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AP Psychology BRAIN ART
You are still allowed to color in college classes!!!
Directions: Page 1: Synapse Draw, label and color the following areas (page 53/56 in your book is the best source): Neurotransitters, !ynaptic "esicles containing Neurotransitters, #$on %erinal, &eceptor !ites, !ynaptic 'ap, and Dendrite( #t the botto of the page, please draw, label and color, )gure 3#(* fro your book (page 53) %+,! !+-.! # /#&'0& ",0. -1 %+0 N02&-N, copared with the top of this page( Pages 2-3: Brain Diagram Draw two diagras of the brain( 3 4 0$terior 5rain *4 ,nterior 5rain 5oth drawings should ha6e nubered labels using #// of the labels listed below( 5oth diagras should include a 708( 9heck out te$tbook section 35 for diagras on the brain structures( RE!IRE"ENTS: 8our diagra ay not be printed fro the coputer, photocopied, or drawn by soeone else( 0ach structure/portion of the brain should be colored a di:erent color or pattern( 0ach structure/portion should ha6e a clear nuber; the nuber should correspond with the label( Diagra should be clear and easy to read( 0ach diagra should be clearly labeled either interior or e$terior 8ou ust include #// of the following parts in the appropriate diagra: 3( 0<%0&,-& (3=) > #uditory 9orte$ > 5rainste > 5roca?s #rea > 1rontal /obe > @otor 9orte$ > !pinal 9ord > .ernicke?s #rea > -ccipital /obe > Aarietal /obe > 9erebellu > !ensory 9orte$ > %eporal /obe > "isual 9orte$ > 9erebral 9orte$ *( ,N%0&,-& (3B) > %halaus > +ypothalaus > 9orpus 9allosu > 5asal 'anglia (light colored area that surrounds corpus callosu) > Aituitary > +ippocapus > #ygdala > &eticular 1oration (dark )ber portion in center of diagra) > Aons > @edulla Page #: $n the %E&T si'e o( a normal si)e' sheet* create a collage +incl,'ing -or's an' pict,res (rom ne-spapers an' maga)ines. ill,strating %e(t Brain /haracteristics0 on the RI12T si'e o( that same page* create a collage ill,strating Right Brain /haracteristics3 /01% 5&#,N 9+#	%0&,!%,9!: !peaking, processes 6erbal inforation (2sually doinant and ore intellectual C in6ol6ed in undertakings that reDuire logic, planning and proble sol6ing) &,'+% 5&#,N 9+#	%0&,!%,9!: #rtistic skills (including usic), recogniEing faces, percei6ing eotions and e$pressing eotions, decodes and organiEes 6isual and spatial inforation, iagination and creati6ity 5-%+ A#&%! -1 %+0 5&#,N ,N%0	% ,N @-!% #9%,-N!F Page 4: Bring it Together -n a separate sheet of paper, please trace, label and color 1igure 35(33 fro page G3 (on the top of your sheet) and )gure 3#(33 on page 63 of your te$t (on the botto of your page)( %his diagra gi6es a Hcoplete pictureI of the brain and its functions #ND connects with the endocrine/horonal thee( &INA% B$$5: !hould be bound together (stapled or paper clipped)( D,e: In class on Th,rs'ay* Septem6er 17* 281#