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Airbus A320 Family Notes

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Airbus A319/320/321 Notes

Training Notes by Eric Parks

Copyright 1999 - 2012 Eric Parks
Disclaimer: NOT approved by US Airways Airbus A!" #lig$t Training Dept%
#or study only& use at own risk& last update ' "()*()*!
T$ese notes are intended to be used in con+unction wit$ t$e #lig$t Operations
,anual and Airbus A*-)!")!* Pilots .andbook% As always& t$e #O,& P. and
US Airways Airbus A!" Training Department are your /inal aut$orities%
#or corrections& suggestions or comments email: 0aptParks!12ya$oo%com
Welcome to the Airbus!
Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated.
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Table of Contents
Table of Contents_________________________________________________________2
Ice & Rain Protection ( TM 7l.x.x)________________________________________8
Electrical (TM 7f.x.x)___________________________________________________9
Fire Protection (TM 7g.x.x)_____________________________________________13
Fuel (TM 7.x.x)______________________________________________________1!
Pneu"atic#$ %ir &on'itioning & Pre##uri(ation (TM 7).x.x)__________________19
+,'raulic#$ -ra.e# & /an'ing 0ear (TM 7..x.x $ TM 7".x.x)________________*1
Flig2t &ontrol# (TM 72.x.x)_____________________________________________*9
In#tru"ent 3 4a5 3 &o""______________________________________________37
ECAM Procedures6____________________________________________________38
Tune, Talk, Listen !MP and ACP_______________________________________19
%uto Flig2t 7,#te"____________________________________________________!8
"MA "li#$t Mode Annunciator_________________________________________!9
9x,gen (TM 7o.x.x)___________________________________________________:8
Po;er<lant (TM 7<.x.x)________________________________________________:1
%P= (TM 7c.x.x)______________________________________________________:*
FM7 (&ontrol# an' In'icator# 7>98.1)____________________________________:1
Pseudo %ay&oints 'C ( ) *+,-./.01__________________________________________6,
)nitiali2in# t$e "M3C____________________________________________________*-
Auto )nitiali2ation_______________________________________________________*6
P$ase Tri##ers 'C ( ) *+,-./.41____________________________________________*8
)ma#inary Centerline____________________________________________________*,
Auto Clear_____________________________________________________________*,
"MS 2 5ifferences_______________________________________________________*,
6/ Cuts________________________________________________________________8,
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
)LS A&&roac$es_________________________________________________________,7
CAT ))8))) A&&roac$es___________________________________________________,6
P!M A&&roac$es________________________________________________________,8
!9A6 'L9A6+ 69A61 A&&roac$es_________________________________________/--
!9A6 L9A6 A&&roac$es________________________________________________/-/
6:! a&&roac$es_______________________________________________________/-2
L5A A&&roac$es_______________________________________________________/-4
AS! A&&roac$es_______________________________________________________/-4
En#ine+:ut A&&roac$es_________________________________________________/-4
6isual A&&roac$es______________________________________________________/-0
3o Around____________________________________________________________/-7
%inds$ear 'P; 2i.4, <!; :5+/*, ":M *.6.41_______________________________/-*
E3P%S 'P; 2i.01______________________________________________________/-8
TCAS !A Maneu=er 'P; 2i.71____________________________________________/-8
Lo> Ener#y %arnin# 'P; 2i./21__________________________________________/-8
A to ? + Abbre=iations ( Acronyms________________________________________/-,
":M Stuff____________________________________________________________//0
Lo#book Stuff_________________________________________________________/28
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Aut$ors notes:
These notes are not intended to be a comprehensive look at every aspect of the
319!320!321" # only intend them to cover the basics" They ass$me an already high
level of e%perience &ith advanced aircraft systems" # hope they help in st$dying for
initial or rec$rrent or as a '$ick reference d$ring line operations" They are &ritten from
the vie&point of a () ir&ays line pilot beca$se that is &ho # am" # have incl$ded &hat #
find helpf$l" #f yo$ find something that yo$ feel sho$ld be incl$ded or corrected please
let me kno& as # am al&ays seeking to *improve the prod$ct+"
Eric Parks
The information given here is specifically tailored to () ir&ays 319!320!321
operations" #f yo$ fly for another airline or operator yo$r proced$res. n$mbers and!or
limits may be different" l&ays check &ith yo$r airline/s or operator/s doc$mentation
before $sing anything here" 0e s$re yo$ are al&ays compliant &ith yo$r companies
proced$res and limits"
Permission is given to distrib$te or copy these notes $nder the follo&ing conditions1
2othing may be charged for the notes
2o changes may be made &itho$t e%press consent of the a$thor
$thors copyright m$st be incl$ded
Trust in the L!" with all thine heart# an$ lean not unto thine
own un$erstan$in%& 'n all thy ways a()nowle$%e hi*, an$ he
shall $ire(t thy +aths& ,ro-erbs 3./,0
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
4memory items in bol$ itali(s. ( stands for () ir&ays imposed limit5
6eight 7imits 4P8 1"2"35
4in lbs"5 A*- A!"3!* A!"3!*45!! A!*
9a% :amp1 1;<.329 1;<.329 1<0.;3= 20=.909
9a% Takeoff1 1;;.33< 1;;.33< 1;9.<=3 20=.02<
9a% 7anding1 13<.<,< 132.19, 132.19, 1<1.=1<
9a% >ero ?$el1 12,.9;9 133.3,0 133.3,0 1;2.;99
)eats ne&!old1 123 1=0 1=0 1,3
@perational 7imits 4P8 1"3"1. 1"10"25
9a% 90A

cross&ind for Takeoff and 7anding1 29 )ts&, %ust 3/
9a% head&ind for $toland 30 )ts&
9a% 90A cross&ind 4incl$ding g$sts5 for $toland1 20 )ts&
9a% 90A cross&ind 4incl$ding g$sts5 for CT ##!###1 1/ )ts& 1U2
9a% tail&ind component for takeoff 4e%" 320 #E51 1/ )ts&
9a% tail&ind for takeoff. 320 #E engines1 10 )ts&
9a% tail&ind for $toland 10 )ts&
9a% tail&ind component for landing1 10 )ts&
9a% operating altit$de1 39,000 ft& 1U2
9a% landing gear e%tension altit$de1 2/,000 ft&
9a% operating altit$de &! slats and!or flaps e%tended1 20,000 ft&
)peed 7imits 4P8 1"3"15
9a% operating speed 4B
51 3/0 3'AS
9a% operating speed 49
51 &42 5
9a% gear e%tended 4B
51 2,0 C#) ! ";<9
9a% gear e%tension 4B
51 2=0 C#)
9a% gear retraction 4B
51 220 C#)
9a% &indshield &iper operations speed 4B
51 230 kts"
9a% &indo& open speed 4&ho is going to open itD51 200 kts"
9a% tire speed1 19= kts"
9a% ta%i speed1 30 kts" 4(5
9a% ta%i speed for 90A t$rn1 10 kts" 4(5
T$rb$lence Penetration E
4P8 3"1"35
at or above 20.000 ft"1 belo& 20.000 ft"1
319!320 2<= C#) ! "<;9 2=0 C#)
321 300 C#) ! "<;9 2<0 C#)
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
9a% ?laps ! )lats 4B
5 4P8 1"3"251
9odel Position1 1 1F? 2 3 ?(77
319!320 B
230 C#) 21= C#) 200 C#) 1,= C#) 1<< C#)
321 B
23= C#) 22= C#) 21= C#) 19= C#) 190 C#)
#ce G :ain Protection 4P8 1"="25
Engine anti-ice m$st be on d$ring all gro$nd and flight operations &hen icing
conditions e%ist 4and prior to descent into icing conditions5 e%cept d$ring climb
and cr$ise &hen the temperat$re is1 6elow 7809

#cing conditions e%ist on gro$nd1 OAT 109

C 6("7

#8 or below
#cing conditions e%ist in flight1 TAT 109

C 6("7

#8 or below
?$el 4P8 1";"15
4;";<; lbs" per gal"5 319!320 321
6ing tanks1 2<.=00 lbs 2<.=00 lbs"
Center tank1 13.=00 lbs" 13.=00 lbs"
dditional Center tanks1 2! 10.=00 lbs"
Total $seable f$el1 32.000 lbs" =2.=00 lbs"
$topilot ! $toland 4P8 1"10"15 $topilot Engaged 9inim$m 8eight in ft"1
9in altit$de after takeoff 4if ):) is indicated5 100 ft& A:L
42ote1 internal logic prevents a$topilot engagement for = seconds after lifoff"5
Enro$te 4319. 32051 =00 ft" H7
Enro$te 432151 900 ft" H7
CT # #7) 4CT # ! CT ## or ### in ?95 1;0 ! ,0 ft" H74(5
2on-precision approach I. II or 9I
fter 9an$al Ho-ro$nd in ):) 100 ft" H7
Engine @$t $toland1 CT### )ingle
Engine @$t $toland1 320 config ?(77 @27J. 319 G321 config 3 and ?(77
:B)9 ltimeter tolerances 4P8 1"1;. 2e","15
Hro$nd Check1 P?I 1 and 2 &ithin pl$s!min$s <= ft" of kno&n airport altit$de
9a% difference bet&een P?I 1 and 2 &ithin 20 ft"
#n ?light1 9a% difference bet&een Capt/s" and ?!@/s P?I is 200 ft&
9a% brake temp for takeoff 4P8 1","25 300A

9in engine oil for dispatch 4P8 1"12"135 13 'ts" 4(5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Note: pb stands /or pus$button 6NOT peanut butter98 and t$ere are lots o/ :em9
6see P. (%*;%*8 Systems in/o% is now /ound in t$e new Training ,anual& T,8
#ce G :ain Protection 4 T9 <l"%"%5
<ing Anti3ice 4T9 <-30"1"25 - 6ing anti-ice heats the three o$ter &ing slat
panels on each &ing"
6ing -# is available for single-engine 4if Engine ?ire pb not p$shed5 by $sing
pack off and crossbleed open as per P8 21 fter E2H 1425 )8(T I@62"
6ing -# valves close a$tomatically1
@n to$chdo&n
7eak detected
Electrical po&er lost
6ing -# is not permitted on gro$nd or above TT 10A C 4P8 2";"25
P( bleed is 2@T permitted for 6ing anti-ice" 4P8 1"13"35
2ote1 6ing -# test opens valves for 30 sec" on gro$nd"
#n normal $se select 6ing nti-#ce 4P8 3a"251
@n after thr$st red$ction on take-off
@ff at ?? d$ring approach
Engine Anti3ice 4T9 <0-1"35 E Engine -# d$cting is independent of &ing -#"
Engine -# valves &ill open a$tomatically on loss of electrical po&er" They close
&ith air press$re available" Engine limits are a$tomatically reset &hen Engine -#
selected" Engine #gnition &ill come on a$tomatically &hen Engine nti-#ce is
selected @2 on #E engine aircraft and C?9 non-$pgraded ?IEC aircraft" @n
C?9 aircraft &ith ne& $pgraded ?IEC/s the ignition &ill only come on &hen
?IEC detects certain parameters being e%ceeded"
Probe and ,ast .eat ) <indow .eat ) =ain =emoval
ll heat is t$rned on at lo& po&er on gro$nd after the first engine start" #n flight
all heat a$tomatically goes to 8igh" Can t$rn on man$ally on gro$nd before
engine start by pressing pb to @2" Ieselect to $to after second engine start"
Note: &hen on gro$nd a &indshield 4or &indo&5 heat fa$lt may be given d$e to
heating by the s$n" Cool the cockpit 4or sto& shades5 and reset the 68C circ$it
:ain repellant is inhibited on the gro$nd &ith engines sh$t do&n"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Electrical 4T9 <f"%"%5
ll normal electrical po&er shifts a$tomatically e%cept the E%ternal Po&er &hich
m$st have the EKT P6: p$shb$tton selected to s$pply po&er to the C b$s tie"
The E%ternal Po&er 4EKT P6:5 pb &ill sho& green B#7 &hen po&er is
connected and @C" The pilot m$st press the pb to man$ally select e%ternal"
@nce pressed the EKT P6: pb &ill sho& bl$e @2 indicating that e%ternal is no&
po&ering the aircraft" 6hen yo$ &ish to s&itch to ships po&er first ens$re that a
po&er so$rce is available. normally the P(" Then press the EKT P6: pb" #t &ill
change from bl$e @2 to green B#7 as the P( 4or engines5 begin to s$pply
po&er" @nce the e%ternal po&er has been deselected and the green B#7 is
sho&ing in the pb yo$ may disconnect the e%ternal po&er"
2e& irb$s pilots &ill sometimes find it hard to remember that the green B#7
does 2@T mean that it is po&ering the aircraft" 0l$e @2 indicates that e%ternal is
po&ering the aircraft"
Airbus >otc$a: L$st to make things interesting irb$s has $sed the same pb/s
for the P( )tart pb as the E%ternal Po&er pb" 8o&ever the P( bl$e @2 is the
*9aster )&itch+ and M$st indicates the P( is prepared to start" The bl$e @2 for
the )tart pb means the P( is starting" The green B#7 in the )tart pb sho&s
that the P( is available for $se and po&er is @C and the P( &ill a$tomatically
pick $p the electrical load $nless yo$ are on e%ternal 4remember. EKT P6:
re'$ires a man$al po&er shift5" )o for the P( green B#7 can be sho&ing in
the pb &hen po&ering the aircraft. the opposite of the EKT P6: pb" This is M$st
a reminder as the P( panel is not part of the Electrical panel"
2ormal priority for C po&er is1 4&ork across E7EC panel from HE2 25
15 @n side engine generator
P8 doesn/t $se the @n ! @ff side terms. belo& is
the official P8 version of the Electrical priorities1
25 E%ternal Po&er 15 Engine Henerators
35 P( 25 E%ternal Po&er
35 @ff side engine generator 35 P(
=5 Emergency Henerator 4:T5 35 Emergency Henerator 4:T5
;5 0atteries =5 0atteries
The only &ay to po&er both C b$sses from a single po&er so$rce is thro$gh
the C 0() T#E" The P( and EKT P6: both feed the C 0() T#E" 0oth C
b$sses connect to the C 0() T#E as needed" P( &ill a$tomatically po&er C
$nless the EKT P6: or E2H HE2 is on" #f both #IH/s are available then the C
b$sses &ill not be connected to the C 0() T#E" #f only one E2H HE2 4no P(
or EKT P6:5 is available the opposite C b$s &ill connect to it thro$gh the C
0() T#E"

The Electrical system is divided into t&o main branches" 0oth C and IC are
normally separated into t&o branches &ith Engine 1 driving #IH 4integrated drive
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
generator5 1 and #IH 1 feeding C 0() 1" C 0() 1 then feeds IC 0() 1
thro$gh T: 1 4transformer rectifier5" The same happens on side 2"
s long as each engine #IH is available then the t&o sides remain electrically
isolated" #f there is a loss of po&er on an C b$s then the remaining po&ered
b$s &ill a$tomatically po&er the $npo&ered C b$s thro$gh the C 0() T#E" #f
the P( is then started it &ill a$tomatically po&er the b$s tie and the failed C
b$s" The C 0() T#E &ill then be isolated from the normal po&ered b$s" #IH
sho$ld not be disconnected &hen engine not t$rning 4operating or &indmilling5
and the #IH disconnect sho$ld not be pressed more than 3 seconds" #IH can
only be reconnected on the gro$nd"
#n case of T: fail$re the IC b$sses can be a$tomatically connected thro$gh the
IC 0T 0()"
T&o batteries are installed" 0attery charging is a$tomatic and is controlled by the
0C7 40attery Charge 7imiter5" The 0C7 connects the battery to its respective IC
0T 0() d$ring battery charging and d$ring P( start" The batteries have an
a$tomatic c$t-off logic to prevent complete battery r$n-do&n &hen the aircraft is
$npo&ered and on the gro$nd" This &ill sh$t off the batteries at abo$t 22"=v
capacity to ens$re P( start after overnight"
9in 0attery voltage is 2="=v" Check battery voltage &ith the 0T s&itch @??" To
charge batteries t$rn them on by pressing their respective pb/s and connecting
e%ternal po&er" 20 min" charge is re'$ired if 0T voltage is not eno$gh"
Part of the normal proced$res for the @riginating Checklist call for the check of
both batteries to make s$re that they are charging properly" T$rn off both
batteries and then t$rn them back on" 6atch on the EC9 E7EC page to see
that both batteries have initial c$rrent charge rates after 10 seconds of less than
;0 amps and decreasing 4P8 2a"<"35"
#f all C 4no :T5 is lost a static inverter is connected from 8@T 0T 1 b$s to C
E)) b$s 4not )8EI b$s5" 0T 2 &ill s$pply IC E)) 4not )8EI5 in the event of
loss of all C 4no :T emerg" gen"5 regardless" 0elo& =0 kts" C E)) &ill no
longer be s$pplied by the inverter and &ill be $npo&ered" IC 0T &ill connect
belo& 100 kts". it is not s$pplied above 100 kts" in loss of all C"
#f both 9ain C b$sses lose po&er and the airspeed is 100 kts" or more the :T
&ill a$tomatically deploy" The emergency generator &ill then po&er C E)) 0()
and IC E)) 0()" I$ring the , seconds it takes the :T to deploy and s$pply
po&er the batteries &ill s$pply the E)) b$sses 4not their shed b$sses5 and the
red ?(7T light on the E9E: E7EC P6: panel &ill be on d$ring those ,
seconds" The :T emergency generator is lost at landing gear do&n
4$nmodified 3205 or less than 12= kts 4319. modified 320. 3215 and 2I1
and 9CI(1 &ill go o$t at that time d$e to loss of C shed b$s" @n landing the
IC 0T b$s is a$tomatically connected to the batteries &hen airspeed drops
belo& 100 kts" 6hen all C is lost incl$ding the :T emergency generator 0T
1 &ill s$pply C E)) thro$gh the static inverter and 0T 2 &ill s$pply IC E))"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
6hen the speed drops belo& =0 kts" the C E)) b$s is shed and po&er is lost
to remaining C:T/s 4P?I1. EC9 $pper5" Note: min" :T speed is 130 kts. :T
&ill stall o$t at less than 12= kts on 319. 321 and modified 320" 8o&ever. the
:T &ill contin$e to s$pply hydra$lic press$re even after it is $nable to po&er
the emergency generator" The :T is normally deployed a$tomatically for
electrical problems. ho&ever pressing the 92 @2 red g$arded pb on the
E9E: E7EC P6: panel &ill deploy the :T and hydra$lically po&er the
Emergency Henerator" #f yo$ need to reset the Emergency Henerator after the
:T has been deployed 4s$ch as go-aro$nd after gear has been deployed5
press the :T 92 @2 pb again and this &ill allo& the Emergency Hen to reset
and come back online"
C 0() 1 normally s$pplies po&er to C E)) and IC 0() 1 &hich event$ally
feeds IC E))" #f C 0() 1 fails the pilot may press the C E)) ?EEI pb to
7T2" This &ill p$t the C E)) 0() on it/s alternate so$rce. HE2 2 thro$gh C
0() 2" C Essential ?eed &ill not a$tomatically s&itch" This is to prevent a b$s
short on the C E)) 0() from then also damaging the HE2 2 b$s comple% if it
has already ca$sed damage to the HE2 1 b$s comple%" EC9 &ill direct
&hether to act$ally repo&er C E)) or to leave it $npo&ered" C 0() 2 &ill
also s$pply po&er to IC E)) 0() from IC 0() 2 and IC 0T 0() &hen the
C E)) ?EEI pb is selected to 7T2"
2@TE1 The one N:8 memory item is this 4so pay attention boys and girlsO51
CPT P?I. 2I and the (PPE: EC9 072C E C E)) ?EEI"P 7T2
This means that if the Captain has lost all three of these displays yo$ m$st
select the C E)) ?EEI pb to 7T2 in order to regain these displays" s yo$ do
not have the (pper EC9 yo$ &o$ld not be directed by EC9 to do this"
#f T:1 fails the IC 0T 0() and IC 0() 1 &ill become a$tomatically po&ered
by IC 0() 2 &hich &ill a$tomatically connect to the IC 0T 0()"
P( &ill carry all b$sses on gro$nd b$t &ill not s$pply main galley shed b$sses
in-flight" #n-flight if only one generator is s$pplying entire system then part 43211
all galley po&er5 of the galley load and passenger in-seat po&er s$pply is shed"
HE2 1 7ine 4<"1"95 E #f there is smoke in the avionics compartment the amber
)9@CE light &ill come on in the HE2 1 7#2E p$shb$tton" The proced$re &ill call
for the pilot to press the pb" This &ill open the HE2 1 line contactor and depo&er
C b$s 1" HE2 2 &ill then a$tomatically pick $p C 0()1 thro$gh the C 0()
tie" 8o&ever. HE2 1 &ill still be po&ering t&o &ing f$el p$mps. one in each &ing
inner tank" Note: t$is is not t$e complete smoke procedure& +ust t$e beginning
t$at deals wit$ t$e >EN * ?@NE pb%
#n loss of all C 4:T only5 emergency the P( is allo&ed 3 min" for start after
E9E:H HE2 connects" The P( &ill not start in-flight &hen on 0T only 4this is
d$e to the IC 0T 0() being disconnected d$ring Electrical Emergency
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
config$ration above 100 kts"5" 7ights available in loss of all C emergency are
Capt" instr$ment lights. ?!@ dome light 4if on I#9 or 0:T5 and compass!ice light"
#f any generator is operating at more than 100Q rated load the H7J G C0 4or
H77EJ5 pb &ill ill$minate amber ?(7T" Jo$ &ill be directed to select @??
&hich &ill then load shed by offloading the main galley. secondary galley and the
in-seat po&er s$pply" #n (T@ 4normal blank5 pb position the main galley 4319
G 3205 or all galleys 43215 and inseat po&er s$pplies &ill a$tomatically load
shed if in-flight &ith one generator operating or on the gro$nd &ith only one
engine generator operating" #f P( gen or EKT P6: is s$pplying po&er then all
galleys are po&ered"
Commercial pb 4321 only5 &hen p$shed &ill depo&er all commercial electrical
systems 4Cabin G Cargo lights. 6ater G Toilet system. Irain mast ice protection.
Halley. Passenger entertainment5"
Circ$it breakers are color coded" Hreen are monitored by EC9" ll other colors
are not monitored" The EC9 &ill display C!0 T:#PPEI @2 @B8I P27 4or
:E: P275 if a green monitored breaker is tripped for more than a min$te"
Jello& breakers are p$lled d$ring the proced$re for flight on battery po&er only"
:ed capped breakers are 2EBE: p$lled in flight" :ed caps are installed on the
&ing tip brakes circ$it breakers to prevent loss of flap asymmetry protection" ll
circ$it breakers have a letter 4horiRontal5 and n$mber 4vertical5 code"
6hen on the gate &ith normal P( or EKT P6: 4C established5 the HE2 1 G
2 amber ?(7T lights &ill normally be the only amber ?(7T lights on in the
overhead panel 4&ith packs @25" 6ith packs @?? the HE2 1 G 2 amber ?(7T
and the PCC 1 G 2 amber ?(7T lights &ill be on"
6hen sh$tting do&n the P( and t$rning off 0TTs allo& 2 min" after P(
Hreen B#7 light goes o$t to allo& time for P( flap to close 4P8 3"1;5"
0atteries m$st al&ays be on &hen P( is r$nning for fire protection"
in/t no magic &hen the electrons stopO 0ottom line here. ya gotta have
electrical someho&O 9ake s$re yo$ have a HE2. E9E: HE2 or at least a 0T
or yo$r sidestick M$st became a &orthless piece of plasticO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?ire Protection 4T9 <g"%"%5
0oth engines and the P( each have t&o identical loops. G 0 and a comp$ter-
?I( 4?ire Ietection (nit5" fire &arning is given &hen both loops reach the
proper overheat condition" #f one loop fails the other loop is able to generate the
&arning by itself" fire &arning is given if both loops fail &ithin = seconds of
each other" There is a red disc on the aft f$selage to sho& thermal discharge for
the P( fire bottle" The engines each have t&o e%ting$ishers. the P( one"
Engines have sensing elements in three sectionsS pylon nacelle. engine core
and fan section" P( has sensing element in P( compartment"
P( fire on gro$nd &ill a$to sh$tdo&n. blo& e%ting$isher bottle. so$nd nose
&heel &ell horn and P( ?#:E light &ill ill$minate on e%ternal interphone panel"
P( fire in-flight m$st be man$ally sh$tdo&n 4&ill not a$to sh$tdo&n5 and
e%ting$ished" Note: P( &ill a$to sh$tdo&n in air for other than fire 4go fig$re5"
The for&ard cargo compartment has t&o smoke detectors and the aft has fo$r
4319.3205" The 321 has fo$r for&ard detectors and si% detectors in the aft cargo"
#n either case t&o loops" greement of t&o smoke detectors on a loop &ill give
&arning" #f one smoke detector fails the system remains operational on the
remaining detector" There is one e%ting$isher bottle for fore and aft
compartments &ith one noRRle for&ard and t&o noRRles aft" #f cargo )9@CE is
&arning is given an isolation valve &ill close and the e%traction fan &ill stop"
Cargo smoke gives1 C:C. 9aster 6arn light and Cargo )9@CE light"
E2H fire test1 4< items E 3 reds5 4T9 <g"2"15
E2H 1 Test E press and hold
E2H ?#:E pb ill$minated 4red5
)N(#0 and I#)C8 lights ill$minated 425
9)TE: 6:2 ill$minated 425 4red5
C:C a$ral chime
E2H 1 ?#:E &arning on E!6I 4red5
E2H#2E page on )I
?#:E light E2H 1 4on E2H panel5 ill$minated 4red5
:epeat for E2H 2
P( fire test1 40T only 2 items E 1 red. C ; items E 3 red5 4T9 <g"2"25
P( ?#:E Test E press and hold 4P( &ill not sh$tdo&n d$ring test if r$nning5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
P( ?#:E pb ill$minated 4red5 T
)N(#0 and I#)C8 light ill$minated T
9)TE: 6:2 lights ill$minated 425 4red5
C:C a$ral chime
P( ?#:E &arning on E!6I 4red5
P( page on )I
T 0T only 4&hen doing )afety and Po&er @n checklist on 0attery only. no
E%ternal po&er5
E2H ?#:E pb pressed performs1 4&ork do&n panel &ith se'$ence E
t&o on ?#:E. one on 8JI. t&o on ?(E7. one on E7EC. t&o on #: C@2I5
?#:E - )ilences C:C. rms s'$ibs 425
8JI E Closes hydra$lic fire valve 415
?(E7 - Closes lo& press$re f$el valve and t$rns off ?IEC 425
E7EC - Ieactivates the #IH
#: C@2I- Closes engine bleed G pack flo& valves 425
P( ?#:E pb pressed performs1 4&ork do&n panel &ith 3. 0. 2.1.2 se'$ence5-
?#:E - )ilences C:C. )h$ts do&n P(. rms s'$ib 435
8JI - 405
?(E7 - Closes lo& press$re f$el valve G P( f$el p$mp off 425
E7EC - Ieactivates P( HE2 415
#: C@2I- Closes P( bleed G Crossbleed valves 425
Cargo )moke Ietector test - press G release b$tton for test" Jo$ sho$ld get 4T9
I#)C8 amber lights ill$minate"
)9@CE red lights ill$minate 42K5
9)TE: 6:2 light ill$minate
C:C a$ral
C:H@ )9@CE on E!6I
This test &ill r$n t&ice after yo$ select it once to test both channels" Note:
I#)C8 amber lights only on first test"
#f the C:H@ )9@CE bottle is fired the indications yo$ can e%pect are1
:ed )9@CE light remains on 4smoke G bottle discharge are trapped5
0oth amber I#)C8 lights &ill come on and remain on 4only one bottle5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?$el 4T9 <M"%"%5
&ing tank
1=;0 lbs"
42! 3215
#nner &ing
#nner &ing
&ing tank
1=;0 lbs"
42! 3215
Total 7eft 6ing ?$el
Total Center ?$el
13.=00 lbs"
Total :ight 6ing ?$el
Total 7eft 6ing ?$el
Total Center ?$el
2=.000 lbs"
Total :ight 6ing ?$el
Total ?$el E 319!3201 32.000 lbs". 3211 =2.=00 lbs"
?$el Philosophy1 ?$el in center last. Center f$el emptied first
Takeoff on center tank prohibited 4P8 1";"35
?$el may not be added to CT $nless center tank is f$ll 43215 e%cept by 9E7"
The center tank p$mps r$n at a higher override press$re 4319. 3205 so the
center tank f$el &ill be b$rned before the &ing tank f$el &ill be even tho$gh
center and &ing p$mps are both providing f$el press$re to the manifold at the
same time"
#f both p$mps in same tank fail. only the inner &ing tanks can s$ction feed"
Center tank f$el &o$ld be $n$sable"
P( f$el is dra&n from the left f$el manifold" The P( normally $ses the tank
p$mp press$re b$t has its o&n f$el p$mp that it &ill $se if no other f$el p$mp
press$re is available"
7osing one center p$mp re'$ires opening crossfeed valve 4one EC9 chime5
7osing one inner tank p$mp M$st re'$ires t$rning off the p$mp s&itch 4no chime5
7osing t&o center tank p$mps &ill make any remaining center f$el $n$sable 4no
s$ction feed5"
321 only1
2 dditional
Center Tanks
10.=00 lbs
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
7osing t&o inner tank p$mps &ill p$t that &ing on gravity 4s$ction5 feed" There is
a chart to determine safe altit$des for gravity feeding in the N:8 pg" 3="
2ormally f$el is r$n in $to mode" This &ill r$n the &ing tanks contin$o$sly and
the center tank on a sched$le" The $to mode sched$le for the center tank is to
r$n the center tank p$mps any time there is f$el in the center tank e%cept &hen
the slats are e%tended" E%ceptions to the $to sched$le1
fter engine start the center tanks &ill r$n for at least t&o min$tes for a
*test r$n+ even if the slats have already been e%tended" #f slats are not
e%tended p$mps &ill contin$e to r$n as normal $ntil they are e%tended"
The p$mps &ill restart again after takeoff &hen the slats are retracted"
fter the center tanks r$n dry the p$mps &ill contin$e to r$n for = more
#f #IH ret$rn f$el fills the o$ter &ing tank the e%tra f$el &ill spill over into
the inner &ing tank" #f the inner &ing tank fills completely $p then the
center tank p$mp on that side &ill be a$tomatically t$rned off to allo&
&ing tank f$el to be b$rned $ntil 1.100 lbs" has been $sed" Then the
center tank p$mp &ill t$rn on again" This prevents s$rge tank spillage"
The f$el in the o$ter &ing tanks &ill gravity feed thro$gh t&o transfer valve
openings &hen inner &ing tank f$el level reaches 1.;=0 lbs" 6hen either &ing
inner tank reaches the 1.;=0 lbs" level a signal is sent to latch open all the
transfer valves in both o$ter &ing tanks" This is a total of 3 valves. 2 in each
o$ter &ing tank" The transfer valves &ill remain open for the rest of the flight and
&ill close on the ne%t ref$el operation" #f f$el is *sloshed+ d$ring climb or descent
it is possible for the transfer valves to be opened early d$e to a 7@ 7EBE7 alert"
n EC9 ca$tion is given if d$ring $to mode the center tank has more than
==0 lbs" of f$el &hile the left or right &ing tank has less than 11.000 lbs" of f$el
per &ing" This &o$ld indicate that the normal $to sched$le &as not being
The Crossfeed pb is normally e%ting$ished &hen the valve is closed" #t &ill sho&
&hite @2 &hen selected on and green @PE2 &hen /ully open" The Crossfeed
valve itself is po&ered by t&o electric motors" @pening the Crossfeed valve
enables one engine to be fed by both sides and!or the center or both engines to
be fed by one side and!or the center"
There are t&o f$ll levels for the inner &ing tanks. a f$eling f$ll and an
operational f$ll" The f$eling f$ll is less than the operational f$ll and that allo&s
the e%tra #IH f$el room to collect in normal circ$mstances &itho$t triggering the
center tank p$mp t$rn-off for #IH ret$rn f$el"
Note: #n $to the center tank p$mps r$n all the time if center tank f$el is present
so &ith all f$el p$mps on if yo$ are on the gate &ith P( r$nning 4slats $p5 yo$
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
&ill be $sing center tank f$el" #f operating in 9an$al mode the cre& m$st ens$re
that the center tank p$mps are off &hen the &ing tanks are completely f$ll or
&hen the center tank is empty"
Note: (n$sable f$el is sho&n &ith a half amber bo% aro$nd the f$el '$antity on
EC9" #f the f$el '$antity is in a degraded mode the EC9 f$el '$antity &ill
have amber dashes thro$gh the last t&o digits" :ef$el is sho&n on $pper EC9
memo &hen ref$eling door is open"
A!* di//erences:
The 321 Center Tank does not have the same electric p$mps as the 319!320
b$t $ses Met p$mps instead" ?$rther. the Met p$mps are *po&ered+ by f$el
press$re from the f$el p$mps in the main &ing tanks and the Met p$mps transfer
f$el from the Center tank to the respective &ing tank" The 321 &ing tanks do
not have an o$ter and inner tank and there are no transfer valves to latch open"
ll the &ing f$el is in one &ing tank and total &ing f$el remains the same as the
319!320" Please $nderstand that the p$mps in the &ing m$st be r$nning in
order to po&er the center tank Met p$mps and transfer f$el"
The center tanks p$mp pb/s have been replaced on the 321 &ith transfer valve
pb/s" Essentially these CT: TC 7 4:5 K?: pb/s handle the same f$nction as the
center tank pb/s on the 319 and 320" #n $to mode they &ill control the valves
that allo& the Met p$mps to operate once the &ing f$el has been b$rned do&n
==0 lbs" @nce the &ing f$el tank is again f$ll the transfer &ill stop $ntil the tank
is b$rned do&n ==0 lbs" again" This &ill contin$e $ntil all center f$el has been
$sed" #f the ?(E7 9@IE )E7 pb is in 92 then the center tank transfer valves
&ill open and m$st be t$rned off to avoid overfilling the &ing tanks" #f in 92
they sho$ld also be t$rned @?? once all center tank f$el is gone"
Note: #IH ret$rn f$el is added to the &ing tank as there is no o$ter tank on the
Note: There is no EC9 @(T: TC ?(E7 K?:I memo on the 321 as there is
no o$ter or inner &ing tank 4all f$el in one &ing tank5" 8o&ever. there is a memo
*?@0 belo& 3T+ and &hile rather cryptic # have been able to translate this as
?$el @n 0oard belo& three Tons 4possibly TonnesD5" )o yo$ still have a sort of
lo& f$el message at aro$nd ;.000 lbs"
The 321 has t&o dditional Center Tanks that &ill a$tomatically feed to the
Center tank &hen the Center tank b$rns do&n to a certain level defined as &hen
the high tank level sensor is dry for 10 mins" The dditional Center Tanks do not
have p$mps b$t $se cabin air press$re to feed the center tank thro$gh transfer
valves" The CT 2 4aft tank5 &ill transfer f$el first follo&ed by the CT1" ll f$el
transfer is done a$tomatically in the normal mode of operation" The a$tomatic
f$el transfer from CT to Center Tank is noted on the EC9 as a green triangle
bet&een the CT f$el indicators"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
n additional pb has been added to the ?(E7 panel to control the CT f$el
transfer" Jes. yo$ g$essed it. the normal mode is (T@ 4are &e seeing a pattern
hereD5" #n (T@ mode the CT pb allo&s a$tomatic control of the f$el transfer
after slat retraction &hen in-flight" ?$el transfer &ill begin from the CT 2 &hen
the center tank is no longer f$ll" Transfer &ill contin$e $ntil either the center tank
is f$ll or both CT/s are empty" fter CT transfer starts if the center tank
becomes f$ll transfer &ill stop $ntil the center tank b$rns do&n s$fficiently and
the transfer process &ill a$tomatically restart"
CT 1
CT 2
n amber ?(7T light &ill ill$minate in the CT pb if the center tank has less
than ;.;13 lbs" of f$el and one CT has more than ==0 lbs" of f$el &hich &o$ld
indicate that the (T@ sched$le &as not being follo&ed" #f the CT pb is
selected to ?6I then all CT f$el &ill be man$ally transferred for&ard to the
center tank $sing the CT transfer p$mp. &hich is a back$p p$mp that can p$mp
from either CT" This back$p CT K?: p$mp r$ns at a lo& vol$me and may not
be able to transfer all f$el at higher altit$des 4?72<0 and above5 or s$pply as
fast as the engines are b$rning" The EC9 2on-2ormal )$pplemental 9an$al
&ill specify best proced$res for complete transfer of f$el in case of CT transfer
#t is normal to have f$el being transferred from the CT/s to the Center tank and
from the Center tank to the 6ing tanks at the same time" @n the 321 there/s a
&hole lotta transferring goin/ on" Please note that in order to feed an engine from
the opposite &ing yo$ m$st still open the f$el crossfeed valve" #n normal (T@
operation the f$el proced$res are the same and f$el transfer operation is
transparent to the pilot"
Note: ?or the 321 all f$el is b$rned from the 6ing tanks" ?$el m$st be
transferred to a 6ing tank for it to be available for $se by the engines" There is
no EC9 CT: T2C ?EEIH memo as the 321 never feeds from the Center
Note: ?or 3211 if center tank is not f$ll then do not takeoff &ith f$el in an CT
$nless 9E7 directs other&ise 4P8 1";"35
Note: on the )I ?(E7 display the left CT is U1 4for&ard5 and the right CT is
U2 4aft5" Hee. &hy not M$st display them as fore and aftD
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Pne$matics. ir Conditioning G Press$riRation 4T9 <b"%"%5
The pne$matic system s$pplies high press$re air for1
ir conditioning
Engine starting
6ing anti-icing
8ydra$lic reservoir press$riRation
ft cargo heat
6ater tank press$riRation
8igh press$re air can be s$pplied by1
Engine bleed
P( load compressor
8igh press$re gro$nd connection
Controlled by 09C 40leed 9onitoring Comp$ter5
Engine 0leeds close a$tomatically &hen 09CVs detect1
P( bleed valve open
) Engine )tart
@ @ver temperat$re
7 7eak
@ @ver press$re
The valve &ill also a$tomatically close pne$matically &hen1
7o& press$re
:everse flo&

