemies was the
rule and not the exception, and when the rights of non-belligerents were little respected in time of war. Some
of the accusations I have checked by giving the English version, but I think that, whilst it is only justice to our
Anglo-Indian heroes to let the world know what manner of men their opponents were, it is equally only justice
to their opponents to allow them to give their own version of the story. This is my apology, if any one should
think I allow them to say too much.
The translations are my own, and were made in a state of some perplexity as to how far I was bound to follow
my originals—the writings of men who, of course, were not literary, and often had not only no pretension to
style but also no knowledge of grammar. I have tried, however, to preserve both form and spirit; but if any
reader is dissatisfied, and would like to see the original papers for himself, the courtesy of the Record officials
in both Paris and London will give him access to an immense quantity of documents as interesting as they are
1903 10
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In the various accounts that I have used there are naturally slightly different versions of particular incidents,
and often it is not easy to decide which is the correct one. Under the circumstances I may perhaps be excused
for not always calling attention to discrepancies which the reader will detect for himself. He will also notice
that the ground covered in one narrative is partly traversed in one or both of the others. This has been due to
the necessity of treating the story from the point of view of each of the three chief actors.
I may here mention that the correspondence between Clive and the princes of Bengal, from which I have
given some illustrative passages, was first seen by me in a collection of papers printed in 1893 in the
Government of India Central Printing Office, Calcutta, under the direction of Mr. G.W. Forrest, C.I.E. These
papers have not yet been published, but there exists a complete though slightly different copy of this
correspondence in the India Office Library (Orme MSS. India XI.), and it is from the latter copy that I have,
by permission, made the extracts here given. The remaining English quotations, when not from printed books,
have been taken chiefly from other volumes of the Orme MSS., a smaller number from the Bengal and
Madras Records in the India Office, and a few from MSS. in the British Museum or among the Clive papers at
Walcot, to which last I was allowed access by the kindness of the Earl of Powis.
Finally, I wish to express my thanks to M. Omont of the Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris, to Mr. W. Foster of
the Record Department of the India Office, and to Mr. J.A. Herbert of the British Museum, for their kind and
valuable assistance.
September 6, 1903.
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Writing in 1725, the French naval commander, the Chevalier d'Albert, tells us that the three most handsome
towns on the Ganges were Calcutta, Chandernagore, and Chinsurah, the chief Factories of the English,
French, and Dutch. These towns were all situated within thirty miles of each other. Calcutta, the latest
founded, was the greatest and the richest, owing partly to its situation, which permitted the largest ships of the
time to anchor at its quays, and partly to the privilege enjoyed by the English merchants of trading freely as
individuals through the length and breadth of the land. Native merchants and native artisans crowded to
Calcutta, and the French and Dutch, less advantageously situated and hampered by restrictions of trade, had
no chance of competing with the English on equal terms. The same was of course true of their minor
establishments in the interior. All three nations had important Factories at Cossimbazar (in the neighbourhood
of Murshidabad, the Capital of Bengal) and at Dacca, and minor Factories at Jugdea or Luckipore, and at
Balasore. The French and Dutch had also Factories at Patna. Besides Calcutta, Chandernagore, and Chinsurah,
the only Factory which was fortified was the English Factory at Cossimbazar.
During the long reign of the usurper, Aliverdi Khan,[1] that strong and politic ruler enforced peace among his
European guests, and forbade any fortification of the Factories, except such as was necessary to protect them
against possible incursions of the Marathas, who at that time made periodical attacks on Muhammadans and
Hindus alike to enforce the payment of the chauth,[2] or blackmail, which they levied upon all the countries
within their reach. In Southern India the English and French had been constantly at war whenever there was
war in Europe, but in Bengal the strength of the Government, the terror of the Marathas, and the general
weakness of the Europeans had contrived to enforce a neutrality. Still there was nothing to guarantee its
continuance if the fear of the native Government and of the Marathas were once removed, and if any one of
the three nations happened to find itself much stronger than the others. The fear of the Marathas had nearly
disappeared, but that of the Government still remained. However, it was not till more than sixty years after the
foundation of Calcutta that there appeared any possibility of a breach of peace amongst the Europeans in
Bengal. During this time the three Factories, Calcutta always leading, increased rapidly in wealth and
importance. To the Government they were already a cause of anxiety and an object of greed. Even during the
life of Aliverdi Khan there were many of his counsellors who advised the reduction of the status of Europeans
to that of the Armenians, i.e. mere traders at the mercy of local officials; but Aliverdi Khan, whether owing to
the enfeeblement of his energies by age or to an intelligent recognition of the value of European commerce,
would not allow any steps to be taken against the Europeans. Many stories are told of the debates in his
Durbar[3] on this subject: according to one, he is reported to have compared the Europeans to bees who
produce honey when left in peace, but furiously attack those who foolishly disturb them; according to another
he compared them to a fire[4] which had come out of the sea and was playing harmlessly on the shore, but
Towards the end of December the English, animated by the desire of revenge and of repairing their ruined
fortunes, advanced on Calcutta, and on the 2nd of January, 1757, the British flag again floated over Fort
William. The Governor, Manik Chand, was, like many of the Nawab's servants, a Hindu. Some say he was
scared away by a bullet through his turban; others, that he was roused from the enjoyment of a nautch—a
native dance—by the news of the arrival of the English.[11] Hastening to Murshidabad, he reported his defeat,
and asserted that the British they had now to deal with were very different from those they had driven from or
captured in Calcutta.
The English were not satisfied with recovering Calcutta. They wished to impress the Nawab, and so they sent
a small force to Hugli, which lies above Chandernagore and Chinsurah, stormed the Muhammadan fort, burnt
the town, and destroyed the magazines, which would have supplied the Nawab's army in an attack on
Calcutta. The inhabitants of the country had never known anything so terrible as the big guns of the ships, and
the Nawab actually believed the men-of-war could ascend the river and bombard him in his palace at
Murshidabad. Calling on the French and Dutch for aid, which they refused, he determined to try his fortune a
second time at Calcutta. At first, everything seemed the same as on the former occasion: the native merchants
and artisans disappeared from the town; but it was not as he thought, out of fear, but because the English
wished to have them out of the way, and so expelled them. Except for the military camp to the north of the
city, where Clive was stationed with his little army, the town lay open to his attack. Envoys from Calcutta
soon appeared asking for terms, and the Nawab pretended to be willing to negotiate in order to gain time
while he outflanked Clive and seized the town. Seeing through this pretence Watson and Clive thought it was
time to give him a lesson, and, on the morning of the 5th of February, in the midst of a dense fog, Clive beat
up his quarters. Though Clive had to retire when the whole army was roused, the slaughter amongst the enemy
had been immense; and though he mockingly informed the Nawab that he had been careful to "injure none but
those who got in his way," the Nawab himself narrowly escaped capture. The action, however, was in no
sense decisive. Most of the Nawab's military leaders were eager to avenge their disgrace, but some of the
Siraj-ud-daula, though he did not yet know it, was a ruined man when he returned to his capital. His only
chance of safety lay in one of two courses—either a loyal acceptance of the conditions imposed by the English
or a loyal alliance with the French against the English. From the Dutch he could hope for nothing. They were
as friendly to the English as commercial rivals could be. They had always declared they were mere traders and
would not fight, and they kept their word. After the capture of Calcutta the Nawab had exacted heavy
contributions from both the French and Dutch; but France and England were now at war, and he thought it
might be possible that in these circumstances the restoration of their money to the French and the promise of
future privileges might win them to his side. He could not, however, decide finally on either course, and the
French were not eager to meet him. They detested his character, and they preferred, if the English would
agree, to preserve the old neutrality and to trade in peace. Further, they had received no supplies of men or
money for a long time; the fortifications of Chandernagore, i.e. of Fort d'Orléans, were practically in ruins,
and the lesser Factories in the interior were helpless. Their military force, for attack, was next to nothing: all
they could offer was wise counsel and brave leaders. They were loth to offer these to a man like the Nawab
against Europeans, and he and his Court were as loth to accept them. Unluckily for the French, deserters from
Chandernagore had served the Nawab's artillery when he took Calcutta, and it was even asserted that the
French had supplied the Nawab with gunpowder; and so when the English heard of these new negotiations,
they considered the proposals for a neutrality to be a mere blind; they forgot the kindness shown by the
French to English refugees at Dacca, Cossimbazar, and Chandernagore, and determined that, as a permanent
peace with the Nawab was out of the question, they would, whilst he hesitated as to his course of action,
anticipate him by destroying the one element of force which, if added to his power, might have made him
irresistible. They continued the negotiations for a neutrality on the Ganges only until they were reinforced by
a body of 500 Europeans from Bombay, when they sent back the French envoys and exacted permission from
the Nawab to attack Chandernagore. Clive marched on that town with a land force of 4000 Europeans and
Sepoys, and Admiral Watson proceeded up the river with a small but powerful squadron.
Thus began the ruin of the French in Bengal. The chief French Factories were, as I have said, at
Chandernagore, Cossimbazar, and Dacca. The Chiefs of these Factories were M. Renault, the Director of all
the French in Bengal; M. Law, a nephew of the celebrated Law of Lauriston, the financier; and M. Courtin. It
is the doings and sufferings of these three gallant men which are recorded in the following chapters. They had
no hope of being able to resist the English by themselves, but they hoped, and actually believed, that France
would send them assistance if they could only hold out till it arrived. Renault, whose case was the most
desperate, perhaps thought that the Nawab would, in his own interest, support him if the English attacked
Chandernagore; but knowing the Nawab as well as he did, and reflecting that he had himself refused the
Nawab assistance when he asked for it, his hope must have been a feeble one. Still he could not, with honour,
give up a fortified position without attempting a defence, and he determined to do his best. When he failed, all
that Law and Courtin could expect to do was to maintain their personal liberty and create a diversion in the
north of Bengal when French forces attacked it in the south. It was not their fault that the attack was never
I shall make no mention of the fate of the Factories at Balasore and Jugdea. At these the number of
Frenchmen was so very small that resistance and escape were equally hopeless. Patna lay on the line of Law's
retreat, and, as we shall see, he was joined by the second and other subordinate officers of that Factory. The
chief, M. de la Bretesche, was too ill to be moved, but he managed, by the assistance of his native friends, to
secure a large portion of the property of the French East India Company, and so to finance Law during his
[1: Aliverdi Khan entered Muxadavad or Murshidabad as a conqueror on the 30th of March, 1742. He died on
the 10th of April, 1756. (Scrafton.)]
[2: Literally the fourth part of the Revenues. The Marathas extorted the right to levy this from the Emperor
Aurengzebe, and under pretext of collecting it they ravaged a large portion of India.]
[4: Such fires are mentioned in many Indian legends. In the "Arabian Nights" we read of a demon changing
himself into a flaming fire.]
[5: His age is stated by some as nineteen, by others as about twenty-five. See note, p. 66.]
[8: The English at Dacca surrendered to the Nawab of that place, and were afterwards released. Those at
Jugdea and Balasore escaped direct to Fulta.]
[11: Both stories may be true. Manik Chand was nearly killed at the battle of Budge Budge by a bullet passing
through his turban, and the incident of the nautch may have happened at Calcutta, where he certainly showed
less courage.]
The French East India Company was founded in 1664, during the ministry of M. Colbert. Chandernagore, on
the Ganges, or rather that mouth of it now known as the River Hugli, was founded in 1676; and in 1688 the
town and territory were ceded to France by the Emperor Aurengzebe. I know of no plan of Chandernagore in
the 17th century, and those of the 18th are extremely rare. Two or three are to be found in Paris, but the
destruction of the Fort and many of the buildings by the English after its capture in 1757, and the decay of the
town after its restoration to the French, owing to diminished trade, make it extremely difficult to recognize old
landmarks. The Settlement, however, consisted of a strip of land, about two leagues in length and one in
depth, on the right or western bank of the Hugli. Fort d'Orléans lay in the middle of the river front. It was
commenced in 1691, and finished in 1693.[12] Facing the north was the Porte Royale, and to the east, or
river-side, was the Water Gate. The north-eastern bastion was known as that of the Standard, or Pavillon. The
north-western bastion was overlooked by the Jesuit Church, and the south-eastern by the Dutch Octagon. This
last building was situated on one of a number of pieces of land which, though within the French bounds,
belonged to the Dutch before the grant of the imperial charter, and which the Dutch had always refused to sell.
