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City Prosecutor & Deputized Ombudsman Prosecutor
Professor in Remedial Law Review, Evidence, Criminal
Criminal Procedure & Labor Law Review
College of Law, t! Louis "niversity
College of Law, "niversity of #aguio
College of Law, Cordillera Career Development College
Lecturer, Premier #ar Review Center
Lecturer, Power$aus #ar Review Center
#aguio City
This is an updated, revised, compiled and codifed edition based
on the lectures, notes and comments delivered by the late
Professor Jose E. Cristobal, Professor Emeritus of the Bauio
Collees Foundation, Collee of !aw and "ean #onorato $.
%&uino of the Bauio Collees Foundation, Collee of !aw. 'ome
of the materials incorporated herein were the products athered
by this writer from (urisprudence as printed in the 'upreme Court
)eports %nnotated and the 'upreme Court %dvance "ecisions
and the treatises and writins of *nown writers on the sub(ect.
Trace the history of our Remedial Law in the Philippines.
Our remedial law system or laws o !ro"edure were o S!a#is$ ori%i#. T$e
Ameri"a#s later "$a#%ed t$is w$e# our Ameri"a# System o Crimi#al Pro"edure
was i#trodu"ed &y 'irtue o t$e !romul%atio# o Ge#eral Order No. () o# A!ril *+,
-.//. O# Au%ust 0, -./-, A"t No. -./ 1Code o Ci'il Pro"edure2 was e#a"ted.
T$e Code o Ci'il Pro"edure 1A"t No. -./2 re!ealed all laws o# t$e matter. T$e
two laws 3 General Order No. 58 a#d Act No. 190 "o#stituted our !ri#"i!al
remedial laws u#til t$e -.+( P$ili!!i#e Co#stitutio# &e"ame ee"ti'e.
T$e -.+( Co#stitutio# re!ealed General Order No. 58 a#d Act No. 190 as statutes
&ut de"lared t$e same as t$e Rules of Court. T$ey were $owe'er su!erseded &y t$e
Old Rules o Court t$at too4 ee"t o# 5uly -, -.6/.
T$e New Rules o Court t$at too4 ee"t o# 5uly -, -.76 t$ereater su!erseded t$e
Old Rules o Court. 1Nue'as o# Remedial Law2.
- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e -.76 Rules o Court $as u#der%o#e se'eral "$a#%es si#"e t$e#. O#
5a#uary -, -.)(, t$e Rules o# Crimi#al Pro"edure was i#trodu"ed. I# -.)), t$e
Rules o Crimi#al Pro"edure u#derwe#t a# ame#dme#t. O# 5uly -, -.)., t$e
Re'ised Rules o# E'ide#"e &e"ame ee"ti'e a#d o# 5uly -, -..0, t$e Rules o#
Ci'il Pro"edure was li4ewise i#trodu"ed a#d &e"ame ee"ti'e. O# 9e"em&er -,
*///, t$e Rules o# Crimi#al Pro"edure u#derwe#t a ma:or re'isio#
Define or Explain the concept of Remedial law:
Remedial law is also 4#ow# as !ro"edural or ad:e"ti'e law. It is t$at &ra#"$
o law t$at !res"ri&es t$e met$od o e#or"i#% ri%$ts or o&tai#i#% redress or t$eir
What is Substantie law!
It is t$at law t$at "reates, dei#es a#d re%ulates ri%$ts. ("ustos s. Lucero# $% Phil.
What are the *inds of remedial law!
;e $a'e two %e#eral 4i#ds o remedial law, #amely< public remedial law:
w$i"$ aords a remedy i# a'or o t$e State a%ai#st i#di'iduals 1"rimi#al
!ro"edure2= i# a'or o t$e i#di'idual a%ai#st t$e state 1$a&eas "or!us2= a#d priate
remedial law: w$i"$ aords a remedy i# a'or o a# i#di'idual a%ai#st a#ot$er
i#di'idual 1"i'il !ro"edure2
Define Procedure.
It is t$e met$od o "o#du"ti#% :udi"ial !ro"eedi#% a#d em&ra"es !leadi#%s,
!ra"ti"e a#d e'ide#"e.
Explain the concept of Pleadin+s# Practice and Eidence.
!leadin"s are t$e writte# stateme#ts o t$e res!e"ti'e "laims a#d dee#ses
o t$e !arties su&mitted to t$e "ourt or a!!ro!riate :ud%me#t ,Sec. %# Rule &).
!ractice reers to t$ose rules, %o'er#i#% t$e "o#du"t o a "ase rom its i#"e!tio# to
i#al :ud%me#t a#d e>e"utio#.
#idence is t$e mea#s sa#"tio#ed &y t$ese rules o as"ertai#i#% i# a :udi"ial
!ro"eedi#%, t$e trut$ res!e"ti#% a matter o a"t. ,Sec. %# Rule %-$)
What is the ob.ect of Procedure!
T$e mai# o&:e"t o !ro"edure is to ma4e t$e !owers o t$e "ourts ully a#d
"om!letely a'aila&le or :usti"e. It aims to a"ilitate t$e a!!li"atio# o :usti"e to t$e
ri'al "laims o "o#te#di#% !arties a#d #ot to $i#der or delay t$e admi#istratio# o
:usti"e. ,/RR s. 0ttorney 1eneral# -( Phil. 2-3)
What are the bases of the promul+ation of the Rules of 4ourt!
* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e !ower to !romul%ate rules is 'ested i# t$e Su!reme Court. 1Se". (172,
Arti"le VIII, P$ili!!i#e Co#stitutio#2
T$e said !ower o t$e Su!reme Court i#"ludes t$e !romul%atio# o rules
T$e !rote"tio# a#d e#or"eme#t o "o#stitutio#al ri%$ts=
Pleadi#%s, !ra"ti"e a#d !ro"edure i# all "ourts=
T$e admissio# to t$e !ra"ti"e o law=
T$e I#te%ratio# o t$e Bar a#d le%al assista#"e to t$e u#der!ri'ile%ed.
What are the limitations on the rule5ma*in+ power of the Supreme 4ourt!
T$e ollowi#% are t$e limitatio#s<
T$e rules s$all !ro'ides sim!liied a#d i#e>!e#si'e !ro"edure or t$e s!eedy
dis!ositio# o "ases=
T$e rules s$all &e u#iorm or all "ourts o t$e same %rade, a#d
T$e rules s$all #ot dimi#is$, i#"rease or modiy su&sta#ti'e ri%$ts.,Sec. 2# 0rticle
6777# Philippine 4onstitution)
To what cases are the Rules of 4ourt not applicable!
T$e rules s$all #ot a!!ly to t$e ollowi#%<
a2 La#d re%istratio# "ases=
&2 Ele"tio# "ases=
"2 Naturali?atio# "ases=
d2 I#sol'e#"y !ro"eedi#%s=
e2 Ot$er "ases #ot !ro'ided i# t$e rules e>"e!t i# a su!!letory "$ara"ter a#d
w$e#e'er !ra"ti"a&le a#d "o#'e#ie#t. ,Sec. '# Rule % and Rule %'3)
8ow are the rules of procedure construed! Exception
T$e rules s$all &e "o#strued li&erally i# order to !romote t$eir o&:e"ti'e o
se"uri#% a :ust, s!eedy a#d i#e>!e#si'e dis!ositio# o e'ery a"tio# a#d
!ro"eedi#%. ,Sec. &# Rule %) E>"e!tio#<
Rules !res"ri&i#% time wit$i# w$i"$ "ertai# a"ts must &e do#e, or "ertai#
!ro"eedi#%s ta4e#, !eriods o !leadi#%s, are ta4e# a#d "o#sidered i#dis!e#sa&le
or t$e !re'e#tio# o #eedless delays a#d or t$e orderly a#d s!eedy dis!ositio# o
:udi"ial &usi#ess@ stri"t i#ter!retatio#.
4haracteri9e our rules of procedure.
T$e rules are !ro"edural i# #ature, $e#"e, it must #ot &e "o#strued to
su!!la#t or deeat su&sta#ti'e ri%$ts o t$e !arties i# liti%atio#. Its !ur!ose is to !ut
i# order t$e liti%atio# o ri%$ts a#d #ot to esta&lis$ed #ew ri%$ts w$ere #o#e e>ists.
,4onstitutional limitations on the rule5ma*in+ power of the Supreme 4ourt)
/ay party waie the application of the rules of court!
+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Rules are laid dow# or t$e "o#'e#ie#"e o t$e !arties, su"$ as rules o#
'e#ue may &e wai'ed, &ut rules ado!ted i# t$e i#terest o s!eedy admi#istratio# o
:usti"e may #ot &e wai'ed.
/ay the Rules of procedure be the sub.ect of a+reements:
A%reeme#ts relati#% to t$e rules o !ro"edure, w$i"$ i#'ol'es a#yt$i#%,
i#"o#siste#t wit$ t$e "ourse o :usti"e or w$i"$ o&stru"t or i#terere wit$ t$e
admi#istratio# o :usti"e a#d "o#tra"ts, w$i"$ te#d to di'est or oust "ourts o t$eir
:urisdi"tio# are 'oid &ei#% "o#trary to !u&li" !oli"y.
/ay the Supreme 4ourt suspend the application of its own Rules!
O#ly t$e Su!reme Court $as t$e !ower to sus!e#d t$e a!!li"atio# o t$e
rules o !ro"edure. It was $eld t$at u#der s!e"ial "ir"umsta#"es t$e "ourt may
sus!e#d t$e a!!li"atio# o t$e rules i# order to e#$a#"e air trials a#d e>!editi#%
I t$e a!!li"atio# o t$e rules would te#d to su&'ert a#dAor deeat i#stead o
!romote a#d e#$a#"e it, t$eir sus!e#sio# is :ustiied. ,Republic s. 40 $3 S4R0
'2:; Republic s. 40 Sept. %(# %:$%)
Define or explain <urisdiction.
T$e term is ta4e# rom t$e Lati# term B$us dicere% or Bri%$t to s!ea4C. It is t$e
!ower a#d aut$ority o a "ourt to $ear, try a#d de"ide a "ase. =>amora s. 40 %$3
S4R0 -?:@ It is t$e ri%$t to a"t i# a "ase. (Herrera vs. Barreto, ! P"#$. %&'
T$e Duestio# o :urisdi"tio# is t$e irst t$i#% to &e determi#ed &y t$e :ud%e i#
e'ery a"tio# &rou%$t &eore $im. ;$ere t$e "ourt &elie'es t$at it $as #o
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e a"tio#, t$e o#ly 'alid determi#atio# it "a# do is to $a'e t$e
"ase or a"tio# dismissed.
Distin+uish <urisdiction from Procedure.
&urisdiction reers to t$e aut$ority o a "ourt to $ear a#d de"ide a "lass o
"ases a#d is "o#erred &y su&sta#ti'e law ,De Leon s. 40 -'2 S4R0 %&&;
/orales s. 40)' w$ile procedure is t$e mea#s w$i"$ !uts t$e !ower or aut$ority
to $ear a#d de"ide i#to a"tio#. ,Pharma 7nc. s. Secretary 1.R. Ao. :-:$%
<anuary :# %::-)
Distin+uish <urisdiction from Exercise of <urisdiction:
&urisdiction reers to t$e aut$ority to de"ide a "ase a#d #ot t$e de"isio#
re#dered. It does #ot de!e#d u!o# t$e re%ularity o t$e e>er"ise o t$at !ower or
t$e ri%$tul#ess o t$e de"isio# re#dered.
#(ercise of $urisdiction reers to t$e resolutio# o all ot$er Duestio#s arisi#% i# t$e
"ase. =Palma s. B C S L5-(3&& /ay %:# %:&&@
6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Distin+uish <urisdiction from 6enue:
&urisdiction reers to t$e !ower o a "ourt to $ear a#d de"ide a "ase,
w$ereas )enue reers to t$e !la"e w$ere a# a"tio# is to &e i#stituted a#d tried. ,see
Rule '# Rules of 4ourt)
&urisdiction may #ot &e wai'ed &ei#% &ased i# law= w$ereas )enue may &e t$e
su&:e"t o wai'er &ei#% a matter o !ro"edure.
7n who is .urisdiction ested!
It is 'ested i# t$e "ourt a#d #ot o# t$e :ud%e. A "ourt may $a'e se'eral
&ra#"$es, &ut ea"$ &ra#"$ is #ot a "ourt disti#"t a#d se!arate rom t$e ot$ers. A
"ase iled &eore a &ra#"$ or a#y ot$er &ra#"$ or :ud%e t$ereo may&e tried &y a#y
:ud%e or &ra#"$ t$ereo. (Ta+umpay s. /oscoso)
What are the 1eneral classes of <urisdiction!
5urisdi"tio# may &e "lassiied i#to<
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e Su&:e"t Eatter
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e Perso#s o t$e Parties
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e Nature o t$e A"tio#
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e Res

Explain briefly the concept of the .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter.
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e Su&:e"t Eatter reers to t$e !ower o a "ourt or
tri&u#al to $ear a#d determi#e "ases o t$e %e#eral "lass to w$i"$ t$e !ro"eedi#%
i# Duestio# &elo#%s. T$is 4i#d o :urisdi"tio# &ei#% "o#erred &y law "a##ot &e t$e
su&:e"t o a#y a%reeme#t. No#e o t$e !arties to liti%atio#s "a# e#lar%e or dimi#is$
it or di"tate w$e# it s$all atta"$ or w$e# it s$all &e remo'ed. T$at !ower is 'ested
i# t$e le%islature. (>amora s. 40 %$3 S4R0 -?:)
What is the effect of lac* of .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter!
;$ere t$e "ourt $as #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter, it $as #o !ower to $ear
t$e "ase, mu"$ less, de"ide it. T$e o#ly 'alid a"t it $as is to dismiss t$e "ase. T$e
dismissal o t$e "ase does #ot 'iolate o#eFs ri%$t o ree a""ess to t$e "ourts.
(Santos s. Aorthwest# -%( S4R0 -2&@
What is the nature of a .ud+ment that is rendered by a court when it has no
.urisdiction oer the sub.ect!
;$ere a "ourt $a'i#% #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter re#ders a de"isio#,
t$e same is a total #ullity. No ri%$t or o&li%atio# may arise rom su"$ de"isio#.
,Daa s. People -(- S4R0 &-) A 'oid :ud%me#t "a##ot &e t$e !ro!er &asis or
t$e issua#"e o a writ o e>e"utio#. ,0tuel s. 6alde9# 1.R. Ao. %3:2&%# <une %(#
-((3) Titles issued !ursua#t to a 'oid :ud%me#t are #e"essarily 'oid. GRepublic s.
/arcos 2- S4R0 -3$'
( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What determines .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter)
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter is determi#ed o# t$e &asis o t$e "om!lai#t. It
is t$e "om!lai#t t$at "omme#"es t$e a"tio#.=Sarmiento s. 40# -2( S4R0 %($@
;$ate'er is iled &y t$e dee#da#t t$ereater $as #ot$i#% to do wit$ t$e
"omme#"eme#t o t$e a"tio#. =0brin s. 4ampos# -(3 S4R0 '-(@. T$e dee#ses
i# t$e a#swer or motio# to dismiss are #ot to &e "o#sidered or !ur!oses o
esta&lis$i#% :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter. (/ultinational s. 40 -(3 S4R0
%('@ It is determi#ed &y t$e alle%atio#s o t$e "om!lai#t a#d "a##ot &e made to
de!e#d o# t$e dee#ses o t$e dee#da#t. ,Republic s. Sandi+anbayan# 1.R. Ao.
%'3-22# /arch 3(# -((')
When must .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter exist!
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter must e>ist at t$e &e%i##i#% o t$e a"tio# a#d
as su"$ "o#ti#ues to e>ist u! to t$e re#ditio# o t$e :ud%me#t. 5urisdi"tio# o
"ourts o'er t$e su&:e"t matter is "o#erred e>"lusi'ely &y t$e Co#stitutio# a#d &y
/ay a court motu proprio consider the issue of lac* of .urisdiction een if not
challen+ed by any party!
T$e a#swer is YES. T$e Court 1Su!reme Court2 may motu !ro!rio "o#sider
t$e issue o :urisdi"tio# e'e# i #ot "$alle#%ed &y a#y !arty to t$e "ase. It $as
dis"retio# to determi#e w$et$er a !arti"ular "ourt 'alidly a"Duired :urisdi"tio#
o'er a !arti"ular "ase. 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e "ase is "o#erred &y law. It may #ot &e
"o#erred o# t$e "ourt &y "o#se#t or wai'er o t$e !arties w$ere t$e "ourt
ot$erwise would $a'e #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e a"tio#. ,0tuel
s. 6alde9# 1.R. Ao. %3:2&%# <une %(# -((3)
/ay .urisdiction be acDuired throu+h or waied by# any act or omission of a
T$e a#swer is No. 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter "a##ot &e a"Duired
t$rou%$, or wai'ed &y, a#y a"t or omissio# o t$e !arties. T$e a"ti'e !arti"i!atio#
o t$e !arties i# t$e !ro"eedi#%s &eore t$e "ourt or a%e#"y does #ot 'est
:urisdi"tio# o# t$e "ourt or a%e#"y, as :urisdi"tio# is "o#erred o#ly &y law. T$e
"ourts or t$e !arties "a##ot disre%ard t$e rule o #o#@wai'er o :urisdi"tio# ,0tuel
s. 6alde9# 1.R. Ao. %3:2&%# <une %(# -((3)

Does estoppel apply to confer .urisdiction to a tribunal# a+ency board or court!
;e disti#%uis$. Esto!!el does #ot a!!ly to confer $urisdiction to a tribunal
t$at $as #o#e o'er a "ause o a"tio#. T$e ailure o t$e !arties to "$alle#%e t$e
:urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt, tri&u#al, a%e#"y or &oard does #ot !re'e#t t$e Su!reme
Court rom addressi#% t$e issue, es!e"ially so w$e# t$e "ourtFs la"4 o :urisdi"tio#
is a!!are#t o# t$e a"e o t$e "om!lai#t. Issues o :urisdi"tio# are #ot su&:e"t to
7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
t$e w$ims o t$e !arties. ,0tuel s. 6alde9# 1.R. Ao. %3:2&%# <une %(# -((3)
Howe'er, w$e# t$e !arty !arti"i!ate i# t$e !ro"eedi#% a#d o#ly raises t$e Duestio#
o la"4 o :urisdi"tio# ater a# u#a'ora&le :ud%me#t $as &ee# issued a%ai#st $im,
he may be barred by the principle of estoppel to Duestion the lac* of .urisdiction
of the court that rendered the decision. ,"P7 s. 0LS# 1.R %2%$-%# 0pril %'#
-(('; "atan+as Power 4orporation s. "atan+as 4ity#1.R Ao. %2-&?2# 0pril -$#

B. What law determines the .urisdiction of the court oer the sub.ect matter!
T$e law i# or"e at t$e time o t$e "omme#"eme#t o t$e a"tio# determi#es t$e
:urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt o'er t$e su&:e"t matter a#d #ot t$e law at t$e time t$e
"ause o a"tio# a""rued.. *0le.e s. 4rystal -'( S4R0 ':2@
Explain briefly the concept of .urisdiction oer the person of the parties.
T$is reers to t$e !arties to a "ase, as eit$er !lai#tis or dee#da#ts.
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !lai#ti is a"Duired &y t$e "ourt rom t$e time t$e "om!lai#t
is iled.
T$e !lai#ti may &e esto!!ed rom Duestio#i#% t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt
o'er $is !erso#. A #o#@reside#t alie# w$o iles a "om!lai#t i# "ourt su&mits
$imsel to t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e said "ourt.
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e dee#da#t is a"Duired &y t$e "ourt &y<
a2 His 'olu#tary su&missio# to t$e aut$ority o t$e "ourt eit$er &y $is !erso#al
a!!eara#"e or t$rou%$ $is "ou#sel= or
&2 T$rou%$ t$e e>er"ise o t$e "oer"i'e !ro"esses o t$e "ourt &y t$e !ro!er
ser'i"e o summo#s u!o# t$e dee#da#t.
U#der t$e #ew rules a dee#da#t w$o iles a motio# to dismiss &ased o# t$e said
%rou#d may as4 or ot$er relie wit$out "o#sideri#% $is a!!eara#"e as 'olu#tary.
=Sec. -(# Rule %'@
5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# o a !arty may &e wai'ed. T$e Duestio# o la"4 o
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# o a !arty must &e raised at t$e earliest o!!ortu#ity
a#d it must &e raised i# a motio# to dismiss.
8ow is .urisdiction oer the nature of the action determined!
It is determi#ed #ot &y t$e title or "a!tio# o t$e !leadi#% &ut rat$er &y t$e
alle%atio#s t$erei# t$at "o#trols a#d may &e made t$e &asis o a relie %ra#ted &y
t$e "ourt. I# "ase o "o#li"t &etwee# t$e alle%atio#s i# t$e &ody o t$e "om!lai#t
a#d t$at o t$e "a!tio# o t$e !leadi#%, t$e alle%atio#s i# t$e &ody o t$e "om!lai#t
!re'ail. GSolid 8omes s. 40 -?% S4R0 %2?@
What is lac* of .urisdiction oer the nature of the action!
It is t$e situatio# t$at arises w$e# a "ourt, w$i"$ ordi#arily would $a'e t$e
aut$ority a#d "om!ete#"e to try a "ase is re#dered wit$out su"$ aut$ority a#d
"om!ete#"e eit$er &e"ause a s!e"ial law $as limited t$e e>er"ise o its #ormal
0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
:urisdi"tio# o# a !arti"ular matter or &e"ause t$e ty!e o a"tio# $as &ee# re!osed
&y law i# "ertai# ot$er "ourts= or Duasi@:udi"ial &odies or a%e#"ies. (La Aaal s.
40 -3& S4R0 ?$I A# e>am!le o t$e situatio# was duri#% t$e time t$at P9 ./*@A
was e#a"ted, or t$e ee"ts o t$e e>!a#ded :urisdi"tio# o t$e ETC o# BP **
Explain briefly the concept of .urisdiction oer the res.
T$is 4i#d o :urisdi"tio# "omes i#to !lay o#ly i# situatio#s w$ere
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# o t$e dee#da#t "a##ot &e a"Duired &e"ause $e is a
#o#@reside#t, "a##ot &e ou#d i# t$e P$ili!!i#es, or "a##ot &e ser'ed wit$
summo#s. T$ese a"tio#s reer to +uasi in rem actions. 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e res, or
!ro!erty o t$e dee#da#t or t$i#% i# "o#test is o&tai#ed &y t$e a"tual or
"o#stru"ti'e sei?ure o t$e !ro!erty &y !la"i#% t$e same i# custodia le"is. (Section
%?# Rule %'# Rules of 4ourt*
7s presentation of eidence in support of opposition to a motion to dismiss on the
+round of lac* of .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter necessary!
Ge#erally, t$ere is #o #eed to !rese#t a#y e'ide#"e &e"ause :urisdi"tio#
o'er t$e su&:e"t matter is determi#ed &y t$e alle%atio#s o t$e "om!lai#t.
T$e o#ly e>"e!tio# to t$is rule is i# a suit or e:e"tme#t w$ere a !arty
raises t$e dee#se o a%ri"ultural te#a#"y. I# su"$ a situatio#, t$e "ourt is "alled
u!o# to "o#du"t a !relimi#ary $eari#% to de"ide t$e issue o a%ri"ultural te#a#"y.
T$e "ourt may reDuire t$e re"e!tio# o e'ide#"e duri#% t$e !relimi#ary $eari#%.
(4oncepcion s. 4E7 "ulacan %%: S4R0 ---@. It must &e remem&ered $owe'er
t$at t$e rules o# summary !ro"edure do #ot a!!ly to "ases "o'ered &y a%ri"ultural
te#a#"y laws. ="ayo+ s. Aatino -2$ S4R0 3?$@
When may the issue of lac* of .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter be raise!
Juestio# o la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter may &e raised at a#y sta%e
o t$e !ro"eedi#% a#d e'e# or t$e irst time o#e a!!eal.(La+man s. 40 '' S4R0
--$, T$e !arty e#titled to t$e dee#se o la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t
matter must raise t$e same &eore it is &arred &y la"$es or esto!!el. (Lam s.
4hua# 1.R. Ao. %3%-$&# /arch %$# -((';Lope9 s. Aorthwest --3 S4R0 '&:#
Aaoa s. 40 -2% S4R0 2'2 see also Ti.am s. Sibon+hanoy -3 S4R0 -: and
Sec. 3 and %(# Rule '?@
When may the court# board# a+ency or tribunal exercise its power to ad.udicate!
T$e rule is well@settled t$at or a "ourt to e>er"ise its !ower o ad:udi"atio# t$ere
must &e a# a"tual "ase or :usti"ia&le "o#tro'ersy. ,Republic s. Tan 1.R. Ao.
%'2-22# /arch 3(# -((')
What is meant by an actual case or .usticiable controersy!
) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A# a"tual "ase or :usti"ia&le "o#tro'ersy is o#e, w$i"$ i#'ol'es a "o#li"t o le%al
ri%$ts a#d a# assertio# o o!!osite le%al "laims sus"e!ti&le o :udi"ial resolutio#.
;$ere t$e issue $as &e"ome moot a#d a"ademi", t$ere is #o :usti"ia&le
"o#tro'ersy, a#d a# ad:udi"atio# t$ereo# would &e o #o !ra"ti"al use or 'alue as
"ourts do #ot sit to ad:udi"ate mere a"ademi" Duestio#s to satisy s"$olarly
i#terest, $owe'er i#telle"tually "$alle#%i#%. ,Republic s. Tan 1.R. Ao. %'2-22#
/arch 3(# -((')
What is meant by the phrase F.urisdiction must be raised #+ t"e sa,e
;$e# t$e rule says t$at su"$ issue &e raised i# t$e sa,e -ro.ee/#+0, it sim!ly
mea#s t$at it must &e raised i# t$e !ro"eedi#%s o t$e same "ase a#d duri#% t$e
a!!eal o t$e same "ase. It does #ot mea# t$at la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o a "ourt i# a
"ase may &e raised duri#% t$e !ro"eedi#%s o a#ot$er "ase, i# a#ot$er "ourt a#d
e'e# &y a#y&ody. *0ra+on s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %-'333# /arch -&# %::?@
0re there other classes of .urisdiction!
T$e a#swer is yes, t$ey are as ollows<
Residual :urisdi"tio#
9ele%ated 5urisdi"tio#
S!e"ial 5urisdi"tio#
What is meant by residual .urisdiction!
It is t$e !ower o t$e "ourt to issue su"$ orders a#d !erorm su"$ a"ts ater t$e
!ere"tio# o a# a!!eal rom its de"isio# &ut !rior to t$e tra#smittal o t$e ori%i#al
re"ord or t$e re"ord o# a!!eal to t$e a!!ellate "ourt.
E>am!les o t$is 4i#d o :urisdi"tio# are t$ose ou#d i# t$e last !ara%ra!$ o Sec.
:# Rule '%# to wit:
Issue orders or t$e !rote"tio# a#d !reser'atio# o t$e ri%$ts o t$e !arties w$i"$
do #ot i#'ol'e a#y matter liti%ated &y t$e a!!eal=
A!!ro'e "om!romises=
Permit a!!eals o i#di%e#t liti%a#ts=
Order e>e"utio# !e#di#% a!!eal u#der Sec. -# Rule 3:1
Allow wit$drawal o a!!eals.
What is the Doctrine of Primary <urisdiction!
It sim!ly mea#s t$at t$e re%ular "ourts "a##ot a#d will #ot determi#e a
"o#tro'ersy i#'ol'i#% a Duestio#, w$i"$ is wit$i# t$e :urisdi"tio# o a#
admi#istrati'e tri&u#al. ;$ere t$e Duestio# dema#ds t$e e>er"ise o sou#d
admi#istrati'e dis"retio# reDuiri#% t$e s!e"ial 4#owled%e, e>!erie#"e or ser'i"es
o a# admi#istrati'e tri&u#al to determi#e te"$#i"al a#d i#tri"ate matters o a"t
a#d w$ere a u#iormity o ruli#% is esse#tial To "om!ly wit$ t$e !ur!oses o t$e
. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
re%ulatory statute admi#istered. ="rett s. 704 %:% S4R0 &$?# see also 7ndustrial
Enterprises s. 40 %$' S4R0 '-&'
State the elements of a alid exercise of .urisdiction:
;e s$ould ma4e a disti#"tio# as to w$et$er t$e a"tio# is a "rimi#al or a
"i'il a"tio#. I#<
Ciil Actions Criminal Actions
a2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter a2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e oe#se
&2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e res &2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e territory
"2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !arties "2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e a""used
d2 5urisdi"tio# o'er t$e issues d2 Payme#t o ili#% ees
e2 Payme#t o ili#% ees (0dm. 4ircular 0u+ust %2# -(('*
What is the rule on payment of filin+ fees re+ardin+ the .urisdiction of the court
oer the sub.ect matter!
T$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#t or a!!ro!riate i#itiatory !leadi#% a#d t$e
!ayme#t o t$e !res"ri&ed do"4et ee 'est a trial "ourt wit$ :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e
su&:e"t matter or #ature o t$e a"tio#. ,Riera s. Del Rosario# 1.R. Ao. %'':3'#
<an. %2# -((')
What is the effect in case of deficiency in the payment of filin+ fees!
I t$e amou#t !aid &y way o ili#% ees is ou#d i#sui"ie#t ater t$e
!ayme#t o t$e "ase, "o#sideri#% t$e amou#t o "laim, t$e "ler4 o "ourt o t$e
lower "ourt i#'ol'ed, or $is duly aut$ori?ed de!uty, $as t$e res!o#si&ility o
ma4i#% a dei"ie#"y assessme#t. T$e !arty ili#% t$e "ase will &e reDuired to !ay
t$e dei"ie#"y, &ut :urisdi"tio# is #ot automati"ally lost. ,Riera s. Del Rosario#
1.R. Ao. %'':3'# <an. %2# -((')
What factors are to be considered in determinin+ which court has .urisdiction
oer a particular case!
I# determi#i#% w$i"$ "ourt $as :urisdi"tio# o'er a "ase, t$e a'erme#ts o
t$e "om!lai#tA"ou#ter"laim, ta4e# as a w$ole, are to &e "o#sidered li4e< 1a2 i#tra@
"or!orate dis!utes ,6elarde s. 40 1.R. Ao. %23$$&# <an. %'# -(('); 1&2 a%raria#
dis!ute ,Riera s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %'':3'# <an. %2# -((')
What is meant by the principle Fcoram non5.udiceG re+ardin+ .urisdiction oer
the sub.ect matter or nature of the action!
T$e !ri#"i!le sim!ly mea#s t$at t$e "ourt $as #o !ower to de"ide Duestio#s,
e>"e!t as !rese#ted &y t$e !arties i# t$eir !leadi#%s. A#y :ud%me#t re#dered &y
t$e "ourt &eyo#d t$em is "o#sidered Fcoram non5.udiceG a#d t$ereore 'oid. So
w$e# a "ourt re#ders a :ud%me#t or awards relie &eyo#d t$e !rayer o t$e
"om!lai#t or s"o!e o its alle%atio#s, t$e e>"essi'e relie is #ot merely irre%ular
-/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
&ut is 'oid or wa#t o :urisdi"tio#. ,Lam s. 4hua# 1.R. Ao. %3%-$&# /arch %$#
H filed an action for declaration of nullity of marria+e a+ainst I. "efore the
filin+ of the action H and I had a child. The petition for declaration of nullity of
the marria+e did not contain any prayer for support of the minor child. /ay the
court alidly include in its .ud+ment declarin+ the marria+e a nullity an award
for support of the minor child!
T$e a#swer is #o. T$e award o t$e su!!ort or t$e "$ild alls wit$i# t$e
!ur'iew o t$e !ri#"i!le re%ardi#% Fcoram non5.udiceG. T$at is, a#y award made
&y t$e "ourt outside o t$e relie !rayed or &y a !arty is 'oid or la"4 o
:urisdi"tio#. ,Lam s. 4hua# 1.R. Ao. %3%-$&# /arch %$# -((')
The reDuisites for the exercise of .urisdiction and how the court acDuires such
.urisdiction may be summari9ed as follows:
a. <urisdiction oer the plaintiff or petitioner: T$is is a"Duired &y t$e ili#% o
t$e "om!lai#t, !etitio# or i#itiatory !leadi#% &eore t$e "ourt &y t$e !lai#ti or
b. <urisdiction oer the defendant or respondent or accused: T$is is a"Duired &y
t$e 'olu#tary a!!eara#"e or su&missio# &y t$e dee#da#t or res!o#de#t to t$e
"ourt or &y "oer"i'e !ro"ess issued &y t$e "ourt to $im, %e#erally &y t$e ser'i"e o
summo#s or warra#t o arrest i# "rimi#al "ases.
c. <urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter: T$is is "o#erred &y law a#d, u#li4e
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !arties, "a##ot &e "o#erred o# t$e "ourt &y t$e 'olu#tary a"t
or a%reeme#t o t$e !arties.
d. <urisdiction oer the issues of the case: T$is is determi#ed a#d "o#erred &y
t$e !leadi#%s iled i# t$e "ase &y t$e !arties, or &y t$eir a%reeme#t i# a !re@trial
order or sti!ulatio#, or, at times &y t$eir im!lied "o#se#t as &y t$e ailure o a
!arty to o&:e"t to e'ide#"e o# a# issue #ot "o'ered &y t$e !leadi#%s, as !ro'ided i#
Se". (, Rule -/.
e. <urisdiction oer the res ,or the property or thin+ which is the sub.ect of the
liti+ation). T$is is a"Duired &y t$e a"tual or "o#stru"ti'e sei?ure &y t$e "ourt o
t$e t$i#% i# Duestio#, t$us !la"i#% it i# "ustodia le%is, as i# atta"$me#t or
%ar#is$me#t= or &y !ro'isio# o law w$i"$ re"o%#i?es i# t$e "ourt t$e !ower to
deal wit$ t$e !ro!erty or su&:e"t matter wit$i# its territorial :urisdi"tio#, as i# la#d
-- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
re%istratio# !ro"eedi#%s or suits i#'ol'i#% "i'il status or real !ro!erty i# t$e
P$ili!!i#es o a #o#@reside#t dee#da#t.

;it$ re%ard t$e "ase o a #o#@reside#t dee#da#t, i# two "ases, t$e "ourt a"Duires
:urisdi"tio# to try t$e "ase, e'e# i it $as #ot a"Duired :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso#
o a #o#@reside#t dee#da#t, as lo#% as it $as :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e res, as w$e# t$e
a"tio# i#'ol'es t$e !erso#al status o t$e !lai#ti or !ro!erty i# t$e P$ili!!i#es i#
w$i"$ t$e dee#da#t "laims a# i#terest. I# su"$ "ases, t$e ser'i"e o summo#s &y
!u&li"atio# a#d #oti"e to t$e dee#da#t is merely to "om!ly wit$ due !ro"ess
Eore, u#der Se". -++ o t$e Cor!oratio# Code, w$ile a orei%# "or!oratio# doi#%
&usi#ess i# t$e P$ili!!i#es wit$out a li"e#se "a##ot sue or i#ter'e#e i# a#y a"tio#
$ere, it may &e sued or !ro"eeded a%ai#st &eore our "ourts or admi#istrati'e
tri&u#als. ,De <oya s. /arDue9# 1.R. Ao. %&-'%&# <an. 3%# -((&)

4oncept and 1eneral Principles 2
Define 4ourts.
It is t$at e#tity i# t$e %o'er#me#t or%a#i?ed or t$e !ro!er admi#istratio# o :usti"e
at t$e time a#d !la"e !res"ri&ed &y law. It is a# e#tity i# w$i"$ a !ortio# o t$e
:udi"ial !ower is 'ested.
What are the functions of courts!
To dis!e#se :usti"e, de"ide "o#tro'ersies iled &eore it a#d to i#ter!ret t$e laws o
t$e state.
What are the inherent powers of 4ourts ,Sec. 2# Rule %3&)!
T$e i#$ere#t !owers o "ourts are<
a2 Preser'e a#d e#or"e order i# its immediate !rese#"e=
&2 E#or"e order i# !ro"eedi#%s &eore it, or &eore a !erso# or !erso#s
em!owered to "o#du"t a :udi"ial i#'esti%atio# u#der its aut$ority=
"2 Com!el o&edie#"e to its :ud%me#ts, orders a#d !ro"esses, a#d to t$e lawul
orders o a :ud%e out o "ourt, i# a "ase !e#di#% &eore it=
d2 Co#trol t$e "o#du"t o its mi#isterial oi"ers, a#d o all ot$er !erso#s i#
a#y ma##er "o##e"ted wit$ a "ase &eore it a#d i# e'ery ma##er
a!!ertai#i#% t$ereto=
e2 Com!el atte#da#"e o !erso#s to testiy i# a "ase !e#di#% t$erei#=
2 Admi#ister or "ause to &e admi#istered oat$s i# a "ase !e#di#% t$erei#, a#d
i# all ot$er "ases w$ere it may &e #e"essary i# t$e e>er"ise o its !owers=
-* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
%2 Aut$ori?e a "o!y o a lost or destroyed !leadi#% or ot$er !a!er to &e iled
a#d used i#stead o t$e ori%i#al a#d to restore, a#d su!!ly dei"ie#"ies i# its
re"ords a#d !ro"eedi#%s.
Explain the Principle of 8ierarchy of 4ourts.
It is t$e !ri#"i!le t$at aut$ori?es liti%a#ts to see4 !ro!er relie rom t$e
lower "ourts &eore ele'ati#% t$e same to t$e $i%$er "ourts. I# t$ose "ases w$ere
t$e Su!reme Court $as "o#"urre#t :urisdi"tio# wit$ t$e CA a#d t$e RTC to issue
t$e e>traordi#ary writs, a !arty is o&li%ed to irst see4 relie rom t$e RTC.
T$e SC s$ould #ot &e &urde#ed wit$ t$e tas4 o deali#% wit$ "auses i# t$e irst
i#sta#"es. T$e SC ori%i#al :urisdi"tio# to issue e>traordi#ary writs s$ould &e
e>er"ised o#ly w$ere a&solutely #e"essary or w$ere serious or im!orta#t reaso#s
t$ereore e>ist. 1Pearson s. 704 -:2 S4R0 -?.
Eollowin+ the principle of hierarchy of courts# to what court must an a++rieed
party in administratie cases decided by the Kmbudsman appeal!
Cases de"ided &y t$e Om&udsma# i# a/,#+#strat#ve /#s.#-$#+ar3 .ases must &e
a!!ealed to t$e CA u#der Rule 6+, #ot a!!eal &y "ertiorari u#der Rule 6(. T$e
!ro'isio#s o Se". *0 o R.A. 700/ w$i"$ aut$ori?es a!!eal &y "ertiorari u#der
Rule 6(, i# admi#istrati'e dis"i!li#ary "ases $as &ee# de"lared u#"o#stitutio#al &y
t$e SC. 16illaert s. Desierto# L5%33?%2# Eeb. -3# -(((2.
Does the same remedy apply to a++rieed parties in criminal cases!
I# "rimi#al "ases, t$e a%%rie'ed !arty may Duestio# t$e de"isio# o t$e
Om&udsma# &y a Petitio# or Certiorari u#der Rule 7(. T$e said !etitio# must &e
iled i# t$e Su!reme Court a#d #ot i# t$e Court o A!!eals. Petitio#s or "ertiorari
Duestio#i#% t$e Om&udsma#Fs orders, or de"isio#s i# "rimi#al "ases s$ould &e
iled i# t$e Su!reme Court a#d #ot t$e Court o A!!eals. /Pere9 s. Kmbudsman#
et al.# 1.R. Ao. %3%''2# /ay -?# -(('; Lui9on s. Kmbudsman; /endo9a 0rce
s. Kmbudsman)
Suppose the appeal is purely on a Duestion of law# where must the a++rieed
party appeal!
A!!eal o# !ure Duestio# o law rom t$e Om&udsma# may &e made to t$e SC, t$e
i#di#%s o a"ts &ei#% "o#"lusi'e w$e# su!!orted &y su&sta#tial e'ide#"e.
//oron+ Water District s. Kmbudsman L5%%&?2'# /ar. %?# -((()
7s the rule on hierarchy of courts absolute!
T$e !ri#"i!le o 0ierarc01 of courts may &e rela>ed w$e# t$e redress desired
"a##ot &e o&tai#ed i# t$e a!!ro!riate "ourts or w$ere e>"e!tio#al a#d "om!elli#%
"ir"umsta#"es :ustiy t$e a'ailme#t o a remedy wit$i# a#d "alli#% or t$e e>er"ise
o t$e SCFs !rimary :urisdi"tio#. ,Pro. Kf "atan+as s. Romulo# 1.R. Ao.
%2-??'# /ay -?# -((')
-+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
8ow are the courts classified accordin+ to the nature and extent of their
Court may &e "lassiied a""ordi#% to t$e #ature a#d e>te#t o :urisdi"tio#
a2 Court o Ori%i#al 5urisdi"tio#=
&2 Court o A!!ellate 5urisdi"tio#=
"2 Court o Ge#eral 5urisdi"tio#= or
d2 Court o Limited 5urisdi"tio#.
What is the 4omposition of the Supreme 4ourt!
T$e Su!reme Court s$all &e "om!osed o a C$ie 5usti"e a#d -6 Asso"iate
5usti"es. It may sit en banc or i# its dis"retio#, i# diisions of t0ree2 fie2 or seen
members. GSection ',%) 0rticle 6777# Phil. 4onstitution,It is t$e o#ly
"o#stitutio#al "ourt, t$e ot$er "ourts are #ot "o#sidered "o#stitutio#al "ourts.
U#der t$is "o#"e!t, t$e Su!reme Court is a "o@eDual &ra#"$ o t$e %o'er#me#t.
Co#%ress t$ereore $as #o !ower to alter or modiy t$e "om!ositio# o t$e SC.
Neit$er "a# "o#%ress redu"e t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e Su!reme Court. Its :urisdi"tio#
is dei#ed a#d i>ed &y t$e Co#stitutio#.
What body has the power to define# prescribe and apportion the .urisdiction of
T$e Co#%ress $as t$e !ower to dei#e, !res"ri&e a#d a!!ortio# t$e
:urisdi"tio# o t$e 'arious "ourts, &ut it "a##ot de!ri'e t$e Su!reme Court o its
:urisdi"tio# as !ro'ided &y t$e Co#stitutio#.1Sections - C 2# 0rticle 6777#
4onstitution2 Co#%ress may i#"rease t$e a!!ellate :urisdi"tio# o t$e SC o#ly wit$
t$e ad'i"e a#d "o#"urre#"e o t$e said Court. 1Section 3(# 0rticle 67#
What are the powers of the Supreme 4ourt!
