Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions
Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions
Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions
Coating, double-joint,
anode pads and anode
installation services. Tenaris
offers coating, double-joint
pipe, anode and anode pad
installation for deep and ultra-
deepwater projects. These
services reduce welding time
on site and provide excellent
protection for the pipe during
its operating life. In addition,
the services are done at the
mill prior to reaching the
project site which reduces
labor in the eld by virtually
Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions | 5
Anticipating the Future Needs
of our Customers
Another differentiator that
distinguishes Tenaris is an
ability to anticipate and
then begin research and
development on products
for the future. As operators
embrace new and more
complex projects both
onshore and offshore, Tenaris
continues to devote its
resources to nding innovative
solutions that will meet
operators challenges on these
projects. This is accomplished
through ongoing research
and development of tubular
technologies that are safe,
technologically sound and
economically viable.
Additionally, all four of
Tenaris R&D centers, along
with other internationally
recognized universities
and laboratories around
the world, participate in
collaborative programs with
customers and key industry
players to conduct research
and advance data on product
technology that is aligned
with anticipated future
industry needs.
Joint Industry Programs
Often, when the industry
faces common challenges,
the best way of solving them
is for industry, academia and
government players to join
forces in serious collaborative
efforts called Joint Industry
Programs (JIPs). In the past,
Tenaris has participated in
numerous JIPs and continues
to use this technique to help
develop future products that
the industry requires.
For example, Tenaris new
100 Ksi steel grade was
developed, in part, through a
JIP collaborative effort. At the
JIP, operators indicated that
steels with a yield strength
of 100,000 psi would be
needed for constructing the
top tension risers for future
offshore deepwater projects.
Working with the JIP, Tenaris
engineers were able to
develop the 100 Ksi tubular
steel grade, an extremely
high specication tubular
steel with a yield strength of
100,000 psi and a reduced
pipe wall thickness for lower
overall tube weight.
Cooperative Programs
with Universities and
Tenaris global network
of R&D centers and
manufacturing facilities
collaborates with more than
60 universities and research
institutions worldwide on
cooperative programs that
focus on basic and applied
research. This combination of
internal and external expertise
provides avenues that lead to
the development of value-
added products and improved
production processes that
directly contribute to our
customers success.
6 | Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions
A Global Research and
Development Network
Much of Tenaris increased
level of performance can
be attributed to dedicated
efforts to continually increase
the quality and range of its
products by working with
customers and analyzing
new trends in the sectors
where they operate. Often,
this dedication requires
exhaustive product research
and development, as well as
an ability to foresee and then
develop products that will ll
future operator needs.
One of the distinctions
that enable Tenaris to rise
above its competitors is its
worldwide research and
development network. This
network is a fundamental
component in Tenaris
approach to differentiation.
By acquiring great knowledge
of engineering sciences and
tubular properties and then
combining it with a base of
experience gained through
working side-by-side with its
customers, Tenaris has been
able to establish itself as an
exceptional provider in the
pipeline services marketplace.
Globally, around 200
scientists and engineers,
more than half of whom
have a masters or doctorate
degree, work in these R&D
centers. Their dedication
to continuous improvement
and product innovation has
already proven invaluable
on complex customer
exploration and production
projects, and high-
performance mechanical and
structural applications.
Offshore and Onshore Pipeline Solutions | 7
Worldwide Centers for Product Research
and Development
TenarisTamsa center,
Veracruz, Mexico
The Veracruz center focuses
mainly on line pipe and the
creation of new products
for energy industry tubular
goods applications. Research
work is centered on the
advancement of innovative
welding technology and the
qualication of premium
connections, as well as
improving metallurgy
and materials, process
development, and fracture
mechanics studies. Its full-
scale testing laboratory
utilizes some of the most
sophisticated equipment
worldwide for testing pipes
and threads.
Metallurgy and materials
By proactively conducting
continuous research on
oil and gas metallurgical
technology and working
closely with operators,
Tenaris has been able to
determine the types of
metals and materials that
will be needed to achieve
the high-specication levels
of performance operators
say they will need for their
anticipated future projects.
Welding technology
The development of improved
welding techniques enables
and facilitates the welding of
newly developed steel grades
and supports improvements in
innovative techniques such as
double joint welding.
Fracture mechanics studies.
To ensure that future
pipe materials exhibits a
sufciently high Charpy
V-notch impact value to
arrest a propagating fracture,
Tenaris uses fracture
mechanics studies to evaluate
the structural integrity of its
future tubular components.
Process development
Tenaris continually strives to
optimize the manufacturing
processes it uses in order
to ensure that it will be
capable of manufacturing
the products needed for
future oil and gas tubular
goods applications. One of
the tools that is employed in
this effort is Finite Element
Analysis (FEA). FEA
enables metallurgists and
manufacturing engineers to
obtain a detailed visualization
of where structures bend
or twist and indicates the
distribution of stresses and
displacements. This, in turn,
enables engineers to design
and manufacture tubular
goods that exhibit higher
performance characteristics.
Full-scale laboratory testing.
Full-scale performance testing
complements FEA and is a
critical step to fully verify
critical performance features
such as galling resistance and
sealability performance. This
test validates the reliability of
a products structural design
and performance through
testing that simulates the
specic conditions in the oil
eld where it will be used.
Such testing also provides for
the qualication of premium
connections and the fatigue
testing of steel catenary
risers, top tension risers and
owlines being developed
for use in future pipeline
Tenaris NKKT center,
Kawasaki, Japan
The Kawasaki center
specializes in high-chromium
steel tubular products (i.e.,
Cr13 steel grade) for diverse
applications. Full-scale testing
of premium connections is
performed, along with the
design and development of
corrosion-resistant alloys,
sour service materials and
drill pipe.
Tenaris Dalmine center,
Research at this facility
mainly focuses on two areas:
hot rolling processes and
product development for
mechanical and thermal
applications. The center
conducts its own independent
research and also collaborates
with external research
institutes on either extensive
basic or highly specialized
areas of research.
Tenaris Research and
Development center,
Campana, Argentina
Research at the Argentina
center covers both products
and processes. In terms of
processes, researchers focus
on steelmaking innovations,
rolling, heat treatment, non-
destructive testing and the
tracking of tubular products.
The center also provides
scientic and technological
research support in such
diverse areas and disciplines
as metallurgy, steelmaking,
chemistry, applied physics,
structural integrity, mechanical
design, materials and
coatings. Investigations are
conducted using state-of-the-
art methodologies and tools
including the extensive use of
modeling techniques such as
FEA and full-scale product