Airbus A320 Family Notes
Airbus A320 Family Notes
Airbus A320 Family Notes
CT #
:2B !
P$b" I
2300 E [
CT # #7)!
P$b" I
1,00 E [
CT ## !
2ominal 100/ I8
4as p$blished5
CT ## !
2ominal 100/ I8
4as p$blished5
9ay s$b if :@ is
CT ## !
100/ I8
CT ### !
=0/ I8 4single5
100/ 8 4d$al5
CT ###0 !
100/ 8 4d$al5
CT ###0 !
100/ 8 4d$al5
Note:* =A= may
be temp% inop%
6Not NOTA,ed8
Canadian CT ###
=0/ I8 4single5
100/ 8 4d$al5
C W controlling. : W re'$ired. W advisory
(se CT C for straight in approaches 4321 CT I5. CT C for circling $nless
app" speed is greater than 130 C#). then $se CT I 4?@9 ="10"35
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
mended :elease 4?@9 ="3"95
release m$st be amended or re-released &hen1
; hrs" passes from ETI &itho$t aircraft proceeding $nder its o&n po&er
4#nternational only5"
a change is made in1
T"@" 9in f$el. Iecrease in Hate :elease f$el. Iestination 4re'$ires re-
release5. lternate. 2e& aircraft. 9E7!CI7. :emarks
?light takes off and ret$rns to airport of depart$re 4e%cept &hen part of
original release5
re-release is an amended release &hich changes the destination airport" This
is a planned change in a release and is co-ordinated &ith dispatch" re-release
point &ill be designated and no earlier than t&o ho$rs prior to the re-release
point and no later than the re-release point the dispatcher &ill send a message
:e-release point
:e-release destination
:e-release alternate
9in re-release f$el at re-release point
6eather and field conditions if any changes from original
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Position :eports 4?@9 1";"3. 1";"=5
Company E
@ver 10 min$te change in ET 4not incl$ding ta%i time5
Change in altit$de or ro$ting that may significantly affect arrival f$el
6eather conditions that may affect safety of flight incl$ding moderate or
severe icing or t$rb$lence and &inds aloft that vary greatly from planned"
t any time1
7eaving previo$s altit$de or flight level for ne&ly assigned altit$de or flight
(nable to climb or descend at =00 fpm or greater
9issed pproach
Change in tr$e airspeed of =Q or 10 kts" from flight plan val$e"
Time and altit$de $pon reaching holding fi% or last cleared fi%"
7eaving an assigned fi%"
7oss of navigational or comm$nications ability
ny information regarding safety of flight
6hen not in radar contact1
7eaving final approach fi% or o$ter marker &hen on final approach"
Change in ET of more than 3 min$tes"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?! Emergency 2otification E TE)T N$estions 4?@9 3"3"=5 )ignals 4?@9
T E ho& m$ch Time
E E type of Emergency
) E brace )ignal
T E Take special instr$ctions
Emergency E ; bells
0race )ignal E Prearranged signal. $s$ally given at abo$t =00 ft" *0race
for impact+
7east :isk 0omb 7ocation 4?@9 <"2;"351 7:07 is center of :8 aft cabin door
9edical Iiversions 4?@9 <";"1. pink 9ed7ink insert in ro$te man$al51 Captain
m$st contact 9ed7ink prior to diverting" Pilot can $se phone patch to 4;025
239-3;2<" Please note this service is available d$ring layovers for
cre&members as needed at 4;025 <3<-9;22"
TC Clearance 4?@9 ="1"25
:e'$est clearance no earlier than 20 mins" prior to depart$re time" Iepart$re
clearance is good for 2 hrs" past sched$led depart$re time" Call Clearance
Control to e%tend valid clearance time if necessary"
#f TC changes the ro$ting from &hat is filed the changed ro$ting is sho&n as1
on the PIC printo$t" The revised segment is &hat sho$ld be programmed into
the ?9HC"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Takeoff Performance )ystem 4P8 ="=. =";. ="<5
The TP) depart$re plan is highly recommended b$t 2@T re'$ired for depart$re"
The TP) contains airport performance data and &ill help the cre& in determining
&hat po&er and flap config$rations &ill be needed for depart$re" s long as a
valid 6G0 message for the correct r$n&ay is received the TP) is not needed"
#f the 6G0 is sent &ith proper &eights b$t not the correct needed r$n&ay the
pilot may $se the TP) data for the needed r$n&ay ass$ming that the act$al
6G0 takeoff &eight is at or less than the TP) data" PT@6 stands for Planned
Takeoff 6eight and T@6 for ss$med Takeoff 6eight 42000 lbs" difference5"
(se TP) '$ick reference g$ide on P8 3"; to determine if ne& 6G0 is needed"
The PT@6 is the planned takeoff &eight" The T@6 &eight is the ass$med
takeoff &eight and &ill be valid for any n$mbers &ith ass$med temps" The T@6
&ill be 2000 lbs" heavier than the PT@6 so if there is an T@6 it has a 2000