The Factory buildings were in the Fort itself. To the west lay the Company's Tank, the hospitals, and the
cemetery. European houses, interspersed with native dwellings, lay all around. M. d'Albert says that these
houses were large and convenient, but chiefly of one story only, built along avenues of fine trees, or along the
handsome quay. D'Albert also mentions a chapel in the Fort,[13] the churches of the Jesuits and the Capucins,
and some miserable pagodas belonging to the Hindus, who, owing to the necessity of employing them as
clerks and servants, were allowed the exercise of their religion. In his time the Europeans numbered about
500. There were besides some 400 Armenians, Moors[14] and Topasses, 1400 to 1500 Christians, including
slaves, and 18,000 to 20,000 Gentiles, divided, he says, into 52 different castes or occupations. It is to be
supposed that the European houses had improved in the thirty years since d'Albert's visit; at any rate many of
those which were close to the Fort now commanded its interior from their roofs or upper stories, exactly as the
houses of the leading officials in Calcutta commanded the interior of Fort William. No other fact could be so
significant of the security which the Europeans in Bengal believed they enjoyed from any attack by the forces
of the native Government. The site of the Fort is now covered with native huts. The Cemetery still remains
and the Company's Tank (now known as Lal Dighi), whilst Kooti Ghat is the old landing-place of Fort
As regards the European population at the time of the siege we have no definite information. The Returns
drawn up by the French officials at the time of the capitulation do not include the women and children or the
native and mixed population. The ladies,[15] and it is to be presumed the other women also, for there is no
mention of women during the siege, retired to the Dutch and Danish settlements at Chinsurah and Serampore
a few days before, and the native population disappeared as soon as the British army approached. The Returns
therefore show only 538 Europeans and 66 Topasses. The Governor or Director, as already mentioned, was
Pierre Renault: his Council consisted of MM. Fournier, Caillot, Laporterie, Nicolas, and Picques. There were
36 Frenchmen of lesser rank in the Company's service, as well as 6 surgeons. The troops were commanded by
M. de Tury and 10 officers. There were also 10 officers of the French East India Company's vessels, and 107
persons of sufficient importance for their parole to be demanded when the Fort fell. Apparently these Returns
do not include those who were killed in the defence, nor have we any definite information as to the number of
French sepoys, but Eyre Coote[16] says there were 500.
The story of the siege is to be gathered from many accounts. M. Renault and his Council submitted an official
report; Renault wrote many letters to Dupleix and other patrons or friends; several of the Council and other
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private persons did the same.[17] M. Jean Law, whose personal experiences we shall deal with in the next
chapter, was Chief of Cossimbazar, and watched the siege, as it were, from the outside. His straightforward
narrative helps us now and then to correct a mis-statement made by the besieged in the bitterness of defeat. On
the English side, besides the Bengal records, there are Clive's and Eyre Coote's military journals, the Logs of
the British ships of war, and the journal of Surgeon Edward Ives of His Majesty's ship Kent. Thus this passage
of arms, almost the only one in Bengal[18] in which the protagonists were Europeans, is no obscure event, but
one in which almost every incident was seen and described from opposite points of view. This multiplicity of
authorities makes it difficult to form a connected narrative, and, in respect to many incidents, I shall have to
follow that account which seems to enter into the fullest or most interesting detail.
It will now be necessary to go back a little. After the capture of Calcutta in June, 1756, the behaviour of the
Nawab to all Europeans was so overbearing that Renault found it necessary to ask the Superior Council of
Pondicherry for reinforcements, but all that he received was 67 Europeans and 167 Sepoys. No money was
sent him, and every day he expected to hear that war had broken out between France and England.
Perhaps the Fort was best defended on the west, where the Company's Tank[22] was situated. Its bank was
only about twelve feet from the Fort Ditch. This use of tanks for defensive purposes was an excellent one, as
"But the 3-1/2 lahks that the Company has to pay to the
Nawab, is that a trifle? Yes, my dear fellow, for I should
like it to have to pay still more, to teach it how to leave
this Factory, which is, beyond contradiction, the finest of
settlements, denuded of soldiers and munitions of war, so
that it is not possible for us to show our teeth."
Like the English the French were forbidden by the Nawab to fortify themselves. Renault dared not pay
attention to this order. He had seen what had happened to the English by the neglect of proper precautions,
and when things were at their worst, the Nawab had to seek his alliance against the English, grant him leave to
fortify Chandernagore, and, later on, even to provide him with money under the pretence that he was simply
restoring the sum forcibly extorted from him the previous year.[24] Trade was at a standstill, and Renault was
determined that if the enemies of his nation were destined to take the Company's property, they should have
the utmost difficulty possible in doing so. He expended the money on provisions and ammunition. At the
same time, that he might not lose any chance of settling affairs peaceably with the English, he refused to
associate himself with the Nawab, and entered upon negotiations for a neutrality in the Ganges. To protect
himself if these failed, he began raising fortifications and pulling down the houses which commanded the Fort
or masked its fire.
He could not pull down the houses on the south of the Fort, from which Clive subsequently made his attack,
partly for want of time, partly because the native workmen ran away, and partly because of the bad feeling
prevalent in the motley force which formed his garrison.[25] The most fatal defect of all was the want of a
military engineer. The person who held that position had been sent from France. He was a master mason, and
had no knowledge of engineering. It had been the same story in Calcutta. Drake's two engineers had been a
subaltern in the military and a young covenanted servant. Renault had to supervise the fortifications himself.
This barrier was placed four feet outside the wall, the intervening space being filled in with earth.
The east or river curtain was left alone. The French were, in fact, so confident that the ships of war would not
be able to force their way up the river, and that Clive would not therefore think of attacking on that side, that
the only precaution they took at first was the erection of two batteries outside the Fort. It is a well-known
maxim in war that one should attack at that point at which the enemy deems himself most secure, and it will
be seen that all Clive's efforts were aimed at preparing for Admiral Watson to attack on the east.
To serve his guns Renault had the sailors of the Company's ship, Saint Contest, whose commander, M. de la
Vigne Buisson, was the soul of the defence.
About this time he received a somewhat doubtful increase to his garrison, a crowd of deserters from the
English East India Company's forces. The latter at this time were composed of men of all nationalities,
English, Germans, Swiss, Dutch, and even French. Many of them, and naturally the foreigners especially,
were ready to desert upon little provocation. The hardships of service in a country where the climate and roads
were execrable, where food and pay were equally uncertain, and where promises were made not to be kept,
were provocations which the best soldiers might have found it difficult to resist. We read of whole regiments
in the English and French services refusing to obey orders, and of mutinies of officers as well as of men. The
one reward of service was the chance of plunder, and naturally, then, as soon as the fighting with the Nawab
had stopped for a time, the desertions from the British forces were numerous. Colonel Clive had more than
once written to Renault to remonstrate with him for taking British soldiers into his service. Probably Renault
could have retorted the accusation with justice—at any rate, he went on enlisting deserters; and from those
who had now come over he formed a company of grenadiers of 50 men, one of artillery of 30, and one of
sailors of 60, wisely giving them a little higher pay than usual, "to excite their emulation." One of these was a
man named Lee,—
As might be expected the younger Frenchmen were wild with delight at the chance of seeing a good fight.
Some of them had been much disappointed that the Nawab had not attacked Chandernagore in June, 1756.
One of them wrote[28]—
If not the highest form of military spirit, this was at any rate one of which a good commander might make
much use. Renault took advantage of this feeling, and from the young men of the colony, such as Company's
servants, ships' officers, supercargoes, and European inhabitants,[29] he made a company of volunteers, to
whom, at their own request, he gave his son, an officer of the garrison, as commander.
All this time Renault was watching the war between the English and the Moors. In January the English sailed
up the Hugli, passed Chandernagore contemptuously without a salute, burned the Moorish towns of Hugli and
Bandel, ravaged the banks of the river, and retired to Calcutta. Up to this the Nawab had not condescended to
notice the English; now, in a moment of timidity, he asked the intervention of the French as mediators.[30]
Renault eagerly complied, for had his mediation been accepted, he would have inserted in the treaty a clause
enforcing peace amongst the Europeans in Bengal; but the English refused to treat through the French. This
could have only one meaning. Renault felt that his course was now clear, and was on the point of offering the
alliance which the Nawab had so long sought for, when he received orders from M. de Leyrit forbidding him
to attack the English by land. As M. Law writes, if Renault had been free to join the Nawab with 500
Europeans, either Clive would not have ventured a night attack on the Nawab's camp, or, had he done so, the
event would probably have been very different. Under the circumstances, all that Renault could do was to
continue his fortifications. It was now that he first realized that Admiral Watson would take part in the attack.
It was this waste of valuable time upon the defence of the town that a capable engineer would have saved
Renault from the mistake of committing. Had he limited his efforts to strengthening the walls of the Fort and
cleared away the surrounding houses, he would have been not only stronger against the attack of the land
The issue of the Nawab's attack on Calcutta has already been told. He was so depressed by his failure that he
now treated Renault with the greatest respect, and it was now that he gave him the sum of money—a lakh of
rupees, then worth £12,500—which he spent on provisions and munitions of war. Renault says:—
The Nawab and the English concluded a treaty of peace and alliance on the 9th of February, 1757. Renault
mentions no actual treaty between the Nawab and the French, but the French doctor referred to in a note above
asserts that the Nawab demanded that the Council should bind itself in writing,
It does not matter whether this engagement was signed or not.[32] As a Frenchman thus mentions it, the
rumour of its signature must have been very strong. It is probable that the English heard of it, and believed it
to be conclusive proof of the secret understanding between the Nawab and the French. The privilege of
individual trade was particularly likely to excite their commercial jealousy, for it was to this very privilege in
their own case that the wealth and strength of Calcutta were due. Such a rumour, therefore, was not likely to
facilitate negotiations. Nevertheless, Renault sent MM. Fournier and Nicolas, the latter of whom had many
friends amongst the English, to Calcutta, to re-open the negotiations for a neutrality. These negotiations
seemed to be endless. The most striking feature was Admiral Watson's apparent vacillation. When the Council
proposed war he wanted peace, when they urged neutrality he wanted war. Clive went so far as to present a
memorial to the Council, saying it was unfair to continue the negotiations if the Admiral was determined not
to agree to a treaty. It seems as if the Council wanted war, but wished to throw the responsibility upon the
Admiral. On the other hand the Admiral was only too eager to fight, but hesitated to involve the Company in a
war with the French and the Nawab combined, at a moment when the British land forces were so weakened by
disease that success might be considered doubtful. He had also to remember the fact that the Council at
Chandernagore was subordinate to the Council at Pondicherry, and the latter might, whenever convenient to
the French, repudiate the treaty. However, in spite of all difficulties, the terms were agreed to, the draft was
prepared, and only the signatures were wanting, when a large reinforcement of Europeans arrived from
Bombay, and the Admiral received formal notification of the declaration of war, and orders from the
Whilst the Admiral was making up his mind fortune had favoured the English. The Nawab, in fear of an
invasion of Bengal by the Pathans, had called upon the British for assistance, and on the 3rd of March Clive's
army left Calcutta en route for Murshidabad. The Admiral now pointed out to the Nawab that the British
could not safely leave Chandernagore behind them in the hands of an enemy, and Clive wrote to the same
effect, saying he would wait near Chandernagore for a reply. On the 10th of March the Nawab wrote a letter
to the Admiral, which concluded with the following significant words:—
Law says this letter was a forgery,[34] but as the Nawab did not write any letters himself, the only test of
authenticity was his seal, which was duly attached. The English believed it to be genuine, and the words
quoted could have but one meaning. Admiral Watson read them as a permission to attack the French without
fear of the Nawab's interference. He prepared to support Clive as soon as the water in the Hugli would allow
his ships to pass up, and, it must be supposed, informed Clive of the letter he had received. At any rate, he so
informed the Council.
Clive reached Chandernagore on the 12th, and probably heard on that day or the next from Calcutta. On the
13th he sent the following summons—which Renault does not mention, and did not reply to—to
"The King of Great Britain having declared war
against France, I summons you in his name to surrender the
Fort of Chandernagore. In case of refusal you are to answer
the consequences, and expect to be treated according to the
usage of war in such cases.
It is important, in the light of what happened later, to notice that Clive addresses Renault as a combatant and
the head of the garrison.
In England we have recently seen men eager to vilify their own nation. France has produced similar monsters.
One of them wrote from Pondicherry:—
How much truth is contained in the above paragraph may be judged by what has been already stated. It will be
sufficient to add that Clive, receiving no answer to his summons, made a sudden attack on a small earthwork
to the south-west of the fort at 3 A.M. on the 14th of March. For two whole days then, the English had been in
sight of Chandernagore without attacking. The French ladies had been sent to Chinsurah and Serampore, so
that the defenders had nothing to fear on their account. Besides the French soldiers and civilians, there were
also about 2000 Moorish troops present, whom Law says he persuaded the Nawab to send down as soon as the
English left Calcutta. Other accounts say that Renault hired them to assist him. The Nawab had a strong force
at Murshidabad ready to march under one of his commanders, Rai Durlabh Ram; but the latter had
experienced what even a small English force could do in the night attack on the Nawab's camp, and was by no
means inclined to match himself a second time against Clive; accordingly, he never got further than five
leagues from Murshidabad. Urgent messages were sent from Chandernagore as soon as the attack began. M.