T$e !owers o t$e Su!reme Court may &e "lassiied as ollows<
a2 Ori"inal &urisdiction o'er "ases ae"ti#% am&assadors, ot$er !u&li" mi#isters
a#d "o#suls, a#d o'er !etitio#s or "ertiorari, !ro$i&itio#, ma#damus, Duo
warra#to a#d $a&eas "or!us=
&2 Re'iew, re'ise, re'erse, modiy or airm o# a!!eal or "ertiorari, as t$e law or
Rules o Court may !ro'ide i#al :ud%me#ts a#d orders o lower "ourts i#<
&.-@ All "ases i# w$i"$ t$e "o#stitutio#ality or 'alidity o a#y treaty, i#ter#atio#al
or e>e"uti'e a%reeme#t, law, !reside#tial de"ree, !ro"lamatio#, order i#stru"tio#,
ordi#a#"e or re%ulatio# is i# Duestio#=
&.*@ All "ases i#'ol'i#% t$e le%ality o a#y ta>, im!ost, assessme#t, or toll, or a#y
!e#alty im!osed i# relatio# t$ereto=
&.+@ All "ases i# w$i"$ t$e :urisdi"tio# o a#y lower "ourt is i# issue=
&.6@ All "ases i# w$i"$ o#ly a# error or Duestio# o law is i#'ol'ed.
-6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
"2 Ori"inal and Concurrent &urisdiction wit$ t$e CA a#d RTC i# "ases i#'ol'i#%<
".-@ Petitio#s or t$e issua#"e o writs o "ertiorari, !ro$i&itio#, ma#damus, Duo
warra#to a#d $a&eas "or!us=
".*@ A"tio# &rou%$t to !re'e#t a#d restrai# 'iolatio#s o law "o#"er#i#%
mo#o!olies a#d "om&i#atio#s or restrai#t o trade.
d2 #(clusie &urisdiction to re'iew, re'ise, re'erse modiy or airm o# a!!eal, as
t$e law or t$e rules o "ourt may !ro'ide, i#al :ud%me#ts or de"rees o all i#erior
"ourts, su"$ as<
d.-@ Crimi#al "ases i#'ol'i#% oe#ses or w$i"$ t$e !e#alty o deat$, or lie
im!riso#me#t a#d t$ose i#'ol'i#% ot$er oe#ses w$i"$, alt$ou%$ #ot !u#is$ed &y
su"$ !e#alty, arise out o t$e same o""urre#"e or w$i"$ may $a'e &ee# "ommitted
&y t$e a""used o# t$e same o""asio#, as t$at %i'i#% rise to t$e more serious
oe#se, re%ardless o w$et$er t$e a""used are "$ar%ed as !ri#"i!als, a""om!li"es
or a""essories, or w$et$er t$ey $a'e &ee# tried :oi#tly or se!arately=
d.*@ Cases i#'ol'i#% !etitio#s or #aturali?atio# or de#aturali?atio# 1u#der e>isti#%
laws a#d "ir"ulars, de"isio#s o RTC i# said "ases are #ow a!!eala&le to t$e CA2=
d.+@ 9e"isio#s o t$e COA ele'ated o# "ertiorari &y !ri'ate !erso#s or e#tity=
d.6@ Cases w$ere :urisdi"tio# o a#y i#erior "ourt is i# issue=
d.(@ Ot$er "ases i# w$i"$ o#ly errors or Duestio# o law are
e2 !ower to decide on constitutional issues: I# t$e "ase o 3umlao s. CO4#5#C2
95 6CRA 708, t$e "ourt ruled t$at "o#stitutio#al Duestio#s may o#ly &e $eard &y
t$e SC, i t$e ollowi#% reDuisites are !rese#t<
e.-@ T$at t$ere &e a# a"tual "o#tro'ersy=
e.*@ T$e Duestio# o "o#stitutio#ality must &e raised &y t$e !ro!er !arty= 1a !ro!er
!arty is o#e w$o may &e ae"ted &y su"$ "o#stitutio#al Duestio#. 2
e.+@T$at t$e "o#stitutio#al Duestio# must &e raised at t$e earliest o!!ortu#ity=
e.6@T$at t$e determi#atio# o t$e "o#stitutio#al Duestio# must &e #e"essary to t$e
determi#atio# o t$e "ase itsel.
What is meant by the EDuity .urisdiction of the Supreme 4ourt!
It is t$e i#$ere#t !ower o t$e Su!reme Court to wai'e te"$#i"al rules o
!ro"edure i# order to &e a&le to rule o# im!orta#t su&sta#ti'e matters. 1/a+at s.
People -(% S4R0 -; Tan+*i*o s. 4e9ar# 1.R. Ao. %3%-??# Eeb. -# %:::; 0+uila
. 4ourt of Eirst 7nstance of "atan+as# %&( S4R0 32-# 32:53&(# 0pril %2# %:$$
Pimentel s. 4K/ELE4# %3& S4R0 %$:)
I# t$e "ase o /a+at s. People -(% S4R0 -%# t$e Su!reme Court $eld t$at
i# e>"e!tio#al "ases, w$ere t$rou%$ #e%li%e#"e or i%#ora#"e o "ou#sel, t$e
!ro!erties, li'es a#d uture o a""used !erso#s may u#:ustly &e !re:udi"ed as w$e#
a# i##o"e#t !erso#, may &e railroaded to !riso# or !roo &eyo#d reaso#a&le dou&t
-( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
was #ot addu"ed, t$e Court wai'ed t$e te"$#i"al rules u#der its eDuity :urisdi"tio#
a#d i# t$e i#terest o su&sta#ti'e :usti"e.
I# a#ot$er "ase /Pimentel s. 4K/ELE4# %3& S4R0 %$:)2 t$e Su!reme
Court ordered t$e "ou#ti#% a#d "a#'assi#% o 'otes i# t$e !rese#"e o t$e ad'erse
!arties ri%$t i# t$e Su!reme Court e'e# i su"$ u#"tio# ri%$tully &elo#%s to t$e
COEELEC t$e latter &ei#% t$e sole :ud%e o all "o#test relati#% to ele"tio#
retur#s. Also i# t$e "ase o Tan+*i*o s. 4e9ar# 1infra2 t$e Su!reme Court ruled
t$at< EDuity :urisdi"tio# is a'aila&le o#ly i# t$e a&se#"e o law a#d #ot as its
re!la"eme#t. EDuity is des"ri&ed as :usti"e wit$out le%ality, w$i"$ sim!ly mea#s
t$at it "a##ot su!!la#t t$e law alt$ou%$ it may, as ote# $a!!e#s, su!!leme#t t$e
law.C =0+uila . 4ourt of Eirst 7nstance of "atan+as# %&( S4R0 32-# 32:53&(#
0pril %2# %:$$#@. EDuity "a# o#ly su!!leme#t t$e law, #ot su!!la#t it. GTan+*i*o
s. 4e9ar# 1.R. Ao. %3%-??# Eeb. -# %:::I
7n what instances may the SJPRE/E 4KJRT exercise its eDuity .urisdiction!
T$e Su!reme Court may e>er"ise its eDuity :urisdi"tio# o#ly i# a suit iled
&y o#e w$o is a real !arty i# i#terest. EDuity is i#'o4ed o#ly w$e# t$e !lai#ti, o#
t$e &asis o t$e a"tio# iled a#d t$e relie sou%$t, $as a "lear ri%$t t$at $e see4s to
e#or"e, or t$at would o&'iously &e 'iolated i t$e a"tio# iled were to &e
dismissed or la"4 o sta#di#%. ;$ere t$e !lai#ti $as #o "lear e#or"ea&le ri%$t,
si#"e $is "laim i# t$e "ase is merely i#"$oate a#d u#"ertai#, eDuity :urisdi"tio#
"a##ot &e i#'o4ed, mu"$ less e>er"ised.
State the .urisdiction of the 4KJRT KE 0PPE0LS.
T$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt o a!!eals may &e di'ided i#to<
a2 E>"lusi'e Ori%i#al 5urisdi"tio#< A"tio#s or a##ulme#t o :ud%me#t o Re%io#al
Trial Courts=
&2 Ori%i#al 5urisdi"tio#< Re%ardi#% t$e issua#"e o writs o ma#damus, "ertiorari,
$a&eas "or!us or Duo warra#to a#d ot$er a#"illary writs or !ro"esses w$et$er i#
aid o its a!!ellate :urisdi"tio# or #ot=
"2 E>"lusi'e A!!ellate 5urisdi"tio#< O'er all i#al :ud%me#ts, de"isio#s or
resolutio#s, order or awards o RTC 1ordi#ary a!!eals2 a#d !etitio#s or re'iew
1RTC de"ided a "ase a!!ealed to it2 a#d Duasi@:udi"ial &odies, a%e#"ies,
i#strume#talities, &oards or "ommissio#s 1&rou%$t o# ordi#ary a!!eal2. 3 SEC,
SSC, ECC, et". e>"e!t t$ose alli#% wit$i# t$e e>"lusi'e a!!ellate :urisdi"tio# o
t$e SC.
State the .urisdiction of the S0AD710A"0I0A
It is a "ourt "reated !ursua#t to t$e Co#stitutio# &ut is #ot "o#sidered a
"o#stitutio#al "ourt. It is a trial "ourt $a'i#% t$e same le'el as t$at o t$e Court o
A!!eals a#d its de"isio#s, w$et$er re#dered i# t$e e>er"ise o its ori%i#al or
a!!ellate :urisdi"tio#, are dire"tly a!!eala&le to t$e Su!reme Court.
-7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e Sa#di%a#&aya# s$all also $a'e t$e !ower $ear a#d de"ide "ases i#'ol'i#%<
a2 Violatio#s o RA +/-. as ame#ded &y RA -+0.=
&2 Crimes "ommitted &y !u&li" oi"ers a#d em!loyees i#"ludi#% t$ose em!loyed
i# GOCC, w$et$er sim!le or "om!le> wit$ ot$er "rimes=
"2 Ot$er "rimes or oe#ses "ommitted &y !u&li" oi"ers or em!loyees i#"ludi#%
t$ose i# GOCC i# relatio# to t$eir oi"ial u#"tio#s.
What is the nature of the .urisdiction of the Sandi+anbayan!
T$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e Sa#di%a#&aya# is ori%i#al a#d e>"lusi'e i t$e
oe#se "$ar%ed is !u#is$a&le &y !e#alty $i%$er t$a# !risio# "orre""io#al or its
eDui'ale#t. ;$ere a !u&li" oi"er is "$ar%ed wit$ !ri'ate i#di'iduals i# w$ate'er
de%ree o !arti"i!atio#, t$e a""used s$all &e :oi#tly tried.
/ay the ciil liability arisin+ from the offense co+ni9able by the Sandi+anbayan
be alidly the sub.ect of a separate ciil action!
T$e a#swer is #o. A#y "i'il a"tio# iled a$ead a#d se!arately rom t$e "rimi#al
a"tio# s$all &e tra#serred to t$e Sa#di%a#&aya#.
What is the nature .urisdiction of the Sandi+anbayan oer offenses and
T$e Sa#di%a#&aya# $as :urisdi"tio# o'er all oe#ses, w$et$er sim!le or
"om!le> wit$ ot$er "rimes, "ommitted &y !u&li" oi"ers or em!loyees me#tio#ed
i# Se". 6, RA 0.0(, as ame#ded &y RA )*6. i# relatio# to t$eir oi"e, w$ere t$e
a""used $olds a !ositio# wit$ salary %rade *0 a#d $i%$er u#der t$e Com!e#satio#
Classii"atio# A"t o -.).. ,4uyco s. S0AD710A"0I0A L5%3?(?# Eeb. %$#
By im!li"atio# !u&li" oi"ers a#d em!loyees a""used o similar oe#ses or
elo#ies t$at "arry a salary %rade lower t$a# %rade *0 s$all &e tried &y t$e Re%io#al
Trial Courts. T$is mea#s t$at it is t$e salary %rade a#d #ot t$e a"tual salary
re"ei'ed &y t$e !u&li" oi"ers w$et$er lo"al or #atio#al t$at determi#es t$e
:urisdi"tio# o t$e Sa#di%a#&aya#. ,Llorente s. S0AD710A"0I0A. L5%---:?
<an. %:# -(((; see also Layus s. S"# Dec. $#%:::)
Does the Sandi+anbayan hae .urisdiction oer ciil and criminal cases
inolin+ ill5+otten wealth!
T$e a#swer is Yes. T$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e Sa#di%a#&aya# i#"ludes all "i'il
a#d "rimi#al "ases iled !ursua#t o E.O K -,*,-6 a#d -6@A re%ardi#% ill@%otte#
wealt$. T$e "i'il "ases related to ill@%otte# wealt$ $eard, tried a#d de"ided &y t$e
Re%io#al Trial Courts may &e a##ulled &y t$e Sa#di%a#&aya#. ,P411 s.
Sandi+anbayan# L5%3-?3$# Eeb. -3# -(((; see also S/4 s. S"# Sept. %'# -((()
/ay the Sandi+anbayan hae .urisdiction to issue writs of prohibition#
mandamus# in.unction# certiorari or habeas corpus!
-0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e a#swer is yes. Pursua#t to t$e !ro'isio#s o RA 0.0(, t$e
Sa#di%a#&aya# is em!owered to issue writs o ma#damus, !ro$i&itio#, "ertiorari,
$a&eas "or!us, i#:u#"tio# a#d ot$er a#"illary writs a#d !ro"esses i# aid o its
a!!ellate :urisdi"tio#. ,0bbot s. /apayo <ul. &# -(((; 0larilla s. S"# 0u+ust --#
T$e "ase o Garcia s. 6andi"anba1an2 earlier de"ided &y t$e Su!reme Court, is
deemed a&a#do#ed. I# t$e said "ase t$e SC ruled t$at t$e Sa#di%a#&aya# did #ot
$a'e su"$ a :urisdi"tio#.
6.Re%io#al Trial Courts
What is the .urisdiction of the Re+ional Trial 4ourts in ciil cases-
T$e re%io#al trial "ourts s$all $a'e ori%i#al e>"lusi'e :urisdi"tio# o'er all
"i'il "ases<
a2 T$e su&:e"t matter i# liti%atio# is #ot "a!a&le o !e"u#iary estimatio#. 1e.%.
a##ulme#t o or res"issio# o "o#tra"ts, de Leo# 's. CA, Ear"$ 7, -..0=
b. ;$i"$ i#'ol'e t$e title to or !ossessio# o real !ro!erty or a#y i#terest t$erei#
w$ere t$e assessed 'alue o t$e !ro!erty i#'ol'ed e>"eeds */, ///= or su"$ 4i#ds
o "i'il a"tio#s i# Eetro@Ea#ila t$e 'alue must &e o'er (/,///=
"2 A"tio#s i# admiralty a#d maritime :urisdi"tio# w$ere t$e 'alue i# "o#tro'ersy
e>"eeds +//,/// or i# Eetro@Ea#ila 6//,///=
d2 Pro&ate 1testate or i#testate2 w$ere t$e %ross 'alue o t$e estate e>"eeds +//,///
or i# Eetro@Ea#ila@6//,///=
e2 Cases #ot wit$i# t$e :urisdi"tio# o a#y "ourt, tri&u#al, !erso# or &ody
e>er"isi#% :urisdi"tio# o a#y "ourt, tri&u#al, !erso# or &ody e>er"isi#% :udi"ial or
Duasi@:udi"ial u#"tio#s=
2 All ot$er "ases i# w$i"$ t$e dema#d, e>"lusi'e o i#terest, dama%es or w$ate'er
4i#d, attor#eyFs ees, liti%atio# e>!e#ses a#d "osts or t$e 'alue o t$e !ro!erty i#
"o#tro'ersy e>"eeds +//,/// or i# metro@ma#ila 6//,///=
Do actions inolin+ contract of marria+e and marital relations fall within the
.urisdiction of the Re+ional Trial 4ourts!
T$e a#swer would seem to &e i# t$e #e%ati'e. U#der t$e !rese#t rules
a"tio#s i#'ol'i#% "o#tra"t o marria%e a#d marital relatio#s #ow all wit$i# t$e
:urisdi"tio# o t$e Lamily Courts. T$e rules !ro'ide t$at "i'il a"tio#s a#d s!e"ial
!ro"eedi#%s alli#% wit$i# t$e e>"lusi'e ori%i#al :urisdi"tio# o t$e 59RC #ow all
wit$i# t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e Lamily Courts.
What other cases fall within the .urisdiction of the re+ional trial courts!
T$e re%io#al trial "ourts may also e>er"ise ori%i#al :urisdi"tio# i# "ases
Issua#"e o writs o "ertiorari, !ro$i&itio#, ma#damus, $a&eas "or!us a#d
i#:u#"tio# w$i"$ may &e e#or"ed i# a#y !art o t$eir res!e"ti'e re%io#s=
-) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A"tio#s ae"ti#% am&assadors a#d ot$er !u&li" mi#isters a#d "o#suls.
What criminal cases fall within the exclusie ori+inal .urisdiction of the
re+ional trial courts!
T$e re%io#al trial "ourts s$all e>er"ise e>"lusi'e ori%i#al :urisdi"tio# o'er
all Crimi#al a"tio#s #ot alli#% wit$i# t$e e>"lusi'e :urisdi"tio# o a#y "ourt,
tri&u#al or &ody, e>"e!t t$ose #ow alli#% u#der t$e e>"lusi'e a#d "o#"urre#t
:urisdi"tio# o t$e Sa#di%a#&aya#.
What is the appellate .urisdiction of the re+ional trial courts!
It s$all e>er"ise a!!ellate :urisdi"tio# o'er all "ases de"ided &y t$e ETC i#
t$eir res!e"ti'e territorial :urisdi"tio#. T$e de"isio# o t$e RTC s$all &e su&:e"t to
re'iew &y t$e CA.
What is the so5called FSpecial <urisdictionG of re+ional trial courts!
T$e SC may desi%#ate "ertai# RTC to $a#dle e>"lusi'ely "rimi#al "ases,
:u'e#ile "ase, A%raria# "ases, ur&a# la#d reorm "ases w$i"$ do #ot all u#der t$e
:urisdi"tio# o Duasi@:udi"ial &odies a#d a%e#"ies a#d su"$ ot$er "ases determi#ed
&y t$e SC i# t$e i#terest o s!eedy a#d ei"ie#t admi#istratio# o :usti"e.
1Lirst Le'el Courts@49C2 4#9RO49C24C9C.
State the .urisdiction of the municipal trial courts or the so5called first leel
T$e mu#i"i!al trial "ourts or irst le'el "ourts e>er"ise :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e
ollowi#% "ases, to wit<
a2 Crimi#al a"tio#s<
a.-@ All 'iolatio#s o "ity or mu#i"i!al ordi#a#"es "ommitted wit$i# t$eir
res!e"ti'e territorial :urisdi"tio#.
a.*@ O'er all oe#ses !u#is$a&le wit$ im!riso#me#t #ot e>"eedi#% 7 years
irres!e"ti'e o t$e amou#t o i#e, a#d re%ardless o ot$er im!osa&le a""essory or
ot$er !e#alties i#"ludi#% "i'il lia&ility arisi#% rom su"$ oe#se.
a.+@ O'er all re"4less im!rude#"e "ases irres!e"ti'e o t$e amou#t o dama%e
a.6@ Violatio#s o Batas Pam&a#sa Bl%. ** re%ardless o t$e im!osa&le i#e.
&2 Ci'il a"tio#s=
&.-@ Ci'il a"tio#s a#d !ro&ate !ro"eedi#%s 1testate or i#testate2 i#"ludi#%
t$e %ra#t o !ro'isio#al remedies w$ere t$e 'alue o t$e !ro!erty, estate or t$e
amou#t o t$e dama%e does #ot e>"eed +//,/// or i# metro@Ea#ila 6//,///
e>"lusi'e o t$e i#terest or dama%es=
&.*@ Cases o or"i&le e#try a#d u#lawul detai#er=
-. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
&.+@ All ot$er "i'il a"tio#s w$i"$ i#'ol'e title to or !ossessio# o, real !ro!erty or
a#y i#terest t$erei# w$ere t$e assessed 'alue o t$e !ro!erty or i#terest t$erei#
does #ot e>"eed */,/// or i# metro@ma#ila does #o e>"eed (/,///.
What is the so5called FDele+ated <urisdictionG of the first leel courts!:
T$e so@"alled Bdele%ated :urisdi"tio# o t$e irst le'el "ourts reers to t$eir
!ower to<
a2 Hear a#d determi#e "adastral or la#d re%istratio# "ases "o'eri#% lots w$ere
t$ere is #o "o#tro'ersy or o!!ositio#=
&2 Hear a#d determi#e "adastral or la#d re%istratio# "ases "o#"er#i#% "o#tested
lots t$e 'alue o w$i"$ does #ot e>"eed -//,///. 1Note t$at t$e de"isio#s re#dered
i# t$ese "ases s$all &e a!!ealed to t$e RTC
What is the so5called FSpecial <urisdictionG of the first leel courts! :
T$e so@"alled Bs!e"ial :urisdi"tio#C reers to t$eir !ower to<
a2 Hear a#d de"ide !etitio#s or writ o $a&eas "or!us=
&2 A!!li"atio#s or &ail. 1T$is "a# &e e>er"ised o#ly i# t$e a&se#"e o t$e RTC2
What is the .urisdictional test in real actions!
Ci'il ae"ti#% title to, or !ossessio#, o real !ro!erty, or i#terest t$erei# is
&ased o# t$e assesse/ va$4e o t$e !ro!erty su&:e"t matter o t$e "ase. I t$e real
!ro!erty $as #ot &ee# assessed t$e# t$e 'alue s$all &e &ased o# t$e assessed 'alue
o ad:a"e#t !ro!erties. I t$e ad:a"e#t !ro!erties $a'e #ot &ee# assessed, t$e
Assessor s$ould &e as4ed to ma4e t$e !ro!er assessme#t.
What is the .urisdictional test in personal actions!
U#der t$e law, o#ly t$e &asi" "laim o t$e !lai#ti ur#is$es t$e
:urisdi"tio#al test. 9ama%es o w$ate'er 4i#d, attor#eyFs ees, liti%atio# e>!e#ses,
i#terest a#d "osts are all e>"luded as &asis or determi#i#% t$e :urisdi"tio#al
amou#t o t$e "ourt.
8ow do we determine the .urisdiction of the court in personal actions!
T$e determi#atio# is a two@ste! !ro"ess. Lirst, t$ere must &e a
determi#atio# o t$e mai# "ause o a"tio#. I t$e mai# "ause o a"tio# is #ot or
re"o'ery o dama%es, t$e# t$e :urisdi"tio# s$ould &e determi#ed o# t$e &asis o t$e
su&:e"t matter or #ature o t$e a"tio#. T$e dama%es will merely &e i#"ide#tal to or
a "o#seDue#"e o t$e mai# "ause o a"tio#. T$e total amou#t o su"$ dama%es will
&e immaterial. 1RA 5678@ states t$at dama%es o w$ate'er 4i#d is e>"luded i# t$e
determi#atio# o t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt w$ere t$ey are merely i#"ide#tal to or
"o#seDue#"e o t$e mai# "ause o a"tio#.2
*/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Howe'er, i# "ases w$ere t$e "laim o dama%es is t$e mai# "ause o a"tio#,
o#e o t$e "auses o a"tio#, t$e amou#t o su"$ "laim s$all &e "o#sidered i#
determi#i#% t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt.
What happens when the main cause of action falls within the .urisdiction of the
first leel courts!
I t$e mai# "ause o a"tio# alls wit$i# t$e "o%#i?a#"e o t$e irst le'el
"ourts, t$e# all t$e :oi#ed "auses o a"tio#, assumi#% t$ere is !ro!er :oi#der,
s$ould &e i#"luded i# o#e "om!lai#t to &e iled i# t$e irst le'el "ourts.
But, i t$e mai# "ause o a"tio# is "o%#i?a&le &y t$e RTC, t$e# t$e i#"ide#tal or
a#"illary "auses s$ould ollow t$e mai# "ause o a"tio# a#d s$ould &e iled i# t$e
same RTC to a'oid multi!li"ity o suits a#d s!litti#% si#%le "ause o a"tio#.
What happens when there is a alid .oinder of causes of action# some of which
fall within the co+ni9ance of the first leel courts and the others fall within the
co+ni9ance of the re+ional trial courts!
T$e se'eral "laims or "auses o a"tio# t$us :oi#ed, w$et$er &etwee# t$e
same or diere#t !arties em&odied i# t$e same "om!lai#t, t$e amou#t o dema#d
s$all &e t$e totality o all t$e "laims i# all t$e "auses o a"tio#, irres!e"ti'e o
w$et$er t$e "ause o a"tio# arose out o t$e same or diere#t tra#sa"tio#s.1Se".
++, BP -*.2 Note $owe'er, t$at i# "ases o :oi#der o "auses o a"tio#, t$ere must
&e !ro!er :oi#der o !arties.
Suppose that in a complaint filed with the /T4# the defendant files a motion to
dismiss on the +round of lac* of .urisdiction oer the sub.ect matter and the
motion is +ranted. The plaintiff appeals the order of dismissal to the RT4# can
the RT4 dismiss the case on the +round that the /T4 did not hae ori+inal
.urisdiction oer the case and therefore it cannot exercise appellate .urisdiction!
It is su&mitted t$at t$e a#swer is NO. Section $# Rule '(, ma#dates t$at t$e
RTC s$ould e>er"ise its ori%i#al :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e "ase. I# su"$ a "ase, t$e RTC
s$all try t$e "ase o# t$e merits as i t$e "ase was ori%i#ally iled wit$ it. It re'erses
t$e order= t$e "ase must &e rema#ded to t$e "ourt o ori%i#
I# i#sta#"es w$ere t$e "ase was tried o# t$e merits &y t$e ETC i# s!ite o t$e a"t
t$at it $ad #o :urisdi"tio#, t$e RTC may try t$e "ase as i it $ad ori%i#al
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e "ase. ,Sec.$# Rule '(2
7s the payment of filin+ fee a +round for dismissal of a case based on lac* of
T$e a#swer is %e#erally No. Pursua#t to de"isio#s o t$e SC, t$e "ourts may
#ot ta4e a#y a"tio# o# a "ase iled w$ere t$e ili#% ee $as #ot &ee# !aid. But it
does #ot mea# t$at t$e "ourt la"4s :urisdi"tio#.1 /e+aspi s. Ramolete %%2 S4R0
%:3; /anchester s. 40 %': S4R 2&- and Suns 7nsurance s. 0suncion ,Eeb.
%3# %:$:)
*- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
7s the payment of filin+ fee reDuired with re+ard to counterclaims!
Pursua#t to #ew Adm. Cir"ular o t$e SC t$at too4 ee"t Au%ust -(, *//6,
t$e a#swer would seem to &e yes.
What are the rules to be followed re+ardin+ the payment of filin+ fees!
Lollowi#% t$e ruli#%s o t$e Su!reme Court i# t$e a&o'e@"ited "ase a#d
Adm. Cir"ular, t$e ollowi#% a!!ear to &e t$e a!!li"a&le rules, to wit<
a2 ;$ere t$e i#itiatory !leadi#% is #ot a""om!a#ied &y t$e !ayme#t o t$e do"4et
ee, t$e "ourt may allow t$e !ayme#t o t$e ee wit$i# a reaso#a&le !eriod &ut i#
#o "ase &eyo#d t$e a!!li"a&le !res"ri!ti'e !eriod. 1Suns 7nsurance s. 0suncion
,Eeb. %3# %:$:)
&2 T$e rule a!!lies to all 4i#ds o "ou#ter@"laims, t$ird@!arty "om!lai#ts a#d
similar !leadi#%s.
"2 ;$ere t$e "ourt a"Duires :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e "ase &y t$e !ayme#t o t$e
a!!ro!riate ili#% ee &ut su&seDue#tly t$e :ud%me#t awards a "laim #ot s!e"iied
i# t$e "om!lai#t, or t$e determi#atio# o w$i"$ was let to t$e dis"retio# o t$e
"ourt, t$e additio#al ili#% ee must &e !aid t$ereater or t$at t$e same may&e
"o#sidered as a irst lie# o# t$e :ud%me#t 1/aerc*s s. 40 <uly -(# %::(..
What actions fall within the coera+e of the Rules on Summary Procedure!:
T$e ollowi#% a"tio#s all wit$i# t$e "o'era%e o t$e Rules o# Summary
Pro"edure, to wit<
-2 Ci'il A"tio#s i#'ol'i#%<
Lor"i&le e#try a#d u#lawul detai#er "ases, irres!e"ti'e o t$e amou#t o dama%es
or u#!aid re#tals, a#d ot$er "laims related to t$e mai# "ase. ,Tu+ot s. 4oliflores#
0/ Ao. /T<5((5%33-# Eeb. %&# -(('; SLR s. 40# L5%-(&?# Kct. %&# -((();
Ot$er "i'il "ases, e>"e!t !ro&ate !ro"eedi#%s w$ere t$e total amou#t o t$e
!lai#tiFs "laim does #ot e>"eed P$!-//,/// e>"lusi'e o i#terest a#d "osts.
*2 Crimi#al A"tio#s<
Violatio# o trai" laws, rules a#d re%ulatio#s=
Violatio# o t$e Re#tal Law=
Violatio# o "ity or mu#i"i!al ordi#a#"es=
Ot$er "rimi#al a"tio#s w$ere t$e !e#alty !res"ri&ed &y law does #ot e>"eed
im!riso#me#t o si> mo#t$s or i#e o P-,///=
What are the Pleadin+s allowed by the rules on summary procedure!
O#ly t$e ollowi#% 'eriied !leadi#%s are allowed &y t$e said rules<
Com!ulsory "ou#ter"laims=
Cross "laims= a#d
** Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What options does the court hae upon the filin+ of a complaint coered by the
rules on summary procedure!
U!o# t$e ili#% o a "om!lai#t, t$e "ourt may o!t<
To dismiss t$e "ase o# a#y o t$e %rou#ds or dismissi#% a "i'il a"tio# 1Rule -7
a#d u#der ot$er rules2= or
Issue t$e "orres!o#di#% summo#s i #o#e o t$e %rou#ds or motio# to dismiss is
What follows after serice of summons has been alidly made!
Ater a 'alid ser'i"e o summo#s t$e dee#da#t must ile $is a#swer wit$i#
-/ days rom re"ei!t o t$e summo#s. T$e a#swer must em&ody all t$e
dee#da#tFs dee#ses 1airmati'e a#d #e%ati'e2= "ou#ter"laims or "ross@"laims.
Lailure o# t$e !art o t$e dee#da#t to i#"lude su"$ alle%atio#s would &e deemed a
wai'er o# $is !art. 1Kmnibus motion rule2 T$e o#ly e>"e!tio# to t$is rule is w$e#
t$e %rou#d #ot i#"luded is la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter w$i"$,
"a##ot &e wai'ed &ut may &e &arred &y la"$es or esto!!el. 1Ti.am s.
Sibun+hanoy# supra..Ater t$e ili#% o t$e a#swer, t$e "ourt s$all set t$e "ase or
!relimi#ary "o#ere#"e or may reer t$e "ase or ar&itratio# 159R2.
What is the effect if the defendant fails to file an answer within the prescribed
Lailure o# t$e !art o t$e dee#da#t to ile a# a#swer wit$i# t$e !eriod
!res"ri&ed &y t$e rules s$all em!ower t$e "ourt motu !ro!rio or u!o# motio# o
t$e !lai#ti to re#der a :ud%me#t &ased o# t$e "om!lai#t ,Sec. &) a#d as
warra#ted &y t$e a"ts ,Sordan s. <ud+e de 1u9man# Kct. 2# -((().
/ay the defendant or any party for that matter be allowed to file any motion to
extend the period for filin+ the answer!
T$e rules s!e"ii"ally !ro$i&it t$e ili#% o a#y motio# or e>te#sio# o t$e
!eriods !res"ri&ed or i>ed i# t$e order o t$e "ourt. ,Sec. %:; 6illanuea s.
EstoDue Ao. -:# -((()
What is the effect of a partyMs failure to appear durin+ the preliminary
Ater t$e last !leadi#% $as &ee# iled, t$e !relimi#ary "o#ere#"e s$all &e
set #ot later t$a# +/ days rom t$e ili#% o said !leadi#%. 1Sec. ? SR2 I t$e
!laintiff ails to a!!ear, t$e "ourt may order t$e dismissal o t$e "om!lai#t= a#d i
it is t$e 3efendant w$o ails to a!!ear, t$e !lai#ti may o&tai# :ud%me#t as i #o
a#swer was iled.
*+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
0re there pleadin+s that are not allowed under the rules on summary
Yes, t$ere are !leadi#%s t$at are #ot allowed u#der t$e rules, t$ey are t$e
ollowi#%< ,Sec. %:)
a2 Eotio# to 9ismiss= Eotio# to Juas$= 1Exception: ;$e# t$e %rou#d or t$e
motio# is la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter or oe#se= or ailure to
"om!ly wit$ a "o#ditio# !re"ede#t, 1e.%. RA 0-7/=
&2 Eotio# or Bill o Parti"ulars=
"2 Petitio# or Relie rom 5ud%me#t=
d2 Eotio# or E>te#sio# o time to !lead or ile !leadi#%s=
e2 Eemora#dum=
2 Petitio#s or "ertiorari, !ro$i&itio# or ma#damus=
%2 Eotio# or 9e"laratio# o 9eault=
$2 Eotio# or Post!o#eme#t i#te#ded or delay=
i2 Re!ly=
:2 +
Party, 6
!arty et". "om!lai#t=
42 I#ter'e#tio#s.
When are the rules on summary procedure not applicable!
T$e said rules do #ot a!!ly to t$e ollowi#%<
Ci'il "ases w$ere t$e !lai#tis "ause o a"tio# is !leaded i# t$e "om!lai#t wit$
a#ot$er "ause o a"tio# t$at is %o'er#ed &y t$e ordi#ary rules o !ro"edure=
Crimi#al "ases w$ere t$e oe#se "$ar%ed is #e"essarily related to a#ot$er "rimi#al
"ase su&:e"t to ordi#ary !ro"edure.
Does the rule on waier of defenses and ob.ections under Sec. %# Rule :# %::?
Rules of 4iil Procedure apply to cases +oerned by the rules on summary
T$e a#swer is #o. t$e Su!reme Court $eld t$at t$e said rule does #ot also
a!!ly su!!letorily or dire"tly to "ases %o'er#ed &y t$e rules o# summary
!ro"edure. ;$at %o'er#s is Sec. ' of the %::% Re'ised Rules o# Summary
Pro"edure w$ere t$e trial "ourt is at li&erty to ta4e #oti"e o t$e %rou#ds or t$e
dismissal o a "i'il a"tio# t$at are a!!are#t rom t$e "ase alo#% wit$ t$e e'ide#"e
su&mitted t$erei#. U#der t$is !ro'isio# a#d e>"e!t or #e%ati'e a#d airmati'e
dee#ses #ot raised i# t$e a#swer w$ere a# a#swer $as &ee# iled, t$e trial "ourt
u#der summary !ro"edure is em!owered to dismiss t$e "om!lai#t u!o# %rou#ds
addu"ed i# t$e res!e"ti'e !ositio# !a!ers o t$e !arties as was do#e i# t$e i#sta#t
"ase. ,Kn+# s. 4 0 1.R. Ao. %''2$%# <uly 2# -((-)
Suppose a complaint asserts a common cause of action a+ainst seeral
defendants# some answer and the others fail to answer# will Section & apply!
T$e a#swer is #o. I# i#sta#"es w$ere t$ere are se'eral dee#da#ts, some o
w$o a!!ear or a#swer a#d t$e ot$ers do #ot, Sec. 3# Rule : o t$e re%ular rules o
*6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
!ro"edure s$all a!!ly. I# w$i"$ "ase t$e "ourt s$all try t$e "ase a%ai#st all u!o#
t$e a#swers t$us iled a#d re#ders :ud%me#t u!o# t$e e'ide#"e !rese#ted.
The plaintiff failed to appear durin+ the preliminary conference# the court
ordered the dismissal of the case on the +round of such non5appearance. /ay
the plaintiff alidly file a motion for reconsideration of the order of dismissal!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e rule re%ardi#% t$e !ro$i&itio# o t$e ili#% o a
motio# or re"o#sideratio# i# "ases %o'er#ed &y t$e rules o# summary !ro"edure
a!!lies o#ly i# "ir"umsta#"es w$ere t$e "ourt $as re#dered a :ud%me#t o# t$e
merits o t$e "ase. T$e Su!reme Court $eld<
:90e motion pro0ibited b1 t0is 6ection is t0at w0ic0 see;s reconsideration
of t0e $ud"ment rendered b1 t0e court after trial on t0e merits of t0e case.: *&oen
. Court of Appeals2 818 6CRA <002 <0<=<08 /1998., >ere2 t0e order of dismissal
issued b1 respondent $ud"e due to failure of a part1 to appear durin" t0e
preliminar1 conference is obiousl1 not a $ud"ment on t0e merits after trial of t0e
case. >ence2 a motion for t0e reconsideration of suc0 order is not t0e pro0ibited
pleadin" contemplated under 6ection 19 /c. of t0e present Rule on 6ummar1
!rocedure.%,Lucas s. Eabros# <an. 3%# -((()
What actions are +oerned by the Rules on 4iil Procedure! 0ctions not
T$e rules o# "i'il !ro"edure %o'er# t$e ollowi#%<
C#v#$ a.t#o+ w$i"$ is dei#ed as a# a"tio# w$ere&y a !arty sues a#ot$er or
t$e e#or"eme#t or !rote"tio# o a ri%$t, or t$e !re'e#tio# or redress o a wro#%
GSe". +a Rule -I it may eit$er &e ordi#ary or s!e"ial a#d are %o'er#ed &y t$e rules
or ordi#ary "i'il a"tio#s. 1i&id.2
Cr#,#+a$ a.t#o+s are dei#ed as a# a"tio# &y w$i"$ t$e state !rose"utes a
!erso# or a# a"t or omissio# !u#is$a&le &y law. GSe". +&, Rule -I
S-e.#a$ Pro.ee/#+0s are dei#ed as remedies &y w$i"$ a !arty see4s to
esta&lis$ a status, a ri%$t or a !arti"ular a"t.GSe". +", Rule -I.
T$e ollowi#% "ases are #ot "o'ered or %o'er#ed &y t$e rules< /Rule %'3
and Sec. '# Rule %)
a2 Ele"tio# "ases=
&2 La#d Re%istratio# Cases=
"2 Cadastral Cases=
d2 I#sol'e#"y !ro"eedi#%s=
e2 Ot$er "ases e>"luded rom t$e rules. Note $owe'er, t$at w$ere t$e law
%o'er#i#% said "ases does #ot !ro'ide or s!e"ii" rules o !ro"edure t$e
rules o "ourt s$all &e made to a!!ly o#ly i# a su!!letory "$ara"ter.
*( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What is an action!
A# a"tio# is a# ordi#ary suit i# a "ourt o :usti"e &y w$i"$ o#e !arty
!rose"utes a#ot$er or t$e e#or"eme#t or !rote"tio# o a ri%$t, or t$e !re'e#tio#
or redress o a wro#%. (De 1u9man s. 40# %:- S4R0 2(; Note also t$at t$is
dei#itio# was t$e dei#itio# i# Se". -. Rule * &eore t$e ame#dme#t o t$e -.76
Rules o Court2
What is the distinction between an 0ction and Special Proceedin+!
T$e terms may &e disti#%uis$ed i# t$is wise< A# a"tio# reDuires t$e ili#%
o ormal !leadi#%s w$ile i# s!e"ial !ro"eedi#%s relie may &e o&tai#ed &y mere
a!!li"atio# or !etitio#.
A# a"tio# reDuires two or more dei#ite a#d !arti"ular ad'erse !arties w$o
are eit$er "alled t$e !lai#ti or dee#da#t, w$ereas i# s!e"ial !ro"eedi#%s, t$ere is
a dei#ite !etitio#er &ut t$ere is #o dei#ite ad'erse !arty, as t$e !ro"eedi#% is
usually "o#sidered a%ai#st t$e w$ole world. /in rem.
4lassify 4iil 0ctions.
Ci'il a"tio#s may &e "lassiied as ollows<
a2 0s to nature< U#der t$e "lass, a "i'il a"tio# may &e ordi#ary or s!e"ial.
E>am!les o s!e"ial "i'il a"tio#s are t$ose or ?nterpleader2/ Rules &- to ?%2 All
ot$er "i'il a"tio#s are "o#sidered ordi#ary "i'il a"tio#s.
&2 0s to cause or foundation< U#der t$is "lass, a "i'il a"tio# may &e rea$,
-erso+a$ or ,#9e/. Rea$ a.t#o+s are t$ose ou#ded o# t$e !ri'ity o real estate,
su"$ as a"tio# ae"ti#% title to or !ossessio# o, or or !artitio# or "o#dem#atio#
o, or ore"losure o#, real !ro!erty. Personal actions are t$ose ou#ded o# t$e
!ri'ity o "o#tra"t or o# Duasi@deli"t, su"$ as a"tio#s or re"o'ery o sum o
mo#ey, or dama%es, or t$e e#or"eme#t or resolutio# o a "o#tra"t, or or re"o'ery
o !erso#al !ro!erty. 1Read 0rt. '%2 A442 A#d mixed actions are t$ose !ertai#i#%
i# some de%ree to &ot$ real a#d !erso#al a#d, t$ereore are !ro!erly redu"ti&le to
#eit$er or t$e earlier "lassii"atio#, &ei#% &rou%$t or t$e s!e"ii" re"o'ery o la#d
a#d or dama%es sustai#ed i# res!e"t to su"$ la#d.
"2 0s to ob.ect: A"tio#s may &e #+ -erso+a,, #+ re, or :4as# #+ re,. ;$e# t$e
!ur!ose o t$e suit is to esta&lis$ a "laim %e#erally a%ai#st a !arti"ular !erso# wit$
a :ud%me#t, w$i"$ &i#ds $is !erso# or to &ar some i#di'idual "laim or o&:e"tio#,
so t$at t$e :ud%me#t will o#ly &i#di#% a%ai#st su"$ !erso#, t$e a"tio# is in
personam ,1ome9 s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %-?&:-# /arch %(# -(('). I t$e mai#
!ur!ose o t$e suit is to &ar i#diere#tly all w$o mi%$t &e similarly mi#ded or i
a#y o#e i# t$e world $as, a ri%$t to &e $eard o# t$e stre#%t$ o alle%i#% a"ts,
w$i"$, i true, s$ow a# i#"o#siste#t i#terest, t$e !ro"eedi#%, is in rem. I t$e mai#
!ur!ose o t$e !ro"eedi#% is to su&:e"t t$e !ro!erty o t$e dee#da#t to t$e
o&li%atio# or lie#, t$e a"tio# is Duasi in rem.
0re there other classifications than those already discussed!
*7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
0ccion hipotecaria is a real a"tio# to ore"lose a lie# or mort%a%e o# real !ro!erty.
0ccion 7nterdictal is a# a"tio# or u#lawul detai#er or or"i&le e#try &rou%$t or
t$e !ur!ose o re.over#+0 a.t4a$ -ossess#o+ o; rea$ -ro-ert3. T$e term was
&rou%$t a&out i# a SC "ase@ </ Tua9on s. 6illanuea# Sept. 3(# %:2$.
0ccion Publiciana is a# a"tio# to re.over t"e r#0"t o; -ossess#o+ over rea$
-ro-ert3 w$ere de!ri'atio# o !ossessio# $as e>"eeded o#e year. 1</ Tua9on#
Sept. 3(# %:2$) It is t$e !le#ary a"tio# or t$e re"o'ery o !ossessio# w$e#
dis!ossessio# was ee"ted &y mea#s ot$er t$a# t$ose me#tio#ed i# Rule 0/. T$e
!le#ary a"tio# may &e &rou%$t eit$er i# t$e ETC or RTC de!e#di#% o# t$e
assessed 'alue o t$e real !ro!erty i#'ol'ed.
