The document describes several geometric constructions:
1) To inscribe a circle in a regular polygon, bisect any two sides with perpendiculars to find the center.
2) To circumscribe a circle about a regular polygon, bisect two angles to find the center.
3) Several constructions are given to make one shape equal to another, such as making a triangle equal to a quadrilateral or pentagon.
4) Constructions are also provided to draw curves like a catenary, cycloid, and diagonal scale.
The document describes several geometric constructions:
1) To inscribe a circle in a regular polygon, bisect any two sides with perpendiculars to find the center.
2) To circumscribe a circle about a regular polygon, bisect two angles to find the center.
3) Several constructions are given to make one shape equal to another, such as making a triangle equal to a quadrilateral or pentagon.
4) Constructions are also provided to draw curves like a catenary, cycloid, and diagonal scale.
The document describes several geometric constructions:
1) To inscribe a circle in a regular polygon, bisect any two sides with perpendiculars to find the center.
2) To circumscribe a circle about a regular polygon, bisect two angles to find the center.
3) Several constructions are given to make one shape equal to another, such as making a triangle equal to a quadrilateral or pentagon.
4) Constructions are also provided to draw curves like a catenary, cycloid, and diagonal scale.
The document describes several geometric constructions:
1) To inscribe a circle in a regular polygon, bisect any two sides with perpendiculars to find the center.
2) To circumscribe a circle about a regular polygon, bisect two angles to find the center.
3) Several constructions are given to make one shape equal to another, such as making a triangle equal to a quadrilateral or pentagon.
4) Constructions are also provided to draw curves like a catenary, cycloid, and diagonal scale.
3' 6.). and wi.l be the tlicn tliejf Kig. .-.ST. FiR. r,s.i. AB Fir. 90. 1024. Pkok. XXVIII. Tn inscribe a circle in a reuvlar puli/c/on. Iji.sect any two sides of tlie polygon by tlie perpeadiciilais GO, VO ( fo. tliL'H- intersection O will be the centre of the inscribed circle, and OG or OF radius. 1025. Pror. XXIX. To (hscrihe a circ/e about a reqvlnr pnli/cnn. Bisect any two of tlie angles C and D witli tlie lines CO, DO (j^^r. 387.), hilersectiou O will be the centre of the cir- a cir.nscribing circle; and OC or OD will be the radius. 1026. Pkob. XXX. To mahe a triangle equal to a given quadrilateral ABCD. Draw the diagonal AC {Jig. 388.), and parallel to it DE, meeting BA produced at E, and join CE; then will the triangle CEB he e<]ual to the given quadrilateral ABCD. 1027. PiioB. XXXI. To ntdiie a triangle egnal to a given pentagon ABCDl Draw DA and DB, and also EE, CG parallel to them {fy. 389.), meetii duced at F and G ; then draw Dl' and ^ DG, so shall the triangle DFG be equal to the given pentagon ABCDE. 1028. Pkob. XXXII. To make a rect- angle equal to a given triangle ABC. Bisect the base AB in D (fg 390.), then raise DE and BF perpendicular to AB, and meeting CF parallel to AB at E and F. Then DF will be the rectangle equal to the- given triangle ABC. 1029. Pkob. XXXIII. To make a square equal to a given rectangle ABCD. Produce one side AB till BE be equal to the other side BC {Jig. 391.). On AE as a diameter describe a circle meeting BC pro- duced at F, then will liV be the side of the square BFGH equal to the given rect- angle BD, as required. 1030. Pkob. XXXIV. To draw a cate- iiari/, c C d (Jig. .392.) A catenary is a curve formed by a flexible cord or chain suspended by its two extremi- ties. Let c, d, in the line A B {_fig. 392.) he the two points of suspension, ar.d fioni tliem let the cord or chain be bung so as to touch the point C tlie given depth. From this the curve may be traced on the ()aper. 1031. Pkob. XXXV. 2"u draw a cycliid. Any points b {fig. 393.) in the circum'erence of a circle rolled along a riglit line AB till such point is again in contact with tlie sdid line, generate a cycloid. Let BC be the circle. 'I'heii AB is eipial to the semi-circumference of such circle, and any chords at whose extremities b, lines nb, ali, e<jual to the lengths of arcs they cut otf, drawn parallel to AB, will furnish the necessary points for forming the curve. 1032. PaoB XXXVI. 2'o draiv a diagonal t.C(ile. Let it be of feet, tenths and hundredth parts of a foot. many times as necessary, the number of feet by equal distances. Divide AG ten etjual parts. On AB i) raise the perpendiculars BD, GG, and AC, and set oil' on AC ten ctjual divi.'>ions of any conveniiut lengtli, throiigli which draw horizontal lint'S. The.i, from the point G in DC to the Krst tenth part from G to A in B.A draw a diagonal, and jiarallel thereto tlie other diagonals reciulred. The intersections of tiiese liiago nals with the horizontal lines give liundredtli i)arts of a foot, inasmuch as each tenth is divided by the diago- nals into tea equal parts in descending. Fig. 39 Set ott'on AB {Jig. 39-1.) as
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