Law begged of the Nawab to send reinforcements. Mr. Watts, the English Chief, and all his party in the
Durbar, did their utmost to prevent any orders being issued. The Nawab gave orders which he almost
immediately countermanded. Renault ascribes this to a letter which he says Clive wrote on the 14th of March,
the very day of the attack, promising the Nawab to leave the French alone, but it is not at all likely that he did
so. It is true Clive had written to this effect on the 22nd of February; but since then much had happened, and
he was now acting, as he thought and said, with the Nawab's permission. On the 16th of March he wrote to
Nand Kumar, Faujdar[35] of Hugli, as follows:—
What Clive feared was that, though the Nawab might not interfere openly, some of his servants might receive
secret orders to do so, and on the 22nd of March he wrote even more curtly to Rai Durlabh himself:—
When diplomatic correspondence was conducted in letters of this kind, it is easy to understand that the Nawab
was frightened out of his wits, and absolutely unable to decide what course he should take. There was little
likelihood of the siege being influenced by anything he might do.
The outpost mentioned as the object of the first attack was a small earthwork, erected at the meeting of three
roads. It was covered by the Moorish troops, who held the roofs of the houses around. As the intention of the
outposts was merely to prevent the town from being surprised, and to enable the inhabitants to take shelter in
the Fort, the outpost ought to have been withdrawn as quickly as possible, but, probably because they thought
it a point of honour to make a stout defence wherever they were first attacked, the defenders stood to it
gallantly. Renault sent repeated reinforcements, first the company of grenadiers, then at 9 o'clock the
company of artillery, and at 10 o'clock, when the surrounding houses were in flames, and many of the Moors
had fled, a company of volunteers. With these, and a further reinforcement of sixty sailors, the little fort held
out till 7 o'clock in the evening, when the English, after three fruitless assaults, ceased fire and withdrew.
Street fighting is always confusing, and hence the following vague description of the day's events from
Captain Eyre Coote's journal:—
The defenders were much exhausted, as well by the fighting as by the smoke and heat from the burning
houses and the heat of the weather, for it was almost the hottest season of the year. It seemed probable that the
English would make another attack during the night, and as the defenders already amounted to a very large
portion of the garrison, it was almost impossible to reinforce them without leaving the Fort itself in great
danger, if Clive managed to approach it from any other quarter. Renault called a council of war, and, after
taking the opinion of his officers in writing to the effect that the outposts must be abandoned, he withdrew the
defenders at 9 o'clock, under cover of the darkness: The French had suffered a loss of only 10 men killed and
wounded. Clive mentions that, at the same time, all the other outposts and batteries, except those on the river
side, were withdrawn.
Mustering his forces in the Fort, Renault found them to be composed of 237 soldiers (of whom 117 were
deserters from the British), 120 sailors, 70 half-castes and private Europeans, 100 persons employed by the
Company, 167 Sepoys and 100 Topasses. Another French account puts the total of the French garrison at 489,
but this probably excludes many of the private people.[41]
On the 15th the English established themselves in the town, and drove out the Moors who had been stationed
on the roofs of the houses. This gave them to some extent the command of the interior of the Fort, but no
immediate attack was made on the latter. A French account[42] says this was because—
"all their soldiers were drunk with the wine they had found
in the houses. Unfortunately we did not know of this. It
would have been the moment to make a sortie, of which the
results must have been favourable to us, the enemy being
incapable of defence."
During the night of the 15th the Fort was bombarded, and on the morning of the 16th the British completed
the occupation of the houses deserted by the Moors. The latter not being received into the Fort, either fled or
were sent away. They betook themselves to Nand Kumar, the Faujdar of Hugli, announcing the capture of the
town. Nand Kumar, who is said to have had an understanding with the British, sent on the message to Rai
Durlabh and the Nawab, with the malicious addition that the Fort, if it had not already fallen, would fall
before Rai Durlabh could reach it. This put an end to all chance of the Nawab interfering.
The French spent the day in blocking a narrow passage formed by a sandbank in the river, a short distance
below the town. They sank—
"four large ships and a hulk,... and had a chain and boom
across in order to prevent our going up with the squadron.
Captain Toby sent his 2nd lieutenant, Mr. Bloomer, that night,
who cut the chain and brought off a sloop that buoyed it
It was apparently this rapid attack on the position that accounts for the timidity of the pilots and boatmen,
who, Renault tells us, hurried away without staying to sink two other ships which were half laden, and which,
if sunk, would have completely blocked the passage. Even on the ships which were sunk the masts had been
left standing, so as to point out their position to the enemy.
Besides the ships sunk in the passage, there were at Chandernagore the French East Indiaman the Saint
Contest (Captain de la Vigne Buisson), four large ships, and several small ones. The French needed all the
sailors for the Fort, so they sank all the vessels they could not send up the river except three, which it was
supposed they intended to use as fire-ships.
Clive, in the meantime, was advancing cautiously, his men erecting batteries, which seemed to be very easily
silenced by the superior gunnery of the Fort. His object was partly to weary out the garrison by constant
fighting, and partly to creep round to the river face, so as to be in a position to take the batteries which
commanded the narrow river passage, as soon as Admiral Watson was ready to attack the Fort. Later on, the
naval officers asserted he could not have taken the Fort without the assistance of the fleet. He said he could,
and it is certain that if he had had no fleet to assist him his mode of attack would have been a very different
Early in the siege the French were warned from Chinsurah to beware of treachery amongst the deserters in
their pay, and on the 17th of March a number of arrows were found in the Fort with labels attached, bearing
the words:—
These were seized by the officers before the men could see them, but one of the officers themselves, Charles
Cossard de Terraneau, a sub-lieutenant of the garrison, took advantage of the offer to go over to the English.
This officer had served with credit in the South of India, and had lost an arm in his country's service. The
reason of his desertion is said to have been a quarrel with M. Renault. M. Raymond, the translator of a native
history of the time by Gholam Husain Khan,[44] tells a story of De Terraneau which seems improbable. It is
to the effect that he betrayed the secret of the river passage to Admiral Watson, and that a few years later he
sent home part of the reward of his treachery to his father in France. The old man returned the money with
indignant comments on his son's conduct, and De Terraneau committed suicide in despair. As a matter of fact,
De Terraneau was a land officer,[45] and therefore not likely to be able to advise the Admiral, who, as we
shall see, solved the riddle of the passage in a perfectly natural manner, and the Probate Records show that De
Terraneau lived till 1765, and in his will left his property to his wife Ann, so the probability is that he lived
and died quietly in the British service. His only trouble seems to have been to get himself received by his new
brother officers. However, he was, so Clive tells us, the only artillery officer the French had, and his desertion
was a very serious matter. Renault writes:—
On the 19th Admiral Watson formally announced the declaration of war,[46] and summoned the Fort to
surrender. The Governor called a council of war, in which there was much difference of opinion. Some
thought the Admiral would not have come so far without his being certain of his ability to force the passage;
indeed the presence of so many deserters in the garrison rendered it probable that he had secret sources of
information. As a matter of fact, it was only when Lieutenant Hey, the officer who had brought the summons,
and, in doing so, had rowed between the masts of the sunken vessels, returned to the Kent, that Admiral
Watson knew the passage was clear. Renault and the Council were aware that the Fort could not resist the big
guns of the ships, and accordingly the more thoughtful members of the council of war determined, if possible,
to try and avoid fighting by offering a ransom. This apparently gave rise to the idea that they wished to
surrender, and an English officer says:—
The offer of ransom was made, and was refused by the Admiral. Renault says, he—
The Admiral could not attack at once, owing to the state of the river, but to secure his own position against
any counter-attack, such as was very likely with a man like Captain de la Vigne in the Fort, he sent up boats
the same night, and sank the vessels which it was supposed the French intended to use as fire-ships; and the
next day Mr. John Delamotte, master of the Kent, under a heavy fire, sounded and buoyed the passage for the
The army, meanwhile, continued its monotonous work ashore, the soldiers building batteries for the French to
knock to pieces, but succeeding in Clive's object, which was "to keep the enemy constantly awake."[47]
Sometimes this work was dangerous, as, for instance, on the 21st, when a ball from the Fort knocked down a
verandah close to one of the English batteries, "the rubbish of which choked up one of our guns, very much
bruised two artillery officers, and buried several men in the ruins."[48]
By the 22nd Clive had worked his way round to the river, and was established to the north-east and south-east
of the Fort so as to assist the Admiral, and on the river the Admiral had at last got the high tide he was waiting
for. Surgeon Ives tells the story as follows:[49]—
of the place."
So far then from the besiegers' side; Renault's description of the fight is as follows:—
According to an account written later by a person who was not present at the siege, Renault lost his Fort by a
quarter of an hour. This writer says the tide was rapidly falling, and, had the eastern defences of the Fort been
able to resist a little longer, the ships would have found their lower tiers of guns useless, and might have been
easily destroyed by the French. Suppositions of this kind always suppose a stupidity on the part of the enemy
The flag of truce being displayed, Captain Eyre Coote was sent ashore, and returned in a quarter of an hour
with the Governor's son bearing "a letter concerning the delivery of the place." Articles were agreed upon, and
about 3 o'clock in the afternoon Captain Coote, with a company of artillery and two companies of grenadiers,
took possession of the Fort. Before this took place there occurred an event the consequences of which were
very unfortunate for the French. Everything was in a state of confusion, and the deserters, who formed the
majority of the garrison, expecting no mercy from the Admiral and Clive, determined to escape. Rushing
tumultuously to the Porte Royale, their arms in their hands, they forced it to be opened to them, and, finding
the northern road to Chinsurah unguarded, made the best of their way in that direction. They were
accompanied by a number of the military and marine, as well as by some of the Company's servants and
private persons who were determined not to surrender. As all this took place after the hoisting of the white
flag and pending the conclusion of the capitulation, the English considered it a breach of the laws of warfare,
and when later on the meaning of the capitulation itself was contested they absolutely refused to listen to any
of the representations of the French. In all about 150 persons left the Fort. They had agreed to reassemble at a
place a little above Hugli. The English sent a small force after them, who shot some and captured others, but
about 80 officers and men arrived at the rendezvous in safety. The pursuit, however, was carried further, and
Law writes:—
This reinforcement increased Law's garrison from 10 or 12 men to 60, and secured the safety of his person,
but the condition of the fugitives must have been an object lesson to the Nawab and his Durbar which it was
not wise for the French to set before them. A naval officer writes:—
The escape of the French from Chandernagore is of interest, as it shows the extraordinary condition of the
country. It is probable that the peasantry and gentry were indifferent as to whether the English or the French
were victorious, whilst the local authorities were so paralyzed by the Nawab's hesitation that they did not
know which side to assist. Later on we shall find that small parties, and even solitary Frenchmen, wandered
through the country with little or no interference, though the English had been recognized as the friends and
allies of the new Nawab, Mir Jafar.
To return, however, to Renault and the garrison of Chandernagore. The capitulation proposed by Renault and
the Admiral's answers were to the following effect:—
1. The lives of the deserters to be spared. Answer. The deserters to surrender absolutely.
2. Officers of the garrison to be prisoners on parole, and allowed to keep their effects. Answer. Agreed to.
3. Soldiers of the garrison to be prisoners of war. Answer. Agreed to, on condition that foreigners may enter
the English service.
5. Officers and crew of the French Company's ship to be sent to Pondicherry. Answer. These persons to be
prisoners of war according to articles 2 and 3.
6. The Jesuit fathers to be allowed to practise their religion and retain their property. Answer. No European to
be allowed to remain at Chandernagore, but the fathers to be allowed to retain their property.
7. All inhabitants to retain their property. Answer. This to be left to the Admiral's sense of equity.
8. The French Factories up-country to be left in the hands of their present chiefs. Answer. This to be settled by
the Nawab and the Admiral.
9. The French Company's servants to go where they please, with their clothes and linen. Answer. Agreed to.
It is evident that the capitulation was badly drawn up. Civilians who had taken part in the defence, as had all
the Company's servants, might be justly included in the garrison, and accordingly Admiral Watson and Clive
declared they were all prisoners of war, and that article 9 merely permitted them to reside where they pleased
on parole. On the other hand, Renault and the French Council declared that, being civilians, nothing could
make them part of the garrison, and therefore under article 9 they might do what they pleased. Accordingly,
they expressed much surprise when they were stopped at the Fort gates by one of Clive's officers, and forced
to sign, before they were allowed to pass, a paper promising not to act against Britain directly or indirectly
during the course of the war.
Another point of difficulty was in reference to article 7. The town had been in the hands of the British soldiers
and sepoys for days. Much had been plundered, and both soldiers and sailors were wild for loot. They
considered that the Admiral was acting unjustly to them in restoring their property to civilians who had been
offered the chance of retaining it if they would avoid unnecessary bloodshed by a prompt surrender. Instead of
this, the defence was so desperate that one officer writes:—
Clive's total loss was only about 40 men killed and wounded, but the loss on the ships was so great, that
before the Fort surrendered the besiegers had lost quite as many men as the besieged, and it was by no means
clear to the common mind what claim the French had to leniency. Even English officers wrote:—
The result was that the soldiers on guard began to beat the coolies who were helping the French to secure their
goods, until they were induced by gifts to leave them alone, and much plundering went on when the soldiers
could manage to escape notice. On one day three black soldiers were executed, and on another Sergeant
Nover[55] and a private soldier of the 39th Regiment were condemned to death, for breaking open the
Treasury and stealing 3000 rupees. Another theft, which was not traced, was the holy vessels and treasure of
the Church.