nd is electrically closed &hen1
E2H 07EEI selected off
E2H ?#:E pb selected
The P( bleed &ill close for leaks
The P( is ready for bleed &hen reaching 9=Q for t&o seconds or 99"=Q" The
B#7 light &ill sho& in the P( start pb and green P( B#7 &ill sho& on E6I
display &hen P( is available for $se"
The crossbleed valve can be operated in a$tomatic or man$al mode" There are
t&o electric motors for the valve. one for each mode" #n a$tomatic mode the
crossbleed valve opens a$tomatically &hen $sing P( bleed air" I$ring normal
operation the crossbleed is closed to isolate the t&o engine bleeds"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The crossbleed is man$ally set @PE2 d$ring the engine crossbleed start
The leak detection system $ses a single loop for the pylons and P( to detect
hot air temps associated &ith d$ct leaks" I$al loops are $sed for the &ings" #f
both of the d$al loops detect a leak a &arning is given. $nless there is a fa$lt on
one. then only one loop is re'$ired to give a &arning"
#f a leak is detected1
The engine bleed air valve 4P( bleed air valve5 on that side is closed
ssociated E2H 4P(5 07EEI ?(7T light comes on
Crossbleed valve closes 4e%cept d$ring engine start5
7eft &ing leak only E P( bleed air valve closes 4e%cept d$ring E2H
Airbus >otc$a: Io not $se e%ternal conditioned air &hen $sing packs 4P8
1"<"25" (nfort$nately. there is no cockpit indication of e%ternal air connectedO Jo$
can t$rn off the cabin fans pb and if air contin$es to blo& from the vents then
e%ternal air is connected"
Pay attention here. many ne& irb$s pilots fail to $nderstand the &ay the >one
Temp system &orks" #f yo$ are familiar &ith the <3<-300 this is very similar" 0oth
packs are feeding all three Rones" 6hichever Rone is commanding the coldest
temperat$re &ill drive 0@T8 packs to that temp" 8ot air is then added to any
other Rone that is commanding a higher temp" This hot air is called trim air and is
ho& the Rone temp system controls temperat$res in three Rones &ith only t&o
There are three air conditioning Rones1 Cockpit. ?6I Cabin and ?T Cabin"
The Rones are controlled by having the packs deliver all air at the lo&est temp
re'$ested by any of the three Rones" Then hot air is added thro$gh the trim air
valves to the other t&o Rones as needed to meet temp re'$irements" !C Rone
temp selectors have a range of1 Cold 1,AC!;3A?. 12 o/clock 23AC!<;A?. 8ot
The C pack can bypass bleed air aro$nd the air cycle machine 4C95 if the
C9 fails and r$n the bleed air thro$gh the primary heat e%changer directly" This
allo&s the pack to operate as a simple heat e%changer &ith red$ced pack flo&"
Pack flo& &ill revert to 8# d$ring single pack operation or P( bleed so$rce
regardless of selector position"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The >one controller can override pilot selected pack flo& 48#. 2@:9 and 7@65
as needed to meet demands" #t can also command higher P( speed or engine
idle as needed"
@ne >one controller &ith t&o channels" ?ail$re of the primary channel &ill res$lt
in fi%ed temperat$re at <;A ? &ith no optimiRation" ?ail$re of the secondary as
&ell &ill res$lt in a fi%ed temp of ;,A ? pack 1 and =0A ? pack 2"
@ne Pack controller per pack" T&o channels per controller" #f primary fails the
secondary pack air flo& &ill be fi%ed at the pre-fail$re setting" 2o f$rther
optimiRation is available" ?$rther fail$re of the secondary &ill res$lt in a fi%ed
pack o$tlet temp of =9A ?"
Pack controllers also reg$late the cooling air flo& thro$gh the C9" I$ring
takeoff and to$chdo&n the controllers close the ram air inlet flaps to prevent
ingesting debris"
Note: The irb$s 319!320!321 can be dispatched &ith one pack #2@P $p to
?7310 or belo& as per 9E7 21-=201
6hen sitting on the gate &ith C established 4P( or EKT P6: @25 the PCC
1 G 2 amber ?(7T lights &ill be on &hen the packs are not s$pplied 4no P(
bleed or e%ternal high press$re air5"
=A, air
:9 air is available for cabin ventilation in the event of loss of press$riRation or
smoke removal" 6hen the :9 #: pb is selected the :9 air inlet opens"
6hen press$riRation differential is less than 1 psi" the o$tflo& valve &ill open to
=0Q to allo& e%ha$st" #f above 1 psi" then the o$tflo& &ill remain normal"
There are t&o identical independent press$riRation systems" Control is normally
f$lly a$tomatic" The system has one control panel. t&o controllers. one o$tflo&
valve and t&o safety valves" The o$tflo& valve has three IC motors1 Primary.
0ack$p and 9an$al" Controllers can operate in a$tomatic. semi-a$tomatic and
man$al modes"
$tomatic1 Controller a$tomatically takes the destination field elevation from the
aircraft database" The entire press$riRation sched$le is optimiRed by the system"
)emi-a$tomatic1 #f the database is not available for some reason the pilot can
select the landing elevation from the 7IH E7EB knob by p$lling the selector o$t
of the (T@ detent and t$rning to the needed val$e"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
9an$al1 2ormally. the controllers take t$rns controlling by s&apping after each
leg" #f the active controller fails the back$p a$tomatically takes over" #f both
a$tomatic systems fail the pilot may control man$ally by pressing the C0#2
P:E)) 9@IE )E7 to 92" The primary and back$p o$tflo& valve motors are
depo&ered and the man$al motor is activated" 2o& the pilot can select vertical
speed on the cabin $sing the 92 B!) CT7 s&itch"
bort mode1 #f the aircraft ret$rns after takeoff the system &ill reset to depart$re
field elevation"
Iitching pb1 The Iitching pb &ill close all e%terior openings belo& the flotation
line" This pb is also $sed d$ring deicing to prevent deicing fl$id from entering the
Airbus >otc$a: on gro$nd &ith Iitching pb @2 and all doors closed G e%ternal
lo& press$re connected a press$riRation differential &ill b$ild"
Note: #f the pilot s$spects that press$riRation is not performing normally b$t has
not yet failed press the 9@IE )E7 pb to 92 for 10 secs" then ret$rn to (T@"
This &ill ca$se the systems to s&ap"
Iepress$riRation1 6hen cabin e%ceeds abo$t 11.000/ the cabin may ill$minate
and E%it and all cabin signs ill$minate a$tomatically" 9asks &ill a$tomatically
drop at 13.000/ cabin altit$de"
The avionics are cooled thro$gh a system that $ses t&o openings and t&o
electric fans" Conditioned air is also available for back$p if needed" Jes. a
comp$ter controls the &hole thing 4sigh5"The intake is on the lo&er left side
belo& the cockpit" blo&er fan dra&s air in and the e%tract fan on the right side
e%ha$sts the air o$t from a port belo& the cockpit on the lo&er right side"
@pen config$ration1 @nly for gro$nd operations. both the inlet and o$tlet vents
are open and both fans operate" Note: d$ring heavy rain operations on gro$nd
select EKT:CT pb to @B:I &ith both packs operating" This &ill prevent rain
from entering the avionics bay" :et$rn to normal a$to operation once airborne
4see P8 3"2"= for parameters5"
Closed config$ration1 #n-flight mode and very cold gro$nd operations" 0oth vents
are closed. ho&ever both fans r$n to circ$late air past skin heat e%changers that
are cooled by lo& o$tside skin temperat$res" )ome air e%ha$sted thro$gh cargo
$nderfloor" lso kno&n as the infamo$s )kin Cooling Config"
#ntermediate config$ration1 @nly for $se in-flight &hen &arm. same as closed
e%cept red$ced opening to allo& some additional e%ha$st of cooling air"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
bnormal config$ration1 ?a$lt is detected in either the 07@6E: or EKT:CT
fan" 0lo&er fan is off b$t E%tract remains @2" )imilar to closed e%cept air
conditioned air is added to the circ$lated air" EC9 &ill direct config$ration"
)moke config$ration1 #f smoke is detected in avionics both the 07@6E: and
EKT:CT fan &ill have amber ?(7T lights on and the HE2 1 7#2E pb 4on
E9E: E7EC P6: panel5 has amber )9@CE ill$minated" )electing 0@T8 fans
to @B:I &ill ca$se the blo&er to stop b$t the e%tract to contin$e operating"
Conditioned air is added to attempt to cool and clear the smoke. then e%ha$sted
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
8ydra$lics. 0rakes G 7anding Hear 4T9 <k"%"% . T9 <m"%"%5
There are three hydra$lic systems1 green. bl$e and yello&" ll three systems are
independent of each other and do not transfer fl$id at any time" Each system has
its o&n acc$m$lator" Priority valves ens$re proper press$re to critical $sers
&hen system press$re is lo&"
Hreen system E 1 p$mp1 engine driven" T&o po&er so$rces1 engine 1 p$mp G
0l$e system E 2 p$mps1 1 electric and the emergency :T" T&o so$rces of
po&er1 electric p$mp G :T p$mp"
Jello& system E 3 p$mps1 1 engine. 1 electric G 1 hand p$mp" 3 so$rces of
po&er1 engine 2 p$mp. electric p$mp. hand p$mp and PT("
Hreen is the *heavy+ system &ith landing gear. flaps!slats. nose&heel steering
and 2ormal 0rakes"
0l$e is basically for red$ndancy &ith the only $ni'$e items on it being 7 G :
spoiler 3 and the Emergency Henerator &hich are *back$p+ items themselves"
Jello& provides the gro$nd service items of parking brake and cargo door and
also helps po&er the flaps"
The :T and Jello& electric p$mps do not normally r$n d$ring flight" The Jello&
electric p$mp &ill a$tomatically come on &hen a cargo door is operated" @ther
Jello& system f$nctions are inhibited &hen a$tomatically activated by a cargo
door" hand p$mp is provided on the Jello& system to provide the ability to
open cargo doors &ith no electric po&er on the aircraft" 0l$e electric operates all
the time in-flight and on the gro$nd &hen at least one engine is operating"
The :T hydra$lic p$mp is for emergency $se only and &ill only deploy
man$ally for hydra$lic problems" ?or electrical problems it &ill deploy
a$tomatically above 100 kts" &ith loss of all C" Note: 9in :T speed is 130 kts"
&ith 319!321 and modified 320 :Ts stalling at less than 12= kts" This speed
limit is for electrical po&er and the :T &ill contin$e to s$pply hydra$lic po&er to
m$ch slo&er speeds"
The PT( 4Po&er Transfer (nit5 is able to transfer po&er b$t not fl$id" #t transfers
po&er bet&een the Hreen and Jello& systems 4the t&o &ith the engine p$mps
and heavy cons$mers5" The PT( can transfer po&er in either direction and is
activated &hen a =00 psi differential is sensed bet&een Hreen and Jello&" The
PT( can also be po&ered on the gro$nd by the Jello& electric p$mp to po&er
Hreen hydra$lic" llo&s Jello& electric p$mp to po&er Hreen on gro$nd 4for
e%ample to retract slats on gro$nd5"
The PT( is inhibited &hen1
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?irst engine is being started" This is identified as &hen the nose&heel
steering disconnect pin is in and only one E2H 9)TE: s&itch is @2" 4PT(
operation is tested on second engine start5
Cargo doors are operated 4Jello& electric normally po&ers cargo doors. this
prevents draining lo& o$tp$t of electric p$mp or accidentally po&ering Hreen
Parking brake is @2 and only one E2H 9)TE: s&itch is @2
PT( pb is off
Note: #f a cargo door is operated and then the 2
engine is started &ithin 30
seconds a PT( fa$lt message may be given 4d$e to inhibition d$ring test
The engine p$mps 4Hreen and Jello&5 each have ?ire )h$t @ff Balves that close
&hen the Engine ?ire P$shb$ttons are selected open"
The brakes are carbon. m$ltidiscs act$ated by t&o independent systems. 2ormal
and lternate" The normal brakes are po&ered by the Hreen hydra$lic system"
2ormal brakes are available &hen1
The !)C#I G 2!6 )T:H s&itch is @2
Hreen hydra$lic press$re is available
The parking brake is @??
0)C( 40rake and )teering Control (nit5 controls all normal braking f$nctions
4anti-skid. a$tobrakes and brake temps"5"
2ormal brake press$re is 2000 - 2<00 psi" &! f$ll pedal deflection
nti-skid is deactivated belo& 20 kts" nti-skid may or may not be available
&hen on alternate brakes" #f antiskid is inop" then alternate brakes $se 1000 psi
ma% to prevent blo&ing tires"
The alternate brakes are po&ered by the Jello& hydra$lic system and &ill
a$tomatically become selected if Hreen hydra$lic is ins$fficient for normal
brakes" Jello& brakes have the same capabilities as normal brakes e%cept for
a$tobrake capability" The alternate brakes are essentially a mechanical system"
Think - 0)C( on1 2ormal H:EE2 - 0)C( off1 lternate. JE77@6"
lternate brakes can be $sed &ith or &itho$t anti-skid" nti-skid d$ring alternate
brakes is inoperative &hen1
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Electrical po&er fail$re
0)C( fail$re
!)C#I G 2!6 )T:H s&itch t$rned off
0rake press$re s$pplied by Jello& acc$m$lator only
Parking brake disables all other brake modes 4319. 320 only5" Parking brake is
on Jello& system"
press$re indicator on the instr$ment panel indicates Jello& acc$m$lator
press$re and Jello& left and right brake 4parking brake5 press$re on three
cc$m$lators maintain good parking brake press$re for at least 12 hrs" The
cargo door operation &ill restore parking brake 4Jello& system5 press$re"
$tobrakes are available on 2ormal 0rakes 4Hreen system5 only" 8old pb for at
least one second" 7@ mode delays for 3 seconds after to$chdo&n" 9EI mode
delays for 2 seconds" 9K has no delay" Io not $se 9K for landing. 9K is
takeoff only 4P8 3"125"
The Hreen IECE7 light in the a$to brake pb/s indicates act$al deceleration is
&ithin ,0Q of the selected rate 4does not indicate that the a$tobrake is
$tobrakes activate &hen gro$nd spoilers are e%tended" @n takeoff they are not
armed $ntil <2 kts" 2 )EC/s are re'$ired for $tobrakes"
0rake ?ans are installed in the main gear h$bs" They &ill indicate an amber 8@T
&hen the brakes are 300A C or more" 0rake temps are sho&n on the EC9
68EE7) page" n arc &ill appear above the hottest brake temp" #f brake temp is
above 300A

