This document provides an overview of standards-based grading (SBG), including its rationale, implementation, and conclusions. Some key points include:
SBG focuses on determining grades based solely on evidence of a student's mastery of standards, not things like behavior. It allows for re-assessment and reporting of student progress. SBG involves creating rubrics aligned to standards and using a scale of 0-50 to determine a student's current level of mastery. Teachers must provide opportunities for re-assessment to demonstrate new learning. Overall SBG aims to make the grading system more transparent and focused on learning rather than points or compliance.
This document provides an overview of standards-based grading (SBG), including its rationale, implementation, and conclusions. Some key points include:
SBG focuses on determining grades based solely on evidence of a student's mastery of standards, not things like behavior. It allows for re-assessment and reporting of student progress. SBG involves creating rubrics aligned to standards and using a scale of 0-50 to determine a student's current level of mastery. Teachers must provide opportunities for re-assessment to demonstrate new learning. Overall SBG aims to make the grading system more transparent and focused on learning rather than points or compliance.
Original Description:
Rationale, Implementation and Conclusions for Standards-Based Grading
CC: BY-NC-SA 4.0
This document provides an overview of standards-based grading (SBG), including its rationale, implementation, and conclusions. Some key points include:
SBG focuses on determining grades based solely on evidence of a student's mastery of standards, not things like behavior. It allows for re-assessment and reporting of student progress. SBG involves creating rubrics aligned to standards and using a scale of 0-50 to determine a student's current level of mastery. Teachers must provide opportunities for re-assessment to demonstrate new learning. Overall SBG aims to make the grading system more transparent and focused on learning rather than points or compliance.
This document provides an overview of standards-based grading (SBG), including its rationale, implementation, and conclusions. Some key points include:
SBG focuses on determining grades based solely on evidence of a student's mastery of standards, not things like behavior. It allows for re-assessment and reporting of student progress. SBG involves creating rubrics aligned to standards and using a scale of 0-50 to determine a student's current level of mastery. Teachers must provide opportunities for re-assessment to demonstrate new learning. Overall SBG aims to make the grading system more transparent and focused on learning rather than points or compliance.
for Standards-Based Grading What do you want GRADES to COMMUNICATE? PROVIDE YOUR THOUGHTS: CLASSROOM: [c9c99b35] RATIONALE ADDICTION ADDICTION The Point-Chasing GAME What would a C+ grade mean to you? PROVIDE YOUR THOUGHTS: CLASSROOM: [c9c99b35] LOOKING FOR ANSWERS Where do you want to be? Point collecting or Attaining mastery Fixed mindset or Growth mindset Bottom line or Feedback What students did or What students know Mystification or Transparency ! ! ! ! ! IMAGE CREDIT: CC: BY-NC 2.5 IMAGE CREDIT: Does your grade book mean anything to anyone other than yourself? IMAGE CREDIT: ! What is the PURPOSE of Assessment? Use it for tracking progress in their knowledge and skills. " Stop using grades for what students do or dont do; The Problem of Scales 100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 50 49 - 0 4 3 2 1 0 The DEAD ZONE A B C D F Grading Practices that Inhibit Learning USING ZEROES Giving zeroes for incomplete work has a devastating effect on averages and often zeroes are not even related to learning or achievement but to nonacademic factors like behavior, respect, punctuality, etc. [OConnor, K. How to Grade for Learning, Third Edition, Corwin, 2009, 35] The Problem of Scales We are using a 100 point scale in a 50 point system The Problem of Scales 100 - 90 89 - 80 79 - 70 69 - 60 59 - 50 49-40 39-30 29-20 19-10 9-0 4 3 2 1 0 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 A B C D F G ? H ? I ? J ? K ? The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 100 Point Scale The 50 Point Scale The 50 Point Scale The 50 Point Scale The 50 Point Scale The 50 Point Scale What happens when we give a ZERO? Assignment 1 4 100 Assignment 2 3 90 Assignment 3 2 80 Assignment 4 3 90 Up to this point, the student has a 90 overall (or level 3) Assignment 5 -5 0 Using a 100 point scale, overall grade of 72 Assignment 1 4 100 Assignment 2 3 90 Assignment 3 2 80 Assignment 4 3 90 Up to this point, the student has a 90 overall (or level 3) Assignment 5 0 50 Using a 50 point scale makes an overall grade of 82 By using an inappropriate point scale, the student has been penalized an additional 10%! Not only does Assignment #5 get an F, but it impacts TWO other assessments. Consider a student with five completed assignments to date: IMPLEMENTATION WHAT IS SBG? IT IS: IT IS NOT: # A conscious linking of assessments to standards # A system which has re-assessment naturally built-in # A determination of grades based ONLY on evidence of standards # Based on the most recent evidence of progressed learning # An average of scores # A collection of the highest and best # Awarding BONUS marks for doing more work the student already knows how to do. STEP 1 MAKE RUBRIC ! STEPS 2-4 Backwards design! Outline your standards Design an assessment Build your lessons STEP 5 REPORTING & INTERVENTION! STEP 5 REPORTING & INTERVENTION! WWW.JUMPRO.PE What does a(n) SB Gradebook Look Like? DETERMINING A GRADE START at 50 Full Mastery is 100% How far of the way to 100 is the student at any given time, considering the standards covered? SIMPLE EXAMPLE: A unit has 5 standards, student is at Level 3 for ALL of them Overall mastery is 15/20 Thats 75% of the way to full mastery 75% of 50 is 37.5 Current grade is 87.5 [B+] HOW IS JOHNNY DOING??? RE-ASSESSMENT ! Redos, Retakes and Do-Overs Teachers must know their class and set guidelines appropriately RICK WORMELI on YouTube PART 1 PART 2 RE-ASSESSMENT ! PRIVILEGE vs. RIGHT EVIDENCE of NEW LEARNING MODIFIED ASSESSMENT LIMIT to RETAKES? CUSTOM FINALS OBSERVATIONS & THOUGHTS I. Students must UNLEARN II. Archive your assessments III. Re-assessments should be required IV. Short, Focused, Frequent V. Immediate Feedback VI. Not all standards are created equal [conjunctive grading?] VII. BUY IN (or not) VIII. Front Loading