Mrs. Ida makes a shopping list to buy various food items like sugar, flour, butter, eggs, and candles. She will go to the traditional market where she can buy almost anything she needs. At the front yard of her small but comfortable house in the village, there are several flower plants like pink roses, red roses, orange hibiscus, and white jasmine. Her favorite flower is the pink rose, which people call "Mawar Candy" because of its sweet fragrance. In the backyard there are some fruit trees like mango, jambu, and banana trees.
Mrs. Ida makes a shopping list to buy various food items like sugar, flour, butter, eggs, and candles. She will go to the traditional market where she can buy almost anything she needs. At the front yard of her small but comfortable house in the village, there are several flower plants like pink roses, red roses, orange hibiscus, and white jasmine. Her favorite flower is the pink rose, which people call "Mawar Candy" because of its sweet fragrance. In the backyard there are some fruit trees like mango, jambu, and banana trees.
Mrs. Ida makes a shopping list to buy various food items like sugar, flour, butter, eggs, and candles. She will go to the traditional market where she can buy almost anything she needs. At the front yard of her small but comfortable house in the village, there are several flower plants like pink roses, red roses, orange hibiscus, and white jasmine. Her favorite flower is the pink rose, which people call "Mawar Candy" because of its sweet fragrance. In the backyard there are some fruit trees like mango, jambu, and banana trees.
Mrs. Ida makes a shopping list to buy various food items like sugar, flour, butter, eggs, and candles. She will go to the traditional market where she can buy almost anything she needs. At the front yard of her small but comfortable house in the village, there are several flower plants like pink roses, red roses, orange hibiscus, and white jasmine. Her favorite flower is the pink rose, which people call "Mawar Candy" because of its sweet fragrance. In the backyard there are some fruit trees like mango, jambu, and banana trees.
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Mrs .
Ida will go shopping to buy
these things 1kg of sugar 1/2 kg of wheat four 1/2kg of butter 1 box of chocolate box 2kg of eggs A pack of decorative candle Choose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, or d ! Question no 1 to 3 refer to this announcement 1. What is the purpose of the announcement ? a. inviting the students to attend the meeting b. offering some helps to the students c. talking about the students family d. telling the students to send emails 2. Who should visit the counselors? a. Everyone b. arents and teachers c. !ll students of "# $ d. "tudents %ho have problems 3. &o% often does the office open? a. 'nce a %eek b. (%ice a %eek c. !t the %eekend d. Everyday e)cept "aturday and "unday *. (he %ord +%e, in the te)t above refers to. . . a. -ounselors b. "tudents c. (eachers d. arents .. (he synonym of the %ord bothered in the te)t above is . . . . a. disturbed b. played c. discussed d. invited Question no / to 0 refer to this te)t /. W h a t do you think #rs. 1da is going to make ? a. 'melet b. "paghety c. 2irthday cake d. udding pie 0. &o% much flour %ill she buy ? a. 1kg b. 132kg c. 2kg d. ! pack Question no $ to 4 refer to this te)t !nung 5 %ould you come to see our badminton competition tomorro%? 1ndri 5 "ure. Where is it ? !nung 5 !t my school. 1ndri 5 What time does it begin ? !nung 5 !t 6$.66 a.m. 1ndri 5 Who %ill compete ? !nung 5 "tudents of "# 7asional and "tudents. 'f "# 7usantara. 1ndri 5 W'W8 (hat %ill be a great fun. $. What do !nung and 1ndri talk about? (hey talk about. . . . a. "# 7asional and "# 7usantara b. badminton competition c. the time schedule d. their school 4. +%hat time does it begin ?, (he underlined %ord has the same meaning as the %ord. . . . a. start b. end c. finish d. arrive 1 A!"