This document summarizes research on the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions containing excess salt. The researchers developed an analytical solution to describe the electrostatic potential, Donnan distribution of salt, and Donnan osmotic pressure. Their solution involved dividing the potential into inner and outer regions, with the inner region near the polyion using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for salt-free solutions and the outer region using a Debye approximation. Their predicted values compared favorably to a wide range of experimental measurements of osmotic pressures, activity coefficients, and potentiometric titration results.
This document summarizes research on the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions containing excess salt. The researchers developed an analytical solution to describe the electrostatic potential, Donnan distribution of salt, and Donnan osmotic pressure. Their solution involved dividing the potential into inner and outer regions, with the inner region near the polyion using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for salt-free solutions and the outer region using a Debye approximation. Their predicted values compared favorably to a wide range of experimental measurements of osmotic pressures, activity coefficients, and potentiometric titration results.
This document summarizes research on the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions containing excess salt. The researchers developed an analytical solution to describe the electrostatic potential, Donnan distribution of salt, and Donnan osmotic pressure. Their solution involved dividing the potential into inner and outer regions, with the inner region near the polyion using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for salt-free solutions and the outer region using a Debye approximation. Their predicted values compared favorably to a wide range of experimental measurements of osmotic pressures, activity coefficients, and potentiometric titration results.
This document summarizes research on the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions containing excess salt. The researchers developed an analytical solution to describe the electrostatic potential, Donnan distribution of salt, and Donnan osmotic pressure. Their solution involved dividing the potential into inner and outer regions, with the inner region near the polyion using the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for salt-free solutions and the outer region using a Debye approximation. Their predicted values compared favorably to a wide range of experimental measurements of osmotic pressures, activity coefficients, and potentiometric titration results.
Colligative Properties of Polyelectrolyte Solutions in Excess of Salt 2. ALEXANDROWICZ and A. KATCHALSKY, Weixmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel Synopsis This work treats the equilibrium properties of polyelectrolyte solutions Containing an excess of low molecular salt. I n this case the simple rule of additivity, dealt with previously, fails to describe the experimental results. A detailed treatment, based on an approximate solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation, waa therefore undertaken. The calculation is based on a subdivision of the electrostatic potential into two parts corresponding to two regions: ( 1 ) an inner region in the close neighborhood of the polyion, free of coions and described by the Poisson-Boltzmann equation in the salt-free case, and (2) an outer region screened off from the central macroion and ads- quately treated by a Debyean approximation. An analytical solution for the electro- static potential was obtained and used for the theoretical description of potentiometric behavior, Donnan distribution of salt, and Donnan osmotic pressure. The predicted values compare favorably with the measured results in a wide range of experimental conditions. I. Introduction The remarkable fact that osmotic properties of polyelectrolyte solutions obey a simple rule of additivity was dealt with theoretically in several previous communications. l--3 This rule permits the calculation with fair accuracy of the activity of the polyelectrolyte, of the added salt, and of the solvent in a mixed system of any composition. It was found, however, that the requirement of additivity is not exact enough for the description of polyelectrolyte solutions for which very precise measurements are available. A case in point is the question of activities in polyelectrolyte solutions containing salt in a large excess. Hence, despite the usefulness of the simpler rules in describing the colligative properties of the solutions in a general way, a more detailed analysis becomes necessary if a better approxi- mation is required. The fundamental treatment of polyelectrolyte solutions is based on the evaluation of the electrostatic potential and the distribution of the small ions around the charged polymeric molecules. Since no exact solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equations is available for polyelectrolyte-salt mixtures, we shall proceed here along the lines proposed by one of us2 earlier The method is based on the division of the electrostatic potential into two parts: the potential #'"""' in the solution region rlose to the poiy- 3231 3232 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCEIALSKY ions where the central electrostatic field is relatively strong, and the poten- tial $Outer in a region relatively far removed from the charged macromole- cules. The coions are strongly repelled from the proximity of the poly- ion, and it is therefore assumed that the inner region contains counterions only. The value of the potential in solutions of rigid macromolecules surrounded by counterions was obtained in a rigorous manner by Lifson and Kat~hal sky,~ and this solution, with suitably chosen boundary con- ditions, is used here for the evaluation of t,binner. On the other hand, the influence of the largely screened polyion on the behavior in the outer region is relatively small, so that ~t,b/kT <<1 and the Debyean approximation ee+lkT = 1 + Et,b/kT can be used. This approximation leads to an ana- lytical expression for $Outer. The two solutions for the potential, t,binner and $Outer are then allowed to meet at a suitably chosen junction point b, and the integration constants which determine the run of the potential are thereby fixed. The results obtained by this procedure lead to a set of theoretical values for the colligative properties of polyelectrolyte solutions containing mono- monovalent salt. The calculations predict an additivity of osmotic pres- sures and of activity coeficients as a good approximation in a wide range of salt and polymer concentrations. The calculations also show that when very precise experimental results are considered the additivity rules are no longer sufficient, and more involved calculations are required. Al- though the potentials t,binner and $Outer can be expressed in an analytical form, the evaluation of the parameters requires the use of repetitive numer- ical approximations. These numerical computations become particularly unwieldy when the ratio of salt to polymer concentration becomes large. It is shown below, however, that in the latter case, called here the case of excess salt, a completely analytical solution can be obtained. Our aim here is to present this analytical soJ ution and to compare it with results obtained by several independent methods. At first the electrostatic potential calculated for the surfarc of the poly- ion is compared with the results of potentiometric titration. The formulae obtained have a wider validity and may be used for the evaluation of po- tentiometric titration in salt-frce as well as in mixed salt-polyelectrolytc solutions of any composition. The distribution of small ions in the potential field of the polyions is next considered. The result is used for the evaluation of the Donnan distribution and of the osmotic pressure established between the poly- electrolyte solution and an external salt solution and compared with ex- perimental results. 11. Preliminary Discussion of the System 1. I n this section we shall introduce briefly the characteristic parameters of the system and discuss some of their properties. The solution under cwnsidcration contains n,, polymer molcculcs and n, mono-monovalent salt PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3233 molecules per milliliter or, alternatively, it contains mp moles polymer per milliliter and m, moles salt per milliter. It is assumed that the polymeric salt and low molecular salt have one ion in common known as the counter- ion. Let us assume that the polyion carries Y negative charges and is accompanied by v positive monovalent counterions. The concentration of the counterions is m+ = vm, + m,, while that of the coions is simply m- = m,. The degree of polymerization of the polymer is called 2, and if each monomeric unit carries an ionizable group, the degree of ionization is LY = v / Z. It is often convenient to use the monomolar concentration of the polymer m, = Zm,. The macromolecules in the present model are endowed with a cylindrical symmetry, the effective total length of each molecular cylinder being h and its radius a. We shall return later to the problem of the real symmetry properties of the macromolecules and their relation to the parameters of the cylindrical model which is used here for the sake of mathematical simplicity. Following the model adopted in previous ~tudi es,~ we shall regard the solution as an array of parallel rodlike cylinders at an average distance 2R between the molecular axes. The influence of deviations from this equi- distant arrangement is discussed below in Section VI . Each macromolecule serves as the center of an average subvolume V given by the expression V = l/n, = nR2h (1) Since the self-volume of each macromolecule is m2h, the volume fraction of the polyelectrolyte in solution is na2h/rR2h = a2/R2 = V, ( 2) Strictly speaking, a is the radius of closest approach of the counterion to the center of the polyion, and a2/ R2 is consequently larger than V, by a suitable correction factor. 2. A cylindrically symmetrical electrostatic potential 1/. is established around the macromolewles. 1:or symmetry reasons it is clear that the absolute magnitude of rl. will be maximal on the polymolecule and will pass through a minimum on the boundary surface between neighboring sub- volumes. I n other words, (v1/.)~ = 0, or no electrical forces act on the ions in the surface region. For this reason the solution in the region be- tween two neighboring subvolumes may be regarded as ideal, at least as regards the interaction of the small ions with the charged macromolecules. If the concentration of the positive counterions in the boundary surface be denoted by m+R and the conwntration of the negative coions is denoted 1)y WL L ~, it is rcadily sem that the consideration of the behavior at thc siu4ac.c leads to the. followiltg important (l(1uations. For thc IIoiinaii (vluilibrium of tlic polyclwtrolytc solutiol~I\ it11 ail clxtcm~al salt solution of cvric*c&ration m', (which is assumcd to bc (vliial to its activity) we obtaiit 3234 Z. ALEXANDKOWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY and for the equilibrium osmotic pressure x of the polyelectrolytesalt mixture with the external solution T 4- 2m',RT = (m+R + mPR m,)RT (4) Equation (3) may be obtained in the following way: since the small ions are subjected to the action of the central field of a polyion, their concen- tration can be represented by Boltzmann's distribution law or - - m+(6 = m+oe --e+(r)/kT and -+ - ( 5 ) m- ( r ) = mPoee+(r)/kT where m+Oand mO are the concentrations at an arbitrary reference point. From eq. (5) it follows that the product m+(r)m-(r) = m+Rm-R is inde- pendent of the position vector r . The local chemical potential of the low molecular salt at point r is - +- + -+ -+ - +- ps = pso + kT In m+'mPr = p 2 + k7' 111rn+'m-" (6) -t and is also independent of r . The potential ps may therefore be identified with the macroscopic thermodynamic potential of the salt. At Donnan equilibrium it should be equal to the potential of the salt in the external solution which is pLIS = ps" + 122' 111m',? (7) ai d by equatiiig ecls. (ti) ai d ('7) we obtain eq. ( : 3 ) . Equation (4) results directly from the assumption that the field of the macromolecule at the surface of the subvolume equals zero, so that the colligative contributions of the ions on both sides of the semipermeable membrane differ only in the hydrostatic pressure T. The possible effect of higher order virial coefficients due to non electrostatic phenomena is neglected here for the sake of simplicity. Equation (4) was derived for a planar model by Langmuir5 and by Verwey and Overbeek6 and generalized to any system of charged colloidal part.icles by Marcus.' Since many solution properties may be represented in terms of the con- centration at the surface of the subvolumes, it is convenient to identify the latter with the arbitrary reference concentrations m+O and mPo which appear in eqs. (5) ; or, fixing the arbitrary reference point at these surfaces we write #'R = 0 mf R = m+o (8) m-" = m - 0 PROPEHTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLU'TLONS 3235 and in the following the convention of eqs. (8) will be used throughout. The reference concentrations are related to the overall macroscopic con- centrations by the following self explanatory normalization conditions : [Total mole number of counterions in V ] = (vm, + m,)V = m+o ,fV e-'+'kTdV (9) [Total mole number of coions in V ] = m,V = mO .fv ef*IkTdV (10) 3. Without going into a detailed calculation of m+R and m-R, which will be carried out in the following paragraphs, we can make some general remarks on their magnitude and their relation to the external salt con- centration m',. Let us consider the potential difference E (see the sche- matic Fig. 1) which will exist between the subvolume surface layer and the external salt solution. Putting -eE/kT = q, and making use of Boltz- mann distribution, we write m+' = m',eq = mt s( l + q + q2/2 + . . . ) m-' = m',e-q = m',(l - q + q2/ 2 -. . . ) ( 1 1 ) ( 12) Throughout the polymer solution the concentration of the counterions exceeds that of the coions; the difference decreases towards the surface of the subvolume but retains its positive value everywhere.* For a negative polyelectrolyte considered here q is therefore positive and m+' > m', > m-R. Equations ( 1 1 ) and ( 12) evidently satisfy the Donnan equilibrium of eq. ( 3) . Subtracting eq. ( 12) from eq. ( 1 1 ) gives the quantity m+R - mPR, which will be shown below to aharacteriee the form of the potential +Outer m+R - mPR = 2m',q + m',q3/3 +. . . ( I 3) while introduction of eqs. ( 1 1 ) and ( 12) into eq. (4) leads to an expression which correlates q with the Donnan osmotic pressure: At the surface of a positively charged macroion, V$ is negative (Gausa theorem). The bulk of the polyelectrolyte solution outside the polyions contains, on the average, an excess of negative ions. The latter are attracted preferentially from the bulk of the solution to the vicinity of the polyion, so that an excess negative charge accumulates at the surface of the polyion and Vz$ is positive (Poisson's equation). Under these boundary conditions the potential and the absolute value of the negative V$ must decrease monotonically from a to R in the manner depicted in Figure 1, since any intermediate extremum would divide the potential curve into two asymmetric parts. Such an asymmetric curve however would allow for isopotential points, which must have equal charge density (Boltzmann), to have differently valued Vz$-in contradiction to Poisson's equation. If the potential and IV$\ decrease toward a minimum mono- tonically, Vz$ is positive everywhere and, by Poisson's equation again, the number of the (negative) counterions is everywhere larger than the number of the coions. * This may be proved as follows. On the other hand, for symmetry reasons, V$ at R is zero. 3236 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KA1'CHALSKY T/ RT = mp + rn, ' + m-R - 2m', = mp + mtSg2 + m',q4/i2 +. . . (14) -4s is well known, when the ratio of polymer to salt concentration decreases, the difference between m+R and m-' grows smaller, and the Donnan os- motic pressure becomes equal to the osmotic pressure of undissociated polymer molecules (m,,). This result is also obtained from the detailed calculation of the preceding communication.2 I n the present work we shall therefore limit ourselves to cases when q is small enough so that terms Semi p er meab l e Memb r an e Fig. 1. A schematic representation of the potential $ inside the polymer solution and of the potential difference E between the surface layers of the subvolumes on one hand, and an external salt solution on the other. of power higher than q2 may be neglected. It