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Cary Eclipse: Pre-Installation Manual

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Cary Eclipse

Pre-Installation Manual

2 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2000,
2001, 2011
No part of this manual may be
reproduced in any form or by any
means (including electronic storage
and retrieval or translation into a
foreign language) without prior
agreement and written consent from
Agilent Technologies, Inc. as governed
by United States and international
copyright laws.
Manual Part Number
Third edition, March 2011
Printed in Australia
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The material contained in this
document is provided as is, and is
subject to being changed, without
notice, in future editions. Further, to
the maximum extent permitted by
applicable law, Agilent disclaims all
warranties, either express or implied,
with regard to this manual and any
information contained herein,
including but not limited to the
implied warranties of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose.
Agilent shall not be liable for errors
or for incidental or consequential
damages in connection with the
furnishing, use, or performance of
this document or of any information
contained herein. Should Agilent and
the user have a separate written
agreement with warranty terms
covering the material in this
document that conflict with these
terms, the warranty terms in the
separate agreement shall control.
Technology Licenses
The hardware and/or software
described in this document are
furnished under a license and may be
used or copied only in accordance
with the terms of such license.
Restricted Rights Legend
If software is for use in the
performance of a U.S. Government
prime contract or subcontract,
Software is delivered and licensed as
Commercial computer software as
defined in DFAR 252.227-7014 (June
1995), or as a commercial item as
defined in FAR 2.101(a) or as
Restricted computer software as
defined in FAR 52.227-19 (June 1987)
or any equivalent agency regulation or
contract clause. Use, duplication or
disclosure of Software is subject to
Agilent Technologies standard
commercial license terms, and non-
DOD Departments and Agencies of the
U.S. Government will receive no
greater than Restricted Rights as
defined in FAR 52.227-19(c)(1-2) (June
1987). U.S. Government users will
receive no greater than Limited Rights
as defined in FAR 52.227-14 (June
1987) or DFAR 252.227-7015 (b)(2)
(November 1995), as applicable in any
technical data.
Safety Notices
A CAUTION notice denotes a hazard.
It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like that, if
not correctly performed or adhered to,
could result in damage to the product
or loss of important data. Do not
proceed beyond a CAUTION notice
until the indicated conditions are fully
understood and met.
A WARNING notice denotes a hazard.
It calls attention to an operating
procedure, practice, or the like that,
if not correctly performed or adhered
to, could result in personal injury or
death. Do not proceed beyond a
WARNING notice until the indicated
conditions are fully understood and
Request for Installation
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 3
Request for Installation
All preparations have been completed. Please arrange for the
installation to be completed as soon as possible. I understand that if
the installation site is not prepared in accordance with the enclosed
instructions, additional installation charges may apply.

Company name:
Company address:

Preferred installation date:


Pre-Installation Checklist
4 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Pre-Installation Checklist
Your site must meet all requirements before you request installation.
Before unpacking the boxes, complete each requirement listed in the
table. After completing each requirement, place a check in the
appropriate checkbox. Ensure you compare each item inside the
boxes with the packing list supplied with the boxes.


The work area has been prepared and meets requirements (see Chapter 3).

The power supply meets requirements (see Chapter 4).

The optional nitrogen optics purge gas supply meets requirements (see Chapter 5).

The Cary Eclipse and any accessories are on site and unpacked (see Chapter 6).

The computer system meets requirements, and the Microsoft


system and Internet Explorer 4+ have been installed (see Chapter 7).

A quartz fluorescence cell is available.

Operator training is required (see Chapter 8).

Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 5
Request for Installation 3
Pre-Installation Checklist 4
1. Introduction 7
2. Safety Practices and Hazards 9
Warning and caution messages 9
Information symbols 10
CE compliant products 12
3. Work Area 13
Suitability 13
Environmental conditions 13
Temperature 14
Humidity 14
Particulate matter and fumes 15
Exhaust system 15
Workbench 15
Vibration 17
4. Electrical Specifications 19
Mains supply 19
Fuses 20
External connections 21
Mains inlet coupler 21
6 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Mains power cord 21
Rear 21
Front 21
Sample compartment 21
5. Optional Nitrogen Supply 23
6. Equipment On Site 25
Insurance 25
In-house transit routes 25
Inspecting for transit damage 26
Unpacking 27
7. Computer System Requirements 29
Minimum and recommended configurations 29
Recommended printer 30
Setting up your computer 30
Internet browser 31
IEEE 488 interface 32
Interconnecting cables 32
8. Operator Training 33

Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 7

1. Introduction

The Agilent Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrophotometer is designed
to provide a complete analysis system for fluorescence,
phosphorescence and chemiluminescence measurements. All Cary
Eclipse instruments are tested and proven to specification before
dispatch from the manufacturing plant.
This manual contains general information relevant to the preparation
of an installation site, and details the facilities that must be provided
to ensure that the system can be properly and safely operated.
Detailed operating procedures are provided in the Cary Eclipse
software online Help, and in the operation manual supplied with the
Installation of the Cary Eclipse is carried out by Agilent trained and
qualified field service engineers. Before the representative attends
your site to perform the installation, complete the pre-installation
checklist on Page 4, then send a copy of the checklist to your local
Agilent sales and service office or Agilent agent dealing with the
installation of your equipment. On receipt of this document, the
Agilent representative will contact you to arrange a convenient time
for installation.
Typical installation for a standard Cary Eclipse system will be
completed within four hours and the system will be ready for use.
However, this time will be extended if the system includes major
accessories. The installation time can be kept to a minimum by
ensuring proper site preparation and easy access to all equipment.

8 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
The remainder of this manual contains information such as the environmental
requirements and technical specifications for the Cary Eclipse, and it should not
be discarded keep this manual for future reference.

Your local Agilent office is:

Agilent office card to be attached here.

Safety Practices and Hazards
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 9

2. Safety Practices and Hazards
Warning and caution messages 9
Information symbols 10
CE compliant products 12
Warning and caution messages
Carefully read all warnings and cautions and observe them at all
A Warning message is used in the text when failure to observe
instructions or precautions could result in death or injury. Warnings
have the following format:


Hazard Type
Nature of the hazard, information on how to avoid the hazard, and possible
consequences if you dont.

The triangular symbols that appear in conjunction with warnings are
outlined in the next section.

Safety Practices and Hazards
10 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
A Caution message is used when failure to observe instructions could
result in damage to equipment (Agilent supplied and/or other
associated equipment). Cautions have the following format:

Caution information appears here.
Information symbols
The following triangular symbols appear in conjunction with
warnings on the spectrofluorometer and associated documentation.
The hazard they depict is shown below each symbol:

Broken glass

Corrosive liquid

Ejecting parts

Electrical shock

Eye hazard

Fire hazard

Heavy weight
(danger to feet)

Heavy weight
(danger to hands)

Hot surface

Moving parts

Noxious gas

Safety Practices and Hazards
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 11
The following symbol may be used on warning labels attached to the
instrument. When you see this symbol, refer to the relevant operation
or service manual for the correct procedure referred to by that
warning label.

The following symbols also appear on the instrument or in the

When attached to the rear of the instrument, indicates that the product complies with the
requirements of one or more EU directives.

Indicates that a high voltage xenon flash lamp is present.

Safety Practices and Hazards
12 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
CE compliant products
The Cary Eclipse has been designed to comply with the requirements
of the Electro-magnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive and the Low
Voltage (electrical safety) Directive (commonly referred to as the
LVD) of the European Union.
Agilent has confirmed that each product complies with the relevant
directives by testing a prototype against the prescribed European
Norm, EN, and standards.
Proof that a product complies with the directives is indicated by:
The CE marking appearing on the rear of the product.
The documentation package that accompanies the product,
containing a copy of the Declaration of Conformity. This
declaration is the legal declaration by Agilent that the product
complies with the directives and also shows the EN standards to
which the product was tested to demonstrate compliance.

Work Area
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 13

3. Work Area
Suitability 13
Environmental conditions 13
Temperature 14
Humidity 14
Particulate matter and fumes 15
Exhaust system 15
Workbench 15
Vibration 17
The Cary Eclipse instrument is suitable only for indoor use. It is
suitable for these categories:
Installation category II
Pollution degree 2
Equipment class I
Environmental conditions
You are responsible for providing an acceptable operating
environment. Attention paid to the operating environment will
ensure the continued high performance of your Cary Eclipse
instrument. The instrument warranty will be made void if the
equipment is operated in sub-standard conditions.