Many individual Frenchmen were ruined. Of one of these Surgeon Ives narrates the following pleasing
This, however, was but a solitary instance; the state of the French was, as a rule, wretched in the extreme, and
Renault wrote:—
In such circumstances there was but one consolation possible to brave men—the knowledge that, in the
eyes of friend and foe, they had done their duty. The officers of the British army and navy all spoke warmly of
the gallant behaviour of the French, and the historian Broome, himself a soldier and the chronicler of many a
brave deed, expresses himself as follows:—
Renault himself found some consolation in the gallant behaviour of his sons.
Others who are mentioned by Renault and his companions as having distinguished themselves on the French
side, were the Councillors MM. Caillot, Nicolas, and Picques, Captain de la Vigne Buisson and his son and
officers, M. Sinfray (secretary to the Council), the officers De Kalli[57] and Launay, the Company's servants
Matel, Le Conte Dompierre, Boissemont and Renault de St. Germain, the private inhabitant Renault de la
The immediate gain to the English by the capture of Chandernagore was immense. Clive wrote to the Select
Committee at Madras:—
The French gentlemen, after having signed under protest the document presented to them by Clive, betook
themselves to Chinsurah, where they repudiated their signatures as having been extorted by force, subsequent
to, and contrary to, the capitulation. They proceeded to communicate with Pondicherry, their up-country
Factories, and the native Government; they also gave assistance to French soldiers who had escaped from
Chandernagore. Clive and the Calcutta Council were equally determined to interpret the capitulation in their
own way, and sent Renault an order, through M. Bisdom, the Dutch Director, to repair to the British camp.
Renault refused, and when Clive sent a party of sepoys for him and the other councillors, they appealed to M.
Bisdom for the protection of the Dutch flag. M. Bisdom informed them somewhat curtly that they had come
to him without his invitation, that he had no intention of taking any part in their quarrels, that he would not
give them the protection of his flag to enable them to intrigue against the English, and, in short, requested
them to leave Dutch territory. As it was evident that the British were prepared to use force, Renault and the
Council gave in, and were taken to Calcutta, where, for some time, they were kept close prisoners. It was not
till the Nawab had been overthrown at Plassey, that they were absolutely released, and even then it was only
that they might prepare for their departure from Bengal. Renault surmises, quite correctly, that this severity
was probably due to the fear that they would assist the Nawab.
The following incident during Renault's captivity shows how little could be expected from the Nawab towards
a friend who was no longer able to be of use to him. After the capture of Chandernagore the English Council
called on the Nawab to surrender the French up-country Factories to them. Siraj-ud-daula had not even yet
learned the folly of his double policy. On the 4th of April he wrote to Clive:—
The more we study the records of the time, the more clearly we realize the terrible determination of Clive's
character, and we almost feel a kind of pity for the weak creatures who found themselves opposed to him,
until we come across incidents like the above, which show the depths of meanness to which they were
prepared to descend.
As to Renault's further career little is known, and that little we should be glad to forget. Placed in charge of
the French Settlement at Karical, he surrendered, on the 5th of April, 1760, to what was undoubtedly an
overwhelming British force, but after so poor a defence that he was brought before a Court Martial and
cashiered. It speaks highly for the respect in which he had been held by both nations that none of the various
reports and accounts of the siege mention him by name. Even Lally, who hated the French Civilians, though
he says he deserved death,[64] only refers to him indirectly as being the same officer of the Company who
had surrendered Chandernagore to Clive.
[12: Journal of M. d'Albert.]
[13: Evidently the Parish Church of St. Louis. Eyre Coote tells us the French had four guns mounted on its
[14: In early accounts of India the Muhammadans are always called Moors; the Hindus, Gentoos or Gentiles.
The Topasses were Portuguese half-castes, generally employed, even by native princes, as gunners.]
[15: Captain Broome says there were fifty European ladies in the Fort. The French accounts say they all
retired, previous to the siege, to Chinsurah and Serampore.]
[17: The fullest account is one by Renault, dated October 26, 1758.]
[18: The only one, excepting the battle of Biderra, between the English and Dutch.]
[20: Eyre Coote, in his "Journal," mentions an old ditch, which surrounded the settlement.]
[21: One hundred toises, or 600 feet; but Eyre Coote says 330 yards, the difference probably due to the
measurement excluding or including the outworks.]
[22: Tanks, or artificial ponds, in Bengal are often of great size. I have seen some a quarter of a mile long.]
[24: The Nawab, in July, 1756, extorted three lakhs from the French and even more from the Dutch.]
[26: A kind of fibre used in making bags and other coarse materials.]
Notes: 39
The Project Gutenberg eBook of TITLE, by AUTHOR.
[29: Both English and French use this word "inhabitant" to signify any resident who was not official, military,
or in the seafaring way.]
[30: This he did through the Armenian Coja Wajid, a wealthy merchant of Hugli, who advised the Nawab on
European affairs. Letter from Coja Wajid to Clive, January 17, 1757.]
[31: A French doctor, who has left an account of the Revolutions in Bengal, says there were eight outposts,
and that the loss of one would have involved the loss of all the others, as they could be immediately cut off
from the Fort, from which they were too distant to be easily reinforced. The doctor does not sign his name, but
he was probably one of the six I mentioned above. Their names were Haillet (doctor), La Haye
(surgeon-major), Du Cap (second), Du Pré (third), Droguet (fourth), and St. Didier (assistant).]
[32: M. Vernet, the Dutch Chief at Cossimbazar, wrote to the Dutch Director at Chinsurah that he could
obtain a copy of this treaty from the Nawab's secretaries, if he wished for it.]
[35: Governor.]
[36: A document authorising the free transit of certain goods, and their exemption from custom dues, in
favour of English traders.—Wilson.]
[40: Mr. Tooke was a Company's servant. He had distinguished himself in the defence of Calcutta in 1756,
when he was wounded, and, being taken on board the ships, escaped the dreadful ordeal of the Black Hole.]
[45: Malleson explains this by saying that De Terraneau was employed in the blocking up of the passage, but
the story hardly needs contradiction.]
[46: This announcement seems superfluous after fighting had been going on for several days, but it simply
shows the friction between the naval and military services.]
[47: Clive's journal for March 16th. Fort St. George, Sel. Com. Cons., 28th April, 1757.]
Notes: 40
The Project Gutenberg eBook of TITLE, by AUTHOR.
[49: The passages interpolated are on the authority of a MS. in the Orme Papers, entitled "News from
[50: Accounts of this detail differ. One says it was stormed on the 21st, but if so the French would have been
more on their guard, and would surely have strengthened the second battery in front of the Fort.]
[52: The Emperor at Delhi, who was supposed to be about to invade Bengal.]
[55: Sergeant Nover was pardoned in consideration of previous good conduct. Letter from Clive to Colonel
Adlercron, March 29, 1757.]
[56: Captain Speke was seriously and his son mortally wounded in the attack on Chandernagore.]
[57: I cannot identify this name in the Capitulation Returns. Possibly he was killed.]
[58: Surgeon Ives says the booty taken was valued at £130,000.]
[59: Orme MSS. India X., p. 2390. Letter of 30th March, 1757.]
[61: The Mogul, Emperor, or King of Delhi, to whom the Bengal Nawabs were nominally tributary.]
The Project Gutenberg eBook of TITLE, by AUTHOR.
A few miles out of Murshidabad, capital of the Nawabs of Bengal since 1704, when Murshid Kuli Khan
transferred his residence from Dacca to the ancient town of Muxadabad and renamed it after himself, lay a
group of European Factories in the village or suburb of Cossimbazar.[65] Of these, one only, the English, was
fortified; the others, i.e. the French and Dutch, were merely large houses lying in enclosures, the walls of
which might keep out cattle and wild animals and even thieves, but were useless as fortifications. In 1756 the
Chief of the English Factory, as we have already seen, was the Worshipful Mr. William Watts; the Dutch
factory was under M. Vernet,[66] and the French under M. Jean Law. The last mentioned was the elder son of
William Law, brother of John
His experiences during the four years following the accession of Siraj-ud-daula were painful and exciting, and
he has recorded them in a journal or memoir[68] which has never yet been published, but which is of great
interest to the student of Indian history. For us it has the added charm of containing a picture of ourselves
painted by one who, though a foreigner by education, was enabled by his birth to understand our national
peculiarities. In the present chapter I shall limit myself almost entirely to quotations from this memoir.
So bad was the reputation of this young prince, that many persons, among them Mr. Watts, imagined it
impossible that the people would ever tolerate his accession. The European nations in Bengal had no regular
representatives at the Court of the Nawab; and the Chiefs of the Factories at Cossimbazar, though now and
then admitted to the Durbar, transacted their business mainly through wakils, or native agents, who, of course,
had the advantage of knowing the language and, what was of much greater importance, understood all those
indirect ways in which in Eastern countries one's own business is forwarded and that of one's rivals thwarted.
Then, as now, the difficulty of dealing with native agents was to induce these agents to express their own
opinions frankly and clearly.[70] So far from the English Chief being corrected by his wakil, we find the
latter, whilst applying to other nobles for patronage and assistance, studiously refraining from making any
application to Siraj-ud-daula when English business had to be transacted at Court.
Law, therefore, had cultivated the young Nawab. Mr. Watts, on the other hand, was not only foolish enough to
neglect him, but carried his folly to extremes. He was not in a position to prevent his accession, and ought
therefore to have been careful by the correctness of his behaviour to show no signs of being opposed to it. So
far from this, he is strongly suspected of having entered into correspondence with the widow of Nawajis
Khan, who had adopted Siraj-ud-daula's younger brother[72] and was supporting his candidature for the
throne, and also with Saukat Jang, Nawab of Purneah and cousin of Siraj-ud-daula, who was trying to obtain
the throne for himself. Still further, he advised Mr. Drake, Governor of Calcutta, to give shelter to Kissendas,
son of Raj Balav (Nawajis Khan's Diwan), who had fled with the treasures in his charge when his father was
called to account for his master's property.
Contrary to Mr. Watts's expectations, Aliverdi Khan's last acts so smoothed the way for Siraj-ud-daula, and
the latter acted with such decision and promptitude on his grandfather's death, that in an incredibly short time
he had all his enemies at his feet, and was at leisure to attend to state business, and especially the affairs of the
foreign Settlements. Aliverdi Khan had always been extremely jealous of allowing the European nations to
erect any fortifications, but, during his last illness, all of them, expecting a contested succession, during
which, owing to complications in Europe, they might find themselves at war with each other in India, began to
repair their old walls or to erect new ones. This was exactly what Siraj-ud-daula wanted. His first care on his
accession had been to make himself master of his grandfather's and uncle's treasures. To these he had added
those of such of his grandfather's servants as he could readily lay hands on. Other wealthy nobles and officers
had fled to the English, or were suspected of having secretly sent their treasures to Calcutta. It was also
The English behaved very differently, and their answer, which was bold if not insolent in tone,[73] reached
the Nawab at the very moment when he had received the submission of the Nawab of Purneah. Law
Cossimbazar surrendered without firing a shot, owing to the treacherous advice of the Nawab's generals, and
Siraj-ud-daula advanced on Calcutta. It was with the greatest difficulty that Law escaped being forced to
march in his train.
The Nawab captured Calcutta without any open assistance from the French, and, though he set free most of
the prisoners who survived the Black Hole, he sent Holwell and three others before him to Murshidabad. Law,
who had already sheltered Mrs. Watts and her family, and such of the English of Cossimbazar as had been
able to escape to him, now showed similar kindness to Holwell and his companions. Of this he says
He also, apparently with some difficulty, obtained consent to M. Courtin's request for the release of the
English prisoners at Dacca; for—
Law's success in these matters is a striking instance of his personal influence, for Siraj-ud-daula was by no
means any longer well disposed towards the French and Dutch.
It may be here pointed out that, not only did the Nawab not insist on the destruction of the French and Dutch
fortifications, but he did not destroy the fortifications of Calcutta. This proves that if the English had shown
the humility and readiness to contribute which he desired, he would have left them in peace at the first, or,
after the capture of Calcutta, have permitted them to resettle there without farther disturbance. In short, the
real necessity of making the European nations respect his authority, instead of guiding him in a settled course,
merely provided a pretext for satisfying his greed. This is the opinion, not only of the French and English who
were at Murshidabad when the troubles began, but of the English officials who went there later on and made
careful inquiries amongst all classes of people in order to ascertain the real reason of Siraj-ud-daula's attack
upon the English.
Owing to the general disgust felt at Murshidabad for the Nawab, his cousin, Saukat Jang, Nawab of Purneah,
thought the opportunity favourable for reviving his claims, and, early in October, Siraj-ud-daula, hearing of
his contemplated rebellion, invaded his country.
Mir Jafar and other leaders of the Nawab's army were about to declare in favour of Saukat Jang when
Ramnarain,[80] Naib of Patna, arrived to support Siraj-ud-daula. Whilst the malcontents were hesitating what
to do, Saukat Jang made a rash attack on the Nawab's army, and was shot dead in the fight.