#$M$% %o all students of &M' ( )*. +o you have ,uestion about yourself- .orried about a friend- /othered by a sister of brother or even parents or teachers- 0et1s talk about it. 2isit us3 the counselors of &M' ( at the 4rst foor roo5 23 Monday to 6riday at 78.77 9 1:.77 or send your e5ail to www. Question no 16 to 11 refer to this te)t ; 9ar%in 5 &i: ;insa ; ;insa 5 &i. 9ar%in: please come in and have a sit. ; 9ar%in 5 (hank you. 1ts very hot today8 ; ;insa 5 1t is: 1snt it? Would you like some iced tea? ; 9ar%in 5 (hat %ould be nice. 2y the %ay: %hat are you doing ? ; ;insa 5 7othing: <ust listening to the music 16. Where does the dialog take place ? a. 1n a restaurant b. 1n the library c. !t the canteen d. !t home 11. What does vinsa offer to 9ar%in ? a. "ome meal b. "ome drink c. "ome help d. "ome -9s Question no 12 to 13 refer to this te)t ; #om 5 !mel: are you ready for school? ; !mel 5 7ot yet: mom. 1 am having breakfast: %hat time is it? ; #om 5 its 6/.1. a.m. you had better hurry. (he school start at 60.66 a.m. 12. &o% many minutes does amel have before the school start? a. =ifteen b. (hirty c. =orty>five d. "i)ty 13. (he sentence + What time is it? + in the dialog above have the same meaning %ith. . . except. a. Whats the time ? b. -an i see it anytime ? c. 9o you kno% the time ? d. -ould you tell me the time 8 Question no 1* to 1. refer to this te)t 9ear !ndien 1n the %hole %ide %orld there 1s only you. . . !nd you are so special8 &ope your birthday is special as you are ?';E !@1E? 1*. Who do you think !riel is ? &e is !ndiens a. brother b. teacher c. husband d. best friends 1.. =rom the te)t %e kno% that !rielA !ndien !ll the ans%ers belo% possible except a. hates b. loves c. likes d. cares for Question no 1/ to 1$ refer to this te)t @ed is hot and spicy Breen is cool and breeCy urple is Duiet and stately White is spotless and shiny ink is so %arm and nice Brey is cold like ice Eello% is grand and full of light 2lue is coCy and full of might 1/. What do you think the rhymes tell us about? a. (he moon b. (he sun c. (he sky d. (he rainbo% 10. (here are . . . colors stated in the rhymes a. . b. / c. 0 d. $ 1$. urple is Duiet and stately. (he antonym of the underlined %ord is A . a. happy b. noisy c. shiny d. %indy 14. (ony 5 !uch. Eou stepped on my foot. 9ara 5 . . . 1 didnt do it on purpose. (ony 5 (hats okay. <ust be careful a. E)cuse me b. 1m sorry c. 1 am sure d. !ll right 26. #other 5 Would you come here dear? "on 5 Whats up: mum? #other 5 . . . move this pot please "on 5 -ertainly #other 5 '.F. lets do it a. What can 1 do for you? b. -an 1 help you c. #ay 1 help you 2 d. -ould you help me to Question no 21 to 2* refer to this te)t #others like buying herA..G21Hat a traditional market. "he can buy almost everything. sheA.G22H there.she can go to the A. G23H to buy meat or she can go to the greengrocer to buyA.G2*H 21. a. 9aily needs b. Fitchen tools c. =urniture d. #edicine 22. a. needs b. has c. meats d. looks 23. a. barber b. baker c. butcher d. grocer 2*. a. fish b. bread c. grocer d. vegetables Question no 2. to 20 refer to this te)t <alan BaIah <akarta selatan <anuary 3 rd : 2660 (he 9irector Baneca course <alan raya &ankam 7o. 2. <akarta 9ear sir: 1 am first year student of Iunior high school and 1 %ant to improve my English. 9o you have English class for beginners? -ould you please send me a registration form and details about English course? 1 look for%ard to hearing from you soon. (hank you very much. Eour faithfully 9e%antoro
2.. What does 9e%antoro? &e is a. . . a. 9irector b. 1nstructor c. -ounselor d. "tudent 2/. Why does he send a letter? a. (o ask information about Iob b. (o improve his English speaking c. (o send the registration form and details d. (o take English course 20. (he antonym of the underlined %ord in the te)t above is. . . a. primary b. advance c. intermediate d. kindergarten 2$. 2etty 5 &ere is some sand%ich for you mom. #other 5 oh thank you. 9id you make it by yourself? 