Work Area
14 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Table 1. Suitable conditions during instrument transportation, non-operation and operation
Condition Altitude (m, ft) Temperature
(C, F)
Relative humidity,
non-condensing (%)
Non-operating (transport) 02133, 07000 545, 41113 2080
Operating within performance
0853, 02800
8532133, 28007000
1035, 5095
1025, 5077

Operating specifications for the computer, monitor and printer/plotter may differ
from those required for the instrument. You must check the literature provided
with these devices and arrange the operating environment to suit the complete
Air-conditioning is recommended. The room should be temperature-
controlled if your analyses are particularly sensitive.
For optimum analytical performance, it is recommended that the
ambient temperature of the work area be between 20 and 25 C (68
and 77 F) and be held constant to within 2 C throughout the
entire working day.
As work area temperature increases, system reliability decreases. All electronic
components generate heat while operating. This heat must be dissipated to the
surrounding air if the components are to correctly operate.

The relative humidity of the operating environment should be
between 8 and 80% with no condensation. Operating a Cary Eclipse
in very low humidity may result in the accumulation and discharge of
static electricity, which shortens the life of electronic components.
Operating at high humidity will produce condensation and result in
short circuits.
Work Area
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 15
Agilent recommends that your work area is equipped with a
temperature/humidity monitor. This will ensure that your work area
is always in conformance with the temperature and humidity
Particulate matter and fumes
Sample preparation areas and materials storage facilities should be
located in a separate room. For optimum performance, the area
should have a dust-free, low humidity atmosphere. A layer of dust on
the electronic components could act as an insulating blanket and
reduce heat transfer to the surrounding air.

The Cary Eclipse is designed for operation in clean air conditions. The work area
must be free of all contaminants that could have a degrading effect on the
instrument components. Dust, acid and organic vapors must be expelled from the
work area.
Exhaust system
It is your responsibility to provide an adequate exhaust system. An
exhaust system is not required for normal operation of the
instrument but should be installed if substances giving off toxic
vapors are to be analyzed.
The Cary Eclipse system is designed to sit on a workbench that is
wide enough to allow easy access to all system units and sturdy
enough to support their combined weight.
Table 2. Equipment weights and dimensions

System unit Weight (kg, lb) Width (mm, in) Depth (mm, in) Height (mm, in)
Cary Eclipse 31, 68 600, 24 610, 24 280, 11
Computer (typical) 20, 44 520, 20 520, 20 400, 16
Printer (typical) 5.5, 12 380, 15 300, 12 120, 5
Work Area
16 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual

The bench tops should be large enough to permit a free circulation of
air around each device. Remember to provide space for the computer,
monitor and printer/plotter.
The workbench should be approximately 90 centimeters (36 inches)
Table 3.Recommended space behind and in front of the system

Recommendation Purpose Recommended distance (mm, in)
Allow adequate space
behind the system
Provide clear space for air circulation, gas,
electrical and communication connections.
110200, 48
Allow adequate space
in front of the system.
Some accessories attach to the front of
the instrument. These may overhang the
bench if adequate space is not allowed.
150, 6 when using the Extended
Sample Compartment and
thermostatted accessories.

Figure 1. Recommended system layout
Work Area
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 17
The gas line is required only if nitrogen purging of the optical windows and
sample compartment are required.
Optional accessories may or may not require a power connection.

To avoid damage from spillage of the samples being analyzed, the
bench tops should be covered with a material that is corrosion-
resistant and impervious to liquids.
Ensure that workbenches are free from vibration. If possible, any
equipment generating vibration during operation should be installed
on the floor rather than alongside the system on the workbench.

After the work area has been prepared and requirements have been met, check the
checklist box: The work area has been prepared and meets requirements.

Work Area
18 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual

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Electrical Specifications
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 19

4. Electrical Specifications
Mains supply 19
Fuses 20
External connections 21
Mains inlet coupler 21
Mains power cord 21
Rear 21
Front 21
Sample compartment 21
Mains supply
The installation of electrical power supplies must comply with the
rules and/or regulations imposed by local authorities responsible for
the supply of electrical energy to the workplace.