0ccion reinidicacion is a# a"tio# to re.over o<+ers"#- o; rea$ -ro-ert3
i#"ludi#% re"o'ery o !ossessio#. It may also &e iled i# t$e ETC or RTC
de!e#di#% o# t$e assessed 'alue o t$e !ro!erty i# liti%atio#.
What determines the nature of an action!
T$e #ature o t$e a"tio# is determi#ed &y t$e alle%atio#s o t$e "om!lai#t
a#d #ot t$e relie dema#ded, i# "ertai# "ases, t$e relie dema#ded may $el! i# t$e
determi#atio# o t$e a"tio#.
What is meant by the term FSub.ect matter of the action!
T$e !$rase Fsub.ect matter of the actionG mea#s t$e !$ysi"al a"ts, t$e
t$i#%s, real or !erso#al, t$e mo#ey, la#d a#d "$attels, a#d t$e li4e, i# relatio# to
w$i"$ a suit is !rose"uted. I# s$ort, it reers to t$e t$i#% or o&:e"t i# dis!ute.
State the basis and meanin+ of a cause of action!
E'ery a"tio# must &e &ased o# a "ause o a"tio# or t$e a"t or omissio# &y
w$i"$ a !arty 'iolates t$e ri%$ts or a#ot$er ,Sec.%# Rule -).
T$e term cause of action is t$e deli"t or wro#% &y w$i"$ t$e dee#da#t 'iolates
t$e ri%$t or ri%$ts o t$e !lai#ti. ,Daao Li+ht s. Ksabel# et al. 1.R. Ao.
%'?(2$# /arch %(# -((&* Note< T$is would also a#swer t$e Duestio# w$at is t$e
&asis o a# a"tio#.2
State the basic elements of a cause of actionM
T$e t$ree 1+2 &asi" or esse#tial eleme#ts o a "ause o a"tio# are<
ri%$t !ertai#i#% to t$e !lai#ti=
"orrelati'e o&li%atio# o t$e dee#da#t to res!e"t or #ot to 'iolate su"$ ri%$t=
'iolatio# o t$e said ri%$t &y t$e dee#da#t i# 'iolatio# o $is o&li%atio#= a#d
9ama%es suered &y t$e !lai#ti as a "o#seDue#"e o t$e 'iolatio#. ,/elchor s.
/elchor# 1.R. Ao. %2(&33# Ao. %3# -((3)
State the basic distinctions between a 4ause of 0ction and a Ri+ht of 0ction.
T$e &asi" disti#"tio#s are<
*0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
1a2 4ause of action reers to t$e a"t or omissio# "ommitted &y t$e dee#da#t,
w$ereas ri+ht of action reers to t$e ri%$t o t$e !lai#ti to i#stitute t$e a"tio#=
1&2 4ause of action is determi#ed &y t$e !leadi#%s, w$ereas ri+ht of action is
determi#ed &y t$e su&sta#ti'e law= a#d
1"2 Ri+ht of action may &e ta4e# away &y t$e ru##i#% o t$e statute o limitatio#s,
&y esto!!el or ot$er "ir"umsta#"es w$i"$ do #ot ae"t at all t$e cause of action.
What is the Test of sufficiency of facts constitutin+ existence of a cause of
T$e test o t$e sui"ie#"y o t$e a"ts to "o#stitute a "ause o a"tio# is
w$et$er admitti#% t$e a"ts alle%ed i# t$e "om!lai#t, t$e "ourt "ould re#der a 'alid
:ud%me#t i# a""orda#"e wit$ t$e !rayer o t$e "om!lai#t. T$e "ourt i# resol'i#%
t$e issue must o#ly "o#sider t$e a"ts asserted i# t$e "om!lai#t wit$out
modii"atio# alt$ou%$ wit$ reaso#a&le i#ere#"e t$ere rom.,Daao Li+ht s.
Ksabel# et al. 1.R. Ao. %'?(2$# /arch %(# -((&.
What is splittin+ a sin+le cause of action!
It is t$e a"t o a !arty di'idi#% a si#%le "ause o a"tio# i#to diere#t !arts
a#d ma4i#% ea"$ !art t$e su&:e"t o a se!arate "om!lai#t.
State the rule on splittin+ a sin+le cause of action. State the purpose of the rule.
As a %e#eral rule a !erso# may o#ly ile o#e suit rom a si#%le "ause o
a"tio#. ,Sec. 3# Rule -) It "omes rom t$at old ma>im@@@ B#emo de&et &is 'e>are
!ro u#a et eadem "ausaC,no man shall be twice exed for one and the same
cause.) 1Ex parte Lan+e# %$ Wall %&3# %&$; -% Law Ed $?-; J.S. s.
Throc*morton# :$ J.S. &%; -2 Law Ed. :3). T$e rule is o# t$e !ri#"i!les o !u&li"
!oli"y to !re'e#t i#"o#'e#ie#"e a#d $ards$i! i#"ide#t to re!eated a#d u##e"essary
liti%atio#s. ,4ity of "acolod s. San /i+uel "rewery Kctober 3(# %:&:) T$e
!ur!ose o t$e rule a%ai#st s!litti#% a "ause o a"tio# isN
to !re'e#t re!eated liti%atio# &etwee# t$e same !arties i# re%ard to t$e same
su&:e"t o "o#tro'ersy= to !rote"t dee#da#t rom u##e"essary 'e>atio#= a#d
to a'oid t$e "osts a#d e>!e#ses i#"ide#t to #umerous suits,% 4.<. %%(?)
State the test for determinin+ whether or not a cause of action is sin+le
or not.
9est for determinin" w0et0er a cause of action is sin"le< T$e rule a%ai#st
s!litti#% "ause o a"tio# de!e#ds u!o# w$et$er t$e wro#% or w$i"$ redress is
sou%$t is t$e same i# &ot$ a"tio#s.

8ow do we apply the aboe test to beaches of contracts or a+reements!
;$ere t$ere are se!arate a#d disti#"t "o#tra"ts, a%reeme#ts or tra#sa"tio#s
&etwee# t$e !lai#ti a#d t$e dee#da#t, a 'iolatio# o ea"$ "o#tra"t or tra#sa"tio#
"o#stitutes a se!arate "ause o a"tio#.
*) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A si#%le "o#tra"t !ro'idi#% or se'eral o&li%atio#s to &e !erormed at
diere#t times, %i'es rise to a si#%le a#d i#de!e#de#t "ause o a"tio# or ea"$
o&li%atio# t$at is #ot !erormed at t$e !ro!er time.
I se'eral o&li%atio#s $a'e already matured all o t$em s$all &e "o#sidered
as i#te%rati#% a si#%le "ause o a"tio# a#d must all &e i#"luded i# t$e "om!lai#t.
T$ose t$at are #ot i#"luded are &arred ore'er. I# i#e, w$ere #o a"tio# is &rou%$t
u#til more t$a# o#e is due, all t$at are due must &e i#"luded i# o#e a"tio#=
I a# a"tio# is &rou%$t to re"o'er u!o# o#e or more t$at are due &ut #ot
u!o# all t$at are due, a re"o'ery i# su"$ a"tio# will &e a &ar to a se'eral or ot$er
a"tio#s &rou%$t to re"o'er o#e or more "laims o t$e ot$er "laims t$at were due at
t$e time t$e irst a"tio# was &rou%$t.1"P7 E0/7LI S067A1S "0AL# 7A4. s.
4KS4KLLJEL0# 1.R. Ao. %&??-'# -((& <un -?)
A "o#tra"t $a'i#% a# a""eleratio# "lause, t$at is, w$e# t$e ailure to "om!ly
wit$ o#e o se'eral sti!ulatio#s i# a "o#ti#ui#% "o#tra"t "o#stitutes a total &rea"$,
a si#%le "ause o a"tio# arises rom t$e &rea"$. 1"lossoms s. /anila 1as 22 Phil.
Suppose the contract of loan is secured by mort+a+e# in case of breach may the
creditor5mort+a+ee file two simultaneous or cumulatiely separate actions of
specific performance and foreclosure of mort+a+e!
T$e a#swer is NO. I# t$e a&se#"e o e>!ress statutory !ro'isio#s, a
mort%a%ee@"reditor may i#stitute a%ai#st t$e mort%a%e de&tor eit$er a !erso#al
a"tio# or de&t or a real a"tio# to ore"lose t$e mort%a%e. I# ot$er words, $e may
!ursue eit$er o t$e two remedies, &ut #ot &ot$. ,"P7 E0/7LI S067A1S "0AL#
7A4. s. 4KS4KLLJEL0# 1.R. Ao. %&??-'# -((& <un -?)
What is the effect of the election made by the mort+a+ee5creditor to pursue a
cause of action!
By su"$ ele"tio#, $is "ause o a"tio# "a# &y #o mea#s &e im!aired, or ea"$
o t$e two remedies is "om!lete i# itsel. T$us, a# ele"tio# to &ri#% a !erso#al
a"tio# will lea'e o!e# to $im all t$e !ro!erties o t$e de&tor or atta"$me#t a#d
e>e"utio#, e'e# i#"ludi#% t$e mort%a%ed !ro!erty itsel. A#d, i $e wai'es su"$
!erso#al a"tio# a#d !ursues $is remedy a%ai#st t$e mort%a%ed !ro!erty, a#
u#satisied :ud%me#t t$ereo# would still %i'e $im t$e ri%$t to sue or a dei"ie#"y
:ud%me#t, i# w$i"$ "ase, all t$e !ro!erties o t$e dee#da#t, ot$er t$a# t$e
mort%a%ed !ro!erty, are a%ai# o!e# to $im or t$e satisa"tio# o t$e dei"ie#"y. I#
eit$er "ase, $is remedy is "om!lete, $is "ause o a"tio# u#dimi#is$ed, a#d a#y
ad'a#ta%es atte#da#t to t$e !ursuit o o#e or t$e ot$er remedy are !urely
a""ide#tal a#d are all u#der $is ri%$t o ele"tio#. ,"P7 s. 4oscolluela# 1.R. Ao.
%&??-'# -((& <un -?)
What is the effect if a rule would allow the plaintiff to pursue both actions
simultaneously or successiely!
*. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A rule t$at would aut$ori?e t$e !lai#ti to &ri#% a !erso#al a"tio# a%ai#st
t$e de&tor a#d simulta#eously or su""essi'ely a#ot$er a"tio# a%ai#st t$e
mort%a%ed !ro!erty, would result #ot o#ly i# multi!li"ity o suits so oe#si'e to
:usti"e 1Soria#o '. E#riDues, *6 P$il. ()62 a#d o&#o>ious to law a#d eDuity
1Osorio '. Sa# A%usti#, *( P$il. 6/62, &ut also i# su&:e"ti#% t$e dee#da#t to t$e
'e>atio# o &ei#% sued i# t$e !la"e o $is reside#"e or o t$e reside#"e o t$e
!lai#ti, a#d t$e# a%ai# i# t$e !la"e w$ere t$e !ro!erty lies., ,"P7 s.
4oscolluela# 1.R. Ao. %&??-'# -((& <un -?)
What is the remedy a+ainst splittin+ a sin+le cause of action!
T$e dee#da#t may mo'e to dismiss t$e "ase o# t$e %rou#d o litis
pendencia, i t$e "om!lai#ts are still !e#di#% ,Sec. %c# Rule %&. or o# t$e %rou#d
o res $udicata, i t$e irst "ase $as &ee# termi#ated &y i#al :ud%me#t ,Sec. %f#
Rule %&).
;$ere a !arty mo'es to dismiss o# t$e %rou#d o litis pendencia, t$e
ollowi#% reDuisites must &e !rese#t<
a. Ide#tity o !arties or at least su"$ as re!rese#ti#% t$e same i#terest i# &ot$
b. Ide#tity o ri%$ts asserted a#d relie !rayed or, t$e relie &ei#% ou#ded o#
t$e same a"ts= a#d
c. T$e ide#tity i# t$e two "ases s$ould &e t$at t$e :ud%me#t re#dered i# o#e
would, re%ardless o w$i"$ !arty is su""essul, amou#t to res $udicata i# t$e
ot$er. 1Aote: The .ud+ment in one must hae become final and executory
as distin+uished from interlocutory# 7nestment# 7nc. s. 40 <une -?#
What is the Doctrine of Nlaw of the caseG!
T$e do"tri#e sim!ly mea#s t$at w$ate'er is o#"e irre'o"a&ly esta&lis$ed as
t$e "o#trolli#% le%al rule or de"isio# &etwee# t$e same !arties i# t$e same "ase
"o#ti#ues to &e t$e law %o'er#i#% t$e !arties so lo#% as t$e a"ts o# w$i"$ su"$
de"isio# was !redi"ated "o#ti#ue to &e t$e a"ts o t$e "ase &eore t$e "ourt.
,/an+oma s. 40 L5::3?2# Eeb.%# %::2)
What is the FDoctrine of res .udicataG!
T$e rule o res $udicata, is also 4#ow# as O&ar &y !rior :ud%me#tO. It mea#s
t$at a i#al :ud%me#t or order o# t$e merits, re#dered &y a Court $a'i#%
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter a#d o t$e !arties, is "o#"lusi'e i# a su&seDue#t
"ase &etwee# t$e same !arties. T$e :ud%me#t also &i#ds t$eir su""essor@i#@i#terest
&y title su&seDue#t to t$e "omme#"eme#t o t$e a"tio# or s!e"ial !ro"eedi#%,
liti%ati#% or t$e same t$i#% a#d u#der t$e same title a#d i# t$e same "a!a"ity.
GSee also Section '? ,b) Rule 3:# Rules of 4ourt.@
What are the reDuisites of res .udicata!
+/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e reDuisites esse#tial or t$e a!!li"atio# o t$e !ri#"i!le o res :udi"ata
a) t$ere must &e a i#al :ud%me#t or order=
b) said :ud%me#t or order must &e o# t$e merits=
c) t$e Court re#deri#% t$e same must $a'e :urisdi"tio# o# t$e su&:e"t matter
a#d t$e !arties= a#d
d) t$ere must &e &etwee# t$e two "ases ide#tity o !arties, ide#tity o su&:e"t
matter, a#d ide#tity o "auses o a"tio#. =EDuitable P47" s. 40# 1.R. Ao.
%'322&# /arch %&# -(('@
What is the concept of F7dentity of partiesG!
Ide#tity o !arties as a# i#dis!e#sa&le "o#ditio# or t$e e>iste#"e o res
$udicata does #ot mea# a&solute or total ide#tity o all t$e !arties. T$e i#"lusio# o
a #ew !arty i# t$e se"o#d a"tio# does #ot remo'e t$e "ase rom t$e o!eratio# o
t$e do"tri#e i t$e !arty a%ai#st w$om t$e :ud%me#t is oered i# e'ide#"e was
also t$e !arty i# t$e irst a"tio#. T$is rule wards o t$e !ossi&ility o re#ewi#%
liti%atio# &etwee# t$e same !arties &y t$e sim!le e>!edie#t &ri#%i#% i#to t$e
se"o#d a"tio# a #ew !arty. 10bines s. "P7# 1.R. Ao. %&?:((# -((& Eeb %3) T$e
do"tri#es o res $udicata a#d litis pendencia are !ri#"i!les sa#"tio#ed &y !u&li"
!oli"y i# order t$at multi!li"ity o suits may &e a'oided.
State the concept of <oinder of causes of action.
5oi#der o "auses o a"tio# sim!ly mea#s t$at a !arty may assert, i# o#e
!leadi#%, i# t$e alter#ati'e or ot$erwise as ma#y "auses o a"tio# as $e may $a'e
a%ai#st a# o!!osi#% !arty su&:e"t to t$e rules o# 'e#ue, :urisdi"tio# a#d :oi#ter o
!arties. T$ere "a# &e #o :oi#der o "auses o a"tio# to i#"lude s!e"ial "i'il a"tio#s
or a"tio#s %o'er#ed &y s!e"ial rules.
What is the concept of Permissie .oinder of parties!
Permissi'e :oi#der o !arties mea#s t$at all !erso#s i# w$om or a%ai#st
w$om a#y ri%$t to relie i# res!e"t to or arisi#% out o t$e same tra#sa"tio# or
series o tra#sa"tio#s is alle%ed to e>ist, w$et$er :oi#tly, se'erally or i# t$e
alter#ati'e, may, e>"e!t as ot$erwise !ro'ided i# t$ese rules, :oi# as !lai#tis or
&e :oi#ed as dee#da#ts i# o#e "om!lai#t, w$ere a#y Duestio# o law or a"t
"ommo# to all su"$ !lai#tis or to all su"$ dee#da#ts may arise i# t$e a"tio#, &ut
t$e "ourt may ma4e su"$ orders as may &e :ust to !re'e#t a#y !lai#ti or
dee#da#t rom &ei#% em&arrassed or !ut to e>!e#se i# "o##e"tio# wit$ a#y
!ro"eedi#%s i# w$i"$ $e may $a'e #o i#terest ,Elores s. Phillipps# Sept. -'#
7n case of a alid .oinder of parties what shall be the .urisdictional test!
+- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
I# "ase o a 'alid :oi#der o !arties 1!lai#ti or dee#da#t2 t$e total o all
t$e "laims s$all ur#is$ t$e :urisdi"tio#al test. ,Elores s. Phillipps# Sept. -'#
Suppose all the causes of action .oined are principally for sum of money what
shall be the .urisdictional test!
;$ere all t$e "auses o a"tio# :oi#ed are !ri#"i!ally or t$e re"o'ery o sum
o mo#ey, t$e a%%re%ate amou#t "laimed s$all &e t$e test o :urisdi"tio#. T$e
totality o t$e dema#d i# t$e suits or re"o'ery o sums o mo#ey &etwee# t$e
same !arties i# t$e "om!lai#t "o#stitutes t$e &asis o :urisdi"tio# a#d determi#es
t$e :urisdi"tio#al amou#t i# "i'il "ases ,"uli+5"uli+ s. Sulpicio Lines /ay %:#
What is the effect if the parties decide not to be .oined in a sin+le complaint!
I t$e !arties de"ided #ot to &e :oi#ed i# a si#%le "om!lai#t, t$e
:urisdi"tio#al &asis s$all &e t$e amou#ts i# ea"$ o t$e se!arate "om!lai#ts.
,"uli+5"uli+ s. Sulpicio Lines /ay %:# %:$:) T$e ri%$t o a !arty to "ause t$e
:oi#der o "auses o a"tio# is merely !ermissi'e. It is #ot a# o&li%atory rule. T$e
ri%$t or !ri'ile%e is 'ested i# t$e !lai#ti.
7s /is.oinder of causes of action in one complaint a +round for motion to
T$e a#swer is #o. It is #ot a %rou#d or motio# to dismiss. T$e "ourt may
motu !ro!rio order t$e se!aratio# o t$e "auses o a"tio# or o# motio# o a !arty.
T$ereater t$e "ourt may !ro"eed wit$ t$e trial o ea"$ o t$e "auses o a"tio#
se!arately. A mis:oi#der #or a #o#@:oi#der o !arties is a %rou#d or dismissal o a#
a"tio#, &e"ause !arties may &e dro!!ed or added at a#y sta%e o t$e !ro"eedi#%s.
,Sec. &# Rule -# 4abutihan s.Landcenter 7nc. 1.R. Ao. %'&2:'# -((-)
8ow are ciil actions commenced! What is the effect of a alid commencement
of action!
Ci'il a"tio#s are deemed "omme#"ed &y t$e ili#% o t$e ori%i#al "om!lai#t
i# "ourt. I a# additio#al dee#da#t is im!leaded i# a su&seDue#t !leadi#%, t$e
a"tio# is deemed "omme#"ed wit$ re%ard to t$e said !arty as o t$e date o ili#%
o t$e latter !leadi#%, irres!e"ti'e o w$et$er t$e motio# is admitted or de#ied &y
t$e "ourt. /Sec. 2# Rule %) T$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#t i#terru!ts t$e ru##i#% o t$e
!eriod o !res"ri!tio#.
What is the effect of the dismissed of the complaint on the +round of the
plaintiffMs failure to prosecute on the runnin+ of the period of prescription!
T$e ee"t is t$at as i #o "om!lai#t was iled a#d it would re'ert &a"4 to
t$at time w$e# t$e "om!lai#t $as #ot yet &ee# iled.
+* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
When is a complaint deemed filed!
A "om!lai#t is deemed iled o#ly u!o# !ayme#t o t$e ull do"4et ee
re%ardless o t$e a"tual date o ili#% i# "ourt. T$e "ourt a"Duires :urisdi"tio# o'er
t$e "ase o#ly u!o# !ayme#t o t$e ull do"4et ee. It is #ot sim!ly t$e ili#% o t$e
"om!lai#t or a!!ro!riate i#itiatory !leadi#% &ut t$e !ayme#t o t$e !res"ri&ed ee,
t$at 'est t$e trial "ourt wit$ :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t or #ature o t$e a"tio#.
,/anchester s. 40 %': S4R0 2$3) ;$ere t$e i#itiatory !leadi#% is #ot
a""om!a#ied &y !ayme#t o t$e reDuired do"4et ee, t$e "ourt may, i# its
dis"retio#, allow t$e !ayme#t o t$e ee wit$i# a reaso#a&le time &ut i# #o "ase
&eyo#d t$e a!!li"a&le !res"ri!ti'e or re%leme#tary !eriod. T$e !res"ri!ti'e !eriod
s$all mea# t$e !eriod o !res"ri!tio# o t$e a"tio#. 1Suns 7nsurance s. 0suncion
%?( S4R0 2&-; Aote also that the circular of the S4 dated 0u+ust %2# -((' has
mandated the payment of fees een in compulsory counterclaims).
Recapitulation of the Rules of <oinder of 4auses of 0ction and <oinder of
I# summary, :oi#der o "auses o a"tio# is t$e u#iti#% o two or more
dema#ds or ri%$ts o a"tio# i# o#e a"tio#, t$e stateme#t o more t$a# o#e "ause o
a"tio# i# a de"laratio#. 1% 4<S sec. &% p. %%$).
It is t$e u#io# o two or more "i'il "auses o a"tio#, ea"$ o w$i"$ "ould &e
made t$e &asis o a se!arate suit, i# t$e same "om!lai#t or !etitio#. It is t$at
situatio# w$ere a !lai#ti, u#der "ertai# "ir"umsta#"es a#d limitatio#s :oi# se'eral
disti#"t dema#ds, "o#tro'ersies or ri%$ts o a"tio# i# o#e de"laratio#, "om!lai#t or
What is then the nature of allowin+ the .oinder of causes of action!
5oi#der o "auses o a"tio# is merely !ermissi'e as t$ere is #o rule or law
reDuiri#% or "om!elli#% a !arty to :oi# $is "auses o a"tio#.
What is the purpose of allowin+ .oinder of causes of action! 8ow should it be
T$e !ur!ose o allowi#% :oi#der o "auses o a"tio# is to a'oid multi!li"ity
o suits. T$e rule o# :oi#der o "auses o a"tio# &ei#% !ro"edural i# #ature s$ould
&e li&erally "o#strued to t$e e#d t$at related "o#tro'ersies &etwee# t$e same
!arties may &e ad:udi"ated at o#e time. ,Erancisco on the Rule of 4ourt)
What is the effect of a Fno5action clauseG embodied in a contract on the rules
on .oinder of causes of action!
A B#o@a"tio# "lauseC em&odied i# a "o#tra"t "a##ot su!ersede t$e rules o#
:oi#der o "auses o a"tio# or :oi#der o !arties wit$ res!e"t to t$ird !erso#s w$o
are #ot !arties to t$e "o#tra"t. 11uin+on s. del /onte 0u+. %?# %:&?2
Who may be a party to a ciil action!
++ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Se". -, Rule + !ro'ides t$at o#ly #atural or :uridi"al !erso#s or e#tities
aut$ori?ed &y law may &e !arties i# a "i'il a"tio# w$et$er as !arty !lai#ti or
!arty dee#da#t.
Aatural Persons:
a2 T$ose o le%al a%e a#d $a'e "a!a"ity to a"t. 1Art. +0 NCC2<
&2 Ei#or or i#"om!ete#t !erso#s assisted &y t$eir at$er, mot$er, %uardia# or
i #o#e, %uardia# ad litem=
"2 Ei#ors w$o $ad &ee# ema#"i!ated &y marria%e, or &y 'olu#tary
d2 No#@reside#t may sue or &e sued i# t$e P$ili!!i#es i it i#'ol'es $is
!erso#al status as !lai#ti or !ro!erties lo"ated i# t$e P$ili!!i#es 1Se". +,
Rule 6, Se". -(, Rule -62
<uridical Persons C Entities authori9ed by law
T$e most "ommo# :uridi"al !erso#s re"o%#i?ed &y law a#d t$e rules t$at
may &e !arties to "i'il a"tio#s are "or!oratio#s or%a#i?ed u#der t$e Cor!oratio#
Code a#d Part#ers$i!s or%a#i?ed u#der t$e Ci'il Code.
What entities are included in the term .uridical persons!
T$e %e#eral rule is to t$e ee"t t$at t$ese :uridi"al !erso#s must &e
aut$ori?ed &y law &eore t$ey "a# &e !arties. T$is aut$ority ema#ates rom t$e law
aut$ori?i#% t$eir e>iste#"e. T$e term :uridi"al !erso# i#"ludes t$e state a#d its
!oliti"al su&di'isio#s i#"ludi#% %o'er#me#t ow#ed or "o#trolled "or!oratio#s.
Ot$er :uridi"al !erso#s may also reer to<
%. 9uly re%istered la&or or%a#i?atio#s=
-. Estate o 9e"eased !erso#s 1Estate of deceased persons has le+al
personality to sue or be sued for purposes of settlement of the estate and
all matter related to such proceedin+s re+ardin+ the estate of the
3. Lorei%# Cor!oratio#s i# "ases !ro'ided or &y law=
'. Go'er#me#t e#tities e>er"isi#% !ro!rietary u#"tio#s=
2. Go'er#me#t ow#ed or "o#trolled "or!oratio#s=
&. Lo"al %o'er#me#t U#its=
?. Part#ers$i!s or%a#i?ed ,0rt. %?&?# %??-)
Eor le+al purposes as a party liti+ant with what +oernment a+ency must the
labor or+ani9ation be re+istered!
T$e duly re%istered la&or or%a#i?atio# may reer to re%istratio# wit$ t$e
SEC a#d wit$ t$e 9OLE. Note $owe'er, t$at or !ur!oses o "olle"ti'e &ar%ai#i#%
a#d ot$er matters relati#% to em!loyer@em!loyee relatio#s$i!s, t$e la&or
or%a#i?atio# EUST &e re%istered wit$ t$e 9OLE.
+6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
/ay forei+n corporations sue or be sued in the Philippines!
Lorei%# Cor!oratio#s doi#% &usi#ess i# t$e P$ili!!i#es u#der li"e#se or
aut$ority &y t$e !ro!er %o'er#me#t e#tity may sue or &e sued i# t$e P$ili!!i#es.
U#li"e#sed or #ot duly aut$ori?ed orei%# "or!oratio#s t$at do &usi#ess i# t$e
P$ili!!i#es may &e sued &ut may #ot sue e>"e!t i# "o##e"tio# wit$ some isolated
&usi#ess tra#sa"tio#s or to !rote"t t$eir i#telle"tual !ro!erty ri%$ts.
What is the limitation on the suits a+ainst the State!
T$e state a#d its lo"al !oliti"al su&di'isio#s may &e !arties to "i'il a"tio#s.
Note t$at t$e state "a# o#ly &e sued wit$ its "o#se#t. Su"$ "o#se#t may &e %i'e#
im!liedly or e>!ressly &y t$e state.
8ow may a mere association or +roup of persons sue or be sued!
A mere asso"iatio# or %rou! o !erso#s $a'i#% #o :uridi"al !erso#ality may
#ot sue u#der su"$ asso"iatio# 1&ut t$e mem&ers may sue i#di'idually2. T$is rule
may admit o some e>"e!tio#s, t$at is, w$e# t$ey are sued i# a "lass suit 1we will
dis"uss later2 or u#der t$e "ommo# #ame t$ey $a'e re!rese#ted t$emsel'es.
Who is a real party5in5interest!
A real !arty i# i#terest is a !arty w$o would &e &e#eited or i#:ured &y t$e
:ud%me#t i# a suit or is t$e !arty e#titled to t$e a'ails o t$e suit. It sim!ly mea#s
t$at t$e a"tio# must &e &rou%$t &y t$e !erso# w$o, &y su&sta#ti'e law, !ossesses
t$e ri%$t sou%$t to &e e#or"ed. ,Tan s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %-??-%(# 0u+ust ?# -((3)
H and I are the heirs of H># who operates a restaurant business in "inondo. H>
leased a space in the buildin+ of 0"4 as eidenced by a contract of leased
si+ned by 0"4 and H>. H> died. E and E# the heirs of H> continued the
business of the late H>. Thereafter# 0"4 filed a suit for rescission of the
contract of lease. 0re E and E considered real parties5in5interest defendants!
T$e a#swer is yes. Co#sideri#% t$at E a#d L are t$e $eirs o PQ a#d t$ey
"o#ti#ued t$e &usi#ess ater t$e deat$ o t$eir !rede"essor ma4es t$em real !arties
i# i#terest dee#da#ts. T$e a"t t$at t$ey are #ot si%#atories to t$e lease "o#tra"t is
#ot material to t$e issue. ,Sui /an s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %'?:::# Eeb. -?# -((')
What is meant by F7nterest or Real interestG!
It mea#s a !rese#t su&sta#tial i#terest or material i#terest a# i#terest i# issue
a#d to &e ae"ted &y t$e de"ree as disti#%uis$ed rom a mere e>!e"ta#"y or a
uture, "o#ti#%e#t, su&ordi#ate, i#"ide#tal or "o#seDue#tial i#terest. I#terest t$at is
&ased o# a mere e>!e"ta#"y is #ot t$e i#terest mea#t i# t$e rules. ,Tan s. 40#
1.R. Ao. %-??-%(# 0u+ust ?# -((3= <oaDuin# et al. s. 40# Ao. -(# -((3)
What is meant by F/aterial interest!
+( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Eaterial I#terest is t$e i#terest i# issue ,alle+ed in the pleadin+s5complaint
or answer) a#d to &e ae"ted &y t$e de"ree, as disti#%uis$ed rom mere i#terest i#
t$e Duestio# i#'ol'ed, or a mere i#"ide#tal i#terest. It is t$e i#terest o t$e !arty
t$at is !erso#al to t$e liti%a#t a#d #ot o#e &ased o# a desire to 'i#di"ate t$e
"o#stitutio#al ri%$t o some t$ird a#d u#related !arty.,Krti+as C 4ompany
Limited Partnership . 6elasco# -3' S4R0 '22# <uly -2# %::')
What is meant by the term Fpresent substantial interestG!
T$e term =present substantial interestG "o#"retely mea#s t$at i#terest o a
!arty i# t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e a"tio# so as to e#title $im, u#der su&sta#ti'e law,
to re"o'er i t$e e'ide#"e is sui"ie#t, or t$at $e $as t$e le%al title to dema#d a#d
t$e dee#da#t will &e !rote"ted i# !ayi#% to or re"o'ery rom $im. , <oaDuin# et
al. s. 40# Ao. -(# -((3)
What is meant by the term Fpresent substantial interestG!
T$e term =present substantial interestG "o#"retely mea#s t$at i#terest o a
!arty i# t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e a"tio# so as to e#title $im, u#der su&sta#ti'e law,
to re"o'er i t$e e'ide#"e is sui"ie#t, or t$at $e $as t$e le%al title to dema#d a#d
t$e dee#da#t will &e !rote"ted i# !ayi#% to or re"o'ery rom $im. , <oaDuin# et
al. s. 40# Ao. -(# -((3)
Who is a real party in interest plaintiff! Defendant!
0 real party in interest5plaintiff is o#e w$o $as a le%al ri%$t w$ile a real
party in interest5defendant is o#e w$o $as a "orrelati'e le%al o&li%atio# w$ose a"t
or omissio# 'iolates t$e le%al ri%$ts o t$e ormer.,Lee# et al. . Romillo.# et al.
#1.R. Ao. &(:3?# /ay -$# %:$$)
What is included in the term real party in interest!
T$e term real !arty i# i#terest may i#"lude re!rese#tati'es, !are#ts, or
%uardia#s a#d %uardia# ad litem o mi#ors, or i#"om!ete#ts. A real !arty i#
i#terest is t$e !arty w$o sta#ds to &e &e#eited or i#:ured &y t$e :ud%me#t i# t$e
suit, or t$e !arty e#titled to t$e a'ails o t$e suit. U#less ot$erwise aut$ori?ed &y
law or t$ese Rules, e'ery a"tio# must &e !rose"uted or dee#ded i# t$e #ame o t$e
real !arty i# i#terest.1Se". *2
What are the purposes of the proision re+ardin+ real parties in interest!
T$e !ur!oses o t$e !ro'isio# are<
-2 To !re'e#t t$e !rose"utio# o a"tio#s &y !erso#s wit$out a#y ri%$t, title or
i#terest i# t$e "ase=
*2 To reDuire t$at t$e a"tual !arty e#titled to le%al relie &e t$e o#e to !rose"ute
t$e a"tio#=
+2 To a'oid a multi!li"ity o suits= a#d
+7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
62 To dis"oura%e liti%atio# a#d 4ee! it wit$i# "ertai# &ou#ds, !ursua#t to sou#d
!u&li" !oli"y.
What is the effect when a suit is not prosecuted in the name of a real party in
;$e# t$e !lai#ti is #ot t$e real !arty i# i#terest, t$e "ase is dismissi&le o#
t$e %rou#d o la"4 o "ause o a"tio#.,"P7 E0/7LI S067A1S "0AL# 7A4. s.
4KS4KLLJEL0# 1.R. Ao. %&??-'# -((& <un -?)
. O#e $a'i#% #o material i#terest to !rote"t "a##ot i#'o4e t$e :urisdi"tio# o
t$e "ourt as t$e !lai#ti i# a# a"tio#. ,Kco s. Limbarin+# 1.r. Ao. %&%-:$ <an.
3%# -((&)
7n suits re+ardin+ representatie parties# may the person represented be named
in the pleadin+!
;it$ re%ard to re!rese#tati'e !arties, t$e !erso#1s2 re!rese#ted may or may
#ot &e :oi#ed i# t$e suit w$ere t$e a%e#t a"ted i# $is ow# #ame or or t$e &e#eit
o a# u#dis"losed !ri#"i!al. T$e e>"e!tio# to t$is rule is w$e# t$e suit i#'ol'es
t$i#%s &elo#%i#% to t$e !ri#"i!al. ,Sec. 3# Rule 3)
Who is an indispensable party!
A# i#dis!e#sa&le !arty is a !arty w$o $as su"$ a# i#terest i# t$e
"o#tro'ersy or su&:e"t matter t$at a i#al ad:udi"atio# "a##ot &e made, i# $is
a&se#"e, wit$out i#:uri#% or ae"ti#% t$at i#terest.
A !arty w$o $as #ot o#ly a# i#terest i# t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e
"o#tro'ersy, &ut also $as a# i#terest o su"$ #ature t$at a i#al de"ree "a##ot &e
made wit$out ae"ti#% $is i#terest or lea'i#% t$e "o#tro'ersy i# su"$ a "o#ditio#
t$at its i#al determi#atio# may &e w$olly i#"o#siste#t wit$ eDuity a#d %ood
A# i#dis!e#sa&le !arty is a !erso# i# w$ose a&se#"e t$ere "a# &e #o
determi#atio# &etwee# t$e !arties already &eore t$e "ourt w$i"$ is ee"ti'e,
"om!lete, or eDuita&le. He is o#e w$o must &e i#"luded i# a# a"tio# &eore it may
!ro!erly %o orward.,0rcelona s. 40# -$( S4R0 -()Aote: This would also
answer the Duery: 4ompulsory .oinder of indispensable parties. Sec. ?# Rule 3.
I $is i#terest i# t$e "o#tro'ersy or su&:e"t matter is se!ara&le rom t$e i#terest o
t$e ot$er !arties, so t$at it will #ot #e"essarily &e dire"tly or i#:uriously ae"ted
&y a de"ree w$i"$ does "om!lete :usti"e &etwee# t$em, $e is NOT a#
What are the reDuisites of a class suit!
I# order t$at a "lass suit may !ros!er, t$e ollowi#% reDuisites must &e
1-2 T$at t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e "o#tro'ersy is o#e o "ommo# or %e#eral i#terest
to ma#y !erso#s= a#d
+0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
1*2 T$at t$e !arties are so #umerous t$at it is im!ra"ti"a&le to &ri#% t$em all
&eore t$e "ourt. T$e !erso# w$o sues must $a'e a# i#terest i# t$e "o#tro'ersy,
"ommo# wit$ t$ose or w$om $e sues, a#d t$ere must &e t$at u#ity o i#terest
&etwee# $im a#d all su"$ ot$er !erso#s w$i"$ would e#title t$em to mai#tai# t$e
a"tio# i suit was &rou%$t &y t$em :oi#tly. ,SJLK A1 "0I0A# 7A4.# s.
0R0AET0# 7A4.# et al. 1.R. Ao. L53%(&% 0u+. %?# %:?&)
What constitutes Fcommon interestG!
As to w$at "o#stitutes "ommo# i#terest i# t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e
"o#tro'ersy, it $as &ee# $eld as a# i#terest t$at will allow !arties to :oi# i# a &ill o
"om!lai#t, or t$at will e#a&le t$e "ourt to dis!e#se wit$ t$e !rese#"e o all t$e
!arties, w$e# #umerous, e>"e!t a determi#ate #um&er, is #ot o#ly a# i#terest i# t$e
Duestio#, &ut o#e i# "ommo# i# t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e suit= a "ommu#ity o
i#terest %rowi#% out o t$e #ature a#d "o#ditio# o t$e ri%$t i# dis!ute. ,SJLK A1
"0I0A# 7A4.# s. 0R0AET0# 7A4.# et al. 1.R. Ao. L53%(&%0u+. %?# %:?&)
State the rules to be followed when a party to a suit dies.
I# "ase a !arty dies duri#% t$e !e#de#"y o a suit, t$e ollowi#% rules s$all
&e o&ser'ed<
a2;$e# t$e a"tio# is #ot e>ti#%uis$ed &y reaso# o t$e deat$<
-. It is t$e duty o t$e "ou#sel o t$e de"eased to #otiy t$e "ourt wit$i# a
!eriod o +/ days rom 4#owled%e t$ereo a#d to %i'e t$e #ames a#d
addresses o t$e le%al re!rese#tati'es o t$e de"eased=
*. T$e $eirs may &e allowed to &e su&stituted wit$out reDuiri#% t$e
a!!oi#tme#t o a# e>e"utor or admi#istrator= w$ere t$ere are mi#ors let &y
t$e de"eased, t$ey may &e assisted &y t$eir %uardia# ad litem=
+. A# order o su&stitutio# may &e issued &y t$e "ourt to t$e ee"t.
6. ;$e# :ud%me#t $as already &ee# re#dered a#d t$e same $as &e"ome i#al
a#d e>e"utory<
(. I t$e o&li%ee dies< t$e e>e"utor or admi#istrator o $is estate may a!!ly or
a writ o e>e"utio# o t$e :ud%me#t. 1se". 0a, Rule +.2
7. I it is t$e o&li%or w$o dies< t$e e>e"utio# o t$e :ud%me#t may &e dire"ted
a%ai#st t$e e>e"utor or admi#istrator o $is estate 1Se". 0&,Rule +.2 i t$e
:ud%me#t is or re"o'ery o real !r !erso#al !ro!erty or t$e e#or"eme#t o
a lie#=
0. I t$e deat$ o t$e o&li%or o""urred ater le'y t$e au"tio# sale s$all !ro"eed=
). I deat$ o""urred &eore t$e re#ditio# o :ud%me#t, t$e "ase s$all &e
dismissed a#d t$e "laim s$all &e !rose"uted i# t$e estate !ro"eedi#% o t$e
de"eased dee#da#t.
&2 I# "ase t$e a"tio# does #ot sur'i'e, t$e same s$all &e dismissed.
When do we say that the action suries the death of the party!
+) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A# a"tio# is "o#sidered to sur'i'e t$e deat$ o a !arty to a# a"tio# w$e# t$e
a"tio# "a# &e !ursued a%ai#st t$e e>e"utor or admi#istrator o t$e estate o t$e
de"eased or w$e# it "a# &e !rose"uted a%ai#st su"$ estate.,Sec.%# Rule $?; Sec. 2#
Rule $2)
What actions may and may not# be prosecuted a+ainst the estate of a deceased!
No a"tio# u!o# a "laim or t$e re"o'ery o mo#ey or de&t or i#terest
t$ereo# s$all &e "omme#"ed a%ai#st t$e e>e"utor or admi#istrator o t$e estate o a
de"eased !erso#. Howe'er, &ut a"tio#s to re"o'er real or !erso#al !ro!erty or o
a# i#terest t$erei#, rom t$e estate, or to e#or"e a lie# t$ereo#, a#d a"tio#s to
re"o'er dama%es or a# i#:ury to !erso# or !ro!erty, real or !erso#al, may &e
"omme#"ed a%ai#st said e>e"utor or admi#istrator.,Sec. %# Rule $?)
What actions may be brou+ht or defended by the executor or administrator of
the estate of a deceased!
T$e e>e"utor or admi#istrator may &ri#% or dee#d a"tio#s or t$e re"o'ery
or !rote"tio# o t$e !ro!erty or ri%$ts o t$e de"eased, as well as "auses t$at
What is the effect of transfer of interest oer the property sub.ect of the
I t$e !ro!erty i# liti%atio# is sold !e#de#t elite, t$e seller remai#s to &e t$e
real !arty i# i#terest. T$e a"tio# may &e "o#ti#ued &y or a%ai#st t$e ori%i#al !arty.
Howe'er, t$e "ourt, u!o# motio#, dire"ts t$e tra#seree to &e i#stituted i# t$e
a"tio# or :oi#ed wit$ t$e ori%i#al !arty. 1Sec. %:# Rule 3; 4ommodities Stora+e#
7nc. s. 40 1.R. %-2(($# <une %:# %::?)
P appointed 0 as his a+ent to sell a parcel of land. 0 entered into a contract of
sale with ". Later the property sub.ect of the sale was not deliered to " in spite
of the payment. Should " decide to sue# how will he do it!
B may i#stitute t$e a"tio# a%ai#st P a#d A &y :oi#i#% t$em as alter#ati'e
dee#da#ts. ;$ere t$e !lai#ti is u#"ertai# a%ai#st w$om o se'eral !erso# $e is
e#titled to relie, $e may :oi# a#y or all o t$em as dee#da#ts i# t$e alter#ati'e,
alt$ou%$ $is ri%$t to relie a%ai#st o#e may &e i#"o#siste#t wit$ $is ri%$t to relie
a%ai#st t$e ot$er. /6ec. 172 Rule 17. T$e !ri#"i!al a#d $is a%e#t may &e sued as
:oi#t dee#da#ts. I t$e a%e#"y is !ro'ed, t$e !ri#"i!al s$all &e $eld lia&le, i #ot
t$e a%e#t "a# &e $eld lia&le.
