Super Catan Rules
Super Catan Rules
Super Catan Rules
Rcmovc this card and thc thrcc cards titlcd,
Thc Nct 8cason Bcgins!
8hufuc thc rcmaining cards.
Dcal four faccdon stacks of 13 cards. Placc thc
Nct 8cason cards faccdon undcrncath thrcc
of thc stacks, and placc this card faccdon undcr
thc fourth.
8tack thc four pilcs into onc dcck so that this card
is on thc vcry bottom. Placc thc rcmaining 20
cards faccdon undcrncath thc dcck.
Thcn advancc thc scason markcr forard onc
spacc, and dra a nc card.
Catan: Thc 8casons
I nrst started piaying Catan with the Ivent Deck. It was denniteiy nice restricting the die outcomes to their proper distribution. But the deck had its naws. Some
card events were vague at best, and it became possibie to count cards to an extent. It was aiso dincuit to track whose turn it was, since nobody had the dice sitting
in ront o them.
When I bought the immenseiy great citi.s koi/ts expansion, the game became much, much better. But the Ivent Deck had to go-it was annoying roiiing one die
and nipping a card. CsK added enough compiexity as it was, so I thought, the dice wiii stick to their own distribution curve. Boy was I wrong. Weird things kept
happening. tons o 8s in a game but no 6s more 12s than 5s Piease. A coupie o my piayers kept insisting we go back to using the cards. So I created an aiternative
that not oniy does the job, but side-steps the issues with the originai Ivent Deck. Im pieased to bring you. Catan: Thc 8casons:
Print and cut out the 6 cards, including the one in the center o this sheet. Ive inciuded sheets with backsides or the cards too, or those who can print doubie-sided.
1his deck is intended to be used with the Cities s Knights expansion. I youre not using CsK, I highiy recommend using the reguiar Catan Ivent deck.
Iach card is supposed to represent a week, so 52 cards wiii represent a year. Set aside the Anniversary and the three 1he Next Season Begins cards, and shune the
remaining 2. Set aside 20 cards and deai the remaining 52 into our ace-down piies o 1~ cards each. 1hese our piies wiii act as the our seasons. Piace the three
Next Season Begins cards underneath three o the decks and stack them. Piace the three stacked decks onto the ourth, put the Anniversary card underneath this
our-season stack, and then put the 20 aside cards underneath the whoie thing. \ou shouid now have one ace-down deck.
1~ cards, then a Next Season, 1~ cards, then a Next Season, 1~ cards, then a Next Season, 1~ cards, then Anniversary, 20 cards that wont be used this year.
Ater aii the piayers have piaced their starting settiements and received their starting goods, piace a marker (randomiy) on one o the our season squares.
Basic Rulcs:
1he piayers no ionger roii the dice. At the start o a piayers
turn, the piayer reveais the top card o the Seasons deck
and resoives it, in this order.
1) 1he piayer reads the name
o the card (i any), and then
reads the action printed
beiow the picture. 1hen the
piayer(s) perorm the action, as
2) Ater the event is resoived, the
piayer deciares the resuit o the
Ivent Die, based on the season
the piayers are currentiy in.
In this exampie, i the current season was Autumn or
Summer, the Ivent Die wouid show a Barbarian Ship,
and the Ship wouid advance a space on its track. I the
season was Winter or Spring, the Ivent Die wouid show
the corresponding coiored castie, aiiowing certain piayers
to draw progress cards based on the Rcd Dic rcsult, as
per the ck ruies.
~) Iinaiiy, the piayer deciares which number produces
this turn. In this exampie, 8s produce. 1he Red Die is
oniy shown to determine which piayers, i any, receive
progress cards this round.
I a piayer wishes to use the A/./.oist progress card, he
must do so at the start o his turn, bcforc nipping the
top Season card.
When the piayer uses the Aichemist card, he sets the
numbers on the red and yeiiow dice, as per normai CsK
ruies. He then nips the top Season card, to determine the
speciai event and the resuit o the Ivent die, resoiving
the production number iast (and ignoring the red die and
production number on the card).
1he text on a k//. Atta./s or Ii/uayo.o card is
ignored, even i the piayer set the dice to (a normai
Robber attack wouid be perormed).
Wcathcr and Holiday:
1he I/iaay and cards show events that are based
on the season. 1hese cards are resoived in the normai
order iike other cards, but dierent events wiii be printed
inside the season boxes.
In this exampie, i the season
was Autumn, there wouid be a
Harvest moon. Iach piayer may
immediateiy draw one grain i
they wish.
Since the Ivent Die or Autumn
shows the Barbarian Ship, the
Barbarian Ship wouid advance
one space (and the barbarian
attack wouid be resoived i there
was one), and then 8s wouid produce.
Thc Robbcr and thc Highaymcn:
1he deck contains six Robber Attacks cards. On these
cards, there is no speciai action. 1he Ivent Die wouid
be resoived nrst, and then the production number wouid
be resoived. Since the production number is a , the
reguiar Robber Attacks ruies wouid then be executed.
However, there are aiso six Highwaymen cards. 1hese
cards work exactiy iike the Robber Attacks cards,
except each o the Highwaymen cards aiters the normai
Robber Attacks ruies siightiy, sometimes they are iess
severe to certain piayers, sometimes more severe.
In this exampie, ater resoiving
the event die, the piayers perorm
the normai Robber Attacks
ruies. However, the robber may
not be piaced on a hex that is
occupied by the singie piayer
who has the ewest VPs.
I the robber was aiready on a
hex occupied by the piayer with
the ewest VPs, he wouid have
to be moved.
No orest hexes produce
iumber/paper this turn,
regardiess o the dice.
No neid hexes produce
grain this turn,
regardiess o the dice.
Cold 8pcll
Aii pasture hexes
produce wooi/cioth this
turn, regardiess o the
robber or dice.
Harvcst Moon
Iach piayer may
draw one grain.
No event occurs this round. After performing the
action on the event die, you perform the normal
Robber Attacks actions, but with this exception:
The robber may not be placed on a hex occupied by
the single player with the fewest VPs. If multiple
players tie for lowest, then this rule does not apply.
Thc 8cason 8quarc:
Cut out the square above, and use a token
to track the seasons.
Ater the piayers have piaced aii their
starting settiements, the starting season is
randomiy chosen.
Ater every 1~ cards, the season changes.
Ater 52 cards, the deck gets re-shuned
as per Set Up ruies, and the season wiii be
what it was when the game began.
Questions Comments
Imaii me at