C then the temp &ill t$rn amber" The brakes m$st be cooled belo&
300A C before takeoff" Pilot m$st man$ally select brake fans on"
Note: Ielay selecting 0rake ?ans on ta%i in for at least = mins" or $ntil at gate"
Carbon brakes act$ally &ear better &hen heated. ho&ever if t$rn time is short or
if brakes &ill e%ceed =00A then cool immediately" ?ans sho$ld only be $sed to
cool to abo$t 2=0A C 4P8 3"1=5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
8ot 0rakes 4P8 3"1=5 9aintenance action is re'$ired if there is1
1=0A C difference in brake temps on the same str$t and one brake ;00A or
greater or ;0A or less
a mean 200A C difference bet&een different tr$cks
f$se pl$g melted
brake temp e%ceeds 900A C 4,00A C. 3215
void $se of the parking brake &hen brakes are =00A C or above if able"
Io not set Parking 0rake @2 in flight"
?anding >ear
The irb$s 7anding Hear1
8as enclosed gear bays
#s held by mechanical $plocks
(ses man$al e%tension by gravity
8as no mechanical or vis$al check for gear position
(ses a$tobraking on the mains d$ring retraction
8as a brake band in the nose gear &ell
#s hydra$lically locked o$t from operation above 2;0 kts"
The 7HC#( controls the irb$s landing gear operation" The )I &ill sho& 2 green
do&n triangles on the 68EE7) page for each gear do&n and locked" There are
also gear indicators ne%t to gear handle" ny green triangle 4at least one o$t of
three possible5 for a gear confirms the gear do&n and locked" @ne green and
t&o red triangles for a gear still indicates do&n and locked" :ed sho&s gear in
transit and no triangle indicates gear $plocked"
The gear doors &ill remain do&n after man$al gravity e%tension"
The gear lights by the gear handle are po&ered thro$gh 4hard &ired5 7HC#( 1.
if 7HC#( 1 is not po&ered the lights &ill not operate"
The gear handle has a red do&n arro& that &ill ill$minate if gear is $p &ith flaps
3 or ?(77 belo& abo$t <00/ 4landing config$ration5" EC9 &ill alert"
Nose <$eel Steering
2ose 6heel )teering gets inp$ts from1 Capt. & F/O steerin hand wheels
4ma% deflection is <=A. starts red$cing above 20 kts to 0A at <0 kts"5. Rudder
pedals 4ma% deflection is ;A. starts red$cing above 30 knots to 0A at 130 kts"5.
and Autopilot" r$dder disconnect is on the hand steering &heel for $se d$ring
?light Control Check" lever on the nose gear deactivates steering to enable
to&ing" green 26 )T:H I#)C message &ill sho& on EC9 and &ill t$rn
amber on second engine start &hen lever is activated"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
2ose &heel steering is enabled &ith hydra$lic press$re &hen1
2ose gear doors closed
!)C#I G 2!6 )T:H s&itch on
To&ing control lever in normal position
t least one engine operating
ircraft on gro$nd
2ose &heel steering is disabled after man$al gear e%tension"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?light Controls 4T9 <h"%"%5
#lig$t 0ontrol ?aws:
9$ltiple fail$res are re'$ired to revert from normal la&" *9$ltiple fail$res of
red$ndant systems+
2ormal ?light-
on gro$nd takeoff in-flight landing on gro$nd
Hro$nd 9ode ?light 9ode ?light 9ode ?lare 9ode Hro$nd 9ode
Iirect blend from
Iirect to
2ormal 2ormal &ith
slight pitch
do&n added
at =0/ for flare
!ormal "aw# for a given amo$nt of sidestick deflection a given amo$nt of H
loading 4pitch. elevators5 or roll rate 4roll. ailerons. spoilers5 regardless of
airspeed" Pitch is al&ays kept in trim a$tomatically" ?lare mode gives slight pitch
do&n after =0/ for flare" 0ank past 33A re'$ires constant inp$t or &ill
a$tomatically ret$rn to 33A" *8ard+ protections" Hreen e'$als signs *W+
2ormal 7a& Protections 4think of as *320 mode+51
0ank Ja& Pitch 7o& )peed 8igh
:oll rate
to side stick
;<A 9a%
4at 3=A
G Ja&
7oad ?actor
to stick
9a% 30A
nose $p
9a% 1=A
nose do&n
X Prot
7o& energy
X ?loor
X 9a%
nose $p
overspeed at
Clean!?laps 1
Alternate "aw# ?light control &ill revert to alternate la& after m$ltiple fail$res of
red$ndant systems" $totrim still available" *)oft+ protections" 2o protection in
roll. roll goes to direct" Pitch goes to direct for landing &hen landing gear
e%tended 4no *flare mode+5" #t is possible to be in lternate la& &itho$t speed
)tability and!or Ja& Iampening" ircraft can stall" mber *K/s+
lternate 7a& Protections 4think of as *<3<-300 mode+51
0ank Ja& Pitch 7o& )peed 8igh
:oll Iirect
7oad ?actor
to stick
2o flare
mode. goes
to direct for
7o& speed
nose do&n
command to
prevent stall
)tall 6arning
8igh )peed
nose $p
command to
Clean!?laps 1
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
$irect "aw# 7o&est level of flight control la&" Proportional movement bet&een
sidestick deflection and flight control deflection" 2o a$totrimming" 2o
protections" @verspeed and )tall &arnings available" The defa$lt mode on the
gro$nd in all cases 4think abo$t it. if yo$ are on the gro$nd yo$ cannot have a H
load or roll rate5" This mode is most like a reg$lar airplane 4*IC-9 mode+5" mber
*()E 92 P#TC8 T:#9+
Abnormal "aw# This is entered by the aircraft being in an e%treme $n$s$al
attit$de 4abo$t do$ble normal limits5" 6hen back to normal attit$de aircraft is in
lternate 7a& e%cept does not go to direct la& on landing and no pitch
protections" Comp$ter reverts to bnormal &hen it sees the aircraft in $n$s$al
attit$de beca$se comp$ter logic says aircraft sho$ld not have been allo&ed by
normal la& protections into this attit$de in the first place. therefore comp$ter
sees something is &rong"
%echanical &ac'up# Pitch thro$gh horiRontal stab trim. 7ateral thro$gh r$dders.
Iifferential po&er" 0oth stab and r$dder $se cables going to controller and
re'$ire hydra$lic po&er" 0ottom line here. very little *man$al reversion+ and if no
hydra$lic po&er yo$ are a la&n dart" :ed *92 P#TC8 T:#9 @27J+
?ly-by-&ire. no feedback e%cept for r$dder and horiRontal stab trim
T&o E7C/s E Elevator. aileron and stabiliRer control
Three )EC/s E )poiler and standby elevator and stabiliRer control
T&o ?C/s E Electrical r$dder control 4other &arning f$nctions also provided5
?CIC/s 4?light Control Iata Concentrators5 process information from E7C/s
and )EC/s and send data to the E#) and C?I)"
Pitc$ E Controlled by elevators and horiRontal stab" Electrically controlled by
E7C or )EC and hydra$lically act$ated"
Elevator E Each elevator has t&o hydra$lic po&er so$rces and t&o act$ators
4one active and one in damping mode5"
Elevator priorities1 42ote1 $nless re'$ired by Hro$nd )chool instr$ctor # &o$ld not memoriRe
&hich hydra$lic system s$pplies &hich flight control. # add it for reference only5
E7C 2 E7C 1 )EC 2 )EC 1
7eft Elevator E 0l$e and Hreen hyd" :ight Elevator E Jello& and 0l$e hyd"
.oriContal StabiliCer E Electrically controlled by one of three motors or
mechanically controlled by the pitch trim &heels 4thro$gh cable5 and
hydra$lically po&ered by green or yello& hydra$lic" fter to$chdo&n the stab
trim is reset a$tomatically to Rero"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
8oriRontal )tab" Priorities1
E7C 2 E7C 1 )EC 2 )EC 1 4same as elevators5
Hreen and Jello& hyd". 3 electric motors
=oll 0ontrol E provided by ailerons and spoilers" Electrically controlled by E7C
4ailerons5 or )EC 4spoilers5 and hydra$lically act$ated"
Ailerons E Each aileron is po&ered by Hreen and 0l$e hyd" and has t&o
act$ators 4one active and the other damping5" The ailerons droop =A &hen the
flaps are e%tended" #f both E7C/s fail then droop is deactivated and the ailerons
streamline and only spoilers are $sed for roll control"
ileron priorities1
E7C 1 E7C 2
Hreen and 0l$e hyd"
Spoilers E ?ive spoilers are installed on each &ing" ?rom the &ing root to &ing
tip they are n$mbered 1 thro$gh =" ll are $sed as gro$nd spoilers" 2$mbers 2
thro$gh = 4the 3 o$tboard spoilers5 provide roll control" The middle three 42 E 35
provide in-flight speed brakes" #f a )EC fails the spoiler4s5 it controls is
a$tomatically retracted 4if e%tended5 and that spoiler4s5 deactivated" There is no
reversion to other comp$ters"
)poiler priorities1
)poilers 1 G 2 - )EC 3. Jello& and Hreen
)poilers 3 G 3 - )EC 1. Jello& and 0l$e
)poiler = - )EC 2. Hreen
Speedbrakes and >round Spoilers
Hreen )PI 0:C memo on EC9 &hen speedbrakes e%tended" ?lashes amber
&hen thr$st is applied &ith speedbrake e%tended"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
)peedbrake e%tension inhibited &hen 4)?E-T51
) - )EC 1 G 3 fail
- ngle of ttack protection active 4X prot5 or 7P8 ?7@@: active
? - ?laps at ?(77 setting 4also config 31 3215
E - Elevator 47 or :5 fails 4spoilers 3 and 3 only5
T-T@H on thr$st levers 4@C. really above 9CT b$t yo$ better be in the T@H
detent if yo$ are above 9CTO5
#f speedbrakes o$t &hen inhibited they &ill a$tomatically retract" 9$st resto&
speedbrake handle for 10 seconds to regain" Io not $se speedbrakes belo&
1000/ ?E"
#f one speedbrake on one &ing fails the corresponding one on the other &ing &ill
be inhibited for symmetry"
Hro$nd )poilers are armed by raising the )peed 0rake 7ever" The speed brake
lever does not move &ith a$to e%tension"
Hro$nd )poilers e%tend a$tomatically1
Partial E%tension E @n landing E
:everse selected on at least one engine &ith other at or near idle EandE one
main landing gear str$t compressed
?$ll E%tension E @n landing or on takeoff above <2 kts" 4reMected takeoff5 E
0oth thr$st levers at idle 4spoilers armed5 EorE
:everse thr$st selected on at least one engine &ith other at idle 4spoilers not
armed5 and both mains compressed"
=udder E :$dder controls ya&" ?C 1 G 2 provide electric control thro$gh trim
motors and hydra$lically act$ated" 9echanically controlled by r$dder pedals if
?C/s fail" :$dder deflection is normally limited according to airspeed b$t d$ring
d$al ?C fail$re f$ll r$dder deflection is available &hen the slats e%tend" :$dder
trim is a$tomatic b$t can be done man$ally $sing electric :(I T:#9 s&itch"
r$dder trim :E)ET pb &ill reset the r$dder to 0 trim 4not available d$ring
a$topilot operation5"
E7Cs sends signals to ?Cs and ?Cs comp$te ya& damper and t$rn
coordinations" 2o feedback 4r$dder pedal movement5 d$ring ya& damper
corrections or t$rn coordination" The r$dder is not comp$ter controlled to the
e%tent of the rest of the flight controls" #t is assisted by the E7C b$t does not
have the level of *fly-by-&ire+ that the roll and pitch a%is do"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?C E think of a so$thern Iragnet. *M$st the ?Cs y/all+
J E Ja& f$nctions. normal and alternate ya&
E ngle of ttack 4flight envelope protection - o. 8igh and 7o& speed limits5
6 E 6indshear
7 E 7o& Energy &arning 4speed. speed5
X Prot E lpha Protection. ngle of attack protection speed. top of amber tiger
E ngle of ttack instead of 7oad ?actor 4g/s5
) E )peedbrakes retract
E $topilot disconnects
P E Pitch trim inhibited
The flap handle has a *trigger+ that m$st be s'$eeRed to allo& the flaps to move
o$t of detent &ith balks at 1 and 3 to prevent *overshoot+" The flaps &ill only
provide the config$rations that are allo&ed for each detent. there is no *in
bet&een the detents+ positioning" The flap handle controls both flaps and slats"
Controlled by t&o )lat ?lap Control Comp$ters 4)?CCs5"
0oth flaps and slats are po&ered by t&o hydra$lic systems. flaps by green and
yello& and slats by green and bl$e" #f any hydra$lic system fails leaving only one
hydra$lic system po&ering either slats or flaps the single po&ered control &ill
e%tend and retract at half speed" #f only one )?CC is f$nctional the flaps and
slats &ill operate at half speed"
The flaps have = selected positions1 0. 1. 2. 3 and ?(77"
Takeoff is allo&ed &ith 1. 2 or 3
7anding is allo&ed &ith 3 or ?(77
Note: &hen landing &ith ?laps 3 the 7IH ?7P 3 pb on the HP6) overhead
panel sho$ld be selected @2 to prevent HP6) flap &arnings &hen landing and
also C@2?#H 3 selected in PE:? PP: for proper approach n$mbers"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The flap position n$mbers are M$st that. position n$mbers. they do not
correspond to degrees of flaps 4or slats5 and in fact each model 4the 319. 320
and 3215 has slightly different flap deflection sched$les for certain flap lever
positions" ?or e%ample. ?laps ?(77 for the 319 is 30A. 320 is 3=A and the
321 is 2=A" The 321 also has additional slots b$ilt into the flaps to provide
additional lift at slo&er speeds" Proced$res remain the same for all models
e%cept for higher flap speeds on the 321" The flap *indicator+ is in the E!6I
and sho&s the amo$nt of e%tension for both slats and flaps. &ith three positions
for the slats and fo$r positions for the flaps"
?laps 0 4Rero5 is flaps *(P+ &ith all trailing and leading edge flap devices f$lly
?laps 1 is a *hybrid+ &ith t&o separate config$rations for the same ?laps 1
handle position" 8o&ever. from a pilot standpoint the difference is transparent as
the flap handle is treated the same" ?laps 1 position &ill provide flaps 1F? for
takeoff and anytime yo$ are retracting flaps from a higher setting 42. 3 or ?(775"
ny other time ?laps 1 &ill provide ?laps 1 4ho& abo$t thatD5" @C. so &hat is the
difference bet&een ?laps 1 and ?laps 1F?D Hlad yo$ asked. simply this. the
trailing edge flaps" The trailing edge flaps make $p the F? as ?laps 1 is slats
only in the initial position" I$ring ?laps 1F? the slats and flaps &ill e%tend to
initial positions"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
2o& that # have yo$ completely conf$sed. here is the short story1
?laps 1 on gro$nd e%tending for takeoff E ?laps 1F? 4slats and flaps5
?laps 1 after takeoff d$ring initial flap retraction from ?laps 2 or 3 E ?laps
1F? 4slats and flaps5
?laps 1 for landing e%tending from ?laps 0 E ?laps 1 4slats only5
?laps 1 for Ho ro$nd retracting from 2 or 3E ?laps 1F? 4slats and flaps5
s yo$ can see the only time ?laps 1 gives yo$ ?laps 1 4slats only5 is on
e%tension for landing. the rest of the time ?laps 1 is ?laps 1F? 4slats and flaps5"
The E!6I &ill sho& either ?laps 1 or ?laps 1F? depending on config$ration"
?laps 2. 3 and ?(77 all have both slats and flaps e%tended to some degree"
?laps have overspeed protection at flap setting 1F? so that at 210 C#) the flaps
&ill a$tomatically retract to ?laps 1 4slats only5" Please note on the 321 it is
possible at high gross takeoff &eights that ? speed &ill e%ceed the flap speed for
1F?" #n this case the flaps &ill a$tomatically retract and the pilot &ill select flaps
0 at ) speed &hich &ill retract the remaining slats"
)lats have an alpha lock f$nction that inhibits them from retracting from position
1 to 0 &hen at a high angle of attack or lo& airspeed"
There are 3 6ingtip 0rakes 46T05 that &ill lock the flaps or slats in case of
asymmetry. overspeed. r$na&ay or $ncommanded movement" 6T0/s cannot be
released in-flight" #f flaps are locked o$t. slats can operate and visa versa"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Perhaps one of the most distinctive and noticeable differences in the irb$s 320
series from other airliners is the sidestick" 9ost folks get comfortable &ith the
sidestick &ithin min$tes" 8o&ever. the comp$teriRed flight controls that the
sidestick activate re'$ire some ne& feat$res1
2o feedback 4feel5 is given" )idestick is spring loaded to ne$tral"
)ystem algebraically s$ms the signals from both sticks if both are operated at
the same time 4d$al inp$t5" 8o&ever. the total inp$t is no more than the ma%
inp$t from a single stick"
red Takeover pb in the sidestick 4also serving as a$topilot disconnect5 allo&s
one pilot to override the other or to disable a damaged sidestick" #f priority is
taken an a$dio *P:#@:#TJ 7E?T 4or :#H8T5+ is so$nded"
red arro& light &ill ill$minate in front of the pilot &ho has been deactivated
&hen one pilot has taken priority over the other" green CPT or ?!@ light &ill
ill$minate in front of the pilot &ith priority if the other sidestick is o$t of ne$tral"
7ast pilot to press Takeover pb has priority"
Pressing Takeover pb for 30 secs" &ill latch the priority condition 4pilot does not
have to contin$e to press Takeover pb5" 8o&ever. a deactivated sidestick can be
reactivated by momentarily pressing the Takeover pb on either sidestick"
Hreen CPT and ?!@ sidestick priority lights &ill flash d$ring d$al inp$t and an
a$dio *I(7 #2P(T+ &ill be so$nded"
The Takeover pb and d$al inp$t &arning system are commonly mis$nderstood"
green light in front of yo$ means d$al inp$t or yo$ have M$st taken priority in a
d$al inp$t sit$ation and a red arro& means yo$r sidestick has been deactivated"
These are t&o different things" I$al inp$t is almost al&ays $nintentional and
$n&anted" The takeover priority may be something that needs to be done if a
sidestick has gone bad or some other problem has occ$rred" 8o&ever. if J@(:
sidestick is bad the @T8E: pilot m$st latch it o$t &ith their Takeover pb"
)idestick *locks+ in place &hen on a$topilot" Pilot action on sidestick 4or trim
&heel5 at any time &ill disconnect the a$topilot"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
#nstr$ment ! 2av ! Comm
The EC9 4Electronic CentraliRed ircraft 9onitoring5 system is made $p of t&o
primary components. t&o )IC/s 4)ystem Iata c'$isition Concentrators5 and
t&o ?6C/s 4?light 6arning Comp$ters5" loss of only one )IC or only one
?6C &ill not res$lt in any loss of f$nction" The second comp$ter can handle all
f$nctions alone" The )IC/s receive data from sensors and &ill send signals to
3 I9C/s 4Iisplay 9anagement Comp$ter5 &hich generate the screen image"
The )IC/s also send signals to the ?6C" The ?6C &ill generate vario$s
&arning!ca$tion messages"
The E!6I 4Engine!6arning Iisplay5 is the display that sho&s normal engine
readings and EC9 messages" The )I 4)ystem Iisplay5 is directly belo& the
E!6I and normally sho&s system pages or stat$s" ?or information on s&itching
screens in case of fail$res see E?#) later in this section"
EC9 $ses color to indicate the importance of the indicationE
:EI1 #mmediate action re'$ired
@:2HE 490E:51 &areness b$t no action re'$ired
H:EE21 2ormal operation
68#TE1 Titles and remarks
07(E 4CJ251 ctions to be carried o$t or limitations
P(:P7E 49HE2T51 )pecial messages 4i"e" inhibition messages5
Note: p$lsing green or amber indications are approaching limits
#f a ?6C fails the 9aster Ca$tion and 9aster 6arning lights &ill indicate the
fail$re 4along &ith a &arning from EC95 by the $pper or lo&er light in both the
9aster Ca$tion and 6arning light being o$t" #f the U1 ?6C fails then the
captains $pper lights &o$ld be o$t and the ?!@/s lo&er lights &o$ld be o$t" #f U2
?6C fails the reverse lights &ill go o$t"
7oss of both ?6C/s &ill res$lt in a loss of most &arning capability" The d$al
fail$re of the ?6C/s &ill res$lt in an amber ca$tion &ith no a$ral"
EC9 system pages are controlled thro$gh the EC9 control panel" (se the
mnemonic ?8PEI to check systems prior to depart$re" 6ork right to left across
EC9 control panel" Note: Press ?(E7. 8JI. P:E)). E2H and then press
E2H again to ret$rn to defa$lt I@@:!@KJ page
? ?(E7. balance. config$ration. '$antity
8 8JI. 8ydra$lics '$antity 4pointers in bo%es5
P P:E)). )et to (T@
E E2H. Engine oil '$antity 4min" 13 'ts"5
I I@@:!@KJ. Ioors armed. @2 press$re 4note1 over&ing slides al&ays armed5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
E0A, Procedures1
(pper EC9 4E!6I5
Primary ?ail$res
*EC9 ctions+
E7EC IC 0() 1 ?(7T
)econdary ?ail$res
ffected )ystems
7o&er EC9 4)I5
#nop )ystems
6ork in a *>+ fashion from $pper left. $pper right. lo&er left. lo&er right"
6hen an EC9 &arning occ$rs the first pilot noting it sho$ld read the title"
ppropriate systems page &ill be sho&n on lo&er EC9 4)I5 to help identify
problem area4s5" Please note that the top displayed $nderlined system &ill
control the lo&er )I display"
Then the P? sho$ld call *EC9 ction+" The P9 sho$ld read the f$ll line of
action items" Confirm all maMor actions before contin$ing to ne%t 4incl$ding thr$st
lever movement. engine master s&itch. engine fire pb selection. #IH disconnect.
#:( mode selection. cargo smoke discharge pb selection5 and have the P?
g$ard good control" :epeat response as yo$ complete action" s yo$ complete
the items listed in cyan 4bl$e5 4think *0l$e to Io+5 they &ill be a$tomatically
cleared from the screen" Contin$e $ntil yo$ reach the ne%t $nderlined item"
:ead thro$gh any bo%ed item" I@ 2@T C7E: a bo%ed itemO
2ote1 bo%ed items indicate fail$re of a primary system that &ill ca$se the loss of
another system or systems on the aircraft &hich &ill be listed as secondary or
Tstarred systems5" 6hen reaching the ne%t $nderlined title or the end of the
proced$re then proceed &ith clearing EC9" 0e s$re to do 77 applicable bl$e
action items bet&een $nderlined titles before proceeding"
#f there are too many steps to all be on the screen EC9 &ill p$t a green do&n
arro& to indicate that there is screen *overflo&+" s yo$ complete the items and
they are cleared the overflo& items &ill a$tomatically scroll $p onto the screen" #f
there are too many items that can/t be cleared then press the C7E: pb for the
ne%t page"
Note: yo$ may not be able to clear all bl$e items" #n some cases EC9 &ill not
have a &ay to kno& that yo$ have done an item. s$ch as *contact TC+" )ome
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
may not apply s$ch as d$ring Engine ?ail$re EC9 &ill give a choice of damage
or no damage proced$res"
6hen all action items are finished for an $nderlined item and yo$ are at the end
or the ne%t $nderlined item the P9 asks. *Clear EC9+D P? &ill reply. *Clear
EC9+ if ready to contin$e" 0e s$re that no f$rther cyan messages remain for
any $nderlined item that can be eliminated before clearing" )ome bl$e action
items the comp$ter cannot get feedback from. and these &ill remain on the
screen" 76J) C@2?#:9 2 EC9 C7E:" The )I &ill a$tomatically display
the affected $nderlined system if there are additional fail$res"
#f the problem stops &hile doing action items some action items may clear or
change a$tomatically" ?or e%ample. if an engine fire goes o$t &hile r$nning
EC9 yo$ &ill see the EC9 E2H#2E ?#:E go a&ay. the red ?#:E pb on the
?#:E panel and the red ?#:E light on the engine panel &ill go o$t and the 72I
)P &ill change from red to orange"
6hen EC9 is cleared the ne%t proced$re &ill appear 4additional primary
fail$res are listed in the *stack+ on the right5 or if all proced$res are done then
EC9 &ill a$tomatically present the first page of the affected systems on the
)I" ffected systems 4secondary fail$res5 are listed in amber on the top right of
the screen &ith an Tasterisk in front of them 4T?!CT75" fter revie&ing the screen
yo$ &ill clear it and the ne%t system screen &ill be sho&n" fter each screen yo$
sho$ld ask and confirm ready to clear the screen" Contin$e $ntil all amber is
cleared and only green memo messages are left"
E%ample1 P9 &ill then revie& all affected e'$ipment sho&n in amber on ?light
Control side" 6hen done P9 &ill ask. *Clear ?light Control+D
P? &ill reply. *Clear ?light Control+ if ready to contin$e"
6hen all the affected system screens have been cleared the stat$s page &ill
come $p a$tomatically" #f )tat$s or #nop )ystems takes $p more than one page
on EC9 there &ill be a green do&n arro& to indicate to *scroll+ to the ne%t
page" #n this case yo$ &ill clear EC9 to scroll to the rest of the proced$re" fter
$sing clear to see additional )tat$s or #2@P )ystems pages yo$ can press the
)T) key to see the first )tat$s or #2@P )ystems page again"
)tat$s page &ill contain items s$ch as proced$res. limits. etc"
P9 &ill then read all stat$s items line by line" 6hen done the P9 &ill ask *Clear
The P? &ill reply. *Clear )tat$s+ if ready to finish"
#f P? needs to stop EC9 say *8old EC9+. &hen ready to contin$e say
*Contin$e EC9+"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Pilot verbiage d$ring EC9 is Challenge. :esponse. :esponse" 4P8 9"1"35
?or e%ample1
(%# )reen *nine + (ump, OFF, 4p$sh off Hreen Engine 1 pb5 OFF
6hen operating critical controls that m$st be confirmed the P9 m$st allo& the
P? to confirm the action and g$ard the good controls" 8ere are the critical
Thr$st 7ever movement
Engine 9aster s&itch
Engine ?ire pb selection
Cargo )moke I#)C8 pb
#: pb
#IH disconnect
Berbiage in this case &ill be like this1
(%# ,hrust "e-er +, .dle, 4P? &ill g$ard thr$st lever 2 &ith hand5
(F# Confirmed 4P9 &ill bring thr$st lever 1 to idle5.
(%# .dle
dditional information on EC9 &arnings may be obtained from the EC9 2on-
2ormal )$pplemental 9an$al if time permits"
red 72I )P s$ggests landing at nearest s$itable airport 4more severe5"
n amber 72I )P s$ggests the pilot sho$ld consider the serio$sness of the
sit$ation and s$itability of the airport before landing 4less severe5"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
7anding Iistance Proced$re E #f the proced$re directs yo$ to do the landing
distance proced$re 47IH I#)T P:@C5 then yo$ &ill look in the N:8 $nder the
green pages for the specific aircraft model"
?ind the appropriate e'$ipment fail$re4s5 in the table and note the act$al flap
lever position for landing" Please note that the act$al flap and!or slat positions
may not match the flap lever position depending on &hat proced$res yo$ are
accomplishing" 2o& note any speed increment to be added" ?inally note any
landing distance m$ltiplier" #f there are m$ltiple fail$res and yo$ need to apply
more than one e'$ipment fail$re yo$ may need to adM$st yo$r m$ltiplier" #f the
m$ltipliers all have asterisks M$st take the highest m$ltiplier" #f any of the
m$ltipliers don/t have asterisks then m$ltiply the m$ltipliers together and $se the
res$lting n$mber as the total m$ltiplier" #nstr$ctions are sho&n at the beginning
of the N:8 green pages"
2o& find the Bapp Ietermination page for yo$r aircraft model and take the
speed increment from above and add it to B7) and add any &ind correction and
p$t the res$lting BPP in the 9CI( PE:? PP: page $nder the 7)C =7" 6hen
$sing speed increments 76J) ()E )PEEI )E7ECT on approach" Io not
$se managed speed &hen speed increments have been applied" (se the BPP
set in the PE:? PP: to remind yo$ &hat speed to select &hen on approach"
2o& find the 72I#2H I#)T2CE 6#T8@(T (T@0:CE E
C@2?#H(:T#@2 ?(77 table" 76J) $se the Config ?$ll table. even if
landing &ith less for the proced$re" ?ind the applicable distance" pply any
needed corrections" Please note that this is a reference distance only. if yo$
have a$tobrake available yo$ sho$ld $se itO
(se the m$ltiplier from the earlier table and m$ltiply it by the corrected reference
distance and this &ill be the minim$m distance r$n&ay needed for this
Note: #f EC9 directs to recycle ?laps!)lats E speed select belo& 200 kts" and
select flaps 2
EC9 action sho$ld not be taken 4e%cept to cancel a$dio &arning thro$gh the
9)TE: 6:2 light5 $ntil1
The flight path is stabiliRed and
The aircraft is higher than 1.000 ?E
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
@mmediate Action @tems
ny actions the pilot sho$ld take &itho$t hesitation are listed in the back cover of
the N:8" The act$al proced$res are at the front of the N:8" 9emory #tems are
listed in t&o of these proced$res and yo$ are e%pected to kno& &hen to
accomplish these memory items"
E0A, EDceptions
There are times that EC9 may or may not direct the pilot to do a proced$re
that is the best proced$re to do"
The back page of the N:8 lists the EC9 e%ceptions and the pilot cons$lt these
before r$nning any proced$res for EC9)" @f co$rse there are other possible
sit$ations and combinations of events that can be tho$ght of" C$rrently there are
nine items listed that yo$ sho$ld do according to the N:8 before attempting to
follo& the EC9"
E%amples are if an EC9 directs to t$rn off the last available so$rce of hydra$lic
po&er 4no po&er to any flight controls is a bad thing in any circ$mstance5 or
opening the f$el K-feed for f$el imbalance &hen in fact yo$ have a maMor f$el
leak" s al&ays Captain. it is yo$r aircraft and yo$ have the final decision"
E%ercise yo$r emergency a$thority as needed 4b$t al&ays &ith discretionO5"
EC9 9ethodolgy
1. PF - Maintain Aircraft Control
2. Identify the Non-normal, PM - Cancels the Warning or Caution, if alica!le
". PM - #etermine if Immediate Action or $CAM $%cetion
&. PM - Accomlish Immediate Action Items, if alica!le
'. Catain - Assigns PF
(. PM - Accomlish Non-normal rocedure
). PM - Accomlish $CAM Follo*-+ rocedures, if alica!le
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
E?#) 6P. *%*%*& *%!%!& *%!%4& *%!%18
&hite diagonal line across the display means that the I9C 4Iisplay
9anagement Comp$ter5 has failed" The C:T itself is still &orking" L$st s&itch to
the standby I9C on the s&itching panel to restore the displays as normal"
fail$re of the I( Iisplay (nit 4display blank5 means that yo$ &ill have to s&ap
screens to vie& all information" The P?I has priority over the 2I and the E6!I
has priority over the )I" This means that if the P?I display fails then the P?I
&ill a$tomatically display on the 2I display screen" 8o&ever. if the 2I fails the
P?I &ill remain on its normal screen" #f yo$ &ish to vie& the 2I yo$ can press
the P?I!2I K?: s&itch" #n the same &ay the E6!I has priority over the )I" #f
the )I needs to be displayed $se the EC9!2I K?: s&itch on the s&itching
panel to bring that screen $p on the CPT or ?!@ 2I as selected" fail$re of
both the EC9 screens 4E6!I and )I5 &ill re'$ire $se of the EC9!2I K?:
s&itch on the s&itching panel to vie& the E6!I screen on the 2I display and by
pressing the re'$ired system pb on the EC9 Control Panel yo$ can vie& the
)I info on the 2I as needed"
The 2I has t&o brightness controls. o$ter and inner beRel control knobs" The
o$ter 2I beRel controls brightness of the radar and terrain on the 2I" The inner
knob controls the brightness of all the other normal 2I display symbols" 2ote
that if the P?I!2I K?: b$tton is $sed the o$ter beRel is disabled and only the
inner knob is available for brightness control"
)T) in a &hite bo% &ill sho& on the bottom of the E6!I if there are any systems
do&ngraded to remind the cre& of any stat$s information" #f there is a system
advisory message &hen the )I has failed the E6!I &ill flash a &hite IB at the
bottom of the screen to notify the cre& to select the )I for vie&ing"
The c$rrent airspeed is indicated by a fi%ed yello& reference line" yello& speed
trend arro& &ill appear from the speed reference line to indicate the anticipated
airspeed in 10 seconds"
Hreen Iot is a 4gaspO5 green dot on the speed scale and is available only &hen
aircraft is clean 4flaps 05" #t sho&s best lift over drag speed 47!I5 and is also
called B
4?inal Takeoff