should be stressed, however, that the difference between the concentrations m+R and rn-' becomes zero only when the polymer concentration itself equals zero; under all other conditions q #0, and there is a nonvanishing contribution of the counter- ions to the Donnan osmotic pressure. This point is often overlooked in treatments which solve the Poisson-Boltzmann equation for polyelectro- lytes with the tacit assumption that m+R = mFR = m', and use the results to discuss the properties of solutions in which the ratio of polymer to salt is by no means small enough to justify this approximation. For example, the validity of the aforment,ioned rule of additivity cannot be proved on this basis.3 Furthermore, since q tiirris out to depend mainly on the ratio of polymer tlo salt concentration, the approximation should be judged in terms of tht. relative composition of the solution ai d iiot---as is again often doiie-in terms of the absolute value of the ioiiic strength. A.2nticipatirig the results obtained below it may be stated that y for thc typicd poly- cleetrolyte systems considered is found to be of the ordcr of 0.1 rn,,/m's; PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3237 the range of validity of the present approximation for any given system may be estimated accordingly. 111. The Electrostatic Potential 1. The electrostatic potential established by a polyelectrolyte in solution can be obtained by solving the Poisson equation Vz+ = --4ap/D (15) = m + O @ - w - m-O&lkT (16) where the local charge density p is given by the Boltzmann expression No general solution of eq. (15) has been found for macromolecules of any symmetry in the mixed salt-polyelectrolyte system. Hence in the follow- ing the approximate method2 outlined in the introduction will be pursued, and an attempt will be made to combine in a plausible way two solutions for the potential: one solution for the potential in the (inner region extending from the surface of the macromolecules at a to the meeting place b and the second for the potential in the ((outer region which extends from b to the surface of the subvolume at R. I n the inner region qb is on the whole larger that kT and it may be safely assumed that the coions are so effectively repelled that the region a < r < b is practically free of their presence. Thus the potential in the inner region may be given by the solution for a polyelectrolyte surrounded by counterions only: (6inner = In [ 2 n ~ ~ m+~ ~ ~ / Dk T / 3 2 sinh2 (p In Ar)] (17) where the notation 4 = qb/kT is used. The form of eq. (17) is identical with that given previously for salt-free solution^.^^^^^ It should be, how- ever, borne in mind that the integration constants ,6 and A of eq. (17) differ from those of the salt-free case. They have to be evaluated from new boundary conditions based on the requirement that at point b the potential function of the inner region has to merge satisfactorily with that of the outer region. Furthermore, in salt-free solutions the total number v of the counterions in subvolume is known, whereas in the present case the (v + m.V) counterions are divided between the two regions of the subvolume in a way which has yet to be determined. The outer region b 6 r 6 R is characterized by a low potential so that qb <<kT. I n this region we may use the Debye-Hiickel approximation and solve eqs. (15)-(16) f or the case of cylindrical symmetry2 to obtain 3238 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY where lo and KO are modified Ressel functions of zero'th order, A and B are integration constants, while K is defined by K~ = (4ne2/I>kT)(m+' + m.R) = (8ne2/DkT)m',(1 + (/2/2) (19) 2. The two boundary cwndi ths for 4')'lte', on the surface of the sub- volume, art' 4R0"t'r = f l f i i ( K/ ? ) + HKo(KI?) + /I = 0 (20) and (Vbonter )n = K[ AI I ( KR) - RKI ( KR) ] = 0 or A = BKI ( KR) / I ~( KR) (21) Combination of eqs. (20) and (21) with the use of a transformation of the Ressel functions10 gives 9 = - B/ KRI ~( KB) (22) The boundary condition for the inner potential at the surface of the polyion follows from Gauss' theorem (d$'"""'/dr). = - 4nu/ D (23) The value of u is evidently u = - ve/2nah, while d$/ dr is readily derived from eq. (17). Hence we get from eq. (23) 1 + f i cotgh (/3 In A'a) = ve2/DhkT = X (24) The dimensionless parameter X appearing in eq. (24) has been called4 the charge density and was found to be a fundamental parameter for the de- scription of the electrostatic properties of the polyion. I n eq. (24)' v is known, and the dielectric constant D is assumed to be equal to that of the solvent. The effective cylindrical length h of the polyion will be discussed in more detail below. I n choosing the arbitrary junction between the outer and the inner re- gions, we shall try to minimize the error introduced by our approximate expressions for the local charge density in the two regions [c.f. eq. (IS)]. charge density is equal to [True density] - [approximate density] = [m+Re-9 - m-Re+] - [m+Rr-m] I n the inner region we neglect the coion concentration so that the error in the local 'v m'R(l - p)e+ I n the outer region we linearize the exponentials or neglect a term equal to [True density] - [approximate density] =[m+Re-#' - m-Re*] - [m+R - m- R) - ( m+R + m-R)+] s+2(+/3 - p) - - -m' Since both errors are found to increase towards b, the junction point is preferably placed in such a way that the absolute values of the errors on both sides of b become equal. The exact choice of the junction point does not affect the result materially. PROPERTI ES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3239 The equation which guides our choice of +( h) has therefore the following form (1 - q ) P ) N @( b) [ - + ( b ) / 3 + '7 I (25) Equation ( 25) det,erniines t,he value of +( h) as function of (I only (for example when q =0, +( b) 'v -1). The error t8hus introduced in the calculated value of the charge density seems to be not unduly large, and, even in the "worst" cme, when the polymer to salt (and hence q ) is equal to zero, the error still does not exceed 16%. Indeed, in the latter case the vdue of +has also been calculated by a numerical i ntergrati ~n,~ and the result is practically identical to our approximate analytical solution, as shown in Figure 2. Having decided on the principle for the choice of the junction point, we shall consider the restrictions which this boundary will set upon the inner and outer potentials. First we require that +outer ( b) = +inner ( b) = + ( [ I ) (26) Secondly we require that the division into two regions will leave the po- tential normalized correctly in the sense of eqs. (9) and (10); or, sub- tracting eq. (10) from eq. (9), and recalling eq. (16), we obtain Y = Jv rnf e - + dV - Jv mf eb d~ = ( ~ / t ) J v p d~ (27) Equation (27) states that the number of charges per macroion is equal to the total net charge in the subvolume. Utilizing a well known sub- stitution" based on eq. (15) we may write v = (--D/47rt) Jv V2+dV = (- DlcTh/2t2) JOR [d/dr](rd+!dr)Idr = (va/2X) (df$inner/dr)a - (vb/2X) [ (d+i""er/dr)b - (d+""te'/dr),] (28) - (VR/2X) (dd""ter/dr)n From eqs. (23) and (24) we obtain (d+inner/dr)a = 2X/a while by eq. (20) (d+""te'/dr)R = 0 hence, eq. (27) reduces to the simple continuity condition (d+inner/dr)6 = (d+"uter/dl.)b (29) The first continuity condition, eq. (as), written for the outer potential with eqs. (18), ( 21) , and (22), gives for the boundary at b: +(b) = BKo(Kb) + -AIo(Kb) + '1 (30) = B[Ko(Kb) f Io(K~)K~(~R)/II(KR) - l/KRIi(KR)] Equation (26) may be written also for the inner potential, by using eqs. (17), (l l ), and (19): e9( b) = 2?r t 2 m..'(l + q + q2/ 2) b2 sinh2 (@ In A'b)/DkTp2 = ( ~ b / 2 ) ~ ( 1 + q ) / [ P2 coth2 (P In A%) - b2] 324,O Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCEIALSKY or P2 Coth2 (f l In A'b) = (~b/2)~(1 + q) e- +@) + f l 2 (31) while the second continuity condition, eq. (29), may be used with the ex- plicit expressions for V+inner and for V40uter to give @ coth (P hl A'b) = - 1 - ( ( Kb/ 2H) [Ki(Kb) - Il(Kb)Kl(KR)/ll(KR)]) (32) Combining eqs. (31) and (32) we get the final expression for p: ~2 = f 1 + ( K ~ / ~ ) B [ K I ( K ~ ) - I~(K~)K~(KR)/I~(KR) 11 2 - ( ~b/ 2) ~( 1 + q)e-+@' (33) I n this expression /3 is a function of Kb and KR only, since the parameters q, B, and 4(b) are also determined by Kband KR through eqs. (22), (25), and (30). The last step to be taken is to combine eqs. (24) and (32), for coth @ In A'a) and coth ( p In A ' b) respectively, to give an expression which de- termines the charge parameter in terms of the parameters KD, KR, and KU: = {1 + (Kb/2)B[Kl(Kb).