Every one in the land turned wistful eyes towards the English, but they lay inactive at Fulta, and it seemed as
if help from Madras would never come. The English, therefore, tried to bring about a revolution favourable to
themselves at Murshidabad, and began to look for persons who might be induced to undertake it; but this was
not easy, as the Moor nobles had little acquaintance with the Europeans. Of the Hindus in Bengal—
Just as it seemed likely that the English would have to stoop to the Nawab's terms, they received news of the
despatch of reinforcements from Madras. About the same time, it became known to both French and English
that France and England had declared war against each other in the preceding May.[81] The English naturally
said nothing about it, and the French were too eager to see the Nawab well beaten to put any unnecessary
obstacles in their way. The negotiations with the friends of the Europeans at Murshidabad were quietly
continued until Admiral Watson and Colonel Clive arrived. A rapid advance was then made on Calcutta,
which was captured with hardly any resistance.
Siraj-ud-daula was so little disturbed by the recapture of Calcutta that the French thought everything would
terminate amicably, but, possibly owing to the reputation of Watson and Clive, who had so long fought
against the French,[82] they thought it likely that, if the English demanded compensation for their losses, the
Nawab would allow them to recoup themselves by seizing the French Settlements. M. Renault, therefore,
wrote to Law to make sure that, in any treaty between the Nawab and the English, an article should be inserted
providing for the neutrality of the Ganges; but the French, at present, were needlessly alarmed. The English
had no intention of creeping quietly back into the country. Watson and Clive addressed haughty letters to the
Nawab, demanding reparation for the wrongs inflicted on the English; and the Admiral and the Council
declared war in the name of the King and the Company. This possibly amused the Nawab, who took no notice
of their letters; but it was a different matter when a small English force sailed up the Hugli, passed
Chandernagore unopposed by the French, captured the fort of Hugli, burnt Hugli[83] and Bandel towns, and
ravaged both banks of the river down to Calcutta. The French were in an awkward position. The English had
passed Chandernagore without a salute, which was an unfriendly, if not a hostile act; whilst the Nawab
thought that, as the French had not fired on them, they must be in alliance with them. Law had to bear the
brunt of this suspicion. His common sense told him that the English would never consent to a neutrality, and
he wrote to Renault that it was absolutely necessary to join the Moors.
As soon as the Nawab heard of the plundering of Hugli he set out for Calcutta, but to blind the English he
requested M. Renault to mediate between them. The English refusal to treat through the French had the effect
of clearing up matters between the latter and the Nawab; but he could not understand why the French would
not actively assist him. Certain, at any rate, that he had only the English to deal with, he foolishly played into
their hands by marching to fight them on their own ground, whereas, if he had remained idle at a little
distance, merely forbidding supplies to be sent them, he could have starved them out of Calcutta in a few
months. As I have said before, Clive attacked his camp on the 5th of February, and so terrified him that he
consented to a shameful peace, in which he forgot all mention of the neutrality of the Ganges. Law tells a
curious story to the effect that what frightened the Nawab most of all was a letter from Admiral Watson,
threatening to make him a prisoner and carry him to England. Watson's letter is extant, and contains no such
threat, but it is quite possible that it was so interpreted to the Nawab.
Though the Nawab had assured the English that he would have the same friends and enemies as they, and had
omitted to mention the French in the treaty, he now, of his own accord, gave the French all that the English
had extorted from him. This act could not be kept secret.
Yet Law thinks it was only the European war and the fear that Renault intended an alliance with the Nawab
that induced the English to proceed to extremities:—
Law could not persuade Renault to act, and without his doing so the game was nearly hopeless. Still, he
worked at forming a French party in the Court. By means of Coja Wajid, an Armenian merchant of Hugli,
whose property had been plundered by the English, he obtained an interview with the Nawab, and persuaded
him to send the 2000 soldiers who were with Renault at the beginning of the siege. More would have been
despatched but for the apparent certainty that the treaty of neutrality would be signed. In fact, Renault was so
worried that, on the complaint of Watson and Clive that Law was exciting the Nawab against the English, he
This, then, was the French party, whose sole bond was dislike to the Seths, and the members of which, by
timidity or ill-health, were unable to act. It was different with their enemies.
With such enemies to combat in the Court itself, Law heard that the English were marching on
Chandernagore. By the most painful efforts he obtained orders for reinforcements to be sent to the French.
Law thinks the Seths honestly believed that the English march on Chandernagore was merely intended to
frighten the French, and, as a proof of their friendliness, narrates a further incident of this visit:—
Law was, however, ignorant that Clive had already promised, or did so soon after, to give the property of the
French Company to the Seths in payment of the money the French owed them; but he now for the first time
fully realized the gravity of the situation. The indiscretion of the Seths showed him the whole extent of the
plot, and the same evening he told the Nawab, but—
And yet, whilst he refused to believe in the treason of his officers, the Nawab indulged at times in the most
violent outbreaks of temper against them.
The same evening, also, Mr. Watts came to the Durbar, and the matter of the neutrality was talked over. The
Nawab wished the two gentlemen to pledge their respective nations to keep the peace, but Mr. Watts skilfully
avoided giving any promise, and suggested the Nawab should write to the Admiral. Law, seeing that further
delay was aimed at, exclaimed that the Admiral would pay as little respect to this letter as to the Nawab's
previous ones.
As Law expected, Chandernagore was attacked before the Admiral's reply was received. Law received the
news on the 15th, and hurried to the Nawab. Reinforcements were ordered and counter-ordered. At midnight
the Nawab's eunuch came to inform Law that the English had been repulsed with loss, and on the morning of
the 16th the Nawab's troops were ordered to advance, but when the same day news came that the French had
withdrawn into the Fort, every one cried out that the Fort must fall, and that it was mere folly to incense the
English by sending down troops. They were immediately recalled. Then news arrived that the Fort was
holding out, and Rai Durlabh Ram was ordered to advance. Again there came a false report that the Fort had
fallen. Law knew Rai Durlabh was a coward, and his whole reliance was on the second in command, Mir
"a capable officer, and one who would have attacked the
enemy with pleasure."
This Mir Madan is said to have been a Hindu convert to Muhammadanism. Native poems still tell of the
gallantry with which he commanded the Hindu soldiers of the Nawab. He was one of the first to fall at
Plassey, and though it cannot be said that his death caused the loss of the battle, it is certain that it put an end
to all chance of the victory being contested.
Law was at his wits' end. It was no time to stick at trifles, and, that he might know the worst at once, he
intercepted Mr. Watts's letters. From them he gathered that the English intended to march straight upon
Murshidabad. He set about fortifying the enclosure round the French Factory, and, as he had only 10 or 12
men, he induced the Nawab to send him a native officer with 100 musketeers. He soon learned that the
reported English advance was merely the pursuit of the fugitives from Chandernagore, who were mentioned in
the last chapter. By the end of March he had 60 Europeans:—
"of whom the half, in truth, were not fit to serve; but what
did that matter? The number was worth 120 to me outside
the fort, since rumour always delights in exaggeration."
Of the sepoys also, whom the English set free, some 30 found their way to Law, and so far was he now from
being afraid of Mr. Watts, that it was the latter who had to ask the Nawab's protection.
The vacillation which had marked the Nawab's conduct previous to the fall of Chandernagore still continued.
He protected Law, but would not help him with money.
The English now tried to win over the French soldiers, and had some success, for many of them were
deserters from the British forces, and they quickly saw how precarious was the shelter which Law could
afford them; but the Nawab could not be persuaded to force Law to surrender, and, though he agreed to leave
the country, Law declared he would not do even that unless he received passports and money. On the 8th of
April he received passports, and was promised that if he would go to Phulbari, near Patna, he should there
receive all he wanted. He was allowed four or five days to make his preparations.
On the 12th of April Law received a sudden summons to attend the Durbar the next day.
Gholam Husain Khan says that the Nawab was much affected at parting with Law, as he now believed in the
truth of his warnings against the English and the English party,—
"but as he did not dare to keep him in his service for fear
of offending the English, he told him that at present it was
fit that he should depart; but that if anything new should
happen he would send for him again. 'Send for me again?'
answered Law. 'Rest assured, my Lord Nawab, that this is
the last time we shall see each other. Remember my words: we
shall never meet again. It is nearly impossible."
Law hurried back to his Factory, and by the evening of the 15th of April he was ready to depart. The same day
the Nawab wrote to Clive:—
"Mr. Law I have put out of the city, and have wrote
expressly to my Naib[96] at Patna to turn him and his
out of the bounds of his Subaship, and that he shall not
suffer them to stay in any place within it."[97]
At the end of April the Nawab wrote to Abdulla Khan, the Afghan general at Delhi, that he had supplied Law
with Rs.10,000. Clive was quickly informed of this.
On the morning of the 16th the French marched through Murshidabad with colours flying and drums beating,
prepared against any surprise in the narrow streets of the city. Mr. Watts wrote to Clive:—
Close on their track followed two spies, sent by Mr. Watts to try and seduce the French soldiers and sepoys.
Law left a M. Bugros behind in charge of the French Factory.
Shortly after leaving Cossimbazar, Law was reinforced by a party of 45 men, mostly sailors of the Saint
Contest, who had managed to escape from the English. On the 2nd of May the French arrived at Bhagulpur,
the Nawab writing to them to move on whenever he heard they were halting, and not to go so fast when he
heard they were on the march.
In the mean time fate had avenged Law on one of his lesser enemies. This was that Ranjit Rai, who had
insulted him during his interview with the Seths. The latter had pursued their old policy of inciting the English
to make extravagant demands which they at the same time urged the Nawab to refuse. To justify one such
demand, the English produced a letter in the handwriting of Ranjit Rai, purporting to be written at the
dictation of the Seths under instructions from the Nawab. The latter denied the instructions, and the Seths
promptly asserted that the whole letter was a forgery of their agent's.
This incident warned the Seths to be more cautious, but still the plot against the Nawab was well known in the
country. Renault, who had been at this time a prisoner in Calcutta, says:—
M. Sinfray had returned to Murshidabad, but could not obtain an interview with the Nawab till the 8th of
June, when he found him still absolutely tranquil; and even on the 10th the Nawab wrote to Law to have no
fears on his account; but this letter did not reach Law till the 19th.
This officer was a brother of Mir Jafar.[100] The Seths and the English had long found the chief difficulty in
their way to be the choice of a man of sufficient distinction to replace Siraj-ud-daula on the throne. At this
moment the Nawab himself gave them as a leader Mir Jafar Ali Khan, who had married the sister of Aliverdi
Khan, and was therefore a relative of his. Mir Jafar was Bukshi, or Paymaster and Generalissimo of the Army,
and his influence had greatly contributed to Siraj-ud-daula's peaceful accession. He was a man of good
reputation, and a brave and skilful soldier. It was such a person as this that the Nawab, after a long course of
petty insults, saw fit to abuse in the vilest terms in full Durbar and to dismiss summarily from his post. He
now listened to the proposals of the Seths, and towards the end of April terms were settled between him and
Siraj-ud-daula, defeated by Clive at Plassey on the 23rd of June, was, says Scrafton,—
"himself one of the first that carried the news of his defeat
to the capital, which he reached that night."
His wisest councillors urged him to surrender to Clive, but he thought this advice treacherous, and determined
to flee towards Rajmehal. When nearly there he was recognized by a Fakir,[103] whose ears he had, some
time before, ordered to be cut off. The Fakir informed the Faujdar, who seized him and sent him to
Murshidabad, where Miran, Mir Jafar's son, put him to death on the 4th of July.
It was necessary for Law to withdraw as quickly as possible if he was to preserve his liberty. Clive and Mir
Jafar wrote urgent letters to Ramnarain at Patna to stop him, but Ramnarain was no lover of Mir Jafar, and he
was not yet acquainted with Clive, so he allowed him to pass. Law says:—
Before Law left Rajmehal on his return to Patna, the Faujdar tried to stop him on pretence that Mir Jafar
wished to reconcile him to the English. Law thought this unlikely, yet knowing the native proclivity for
underhand intrigue, he wrote him a letter, but the answer which he received at Chupra was merely an order to
surrender. Law says:—
"As the country people are now all become your enemies,
and orders are gone everywhere to intercept your passage,
and I myself have sent parties in quest of you, and orders
are gone to Ramnarain, the Naib of Patna, to seize you if
you pursue that road, you must be sensible if you fall into
their hands you cannot expect to find them a generous
enemy. If, therefore, you have any regard for the men
under your command, I would recommend you to treat with
us, from whom you may expect the most favourable terms in
my power to grant."[104]
Law does not say much about the hardships of his flight; but Eyre Coote, who commanded the detachment
which followed him, had the utmost difficulty in persuading his men to advance, and wrote to Clive that he
had never known soldiers exposed to greater hardships. At Patna Eyre Coote seized the French Factory, where
the Chief, M. de la Bretesche, was lying ill. The military and other Company's servants had gone on with
Law, leaving in charge a person variously called M. Innocent and Innocent Jesus. He was not a Frenchman,
but nevertheless he was sent down to Calcutta. From Patna Eyre Coote got as far as Chupra, only to find Law
safe beyond the frontier at Ghazipur, and nothing left for him to do but to return.
