The prosecutor formally offers documentary and object evidence for the parricide case against Teniente Gimo. The evidence includes:
1. Affidavit of eyewitness Maria Mae Villan testifying to the crime.
2. SOCO report and crime scene photos establishing Gimo's presence and circumstances of the crime.
3. Wooden handle inscribed with "Property of Teniente Gimo" to prove ownership of the murder weapon.
4. Fingerprint and substance analysis reports identifying Gimo's contact with evidence and cause of death.
The evidence is offered to prove the crime and accusation against Gimo as stated in the complaint.
The prosecutor formally offers documentary and object evidence for the parricide case against Teniente Gimo. The evidence includes:
1. Affidavit of eyewitness Maria Mae Villan testifying to the crime.
2. SOCO report and crime scene photos establishing Gimo's presence and circumstances of the crime.
3. Wooden handle inscribed with "Property of Teniente Gimo" to prove ownership of the murder weapon.
4. Fingerprint and substance analysis reports identifying Gimo's contact with evidence and cause of death.
The evidence is offered to prove the crime and accusation against Gimo as stated in the complaint.
The prosecutor formally offers documentary and object evidence for the parricide case against Teniente Gimo. The evidence includes:
1. Affidavit of eyewitness Maria Mae Villan testifying to the crime.
2. SOCO report and crime scene photos establishing Gimo's presence and circumstances of the crime.
3. Wooden handle inscribed with "Property of Teniente Gimo" to prove ownership of the murder weapon.
4. Fingerprint and substance analysis reports identifying Gimo's contact with evidence and cause of death.
The evidence is offered to prove the crime and accusation against Gimo as stated in the complaint.
The prosecutor formally offers documentary and object evidence for the parricide case against Teniente Gimo. The evidence includes:
1. Affidavit of eyewitness Maria Mae Villan testifying to the crime.
2. SOCO report and crime scene photos establishing Gimo's presence and circumstances of the crime.
3. Wooden handle inscribed with "Property of Teniente Gimo" to prove ownership of the murder weapon.
4. Fingerprint and substance analysis reports identifying Gimo's contact with evidence and cause of death.
The evidence is offered to prove the crime and accusation against Gimo as stated in the complaint.
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Makati City PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES plaintiff versus CRIMINAL CASE. 1001001 FOR: PARRICIDE TENIENTE GIMO defendant XX---------------------------------------------------------XX FORMAL OFFER OF OBJECT AND DOCUMENTARY EVIDENCE PLAINTIFF by the underi!ned "#une$ and unt# thi H#n#rab$e C#urt% &#t re'e"t(u$$y #((er the (#$$#)in! d#"u&entary and e*hibit (#r the ab#+e tit$ed "ae% t# )it, EXHIBITS DESCRIPTION PURPOSE/S -A. A((ida+it #( M/ Maria Mae 0i$$in! T# teti(y a the 'ri&ary )itne t# the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e1 T# teti(y t# the truth #( the a((ida+it e*e"uted1 T# attet t# the in"ident 'ertainin! t# the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e #( 'arri"ide by the a""ued1 T# 'r#+e the (a"t #( the "ri&e "har!e a!aint the a""ued1 T# etab$ih the "ir"u&tan"e urr#undin! the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e/ -B. SOCO Re'#rt #( Bernard# Car'i# T# teti(y t# the !enuinene and due e*e"uti#n #( the SOCO re'#rt1 T# etab$ih the 'reen"e #( the a""ued at the "ene #( the "ri&e1 T# etab$ih the "ir"u&tan"e urr#undin! the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e1 T# teti(y and "#rre$ate the 'ie"e #( e+iden"e a"2uired (r#& the "ene #( the "ri&e )ith the "#&&ii#n #( aid "ri&e1 T# 'r#+e 'er(#r&an"e #( hi duty a Firt Re'#nder and In+eti!at#r )ithin the "#'e #( hi