2etty 5 yes: 1 did. #other 5 ?et me taste it. #mm8 2etty 5 . . . . : mom? #other 5 1ts delicious. a. What do you think? b. What is the matter? c. What happened? d. &o% about the asand%ich? Question no 24 to 36 refer to this te)t 9ad J mom 5 %e are here: dear "on 5 look: 1 got 4 for my English test #om 5 . . . . . G24H: dear. Eou are a smart student. %e are "o . . . . . . .G36H of you. 24. a. Well done b. !ll right c. (hats okay d. (hank you 36. a ashamed b. sorry c. proud d. happy Question no 31 to 32 refer to this te)t 31. Where the English lessons take place? a. !t the students home b. !t the teachers home c. !t the bus station : English lessons =or "# and "#! students E)perienced teacher ?essons in my home: conveniently ?ocated near bus station -all5 #rs. ?istia G6$1220$416*H d. !t school 32. Who are the lesson for? a. Everybody b. -hildren only c. !dult only d. "tudents only Question no 33 to 3/ refer to this te)t 1 live in a small house in the village. #y house is small but comfortable. (here are some flo%er AA G33H at the front yard like 5 pink rose: red rose: orange hibiscus: %hite Iasmine: and green grass. #y AAG3*H flo%er is the pink rose. 1t is very beautiful and AAG3.H. eople call it as Mawar Candy. #y house backyard is large. (here are someAA G3/H trees like 5 mango tree: Iambu tree: and banana tree. 33. a. plants b. vases c. leaves d. pots 3*. a. ?ovely b. Wonderful c. =avorite d. -olorful 3.. a. "mell b. "tinky c. @otten d. =ragrant 3/. a. Wood b. lants c. =lo%er d. =ruit 30. We %ant to see a very small obIect but %eA do it because there is no microscope in the laboratory. a. -an b. #ay c.-annot d. #ay not 3$. #ay 5 &o% often your father go to the cinema? @ia 5 A : every "aturday. a. "eldom b. Everyday c. "ometimes d. 'nce a %eek 34. #r. @affi is my favorite teacher: because he is very kind and... . a. successful b. helpful c. happy d. laCy
*6. !rrange the %ords into a good sentence !re K the K playing K school yard K the K volley K in a. the are students volleyball in the schoolyard b. playing the students are schoolyard volleyball c. the students volleyball are playing in the school d. the students are playing volleyball in the school yard ESSAY 1. -omplete the follo%ing dialog. (eacher 5 Bood morning: class. "tudents 5 Bood morning: sir. < (eacher 5 !ngga: LLLLGaH here: please. !ngga 5 Ees: sir. (eacher 5 LLLLGbH. 1ts very dark. !ngga 5 !ll right. (eacher 5 (hank you !ngga. !ll right class: LLLGcH. 1ts lesson three. 7o% LLLLGdH and repeat after me. 2. !rrange the %ord into good sentences. a. policemen K cars K carefully K trucks K and K (he K direct K the b. students K %ill K ho% many K English K contest K speech K the K Ioin > ? c. is K there K an K board K information K classroom K my K in K not 3. -omplete the sentences %ith correct prepositions. (he bank is LLLLLGaH the street. (he police station lies LLLLLGbH the bank and the post office. *. !rrange these phrases and sentences into an invitation Eour friend: "unday: 9ecember 0: 266$ 9ear -aca: "helly We can visit many interesting places here Will you come to visit me in 2andung ne)t holiday? We are looking for%ard to seeing you. lease come here by train and get off at 2andung "tation. .. Write an announcement about a lost thing. -hoose one of the alternatives belo%. a. a %allet c. a %rist%atch b. a cell phone d. a dictionary /. -omplete the sentences %ith the correct form of the verb. (o 5 ;ikram =rom 5 Busti = 1 called you last night. 2ut you LLLLGaH at home. Where %ere you? 1 Iust %ant to LLLLGbH you that tomorro% %e %ill LLLL GcH a meeting %ith the class teacher. lease LLLL GdH me %hen you LLLL GeH my message. 0. (ranslate these 1ndonesian sentences into English to complete the memo belo%. a. !da minuman dan makanan kecil di lemari es. b. "aIikan makanan dan minuman itu untuk teman>temanmu. c. 1ngat: Iangan nonton (; ketika kamu sedang belaIar d. 2ersihkan meIa setelah kamu selesai belaIar. (o 5 ;anessa =rom 5 9ad 1 have to pick up your brother at school and mom is not at home. 2ecause youre having some friends to study at home: please prepare everything by yourself. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL 1ll be home around . p.m. &ave a nice time. $. #atch the notices in column ! %ith the right e)pressions in column 2 4. ?ook at the picture and complete the te)t. > &andicap accessible 9ont leave trash on the ground =ire e)it 2e%are of the dog 9ont cross the road My Bag (his is my bag. 1ts made of.LLLLLGaH. 1t is a LLLLLGbH and LLLLLGcH bag. 1t has a LLLLLGdH strap and four LLLLLGeH. 1ts LLLLLGfH is black. 16. -omplete the te)t belo% %ith the correct pronoun. !lec Breen lives in #anchester: in the north of England. LLLLGaH is a school teacher. &is %ife is 2arbara Breen. "hes a banker. LLLLGbH have three children. LLLLGcH childrens names are (om: eter and &elen. !lec and 2arbara love LLLLGdH very much. ?
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