Electrical Shock Hazard
Good electrical grounding is essential to avoid potentially hazardous shock
hazards. A 3-wire outlet with ground connection must be provided for the
instrument. Ensure that power outlets are earth-grounded at the grounding

All power supplies must be single phase AC (alternating current)
voltage, three wire system (active, neutral, earth) and should be
terminated at an appropriate power outlet receptacle that is within
reach of the instrument power cord assembly. For safety reasons, a
separate power outlet receptacle should be provided for each unit in
the system. Do not use extension cords or outlet adapters.
Electrical Specifications
20 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
All Cary Eclipse instruments are supplied with a 2 meter (6 feet,
6 inch) long power cord and three-pin plug assembly that is
compatible with common standards applicable in most areas.
Avoid using power supplies from a source that may be subject to
electrical or RF interference from other services; for example, large
electric motors, elevators, and welders.
Table 4. Mains voltage requirements
System unit Required supply voltage Power rating (typical)
Cary Eclipse 85264 VAC, 4763 Hz 180 VA
Computer 100, 120, 220, 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz 300 VA
Printer 100, 120, 220, 240 10% VAC, 50/60 1 Hz 100 VA
This table is indicative only. Refer to the literature provided with the computer
and printer for details of individual power requirements.
Two fuses are used in the Cary Eclipse. Both are of type:
T3.15 AH 250 V IEC [2] Sheet 5 5 x20 mm
For safety reasons, any other internal fuse or circuit breaker is not operator-
accessible, and should be replaced only by Agilent authorized personnel.
Fuse information on the rear of the instrument is the most up-to-date.

Electrical Specifications
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 21
External connections
Consult your computer, monitor and printer/plotter manuals for
details of their individual cabling requirements, as well as the Cary
Eclipse Hardware manual for details of the electrical connections
required for operating the optional accessories.
Mains inlet coupler
3/2 A 120/250 VAC 5060 Hz IEC type
Mains power cord

Country Mains power cord Plug
Australia 10 A 250 VAC Complies with AS3112
USA 10 A 125 VAC Complies with NEMA 515P
Europe 6 A 250 VAC Complies with CEE7 sheet vii or NFC61.303 VA
IEEE 488 (GPIB Cary Eclipse system connection)
25-way D-range (external accessory connection)
Sample compartment
25-way D-range (internal accessory connection)
15-way D-range (internal accessory connection)
9-way D-range (internal accessory connection)

After the power supply requirements have been met, check the checklist box: The
power supply meets requirements.

Electrical Specifications
22 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
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Optional Nitrogen Supply
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 23

5. Optional Nitrogen Supply

The Cary Eclipse is fitted with a connection point for purging of the
sample compartment windows and sample compartment. Purging
may be required when using low temperature accessories that could
cause condensation to form on the windows or cells as they cool.
More details are provided in the Cary Eclipse software online Help.
Nitrogen supplies are not available from Agilent, but may be obtained
from commercial suppliers. Liquid nitrogen (in conjunction with a
heat exchanger) is recommended because it is generally less costly
than compressed nitrogen and is of better quality. Where compressed
nitrogen must be used, the gas must be dry, oil-free and

Do not use compressed nitrogen from a supplier who uses oil or water in the
compression process. These methods leave fine particles of oil or water
suspended in the nitrogen that may be deposited on the instrument optics. Only
use nitrogen from a supplier who fills containers from immersion pumps that are
lubricated with liquid nitrogen.

The instrument warranty will be void if damage is caused by the use of
contaminated nitrogen.

Optional Nitrogen Supply
24 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
All gas supply installations must comply with the rules and/or
regulations that are imposed by the local authorities responsible for
the supply of compressed gas energy to the workplace.
Portable cylinders containing gas under pressure should be kept
vertical and firmly secured to a rigid structure. The storage area must
be well ventilated. Never locate gas cylinders near a source of
ignition or in a position that is subject to direct heat. Gas storage
cylinders often incorporate a pressure relief device, which will
discharge the gas at a pre-determined temperature, usually around
52 C (125 F).
If gases are to be plumbed from a remote storage area to the
instrument site, ensure that the local outlets are fitted with shut-off
valves and suitable regulators that are easily accessible to the
instrument operator.
Nitrogen supply tubing should be clean, flexible plastic tubing of
6 millimeters (1/4 inch) internal diameter (Tygon polyvinylchloride
or equivalent).

Do not use rubber tubing, as this is usually treated internally with talc, which will
be carried into and contaminate the instrument optics.

Operating pressure for the nitrogen purging system is recommended
at up to 70 kPa (10 psi). Use a suitable regulator and gauge assembly
to ensure that the nitrogen supply is maintained at correct pressure.
The nitrogen system should include a manifold assembly with inlet
from the supply and two outlets for connection to the instrument.
Manifold outlets should each be fitted with a stop valve and flow
meter for control of gas flow to the instrument. Flow meters should
be adjustable for flow rates of 0 to 30 liters per minute (0 to 64 cubic
feet per hour).

After the optional nitrogen optics purge gas supply requirements have been met, check
the checklist box: The optional nitrogen optics purge gas supply meets requirements.