speed5" Hreen dot is $sed d$ring normal takeoff and
the engine-o$t mane$ver and gives best angle of climb speed"
@n the altit$de scale the 7anding Elevation is a bl$e line and is based on
barometric information" The 7anding Elevation is available only in N28 4belo&
1,.000/5 and on approach"
Hro$nd :eference display on the altit$de scale is a red ribbon and is based on
radar altimeter information" :adar altimeter reado$t comes on screen in green
belo& 2=00/ H7 and goes amber 4if I8 is entered5 &hen 100/ above I8 4CT
##!###5" #f an 9I has been entered the altit$de 4note1 this is the normal altit$de
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
reado$t. not the radar altimeter reado$t5 &ill t$rn amber belo& the 9I 4CT # !
9agenta means managed and 0l$e means selected" ?or e%ample if the
commanded speed is by pilot action 4speed select5 the speed target inde%
4speed pointer5 &ill be bl$e" #f the commanded speed is controlled by the ?9HC
4speed engage5 the speed pointer &ill be magenta"
6hen a ne& altit$de is selected the ne& target altit$de &ill appear above
4d$ring climb5 or belo& 4d$ring descent5 the altit$de scale" The ne& target
altit$de &ill move onto the scale once it is &ithin the altit$de scale range 4abo$t
Takeo// <arning 6P. *%*%*8
Pitch Trim
)peed 0rakes
)idestick ?a$lt
8ot 0rakes
Ioor 2ot Closed
3t$e /ollowing are only triggered w$en takeo// power is set
Parking 0rake @n
?le% Temp 2ot )et 4not displayed if thr$st levers set in T@H detent5
Altitude Alert
ltit$de alert 4tone and p$lsing yello& altit$de &indo&s5 is inhibited &hen1
)lats are o$t and landing gear selected do&n
7anding gear locked do&n
Capt$red on glide slope
The tone is also inhibited &hen on a$topilot and capt$ring a normal set target
altit$de. b$t p$lsing yello& &indo& is still effective"
<inds$ear prediction and detection
6indshear prediction is radar based and is available belo& 1=00/ H7" #t looks
o$t to = nm ahead of aircraft" &arning message reading 6#2I)8E: 8EI
&ill appear on P?I and 2I" Color of the &arning &ill be red or amber depending
on level of &arning" 7evels incl$de dvisory 4display only5 and the 6arning and
Ca$tion messages have an a$ral &arning alert as &ell" Predictive &arnings are
inhibited d$ring takeoff after 100 kts" $ntil =0/ H7 and then again inhibited on
landing once belo& =0/ H7" 6indshear prediction $ses the normal &eather
radar and there is only one radar installed" #f the normal radar is t$rned off the
&indshear prediction &ill still operate normally if set to $to" Prediction means
that a possible &indshear is ahead of yo$" Predictive &indshear &ill not &arn for
CT 4Clear ir T$rb$lence5. system m$st have precipitation to &ork"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Note: Predictive &indshear is inhibited d$ring takeoff after 100 kts $p to =0/O
:eactive 6indshear detection is controlled by the ?C/s and is based on
H2I#:) information" 6indshear detection means that yo$ are #2 a &indshear"
6indshear detection 4&hen slats!flaps selected5 is available = seconds after
takeoff $ntil 1300/ H7 and is again available on landing from 1300/ H7 $ntil =0/
red 6#2I)8E: &arning is sho&n on the P?I and an a$ral 6#2I)8E:
alert is given three times d$ring &indshear detection"
Note: 6indshear detection is 2@T available $ntil = secs" after takeoffO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The Hlobal 2avigation ir Iata #nertial :eference )ystem 4say that five times
fastO5 provides the ?9H) &ith the data inp$t it needs to navigate the aircraft"
The ?9HC decides &hich signals are most acc$rate and provide a *synthetic+
4best g$ess5 aircraft position after &eighing all available data" The ?9HC can
also estimate the acc$racy of its synthetic position d$e to available sensors and
data" This information &ill be $sed d$ring :2B approaches" The #:(/s have
laser ring gyros that provide a stable reference signal as &ell as provide attit$de
information" 0e very caref$l 2@T to M$st t$rn off the #:( beca$se it gives a bad
nav signal" #t may still be giving good attit$de information and can be selected to
attit$de information only 4TT5" The ?9HC can track #: drift and predict aircraft
position even &hen HP) or gro$nd based 4B@:!I9E5 signals are lost"
H2I#:) also provides the aircraft &ith needed air data information s$ch as
altit$de. mach. temperat$res. airspeed. etc" ?ail$re of an associated air data
reference I@E) 2@T fail the #:O The failed I: can be t$rned off by
deselecting its pb and still maintain all #: and HP) f$nctions"
There are t&o independent HP) receivers called 99:/s 49$lti 9ode :eceiver5"
The 99:/s process position data and send it to the H2I#:(/s" 99:1 sends
data to I#:(1 and 99:2 sends data to I#:(2" 0oth 99:/s can send data to
I#:( 3 as needed for back$p p$rposes if I#:( 1 or 2 fail"
The system is very acc$rate and reliable &ith a high degree of red$ndancy $sing
three I#:( $nits and m$ltiple navigation signal inp$ts from HP) and #:" The
?9HC also takes B@:!I9E signals 4P8 13"3"1. 1<"3"15 into acco$nt along &ith
the H2I#:) data to comp$te aircraft position" The third H2I#: is basically a
standby that can be selected if U1 or U2 fail"
mber ?(7T light1
)teady. #: lost
?lashing. may be available in TT only. 2B lost
6hite 7#H2 light1
)teady. in align mode 4normal5
align fa$lt
2o entry in 10 mins"
1A difference in lat" G long" from sh$tdo&n position
E%ting$ished. alignment is complete 4normal5
Note: I@ 2@T move aircraft d$ring alignment" 6ait 3 min$tes after aircraft
stop to re-align or t$rn off
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Enhanced HP6) provides all normal a$ral HP6) f$nctions as &ell as the
enhanced terrain avoidance feat$res" The enhanced f$nction is database
4comp$ter5 driven b$t it is sho&n in a radar format" Please note that the radar is
2@T being $sed for terrain detection b$t the I#)P7J &ill override the &eather
radar image display &hen the terrain on 2I pb 4TE:: @2 2I5 is selected" #f the
TE:: @2 2I pb is not selected and a &arning is generated the terrain display
&ill come on a$tomatically and override &eather radar display" The Terrain
*s&eep+ is a distinctive middle to the sides to make it obvio$sly different from the
normal radar" The enhanced terrain feat$re can be sh$t off $sing the TE:: pb
on the overhead &itho$t losing any of the normal HP6) f$nctions"
Standby Nav& remote tuning
6hen normal radio navigation is not available yo$ can $se the back$p nav
mode. )tandby 2av 4)T0J 2B5. also kno&n as remote t$ning" )elect :ose
B@: for the 2I" Press the g$arded 2B b$tton on the :9P and the green light
&ill come on indicating that yo$ are no& $sing )tandby 2av" To $se B@: nav
press the B@: b$tton" Then t$ne the B@: fre'$ency &ith the normal selector
knob in the )T0J!C:) &indo&" Press to transfer the fre' to active and no& yo$
can select the co$rse on the )T0J!C:) &indo& $sing the inner knob of the
selector" ll a$tot$ning is disabled d$ring )tandby 2av" 2$mber 1 B@: &ill be
displayed on Capts" 2I in :ose B@:" 2$mber 2 B@: &ill be displayed on ?!@/s
2I in :ose B@:"
To t$ne an #7) first select :ose 7) on the 2I" Then press the 7) b$tton on the
?C(" Then press the g$arded 2B b$tton on the :9P" Then press the 7) b$tton
in the )T0J 2B area of the :9P" 2o& t$ne the #7) fre'$ency by $sing the
normal :9P selector to t$ne the fre'" in the )T0J!C:) &indo&" Then press the
transfer b$tton to make the fre'$ency active" 2o& yo$ can select the #7) co$rse
$sing the inner knob of the selector" 2$mber 1 #7) &ill be displayed on Capt+s"
P?I &hen in 7) and ?!@/s 2I &hen on :ose 7)" 2$mber 2 #7) &ill be
displayed on ?!@/s P?I &hen on 7) and Capt/s" P?I &hen on :ose 7)
Note: the #7) )T0J 2B &ill display onside t$ning on the P?I and offside t$ning
on the 2I" This allo&s comparison of the signals d$ring approach"
Note: #f the )T0J 2B is being $sed d$ring the electrical emergency
config$ration only :9P 1 has po&er"
=ADNAA Nav& manual tuning: )elect the :I2B key on the 9CI(" Enter the
B@: ident on 7)C 1: or 17 and the co$rse on 7)C 2: or 27" )elect B@: :ose
for the 2I" To man$ally t$ne an #7) $se the same techni'$e by p$tting the #7)
ident on 7)C 37 and #7) co$rse on 37 then select #7) :ose for the 2I" Press
the 7) pb to see I9E on P?I"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Note: &hen :@)E B@: is selected &ith a B@: man$ally t$ned the CPT 2I
&ill sho& B@:1 and ?!@ 2I &ill sho& B@:2" 8o&ever. &hen :@)E 7) is
selected &ith an #7) man$ally selected the CPT 2I &ill sho& #7)2 and the ?!@
2I &ill sho& #7)1"
0ommunications1 Comms are monitored by EC9 for *st$ck mike+"
ll :9P/s &ill t$ne any radio" CP/s may be s&itched in case of fail$re $sing
$dio )&itching panel on overhead"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Tune& Talk& ?isten ' =,P and A0P
6hen yo$ come to a railroad crossing yo$ sho$ld )top. 7ook. 7isten b$t &hen
$sing the irb$s :9P and CP yo$ sho$ld T$ne. Talk. 7isten" The irb$s has a
very fle%ible set$p for t$ning radios b$t it takes a little getting $sed to" ?irst of all
any :9P 4:adio 9anagement Panel5 can t$ne any radio in the aircraft" This
means that if yo$ lose t&o :9P/s yo$ can still t$ne any radio &ith the third :9P"
6hile this red$ndancy is great yo$ have to be able to keep track of it allO
?$rther the CP 4$dio Control Panel5 allo&s the pilot to transmit or listen on
any radio or interphone" gain there are three installed"
The pilots &ill have their o&n :9P and CP on the center pedestal on their side
&ith the third *standby+ on the overhead" ?or the pilots the :9P is mo$nted
above the CP" ?ort$nately irb$s helped $s o$t a little bit by lining $p all the
f$nctions for each radio in a *stack+" The table belo& is greatly simplified to sho&
yo$ the *stack+ for each radio and incl$des controls on both the :9P and CP"
B8? 1 B8? 2 B8? 3
T$ne T$ne T$ne
Talk Talk Talk
7isten 7isten 7isten
6hen $sing the :9P or CP yo$ m$st realiRe that every control is independent"
?or e%ample yo$ can t$ne on B8? 2 &hile listening on B8? 1 &hile transmitting
on B8? 3" @n the :9P a green triangle light &ill indicate &hich radio is being
t$ned and on the CP a triple bar green light &ill indicate &hich radio is set to
transmit" @n the :9P only one radio may be t$ned at a time. selecting B8? 1 for
t$ning &ill deselect the prior selection" The CP transmit is the same &ay. only
one radio may be selected for transmit from that CP at one time"
@n the CP the pilot &ill select *$p+ or *o$t+ the radios or interphones to listen to"
Jo$ may select as many as yo$ &ish and set independent vol$me control on
each" Please note that yo$ m$st select o$t a radio to listen to even if yo$ have
pressed to t$ne or talk on it. the a$dio is 2@T a$tomatically selected &hen yo$
$se the :9P"
2ote1 C:) is set on :9P 3 4standby on overhead5 and B8? 3 and C:)
cannot be set to $se any other radio"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
$to ?light )ystem
?irst. a little general a$toflight theoryO The irb$s has fo$r *layers+ or levels
control if yo$ &ish to call it that" The first or lo&est level is man$al control" This
&o$ld be the pilot controlling thro$gh the sidestick and the thr$st levers"
?evel * 3 E,anualF
?light Controls Thr$st
#n this case the pilot is controlling any flight control movement by $se of the
sidestick. &hich sends its signals thro$gh the appropriate comp$ters to the
hydra$lic act$ators and finally the flight control itself" The pilot can command any
flight control movement that stays &ithin ?light Control 2ormal 7a&" The same
holds tr$e for thr$st" The pilot can man$ally control the thr$st levers to command
any thr$st level that stays &ithin the normal engine operating parameters" This is
hand flying as yo$ have al&ays done" Io not conf$se the flight control
comp$ters 4i"e" E7C. )EC and ?C5 &ith the flight management g$idance
comp$ters 4?9HC5"
?evel ! ' E,anual wit$ or wit$out #lig$t Director or Autot$rustF
?light Iirector $tothr$st
?light Controls Thr$st
#n this e%ample the pilot maintains man$al control of the flight control b$t is
being g$ided by the flight director" The flight director 4?!I5 may be getting its
c$es from the ?9HC or from the settings on the ?C("
The ne%t level of control is a$toflight" This is &hen the a$topilot and a$tothr$st
are engaged" #n this case the pilot is controlling the aircraft thro$gh the settings
on the ?C( for the a$topilot and the thr$st levers" The pilot is telling the
a$topilot and a$tothr$st directly &hat is &anted" ?or e%ample. if a heading of 90
is re'$ired the pilot M$st sets a heading of 90 in the ?C( and the a$topilot holds
that heading" #f the pilot &ants a climb of 1000 fpm then the pilot sets 1000 fpm
in the ?C("
?evel 3 EAuto/lig$tF
?light Iirector
$topilot $tothr$st
?light Controls Thr$st
This level is basically the same as any other aircraft yo$ have flo&n &ith
a$topilot and a$tothr$st" The a$topilot and a$tothr$st are controlling thro$gh the
same flight control system that the pilot $ses &hen hand flying"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The final and most sophisticated level is comp$ter g$ided" #n this case the pilot
enters the desired settings in the ?9HC and the comp$ter calc$lates the proper
flight path and track" The ?9HC then commands the a$topilot and a$tothr$st to
properly maintain the comp$ted track and path" #f the pilot &ishes to make
changes or revisions to the flight plan then it is done to the ?9HC &hich then
recalc$lates the needed information" ?or e%ample. if the pilot &ishes to change
the flight plan ro$te to go direct to a ne& fi%. the ne& fi% is typed into the 9CI(
and entered into the I#: page" The ?9HC no& comp$tes the ne& co$rse and
commands the a$topilot to t$rn to the ne& heading"
?evel 4 3 E0omputer >uidedF
?light Iirector
$topilot $tothr$st
?light Controls Thr$st
Each higher level $ses all the previo$s levels" #n other &ords comp$ter g$ided
flight is also $sing the a$toflight and man$al levels" The pilot can al&ays *drop
do&n+ from one level to a lo&er level by disengaging the appropriate e'$ipment"
?or e%ample. the pilot may be climbing $nder comp$ter control in 9anaged
Climb" 0y selecting a vertical speed of 1=00 fpm on the ?C( the pilot has no&
p$t the vertical path in a$topilot control" The ?9HC is not controlling the climb
rate" #f the pilot then disengages the a$topilot the aircraft is no& $nder man$al
control and the pilot is no& man$ally controlling the climb rate"
T&o things that sho$ld be pointed o$t" Jo$ can have vario$s levels of control at
one time" ?or e%ample. the track may be comp$ter g$ided by the ?9HC &hile
the vertical path is $nder a$topilot control" nother e%ample is &hen the pilot is
hand flying b$t $sing a$tothr$st 4&hich is very common5" #n this case the flight
controls are in man$al b$t the thr$st is in a$toflight" The other thing to point o$t
is that &hen hand flying the pilot may $se the ?light Iirector so that &hile the
aircraft is $nder man$al control the pilot is still getting a$toflight or comp$ter
g$ided assistance"
There are t&o a$topilots installed" 2ormally yo$ &ill only $se one a$topilot at a
time 4Capt" $sing !P 1 and ?!@ $sing !P 25" 8o&ever. for every #7) approach
yo$ &ill engage both a$topilots 4e%cept. of co$rse. &hen the second is inop"5"
The a$topilot can be controlled either directly from the ?C( 4?light Control (nit5
or thro$gh the 9CI( and the ?9HC" #n both cases yo$ m$st monitor
engagement stat$s on the ?9" The ?C( has fo$r places to make inp$ts.
)peed. 8eading!2B. ltit$de and ltit$de 8old!Bertical )peed" #n each case the
knob for the selection can be pressed or p$lled" Pressing the knob &ill tell the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
a$topilot to $se the ?9HC for g$idance" P$lling the knob &ill tell the a$topilot to
$se a pilot selected val$e"
6hen the a$topilot control is engaged 4p$sh5 on the ?9HC for a setting a &hite
dot &ill appear on the 7CI reado$t for that setting" #f the a$topilot control is
selected 4p$ll5 to a pilot set val$e the pilot val$e &ill appear in the 7CI reado$t"
l&ays confirm settings on the ?9 at the top of the P?I"
)peed1 P$ll to select to C#) or 9ach by pilot. dial to needed speed" Press to
engage in 9anaged speed mode in ?9HC
8eading1 Pilot can dial to set desired heading then p$ll to select 8IH mode"
Pressing 8IH knob &ill engage 9anaged 2B and allo& a$topilot to track
?9HC ro$te"
ltit$de1 Bal$e set by pilot. p$lling &ill allo& open climb!descent 4f$ll po&er
climb. idle descent5. pressing &ill engage to allo& 9anaged climb!descent on
ltit$de 8old!Bertical )peed1 P$lling knob &ill select vertical speed mode" Iial
knob to select amo$nt of climb or descent in h$ndreds of feet per min$te"
Pressing knob &ill engage an immediate level off in altit$de hold"
?or E%ample 4P8 2"9"1151
*)peed 1<0+ E pilot selects ne& speed of 1<0
*9anaged )peed+ E speed controlled by ?9HC. kno&n as managed speed"
*8eading 2,0+ E pilot selects ne& heading of 2,0"
*2av+ E track controlled by ?9HC ro$te
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
*$topilot @ff+
*$topilot 1 425+
?light Iirectors
*?light Iirectors @ff+
*?light Iirectors @n+
*)peed YYYYY+
*9anaged )peed+
*8eading YYYYY+
Climb 4Iescent5
*@pen Climb 4Iescent5+
*9anaged Climb 4Iescent5+
Bertical )peed
*Bertical )peed Pl$s 49in$s5YYYYY+
*Bertical )peed >ero+
)elect is al&ays knob p$lled to yo$ 4pilot is *taking+ the control of the
a$topilot5" 6hen $sing select if yo$ are changing the amo$nt from &hat is
in the &indo& then say amo$nt after naming control"
9anaged 48old5 is al&ays knob p$shed a&ay from yo$ 4pilot is *giving+
control of a$topilot to ?9HC5"
9emory and 2on-memory a$topilot limits 4P8 1"10"15
fter Takeoff 4if ):) indicated5 100; A:L
Enro$te =00/ H7 43211 900/5
2on-precision approach 9I. I or II
CT 1 #7) pproach 4no a$toland. CT # in ?95
CT 1 #7) 4&ith CT ## or ### in ?95
1;0/ H7
,0 Z H7
$toland To$chdo&n
fter a man$al go-aro$nd in ):) mode 100/ H7
The big pict$re on irb$s a$tothr$stS I$ring gro$nd operations handle the thr$st
levers as on a *normal+ aircraft" t takeoff p$sh the thr$st levers $p to =0Q on
21 $ntil both engines stabiliRe. then p$sh the thr$st levers $p to ?7K!9CT 4t&o
clicks5 or T@H 4three clicks5" 6hen 7B: C70 flashes 4normally abo$t 1000/5 on
the ?9 red$ce the thr$st lever back to C7 4one or t&o clicks5" The thr$st &ill
no& be controlled thro$gh the ?9HC or the ?C(" The thr$st levers in normal
operation &ill not move again $ntil landing &hen at abo$t 30 to =0/ the P? &ill
red$ce the thr$st lever to idle and the a$tothr$st &ill a$tomatically disconnect at
that point" There is no physical connection bet&een the thr$st levers and the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
po&erplant" #t is all done electronically &hich is called ?IEC 4?$ll $thority
Iigital Engine Control5"
Thr$st is no& set by selecting @pen Climb 4@P C705 or @pen Iescent 4@P IE)5
or 9anaged climb or descent" 9anaged climb or descent means that the ?9HC
is controlling in either" @pen mode simply means $sing either f$ll climb thr$st for
climb or idle thr$st for descent" $tothr$st controls to a limit in @pen. either the
climb limit or the idle limit"
The other *?C(+ method to control thr$st is to set vertical speed 4B!)5 &hich
allo&s the thr$st to maintain speed and climb rate is controlled thro$gh pitch" #n
this case a$tothr$st is maintaining speed and is in )peed mode" @f co$rse.
d$ring cr$ise and approach the altit$de or glide slope is held thro$gh pitch &ith
the a$tothr$st maintaining the re'$ired speed" 9anaged thr$st is controlled by
the ?9HC"
#f yo$ don/t get anything else o$t of this little disc$ssion please $nderstand that
the a$tothr$st &orks in one of t&o modes. @pen 4controlling thr$st5 and )peed
4controlling speed5" ?$rther. @pen mode can be either climb or idle thr$st"
9ost of the time if yo$ are going to have a problem it is in the @pen mode
4controlling to thr$st5" #f yo$ are having problems &ith thr$st doing something
other than &hat yo$ think it sho$ld yo$ can possibly try1
T$rn off flight directors 4if hand flying5. this &ill ca$se a$tothr$st to go to
)peed mode
)elect vertical speed 4if in @pen climb or descent5. this &ill ca$se
a$tothr$st to go to )peed mode
)elect )peed )elect 4if in 9anaged speed5. this &ill force the commanded
speed to &hat yo$ desire"
Arm A)T.= 6autot$rust8:
rm on gro$nd 4&ith at least one ?I on51
)et thr$st lever in ?7K!9CT if ?7K temp is set
)et thr$st lever to T@H
rm in flight1
Press on the !T8: pb on ?C( &hen thr$st levers not in active range or
setting thr$st levers o$t of active range" 0l$e !T8: in ?9"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Activate A)T.=:
Note: on ground you will set takeo// t$rust to eit$er #?G),0T or TO>A w$ic$ are
manual t$rust settings% <$en coming back to t$e 0? detent a/ter takeo// you are
putting t$e t$rust levers to t$e A)T.= active range& t$us activating autot$rust%
!T8: pb pressed on &hen a$tothr$st in active range
)et thr$st levers to active range &hen !T8: pb armed
7P8 ?7@@: protection activated 4not a great &ay to activateO5
Disconnect A)T.=:
Press instinctive disconnect pb on thr$st levers
Place both levers to idle detent
Press off the !T8: pb on ?C( &hen system active 4green light goes o$t5
)et one thr$st lever beyond 9CT or both beyond C7 detent &hen : is belo&
Note: Pulling back t$e t$rust levers /rom t$e 0? detent during autot$rust
operation will allow t$e pilot to limit autot$rust upper limit but autot$rust is still
active until levers are at idle% 0$ime and E0A, warning will sound every (
seconds to remind pilot to eit$er disconnect autot$rust or reset t$rust levers to
0? detent% T$e proper way to disconnect autot$rust and begin manual t$rust
operation is to bring t$rust levers back until t$e T?A EdonutsF are matc$ed to
t$rust indicators and t$en press instinctive disconnect pb on t$rust lever%
Airbus >otc$a: <arning: @/ autot$rust is disconnected and t$en t$rust levers
are pulled back /rom 0? detent t$e t$rust will immediately go t$e power selection
commanded by t$e t$rust levers and indicated on t$e T?A donuts% Be sure
power is at t$e intended setting w$en A)T.= is disconnected to avoid power
Airbus >otc$a: <arning: @/ autot$rust is disconnected by pressing t$e A)T.=
pb on t$e #0U t$e aircra/t wonHt know i/ t$e pb was pressed o// or signal was
lost and will give an E0A, warning to move t$rust lever% @t will t$ink you are in a
T$rust ?ock situation% Bottom line $ere& +ust use t$e instinctive disconnects 6or
idle w$en at /lare8 to disconnect t$e auto t$rust%
lpha ?loor E ngle of attack bet&een X Prot and X 9a% at &hich the a$tothr$st
&ill command T@H regardless of thr$st lever position"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
lpha ?loor &ill give1
?7@@: in green &ith flashing amber bo% on ?9 and in amber on E!6I
T@H 7C in green &ith a flashing amber bo% aro$nd it on the ?9 &hen the
?7@@: condition is left" T@H thr$st is froRen"
To cancel 7P8 ?7@@: or T@H 7C disconnect the a$tothr$st"
7P8 ?7@@: is available in 2@:97 la& only"
7P8 ?7@@: is enabled at liftoff and active d$ring flight. disabled at 100/ :
on approach to let yo$ land the aircraft"
7P8 ?7@@: is disabled if yo$ press the instinctive disconnects for 1= secs"
Please note that lpha ?loor has to do &ith a$tothr$st &hile lpha 4X5 Prot and
lpha 4X5 9a% are act$ally to do &ith flight controls"
T8: 7C E Thr$st 7ock occ$rs if the a$tothr$st system fails" T8: 7C flashes on
the ?9 and EC9 memo displays (T@ ?7T !T8: @??" The thr$st &ill be
froRen at the last commanded setting $ntil the pilot moves the thr$st levers. then
thr$st &ill follo& the movement of the thr$st levers and be controlled man$ally"
,ake your /lig$t instructor $appy9: The follo&ing is in bold print beca$se it &ill
make yo$r life easier" Always match the ,"A to the thrust before
disconnectin /usin instincti-e disconnect pb0, no matter what 'ind of
thrust situation you are in. ,his wor's in normal autothrust, ,1R23, "OC4
and ,O)A "OC4. Althouh not always technically necessary, by matchin
,"A to thrust you always a-oid any unintentional thrust 5e6cursions7 and
use ood practice. ,hin' 5%atch and %ash7.
I$ring every approach yo$ &ill need to confirm a$tothr$st is in )PEEI mode on
?9 or off by 1000/
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
,issing ?ink or AP)#D 5 A)T.= interaction
6ell. @C. it isn/t t$at missing link b$t there is a link bet&een the a$topilot and!or
flight director and the a$tothr$st" The !T8: and the P!?I &ork together to
maintain speed and traMectory 4altit$de. glide slope. vertical speed5" #f one is
maintaining speed the other &ill maintain traMectory and visa versa" #f yo$ think
abo$t it yo$ are $sed to doing this yo$rself &hen flying man$ally" @n climb yo$
set climb po&er and maintain speed &ith pitch b$t &hen leveling for cr$ise at
altit$de yo$ $se pitch to maintain altit$de and po&er to hold speed" The ?light
H$idance acts in the e%act same &ay" There are t&o basic &ays the a$toflight
maintains control"
P or ?I in traMectory mode
4e%ample1 altit$de hold. B!). H!)5
!T8: in )PEEI mode
maintain speed or 9C8 in cr$ise
and approach
P or ?I in )PI!9C8
P or ?I adM$st pitch to hold speed
!T8: in T8: mode
)teady thr$st set to either
T8: C70 4@PE2 C705 or
T8: #I7E 4@PE2 IE)5
There are times that the a$toflight cannot hold &hat has been set and &ill have
to change modes" This is called mode reversion &hen the modes change
a$tomatically &itho$t the pilot calling for it" This is both a part of normal flying
and also part of the system to prevent flight o$tside the envelope"
n everyday e%ample is d$ring a climb the a$topilot normally &ill control pitch to
keep speed in @PE2 C70 and the a$tothr$st &ill maintain climb thr$st 4T8:
C705" @n approaching level off at the target altit$de pitch &ill no& revert from
speed to vertical speed and thr$st &ill revert from climb thr$st to speed" This &ill
be tr$e even if the pilot reselects a ne& altit$de before the level off is complete"
The vertical speed mode &ill remain $ntil the pilot reselects something else"
0asically. be a&are that if the a$topilot is controlling pitch then the a$tothr$st is
controlling speed and visa versa" @nly one controls pitch or speed at a time.
never both controlling the same thing together"
common reversion mode is if the aircraft is climbing in @pen Climb or
9anaged Climb and the pilot is s$ddenly given a ne& altit$de" The ne& altit$de
is belo& the c$rrent altit$de" The mode &ill revert to B!) set to the c$rrent
vertical speed $pon reversion" The pilot can then change the vertical speed to a
descent or select @pen Iescent"
:eversions can also happen &hen hand flying if yo$ don/t follo& the flight
director" #f in @pen climb or descent and yo$ allo& the speed to hit ma% or min
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
the a$tothr$st &ill go to )PEEI mode and attempt to regain the selected speed
&hile the flight director bars &ill be removedO T$rn @?? ?I &hen hand flyingO
Airbus >otc$a: or .ow to be an Airs$ow Pilot: Jo$ are hand flying &ith the
flight director on 4bad thingO5" Jo$ are getting ready to level off M$st prior to the
?inal pproach ?i% on an approach" 8o&ever. yo$ are not '$ite level at the set
altit$de and the ?9 does not yet sho& 7TT for capt$re" Jo$ are slo&ly leveling
off M$st a little high &itho$t realiRing it and as yo$ have been in @pen descent the
thr$st remains in the commanded idle" )peed decays to belo& B
" )$ddenly
climb thr$st is commanded even tho$gh yo$ are no& &anting to contin$e
descent" )o$nds like a flyby to meO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
#,A ' #lig$t ,ode Annunciator
The ?9 allo&s the pilot to kno& &hat modes the a$toflight systems are in and
&hat can be e%pected" There are times &hen changes &ill occ$r in the modes
&itho$t pilot action" This mode reversion cannot be tracked on the ?C(. yo$
m$st look at the ?9 to kno& &hat is act$ally happening" The ?9 is broken
into col$mns as sho&n belo&1
Each col$mn has ro&s for messages and memos" There are $p to three ro&s
available for each col$mn to $se" The first three col$mns. Thr$st. Bertical and
7ateral have the follo&ing r$les1
Top ro&. Hreen E ctive or Engaged. 6hite - rmed
9iddle ro&. 0l$e or 9agenta E rmed 49agenta sho&s 7T C)T: from ?9HC5
0ottom ro&. 9essages abo$t flight control first priority
0ottom ro&. 9essages abo$t ?9H) have second priority
This is &hat the ?9 looks like at the top of the P?I1
The ?9 is at the top of the P?I and allo&s the pilots to see e%actly &hat the
vario$s modes of the a$to flight system are" The above e%amples are M$st given
to allo& yo$ to see &hat type of messages &o$ld be in the ?9. not an act$al
flight sit$ation" starred message 47TT5 means that portion is in the process of
capt$ring" &hite bo% message means mode change or a$tomatic s&itching
has M$st taken place in past 10 seconds" The P8 has a complete list of all
messages and meanings 4P8 13"2"15"
T8: #I7E
7B: )J9
CT 3 P 1F2
I(7 1?I2
I8 100 !T8:
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
@%ygen 4T9 <o"%"%5
Cre& o%ygen is s$pplied from one cylinder" green over press$re disk is located
on the o$tside of the aircraft skin belo& the Captains &indo&s" 0lo&o$t of this
green disk indicates thermal discharge" Cre& o%ygen is t$rned on $sing a pb in
the overhead panel" Cre& o%ygen press$re is indicated on the )I and if lo& the
press$re indication &ill have a half amber bo% aro$nd it" 8o&ever. the irb$s lo&
press$re is not the same as the () ir&ays limit. therefore the half amber bo%
sho$ld be ignored and cre& action to check press$re is not re'$ired $ntil
press$re is less than 1000 psi" chart is available on P8 pg" 3-33 to indicate
amo$nt needed for n$mber of cre&members" 9asks are f$ll-face and have clear
*tear-off+ strips" #f face mask has s$rface contamination. the tear-off strip can be
removed to clear an area to see thro$gh"
Passenger o%ygen is chemically generated" Passenger o%ygen is located at
passenger seats. lavs. galleys and at each ?! station &ith 2. 3 or 3 masks to a
gro$p" ll EK#T and cabin signs &ill a$tomatically ill$minate &hen cabin altit$de
e%ceeds abo$t 11.000 ft" 9asks &ill a$tomatically deploy &hen cabin altit$de
e%ceeds 13.000/" 9ay be man$ally deployed by pilot $sing red g$arded 9)C
92 @2 pb" @%ygen generators last appro%imately 13 min$tes after first mask in
gro$p is $sed" Passenger o%ygen )J) @2 light only means that the signal &as
sent. some masks may not deploy and ?!/s may have to man$ally open some
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Po&erplant 4T9 <p"%"%5
3191 C?9 =;-=0;!P rated at 23.=00 lbs" thr$st or #E B2=00-=
3201 C?9 =;-=03!P rated at 2<.000 lbs" thr$st or #E B2=00-1!=
3211 C?9 =;-=03!P rated at 32.000 lbs" thr$st or #E B2=00-=
9a% )tarting Temp1 <2=A