What is meant by enue!
6e#ue is t$e !la"e w$ere a# a"tio# must &e i#stituted a#d tried.
%3$. B. State the enue of real actions.
+. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A"tio#s ae"ti#% title to or !ossessio# o real !ro!erty, or i#terest t$erei#
s$all &e "omme#"ed a#d tried i# t$e !ro!er "ourt w$i"$ $as :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e
area w$erei# t$e real !ro!erty i#'ol'ed or a !ortio# t$ereo is situated. Lor"i&le
e#try a#d u#lawul detai#er "ases are to &e i#stituted a#d tried i# t$e mu#i"i!al
trial "ourt o t$e mu#i"i!ality or "ity w$ere t$e real !ro!erty i#'ol'ed or a !ortio#
t$ereo is situated. ,Sec. %# Rule ')
State the enue of personal actions.
A"tio#s ot$er t$a# real a"tio#s s$all &e i#stituted a#d tried i# t$e !ro!er
"ourt w$ere t$e !lai#ti or a#y o t$e !ri#"i!al !lai#tis reside or w$ere t$e
dee#da#t or a#y o t$e !ri#"i!al dee#da#ts reside, at t$e o!tio# o t$e !lai#ti.
,Sec.-# Rule ')
State the enue of actions a+ainst non5resident defendant!
A"tio#s a%ai#st #o#@reside#t dee#da#ts s$all &e i#stituted a#d tried i# t$e
!ro!er "ourt o t$e !la"e w$ere t$e !lai#ti resides or w$ere t$e dee#da#t may &e
ou#d, at t$e o!tio# o t$e !lai#ti. ,Sec. -# Rule ') I a#y o t$e dee#da#ts does
#ot reside a#d is #ot ou#d i# t$e P$ili!!i#es, a#d t$e a"tio# ae"ts t$e !erso#al
status o t$e !lai#ti, or a#y !ro!erty o t$e dee#da#t lo"ated i# t$e P$ili!!i#es,
t$e 'e#ue o t$e a"tio# s$all &e at t$e !la"e w$ere t$e !lai#ti resides or w$ere t$e
!ro!erty o dee#da#t is ou#d, at t"e o-t#o+ o; t"e -$a#+t#;;. ,Sec. 3# Rule ')
7s an a+reement as to enue conclusie on the parties!
A# a%reeme#t as to 'e#ue is #ot "o#"lusi'e a#d does #ot !re"lude t$e ili#%
o a# a"tio# i# t$e !la"e o t$e !artiesF reside#"e. T$e e>"e!tio# to t$e rule is t$at
w$e# it is "lear rom t$e e>!ress terms o t$e a%reeme#t t$at t$e !arties $a'e
sti!ulated t$at t$e a"tio# "a# &e iled ONLY i# t$e !la"e a%reed u!o#.
H and I entered into a contract of real estate mort+a+e oer a parcel of land
located in "a+uio 4ity to secure the fulfillment of a loan obli+ation. The real
estate mort+a+e contained a stipulation that the mort+a+ee may extra5.udicially
foreclose the mort+a+e in case of breach. The contract of loan proided that any
action arisin+ from the loan obli+ation shall be exclusiely filed in the proper
court of La Jnion only. H failed to comply with the loan obli+ation. I extra5
.udicially foreclosed the mort+a+e in "a+uio 4ity and thereafter applied for a
writ of possession with the RT4 of "a+uio. H opposed on the +round of
improper enue. Decide.
T$e o!!ositio# is wit$out merit. T$e e>tra@:udi"ial ore"lose sale s$all &e
%o'er#ed &y Se". *, A"t +-+( as ame#ded &y A"t 6--) w$i"$ !ro'ides t$at sale
"a##ot &e made le%ally outside o t$e !ro'i#"e i# w$i"$ t$e !ro!erty sold is
situated= a#d i# "ase t$e !la"e wit$i# said !ro'i#"e i# w$i"$ t$e sale s$all &e made
is t$e su&:e"t o sti!ulatio#, su"$ sale s$all &e made i# said !la"e or i# t$e
mu#i"i!al &uildi#% o t$e mu#i"i!ality i# w$i"$ t$e !ro!erty or !art t$ereo is
6/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
situated. Here, t$e real !ro!erty su&:e"t o t$e sale is situated i# Ba%uio City. T$e
sti!ulatio# as to 'e#ue i# t$e !ri#"i!al "o#tra"t o loa# "a##ot o'erride t$e
!ro'isio# o A"t +-+( as ame#ded &y A"t 6--). ,Supena s. Dela Rosa 1.R. Ao.
RT<5:35%(3%# <anuary -$# %::?)
State the +uidelines to be obsered by the court when the Duestion of improper
enue is raised based on a stipulation in a contract.
T$e %uideli#es are<
1-2 T$e a%reeme#t o# 'e#ue s$all, i# t$e irst i#sta#"e, &e #ormally "o#sidered as
merely !ermissi'e=
1*2 To &e restri"ti'e, t$e la#%ua%e or termi#olo%y em!loyed i# t$e sti!ulatio# must
&e u#eDui'o"al a#d admit o #o "o#trary or dou&tul i#ter!retatio#=
1+2 I# "ase o irre"o#"ila&le dou&t, t$e 'e#ue !ro'isio# s$all &e deemed to &e
!ermissi'e= a#d
162 I# as"ertai#i#% t$e i#te#t i# t$at !ro'isio# w$i"$ reaso#a&ly admits o more
t$a# o#e mea#i#%, t$e "o#stru"tio# s$ould &e ado!ted w$i"$ most "o#du"es to t$e
"o#'e#ie#"e o t$e !arties.,Jnimasters s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %%:&2?# Eebruary
TR" 7nc.# a corporation with principal office at /a*ati 4ity sold a parcel of
land located in "a+uio 4ity to ELP7 7nc.# a corporation with principal office at
Daao 4ity# Thereafter# ELP7 discoered that the lot was not habitable. ELP7
filed an action for rescission andOor annulment of the deed of sale before the
RT4 of Daao 4ity. TR" files a motion to dismiss on the +round of improper
enue. Decide the motion.
Eotio# %ra#ted. T$e 'e#ue o su"$ a"tio# is u#Duestio#a&ly wit$i# t$e
territorial :urisdi"tio# o t$e !ro!er "ourt w$ere t$e real !ro!erty or !art t$ereo
lies. T$e a"tio# iled &y t$e !lai#ti is o#e ae"ti#% title to real !ro!erty it s$all &e
"omme#"ed a#d tried i# t$e !ro!er "ourt $a'i#% :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e area w$ere
t$e real !ro!erty or a#y !art t$ereo lies.1E/ER1EA4I LK0A P0WAS8KP
1.R. Ao. %-:%$'# Eebruary -$#-((' iled &y t$e !lai#ti)
Define pleadin+s.
Pleadi#%s are t$e writte# stateme#ts o t$e res!e"ti'e "laims G"om!lai#tI
a#d dee#ses Ga#swerI o t$e !arties su&mitted to t$e "ourt or a!!ro!riate
:ud%me#t. =Sec. %# Rule &@
What is meant by the FLaw of Pleadin+sG!
T$e law o !leadi#%s reers to t$at &ody o rules a#d !ri#"i!les i#
a""orda#"e wit$ w$i"$ t$e !leadi#%s, as ormal alle%atio#s o t$e !arties, are to &e
ramed or drated. ('% 0m.ur -$:*
6- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What pleadin+s are allowed under the Rules of 4ourt!
T$e Pleadi#%s allowed &y t$e Rules o Court 1re%ular !ro"edure2 are t$e
"om!lai#t, a#swer, "ou#ter"laims G"om!ulsory or !ermissi'eI, +
. 6
. Party et".
"om!lai#ts, "om!lai#t i# i#ter'e#tio#, re!ly a#d t$e "ross@"laim. U#der t$e Rules
o# Summary Pro"edure o#ly t$e "om!lai#t, a#swer, "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim,
"ross@"laim a#d re!ly are allowed !leadi#%s.
State the distinction between Pleadin+s and /otions.
A !leadi#% relates to t$e "ause o a"tio#, eit$er to su!!ort it or to deeat it
,'% 0/<JR -$$)= w$ereas a motio# does #ot relate to t$e "ause o a"tio# &ut it is
a mere a!!li"atio# or a# order #ot i#"luded i# t$e :ud%me#t. ,Sec. %# Rule %2)
,Aote: Read howeer# Rules 33# 3'# C 32 where the relief sou+ht for in the said
motions may be included in the .ud+ment and may finally dispose of the case.
These are the rules on Summary <ud+ment# <ud+ment on the Pleadin+s and
Demurrer to Eidence. )
/ay the lawyer alidly dele+ate the si+nin+ of the pleadin+!
Cou#selFs aut$ority a#d duty to si%# a !leadi#% are !erso#al to $im. He
may #ot dele%ate it to :ust a#y !erso#. T$e !re!aratio# a#d si%#i#% o a !leadi#%
"o#stitute le%al wor4 i#'ol'i#% !ra"ti"e o law w$i"$ is reser'ed e>"lusi'ely or
t$e mem&ers o t$e le%al !roessio#. Cou#sel may dele%ate t$e si%#i#% o a
!leadi#% to a#ot$er lawyer &ut "a##ot do so i# a'or o o#e w$o is #ot.,Republic
s. Lenric* Deelopment 7nc. 1.R. Ao. %':2?&# -((& 0u+ $# -nd Diision)
/ust all Pleadin+s be erified!
Ge#erally t$e 'erii"atio# o a !leadi#% is #ot #e"essary, e>"e!t w$e# t$ere
is some s!e"ii" law or rule reDuiri#% a !arti"ular !leadi#% to &e 'eriied. U#der
t$e Rules o# Summary Pro"edure all t$e allowed !leadi#%s must &e 'eriied. (Sec.
'# Rule ?2 T$e !ur!ose o t$e 'erii"atio# o !leadi#%s is to i#sure %ood ait$ o#
t$e !art o t$e !leader. La"4 o 'erii"atio# is #ot :urisdi"tio#al &ut merely ormal.
/ay the court order the correction of a pleadin+ that is not erified!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e "ourt may order t$e "orre"tio# o t$e !leadi#% i
'erii"atio# is la"4i#% or a"t o# t$e !leadi#% alt$ou%$ it is #ot 'eriied, i t$e
atte#di#% "ir"umsta#"es are su"$ t$at stri"t "om!lia#"e wit$ t$e rules may &e
dis!e#sed wit$ i# order t$at t$e e#ds o :usti"e may t$ere&y &e ser'ed.
16aldecantos s. People# 1.R. Ao. %'$$2-# -((& Sep -?# )
State the meanin+ and concept of Eorum shoppin+.
Lorum s$o!!i#% is t$e a"t o a !arty a%ai#st w$om a# ad'erse :ud%me#t $as
&ee# re#dered i# o#e orum, o see4i#% a#ot$er 1a#d !ossi&ly2 o!i#io# i# a#ot$er
orum ot$er t$a# &y a!!eal or t$e s!e"ial "i'il a"tio# o "ertiorari, or t$e i#stitutio#
o two or more a"tio#s or !ro"eedi#%s %rou#ded o# t$e same "ause o# t$e
6* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
su!!ositio# t$at o#e or t$e ot$er "ourt mi%$t loo4 wit$ a'or u!o# t$e !arty.
(Repol s. 4K/ELE4# 1.R. Ao. %&%'%$# 0pril -$# -(('# '-$ S4R0 3-%)
What is the so5called F4ertificationG on Eorum Shoppin+!
T$is is a "ertii"atio# e>e"uted u#der oat$ &y a !arty ili#% a# i#itiatory
!leadi#% to "ertiy t$at t$ere is #ot !e#di#% a"tio# &etwee# t$e same !arties a#d
i#'ol'i#% t$e same issues i# a#ot$er orum. T$e rule a!!lies w$et$er t$e "ases are
!e#di#% &eore t$e "ourts or ot$er admi#istrati'e &odies.
Who must execute the certificate on non5forum shoppin+!
Lor a "ertii"atio# to &e 'alid t$e same must &e e>e"uted &y t$e !etitio#er
$imsel or t$e !ri#"i!al !arties. A lawyer or a !arty may e>e"ute t$e said
"ertii"ate !ro'ided $e is "lot$ed wit$ a s!e"ial !ower o attor#ey. GEscorpi9o s.
Jniersity of "a+uio# 1R5%-%:&-# 0pril 3(# %:::# 4ondo Trael s. Lalo 1.R.
Ao. %-2&?%# <an. -$# -(((@
Suppose there are seeral parties to an initiatory pleadin+ must all of them si+n
the certification! Exception!
T$e a#swer is %e#erally yes. ;$ere t$ere are se'eral !arties to a# i#itiatory
!leadi#%, all must si%# or e>e"ute t$e "ertii"ate o# #o#@orum s$o!!i#%. T$ere is
#o su"$ rule a su&sta#tial "om!lia#"e.
T$e e>"e!tio# to t$is rule is w$e# t$e !arty e>e"uti#% t$e "ertii"ate o#
#o#@orum s$o!!i#% is duly aut$ori?ed &y a s!e"ial !ower o attor#ey. ,LoDuias
s. Kmbudsman 1.R. Ao. %3:3:&# 0u+. %2# -(((@
7s the lac* of certification re+ardin+ forum shoppin+ .urisdictional!
T$e a#swer is #o. ;$ile t$e la"4 o "ertii"atio# a%ai#st orum s$o!!i#% is
%e#erally #ot "ured &y its su&missio# ater t$e ili#% o t$e !etitio#, a#d t$e
su&missio# o a "ertii"ate a%ai#st orum s$o!!i#% is deemed o&li%atory, it is #ot
:urisdi"tio#al. Not &ei#% :urisdi"tio#al, t$e reDuireme#t "a# &e rela>ed u#der
:ustiia&le "ir"umsta#"es u#der t$e rule o# su&sta#tial "om!lia#"e. ,6aldecantos
s. People# 1.R. Ao. %'$$2-# Sept. -?# -((&)
/ay the court still admit the certification on non5forum shoppin+ after the
complaint or petition has been ordered dismissed by the court!
Ge#erally t$e "ourts may #o lo#%er a""e!t t$e "ertii"atio# $owe'er i#
$i%$ly e>"e!tio#al "ases t$e "ourt may a""e!t t$e same. T$e Court "o#sidered as
su&sta#tial "om!lia#"e t$e ili#% o a "ertii"atio# a%ai#st orum s$o!!i#% -6 days
&eore t$e dismissal o t$e !etitio# or re'iew. ,Roadway Express s. 40# 3--
Phil. -33; Sanche9 s. 40# 1.R. %%%-22# Eebruary ?# %::'' Ea.ardo# <r. s. 40#
1.R. %%-22$#)
What is the test to determine whether there is forum shoppin+!
6+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e test to determi#e w$et$er orum s$o!!i#% e>ist i# a "ase is w$et$er t$e
eleme#ts o litis !e#de#"ia or res :udi"ata are !rese#t i# t$e "ases. 1Phil. WomenMs
4hristian 4olle+e s. 0biertas# -:- S4R0 ?$2)
What is the effect of failure to comply with the rule!
Lailure to "om!ly wit$ t$e ore%oi#% reDuireme#ts s$all #ot &e "ura&le &y
mere ame#dme#t o t$e "om!lai#t or ot$er i#itiatory !leadi#% &ut s$all &e "ause
or t$e dismissal o t$e "ase wit$out !re:udi"e, u#less ot$erwise !ro'ided, u!o#
motio# a#d ater $eari#%.
What is the effect of the Execution of false certification!
T$e su&missio# o a alse "ertii"atio# or #o#@"om!lia#"e wit$ a#y o t$e
u#derta4i#%s t$erei# s$all "o#stitute i#dire"t "o#tem!t o "ourt, wit$out !re:udi"e
to t$e "orres!o#di#% admi#istrati'e a#d "rimi#al a"tio#s.
I t$e a"ts o t$e !arty or $is "ou#sel "learly "o#stitute willul a#d deli&erate
orum s$o!!i#%, t$e same s$all &e %rou#d or summary dismissal o t$e "ase wit0
pre$udice a#d s$all "o#stitute direct contempt, as well as a "ause or admi#istrati'e
sa#"tio#s. 11Phil. WomenMs 4hristian 4olle+e s. 0biertas# -:- S4R0 ?$2)
Define 4omplaint and 0nswer.
T$e "om!lai#t is t$e !leadi#% alle%i#% t$e !lai#tiFs "ause or "auses o
a"tio#. ;$ile t$e a#swer is t$e !leadi#% i# w$i"$ t$e dee#di#% !arty sets ort$ $is
What are the *inds of defenses that may be interposed by a defendin+ party!
T$ese dee#ses may eit$er &e #e%ati'e dee#se or a# airmati'e dee#se. A
#e%ati'e dee#se is t$e s!e"ii" de#ial o t$e material a"t or a"ts alle%ed i# t$e
!leadi#% o "laima#t esse#tial to $is "ause or "auses o a"tio#= w$ile a# airmati'e
dee#se is a# alle%atio# o a #ew matter w$i"$ w$ile $y!ot$eti"ally admitti#% t$e
material alle%atio#s i# t$e !leadi#% o t$e "laima#t, would #e'ert$eless !re'e#t or
&at re"o'ery &y $im. ,Sec. 3# C '# 2 Rule &)
What are the so5called Fultimate factsG to be stated in the complaint!
@ltimate facts are t$e esse#tial a"ts "o#stituti#% t$e !lai#tiFs "ause o
a"tio#. A a"t is "o#sidered esse#tial i it "a##ot &e stri"4e# out wit$out lea'i#% t$e
stateme#t o t$e "ause o a"tio# i#sui"ie#t.
What is the test of determinin+ the sufficiency of facts alle+ed in the complaint!
T$e test i# determi#i#% t$e sui"ie#"y o a"ts alle%ed i# a "om!lai#t
"o#stituti#% t$e "ause o a"tio# is w$et$er u!o# su"$ a"ts a 'alid :ud%me#t may
&e re#dered a%ai#st t$e dee#da#t.
8ow may two or more causes of action or defense be pleaded!
66 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$ey may &e !leaded i# t$e alter#ati'e or $y!ot$eti"ally. T$e dee"t o a#y
"ause o a"tio# or dee#se would #ot re#der t$e e#tire !leadi#% i#sui"ie#t so lo#%
as a#y o t$e "auses o a"tio#s or dee#ses remai#i#% are still sui"ie#t. ,La
/allorca s. 40 <uly -?# %:&&)
What are F0ctionable documentsG! 8ow are they pleaded or contested!
A# a"tio#a&le do"ume#t is o#e w$i"$ is t$e &asis o t$e "ause o a"tio# or
dee#se o a !arty a#d does #ot reer to e'ide#tiary a"ts. It may &e !leaded i#
eit$er o two ways, to wit< 1-2 setti#% ort$ t$e su&sta#"e o t$e do"ume#t i# t$e
!leadi#% a#d atta"$i#% t$e ori%i#al or a "o!y t$ereo= or 1*2 &y setti#% ort$ said
do"ume#t 'er&atim i# t$e !leadi#% (Sec. ?# Rule $*. T$e a"tio#a&le do"ume#t may
&e "o#tested &y a !arty &y s!e"ii"ally de#yi#% u#der oat$ its %e#ui#e#ess a#d due
What is the effect when a party fails to contest an actionable document in the
manner proided by the rules!
I# "ase o su"$ ailure, t$e ollowi#% s!e"ii" a"ts are deemed admitted<
-. Party w$ose si%#ature it &ears si%#ed it=
*. I si%#ed &y a#ot$er, it was si%#ed or $im a#d wit$ $is aut$ority=
+. T$e do"ume#t was deli'ered= a#d
6. T$e ormal reDuisites o t$e law are wai'ed &y $im.
T$e ollowi#% dee#ses are #ot, $owe'er, deemed admitted<
-. Payme#t &y mista4e=
*. Com!romise=
+. Esto!!el=
6. ;a#t or ille%ality o "o#sideratio#=
(. Statute o Lrauds=
7. Lraud, mi#ority im&e"ility or duress
State the nature and concept of a 4ounterclaim.
Cou#ter"laim is a#y "laim w$i"$ a dee#di#% !arty may $a'e a%ai#st a# o!!osi#%
!arty. It may &e "om!ulsory or !ermissi'e.
When is a counterclaim compulsory! When is it permissie!
A "ou#ter"laim is "o#sidered "om!ulsory w$e# &ei#% "o%#i?a&le &y t$e
re%ular "ourts o :usti"e, arises out o or is "o##e"ted wit$ t$e tra#sa"tio# or
o""urre#"e "o#stituti#% t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e o!!osi#% !artyFs "laim a#d does
#ot reDuire or its ad:udi"atio# t$e !rese#"e o t$ird !arties o w$om t$e "ourt
"a##ot a"Duire :urisdi"tio#. ,90is is w0at we call in law as the principle of
A !ermissi'e "ou#ter@"laim is o#e w$i"$ does #ot arise out o t$e o!!osi#%
!artyFs "laim or #e"essarily "o##e"ted wit$ t$e tra#sa"tio# or o""urre#"e
6( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
"o#stituti#% t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e o!!osi#% !artyFs "laim. T$is reDuires t$e
!rese#"e o +
!arties o'er w$om t$e "ourt "a##ot a"Duire :urisdi"tio#.,90is is
w0at we call in law as the principle of set5off)
7s their difference between compulsory counterclaims interposed in the
municipal trial court and in the re+ional trial court!
It is su&mitted t$at t$e a#swer is yes. A "ou#ter"laim i#ter!osed i# t$e
,4+#.#-a$ tr#a$ .o4rt must &e <#t"#+ t"e >4r#s/#.t#o+ o; t"e sa#/ .o4rt ?ot" as
to t"e a,o4+t a+/ as to t"e +at4re t"ereo; i# order t$at it may &e "o#sidered as
a "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim. A "ou#ter"laim i#ter!osed i# a# ori%i#al a"tio# iled
i# t$e re0#o+a$ tr#a$ .o4rt ,a3 ?e re0ar/e/ as a .o,-4$sor3 .o4+ter.$a#,
re0ar/$ess o; t"e a,o4+t. ,Sec. ?# Rule &)
/ay a compulsory counterclaim be the sub.ect of a separate action!
T$e a#swer is #o. A "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim "a##ot &e t$e su&:e"t o a
se!arate a"tio# &ut it s$ould i#stead &e asserted i# t$e same suit i#'ol'i#% t$e
same tra#sa"tio# or o""urre#"e, w$i"$ %a'e rise to it. ,Iulienco . 4ourt of
0ppeals# 1.R. Ao. %3%&:-# <une %(# %:::. see also 6alencia s. 40 -&3 S4R0
-?2 ,%::&. I it is wit$i# t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt a#d it does #ot reDuire or its
ad:udi"atio# t$e !rese#"e o t$ird !arties o'er w$om t$e "ourt "a##ot a"Duire
:urisdi"tio#, su"$ "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim is &arred i it is #ot set u! i# t$e a"tio#
iled &y t$e o!!osi#% !arty. ,Iulienco . 4ourt of 0ppeals# 1.R. Ao. %3%&:-#
<une %(# %:::. see also 6alencia s. 40 -&3 S4R0 -?2 ,%::&.
7n the aboe Duestion# suppose the compulsory counterclaim arose only after the
answer has been filed what should be done by the party!
A "ou#ter"laim or "ross@"laim arisi#% or maturi#% o#ly ater t$e ili#% o
t$e a#swer must &e i#ter!osed, &y lea'e o "ourt &y way o su!!leme#tal !leadi#%
at a#ytime &eore :ud%me#t is re#dered. ,Sec. : C %(# Rule %%) I# t$is "ase, t$e
ot$er !arty must ile $is a#swer to t$e su!!leme#tal !leadi#% "o#tai#i#% t$e
"ou#ter"laim or "ross@"laim wit$i# -/ days rom #oti"e o t$e order admitti#% t$e
said !leadi#% (Sec. ?# Rule %%*
What is the effect of the dismissal of the complaint on a compulsory
T$e dismissal o t$e mai# a"tio# &ars a#y "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim. (JST
s. Surla -:' S4R0 3$-,%::$*T$e reaso# &ei#% t$at a "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim
arises out o or is #e"essarily "o##e"ted wit$ t$e tra#sa"tio# or o""urre#"e t$at is
t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e "om!lai#t. It is au>iliary to t$e !ro"eedi#% i# t$e ori%i#al
suit a#d deri'es its :urisdi"tio#al su!!ort t$ererom. =/etals En+ineerin+
Resources 4orp. . 4ourt of 0ppeals -(3 S4R0 -?3# -$- ,%::%)
I t$ere is #o "laim a%ai#st t$e "ou#ter"laima#t t$e "ou#ter"laim is
im!ro!er a#d it must &e dismissed, more so w$ere t$e "om!lai#t is dismissed at
67 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
t$e i#sta#"e o t$e "ou#ter"laima#t. (7bid.# p. -$3; 7ntestate Estate of 0mado ".
Dalisay . /arasi+an -2? S4R0 2(:# 2%352%' ,%::&)
I# ot$er words, i t$e dismissal o t$e mai# a"tio# results i# t$e dismissal o
t$e "ou#ter"laim already iled, it sta#ds to reaso# t$at t$e ili#% o a motio# to
dismiss t$e "om!lai#t is a# im!lied wai'er o a "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim &e"ause
t$e %ra#t o t$e motio# ultimately results i# t$e dismissal o t$e "ou#ter"laim. T$e
setti#% u! o a "om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim a#d a motio# to dismiss are i#"om!ati&le
7s there an exception to the aboe rule!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e dee#da#t may #ot &e "o#sidered to $a'e wai'ed t$e
"om!ulsory "ou#ter"laim i $e i#ter!oses t$e %rou#ds or motio# to dismiss i# t$e
a#swer &y way o airmati'e dee#se. U#der Se". 7, Rule -7 o t$e -..0 Rules o#
Ci'il Pro"edure, i t$e a"tio# is dismissed as a result o t$e airmati'e dee#se
!leaded i# t$e a#swer, t$e "ou#ter"laim !leaded i# t$e a#swer may "o#ti#ue i# t$e
same a"tio#. (Einancial "ld+. 4orporation s. Eorbes Par* 7nc. 1.R. %33%:#
0u+ust %?# -((()
7s payment of doc*et fees reDuired in counterclaims!
T$e a#swer is yes. U#der SC "ir"ular o Au%ust *//(, a !arty i#ter!osi#% a
"ou#ter"laim w$et$er "om!ulsory or !ermissi'e must !ay t$e reDuisite do"4et ee.
What is the effect of the absence of the certificate concernin+ forum shoppin+ in
the counterclaim!
T$ere is #o #eed or a "ertii"ate o #o#@orum s$o!!i#% i# "om!ulsory
"ou#ter"laims e>"e!t w$ere t$e "ou#ter"laim is !ermissi'e &e"ause t$e same is
"o#sidered as a# i#itiatory !leadi#%.
What is the so5called Fcompellin+ test of compulsorinessG in counterclaims!
T$e O"om!elli#% test o "om!ulsori#essO mea#s t$at w$i"$ reDuires a
lo%i"al relatio#s$i! &etwee# t$e "laim a#d "ou#ter"laim, t$at is, w$ere "o#du"ti#%
se!arate trials o t$e res!e"ti'e "laims o t$e !arties would e#tail a su&sta#tial
du!li"atio# o eort a#d time &y t$e !arties a#d t$e "ourt. (Buintanilla s. 40
1.R. Ao. %(%?'?# %::? September -'# %::?# see also 7nternational 4ontainers
s. 40 -%' S4R0 '2&* ;$ere &ot$ "laims are mere os$oots o t$e same &asi"
"o#tro'ersy, t$e "ou#ter"laim may&e "o#sidered "om!ulsory.
State the nature and concept of 4ross5claim.
A "ross@"laim is a#y "laim &y o#e !arty a%ai#st a "o@!arty arisi#% out o t$e
tra#sa"tio# or o""urre#"e t$at is t$e su&:e"t matter eit$er o t$e ori%i#al a"tio# or
o a "ou#ter"laim t$erei#. It is always "om!ulsory a#d t$ereore must &e
i#ter!osed i# t$e same !ro"eedi#% a#d at t$e same time iled at a#y time &eore
:ud%me#t is re#dered i# t$e mai# "ase. ,Sec. : C %(# Rule %%. A "ross@"laim
60 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
"a##ot &e t$e su&:e"t o a se!arate a"tio# or !ro"eedi#%. (4ompare this with Rule
%%%# Section % on the prosecution of the ciil action arisin+ from crime.)
State the nature and concept of a Reply.
It is a !leadi#% t$e u#"tio# o w$i"$ is to de#y or alle%e a"ts i# de#ial or
a'oida#"e o #ew matters alle%ed &y way o dee#se i# a res!o#si'e !leadi#% a#d
t$ere&y :oi# or ma4e issue as to su"$ #ew matters.
What is the effect of the failure of a party to ma*e a reply!
;$e# a !arty ails to ile a re!ly, it amou#ts to a de#ial o t$e #ew matters
alle%ed i# t$e a#swer. Re!ly is reDuired to de#y t$e %e#ui#e#ess a#d due e>e"utio#
o a# a"tio#a&le do"ume#t or w$e# alle%atio#s o usury are i#ter!osed i# t$e
!leadi#% o t$e ad'erse !arty.
State the nature and concept of a third5party complaint.
It is a "laim t$at a dee#di#% !arty may, wit$ lea'e o "ourt, ile a%ai#st a
!erso# #ot a !arty to t$e a"tio# or "o#tri&utio#, i#dem#ity, su&ro%atio# or a#y
ot$er relie i# res!e"t o $is o!!o#e#tFs "laim. T$e !ur!ose o a t$ird !arty
"om!lai#t is to e#a&le a dee#di#% !arty to o&tai# "o#tri&utio#, i#dem#ity,
su&ro%atio# or ot$er relie rom a !erso# #ot a !arty to t$e a"tio#, it may !ro"eed
i#de!e#de#tly o t$e mai# a"tio#.
Suppose a .ud+ment on the pleadin+s has been rendered by the court in the
main action# may the third party complaint still be prosecuted!
T$us, #otwit$sta#di#% t$e :ud%me#t o# t$e !leadi#%s i# t$e mai# a"tio# a
!arty "ould still !ro"eed wit$ t$e !rose"utio# o its t$ird !arty "om!lai#t. (Aarra
. 40 1.R. %3?:%2# Ao. %2# -(((*
/ay the court# in the main action# render .ud+ment based on a motion for
summary .ud+ment despite the pendency of a third5party complaint!
T$e a#swer is also yes. T$e reaso# &ei#% t$at t$e !lai#ti i# t$e mai#
a"tio# is #ot i#terested i# t$e out"ome o t$e t$ird !arty "om!lai#t, t$e !ur!ose o
t$e latter "om!lai#t &ei#% or i#dem#ii"atio#, su&ro%atio#, et". (Aarra . 40 1.R.
%3?:%2# Ao. %2# -(((*
What court has .urisdiction oer the third5party complaint!
T$e t$ird@!arty "om!lai#t is &ut a "o#ti#uatio# o t$e mai# a"tio#, its
!ur!ose &ei#% merely to see4 R"o#tri&utio#, i#dem#ity, su&ro%atio# or a#y ot$er
relie, i# res!e"t o $is o!!o#e#tRs "laim.R (Rule &# Sec. %-* It is a# a#"illary suit
w$i"$ de!e#ds o# t$e :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt o'er t$e mai# a"tio#. Si#"e t$e trial
"ourt $ad a"Duired :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e "om!lai#t, it #e"essarily ollows t$at it
li4ewise a"Duires :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e t$ird@!arty "om!lai#t w$i"$ is &ut a#
i#"ide#t t$ereo.
6) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
8ow may pleadin+s be amended!
Pleadi#%s may &e ame#ded &y addi#% or stri4i#% out a# alle%atio# or t$e
#ame o a#y !arty= or &y "orre"ti#% a mista4e i# t$e #ame o a !arty or a mista4e#
or i#adeDuate alle%atio# or des"ri!tio# i# a#y ot$er res!e"t. ,Sec. %# Rule %3)
Ame#dme#t, #ot dismissal, o t$e "om!lai#t is !ro!er to a'oid multi!li"ity o suits
,Eu+enio# Sr. s. 6ele9# %$2 S4R0 '-2).
What is the effect of the alid amendment of a pleadin+!
;$e# a !leadi#% is 'alidly ame#ded, t$e !rior or ori%i#al !leadi#% is
deemed a&a#do#ed a#d "eases to &e !art o t$e re"ord a#d t$e admissio#s t$erei#
#o lo#%er $a'e t$e "$ara"ter o a :udi"ial admissio#. ,Sec. '# rule %-:) T$e "ase
sta#ds or trial o# t$e &asis o t$e ame#ded !leadi#%. A# ame#ded !leadi#%
su!ersedes t$e !leadi#% t$at it ame#ds &ut admissio#s i# su!erseded !leadi#%s
may &e !ro'ed &y e'ide#"e as e>tra:udi"ial admissio#s a%ai#st t$e !leader.
What is the effect of non5incorporation of alle+ations found in the ori+inal
Claims a#d dee#ses a#d ot$er alle%atio#s i#"luded i# ori%i#al &ut #ot
i#"or!orated i# t$e ame#ded !leadi#% are deemed wai'ed a#d a&a#do#ed.
When may a party amend a pleadin+ as a matter of ri+ht!
Ame#dme#ts o !leadi#%s may &e made o#"e as a matter o ri%$t<
%. At a#y time &eore res!o#si'e !leadi#% is ser'ed=
-. I# t$e "ase o a re!ly, a#ytime wit$i# -/ days ater ser'i"e o t$e a#swer.
T$e dee#da#t $as t$e ri%$t to ame#d t$e a#swer &eore a re!ly is sered.
,09nar s. "ernard %&% S4R0 -?$)
Plai#ti may ame#d "om!lai#t as a matter o ri%$t e'e# ater dee#da#t
iles a Eotio# to 9ismiss, si#"e t$e same is #ot a Ores!o#si'e !leadi#%.O14ontech
s. 40 -%% S4R0 &:-)
7s leae of court needed before a party may amend his pleadin+ under the aboe
T$e rules a#d :uris!rude#"e $old t$at lea'e o "ourt is #ot #eeded. A !arty
is %i'e# t$e ri%$t to ile a# ame#ded !leadi#% wit$i# t$e time a#d u!o# t$e
"o#ditio#s s!e"iied a#d wit$out t$e #e"essity o o&tai#i#% lea'e o "ourt si#"e a
!arty may ame#d $is !leadi#% o#"e, w$et$er a #ew "ause o a"tio# or "$a#%e i#
t$eory is i#trodu"ed, as a matter o ri%$t at a#y time &eore a res!o#si'e !leadi#%
is ser'ed. ,7bid.)
State the policy of the courts re+ardin+ amendment of pleadin+s.
Ame#dme#t o !leadi#%s is a'ored a#d s$ould &e li&erally allowed i# t$e
urt$era#"e o :usti"e i# order to determi#e e'ery "ase as ar as !ossi&le o# its
6. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
merits wit$out re%ard to te"$#i"alities. T$is !ri#"i!le is %e#erally re"o%#i?ed i#
order t$at t$e real "o#tro'ersies &etwee# t$e !arties are !rese#ted, t$eir ri%$ts
determi#ed a#d t$e "ase de"ided o# t$e merits wit$out u##e"essary delay to
!re'e#t "ir"uitry o a"tio# a#d #eedless e>!e#se.,Dela Rosa s. Tra9o# 1.R. Ao.
%&22((# 0u+. 3(# -((&); 0ndres s. 4ueas# 1.R. Ao. %2($&:# <une :# -((2)
/ay the complaint still be amended after a motion to dismiss has been +ranted!
Ater a motio# to dismiss $as &ee# %ra#ted, ame#dme#t o t$e "om!lai#t &y
lea'e o "ourt may still &e allowed -rov#/e/ t"e or/er o; /#s,#ssa$ "as +ot 3et
?e.o,e ;#+a$. T$e reaso# or allowi#% t$e ame#dme#t o# t$is "o#ditio# is t$at,
u!o# i#ality o t$e dismissal, t$e "ourt loses :urisdi"tio# a#d "o#trol o'er t$e
"om!lai#t. T$us, it "a# #o lo#%er ma4e a#y dis!ositio# o# t$e "om!lai#t i# a
ma##er i#"o#siste#t wit$ t$e dismissal. Rules o Pro"edure, ater all, are &ut tools
desi%#ed to a"ilitate t$e attai#me#t o :usti"e ,6alen9uela s. 4ourt of 0ppeals#
3&3 S4R0 ??:; P"4 s. Tra9o# 1.R. Ao. %&22(( 0u+ust 3(# -((&)
What is the remedy of the plaintiff if the order of dismissal has already become
Ater t$e order o dismissal wit$out !re:udi"e &e"omes i#al, a#d t$ereore
alls outside t$e "ourtFs !ower to modiy, a !arty w$o wis$es to rei#state t$e "ase
$as #o remedy ot$er t$a# to ile a #ew "om!lai#t. ,1emabay s. "aralia# ??
S4R0 -2$)
0 complaint was dismissed by the court for lac* of .urisdiction upon a motion to
dismiss filed by the defendant. The plaintiff filed his motion for reconsideration
within the %25day period. Durin+ the pendency of the motion for
reconsideration# the plaintiff moed to withdraw the motion and filed a motion
to admit amended complaint. /ay the court admit the amended complaint!
T$e a#swer is #o. T$e wit$drawal o t$e motio# or re"o#sideratio# $ad t$e
ee"t o ma4i#% t$e order o dismissal i#al. U!o# t$e wit$drawal &y res!o#de#t
o $is Eotio# or Re"o#sideratio#, it was as i #o motio# $ad &ee# iled. He#"e,
t$e Order o t$e trial "ourt dismissi#% t$e "om!lai#t &e"ame i#al a#d e>e"utory
-( days rom #oti"e &y t$e !arty "o#"er#ed. ;$ile t$e ili#% o t$e Eotio# or
Re"o#sideratio# i#terru!ted t$e ru##i#% o t$e -(@day re%leme#tary !eriod, its
wit$drawal let res!o#de#t i# e>a"tly t$e same !ositio# as t$ou%$ #o motio# $ad
&ee# iled at all. T$e wit$drawal o t$e Eotio# or Re"o#sideratio# ee"ti'ely
erased t$e tolli#% o t$e re%leme#tary !eriod to ame#d t$e Com!lai#t. ,De la
/erced s. 0+uilar# et al.# 1.R. Ao. %2:'$-# 0u+. 3(# -((2)
7n what instances may the court deny leae to amend a pleadin+!
T$e "ourt may de#y lea'e to ame#d a !leadi#% u#der a#y o t$e ollowi#%
%. T$e ame#dme#t is or t$e !ur!ose o delay ,Rule %();
(/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
-. T$e "ause o a"tio# or dee#se or t$e t$eory o t$e "ase is su&sta#tially
altered ,1uian+ s. /adaya+ -%' S4R0 32&; see also Torres s.
Tomacru9 ': Phil. :%3 );
3. T$e ame#dme#t see4s to alter a i#al :ud%me#t re#dered &y t$e "ourt
,Kcampo s. /anlac :- Phil. $&();
'. T$e ame#dme#t see4s to "o#er :urisdi"tio# u!o# t$e "ourt ,Rosario s.
4arandan+ ,:& Phil. $'2)
2. T$e ame#dme#t see4s to "ure a !remature or #o#@e>isti#% "ause o a"tio#
,Won+ s. Iatco :: Phil ?:%; Note i# letter 1e2 t$e "ause o a"tio# sou%$t to
&e ame#ded is a !re@mature or #o#@e>isti#% "ause o a"tio#. It does #ot
reer to a# im!ere"t "ause a"tio#. T$ere is a diere#"e &etwee# !remature
or #o#@e>iste#t "ause o a"tio# a#d im!ere"t "ause o a"tio#.
Distinctions between Aon5existent cause of action and imperfect cause of
a2 No#@e>iste#t or !remature "ause o a"tio# reers to a situatio# w$ere #o
deli"t or wro#% $as yet &ee# "ommitted &y t$e dee#da#t.,Limpan+co s.
/ercado) A# im!ere"t "ause o a"tio# reers to a situatio# w$ere a deli"t or
wro#% $as already &ee# "ommitted a#d alle%ed i# t$e "om!lai#t &ut t$e "ause o
a"tio# is i#"om!lete ,0lto Surety s. 0+uilar*
&2 No#@e>iste#t or !remature "ause o a"tio# is #ot "ura&le &y ame#dme#t
(S4r#0ao M#+#+0 vs. Harr#s 6@ P"#$. 88!2= w$ereas a# im!ere"t "ause o a"tio#
is "ura&le &y a suita&le ame#dme#t ater lea'e o "ourt $as &ee# %ra#ted (Ra,os
vs. A#??o+, 65 P"#$. !58 a+/ A$to S4ret3 vs. A04#$ar*.
State the effect of amendment of pleadin+s on the Statute of Limitations.
I t$e ame#dme#t i#trodu"es a #ew a#d diere#t "ause o a"tio#, t$e
statute o limitatio#s is i#terru!ted as to t$e #ew "ause o a"tio# o# t$e date o t$e
ili#% o t$e ame#dme#t !leadi#% (R43,a+ vs. D#re.tor s4-ra*.
I t$e ame#dme#t merely "om!letes a# im!ere"t "ause o a"tio#, t$e !lea
o t$e statute o limitatio#s relates &a"4 to t$e date o t$e ili#% o t$e ori%i#al
!leadi#% ,Pantranco s. PhilEarmin+ $% Phil -?3; /ania+o s. /allari Kct. 3%#
What is the so5called F0mendment to 4onform to EidenceG!
;$e# issues #ot raised i# t$e !leadi#%s are tried &y e>!ress or im!lied
"o#se#t o t$e !arties, t$ey s$all &e treated, i# all res!e"ts, as i t$ey $a'e &ee#
raised i# t$e !leadi#%s. I# su"$ a "ase t$e "ourt may, u!o# motio# o a#y !arty or
at a#ytime, order t$e ame#dme#t o t$e !leadi#%s to "o#orm to t$e e'ide#"e.
Similarly, i e'ide#"e is o&:e"ted to at t$e trial o# t$e %rou#d t$at it is #ot i#"luded
i# t$e !leadi#%s, t$e "ourt may, i# t$e e>er"ise o its sou#d dis"retio#, still allow
a# ame#dme#t to "o#orm to t$e e'ide#"e w$e# t$e !rese#tatio# o t$e merits o
t$e a"tio# will &e su&ser'ed a#d t$e o&:e"ti#% !arty ails to satisy t$e "ourt t$at
(- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
t$e admissio# o su"$ e'ide#"e will !re:udi"e $im i# mai#tai#i#% $is "ause o
a"tio# or dee#se. ,Sec. 2; Rule %(; P0L s. 40 Sept. %2# %::3)
/ay the appellate court treat the pleadin+ as amended to conform to the
eidence althou+h the pleadin+s were actually not amended in the trial court!