Equipment On Site
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 25

6. Equipment On Site
Insurance 25
In-house transit routes 25
Inspecting for transit damage 26
Unpacking 27
As the carriers liability ceases when the equipment is delivered,
Agilent recommends that the instrument owner arranges separate
insurance to cover transportation from the delivery point to the
installation site. The delivery point will vary according to the carrier,
the shipping method and in some cases the terms of sale. Some
carriers will deliver only to their own distribution centre, while
others may deliver to the actual installation site.
In-house transit routes
Before arranging for delivery of the Cary Eclipse to your facility,
make sure that all passages to the site of installation are at least
1.1 meter (3.6 feet) wide. Allow additional room for maneuvering the
shipping container around corners and/or through doors. Vertical,
horizontal and turning clearances should be calculated from the
shipping carton dimensions of the spectrofluorometer, which is the
largest unit in any system configuration.
Table 5 Shipping weights and dimensions

System unit Weight (kg, lb) Width (mm, in) Depth (mm, in) Height (mm, in)
Cary Eclipse 54, 119 820, 32 760, 30 560, 22
Computer (typical) 34, 75 1200, 48 600, 24 320, 23
Printer (typical) 7.5, 17 580, 23 550, 22 320, 17
Equipment On Site
26 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Inspecting for transit damage
Transit damage can be obvious or concealed and in either case will be
admitted by the carrier only if it is reported within the terms of the
carriers agreement. For any claims against damage in transit, these
general rules apply:
Before accepting delivery, you must inspect the packages for
signs of obvious damage. The nature of any obvious damage must
be noted on the carriers waybill, which then must be
countersigned by a representative of the carrier.
Within the time limit stated in the terms and conditions of
carriage, a further inspection must be made for concealed
damage. If any damage is found at this stage, the carrier must be
notified in writing. You must retain all packaging material for
subsequent inspection by a representative of the carrier.
A copy of any damage report must be forwarded to the Agilent
sales office dealing with the supply of the equipment.


Heavy Weight Hazard
Many of the packages are large and heavy. To avoid the chance of injury to
personnel or accidental damage to the equipment, always use two or more
people when handling the packages or lifting equipment into position. NEVER
attempt to lift the packages alone.

Equipment On Site
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 27
After accepting delivery, take the equipment to the installation site,
then unpack and check the contents. Agilent instruments are
inherently robust and the packaging is designed to prevent internal
damage. However, the contents form part of a precision measuring
system and all packages should be handled with care. In transit,
sharp jolts must be avoided and the packages should not be
unnecessarily inverted or tilted. Markings on the shipping cartons
generally indicate which side of the package should be kept on top.


Heavy Weight Hazard
Many of the packages are large and heavy. To avoid the chance of injury to
personnel or accidental damage to the equipment, always use two or more
people when handling the packages or lifting equipment into position. NEVER
attempt to lift the packages alone

Unpacking of the equipment is your responsibility and instructions
are provided with the spectrofluorometer. As the packages are
opened, the contents should be checked against the enclosed packing
lists and any differences from the original order should be referred
immediately to your Agilent sales office. All contents of the shipping
packages should be assembled together when installation is to be
carried out by Agilent service personnel. Do not discard any
packaging components or filler materials.

After the unpacking and placement requirements have been met, check the checklist
box: The Cary Eclipse and any accessories are on site and unpacked.

Equipment On Site
28 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual

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Computer System Requirements
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 29

7. Computer System Requirements
Minimum and recommended configurations 29
Recommended printer 30
Setting up your computer 30
Internet browser 31
IEEE 488 interface 32
Interconnecting cables 32
Minimum and recommended configurations
The minimum configuration (see Table 6) represents the absolute
minimum computer specifications you will require to operate the
Cary Eclipse. The recommended configuration is provided to allow
sourcing of a new computer to be used with the instrument.
Agilent can supply a computer for the Cary Eclipse software in the
recommended configuration (see Table 6), as part number
7910026300. The computer will be formatted, partitioned and loaded
with Microsoft Windows 98. All software disks and manuals will be
Computers supplied with Letter of Credit orders will be an international brand
and will be the recommended configuration or better.

Better computer components can be substituted for those listed. For
example, processor type, amount of memory, screen size and
resolution, operating system version, and so on.