- I~(K~)KI(KR)/I~(KR)] - P2 - (Kb/2)R X [Kl(~b) - ~ ( K ~ ) K I ( K R ) / I ~ ( K R ) IP coth (P In b/ a) ] / [ 1 + (Kb/2)B[Ki(Kb) - Ii(Kb)Ki(KR)/Ii(KR)] $. p coth (P In b / U ) ] (34) 3. We would like to conclude this section by outlining the mode of calculation with the aid of the equations presented above. A given polyelectrolyte solution is characterized by the concentrations m'. and m, and by the radius a and charge per unit length v / h of the macroion. It would be therefore advantageous to base the calculation of the potential on a corresponding set of parameters namely on K = ~(m' . l / ~), R = R(mp-1/2); Q and X = X(v/h). This approach, however, is barred by the transcendental nature of some of the equations and the following indirect procedure has been adopted instead. We start with a given set of values of KR, KCL, and K b and proceed to solve eqs. ( 30) and ( 22) to obtain B/+(b) and q/+(b). A calibration curve of +(b) versus q/ +( b) , which is simply obtained from eq. (25), guides our choice of the appropriate value of the potential at the junction point. With +( b) thus chosen, B and q become separately available, and eqs. (33) and ( 34) are solved for p2 and X, respectively. It is found that in all cases of excess of salt which fulfill our criterion of small q values (interpreted here as p 5 l/2), the results of the calculation are practically independent of KR. The range of relative concentrations to which this finding applies may be expressed in terms of KR = ~ R ( m ~ ' / ~ / m ~ ' / ~ ) and for typical polyelectrolytes is found to correspond to KR values larger than about 2-3. A considerable simplification becomes thus avail- able, since the parameters B, @, and X may be calculated for all systems which contain an excess of salt (of arbitrary KR value exceeding 2-3) on the basis of the equations which describe the limiting case KR = m. As follows from eqs. ( 25) and ( 22) , in the latter case @( b) = - 1 and q = 0, while eqs. ( 30) , ( 33) , and ( 34) reduce to - 1 = BKo( Kb) (300 B2 = [I + (Kb/2)BK1(Kb)la - e(Kb/2) ( 33' ) PROPERTI ES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3241 I I - A = 3 , a = 6 i - m! =0001 Sol ! Fr et Erccrr of Sol ! Sal t FICC Excess of sol ! - - 1 I , # I 1 - 5 10 15 20 25 Having evaluated the parameters B, p2, and A for given KU and ~ t ) , we may proceed and replot the results in order to provide a description which is related in a more natural way to the known parameters of the polyelectrolyte solution, vis., give B, p2, and Kb as a function of ~a and X. Since the additional parameters, namely A, q, and A are readily obtained from eqs. (21), ( 22) , and (24), the set B, p2, and Kb is sufficient for the evaluation of the potentials +Inner and +Outer and for finding the junction point b. A typical example of the potential thus calculated is given in Figure 2. I n Figures 3, 4, and 5 we have plotted R, 8 2 , and ~ b , respectively, for the values of X encountered in practice and for ~a values which in typical polyelectrolytes correspond to salt concentrations of 10-5 - 1N. IV. Potentiometric Titration 1. The results of the potentiometric titration are related in a direct way to the potential of the polyelectrolyte. As is well known, the pH of a weak polyacid with negligible nearest-neighbor interactions is given by the equation pH = pKo + log [a/(l - a)] - 0.434~A$/kT (35) pKo is the intrinsic dissociation constant and A$ is the difference in potential between the surface of the polyion (where the dissociating group is situated) and a point at which the polyelectrolyte field becomes zero. The term -0.434eA$/kT is also denoted by ApK, which implies that it is the con- tribution of the polyelectrolyte field to the standard free energy of ioniza- tion of a single group, in addition to the free energy of ionization in sur- roundings in which no such field is acting (pK,). According to our con- 3242 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY I : I ( t B E 4 ~ a = 0 . 6 3 K O =0.2 K a ~ 0 . 0 6 3 0 3 0 x Fig. 3. The dependence of B (the parameter of on the charge density A at given ~a and for KR = K (c.f. eq. (19)) in excess of salt is identical with Debye's K , a is the radius of the macroion, and R the radius of the solution volume per macroion. The values of B at K a = 2 have been reduced by half. (infinite excess of salt). vention, the polyelectrolyte field density and potential are both zero at the same point R, so that ApK = -0.434eA#/lcT = -0.434e#.,'"ner/kT (36) where #ainner is described by eq. (17), while its value at a is determined by the boundary condition in eq. (24). Thus ApK = -log ( 2ae2~+nn2/ Dk?' ) + log [ (A - 1)' - P2 ] = - 2 log (Ka/2) + log [ (A - - P21 (:37) which may be written in yet another form ApK = log [(v/aa2h)/m+"] + log {[(A - 1) 2 - P21/2A} (38) I n dilute solutions and at high charge densities the second term on the right-hand side is generally much smaller than the first, so that to a rough approximation ApK = log [ ( v / ~ a %) / m+ ~ ] (39) PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3247 5 4 3 -P 2 I 0 - 1 I I I I I 0 2 4 6 8 x Fig. 4. The dependence of (-) p2 (the parameter of +inner) on the charge density A at given ~a and for KR = (infinite excess of salt); (- -) values of p2 in salt-free soh- tiom of corresponding ionic activities ( m?) [c.f. eq. (41)] and below. The parameter y of Lifson and Katchalsky is y = In R/u. This expression has a rather interesting physical interpretation: v / m2 h is evidently the concentration of the counterion in the self volume of the polyion, while m+R, according to eqs. (3) and (4), represents the counterion activity throughout the subvolume V. If weconsider a hypothetical two- phase microsystem which consists of the polyion and of the subvolume, then the logarithmic term of eq. (39) represents the Donnan potential between the phases. 12713 This rough approximation breaks down, however, at lower values of charge density and at higher KU values and will not be further followed up here. 2. Since ApK depends only on $inner and the latter, except for different boundary conditions, is identical with the potential developed for salt-free solutions, it is to be expected that a simple formula can describe the titration behavior of salt-containing and of salt-free solutions alike. We note that the only terms in eq. (38) which depend on the composition of the solutions are m+ R, the counterion concentration in the surface of the subvolume, and the integration constant p. m+R is a complicated function of the composi- 324.4 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCITALSKY r OO r 0.5 I I .5 2 K O Fig. 5. Kb (the parameter of the meeting point between put e r and $inner) as a function of KU at given A and for KR = a (infinite excess of salt). tion of the solution, and its exact evaluation constitutes in fact one of the aims of this report. However, for the purpose of the logarithmic term of eq. (38), the aforementioned approximate rule of additivity is accurate enough. According to this rule,1v2 m+R in a mixed solution of any com- position is given by (40) m+ = acp,m, + m, where p,, the osmotic coefficient of the salt-free polyelectrolyte solution, is independent of ma and is determined by and large by the degree of poly- ion ionization. Furthermore, it is noted that (except for very high ionic strength) when the values of the constant p are calculated for a given X and m+R, the results in the case of salt-free solutions turn out to be prac- tically identical to those obtained in the present case of excess of salt (c.f. Fig. 4). We may therefore rewrite eq. (38) in a generalized form which gives ApK in polyelectrolyte solutions of any composition R APK = log [(v/m2h)/(cppamm + ma>] + log {[(A - 1) 2 - p 2 1 / 2 ~ ) (41) With the understanding that the values of the constant p, for a given charge density X and counterion activity mR, are to be taken from the present work when ap,rn, < m, and from Lifson and Katchalskys work4 when acppmm > ma. More explicitly, in salt-free solutions @ = p(X, a/ R) and a/ R is related to m + by a2/ R2 = m,Mm/lOOOp = m+RM,/acp,lOOOp PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3245 1 OO Q Fig. 6. ApK of potentiometric titration in excess of salt, as a function of the degree of neutralization a: (-) calculated for i strotohed/ a' = 3; a = 5 A.; experimental re- sults of Samelson'3 at salt concentrations m', of ( . ) (V) 10-1, and ( . ) 1 mole/l.; experimental results of Arnold and Overbeekl6 at salt concentrations of (0) lo-*, (V) 10-1, and ( 0) 1 mole/l. where M, is the monomer molecular weight and p the density of polymer; in excess of salt p = p(X, ha) and ( K U ) ~ = 0.108 m+Ruz.] The similar run of the potential at a given A and m+R, in case of excess of salt and salt-free solutions, is demonstrated in Figure 2. The outstanding feature of the potentiometric eq. (41) is, that in the presence of excess of salt, ApK decreases with log m, and does not depend on the polymer concentration. On the other hand, in solutions which contain an excess of polymer, the opposite rule becomes valid; ApK decreases with log mm and does not depend on whatever small amount of salt is added. These rules have been formulated by San~elson'~ on the basis of an extensive experimental study and can be also deduced from other result^^^-^^ I n the intermediate range, when cp,am,, and ms are of the same order of magnitude, ApK is determined by the total effective concentration of the counterions, eq. (40), resembling similar rules postulated in several previous publications. 