2012 December - ASCE Richmond Newsletter
2012 December - ASCE Richmond Newsletter
2012 December - ASCE Richmond Newsletter
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General Assembly Meet andGreet Announced and
Upcoming Informational Session
Our branch will again host a Meet and Greet with Virginia's General
Assembly on Wednesday,January 23rd 2013 to both be a presence to them
as civil engineers and educate them on the bills that support our civil
engineering objectives. This event will be held from 6 PM to 8 PM at the
Jefferson Hotel in downtown Richmond.
Previously, we have held a brief informational session directly prior to the
event, but because some folks have difficulty getting off of work in time
to get there and also the quantity of information we try to review, we
have chosen this year to have two informational sessions in the weeks
leading up to the event to be more precise about the goals we are trying
to convey to the assembly.
The first of these sessions was held in November and thesecond session
will bein January2013. Please check our website and upcoming January
Newsletter for updates for this informational session.
Please register on ourwebsiteif you wish to attend the Meet and Greet
event or the informational sessionin January. Be sure to leave your email
address as the number of people who register will affect which room we
end up being in. An email will be sent to those who have registered with
further details as the date gets closer.
If you have any questions, please contact Chris Vaught at
Meet and Greet Event:
ASCE's 18th Annual PopsicleBridge Competition
ASCE's 18th Annual Popsicle Stick Bridge Competition will be held on
February 10, 2013 at the Science Museum of Virginia. The object of the
competition is to have students build the most efficient bridge possible
using only popsicle sticks and Elmer's glue.
The contest is open to all Richmond area Middle and High School students.
Prizes are awarded for the three most efficient bridges in each age group,
as well as for the most aesthetically pleasing and most innovative bridges.
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There will even be a chance for the students to test their bridges against
one designed by professional bridge engineers! This competition is held in
conjunction with the Richmond Joint Engineers Council as part of their
annual Career Day.
Registration for the competition will be open until January 25, 2013.
Please visit our website for more information or to register.
ACEC Virginia & Metropolitan Washington
Build Your Business
Sean T. Connaughton
Secretary of Transportation
Participate in our Transportation Reception
Departments of Aviation, DRPT and VDOT
Thursday, January 10, 2013
6:00 - 8:00 p.m.
The Jefferson Hotel
101 West Franklin Street
Richmond, Virginia 23220
Individual tickets may be purchased for $35 by completing the online form
at www.acecva.org (under events). Questions? Contact Nancy Israel at
nisrael@acecva.org or 804.447.2057.
Please send completed form and check for $35 to ACECVirginia
Deadline to register for this event is January 7, 2013.
Please send your check payable to:
ACEC Virginia
8600 Mayland Drive
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Richmond, Virginia 23294
Local News and Projects
2013 Daniel V. Terrell Paper Competition
This Daniel V. Terrell award is presented annually for the outstanding
paper submitted on a topicestablished by the Region 4 Assembly. The
topic this year is:
"Is it ethical to maintain current licensure requirements in light of the
everincreasing technical complexity of our profession?"
For more information, please visit our website.
A Civil Engineer Hero Finds a Place in Popular
By Stefan J aeger, Author of The Jackhammer Elegies
If you try to count the number of movies that have an engineer as a major
character, you probably won't get off the fingers of one hand. Fiction
provides a few more examples, and TV has its rare smattering.
In the twenty-seven years I've worked with engineering associations, the
last seven at ASCE, the most repeated refrain I've heard from engineers is,
"Why can't we have a TV show L.A. Engineer?" (For those of a younger
generation, L.A. Law was a popular TV series in the late '80s and early '90s
that featured a cast of characters from a law firm in Los Angeles.) That
refrain stayed with me, and as someone with a long-standing interest in
writing fiction, I started planning a thriller in the '90s, getting my initial
plot hook from a story I heard about a New York City professional engineer
who'd been caught in an elevator after the 1993 World Trade Center
bombing and his ordeal in getting out. A fictionalized version of his
experience became the opening scene in my recently released thriller The
Jackhammer Elegies.
In my novel, the man trapped is Scott Carter, a structural engineer and
ASCE member, whose knowledge of the building's framework helps him
alert the city about potential collapse. That publicity turns him into the
conduit of threats from the technically cunning terrorist of the attack,
alias Jackhammer, and Carter becomes a consultant to the FBI as it
investigates the engineering angles of the case. Carter teams up with
Special Agent Michelle Taylor, and the partners soon find themselves
matching wits with an elusive mastermind targeting the lifelines of a city's
public works.
Besides trying to build an engaging plot, I hoped to paint the world of civil
and professional engineering through Carter's character and his active
participation in ASCE activities. However, I didn't want to portray Carter
or the profession in idealized terms. Carter fights self-doubts about his
move into management to make more money when his true passion is
design, and health issues and his growing love for Taylor can at times
undermine his confidence as he faces the stresses of his hunt for the
public works terrorist. As one PE reviewer of the novel said, "The book...
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portray[s] the engineering profession with all of its strengths, weaknesses,
and foibles."
I only hope my thriller can do its part in shining the spotlight a bit brighter
on civil engineers and ASCE.
Stefan Jaeger, CAE, is Managing Director of Member & Corporate
Communications at the American Society of Civil Engineers. His thriller
The Jackhammer Elegiesis available on Amazon.com (paperback and
Kindle) and on BN.com (Nook Book).
Thanks to our Sponsorsthis Month!
Interested in advertising in this newsletter and being seen by
hundreds of local engineers and companies within the Greater
Richmond Area? Email Melanie at mleckey@dewberry.com for
more information!
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If you have any comments regarding this newsletter, please don't hesitate
to contact me at mleckey@dewberry.com.
Melanie Leckey
ASCE Richmond Branch Communications Chair
ASCE Richmond | 4180 Innslake Drive | Glen Allen | VA | 23060
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