Computer System Requirements
30 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
Table 6. Minimum and recommended computer requirements
Minimum Recommended
IBM compatible IBM compatible


II processor Intel Pentium II processor

200 MB free space on hard disk 500 MB free space on hard disk
3.5 in 1.44 MB floppy disk drive 3.5 in 1.44 MB floppy disk drive
Video card supporting 800 x 600 resolution, high
color (16 bit) mode
Video card supporting 800 x 600 resolution, high
color (16 bit) mode
Super VGA screen Super VGA screen
16 x CD-ROM drive 24 x CD-ROM drive
16 bit sound card 16 bit sound card
Windows 101 key keyboard Windows 101 key keyboard
Microsoft or compatible mouse Microsoft or compatible mouse
One spare PCI expansion slot One spare PCI expansion slot
Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows NT

Service Pack 4 or later)
Microsoft Windows 98 or Windows NT (including
Service Pack 4 or later)
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later is required for
Windows NT systems
Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later is required for
Windows NT systems
Recommended printer
You can use any printer supported by your Microsoft Windows
operating system.
Setting up your computer
The Cary Eclipse software requires the Microsoft Windows 98 or
Windows NT operating system to be installed on your computer. For
instructions on installing Windows, refer to the documentation
supplied with your operating system.
Computer System Requirements
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 31
The Cary Eclipse software is not supported for use on Windows 95 operating

Ensure that you have your display resolution set to at least 800 x 600
pixels and that the color palette is set to High Color (16 bit). For
instructions, refer to the documentation supplied with your
operating system.
The Agilent representative will install the Cary Eclipse software. Installation of
the Windows operating system is not included as part of the standard instrument
Internet browser
When installing on Microsoft Windows NT operating systems, it is
important that Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 or later be installed
before installing the Cary Eclipse software. Installation of the
browser is required to provide files required for the Cary Eclipse
online Help to function. Internet Explorer 4 can be downloaded from
the Microsoft Web site, www.microsoft.com, or obtained from your
local software retailer. You can continue to use your preferred
browser, and shortcuts to the Internet Explorer 4 program can be
removed from the desktop and program selection, if desired.
A Windows update disk (containing Internet Explorer 4) is shipped with the Cary
Eclipse software.

If you are using Windows 98, no browser installation is required, as
the required browser files are installed with the operating system.

Computer System Requirements
32 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
IEEE 488 interface
The Cary Eclipse requires an IEEE-GPIB card to be fitted in the
computer. This card is included with your instrument.
The Agilent representative will install the GPIB card in your
computer. If you are providing your own computer, you will need to
install the card yourself. The Cary Eclipse Hardware manual supplied
with the instrument contains installation instructions for the IEEE-
GPIB card.
Interconnecting cables
The monitor, printer/plotter, keyboard and Cary Eclipse are
connected to the computer by cables that plug into the back of the
computer. The Cary Eclipse is connected via a shielded IEEE 488
cable provided with the instrument. Consult your monitor
printer/plotter and keyboard manuals for details of their individual
cabling requirements.

After the computer requirements have been met, check the checklist box: The
computer system meets requirements, and the Microsoft


system and Internet Explorer 4+ have been installed.

Operator Training
Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual 33

8. Operator Training

During the installation procedure, the Agilent field service engineer
will demonstrate the basic operating procedures. The engineer
however, is not necessarily experienced in complex analytical
routines and is not authorized to conduct extensive training.
To ensure that you maximize the benefit of witnessing the
installation performance tests, operator training should be completed
before your equipment is installed. It is strongly recommended that
you take advantage of the special training courses that are conducted
at various locations by the Agilent customer support and sales
In some areas, it may be possible to arrange for operator training to
be carried out after installation, using your own instrument. To
investigate this possibility, contact your local Agilent sales and
service office.
The initial software installation and preliminary operational tests
will take your Agilent representative around thirty minutes. There is
then a period of two hours that must be allowed for instrument
warm-up before the detailed instrument tests for conformance to
specification can be carried out. During this time, the representative
will demonstrate some of the basic system operating procedures. An
automated software process performs operational tests that will take
around thirty minutes. The results from these tests can be directly
compared against the same tests completed at the factory before
Operator Training
34 Cary Eclipse Pre-Installation Manual
You must have a working knowledge of the computer operating system, as this
type of instruction is not provided by Agilent. The literature supplied with the
Cary Eclipse provides step-by-step instructions for setting up the system and
detailed operating instructions for the analysis procedures it does not include
instructions for operation of the computer.

If operator training is required, check the checklist box: Operator training is required.

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