9a% Contin$o$s Temp1 91=A

T@H Temp1 9=0A

C 4= mins"5
13 'ts" 9in for dispatch 4(5 4P8 1"12"135
?IEC controlled 4?$ll $thority Iigital Engine Control5
Each ?IEC is a t&o channel comp$ter &ith one channel active and the other
$sed as back$p" Each ?IEC has its o&n alternator that po&ers it once 22 is
above a certain val$e" #f the alternator fails normal ships po&er &ill take over"
Three idle modes1
9od$lated1 Baries &ith demand. in flight &ith flaps at 0
pproach1 Iepends only on altit$de. activated &hen flaps not at 0
:everse1 )elected &hen on gro$nd and thr$st levers at idle. slightly
higher than for&ard idle"
?ive Thr$st 7ever Ietents1
T@H1 Takeoff go-aro$nd
?7K!9CT1 ?le% takeoff. 9a% contin$o$s
C71 Climb thr$st
#I7E1 #dle thr$st for for&ard and reverse
?(77 :EB1 9a%im$m reverse thr$st
Contin$o$s ignition provided a$tomatically 4&ith 9ode selector in 2@:95 &hen1
Engine nti-ice selected @2 on #E and non-$pdated C?9 engines
Engine flameo$t in-flight detected
E#( fails
Contin$o$s ignition may be selected man$ally by positioning the E2H 9@IE
selector to #H2!)T:T
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
2ormal )tart )e'$ence1
Note: start E2H 1 first to press$riRe Hreen 8ydra$lics
E2H 9ode selector to #H2!)T:T
E2H 9aster s&itch to @2 4after amber K/s go a&ay5
t 1; Q ignition @2
t 22Q starts f$el flo&
t =0Q start valve closes. ignition off
Engine idle sho$ld stabiliRe at abo$t =,Q
E2H mode selector to 2@:9
2ormal #dle E 2.3.;.; E ppro%" 20Q 21. 300A C EHT. ;0Q 22. ;00 lbs!hr ??
9an$al )tart )e'$ence1
E2H 9ode selector to #H2!)T:T
E2H 92 )T:T pb @2
t 9a% 9otoring 4min" 20Q 225 select E2H 9aster s&itch @2
?$el and ignition &ill begin &hen E2H 9aster selected @2
t =0Q start valve closes. ignition off
t idle. abo$t =,Q. E2H 92 )T:T pb @??
E2H mode selector to 2@:9
22 backgro$nd *grays o$t+ d$ring start. ret$rns to normal &hen stabiliRed at idle
#gnition or 0 &ill sho& on )I d$ring normal start. G 0 d$ring man$al start
Note: 4P8 2b"11";!2h"3"35 ?or first flight of day r$n engines for at least = mins"
before applying takeoff thr$st. for s$bse'$ent flights 4&ith 1 [ hrs sh$t do&n or
less5 &arm $p engines at least 3 mins" :$n 3 mins" at idle after landing. b$t that
may be red$ced to 1 min" for operational considerations"
The C?9 &ill reference 21 speed and the #E EP:" The #E &ill defa$lt to 21 in
the case of EP: fail$re" #f sensed EP: is lost the engine &ill be in 21 mode" #f
comp$ted EP: is lost the engine &ill be in degraded 21 mode" @verboost at
T@H is possible in degraded 21 mode"
The #E gets fan blade fl$tter at fan speeds of ;0Q to <3 Q 21" comp$ter
called the EEC that &ill prevent the engine from stabiliRing at those critical fan
speeds" The pilot &ill sense this as a *gap+ in po&er setting &hile ta%iing the
aircraft" The EEC &ill only let the engine speed $p or do&n thro$gh this 21
speed range. not keep it at that selected speed"
Thr$st b$mp is installed on #E aircraft" This allo&s e%tra thr$st for takeoff &hen
at T@H thr$st" The controls are on the for&ard part of the thr$st levers $nder a
cover" 7ift the cover and p$sh the red b$tton on either lever" The system sho$ld
be armed &hile ta%iing o$t and the selected engine is r$nning" The engine m$st
be in EP: mode" This sho$ld only be $sed &hen performance dictates it"
P( 4T9 <c"%"%5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
P( can s$pply can electrical $p to 39.000/ and s$pply f$ll electrical load $p to
2=.000/ and bleed air $p to 20.000/" Electrical takes precedence over bleed air"
P( bleed is 2@T permitted for 6ing anti-ice" The P( is fed f$el from left f$el
manifold" #f no other f$el boost is available the P( &ill activate a separate
dedicated P( f$el p$mp" #n flight 4above 100 kts"5 on bat only the P( &ill not
start 4:T failed5" 6ith :T 4loss of HE2 1 G 25 the P( is allo&ed 3 min$tes for
a start attempt"
The P( can s$pply the entire electrical system on the gro$nd" #n the air the
P( &ill not s$pply the main galley shed b$sses"
The P( &ill a$to sh$tdo&n and fire the e%ting$isher bottle on the gro$nd b$t
not in-flight" #n-flight the P( m$st be man$ally sh$t do&n and e%ting$ished for
fire" #f the P( )8(T @?? p$shb$tton on the e%ternal panel or the P( ?#:E pb
on the overhead ?#:E panel is pressed the P( &ill sh$tdo&n b$t the
e%ting$isher &ill not a$tomatically fire" Note: P( &ill a$to sh$tdo&n in-flight for
reasons other than fire"
The P( generator &ill a$tomatically come online if engine gens" or e%ternal is
not already online" The P( is ready for bleed and electrics &hen reaching 9=Q
for t&o seconds or 99"=Q" The B#7 light &ill sho& in the P( start pb and
green P( B#7 &ill sho& on E6I display &hen P( gen is available for $se"
P( bleed may be selected on &henever needed and P( &ill allo& bleed to
come online after allo&ing time for EHT to stabiliRe" @n sh$tdo&n the P(
9aster is p$shed off" The P( &ill contin$e to r$n for cooling period before
sh$tting do&n" #f the P( 9aster is pressed back on before the P( sh$ts do&n
the P( &ill contin$e to r$n" 6hen sh$tting the P( do&n for the Parking G
)ec$ring checklist &ait 2 mins" after P( vail light goes o$t or $ntil P( flap
sho&s f$lly closed on EC9 P( page before s&itching batteries off" #f P( is
left r$nning. leave batteries on for fire protection"
P( *0leed+ is act$ally s$pplied by P( load compressor"
The 7ine method for starting the P( and p$tting it *online+1
Press P( 9aster )&itch pb @2
6ait abo$t = seconds then press P( )tart pb @2
Press P( 0leed pb @2
That/s itO #f EKT P6: is not already established online the P( HE2 &ill
a$tomatically come online follo&ed by P( bleed air after the proper interval
&hich &ill a$tomatically t$rn on the packs ass$ming their pb/s are in the normal
on 4s&itch blank5 position" #sn/t technology &onderf$lO Jo$ can start the P(
before yo$r &alk aro$nd and the P( &ill be heating the cabin and have air
press$re available for the coffee maker by the time yo$ get backO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?9) 4Controls and #ndicators <-90"15
little general theory1 ll ?9) systems that # have $sed f$nction or think in a
*9ode+ pattern" This is to say that the ?9) m$st al&ays be in a mode or phase
and be a&are of &hat the aircraft is doing to *kno&+ &hat mode it sho$ld be in"
The ?9) &ill have many different &ays to identify a mode change b$t it &ill need
to change modes d$ring every flight" The pilot sho$ld be a&are of the modes
and their changes 4this is starting to so$nd like marriage co$nselingP5" The
irb$s is no different" ?or vertical planning the ?9HC has modes called ?light
Phases that are named Preflight. Takeoff. Climb. Cr$ise. Iescent. pproach. Ho
ro$nd and Ione" #n addition the ?9) needs to kno& &hen the aircraft is in ta%i.
engine-o$t and landing modes" 6ith the pilot entering the proper needed data
d$ring initialiRation the ?9) is able to properly plan and control a flight thro$gh
all the necessary phases or modes"
?$rther. the pilot m$st enter a ro$te of flight to allo& for lateral planning" This &ill
also involve modes. in this case. takeoff r$n&ay. )#I 4if applicable5. enro$te.
)T: 4if applicable5 and approach!go aro$nd and landing r$n&ay" The pilot &ill
enter the needed ro$te data before flight and modify it in-flight as necessary"
)ome changes the pilot &ill make are considered )trategic 4entire flight5 and
some are Tactical 4c$rrent flight phase or mode5" s yo$ learn the different
f$nctions of the ?9HC and the $toflight system be a&are of &hether a f$nction
is )trategic or Tactical" ?or e%ample the Cost #nde% is strategic b$t the descent
speed is tactical"
#f a page is longer than one screen can sho& yo$ &ill $se the scroll or sle& keys
4$p!do&n arro& keys.5 to sho& additional information" #f there is more than
one page to a key yo$ can press the 2EKT PHE key to see the s$cceeding
pages" )ometimes additional information can be accessed from a page and yo$
&ill see an on screen prompt 4 \. ]. or T 5 to present that ne& page" )ee P8
1<";"1 for f$ll information"
#,>0 Stu//: 2o& for some general info on the ?9HCO
Airbus >otc$a: () ir&ays is in the process of merging &ith merica 6est to
form a combined ne& () ir&ays" s both airlines have different versions of the
320 there &ill be differences" dditionally. () ir&ays is also installing ne&
?9HC/s in the 320 fleet" These &ill be referred to as the ?9) 2" This has been
an optional ?9HC that other airlines have $sed in the past so is not really ne&.
M$st ne& to () ir&ays East" The ne& ?9) is the )miths and the *old+ one is the
8oney&ell" ?or o$r p$rposes the old 8oney&ell $nit &ill be the ?9) and the ne&
)miths $nit &ill be the ?9) 2" Iifferences &ill be noted later"
D@= key: This key is one of the most $sed and &ill allo& the pilot to go direct to
any fi% that the ?9HC &ill recogniRe" #f the ?9HC doesn/t recogniRe the fi% then
the pilot can b$ild a temporary &aypoint and insert the ne& &aypoint into the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
direct command to be able to navigate to the fi%" This &ill be gone over more
later in &aypoints and rero$tes"
#3Plan Iey: 6hen yo$ select the ?-Plan key the defa$lt 4normal5 ?light Plan
vie& &ill have the ?:@9 &aypoint at the top of the 9CI( screen 4first line5" The
ne%t 4second5 line &ill be the T@ &aypoint and all s$cceeding &aypoints &ill
contin$e do&n the screen" The ?:@9 &aypoint is $s$ally the last B@: or
intersection yo$ crossed b$t it can also be PP@) 4Present Position5 or T-P
4T$rning Point5" PP@) simply means that yo$ are not on any nav segment and
the ?9HC is M$st tracking &here yo$ are &ith no nav g$idance available" This
&ill occ$r after takeoff &hen the r$n&ay is a$tomatically cleared and yo$ don/t
have a nav segment to Moin yet" T-P &ill sho& &hen yo$ $se the Iirect f$nction.
&hich &e &ill go over later" The second line is the T@ &aypoint and is in &hite
&hile most of the rest of the lines are in green" 8o&ever. it is possible that a
pse$do &aypoint may be on line t&o and therefore it may be &hite b$t not the
T@ &aypoint" 6e &ill go over pse$do &aypoints later as &ell"
Jo$ can al&ays scroll $p or do&n on the ?-Plan page b$t the ?:@9 &ill al&ays
be at the top &hen yo$ select the ?-Plan key" Think of the ?:@9 as being &hat
is behind yo$" Think of the T@ as being &hat is M$st ahead of yo$" The ?:@9 is
important beca$se to $se lateral navigation yo$ m$st define a nav segment for
the ?9HC to follo& and this means that yo$ m$st have t&o points for any given
nav sit$ation to define a segment" This &ill become more clear &hen &e go over
I#)C@2T#2(#TJ is a line that sho&s t&o points are not Moined and they do not
form a segment" #f I#)C@2T#2(#TJ is sho&ing then the ?9HC &ill 2@T
contin$e to the ne%t &aypoint" Think of it as a gap in yo$r navigation" #n fact that
is e%actly &hat it is. a gap bet&een t&o 2B points" This is something that yo$
&ant if yo$ &ill be given radar vectors at a certain point" Jo$ &ill most commonly
see I#)C@2T#2(#TJ after the r$n&ay &hen initialiRing &hen yo$ &ill e%pect
radar vectors to yo$r first fi% and after the last fi% on yo$r ro$te prior to beginning
yo$r approach" There are times &hen yo$ &ill need to clear a I#)C@2T#2(#TJ
and &e &ill look at that in a moment" #f yo$ are in 2B mode and reach a
discontin$ity in the flight plan the a$topilot &ill M$st drop to heading mode on the
c$rrent heading or entered heading if one is entered in the ?C(" 2ote that the
8eading *&indo&+ &ill only hold a heading for 3= seconds 4&ho kno&s &hyO5
The scratchpad is the bottom line of the 9CI( and is &here yo$ &ill enter data"
fter yo$ type info into the scratchpad yo$ &ill then select it $p into the ?9HC
by $sing the 7)C 47ine )elect Ceys5 on either side of the 9CI(" 2ote that yo$
cannot select data from the ?9HC into the scratchpad" Jo$ &ill also get vario$s
&arnings in the scratchpad and they can be cleared by pressing the C7: key in
the bottom right hand corner of the keys"
A@=PO=T Iey: The #:P@:T key simply allo&s the pilot '$ick access to any
airport that is entered into the flight plan" This &o$ld incl$de the depart$re
airport. arrival airport and the alternate airport" Press this key and the display &ill
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
place the ne%t available airport in the ?9HC flight plan on the first 4top5 line in
the 9CI(" This M$st gives the pilot a fast &ay to *scroll+ the flight plan display to
the ne%t airport"
NEGT PA>E Iey: The 2EKT PHE key gives access to additional information
for some screens &hen there is more than can be sho&n on one screen" Think of
2EKT PHE as scrolling horiRontally" The ?-P72 and #2#T screens $se the
2EKT PHE f$nction" 6hen there is more than one page the pages are referred
to as PHE and PHE 0 as in #2#T PHE 0" This &o$ld re'$ire yo$ to select
#2#T and then press 2EKT PHE to access #2#T PHE 0"
Ieys: The keys 4$p!do&n arro&s. sle& keys5 allo& the pilot to scroll a
page vertically" Jo$ &ill also $se them for changing val$es" This is most
commonly $sed &hen adM$sting the 7T!7@2H that is stored for the airport to the
gate val$e &hen initialiRing on #2#T" Jo$ &ill also very commonly $se them for
scrolling the ?-Plan screen to see &aypoints that contin$e in the flight plan
beyond the 9CI( screen display"
D@= Iey: The I#: key allo&s the pilot to go direct to any &aypoint entered" The
T@ &aypoint &ill become &hatever is entered as the direct and the ?:@9
&aypoint &ill become a T-P 4position the aircraft is at &hen the I#: is entered5"
Jo$ may either press the 7)C ne%t to the direct fi% or type the fi% in the
scratchpad and press the I#: T@ 7)C"
P=O> Iey: The P:@H key &ill act$ally access a n$mber of different pages
depending on the phase of flight yo$ are in" #n every case yo$ &ill see a P:@H
page b$t the name &ill change depending on the phase" ?or e%ample. &hen in
cr$ise flight the page &ill be name P:@H C:> and in climb P:@H C70 and so
forth" This P:@H page along &ith ?-P72 &ill be $sed most of the time &hen
yo$ are not accessing some other page" The P9 sho$ld have P:@H on their
side $nless they need something else"
The P:@H page &ill sho& the planned cr$ise altit$de 4as loaded d$ring #2#T or
as modified5 as &ell as the optim$m cr$ise altit$de and the recommended
ma%im$m altit$de" @ptim$m 4@PT5 is based on cost $sing the C@)T #2IEK yo$
entered" :ecommend 9a%im$m 4:EC 9K5 is based on 1"3 H protection and
sho$ld only be $sed in smooth air"
Jo$ may change the planned cr$ise altit$de anytime by coming to any P:@H
nother handy feat$re is the 0earing ! Iistance to feat$re" L$st p$t in any airport
or fi% and yo$ can immediately see ho& far yo$ are from it and &hat heading to
take to it" Even better. this is one of the fe& feat$res that does not *crosstalk+
&ith the other ?9HC so each pilot can load a different fi% to $se" This is a great
place to come &hen planning a crossing restriction before yo$ get it loaded into
the ?light Plan to be s$re yo$ &on/t miss the fi%"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?inally. P:@H is also &here yo$ &ill change the re'$ired acc$racy for :2B
HP) approaches"
PE=# Iey: The PE:? key allo&s the pilot to see and enter data for the vario$s
phases of flight" Jo$ &ill $se this key &hen initialiRing to enter takeoff
information. changing climb. cr$ise and descent speeds and entering approach
data" @nly the preflight and done phases do not have pages" Press the PE:?
key and then press the 7)C at the bottom of the screen to move to the ne%t or
previo$s phase page" #f yo$ aren/t s$re &hat phase the ?9HC is in M$st look at
the top of this page as each phase is named here" ?or e%ample in takeoff phase
the PE:? page is named PE:? T@ page and in cr$ise it is named PE:? C:>
=ADNAA Iey: The :I2B key stands for :adio 2avigation and is the page to
check &hen yo$ &ish to determine &hich navaids are being t$ned" 2ormally the
irb$s &ill a$tot$ne the radios and yo$ &ill not be a&are of &hat navaids are
being $tiliRed" 8o&ever. there are times that yo$ &ill need to *lock+ a fre'$ency
for t$ning. s$ch as &hen a I9E is $sed for depart$re on a )#I" L$st press the
:I2B key and then type the navaid identifier 4yo$ may also $se the
fre'$ency by $sing a leading slash. for e%ample !11="05 in the scratchpad" Then
select the identifier to the B@:1 or 2 7)C at the top of the 9CI(" This &ill keep
that side t$ned to that fre'$ency" Jo$ can $se the II:9# to see ra& data" The
*locked+ identifier &ill be in 7:HE letters"
#UE? P=ED Iey: The ?(E7 P:EI key allo&s the pilot to vie& f$el prediction
info on destination. alternate and f$el management data" This is the page to $se
to enter 6eight and 0alance data" #f the #2#T page 0 is sho&ing on the 9CI(
on engine start the ?9HC &ill a$tomatically *rollover+ to ?(E7 P:EI for &eight
data to be entered" Hross &eight and CH data are entered on 7)C 37" ?or
e%ample. 133.190 lbs" &ith a 9C of 23"2 &o$ld be entered as1 133"2!23"2
@N@T Iey: The #2#T key is $sed &hen getting ready d$ring preflight" Jo$ initialiRe
the ?9HC from this page" This page &ill be gone over in more detail later"
SE0 #3P?N Iey: The )EC ?-P72 key allo&s the pilot to have a second flight
plan to $se for &hat-if scenarios or to load anticipated changes that might occ$r
in the primary flight plan" Jo$ are able to copy the primary flight plan in order to
make changes to it or yo$ can program a ne& flight plan"
Airbus >otc$a: #f the initial fi% in the )econdary flight plan is different from
ctive flight plan yo$ m$st be on 8eading to activate" Jo$ cannot change an
active 2B segment &hile 2B is engaged"
DATA Iey: The IT key &ill allo& the pilot to vie& the vario$s so$rces of data
for the ?9HC and determine &hether it is valid or not"
,0DU ,ENU Iey: The 9CI( 9E2( key allo&s selection &hether to &ork in
?9HC or C:) or another area s$ch as #I)" @nly one 9CI( can be set to
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
C:) at one time" #f the opposite side is selected to C:) then yo$ &ill
*locked+ o$t of C:) $ntil it is selected back o$t of C:)"
0?= Iey: The C7: 4clear5 key is a delete key" Jo$ can $se it to delete
characters or phrases in the scratch pad or to delete data from the ?9HC" To
clear the scratch pad M$st press the C7: key and the last entered character &ill
be deleted" #f yo$ contin$e pressing the entire phrase in the scratchpad &ill be
cleared" The C7: key can also get rid of &arning messages" To delete data
entered into the ?9HC press the C7: key &hile there is nothing in the
scratchpad" C7: &ill be entered into the scratchpad" 2o& select C7: to the 7)C
that corresponds to the data yo$ &ish to delete" This is ho& to delete a
discontin$ity" Press the C7: key and then press the 7)C that corresponds to the
discontin$ity and it &ill be deleted &ith the &aypoints on either side of the
discontin$ity no& Moined as a segment"
OA#J K Iey: @ne of the more obsc$re keys on the 9CI(. the @verfly key has
basically only one f$nction" 6hen yo$ are coming $p to a &aypoint the ?9HC
&ill normally comp$te the t$rn at the &aypoint and d$e to the radi$s of the t$rn
the aircraft may begin its t$rn early to be able to t$rn smoothly onto the air&ay
centerline" There may be times that yo$ need to act$ally fly e%actly over the fi%
before t$rning" #n those cases press the @B?J ^ key and then line select it $p to
the appropriate fi% as a lateral revision" The ?9HC &ill no& make s$re to fly
directly over the fi% even if it &ill ca$se overshoot on the far side of the t$rn"
6ell. @C. there is one other f$nction for the @verfly key" 6hen $sing freete%t in
C:) yo$ &ill $se the overfly key to p$t a space in the te%t as yo$ &o$ld $se
the space bar on a &ord processor"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
,seu$o <ay+oints 1C = ' >790&1&82
@C. besides M$st so$nding &eird &hat are pse$do &aypoints any&ayD 0asically
they are lines of information on the ?light Plan page that are not something that
yo$ can navigate to" They are mostly to do &ith vertical profile information and
are therefore not for lateral navigation" Pse$do &aypoints on the 9CI( &ill
consist of the follo&ing1
T!C E Top of Climb 4hockey stick5
T!I E Top of Iescent 4hockey stick5
)!C or )!I E )tart of Climb or Iescent for )tep Climb!Iescent 4hockey stick5
)PI 7#9 E )peed 7imit 49G95
IECE7 E Ieceleration to approach phase 4circle I brand5
#!P E #ntercept Point 4lightening bolt5
Please note that &hile yo$ cannot navigate laterally $sing the pse$do &aypoints
they &ill sho& on yo$r 2I $sing vario$s symbols" #f a pse$do &aypoint is on the
second line of the flight plan it &ill be &hite even tho$gh it cannot be the T@
&aypoint" The 9CI( logic simply makes the second line &hite &hether it is
act$ally the T@ &aypoint or not"
lso yo$ &ill have some pse$do &aypoints that sho& on the 2I that are not on
the 9CI( s$ch as the Energy Circle and Crosstrack Error"
The Energy Circle 4green dashed arc5 is available only in Iescent and pproach
phases" #t sho&s ho& far the aircraft &ill go $ntil reaching landing elevation in
the c$rrent config$ration $ntil 1=00/ H7 then config$re for landing and descend
to landing elevation" #t is interesting to note that ?laps 1 provides longer range
than ?laps 0 4clean5. this is d$e to the higher engine idle speed &ith ?laps 1"
Crosstrack Error &ill sho& ho& far the aircraft is from the active nav segment or
leg" This is very $sef$l &hen cleared for approach or &hen cleared to Moin the
depart$re or arrival"
The #ntercept Point &ill sho& as #2TCPT on the co$rse &hen on heading to Moin
the active nav leg"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
'nitiali?in% the @5:C
6hen initialiRing the ?9HC d$ring pre-flight $se these pages to enter data1
I#?:) ?P
# #2#T PHE . #2#T PHE 0
? ?-P72 PHE . ?-P72 PHE 0
: :I 2B
) )EC ?-P72
? ?(E7 P:EI
P PE:?
Note: llo& at least 3 min$tes after initial po&er $p on a cold airplane for all
internal tests to be completed before pressing b$ttons"
Press IT key. then !C )tat$s" Check database validity and dates" Enter 0#)
from flight plan on PE:? for performance factor on 7)C ;:" 2e& database is
effective at 0900> on the date of change"
#2#T Page 1
Press #2#T key" Enter the city pair codes in ?:@9!T@" ?or e%ample. for
Charlotte to Phoeni% $se CC7T!CP8K or $se company ro$te n$mber s$ch as
Enter the alternate city code" E%ample1 for Hreensboro $se CH)@"
Enter flight n$mber" Type in 6E follo&ed by the flight n$mber" ?or e%ample for
flight 121 type AW*+8+" Note: 6 is M$st to help identify the flight n$mber
Check lat!long coordinates" #t is safer to $se the airport coordinates from the
database as this avoids the pilot typing in gross errors that are not ca$ght"
Cost #nde%" Enter 3="
Cr$ise flight level" Enter intended cr$ise altit$de on the C:> ?7 43=0 for
3=.000/5 and modify the anticipated cr$ise temperat$re &ith !TE9P 4!E39 for
min$s 395"
Press the 7#H2 #:) key 47)C 3:5" 7#H2 #:) sho$ld be pressed &ithin 1=
min$tes of t$rning H2I#:) to 2B to avoid e%cessive drift" I@ 2@T move
aircraft d$ring align process"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
#2#T Page 01
Press the #2#T key" Press the 2EKT PHE key" This &ill take yo$ to the second
#2#T page" Check that the reserve time is 3= min" on ?#27!T#9E line"
?-P72 Page 1
Press ?-P72 key to program the filed ro$te" Io a lateral revision from the
depart$re airport" To do this press the 7)C 17 on the left side of the 9CI( ne%t
to the depart$re airport code" Then select IEP:T(:E" 2o& select :6J for
anticipated depart$re r$n&ay. then )#I if needed and T:2) if needed"
Airbus >otc$a: Ielete the pse$do altit$de &aypoint for the r$n&ay 4not for
?9) depart$re ro$tes5" 0e s$re to leave a discontin$ity bet&een the r$n&ay and
the first fi% 4again. not if $sing ?9) depart$re5"
#nsert first fi% or &aypoint in flight plan ro$te" #f there is victor or Met air&ay ro$ting
from the fi% then $se a lateral revision to enter the needed air&ay" ?or e%ample
for a ro$te from 0@) B@: on Let <= that ends at C9C press the left 7)C ne%t to
0@) in the flight plan" 2o& enter L<=!C9C in the B#! H@ T@" Then #2)E:T if
@C" ny fi% that is a direct &ith no p$blished ro$te yo$ can simply press on the
ne%t line" ?or e%ample to go direct from 0@) to C9C simply press C9C on the
line belo& 0@) 7)C" This &ill place C9C after 0@) in the flight plan as the ne%t
2ote1 pressing a fi% on top of a fi% places the ne& fi% ahead of the previo$s one
and a discontin$ity is in bet&een the t&o fi%es no&" Jo$ &ill need to clear the
discontin$ity if yo$ &ant to Moin the fi%es to make a segment" To clear a
discontin$ity press the C7: 4clear5 key and then press the 7)C ne%t to the
discontin$ity" This &ill Moin the t&o &aypoint on either side of the discontin$ity"
Enter any vertical restrictions 4cross 7K B@: at or above 10.000/5 by typing the
altit$de in the scratch pad and pressing it on the right 7)C for that fi%" Jo$ can
also enter a vertical revision by pressing the right 7)C for that fi% and p$tting it
into the proper field" #f yo$ have an at or above clearance p$t a F in front of the
altit$de before entering it 4$se E for at or belo&5
E%ample1 at or above 10.000/ $se F10000. at or belo& ?7230 $se E230"
Enter any anticipated arrival and approach by pressing the left 7)C 4lateral
revision5 for the destination airport" Enter appropriate rrival. Transition and
:$n&ay pproach and #nsert if @C"
Check distance at bottom of ?-Plan page against the total distance sho&ing on
:elease" This is a gross check and sho$ld be close b$t does not need to be
e%act as arrival and approach ro$tings may add mileage not on release"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?light Plan page 01
ccess this page by $sing the ?-Plan key follo&ed by the 2e%t Page key"
?orecast &inds may be entered here for each &aypoint as desired to improve
?9HC acc$racy in planning" Take the &inds from the flight plan on the release
and type them into the scratch page in the follo&ing format1 I#:!)PI so that I#:
is &ind direction and )PI is &ind speed" #n this e%ample the &ind is 2;= at ,3
kts" and yo$ &o$ld type 2;=!,3" 2o& press the 7)C on the right hand side that
corresponds to the &aypoint yo$ are adding &inds to" The left hand side of this
screen &ill be similar to the ?light Plan page " The center of the screen &ill
sho& the estimated f$el on board 4E?@05 at each entered &aypoint"
:I 2B1
Press the :I 2B key and be s$re that if a I9E mileage is needed d$ring a
depart$re that yo$ enter the #I for the station here" ?or e%ample. &hen doing the
8@:2ET depart$re off of 1,: yo$ need the C7T I9E 1"; nm fi%" Press C7T into
the 17 or 1: 7)C 4Capt" or ?!@5 to *lock+ C7T into the a$tot$ning" #n order to
read B@: I9E $se the I?!B@: selector s&itch on the E?#) control panel"
L$st select the appropriate s&itch 4B@: 1 or B@: 25 to the B@: setting" fter
completing the depart$re ret$rn the s&itch to the @?? position" The I9E
reado$t &ill be on the bottom of the 2I page 4bottom left for B@: 1 and bottom
right for B@: 25" The I9E mileage &ill also be sho&n on the II:9# I9E
reado$t" #f yo$ enter a B@: on :I2B the t$ning letters &ill be bold. if the
system is a$tot$ning the letters &ill be little"
Note: if the I9E is from an #7) then press the #I for the #7) into the #7)!?:EN
on 7)C 37 and press the 7) pb to display the #7) I9E on the P?I 4not II:9#5"
#f nothing is sho&ing in the :I2B page then check to make s$re that )T0J
2B is not selected on the :9P" # s$ggest making :I2B part of yo$r
personal after takeoff or 10.000/ check to ens$re clearing any *locked+ stations"
)EC ?-P721
Press the )ec ?-Plan key" Press the 7)C for Copy ctive" This &ill give yo$ a
*practice copy+ of the flight plan &ith &hich yo$ can later play *&hat if+ scenarios
&ith if yo$ sho$ld so choose or to enter possible ro$te changes 4s$ch as
different than filed arrivals5 to '$ickly activate as an active flight plan if needed"
Note: #f the initial fi% in the )econdary is different from ctive flight plan yo$ m$st
be on 8eading to activate" #f )econdary has been copied then PE:? &ill be
available as a prompt on )EC page" This PE:? &ill allo& yo$ to enter the
performance data for the secondary flight plan
A/ter engine start:
?(E7 P:EI1
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
fter engine start yo$ &ill $se the ?(E7 P:EI key to enter 6G0" Enter the
act$al gross &eight 4:9P &eight5 and CH from the 6G0 printo$t on H6 ! CH
on 7)C 37" Jo$ &ill not have to enter the f$el as the ?9HC reads it on it/s o&n"
E%ample1 133";!23",
0efore engine start leave the ?9HC on the ?(E7 P:EI page and yo$ &ill have
the proper page ready for $se" #f yo$ receive the 6eight and 0alance message
before engine start yo$ may type the &eight and CH in the scratchpad for entry
after engine start if yo$ &ish"
Press the PE:? key and yo$ &ill no& be on the PE:? TCE@?? page" Enter
B1. B2 and B: speeds on their 7)C/s" Enter ?7EK temp if needed" Enter T8:
:EI!CC 4thr$st red$ction!accelerate5 and E2H @(T CC altit$des from 6G0
printo$ts" Enter the flaps setting and stab trim settings in $nits of (P or I2 on
the ?7P)!T8) 7)C 4e%ample1 1!0"=I2 or 2!1"0(P5" #f $sing an intersection
depart$re enter the distance from the end of the r$n&ay to the intersection on
the T@ )8#?T 7)C" 2o& type the *0+ 4or clean5 speed in the scratchpad" )elect
2EKT P8)E and p$t the clean speed in the C7#90 T)PI 7)C" This allo&s the
aircraft to accelerate to *green dot+ after takeoff instead of 2=0"
6hen taking off from an intersection yo$ sho$ld enter the amo$nt of distance the
intersection is from the end of the r$n&ay" ?or e%ample. in P#T it is common to
$se r$n&ay 2,7 intersection P" ?rom the TP) pages yo$ can determine the
distance available for takeoff 4or M$st ask Hro$nd ControlO5" )$btract that from the
f$ll r$n&ay length and yo$ have the intersection 1=00/ from the end of the
r$n&ay" Enter 1=00 on the T@ )8#?T 7)C"
#f approach data 4PE:? PP:5 is not entered &ithin abo$t 1,0 nm of destination
then 9CI( &ill give error message saying so" )o go ahead and get approach
data loaded. the electrons are freeO
Airbus >otc$a: #f not &ithin 200 nm of destination then aircraft &ill not initiate
descent in PE:? IE)CE2T mode" Iescent &ill be made in PE:? C:(#)E
mode as a *cr$ise descent+" I$ring descent in cr$ise mode the ?9HC &ill not
*see+ crossing restrictions in the flight plan"
Airbus >otc$a: The aircraft &ill not initiate descent a$tomatically from cr$ise
altit$de &hen reaching a descent point 4kno&n as T!I or Top of Iescent5" The
pilot m$st set in ne& altit$de and then p$sh the 7T knob to enter 9anaged
Airbus >otc$a: The pilot cannot change the Iescent data once the ?9HC is
in Iescent Phase" #f yo$ &ish to make a change to the ?9HC descent speed
once yo$ are in Iescent Phase. enter a ne& cr$ise altit$de belo& yo$r c$rrent
altit$de into the P:@H page" This &ill ca$se the ?9HC to revert back to Cr$ise
Phase and allo& yo$ to enter a ne& descent speed in the PE:? IE) page"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
The ?9HC may plan a m$ch slo&er speed for descent in Iescent Phase than in
Cr$ise Phase" #f the aircraft begins a descent and enters the Iescent Phase
&hen yo$ &ish to make a faster cr$ise descent yo$ can enter a ne& cr$ise
altit$de on the P:@H page belo& yo$r c$rrent altit$de" The ?9HC &ill no&
revert back to Cr$ise Phase $ntil crossing the ne& altit$de" 0e a&are. ho&ever.
that the ?9HC does not *see+ crossing restrictions &hen descending in Cr$ise
Phase and &ill only descend at a set vertical speed"
Airbus >otc$a: 9anaged Climb!Iescent is not available on heading" Jo$
m$st be on 2B to $se 9anaged Climb!Iescent"
Airbus >otc$a: 6hen the aircraft is in 8IH mode and the pilot enters direct
to a &aypoint the a$topilot &ill a$tomatically engage 2B &ith no other action on
the pilot/s part" #n other &ords. the a$topilot &ill change modes a$tomatically
from 8IH to 2B &hen a I#: is entered in the ?9HC" The point here is to be
s$re of &here the &aypoint is &hen yo$ enter I#: as the airplane &ill
a$tomatically t$rn to the ne& &aypoint as soon as it comp$tes the ne& co$rse"
I#: &ill al&ays t$rn the shortest distance to the point" #f the aircraft begins to go
the &rong place or t$rn the &rong direction 4for e%ample t$rn left instead of an
assigned right t$rn5 $se 8IH mode $ntil yo$ can correct the problem"
Airbus >otc$a: 6:2#2H1 Io not $se (PITE T on the P:@H pageO The
(pdate t feat$re 4P8 1<";"335 &ill shift the ?9HC to the ne& position" This &ill
destroy the acc$racy of yo$r ?9HC" Note: does not affect #:(/s"
Airbus >otc$a: Changing the arrival or r$n&ay after p$tting in crossing
restrictions &ill delete pilot entered crossing restrictions and yo$ &ill have to re-
enter them"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
To enter a ne& &aypoint yo$ have several options" @f co$rse. yo$ can al&ays
M$st type in the name if yo$ kno& it. in this case 0(:7) intersection on the
)8#2E arrival into C7T" #f yo$ do not remember the format for creating a ne&
&aypoint M$st type 8E7P and press a 7)C M$st as yo$ &o$ld enter a &aypoint"
Jo$ &ill then be sho&n the fo$r formats for ne& &aypoints to be entered"
7T!7@2H 4latit$de ! longit$de5 E%ample1 3==1"=2!0,1=,"36
4dot. slash. dot5
P!0!I 4Place ! 0earing ! Iistance5 E%ample1 C7T!313!;3
4slash. slash5
P-0!P-0 4Place E 0earing ! Place E 0earing5 E%ample1 C7TE313!89BE1<1
4dash. slash. dash5
PI 4long Track 6aypoint. ?9)2 only5 E%ample1 )hine!10 or )hine!E10
4&aypoint slash pl$s. min$s5
Note: long Track &aypoints or &aypoint *sle&ing+ or $ptrack!do&ntrack on the
co$rse $sing a F or E is 2@T available for the original ?9)" (se a P!0!I on the
co$rse if possible"
Note: #n the flight plan on the 9CI( a P!0!I is sho&n as a P0I" The pilot
created &aypoints &ill be n$mbered so the first P0I is sho&n as P0I01 and the
second as P0I02 and so on" The P-0!P-0 &aypoints are sho&n as P0K so they
appear as P0K01. P0K02 and so forth" long Track &aypoints are PI01. PI02.
etc" 7T!7@2H &aypoints are sho&n as 7701. 7702 and so forth"
To make a lateral revision to flight plan 4?-P72 b$tton selected on ?9HC5
press a 7)C on the left side of the 9CI( 47)C 17 thro$gh ;75" To make a
vertical revision press a 7)C on the right hand side of the 9CI( 47)C 1:
thro$gh ;:5"
To enter a ne& destination 4diversion not to alternate5 $se a lateral revision on
any &aypoint in flight plan 42@T c$rrent destination5 and then enter 2E6 IE)T
on 7)C 3:"
To enter holding into flight plan $se a lateral revision on intended hold point
then press the 8@7I 7)C on 37"
Airbus >otc$a: $topilot m$st be in 8eading )elect to delete a T@ or ?:@9
&aypoint" Jo$ can/t delete the c$rrent 2B leg"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Auto 'nitiali?ation
@ne of the nicer feat$res that has been added to the irb$s is ?9) (plink or
$tomatic #nitialiRation" 2o& that &e have gone over ho& to do it man$ally 4and
sometimes yo$ &ill still do the man$al method if $plink doesn/t &ork5 yo$ can
learn the a$to method" Jo$ &ill still go to the IT page and check the database
as in the man$al method" 2e%t. go to #2#T as before b$t no& yo$ can select the
#2#T :EN(E)TT 2: 7)C"
This &ill send a re'$est thro$gh C:) to $plink yo$r flight plan data" The #2#T
page &ill be filled in a$tomatically as &ell as the ?-P72 page" Pretty cool. 8$hD
@f co$rse it isn/t '$ite that simple so lets go over the things yo$ need to be
a&are of"
I$ring the $plink yo$ &ill see a pa$se 4if yo$ are &atching on the #2#T page5
before the C@)T #2IEK and C:> ?7 are filled in 4they change from dashes to
bo% prompts at this point5" This is to allo& yo$ to enter the appropriate flight level
from yo$r printed flight plan before the 6ind Iata is sent" 6hen the pa$se
occ$rs M$st type in the cr$ise flight level and cost inde%" #f yo$ aren/t s$re 4as
&hen the ?!@ is still &aiting for the release paper&ork to sho& $p5 then simply
&ait d$ring the pa$se and the process &ill contin$e b$t the Cr$ise 6inds &on/t
be sent" # have no idea &hy the cr$ise level &inds can/t be sent since the ?9)
$plink enters the flight level and cr$ise inde% as they are the same as the
release paper&ork b$t &hatever" #f yo$ m$st *bypass+ the &inds yo$ can enter
them man$ally later from the release
$to #2#T &ill not fill in yo$r lternate so yo$ &ill need to go back and fill that in"
The ?-P72 page &ill also be sent b$t yo$ m$st be a&are of several things"
?irst. any depart$re or arrival ro$ting &ill not be sent" #n other &ords. yo$ m$st
enter the r$n&ays and )#I and )T: ro$ting as in the normal man$al method"
)econdly. occasionally there are gaps in the flight plan" )o al&ays check the
flight plan as yo$ &o$ld in the man$al method to ens$re yo$ don/t have missing
fi%es or discontin$ities that sho$ldn/t be there as # have fo$nd both in $plinked
flight plans"
Note: if something goes &rong d$ring the $plink and yo$ need to start over M$st
go to IT and select the other database" 2o& select the proper database for
$se again" This &ill clear all entered data for the flight and yo$ &ill start over
fter engine start enter the data on the ?(E7 P:EI page M$st as in the man$al
method" Then go to the PE:? page as yo$ normally &o$ld" Jo$ &ill see a
message in the scratchpad once the performance data has been sent saying
TCE @?? IT (P7#2C" L$st clear the message" That is follo&ed by PE:?
IT (P7#2C" Clear this as &ell" 2o& yo$ can a$tomatically enter the
TCE@?? PE:? pageO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Press \(P7#2C T@ IT on 7)C ;7
Press \:ECE#BEI T@ IT on 7)C ;7
#f ?7EK data is being $sed press ?7EK T@] on 7)C 3:
2ote1 if no ?7EK is available press the 9K T@] prompt to see T@H po&er
#f proper r$n&ay data is not sho&ing press the 2EKT PHE key" (p to fo$r
r$n&ays are sho&n" @nce the proper r$n&ay is sho&n.
Press #2)E:T (P7#2CT on 7)C ;:
Please note that yo$ can only get an #2)E:T (P7#2CT prompt if for the data for
the r$n&ay that is selected on ?-P72" #f yo$ cannot get the prompt make s$re
yo$ have the proper r$n&ay selected" @bvio$sly if there is a r$n&ay change
d$ring ta%i o$t yo$ m$st change the r$n&ay on ?-P72 and then re-enter the
$plink data on TCE@?? PE:? page"
The data $plink &ill not enter the clean speed for yo$ so after entering all the
$plink data go to 2EKT P8)E and enter the *0+ or clean speed M$st as yo$ do
&ith the man$al method"
TP) &ill sho& yo$ &hether to plan on ?7EK or T@H po&er" TP) &ill also sho&
yo$ &hich r$n&ays &ill be sent and the top flap setting is the one yo$ sent in the
$plink" #f yo$ need something else yo$ &ill need to contact load control to
change the $plink"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
,hase Tri%%ers 1C = ' >790&1&32
# think phaser triggers belong in )tar Trek b$t these are phase triggers" Phases
are very important and yo$ can look at the top of the P:@H and PE:? pages to
see &hat phase yo$ are c$rrently in" Jo$ &ill better $nderstand ho& the irb$s
?9HC *thinks+ if yo$ $nderstand &hat triggers the phase change"
Ta%i to Takeoff E ):) 9ode and 21 above ,=Q 4or EP: above 1"2=5 or
gro$nd speed above 90 kts"
Takeoff to Climb E :eaching the acceleration altit$de loaded in the ?9HC
d$ring initialiRation on PE:? page"
Climb to Cr$ise E :eaching planned cr$ise altit$de listed on PE:? page"
Cr$ise to Iescent E )tart of descent from c$rrent cr$ise altit$de 4&ithin
200 nm of destination5"
Iescent to pproach E ctivate and Confirm pproach on PE:? IE)
page" This &ill drive managed speed to approach speed"
Note: #f the EC9 takeoff memo hasn/t yet come $p on the screen d$ring ta%i
M$st press the T"@" C@2?#H test b$tton on the EC9 control panel" This &ill
force the ta%i phase and the EC9 takeoff memo screen to come $p"
Note: #f descent is initiated before 200 nm from destination then descent &ill be
made in C:(#)E IE)CE2T at 1000 fpm and &ill not honor any descent
crossing restrictions" The ?9HC &ill prompt for a ne& cr$ise altit$de as a
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
'*a%inary Centerline
Jo$ may have had an imaginary friend in yo$r childhood" # didn/t" 6e &on/t talk
abo$t yo$rs" 8o&ever. the irb$s does have *imaginary+ e%tended centerlines
that yo$ can $se" #f yo$ have been vectored off co$rse and are cleared to Moin a
radial b$t don/t have the nav segment available yo$ may be able to Moin it &ith no
reprogramming at all"
#n this e%ample yo$ are on an arrival and vectored off co$rse" Then yo$ are
cleared to reMoin the radial for the arrival" 8o&ever. the c$rrent nav segment has
already been cleared" s long as the ne%t segment is the same radial the ?9HC
&ill still Moin the *imaginary+ e%tended centerline of the ne%t nav segment"
This &ill also &ork in the case of being vectored for final approach" #f yo$ are
vectored to Moin o$tside the defined nav segment the ?9HC &ill still Moin the
e%tended centerline"
L$st press 2B engage and as long as the present heading &ill cross the
e%tended centerline it &ill Moin at the point of crossing" The display &ill not sho&
a nav line b$t it &ill sho& miles left or right of co$rse $ntil on the act$al nav
segment" 6ith the ?9) 2 the co$rse &ill act$ally sho& so yo$ don/t have to
*imagine it+"
Auto Clear
# don/t have any technical info on this one so # M$st call it a$to clear" @n vectors if
yo$ go close eno$gh past a &aypoint there is some ?9HC logic that says yo$
&on/t $se that &aypoint and it &ill a$tomatically clear it" This happens most often
on close vectors for approach near the approach co$rse on do&n&ind"
@5S 2 "ifferen(es
() ir&ays East is no& installing ne& ?9) systems on the irb$s 319!320!321
aircraft" ?or the most part the ne& system is very similar to the old one" )ome of
the benefits of the ne& system are faster processors. 7CI screens in the 9CI(
that allo& lighter &eight. less heat and brighter screens and of co$rse ne& and
improved f$nctions"
%C$2 4eyboard Chanes# The ! 4slash5 and E and F signs are s&apped" lso
the E and F keys are combined so if yo$ need pl$s or min$s yo$ may have to
press more than once to get the appropriate sign" space 4)P5 key is added
&here the F key $sed to be so yo$ can no& $se the )P key instead of the @B?J
^ as a *spacebar+ key" rro& keys &ill no& be $sed to page instead of the 2EKT
PHE key" 7eft and right arro& keys 4 _ . `5 are no& available along &ith the
c$rrent $p and do&n arro& keys" 0right 40:T5 and I#9 keys are no& added to
increase or decrease the screen intensity instead of a knob to t$rn"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Iata Page E 2e& C7@)E)T #:P@:T f$nction. sho&s nearest fo$r
airports &ith bearing and distance to the airport" n
additional airport may also be entered by the pilot"
2e& EN(#T#9E P@#2T f$nction. sho&s point in flight plan it
&ill take e'$al time to ret$rn to origination or contin$e to
destination" This point is displayed on the 2I as a circle on
the ro$ted &ith ETP ne%t to it"
2e& !C )TT() f$nctionality. To change the performance
factor a C8H C@IE of P:? m$st be $sed" fter code is
accepted !PE:? changes may be made
#2#T Page - #:) #2#T is on t&o pages no&" ?rom #2#T page press #:)
#2#T prompt" The 7T and 7@2H may no& be scrolled and
the 7#H2 #:) prompt &ill be sho&n on this second page"
?-P72 - ny change to the ?-P72 page &ill no& bring $p T9PJ
E:)E 4temporary erase5 and T9PJ #2)E:T prompts" The
changes to the flight plan &ill be sho&n in amber on the 2I"
Pres T9PJ E:)E to eliminate the changes or press T9PJ
#2)E:T to make the changes permanent into the flight plan"
lso a ne& feat$re. @2CE (2I@!T8E2 E:)E allo&s
changing only the last change made" Each press &ill $ndo
only the last step $ntil yo$ are do&n to the original change
and only T9PJ E:)E &ill be sho&n"
There is no 2EKT PHE &ith ?-P72"
very nice ne& feat$re allo&s all ro$te programming to be
done at the same time on one page" @nce yo$ press a 7)C
for a fi% yo$ can contin$e to enter ro$te or fi% changes on
the ne& page $ntil complete" Jo$ do not have to M$mp back
and forth" L$st enter the ro$te in the B# bo% 4for e%ample.
L,05 on the left side and the ne%t fi% in the T@ bo% 4for
e%ample. I075 on the right side" Jo$ may contin$e &ith the
ne%t ro$te 4for e%ample. L,05 and fi% 4for e%ample. @75 $ntil
done" Then select the back to the T9PJ ?-P72 page once
there E:)E or #2)E:T yo$r changes"
long Track &aypoints are no& available in ?9)2" Jo$ may
b$ild a ne& fi% s$ch as for crossing restrictions based on a
c$rrent fi% in the flight plan" ?or e%ample. if cleared to cross
3= before 9E9 B@: yo$ co$ld $se 9E9!-3= and a fi% 3=
prior to 9E9 &o$ld be b$ilt" @f co$rse. if yo$ need the ne&
fi% after 9E9 yo$ &o$ld $se the positive distance. for
e%ample 9E9!3= &o$ld b$ild the fi% 3= beyond 9E9 in the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
flight plan" gain press T9PJ E:)E or T9PJ #2)E:T to
get rid of or to activate yo$r changes"
2@TE1Jo$ cannot b$ild a ne& fi% inside of the T@ &aypoint
$nless yo$ are on heading mode"
I#: T@ page - The page does not look like the ?-P72 page no& &hich
helps to red$ce any possible conf$sion" lso. each fi% in the
flight plan &hich can be navigated to is listed &ith it/s o&n
prompt" )elect the fi% yo$ desire or type it into the top bo%"
Jo$ can then E:)E or #2)E:T" :adial #2 or @(T added"
0E9 Points can be added" ll abeam points &ill have
prefi% 0 added" ?or e%ample. :#C B@: as an abeam point
&ill appear as 0:#C in the flight plan"
Airbus >otc$a: The ?9)2 I@E) 2@T have the *imaginary centerline+
feat$re" ct$ally # believe this &as a *b$g+ in the original ?9) soft&are that
t$rned into a feat$re" 8o&ever. the ?9)2 &ill act$ally handle this differently" Jo$
cannot capt$re the e%tended centerline in PP: mode 4s$ch as for the :2B
approach5" 8o&ever. there is a fi% for this in ?9)2" #n the I#: T@ page yo$ can
$se the :I#7 #2 feat$re to b$ild the inbo$nd co$rse the needed fi%" This &ill
serve as an e%tended centerline"
Airbus >otc$a: The ?9)2 may *d$mp+ it/s &eight initialiRation &hen being
vectored near destination" #t seems to think it has arrived and goes into a
*I@2E+ mode" Ho to ?(E7 P:EI and enter the Rero f$el &eight and CH from
yo$r original &eight and balance data" This &ill allo& the ?9HC to recomp$te
the &eights and speeds yo$ have lost"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
@ne area that gives many ne& irb$s pilots problems is making changes to the
?9HC flight plan once $nder &ay" There are several very common &ays to enter
rero$tes into the ?9HC. depending on the nat$re of the rero$te"
Note: Jo$ &ill be doing a lot of lateral and vertical revisions &hen doing rero$tes"
0e a&are that yo$ are given different screens for either lateral or vertical
revisions depending on &here yo$ select them from" ?or e%ample1 Jo$ can take
a lateral revision from Iepart$re. ?rom. Enro$te and Iestination and they &ill all
have a different screen &ith different options" )o lateral and vertical revisions
are *conte%t sensitive+ &hich means yo$ have to choose the right 7)C 4line
select key. the b$ttons on the side of the 9CI(5 for the proper lateral or vertical
revsion" 0e a&are &hich one yo$ &ant so yo$ don/t get *lost in space+"
$irect# Press the I#: key and type in the fi% 4B@: or intersection5" Press the
7)C 17 key to enter the fi%" The ?9HC &ill a$tomatically enter a T-P 4t$rning
point5 to create a ?:@9 &aypoint and the fi% that is entered &ill become the T@
$irect then as filed# (se the above method or press the I#: key and then find
the cleared fi% in the flight plan" Press the 7)C ne%t to the desired &aypoint and
it &ill become the T@ &aypoint" (sing either method all &aypoints before the fi%
are no& cleared and the remainder of the flight plan &ill be available as filed"
Note: if yo$ are on heading &hen I#: is $sed the mode &ill change to 9anaged
2B a$tomatically 4in other &ords. &hen yo$ go direct in heading mode the
aircraft &ill a$tomatically engage 2B and go to the direct fi%5"
1eadin to intercept then as filed# )elect the cleared intercept heading on the
8IH selector on the ?C(" Then yo$ m$st determine if the segment yo$ have
been cleared to Moin e%ists in yo$r flight plan" #f it does yo$ only have to clear any
&aypoints that are ahead of the segment $ntil yo$ have the proper fi% as the T@
&aypoint" (se the C7: key to clear any $n&anted &aypoints then engage 2B"
#f the needed segment is not available yo$ m$st b$ild it" s above first select the
intercept heading" Then type in the fi% that &ill become the ?:@9" :emember. in
this case yo$ have to create a 2B leg 4segment5 that does not c$rrently e%ist in
the ?9HC" fter typing the ne& ?:@9 select it to the 7)C 27 key and it &ill
become the T@" 2o& enter the T@ fi% on the ne%t line if it does not already e%ist"
This creates the ne& leg segment" 2o& clear the T-P 4t$rning point5 on 17
4clearing the T-P allo&s each fi% to move to its proper T@ and ?:@9 position5"
Then engage 9anaged 2B" Jo$ can no& add any other needed fi%es $ntil on
the original ro$te" Then clear any remaining discontin$ities"
?9)2 allo&s another &ay to b$ild the intercept" (se the Iirect f$nction by
pressing the I#: key" Then p$t in the navaid or fi% yo$ &ill be referencing" 2o&
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
yo$ can $se the :adial #2 or :adial @(T f$nction on the right side of the Iirect
page" ?or e%ample if yo$ &ish to intercept the C7T 2<0 radial and then track
inbo$nd yo$ &o$ld type in C7T then p$t it in the I#: prompt" Then type 2<0 and
p$t it on the :I#7 #2 7)C" Then select the heading yo$ are to intercept on
and finally press the 8IH knob to engage 2B" #f yo$ need to track a&ay from
the navaid or fi% then $se :I#7 @(T" #n that case the aircraft &o$ld intercept
and track o$tbo$nd from the C7T B@: on the 2<0 radial"
Offset# To parallel yo$r c$rrent co$rse $se a lateral revision at the ?:@9
&aypoint" Type in the amo$nt of distance 4$p to =0 nm5 to the side yo$ &ish to
parallel the c$rrent co$rse and right or left of co$rse" ?or e%ample for 20 miles
left of co$rse type 207 and for 3= miles right of co$rse type 3=:" 2o& select the
amo$nt into the @??)ET prompt on 7)C 27" Jo$ can see the anticipated ne&
offset co$rse on the 2I" #f yo$ &ish to adM$st it press E:)E and type in the
ne& amo$nt" @nce satisfied &ith the ne& co$rse press #2)E:T" ircraft &ill take
a 3=A c$t to the ne& co$rse" To res$me the original co$rse access the same
@??)ET prompt and clear or go I#:ECT to a fi% on the original flight plan"
!ew 3.$# Press the 7)C 17 key for the Iepart$re airport" 2o& select
IEP:T(:E. then select the depart$re r$n&ay" #f yo$ are $sing a )#I select the
appropriate )#I 4NOTE1 yo$ may have to scroll to see all available )#I)5" #f
there is a transition to the )#I yo$ can select it on the right side of the 9CI("
@nce everything is selected press #2)E:T"
!ew 3,AR or Approach or Runway# ?ind the IE)T 4destination5 airport at the
bottom of the ?light Plan page on 7)C ;7" Press the left 7)C for the airport for
the lateral revision page" 2o& select ::#B7 on 7)C 1:" )elect the
appropriate approach and!or r$n&ay if needed" )croll as needed to see
additional approaches if the needed one is not on screen" #f yo$ don/t need a
ne& approach or r$n&ay simply press 2e%t Page to see the arrivals" 2e%t select
the appropriate )T: 4NOTE: yo$ may have to scroll to see all available
)T:)5" 2o& select any transition as needed on the right hand side of the
9CI(" 6hen all has been selected press the #2)E:T prompt on the ;: 7)C" #f
a transition is $sed that is already in the flight plan then there &ill not be a
discontin$ity to clear in the flight plan" 8o&ever. if yo$ do not have a transition
then please be a&are that the arrival and the flight plan &ill not have a common
point and therefore &ill have a discontin$ity"
Airbus >otc$a: 0$anging t$e STA=& approac$ or runway will delete any pilot
entered crossing restrictions on an arrival% ,ake sure you con/irm any crossing
restrictions a/ter making any arrival c$anges% Also make sure you enter a new
,DA or D. /or any newly inserted approac$%
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
!ew Route# To enter a ne& ro$te yo$ &ill program M$st like yo$ did for the flight
plan initialiRation" Take a lateral revision 4left 7)C5 from the last common fi%"
)elect #:6J). then $se the B#! H@T@ in the follo&ing format L<=!0@)@K" #f
the ne& flight plan ends in a common fi% then there &ill be no discontin$ity and
no fi%es to clear" 8o&ever. if the ro$ting res$lts in no common fi% then yo$ &ill
need to go back and clear all the old fi%es"
1oldin# Press the left 7)C for a lateral revision at the holding fi%" #f the fi% does
not appear in yo$r flight plan 4yo$ are really having a bad dayO5 then $se I#:
first to enter the fi%" 2o& press the 8@7I selection on 7)C 37" #f the hold is as
p$blished then check all data on the IT0)E 8@7I page and if it is all good
then press #2)E:T on 7)C ;:" #f yo$ need to make changes or there is no
p$blished hold 4C@9P(TEI 8@7I5 then make the needed changes to the
#nbo$nd Co$rse. T$rn Iirection 47 or :5. and the time or distance needed for
legs" @nce all data for the hold is good press the #2)E:T selection on 7)C ;:"
?or immediate hold. take lateral revision at ?:@9 &aypoint and select \8@7I"
!ew $estination# 9ake a lateral revision from any &aypoint in the flight plan
4not an airport5 by pressing the left 7)C for that &aypoint" 2o& select the 2E6
IE)T prompt by typing in the ne& airport identifier 4e%ample1 CC7T for
Charlotte5 and pressing the 7)C 3: key" Jo$ may no& go to the flight plan to
modify the arrival information as needed for the ne& destination"
!ew Alternate# Press the left 7)C for a lateral revision from the Iestination
airport" The select the \7T2 prompt on 7)C 37" Enter the ne& airport identifier
on the bl$e line on 7)C 37 over the old alternate or in the brackets if there &as
no alternate" 2o& press 7)C 37 again to select the ne& alternate" 2o& press
#2)E:T" lternate sho$ld no& be entered in the flight plan and on the ?(E7
P:EI page"
3ec F9(lan# ?or a planned rero$te 4or at least anticipatedO5 yo$ may &ish to $se
the )econdary ?light Plan page" #n most cases yo$ &ill &ant to copy the active
flight plan and then make any needed changes in the secondary flight plan" This
&ill &ork &ell &hen descending into the terminal area and yo$ anticipate a
change in yo$r )T: assignment" good idea to store a secondary flight plan in
case of *programming error+ or the ?9HC d$mps on yo$"
Alon ,rac' Waypoints# 42ote1 only available on ?9) 25 To create a ne& fi%
along the c$rrent flight plan track yo$ may &ish to simply $se a c$rrent &aypoint
and add or s$btract the distance from that fi%" ?or e%ample pproach tells yo$ to
descend to cross == miles o$t from C7T B@: at 13000/ and 2=0 kts" 6hile yo$
are on the 9L#C arrival yo$ look and see that 9L#C is 3= I9E from C7T so
yo$ M$st &ant to add a &aypoint 10 miles before 9L#C" Jo$ type 9L#C!E10
49L#C slash min$s 105 and press the 7)C over 9L#C intersection" ne& PI
&aypoint &ill be created 10 miles before 9L#C 4the first one &ill be PI01.
second PI02 and so forth5" Jo$ can no& add any speed or altit$de info M$st like
any other &aypoint" #f yo$ &ish the fi% to be after the *parent+ fi% then leave the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
min$s sign off. for e%ample 9L#C!10 for 10 miles after 9L#C" #n either case.
&hether the ne& fi% goes before or after the parent fi% press the 7)C to p$t the
fi% over the parent fi% and the ?9HC &ill place in the appropriate place"
2@TE1 Jo$ cannot insert the ne& &aypoint in a nav segment apart from the
parent &aypoint" The ne& long Track 6aypoint m$st be se'$ential"
$raw the "ine# @C. not technically a rero$te b$t the irb$s can *dra&+ a bl$e
dashed line on the 2I for yo$ for sit$ational a&areness" ?or e%ample if yo$ are
on a depart$re and re'$ired to remain east of a certain radial yo$ can enter that
radial in this fashion to allo& yo$ to see it on the 2I" (se a 7ateral :evision 4left
7)C/s5 on the ?light Plan page from either the Iepart$re or rrival airport or the
?:@9 &aypoint and select \:I#7 ?#K #2?@ on 7)C =7" P$t in the fi% needed
s$ch as B@:. intersection or airport" Then enter the radial needed" Jo$ can
enter m$ltiple fi%es or p$t in an abeam line" rcs &ill be available in the f$t$re"
Where is it:# Closest irport is the feat$re yo$ &ant if yo$ need an immediate
divert" Press the IT key. then 7)C =7 \C7@)E)T #:P@:T" The nearest 3
airports &ill be sho&n as &ith bearing to. distance and time in (TC" Jo$ may
enter a fifth airport at yo$r discretion" 7)C ;: allo&s yo$ to select to see E?@0
4estimated f$el on board at arrival5 and &ind $sed to calc$late data to the
Note: the closest airport in distance may not be the closest in time d$e to &inds"
This feat$re &ill help yo$ '$ickly decide &hich is the best airport from both a
time and distance perspective"
R,A# :e'$ired Time of rrival is a feat$re that allo&s the pilot to cross a
partic$lar fi% at a set time" Io a vertical revision 4click 7)C on right side5 for the
fi% in '$estion and select :T] 47)C 1:5" Then enter time re'$ired $sing
hr"min"sec format"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
#t is Captains discretion as to &hen visibility is good eno$gh to ta%i" 4?@9 ="=";5
2o more than 30Q 21 for breaka&ay thr$st &itho$t clearance" 4P8 1,"2"35
9a% ta%i speed on straighta&ay E 30 kts"
9a% ta%i speed on t$rns appro%" 10 kts"
9inim$m pavement &idth for 1,0A t$rn1 100/ 4321 10=/5
Ens$re at least = min$tes for engine &arm $p after engine start before applying
takeoff thr$st for first flight of day" Plan for = min$tes and allo& at least 3 min$tes
for s$bse'$ent flights for that day"
I$ring ta%i in icing conditions longer than 30 mins" r$n-$p engines to appro%"
<0Q 21 for at least 30 secs" to shed fan ice"
Note: Io not e%ceed <=Q 21 for C?9 319. 320. <0Q for C?9 321 and
1"1, EP: #E 319. 320 on both engines &ith parking brake @2"
Airbus >otc$a: #f yo$ do not get the ?light Control page on EC9 &hen yo$
do the ?light Control check yo$ need to t$rn off the Engine 9ode s&itch from
#H2!)T:T to 2@:9" 2e%t time try to remember yo$r fter )tart flo&O
