Chaos in The Hodgkin-Huxley Model
Chaos in The Hodgkin-Huxley Model
Chaos in The Hodgkin-Huxley Model
APPLIED DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS c 2002 Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 105114
Chaos in the HodgkinHuxley Model
John Guckenheimer
Abstract. The HodgkinHuxley model was developed to characterize the action potential of a squid axon. It has
served as an archetype for compartmental models of the electrophysiology of biological membranes.
Thus the dynamics of the HodgkinHuxley model have been extensively studied both with a view
to their biological implications and as a test bed for numerical methods that can be applied to more
complex models. This note demonstrates previously unobserved dynamics in the HodgkinHuxley
model, namely, the existence of chaotic solutions in the model with its original parameters. The
solutions are found by displaying rectangles in a cross-section whose images under the return map
produce a Smale horseshoe. The chaotic solutions are highly unstable, but they are signicant as
they lie in the basin boundary that establishes the threshold of the system.
Key words. HodgkinHuxley, chaos, action potential, horseshoe
AMS subject classications. 92C20, 37G35
PII. S1111111101394040
1. Introduction. The HodgkinHuxley model [15] for the action potential of a space-
clamped squid axon is dened by the four dimensional vector eld
v = I
h(v + 115) + 36n
(v 12) + 0.3 (v + 10.599)
m = (1 m)
v + 25
4 exp
n = (1 n) 0.1
v + 10
0.125 exp
h = (1 h) 0.07 exp
1 + exp
(x) =
exp(x) 1
with variables (v, m, n, h) that represent membrane potential, activation of a sodium current,
activation of a potassium current, and inactivation of the sodium current and a parameter
I that represents injected current into the space-clamped axon. Recall that the Hodgkin
Huxley convention for membrane potential reverses the sign from modern conventions, and
so the voltage spikes of action potentials are negative in the HodgkinHuxley model. While
improved models for the membrane potential of the squid axon [3] have been formulated,
the HodgkinHuxley model remains the paradigm for conductance-based models of neural
Received by the editors August 21, 2001; accepted for publication (in revised form) by M. Golubitsky February
19, 2002; published electronically May 14, 2002. This research was partially supported by the National Science
Foundation, Department of Energy, and the ARO-EPRI Program.