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Ajapa Mantra

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Hamsa Mantra performed by Vayudevaru

August 6, 2010 Upendran Boovaraha

Hamsa mantra
Sri Guru Jaganatha Dasaru, in his Sri HariKatahaAmrutha Saras !
pad"a o# manga$a%harna sandhi pra"s
to Shri &a"udevaru in this #orm'
Aaru mU r(radondu sAveera, mU r(radu shata s)Asa *apaga$a
+Uruvidha *(varo$aga,*a*a -a$pa pari"anta
.A ra%hisi, sathvarige su-ha samsAra mishrariga dhama
J(varigapAra du-ha ga$(va guru pavamAna sa$ahemmA
/n our $i#e, the 0ne and the most important )or- is per#ormed ," &a"u Devaru that is ,reathing1 2ithout
,reathing there is no $i#e1 2hi$e ,reathing he is per#orming a ver" important *apa %a$$ed Hamsa mantra
3a*apaa4*apa51 &a"u devaru per#orms this *apa )ithout our -no)$edge1 0n an average a human ,eing
,reathes t)ent"4one thousand si6 hundred times in a da" and ," this pro%ess he per#orms HA+SA mantra
un-no)ing$"4-no)$ing$" 3a*apaa4*apa51
2h" it is %a$$ed as a*appa4*apa7
Genera$$", most humans do not -no) this and that is the reason it is %a$$ed as a*appa1 Ho)ever, i# one
%omes to -no) this %on%ept, and a%-no)$edges, and than- &a"u devaru #or per#orming hamsa mantra in
us, it is %a$$ed as *apa1 B" a%-no)$edging &a"udevaru, one )i$$ get pun"a1
2hat is HA+SA mantra7
8HA+9 is the sound o# the ,reath on our e6ha$ations and 8SA9 is the sound o# the inha$ations1 /# )e %$ose
our e"es, #o%us, and o,serve the ,reathing )e %an hear the humming sound o# our ,reath, as 8hmmm9 on
the inha$ation and a sighing 8sa9 on the e6ha$ation 3ham : sahaa51 .he inha$ing and e6ha$ing 3re%ha-a and
pura-a5 is %a$$ed are the t)o #a%es o# ever" ,reath1
;oint to note is that interna$ %$o%- and the e6terna$ %$o%- are not s"n%hed t"pi%a$$"1 <or the interna$ %$o%-
to mat%h the e6terna$ %$o%-, one shou$d ,reathe 21600 times in a da"1
2hat is the ,asis #or ,reathing 21600 times is e=ua$ to one e6terna$ da"7
Genera$$", one man ta-es ! se%onds #or a ,reathing %"%$e, t)o se% #or inha$ing and t)o se% #or e6ha$ing1
2ith this ,ase, i# )e %a$%u$ate' in a minute one per#orms 1> ,reaths 360?!5, #or one hour it is @00 31> A
605, and #or a da" it is 21600 3@00 A 2!51
Ho)ever, )e %an %hange this %"%$e, #or e6amp$e, a#ter e6er%ises )e )ou$d ,reathe #aster, and %an ta-e t)o
se%onds #or a ,reathing %"%$e instead o# the norma$ #our se%onds1 B" this )e in%rease the speed o#
inha$ing and e6ha$ing, and )i$$ %omp$ete one e6terna$ da" 2! hours )ithin 123interna$ %$o%-51 /# )e
pra%ti%e prana"ama and in%rease the time #or ea%h ,reathing %"%$e #or B se%s, then our e6terna$ %$o%-
)ou$d have %$o%-ed !B hrs and our interna$ one )ou$d have %$o%-ed *ust 2! hrs1
0ur a"asu 3age5 is ,ased on inner time, and not on e6terna$ time1 .hat is the reason )h" prana"ama )as
emphasiCed in sanatana dharma1 .his is the reason )h" the e$ders ,$ess sathamana ,avathi 3$et god ,$ess
"ou 100 "ears51 100 "ears is the $i#e term #or a man as per inner time, a man %annot $ive more than 100
"ears1 .hat is 1 da" D 21600 ,reathing %"%$e, #or 1 "ear D E60 da"s D FFF6000 %"%$e, and #or 100 "ears
D FFF600000
/# one per#orms -um,a-a #or 10 se%s, then the inner time stops #or that period, so "ou in%rease "our $i#e
term )ith respe%t to e6terna$ time1 B" per#orming ;rana"ama, one %an s$o) do)n getting o$d in interna$
time, and in%rease his $i#espan in e6terna$ time1
2hat is the meaning o# ham sahaa7
Hamsa means, god D sa%hidananda1 He is ham D hana 3one )ho does not have an" dosha5 D sat, dosha
var*itha1 Ham D napunsa-a God does not have an" dosha that a purusha has, that is )h" )e use
napunsa-a $inga1
Saha means D sara s)arupa 3 gn"ananda s)arupa5 1 Saha, purushara$i uttama purusha D Jeeva, puman
D either ma" ,e ma$e or #ema$e1
Hana D t"aga, saha D sarvasa1
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Gantroddhara-a Hanumath Stotram/n H+adhva Samprada"aH
/ShAvAs"a upanishad/n H+adhva Samprada"aH
Ga"atri +antra/n H+adhva Samprada"aH
;osted in +adhva Samprada"a1 > Iomments J
5 Responses to Hamsa Mantra performed by Vayudevaru
11 Venkat Gururajan Sa"s'
Septem,er E0, 2010 at 6'!1 pm
AmaCing Upendran, .han- "ou11 Do "ou have Hamsa +antra s%ript in Devanagiri7 Kegards, &en-at
o Guru Prasad Sa"s'
June 2F, 2011 at F'2B pm
Lo one %an do Hamsa +antra Japa e6%ept +u-h"a ;rana1 An a$ternate Japa %a$$ed 80m9 Kara *apa %an ,e
done ," on$" &aishnava San"asi1 Lo one in Samsara is e$igi,$e to do hamsa Japa )hat +u-h"a ;rana does1
Guruprasad H
Upendran BoovarahaSa"s'
August 6, 2011 at 12'2@ am
/ did not %$aim that1 Ho)ever, )hat "ou have said is a,so$ute$" %orre%t1
21 Guru Prasad Sa"s'
June 2F, 2011 at F'26 pm
;$ease %hange the #o$$o)ing statement :
8100 "ears is the $i#e term #or a man as per inner time, a man %annot $ive more than 100 "ears19
.o Kead as #o$$o)ing :
8100 "ears is the $i#e term #or a$$, and one %annot $ive more than 100 "ears, this 100 "ear %an ,e $ived at
various interva$s, one %an $ive 100 in E> "ears on$" or %an $ive #or B00 "ears 3$i-e Bheeshma5, or $i-e
Ihathur +u-ha Brahama )ho %an $ive #or !E2 tri$$ion "ears, sti$$ his $i#e span is sti$$ 100 Gears19
o Upendran Boovaraha Sa"s'
August 6, 2011 at 12'2B am
.han-s #or "our suggestion1

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