19,20 The dependence of ApK on the charge density A, or on (what amounts to the same) the degree of ionization a, may be likewise given a simplc qualitative description: at A values higher than about 1.5 the increase of ApK with the ionizatioii becomes relatively small and is caused only by thc relatiwly slowly growing term log [ ( A - - p' ]. At low X, however, the changes grow more pronounced, and ultimately ApK becomes a linear fuiiction of the degree of' ionization, in close analogy to expressions based oii the Debyc-Huckel approxiniatioii; a typical example being the (see Figs. 6 and 7). 3246 Z. ALEXANDKOWICZ AND A. KAL'CHALSKY 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 a Fig. 7. ApK of potentiometric titration in salt-free solutions, as a function of the de- gree of neutralization a: (-) calculated for hstretohed/ a = 3, a = 5 A.; experimental results at polymer concentrations of (0) (0) and ( A) lo-' monomole/l.; as given in the literature by (1) Sanielson,13 ( 8) Gregor and Frederick,I4 ( 3 ) 0th and Doty,'5 ( 4 ) Arnold and Overbeek," (6) Kern," and (6) Katchalsky and Spitnik.'a formula used by Tanford2' to describe titratioii of proteiiis. This asynip- totic approach to the linear form may be readily deduced from the potential in excess salt, as follows. When 6 1 (or when ApK 6 0.43) the func- tion +Outer extends from R right to the surface of the polyion, since the re- quirement +Outer < 1 is fulfilled everywhere. Utilizing the boundary eqs. (23) and (32) for A+Outer we obtain = (KLZ/2)BKl(KU) (42) ApK = 0.434 4=Out er = 0.434 (KU/2)-'K,(KU)/K1(KU) (43) and which makes ApK depend on ams-'/'. At higher A, however, this linear dependence breaks down, as has been observed even in the case of the mod- erately charged protein polyions.22 I n order to compare eq. (41) to experimental results obtained for flexible polyions we have yet to decide what is the length h of the equivalent cylin- der, which determines the charge parameter A. As shown in Figure 2, the main increase in the potential occurs very close to the surface of the poly- ion; it seems therefore reasonable to assume that (& - 412) or ApK, is PHOPEK'I'IES OF POLY ELECI'HOLY1'E SOLUTlOlU s 3247 determined by and large by the contour length of the polyion h = 21, where I is the contribution of the monomer unit to the fully extended chain. This choice has been adopted in calculating the theoretical ApK's, so that for polyvinyl polymers, for example, X = 7.4 A. - l / l = 3. I n Fig. 6 we have plotted results for ApK in polymethacrylic and poly- acrylic acids measured in solutions which contained an excess of salt, for a hundredfold change of salt concentrations; the theory appears to predict reasonably well the experimental behavior. I n Figure 7 we have plotted results obtained in solutions which contained relatively little or no added salt and again the theory appears to give a reasonable description of the behavior observed for a hundredfold change in concentration. At low degrees of ionization, below Q: = 0.2, the agreement with the experimental results becomes increasingly poor, and the latter in fact do not exhibit the expected tendency to decrease linearly toward zero. This behavior may be probably attributed to the strong coiling of the polyion which makes untenable the fully extended cylindrical model. V. Donnan Equilibria in Excess of Salt 1. The results of the Doniian distribution of a low molecular salt are often characterized by the ratio r = (mIs - m,)/vm,, (44) where r is the salt excluded per unit macromolecular charge. Wheii the ratio of the polymer to salt decreases to zero, the salt exclusion effect be- comes a single-molecule phenomenon and as such is expected to reach a constant value independent of m,,. I n other words, when vmp/mrs --t 0, I' should approach a limiting value determined solely by the properties of the single polyelectrolyte molecules and by the nature and the ionic strength of the salt solution. The limiting value of r is easily calculated for the ideal case, when the activities of the ions are equal to their concentrations. I n view of our representation of activities by the surface concentration [cf. eq. (4)] in the ideal case we have m+R = vm, + m, m-R = m, (45) On the other hand, taking into account the Donnan equilibrium of eq. (3), r may be also written as r = [(m+Rm-R)1'2 - m,)]/vm, (46) Combination of eqs. (45) and (46), with the neglect of terms higher than vm,/m,, leads immediately to the well known result liniump,m+,, r = [(vm, + ms)"2m,1'2 - m,l/vm, = 1/2 (ideal CBSC) (47) 3248 2. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY An identical calculation may be carried out for systems described by the aforementioned rule of additivity according to which wR = cppvmp + m, m-R = m, which gives limump/ms-l,-, r = qp/2 (rule of additivity) (49) At higher vm,/m, or amm/m, ratios r is no longer expected to remain con- tant and is found to decrease from its limiting value to zero.2 I n the pres- ent treatment, however, we shall restrict ourselves to low m,/m, ratios, which is the case studied in the majority of the experimental reports. As has often been observed, eq. (47) is generally not satisfactory for the de- scription of the actually measured limiting values of I?. Equation (49) provides a better description, yet it is not precise enough for a quantita- tive description. Its weakness becomes more evident at high ionic strengths when r is found to increase ~t r ongl y, ~~~~ whereas cpJ2 is a constant quantity, which by definition [see eq. (-lo)] does not depend on the salt concentration. It is therefore of interest to calculate r in a more syste- matic manner on the basis of the theoretical treatment presented here. 2. The theoretical evaluation of r requires the calculation of ms only, since the external salt concentration m', and the equivalent charge density of the ionized groups vmp are specified in the experiment. On the basis of the normalization eq. (10) and in view of the discussion presented in section 111-1, we may write for m, (50) + 2x kB$F [ &( KT) + I o ( K ~ ) KI( KIZ) / II( K&) 1 r d ~ ) Using the appropriate integration formulae'O and taking note of eq. (20), and of the correlations V = mP-l and K% = 8rhXmt, (1 + q2/ 2) we obtain as a result eq. (51). m, = mIs{ I - q2/2 - (Kb)2vm,/8hmt, + (KE)vmP/4Xm',) x B[ K~( KD) - I~(K~)K~(K~)/I~(KR) I ) (51) I n deriving eq. (51) we omit b2p2/R2 which is proportional to (m,/m,)3. If the limiting case of low m,/m, ratios is considered, the terms of the argu- inent ( KR) go to zero while B becomes equal to - 1/Ko(~b) as has becn shown before. The simplified rrsult for m, inay be iiow iiitroduccd into thcdefiiii- tion eq. (44) to give the required expression for 1' lini mm,ms-to r = ( l / i X) [ K ~ K ~ ( K ~ ) / K ~ ( K ~ ) + (Kb)2/2] ($2) PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3249 At higher m,/m, ratios a more complicated but analogous expression holds, while for very high ratios, when the salt is no longer present in excess, higher order terms than q2/2 have to be included, and the present approach is no longer feasible. I n practice, however, detailed calculations show that the limiting value of eq. (52) provides a reasonable approximation up to about m,/m, 5 1. I n what follows we shall refer only to this limiting value of r. 3. Equation (52) may be given the following simple physical interpreta- tion. If the salt (or coion) concentration inside (m,) were to equal the ex- ternal concentration (ms), then the exclusion factor I would equal zero. The two factors which make for a smaller m, (and hence positive I) are the total exclusion of the coions from the inner volume (viz., the term-a b2h in eq. (50)) and the partial repulsion of coions from the outer volume (viz., the integral of +Outer over the outer volume) which are represented by the second and first terms, respectively, on the right-hand side of eq. (52). The magnitude of these effects may be also expressed in a simple way. The calculation shows that, at very low ionic strengths and for all charge densities of actual interest, Kb varies only between the limits of about 0. 