lbs" margin from the planned &eight b$ilt in" The TP) is valid if aircraft &eight is
at or belo& given &eight for po&er setting. the press$re setting is &ithin min$s
0"1 * or higher 4higher is more conservative5 of given and the temperat$re is at
or belo& the given for T@H or at or belo& the ass$med temp for ?7EK"
#f pilot &ishes to $se a T@H setting instead of the given ?7EK yo$ may M$st set
T@H and $se given n$mbers other&ise"
#f $pper Thr$st ! B speed section &eight is not valid lo&er irport nalysis
section may be $sed if 6eight and 0alance data does not incl$de needed
r$n&ay" ?ind needed r$n&ay and config$ration that is at or belo& 6eight and
0alance &eight" (se T@H thr$st" Het B speeds from P8 chapter =a. b or c"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
8igh 9in Capt" 4?@9 11"2",5
Note: 2otify dispatcher of 8igh 9ins" stat$s if 8igh 9ins" &ill affect operations"
During /irst *"" $rs% as P@0 6does not include @OE time8 0apt% is on .ig$ ,ins
.ig$ ,ins% 0AT @ limits:
$se table on ?@9 11"2", to determine stat$s
.ig$ ,ins% 0AT @@)@@@ limits:
2o CT ###
?or CT ## - (se table on ?@9 11"2", to determine stat$s
7o& Time ?!@ 4?@9 11"2"<5
Note: 2otify Captain at beginning of trip" 7o& time ?!@ may fly a *monitored+
CT ##!### approach" CTC:E6 &ill sho& 7@6 T#9E stat$s
I$ring ?!@/s first 100 hrs" Captain m$st make the takeoff or landing if1
Contaminated r$n&ay
:B: less than 3000 or c mile vis or less
0raking action less than H@@I
Cross&ind e%ceeds 1= knots
)pecial N$alification irport
l&ays at Captains Iiscretion
Note: Captain m$st al&ays make takeoff if less than 1;00 :B: or a mi" visibility
4P8 2d"2"15
Pairing 7imitations and Consolidation of 7earning 4?@9 11"2"= G ?@9 11"2";5
() ir&ays &ill not pair t&o pilots together &ho individ$ally have less than <=
hrs" in type and position" Pilot m$st acc$m$late 100 hrs" in type and position
4incl$ding #@E5 &ithin 120 days of Type :ating or Proficiency Check" 9ay be
e%tended to 1=0 &ith 7ine Check"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Lo%boo) Stuff
Ens$re that &hite page has been removed for any item signed off by mechanic"
Pink page stays in logbook"
?$ll po&er takeoffs m$st be logged every 30 days or 1=0 takeoffs" The pilot &ill
be notified in the release paper&ork if a ma%im$m thr$st takeoff is re'$ired by
the phrase *9K T8:()T IE9@ :EN(#:EI+ on the TP) depart$re plan" The
res$lt 4s$ccessf$l. $ns$ccessf$l or not attempted5 m$st be noted in the logbook
4?@9 2"3"15"
Pilot 9()T make logbook entry for 9E7 items if ?: is noted for ?ollo& $p
:e'$ired" 4P8 11"="=5 #f 9 notation then 9aintenance &ill complete re'$ired
actions and if @ notation flight cre& &ill complete re'$ired @perational items"
9E7 n$mber translation1 E%ample - 9E7 U 1333C23
?irst n$mber 13. Iate 9E7 applied
)econd n$mber 33. the n$mber 9E7 for the day
C. the category of the 9E7
23. the date the 9E7 m$st be repaired by. by midnight of that day
CT ##!### :ecertification E see ?@9 11"<
I#:) acc$racy E 4P8 2h"<"35 this check is done by the ?!@ on every Parking
Checklist. to be done &ithin t&o min$tes of aircraft stop" (se chart on P8 2h"<"3
to determine acceptable limits" @C if = miles and 1= knots or less in all cases"
(se Iata Cey. Position 9onitor to determine 2B acc$racy" #f gro$nd speed on
2I/s G #:( 3 TC!H) e%ceeds 1= knots. enter logbook entry for maintenance to
track and verify. if e%ceeds 21 knots enter logbook entry for #:( removal"
8ot 0rakes E 4P83"1=5 9aintenance action is re'$ired if there is1
1=0A C difference in brake temps on the same str$t and one brake ;00A or
greater or ;0A or less
a mean 200A C difference bet&een different tr$cks
f$se pl$g melted
brake temp e%ceeds 900A C 4,00A - 3215
ny higher inspection &ill take the place of a Iaily check"
see ?@9 11" 3 for f$ll list of logbook re'$irements
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Line @iFes
NOTE: on gro$nd ?light Cre& can reset any comp$ter EKCEPT1
EC( 4engine control $nit5. E#( 4engine interface $nit5 &hile engine r$nning"
0)C( 40rake )teering Control (nit5 &hile ta%iing. set parking brake first
,o reset C& in air chec' chart listed in GR1, %iscellaneous, Computer
Airbus >otc$a: 2ever p$ll the follo&ing C0/s in air1
)?CC 4)lat!?lap Control Comp$ter5
EC( and!or E#(
Reset %C$2 / F%)C
Captains E on overhead panel E 9CI( E C0U 01. ?9HC E C0U 02
?!@/s E behind ?!@ E 9CI( E C0U 220. ?9HC E C0U 91<
Re-erser unloc'ed messae on enine start
1" Engine 9aster @??