From now on to January, 1761, Law was out of the reach of the English, living precariously on supplies sent
from Bussy in the south, from his wife at Chinsurah, and from a secret store which M. de la Bretesche had
established at Patna unknown to the English, and upon loans raised from wealthy natives, such as the Raja of
Bettiah. He believed all along that the French would soon make an effort to invade Bengal, where there was a
large native party in their favour, and where he could assist them by creating a diversion in the north. I shall
touch on his adventures very briefly.
His first halt was at Benares, which he reached on the 2nd of August, and where the Raja Bulwant Singh tried
to wheedle and frighten him into surrendering his guns. He escaped out of his hands by sheer bluff, and went
on to Chunargarh, where he received letters from Suja-ud-daula, Nawab of Oudh, a friend of Siraj-ud-daula's,
whom he hoped to persuade into invading Bengal. On the 3rd of September he reached Allahabad, and here
left his troop under the command of M. le Comte de Carryon, whilst he went on to Lucknow, the capital of
It is only at this moment that Law bethinks him of describing his troop. It consisted of 175 Europeans and 100
sepoys drilled in European fashion. The officers were D'Hurvilliers, le Comte de Carryon (who had brought a
detachment from Dacca before Law left Cossimbazar), Ensign Brayer (who had commanded the military at
At Lucknow Suja-ud-daula greeted him with a sympathetic interest, which Law quaintly likens to that shown
by Dido for Aeneas, but money was not forthcoming, and Law soon found that Suja-ud-daula was not on
sufficiently good terms with the Mogul's[110] Vizir[111] at Delhi to risk an attack on Bengal. On the 18th of
October he returned to Allahabad, with the intention of going to Delhi to see what he could do with the Vizir,
but as it might have been dangerous to disclose his object, he pretended he was going to march south to Bussy
in the Deccan, and obtained a passport from the Maratha general, Holkar. This took some time, and it was not
till March, 1758, that he started for Delhi. He reached Farukhabad without difficulty, and on the 21st entered
the country of the Jats. On the evening of the 23rd a barber, who came into their camp, warned the French
they would be attacked. The next day the Jats, to the number of 20,000, attacked them on the march. The fight
lasted the whole day, and the French fired 6000 musket shots and 800 cannon. The cannon-balls were made of
clay moulded round a pebble, and were found sufficiently effective in the level country.
Soon after they arrived at Delhi, only to find the Marathas masters of the situation and in actual possession of
the person of the Shahzada, or Crown Prince.[112] The Prince was friendly, gave Law money, and eagerly
welcomed the idea of attacking Bengal, but he was himself practically a prisoner. The Vizir, too, could do
nothing, and would give no money. The Marathas amused him with promises, and tried to trap him into
fighting their battles. No one seemed to know anything about what had happened in Bengal. He spoke to
several of the chief men about the English.
Law could do nothing at Delhi, and it was only by bribing the Maratha general that he obtained an escort
through the Jat country to Agra. Most of his soldiers were glad to be off, but about 60 Europeans deserted
with their arms to Delhi, where the Vizir offered them pay as high as 50 rupees a month. M. Jobard was nearly
killed by some of them when he tried to persuade them to return to duty, but, a few months after, more than
half rejoined Law.
From Agra, Law went to Chatrapur in Bundelkand, where apparently, though he does not say so, he was in the
service of the Raja Indrapat. His stay lasted from the 10th of June, 1758, to February, 1759. In order to keep
on good terms with the inhabitants, who were almost all Hindus, Law forbade his men to kill cattle or any of
the sacred birds, or to borrow anything without his permission, and at the same time severely punished all
disorderly behaviour. The people having never heard of Christians, thought the French must be a kind of
Muhammadans, but they could not make out from what country they came. Seeing them drink a red wine of
which they had a few bottles, they thought they were drinking blood, and were horrified, but the good
behaviour of the men soon put them on friendly terms.
Early in 1759 the Shahzada at last invaded Bengal, and on the 5th of February Law marched to join him; but
the invasion was badly managed, and was an absolute failure. On the 28th of May Law was back at Chatrapur.
The only result of the invasion was that the lands of a number of Rajas in Bihar were plundered by Miran, son
of Mir Jafar, and the English. These Rajas were all Hindus.
The siege was raised, and the Prince's general, Kamgar Khan, led the army about the country with apparently
no object but that of plunder. This suited the Marathas, but did not suit Law. On one occasion he was ordered
with his own troops and a body of Marathas to capture the little fort of Soupy. The French stormed it at three
o'clock in the morning, but found that the Marathas, who had carefully avoided the breach, had swarmed the
walls, where there was no one to oppose them, and were carrying off the plunder.
In fact, Law had a personal altercation with the Maratha commander about a young and beautiful Hindu
woman, whom the Maratha wished to seize, but whom Law was determined to restore unhurt to her relations,
who lived in a village close by.
For the capture of the fort, Law received from the Shahzada various high-sounding titles and the right to have
the royal music played before him; but as he could not afford to entertain the native musicians, he allowed the
privilege to sleep.
In 1760 Mr. Vansittart assumed the Governorship of Bengal, and his first act was to complete the project
begun by his predecessor, Mr. Holwell, namely, the dethronement of Mir Jafar. This was effected on the 20th
of October, 1760; the ex-Nawab went quietly to Calcutta, and Mir Kasim reigned in his stead. The Shahzada
had now become Emperor by the death of his father, and had assumed the title of Shah Alam. He was still
hanging with his army round Patna, and Mir Kasim and the English determined to bring him to book. Kamgar
Khan continued to lead the Imperial army aimlessly about the country, and in January, 1761, found himself
near the town of Bihar. He had 35 to 40 thousand cavalry, maintained chiefly by plunder, but his only
musketeers and artillery were those commanded by Law, i.e. 125 Europeans and 200 sepoys, with 18 guns of
small calibre. The British commander, Major Carnac, had 650 Europeans and 5 to 6 thousand sepoys, with 12
guns. Mir Kasim had some 20,000 cavalry, and the same number of musketeers, all good troops, for
"everybody was paid in the army of Kasim Ali Khan."[114]
On the 14th of January, scouts brought word of the approach of the English. The Emperor consulted Law,
who advised a retreat, but he was not deficient in courage, and determined to fight. The next day was fought
the battle of Suan.[115]
Gholam Husain Khan says the victory was decided by the English; the following quotation from Major
Carnac's Letter to the Select Committee at Calcutta, dated the 17th of January, 1761, shows how the courage
of the British forces saved them from a great disaster.
Law continues:—
Thus ended Law's attempt to maintain the French party in Bengal. All hopes of a French attack in force on
Calcutta had long since disappeared, and, under the circumstances, his capture was fortunate for himself and
his comrades. Most of the latter were gradually picked up by the English. Law was sent to Calcutta, and left
Bengal in 1762. He was now only forty-two years of age. On his arrival in France he found his services much
appreciated by his countrymen, and was made a Chevalier of the Royal and Military Order of St. Louis, and a
Colonel of Infantry. Later on he was appointed Commissary for the King, Commandant of the French Nation
in the East Indies, and Governor of Pondicherry. Law's account of his adventures was commenced at Paris in
1763.[121] There exist letters written by him to the historian Robert Orme, dated as late as 1785, which show
the strong interest he always retained in the affairs of Bengal, where with adequate resources he might have
played a much more distinguished part.
We have seen a town besieged by a foreign army; we have seen the Court of a great Prince distracted by
internal dissensions and trembling at the approach of a too-powerful enemy, and now we shall pass to the
quiet retreats of rural Bengal, which even their remoteness could not save from some share in the troubles of
the time. In those days, even more than at present, the rivers were the great highways of the country, but it
needs personal acquaintance with them to enable us to realize the effect they produce upon the mind of a
European. As a rule comparatively shallow, in the dry weather they pursue a narrow winding course in the
middle of a sandy waste, but in the Rains they fill their beds from side to side, overtop the banks, and make
the country for miles around a series of great lakes, studded with heavily wooded islands. Amidst these one
can wander for days hardly seeing a single human being, and hearing nothing but the rushing of the current
and the weird cries of water-birds; at other times the prow of one's boat will suddenly push itself through
overhanging branches into the very midst of a populous village. At first all is strange and beautiful, but after a
short time the feeling grows that every scene is a repetition; the banks, the trees, the villages, seem as if we
have been looking at them for a thousand years, and the monotony presses wearily on mind and heart. It was
in a country of this kind that Courtin and his little band of Frenchmen and natives evaded capture for nearly
nine months, and it adds to our admiration for his character to see how his French gaiety of heart unites with
his tenderness for his absent wife, not only to conceal the deadly monotony of his life in the river districts
during the Rains, and the depressing and disheartening effect of the noxious climate in which he and his
companions had to dwell, but also to make light of the imminent danger in which he stood from the
unscrupulous human enemies by whom he was surrounded.
[65: From certain letters it appears that, strictly speaking, the English Factory alone was at Cossimbazar, the
French being at Saidabad, and the Dutch at Calcapur. Both Saidabad and Calcapur were evidently close to
Cossimbazar, if not parts of it.]
[68: The best copy I have seen is that in the Manuscript Department of the British Museum.]
[69: Gholam Husain Khan says that Siraj-ud-daula was born in the year in which Aliverdi Khan obtained from
the Emperor the firman for Bihar. This, according to Scrafton, was 1736, and the connection of his birth with
this auspicious event was the prime cause of his grandfather's great reference for him.]
[71: Uncle of Siraj-ud-daula, who died so shortly before the death of Aliverdi Khan, that it was supposed he
was poisoned to ensure Siraj-ud-daula's accession.]
[73: Law says; "The rumour ran that M. Drake replied to the messengers that, since the Nawab wished to fill
up the Ditch, he agreed to it provided it was done with the heads of Moors. I do not believe he said so, but
possibly some thoughtless young Englishman let slip those words, which, being heard by the messengers,
were reported to the Nawab."]
[74: Europeans. Properly, Franks or Frenchmen. This term was generally applied by Europeans to the
half-caste descendants of the Portuguese.]
[76: In alliance with Salabat Jang, Bussy temporarily acquired a large territory for the French.]
[77: "After Mr. Law had given us a supply of clothes, linen, provisions, liquors, and cash, we left his Factory
with grateful hearts and compliments." Holwell. Letter to Mr. Davis, February 28, 1757.]
[79: For an explanation of the influence of the Seths, see pp. 84, 85, and note.]
[80: Ramnarain is an interesting character. He appears to have been one of the most faithful of the adherents
of the house of Aliverdi Khan and on its extinction of the English connection. His gallantry in battle is
referred to by Colonel Ironside. Asiatic Annual Register, 1800.]
[81: The official intimation reached Admiral Watson in January, 1757, but apparently not the formal orders
from the Admiralty. See page 30.]
[82: In a letter to the Secret Committee, London, dated October 11, 1756, Clive writes: "I hope we shall be
able to dispossess the French of Chandernagore." So it is evident that he came with this intention to Bengal.]
[83: Clive describes Hugli as "the second city in the kingdom." Letter to Lord Hardwicke, Feb. 23, 1757.]
[85: Hearing that Seth Mahtab Rai was to marry a wonderfully beautiful woman, he forced the Seths to let
him see the young lady. Scrafton.]
[86: "If one is to believe certain English writers, the Seths were an apparently insurmountable obstacle to the
project because of the money we owed them, as if in their perilous position these bankers would not be
inclined to sacrifice something to save the greater part. Besides, we shall see by what follows that they
sacrificed nothing." Law. The extraordinary influence of these people was due not so much to their dealings
with the head of the State as to the fact that native princes generally make payments, not in cash, but in bonds.
It therefore depends on the bankers what any man shall get for his bonds. In this way an official, even when
paid by the State, may be ruined by the bankers, who are merely private persons.]
[87: "In India it is thought disrespectful to tell a great man distinctly the evil which is said of him. If an
inferior knows that designs are formed against the life of his superior, he must use circumlocutions, and
suggest the subject in vague terms and speak in enigmas. It is for the great man to divine what is meant. If he
has not the wit, so much the worse for him. As a foreigner, I was naturally more bold and said what I thought
to Siraj-ud-daula. Coja Wajid did not hesitate to blame me, so that for a long time I did not know what to
think of him. This man finally fell a victim to his diplomacies, perhaps also to his imprudences. One gets tired
of continual diplomacy, and what is good in the beginning of a business becomes in the end imprudence."
[88: "Witness the letter written to the English Admiral Watson, by which it is pretended the Nawab authorized
him to undertake the siege of Chandernagore. The English memoir" (by Luke Scrafton) "confesses it was a
surprise, and that the Secretary must have been bribed to write it in a way suitable to the views of Mr. Watts.
The Nawab never read the letters which he ordered to be written; besides, the Moors never sign their names;
the envelope being closed and well fastened, the Secretary asks the Nawab for his seal, and seals it in his
presence. Often there is a counterfeit seal." Law. From this it may be seen that the Nawab could always assert
that his Secretary had exceeded his instructions, whilst it was open to his correspondent to assert the contrary.]
