December 2009 IT Status Report
December 2009 IT Status Report
December 2009 IT Status Report
Technology Activity
and Status Report
December 2009
Tech Central
Faculty Support and Services
for Students Spring Course Information Added to Blackboard and
Sakai. To help faculty prepare for the upcoming spring 2010 term,
Payson Library, 2nd Floor courses have been added to Blackboard and Sakai. Both learning manage-
Mon. - Thur. 10:00 am- 8:00 pm ment systems contain the full set of courses offered through the University
Fridays 10:00 am- 6:00 pm Registrar's office. Faculty are welcome to use Blackboard or Sakai for the
(310) 506-4811 upcoming academic term.
Use a Technology Request Form for Fast, Convenient Service. In addition to the Pep-
perdine Anytime Support Desk, Information Technology has designed technology request forms to make
it easier to request common services such as audio/visual support, Canon Copier service, and equip-
ment recycling. After a form is submitted, the submitter will receive an email copy of the request, and
the request will be sent directly to the appropriate IT support group to handle in a timely manner.
In November 2009, there were 195 requests for support managed through the online technology re-
quest forms. The top two types of online requests were audio-visual service (77) and departmental
telephone service (28). The forms are available on the IT website at
Tech Central Moves to a New Location in Payson Library. On December 18, 2009 Tech
Central will move to a new location in Payson Library, and therefore, will be closed for business from
December 18 to January 4, 2010. Tech Central offers walk-in computer and technical support for Pep-
perdine students and houses the Computer Store, which offers discount laptops, desktops, and software
to the Pepperdine community. Tech Central and the Computer Store will be relocated to room 311,
which is adjacent to the current Tech Central location.
Xythos, the technology behind Anywhere Storage, makes it possible to securely access and share files from any-
where. Because users access Anywhere Storage via their web browser, it is not necessary to connect to the Univer-
sity’s virtual private network (VPN) to access documents. In addition, a ticket can be created to share files with users
who do not have a Pepperdine NetworkID.
Everyday users of Anywhere Storage also have the option to create a virtual folder on their desktop. This service
allows users to save or drag-and-drop files into the folder and have them automatically appear online in their per-
sonal Anywhere Storage account.
Like many course management systems, Anywhere Storage also offers a “dropbox” option. When an administrator
creates a dropbox it allows users to submit documents to a secure, online space that is accessible only by the ad-
ministrator. Faculty can request that students submit presentations or papers online simply by sending them a link to
the dropbox.
Final Phase of the Wireless Upgrade Project Begins in Malibu and Irvine. Network
Services staff have begun the final phase of the wireless network upgrade project that began in spring
2008 and extended to the Malibu, Irvine, West Los Angeles, Westlake, and Washington, D.C. campuses.
This week staff began to replace the remaining legacy wireless access points on the Malibu and Irvine
campuses. After the upgrade, the wireless signal will be stronger and integrate seamlessly with the
Waves Connect wireless registration system. The upgrade is scheduled to be completed in early spring.
Stellent Decommissioned on November 30, 2009. The transition from Stellent to Nolij
(pronounced "knowledge"), the University's new imaging platform for storing important documents such
as student applications, grades, and tuition information, was completed at the end of November when
Stellent, the former imaging system was decommissioned. For questions about Nolij or its use on cam-
pus, please contact Scott Bolan via email at or by phone at (310) 506-
Anytime Support Desk User Survey Results for November. Through an automated
feedback process, all Anytime Support Desk callers are provided the opportunity to complete a web-
based satisfaction survey. In November 2009, 114 (8%) of 1,369 survey requests sent to customers,
were completed. The five-question survey uses a “1 to 9” sliding scale with “7.00-9.00” equal to excel-
Staff Support by Major Area. All Pepperdine IT staff allocate their day-to-day efforts using cli-
ent, project, and task codes; using this data, total division-wide staff effort for November 2009 was dis-
tributed as follows:
Support for Schools. Pepperdine IT staff effort provided to Pepperdine Schools, is as follows: