This is a sample lease agreement between a landlord and tenant for agricultural land. Key details:
- The landlord agrees to grant a one-year tenancy to the tenant for a portion of agricultural land measuring approximately 400 acres.
- The tenant must pay the annual rent of RM10,000 before the 14th of each month.
- The tenant may renew the tenancy by giving 3 months' notice. The rent will increase according to a schedule.
- The tenant must use the land only for agricultural purposes and maintain it in good condition. The landlord can inspect with notice.
- The agreement covers responsibilities for repairs, prohibited goods, alterations, and compliance with laws.
This is a sample lease agreement between a landlord and tenant for agricultural land. Key details:
- The landlord agrees to grant a one-year tenancy to the tenant for a portion of agricultural land measuring approximately 400 acres.
- The tenant must pay the annual rent of RM10,000 before the 14th of each month.
- The tenant may renew the tenancy by giving 3 months' notice. The rent will increase according to a schedule.
- The tenant must use the land only for agricultural purposes and maintain it in good condition. The landlord can inspect with notice.
- The agreement covers responsibilities for repairs, prohibited goods, alterations, and compliance with laws.
This is a sample lease agreement between a landlord and tenant for agricultural land. Key details:
- The landlord agrees to grant a one-year tenancy to the tenant for a portion of agricultural land measuring approximately 400 acres.
- The tenant must pay the annual rent of RM10,000 before the 14th of each month.
- The tenant may renew the tenancy by giving 3 months' notice. The rent will increase according to a schedule.
- The tenant must use the land only for agricultural purposes and maintain it in good condition. The landlord can inspect with notice.
- The agreement covers responsibilities for repairs, prohibited goods, alterations, and compliance with laws.
This is a sample lease agreement between a landlord and tenant for agricultural land. Key details:
- The landlord agrees to grant a one-year tenancy to the tenant for a portion of agricultural land measuring approximately 400 acres.
- The tenant must pay the annual rent of RM10,000 before the 14th of each month.
- The tenant may renew the tenancy by giving 3 months' notice. The rent will increase according to a schedule.
- The tenant must use the land only for agricultural purposes and maintain it in good condition. The landlord can inspect with notice.
- The agreement covers responsibilities for repairs, prohibited goods, alterations, and compliance with laws.
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THIS AGREEMENT is made on the day of ,
BETWEEN .. (Company No. .) a company incorporated in Maaysia and ha!in" its re"istered address at hereinafter caed #the Landlord#$ of the one part% AN& (NRIC NO) of '%% (hereinafter referred to as #the Tenant#$ of the other part% ARTICLE I RECITALS Section 1.1 The Said Property The Landord is the re"istered and )eneficia o*ner of the piece of the and hed +nder Geran '%% Lot No% '%%M+,im ' &istrict of %%, (hereinafter referred to as #the said Property#$ *herein a copy of the tite pertainin" to the same is anne-ed hereto as Appendi- A%
Section 1. Tenancy The Landord has a"reed to "rant a tenancy and the Tenant has a"reed to accept a tenancy of a portion of the said Property meas+rin" in area of at east appro-imatey .// acres and partic+ary sho*n in the ayo+t pans of the said Property anne-ed hereto as Appendi- B (hereinafter referred to as the #Property Let#$ +pon the terms and conditions herein contained% 1 ARTICLE II !E"INITIONS AN! INTERPRETATION Section .1 !e#inition Where!er +sed in this A"reement, +ness the conte-t sha other*ise re0+ire, the foo*in" e-pressions and terms sha ha!e the foo*in" meanin"s12 $ord% &eanin'% B+siness &ay Any day other than a S+nday or a P+)ic hoiday *hen commercia )an,s are open for )+siness in 3+aa L+mp+r% Landord '%% (4ompany No% ''%$ a company incorporated in Maaysia and ha!in" its re"istered address at ''%% and sha, *here the conte-t so admits, inc+de its s+ccessors in tite and assi"ns% Ann+a Renta The ann+a rent sha )e Rin""it Maaysia ''' (RM'''%% for the first year (5st 6ear$ from the date of e-ec+tion of this A"reement and the re!ised ann+a rent pro!ided for in the "ir%t Sched(le anne-ed herein for the s+)se0+ent rene*ed year(s$ or term(s$ of this Tenancy A"reement% Nationa Land 4ode The Nationa Land 4ode, 5789% Said Property Geran ''% Lot No% '% M+,im ' &istrict of %% (anne-ed hereto as Appendi- A$% Property Let A portion of the said Property meas+rin" in area appro-imatey .// acres or more, *hich may )e a"reed )y )oth parties from time to time and as refected in Appendi- B *hich may )e chan"ed from time to time )ased +pon the aforementioned a"reement )y )oth parties to e-tend the ettin" of Property Let +nder this A"reement% 2 Section . Interpretation .%.%5 Any reference to a stat+tory Enactment or Act sha inc+de s+ch pro!isions and:or for any re"+ations made there +nder and:or in p+rs+ance thereof and as may from time to time )e modified or re2enacted , *hether )efore or after the date of this A"reement, so far as s+ch modifications or re2enactments appy or are capa)e of )ein" appied to any transaction entered into prior to competion of this Tenancy% .%.%. References to Recitas, Artices, Sched+es, Sections and Appendi-es are to Recitas, Artices, Sched+es and Appendi-es of this A"reement% .%.%; References in this A"reement to #Maaysian Rin""it# or #RM# is references to the a*f+ c+rrency for the time )ein" of Maaysia% .%.%< Words importin" the masc+ine "ender ony sha *here appica)e inc+de the feminine and ne+ter "enders and !ice !ersa% .%.%9 Words in the sin"+ar n+m)er ony sha *here appica)e inc+de the p+ra n+m)er and !ice !ersa% ARTICLES III LEASE Section ).1 A'reement a$ S+)=ect to the terms and conditions hereinafter, contained, the Landord here)y "rants and the Tenant here)y accepts a tenancy of the &emised Premises for the period of one (5$ year hereinafter referred to as #the "ir%t *ear#$ at a ann+a rent of Rin""it Maaysia '''%% (RM''%%$ ony (hereinafter referred to as #the "ir%t *ear Ann(al Rent#$paya)e to the Landord )efore or on the date of e-ec+tion of this A"reement% )$ This Tenancy sha )e rene*a)e at the option of the Tenant% The said option to rene* the Tenancy is e-ercisa)e )y the 3 Tenant )y "i!in" to the Landord at east three (;$ months notice in ad!ance prior to the e-piry of the term of the Tenancy and thereafter this A"reement sha )e rene*ed and contin+ed on the same terms and pro!isions of this A"reement e-cept for 12 a$ the Ann+a Rent *hich sha )e paya)e to the Landord in accordance *ith the "ir%t Sched(le and the area et to the Tenant> and )$ the other terms and pro!isions of this A"reement *hich are specificay stated other*ise in this A"reement% ARTICLE I+ Section ,.1 Rental The Tenant sha pay to the Landord the Ann+a Rent in ad!ance on or )efore the ast day of each month *itho+t demand and *itho+t any ded+ction or ri"ht of set2off *hatsoe!er the first payment of *hich sha )e paya)e immediatey +pon the e-ec+tion of this A"reement% A payments sha )e )y *ay of che0+es dra*n on a commercia )an, in 3+aa L+mp+r or Petain" ?aya fa!orin" the Landord and sha )e for*arded to the Landord at the address stated in Section @%5. hereof% Section ,. Rent #ree period A three (;$ months period sha )e pro!ided free of renta for fittin" o+t p+rposes for a cearances or other appica)e *or,s from the date of commencement of this Tenancy s+)=ect a*ays to the prior *ritten appro!a )y the Landord and the said cearances or other appica)e *or,s sha )e at the TenantAs o*n cost and e-pense% Section ,., Commencement o# Tenancy This Tenancy sha commence from the date of the ' (namey the tar"eted date for the e-ec+tion of this A"reement$ or other date of e-ec+tion of this A"reement, *hiche!er is the earier, *hether 4 or not the Tenant has act+ay entered into possession or occ+pation of the Property Let (hereinafter referred to as # the Commencement !ate#$% ARTICLE + CO+ENANTS -* TENANT Section ..1 Payment The Tenant sha pay to the Landord the Ann+a Rent reser!ed on or )efore the fo+rteenth (5< th $ day of each month and in the manner aforesaid% Section .. /%e% a$ The Tenant sha +se the Property Let ony for a"ric+t+ra p+rposes and sha not +se, cond+ct, operate and:or ca+se to +se the Property Let in any *ay *hich may amo+nt to contra!ention *ith the a*s, re"+ations, or other stat+tory re0+irements, partic+ary the pro!isions of the Nationa Land 4ode 5789% )$ Any temporary str+ct+re to )e )+it on the Property Let sha )e s+)=ect a*ays to the *ritten consent of the Landord and sha ony )e on a temporary )asis% Bpon determination or termination of this A"reement, the said temporary str+ct+re sha )e demoished or remo!ed )y the Tenant and:or at the costs and e-pense of the Tenant *ithin s+ch period of time as notified )y the Landord% Section ..) &aintenance The Tenant sha at a times d+rin" the term of the Tenancy created +nder this A"reement ,eep the Property Let in a cean, "ood and tenanta)e condition and ens+re that at the determination of the Tenancy created +nder this A"reement, that the Property Let sha )e dei!ered to the Landord in "ood condition, ceaned and in a tenanta)e condition% Section .., In%pection 5 The Tenant sha permit the entry of the Landord and its d+y a+thorised a"ents *ith or *itho+t appiances, at a reasona)e times )y "i!in" the Tenant at east .< ho+rs notice to enter +pon the Property Let and to !ie* the condition thereof and to re0+est the Tenant to do s+ch repairs to the Property Let as re0+ested for )y the Landord% Section ... Notice to repair The Landord may ser!e +pon the Tenant a notice in *ritin" specifyin" s+ch repairs or *or,s that are necessary to )e done or repacements that need to )e made% The Tenant is forth*ith re0+ired to e-ec+te a s+ch repairs or *or,s and to ma,e s+ch repacements +pon )ein" so notified and if the Tenant sha not *ithin fo+rteen (5<$ days after the ser!ice of s+ch notice proceed dii"enty *ith the e-ec+tion of s+ch repairs or *or,s or the ma,in" of s+ch repacements then it sha )e a*f+ or ma,e s+ch repacements and the cost thereof sha )e a de)t d+e from the Tenant to the Landord and )e forth*ith reco!era)e )y action% Section ..0 !an'ero(% 1ood% The Tenant sha not )rin" or store or permit or s+ffer to )e )ro+"ht or stored on the Property Let or any part thereof any e-posi!e, com)+sti)e s+)stance or any "oods *hich in the opinion of the Landord are of a no-io+s , dan"ero+s or haCardo+s nat+re% Section ..2 Ille'al p(rpo%e The Tenant sha not +se the Property Let for any ie"a, +na*f+ or immora p+rpose and not permit to )e done anythin" *hich *i or may infrin"e or !ioate any a*s or re"+ations pertainin" to the Property Let that may )e imposed )y any ree!ant a+thority and sha )e personay responsi)e for any infrin"ement or !ioation a"ainst s+ch a*s or re"+ations and sha f+y indemnify the Landord in respect thereof% Section ..3 Alteration $or4% The Tenant sha not ma,e or permit to )e made any aterations *hether str+ct+ra or other*ise$ in or to the Property Let or any part thereof, *hich in the opinion of the Landord *o+d ca+se chan"es or affect the andscape of the said Property or ad=acent 6 and *itho+t the prior *ritten consent of the Landord% In the e!ent that s+ch aterations or additions are ao*ed )y the Landord, s+ch aterations or additions sha conform to the re0+irements of the ree!ant a+thorities% The Tenant sha at the TenantAs o*n e-pense o)tain a necessary pannin" and other consents p+rs+ant to the pro!isions of any stat+te, r+e, order, re"+ation or )ye2a* appica)e thereto and +pon the determination of the term here)y created and if re0+ested )y the Landord sha restore the Property Let to its ori"ina state and condition at the e-pense of the Tenant% Section ..5 In%(rance The Tenant sha not do or permit or s+ffer to )e done anythin" *here)y any ins+rance of the Property Let may )e rendered !oid or !oida)e or *here)y the premi+m for any s+ch ins+rance may )e ia)e to )e increased and sha on demand pay to the Landord any s+ch increases in the Premi+m and a e-penses inc+rred )y the Landord in or a)o+t any rene*a of s+ch poicy or poicies rendered necessary )y a )reach or non2o)ser!ance of this co!enant *itho+t pre=+dice to the other ri"hts of the Landord% Section ..16 Compliance 7ith the la7% The Tenant sha at a times d+rin" the term of the Tenancy here)y created compy *ith a s+ch re0+irements as may )e imposed on the Tenant pertainin" to the nat+re of its )+siness )y any Drdinance or Act of Pariament no* or hereafter in force and any orders, r+es re"+ations, re0+irements, and notices there+nder% The Tenant sha assist and permit the Landord to +nderta,e any *or,s in the Property Let in order to compy *ith any stat+tory re0+irements as may )e imposed )y the ree!ant a+thorities on the Landord% Section ..11 Indemnity The Tenant sha )e responsi)e for and sha hod the Landord harmess and sha f+y indemnify the Landord a"ainst a dama"e occasioned to the Property Let or to any person, ca+sed )y any act, omission, defa+t or ne"i"ence of the Tenant or the 7 ser!ants a"ents or icensees of the Tenant and sha pay and ma,e "ood to the Landord a and e!ery oss and dama"e inc+rred or s+stained )y the Landord as a conse0+ence of any )reach or non2o)ser!ance of the TenantAs co!enants herein contained and sha indemnify the Landord from and a"ainst a actions, caims, ia)iities , costs and e-penses here)y arisin"% Section ..1 S(89lettin' and A%%i'nment The Tenant sha not assi"n or s+)et the *hoe or any part of the Property Let or part *ith possession of the Property Let or any part thereof *itho+t the prior *ritten consent of the Landord% Section ..1) N(i%ance The Tenant sha not do or permit to )e done +pon the Property Let anythin" *hich in the opinion of the Landord may )e a n+isance or annoyance to, or in any *ay interfere *ith the 0+iet en=oyment and comfort of the other occ+pants of the ad=oinin" properties and the other parts of the said Property% Section ..1, Ri'ht to :ie7 the %aid Property The Tenant sha d+rin" the three (;$ caendar months immediatey precedin" the determination or termination of the Tenancy here)y created, permit intendin" tenants and others *ith *ritten a+thority from the Landord or its a"ents at a reasona)e times of the day to enter and !ie* the Property Let and to affi- and e-hi)it *here the Landord sha thin, fit at any time the +s+a #TD LET# notice at the said Property% Section ..1. Condition o# the %aid Property at the end o# the %aid Term The Tenant sha on the determination or termination of the said Tenancy here)y created or +pon the e-piration of the period or term of the Tenancy or in the e!ent the Tenant is not e-ercisin" its option to rene* this Tenancy for a f+rther period of time or term, yied +p the Property Let in a "ood and tenanta)e condition and the Tenant sha )e entited to remo!e a, fi-t+res, fittin"s and reno!ations that *i not affect and:or dama"e the state and condition of the Property Let )y s+ch actions% 8 ARTICLE +I CO+ENANTS -* LAN!LOR! Section 0.1 ;(iet en<oyment That the Tenant payin" the Ann+a Rent here)y reser!ed and o)ser!in" and performin" the a"reements and stip+ations on its part herein )efore contained, the Landord sha permit the Tenant to 0+iety en=oy the Property Let d+rin" the terms here)y created *itho+t any interr+ption )y the Landord or any persons caimin" tite +nder or in tr+st for the Landord s+)=ect to the terms and conditions herein% Section 0. Payment o# a%%e%%ment and =(it rent That d+rin" the Tenancy here)y created and the rene*a thereof (if any$ the Landord sha )ear and pay a assessment and 0+it rent in respect of the Property Let% ARTICLE +II OPTION TO RENE$ TENANC* Section 2.1 Option to rene7 Bpon the e-piry of the period or term here)y created, this A"reement sha )e deemed terminated +ness the Tenant e-ercises the option to rene* the tenancy of the Property Let for a f+rther period or term of one (5$ year s+)=ect to the same co!enants, terms and pro!ision herein contained )+t at an increased rate of rent in accordance *ith Sched+e 5 as anne-ed herein% Section 2. Condition% #or rene7al The Tenant sha ony )e entited to ta,e a tenancy of the Property Let in accordance *ith Section E%5 hereof pro!ided that12 E%.%5 notice in *ritin" to e-ercise the option to rene* the tenancy for a f+rther term of one (5$ year is to )e 9 "i!en at east three (;$ months prior to the e-piry of the Tenancy> and E%.%. the Tenant is not in )reach of any of the terms, stip+ations and co!enants herein contained% ARTICLE +III TER&INATION Section 3.1 $itho(t Ca(%e% The Landord reser!es its ri"hts to "i!e si- (8$ months of *ritten notice to the Tenant in the e!ent it *ishes to terminate this A"reement *hich may )e d+e to inter aias, de!eopment or pannin" pans )ein" appro!ed )y the a+thority to de!eop the said Property% Bpon )ein" "i!en s+ch notice12 a$ the Tenant sha !acate the Property Let *ithin s+ch period of time as notified )y the Landord> )$ Bpon the Tenant f+fiin" Section @%5(a$, the Landord sha ret+rn to the Tenant a s+m of Rin""it Maaysia '% ony> and Section 3.1 No "(rther Claim% It is here)y +ne0+i!ocay a"reed )et*een )oth parties that the Tenant sha not demand, caim and:or initiate any e"a actions to caim from the Landord any compensation, dama"es or monies prior and s+)se0+ent to the determination or termination of the A"reement hereof% &ISCELLANEO/S SECTION 3.1 !E"A/LT -* TENANT If the rent here)y reser!ed or any part thereof sha )e in arrears and +npaid at any time for fo+rteen (5<$ days after )ecomin" d+e, *hether formay demanded or not, or if any co!enants stip+ations or a"reements on the part of the Tenant herein contained sha not )e performed or o)ser!ed or the Tenant or other person or persons in *hom for the time )ein" the term 10 here)y created sha )e !ested in sha ha!e a recei!in" order made a"ainst them or him or sha )ecome )an,r+pt or if the Tenant sha ma,e an assi"nment for the )enefit of or enter into any arran"ement *ith their or its creditors or if the Tenant sha permit any e-ec+tion to )e e!ied on the Property Let, then, and in any s+ch e!ent it sha )e a*f+ for the Landord, at any time thereafter, to ser!e a forfeit+re notice +pon the Tenant, p+rs+ant to Section .;9 of the Nationa Land 4ode and it is here)y m+t+ay a"reed that a reasona)e time in *hich to remedy the )reach )ein" the s+)=ect matter of the said forfeit+re notice, sha )e is thirty (;/$ days e-cept in the case of non2payment of rent *hen fo+rteen (5<$ days sha )e deemed a reasona)e time, and on e-piration of the period specified in the said forfeit+re notice, *itho+t the )reach compained of ha!in" )een remedied , then the Landord sha )e at i)erty to re2enter 111111111111+pon the Property Let or any part thereof in the name of the *hoe and there+pon this A"reement sha a)so+tey determine )+t *itho+t pre=+dice to the LandordAs ri"ht of action in respect of any antecedent )reach of the TenantAs co!enants herein contained% Section 3. Property de%troyed or dama'ed d(e to no #a(lt o# the Tenant In the e!ent that the Property Let or any part thereof sha at any time d+rin" the said term and:or s+)se0+ent rene*ed term )e destroyed or dama"ed )y fire, i"htnin" , riot ci!i commotion, tempest or other +nforeseen ca+se so as to )ecome +nfit for occ+pation and +se, then the Landord sha not )e )o+nd or compeed to re)+id or reinstate the same +ness it, in its discretion, thin,s fit to do so% If the Property Let sha not )e rendered fit for occ+pation or +se *ithin three (;$ months from s+ch destr+ction or dama"e either party may determine the tenancy here)y "ranted )y "i!in" one (5$ monthAs notice in *ritin" to the other and +pon the e-piry of the said notice this A"reement sha a)so+te determine )+t *itho+t pre=+dice to the ri"ht of action of either party a"ainst the other in respect of any antecedent )reach of this a"reement% In the e!ent of the Landord decidin" not to re)+id and reinstate the Property Let then this A"reement sha cease and determine from the occ+rrence of s+ch destr+ction or dama"e and the Landord sha ref+nd Rin""it Maaysia ' (RM'$ ony to the Tenant *itho+t pre=+dice to the ri"ht of action of the Landord in respect of any )reach of the terms and conditions of this A"reement committed )y the Tenant prior to the occ+rrence of 11 s+ch destr+ction or dama"e and the Tenant *i peacea)y and 0+iety ea!e, s+rrender and yied +p to the Landord possession of the Property Let% Section 3.) Lia8ility o# Landlord #or %tr(ct(ral de#ect% Not*ithstandin" anythin" herein contained the Landord sha not )e ia)e either to the Tenant or the TenantAs icensees, ser!ants or in!itees in the Property Let or to others *ho may )e permitted to +se the Property Let for accidents happenin" or in=+ries s+stained or for oss of or dama"e to "oods and chattes in the Property Let or in any part thereof e-cept *here the ia)iity or in=+ry to the Tenant or TenantAs icensees, ser!ants or in!itees is ca+sed )y or d+e to str+ct+ra defects or fain" str+ct+ra )eams of the Property Let or is ca+sed )y the LandordAs ser!ants and:or a"ents% Section 3., $ai:er Acceptance of rent )y the Landord sha not )e deemed to operate as *ai!er )y the Landord of any ri"ht of action a"ainst the Tenant in respect of any )reach of any of its o)i"ations here+nder% Section 3.. Sale or !e:elopment o# the Said Property 8y the Landlord @%9%5 In the e!ent that the Landord sha d+rin" the said period or term of the Tenancy here)y created or the s+)se0+ent rene*ed period or term thereof intends to se or de!eop the said Property, the Landord sha "i!e *ritten notice to the Tenant of s+ch intention%
@%9%. +pon receipt of the *ritten notice as pro!ided in para"raph @%9%5 a)o!e 12 a$ the Tenant sha !acate the said Property Let *ithin the stip+ated period of time notified )y the Landord% )$ the Landord sha ref+nd Rin""it Maaysia %% (RM''%$ ony to the Tenant after ded+ctin" 12 *hate!er amo+nt d+e and o*in" +nder the terms and conditions of this A"reement% F+rther, the Landord may at its o*n "ood*i and a)so+te and soe discretion ma,e any f+rther compensation to the Tenant, *hich sha not )e treated as an o)i"ation of the Landord for the a!oidance of any do+)ts% Section 3.0 Tenant>% /nilateral Termination In the e!ent that the Tenant +niateray determines the Tenancy )y a)andonin" or !acatin" the Property Let )efore the e-piry of the Tenancy or in the e!ent of the determination of this Tenancy )y the Landord d+e to the non2payment )y the Tenant of any monies d+e to the Landord as pro!ided herein or the termination of the Tenancy )y the Landord foo*in" the )reach of any of the pro!isions of this Tenancy )y the Tenant, the Tenant sha pay to the Landord immediatey a o+tstandin" rent or other monies d+e and the Landord reser!es their ri"ht to any action to reco!er the said o+tstandin" s+m and any other oss or dama"es s+ffered or s+stained )y the Landord% The aforesaid ri"hts sha )e in addition to and *itho+t pre=+dice to the ri"hts, po*ers and remedies of the Landord +nder this A"reement and the Nationa Land 4ode 5789, if any of the Ann+a Renta or any part thereof or any monies d+e here+nder to the Landord )y the Tenant, sha at any time remain +npaid for se!en (E$ days from the payment d+e date thereof (*hether formay demanded or not$, the Tenant sha in addition to the Ann+a Rent d+e and o+tstandin" pay to the Landord interest at the a"reed rate of t*e!e per cent+m (5.G$ per ann+m cac+ated on a daiy )asis commencin" from the payment d+e date of s+ch ann+a Renta +nti the date of act+a payment% Section 3.2 Time i% o# the e%%ence Time *hene!er mentioned in this A"reement sha )e of the essence of this A"reement% Section 3.3 Appendi?e% and Sched(le% 13 The Appendi-es anne-ed hereto sha )e read ta,en and constr+ed as an essentia part of this A"reement% Section 3.5 Stamp !(tie% and Co%t% A stamp d+ty and soicitors fees (*hich inc+des the LandordHs soicitors fees$ paya)e on this A"reement sha )e )orne and paid for )y the Tenant% Section 3.16 Applica8le La7% This A"reement sha )e constr+ed accordin" to the La*s of Maaysia% Section 3.11 Notice% Any notice re0+ired to )e "i!en )y one party hereto to the other here+nder sha )e in the En"ish Lan"+a"e and sha )e s+fficienty "i!en if for*arded )y hand or prepaid re"istered post or )y tee"ram or ca)e or teefa- to the address or addresses herein )eo* stated of the other party and sha )e deemed to )e d+y ser!ed12 @%5.%5 if dei!ered )y hand , on dei!ery and ac,no*ed"ement of receipt thereof> or @%5.%. if it is sent )y prepaid re"istered post, three (;$ days after postin" thereof> or @%5.%; If it is sent )y tee"ram or ca)e or teefa- on the B+siness &ay ne-t after the date of despatch and:or transmission% "or the Landlord (Company No. )
"or the Tenant 14 .. (NRIC NO..) Add1 IN WITNESS WHEREDF the parties hereto ha!e here+nto ca+sed this A"reement to )e e-ec+ted on this day and year first a)o!e *ritten% The e-ec+tion of this A"reement $ By (the Landlord$ $ *as d+y effected in a $ manner a+thorised )y its $ constit+tion +nder the Sea of $ the 4ompany *hich said Sea *as $ here+nto d+y affi-ed on the $ day of ,%% in the $ presence of 12 $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% &irector &irector:Secretary The e-ec+tion of this A"reement $ )y (the Tenant$ $ *hich said si"nat+re *as here+nto$ d+y affi-ed on the day of $ ,'% in the $ presence of 12 $ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Witness Name 1 NRI4 No 1 15 APPEN!I@ A COP* O" TITLE O" TAE SAI! PROPERT* APPEN!I@ - LA*O/T PLANS O" TAE PROPERT* LET 16 SCAE!/LE 1 17 TENAN46 AGREEMENT &ATE& &A6 DF , BETWEEN '' (4ompany No% '%$ (LAN&LDR& $ AN& '' (TENANT$ IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII TENAN46 AGREEMENT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 18