[90: "This was the boaster Rai Durlabh Ram, who had already received much from me, but all the treasures of
the Universe could not have freed him from the fear he felt at having to fight the English. He had with him as
his second in command a good officer, Mir Madan, the only man I counted upon." Law.]
[91: Referring to Clive's letter of the 7th of March, saying he wished to attack Chandernagore, but would
await the Nawab's orders at that place.]
[93: Scrafton, in his "Reflections" (pp. 40 and 50), says, Siraj-ud-daula indulged in all sorts of debauchery;
but his grandfather, in his last illness, made him swear on the Koran to give up drinking. He kept his oath, but
probably his mind was affected by his previous excesses.]
[95: A preparation of betel-nut (areca-nut) is used by the natives of Hindustan as a digestive. When offered to
a guest, it is a sign of welcome or dismissal. When sent by a messenger, it is an assurance of friendship and
safe conduct.]
[96: The Governor of Patna was Raja Ramnarain, a Hindu, with the rank of Naib only. It was considered
unsafe to entrust so important a post to a Muhammadan, or an officer with the rank of Nawab.]
[101: The Council signed the Treaty with Mir Jafar on the 19th of May, but Mr. Watts's first intimation of his
readiness to join the English is, I believe, in a letter dated the 26th of April. Mir Jafar signed the Treaty early
in June.]
[102: So Suja-ud-daula, Nawab of Oudh, plundered the Nawab Mir Kasim, when the English drove him from
Bengal in 1763.]
[103: Broome (p. 154) says "a fakier, named Dana Shah, whose nose and ears he had ordered to be cut off
thirteen months before, when on his march against the Nawaub of Purneah."]
[104: Orme MSS., India Office, and Clive correspondence at Walcot, vol. iv.]
[105: The celebrated traveller. He quickly quarrelled with and left them.]
[106: Province.]
[109: The regular winds of the various seasons are called monsoons, and are named after the point of the
compass from which they blow.]
[112: Ali Gauhar, born 1728. On the death of his father, November 29, 1759, he assumed the name or title of
Shah Alam.]
[113: The old English Factory at Patna was re-opened by Mr. Pearkes, in July, 1757. See his letters to
Council, dated 12th and 14th July, 1757.]
[114: Kasim Ali had a much better army than any of his predecessors. Though it was not trained in the
European manner, several of the chief officers were Armenians, who effected great reforms in discipline.
Three years later it made a really good fight against the English.]
[115: The battle is generally known as that of Gaya, but was fought at Suan. The site is marked in Rennell's
map of South Bihar. It lies about six miles west of the town of Bihar, on the river Banowra.]
[117: The French capital on the Madras coast. Surrendered to Eyre Coote.]
[118: Sepoys, so called from the Telingana district in Madras, where they were first recruited.]
[119: Mrs. Law. Bibi is the equivalent of mistress or lady. Lass was the native version of Law. Mrs. Law's
maiden name was Jeanne Carvalho.]
[121: "A part of these Memoirs was written at Paris in 1703, and part at sea in 1764, during my second voyage
to India, but several of the notes were added later." Law.]
Jacques Ignace, son of François Courtin, Chevalier, Seigneur de Nanteuil, and of Catherine Colin, is, I
believe, the correct designation of the gentleman who appears in all the records of the French and English East
India Companies as M. Courtin, Chief of the French Factory at Dacca.
In June 1756, when Siraj-ud-daula marched on Calcutta, he sent word to his representative, the Nawab
Jusserat Khan at Dacca, to seize the English Factory, and make prisoners of the Company's servants and
soldiers. The English Factory on the site of the present Government College, was—
The Project Gutenberg eBook of TITLE, by AUTHOR.
On the 27th of June Jusserat Khan sent on the Nawab's order by the English wakil, or agent, to Mr. Becher,
the English Chief, and informed him of the capture of Fort William and the flight of Mr. Drake. Thinking this
was merely a trick to frighten them into surrender, the Dacca Council requested Mr. Scrafton, third in
Council, to write to M. Courtin, chief of the French Factory, for information. In reply M. Courtin sent them a
number of letters which he had received from Chandernagore, confirming the bad news from Calcutta. Taking
into consideration the unfortified condition of the Factory, and that Dacca was only four days by river from
The next day M. Fleurin, second of the French Factory—M. Courtin[124] was not well acquainted with
the English language—came to inform them that the Nawab of Dacca agreed that the ladies and
gentlemen should be allowed to retire to the French Factory on M. Courtin giving his word that they would
there await the orders of Siraj-ud-daula as to their future fate. The soldiers were to lay down their arms, and be
prisoners to the Nawab. This amicable arrangement was entirely due to M. Courtin's good offices, and he was
much congratulated on the tact he had shown in preventing the Nawab from using violent measures, as he
seemed inclined to do at first. As the Nawab would not allow the English to take away any of their property,
except the clothes they were wearing, they were entirely dependent upon the French for everything, and were
treated with the greatest kindness. The Council wrote:—
For some two months the English remained in the French Factory, M. Law, at Cossimbazar, warmly soliciting
their release from Siraj-ud-daula. This he obtained with difficulty, and at last Mr. Becher and his companions
sailed in a sloop provided by M. Courtin for Fulta, where they arrived safely on the 26th of August. When
Calcutta had been recaptured by the English, M. Courtin, like a good business man, sent in a bill for the costs
of the sloop to the Council at Calcutta, and the Consultations of the 16th of May, 1757, duly notify its
The English did not regain possession of the Factory at Dacca till the 8th of March, by which time the
declaration of War between France and England was known, and the likelihood of troubles in Bengal was
very apparent. As we have seen, the English were successful in their attack on Chandernagore, but the whole
country was aware that the Nawab was only the more enraged with them, and his local officers might at any
moment be instructed to take vengeance on Englishmen found defenceless up country. On the 23rd of March,
Messrs. Sumner and Waller wrote from Dacca that Jusserat Khan had refused to restore the Factory cannon,
and to pass their goods without a new parwana[125] from Murshidabad. It was therefore still very doubtful
whether he would assist the English or the French at Dacca, and though the English obtained the parwana
they wanted early in May, on the 9th the Council at Calcutta sent them orders to do the best they could for
their own security, and informed them they had sent an armed sloop to Luckipore to cover their retreat. They
immediately sent down all the goods they could, but as matters became quieter again they soon resumed
business, and appear to have had no further trouble.
It may be imagined that M. Courtin and his friends, knowing that the English had demanded the surrender of
the French Factories, had a very uncomfortable experience all this time.[126] Unfortunately no Records of the
French Factories in Bengal are now to be found, and I had despaired of obtaining any information about the
expulsion from Dacca, when, in the Bibliothèque Nationale at Paris, I came on a MS. entitled, "Copy of a
letter from M. Courtin from India, written to his wife, in which are given in detail the different affairs which
he had with the Moors from the 22nd of June, 1757, the day of his evacuation of Dacca, to the 9th of March,
M. Courtin had married a Madame Direy, widow of a French Company's servant, and the letter shows she was
fortunately in France at the time of her husband's troubles. As was natural, but inconveniently enough for us,
We have seen in a previous chapter the real reasons why Law was unable to rejoin Siraj-ud-daula in time for
the battle.
"I now saw that a junction with him had become impossible,
unless I determined to run the most evident risk of
losing my liberty and all I had."
It appears that Courtin had the Company's effects, as well as his own private property and that of his
companions, on board his little fleet.
This was the Raja Ram Nath, whom Orme describes as "a Raja, who with much timidity, was a good man."
Courtin is somewhat unfair to the Raja (apparently a Muhammadan, as he was called Assaduzama
Muhammad),[136] for this Prince was an ally of the English, and had offered Clive the assistance of his forces
before the battle of Plassey. It could be no treachery on his part to pick up fugitives from the battle, like
Sinfray, and hand them over to his allies. I may as well quote one of the Raja's letters to Clive, received 28th
October, 1757:—
Courtin continues:—
From Broome we see that this was in the middle of December, 1757. It was now that Clive first heard what
Courtin was attempting. He immediately sent orders direct, and also through the Nawab, to Kasim Ali Khan,
Faujdar of Rungpore, and to Raja Ram Nath of Dinajpur, to seize the French.
[It was apparently this fight which Kasim Ali reported to Clive on the 24th of January:—
This triumph of time and treachery was reported by Sheikh Faiz Ulla's master, Kasim Ali, to Clive, on the
14th of February:[149]—
"I before wrote you that I had sent forces to fight the
French, that they had a fort and strong intrenchments, and
that we had a battle with them.... ever since I wrote
you last we have been fighting, my people have behaved well,
and I make no doubt but you have heard it from other people.
God knows what pains and trouble I have taken in this
affair. The French being shut up in their fort and undergoing
much fatigue by always fighting, and likewise being
in want of provisions were obliged to run away in their
boats by night, and went towards the Dinajpur country.
My people being always ready to fight followed them....
They can go no other way but through the Dinajpur country.
I have therefore wrote expressly to the Rajah to stop the
About this time, though Courtin does not mention it till later, he began to see what the inevitable end must be.
He could not cut his way through to join Law, and with the whole country in arms against him he was too
weak to hold out for any length of time. Accordingly he sent messengers secretly to Mr. Luke Scrafton, at
Murshidabad. It was Scrafton, as I have said above, who wrote to Courtin for assistance when the Nawab of
Dacca wanted to take their Factory and imprison the English. Courtin now wrote to him to save him from
falling into the hands of the natives, and, on the 18th of February, Scrafton wrote to the Select Committee at
Calcutta for the necessary permission.[150]
This was the battle of Cantanagar. Kasim Ali described it as follows to Clive:—
"My people and the French had a battle, and the latter
finding themselves much, beat, they run away, and left their
boats. They went to Oppoor" "and begged protection of
the Kajah's people.... Bahadur Sing came and told my
people to go a little further off, and they would deliver
them up, but they put us off from day to day."[154]
About the time he was writing this, Clive was writing to say that he had received Courtin's offer of surrender,
and that Kasim Ali was to cease hostilities and allow the French to come to him with their boats and
necessaries. Kasim Ali had received orders to the same effect from Mr. Scrafton, who informed him he was
sending an officer to accept their surrender. This did not however prevent Kasim Ali from trying to get hold of
them, which accounts for the following letter from Raja Ram Nath to Clive:[155]—
them to Rungpore but they refuse to go, and say that if one
of us is taken they will destroy themselves.[158] I am a poor
Zemindar who pays revenues[159] and ready to obey your
orders. If the Rungpore people should take them by force,
and they should kill themselves, it would be a troublesome
We learn from the correspondence between Mr. Scrafton and Clive, that Drake, the cowardly
Governor of Calcutta, very naturally could not understand what was meant by this claim to the
honours of war.[163]
"We rested ourselves from our fatigue till the 20th at my friend's
house, when, with his concurrence and in response to their offers,
I went to the Dutch gentlemen at Cossimbazar, where M. Vernet, their
chief and an old friend of mine, received us with the greatest kindness.
It is from their Settlement that I write to thee, my dear wife. Until
the ships sail for England I shall continue to write daily, and tell
thee everything that is of interest.[165]
"My dear wife, I resume my narrative to tell thee that my boats have
been restored by the English, as well as all the goods that had not
been plundered by Sheikh Faiz Ulla and his people, except the munitions
of war. Still, so much of the merchandise, goods and silver, has
disappeared that I am ruined for ever, unless the English, who have
promised to cause everything to be restored, are able to make the Moors
give them up. The English have at length decided on our fate in a way
altogether honourable to us. We are not prisoners of war, and so we are
not subject to exchange; but we are bound by certain conditions, which
they think necessary to their security, and which only do me honour.
What has flattered me even more is that the two Swedish guns which I
had with me on my campaign have actually been given to me as a present
by the commander of the English troops, who is also Governor of
with the most complimentary expressions."
Courtin had written to Clive, asking permission to go down to Pondicherry. Clive replied on the 15th of July,
1758, granting permission. His letter concludes:—
Courtin continues:—
One would be glad to be assured that Courtin re-established his fortune. If he is, as I suppose, the Jacques
Ignace Courtin, who was afterwards Conseiller au Conseil des Indes, we may be satisfied he did so; but
French East India Company Records are a hopeless chaos at the present moment, and all that one can extract
from the English Records is evidence of still further suffering.
From Murshidabad or Cossimbazar, Courtin went down to Chandernagore, whence the majority of the French
inhabitants had already been sent to the Madras Coast. The Fort had been blown up, and the private houses
were under sentence of destruction, for the English had determined to destroy the town, partly in revenge for
the behaviour of Lally, who, acting under instructions from the French East India Company, had shown great
severity to the English in Southern India, partly because they did not think themselves strong enough to
garrison Chandernagore as well as Calcutta, and feared the Moors would occupy it if they did not place troops
there, and partly because they dreaded its restoration to France—which actually happened—when
peace was made. At any rate Courtin found the remnants of his countrymen in despair, and in 1759 he wrote a
letter[168] to Clive and the Council of Calcutta, from which I quote one or two paragraphs:—
The last words seem to imply that Courtin had recovered his property, at least to a great extent; but his
pathetic appeal was useless in face of national necessities, and so far was Chandernagore desolated that, in
November of the same year, we read that the English army, under Colonel Forde, was ambushed by the Dutch
garrison of Chinsurah "amongst the buildings and ruins of Chandernagore."