Single Engine TaDi 6P. !c%%-8 E )ingle engine ta%i is at Captain/s discretion &ith
factors s$ch as &eight. ramp condition. passenger comfort. etc" llo& = min$te
&arm $p for first flight of day. 3 min$tes on s$bse'$ent flights &ithin 1 [ hrs of
prior engine sh$tdo&n" llo& 3 min$tes 4may be red$ced to 1 min$te for
operational reasons5 for engine cool do&n on ta%i in 4P8 2b"11";. 2h"3"35"
?or )ingle Engine Ta%i1
Jello& Electric P$mp @2 and Jello& cc$m$lator press$re in green"
Engine 1 &ill normally be $sed d$ring single engine ta%i"
9ake no braking or steering inp$ts d$ring engine starts or &hen engine
generator bro$ght online" This &ill avoid 0)C( comp$ter problems d$ring
electrical po&er shifts"
(se P( if available on ta%i o$t"
P( is normally $sed for starting second engine as it is more f$el efficient than a
crossbleed start" 8o&ever. if P( or P( bleed is not available single engine
ta%i may still be $sed and crossbleed proced$res $sed for second engine start"
Therefore P( is to be $sed if available d$ring single engine ta%i o$t" #f P(
bleed is being $sed d$ring single engine ta%i then select K-07EEI (T@. if P(
bleed off then select K-07EEI @PE2" 2ormally P( is not $sed d$ring ta%i in"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
,ake your /lig$t instructor $appy9: 6hen setting po&er for takeoff. the thr$st
levers sho$ld be set to =0Q on the T7 4do$ghn$t5 and once both engines
stabiliRe at =0Q then position both levers to ?7EK or T@H" 9ake an initial
setting on the thr$st levers and then adM$st on the T7 to =0Q"
Note: llo& at least = min$tes for engine &arm $p before applying takeoff thr$st
for first flight of day" fter first flight of day $se a minim$m of 3 mins" &arm $p if
engine is sh$t do&n 1 [ hrs" or less" 4P8 2b"11";5
Io not $se aileron into the &ind d$ring a cross&ind 4P8 2d"2"=5" I$ring a takeoff
&ith cross&ind component e%ceeding 20 kts" or tail&ind 4P8 2d"2"=5 apply f$ll
for&ard sidestick to be taken o$t by ,0 to 100 kts" I$ring all normal takeoffs $se
half for&ard sidestick press$re $ntil ,0 to 100 kts" 4P82d"1"35 Ens$re the aileron
is ne$traliRed by looking at the *control pointer cross+ on the P?I or rela% the
sidestick to center d$ring the takeoff roll" This &ill ens$re that yo$ do not have
any roll in the initial rotation and liftoff" I$ring cross&ind takeoff let engines
stabiliRe at =0Q then increase to <0Q 21 and stabiliRe. then increase to ?7EK or
T@H by 30 kts" gro$nd speed" )lo&ly release any r$dder being held d$ring
cross&ind takeoff d$ring the rotation"
Airbus >otc$a: #t is possible for the ?!@ to occasionally enter the &rong 6G0
data" n easy &ay for both the Capt" and ?!@ to do$ble-check their &ork is to
look at the Hross 6eight sho&n in the bottom right hand corner of the )I after
engine start and 6G0 is entered" This n$mber sho$ld be very close to the :amp
&eight sho&n on the 6G0 printo$t and similar to the TP) n$mbers" #f yo$
manage to still takeoff &ith the &rong gross &eight entered. yo$ &ill event$ally
get a gross &eight mismatch error message once the aircraft has comp$ted its
in-flight &eight" To correct this M$st enter the proper &eight in the P:@H page
after s$btracting the c$rrent f$el $sed from the original :amp &eight"
Airbus >otc$a: #f on ta%i o$t yo$ do not have the B speeds sho&ing in yo$r
P?I 4after entry in 9CI(5. make s$re that yo$r ?light Iirector is t$rned on"
@n takeoff. P? sho$ld have the ?-P72 page. P9 the PE:?-TCE@?? page
(se a radar tilt of =-,A (P if radar re'$ired d$ring takeoff"
2ormally set a depart$re heading for selection at 300/" Note: set the heading yo$
&ill need at 300/" #f yo$ are $sing a )#I depart$re &here 2B is re'$ired 2B
mode &ill engage at 30/ a$tomatically. do not set a heading for 2B depart$re"
(se :C or :@)E 2B on takeoff on yo$r E?#) 2I settings" Io not fly aro$nd
in P72" @nly $se P72 as a momentary reference in-flight"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
=TO ' =e+ected Takeo// 4P8 2d"<5
EC9 &ill inhibit all &arnings!ca$tions that are not paramo$nt from ,0 kts" to
1=00/ H7"
The captain calls 5Re;ect, %y Aircraft7"
Thr$st 7evers idle 4&hen the thr$st levers go to idle the gro$nd spoilers
e%tend. &hich then trigger the a$tobrakes5
?!@ monitor a$tobrakes. call !o Autobra'es if needed and notify to&er
)elect ?$ll :everse
?!@ call 5<=7
9aintain slight for&ard press$re on sidestick
)top aircraft
Capt" inform passengers and flight attendants *This is the captain. please
remain seated+. etc"
Note: #f necessary. ma%im$m reverse may be $sed $ntil aircraft comes to
complete stop"
Note: $tobrakes &ill not activate belo& <2 kts"
@n takeoff the aircraft &ill *blend+ from direct to normal la& as it goes from
gro$nd mode to flight mode" This means that the backpress$re that yo$ need to
hold the nose $p &ill red$ce to Rero once normal la& a$totrim activates" Jo$ &ill
$s$ally not really notice this change as the aircraft &ill be climbing '$ickly b$t
yo$ &ill learn to release the backpress$re aro$nd 100 to 200 ft" as the trim kicks
in or the nose &ill *balloon+" good irb$s pilot '$ickly learns to minimiRe inp$t
as many times the pilot is ind$cing a slight amo$nt of sidestick press$re &itho$t
realiRing it" :emember. the less inp$t on the stick the better" Jo$ don/t &ant to
*conf$se+ the comp$ters 4or the pilotO5"
2e& irb$s pilots tend to get into the habit of *slapping+ the Thr$st 7evers back
from T@H or ?7K!9CT to the C7 detent" 6hile this &ill &ork it really isn/t the
best techni'$e" The po&er red$ction &ill be very noticeable in back to the
passengers and is harder on the engines &hen $sing T@H or less aggressive
?7EK red$ctions" 6hen the ?7EK temp is aro$nd ;0A there &ill be little or no
red$ction &hen coming o$t of ?7K!9CT to C7 and this is &hy pilots get $sed to
M$st *slapping+ the levers back" 8o&ever. &hen the red$ction is in the 30A range
or so 4common on the 3215 or at T@H the immediate red$ction is very
noticeable" :emember that &hen above C7 yo$ are man$ally controlling the
thr$st b$t the ?7EK has *capped+ the thr$st so that &ith large ass$med temps
there is little or no change from ?7K!9CT to C7" L$st ease the thr$st levers back
from ?7K!9CT or T@H to the C7 detent slo&ly M$st as yo$ &o$ld on any other
Met aircraft" Jo$r passengers and engines &ill appreciate itO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
9a% :ate of Climb1 4P8 2e"3"35
3191 2;0 C#) ! "<;9
3201 2;0 C#) ! "<;9
3211 2,0 C#) ! "<;9
9a% Climb ngle1 )lo& to Hreen Iot )peed" EKPEI climb pb &ill give ma%im$m
climb angle by applying ma%im$m climb thr$st and controlling speed to do&n to
green dot" Note: EKPEI pb can prod$ce a rapid change and is not intended for
ro$tine $se" (se above ?7 2=0 sho$ld be avoided"
A1 Cuts
Pick a line and stick to it no matter &hat on every takeoff" Jo$ &ill find that yo$
&ill M$st nat$rally p$t in the correct r$dder for B1 c$ts if yo$ practice this on every
takeoff" Jo$ don/t have to hit the centerline lights b$t stay right on the centerline"
Jo$ sho$ld have the aircraft already stabiliRed &ith r$dder before rotation
4ass$ming the c$t is before the :otate call5" 0ring the nose $p to 10A 4park it on
the 10A *shelf+5 and hold it" Then follo& the flight director" The only real Hotcha
here is that the aircraft takes off in Iirect mode" #t &ill then blend to 2ormal" This
means that yo$ &ill have a$totrim kicking in M$st after takeoff" :emember in
direct yo$ &ill be holding back press$re to keep the nose at 10A $ntil 2ormal la&
&ith a$totrim comes in and then yo$ &ill need to release the back press$re on
the sidestick" #n fact this is &hat happens on every takeoff" 0e s$re that yo$ don/t
try to trim off the r$dder so '$ickly that yo$ are diverted from flying d$ring the
blend from direct to normal as the trim coming in &ill ca$se yo$ to pitch $p if yo$
aren/t &atching for it" )ince technically the a$topilot can be p$t on at 100/ some
folks try to sho& ho& good they are and start trimming r$dder right a&ay" 0etter
to &ait $ntil the blend is complete aro$nd a fe& h$ndred feet first and then trim
the r$dder and then get it on a$topilot" Jo$ don/t get any bon$s points for a '$ick
r$dder trim &hile losing speed and pitch controlO
!ote# #f taking off in ?7EK the P? has the discretion to leave thr$st levers in
?7EK or to increase to T@H" #f aircraft is heavy. r$n&ay is short. aircraft m$st
be mane$vered for obstacle clearance. aircraft is on fire or has other time critical
problem pilot sho$ld consider $sing T@H if not already selected" Thr$st sho$ld
be increased to T@H in a slo&. deliberate manner in order to not destabiliRe the
sit$ation" Jo$ may do this &hile on the r$n&ay" Jo$ may do this once on
a$topilot if so desired" #f increasing to T@H &hile airborne it is best to do it
&hile on a$topilot and belo& 1000 ft"
!ote# #f thr$st levers are left in ?7EK then they m$st be positioned to T@H and
reset back to 9CT 4same detent as ?7EK5 &hen engine o$t proced$res call for
red$ction to 9CT" This is d$e to the fact that the same detent is $sed for ?7EK
and 9CT" 0y selecting from ?7EK to T@H and then back to the 9CT detent the
logic is satisfied for the ?9HC"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?irst Pilot noting engine fail$re1 5*nine Failure7
P?1 5,O)A7 4if desired5
9aintain centerline. minimiRe sidestick
P91 5,O)A 3*,7
t B: E 5Rotate7
5)ear 2(7
5(ositi-e Rate7
5)ear 2(7 E position gear lever (P
and disarm spoilers
fter blend from direct to normal la&
4abo$t 200/5 trim off r$dder as needed
5Autopilot +7 4or 25 as needed above
100/ :
)elect a$topilot as called for
t 300/ select heading if needed.
Comply &ith engine o$t depart$re
proced$res if specified for airport or
t 1000/ or engine o$t acceleration
altit$de p$sh B!) or call 5>ertical
3peed ?ero7
P$sh B!) if called for
t ? speed call 5Flaps +7
2ote1 only if ?laps 2 or 3 $sed
5Flaps +7 E )elect ?laps 1
t ) speed call 5Flaps 2(7
ccelerate to Hreen Iot 4B?T@5
5Flaps 2(7 E )elect ?laps (P
Contin$e climb if needed
)elect @PE2 C7#90 or
call 5O(*! C".%&7
)elect green dot speed or call
53peed @@@7
)elect @pen Climb if called for
)elect green dot speed if called for
)elect 9CT on thr$st levers 4or if in
?7EK select T@H and then 9CT5
5%C,7 5%C, 3et7
5*CA% actions7
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
pproved pproaches 4?@9 ="10"351 #7). #7)!I9E. #7)!P:9. 7I &!
glideslope. 7I I9E &! glideslope. 7I P:9 I9E &! glideslope. ):!):.
:2B. B@: 4&ith B2B5. B@:!I9E 4&ith B2B5"
0efore any approach yo$ m$st enter the applicable approach data 4P8 3"12 G
P8 1,"%5 and then activate the approach on the PE:? PP: page of the 9CI("
ctivating the approach &ill drive managed speed to approach speeds" # s$ggest
activating the approach &hen o$t of 10.000/ and on selected speed" #f yo$
accidentally activate the approach yo$ can simply $se )peed )elect for
remainder of flight or enter c$rrent cr$ise altit$de on P:@H page for C:>
altit$de" Entering the c$rrent altit$de as the cr$ise altit$de on the P:@H page
&ill force the ?9HC back to Cr$ise phase"
@nce on vectors &ith approach control yo$ can clear o$t any remaining flight
plan in the ?9HC that is not needed to allo& only the planned approach to be
sho&n" This is sometimes referred to as *clean $p the bo%+"
0oth ?laps ?(77 and ?laps 3 are normally available for landing" )o far # prefer
?laps ?(77 better"
Note: #f flaps 3 is to be $sed then C@2?3 sho$ld be selected on PE:? PP:
page and the overhead HP6) 7IH ?7P 3 pb @2 4P8 2f"2"<5"
6hen $sing approaches that $tiliRe barometric settings 49I. I5 s$ch as #7)
CT #. 7I and :2B the minim$ms setting is on the 9I line 4line select key
2:5 on the PE:? PP: page" $tocallo$ts are not available at 100 above and
minim$ms &hen $sing the 9I setting"
6hen $sing approaches that $tiliRe radar altimeter 4I8. 85 s$ch as #7) CT ##
and CT ### the minim$ms setting is on the I8 line 4line select key 3:5 on the
PE:? PP: page" $tocallo$ts &ill be made at 100 above and minim$ms"
ll approaches are to be stable by 1000/ : 4P8 2f"1"15
,ake your /lig$t instructor $appy9: 6hen making any change in modes s$ch
as arming an approach or t$rning off the flight director or a$topilot make s$re
yo$ look at ?9 4at the top of the P?I5 to see &hat mode yo$ act$ally are in"
Airbus >otc$a: #f yo$ cannot get the proper #7) fre'$ency and co$rse
sho&ing on the P?I &hen yo$ select the #7) pb. then check yo$r :I!2B
page and see if a navaid has been entered and is locking o$t a$tot$ning" lso
be s$re that an :9P 2B pb is not selected as this &ill t$rn on the 2B back$p
mode and disable ?9HC t$ning" This can simply *glitch+ and not display &hen it
sho$ld" 6e &ere able to fi% it by reselecting the r$n&ay!approach"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
@n all instr$ment approaches 4e%cept CT ##.###5 P9 calls E*"" aboveF and P?
replies E0ontinuingF% t minim$ms P9 calls. E,inimums& runway in sig$tF or
E,inimums& no contactF% P? responds to minim$ms calls &ith either E?andingF or
E>o AroundF"
:emember1 WAF((C for &orking in the sim"
Weather 4check destination &eather. make plan5
Advise 4TC. ?!/s. company5
FEP72 4insert ne& destination if needed. then ne& approach5
(:@H 4if :2B approach. insert "2= nm :2P5
(E:? 4CT#BTE and C@2?#:9. then insert approach data on PE:? PP:5
Checklist 4call for Iescent - pproach checklist5
#t may be helpf$l to notice a *back&ard >+ flo& to the keys on the 9CI( &hen
doing the ?-Plan. :I2B. P:@H and PE:? for the approach" Jo$ can $se this
*back&ard >+ for any P:E7#9#2:J checklist flo&"
AAPP 6P. *1%;%(8
The approach speed is a$tomatically comp$ted by the ?9HC 4of co$rseO5" This
BPP Target is sho&n on the P?I airspeed scale as a magenta triangle" BPP is
sho&n on the PE:? PP: page on the ?9HC" #t is comp$ted by taking the
highest of t&o different fig$res" fter yo$ enter the steady state &inds 4no g$sts5
and the approach r$n&ay the ?9HC fig$res the head&ind component" #t then
takes 1!3 of the head&ind and adds this to B7)" 8o&ever. BPP cannot be less
than = kts" above B7) or more than 1= kts"
B7) F 1!3 head&ind component W BPP
)o for r$n&ay 1, a &ind of 1,0 at 30 kts" &o$ld res$lt in a BPP of F10 kts" #f
B7) is 120 then BPP &o$ld be 130 4F105"
6ith r$n&ay 1, and &ind 2<0 at 20 the BPP &o$ld be F= as a minim$m of pl$s
= m$st be added and a cross&ind adds no additional speed"
2o& comes the other &ay to fig$re BPP Target. the infamo$s H) 9ini" 6hile it
so$nds like either a ne& 9ini car or a ne& mini-skirt style it &ill act$ally fig$re
the safest minim$m gro$nd speed for yo$r approach" :emember. the H2I#:/s
kno& yo$r gro$nd speed and the &ind the aircraft is e%periencing at the moment"
Jo$ entered the r$n&ay so it can no& kno& &hat the gro$nd speed sho$ld be on
approach" H) 9ini takes the BPP that has been already fig$red 4130 in o$r
e%ample5 and then s$btracts the &hole head&ind component from it" This leaves
only the gro$nd speed and the previo$sly added 1!3 &ind *c$shion+ of 10 kts. so
in this case 130 E 30 W 100 kts" gro$nd speed" 6hile this so$nds slo& remember
that B7) &as 120" #f &e had a head &ind of 30 kts" that &o$ld res$lt in a gro$nd
speed of 90 kts" )o yo$ can see that the *c$shion+ has act$ally added 10 kts" to
the minim$m gro$nd speed" #f the ?9HC sees the gro$nd speed going belo& the
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
minim$m of 100 kts" then it &ill increase the BPP Target to maintain the
minim$m gro$nd speed" This &ill ens$re that even if all head&ind &as lost at
once that the aircraft has s$fficient energy to fly thro$gh the loss of speed" H)
9ini may increase the BPP beyond the normal pl$s 1= limit to maintain the
minim$m gro$nd speed re'$ired"
BPP E head&ind component W H) 9ini
The BPP Target &ill be the higher of these t&o airspeeds. BPP or H) 9ini"
@ne point to remember &hen p$tting in the &ind component" #t &on/t help yo$ to
*cheat+ and p$t in a greater &ind than act$ally e%ists" P$tting in a greater &ind
speed &ill act$ally res$lt in a lo&er H) 9ini 4remember the ?(77 &ind speed is
s$btracted from BPP5 &hich &ill res$lt in less protection on approach" #f yo$
&ish to increase the BPP Target it is better to simply enter the desired BPP
speed on the PE:? PP: page &hile $sing acc$rate &ind n$mbers"
6hile the ?9HC &ill add airspeed for head&ind components it &ill not add
anything for cross&inds" #t &ill be $p to yo$ to add anything to BPP on the
PE:? PP: page if yo$ have heavy cross&inds and yo$ &ish to have additional
airspeed on the BPP Target"
Jo$ &ill only have BPP target sho&n &hen in PP: phase" Jo$ can force the
?9HC to approach phase by selecting PE:? and then _CT#BTE PP:
P8)E and TC@2?#:9 PP: P8)E" This &ill drive the managed speed to
approach speed" 2ormally yo$ &ill be on speed select &hen yo$ do this b$t
&hen yo$ command speed engage the speed &ill be BPP" 2ote that B7) &ill
change depending on the flaps config$ration selected and therefore the BPP
&ill also change &ith landing flap config$ration"
Airbus >otc$a: The BPP is calc$lated from the &eight and balance data yo$
p$t in on ta%i o$t" The B7) on the airspeed scale is comp$ted from the ?C)
based on c$rrent aircraft performance" Especially on the 321 yo$ may see the
BPP less than = knots from B7) as the t&o n$mbers may be coming $p
different in the ?9HC" Jo$ may &ant to add eno$gh onto the BPP on the PE:?
PP page to ens$re a = knot difference"
ll approaches m$st be briefed on the follo&ing o$tline 4P8 2e"9"3. ?@9 ="10"1.
Checklist briefing aid5" (se the follo&ing aids d$ring yo$r approach briefing1
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Approach chart# 42ote1 vis$al approach is defined as 2000 G 3 or better5
pproach name and r$n&ay 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
pproach chart date 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
TI>E 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
?inal approach verification altit$de 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
:e'$ired visibility 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
Planned r$n&ay t$rnoff and ta%i ro$te
8ighest 9) 4minim$m safe altit$de &ithin 2= nm of depicted fi%5
(F$ /be sure "3 pb is selected for ."30#
#7) fre'$ency 4does not apply for :2B approaches5
?inal approach co$rse
I. I8 or 8 as applicable 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
F9("! pae#
Hlide path angle 4:2B only5
9issed approach proced$re revie& 4not re'$ired for day vis$als5
0rief aircraft model 4i"e". 319. 320 or 3215 and check landing &eight.
a$tobrake setting. landing flap setting. ma% landing pitch G landing
lso incl$de in brief any other considerations s$ch as noise. &indshear. anti-
icing. r$n&ay conditions. 10-< page engine-o$t proced$res. 9E7/s. etc"
Note: for :2B approaches enter 0"2= :2P on the P:@H page to ens$re
?9HC acc$racy prior to the approach" Check that the 0"2= is sho&ing on both
2@T that it has happened to me b$t if yo$ forget &hat aircraft model yo$ are in
here is the go$ge" @n the EC9 I@@:!@KJ page on the )I check the n$mber
of over&ing e%its and slides E if there are1
319 E @ne e%it and one slide
320 E T&o e%its and one slide
321 E T&o e%its and t&o slides
4@C. the panel placard or IT key. \!C )TT() page &ill sho& aircraft type5
9inim$m )afe ltit$des
9). &ithin 2= nm of defined navaid1 @n approach chart
9E. ir&ay centerline. n$mber on air&ay1 10.000
9@C. 3 nm of air&ay centerline. n$mber &ith *T+1 3.000T
:o$te 9@:. 10 nm of air&ay centerline. n$mber &ith *a+1 3200a
Hrid 9@:. &ithin defined grid sector. n$mber near center of grid
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
'LS A++roa(hes
7) pb sho$ld be selected before approach briefing so pilot can read #7) fre'".
and co$rse off of P?I" This allo&s the pilot to do$ble-check the act$al #7) being
$sed as &ell as ens$res that the 7) pb is selected before the approach begins"
#f &rong #7) fre'" is sho&ing make s$re that :I2B #7) is cleared"
Note: if 7) pb is not selected &hen approach is armed then #7) &ill flash in
amber on the P?I
I - #f the approach $ses a I then the barometric altimeter is being $sed and
no a$tocallo$t &ill be made for 100 above or minim$ms" Enter I information in
9I position on approach page in 9CI( 4PE:? PP:5"
I8 or 8 - #f I8 or 8 is being $sed then radio altimeter is being $sed and
a$tocallo$ts are available for 100 above and minim$ms" (se the I8 line select
key for entry of minim$ms information in 9CI( 4PE:? PP:5"
6hen cleared for approach press the PP: pb on ?C(" Then press to engage
the second a$topilot on ?C(" 0oth a$topilots sho$ld be engaged for all #7)
approaches" 2ote bl$e H) and 7@C on ?9 indicating glideslope and localiRer
are armed for capt$re" 9$st capt$re localiRer first. then &ill capt$re Hlide )lope"
Iisconnect a$topilot prior to descent belo& I for CT # #7)"
nice trick to enter all the fi%es in the approach is to &ait $ntil yo$ are on
vectors then reselect the approach b$t select 2@ )T:" @bvio$sly yo$ m$st
&ait $ntil yo$ no longer need the )T: b$t no& yo$ &ill have better sit$ational
a&areness as yo$ &ill have all the &aypoints and fi%es on the approach instead
of M$st the final approach fi%" @f co$rse yo$ co$ld add the other fi%es man$ally
b$t &here/s the f$n in thatD
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
CAT ''/''' A++roa(hes
Captain m$st brief the CT ## or ### approach from the N:81
?!@ &ill call o$t 5"and )reen7 or 5!o "and )reen7 if 72I doesn/t sho&
before 3=0 ft"
9andatory Ho-ro$nds - 2o 7and Hreen. (T@ 72I &arning light. no
?7:E in ?9 at abo$t 30 ft"
Condsiderations E if Captain fails to respond to minim$m call
2ote1 any CT ## : not (T8 approaches are based on inner marker" Jo$ may
$se the inner marker H) crossing altit$de in the 9I as a reminder"
8 stands for lert 8eight and allo&s for contin$ing the approach only on
electronic indications 4no vis$al confirmation of r$n&ay environment re'$ired5"
The irb$s 319!320!321 re'$ires that CT 3 I$al be ann$nciated in the ?9
before 8 is $sed" 6hen entering :adar ltimeter information in the ?9HC on
the pproach page $se 100/ in the I8 &indo& for the 8" $tocallo$ts &ill be
made at 100 above and 9inim$ms as I8 is being selected on the pproach
page" This &ill allo& the pilot to have a reminder at 100/ H7 b$t the approach
may be contin$ed as long as all indications are normal and the reported :B:
remains at or above the minim$m for the approach" This means it is possible that
the r$n&ay may not be seen by the pilots before minim$ms" 6hen shooting a
CT ## or ### approach the P? m$st make callo$t of 0AT dual 4or single5 or 0AT
! based on ?9 information &hen armed for approach" NOTE: Above 1&!""H
A>? 6maD valid radar altimeter range8 #,A will s$ow 0AT *& con/irm #,A below
(&"""H A>?%
#f CT 3 I$al is not sho&n in the ?9 4for e%ample CT 3 )ingle or CT 25 then
I8 m$st be $sed if doing a CT ## or ### and r$n&ay m$st be seen" I$al &ill be
sho&n &hen both a$topilots are in $se. and )ingle &hen only one a$topilot is in
$se or loss of some other re'$ired red$ndant system" Engine-o$t approaches
limited to CT ### 4CT 3 )ingle. re'$ires =0/ I85" Captain retards throttles on
the 10/ *:etard+ callo$t. disconnect a$topilot by ;0 kts" on r$n&ay"
The a$toland fail light &ill flash red if the follo&ing conditions occ$r belo& 200/
&hile in 72I mode 4P8 13"1";51
0oth P/s off belo& 200/ :
E%cessive 7@C 4a dot E above 1=/ :5 or H7#IE 41 dot E above 100/ :5
deviation E 7@C and H7#IE scales flash
7oss of 7@C 4belo& 1=/5 or H7#IE 4belo& 100/5 signal
Iifference bet&een radar ltimeters is greater than 1=/ 4?I bars flash5
72I green on ?9 belo& 300 ft" indicates that the a$topilot is *locked in+ and
&ill *ignore+ inp$ts on the ?9( 4a$topilot panel5" 0asically at this point it is only
looking for a T@H selection or to complete the landing"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
CT ##!### Ho-ro$nd 9andatory if E
2o 72I H:EE2 belo& 3=0 ft"
$toland &arning light comes on
?9 does not sho& ?7:E at abo$t 30 ft"
2ote1 #f a$toland capability degrades above 1000/ the pilots have the option of
changing the minim$ms on the PE:? PP:@C8 page if this is done before
=00/ H7 and the captain $nderstands the ne& minim$ms are a decision height
4not an electronic alert height 85" The e%isting visibility m$st also meet or
e%ceed the ne& approach minim$ms"
#f a$to callo$ts are not available the ?!@ 4P95 &ill need to make the 100 bove
and 9inim$ms callo$ts"
$topilot sho$ld be disconnected on gro$nd before ;0 kts" :emember that the
a$topilot &ill be steering the aircraft thro$gh nose&heel steering $ntil
$tobrakes sho$ld be $sed for CT ##!### approaches"
7o& visibility ta%i systems 4)9HC)5 &ill be activated &hen :B: is belo& 1200"
Practice a$toland approaches may be done on CT # r$n&ays only if 4P8
1,";"115 r$n&ay is listed as approved for a$tolands in irport dvisory pages
and approach is done in CT # or better &eather conditions &ith CT # mins"
Note: &hen doing a$toland d$ring CT # or better &eather the #7) hold line is not
being protected and signal may be poor" TC has a long checklist to r$n before
CT ##!### is act$ally flo&n and this &ill not be done d$ring CT # &eather"
Engine-o$t a$toland a$thoriRed for C@2?#H 3 or ?(77 4e%cept 320 is C@2?#H
?(77 only5 4P8 1"10"25"
9a% elevation for $to 7and1
319 9200 9)7
320 Tails ;;3-;,0 ;=00 9)7
320 all others 2=00 9)7
321 =<=0 9)7
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
,!5 A++roa(hes
Precision :adar 9onitoring approaches allo& closer than normal spacing
bet&een parallel r$n&ays and sim$ltaneo$s approaches" This allo&s higher
traffic flo& d$ring #?: periods for airports &ith closely spaced parallel r$n&ays"
)ince there is obvio$sly red$ced margin for error proced$res have been p$t in
place to ens$re '$ick response to any loss of separation" P:9 approaches &ill
be flo&n either &ith #7) or 7I facilities" ll proced$res for #7) and 7I are the
same e%cept an offset 7I &ill be flo&n to a 9P follo&ed by a vis$al segment"
Captain is al&ays the P? for P:9 approaches
:evie& proced$re on Lepp chart" Every P:9 has both generic and
approach specific information that m$st be revie&ed every approach"
9$st $se a$topilot. flight directors and if available a$tothr$st
P$t TC) in T!:. if : is received d$ring approach follo& the :
I$al B8? fre'$encies are $sed for the approach" 6hen handed off to
To&er fre'$ency the pilots &ill maintain listening &atch on both
fre'$encies" I@ 2@T EKPECT to be told &hen to monitor the monitor
only fre'$encyO 6hen assigned To&er fre'$ency dial in the normal to&er
fre'$ency and talk and listen as normal on this fre'$ency" @n the n$mber
t&o radio p$t in the monitor only fre'$ency and select to listen only. not to
transmit on this fre'$ency" This means that yo$ are listening to t&o
different fre'$encies &hile yo$ are talking to to&er" #f the to&er fre'$ency
gets blocked by a st$ck mike or &hatever yo$ can still hear commands
from the P:9 controller"
breako$t is similar to a go-aro$nd b$t m$st be follo&ed immediately"
breako$t command &ill begin 5,raffic Alert7 follo&ed by instr$ctions" ll
breako$ts m$st be hand flo&n" 0reako$ts may be $sed for a climb or a
descent and &ill normally incl$de an immediate t$rn"
#f an : is received on TC) d$ring a P:9 follo& the : as normal
4$topilot off. ?light Iirectors off5" 8o&ever if d$ring the : the controller
gives a t$rn follo& the controllers command since the TC) cannot give
steering commands"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
(R% Climb &rea'out#
5,raffic Alert7
Captain 4P?5 ?irst @fficer 4P95
@n *0reako$t+ climb command from
5&rea'out ,O)A7
$topilot off
Thr$st to T@H
T$rn to ne& heading
Establish climb
)elect Thr$st 7evers back to
Climb &hen able
)et and select heading on ?C(
)et and select altit$de on ?C(
#f : received t$rn off ?light
(R% $escend &rea'out#
5,raffic Alert7
Captain 4P?5 ?irst @fficer 4P95
@n *0reako$t+ descend command from
$topilot off
Berify thr$st in Climb Ietent
T$rn to ne& heading
Establish descent 4not to e%ceed
1000 fpm5
)et and select heading on ?C(
)et altit$de on ?C( 4don/t
#f : received t$rn off ?light
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
!NAA 1LNAA7 ANAA2 A++roa(hes
ll non-precision approaches m$st be flo&n &ith a$topilot and flight
director $nless no #7) is available and both a$topilots have failed. then a
man$al non-precision approach is permitted"
@nly $se approach from database
Io not man$ally b$ild approach
:2B approaches that are listed as 7BB-B2B are designed to provide vertical
g$idance and &ill $tiliRe a I485"
6hen cleared for the :2B approach press the PP: pb on ?C(" Io NOT
select the 7) pbO 7) pb &ill disable the :2B indications and flash amber
B!IEB on the P?I"
Enter 0"2= for re'$ired acc$racy on P:@H page 4make s$re the ne& val$e
sho&s on both sides5" This lo&ers the ?9HC *tolerance+ from an enro$te val$e
to an approach val$e" :2B approach m$st have a 8#H8 nav acc$racy sho&ing
&ith 0"3 nm val$e on the P:@H page before beginning the approach to ens$re
that the ?9HC acc$rate eno$gh for an :2B approach" 7ess than re'$ired
acc$racy &ill create a 2B CC(:CJ I@62H:IE message on 9CI(" Jo$
may also get a HP) P:#9:J 7@)T message &hich indicates that the HP)
signal from an 99: has been lost" #f yo$ get either message yo$ m$st select the
a$topilot on the side of the operative ?9HC" This &ill allo& yo$ to contin$e the
:2B approach" #f both ?9HC/s display an error message or yo$ get an
?9!HP) P@) I#)H:EE EC9 yo$ m$st go aro$nd"
Ens$re 8#H8 is sho&ing on P:@H for nav acc$racy" Ens$re the *hockey stick+
4descent arro& symbol5 is visible on 2I for start of descent" Ens$re PP 2B
and ?#27 are sho&ing on ?9" :emember *8igh 8ockey ?inals+
Note: vertical g$idance from ?!I and *brick+. lateral g$idance from ?!I and 2I"
3-2-1 E plan to e%tend landing gear at 3 miles from ??. e%tend flaps 3 at 2 miles
from ?? and e%tend flaps ?(77 at 1 mile from ??" t start of descent ens$re
that missed approach altit$de is set" Ens$re ?#27 is no& sho&ing on ?9"
6hen vis$al on r$n&ay is ac'$ired t$rn off a$topilot 4at least by 9I5" The
a$topilot &ill a$tomatically disconnect at I min$s 30 ft" if not off sooner"
Note: P9 makes 100 above and minim$ms calls" ll other a$to callo$ts
available" 6hen the a$tocallo$t makes the =00 ft" call the P9 sho$ld not make
the normal :ef F and sink calls as it is commonly very close to the minim$ms call
and can be too conf$sing"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
!NAA LNAA A++roa(hes
This non-precision approach is flo&n $sing :2B proced$res" #n both cases the
*brick+ &ill be available for vertical g$idance" :emember that these approaches
&ere originally designed by the ? as *drop and drag+ or *dive and drive+
$tiliRing an 9I 4minim$m descent altit$de5" :2B approaches that are listed
as 72B only $tiliRe an 9I b$t &ill still generate vertical g$idance" The irb$s
is $sing it/s technology to create an artificial glideslope that allo&s this normally
$nstabiliRed approach to be stabiliRed" The =0/ pad is added to allo& descent to
the 9I and then to recogniRe that the r$n&ay is not in sight and begin go-
aro$nd proced$re &itho$t b$sting the hard 9I limit" The ne& decision altit$de
is called the II for Ierived Iecision ltit$de as it is derived from the original
9I" #n act$al $se the proced$re is e%actly like the f$ll :2B 72B-B2B
approach and the presentation is e%actly the same as &ell"
R!A> ">A> approaches &ill be flo&n M$st like :2B 72B-B2B approaches
e%cept &ith the follo&ing changes1
:2B 72B m$st add =0/ to the 9I
2ote1 do not add the =0/ &hen noted on the approach" The verbiage &ill be
similar to the follo&ing1
*@nly a$thoriRed operators may $se B2B I485 in lie$ of 9I485+
nother &ay to say this is that the :2B 72B approach is flo&n e%actly like the
:2B 72B!B2B approach e%cept &hen the additional verbiage is not added"
()ir&ays is no& training b$t not yet approved for flying :2P c$rved arc
segments on :2B approaches" These are the infamo$s ): 4)pecial
ircraft and ircre& $thoriRation :e'$ired5 proced$res" C$rrently o$r man$als
do not cover these as they are for training only" There are t&o points to bear in
mind &hen flying these approaches" @ne. yo$ cannot be vectored onto an arc
4c$rved5 segment as yo$ might overshoot" Jo$ m$st be vectored onto a normal
straight segment that then can lead into an arc" )econd. speed control is very
important so be a&are of any speed limits or notes on yo$r approach"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
A! a++roa(hes
B@: pproaches are also flo&n in a manner similar to the :2B 72B
approaches" L$st as the :2B 72B approach the B@: approach is flo&n to an
9I b$t is $sing an artificial glideslope to create a stabiliRed approach" ?or
B@: approaches $se the :2B 72B-B2B proced$res e%cept1
2B m$st be $tiliRed for approach B#s 4do not select PP: $ntil cleared
for approach and intercepting the intermediate segment5
coded B2B flight path angle 4?P5 in the ?9HC is re'$ired for the
final approach segment"
:a& data m$st be monitored by the P9" 9$st remain &ithin =A of co$rse"
Io not change :2P on the P:@H page
2B acc$racy do&ngrade does not re'$ire a missed approach
dd =0/ to the 9I485 to create II 4Ierived Iecision ltit$de5
2ote1 do not add the =0/ &hen noted on the approach" The verbiage &ill be
similar to the follo&ing1
*@nly a$thoriRed operators may $se B2B I485 in lie$ of 9I485+
:a& data &ill be monitored by man$ally t$ning the P9/s :I2B page to the
B@:" )elect B@: identifier on P9/s side"
Position P9 B@: selector to B@:"
0oth pilots sho$ld contin$e to $se the P?/s 2B display to monitor approach
progress and improve sit$ational a&areness" 9aintain &ithin F or - =A needle
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
L"A A++roa(hes
7I approaches $se same proced$res as #7) approaches. 7I m$st have glide
slope. 7I in database as 7@C" CIC :oselyn 7I is 2@T a$thoriRed"
AS! A++roa(hes
sk for approach minim$ms 4:B: or vis"5 for category C 4321 I5 aircraft and
missed approach proced$re" Controller &ill give yo$ 9I and Iescent Point
4final approach fi%5 and one mile prior to IP" sk for other fi%es to plan for
config$ration 4i"e" 3. 2. 1 miles from IP5" (se *dial ahead+ on altit$de" ?or
e%ample. &hen at initial altit$de set 9I before reaching IP" 6hen at 9I. set
to missed approach altit$de" 2ote1 do not set ne& altit$de $ntil altit$de is f$lly
capt$red 47TT is gone from ?95 to avoid a reversion to vertical speed" :o$nd
9I $p to ne%t highest h$ndred 4e%ample1 9I is <30. set ,005" 9a% 1000 fpm
descent belo& 1.000 ?E" (se B!) 4vertical speed5 only. do not $se @pen
Iescent" T$rn off both $topilot and ?light Iirector to descend belo& 9I"
This is &hat # call a *drop and drag+ or *dive and drive+ approach" Jo$ &ill
config$re and fly to the ??. then *drop+ do&n to the 9I and *drag+ the 9I
$ntil yo$ either descend to land or go-aro$nd" 2o e%tra points for getting to the
9I too close to the r$n&ay to land so get do&n promptly once yo$ reach the
)ince () ir&ays no longer iss$es ): approach plates and the ): is not in
the ?9HC database yo$ may &ant to load a similar approach to the same
r$n&ay and $se an approach to the same r$n&ay or airport to help in sit$ational
a&areness and to brief common items s$ch as 9)"
Bn%ine7ut A++roa(hes
ll single-engine approaches follo& the same proced$res as normal t&o engine
approaches e%cept that ?laps 3 &ill be $sed 4e%ception1 320 m$st $se ?laps
?(77 for a$toland engine o$t approach5" The aircraft is certified for a$tolanding
&ith single engine operation do&n to CT ### single &hich &ill allo& a$toland
approaches do&n to a I8 of =0/"
Airbus >otc$a: #f an engine-o$t condition is detected by the ?9HC the
appropriate performance page &ill be bro$ght $p on the 9CI( &ith an amber
E@ C7:T on 7)C 1: 4P8 1<";"39 G 1,"3"<5" This is asking if yo$ &ish to force
the ?9HC back to normal t&o engine data" #f yo$ press the E@ C7: yo$ &ill
clear o$t the engine-o$t condition and the ?9HC &ill revert back to the normal
t&o engine data" @f co$rse if yo$ get a sp$rio$s E@ C7:T d$ring normal
operations then yo$ &o$ld &ant to clear the engine-o$t performance from the
?9HC. &hich is &hy the prompt is there" The point here is d$ring engine-o$t
operations do not press the amber E@ C7:T 7)CO
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Aisual A++roa(hes
Airbus >otc$a: 0oth ?light Iirectors sho$ld be t$rned off &hen cleared for
vis$al approach and hand flying" This &ill ens$re )PEEI is sho&ing for Thr$st
on the ?9 and &ill help avoid $n&anted *thr$st e%c$rsions+" @nce established
on the final if yo$ have instr$ment g$idance 4either #7) or :2B5 yo$ may t$rn
the ?!I/s back on and select PP: if yo$ &ill follo& the ?light Iirector"
@pen descent prohibited belo& 1000/ H7 on a vis$al approach 4(5 4P8 2"13"15
6hen $sing speed select 4man$al speed selection E bl$e b$g5 # s$ggest the
follo&ing speed ranges for a given flap setting" 2ote that this is based on my
observation of managed speed. not on a &ritten profile. and is simply my
s$ggestion of comfortable speed ranges for a given flap setting" @f co$rse yo$
are able to select from B
do&n to B
&henever needed b$t the follo&ing are
s$ggested as fle%ible and comfortable speeds to $se in line operations" s &ell.
by $sing these *ranges+ yo$ have a vis$al reference in front of yo$ at all times1
?laps 0 E do&n to green dot 4s$ggest abo$t 2105
?laps 1 E belo& B?E 2EKT do&n to ) speed 4green )5 4s$ggest 1905
?laps 2 E belo& B?E 2EKT do&n to ? speed 4green ?5 4s$ggest 1<05
?laps 3 E belo& B?E 2EKT do&n to ? speed 4green ?5 4s$ggest 1;05
?laps ?$ll or 3 E 9anaged )peed E before 1000/
2ote1 recall that B?E 2EKT is the amber e'$als sign on airspeed scale
2ote1 321 may need slightly higher s$ggested speeds at heavy &eights"
The alternate #7) techni'$e 4P8 1,";";5 &orks &ell for conservative Bis$al
approaches as &ell 4ass$ming on glideslope5 and is similar to :2B techni'$e"
#f yo$ plan on $sing this techni'$e the ? &ants yo$ to state *alternate #7)
techni'$e+ in yo$r approach briefing" 4in parentheses is f$ll #7) e'$ivalent51
Plan and config$re to arrive prior to 3 nm from ?? &ith ?laps 2
3 nm from ?? E gear do&n 4Iot and a half H!)5
2 nm from ?? E flaps 3 48alf dot H!)5
1 nm from ?? E flaps ?(77 4H!) intercept5
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
:o Aroun$
)et thr$st levers to T@H. this &ill activate go aro$nd mode and 4if t$rned off5
&ill t$rn on ?light Iirector" Ho aro$nd flaps are to select one step $p from the
approach flap setting 4i"e" if flaps ?$ll. then select flaps 3. if flaps 3 then select
flaps 25" I$ring acceleration &hen at ? speed go to flaps 1 &hether yo$ are at
flaps 2 or 3"
)ingle engine go aro$nd follo&s same proced$re" t acceleration altit$de begin
engine o$t clean $p proced$re"
@nce T@H is $sed please note that a$tothr$st is no& man$ally set and 6#77
2@T red$ce $ntil bro$ght back to the Climb detent by the pilot 4as d$ring a
normal takeoff5" This means that the a$tothr$st &ill not red$ce on level o$t &hile
in T@H detent" #f yo$ are rapidly approaching a lo& altit$de in T@H yo$ m$st
bring the thr$st levers back to the Climb detent" 6hen in T@H the aircraft &ill
contin$e to accelerate &hen level $ntil it hits the Bma% limit and 2ormal la&
takes over" The long and short here. if yo$ T@H on go aro$nd be ready to
red$ce thr$st faster than normal if leveling at a lo& altit$de" #f 7B: C70 flashes
in the ?9 red$ce to Climb Po&er 4C75 detent"
Ho ro$nd Callo$ts
P? P9
5)o Around7 4Thr$st 7evers to T@H5
5!A>7 5,O)A 3et7, 5!A>7
5)o Around Flaps7 5Flaps@@@7 set flaps one step $p and
state ne& setting. *?laps 3+ 4or 25
5)ear 2p7
5(ositi-e Rate7
5)ear 2p7 4position gear lever $p.
disarm spoilers5
dvise TC of missed approach or go
5Autopilot +7 /or 80 )elect re'$ested a$topilot
t or above 300 ft"
51eadin @@@ 5 or 5!A>7
)elect re'$ested heading or engage
2B as re'$ested
6hen 7B: C70 flashes on ?9
5Climb7 5Climb 3et7
t ? speed
5Flaps +7 5Flaps +7 select ?laps 1
t ) speed
5Flaps 2p, After ,a'eoff Chec'list7 5Flaps 2p7 select ?laps 0. disarm
spoilers and accomplish fter Takeoff
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
2ote1 these are my personal tips and not necessarily proced$res"
0ring thr$st levers back to idle at abo$t 30/ in normal conditions" ?laps 3 &ill not
slo& as '$ickly and yo$ may &ish to red$ce to idle closer to =0/ more often here"
The aircraft has plenty of airspeed and energy &ith managed speed being flo&n
and yo$ &ill not need to delay thr$st red$ction to ens$re proper flare in normal
conditions" #n g$sty condition yo$ may &ant to carry thr$st longer" Ion/t let nose
drop &hen normal nose do&n pitch is added at =0/ in flare mode" # &as $sed to
flying smaller 4and shorter gearedO5 Mets and fo$nd it helpf$l to move my aim
point on the r$n&ay from the 1000/ marker to half&ay bet&een the 1000/ and
1=00/" Try to have the flare started by the 10/ call" Io not carry thr$st to the flare
as the a$tothr$st &ill begin to command climb thr$st as speed deteriorates if yo$
do not bring back idle" This &ill ca$se a *thr$st b$mp+ that &ill have yo$ floating
do&n the r$n&ay &ith e%cess energy"
@n to$ch do&n $se positive nose do&n to lo&er the nose" 0e caref$l not to let
the nose ride $p &hen reverse is selected" )elect ?$ll :everse as yo$ lo&er
nose" s the aircraft slo&s thro$gh ,0 knots slo&ly p$sh the thr$st levers back
to&ard idle reverse so as to be at or near idle reverse at ;0 knots" 0e s$re yo$
p$sh the thr$st lever all the &ay back thro$gh the detent into for&ard idle" Then
retard the lever again against the stop to ens$re minim$m for&ard thr$st in idle"
?laps 3 landings &ill tend to float more than ?laps ?$ll" 0e very caref$l &hen
$sing ?laps 3 on shorter r$n&ays that yo$ ens$re to$ch do&n in a timely
manner" ircraft seems to level o$t in flare &ith ?laps 3 more '$ickly than &ith
?laps ?$ll" (se a more *s$btle+ flare &ith ?laps 3 than &ith ?laps ?$ll"
0rosswind ?andings ' Iespite r$mors. the irb$s $ses conventional cross&ind
landing techni'$e" T&o points ho&everS first. as the irb$s $ses roll rate
for the ailerons the pilot cannot 8@7I the sidestick in the crossed
control position" The sidestick m$st be released once the bank angle is
established" Think of *b$mping+ in the needed bank" #t is more int$itive
than it so$ndsO )econd. the sidestick is as sensitive in the flare as in
cr$ise" Care m$st be taken to $se meas$red inp$ts to the sidestick" The
P8 recommends aligning the aircraft &ith the r$n&ay centerline d$ring
the flare &ith the r$dder" # normally $se abo$t =0 ft" to start aligning the
nose" 0e gentle &ith the r$dder. it &on/t take m$chO 9aintain the aircraft
on the centerline &ith roll control" :elease all roll inp$t &hen the aircraft
is on the gro$nd" $tobrakes are re'$ired for cross&ind component of
10 kts" or more" :ecommend a$tobrakes for *short. &et. cross. cat+ -
)hort r$n&ay. &et or contaminated. cross&ind and CT ##!###
persistent myth is that the irb$s &ill blend back to direct la& d$ring the flare
mode" This is not tr$e" The aircraft remains in normal la& b$t normal la& has a
flare mode that adds a pitch do&n at =0/" 6hy do they add this pitch do&nD #t is
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
act$ally d$e to the a$totrimming in normal la&" #f yo$ didn/t have a pitch do&n to
hold against then &hen yo$ began yo$r flare the a$totrim &o$ld M$st trim off yo$r
flare" Then yo$ &o$ld balloon and pitch over. it &o$ld retrim and yo$ &o$ld start
all over again" )o the pitch over is to give yo$ an artificial back press$re to feel
d$ring the flare b$t it is not a blend back to direct" Jo$ &ill go to direct once yo$
are on the gro$nd"
nother common problem is that some folks &ill red$ce the po&er very slo&ly"
8o&ever. remember that a$tothr$st is active $ntil the thr$st levers are all the &ay
to idle 4ass$ming a$tothr$st is already active5" )o once yo$ bring the thr$st
levers o$t of the Climb detent yo$ aren/t act$ally red$cing thr$st $ntil the levers
get all the &ay back to &here a$tothr$st has them commanded" Jo$ &ill only be
limiting the amo$nt of thr$st that can be commanded" #f yo$ bring the levers back
slo&ly yo$ are only red$cing the ma%im$m amo$nt that can be commanded b$t
not act$ally red$cing the thr$st $ntil yo$ get them very far back" #f yo$ &ait too
long yo$ get the thr$st b$mp &e M$st talked abo$t as a$tothr$st is still trying to
maintain the speed"
#n g$sty conditions don/t be afraid to $se the f$ll thro& of the sidestickO #n normal
smooth air the stick can be very sensitive to slight press$res and is easy to
overcontrol" 8o&ever. in g$sty conditions yo$ may need to $se f$ll thro& of the
sidestick" There is act$ally some lag time from &hen yo$ command f$ll left or
right roll and &hen the controls act$ally get there" #f yo$ don/t believe me &atch
the ne%t time yo$ do the flight control check" N$ickly position the sidestick to f$ll
left or right and &atch ho& long before the position indicators take to get thereO
Even if the lag is M$st in the indicators # have had the irb$s be slo&er than #
&anted &hen commanding f$ll aileron so the point here is if yo$ think yo$ need
f$ll roll a$thority go ahead and p$t it in" Jo$ can al&ays take it back o$t if yo$
don/t need all of it"
<in$shear 1,C 2i&3, D!C "71>, @5 >&0&32
Takeoff E $se T@H. $se longest s$itable r$n&ay. $se minim$m allo&able flap
setting. consider increasing rotation speed if possible
7anding E (se ?laps 3. consider increasing approach speed
I$ring a &indshear enco$nter 4reactive &arning1 6indshear. 6indshear.
6indshearO5 the P? sho$ld call1 5Windshear, ,O)A7. apply T@H thr$st. roll
&ings level"
The P9 sho$ld call altit$de from radio altimeter and climb!descent trend1
5A==B descendin, 8==B descendin, C==B climbin7" ?ollo& ?light Iirector"
Ion/t change gear!flap config$ration $ntil safe 4ens$re )peedbrake sto&ed5"
:eactive &indshear &arning is available from gro$nd to 1300 ft" H7" on takeoff
and 1300 ft" H7 to =0 ft" H7 on landing"
?or a Predictive 6indshear &arning reMect takeoff or go aro$nd on landing for
Ca$tion 4amber and a$ral *9onitor :adar Iisplay+5 or 6arning 4red and a$ral
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
*6indshear head+5" Io not reMect takeoff!go aro$nd for Predictive dvisory"
0asically. only reMect takeoff or landing for an a$ral alert as the dvisory has no
a$ral. $se T@H to contin$e for dvisory alert takeoff" @n landing if Predictive
6indshear &arning or ca$tion given e%ec$te a normal go-aro$nd 4yo$ may
reconfig$re flaps and gear5"
Predictive 6indshear protection is only available belo& 1=00 ft" H7 to =0 ft
H7 and $p to = miles " @n the gro$nd it is available on takeoff $ntil 100 kts"
Ca$tion1 Predictive 6indshear is radar based and can only f$nction &ith
precipitation. it &ill not &ork in dry conditions" The severity of the &arning
4dvisory. Ca$tion. 6arning5 is based on nearness of &indshear. not strength of
B:,<S 1,C 2i&82
T@H thr$st
$topilot off
:oll &ings level
)idestick ?(77 ?T $ntil at safe altit$de
The P9 sho$ld call altit$de from radio altimeter and climb!descent trend1
5A==B descendin, 8==B descendin, C==B climbin7"
P9 call o$t safe altit$de 5%3A is D,E== ft.7
Ion/t change gear!flap config$ration $ntil safe 4ens$re )peedbrake sto&ed5"
TCAS !A 5aneu-er 1,C 2i&/2
#f a traffic resol$tion is given 4C7#90. IE)CE2I. 9#2T#2 BE:T#C7 )PEEI
9#2T#2. IL()T BE:T#C7 )PEEI IL()T51
$topilot E @??
0oth ?light Iirectors E @?? 5Fliht $irectors OFF7
dM$st vertical speed as re'$ired to remain in green area of vertical speed scale
4stay o$tside of red5" void e%cessive mane$vers. if needed $se f$ll speed range
from B
to X
Ho ro$nd m$st be performed if : C7#90 or #2C:E)E
C7#90 is given on final approach" fter clear of conflict a$topilot and flight
directors may be p$t back on"
Low Bner%y <arnin% 1,C 2i&122
#f d$ring approach conditions additional thr$st is needed to recover a positive
flight path yo$ &ill get a synthetic voice1 )PEEI. )PEEI. )PEEI
#ncrease thr$st $ntil &arning stops" )electing 9CT on thr$st levers &ill &ork &ell"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
A to E 7 Abbre-iations = A(rony*s
These are M$st my short list of favorites and there are many others b$t for the
most part these sho$ld get yo$ by"
The really short list of irb$s acronyms and abbreviations 4complete list fo$nd in
back of P851
X E )tands for 7P8 as in X P:@T" :efers to ngle of ttack"
C9 E ir Cycle 9achine
CP E $dio Control Panel. allo&s pilot to select &hich radios or interphones to
listen to"
I#:) - ir Iata #nertial :eference )ystem. no& replaced by H2I#:)
I#:( - ir Iata #nertial :eference (nit
9( - $dio 9anagement (nit
)P E as in 72I )P. s )oon s Possible 4this really is listed. #Vm not
making this $p5
!)C#I - nti-skid
0)C( - 0rakes )teering Control (nit 4comp$ter5
0TC - 0$s Tie Contactor
C?I) - CentraliRed ?a$lt Iisplay )ystem
C:C E Contin$o$s :epetitive Chime. $sed to be called the fire bell"
II E Ierived Iecision ltit$de. d$ring :2B approaches and B@:
approaches the pilot &ill add =0/ to the original 9I to create a ne& II $nless
a note specifying $se of B2B I485 is present" This adds a pad to allo& room
to go-aro$nd from the no& stabiliRed descent instead of the level-off of the 9I"
II:9# E Iigital Iistance and :adio 9agnetic #ndicator 4:9# &ith I9E5
I9C - Iisplay 9anagement Comp$ter
I( - Iisplay (nit 4C:T. or bTB screenb5
EC9 - Electronic CentraliRed ircraft 9onitoring
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
E#( - Engine #nterface (nit
E7C - Elevator ileron Comp$ter
E@ - Engine @$t
E!6I - Engine!6arning Iisplay. $pper display for aircraft systems"
?C - ?light $gmentation Comp$ter
?@9 E ?light @ps 9an$al
?C( - ?light Control (nit 4a$toflight panel5
?9HC - ?light 9anagement H$idance Envelope Comp$ter. &hat act$ally
performs the comp$tations &hen yo$ type into the 9CI("
?9H) - ?light 9anagement H$idance Envelope )ystem
?-Plan - ?light Plan
?P - ?light Path ngle
?6C - ?light 6arning Comp$ter
?6) - ?light 6arning )ystem
HC( - Henerator Control (nit
H7C - Henerator 7ine Contactor
H2I#:) E Hlobal 2avigation ir Iata #nertial :eference )ystem. HP). ir
Iata information and #nertial attit$de!g$idance all in one"
Hreen Iot E 0est 7!I 4lift over drag5 speed. normally $sed as the target speed at
end of takeoff or for single engine climb o$t" Technically called B?T@ 4?inal
Takeoff )peed5" @n the irb$s a green dot on the airspeed scale"
#IH E #ntegrated Irive Henerator 4the old C)I and generator all in one $nit5
#2#T - #nitialiRation
L? E L$st ?lying long. $sed a lot in gro$nd school as in1 *Pthere yo$ are M$st
flying along &hen the demod$lator '$its ca$sing the blah blah EC9 blah blah
amber ?(7T blah blah second channel blah blah and that/s all there is to it"+
7!H - 7anding Hear
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
7HC#( - 7anding Hear Control #nterface (nit 4# think this one is e%tra credit. &e
M$st called it the ling$ini5
7)C - 7ine )elect Cey 4keys $sed on 9CI( screen5
9CI( - 9$ltip$rpose Control and Iisplay (nit 4this is the act$al bo% $sed to
enter data into the ?9HC. yo$ getting all thisD5
9E- 9inim$m Enro$te ltit$de. provides terrain clearance on air&ay and
normally ass$res nav signal coverage"
9@C E 9inim$m @bstacle Clearance ltit$de. provides terrain clearance on
air&ay. not signal coverage" Ienoted by letter *T+ after altit$de"
9@: E 9inim$m @ff :o$te ltit$de. provides obstacle clearance &ithin 10 nm
of air&ay centerline" Ienoted by letter *a+ after altit$de"
99: E 9$lti 9ode :eceiver. the HP) receiver for the H2I#:). t&o are
9) E 9inim$m )afe ltit$de. on an approach chart the lo&est yo$ can safely
descend if not on a charted ro$te" 2ormally based on 2= nm from depicted
naviad. can be e%panded to 30 if sho&n" 9)/s provide 1000 ft" of obstacle
clearance b$t do not ens$re signal coverage" 9ay be divided into sectors not
less than 90A each"
2I - 2avigation Iisplay 4has all those nice little pict$res on it to let yo$ kno&
&here yo$ are5
2!6 E 2ose 6heel
pb E p$shb$tton
P? E Pilot ?lying. the person act$ally handling the control or a$topilot inp$t" lso
the person to blame for the bad landing"
P?I - Primary ?light Iisplay. the display yo$ &ill look at the most. has airspeed.
altit$de. attit$de. heading and more" :emember. 0l$e (p. 0ro&n Io&nO
P8 E Pilots 8andbook
P9 E Pilot 9onitoring. the non-flying pilot. $sed to be called P2? 4Pilot 2ot
?lying5" politically correct &ay to say this g$y is M$st a professional critic. don/t
blame him for the landing"
PT( E Po&er Transfer (nit. p$mp that is able to transfer po&er 4b$t not fl$id5
bet&een the green and yello& hydra$lic systems
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
N:8 E N$ick :eference 8andbook
:T - :am ir T$rbine. an air driven back$p p$mp for bl$e hydra$lic
:9P - :adio 9anagement Panel. allo&s pilot to select &hich radio to t$ne or
transmit on"
)I - )ystem Iisplay. lo&er display for aircraft systems"
)IC - )ystem Iata c'$isition Concentrator
)EC - )poiler Elevator Comp$ter
)?CC - )lat!?lap Control Comp$ter
):) - )peed :eference )ystem
T8) - Trimmable 8oriRontal )tabiliRer
T7 - Thr$st 7ever ngle. the T7 indicator is a &hite *don$t+ on the 21 ga$ge"
T@H E Takeoff Ho ro$nd" 8ighest selectable thr$st level" )elected by p$tting
thr$st levers in T@H detent" lso a mode for the ?light Iirector"
T:( - Transformer :ectifier (nit. also kno&n as T:. transformer rectifier
(TC - (niversal Coordinated Time 4a politically correct &ay to say >$l$ or H9T5
B?T@ E ?inal Takeoff )peed. normally called *Hreen Iot+. best lift ! drag
68C E 6indo& 8eat Comp$ter
6T0 E 6ing Tip 0rake
K?: - Transfer
>?CH - >ero ?$el Center of Hravity
>?6 E >ero ?$el 6eight
> time E >$l$ Time or (TC" The old Hreen&ich 9ean Time said another &ay"
0on$s E &hat persons names are on the irb$s instr$ment panelsD
ns&er E 9a%. 2orm. :ose. gent 1 G gent 2. :at 9an
E%tra 0on$s E 8o& do irb$s pilots celebrate their first line tripD ns&er E they
have a T@H party" # kno&. bad oneP
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
@5 Stuff
9inim$m ?! staffing 4?@9 1"3"<5
? 9inim$m for flight
4incl$ding boarding !
Thro$gh flights
at gate &ith
319 3 3 1
320 3 3 1
321 3 3 2
@n certain flights the company may add additional ?!/s for service or lang$age
re'$irement above these minim$ms" ny additional e%tra ?!/s &ill be noted as
K? on the 6G0"
?$el 4?@9 ="3"135
Bariance1 1Q or F ! E =00 lbs" &hichever is greater
?$el Bendor ?$el )lip Tolerance 4?@9 ="3"1=51
Hallons1 1=0 7iters1 ;00
Note: ?$el slip may not be passed thro$gh sliding cockpit &indo& 4?@9 ="3"1<5
Captain may increase HTE :E7E)E f$el as needed" :elay ne& f$el amo$nt
to dispatcher" Iispatch &ill check ne& f$el amo$nt for load problems then
contact depart$re station" #f f$el decrease is needed then dispatch m$st agree"
Note: Io not takeoff &ith less than T"@" 9#2 ?$el
6hen ref$eling &ith passengers on board a flight attendant m$st be stationed at
main door and Met&ay or stairs m$st be attached to aircraft" 4?@9 ="3"135
7oading 7ast 9in$te 0aggage 4?@9 9"=5
:ight engine m$st be sh$t do&n" 7oad for&ard compartment only"
The captain is 2@T re'$ired to stop only beca$se a passenger leaves seat
d$ring ta%i" (se M$dgment to determine if stopping &ill create a greater possible
haRard" 6hen able stop and re-seat passenger"
The captain may decide &hen visibility is s$fficient" I$ring lo& visibility
operations only r$n checklists &hen aircraft stopped or on straight ta%i&ay &ith
no *comple%+ intersections" #f lo& visibility $se )9HC) if p$blished for belo&
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
:B: 1200" The lo&est reporting :B: on the airport is the controlling :B: for
ta%i o$t" 4?@9 ="=";5
Iefinition of Iispatch 4?@9 ="3"3. glossary5
ircraft p$shed back. ta%ied or to&ed from blocks for p$rposes of flight"
)ee table in ?@9 for dealing &ith 9K discrepancies after dispatch"
@perations &ill cease &hen1 4?@9 10"3"25
Iry sno& e%ceeds 2 inches
6et sno&!sl$sh!standing &ater E e%ceeds a inch
4note1 operations may contin$e &ith $p to [ inch &ith dispatch conc$rrence5
2il 0raking action1 4?@9 10"3"35
Io not operate on any part of airport that has 2#7 braking action report $nless by
2on-()ir&ays pilot" Then only &ith conc$rrence of dispatcher and1
Hreater than ,.000 ft" r$n&ay
Cross&ind not over = kts"
Captain not on high mins"
:$n&ays less than =.000 ft" 4?@9 2"3"25
@perations on r$n&ays less than =.000 ft" long are allo&ed only &ith captain and
dispatch conc$rrence and1
2o r$n&ay contamination
2o tail&ind
6ind conditions make this the most desired operation
)tandard Takeoff 9inim$ms 4?@9 10"="35
1 stat$te mile or :B: =000
Note: #f p$blished Takeoff minim$ms are higher than standard yo$ m$st $se the
higher p$blished minim$ms"
7o&er Than )tandard Takeoff 9inim$ms 4N:8 table pg" @I-15
This information is available on Lepp charts 4back of airport ta%i chart. $s$ally
10-95 for airport and in N:8 @P) IT" Jo$ m$st $se the higher of the t&o for
given sit$ation" ?or e%ample. Lepp lists a mile for C7) b$t @ps )pecs sho&
=00 :B:. yo$ are limited to a mile" lso. note re'$ired lighting and r$n&ay
markings for specified :B:" C$rrently do&n to as lo& as =00 :B:
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Note: Captain m$st make takeoff if less than 1;00 :B: or a mi" visibility 4d$e to
lack of reference if reMect and change of control from Capt" to ?!@5 4?@9 ="<"15
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Takeoff lternate 4?@9 10"="<. N:8 @P) IT5
Ieclare a takeoff alternate anytime &eather conditions at the depart$re airport
are belo& CT # landing minim$m" irb$s is allo&ed e%ception do&n to CT ###
minim$ms if available and $seable at depart$re airport" Takeoff alternate m$st
be &ithin 1 hr" from depart$re airport &ith one-engine inoperative" ?or planning
p$rposes $se1
?$el ?lo&
319 320 3<3 ;.900 11.000
320 320 3;, ;.900 10.000
321 320 3<3 ,.200 11.000
@ver&ater @perations 4?@9 1"3"35
@ver&ater operations in non-E@6 4E%tended @ver&ater5 aircraft are allo&ed $p
to 1;2 nm offshore so$th of 3=
2orth latit$de and 100 nm offshore north of 3=