T$e a#swer is yes. ;$ere t$ere is a 'aria#"e i# t$e dee#da#tFs !leadi#%s a#d t$e
e'ide#"e addu"ed &y it at t$e trial, t$e Court may treat t$e !leadi#% as ame#ded to
"o#orm wit$ t$e e'ide#"e.,Iuseco s. 40 1. R. Ao. %3$($2# Ao. %%# -((')

?(. What are the scenarios enisioned by Section 2# Rule %( on amendment to
conform to the eidence!
T$e two s"e#arios e#'isio#ed &y t$e rule are<
1a2 w$e# e'ide#"e is i#trodu"ed o# a# issued #ot alle%ed i# t$e !leadi#%s a#d #o
o&:e"tio# was i#ter:e"ted= a#d
1&2 w$e# t$e e'ide#"e is oered o# a# issue #ot alle%ed i# t$e !leadi#%s &ut a#
o&:e"tio# was timely i#ter:e"ted &y t$e o!!osi#% !arty. ,/ercader s.
Deelopment "an* of the Phils. ,4ebu "ranch)
I# "ases w$ere a# o&:e"tio# is made, t$e "ourt may #e'ert$eless admit t$e
e'ide#"e w$ere t$e ad'erse !arty ails to satisy t$e "ourt t$at t$e admissio# o t$e
e'ide#"e would !re:udi"e $im i# mai#tai#i#% $is dee#se u!o# t$e merits, a#d t$e
"ourt may %ra#t $im a "o#ti#ua#"e to e#a&le $im to meet t$e #ew situatio# "reated
&y t$e e'ide#"e. ,Iuseco s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %3$($2# Ao. %%# -((')
State the nature and concept of Supplemental Pleadin+s.
T$ey are !leadi#%s w$i"$ a'er a"ts o""urri#% ater t$e ili#% o t$e ori%i#al
!leadi#%s a#d w$i"$ are material to t$e matured "laims or dee#ses. T$e matters to
&e i#"luded t$at t$ose tra#sa"tio#s, o""urre#"es or e'e#ts w$i"$ too4 !la"e ater
t$e ili#% o t$e ori%i#al !leadi#%. ,Del "ros s. 704 %2: S4R0 233)
7s a party reDuired to file an answer to a supplemental pleadin+!
Ge#erally, a !arty must ile a# a#swer to t$e su!!leme#tal !leadi#%,
ot$erwise, t$e !arty may &e de"lared i# t$e deault, e>"e!t w$i"$ t$e a#sweri#%
!arty $as already tra'ersed a#d :oi#ed t$e alle%atio#s i# t$e a#swer. ,Del "ros s.
704 %2: S4R0 233) ;$ere a# a#swer is reDuired &y t$e rules, a !arty may ile $is
a#swer to t$e su!!leme#tal "om!lai#t wit$i# -/ days rom #oti"e o t$e order
admitti#% t$e same, u#less a #ew !eriod is i>ed &y t$e "ourt. ,Section ?# Rule %%)
7s the filin+ of supplemental pleadin+s a matter of ri+ht or discretion!
T$e admissio# o su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s, i#"ludi#% su!!leme#tal
"om!lai#ts, does #ot arise as a matter o ri%$t o# t$e !leader, &ut remai#s i# t$e
sou#d dis"retio# o t$e "ourt, w$i"$ is well wit$i# its ri%$t to de#y t$e admissio#
o t$e !leadi#%. Se"tio# 7, Rule -/ o t$e -..0 Rules o Ci'il Pro"edure,
(* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
%o'er#i#% su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s, is "lear t$at t$e "ourt o#ly BmayC admit t$e
su!!leme#tal !leadi#%, a#d is t$us #ot o&li%ed to do so.
When is the ori+inal pleadin+ deemed au+mented by the supplemental
It is o#ly u!o# t$e admissio# &y t$e "ourt o t$e su!!leme#tal "om!lai#t
t$at it may &e deem to au%me#t t$e ori%i#al "om!lai#t. U#til su"$ time, t$e "ourt
a"Duires #o :urisdi"tio# o'er su"$ #ew "laims as may &e raised i# t$e
su!!leme#tal "om!lai#t. ,Ear East "an* s. 40. 1.R. Ao. %3$:%:# /ay -# -((&)
What is the office or purpose of allowin+ the filin+ of supplemental pleadin+s!
T$e !ur!ose or oi"e o t$e su!!leme#tal !leadi#% is to &ri#% i#to t$e
re"ords #ew a"ts w$i"$ will e#lar%e or "$a#%e t$e 4i#d o relie to w$i"$ t$e
!lai#ti is e#titled= $e#"e, a#y su!!leme#tal a"ts w$i"$ urt$er de'elo! t$e
ori%i#al ri%$t o a"tio#, or e>te#d to 'ary t$e relie, are a'aila&le &y way o
su!!leme#tal "om!lai#t e'e# t$ou%$ t$ey t$emsel'es "o#stitute a ri%$t o a"tio#.
1Ioun+ s. Sy# 1.R. Ao. %2??'2 ,4051.R. SP Ao. ?(&%()# Sept. -&# -((&)
Howe'er, a !arty is #ot allowed to i#"lude a diere#t "ause o a"tio# rom t$at o
t$e ori%i#al "ause o a"tio#. Su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s o#ly su!!ly dei"ie#"ies i#
aid o a# ori%i#al !leadi#%, &ut #ot to i#trodu"e #ew a#d i#de!e#de#t "auses o
a"tio#.,Leobrera . 4ourt of 0ppeals# 1R. Ao.$(((%# Eeb. -?# %:$?# %?( S4R0
What is the so5called Fbroad definition ruleG in supplemental pleadin+s!
It reers to t$at rule t$at w$ile a matter stated i# a su!!leme#tal "om!lai#t
s$ould $a'e some relatio# to t$e "ause o a"tio# set ort$ i# t$e ori%i#al !leadi#%,
t$e a"t t$at t$e su!!leme#tal !leadi#% te"$#i"ally states a #ew "ause o a"tio#
s$ould #ot &e a &ar to its allowa#"e &ut o#ly a a"tor to &e "o#sidered &y t$e "ourt
i# t$e e>er"ise o its dis"retio#. ,Planters Deelopment "an* . L>L 8oldin+s
and Deelopment 4o# 1.R. Ao. %23??# 0pril %2# -((2; %2: S4R0 233; Ioun+ s.
Sy# 1.R. Ao. %2??'2;4051.R. SP Ao. ?(&%()# Sept. -&# -((&)
Distin+uish amended pleadin+s from supplemental pleadin+s.
Ame#ded !leadi#%s reer to a"ts e>isti#% at t$e time o t$e "omme#"eme#t
o t$e a"tio#= w$ereas Su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s reer to a"ts arisi#% ater t$e ili#%
o t$e ori%i#al !leadi#%=
Ame#ded !leadi#%s will result i#to t$e wit$drawal o t$e ori%i#al !leadi#%=
w$ereas su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s will #ot ae"t t$e e>iste#"e o t$e ori%i#al
Ame#ded !leadi#%s may &e do#e o#"e as a matter o ri%$t or as a matter o
dis"retio# w$ereas i# su!!leme#tal !leadi#%s, it is always do#e as matter
dis"retio# a#d wit$ lea'e o "ourt.
(+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Within what time must a party file his responsie pleadin+!
A !arty must ile $is res!o#si'e !leadi#% wit$i# t$e !eriods !ro'ided or &y
law u#der t$e ollowi#% "ir"umsta#"es<
a2 A#swer to "om!lai#t @ 8& days rom ser'i"e, u#less diere#t !eriod
is i>ed &y t$e "ourts=
&2 A#swer o a dee#da#t orei%# !ri'ate :uridi"al e#tity @ w$e# ser'i"e
o summo#s is made o# t$e %o'er#me#t oi"ial desi%#ated &y law,
a#swer to &e iled wit$i# !B days rom re"ei!t o summo#s &y su"$
"2 A#swer to a# Ame#ded "om!lai#t @ i ame#ded as a matter o ri%$t,
8& days rom &ei#% ser'ed wit$ "o!y t$ereo= i ame#ded #ot as a
matter o ri%$t, 8B days rom #oti"e o order admitti#% t$e same=
d2 A#swer to Cou#ter"laim, Cross"laim 3 8B days rom ser'i"e o t$e
e2 A#swer to +
!arty, 6
!arty "om!lai#t, et" 3 8& days rom ser'i"e
o t$e !leadi#%=
2 A#swer to ame#ded "ou#ter"laim, "ross"laim, +
!arty or 6
"om!lai#ts, et" 3 8& days rom re"ei!t o order admitti#% t$e
ame#ded !leadi#%=
%2 A#swer to "om!lai#t@i#@i#ter'e#tio# 3 8& days rom re"ei!t o t$e
order admitti#% t$e "om!lai#t@i#@i#ter'e#tio#=
$2 Re!ly to a !leadi#% w$e# reDuired@ 8B days rom ser'i#% o t$e
!leadi#% to &e res!o#ded to.
0re there instances where no counterclaim# crossclaim or 3
party complaints
are allowed!
T$e a#swer is yes. Su"$ !leadi#%s are #ot allowed i# e>!ro!riatio#
!ro"eedi#%s 1Se". +, Rule 702 or i# t$e !rose"utio# o t$e "i'il a"tio# arisi#% rom
t$e "rime 1Se". -, Rule ---2.
0re there instances where no counterclaim# crossclaim or 3
party complaints
are allowed!
T$e a#swer is yes. Su"$ !leadi#%s are #ot allowed i# e>!ro!riatio#
!ro"eedi#%s 1Se". +, Rule 702 or i# t$e !rose"utio# o t$e "i'il a"tio# arisi#% rom
t$e "rime 1Se". -, Rule ---2.
State the concept and nature of "ill of particulars.
It is a more dei#ite stateme#t o a#y matter w$i"$ is #ot a'erred wit$
sui"ie#t dei#ite#ess a#d !arti"ularity i# a !leadi#% so as to e#a&le t$e o!!osi#%
!arty to !re!are $is res!o#si'e !leadi#% or to !re!are or trial. It &e"omes !art o
t$e !leadi#% w$i"$ it su!!leme#ts a#d s$all &e %o'er#ed &y t$e law o# !leadi#%s
u!o# its admissio#. ,Section &) It may &e iled eit$er i# a se!arate or i# ame#ded
!leadi#% a#d ser'ed u!o# t$e ad'erse !arty. ,Section 3)
(6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What the effects of filin+ a /otion for "ill of Particulars!
T$e ili#% o a motio# or &ill o !arti"ulars stays t$e ru##i#% o t$e !eriod
or t$e ili#% o t$e res!o#si'e !leadi#%. A motio# or &ill o !arti"ulars may &e
iled &eore res!o#di#% to a !leadi#%. ;$e# #o res!o#si'e !leadi#% is reDuired or
allowed, t$e motio# or a &ill o !arti"ulars must &e iled wit$i# -/ days rom
ser'i"e o t$e !leadi#% su&:e"t o t$e motio#.
Within what time must the moant for a bill of particulars file his responsie
;$e# t$e !arty ordered to su&mit a &ill o !arti"ulars $as ser'ed t$e &ill o
!arti"ulars u!o# t$e mo'a#t, t$e later must ile $is res!o#si'e !leadi#% wit$i#
same !eriod reDuired &y t$e rules or ili#% su"$ res!o#si'e !leadi#% at t$e time o
t$e ili#% o t$e motio# or &ill o !arti"ulars. t$e same rule a!!lies w$e# t$e
motio# or &ill o !arti"ulars is de#ied &y t$e "ourt.
Within what time must a party file the bill of particulars when the motion is
+ranted by the court!
A !arty ordered to su&mit a &ill o !arti"ulars must o&ey t$e order o t$e
"ourt wit$i# -/ days ater #oti"e o t$e order or wit$i# su"$ time as t$e "ourt may
What is the effect of refusal to comply with an order to submit bill of
T$e "ourt may order t$e stri4i#% out o t$e !leadi#% to w$i"$ t$e motio#
was dire"ted or ma4e su"$ ot$er order as it deems :ust i t$e order or t$e illi#% o
a &ill o !arti"ulars is diso&eyed.
0re the aboe principles on bill of particulars applicable to criminal actions!
T$e a#swer is yes. Se". ., Rule --7 o t$e Re'ised Rules o# Crimi#al
Pro"edure !ro'ides< FThe accused may# before arrai+nment# moe for a bill of
particulars to enable him to properly plead and prepare for trial.xxxG
State the distinctions between Ffilin+ of pleadin+sG from Fserice of pleadin+s
and other papersG.
F#$#+0 o !leadi#%s a#d ot$er !a!ers reers to t$e deli'ery o t$e !leadi#%s
a#d ot$er !a!ers to t$e "ler4 o "ourt w$ile serv#.e reers to t$e deli'ery o t$e
same to t$e ad'erse !arty.,Sec. -# Rule %3)
State the /odes of filin+ of pleadin+s and other papers.
Pleadi#%s a#d ot$er !a!ers are iled wit$ t$e "ler4 o "ourt eit$er &y<
1a2 Perso#al deli'ery= or
1&2 By se#di#% t$em t$ru re%istered mail
(( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
State the *inds of serice of pleadin+s and other papers.
Pleadi#%s a#d ot$er !a!ers may&e ser'ed &y<
1a2 Perso#al ser'i"e @ to &e do#e w$e#e'er !ra"ti"a&le ,/ost preferred mode);
1&2 Ser'i"e &y mail 1ordi#ary i #o re%istered mail2
1"2 Su&stituted ser'i"e 1deli'eri#% "o!y to "ler4 o "ourt wit$ !roo o ailure
to ser'e !erso#ally or ser'i"e &y mail2 Howe'er, i t$e !a!ers or do"ume#ts
do #ot ema#ate rom t$e "ourt, a resort to ot$er modes must &e
a""om!a#ied &y a writte# e>!la#atio# w$y t$e ser'i"e or ili#% was #ot
do#e !erso#ally. Lailure to ma4e su"$ e>!la#atio# may &e a "ause to
"o#sider t$e !a!er as #ot iled.
8ow are final orders or decisions sered!
T$ere are t$ree 1+2 modes o ser'i#% i#al orders or de"isio#s, #amely<
1a2 Perso#al=
1&2 Re%istered Eail
1"2 Pu&li"atio# 1i ad'erse !arty was summo#ed &y !u&li"atio#2
What proofs are admissible to establish alid serice!
T$e !roos admissi&le to esta&lis$ 'alid ser'i"e are<
1a2 ;ritte# admissio# o !arty ser'ed= or
1&2 Oi"ial retur# o t$e ser'er= or
1"2 Aida'it o !arty ser'i#%, "o#tai#i#% a ull stateme#t o t$e date, !la"e a#d
ma##er o ser'i"e.
8ow is serice of pleadin+s# notices or court orders as well as decisions made
when a party is represented by counsel!
;$e# a !arty is re!rese#ted &y "ou#sel, #oti"es s$ould &e made u!o# t$e
.o4+se$ o+ re.or/ o t$e !arty "o#"er#ed. It is do#e &y ser'i#% it !erso#ally to t$e
"ou#sel or &y lea'i#% a "o!y o t$e same at $is oi"e wit$ $is "ler4 or a !erso#
$a'i#% "$ar%e t$ereo. I se'eral "ou#sels re!rese#t a !arty, ser'i"e to o#e is
deemed 'alid ser'i"e. ,Sec. -# Rule %3; /ercenido s.40# 3$& Phil.&-?;
0limboboyu+ s. 40# 1.R. Ao. %&3&22# <une %&# -((&; AP4 s. Tac5an# ''2
Phil. 3%2,-((3)
Not#.e to t"e -art3 #s +ot .o+s#/ere/ va$#/ serv#.e a+/ t"e r4++#+0 o;
a+3 -er#o/ does #ot "omme#"e to ru#. Howe'er, i ser'i"e to t$e !arty $as &ee#
ordered &y t$e "ourt, su"$ ser'i"e is "o#sidered 'alid. 10limboboyu+ s. 40# 1.R.
Ao. %&3&22# <une %&# -((&; AP4 s. Tac5an# ''2 Phil. 3%2,-((3)
When is serice by mail deemed complete!
;e must disti#%uis$. ;$e# ser'i"e is do#e &y re%istered mail, t$e same is
deemed "om!lete u!o# a"tual re"ei!t &y t$e addressee. I $e ails to "laim t$e mail
(7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
rom t$e !ost oi"e wit$i# & days rom /ate o; ;#rst +ot#.e o; t"e -ost,aster,
ser'i"e s$all ta4e ee"t at t$e e>!iratio# o t$e i'e@day !eriod. ,Sec. %(# Rule %3;
Siliman Jni. s. ALR4# -%3 S4R0 32:)
;$e# ser'i"e is do#e &y ordi#ary mail, ser'i"e is deemed "om!lete u!o#
e>!iratio# o t$e te+ (8B*-/a3 -er#o/ a;ter #ts ,a#$#+0, u#less t$e "ourt !ro'ides
or a diere#t !eriod.,Sec. %(# Rule %3)
What is a notice of lis pendens!
It is sim!ly a #oti"e o t$e !e#de#"y o a# a"tio# ae"ti#% title to or ri%$t o
!ossessio# o real !ro!erty. It is re"orded i# t$e oi"e o t$e re%istry o deeds o
t$e !ro'i#"e or "ity w$ere t$e !ro!erty is lo"ated. It may o#ly &e "a#"elled u!o#
order o t$e "ourt. ,Sec. %'# Rule %3)
Define summons.
Summo#s is a writ or !ro"ess issued a#d ser'ed u!o# t$e dee#da#t i# a
"i'il a"tio# or t$e !ur!ose o se"uri#% $is a!!eara#"e t$erei#.,"allantines Law
When may summons be issued and by whom!
U!o# t$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#t a#d !ayme#t o t$e reDuisite le%al ees t$e
"ler4 o "ourt s$all issue t$e "orres!o#di#% summo#s to t$e dee#da#t. 1Sec. %2
State the modes of serin+ summons!
Summo#s may &e ser'ed &y<
a2 Perso#al ser'i"e=
&2 Su&stituted Ser'i"e= or
"2 Pu&li"atio#.
Explain briefly the different modes of serin+ summons.
a2 Perso#al ser'i"e s$all &e do#e w$e#e'er !ra"ti"a&le. It is do#e &y
$a#di#% a "o!y o t$e summo#s to t$e dee#da#t i# !erso#. I $e reuses to a""e!t
a#d si%# a re"ei!t t$ereo, !erso#al ser'i"e "a# still &e do#e &y te#deri#% a "o!y o
t$e summo#s to $im. 1Sec. &2
&2 Su&stituted ser'i"e o summo#s may &e ee"ted i# eit$er o two ways<
1-2 &y lea'i#% "o!ies o t$e summo#s at t$e reside#"e o t$e dee#da#t wit$ some
!erso# o suita&le a%e a#d dis"retio# residi#% t$ereo#= or 1*2 &y lea'i#% "o!ies o
t$e summo#s at dee#da#tFs oi"e or re%ular !la"e o &usi#ess wit$ some
"om!ete#t !erso# i# "$ar%e t$ereo.
What is the nature and concept of substituted serice!
Su&stituted ser'i"e o summo#s is e>traordi#ary i# "$ara"ter a#d i#
dero%atio# o t$e usual met$od o ser'i"e. ,8amilton . Ley# 1.R. Ao. %3:-$3#
Aoember %2# -(((# 3'' S4R0 $-%) He#"e, it must ait$ully a#d stri"tly "om!ly
(0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
wit$ t$e !res"ri&ed reDuireme#ts a#d "ir"umsta#"es aut$ori?ed &y t$e rules.
Com!lia#"e wit$ t$e rules re%ardi#% t$e ser'i"e o summo#s is as mu"$ im!orta#t
as t$e issue o due !ro"ess as o :urisdi"tio#. , 0n+ Pin+ . 40# 1.R. Ao. %-&:'?#
<uly %2# %:::# 3%( S4R0 3'3)
8ow are .uridical entities sered with summons!
I t$e dee#da#t is a "or!oratio# or%a#i?ed u#der t$e laws o t$e P$ili!!i#es
or a !art#ers$i! duly re%istered, ser'i"e may &e made o# t$e !reside#t, ma#a%i#%
!art#er, %e#eral ma#a%er, "or!orate se"retary, treasurer, or i#@$ouse "ou#sel. ,Sec.
Ser'i"e u!o# !ri'ate orei%# :uridi"al e#tity tra#sa"ti#% &usi#ess i# t$e
P$ili!!i#es a#d duly aut$ori?ed to do &usi#ess is do#e &y ser'i#% t$e summo#s to
t$e 1a2 reside#t a%e#t desi%#ated i# a""orda#"e wit$ law= or 1&2 i #o su"$ reside#t
a%e#t, o# %o'er#me#t oi"ial desi%#ated &y law= 1"2 or a#y o its oi"ers or a%e#ts
wit$i# t$e P$ili!!i#es. 1Note< IL NO RESI9ENT AGENT, SERVICE OL
What mode of serice is preferred in actions purely in personam!
I# a# a"tio# stri"tly i# !erso#am, !erso#al ser'i"e o# t$e dee#da#t is t$e
!reerred mode o ser'i"e, t$at is, &y $a#di#% a "o!y o t$e summo#s to t$e
dee#da#t i# !erso#. I dee#da#t, or e>"usa&le reaso#s, "a##ot &e ser'ed wit$
t$e summo#s wit$i# a reaso#a&le !eriod, t$e# su&stituted ser'i"e "a# &e resorted
to. ,8amilton . Ley# 1.R. Ao. %3:-$3# Aoember %2# -(((# 3'' S4R0 $-%)
8ow is serice of summons done in actions in rem or Duasi in rem!
I# a"tio#s i# rem or Duasi i# rem, :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# o t$e
dee#da#t is #ot esse#tial or %i'i#% t$e "ourt :urisdi"tio# so lo#% as t$e "ourt
a"Duires :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e res. I t$e dee#da#t is a #o#@reside#t a#d is #ot
ou#d i# t$e P$ili!!i#es, summo#s may &e ser'ed &y mea#s o e>traterritorial
ser'i"e. 1Se". -(2
What is meant by the rules re+ardin+ leain+ a copy of the summons with a
Aperson of sufficient a"e and discretionG!
A !erso# o suita&le a%e a#d dis"retio# is o#e w$o $as attai#ed t$e a%e o
ull le%al "a!a"ity 1-) years old2 a#d is "o#sidered to $a'e e#ou%$ dis"er#me#t to
u#dersta#d t$e im!orta#"e o a summo#s. B9is"retio#C is dei#ed as Bt$e a&ility to
ma4e de"isio#s w$i"$ re!rese#t a res!o#si&le "$oi"e a#d or w$i"$ a#
u#dersta#di#% o w$at is lawul, ri%$t or wise may &e !resu!!osedC. ,/anotoc s.
Tra.ano# 1.R. Ao. 1.R. Ao. %3(:?'# 0u+. %&# -((&)
When is a person said to be of sufficient discretion!
To &e o sui"ie#t dis"retio#, su"$ !erso# must 4#ow $ow to read a#d
u#dersta#d E#%lis$ to "om!re$e#d t$e im!ort o t$e summo#s, a#d ully reali?e
() Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
t$e #eed to deli'er t$e summo#s a#d "om!lai#t to t$e dee#da#t at t$e earliest
!ossi&le time or t$e !erso# to ta4e a!!ro!riate a"tio#. He must $a'e t$e Brelatio#
o "o#ide#"eC to t$e dee#da#t, e#suri#% t$at t$e latter would re"ei'e or at least
&e #otiied o t$e re"ei!t o t$e summo#s. C. ,/anotoc s. Tra.ano# 1.R. Ao. 1.R.
Ao. %3(:?'# 0u+. %&# -((&)
7n what instance may summons by publication be effected!
Summo#s &y !u&li"atio# may &e ee"ted &y lea'e o "ourt<
a2 I# a"tio#s i# rem or Duasi i# rem, t$at ae"t t$e !erso#al status o t$e !lai#ti=
or w$ere t$e su&:e"t matter is a !ro!erty lo"ated i# t$e P$ili!!i#es i# w$i"$ t$e
dee#da#t $as a "laim or i#terest= or w$e# t$e !ur!ose o t$e a"tio# is to e>"lude
t$e dee#da#t rom a#y i#terest i# t$e !ro!erty= a#d
&2 T$at su"$ a"tio# is a%ai#st a u#4#ow# dee#da#t= or w$ose w$erea&outs is
u#4#ow# a#d "a##ot &e as"ertai# &y dili%e#t i#Duiry= or w$e# t$e dee#da#t is a
#o#@reside#t w$o is #ot ou#d i# t$e P$ili!!i#es= or a reside#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es
&ut is tem!orarily out o t$e "ou#try. 1Se". -62
When extraterritorial serice of summons allowed!
E>traterritorial ser'i"e o summo#s may &e allowed wit$ lea'e o "ourt i#
a#y o t$e ollowi#% i#sta#"es<
a2 ;$e# t$e dee#da#t is a #o#@reside#t a#d is #ot ou#d i# t$e P$ili!!i#es
w$ere t$e a"tio# ae"ts t$e !erso#al status o t$e !lai#ti= .1Se". -(2=
&2 ;$e# t$e a"tio# reers a !ro!erty wit$i# t$e P$ili!!i#es i# w$i"$ t$e
dee#da#t $as or "laims a lie# or i#terest t$ereo#= .1Se". -(2=
"2 ;$e# t$e relie dema#ded &y t$e !lai#ti "o#sist, i# w$ole or i# !art, i#
e>"ludi#% t$e dee#da#t rom a#y i#terest i# a !ro!erty lo"ated i# t$e
P$ili!!i#es= .1Se". -(2=
d2 ;$e# t$e !ro!erty o t$e dee#da#t $as &ee# atta"$ed wit$i# t$e
P$ili!!i#es.1Se". -(2=
e2 ;$e# t$e dee#da#t is a reside#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es &ut is tem!orarily out o
t$e "ou#try. 1Se". -7
7n Duestion Ao. 3-# how may such extraterritorial serice be effected!
E>traterritorial ser'i"e o summo#s may &e ee"ted &y<
a2 Perso#al Ser'i"e to t$e !arty outside o t$e P$ili!!i#es=
&2 By Pu&li"atio# o t$e summo#s i# t$e !la"e w$ere t$e !arty may $a!!e# to
reside outside o t$e "ou#try !lus se#di#% o summo#s &y re%istered mail to
$is last 4#ow# address=
"2 A#y ot$er ma##er as t$e "ourt may deem sui"ie#t.
What is the effect of .ud+ments rendered where there is no alid serice of
(. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
<urisdiction o'er t$e dee#da#t is a"Duired eit$er u!o# a 'alid ser'i"e o
summo#s or t$e dee#da#tFs 'olu#tary a!!eara#"e i# "ourt. ;$e# t$e dee#da#t
does #ot 'olu#tarily su&mit to t$e "ourtFs :urisdi"tio# or w$e# t$ere is #o 'alid
ser'i"e o summo#s, Ba#y :ud%me#t o t$e "ourt w$i"$ $as #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e
!erso# o t$e dee#da#t is #ull a#d 'oid.C,Doma+as . <ensen# 1.R. Ao. %2$'(?#
<anuary %?# -((2# ''$ S4R0 &&3)
Define motion.
It is a# a!!li"atio# or relie ot$er t$a# &y a !leadi#%. It is a mere
a!!li"atio# or a# order #ot i#"luded i# t$e :ud%me#t.
What are the *inds of motions!
T$ere are two %e#eral 4i#ds o motio#s #amely< liti%ated a#d u#liti%ated
motio#s. Liti%ated motio#s are t$ose motio#s t$at "a##ot &e dis!osed o or
resol'ed &y t$e "ourt wit$out a $eari#%. U#liti%ated motio#s are t$ose t$at may &e
resol'ed e'e# i #o $eari#% is "o#du"ted &e"ause it would #ot i# a#y way
!re:udi"e t$e ri%$ts o t$e ad'erse !arty.
What is the three5day ,3) notice rule re+ardin+ motions!
E'ery writte# motio# t$at is reDuired to &e $eard must &e ser'ed u!o# t$e
ad'erse !arty at least t$ree 1+2 days &eore t$e $eari#% u#less t$e "ourt or %ood
"ause sets t$e $eari#% o# a s$orter #oti"e. ,Sec. ')
What are the reDuirements to be complied re+ardin+ the filin+ of liti+ated
E'ery liti%ated motio# must "o#tai# a #oti"e o $eari#% addressed to t$e
ad'erse !arty a#d s$all s!e"iy t$e time a#d date o $eari#% w$i"$ must #ot &e
later t$a# te# 1-/2 days rom t$e ili#% o t$e motio#. T$e mo'a#t must su&mit
!roo o ser'i"e o t$e said motio# to t$e "ourt. T$e "ourt may #ot a"t o# a motio#
i# t$e a&se#"e o t$e !roo o ser'i"e. ,Sec. &)
What is the effect if the moant fails to comply with the reDuirements in the
precedin+ Duestion!
T$e motio# s$all &e "o#sidered as a mere s"ra! o !a!er a#d t$e "ler4 o
"ourt may #ot e'e# &e reDuired to a""e!t t$e same. Eore, a motio# t$at does #ot
"om!ly wit$ t$e reDuireme#ts s$all #ot toll t$e ru##i#% o a#y !eriod !res"ri&ed
&y t$e rules. I# s$ort, t$e motio# is "o#sidered as a pro forma motio#. T$is rule
a!!lies to Eotio# or New Trial, Re"o#sideratio#, Eotio# to 9ismiss
What is the purpose of the notice of hearin+ in a liti+ated motion!
T$e !ur!ose o a #oti"e o a motio# is to a'oid sur!rises o# t$e o!!osite
!arty a#d to %i'e $im time to study a#d meet t$e ar%ume#ts. T$e #oti"e o a
motio# is reDuired w$e# t$e !arty $as t$e ri%$t to resist t$e relie sou%$t &y t$e
7/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
motio# a#d !ri#"i!les o #atural :usti"e dema#d t$at $is ri%$t &e #ot ae"ted
wit$out a# o!!ortu#ity to &e $eard.
What is the so5called omnibus motion rule! Exceptions!
E'ery motio# atta"4i#% a !leadi#%, order, :ud%me#t or !ro"eedi#% s$all
i#"lude all o&:e"tio#s a'aila&le to t$e mo'a#t at t$e time o t$e ili#% o t$e
motio#, a#y o&:e"tio# #ot i#"luded i# t$e said motio# is deemed wai'ed. T$e rule
admits o some e>"e!tio#s. T$e ollowi#% are #ot deemed wai'ed a#d "o'ered &y
t$e om#i&us motio# rule, to wit<
a) ;$e# t$e "ourt $as #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter=
b) ;$e# t$ere is a !e#di#% a"tio# &etwee# t$e same !arties ,litis pendencia);
c) ;$e# t$e a"tio# is &arred &y !rior :ud%me#t ,Res .udicata);
d) ;$e# t$e a"tio# is &arred &y t$e statute o limitatio#s;,Sec. %# Rule :)
What is the effect of filin+ a motion to dismiss on the +round of lac* of cause of
A motio# to dismiss &ased o# la"4 o "ause o a"tio# $y!ot$eti"ally admits
t$e trut$ o t$e alle%atio#s i# t$e "om!lai#t. T$e alle%atio#s i# a "om!lai#t are
sui"ie#t to "o#stitute a "ause o a"tio# a%ai#st t$e dee#da#ts i, $y!ot$eti"ally
admitti#% t$e a"ts alle%ed, t$e "ourt "a# re#der a 'alid :ud%me#t u!o# t$e same i#
a""orda#"e wit$ t$e !rayer t$erei#.
When may party file a motion to dismiss!
A motio# to dismiss s$ould &e iled wit$i# t$e time or ili#% t$e a#swer.
T$is rule $owe'er is #ot a&solute. E'e# ater a# a#swer $as &ee# iled, a dee#da#t
"a# still ile a motio# to dismiss o# t$e ollowi#% %rou#ds< 1-2 la"4 o :urisdi"tio#,
1*2 litis !e#de#tia 1+2 la"4 o "ause o a"tio#, a#d 162 dis"o'ery duri#% trial o
e'ide#"e t$at would "o#stitute a %rou#d or dismissal. ,Pan+aniban s. Pilipinas Shell
4orporation respondent.# 1.R. Ao. %3%'?%# <an. --# -((3)
/ay the court motu proprio dismiss a case!
Ge#erally t$e a#swer is NO. T$e "ourt may o#ly dismiss a "ase u!o#
motio# iled &y t$e ad'erse !arty. 1Se". -, Rule -72 T$e "ourt may, $owe'er, order
dismissal o t$e "ase motu !ro!rio w$e# t$e %rou#d is eit$er< a2 Litis !e#de#tia= or
1&2 la"4 o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter= or 1"2 !res"ri!tio#= or res :udi"ata.
,Sec.%# Rule :# Pan+aniban s. Pilipinas Shell 4orporation respondent.# 1.R. Ao. %3%'?%#
<an. --# -((3)
0t what sta+e of the proceedin+ may party file a motion to dismiss!
Ge#erally a motio# to dismiss s$ould &e iled wit$i# t$e time or ili#% a#
a#swer. T$e reDuireme#t $owe'er is #ot a&solute. E'e# ater a# a#swer $as &ee#
iled, a dee#da#t "a# still ile a motio# to dismiss o# t$e ollowi#% %rou#ds< 1-2
la"4 o :urisdi"tio#, 1*2 litis !e#de#tia 1+2 la"4 o "ause o a"tio#, a#d 162
7- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
dis"o'ery duri#% trial o e'ide#"e t$at would "o#stitute a %rou#d or dismissal.
,Pan+aniban s. Pilipinas Shell 4orporation respondent.# 1.R. Ao. %3%'?%# <an. --# -((3)
The defendant filed a motion to dismiss but the court denied the same for lac* of
merit. 4an the same defendant still incorporate the same +rounds for motion
dismiss as affirmatie defenses in his answer!
T$e a#swer is yes. It is su&mitted $owe'er, t$at t$e dee#da#t may #o
lo#%er &e allowed to mo'e or a !relimi#ary $eari#% o# t$e same %rou#ds t$at $ad
&ee# t$e su&:e"t o t$e $eari#% i# t$e motio# to dismiss t$at was de#ied. ,Sec. &#
Rule %&; Dacillo# et al. s. Salas C 40# 1.R. Ao. %2$$:2# Eeb. %&# -((&)
7n the aboe problem suppose the other defendants who did not .oin in the
motion to dismiss instead filed there answer and incorporated the +rounds for
motion to dismiss# may they be allowed to be heard preliminarily on their
affirmatie defenses!
I# su"$ a "ase, t$e de#ial o t$e motio# to dismiss o t$e ot$er dee#da#ts
does #ot !re:udi"e a dee#da#t w$o did #ot :oi# i# t$e motio# to dismiss t$at was
de#ied. T$ey are still e#titled to &e $eard o# t$eir airmati'e dee#ses. T$e trial
"ourt is li4ewise #ot !ros"ri&ed rom %ra#ti#%, i# its dis"retio#, su"$ a motio# or
!relimi#ary $eari#%. T$e o#ly "a'eat is t$at t$e %rou#d o motio# to dismiss t$at
was already $eard s$ould already &e e>"luded i# t$e said $eari#% &e"ause it $as
&ee# $eard a#d i#ally resol'ed. ,Pan+aniban s. Pilipinas Shell 4orporation respondent.#
1.R. Ao. %3%'?%# <an. --# -((3)
State the +rounds for motion to dismiss.
Grou#ds or motio# to dismiss<
a2 Court $as #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# o t$e dee#da#t@ u#li4e old rule,
i#"lusio# i# motio# to dismiss o ot$er %rou#ds aside rom la"4 o
:urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso# does NOT "o#stitute a wai'er o t$e said
%rou#d or 'olu#tary a!!eara#"e=
&2 Court $as #o :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e "laim=
"2 Ve#ue is im!ro!erly laid=
d2 Plai#ti $as #o le%al "a!a"ity to sue=
e2 T$ere is a#ot$er a"tio# !e#di#% &etwee# t$e same !arties or t$e same
2 Pleadi#% asserti#% "laim states #o "ause o a"tio#=
%2 Claim or dema#d i# t$e !lai#tiRs !leadi#% $as &ee# !aid, wai'ed,
a&a#do#ed, e>ti#%uis$ed=
$2 Claim o# w$i"$ a"tio# is ou#ded is u#e#or"ea&le u#der t$e statute o
i2 Co#ditio# !re"ede#t or ili#% $as #ot &ee# "om!lied wit$ 1t$is i#"ludes
!rior re"ourse to &ara#%ay "o#"iliatio#, or ailure to ma4e attem!ts to rea"$
a "om!romise i# "ases &etwee# mem&ers o t$e same amily2
7* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What is the effect of filin+ a motion to dismiss on the +round of failure to state a
cause of action!
A motio# to dismiss o# t$e %rou#d o ailure to state a "ause o a"tio# i# t$e
"om!lai#t must $y!ot$eti"ally admit t$e trut$ o t$e a"ts alle%ed i# t$e "om!lai#t.
T$e admissio#, $owe'er, is limited o#ly to all material a#d rele'a#t a"ts w$i"$
are well !leaded i# t$e "om!lai#t. T$e motio# does #ot admit t$e trut$ o mere
e!it$ets "$ar%i#% raud= #or alle%atio#s o le%al "o#"lusio#s= #or a# erro#eous
stateme#t o law= #or matters o e'ide#"e= #or to le%ally im!ossi&le a"ts

What is the test for determinin+ the sufficiency of facts that constitute a cause of
T$e test o sui"ie#"y o t$e a"ts ou#d i# a "om!lai#t as "o#stituti#% a
"ause o a"tio# is w$et$er or #ot, admitti#% t$e a"ts alle%ed, t$e "ourt "a# re#der a
'alid :ud%me#t u!o# t$e same i# a""orda#"e wit$ t$e !rayer i# t$e "om!lai#t.
;$e# a motio# to dismiss is %rou#ded o# t$e ailure to state a "ause o a"tio#, a
ruli#% t$ereo# s$ould &e &ased o#ly o# t$e a"ts alle%ed i# t$e "om!lai#t. T$e rule
is t$at o#ly t$e alle%atio#s i# t$e "om!lai#t may !ro!erly &e "o#sidered i#
as"ertai#i#% t$e e>iste#"e o a "ause o a"tio#. La"4 o "ause o a"tio# must
a!!ear o# t$e a"e o t$e "om!lai#t, a#d its e>iste#"e may &e determi#ed o#ly &y
t$e alle%atio#s o t$e "om!lai#t. Co#sideratio# o ot$er a"ts is out o t$e
Duestio#, a#d a#y attem!t to !ro'e e>tra#eous "ir"umsta#"es is #ot allowed.
,EDuitable P47"an* s. Sta. Rosa /inin+# 1.R. Ao. %'322&# /arch %2# -((')
State the elements of litis pendentia and res .udicata as +rounds for motion to
T$e reDuisites o $#t#s -e+/e+t#a are as ollows<
a2 Ide#tity o !artiesAi#terest=
&2 Ide#tity o ri%$ts asserted a#d !rayed orArelie ou#ded o# t$e same a"ts=
"2 Ide#tity o t$e * "ases 1su"$ t$at :ud%me#t i# o#e would amou#t to res
:udi"ata i# t$e ot$er2
ReDuisites o res >4/#.ata<
a2 Li#al :ud%me#t or order=
&2 Re#dered &y "ourt o "om!ete#t :urisdi"tio#
"2 O# t$e merits 1e'e# wit$out trial, su"$ as "ases de"ided &y 5ud%me#t o# t$e
Pleadi#%s, Summary 5ud%me#t, or dismissed or ailure to !rose"ute or or
reusal to o&ey a# order o t$e "ourt2
d2 Ide#tity o t$e !arties
0n action for reformation of instrument was filed by 0 a+ainst ". Thereafter "
also filed an action for collection a+ainst 0 usin+ the same a+reement sub.ect in
the reformation case as basis for his claim. 0pplyin+ the rule on litis pendentia#
which of the two cases should be dismissed and which should be tried!
7+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
As a rule, !reere#"e is %i'e# to t$e irst a"tio# iled to &e retai#ed. T$is is
i# a""orda#"e wit$ t$e ma>im Jui !rior est tem!ore, !otior est :ure ,This is the
Priority in Time Rule). T$ere are, $owe'er, limitatio#s to t$is rule. He#"e, t$e
irst a"tio# may &e a&ated i it was iled merely to !re@em!t t$e later a"tio# or to
a#ti"i!ate its ili#% a#d lay t$e &asis or its dismissal. T$us, t$e &o#a ides or %ood
ait$ o t$e !arties is a "ru"ial eleme#t. A later "ase s$all #ot &e a&ated i #ot
&rou%$t to $arass or 'e>= a#d t$e irst "ase "a# &e a&ated i it is merely a#
a#ti"i!atory a"tio# or, more a!!ro!riately, a# a#ti"i!atory dee#se a%ai#st a#
e>!e"ted suit. A#ot$er e>"e!tio# to t$e !riority i# time rule is t$e "riterio# o t$e
more a!!ro!riate a"tio#. T$us, a# a"tio#, alt$ou%$ iled later, s$all #ot &e
dismissed i it is t$e more a!!ro!riate 'e$i"le or liti%ati#% t$e issues &etwee# t$e
!arties.,4ompania 1eneral de Tabacos s. 40# '-- Phil. '(2,-((%); 0bines s. "P7# 1.R. Ao.
%&?:((# -((& Eeb %3)
What is a demurrer to eidence!
It is a motio# to dismiss a "ase iled &y t$e ad'erse !arty ater t$e !lai#ti
$as rested its "ase o# t$e %rou#d o i#sui"ie#"y o e'ide#"e.
What is the nature of an order denyin+ a demurrer to eidence!
As a %e#eral rule a# order de#yi#% a demurrer to e'ide#"e or motio# to
dismiss is i#terlo"utory a#d is #ot a!!eala&le. Co#seDue#tly, t$e dee#da#t must
%o to trial a#d addu"e e'ide#"e, a#d a!!eal, i# due "ourse, rom a# ad'erse
de"isio# o t$e trial "ourt. ,"P7 s. 4oscolluela# 1.R. Ao. %&??-' <une -?# -((&)
7s there an exception to the aboe rule!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e rule admits o e>"e!tio#s. ;$ere t$e de#ial &y t$e
trial "ourt is tai#ted wit$ %ra'e a&use o dis"retio# amou#ti#% to e>"ess or la"4 o
:urisdi"tio#, t$e a%%rie'ed !arty may assail t$e order i# a !etitio# or "ertiorari
u#der Rule 7( o t$e Rules o Court. T$e "ourt $as dis"retio# i# "ertiorari
!ro"eedi#%s i# t$e i#terest o su&sta#tial :usti"e a#d to !re'e#t su&sta#tial wro#%.
,"P7 s. 4oscolluela# 1.R. Ao. %&??-' <une -?# -((&)
/ay a demurrer to eidence be filed een without leae of court!
T$e a#swer is yes. I# "i'il a"tio#s as well as "rimi#al a"tio#s, t$e dee#da#t
is allowed to ile a demurrer to e'ide#"e wit$ or wit$out lea'e o "ourt.
What is the effect if a demurrer to eidence is denied by the court!
;e $a'e to Dualiy our a#swer.