From Chandernagore Courtin went to Pondicherry, where he became a member of the Superior Council. He
was one of the chiefs of the faction opposed to Lally, who contemptuously mentions a printed "Memorial" of
his adventures which Courtin prepared, probably for presentation to the Directors of the French East India
Company.[169] When, in January, 1761, Lally determined to capitulate, Courtin was sent to the English
commander on the part of the Council. Still later we find his name attached to a petition, dated August 3,
1762, presented to the King against Lally.[170] This shows that Courtin had arrived in France, so that his
elevation to the Council of the Company is by no means improbable.
To any one who has lived long in India it seems unnatural that in old days the small colonies of Europeans
settled there should have been incited to mutual conflict and mutual ruin, owing to quarrels which originated
in far-off Europe, and which were decided without any reference to the wishes or interests of Europeans living
in the colonies. The British Settlements alone have successfully survived the struggle. The least we can do is
to acknowledge the merits, whilst we commiserate the sufferings, of those other gallant men who strove their
best to win the great prize for their own countrymen. Of the French especially it would appear that their
writers have noticed only those like Dupleix, Bussy, and Lally, who commanded armies in glorious
campaigns that somehow always ended to the advantage of the British, and have utterly forgotten the civilians
who really kept the game going, and who would have been twice as formidable to their enemies if the military
had been subordinate to them. The curse of the French East India Company was Militarism, whilst fortunately
for the English our greatest military hero in India, Lord Clive, was so clear-minded that he could
How much might have been achieved by men like Renault, Law, and Courtin, if they had had an adequate
military force at their disposal! They saw, as clearly as did the English, that Bengal was the heart of India, and
they saw the English denude Madras of troops to defend Bengal, whilst they themselves were left by the
French commanders in a state of hopeless impotence. On the other hand, owing to the English Company's
insistence that military domination should be the exception and not the rule, British civilians and British
soldiers have, almost always, worked together harmoniously. It was this union of force which gave us Bengal
in the time of which I have been writing, and to the same source of power we owe the gradual building up of
the great Empire which now dominates the whole of India.
[123: Matchlock men. Consultations of the Dacca Council, 27th June, 1756. Madras Select Committee
Proceedings, 9th November, 1756.]
[124: When Courtin was sent by Count Lally with the proposals for the surrender of Pondicherry he had to
take an interpreter with him. Memoirs of Lally, p. 105.]
[126: I cannot ascertain where M. Fleurin was at this moment. If at Dacca, then Courtin must have left him
[127: MSS. Français, Nouvelles Acquisitions, No. 9361. This is unfortunately only a copy, and the dates are
somewhat confused. Where possible I have corrected them.]
[128: Calcapur, the site of the Dutch Factory. See note, p. 64.]
[129: From a map by Rennell of the neighbourhood of Dacca it appears that the French Factory was on the
River Bourigunga. There are still several plots of ground in Dacca town belonging to the French. One of them,
popularly known as Frashdanga, is situated at the mouth of the old bed of the river which forms an island of
the southern portion of the town; but I do not think this is the site of the French Factory, as the latter appears
to have been situated to the west of the present Nawab's palace.]
[131: Orme says (bk. viii. p. 285) that Courtin started with 30 Europeans and 100 sepoys. From Law's
"Memoir" we see that M. de Carryon took 20 men to Cossimbazar before Law himself left. This accounts for
the smallness of Courtin's force.]
[132: Jafar Ali Khan married the sister of Aliverdi Khan, Siraj-ud-daula's grandfather.]
[134: Courtin means the lower ranges of the Himalayas, inhabited by the Nepaulese, Bhutiyas, etc. His
wanderings therefore were in the districts of Rungpore and Dinajpur.]
[135: Sinfray, Secretary to the Council at Chandernagore, was one of the fugitives who, as mentioned above,
joined Law at Cossimbazar.]
[136: Assaduzama Muhammad was nephew to Kamgar Khan, the general of Shah Alam. Holwell. Memorial
to the Select Committee, 1760.]
[138: Orme says the Fort was on the River Teesta, but Rennell marks it more correctly a little away from the
river and about fifteen miles south of Jalpaiguri.]
[139: These guns Courtin calls "pièces à la minute." The proper name should be "canon à la suédoise" or
"canon à la minute." They were invented by the Swedes, who used 3-pounders with improved methods for
loading and firing, so as to be able to fire as many as ten shots in a minute. The French adopted a 4-pounder
gun of this kind in 1743. The above information was given me by Lieut.-Colonel Ottley Perry, on the
authority of Colonel Colin, an artillery officer on the French Headquarters Staff.]
[140: This squadron, under the command of Mons. Bouvet, actually did arrive.]
[141: This rebellion was really conducted by Ukil Singh, the Hindoo Diwan of Hazir Ali.]
[142: Mir Jafar, Jafar Ali, Mir Jafar Ali Khan, are all variations of the name of the Nawab whom the English
placed on the throne after the death of Siraj-ud-daula.]
[143: Law says that the French soldiers who wandered the country in this way were accustomed to disguise
themselves as natives and even as Brahmins, when they wished to avoid notice.]
[148: A thick quilt used as a covering when in bed, or sometimes like a blanket to wrap oneself in.]
[152: A boatman.]
[156: This expression is characteristically Indian, and is used when any one, finding himself oppressed,
appeals to some great personage for protection.]
[158: Another Indian expression. The last resource against oppression or injustice in India is to commit
suicide by starvation or some violent means, and to lay the blame on the oppressor. This is supposed to bring
the curse of murder upon him.]
[159: This means simply that the Raja was not an independent ruler. The sovereign owning all land, land
revenue and rent meant the same thing.]
[160: This seems to want explanation. Probably Courtin had got into some sort of house used for religious
ceremonies, such as are often found in or close to the market-places of great landowners.]
[163: "Courtin and his party arrived here the 10th. They are 6 soldiers, Dutch, German and Swede, such as
took service with the French when our Factory at Dacca fell into the hands of Surajeh Dowleit, 4 gentlemen,
some Chitagon (sic) fellows and about 20 peons. Courtin, on his way hither, has, by mischance, received a
ball through his shoulder. They demanded honneurs de la guerre, which Drake has not understood" (Scrafton
to Clive, March 12, 1758).]
[164: According to Orme, Courtin's force was reduct from 30 to 11 Europeans, and from 100 to 30 sepoys.]
[165: The manuscript I translate from contains only the postscript of the 10th of August.]
[166: A translation. Clive generally wrote to French officers in their own language.]
[167: Such honours were not uncommonly granted. Law was made a Colonel, so was another French partisan
named Madec. On the other hand, when a French gentleman had the choice, he often put his elder son in the
Company's service and the younger in the army. Law's younger brother was in the army. Renault's elder son
was in the Company and the younger in the army.]
[169: I do not know whether this "Memorial" still exists, but see "Memoirs of Count Lally," p. 53.]
Abdulla Khan
Admiralty, the English
Afghan General, the
See Abdulla Khan
Ahmed Khan Koreishi
Alamgir II., Emperor, assassinated November 29, 1759
Ali Gauhar
See Shah Alam
Aliverdi Khan
his opinion of Europeans
sister of
Amina Begum, mother of Siraj-ud-daula
Anquetil du Perron, M.
"Arabian Nights"
Archives, French
Armenian officers
Bahadur Singh
See Bihar
Bankers, influence of Indian
Banowra River
Barber, a native
Battle of the 5th of February
Becher, Mr. Richard
Beinges, M.
Nawabs of
revolution in
rivers of
Bengali merchant
Bettiah, Raja of
Bibi Lass
See Mrs. Law
Bibliothèque Nationale
Biderra, battle of
Bihar, Hindu Rajas of
map of south
province of
town of
Raja of See Assaduzama Muhammad
Bisdom, Adrian, Director of the Dutch in Bengal
Black Hole, the
Bloomer, Lieut.
Boissemont, M.
Bourigunga River
Bouvet, M.
Caillot, or Caillaud
English Council at
Calvé, M.
Cannon balls of clay
Cantanagar, battle of
Capitulation of Chandernagore, dispute as to terms of
Capucins, church of
Carnac, Major John
Carryon, M. le Comte de
Carvalho, Jeanne. See Mrs. Law
Cause of Siraj-ud-daula's attack on the English
Chambon, M
booty taken at
cemetery at
council at
deserters from
garrison of
possibility of its capture by English land forces alone
terms of capitulation of
Chevalier, M.
Christian clerks
Council at;
Government College at;
Nawab of;
Palace of present Nawab
D'Aillot, powders
D'Albert, M. le Chevalier
Dana Shah
Dangereux, M.
Davis, Mr.
Debellême, M. le Capitaine
De Carryon, M. le Comte
De Kalli, M.
Delabar, M.
De la Bretesche, M.
Delamotte, Mr. John
De la Vigne Buisson;
M. le Capitaine;
De Leyrit, M.
De Montorcin, M.
Desbrosses, M.
Deserters, English;
Desjoux, M.
De Terraneau, Ann.;
Lieut. Charles Cossard;
Haillet, M.,
Hardwicke, Lord,
Hazir Ali Khan,
Hey, Lieut.,
Hindu advisers of the Nawab,
Hindu Rajas,
women, ill-treatment of—by Siraj-ud-daula,
Hindus, the,
Holwell, John Zephaniah, Governor,
Honours of war,
Hugli, Faujdar of, See Nand Kumar
Kamgar Khan
Kasim Ali Khan, Nawab of Bengal
See Mir Kasim
Kasim Ali Khan, Faujdar of Rungpore
Kent, H.M.S.
Kerdizien, M.
Khodadad Khan Latty
Kilpatrick, Major James
See Mogul
Kingfisher, H.M.S.
Kissendas, son of Raj Balav
Knox, Captain Ranfurlie
Kooti Ghat
Koran, the
La Haye, M.
Lal Dighi
Lally, Count
Memoirs of
Laporterie, M.
La Rue, M.
Latham, Captain
Launay, M.
La Ville Martère, M.
Law, Jacques François
Jean, of Lauriston
Madame Jeanne
John, of Lauriston, the Financier
Law's Memoir
Le Conte Dompierre
Lee, Corporal
Le Noir, M.
Le Page, M., Second Surgeon
See Jugdea
Lynn, Captain
Nand Kumar, Faujdar of Hugli
Native indifference to the quarrels of the Europeans
Naval officer, an English
Nawab, the
See Siraj-ud-daula
Hindu advisers and servants of
Nawajis Muhammad Khan, uncle of Siraj-ud-daula
Nawajis Muhammad Khan's widow
Nazir Dalal, the
Neutrality in the Ganges
News from Bengal
Nicolas, M.F.
Nover, Sergeant
Onofre, Reverend Father
Orme Papers or MSS.
Orme, Robert, historian
Nawab of. See Suja-ud-daula
Sahibgunj, Raja of
Saint Contest, the
St. Didier, M.
St. Louis, Order of
Parish Church of
Salabat Jang
Salisbury, H.M.S.
Sarfaraz Khan, Nawab of Bengal, defeated and killed in battle
by Aliverdi Khan in 1742
Saukat Jang, Nawab of Purneah and cousin of Siraj-ud-daula
Scrafton, Mr. Luke, Author of "Reflections on the Government
of Indostan" (London, 1770)
Scrafton's "Reflections"
Select Committee at Calcutta
at Madras
Sepoys, 10. See Telingas
Law's opinion of
Serampore, Danish Settlement
Seth Mahtab Rai, grandson of Jagat Seth
Seth Sarup Chand, grandson of Jagat Seth
Seths, agent of
See Ranjit Rai
Seths: the family of Jagat Seth
Shah, Alam
See Ali Gauhar
Shahzada or Crown Prince
See Shah Alam
Sheikh Faiz Ulla
Sinfray, M.
See Nawab
cause of his attack on the English
his aunt, widow of Nawajia Khan
his mother
See Amina Begum
his younger brother
See Fazl-kuli-khan
Slippers, a pair of
Soupy, fort of
Speke, Captain
Spies employed by the English,
by the Nawab
Suan, battle of
Suja-ud-daula, Nawabof Oudh
Summer, Mr. William Brightwell
Surgeons, French
Tangepur, or Tanjipur,
Tanks used for military purposes
Teesta River
Telingas or Tellingees
king of,
Toby, Captain—of the Kingfisher
Tooke, Mr. William
Treaty between the English and Mir Jafar
between the English and Siraj-ud-daula
between the French and Siraj-ud-daula
Turkish Crescent, the
Tyger, H.M.S.
Ukil Singh
Walcot, Clive Correspondence at
Waller, Mr. Samuel
War, Declaration of, between England and France
Water Gate, the
Watson, Admiral Charles
Watts, Mrs. Amelia
the Worshipful Mr. William
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