2orth latit$de" This can be seen on the 2orth tlantic planning chart" ?light
ttendants sho$ld be notified to brief pa% for over&ater" ll () ir&ays aircraft
are e'$ipped &ith life vests" Iispatch is responsible to file the appropriate ro$te"
The captain is responsible to remain &ithin 1;2!100 nm" 8o&ever. deviations are
allo&ed d$e to &eather or emergencies"
8eadsets ! 0oom 9ikes 4?@9 3"10"13. 3"10"135
8eadsets and 0oom 9ikes m$st be &orn belo& 1,.000 ft"
@%ygen 4?@9 1"<"115
6hen one pilot leaves their station the remaining pilot m$st &ear an o%ygen
mask &hen above ?72=0" 0oth pilots m$st &ear o%ygen anytime cabin altit$de
e%ceeds 10.000/"
9a% 8olding )peeds and 7eg Timing 4?@9 2"3"35
Thro$gh ;000 ft" 200 C#). 1 min"
bove ;.000 thro$gh 13.000 ft" 230 C#) 4210 C#) &here p$blished5. 1 min"
bove 13.000 ft" 2;= C#). 1 min" and 30 secs"
)tandard pattern E right hand t$rns
2on-)tandard pattern E left hand t$rns
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
9inim$m )afe ltit$des 4?@9 1"<"<5
#n terminal area1 9). &ithin 2= nm of defined navaid1 @n approach chart
Enro$te1 9E. ir&ay centerline. n$mber on air&ay1 10.000
Enro$te1 9@C. 3 nm of air&ay centerline. n$mber &ith *T+1 3.000T
@ff :o$te1 :o$te 9@:. 10 nm of air&ay centerline. n$mber &ith *a+1 3200a
@ff :o$te1 Hrid 9@:. &ithin defined grid sector. n$mber near center of grid
Iestination 6eather 4?@9 <"="35
Iestination &eather m$st be at or above the lo&est a$thoriRed landing minima.
compatible &ith aircraft type. at ET"
6eather 0elo& 9inim$ms
Jo$ may not begin an approach 4pass the ?? or begin final approach segment
on approach &itho$t ??5 &ith o$t reported visibility 4:B:5 at or above the
minim$m visibility for that approach" #f yo$ are already on the final approach
segment and visibility is reported less than re'$ired for that approach. yo$ may
contin$e the approach b$t yo$ may not go belo& landing minim$ms $nless the
visibility is reported at or above the re'$ired minim$m visibility"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
lternates 4?@9 <"="35
@C. $nless yo$ are la&yer or acco$ntant material stand by for yo$r eyes to glaRe
over on this ne%t little bit" 0$t hang in there. # &ill try to break it do&n for yo$O
This part determines if yo$ need an alternate for yo$r destination1
Iomestic destination alternate is re'$ired $nless &eather for destination at ET
F 1hr" is at least1
Ceiling1 2000 ft" above airport elevation
Bisibility1 3 sm"
E%emption ,;,3 4?@9 <"="35 allo&s domestic dispatch &itho$t an alternate if
&eather at destination F 1 ho$r is least1
Ceiling1 1000 ft" above airport elevation
Bisibility1 2 sm"
lso re'$ired1
CT ## is available for intended r$n&ay
aircraft is CT ## capable
th$nderstorms are not forecast
dispatcher &ill p$t EK,;,3 in remarks section of release
#f an alternate is re'$ired then alternate &eather m$st meet or e%ceed 69 for
the planned approach at the ET" second alternate &ill be filed if &eather at
both the destination and first alternate is *marginal+"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
)till &ith meD @C. this part is to help yo$ decide if yo$ need an alternate
for yo$r depart$re airport"
Takeoff lternate 4?@9 <"="3. N:8 @P) IT5
Ieclare a takeoff alternate anytime &eather conditions at the depart$re airport
are belo& CT # landing minim$m" irb$s is allo&ed e%ception do&n to CT ###
minim$ms if available and $seable at depart$re airport and aircraft m$st be at or
belo& ma% landing &eight" Takeoff alternate m$st be &ithin 1 hr" from depart$re
airport &ith one-engine inoperative" ?or planning p$rposes $se1
?$el ?lo&
319 320 3<3 ;.900 11.000
320 320 3;, ;.900 10.000
321 320 3<3 ,.200 11.000
Takeoff lternate is re'$ired anytime &eather at depart$re airport is belo& CT #
minim$ms e%cept irb$s &hen CT ##!### is available. then Takeoff lternate not
re'$ired $ntil &eather minim$ms belo& CT###" This ass$mes that the aircraft
&ill be at or belo& 9a% 7anding &eight for ret$rn and can $se the CT ## or CT
### approach" The idea here is that yo$ need an alternate if yo$ cannot ret$rn
immediately to yo$r depart$re airport if yo$ have a problem"
This part sho&s &hether yo$ have good eno$gh &eather to depart"
)tandard Takeoff 9inim$ms 4?@9 10"="35
1 stat$te mile or :B: =000
Note: #f p$blished Takeoff minim$ms are higher than standard yo$ m$st $se the
higher p$blished minim$ms"
7o&er Than )tandard Takeoff 9inim$ms 4N:8 table pg" @I-15
This information is available on Lepp charts 4back of airport ta%i chart. $s$ally
10-95 for airport and in N:8 @P) IT" Jo$ m$st $se the higher of the t&o for
given sit$ation" ?or e%ample. Lepp lists a mile for C7) b$t @ps )pecs sho&
=00 :B:. yo$ are limited to a mile" lso. note re'$ired lighting and r$n&ay
markings for specified :B:" C$rrently do&n to as lo& as =00 :B:
Note: Captain m$st make takeoff if less than 1;00 :B: or a mi" visibility 4d$e to
lack of reference if reMect and change of control from Capt" to ?!@5 4?@9 ="<"15
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Jo$ are still a&akeD ll right then. this section tells yo$ &hat the criteria is
to allo& an airport to be an alternate for either takeoff or destination"
lternate &eather minima 4695 apply for both destination and takeoff
alternates" 9inima is based on straight in precision or non-precision
approaches" ?or airports &ith at least t&o appropriate approaches the
approaches m$st be to separate. s$itable r$n&ays 4can be opposite ends of
same physical r$n&ay5"
Note: #?: alternate &eather minima are restrictive for dispatch 4filing5 p$rposes"
@nce committed to an alternate airport. standard approach minima apply"
E%emption 3=,= 4?@9 <"="=5 allo&s domestic flights to be released based on
the *main body+ of the forecast for a destination" Conditional portions of the
forecast are minimiRed" Conditional means the parts of a forecast that are
*probable. temporary or becoming+" The standard minim$ms apply for the main
body of the forecast b$t for the conditional portion the follo&ing apply1
Destination: Bisibility at or above half of landing minim$m"
#irst Alternate: Bisibility and ceiling at or above half of landing minim$ms"
Second Alternate: Bisibility and ceiling at or above landing minim$ms"
Note: T&o alternates m$st be $sed for e%emption 3=,="
$thoriRed #nstr$ment pproaches 4P8 2f"3"35
771 #7). #7)!I9E. #7)!P:9. 7I &! glideslope. 7I I9E &! glideslope. 7I
P:9 I9E &! glideslope. ):. :2B HP). :2B H2)). B@: 4&ith B2B5.
B@:!I9E 4&ith B2B5
P8K 0ase1 7I &itho$t H). 7I I9E &itho$t H). 7@C. 2I0 &ith B2B
?acility Ceiling Bisibility
1 nav aid CT # 8T
F 300 ft"
CT # visibility min" F 1 sm
2 or more nav aids CT # 8T of highest of
the t&o approaches F200
CT # vis" mins" to highest
app" mins" F 1!2 sm
CT ## or ### &ith 2 or more
nav aids
CT ## E 300 ft 8T
CT ### E 200 ft 8T
CT ## E :B: 3000 or c sm
CT ### E :B: 1,00 or [ sm
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
pproach 9inima 4N:8 @P) IT5
CT #. decision altit$de 4I5. $ses barometric altimeter
CT ##. decision height 4I85. $ses radar altimeter or inner marker as p$blished
CT ### 4)ingle. ?ail-Passive5. decision height 4I85. $ses radar altimeter
CT ### 4I$al. ?ail-@perational5. alert height 485. $ses radar altimeter
CT ###0 4I$al. ?ail-@perational5. alert height 485. $ses radar altimeter
%in. Alt.
ReF. >is.
%.$ RO
P$b" 9I
3 sm visibility. min" ceiling 1000/
1000/ 8 or 9I &hichever is higher
P$b" 9I
2300 E [

