Inspection of Canal and Distribution System
Inspection of Canal and Distribution System
Inspection of Canal and Distribution System
Inspection of canal and distribution system
Government of Maharashtra
Irrigation Department
Government Circular No MISC 2002(202/2002) IM(W)
Mantralaya Mumbai- 400032
Date 22.7.2003
Read- 1) Government Memorandum No P 462/514501(2) DATED 29.8.1963
2) Government Circular No BKS 1465/57514(5) DATED 13.5.1966
3) Executive Engineer Poona Irrigation Division Circular No DB/DM/6390 dated 1.9.1966
4) Govt. letter no P 461/1641-1(5) dated 13.3.1968 addressed to S.E. DICC Poona.
5) Government Memorandum No ISE 1072/ 16715 IU DATED 27.7.1972
1.0 Introduction:
Inspection of irrigation system plays an important role in maintaining the system in good
operating condition. Detailed guidelines in the form of elaborate questionnaire and prescribed forms
have been available since long in case of Inspection of dams. Preparing such comprehensive
guidelines for inspection of canals and distribution system was under active consideration of the
In order to minimize deferred maintenance, prevent failure of canal structures and canal
breaches, avoid costly rehabilitation, costly increase life of canals, provide better and uninterrupted
service to irrigation and in turn substantially increase recovery of water charges. It is imperative to
give due weightage to canal maintenance, in fact canal and distribution system is to be maintained on
par with dam maintenance. Hence after taking a review of existing GRs, Circulars and
Memorandums, following circular for Inspection of canal and distribution system is issued.
2.0 Purpose:
The purpose of Inspection of canal and distribution system is as follows.
To carry out preventive maintenance and prepare the irrigation system for monsoon to
minimize damages due to rains.
To carry out corrective maintenance and prepare the irrigation system for regular irrigation
soon after monsoon
3.0 Inspection of Masonry works:
Following schedule be followed for inspection of different categories of masonry works on canal and
distribution system.
Canal Officer Category of Masonry works Frequency
Masonry works Annual
Sub Divisional
Officer, SDE /
AE(1) /
All masonry works up to distributaries having discharge of 0.7
cumec (25 cuses) or above, all masonry works pointed out by
Sectional Officer needing attention of S.D.O./ S.D.E./AE(1)/
All masonry works having abutment of abutment length of 30 m
or more, all siphons and all work pointed out by Sub Divisional
Officer needing attention of Executive Engineer
Selective works which they think necessary , selected from the
inspection reports received from Executive Engineer
As per
The register of masonry works should be kept in the prescribed Proforma A. The details of
inspection should be entered in the prescribed Proforma B. The register of masonry works and
inspection should be maintained properly and produced during the inspection of the office by higher
authorities. The Superintending Engineers and other higher authorities are requested to carry out
such inspections at random some time during their tours and should give their remarks in the register
for compliance.
4.0 Inspection of Embankments:-
It is necessary to inspect periodically the embankments of canals and distribution system
particularly high embankments . The embankments on the service road side are easy to inspect but
the upstream side of embankments generally remains uninspected. The inspection of embankments
on both the sides is absolutely necessary for its proper upkeep and to avoid likely mishaps.
The embankments having height of 3 m. or more should be treated as high embankments.
following schedule be treated as high embankments. Following schedule be followed for inspection of
embankments on canal and distribution system.
Canal Officer/staff Height of embankments in m. Frequency
Canal Inspector or
3 to 5 m Twice in every month
Sectional Officer 3 to 5 m Once in every month
Sub divisional officer More than 5 m Once in three months.
Executive Engineer
More than 8 m and those reported
defective by the sub Divisional officer
Once in Six Months
Superintending Engineer Random
The embankments below 3 m height should be seen periodically during routine day-to-day
work by canal inspectors, maistries and Sectional Officers and any defects requiring attention should
also be reported.
The details of inspection should be entered in the prescribed Proforma C . The register of
Inspection should be maintained properly and produced for inspection at the time of annual inspection
of the office by higher authorities.
The superintending Engineers and other higher authorities are requested to carry out such
inspections at random some time during their tours and should give their remarks in the registers for
5.0 Points to be checked during Inspection:-
(This is only an indicative list and not an exhaustive one. The inspection should be carried out in
such a manner as to fulfill the said purposes and give justice to location specific issues)
1) Whether there is any sign of distress/likely failure of any structure?
2) Location and extend of leakage, if any, through structure
3) Location and extend of nature(Clean /muddy) of seepage through banks.
4) Possibility of nalla-water from super passage entering into the canal resulting into silting up of
5) To verify that following components of the system are well maintained, functions and are
connected to main drain.
diverted nallas and regarded nallas
toe drains
catch water drains
escape channels
natural drains and artificial drains in the command and across the canals
borrow pits.
6) Whether cavities formed behind the lining have been filled?
7) Whether potholes are filled-up to avoid formation of rain-cuts?
8) Whether precaution is taken to avoid bank-erosion?
9) Whether oiling and greasing is done to all types of H.R. and C.R. gates.
10) Whether gates of HRs, CRs, Escapes and Outlets are in good condition?
11) Location, nature and extent of damages due to rains.
12) To check following points in case of CD Works.
a. Is there any leakage through body of the structure? If yes, rate of leakage in LPS?
b. Is there any damage to masonry or concrete of the structure?
c. Is there any settlement of earthwork behind abutment and/or wing walls?
d. Are the bearing in proper position and well lubricated?
e. Is the vent way clear?
f. Are the nearby borrow pits well connected and raining into nalla?
g. Are there any obstructions in the nalla bed?
h. Is the nalla properly regraded u/s and d/s for sufficient length?
i. Is the nalla diversion functioning?
j. Is there any leakage through joints of earthwork and structure?
k. Is there any seepage through approaches?
6.0 Inspection of Outlet Gates:-
The Mechanical Organisation of the Department has issued in 1989 guidelines for carrying
out inspection, operating and maintenance of outlet gates of M.I. Tanks. The same is titled Manual
for Inspection, Operation and maintenance of M.I. Outlet Gates. It contains detailed instructions for
conducting inspection of outlet gates of M.I. tanks. The same should be followed:-
7.0 Inspection of Surface Drainage System on Canal and Distribution System:-
In case of some canals a surface drainage system is provided to facilitate effective drainage
of rainwater. The longitudinal drains, drains provided along as d/s slope of embankment be inspected
for any vegetation growth obstructing free flow of rainwater.
8.0 Inspection Reports:-
Following inspection reports should be prepared and submitted annually
before 1st October.
a. List of items requiring Special Attention based on inspections
b. List of Preventive Maintenance Items proposed to be carried out before monsoon.
c. Preventive Maintenance Work actually carried out before monsoon.
d. List of Corrective Maintenance Items proposed to be carried out after monsoon.
e. Corrective Maintenance work actually carried out after monsoon.
f. Genera common observations worth considering during planning, design and
construction of canal system to minimize maintenance problems.
This Circular supersedes all the previous Circular cited under reference.
.D.A. All references mentioned in
Read at the beginning
are enclosed
Copy to:- All Executive Director. Irrigation Development Corporation.
All Chief Engineer (Including all corporation), Irrigation Department.
All Superintending Engineer, Irrigation Department.
All Technical Deputy Secretary. Irrigation Department.
All Technical Desk, Irrigation Department.
Irrigation commission, Aurangabad.
IM (Works) for collection.
Deputy Secretary to the
Government of Maharashtra