auth#rity and re!u$ar 'er(#r&an"e #( duty/ -C. B#$# )ith )##den hand$e in"ribed )ith -Pr#'erty #( Teniente 3i&#. T# 'r#+e the e*iten"e #( #ne #( the intru&ent4t##$ ued in i&&#bi$i5in! the +i"ti&1 T# 'r#+e the (a"t that the a""ued i the #)ner #( thin! ued in ki$$in! the +i"ti&1 T# identi(y the t##$ )here the (in!er'rint be$#n!in! t# the a""ued )ere $i(ted and Page 1 of 4 'r#"eed in re$ati#n t# the Fin!er'rint Ana$yi Re'#rt/ -C-6. B$anket &arked )ith -Pr#'erty #( Teniente 3i&#. T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the (irt )itne1 T# 'r#+e the e*iten"e #( #ne #( the &ateria$ ued in "arryin! the +i"ti&1 T# 'r#+e the (a"t that the a""ued i the #)ner #( thin! ued in ki$$in! the +i"ti&/ -7. L##&band a"2uired (r#& the +i"ti& T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the (irt )itne1 T# 'r#+e the e*iten"e #( #ne #( the &ateria$ ued in identi(yin! the +i"ti& #r that )hi"h "aued the a""ued t# identi(y the +i"ti&/ -E. Fin!er'rint Ana$yi Re'#rt T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the (irt )itne1 T# ub&it t# the "#urt the #ut"#&e #( the (in!er'rint re'#rt a $i(ted (r#& the (#$$#)in! e+iden"e, B#$#% 3$a 6% 3$a 8% Tray1 T# identi(y the 'er#n )h# had "#nta"t )ith the e+iden"e under in+eti!ati#n and "#rre$ate it )ith the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e/ -E-6. Subtan"e Ana$yi Re'#rt T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the (irt )itne1 T# ub&it t# the "#urt the #ut"#&e #( the ubtan"e ana$yi re'#rt a a"2uired (r#& the (#$$#)in! e+iden"e, 3$a 6% 3$a 81 T# identi(y the ubtan"e ued u'#n the +i"ti& and "#rre$ate it )ith the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e/ T# 'r#+ide the "#urt in(#r&ati#n that the $i2uid ubtan"e 9Ite& :;<=> )a a "#&binati#n #( )ater% "a&e$$ia eneni and the dru! ?#$'ide& in e*"ei+e d#e a''r#*i&ate$y 6@@&!% )hi$e Ite& :;<< )a #n$y a "#&binati#n )ater and "a&e$$ia eneni 9tea>/ -F-6. Medi"a$ Ne"r#'y and T#*i"#$#!y T# ub&it t# the "#urt in(#r&ati#n #( the "aue #( death #( the a""ued T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the (irt )itne1 T# "#rre$ate the re'#rt )ith the "#&&ii#n #( the "ri&e/ -F-8. Pi"ture #( dead Maria Lab# T# u''#rt the 'r##( #( the death #( the a""ued/ -3-6. Cri&e S"ene 'i"ture #( the kit"hen T# 'r#+ide the "#urt in(#r&ati#n a t# the '$a"e )here the "ri&e )a "#&&itted T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the t)# )itnee 'reented/ -3-8. Cri&e "ene 'i"ture #( the Cau$dr#n T# 'r#+e the e*iten"e #( #ne #( the intru&ent4t##$ ued in ki$$in! the +i"ti&1 T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the t)# )itnee 'reented/ -3-=. Cri&e S"ene 'i"ture #( the b#dy #n the tab$e% "#+ered )ith the B$anket 9-C-6.> T# 'r#+ide the "#urt in(#r&ati#n a t# the "ir"u&tan"e #( the +i"ti&1 T# "#rr#b#rate the teti&#ny #( the t)# )itnee 'reented/ Page 2 of 4 A(#reaid e*hibit are bein! #((ered t# 'r#+e that the "ri&e and a""uati#n a!aint the a""ued )a true and "#&&itted at the addre indi"ated in the C#&'$aint/ AHEREFORE% 're&ie "#nidered% it i &#t re'e"t(u$$y 'rayed t# thi H#n#rab$e C#urt that the (#re!#in! #bBe"t and d#"u&entary e*hibit be ad&itted (#r )hi"h ea"h and a$$ aid e*hibit )ere #((ered in 'r#+in! the "$ai& #( the "#&'$ainant4 and )ith the (#r&a$ ub&ii#n #( the a(#reaid "#u'$ed )ith the teti&#nie #( the )itne )h# teti(ied there#n/ Makati City/ Au!ut 66% 8@6< BIAG NI LAM-ANG City Aitant Pr#e"ut#r NOTICE The H#n/ C$erk #( C#urt RTC Bran"h CCC Makati City GREETINGS: P$eae ub&it the (#re!#in! F#r&a$ O((er (#r the "#niderati#n and a''r#+a$ #( the H#n#rab$e C#urt i&&ediate$y u'#n re"ei't there#(/ BIAG NI LAM-ANG City Aitant Pr#e"ut#r C#'y Furnihed, C#une$ (#r the A""ued EXPLANATION C#'ie #( the (#re!#in! F#r&a$ O((er are er+ed u'#n "#une$ #( the a""ued and (i$ed )ith the C#urt by 'er#na$ er+i"e/ Page 3 of 4 BIAG NI LAM-ANG City Aitant Pr#e"ut#r Page 4 of 4