64. 8. This makes the first and second term of the order of 1/4 X and of 0.3/4 A. On the other hand, we know also that the limiting value (calcu- lated from Lifson and Katchalskys work4) of pp/2 at low polymer concen- tration is 1/4 X with an increase of some 50% at higher concentrations. This leads to the qualitative similarity between eq. (49) derived from the rule of additivity and our theoretical eq. (52). At higher ionic strengths however, the calculated Kb increase strongly and so do both terms of our equation, leading to r values much higher than pp/2. Equation (52) may be also compared to another description put forward by Strauss and Ander.23 The latter have assumed that an electroneutral central core, which roughly corresponds to our inner volume rb2h, is totally excluded to the coions, while in the remaining outer volume the salt is uniformly distributed. This should lead to the effect given by our second term of eq. (52) and indeed, when Strauss and Anders eq. (7) is transcribed to the present notation, it reads r = mf, rb2h/v = (Kb)2/8A An interesting situation arises when the polyelectrolyte potential is sufficiently suppressed either by high ionic strength or by low charge density so that the linearized potential +Outer may be used up to the surface of the polyion, or when b = a. Using eq. (42) developed for this case and eq. (30) we obtain for I r = l/z + (Ta2h/v)mts ( 53) which incalls that, except for the cffect of the excluded volume of the poly- ion itself, r obeys the ideal law of cq. (47). This seems puzzling, since we have not postulated that the electrostatic potential + vanishes and required only that e may be linearized everywhere. The same result may be also 3250 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY obtained in a different way, which throws light on the meaning of this pseudo-ideal behavior. Using the alternative eq. (46) for r and combin- ing it with the linearized normalization integrals of eqs. (9) and (10) we obtain .fyoukr (I + ~ o u t e r ) ~ ~ ] z - m,) N / z + ( m2h/ v) mS This alternative derivation shows that although both m+R and m-R differ from uniform distribution as indicated by the presence of the 4 terms, the latter cancel out mutually in the final expression for r. I n other words, in the linear case the counterions are attracted towards the polyion in the same degree as the coions are repelled, so that the activity of the salt (a, = m+R- mWR) remains unaffected. This rather unexpected behavior according to which in certain cases the salt behaves ideally, or even in a sense more than ideally (I > /2) because of the presence of the excluded volume term, has been observed experimentally as shown below in Figure 9. We have assumed here that the polyion is wholly impermeable to the small ions; if it were not and a completely permeable behavior were exhibited, the maximum value of r would be /Z. (In this case b in the equations should be replaced by b - a.) The different real polyions might be well expected to exhibit various intermediate modes of behavior. 4. The theoretical evaluation of r for polyions which are not fully stretched rigid cylinders requires a further assumption regarding the value of A. This implies some information on the effective length of the macro- molecules. Since no convincing theory on the relation between viscosity and molecular dimensions exists for polyelectrolyte solutions and since the viscometric radius need not necessarily be the factor which determines the electrostatic interaction, we prefer to derive from a colligative property related to Doniian equilibria. As shown by Lifson and Kat~hal sky,~ the osmotic coefficient of salt-free polyelectrolyte solutions pP is given by and since @ = /3(m,X) therefore at a given polymer concentration (pP is determined by X or vice versa. The concept of (pP osmotically active counterions also retains its validity in the presence of salt as shown in previous reports.-3 The effective value of X derived from eq. (54) on the basis of experimental values of pP, may there- fore be regarded as an adequate charging parameter for the calculations. The semiempirical aspect of this procedure may be made more palatable by the observation that in many cases of different flexible macroions, such as the vinylic polyelectrolytes at sufficiently high degrees of ionization, Xef f eot i ve is invariably found to be about twice the magnitude calculated for the wholly stretched chain. We recall that the latter is defined by 325 1 0.1 4 0.1 2 0.1 0 - 1 OQ - 0.00 - \ U 9. - 0.06 0.04 a b 0 0 0- C 0 0 - m 3 I I 0. I 0.2 0.3 0.4 Q/ l i - l Fig. 8. cp,(a/l), (the number of osmotically active ions per unit length of macroion, as a function of the total (stoichiometric) number of such ions (a/l): (--) values calculated from Lifson and Katchalsky's4 equation for cpp in salt-free solutions at y = 3 for ( a) Xeffeotive = Xstretahed, ( b ) Xeffeetive = 1.5 Xstretohed, ( c ) Xeffeotiye = 2Xstrmthed; experi- mental results for (0) polyacrylates,2,17,s ( 0) polymethacrylate~,~~#2* ( 8) polyphos- phates, ( 0) carboxymethyl cellulose,29." and (m) alginate~.3~ 1 being the length per monomer of the fully stretched chain. On the other hand, it was found that stiffer molecules, such as the substituted cellulose derivatives, or polyelectrolyte salts of extremely bulky counterions, obey a different relationship, with heffoctive = 1.3 &etched. This general behavior is illustrated in Figure 8, in which we have collected the currently available data on (pp. Since our procedure substitutes the actual potential of flexible niacroions-which is not cylindrical-by a hypothetical cylindrical potential and corrects for the approximation by the use of Xeffective, the latter will clearly depend on the physical property considered, since different proper- ties depend in a different way on potential. The colligative properties of the small ions are determined by the volume integrals of the type J e *@ dV, and all of them are expected to give the same value of Xettective. The outstanding feature of these volume integrals is that the outer layers, in which e+/kT is very small, still play an important role in the integral since the total volume of these layers (which increases with r) is relatively large. Consequently, the effective cylinder length which determines heffective of the osmotic properties, will lie somewhere between the contour length and the actual end to end distance. I n contrast the potentiometric potential- which (as has been pointed out above) is closely related to the immediate surrounding of the polyion-is determined mainly by the contour length of the polyion and described by hstretched. I n conclusion we would like to emphasize that whatever be the choice of hetfective for a particular polyion, this value was found to describe the colliga- 3252 2. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCIIALSKY 0.8, I I I I I 0 0 02 0.4 0.6 0.8 f l Fig. 9. The dependence of the salt exclusion per polymer r on the salt concentration rn'* (in moles/l.): (-)calculated for Xefreetive = 4; 2.4 and 1.25, respectively, and with a polyion radius a of ( a) 6 A. and ( b ) 5 A.; experimental results obtained with PAA at degrees of ionization 01 of ( A) 0.8,(0) 0.3, and ( 0) 0.1. (Note that heffectioe reevaluated from experimental results are slightly different from those found previously.2) 0.6 0.4 I I I I I I 0.2 I I I I I I 0. 2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 6 Fig. 10. The dependence of the salt exclusion per polynier I' on the salt concentration m'. (in moles/l.: (-) calculated for Xeffeetlre = 6 with ionic radii a of ( a ) 5 A. and ( b ) 4 A. and for Xeffective = 3.5 with ionic radii a of ( a) 6 A. and ( b ) 5 A.; experimental results of Strauss and AnderZ3 for (0) Na polyphosphate, ( 0) Li polyphosphate, and ( 0) tetramethylammonium polyphosphate. PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3253 tive properties at all ionic strengths of the polymer and of the salt (other- wise of course the concept of Xeffectivc would become valueless). The changes in the end to end distance which presumably occur upon variation of the ionic strength, do not therefore influence markedly the effective cylinder length. This indicates that fairly long segments of the polyion retain their conformation at different ionic strengths. I n Figures 9 and 10 we have drawn theoretical values of I ' , based on Xeffeative which are calculated from eq. (54), on the basis of the experimen- tally determined (pp. The (pp values of the polyphosphates were specially measured for the purpose of this work. The results at m, = 0.02 were (pp = 0.13 for Li and Na polyphosphate and, at m, = 0.014, (pp = 0.22 for TMA polyphosphate. The values Xeffective = 6.6 and 3.5 were adopted accordingly. The theoretical r are compared in Figure 10 to the experi- mental results obtained by Strauss and Ander23 with three different poly- phosphate salts. I n Figure 9 the r are compared to results obtained by us with sodium polyacrylate at three degrees of ionization. The experi- mental technique and the results for 'pp, from which Xeffective were estimated are described elsewhere. 2* 24 Considering the fact that no freely adjustable parameter is used here, we consider that the agreement between the cal- culated and measured r values is satisfactory. VI. Donnan Osmotic Pressure 1. The hydrostatic pressure required to maintain equilibrium of a poly- electrolyte solution with an external solution through a membrane per- meable to both salt and water, is called the Donnan osmotic pressure. The Donnan osmotic pressure of an elementary volume V = l/np, comprising a single macromolecule and numerous small ions and at equilibrium with ex- ternal salt solution of concentration mf s, is obtained by combining eqs. (14) and (Z) rcal c V/ kT = 1 + vB2/8XI, 2(~R) (55) where R is the integration constant plotted in Figure 3 and KR is determined by the relative concentrations mts and mp. For polyions of given charge density and at constant external salt concentration KR is simply proportional to 1' where u = (8Xmf ,/V)1/2 Under those conditions the second term on the right-hand side of eq. (55) depends on V only and is denoted as p(V) For many purposes it may be assumed that no fluctuations occur and that the volume elements are all equal to the average value V. I n this case the 3254 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY product of the macroscopic pressure ( TO) and a unit volume u, may be ob- tained by summing over the n, elements of the volume ~o v / k T = C ~o a i c P/ kT = c [1 + p(V)] = n,~C,icV/kT fip n p since - n,V = v = 1 TO = Tcalc (58) or the macroscopic pressure in the absence of fluctuations is equal to that calculated for a single volume element. Since the Donnan osmotic pres- sure depends strongly on the absolute magnitude of V, the approximation of equally sized cells is not precise enough. We have therefore to consider explicitly the fluctuation of the volume per macromolecule V. (The fluctuations are negligible in salt-free solutions when the electrostatic re- pulsion keeps the macroions in relatively fixed position; they become im- portant, however, when the macroions are largely screened by the presence of excess salt.2s) Let us denote the fluctuating volume of the ith element by Vi, with the condition C V, = 1. The activity of the relatively numerous salt ions is assumed to be constant and equal for all the fluctuating volumes, so that the osmotic pressure in the element ( TJ is related to Vi by the theo- retical eq. (55), or n p ~i Vi / kT = 1 + cp(Vi) (59) Let the real macroscopic pressure be T ; then the work of a single fluctuation is given by (T - Ti)V,. The total work of fluctuation of the np elements at equilibrium is zero, so that C (T - 7ri)Vi = TC vi - C Ti Vi = 0 n p np n p or together with eq. (59) weobtain cp(Vi) may be developed in Taylor series, up to the second term, around the average value P cp(V,> = cp(P) + 6i(P'(P) + 6,2P"(P)/2 where 6, is the derivation from the mean value 6, = 'Irt - p. of cp(V,) over all the elements then gives Summation (62) c u?(V*) = n,cp(V) + d( P) c 6i + cp"(P!/2 c 6i2 n p n p nP PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3255 The sum of the linear fluctuations 6i at equilibrium is zero, while 6,?: according to a well known result of fluctuation theory, is = ?Lp1;l/(8?G/bT.2)t. = n,kl/ -(br, /dV)v With these resultP eq. (61) becomes r / kT = np + n, p( Y) 4- [ n p p ( ~ ) k T / - 2 ( b r / b V) ~ ] (63) Comparing eq. (63) to eqs. (58) and (55) we observe that the real pressure r exceeds To (or rcelr) by the last term on the right-hand side of eq. (63). To calculat,e p(V) we use the asymptotic formula for large values of KR:O I I 2( ~R) N e%R/2rKR = e. 2uv/2/2r~4V1/2 so that p(V) N ( v B ~ ~ R u / ~ X ) V / ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ / ~ and with this approximation obtain p(V) = - [U~(V)/V1/*][l - (1/ 2uV/ ?)] v - KRp(V)/V (65) and p(V) = [u2p(V)/2V][l - (1!2~V/) - (1/4u2V)] (66) _L (KR)2p(V)/2V2 while eqs. (65) and (59) give an estimate for ( br / dV) - d( r/ RT) / dV = 1/ V2 + p(V)/V2 - pO(T;)/V = [I f (1 + KR) ( P( V) I / V~ (67) Introducing eqs. (66) and (67) into eq. (63) leads to the required expression for the macroscopic osmotic pressure: r / kT = np + npp( P) + n, ( ~R) ~p( P) / 2 11 + ( 1 + KR)p(p)] (68) The Donnan osmotic pressure is usually plotted as the reduced pressure For the monomolar scale of con- ( r / c ) versus the polymer concentration. centration, where m, = m,Z = Z/ VN N being the Avogadro number, eq. (68) becomes (r/RT)/m,moles/l. = 1 / ~ + (1 + (KR)2/2[1 + (1 + .R)~(V)I}~(V~/Z (68) 3256 Z. ALEXANDROWI CZ AND A. KATCFIATSKY 0.1 5 0.1 \ F c E \ - 0.05 I 1 A I rnl =0.001 mol e / I. m m Fig. 11. The dependence of the reduced Donnan osmotic pressure (r/RT)/m,, on the polymer concentration mm in monomoles/l.: (-) calculated for Xeffective = 4 and a = 5 A,; (- -) calculated as above, but corrected for Azm, = 0.03 m,; (---.-) calculated from the additivity rule;2 ( A) experimental results obtained2 for polyacrylic acid of (Y = 0.8 at salt concentrations wi', = 0.001, 0.01, and 0.1 mole/l. Except for a relatively minor variation of the constant B with m', the func- tion p(V), as defined by eq. (57), is determined by KR. The second term on the right-hand side of eq. (68') (which expresses the electrostatic con- tribution to T) is seen therefore to be a function of KR or of the ratio of salt and polymer concentrations. Since p(V) is proportional to Y, cp(V)/Z does not depend on the molecular weight. With the commonly used polymer concentration c, (in grams/100 ml.) and the pressure n expressed in grams/cm.2, the eq. (68') becomes r/cP = (2.4 X 106/M,) l /Z f ( 2.4 x 105/~,) {1 -I- (~E>'/2[1 f (1 f KR)P(V)I]P(V)/Z (68") where M, is the molecular weight of the monomer and KR = (8XM,/10a)1/2(m',/c,)'/' Following the reasoning of the preceding section the effective values of A (which are determined from experimental pp values on the basis of eq. (54)) are t80 be used in calculating the osmotic pressure. 2. Using eqs. (68') and (68") we have calculated t,he reduced osmotic pressure for polyacrylic acid (PAA) of a = 0.8 and for a fully neutralized (a = 1) carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) of a degree of substitution D.S. = PROPERTIES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3257 110 I I I ; I m; =0.002 mole/L ,P c p ( g r n / 100c r n ~) Fig. 12. The dependence of the reduced Donnan osmotic pressure ( r/cP), on the poly- mer concentration cp in g./100 cm.3: (--) calculated for Xeffeotive = 0.8 and a = 6 A, ; (- -) as above, but corrected for Azc, = 20 cp. Experimental results obtained by Inagaki and HiramiZ6 with methyl cellulose of D.S. = 0.45 at salt concentrations of (0) 0.002, ( 0) 0.004, ( 0) 0.02, and (V) 0.05 mole/l. 0.45 and dd, = 435. The effective charge parameter for CMC is Xeffective N 1.3 &etched N 0.8 (Fig. 8 and other resultsz9) while for PAA, at a! = 0.8, Xeffective e 1.8 &etched I n Figures 11 and 12 these values are compared to the experimental results, which have been reported by one of us2 and by Inagaki and HiramLZ6 The overall agreement between theory and experiment is moderately satisfactory. The theory predicts that at low cP/ mf s ratios the virial term will decrease towards zero so that a nonlinear plot of T/ C, versus c, will result. The experimental results in- dicate that the decrease in T / C , is smaller than that predicted theoretically, but they do provide a clear enough confirmation of the nonlinear behavior at low ionic strengths. It should be realized that this deviation from linear behavior is of basic importance in relation to the linear extrapolation of r/cP results to zero concentration for the evaluation of molecular weight. I n our treatment we have neglected the nonelectrolytic second virial coefficient which is always present in polymer solutions, except at the e temperat~re.