I# "i'il a"tio#s, i t$e "ourt resol'es to de#y t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e, t$e
dee#da#t may still &e allowed to !rese#t $is e'ide#"e as a matter o ri%$t e'e# i
t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e was iled wit$out lea'e o "ourt.
I# "rimi#al a"tio#s, t$e rule is diere#t. I t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e is iled
wit$out lea'e o "ourt a#d t$e same is de#ied, t$e a""used is #o lo#%er allowed to
76 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
addu"e e'ide#"e i# $is a'or. Howe'er, i t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e was iled wit$
lea'e o "ourt a#d is de#ied, t$e a""used may, as a matter ri%$t, addu"e e'ide#"e i#
$is dee#se.
What is the effect if the court resoles to +rant the demurrer to eidence!
;e also $a'e to Dualiy our a#swer.
I# "i'il a"tio#s, i t$e "ourt %ra#ts t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e, t$e !lai#ti is
still e#titled to a!!eal t$e order o dismissal. S$ould t$e a!!ellate "ourt re'erse t$e
order o dismissal, t$e dee#da#t may #ot lo#%er &e allowed to addu"e e'ide#"e o#
I# "rimi#al a"tio#s, s$ould t$e "ourt order t$e dismissal o t$e "ase &ased
o# t$e demurrer to e'ide#"e, t$e !rose"utio# is #o lo#%er allowed to a!!eal
&e"ause t$e dismissal s$all &e "o#sidered as a# a"Duittal o# t$e merits.
Who may as* for a .ud+ment on the pleadin+s!
T$e Plai#ti may as4 or a :ud%me#t o# t$e !leadi#%s at a#y time ater t$e
ili#% o a# a#swer &ut &eore trial w$e# su"$ a#swer ails to te#der a# issue.
When is summary .ud+ment aailed of!
Summary :ud%me#t may &e a'ailed o &y eit$er t$e !lai#ti or t$e
dee#da#t at a#y sta%e o t$e !ro"eedi#% &ut &eore :ud%me#t w$e# t$ere is #o
%e#ui#e issue as to a#y material a"t i# t$e a"tio# a#d t$e mo'i#% !arty is e#titled
to a :ud%me#t as a matter o law.
What is a +enuine issue of fact!
A %e#ui#e issue $as &ee# dei#ed as a# issue o a"t w$i"$ "alls or t$e
!rese#tatio# o e'ide#"e, as disti#%uis$ed rom a# issue w$i"$ is s$am, i"titious,
"o#tri'ed a#d !ate#tly u#su&sta#tial so as #ot to "o#stitute a %e#ui#e issue or
trial. ,EDuitable P47 "an* s. Kn+# 1.R. Ao. %2&-(?# Sept. %2# -((&)
State the reDuisites that must be complied before a motion for summary
.ud+ment can be +ien due course.
U#der Se"tio# +, Rule +(, o t$e -..0 Rules o Ci'il Pro"edure, summary
:ud%me#t may &e allowed w$ere, sa'e or t$e amou#t o dama%es, t$e ollowi#%
reDuisites must "o#"ur< 1-2 t$ere must &e #o %e#ui#e issue o# a#y material a"t,
e>"e!t or t$e amou#t o dama%es= 1*2 t$e mo'i#% !arty must &e e#titled to a
:ud%me#t as a matter o law a#d 1+2 t$e motio# or summary :ud%me#t must &e
ser'ed at least te# 1-/2 days &eore t$e $eari#% t$ereo. ,EDuitable P47 "an* s. Kn+#
1.R. Ao. %2&-(?# Sept. %2# -((&) T$e !arty w$o mo'es or summary :ud%me#t $as t$e
o#us o demo#strati#% "learly t$e a&se#"e o a#y %e#ui#e issue o a"t, or t$at t$e
issue !osed i# t$e "om!lai#t is !ate#tly u#su&sta#tial so as #ot to "o#stitute a
%e#ui#e issue or trial.,Iuchen+co s. P411# 1.R. Ao. %23'2: -((& <an -()
When can we say that there is a +enuine issue of a material fact in an action!
7( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A B%e#ui#e issueC, as diere#tiated rom a i"titious or "o#tri'ed o#e, is a#
issue o a"t t$at reDuires t$e !rese#tatio# o e'ide#"e. A# issue is %e#ui#e i it
reDuires t$e !rese#tatio# o e'ide#"e as disti#%uis$ed rom a s$am, i"titious,
"o#tri'ed or alse "laim. ;$e# t$ere is a %e#ui#e issue o a#y material a"t i# a#
a"tio#, summary :ud%me#t is #ot !ro!er.,Kntimare s. Elep# 1.R. Ao. %2:--'# <an. -(#
State the nature and purpose of a summary .ud+ment
Summary or a""elerated :ud%me#t is a !ro"edural te"$#iDue aimed at
weedi#% out s$am "laims or dee#ses at a# early sta%e o t$e liti%atio#, t$ere&y
a'oidi#% t$e e>!e#se a#d loss o time i#'ol'ed i# a trial. E'e# i t$e !leadi#%s
a!!ear, o# t$eir a"e, to raise issues, summary :ud%me#t may still e#sue as a
matter o law i t$e aida'its, de!ositio#s a#d admissio#s s$ow t$at su"$ issues
are #ot %e#ui#e. ,Kntimare s. Elep# 1.R. Ao. %2:--'# <an. -(# -((&).
/ay the court alidly issue a partial Summary <ud+ment!
By e>!ress !ro'isio# o t$e rules 1Se". 6, Rule +(2 T$e "ourt "a# 'alidly
issue a !artial summary :ud%me#t w$ere t$ere are se'eral "auses o a"tio#
i#"or!orated i# a !leadi#%.
,A.".5 7n fine# SJ//0RI <JD1/EAT 7S 0607L0"LE W8EA T8E
SJ//0RI <JD1/EAT 40AAKT "E 0607LED KE. This remedy is aailable
to both the plaintiff and the defendant. The difference is that the defendant can
file a motion for summary .ud+ment at any time before or without filin+ an
answer; while the plaintiff can only moe of summary .ud+ment after the
answer has been filed5Sec. -# Rule 32)
/ay a complaint be dismissed by the plaintiff without leae of court!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e !lai#ti may, at a#y time &eore a res!o#si'e
!leadi#% or a motio# or summary :ud%me#t $as &ee# ser'ed u!o# $im, ile a
#oti"e o dismissal o t$e "om!lai#t. 1Se". -, Rule -02 All t$at t$e "ourt will do is
to "o#irm t$e dismissal o t$e "om!lai#t.
7n the aboe situation# what is the nature of such dismissal! Exceptions!
As a %e#eral rule, t$e dismissal s$all &e "o#sidered wit$out !re:udi"e. T$e
e>"e!tio#s to t$e rule are t$at w$e# t$e #oti"e o dismissal iled &y t$e "om!lai#t
states t$at t$e dismissal s$all &e wit$ !re:udi"e= or w$ere t$e !lai#ti $as
!re'iously iled a #oti"e o dismissal o t$e same. T$e se"o#d i#sta#"e is w$at we
"alled as t$e Btwo@dismissal rule.C1Se". *, Rule -02
77 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Suppose a responsie pleadin+ containin+ a counterclaim has been sered upon
the plaintiff# can the latter still file a notice of dismissal!
T$e a#swer is still yes &ut t$is time t$ere must &e !rior lea'e o "ourt. T$e
"ou#ter"laim i#ter!osed &y t$e ad'erse !arty "a# &e !ursued &y t$e latter i# t$e
same !ro"eedi#% or i# a se!arate a"tio#.
State the instances when a complaint may be ordered dismissed by the court by
reason of causes attributable to the plaintiff.
9ismissal due to !lai#tiRs ault @ t$e ollowi#% must &e wit$out :ustiia&le
"ause <
a2 I !lai#ti ails to a!!ear o# t$e date o !rese#tatio# o $is e'ide#"e i#
&2 Plai#ti ails to !rose"ute "laim or a# u#reaso#a&le le#%t$ o time
"2 Plai#ti ails to "om!ly wit$ t$e Rules o Court or a#y order o t$e "ourt
d2 T$e "ourt may motu !ro!rio order t$e dismissal o t$e Com!lai#t or u!o#
dee#da#tRs motio#.
U#less ot$erwise de"lared &y t$e "ourt, dismissal $as ee"t o ad:udi"atio#
u!o# t$e merits.
/ay a complaint be dismissed by the plaintiff without leae of court!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e !lai#ti may, at a#y time &eore a res!o#si'e
!leadi#% or a motio# or summary :ud%me#t $as &ee# ser'ed u!o# $im, ile a
#oti"e o dismissal o t$e "om!lai#t. 1Se". -, Rule -02 All t$at t$e "ourt will do is
to "o#irm t$e dismissal o t$e "om!lai#t.
7n the aboe situation# what is the nature of such dismissal! Exceptions!
As a %e#eral rule, t$e dismissal s$all &e "o#sidered wit$out !re:udi"e. T$e
e>"e!tio#s to t$e rule are t$at w$e# t$e #oti"e o dismissal iled &y t$e "om!lai#t
states t$at t$e dismissal s$all &e wit$ !re:udi"e= or w$ere t$e !lai#ti $as
!re'iously iled a #oti"e o dismissal o t$e same. T$e se"o#d i#sta#"e is w$at we
"alled as t$e Btwo@dismissal rule.C1Se". *, Rule -02
Suppose a responsie pleadin+ containin+ a counterclaim has been sered upon
the plaintiff# can the latter still file a notice of dismissal!
T$e a#swer is still yes &ut t$is time t$ere must &e !rior lea'e o "ourt. T$e
"ou#ter"laim i#ter!osed &y t$e ad'erse !arty "a# &e !ursued &y t$e latter i# t$e
same !ro"eedi#% or i# a se!arate a"tio#.
/ay the court order the dismissal of the complaint by reason of the absence of
his counsel at the pre5trial; or allows the presentation of eidence by the
plaintiff in case of absence of counsel for the defendant at the said pre5trial!
Se"tio# (, Rule -), !ro'ides t$at t$e ailure o t$e !lai#ti or dee#da#t to a!!ear
duri#% !re@trial aut$ori?es t$e "ourt to eit$er dismiss t$e "om!lai#t, i t$e !lai#ti
70 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
were a&se#t= or to allow t$e !lai#ti to !rese#t e'ide#"e e> !arte, i t$e dee#da#t
were a&se#t. T$e rule $owe'er does #ot "o#tem!late t$e same i# "ase o t$e
a&se#"e o "ou#sel.
Sim!ly !ut, #ot$i#% i# t$e Rules o Court aut$ori?es a trial :ud%e to "ause
t$e dismissal o a "om!lai#t or allow t$e !lai#ti to !rese#t e'ide#"e e> !arte o#
a""ou#t o t$e a&se#"e duri#% !re@trial o t$e "ou#sel.,Sections ' C 2# Rule %$;
"aybay# et al s. 6erano# et al# 1.R. Ao. %&'3?2# -((& Kct %-)

State the nature of a dismissal of a case by reason of failure to prosecute.
T$e orders dismissi#% t$e "ase or ailure to !rose"ute are i#al orders,
&e"ause su"$ orders o dismissal o!erate as a :ud%me#t o# t$e merits. T$is
!ri#"i!le is #ow a# e>!ress !ro'isio# i# Se"tio# +, Rule -0 o t$e Rules o Court.
I, or #o :ustiia&le "ause, t$e !lai#ti ails to a!!ear o# t$e date o t$e
!rese#tatio# o $is e'ide#"e i# "$ie o# t$e "om!lai#t, or to !rose"ute $is a"tio#
or a# u#reaso#a&le le#%t$ o time, or to "om!ly wit$ t$ese Rules or a#y order o
t$e "ourt, t$e "om!lai#t may &e dismissed u!o# motio# o t$e dee#da#t or u!o#
t$e "ourtFs ow# motio#, wit$out !re:udi"e to t$e ri%$t o t$e dee#da#t to
!rose"ute $is "ou#ter"laim i# t$e same or i# a se!arate a"tio#. T$is dismissal s$all
$a'e t$e ee"t o ad:udi"atio# u!o# t$e merits, u#less ot$erwise de"lared &y t$e
"ourt. ,Ioun+ s. Sy# Sept.-&# -((&)
What is the remedy of the party a++rieed by the issuance of such order!
It is irmly esta&lis$ed, a#d wit$ 'ery ew e>"e!tio#s, t$at t$e remedy
a%ai#st su"$ i#al order is a!!eal a#d #ot "ertiorari. T$e %e#eral rule is t$at a writ
o "ertiorari will #ot issue w$ere t$e remedy o a!!eal is a'aila&le to t$e a%%rie'ed
!arty. T$e remedies o a!!eal i# t$e ordi#ary "ourse o law a#d t$at o "ertiorari
u#der Rule 7( are mutually e>"lusi'e a#d #ot alter#ati'e or "umulati'e. He#"e, t$e
s!e"ial "i'il a"tio# o "ertiorari u#der Rule 7( "a##ot &e a su&stitute or a# a!!eal
w$ere t$e latter remedy is a'aila&le. ,,Ioun+ s. Sy# Sept.-&# -((&)
Who has the duty to hae the case set for pre5trial after the last pleadin+ has
been filed!
It is t$e duty o t$e !lai#ti to mo'e e> !arte or t$e setti#% o t$e "ase or
!re@trial. Howe'er, i !lai#ti a#swers t$e dee#da#tRs "ou#ter"laim, it will &e t$e
latterRs duty to set t$e !re@trial.
What is the effect of failure of a party to appear at pre5trial!
T$e u#:ustiied ailure o !lai#ti to a!!ear s$all &e "ause or dismissal o
t$e a"tio#. T$e u#:ustiied #o#@a!!eara#"e o dee#da#t is "ause to allow !lai#ti
to !rese#t e'ide#"e e> !arte a#d t$e "ourt to re#der :ud%me#t o# &asis t$ereo.
Howe'er t$e a!!eara#"e o a re!rese#tati'e w$o a!!ears i# &e$al o a !arty ully
aut$ori?ed i# writi#% to e#ter i#to a# ami"a&le settleme#t, to su&mit to alter#ati'e
modes o dis!ute resolutio#, a#d to e#ter i#to sti!ulatio#s or admissio#s o a"ts
7) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
a#d o do"ume#ts is #ot "o#sidered ailure to a!!ear.,Sec. 2# Rule %$# <onathan
Landoil 7nternational 4o. . /an+udadatu ,1.R. Ao. %22(%(# 0u+. %&# -(('# '3& S4R0 22:;
Jnited 4oconut Planters "an* . /a+payo# 1.R. Ao. %'::($# /ay -?# -(('# '-: S4R0 &&:)
Effect of the failure of party to file the reDuisite pre5trial brief.
T$e !ur!ose o t$e reDuireme#t re%ardi#% t$e ili#% o a !re@trial &rie is to
e#sure t$at t$e ot$er !arty re"ei'es it at least t$ree 1+2 days &eore t$e !re@trial.
T$e ailure to ile t$e !re@trial &rie $as t$e same ee"t as ailure to a!!ear at t$e
To whom must the notice of pre5trial be sent or sered!
T$e #oti"e o !re@trial must &e ur#is$ed t$e !arties a+/ t$eir "ou#sels. T$e
rule !ro'ides t$at se!arate #oti"es must &e se#t to t$e !arty a#d "ou#sel.. ;$e#
#oti"e to a !arty is ser'ed t$rou%$ $is "ou#sel t$ere must &e a# e>!ress i#stru"tio#
u!o# t$e "ou#sel or t$e latter to #otiy $is "lie#t. T$e "lie#t may deli'er to $is
"ou#sel a writte# aut$ority to re!rese#t $im duri#% t$e !re@trial. Ot$erwise t$e
!arty may &e de"lared #o#@suited or t$e ot$er !arty e#titled to !rese#t e'ide#"e e>@
!arte. Note t$e rule o# de"laratio# o !arty as i# deault $as &ee# remo'ed rom
t$e #ew rules. ,1olden Elame s. 40 0pril 3# %::2)
Does the application of Sec. -# Rule %? and Sec. 2# Rule %$ contraene the rule
on due process!
T$e o!eratio# o t$e said rules may deeat t$e "ause o a"tio# or t$e dee#se
o t$e !arty w$o 'iolated t$e !ro"edural rule. Yet it "ould #ot &e said t$at a#y
resulta#t ad'erse :ud%me#t would "o#tra'e#e t$e due !ro"ess "lause. T$e !arties
are !resumed to $a'e 4#ow# t$e %o'er#i#% rules a#d t$e "o#seDue#"es or t$e
'iolatio# o su"$ rules.,Paredes s. 6erano# 1.R. Ao. %&'3?2# -((& Kct %-)
/ay the court motu proprio dismiss a case on the +round that the plaintiff failed
to prosecute his claim!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e ailure o a !lai#ti to !rose"ute t$e a"tio# wit$out
a#y :ustiia&le "ause wit$i# a reaso#a&le !eriod o time will %i'e rise to t$e
!resum!tio# t$at $e is #o lo#%er i#terested to o&tai# rom t$e "ourt t$e relie
!rayed or i# $is "om!lai#t= $e#"e, t$e "ourt is aut$ori?ed to order t$e dismissal o
t$e "om!lai#t o# its ow# motio# or o# motio# o t$e dee#da#ts. T$e !resum!tio#
is #ot, &y a#y mea#s, "o#"lusi'e &e"ause t$e !lai#ti, o# a motio# or
re"o#sideratio# o t$e order o dismissal, may alle%e a#d esta&lis$ a :ustiia&le
"ause or su"$ ailure.,/alayan 7nsurance s. 7pil 7nternational 7nc.# 1.R. Ao. %'%$&(#
-((& 0u+ 3%# 3rd Diision)
What the test to determine whether a plaintiff is +uilty of failin+ to prosecute a
claim to .ustify dismissal of the complaint!
7. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
I# determi#i#% w$et$er t$ere is ailure to !rose"ute, t$e test is w$et$er
u#der t$e a"ts a#d "ir"umsta#"es, t$e !lai#ti is "$ar%ea&le wit$ wa#t o due
dili%e#"e i# aili#% to !ro"eed wit$ reaso#a&le !rom!titude. /Goldloop s. CA 818 6.
What is the purpose of a notice in the motion to declare defendant in default!
T$e !ur!ose o a #oti"e o i# t$e motio# is to a'oid sur!rises o# t$e
o!!osite !arty a#d to %i'e $im time to study a#d meet t$e ar%ume#ts. T$e #oti"e o
a motio# is reDuired w$e# t$e !arty $as t$e ri%$t to resist t$e relie sou%$t &y t$e
motio# a#d !ri#"i!les o #atural :usti"e dema#d t$at $is ri%$t &e #ot ae"ted
wit$out a# o!!ortu#ity to &e $eard.,Delos Santos s. /etro"an*# et al.# 1.R. Ao.
%23&:&#Set. %%# -((&)
What must the court do after the termination of the pre5trial conference!
Ater t$e !re@trial, t$e "ourt s$all issue t$e !re@trial order. T$is order s$all
"o#trol t$e "ourse o a"tio#, u#less t$e same is modiied &eore t$e trial to !re'e#t
ma#iest i#:usti"e. At t$e #ew !re@trial "o#ere#"e or !relimi#ary "o#ere#"e
&eore t$e "ler4 o "ourt, it is t$e duties o t$e latter to e>ert all eorts to $a'e t$e
!arties arri'e at a "om!romise. Ear4i#% o do"ume#ts as e>$i&its may &e do#e
&eore t$e "ler4 o "ourt duri#% t$e !relimi#ary "o#ere#"e.
What is the effect if a party is alidly declared in default! Remedy of the party
declared in default.
A !arty i# deault s$all &e e#titled to #oti"e o su&seDue#t !ro"eedi#%s &ut
#ot to ta4e !art i# t$e trial.
State the reDuirements before the court may declare a party in default.
1-2 T$e "laimi#% !arty must ile a motio# as4i#% t$e "ourt to de"lare t$e
dee#di#% !arty i# deault=
1*2 T$e dee#di#% !arty must &e #otiied o t$e motio# to de"lare $im i# deault=
1+2 T$e "laimi#% !arty must !ro'e t$at t$e dee#di#% !arty $as ailed to a#swer
wit$i# t$e !eriod !ro'ided &y t$e Rule.(De$os Sa+tos vs. MetroBa+C, A.R. No.
8&!676, Se-t. 88, BB6*
Remedy of a party declared in default.
A !arty de"lared i# deault may at a#y time ater #oti"e t$ereo a#d &eore
:ud%me#t ile a ,ot#o+ 4+/er oat" to set as#/e t"e or/er o; /e;a4$t u!o# !ro!er
s$owi#% t$at $is ailure to a#swer was /4e to ;ra4/, a..#/e+t, ,#staCe or
e9.4sa?$e +e0$#0e+.e a#d t"at "e "as a ,er#tor#o4s /e;e+se. I# su"$ "ase, t$e
order o deault may &e set aside o# su"$ terms a#d "o#ditio#s as t$e :ud%e may
im!ose i# t$e i#terest o :usti"e.
7s there such thin+ as partial default!
0/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e a#swer is yes. ;$e# a !leadi#% asserti#% a "laim states a "ommo#
"ause o a"tio# a%ai#st se'eral dee#di#% !arties, some o w$om a#swer a#d t$e
ot$ers ail to do so, t$e "ourt s$all try t$e "ase a%ai#st all u!o# t$e a#swers t$us
iled a#d re#der :ud%me#t u!o# t$e e'ide#"e !rese#ted.
7n case of default what is the extent of relie that may be awarded by the court!
A :ud%me#t re#dered a%ai#st a !arty i# deault s$all #ot e>"eed t$e amou#t
or &e diere#t i# 4i#d rom t$at !rayed or. No u#liDuidated dama%es s$all &e
When is default not allowed!
No deault is allowed i#<
a2 a# a"tio# or a##ulme#t or de"laratio# o #ullity o marria%e=
&2 or or le%al se!aratio#
T$e "ourt s$all order t$e !rose"uti#% attor#ey to i#'esti%ate w$et$er or #or a
"ollusio# &etwee# t$e !arties e>ists, a#d i t$ere is #o "ollusio#, to i#ter'e#e or
t$e State i# order to see to it t$at t$e e'ide#"e su&mitted is #ot a&ri"ated.
7s the party ipso fact entitled to the relief prayed for in his complaint in case of
I# :ud%me#ts &y deault, "om!lai#a#ts are #ot automati"ally e#titled to t$e
relie !rayed or, o#"e t$e dee#da#ts are de"lared i# deault. La'ora&le relie "a#
&e %ra#ted o#ly ater t$e "ourt $as as"ertai#ed t$at t$e relie is warra#ted &y t$e
e'ide#"e oered a#d t$e a"ts !ro'e# &y t$e !rese#ti#% !arty. I# s$ort t$e !lai#ti
must still !rese#t e'ide#"e i# order to "om!ly wit$ t$e reDuireme#t o due !ro"ess.
9eaults are #ot to &e i#ter!reted as a# admissio# &y t$e said dee#da#t
t$at t$e !lai#tiFs "ause o a"tio# i#d su!!ort i# t$e law or t$at !lai#ti is e#titled
to t$e relie !rayed or. ,Lim Tanhu s. Ramolete) Not i# e'ery "ase o deault &y
t$e dee#da#t is t$e "om!lai#a#t e#titled to wi# automati"ally. T$e !lai#ti must
still !rese#t e'ide#"e to !ro'e its "laim i# t$e "om!lai#t &y !re!o#dera#"e o
e'ide#"e as reDuired &y t$e rules. ,1a.udo s. Traders Royal "an*# 1.R. Ao.
%2%(:$# /arch -%# -((&)
Define subpoena.
It is a !ro"ess dire"ted to a !erso# reDuiri#% $im to atte#d a#d to testiy at
t$e trial o a# a"tio# or at a#y i#'esti%atio# "o#du"ted u#der t$e laws o t$e
P$ili!!i#es= or or t$e ta4i#% o de!ositio# (s4?-oe+a a/ test#;#.a+/4,* It may
reer to s4?-oe+a /4.es te.4, w$i"$ reDuires t$e &ri#%i#% o &oo4s or
What is the iatory ri+ht of person reDuired by a subpoena!
It sim!ly mea#s t$at a wit#ess may #ot &e &ou#d &y t$e su&!oe#a w$e# $e
resides at a !la"e more t$a# -// 4m. away rom t$e !la"e o trial= ,Sec. %(# Rule
0- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
-%) or w$e# t$e !erso# is a dete#tio# !riso#er ser'i#% se#te#"e at t$e Natio#al
Bili&id Priso# o#ly t$e Su!reme Court may allow $im.
4onseDuences of un.ustified refusal to obey subpoena.
T$e !arty may &e ordered arrested or reDuire $im to !ost &ail.
/ay a person be reDuired to testify een if not issued a subpoena!
T$e a#swer is yes w$e# t$e !arty or !erso# is already i# "ourt.
De;#+e De-os#t#o+
It is a writte# testimo#y o a wit#ess %i'e# i# t$e "ourse o a :udi"ial
!ro"eedi#% i# ad'a#"e o t$e trial u!o# oral e>ami#atio# or i# res!o#se to writte#
Purpose of the rules on depositions and discoery.
T$e e'ide#t !ur!ose is to e#a&le t$e !arties, "o#siste#t wit$ re"o%#i?ed
!ri'ile%es, to o&tai# t$e ullest !ossi&le 4#owled%e o t$e issues a#d a"ts &eore
"i'il trials a#d t$us !re'e#t t$at said trials are "arried o# i# t$e dar4. T$e 'arious
modes or i#strume#ts o dis"o'ery are mea#t to ser'e 1-2 as a de'i"e, alo#% wit$
t$e !re@trial $eari#% u#der Rule */, to #arrow a#d "lariy t$e &asi" issues &etwee#
t$e !arties, a#d 1*2 as a de'i"e or as"ertai#i#% t$e a"ts relati'e to t$ose issues.
1P411 6S. T0ATK4K 1.R. Ao. :('?$# %::% Ao -%# En "anc)
7s leae of court reDuired of a party aailin+ of the rules on deposition and
I# li#e wit$ t$e !ri#"i!le o li&eral treatme#t to t$e de!ositio#@dis"o'ery
me"$a#ism, su"$ modes o dis"o'ery as 1a2 de!ositio#s 1w$et$er &y oral
e>ami#atio# or writte# i#terro%atories2 u#der Rule *6, 1&2 i#terro%atories to !arties
u#der Rule *(, a#d 1"2 reDuests or admissio#s u#der Rule *7, may &e a'ailed o
wit$out lea'e o "ourt, a#d %e#erally, wit$out "ourt i#ter'e#tio#. P411 6S.
T0ATK4K 1.R. Ao. :('?$# %::% Ao -%# En "anc)
T$e Rules o Court e>!li"itly !ro'ide t$at lea'e o "ourt is #ot #e"essary to
a'ail o said modes o dis"o'ery ater a# a#swer to t$e "om!lai#t $as &ee# ser'ed.
It is o#ly w$e# a# a#swer $as #ot yet &ee# iled 1&ut ater :urisdi"tio# $as &ee#
o&tai#ed o'er t$e dee#da#t or !ro!erty su&:e"t o t$e a"tio#2 t$at !rior lea'e o
"ourt is #eeded to a'ail o t$ese modes o dis"o'ery, t$e reaso# &ei#% t$at at t$at
time t$e issues are #ot yet :oi#ed a#d t$e dis!uted a"ts are #ot "lear. 1P411 6S.
T0ATK4K 1.R. Ao. :('?$# %::% Ao -%# En "anc)

When is leae of court necessary!
Lea'e o "ourt is reDuired as re%ards dis"o'ery &y 1a2 !rodu"tio# or
i#s!e"tio# o do"ume#ts or t$i#%s i# a""orda#"e wit$ Rule *0, or 1&2 !$ysi"al a#d
me#tal e>ami#atio# o !erso#s u#der Rule *), w$i"$ may &e %ra#ted u!o# due
0* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
a!!li"atio# a#d a s$owi#% o due "ause. 1P411 6S. T0ATK4K 1.R. Ao. :('?$#
%::% Ao -%# En "anc)
What is the sanction when a party refuses to comply with the reDuest for
T$e law im!oses serious sa#"tio#s o# t$e !arty w$o reuses to ma4es
dis"o'ery, su"$ as dismissi#% t$e a"tio# or !ro"eedi#% or !art t$ereo, or re#deri#%
:ud%me#t &y deault a%ai#st t$e diso&edie#t !arty= "o#tem!t o "ourt, or arrest o
t$e !arty or a%e#t o t$e !arty= !ayme#t o t$e amou#t o reaso#a&le e>!e#ses
i#"urred i# o&tai#i#% a "ourt order to "om!el dis"o'ery= ta4i#% t$e matters
i#Duired i#to as esta&lis$ed i# a""orda#"e wit$ t$e "laim o t$e !arty see4i#%
dis"o'ery= reusal to allow t$e diso&edie#t !arty su!!ort or o!!ose desi%#ated
"laims or dee#ses= stri4i#% out !leadi#%s or !arts t$ereo= stayi#% urt$er
!ro"eedi#%s. 1P411 6S. T0ATK4K 1.R. Ao. :('?$# %::% Ao -%# En "anc)
State some limitations to aailment of discoery procedure.
;$e# it "a# &e s$ow# t$at t$e e>ami#atio# is &ei#% "o#du"ted i# &ad ait$
or i# su"$ a ma##er as to a##oy, em&arrass, or o!!ress t$e !erso# su&:e"t to t$e
i#Duiry. Eore, w$e# it is s$ow# t$at t$e i#Duiry tou"$es u!o# t$e irrele'a#t or
e#"roa"$es u!o# t$e re"o%#i?ed domai#s o !ri'ile%e "ommu#i"atio#.
When may ob.ections to the admissibility of a deposition be made!
T$ey may &e made at t$e trial or $eari#%. Errors or irre%ularities o a#y
4i#ds w$i"$ mi%$t $a'e &ee# o&'iated i !rom!tly !rese#ted are deemed wai'ed
u#less t$ey $ad &ee# o&:e"ted to at t$e time o t$e de!ositio# ta4i#%.
What is letters ro+atory!
It is a# i#strume#t w$ere&y a orei%# "ourt is i#ormed o t$e !e#de#"y o a
"ase a#d is reDuested to "ause t$e ta4i#% o de!ositio#s o !erso#s wit$i# its
territory wit$ oer o# t$e !art o t$e reDuesti#% "ourt to do t$e same i# a similar
situatio#. At$is is %o'er#ed &y t$e !ri#"i!le o "omity.
"efore whom may the deposition be ta*en in forei+n countries!
It may &e ta4e# &eore<
a2 se"retary o em&assy or le%atio#=
&2 "o#sul %e#eral, 'i"e@"o#sul or "o#sular a%e#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es=
"2 a#y !erso# a!!oi#ted &y "ommissio# or u#der letters ro%atory
Depositions ta*en in the Philippines shall be made before:
a2 A#y :ud%e=
&2 A#y mu#i"i!al trial "ourt :ud%e=
"2 A #otary !u&li"
0+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
State the difference when the deposition is ta*en before a person appointed by
means of a commission and by letters ro+atory.
;$e# t$e de!ositio# is ta4e# &eore a !erso# a!!oi#ted &y mea#s o a
"ommissio#, t$e rules o !ro"edure to &e ollowed &y t$e said !erso# s$all &e t$at
o t$e a!!oi#ti#% "ourt= w$ile i# letters ro%atory, t$e rules o !ro"edure to &e
ollowed s$all &e t$at o t$e orei%# "ourt ta4i#% t$e de!ositio#.
Difference between written interro+atories ,Rule -2) and interro+atories to
parties in deposition ta*in+ ,Rule -')
T$e mai# diere#"e is t$at t$e writte# i#terro%atories u#der Rule *(, are
ser'ed dire"tly to t$e ad'erse !arty or $im to a#swer t$e same= w$ile t$e writte#
i#terro%atories u#der Rule *6 i# de!ositio# ta4i#% are deli'ered to t$e oi"er
aut$ori?ed to ta4e t$e de!ositio# or a#swer to &e %i'e# &y t$e de!o#e#t w$o is
#ot #e"essarily t$e ad'erse !arty.
What reDuirements are needed in case of physical or mental examination of
T$e !$ysi"al or me#tal "o#ditio# o a !arty must &e i# issue=
T$ere must &e a motio# stati#% t$e reaso#s t$ereor=
T$ere must &e #oti"e to t$e !arty su&:e"t o t$e reDuest or !$ysi"al or me#tal
What is interention!
It is a !ro"eedi#% i# a suit or a"tio# &y w$i"$ a t$ird !erso# is !ermitted &y
t$e "ourt to ma4e $imsel as !arty, eit$er &y :oi#i#% t$e !lai#ti i# "laimi#% w$at
is sou%$t &y t$e "om!lai#t or &y u#iti#% wit$ t$e dee#da#t i# resisti#% t$e "laims
o t$e !lai#ti, or dema#d somet$i#% ad'ersely to &ot$ o t$em.
When filed!
It is iled at a#y time &eore :ud%me#t is re#dered &y t$e trial "ourt. It must &e
always wit$ lea'e o "ourt a#d wit$ #oti"e to t$e ori%i#al !arties o t$e "ase.
1rounds for interention
Le%al i#terest i# t$e matter i# liti%atio#=
I# a "ase settleme#t o estate w$ere t$e admi#istrator o t$e estate is &elie'ed to
$a'e a&use $is !owers, t$e $eirs may 'alidly &e% to i#ter'e#e &e"ause t$ey $a'e a
le%al i#terest i# t$e $ereditary estate=
I#terest i# t$e su""ess o eit$er or &ot$ !arties or i#terest a%ai#st &ot$=
I# a"tio# or sum o mo#ey &ased o# loa# iled &y t$e "reditor a%ai#st a surety, t$e
!ri#"i!al de&tor may &e% lea'e to i#ter'e#e a#d :oi# t$e dee#da#t surety i#
o!!osi#% t$e !lai#ti@"reditor.
06 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
I# a"tio# o re"o'ery o real !ro!erty &etwee# two !erso#s, a !erso# w$o "laims to
&e t$e ow#er o t$e !ro!erty i# dis!ute may &e% lea'e to i#ter'e#e &e"ause $e $as
a# i#terest a%ai#st &ot$ !arties.
d2 Party is so situated as to &e ad'ersely ae"ted &y t$e distri&utio# o t$e "ourt
Aature of the action
Com!lai#t i# i#ter'e#tio# is merely "ollateral to t$e !ri#"i!al a"tio#. He#"e, it
will &e dismissed i mai# a"tio# is dismissed.
A "om!lai#t i# i#ter'e#tio# t$at see4s airmati'e relie !re'e#ts a !lai#ti rom
ta4i#% a 'olu#tary dismissal o t$e mai# a"tio#.
Su"$ a "ase is #ot su&:e"t to dismissal u!o# i#ter'e#orRs !etitio# s$owi#% $im to
&e e#titled to airmati'e relie.
T$e !etitio# will &e !reser'ed a#d $eard re%ardless o t$e dis!ositio# o t$e mai#
I#ter'e#tio# is #ot a# i#de!e#de#t a"tio# &ut it is au>iliary or su!!leme#tal to a#
e>isti#% a"tio# or liti%atio#. 1Gar"ia 's. 9a'id 70 P$il. *0.2
When may the court deny leae to interene!
T$e "ourt may #o lo#%er e#tertai# or allow a motio# or i#ter'e#tio# ater
:ud%me#t $as &ee# re#dered a#d t$e same $as &e"ome i#al a#d e>e"utory. 1Vda
de C$i 's. Ta#edo --- S -./2 Or w$ere t$e ri%$t or i#terest o a !arty "a# &e
liti%ated. 1Bayer 's. A%a#a 7+ S +7(= Gi&so# 's. Re'illa .* S *-.2
What is the remedy of the party whose motion for leae to interene has been
a2 I t$e reaso# or t$e de#ial is &e"ause :ud%me#t $as &ee# re#dered i# mai# "ase,
t$e !arty may ile a se!arate a"tio# a%ai#st t$e !ro!er !arty. ,6da de 4hi s.
Tanedo %%% S %:()
&2 I t$e "ause o t$e de#ial is #ot t$e re#ditio# o :ud%me#t, $is remedy is
ordi#ary a!!eal a#d #ot ma#damus e>"e!t w$e# t$ere is %ra'e a&use o dis"retio#.
7s a party whose motion for leae to interene has been denied entitled to
He is #ot e#titled to #oti"es &e"ause &eore t$e i#ter'e#tio# is admitted t$e
!arty $as #o !erso#ality i# t$e "ase ,/acias s. 4ru9 ': S $()
Define Trial.
It is a# e>ami#atio# &eore a "om!ete#t "ourt o t$e a"ts or law !ut i# issue
i# a "ase or t $e !ur!ose o determi#i#% su"$ issue.
Define <ud+ment.
0( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
It is t$e i#al "o#sideratio# a#d determi#atio# &y a "ourt o t$e ri%$ts o t$e
!arties as t$ose ri%$ts !rese#tly e>ist, u!o# matter su&mitted to it i# a# a"tio# or
Essential reDuisites of a alid .ud+ment.
T$e "ourt re#deri#% t$e :ud%me#t ater a 'alid $eari#%<
-. must $a'e :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e su&:e"t matter=
*. must :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !arties or o'er t$e res=
+. must :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e issues (t"ose ra#se/ #+ t"e -$ea/#+0s*=
Eormal reDuisites of a alid .ud+ment.
-. T$e :ud%me#t s$all &e i# writi#%=
*. It s$all &e !erso#ally a#d dire"tly !re!ared &y t$e :ud%e=
+. It s$all state "learly a#d disti#"tly t$e a"ts a#d t$e law o# w$i"$ it is &ased=
6. It s$all &e si%#ed &y t$e :ud%e a#d iled wit$ t$e "ler4 o "ourt.
8ere is a summary of the proceedin+ in a ciil action from the filin+ of the
complaint up to the rendition of the .ud+ment: 0 complaint or petition
should contain Fa plain# concise and direct statement of the
ultimate facts on which the party pleadin+ relies for his claim or
defense. 7t should li*ewise clearly specify the relief sou+ht.
Preatorily, t$e trial "ourt may, motu !ro!rio or u!o# motio# o t$e dee#da#t,
/#s,#ss a complaint ,or petition# in a special ciil action) t$at does #ot alle%e t$e
!lai#tiFs 1or !etitio#erFs2 "ause or "auses o a"tio#.
U!o# t$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#tA!etitio# a#d t$e !ayme#t o t$e reDuisite
le%al ees, t$e "ler4 o "ourt s$all ort$wit$ issue t$e "orres!o#di#% summo#s to
t$e dee#da#ts or t$e res!o#de#ts, wit$ a dire"ti'e t$at t$e dee#da#t a#swer
wit$i# -( days, u#less a diere#t !eriod is i>ed &y t$e "ourt.
T$e summo#s s$all also "o#tai# a #oti"e t$at i su"$ a#swer is #ot iled, t$e
!lai#tisA!etitio#ers s$all ta4e a :ud%me#t &y deault a#d may &e %ra#ted t$e relie
a!!lied or.
T$e "ourt, $owe'er, may @@ u!o# su"$ terms as may &e :ust @@ allow a#
a#swer to &e iled ater t$e time i>ed &y t$e Rules.
I t$e a#swer sets ort$ a "ou#ter"laim or "ross@"laim, it must &e a#swered
wit$i# te# 1-/2 days rom ser'i"e.
A re!ly may &e iled wit$i# te# 1-/2 days rom ser'i"e o t$e !leadi#%
res!o#ded to.
;$e# a# a#swer ails to te#der a# issue or admits t$e material alle%atio#s
o t$e ad'erse !artyFs !leadi#%, t$e "ourt may, o# motio# o t$at !arty, dire"t
:ud%me#t o# t$e !leadi#%s 1e>"e!t i# a"tio#s or de"laratio# o #ullity or
a##ulme#t o marria%e or or le%al se!aratio#2.
07 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Eea#w$ile, a !arty see4i#% to re"o'er u!o# a "laim, a "ou#ter"laim or
"ross"laim @@ or to o&tai# a de"laratory relie @@ may, at a#y time ater t$e a#swer
t$ereto $as &ee# ser'ed, mo'e or a summary :ud%me#t i# its a'or.
Similarly, a !arty a%ai#st w$om a "laim, a "ou#ter"laim or "ross"laim is
asserted @@ or a de"laratory relie sou%$t @@ may, at a#y time, mo'e or a summary
:ud%me#t i# its a'or.
Ater t$e motio# is $eard, t$e :ud%me#t sou%$t s$all &e re#dered ort$wit$
i t$ere is a s$owi#% t$at, e>"e!t as to t$e amou#t o dama%es, t$ere is #o %e#ui#e
issue as to a#y material a"t= a#d t$at t$e mo'i#% !arty is e#titled to a :ud%me#t as
a matter o law.
I t$e motio# is de#ied, t$e mo'a#t may ile a# a#swer wit$i# t$e &ala#"e
o t$e !eriod ori%i#ally !res"ri&ed to ile a# a#swer, &ut #ot less t$a# i'e 1(2 days
i# a#y e'e#t, "om!uted rom t$e re"ei!t o t$e #oti"e o t$e de#ial.
I t$e !leadi#% is ordered to &e ame#ded, t$e dee#da#t s$all ile a# a#swer
wit$i# itee# 1-(2 days, "ou#ted rom t$e ser'i"e o t$e ame#ded !leadi#%, u#less
t$e "ourt !ro'ides a lo#%er !eriod.
Ater t$e last !leadi#% $as &ee# ser'ed a#d iled, t$e "ase s$all &e set or
!retrial, w$i"$ is a ma#datory !ro"eedi#%.
A !lai#tiFsA !etitio#erFs 1or its duly aut$ori?ed re!rese#tati'eFs2 #o#@
a!!eara#"e at t$e !retrial, i wit$out 'alid "ause, s$all result i# t$e dismissal o t$e
a"tio# wit$ !re:udi"e, u#less t$e "ourt orders ot$erwise.
A similar ailure o# t$e !art o t$e dee#da#t s$all &e a "ause or allowi#%
t$e !lai#tiA!etitio#er to !rese#t e'ide#"e e> !arte, a#d t$e "ourt to re#der
:ud%me#t o# t$e &asis t$ereo.
T$e !arties are reDuired to ile t$eir !retrial &ries= ailure to do so s$all
$a'e t$e same ee"t as ailure to a!!ear at t$e !retrial.
U!o# t$e termi#atio# o t$e !retrial, t$e "ourt s$all issue t$e !retrial order
w$i"$ s$all re"ite, i# detail, t$e ollowi#%< 1a2 t$e matters ta4e# u! at t$e
"o#ere#"e= 1&2 t$e a"tio# ta4e# o# t$em, 1"2 t$e ame#dme#ts allowed to t$e
!leadi#%s= a#d 1d2 t$e a%reeme#ts or admissio#s, i a#y, made &y t$e !arties
re%ardi#% a#y o t$e matters "o#sidered.
T$e !arties may urt$er a'ail t$emsel'es o a#y o t$e modes o dis"o'ery,
i t$ey so wis$.
T$ereater, t$e "ase s$all &e set or trial, i# w$i"$ t$e !arties s$all addu"e
t$eir res!e"ti'e e'ide#"e i# su!!ort o t$eir "laims a#dAor dee#ses.
