Lincoln Trail Elementary School sent a newsletter to parents about upcoming events and activities. The newsletter discussed student lifeskill nominations, plans for daycare on inclement weather days, and upcoming parent-teacher conferences. It also provided reminders about various upcoming school events throughout September and October. Special area teachers contributed sections about their classes, including music, art, technology, physical education, and band/choir.
Lincoln Trail Elementary School sent a newsletter to parents about upcoming events and activities. The newsletter discussed student lifeskill nominations, plans for daycare on inclement weather days, and upcoming parent-teacher conferences. It also provided reminders about various upcoming school events throughout September and October. Special area teachers contributed sections about their classes, including music, art, technology, physical education, and band/choir.
Lincoln Trail Elementary School sent a newsletter to parents about upcoming events and activities. The newsletter discussed student lifeskill nominations, plans for daycare on inclement weather days, and upcoming parent-teacher conferences. It also provided reminders about various upcoming school events throughout September and October. Special area teachers contributed sections about their classes, including music, art, technology, physical education, and band/choir.
Lincoln Trail Elementary School sent a newsletter to parents about upcoming events and activities. The newsletter discussed student lifeskill nominations, plans for daycare on inclement weather days, and upcoming parent-teacher conferences. It also provided reminders about various upcoming school events throughout September and October. Special area teachers contributed sections about their classes, including music, art, technology, physical education, and band/choir.
Lamar, IN 47550 twitter: @Lincoln_Trail
Principal: Mr. Ben Lawalin Secretary: Mrs. Mary Roos Phone: (812) 937-2400 ext. 5 Fax: (812) 544-2930
September 4th, 2014 School Happenings Lifeskill Nominations: This week teachers nominated one student from their class who has demonstrated the lifeskill of cooperation. These kids will be treated to an ice cream sundae at our first quarter celebration assembly. KDG = Macy Winkler & Xander Peay 1st Grade = Hayden Coop & Caiden Bosley 2nd Grade = Biviana Arevalo & Alexis Paulin 3rd Grade = Christian Lane & Preston Coop 4th Grade = Olivia Susnjara & Avery Vinson 5th Grade = Ellie Williams & Kennedy Tate 6th Grade = Jazmyn Allen & Jake Johnson You can see a picture of these great kids on our school website or by following us on twitter!
Daycare on Inclement Weather Days - We currently do NOT have enough interest in daycare to support staffing our daycare on these days. If you have a need for care for your enrolled LT student(s) in PK-6th grade, please return the form attached by next Friday September 12. Reminder, we need a minimum of 8 interested parents to support staffing. This deadline will allow us to make a final decision about offering this service and give parents needing daycare enough time to make alternate plan.
Parent-Teacher Conferences - P/T conferences are scheduled on September 30th & October 2th from approximately 3-7 each evening. Forms are coming home in this weeks Thursday folder for you to fill out. Our teachers will let you know your scheduled time once all have been scheduled. Check out the checklist below for some helpful tips to get the most out of these conferences.
Reminders & Upcoming Events Tuesday, September 9th = PTO Chili Supper Meeting @ 5:00 Thursday, September 11th = Coke Fundraiser Begins Thursday, September 18th = PTO Meeting @ 4:30 September 24th & 25th = 6th Grade CPR Class Friday, September 26th = Coke Orders Due September 29th-October 3rd = Book Fair
Last Chance Inclement Weather and Fall Break Daycare Registration Parent Name _______________________________________ School: LTES Deadline: September 12 Name of Child(ren) _________________________, _______________________
Please check one or both regarding your childs attendance on non-school days. This only needs to be completed if you will be utilizing this service.
____ Yes, my children will attend daycare on days when school is cancelled due to weather. I realize I will be charged $20 per day, per child, even if I change my mind.
____ Yes, my children will attend daycare on fall break (circle day(s) of attendance): October 23 October 24. Please indicate if attending 1 or both days. I realize I will be charged even if I change my mind.
Community News & Events Hunter Education - Rodney Oxley will be offering a Hunters Education Course on September 20-21. For more information contact Rodney Oxley at (812) 726-4440.
A Parent's Guide to P/T Conferences Checklist: Before the conference 1. Schedule a time to meet. If you cant go at the scheduled time, ask the teacher about other times.
2. Review your childs work, grades, and progress reports.
3. Talk with your child about his or her progress in school.
4. Talk with othersfamily members, after school staff, mentors, etc.about your childs strengths and needs.
5. Make a list of questions to ask during the conference.
6. Think about ways you would like to be involved in your childs learning so that you can discuss them with the teachers.