9ay s$b if TI> is


CT #
:2B !
P$b" I
2300 E [

9ay s$b if TI> is


CT # #7)!
P$b" I
1,00 E [

9ay s$b if TI> is


CT ## !
2ominal 100/ I8
4as p$blished5

CT ## !
2ominal 100/ I8
4as p$blished5

9ay s$b if :@ is
CT ## !
100/ I8
CT ### !
=0/ I8 4single5
100/ 8 4d$al5
CT ###0 !
100/ 8 4d$al5
CT ###0 !
100/ 8 4d$al5
Note:* =A= may
be temp% inop%
6Not NOTA,ed8
Canadian CT ###
=0/ I8 4single5
100/ 8 4d$al5
C W controlling. : W re'$ired. W advisory
(se CT C for straight in approaches 4321 CT I5. CT C for circling $nless
app" speed is greater than 130 C#). then $se CT I 4?@9 ="10"35
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
mended :elease 4?@9 ="3"95
release m$st be amended or re-released &hen1
; hrs" passes from ETI &itho$t aircraft proceeding $nder its o&n po&er
4#nternational only5"
a change is made in1
T"@" 9in f$el. Iecrease in Hate :elease f$el. Iestination 4re'$ires re-
release5. lternate. 2e& aircraft. 9E7!CI7. :emarks
?light takes off and ret$rns to airport of depart$re 4e%cept &hen part of
original release5
re-release is an amended release &hich changes the destination airport" This
is a planned change in a release and is co-ordinated &ith dispatch" re-release
point &ill be designated and no earlier than t&o ho$rs prior to the re-release
point and no later than the re-release point the dispatcher &ill send a message
:e-release point
:e-release destination
:e-release alternate
9in re-release f$el at re-release point
6eather and field conditions if any changes from original
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Position :eports 4?@9 1";"3. 1";"=5
Company E
@ver 10 min$te change in ET 4not incl$ding ta%i time5
Change in altit$de or ro$ting that may significantly affect arrival f$el
6eather conditions that may affect safety of flight incl$ding moderate or
severe icing or t$rb$lence and &inds aloft that vary greatly from planned"
t any time1
7eaving previo$s altit$de or flight level for ne&ly assigned altit$de or flight
(nable to climb or descend at =00 fpm or greater
9issed pproach
Change in tr$e airspeed of =Q or 10 kts" from flight plan val$e"
Time and altit$de $pon reaching holding fi% or last cleared fi%"
7eaving an assigned fi%"
7oss of navigational or comm$nications ability
ny information regarding safety of flight
6hen not in radar contact1
7eaving final approach fi% or o$ter marker &hen on final approach"
Change in ET of more than 3 min$tes"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
?! Emergency 2otification E TE)T N$estions 4?@9 3"3"=5 )ignals 4?@9
T E ho& m$ch Time
E E type of Emergency
) E brace )ignal
T E Take special instr$ctions
Emergency E ; bells
0race )ignal E Prearranged signal. $s$ally given at abo$t =00 ft" *0race
for impact+
7east :isk 0omb 7ocation 4?@9 <"2;"351 7:07 is center of :8 aft cabin door
9edical Iiversions 4?@9 <";"1. pink 9ed7ink insert in ro$te man$al51 Captain
m$st contact 9ed7ink prior to diverting" Pilot can $se phone patch to 4;025
239-3;2<" Please note this service is available d$ring layovers for
cre&members as needed at 4;025 <3<-9;22"
TC Clearance 4?@9 ="1"25
:e'$est clearance no earlier than 20 mins" prior to depart$re time" Iepart$re
clearance is good for 2 hrs" past sched$led depart$re time" Call Clearance
Control to e%tend valid clearance time if necessary"
#f TC changes the ro$ting from &hat is filed the changed ro$ting is sho&n as1
on the PIC printo$t" The revised segment is &hat sho$ld be programmed into
the ?9HC"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Takeoff Performance )ystem 4P8 ="=. =";. ="<5
The TP) depart$re plan is highly recommended b$t 2@T re'$ired for depart$re"
The TP) contains airport performance data and &ill help the cre& in determining
&hat po&er and flap config$rations &ill be needed for depart$re" s long as a
valid 6G0 message for the correct r$n&ay is received the TP) is not needed"
#f the 6G0 is sent &ith proper &eights b$t not the correct needed r$n&ay the
pilot may $se the TP) data for the needed r$n&ay ass$ming that the act$al
6G0 takeoff &eight is at or less than the TP) data" PT@6 stands for Planned
Takeoff 6eight and T@6 for ss$med Takeoff 6eight 42000 lbs" difference5"
(se TP) '$ick reference g$ide on P8 3"; to determine if ne& 6G0 is needed"
The PT@6 is the planned takeoff &eight" The T@6 &eight is the ass$med
takeoff &eight and &ill be valid for any n$mbers &ith ass$med temps" The T@6
&ill be 2000 lbs" heavier than the PT@6 so if there is an T@6 it has a 2000
lbs" margin from the planned &eight b$ilt in" The TP) is valid if aircraft &eight is
at or belo& given &eight for po&er setting. the press$re setting is &ithin min$s
0"1 * or higher 4higher is more conservative5 of given and the temperat$re is at
or belo& the given for T@H or at or belo& the ass$med temp for ?7EK"
#f pilot &ishes to $se a T@H setting instead of the given ?7EK yo$ may M$st set
T@H and $se given n$mbers other&ise"
#f $pper Thr$st ! B speed section &eight is not valid lo&er irport nalysis
section may be $sed if 6eight and 0alance data does not incl$de needed
r$n&ay" ?ind needed r$n&ay and config$ration that is at or belo& 6eight and
0alance &eight" (se T@H thr$st" Het B speeds from P8 chapter =a. b or c"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
8igh 9in Capt" 4?@9 11"2",5
Note: 2otify dispatcher of 8igh 9ins" stat$s if 8igh 9ins" &ill affect operations"
During /irst *"" $rs% as P@0 6does not include @OE time8 0apt% is on .ig$ ,ins
.ig$ ,ins% 0AT @ limits:
$se table on ?@9 11"2", to determine stat$s
.ig$ ,ins% 0AT @@)@@@ limits:
2o CT ###
?or CT ## - (se table on ?@9 11"2", to determine stat$s
7o& Time ?!@ 4?@9 11"2"<5
Note: 2otify Captain at beginning of trip" 7o& time ?!@ may fly a *monitored+
CT ##!### approach" CTC:E6 &ill sho& 7@6 T#9E stat$s
I$ring ?!@/s first 100 hrs" Captain m$st make the takeoff or landing if1
Contaminated r$n&ay
:B: less than 3000 or c mile vis or less
0raking action less than H@@I
Cross&ind e%ceeds 1= knots
)pecial N$alification irport
l&ays at Captains Iiscretion
Note: Captain m$st al&ays make takeoff if less than 1;00 :B: or a mi" visibility
4P8 2d"2"15
Pairing 7imitations and Consolidation of 7earning 4?@9 11"2"= G ?@9 11"2";5
() ir&ays &ill not pair t&o pilots together &ho individ$ally have less than <=
hrs" in type and position" Pilot m$st acc$m$late 100 hrs" in type and position
4incl$ding #@E5 &ithin 120 days of Type :ating or Proficiency Check" 9ay be
e%tended to 1=0 &ith 7ine Check"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Lo%boo) Stuff
Ens$re that &hite page has been removed for any item signed off by mechanic"
Pink page stays in logbook"
?$ll po&er takeoffs m$st be logged every 30 days or 1=0 takeoffs" The pilot &ill
be notified in the release paper&ork if a ma%im$m thr$st takeoff is re'$ired by
the phrase *9K T8:()T IE9@ :EN(#:EI+ on the TP) depart$re plan" The
res$lt 4s$ccessf$l. $ns$ccessf$l or not attempted5 m$st be noted in the logbook
4?@9 2"3"15"
Pilot 9()T make logbook entry for 9E7 items if ?: is noted for ?ollo& $p
:e'$ired" 4P8 11"="=5 #f 9 notation then 9aintenance &ill complete re'$ired
actions and if @ notation flight cre& &ill complete re'$ired @perational items"
9E7 n$mber translation1 E%ample - 9E7 U 1333C23
?irst n$mber 13. Iate 9E7 applied
)econd n$mber 33. the n$mber 9E7 for the day
C. the category of the 9E7
23. the date the 9E7 m$st be repaired by. by midnight of that day
CT ##!### :ecertification E see ?@9 11"<
I#:) acc$racy E 4P8 2h"<"35 this check is done by the ?!@ on every Parking
Checklist. to be done &ithin t&o min$tes of aircraft stop" (se chart on P8 2h"<"3
to determine acceptable limits" @C if = miles and 1= knots or less in all cases"
(se Iata Cey. Position 9onitor to determine 2B acc$racy" #f gro$nd speed on
2I/s G #:( 3 TC!H) e%ceeds 1= knots. enter logbook entry for maintenance to
track and verify. if e%ceeds 21 knots enter logbook entry for #:( removal"
8ot 0rakes E 4P83"1=5 9aintenance action is re'$ired if there is1
1=0A C difference in brake temps on the same str$t and one brake ;00A or
greater or ;0A or less
a mean 200A C difference bet&een different tr$cks
f$se pl$g melted
brake temp e%ceeds 900A C 4,00A - 3215
ny higher inspection &ill take the place of a Iaily check"
see ?@9 11" 3 for f$ll list of logbook re'$irements
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
Line @iFes
NOTE: on gro$nd ?light Cre& can reset any comp$ter EKCEPT1
EC( 4engine control $nit5. E#( 4engine interface $nit5 &hile engine r$nning"
0)C( 40rake )teering Control (nit5 &hile ta%iing. set parking brake first
,o reset C& in air chec' chart listed in GR1, %iscellaneous, Computer
Airbus >otc$a: 2ever p$ll the follo&ing C0/s in air1
)?CC 4)lat!?lap Control Comp$ter5
EC( and!or E#(
Reset %C$2 / F%)C
Captains E on overhead panel E 9CI( E C0U 01. ?9HC E C0U 02
?!@/s E behind ?!@ E 9CI( E C0U 220. ?9HC E C0U 91<
Re-erser unloc'ed messae on enine start
1" Engine 9aster @??
2" :eset Engine 9ode selector to 2@:9 for 10 secs". then #H2!)T:T
#f this doesn/t &ork then1
3" T$rn on E2H ?IEC H:2I P6: on overhead maintenance panel. then off
)(3 (rimary "ost showin on both !$Bs after .R2Bs alin
#f the HP) signal is not available after the #:(/s align a possible fi% is1
1" Iata Cey
2" Position 9onitor
3" )E7 2B#I)
3" IE)E7ECT THP) sho&ing 4if )E7ECT THP) is sho&ing press 7)C to
change it5 this line sho&s &hat 6#77 0E selected"
(rinter 5spewin7 maintenance codes after shutdown
9CI( 9en$
Pass&ord )?#9 TE2TE: P))6@:I
Programming 9en$s
:eport #nhibit
Print 2@ 4green5
Note: w$en c$anging printer paper roll make sure t$at t$e printer latc$ is
completely secured or printer will not /unction% Press S?E< to c$eck%
Reset C.$3 E :eset C0/s1 H1. 9= and N13 for more than 10 secs" Then &ait at
least 3 mins" after reset"
US Airways Airbus A319, A320, A321 Notes
!o Water (ressure
#f &ater has been serviced and there is no &ater press$re on gro$nd 4&ith P(
bleed on5 then check the ?! C#I) panel" #f red )J)TE9 #2@P light is on then
press the 6T: )J)TE9 IEP:E b$tton"
!o data showin on RA$!A> pae 4after H2I#:) is aligned5
9ake s$re that the )T0J 2B g$arded 2B pb is not on 4green light off5"
A!,. .C* Windshield /or Window0 amber FA2", &hen on gro$nd may be
ca$sed by heating of &indo& by s$n" Ens$re all s$n screens are sto&ed and
cool cockpit" Then reset the 68C 46indo& 8eat Comp$ter5 $sing C0U K13 for
Capt" and C0U 613 for ?!@" )ee Chap" 21 for details"
ACAR3 in standby E if C:) is not available 4sho&ing C:) )T0J in
1" Press 9CI( 9E2( key on ?9HC
2" )elect \T)(
3" )elect C@99 9E2(]
3" )elect 9#2TE22CE]
=" )elect \TE)T
;" )elect T :EN(E)T B8? 3 7#2C
Jo$ can also rest C0/s 71= G 71; 4T)( 1 )6TH G T)( 15 on back panel if
#f PEI lights in passenger seats in cabin are red this sho&s that the po&erport
pl$gs for laptops are not po&ered" @n the ?! panel across from for&ard ?!
M$mpseat above the video player there is a PEI P@6E: p!b in the $pper left
hand corner near ceiling" 6hen on this p!b sho$ld light $p @2" )ometimes this
p!b may have a b$rnt o$t b$lb in it and not light properly" Press this p!b and see
if lights change to green"
1ey, turn the lihts bac' on! 6hen sh$tting do&n for an overnight yo$ can
keep the lights on &hen t$rning off the P( and E%ternal Po&er by going into the
for&ard galley and finding the overhead panel" Jo$ &ill see one hole in the
plastic cover over the breakers" This is the 9#2T 0() s&itch and yo$ can
press it @2" This &ill keep the lights on in the cabin and cargo bins &ith E%ternal
Po&er pl$gged in b$t selected @??"

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