By t$eir writte# "o#se#t or u!o# t$e a!!li"atio# o eit$er !arty, or o# its
ow# motio#, t$e "ourt may also order a#y or all o t$e issues to &e reerred to a
"ommissio#er, w$o is to &e a!!oi#ted &y it or to &e a%reed u!o# &y t$e !arties.
T$e trial or $eari#% &eore t$e "ommissio#er s$all !ro"eed i# all res!e"ts as
it would i $eld &eore t$e "ourt.
U!o# t$e "om!letio# o su"$ !ro"eedi#%s, t$e "ommissio#er s$all ile wit$
t$e "ourt< 1a2 a writte# re!ort o# t$e matters reerred &y t$e !arties= 1&2 t$e re!ort
s$all &e set or $eari#%= 1"2 ater t$e $eari#% o# t$e re!ort t$e "ourt s$all issue a#
00 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
order ado!ti#%, modiyi#% or re:e"ti#% it i# w$ole or i# !art= or re"ommitti#% it
wit$ i#stru"tio#s= or reDuiri#% t$e !arties to !rese#t urt$er e'ide#"e &eore t$e
"ommissio#er or t$e "ourt.
Li#ally, a :ud%me#t or i#al order determi#i#% t$e merits o t$e "ase s$all &e
re#dered. T$e de"isio# s$all &e i# writi#%, !erso#ally a#d dire"tly !re!ared &y t$e
:ud%e, stati#% "learly a#d disti#"tly t$e a"ts a#d t$e law o# w$i"$ it is &ased,
si%#ed &y t$e issui#% ma%istrate, a#d iled wit$ t$e "ler4 o "ourt.
Ater a :ud%me#t $as &ee# re#dered i# a'or o a !arty a%ai#st t$e ad'erse
!arty, a#y o t$em may i#ter!ose a motio# or "o#sideratio# or #ew trial. I t$e
motio# or #ew trial or re"o#sideratio# is 9ENIE9 &y t$e "ourt, t$e remedy o t$e
a%%rie'ed !arty is to APPEAL t$e :ud%me#t or i#al order a#d #ot t$e order o
Within what period may motion for new trial or a motion for reconsideration be
At a#y time &eore t$e :ud%me#t &e"omes i#al. Ater t$e :ud%me#t $as
&e"ome i#al, t$e remedy is #o lo#%er a motio# or #ew trial or motio# or
re"o#sideratio#. T$e ili#% o t$e motio# sto!s t$e ru##i#% o t$e !eriod o a!!eal.
Howe'er a !ro@orma motio# does #ot sto! t$e ru##i#% o t$e !eriod to a!!eal.
PRO-FORMA MOTION - w$e# it does #ot "om!ly wit$ Rule -( a#d
Rule +0, e.%. it does #ot !oi#t out s!e"ii"ally t$e i#di#%s or "o#"lusio#s o t$e
:ud%me#t as are "o#trary to law, ma4i#% e>!ress reere#"e to t$e testimo#ial or
do"ume#tary e'ide#"e or to t$e !ro'isio#s o law alle%ed to &e "o#trary to su"$
i#di#%s or "o#"lusio#s, a#d is merely i#te#ded to delay t$e !ro"eedi#%s or i t$ere
is #o aida'it o merit.
A !ro@orma motio# is o#e t$at does #ot "om!ly wit$ t$e orm a#d
reDuisites !ro'ided or &y t$e rules.
Distinction between a /otion Aew Trial and /otion for Reconsideration
T$e disti#"tio# lies o# t$e %rou#d to &e relied o# &y t$e mo'a#t. I# a
motio# or #ew trial t$e %rou#ds are FAME (;ra4/ (e9tr#+s#. ;ra4/*, a..#/e+t or
e9.4sa?$e +e0$e.t*1 or NEWLD DISCOVERED EVIDENCE1 w$ile t$e %rou#ds
or a motio# or re"o#sideratio# are< t"at t"e /a,a0es a<ar/e/ are e9.ess#ve= or
t"at t"e ev#/e+.e #s #+s4;;#.#e+t to >4st#;3 t"e /e.#s#o+ or ;#+a$ or/er= or t"at
t"e /e.#s#o+ or or/er #s .o+trar3 to $a<. A#ot$er disti#"tio# is t$at i# #ew trial,
e'ide#"e may &e addu"ed &y t$e !arties w$ile i# a motio# or re"o#sideratio#,
t$ere is #ot #eed or t$e !rese#tatio# o e'ide#"e.
ReDuisites for newly5discoered eidence
a2 must $a'e &ee# dis"o'ered ater trial
&2 "ould #ot $a'e &ee# dis"o'ered a#d !rodu"ed at t$e trial
0) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
"2 i !rese#ted would alter t$e result o t$e a"tio#
Ot$erwise, it is "alled or%otte# e'ide#"e
7f the .ud+ment has become final is there another aailable remedy for the
a++rieed party!
Yes. T$e a%%rie'ed !arty may a'ail o Rule +), t$at is, &y ili#% a !etitio#
or relie rom :ud%me#t.
What must accompany a motion for new trial!
I t$e %rou#d or t$e motio# is FAME, t$e same must &e a""om!a#ied &y
a# aida'it o merit 1o#e w$i"$ re"ites t$e #ature a#d "$ara"ter o t$e raud,
a""ide#t or e>"usa&le #e%li%e#"e o# w$i"$ it is &ased2. I t$e %rou#d o t$e motio#
is NDE, t$e motio# s$all &e su!!orted &y aida'its o t$e wit#esses &y w$om
su"$ e'ide#"e is e>!e"ted to &e %i'e# or &y t$e duly aut$e#ti"ated do"ume#ts
w$i"$ are !ro!osed to &e i#trodu"ed.1Se". *, Rule +02. No#@"om!lia#"e wit$ t$e
said reDuireme#ts is atal to t$e motio# or #ew trial.
What is the effect of the +rant of the motion for new trial!
T$e :ud%me#t already re#dered is set aside, as i #o :ud%me#t at all was
re#dered. T$e "ourt will "o#du"t a #ew trial a#d may re#der a#ot$er :ud%me#t
ater "o#du"ti#% t$e #ew trial. I# de"idi#% t$is "ase #ow,
What now is the effect of the order +rantin+ the motion for new trial on the
eidence already receied!
I t$e motio# or #ew trial is &ased o# FAME, t$e rule says, At0e eidence
affected b1 t0e CA4# will be set aside.C T$us t$e e'ide#"e #ot so ae"ted &y t$e
%rou#d or #ew trial s$all remai# o# re"ord.
I t$e %rou#d or #ew trial is NDE, a$$ t"e ev#/e+.e a//4.e/ /4r#+0 t"e
-rev#o4s trial s$all &e "o#sidered &y t$e "ou#t !lus t$e so@"alled #ewly dis"o'ered
e'ide#"e. T$e rules $owe'er allow t$e re"e!tio# o additio#al e'ide#"e duri#% t$e
#ew trial !ro"eedi#%.
/ay a party be allowed to file a second motion for new trial! ,Sec. 2# Rule 3?)
Ge#erally, a se"o#d motio# or #ew trial is #ot allowed &y reaso# o t$e
om#i&us motio# rule w$i"$ states t$at a motio# or #ew trial must i#"lude all
a'aila&le %rou#ds at t$e time o its ili#% a#d t$ose #ot i#"luded are wai'ed. A
se"o#d motio# to #ew trial may &e allowed i it is &ased o# a#ot$er %rou#d t$at
was #ot a'aila&le or e>isti#% at t$e time o t$e irst motio# or #ew trial.
7s partial new trial allowed by the rules!
T$e a#swer is yes. ;$e# t$e %rou#d or #ew trial i#ter!osed &y t$e !arty
a!!ears to t$e "ourt t$at t$ey o#ly ae"t !art or less t$a# all t$e matters i#
0. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
"o#tro'ersy, t$e "ourt may order a #ew trial or re"o#sideratio# o#ly as to t$e issues
raised i# t$e motio#. 1Se". 0, Rule +02
What is the effect of +rantin+ a partial new trial!
T$e "ourt may eit$er<
1a2 e#ter a :ud%me#t or i#al order as to t$e issues #ot tra'ersed &y t$e motio# or
#ew trial= or
1&2 stay t$e e#or"eme#t o t$e :ud%me#t u#til ater t$e #ew trial. 1Se". ), Rule +02
Petition for relief from .ud+ment assumes t$at t$e :ud%me#t $as already
&e"ome i#al= a#d t$e a"t t$at t$e :ud%me#t or i#al order $as already &ee#
e#tered. It is a'aila&le o#ly w$e# t$ere is #o ot$er !lai#, s!eedy a#d adeDuate
remedy i# a'or o t$e !etitio#er. Petitio# or relie is #ot a!!li"a&le i# t$e
!rese#"e o ot$er remedies i# law.
What may be the sub.ect of a petition for relief from .ud+ment!
T$ere are t<o t"#+0s t"at .a+ ?e t"e s4?>e.t o; -et#t#o+ ;or re$#e;2
-2 A :ud%me#t re#dered &y reaso# o LAEE or a !ro"eedi#% atte#ded &y LAEE=
*2 A de!ri'atio# o a !arty o t$e ri%$t to a!!eal &y reaso# o LAEE.
What court must entertain a petition for relief from .ud+ment!
T$e !etitio# or relie rom :ud%me#t s$all &e iled wit$ t$e "ourt w$i"$
re#dered t$e :ud%me#t. T$e !etitio# must &e iled wit$i# 6B /a3s rom t$e time t$e
a%%rie'ed !arty lear#ed o t$e :ud%me#t a#d i# #o e'e#t &eyo#d s#9 (6* mo#t$s
rom t$e e#try o t$e :ud%me#t. T"e -er#o/s .#te/ are +o+-e9te+/#?$e ?e.a4se
t"e re,e/3 #s ,ere$3 a+ a.t o; 0ra.e o+ t"e -art o; t"e state #+ ;avor o; t"e
a00r#eve/ -art3.
7s there a need for the petitioner to sere a copy of his petition for relief from
.ud+ment to the aderse party!
T$e a#swer is #o. T$e "ourt i# w$i"$ t$e !etitio# is iled must irst ma4e a
determi#atio# w$et$er or #ot t$e !etitio# is sui"ie#t i# orm a#d su&sta#"e. I t$e
"ourt i#ds t$e !etitio# to &e sui"ie#t i# orm a#d su&sta#"e, it s$all order t$e
ad'erse !arty to ile $is a#swer wit$i# -( days rom re"ei!t o t$e order.
What now is the effect of the +rant of the petition on the .ud+ment already
T$e :ud%me#t !re'iously re#dered is set aside. T$e "ourt s$all t$e# $ear t$e
"ase as i a timely motio# or #ew trial was iled. Re"e!tio# o e'ide#"e will t$e#
ollow a#d t$ereater t$e "ourt may re#der :ud%me#t t$ereo#.
/ay the petitioner aail of the proisional remedy of in.unction in con.unction
with the petition for relief from .ud+ment!
)/ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e a#swer is yes. 1Se". (, Rule +)2 T$e reaso# is to !reser'e t$e ri%$ts o
t$e !arties duri#% t$e $eari#% o t$e !etitio# or relie a#d to stay t$e e>e"utio# o
t$e :ud%me#t. T$e !etitio#er is $owe'er, reDuired to !ost t$e reDuired &o#d i#
a'or o t$e ad'erse !arty.
Eor what is this bond responsible!
T$e &o#d will &e made lia&le or t$e dama%es a#d "osts t$at may &e
awarded i# a'or o t$e ad'erse !arty. It does #ot o!erate to dis"$ar%e or
e>ti#%uis$ a#y lie# w$i"$ t$e ad'erse !arty $as a"Duired u!o# t$e !ro!erty o t $e
4ompare and contrast /otion for Aew Trial with Relief from <ud+ment
S must &e iled wit$i# t$e a!!eal !eriod.
5ud%me#t #ot yet i#al.
S 5ud%me#t is i#al wit$i# 7/ days ater
!etitio#er lear#s o t$e :ud%me#t to &e set
aside a#d wit$i# 7 mo#t$s ater su"$
:ud%me#t is e#tered.
S A le%al ri%$t. S Eore o# eDuity 19is"retio#ary2
S 5ud%me#t or i#al order S Relie rom :ud%me#tAorder o# ot$er
E>e"utio# is a remedy !ro'ided &y law or t$e e#or"eme#t o a i#al
:ud%me#t. O#"e a de"isio# &e"omes i#al a#d e>e"utory, it is remo'ed rom t$e
!ower o :urisdi"tio# o t$e "ourt w$i"$ re#dered it to urt$er ame#d, mu"$ less
re'o4e. 1Re!u&li" 's. Reyes -(( SCRA +-+ 1-.)02
9e"isio#s w$i"$ $a'e lo#% &e"ome i#al a#d e>e"utory "a##ot &e a##ulled
&y "ourts. 1U#ited CEC 's. La&or Ar&iter, -6. SCRA 6*61-.)02
"asis of the doctrine of Einality of .ud+ments5
T$e do"tri#e o i#ality o :ud%me#t is %rou#ded o# u#dame#tal
"o#sideratio#s o !u&li" a#d sou#d !ra"ti"e t$at at t$e ris4 o o""asio#al error, t$e
:ud%me#ts o t$e "ourts must &e"ome i#al at some dei#ite date set &y law 1Edra
'. I#termediate A!!ellate Court, -0. SCRA +66 G-.).I2.
Reo!e#i#% o a "ase w$i"$ $as &e"ome i#al a#d e>e"utory is disallowed
1P$ili!!i#e Ra&&it Bus Li#es, I#". '. Ar"ia%a, -6) SCRA,6++ G-.)0I
T$e su&seDue#t ili#% o a motio# or re"o#sideratio# "a##ot distur& t$e
i#ality o a :ud%me#t a#d restore :urisdi"tio# w$i"$ $ad already &ee# lost
1Pleider '. Vi"tori#o, .) SCRA 6.- G-.)/I= Heirs o Patria"a '. CA, su!ra2
It is well@settled t$at o#"e a de"isio# &e"omes i#al a#d e>e"utory, it is
remo'ed rom t$e !ower or :urisdi"tio# o t$e Court w$i"$ re#dered it to urt$er
ame#d, mu"$ less re'o4e it 1TurDuie?a '. Her#a#do, .0 SCRA 6)+ G-.)/I
)- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
/ay the .ud+ment that has become final be altered!
Ater t$e :ud%me#t $as &e"ome i#al, #o additio# "a# &e made t$ereto a#d
#ot$i#% "a# &e do#e t$erewit$ e>"e!t its e>e"utio#= ot$erwise, t$ere "a# &e #o e#d
to liti%atio#, t$us setti#% at #au%$t t$e mai# role o Courts o 5usti"e, w$i"$ is to
assist i# t$e e#or"eme#t o t$e rule o law a#d t$e mai#te#a#"e o !ea"e a#d
order, &y settli#% :usti"ia&le "o#tro'ersies wit$ i#ality. 1JUIBAL 's.
UNIVERSITY OL THE PHILIPPINES,G.R. No. -6)6(7, *//7 Se! -(.2
What is meant by final .ud+ment! "y final order!
T$ere are two "o#"e!ts o i#ality o a i#al order or :ud%me#t, o#e, it is
"o#sidered i#al, wit$ res!e"t to t$e e+;or.ea?#$#t3 o t$e :ud%me#t or order a#d
i#al wit$ res!e"t to t$e a--ea$a?#$#t3 o t$e :ud%me#t or order.
Erom the point of iew of enforceability, a i#al order or a i#al :ud%me#t is o#e
w$i"$ "a# already &e e#or"ed &e"ause t$e !eriod or a# a!!eal $as e>!ired a#d #o
a!!eal was i#ter!osed.
Erom the point of iew of appealability# t$is sim!ly mea#s w$et$er or #ot
t$e order is a!!ealla&le or #ot. 7n the case of interlocutory order, ater its
issua#"e, t$ere is still somet$i#% to &e do#e wit$ res!e"t to t$e merits o t$e "ase.
So, t$e order does #ot !ut a# e#d to a "ase. T$e order is #ot a!!ealla&le. A# order
de#yi#% t$e motio# to dismiss is a# i#terlo"utory order, $e#"e #ot a!!ealla&le. But
a# order %ra#ti#% a motio# to dismiss is i#al $e#"e a!!ealla&le.
,Aote: Rule 3: spea*s of the finality of a final .ud+ment or final order from the
What are the modes of execution of a final .ud+ment or final order!
Li#al :ud%me#t or order may &e e#or"ed i# eit$er o two ways<@ &y t$e
ili#% o a ,ot#o+ or t$e issua#"e o a writ o e>e"utio# wit$i# LIVE 1(2 YEARS
rom t$e e#try o :ud%me#t= or &y a+ #+/e-e+/e+t a.t#o+ (rev#va$ o; >4/0,e+t*
ater t$e la!se o t$e i'e 1(2 years !eriod !ro'ided t$e a.t#o+ "as +ot -res.r#?e/.
Where is the enue of the action to reied .ud+ment!
A# a"tio# to re'i'e a :ud%me#t is a !erso#al a"tio#. It is #ot a real a"tio#.
T$is &ei#% a !erso#al a"tio#, it will &e %o'er#ed &y Rule 6, t$e 'e#ue "ould &e t$e
reside#"e o t$e !lai#ti or t$e reside#"e o t$e dee#da#t at t$e o!tio# o t$e
What is the lifetime of a writ of execution issued by the court!
U#der t$e new rule, we #ow $a'e a lo#%er lietime o a writ o e>e"utio#. T$e
lietime "orres!o#ds to t$e !eriod wit$i# w$i"$ a :ud%me#t may &e e>e"uted &y
mere motio#.
It mea#s to say urt$er t$at duri#% t$is ;#ve-3ear -er#o/, #o ot$er writ o
e>e"utio# is reDuired to &e issued. T$e s$eri "a# e#or"e t$at wit$i# t$is i'e@year
)* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
!eriod or as lo#% as t$e :ud%me#t is #ot satisied wit$i# t$e (@year !eriod. T$e
ee"ti'ity o t$e writ o e>e"utio# is i'e 1(2 years.
What is a dormant .ud+ment!
It is o#e w$i"$ $as #ot &ee# e#or"ed &y motio# wit$i# i'e 1(2 years rom
its e#try. It is redu"ed to a mere ri%$t o a"tio# i# a'or o t$e :ud%me#t "reditor. It
may &e e#or"ed &y a"tio# 1re'i'al o :ud%me#t2
/ay the court order the execution of the .ud+ment pendin+ appeal!
Se"tio# *, Rule +. !ro'ides t$at t$e trial "ourt may, i# t$e e>er"ise o its
dis"retio#, order t$e e>e"utio# o t$e :ud%me#t !e#di#% a!!eal. Some aut$orities
say t$at t$ere must &e a s!e"ial reaso# or t$e %ra#ti#% o e>e"utio# !e#di#%
a!!eal. I# w$i"$ "ase, t$e order %ra#ti#% e>e"utio# !e#di#% a!!eal must state su"$
reaso# t$erei#.
What .ud+ments are not stayed by appeal!
5ud%me#ts i# a"tio#s or i#:u#"tio#, re"ei'ers$i! a""ou#ti#% a#d su!!ort
a#d su"$ ot$er :ud%me#t t$at are "o#sidered immediately e>e"utory "a##ot &e
stayed &y a!!eal. 1Se". 6, Rule +.2
Effect of reersal of the .ud+ment that was executed pendin+ appeal
I# "ase t$e e>e"uted :ud%me#t is !artly or w$olly re'ersed o# a!!eal, t$e
trial "ourt s$all issue orders o restitutio# or re!aratio# o dama%es as eDuity a#d
:usti"e may warra#t.1Se". (, Rule +.2
What happens when a third party is affected by the implementation of a writ of
T$e t$ird !arty s$all e>e"ute a# aida'it stati#% $is title or ri%$t to t$e
!ossessio# o t$e !ro!erty su&:e"t o t$e e>e"utio# a#d ser'e t$e same u!o# t$e
s$eri a#d t$e :ud%me#t "reditor. T$is aida'it is w$at we "all a t$ird !arty "laim
o ter"eria. I $is t$ird !arty "laim is de#ied, t$e t$ird !erso# may ile a
rei#'i#di"atory a"tio# a%ai#st t$e :ud%me#t "reditor or !ur"$aser= or a# a"tio# or
dama%es a%ai#st t$e i#dem#ity &o#d !osted &y t$e :ud%me#t "reditor.
Ri+ht of redemption in case the .ud+ment is alidly executed
T$e :ud%me#t de&tor $as -* mo#t$s rom t$e re%istratio# o t$e "ertii"ate
o sale to e>er"ise $is ri%$t o redem!tio#. I redem!tio# is e>er"ised &y a#ot$er
!erso#, su&seDue#t redem!tio# must &e do#e wit$i# 7/ days rom t$e last
redem!tio#. T$e mome#t redem!tio# is e>er"ised &y t$e &y :ud%me#t de&tor #o
urt$er redem!tio# is allowed.
Effect of a .ud+ment or final order rendered by a court of the Philippines#
hain+ .urisdiction to pronounce the .ud+ment or final order# may be as follows:
)+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Se". 60 o Rule +. %rou!s i#to t$ree 1+2 t$e a"tio#s "o'ered, t$ey are<
a2 "ases i#'ol'i#% title to s!e"ii" !ro!erty=
&2 "ases i#'ol'i#% !ro&ate o a will=
"2 "ases i#'ol'i#% t$e admi#istratio# o t$e estate o t$e de"ede#t=
d2 "ases i#'ol'i#% t$e !oliti"al, le%al a#d !erso#al "o#ditio# or status o a
!erso#= a#d
e2 "ases i#'ol'i#% t$e relatio# o a !erso# to a#ot$er.
Effect of <ud+ment rendered by a Eorei+n 4ourt
T$e ee"t o a :ud%me#t or i#al order o a tri&u#al o a orei%# "ou#try,
$a'i#% :urisdi"tio# to re#der t$e :ud%me#t or i#al order is as ollows<
1a2 I# a "ase o :ud%me#t or i#al order u!o# a s!e"ii" t$i#%, t$e :ud%me#t or
i#al order is "o#"lusi'e u!o# t$e title to t$e t$i#%= a#d
1&2 I# "ase o a :ud%me#t or i#al order a%ai#st a !erso#, t$e :ud%me#t or i#al
order is !resum!ti'e e'ide#"e o a ri%$t as &etwee# t$e !arties a#d t$eir
su""essors i# i#terest &y a su&seDue#t title.
I# eit$er "ase, t$e :ud%me#t or i#al order may &e re!elled &y e'ide#"e o a
wa#t o :urisdi"tio#, wa#t o #oti"e to t$e !arty, "ollusio#, raud or "lear mista4e
o law or a"t.
A :ud%me#t re#dered &y a orei%# "ourt "a##ot &e e#or"ed i# t$e P$ili!!i#es
e>"e!t &y a"tio#.
What does the rule say with respect to the .ud+ment that may be rendered in
these cases!
T$e rule says 1-2 t$at i t$e :ud%me#t is wit$ res!e"t to t$e s!e"ii"
!ro!erty, it is "o#"lusi'e o# t$e title to t$e !ro!erty= 1*2 t$e :ud%me#t is "o#"lusi'e
o# t$e !ro&ate o t$e will= 1+2 t$e :ud%me#t is "o#"lusi'e to t$e admi#istratio# o
t$e estate= 162 t$e :ud%me#t is "o#"lusi'e o# t$e !erso#al, !oliti"al or le%al
"o#ditio# o a !erso#= a#d 1(2 t$e :ud%me#t is "o#"lusi'e o# t$e relatio# o a
!erso# to a#ot$er.
T$e o#ly e>"e!tio# to t$is rule t$at :ud%me#t is #ot "o#"lusi'e, is w$e# it
"omes to t$e !ro&ate o a will or t$e admi#istratio# o t$e estate. T$e :ud%me#t
$ere is merely !rima a"ie e'ide#"e t$at t$e testator or t$e !erso# w$ose estate is
u#der admi#istratio#, is dead.
4oncepts comprehended under the doctrine of res .udicata:
T$e do"tri#e o res :udi"ata em&ra"es to "o#"e!ts, t$ey are<@ ?ar ?3 -r#or
>4/0,e+t a#d .o+.$4s#ve+ess o; >4/0,e+t.
Distinctions between bar by prior .ud+ment and conclusieness of .ud+ment:
T$ere are two &asi" disti#"tio#s o t$e terms.
As to re:4#s#tes2 T$ere is &ar &y !rior :ud%me#t i all t$ree ide#tities o
!arties, su&:e"t matter a#d "ause o a"tio# are !rese#t= a#d t$ere is "o#"lusi'e#ess
)6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
o :ud%me#t i t$ere is #o ide#tity o "ause o a"tio# &etwee# t$e two "ases &ut
t$ere is ide#tity o !arties or su&:e"t matter.
As to e;;e.t2 I# &ar &y !rior :ud%me#t t$e irst :ud%me#t "o#stitutes a#
a&solute &ar to all matters dire"tly ad:ud%ed, as well as matters t$at mi%$t $a'e
&ee# ad:ud%ed i# t$e irst a"tio#= w$ereas i# "o#"lusi'e#ess o :ud%me#t, t$e irst
:ud%me#t is "o#"lusi'e o#ly o# matter a"tually liti%ated a#d ad:ud%ed i# t$e irst
/Rules 5<=D12
Proisional remedies# concept of:
T$ese are remedies resorted to &y !arties to a liti%atio# or t$e !reser'atio#
or !rote"tio# o t$eir ri%$ts or i#terest, a#d or #o ot$er !ur!ose, duri#% t$e
!e#de#"y o t$e !ri#"i!al a"tio#. T$ey are a#"illary i# #ature, su"$ t$at t$ey
"a##ot e>ist wit$out t$e e>iste#"e o t$e mai# or !ri#"i!al a"tio#.
4oncept and Aature of:
Atta"$me#t is a !ro'isio#al remedy, i#"ide#tal or a#"illary to a !ri#"i!al
a"tio# or !ro"eedi#%, w$ere&y a !lai#ti or a#y !ro!er !arty may, at t$e start o
t$e a"tio# or e'e# at a#ytime t$ereater 1&ut &eore e#try o i#al :ud%me#t2 $a'e
t$e !ro!erty o t$e ad'erse !arty atta"$ed or ta4e# i#to le%al "ustody as se"urity
or t$e satisa"tio# o a#y :ud%me#t t$at !lai#ti may re"o'er. ,Read Sec. %3# Rule
A# order o Atta"$me#t may &e issued &y t$e "ourt, i it is !ro'e# &y t$e
a!!li"a#t t$at $e is e#titled to t$e relie a#d t$at t$e a!!li"atio# is &ased o# a#y o
t$e %rou#ds e#umerated u#der Se". -, Rule (0. Beore a# order o atta"$me#t may
&e issued &y t$e "ourt, t$e a!!li"a#t must e>e"ute t$e #e"essary aida'it i#
a""orda#"e wit$ t$e rule a#d !ost t$e atta"$me#t &o#d i# a# amou#t i>ed &y t$e
"ourt. ,Sec. 3 and '# Rule 2?)
What is the Lifetime of a Writ of 0ttachment!
A writ o atta"$me#t duly issued remai#s i# ull or"e a#d ee"t u#til t$e
de&t is ully !aid. T$e law or t$e rules do #ot i> a !eriod or t$e lietime o a writ
o atta"$me#t. T$us, t$e !ro!erty u#der atta"$me#t remai#s as su"$ u#til t$e
:ud%me#t is satisied or t$e atta"$me#t is dis"$ar%ed or 'a"ated i# t$e ma##er
!ro'ided &y law. ,4hua Suy s. 40# 0u+. -(# %::-; 4hunaco s. 0lano# <an. -3# %:2-)
)( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
E#or"eme#t o writ o !relimi#ary atta"$me#t must &e !re"eded &y or
simulta#eously a""om!a#ied &y ser'i"e o summo#s, "o!y o "om!lai#t,
a!!li"atio# a#d aida'its or t$e atta"$me#t a#d t$e &o#d u!o# t$e ad'erse !arty.
;$ere t$e !lai#ti i#"or!orates i# $is "om!lai#t a# a!!li"atio# or t$e
issua#"e o a writ o atta"$me#t, t$e same must &e ser'ed u!o# t$e dee#da#t
simulta#eously wit$ t$e summo#s. T$e reaso# or t$is is t$at &eore a# order o
atta"$me#t "a# &e ee"ted, t$e "ourt must irst a"Duire :urisdi"tio# o'er t$e !erso#
o t$e dee#da#t. ,Sieert s. 40# %&$ S4R0 &:-; "04 s. 40# -(( S4R0 %3(; see also
"runner s. 0bro+ar# Eeb. -%# %::')
When is the reDuirement of prior or contemporaneous serice of summons not
It s$all #ot a!!ly w$ere t$e summo#s "ould #ot &e ser'ed des!ite dili%e#t
eorts, or t$e dee#da#t is a reside#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es tem!orarily a&se#t
t$ererom, or t$e dee#da#t is a #o#@reside#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es or t$e a"tio# is in
rem or +uasi in rem. ,Sieert s. 40# %&$ S4R0 &:-; "04 s. 40# -(( S4R0 %3(; see also
"runner s. 0bro+ar# Eeb. -%# %::')
What is the extent of the application of the remedy of 0ttachment!
a2 A'aila&le e'e# i t$e re"o'ery o !erso#al !ro!erty is o#ly a# i#"ide#tal
relie sou%$t i# t$e a"tio#=
&2 Eay &e resorted to e'e# i t$e !erso#al !ro!erty is i# t$e "ustody o a t$ird
"2 E>te#ds to all 4i#ds o !ro!erty, real or !erso#al or i#"or!oreal=
d2 To re"o'er !ossessio# o !erso#al !ro!erty u#:ustly detai#ed, !resu!!oses
t$at t$e same is &ei#% "o#"ealed, remo'ed, or dis!osed o to !re'e#t its
&ei#% ou#d or ta4e# &y t$e a!!li"a#t=
e2 Ca# still &e resorted to e'e# i t$e !ro!erty is i# custodia le"is, as lo#% as
t$e !ro!erty &elo#%s to t$e dee#da#t, or is o#e i# w$i"$ $e $as !ro!rietary
i#terests, AN9 wit$ !ermissio# o t$e "ourt.
State the +rounds for the issuance of a writ of attachment.
a. Re"o'ery o s!e"iied amou#t o mo#ey a#d dama%es, e(cept moral or
e>em!lary, w$ere !arty is a&out to de!art rom t$e P$ili!!i#es wit$ i#te#t
to deraud "reditors=
&. A"tio# or mo#ey or !ro!erty em&e??led or or willul 'iolatio# o duty &y
!u&li" oi"ers, oi"ers o "or!oratio#, a%e#t, or idu"iary=
". Re"o'ery o !ossessio# o !ro!erty 1&ot$ real a#d !erso#al2 u#:ustly
detai#ed, w$e# t$e !ro!erty is "o#"ealed or dis!osed o to !re'e#t its &ei#%
ou#d or ta4e#=
)7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
d. A"tio# a%ai#st !arty %uilty o raud i# "o#tra"ti#% t$e de&t or i#"urri#% t$e
o&li%atio# or i# t$e !erorma#"e t$ereo=
e. A"tio# a%ai#st !arty w$o is "o#"eali#% or dis!osi#% o !ro!erty, or is a&out
to do so, wit$ i#te#t to deraud "reditors=
. A"tio# a%ai#st !arty w$o is #ot a reside#t o t$e P$ili!!i#es a#d "a##ot &e
ou#d t$erei# or u!o# w$om ser'i"e &y !u&li"atio# "a# &e made.
What are the *inds of 0ttachment!
a) Prelimi#ary Atta"$me#t< O#e t$at is %i'e# at t$e &e%i##i#% o or duri#%
t$e !e#de#"y o t$e a"tio# or &eore e#try o :ud%me#t.
b) Gar#is$me#t< O#e &y w$i"$ t$e !lai#ti su&:e"ts to $is "laim t$e
dee#da#tFs !ro!erty i# t$e !ossessio# o a t$ird !erso#, or mo#ey owed
&y t$ird !erso#s to t$e dee#da#t.
c) Le'y o# E>e"utio#< T$is is also 4#ow# as i#al atta"$me#t &e"ause t$is
is %i'e# &y t$e "ourt to e#or"e or satisy a :ud%me#t t$at $as &e"ome
i#al a#d e>e"utory ,Sec. :# Rule 3:)
/ay a property already in custodia le+is by the sub.ect of an order of
T$e a#swer is yes. All t$at is #eeded to &e do#e w$e# !ro!erty su&:e"t o
t$e a!!li"atio# o a writ o atta"$me#t is i# custodia le"is is to $a'e a "o!y o t$e
writ o atta"$me#t iled wit$ t$e !ro!er "ourt or Duasi@:udi"ial a%e#"y $a'i#%
"ustody o t$e !ro!erty a#d #oti"e is ser'ed u!o# t$e "ustodia# o said !ro!erty.
,Last para+raph Sec. ?# Rule 2?)
State the remedies of the defendant whose property was sub.ect to attachment.
a) T$e dee#da#t may mo'e to dis"$ar%e t$e atta"$me#t &y !osti#% "as$
de!osit or a "ou#ter@&o#d to se"ure t$e !ayme#t o w$ate'er :ud%me#t
t$e !lai#ti may re"o'er i# t$e mai# or !ri#"i!al a"tio#. ,Sec. %-# Rule
2?) I t$e atta"$me#t to &e dis"$ar%ed is wit$ res!e"t to a !arti"ular
!ro!erty, "ou#ter@&o#d or "as$ de!osit s$all &e eDual to t$e 'alue o t$e
!ro!erty as determi#ed &y t$e "ourt= i# all ot$er "ases, amou#t o
"ou#ter@&o#d s$ould &e eDual to t$e amou#t i>ed i# t$e order o
b) T$e dee#da#t may mo'e to Duas$ or dis"$ar%e t$e atta"$me#t o# t$e
%rou#d t$at t$e atta"$me#t was im!ro!erly or irre%ularly issued.
,postin+ of deposit or counter5bond is not necessary)
c) A!!li"a#tFs &o#d is i#sui"ie#t or sureties ail to :ustiy=
d) Pro!erty atta"$ed is e>em!t rom e>e"utio#=
e) 5ud%me#t is re#dered a%ai#st atta"$i#% !arty=
f) Atta"$me#t is e>"essi'e 3 dis"$ar%e is wit$ res!e"t to t$e e>"ess
State the purpose of the cash deposit or counter5bond.
)0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
T$e Cas$ de!osit or "ou#ter@&o#d s$all se"ure t$e !ayme#t o a#y
:ud%me#t t$at t$e atta"$i#% !arty may re"o'er.
State the procedure to be followed in case a third person lays a claim on the
property sub.ect of the application.
T$e !ro"edure to &e ollowed s$all &e t$e same as t$at o a ter"eria i#
e>e"utio# o :ud%me#t u#der Rule +.. Aside rom ili#% a t$ird !arty "laim, t$e
t$ird !erso# may eit$er i#ter'e#e &y :oi#i#% t$e dee#da#t ,Rule %:) i# t$e mai#
a"tio#, or ile a se!arate "i'il a"tio# a%ai#st t$e !lai#ti a#d t$e s$eri, or ile a
"om!lai#t or dama%es a%ai#st t$e &o#d iled &ut t$is a"tio# s$ould &e iled #ot
later t$a# o#e $u#dred twe#ty 1-*/2 days rom ili#% o t$e &o#d.
State the other instances where a defendant may recoer from the attachment
a* A dee#da#t w$o lost i# t$e mai# "ase may still "laim or dama%es o#
t$e atta"$me#t &o#d, i it is s$ow# t$at t$e !lai#ti raudule#tly
o&tai#ed t$e writ o atta"$me#t or t$at t$e writ was issued #ot o# a#y o
t$e %rou#ds e#umerated i# Se". -, Rule (0. ,"aron s. Daid# 2% Phil. %)
?* A dee#da#t w$o lost i# t$e mai# "ase &eore t$e trial "ourt &ut t$e
:ud%me#t was re'ersed o# a!!eal, $e may "laim dama%es duri#% t$e
!e#de#"y o t$e a!!eal &y ili#% a# a!!li"atio# i# t$e a!!ellate "ourt
wit$ #oti"e to t$e !arty i# w$ose a'or t$e atta"$me#t was issued or $is
surety, &eore t$e :ud%me#t o t$e a!!ellate "ourt &e"omes e>e"utory.
T$e a!!ellate "ourt may allow t$e trial "ourt to de"ide t$e a!!li"atio#
or dama%es. ,Sec. -(# Rule 2?)
When to apply for dama+es a+ainst the attachment bond:
a. Beore trial=
&. Beore a!!eal is !ere"ted=
". Beore :ud%me#t &e"omes e>e"utory=
d. I# t$e a!!ellate "ourt or dama%es !e#di#% a!!eal, &eore :ud%me#t
&e"omes e>e"utory.
AKTE: %n action to recover damages against t$e bond
must be commenced before t$e &nality of t$e 'udgment(
ot$erwise it is barred )Enrile vs! Capulong *ay +,, +--./
0pplication for dischar+e, where filed:
A#y a!!li"atio# or t$e dis"$ar%e o a# atta"$me#t may o#ly &e iled wit$
t$e "ourt w$ere t$e a"tio# is !e#di#%.
When may an application for dischar+e be filed!
A#y a!!li"atio# or dis"$ar%e may &e iled e'e# &eore e#or"eme#t o t$e
writ so lo#% as t$ere $as &ee# a# order o atta"$me#t.
)) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
;$e# :ud%me#t i# t$e mai# "ase &e"omes i#al a#d e>e"utory, t$e sureties,
o# "ou#ter@&o#d to lit atta"$me#t, are "$ar%ed a#d "a# &e $eld lia&le or t$e
amou#t o :ud%me#t a#d "osts u!o# #oti"e a#d summary $eari#%.
7s there a need to first execute the .ud+ment in the main case before a
proceedin+ can be had a+ainst the surety!
T$ere is #o #eed to irst e>e"ute :ud%me#t a%ai#st t$e :ud%me#t o&li%or
&eore !ro"eedi#% a%ai#st sureties. T$e !ro"eedi#% a%ai#st t$e surety is
i#de!e#de#t o t$e :ud%me#t i# t$e mai# "ase.
/ay claims for dama+es a+ainst the bond be the sub.ect of a separate action!
Claims or dama%es a%ai#st t$e &o#d "a##ot &e su&:e"t o i#de!e#de#t
a"tio# e(cept<
a2 ;$e# !ri#"i!al "ase is dismissed &y t$e trial "ourt or la"4 o
:urisdi"tio# wit$out %i'i#% t$e "laimi#% !arty o!!ortu#ity to !ro'e
"laim or dama%es=
&2 ;$e# dama%es are sustai#ed &y a t$ird !erso# #ot a !arty to t$e a"tio#.
R4$e &@
1Se". -@.2
State the concept of a preliminary in.unction.
Prelimi#ary i#:u#"tio# is a# order %ra#ted at a#y sta%e o t$e mai# a"tio#,
&ut !rior to i#al :ud%me#t reDuiri#% a !erso#<
a2 To rerai# rom doi#% a !arti"ular a"t 1!relimi#ary !ro$i&itory
i#:u#"tio#2= or
&2 To !erorm a !arti"ular a"t 1!relimi#ary ma#datory i#:u#"tio#2= or
"2 ;$e# t$e "ourt, ater trial, e#:oi#s a !arty !erma#e#tly rom doi#% a#
a"t or to !erorm t$e a"t reDuired. 1Li#al I#:u#"tio#2
Why is the issuance of a writ of preliminary in.unction also referred to as
FStron+ 0rm of EDuityG!
At times it is reerred to as t$e BStro#% Arm o EDuity,C &e"ause t$e
e>er"ise o w$i"$ is more deli"ate a#d w$i"$ "alls or %reater "ir"ums!e"tio#. It
s$ould o#ly &e e>te#ded i# "ases o %reat i#:ury w$ere "ourts o law "a##ot aord
a# adeDuate or "omme#surate remedy i# dama%es. I#:u#"tio#s must o#ly &e issued
i# "ases o e>treme ur%e#"y= w$ere t$e ri%$t is 'ery "lear= w$ere "o#sideratio#s o
relati'e i#"o#'e#ie#"e &ear stro#%ly i# "om!lai#a#tFs a'or= w$ere t$ere is a
willul a#d u#lawul i#'asio# o !lai#tiFs ri%$t. ,8ernande9 s. Aational Power
4orporation# et al. 1.R. Ao. %'23-$# /arch -3# -((&)
). Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
State the purpose of a Preliminary 7n.unction.
T$e !ur!ose o a !relimi#ary i#:u#"tio# is to mai#tai# t$e status +uo o t$e
!arties wit$ re%ard t$e su&:e"t matter o t$e liti%atio# duri#% t$e !e#de#"y o t$e
mai# a"tio#. A# i#:u#"ti'e writ may o#ly &e issued w$e# t$e a!!li"a#t $as !ro'e#
t$at $e $as a "lear ri%$t a#d t$e e>iste#"e o a# im!e#di#% i#:ury to &e !re'e#ti'e
&y t$e writ. ,-$ 0m. <ur. -(%; see also Aaarro s. 40# 1.R. ''2%(# <an. -?# %::-)
State the reDuisites before a court may issue an in.unctie writ.
Lor t$e writ to issue, two reDuisites must &e !rese#t, #amely, t$e e>iste#"e
o t$e ri%$t to &e !rote"ted, a#d t$at t$e a"ts a%ai#st w$i"$ t$e i#:u#"tio# is to &e
dire"ted are 'iolati'e o said ri%$t. It is #e"essary t$at o#e must s$ow a#
u#Duestio#a&le ri%$t o'er t$e !remises.,Pena s. 4ipres# 1 R. Ao. %'2?'-# <uly %'# -((2)
What is meant by the term status Duo!
It reers to t$at last !ea"eul a#d u#"o#tested sta%e &etwee# t$e !arties i#
t$e mai# a"tio# t$at !re"eded t$e "o#tro'ersy. ,Rodulfa s. 0lfonso# &?& Phil. --%# see
also Sabalones s. 40# Eeb. %'# %::'; "en+9on s. 40 %&% S4R0 ?'2)
7s the principle of PR7KR KR 4KATE/PKR0RI <JR7SD74T7KA applicable
in in.unction cases!
Li4e i# Prelimi#ary Atta"$me#ts, t$e so@"alled !ri#"i!le o !R?OR OR
CON9#4!ORARE &@R?63?C9?ON is also a!!li"a&le. T$at is, t$e #oti"e or t$e
a!!li"atio# or a writ o !relimi#ary i#:u#"tio# t$at is i#"luded i# t$e i#itiatory
!leadi#% must &e !re"eded &y t$e "o#tem!ora#eous ser'i"e o summo#s u!o# t$e
ad'erse !arty. ,Sec. '# Rule 2$)
7t there a difference of the application of the principle of prior and
contemporaneous .urisdiction in Preliminary 0ttachment from that of
Preliminary 7n.unction!