Inspire Challenge Achieve Nurture
3rd Grade - Henri Matisse (1869-1954) was known as The Father of Modern Art. He used black paint and black paper in most of his art. Ask your 3rd grader why Matisse used so much black and how it helped his colorful works of art to be successful. 4th Grade - Vincent VanGogh (1853-1890) is one of the most recognized artists ever to be born. 4th grade students have studied about his life and his wonderful masterpieces such as The Starry Night. VanGogh traveled around during his life and left many of his artworks behind as he moved from place to place. Ask your 4th grader what normally happened to the artwork he did not take with him. Also, ask them to explain what they are drawing in our classroom which relates to his art.
Art Lincoln Trail Elementary Sep t emb er 2014 SP ECIAL AREA NEWSLETTER The music classes from grades K-3 have had a lot of fun to start the year! Besides getting to know one another, we have been learning about many of the basics of music, experiencing the music of Leonard Bernstein, our Composer of the Month, and dancing to the Crazy Freeze.
We have been focusing with two primary elements of music, especially in kindergarten and first grade: beat and pitch. Second and third grades have been expanding on these basics, and adding a little bit more.
The Kindergarten students have learned that music, like our body, has a beat that keeps us moving. We have discovered that there are strong beats and weak beats, and can generally find those in a song.
First grade is learning about pitch, and how to tell which instrument would produce high or low pitches. Our goal is to be able to match pitch patterns. Be watching your student over the next weeks to see what we are going to learn about posture will show up at home!
I will be publishing a classroom website soon. It is still in construction stage- but I hope to have it online shortly. You can look for it at
Over the past few weeks of school, all grade levels have been busy in physical education learning new running forms. The running forms the students are learning teach students the basic fundamental skills such as jumping, balancing, agility and footwork. Upper level students always look forward to doing the grapevine in class, while lower level tends to get a kick out of bunny jumping. I look forward to seeing each students display improvement as they continue to practice in the weeks to come.
Music K-3 4th graders, Dakota Boerste, Charles Brentlinger, and Avery Vinson working on their VanGogh art. Kindergarten student, Able Hoesli showing his self-portrait drawing.
Special Area Newsletter Page 2
Whats Trending in Technology at Lincoln Trail?
Technology students in grades 4-6 have already learned about several new sites this school year. Ask them about the Symbaloo page they created for storing their favorite websites. They can also show you the Haiku Deck they made about themselves. The fourth grade was introduced to Digital Passport. They are learning to make smart decisions when engaging themselves with technology. If you need some help with organization on your home computer, the students now know how to create folders in their email and google drive accounts. In the near future, 6th graders will be creating presentations over the provinces in Canada. The fifth grade will learn about a website where you can create your own quizzes so individuals can compete against each other on their own devices. We will also continue to work on our keyboarding skills with Typing Web. Since many of the students writing prompts are now typed instead of handwritten, we will continue to improve our typing speed and accuracy. Hopefully, your child will share their new-found knowledge with you. We have many exciting and interesting lessons to come!
Technology Music 4-6 Band and Choir Band and choir are jumping into the school year!
Choir students began to learn their first song of the year, Happy by Pharell and sounded great doing it! We have many exciting things planned to surprise the student body with!
Band is in the process of learning how to count rhythms and getting ready to put instruments in our hands. Make sure your child attends the Instrument Try-Out Night next, Thursday, September 4 th from 5-8 in the Heritage Hills High School Band Room. This is a free night for any who want to try a bunch of instruments before picking one they want learn. Contact me if you are interested! Welcome back to the music room! Over the past two weeks, the upper level students have been reaquainting themselves to the music curriculum and getting ready for some new projects.
The 4 th grade has been learning the correct techniques of singing posture and review note values. See if they can explain to you the Sailor note game and play at home!
5 th grade has been talking about their favorite genres, or categories of music. Weve been watching videos and identifying qualities of different genres. Students will soon be starting a group project to find out more about the genre of their choice.
6 th grade is back to the basics of music. They are reviewing all they need to know about the staff and reading music. This is setting them up to be the first to try out our new selection of classroom guitars and learn about chords! Music 4-6, Band and Choir: Mrs. Adrienne Collignon Art: Mrs. Gina Kost Technology: Ms. Becky Gasaway Physical Education: Mr. Clay Robison Music K-3: Mr. Ryan Akers
The Perceived Barriers To Learning With Touch-Typing Among Christian Higher Education Institution Office Administration Students A Phenomenological Study