2" :eset Engine 9ode selector to 2@:9 for 10 secs". then #H2!)T:T
#f this doesn/t &ork then1
3" T$rn on E2H ?IEC H:2I P6: on overhead maintenance panel. then off
)(3 (rimary "ost showin on both !$Bs after .R2Bs alin
#f the HP) signal is not available after the #:(/s align a possible fi% is1
1" Iata Cey
2" Position 9onitor
3" )E7 2B#I)
3" IE)E7ECT THP) sho&ing 4if )E7ECT THP) is sho&ing press 7)C to
change it5 this line sho&s &hat 6#77 0E selected"
(rinter 5spewin7 maintenance codes after shutdown
9CI( 9en$
Pass&ord )?#9 TE2TE: P))6@:I
Programming 9en$s
:eport #nhibit
Print 2@ 4green5
Note: w$en c$anging printer paper roll make sure t$at t$e printer latc$ is
completely secured or printer will not /unction% Press S?E< to c$eck%
Reset C.$3 E :eset C0/s1 H1. 9= and N13 for more than 10 secs" Then &ait at
least 3 mins" after reset"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
!o Water (ressure
#f &ater has been serviced and there is no &ater press$re on gro$nd 4&ith P(
bleed on5 then check the ?! C#I) panel" #f red )J)TE9 #2@P light is on then
press the 6T: )J)TE9 IEP:E b$tton"
!o data showin on RA$!A> pae 4after H2I#:) is aligned5
9ake s$re that the )T0J 2B g$arded 2B pb is not on 4green light off5"
A!,. .C* Windshield /or Window0 amber FA2", &hen on gro$nd may be
ca$sed by heating of &indo& by s$n" Ens$re all s$n screens are sto&ed and
cool cockpit" Then reset the 68C 46indo& 8eat Comp$ter5 $sing C0U K13 for
Capt" and C0U 613 for ?!@" )ee Chap" 21 for details"
ACAR3 in standby E if C:) is not available 4sho&ing C:) )T0J in
1" Press 9CI( 9E2( key on ?9HC
2" )elect \T)(
3" )elect C@99 9E2(]
3" )elect 9#2TE22CE]
=" )elect \TE)T
;" )elect T :EN(E)T B8? 3 7#2C
Jo$ can also rest C0/s 71= G 71; 4T)( 1 )6TH G T)( 15 on back panel if
#f PEI lights in passenger seats in cabin are red this sho&s that the po&erport
pl$gs for laptops are not po&ered" @n the ?! panel across from for&ard ?!
M$mpseat above the video player there is a PEI P@6E: p!b in the $pper left
hand corner near ceiling" 6hen on this p!b sho$ld light $p @2" )ometimes this
p!b may have a b$rnt o$t b$lb in it and not light properly" Press this p!b and see
if lights change to green"
1ey, turn the lihts bac' on! 6hen sh$tting do&n for an overnight yo$ can
keep the lights on &hen t$rning off the P( and E%ternal Po&er by going into the
for&ard galley and finding the overhead panel" Jo$ &ill see one hole in the
plastic cover over the breakers" This is the 9#2T 0() s&itch and yo$ can
press it @2" This &ill keep the lights on in the cabin and cargo bins &ith E%ternal
Po&er pl$gged in b$t selected @??"