~ This coefficient, commonly denoted as Az, should be added to eqs. (68) and (68). I n order to estimate its magnitude we shall utilize the fact that the theoretically evaluated electrostatic virial term depends strongly on the ionic strength, being roughly proportional to rn.-l. On the 4 (as in section v-4). 3258 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY other hand, the coefficient Az does not depend markedly on the composition of the solution and is determined by and large by the excluded volume of the polyion. The latter is affected strongly by the degree of ionization hut not. strongly, if at all, by the ionic strength, as indicated by the validity of the present model according to which a nearly fully st,retrhed cylinder of con- stant length is seen to represent the macroion at all ionic strengths. r H i ~ > intercept, at mS-l = 0, of the plot of some average values of the experimen- tal slopes d(r/c, )/dc, versus mS-l should therefore give an estimate of the magnitude of Az. Having thus determined Az we have added the terms A2mm or A&, to eqs. (68') or (68"), respectively; the result is described by the broken line in Figures 11 and 12 and is seen to bring the calculated curves closer to the experimental results. 3. I n conclusion, some remarks may be made regarding the description of the osmotic pressure in the total ra.nge of polymer concentrations which includes solutions of high polymer-to-salt ratios, when the salt is no longer in excess. I n the latter case the parameter R which determines ~ ( K R ) can be no longer evaluated from t,he simplified eq. (30'), which was found to hold up to KR values of 2-3. This put.s the limit of the treatment at m,/m, ratios smaller than 5-10 or 2-4 for polyacrylics and carboxy- methyl celluloses, respectively. Above t,his level the more exact eq. (30) could be used, but in this range the theory ceases t,o be valid due to the neglect of q4/12 and higher t,erms in the basic expression for n[eq. (14)]. At high m,/m, ratios the r/m,,, lines become concave down and eventually reach the limiting value for salt-free solutions ( r/ RT) / m, = p,. The theoretical description in this region is given by the more complete (and much more complicated) calculation in which no assumption of excess salt is made; but, as the result of t,his calculat.ion has shown,2 an equivalent and much simpler description of tthe osmotic pressure in this region is provided when the additivity rule [eq. (48)] is used in conjunction with eq. (14). The result at low %/m, ratios is (.r/RT)/m, = l/Z + a2qp2mm/4m', (69) At higher rnm/mfs ratios the required concave down curve is obtained, and the limiting value of 9, is ultimately reached.? The portion of the curvc which obeys eq. (69) is linear only in so far as vp is truly constant. Since, however, pp decreases to a certain degree with the polymer concentration,2*A a somewhat concave up curve is obtained at low m,/m', ratios. The r/ m, curve in the total range of polymer concentrations 0 6 m,/m, 6 03 is therefore S-shaped. The experimental results are usually measured in the middle and lower portion of the S and this fact probably explains the often reported linear behavior, which contradicts the findings obtained from the present theory on the one hand, from the additivity rule on the other, and confirmed experimentally by several workers.2~26~28 The theoretical treat- ment predicts however that the electrostatic contribution to the second and higher virial coefficients vanishes when m,/m, - 0, whereas according to the additivity rule the contribution reaches a finite value since pp -+ lj2X PROPERTI ES OF POLYELECTROLYTE SOLUTIONS 3259 when mm +- 0. The experimental data available at present do not permit a decision t o be reached on this point. I n fact in the whole range of mJms ratios the description provided by the simple additivity rule fits the experimentally determined osmotic pres- sures as satisfactorily as do the more complicated theoretical calculations; the latter, however, constitute part of a more comprehensive framework which derives all equilibrium properties from the electrostatic potmtial of the polyions. References 1. Katchalsky, A., and Z. Alexandrowicz, J . Polymer Sci., Al , 2093 (1963). 2. Alexandrowicz, Z., J . Polymer Sn., 56,97, 115 (1962). 3. Kotin, L., and M. Nagasawa, J . Chem. Phys., 36,873 (1962). 4. Lifson, S., and A. Katchalsky, J . Polymer Sci., 13,43 (19.53). 5. Langmuir, I., J. Chem. Phys., 6,893 (1938). 6. Verwey, E. J. W., and J. Th. G. Overbeek, Theory of the Stability of Lyophobic 7. Marcus, R. A., J . Chem. Phys., 23,1057 (1955). 8. Alfrey, T., P. W. Berg, and H. Morawetz, J . Polymer Sci., 7,543 (1951). 9. Fuoss, R. M., A. Katchalsky, and S. Lifson, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. ( U. 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Alexandrowicz, Z., J . Polymer Sei., 43,337 (1960). 25. This has been suggested to us, by Prof. U. P. Strauss. 26. Inagaki, H., and M. Hirami, 2. Elektrochem., 63,419 (1959). 27. Eisenberg, H., and D. Woodside, J . Chem. Phys., 36,1844 (1962). 28. Orofino, T. A., Rec. Trav. Chim., 78,434 (1959). 29. Alexandrowicz, Z., unpublished results. 30. Kagawa, I., H. Yamada, and I. Imai, J . Chem. SOC. Japan Znd. Chhem. Sect., 53, 31. Katchalsky, A., R. E. Cooper, J . Upadhyay, and A. Wasserman, J . Chem. SOC., Coolloids, Elsevier, New York, 1948, p. 92. 579 (1951). 2nd Ed., 1955, pp. 201,204,220,221. York, 1960, Vol. I, p. 188. I20 (1950). 1961,5198. R6sum6 Ce travail traite des propri6Gs d6quilibre de solution de poly6lectrolyte renfermant un Dane ce cas, la loi simple dadditivit6 utilishe On a d b excb de sel de faible poids mol6culaire. antArieurement, tombe en d6faut pour d6crire les r6sultats exp6rimentaux. 3260 Z. ALEXANDROWICZ AND A. KATCHALSKY lors entrepris un traitement d6taillB bas6 sur line solution approximative de 16quation de Poisson-Boltzmann. Le calcul est bas6 sur une subdivision du potentiel electrostatique en deux parties correspondant A deux rBgions: (1) une region interne dam le voisinage immBdiat du polyion, libre de co-ions et d6crite par lequation de Poisson-Boltamann en absence de sel libre, et ( 2) une region externe, s6par6e du macro-ion central et traitke de faCon ad6quate par une approximation suivant Tlebye. On a obtenu une solution analytique pour le potentiel Blectrostatique et on a utilisd pour la description thBorique du comportement potentiomBtrique, la distribution de sel et la pression osmotique de Donnan. Les valeurs prBdites se comparent favorablement avec les rBsultats mesurds dans un large domaine de conditions expBrimentales. Zusammenfassung I n der vorliegenden Arbeit werden die Gleichgewichtseigenschaften von Polyelektro- lytlosungen mit einem Uberschuss an niedermolekularem Salz behandelt. I n diesem Fall versagt das fruher mitgeteilte einfache Additivitatsgesetz bei der Beschreibung der Versuchsergebnisse. Es wurde daher eine auf einer Naherungslosung der Poisson- Roltzmann-Gleichung beruhende eingehende modellmassige Rehandlung durchgefuhrt. I)ie Berechnung beruht auf einer Unterteilung des elektrostatisrhen Potentials in zwei, xwei Bereichen entsprechenden Teile: ( 1 ) Ein innerer Bereich in der unmittelbaren Xachbarscliaft des Polyions, frei von Coionen und ini salz-freien Fall durch die Poisson- Boltzmann-Gleichung beschrieben und ( 2 ) ein ausserer Bereich, von Zentralmakroion abgeschirmt und durch eine Debye-Naherung zu behandeln. Fur das elektrostatische Potential wurde eine analytische Losung erhalten und zur theoretischen Beschreibung des potentiometrischen Verhaltens, der Donnan-Verteilung des Salzes und des Donnan- schen osmotischen Druckes angewendet. Die berechneten Werte stimmen uber einen grossen Bereich der Versuchsbedingungen mit den Messergebnissen gut iiberein. Received Septembcr 19, 1962