T$e a#swer is yes. I# attachment, t$e !ri#"i!le a!!lies o#ly i# t$e
im!leme#tatio# o t$e writ, w$ile i# a!!li"atio#s or in.unction or TRO, t$is
!ri#"i!le a!!lies &eore t$e rale a#d issua#"e o t$e writs or TRO.
/ay a writ of in.unction be issued ex parte!
T$e a#swer is #o. a writ o i#:u#"tio# may o#ly &e issued ater due #oti"e
a#d $eari#% is aorded t$e ad'erse !art. No i#:u#"tio# "a# t$ereore &e issued e>
!arte. Neit$er may a "ourt issue a status Duo order i# lieu o TRO.
Howe'er, t$e "ourt may issue e> !arte, a tem!orary restrai#i#% order w$i"$
s$all &e ee"ti'e o#ly or a# #o#@e>te#di&le !eriod o twe#ty 1*/2 days w$e# t$e
#o#@issua#"e o t$e i#:u#"tio# e> !arte would "ause %reat a#d irre!ara&le i#:ury to
t$e a!!li"a#t. ,6alencia s. 40# Eeb. %:# -((%# see also P6T0 s. Delos 0n+eles %&' S4R0
2'3= Aaarro s. 40 1.R. Ao. ''2%(# <an. -?# %::-)
./ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
What is the life time of temporary restrainin+ orders issued by a court!
;e $a'e to Dualiy, ordi#arily a tem!orary restrai#i#% s$all remai# ee"ti'e
o#ly or a !eriod o twe#ty 1*/2 days w$e# issued &y a "ourt lower t$at t$e Court
o A!!eals= t$us a tem!orary restrai#i#% order issued &y t$e Court o A!!eals $a'e
a lietime o si>ty 17/2 days rom t$e issua#"e t$ereo w$ile a restrai#i#% order
issued &y t$e Su!reme Court seems to $a'e #o i>ed !eriod. ,Supreme 4ourt
Resolution Eeb. %?# %::$) T$e said resolutio# states t$at a tem!orary restrai#i#% order
issued &y t$e Su!reme Court remai#s ee"ti'e u#til urt$er orders rom t$e said
7s 7n.unction is applicable to en.oin +oernment infrastructure pro.ect and
those underta*en by the +oernment for deelopment purposes!
T$e Su!reme Court a!!lyi#% Preside#tial 9e"ree -)-) de"lared t$e
i#:u#"tio# issued &y t$e lower "ourt i#'alid. Note t$e de"ree e>!ressly !ro$i&its or
e#:oi#s a#y "ourt or &ody to issue i#:u#"tio#s re%ardi#% said !ro:e"ts. ,/alayan
7ndustries s. 40 Sept. '# %::-) T$e same ruli#% was reiterated &y t$e Court i# a#ot$er
"ase w$ere it $eld t$at< BNo TRO, !relimi#ary i#:u#"tio# or !relimi#ary
ma#datory i#:u#"tio# may issue a%ai#st t$e %o'er#me#t i# "ases i#'ol'i#%
im!leme#tatio# o %o'er#me#t i#rastru"ture !ro:e"ts.C ,1arcia s. "ur+os# reiterated
in 0dministratie 4ircular no. ?5::# promul+ated <une -2# %:::)
7s the term FcourtG in PD %$%$ applicable to the Supreme 4ourt!
T$e a#swer is #o. T$e !ro'isio# o P9 -)-) does #ot a!!ly to t$e Su!reme
Court. I# a"t, P9 -)-) $as &ee# ame#ded &y RA ).0(, Se"tio# - o t$e said law
!ro'ides t$at t$e Su!reme Court is em!owered to issued a writ o i#:u#"tio# e'e#
wit$ re%ard to %o'er#me#t i#rastru"ture !ro:e"ts. ,Roxas s. 704# /ay -:# %:$:)
What is the extent of applicability of an 7n.unction issued by a courtM
A# i#:u#"ti'e writ issued &y a "ourt lower t$a# t$e Court o A!!eals s$all
o#ly a!!ly wit$i# t$e :udi"ial re%io#. Howe'er, a writ o i#:u#"tio# issued &y t$e
Court o A!!eals or t$e Su!reme Court "a# &e e#or"ed a#yw$ere i# t$e
7s the postin+ of a bond in in.unction cases mandatory!
U#less e>em!ted &y t$e "ourt, e'ery a!!li"a#t or a# i#:u#"ti'e writ must
!ost t$e reDuired &o#d e>e"uted i# a'or o t$e !arty a%ai#st w$om t$e i#:u#"ti'e
writ is issued. ,Sec. 'b# Rule 2$). Howe'er i# t$e "ase o 0ctie Wood s. 704# /arch -&#
%::(# t$e "ourt ruled t$at a# order %ra#ti#% t$e issua#"e o a# i#:u#"ti'e writ is
immediately ee"ti'e e'e# &eore t$e &o#d is iled &y t$e a!!li"a#t wit$i# t$e
!eriod i>ed &y t$e "ourt.
State the distinctions between Preliminary 7n.unction as a remedy from the
main action of Prohibition under Rule &2.
Prelimi#ary I#:u#"tio# disti#%uis$ed rom Pro$i&itio#
.- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Preliminary Injunction Pro$i&itio#
Ge#erally dire"ted a%ai#st !arty to t$e
a"tio# &ut may &e a%ai#st a#y !erso#
9ire"ted a%ai#st a "ourt, tri&u#al, or
!erso# e>er"isi#% :udi"ial !owers
9oes NOT i#'ol'e t$e :urisdi"tio# o
t$e "ourt
Eay &e o# t$e %rou#d t$at t$e "ourt
a%ai#st w$om t$e writ is sou%$t a"ted
wit$out or i# e>"ess o :urisdi"tio#=
Eay &e mai# a"tio# itsel or :ust a
!ro'isio#al remedy i# t$e mai# a"tio#
Always a mai# a"tio#
What is the remedy of an a++rieed party when an in.unctie writ is
improidently issued by reason of misrepresentation on the part of the
T$e a%%rie'ed !arty may ile a# a!!li"atio# or dama%es a%ai#st t$e
i#:u#"ti'e &o#d &eore t$e trial o t$e mai# "ause or &eore a!!eal is !ere"ted or
&eore t$e :ud%me#t &e"omes e>e"utory wit$ #oti"e to t$e ad'erse !arty a#d t$e
latterFs surety.
Suppose a .ud+ment has been rendered by the trial court but the same is
reersed by the appellate court in faor of the party a+ainst whom the writ has
been issued# is the latter entitled to claim for dama+es a+ainst the in.unctie
T$e a#swer is yes. I# su"$ a situatio#, t$e !arty a%ai#st w$om a# i#:u#"ti'e
writ $as &ee# issued may "laim or dama%es a%ai#st t$e &o#d &y %i'i#% #oti"e to
t$e ad'erse !arty a#d t$e surety. T$e "laim or dama%es sustai#ed duri#% t$e
!ro"eedi#%s o# a!!eal must &e iled wit$ t$e a!!ellate "ourt &eore t$e latterFs
:ud%me#t &e"omes i#al a#d e>e"utory. T$e a!!ellate "ourt may allow t$e
a!!li"atio# &ut it may dire"t t$e trial "ourt to $ear a#d de"ide t$e a!!li"atio#. ,Sec.
-(# Rule 2?)
What is the remedy of a party a+ainst whom an improident in.unction has been
issued when the in.unction bond is insufficient to answer for the dama+es
sustained by him!
T$e !arty may, i# t$e same a"tio#, e>e"ute o# t$e !ro!erty o t$e a!!li"a#t
i# order to re"o'er t$e dama%es $e sustai#ed as a result o t$e issua#"e o a#
im!ro'ide#t writ. ,Sec. -(# Rule 2?)
State the distinctions between Preliminary 7n.unction as a remedy from the
main action of Prohibition under Rule &2.
Prelimi#ary I#:u#"tio# disti#%uis$ed rom Pro$i&itio#
Preliminary Injunction Pro$i&itio#
Ge#erally dire"ted a%ai#st !arty to t$e 9ire"ted a%ai#st a "ourt, tri&u#al, or
.* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
a"tio# &ut may &e a%ai#st a#y !erso# !erso# e>er"isi#% :udi"ial !owers
9oes NOT i#'ol'e t$e :urisdi"tio# o
t$e "ourt
Eay &e o# t$e %rou#d t$at t$e "ourt
a%ai#st w$om t$e writ is sou%$t a"ted
wit$out or i# e>"ess o :urisdi"tio#=
Eay &e mai# a"tio# itsel or :ust a
!ro'isio#al remedy i# t$e mai# a"tio#
Always a mai# a"tio#
What is the remedy of an a++rieed party when an in.unctie writ is
improidently issued by reason of misrepresentation on the part of the
T$e a%%rie'ed !arty may ile a# a!!li"atio# or dama%es a%ai#st t$e
i#:u#"ti'e &o#d &eore t$e trial o t$e mai# "ause or &eore a!!eal is !ere"ted or
&eore t$e :ud%me#t &e"omes e>e"utory wit$ #oti"e to t$e ad'erse !arty a#d t$e
latterFs surety.
Suppose a .ud+ment has been rendered by the trial court but the same is
reersed by the appellate court in faor of the party a+ainst whom the writ has
been issued# is the latter entitled to claim for dama+es a+ainst the in.unctie
T$e a#swer is yes. I# su"$ a situatio#, t$e !arty a%ai#st w$om a# i#:u#"ti'e
writ $as &ee# issued may "laim or dama%es a%ai#st t$e &o#d &y %i'i#% #oti"e to
t$e ad'erse !arty a#d t$e surety. T$e "laim or dama%es sustai#ed duri#% t$e
!ro"eedi#%s o# a!!eal must &e iled wit$ t$e a!!ellate "ourt &eore t$e latterFs
:ud%me#t &e"omes i#al a#d e>e"utory. T$e a!!ellate "ourt may allow t$e
a!!li"atio# &ut it may dire"t t$e trial "ourt to $ear a#d de"ide t$e a!!li"atio#. ,Sec.
-(# Rule 2?)
What is the remedy of a party a+ainst whom an improident in.unction has been
issued when the in.unction bond is insufficient to answer for the dama+es
sustained by him!
T$e !arty may, i# t$e same a"tio#, e>e"ute o# t$e !ro!erty o t$e a!!li"a#t
i# order to re"o'er t$e dama%es $e sustai#ed as a result o t$e issua#"e o a#
im!ro'ide#t writ. ,Sec. -(# Rule 2?)
4oncept of Receiership
It is t$e status o a !erso# a!!oi#ted &y t$e Court duri#% t$e te#de#"y o a
"ase i#'ol'i#% !ro!erty or all t$e !arties, to $old a#d re"ei'e t$e real a#dAor
!erso#al !ro!erties i# liti%atio#, duri#% su"$ liti%atio#, wit$ !ower to !ossess,
"o#trol a#d dis!ose t$e same, su&:e"t to t$e dire"tio# o t$e "ourt a!!oi#ti#% $im.
T$e re"ei'er is usually a!!oi#ted &y t$e "ourt w$ere t$e a"tio# is !e#di#%, Court
o A!!eals or t$e Su!reme Court or a mem&er t$ereo. T$e !erso# a!!oi#ted as
re"ei'er must &e im!artial a#d disi#terested a#d #eit$er o t$e !arties to t$e
liti%atio# may &e a!!oi#ted re"ei'er. 1Alcantara s. Abbas 9 6CRA 5B2
.+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
7mportant principles to be remembered in Receiership:
a. T$e order a!!oi#ti#% a re"ei'er is i#terlo"utory=
b. T$e a!!oi#tme#t o a re"ei'er is !urely dis"retio#ary u!o# t$e "ourt=
c. A re"ei'er "a##ot &e a!!oi#ted i# a# a"tio# o i#:u#"tio#=
d. A!!oi#tme#t o re"ei'er must always &e su&:e"t to #oti"e a#d $eari#%=
1#(ception: Arce s. 6undiam 4ar. 102 19<D.
e. Ge#erally, !ro!erty i# "ustodia le%is "a##ot &e t$e su&:e"t o
re"ei'ers$i! e>"e!t u#der s!e"ial "ir"umsta#"es. 13olar s. 6undiam 78
f. A "or!oratio# u#der re"ei'ers$i! $as #o !ower to e>e"ute a mort%a%e
o'er its !ro!erties. A#y mort%a%e e>e"uted &y t$e "or!oratio# is #ull
a#d 'oid.
". Neit$er !arty to a liti%atio# i#'ol'i#% !ro!erty s$all &e a!!oi#ted as
Replein# its concept:
It is a !ro'isio#al remedy, "o#sisti#% i# t$e deli'ery, &y order o t$e "ourt,
o !erso#al !ro!erty &y t$e dee#da#t to t$e !lai#ti w$ile t$e mai# a"tio# or
re"o'ery o said !erso#al !ro!erty is !e#di#% liti%atio#. T$is remedy, w$ile
!rimarily desi%#ed or t$e re"o'ery o !erso#al !ro!erty may also e>te#d to
aut$ori?e t$e settleme#t o eDuities &etwee# liti%ati#% !arties arisi#% rom t$e
mai# "o#tro'ersy. /C0iao 5ion" 9an s. CA No. 192 1997.
T$e "ourt may also !ass u!o# t$e issue o ow#ers$i! i# t$e $eari#% o t$e
!etitio# or re!le'i#. 1?bid.. A !ro!erty su&:e"t matter o a ore"losure o a "$attel
mort%a%e may also &e t$e !ro!er o&:e"t o a !etitio# or re!le'i#. /Fac0rac0
4otors s. 6ummers B8 !0il. 7.
T$e !erso# a'aili#% o t$e remedy must &e t$e $older o t$e le%al title o'er
t$e !ro!erty. 1Se". *a, Rule 7/2 It would seem t$at t$e de"isio# o t$e Su!reme
Court i# t$e "ase o Ean" s. )aldeG 1<< 6CRA -6- w$ere it $eld t$at it is e#ou%$
t$at $e is e#titled to t$e !ossessio# o t$e same duri#% t$e !e#de#"y o t$e mai#
a"tio# $as &ee# a&a#do#ed &y t$e ame#dme#t to t$e rule.
Proceedin+s in case a third person claims title to the property:
S$ould a t$ird !erso# 'alidly lay a "laim u!o# t$e !ro!erty su&:e"t o t$e
writ o re!le'i#, t$e s$eri s$all #ot &e &ou#d to $old o# to t$e !ro!erty u#less t$e
a!!li"a#t iles a &o#d, i# a# amou#t eDui'ale#t to t$e 'alue o t$e !ro!erty,
a!!ro'ed &y t$e "ourt to i#dem#iy t$e said t$ird !erso#. T$e &o#d !osted &y t$e
a!!li"a#t s$all &e eDui'ale#t to t$e 'alue o t$e !ro!erty. T$e mome#t a &o#d is
iled, t$e s$eri s$all #ot &e lia&le or dama%es.
.6 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Some important principles to remember re+ardin+ replein:
a. A'aila&le o#ly w$ere t$e !ri#"i!al relie sou%$t i# t$e a"tio# is t$e re"o'ery
o !ossessio# o !erso#al !ro!erty=
&. Ca# &e sou%$t o#ly w$ere t$e dee#da#t is i# t$e a"tual or "o#stru"ti'e
!ossessio# o t$e !erso#al !ro!erty i#'ol'ed.
". E>te#ds o#ly to !erso#al !ro!erty "a!a&le o ma#ual deli'ery=
d. A'aila&le to re"o'er !erso#al !ro!erty e'e# i t$e same is NOT &ei#%
"o#"ealed, remo'ed, or dis!osed o=
e. Ca##ot &e a'ailed o i !ro!erty is i# custodia le"is, as w$ere is it u#der
atta"$me#t, or was sei?ed u#der a sear"$ warra#t or distrai#ed or ta>
When is the defendant entitled to the return of the property sub.ect of replein:
9ee#da#t e#titled to retur# o !ro!erty ta4e# u#der writ i<
a. He seaso#a&ly !osts redeli'ery &o#d
&. Plai#tiFs &o#d is i#sui"ie#t or dee"ti'e
". Pro!erty is #ot deli'ered to !lai#ti or a#y reaso#.
6@!!OR9 !#N3#N9# 5?9#
Su!!ort is a#yt$i#% t$at is i#dis!e#sa&le or t$e suste#a#"e, dwelli#%,
"lot$i#% a#d medi"al atte#da#"e, a""ordi#% to t$e so"ial !ositio# o t$e amily. It
i#"ludes edu"atio# o t$e !erso# e#titled to su!!ort u#til $e "om!letes $is
edu"atio# or trai#i#% or some !roessio#, trade, a#d 'o"atio# e'e# &eyo#d t$e a%e
o ma:ority. 1Verso?a 's. Verso?a *7 SCRA *)2
Su!!ort !e#de#te lite is a !ro'isio#al remedy i# a mai# a"tio# reDuiri#% t$e
%i'i#% o allowa#"e or su!!ort to t$e !lai#ti or $is amily duri#% t$e !e#de#"y o
t$e mai# a"tio#.
Effect when a person who was ordered to +ie support pendente lite is
found not to be liable to +ie support:
a2 T$e "ourt s$all order t$e !erso# to w$om t$e su!!ort was %i'e# to
reim&urse !lus i#terest= wit$out !re:udi"e o# t$e ri%$t o re"i!ie#t to
o&tai# reim&urseme#t rom t$e !erso# o&li%ed to %i'e su!!ort i# a
se!arate a"tio#=
&2 S$ould t$e re"i!ie#t ail to reim&urse or u#a&le to do t$e same, t$e
!erso# w$o %a'e su!!ort may sue i# a#ot$er a"tio# t$e !erso# le%ally
o&li%ed to %i'e su!!ort.
.( Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Support in criminal cases
When applicable:
a2 i# "rimi#al a"tio#s w$ere t$e "i'il lia&ility i#"ludes su!!ort or t$e
os!ri#% as a "o#seDue#"e o t$e "rime= AN9
&2 t$e "i'il as!e"t t$ereo $as #ot &ee# wai'ed, reser'ed or i#stituted !rior
to its ili#%
Who may file: ,in successie order)
a2 oe#ded !arty=
&2 $er !are#ts=
"2 %ra#d!are#ts or
d2 %uardia#=
e2 State
1Rule 7* to 0-2
It is s!e"ial "i'il a"tio# w$ere&y a !erso# w$o $as !ro!erty i# $is
!ossessio# or a# o&li%atio# to re#der, w$olly or !artly &ut w$o "laims #o i#terest
i# t$e su&:e"t or w$ose i#terest is #ot dis!uted &y ot$ers %oes to "ourt a#d as4s
t$at t$e "o#li"ti#% "laima#ts to liti%ate amo#% t$emsel'es i# order to determi#e
i#ally w$o is e#titled to t$e same. I#ter!leader a"tio# may !ros!er o#ly w$e#<
a2 T$e !lai#ti $as #o "laim o'er t$e !ro!erty or $is "laim o'er t$e
!ro!erty is #ot dis!uted=
&2 T$ere are at least two or more "o#li"ti#% "laima#ts o'er t$e same
"2 T$e "o#li"ti#% "laima#ts must $a'e 'alid a#d ee"ti'e "laims=
d2 T$e su&:e"t matter must &e o#e a#d t$e same.
A# a"tio# to i#ter!lead must &e iled &eore t$e !erso# w$o $as !ossessio#
o'er t$e !ro!erty or i#terest is sued &y a#y o t$e "laima#ts a#d :ud%me#t $as &ee#
re#dered &y t$e "ourt t$ereo#. /9irona s. Ocampo GR No. 1B<8182 April D2
8005'Hac; Hac; s. 9an and 5ee2 4arc0 8D2 19<D.
A writ o re!le'i# "a##ot &e issued &y a#ot$er "ourt reDuiri#% t$e deli'ery
o a !ro!erty su&:e"t matter o a# i#ter!leader a"tio# i# a#ot$er "ourt. T$e reaso#
&ei#% t$at t$e issue o ri%$tul !ossessio# or ow#ers$i! is i# dis!ute i# t$e
i#ter!leader a"tio#. 16anpiro s. ?AC2 880 6CRA 57<.
A de!ositary o a !erso#al !ro!erty w$o $as %i'e# re"ei!t t$ereore may
ile a# a"tio# o i#ter!leader w$e# "o#ro#ted wit$ a situatio# t$at se'eral !erso#s
dema#d rom $im t$e deli'ery o t$e t$i#% %i'e# i# de!osit. Or i# a lease
a%reeme#t w$ere t$e te#a#t is i#ormed &y se'eral !erso#s to $a'e t$e ri%$t to
"olle"t t$e re#tals. Or ater a s$eri $as "o#du"ted t$e sale o !ro!erty o#
.7 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
e>e"utio# is as4ed &y se'eral !erso#s to deli'er t$e !ro"eeds to t$em may %o to
"ourt a#d reDuire t$e "laima#ts to i#ter!lead.
U!o# t$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#t, t$e "ourt reDuires t$e !arties #amed to
i#ter!lead a#d order t$em to ile t$eir res!e"ti'e a#swers wit$i# -( days rom
re"ei!t o t$e summo#s. T$e "ourt may, i# t$e i#terest o :usti"e reDuire t$at t$e
!ro!erty su&:e"t matter o t$e a"tio# &e de!osited i# "ourt. Lailure o# t$e !art o
a#y "laima#t to ile $is a#swer wit$i# t$e !eriod s$all &e deemed to $a'e wai'ed
a#y "laim a#d t$e "ourt may re#der :ud%me#t &arri#% $im rom a#y "laim wit$
res!e"t to t$e !ro!erty.
T$e !arties #otiied to i#ter!lead may $owe'er ile a motio# to dismiss
i#stead o a# a#swer wit$i# t$e !eriod to ile a# a#swer.
Co+.e-t o; De.$arator3 Re$#e; a.t#o+2
It is a s!e"ial "i'il a"tio# &rou%$t &y a !erso# 3
a2 I#terested u#der a deed, will, "o#tra"t or ot$er writte# i#strume#t=
&2 Or w$ose ri%$ts are ae"ted &y a statute, e>e"uti'e order, or re%ulatio#
or ordi#a#"e,
&eore &rea"$ or 'iolatio# o su"$ i#terest or ri%$ts "omes to "ourt see4i#%
determi#atio# o a#y Duestio# o "o#stru"tio# or 'alidity arisi#% u#der su"$
i#strume#t or statute a#d see4i#% a de"laratio# o w$at are $is ri%$ts or duties
t$ereu#der. /!NF s. #stanislao2 No. 1D2 1997.
When may the remedy be aailed by a party!
Based o# "ase law, a# a"tio# or de"laratory relie is !ro!er o#ly i adeDuate
relie is #ot a'aila&le t$rou%$ ot$er e>isti#% orms o a"tio#s or !ro"eedi#%s. A
!etitio# or a de"laratory relie "a##ot &e made a su&stitute or all e>isti#%
remedies a#d s$ould &e used wit$ "autio#. Relie &y de"laratory :ud%me#t is sui
%e#eris a#d #ot stri"tly le%al or eDuita&le yet its $istori"al ai#ity is eDuita&le.
T$e remedy is #ot desi%#ed to su!!la#t e>isti#% remedies. 1Eulti@Realty 's. E4ati
Tus"a#y G.R. No. -670*7, *//7 5u# -72
A de"laratory :ud%me#t does #ot "reate or "$a#%e su&sta#tial ri%$ts or modiy
a#y relatio#s$i! or alter t$e "$ara"ter o "o#tro'ersies 1Ee:ia 's.Ga&aya#, G.R.
No. -6.07(, *//( A!r -*2
ReDuisites of the action for declaratory relief:
a2 e>iste#"e o a :usti"ia&le "o#tro'ersy=
&2 "o#tro'ersy must &e &etwee# !erso#s w$ose i#terest are ad'erse=
"2 !arty see4i#% de"laratory relie must $a'e a le%al ri%$t i# t$e "o#tro'ersy=
d2 issue must &e ri!e or :udi"ial determi#atio#=
.0 Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
e2 must &e iled &eore t$ere is a &rea"$ or 'iolatio#.
Who may be parties to the action:
a2 all !erso#s w$o $a'e a "laim or i#terest=
&2 soli"itor %e#eral i t$e a"tio# i#'ol'es a statute, et".
"2 "orres!o#di#% !rose"utor or le%al oi"er i i#'ol'es a# LGU, re%ardi#%
/ay the court alidly refuse co+ni9ance of a declaratory relief action!
T$e a#swer is yes. T$e "ourt "a# reuse "o%#i?a#"e w$e# it would #ot
termi#ate t$e u#"ertai#ty w$i"$ %a'e rise to t$e a"tio# or w$e# t$e de"laratio# or
"o#stru"tio#s is #ot #e"essary a#d !ro!er u#der t$e "ir"umsta#"es.
A t$ird !arty "om!lai#t is #ot a'aila&le i# de"laratory relie a"tio#s
"o#sideri#% t$at t$e !ur!ose o t$e said a"tio# is o#ly to see4 a "larii"atio# or
"o#stru"tio# o t$e a&o'e su&:e"ts a#d t$at #o !ositi'e relie or material relie is
sou%$t or &y t$e !arty. 1Clori&el 's. Com. O Customs 00 SCRA 6(.2
Lor a !etitio# or de"laratory relie to !ros!er, t$e ollowi#% "o#ditio#s si#e
Dua #o# must "o#"ur< 1-2 t$ere must &e a :usti"ia&le "o#tro'ersy= 1*2 t$e
"o#tro'ersy must &e &etwee# !erso#s w$ose i#terests are ad'erse= 1+2 t$e !arty
see4i#% de"laratory relie must $a'e a le%al i#terest i# t$e "o#tro'ersy= a#d 162 t$e
issue i#'ol'ed must &e ri!e or :udi"ial determi#atio#.1Eulti@Realty 's. E4ati
Tus"a#y G.R. No. -670*7, *//7 5u# -72
T8E 4K/ELE4 0AD T8E 4K0
T$e e#tire rule is a #ew !ro'isio#. A :ud%me#t or i#al order or resolutio#
o t$e said &odies may &e &rou%$t to t$e SC dire"tly o# "ertiorari u#der rule 7(
wit$i# +/ days rom #oti"e o t$e :ud%me#t order or resolutio#.
T$e a%%rie'ed !arty may $owe'er ile a motio# or re"o#sideratio# wit$ t$e
said &odies wit$i# t$e +/@day !eriod a#d i# "ase o de#ial ele'ate t$e matter
dire"tly to t$e SC wit$i# t$e remai#i#% !eriod &ut i# #o "ase &e less t$a# ( days.
Note $owe'er, t$at t$e ili#% o t$e motio# or re"o#sideratio# i#terru!ts t$e
!eriod wit$i# w$i"$ to ile t$e !etitio#. But t$e ili#% o t$e !etitio# or "ertiorari
itsel does #ot stay t$e e>e"utio# o t$e :ud%me#t, order or resolutio# o t$e said
&odies u#less so de"lared &y t$e SC.
T$e !etitio# s$all &e deemed su&mitted or resolutio# u!o# t$e ili#% o t$e
"omme#ts t$ereo# &y t$e ad'erse !arty or u!o# t$e e>!iratio# o t$e !eriod wit$i#
w$i"$ t$e !arty is allowed to "omme#t.
T$e e>"e!tio# is w$e# t$e !arties were allowed to su&mit memora#dum or oral
ar%ume#ts. I# su"$ "ase, t$e !etitio# is deemed su&mitted or resolutio# u!o#
su&missio# o t$e said memora#dum or oral ar%ume#t.
.) Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
7n +eneral<
Certiorari is a writ ema#ati#% rom a su!erior "ourt dire"ted a%ai#st a#y
lower tri&u#al, &oard or oi"er e>er"isi#% :udi"ial u#"tio#s or t$e !ur!ose o
"orre"ti#% errors o :urisdi"tio#. !ro0ibition is a writ issued &y a su!erior "ourt
dire"ted a%ai#st a lower tri&u#al, "or!oratio#, &oard or !erso# or t$e !ur!ose o
!re'e#ti#% t$e latter rom usur!i#% a :urisdi"tio# wit$ w$i"$ it is #ot le%ally
'ested. 4andamus is a "omma#d issui#% rom a su!erior "ourt dire"ted to some
lower "ourt, tri&u#al, &oard, "or!oratio# or !erso# reDuiri#% t$e !erorma#"e o
some !arti"ular duty t$erei# s!e"iied, w$i"$ duty results rom t$e oi"ial statio#
o t$e !arty to w$om t$e writ is dire"ted, or rom o!eratio# o law.
4ompare and contrast: certiorari# prohibition and mandamus
A%ai#st w$om dire"ted<
4ertiorari is dire"ted a%ai#st a tri&u#al, &oard or oi"er e9er.#s#+0 >4/#.#a$
or :4as#->4/#.#a$ ;4+.t#o+s= Prohibition is dire"ted a%ai#st !ro"eedi#%s &eore a
tri&u#al, "or!oratio#, &oard oi"er or !erso# e>er"isi#% >4/#.#a$, :4as#->4/#.#a$
or ,#+#ster#a$ ;4+.t#o+s= /andamus is dire"ted a%ai#st a tri&u#al, &oard, !erso#
or oi"er e>er"isi#% ,#+#ster#a$ ;4+.t#o+s.
Certiorari a#d !ro$i&itio# are a!!lied w$e# su"$ oi"er, tri&u#al, &oard or
!erso# a"ted wit$out :urisdi"tio#, or i# e>"ess o :urisdi"tio# or wit$ %ra'e a&use
o dis"retio# amou#ti#% to la"4 o :urisdi"tio#= w$ile ma#damus is a!!lied w$e#
su"$ !erso#, &oard, oi"er or tri&u#al u#lawully #e%le"ts t$e !erorma#"e o a#
a"t or u#lawully reuses to !erorm a# a"t reDuired &y law= or u#lawully
e>"ludes a#ot$er rom t$e e#:oyme#t o a ri%$t to a# oi"e=
I# all t$e remedies, t$ere is #o ot$er !lai#, s!eedy or adeDuate remedy i#
law a'aila&le to t$e a%%rie'ed !arty.
As to Pur!ose<
Certiorari @ To a##ul or modiy t$e !ro"eedi#%s= Pro$i&itio#@ To $a'e
res!o#de#t desist rom urt$er !ro"eedi#% wit$ a# a"t= Ea#damus@To $a'e
res!o#de#t to do t$e a"t reDuired &y law a#d !ay dama%es suered, i a#y.
Certiorari is to "orre"t errors o law or :urisdi"tio#= Pro$i&itio# is
!re'e#ti'e i# #ature= Ea#damus is eit$er !ositi'e or #e%ati'e, t$at is as w$e# a
!erso# is dire"ted to !erorm a lawul a"t or w$e# a !erso# is dire"ted to desist
rom usur!i#% or e>"ludi#% a#ot$er rom a ri%$t to a# oi"e.
.. Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
Note t$at t$e %rou#ds or t$e ili#% o a !etitio# or "ertiorari a#d
!ro$i&itio# are t$e same, t$at is, e>"ess o :urisdi"tio#, wit$out :urisdi"tio# or wit$
%ra'e a&use o dis"retio#. T$ese %rou#ds must &e !ro!erly alle%ed i# t$e !etitio#.
Lailure o# t$e !art o t$e !etitio#er to do so would &e atal to t$e "ase. It mea#s
t$at t$ere must &e a"ts alle%ed i# t$e !etitio# s$owi#% t$at t$e "ourt "ommitted
said a"ts. 19FEar4s 's. Bue#dia, 5uly +-, -.0/2
A !etitio# or "ertiorari must &e iled wit$i# 7/ days rom t$e re"ei!t o t$e
#oti"e o de#ial o t$e motio# or re"o#sideratio#, i o#e is iled. I #o su"$ motio#
is iled t$e 7/@day !eriod "omme#"es to ru# rom re"ei!t o t$e order su&:e"t
matter o t$e !etitio#. 1Adm. Eatter No. //@*@/+@SC, Se!t. *///2
T$is !eriod s$all &e made to a!!ly to all !e#di#% "ases. 1Sa# Luis 's. Ca
Se!t. -+, *//-, Re!u&li" 's. 9esierto Au%ust *+, *//-2 It must &e #oted t$at t$e
ili#% o a timely motio# or re"o#sideratio# sto!s t$e ru##i#% o t$e 7/@day !eriod
to ile a !etitio# or "ertiorari u#der Rule 7(. I# "ase o de#ial, t$e !etitio#er is
%i'e# a #ew 7/@day !eriod to ile t$e !etitio#. 1Systems La"tors 's. NLRC, No'.
*0, *///2
It is a dema#d made &y t$e state u!o# some i#di'idual or "or!oratio# to
s$ow &y w$at ri%$t t$ey e>er"ise some ra#"$ise or !ri'ile%e a!!ertai#i#% to t$e
state w$i"$ a""ordi#% to t$e "o#stitutio# a#d law o t$e la#d, t$ey "a##ot le%ally
e>er"ise &y 'irtue o a %ra#t or aut$ority rom t$e state.
It is &rou%$t %e#erally i# t$e #ame o t$e state a%ai#st a usur!er to a !u&li"
oi"e or a%ai#st a "or!oratio# to "$alle#%e t$e e>er"ise o a ra#"$ise 1!rimary
ra#"$ise2 It may also &e &rou%$t &y a# i#di'idual i# $is ow# #ame a%ai#st a#
i#di'idual w$o usur!s $is !u&li" !ositio# or oi"e.
;$e# t$e a"tio# is "omme#"ed &y t$e State<
T$e a"tio# or usur!atio# is "omme#"ed a%ai#st a# i#di'idual w$o<
a2 Usur!s i#trudes i#to or u#lawully $olds or e>er"ises a !u&li" oi"e,
!ositio# or ra#"$ise=
&2 Is a !u&li" oi"er w$o does or suers a# a"t w$i"$, &y t$e !ro'isio# o
law, "o#stitutes a %rou#d or oreiture o $is oi"e=
"2 Is a# asso"iatio# w$i"$ a"ts as a "or!oratio# wit$i# t$e P$ili!!i#es
wit$out &ei#% le%ally i#"or!orated or wit$out lawul aut$ority to do so.
T$e ili#% o Duo warra#to !ro"eedi#% is "om!ulsory w$e# t$e OSG is
dire"ted &y t$e Preside#t to do so &y reaso# o t$e a"t t$at a#y o t$e a&o'e
"ir"umsta#"es are !ro'e# to e>ist. It is dis"retio#ary w$e# t$e OSG or !u&li"
!rose"utor is allowed to "omme#"e t$e a"tio# &y lea'e o "ourt at t$e i#sta#"e o a
!ri'ate i#di'idual.
-// Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
A# i#di'idual i# $is !ri'ate "a!a"ity may also "omme#"e su"$ a"tio# w$e#
$e is u#lawully de!ri'e o t$e e>er"ise o a lawul oi"e &y a#ot$er w$o is a
usur!er or a !erso# w$o does #ot $a'e a#y ri%$t to $e said oi"e.
I# a#y o t$e a&o'e@"ir"umsta#"es, t$e !ro"eedi#% may &e iled i# t$e
Su!reme Court, Court o A!!eals or Re%io#al Trial Court e>er"isi#% :urisdi"tio#
o'er t$e territorial area w$ere t$e res!o#de#t or a#y o t$e res!o#de#ts resides. A
!ro"eedi#% iled &y t$e OSG may&e &rou%$t i# t$e City o Ea#ila, Court o
A!!eals or Su!reme Court.
Time to !lead< T$is is %o'er#ed &y t$e %e#eral rules o# ili#% a#d !eriods o
I4o Warra+to vs. Ma+/a,4s
I# Juo ;arra#to t$ere is a# a"t o usur!atio# o# t$e !art o t$e res!o#de#t
w$ereas i# Ea#damus, t$ere is #o a"t o usur!atio# &ut t$ere is a# u#lawul
e>"lusio# rom oi"e=
I# Juo ;arra#to w$at is dis!uted is t$e title to or aut$ority or Dualii"atio#
or le%ality o a#y a!!oi#tme#t to a# oi"e= w$ile i# Ea#damus w$at is i# issue is
t$e le%al duty o t$e !erso# e>"ludi#% to !la"e t$e !etitio# to t$e use a#d
e#:oyme#t o t$e ri%$t or oi"e.
I4o Warra+to /#st#+04#s"e/ ;ro, E$e.t#o+ Co+test<
I4o Warra+to E$e.t#o+ Co+test
Basis is t$at o""u!a#t is disDualiied rom
$oldi#% oi"e &y reaso# o i#eli%i&ility or
C$alle#%e ri%$ts o a !erso# to $old oi"e
o# t$e %rou#d o irre%ularities i# t$e
"o#du"t o t$e ele"tio#
I su""essul, res!o#de#t is ousted &ut
!etitio#er s$all #ot automati"ally assume
t$e oi"e 'a"ated
Su""essul !rotesta#t will assume oi"e i
$e $ad o&tai#ed !lurality o 'alid 'otes
Petitio# or :4o <arra+to must &e "omme#"ed <#t"#+ o+e 3ear a;ter t"e
.a4se o; t"e o4ster or r#0"t o; t"e -et#t#o+er to "o$/ s4." o;;#.e or -os#t#o+.
A#y a.t#o+ ;or /a,a0es arisi#% rom a :ud%me#t i# Duo warra#to ,4st ?e
#+st#t4te/ <#t"#+ o+e 3ear a;ter t"e e+tr3 o; t"e >4/0,e+t esta&lis$i#% t$e
!etitio#erFs ri%$t to t$e oi"e i# Duestio#.
E,#+e+t /o,a#+
It is t$e ta4i#% o !ri'ate !ro!erty or !u&li" use u!o# !ayme#t o :ust
T$e !ower o emi#e#t domai# results i# t$e ta4i#% or a!!ro!riatio# o title
to, a#d !ossessio# o, t$e e>!ro!riated !ro!erty.
-/- Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o

ReDuisites o ta4i#% i# Emi#e#t 9omai#<
1-2 t$e e>!ro!riator must e#ter a !ri'ate !ro!erty=
1*2 t$e e#try must &e or more t$a# a mome#tary !eriod=
1+2 t$e e#try must &e u#der warra#t or "olor o le%al aut$ority=
162 t$e !ro!erty must &e de'oted to !u&li" use or ot$erwise i#ormally
a!!ro!riated or i#:uriously ae"ted=
1(2 t$e utili?atio# o t$e !ro!erty or !u&li" use must &e i# su"$ a way
as to oust t$e ow#er a#d de!ri'e $im o &e#ei"ial e#:oyme#t o t$e
!ro!erty. 19idi!io, et al. 's.Ramos, et al., G.R. No. -(0))*, *//7
Ear +/2
E>!ro!riatio# o la#ds "o#sists o two sta%es, to wit<
T$e irst is "o#"er#ed <#t" t"e /eter,#+at#o+ o; t"e a4t"or#t3 o; t"e
-$a#+t#;; to e9er.#se t"e -o<er o; e,#+e+t /o,a#+ a+/ t"e -ro-r#et3 o; #ts
e9er.#se i# t$e "o#te>t o t$e a"ts i#'ol'ed i# t$e suit. It e#ds wit$ a# order, i
#ot o dismissal o t$e a"tio#, Bo "o#dem#atio# de"lari#% t$at t$e !lai#ti $as a
lawul ri%$t to ta4e t$e !ro!erty sou%$t to &e "o#dem#ed, or t$e !u&li" use or
!ur!ose des"ri&ed i# t$e "om!lai#t, u!o# t$e !ayme#t o :ust "om!e#satio# to &e
determi#ed as o t$e date o t$e ili#% o t$e "om!lai#t.
T$e se"o#d !$ase o t$e emi#e#t domai# a"tio# is "o#"er#ed wit$ t$e
/eter,#+at#o+ ?3 t"e .o4rt o; =t"e >4st .o,-e+sat#o+ ;or t"e -ro-ert3 so40"t
to ?e taCe+.
It is o#ly u!o# t$e "om!letio# o t$ese two sta%es t$at e>!ro!riatio# is
said to $a'e &ee# "om!leted. T$e !ro"ess is #ot "om!leted u#til !ayme#t o
:ust "om!e#satio#.1Re!u&li" 's. Lim, G.R. No. -7-7(7, *//( 5u# *.2
Note< T$e ri%$t o redem!tio# is #ot re"o%#i?ed i# a :udi"ial ore"losure u#der
Rule 7). T$e ri%$t o redem!tio# i# relatio# to a mort%a%e@u#derstood i# t$e se#se
o a !rero%ati'e to re@a"Duire mort%a%ed !ro!erty ater re%istratio# o t$e
ore"losure sale@e>ists o#ly i# t$e "ase o t$e e>tra:udi"ial ore"losure o t$e
mort%a%e. No su"$ ri%$t is re"o%#i?ed i# a :udi"ial ore"losure e>"e!t o#ly w$ere
t$e mort%a%ee is t$e P$ili!!i#e Natio#al &a#4 or a &a#4 or a &a#4i#% i#stitutio#.
T$ere t$e# e>ists o#ly w$at is 4#ow# as t$e e:4#t3 o; re/e,-t#o+.
E:4#t3 o; re/e,-t#o+ is sim!ly t$e ri%$t o t$e dee#da#t mort%a%or to
e>ti#%uis$ t$e mort%a%e a#d retai# ow#ers$i! o t$e !ro!erty &y !ayi#% t$e
se"ured de&t wit$i# t$e ./@day !eriod ater t$e :ud%me#t &e"omes i#al, i#
a""orda#"e wit$ Rule 7), or e'e# ater t$e ore"losure sale &ut !rior to its
-/* Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o
;$ere a mort%a%e is ore"losed e>tra:udi"ially, A"t +-+( %ra#ts to t$e
mort%a%or t$e ri%$t o redem!tio# wit$i# o#e 1-2 year rom t$e re%istratio# o t$e
s$eriFs "ertii"ate o ore"losure sale. ;$ere t$e ore"losure is :udi"ially ee"ted,
$owe'er, #o eDui'ale#t ri%$t o redem!tio# e>ists. T$e law de"lares t$at a :udi"ial
ore"losure sale, Uw$e# "o#irmed &y a# order o t$e "ourt, s$all o!erate to di'est
t$e ri%$ts o all t$e !arties to t$e a"tio# a#d to 'est t$eir ri%$ts i# t$e !ur"$aser,
su&:e"t to su"$ ri%$ts o redem!tio# as may &e allowed &y law. Su"$ ri%$ts
e>"e!tio#ally Uallowed &y lawF 1i.e., e'e# ater t$e "o#irmatio# &y a# order o t$e
"ourt2 are t$ose %ra#ted &y t$e "$arter o t$e P$ili!!i#e Natio#al Ba#4 1A"t Nos.
*060 a#d *.+)2, a#d t$e Ge#eral Ba#4i#% A"t 1R.A.++02. T$ese laws "o#er o# t$e
mort%a%or, $is su""essors i# i#terest or a#y :ud%me#t "reditor o t$e mort%a%or,
t$e ri%$t to redeem t$e !ro!erty sold o# ore"losure@ater "o#irmatio# &y t$e "ourt
o t$e ore"losure sale@w$i"$ ri%$t may &e e>er"ised wit$i# a !eriod o o#e 1-2
year, "ou#ted rom t$e date o re%istratio# o t$e "ertii"ate o sale i# t$e Re%istry
o Pro!erty.
-/+ Co!yri%$t 8 *//. Alredo R. Ce#te#o

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