Ndaart 13 Ref 03
Ndaart 13 Ref 03
Ndaart 13 Ref 03
European Food Safety Authority - Largo N. Palli 5/A, I - 43121 Parma
Tel: (+39) 0521 036 111 Fax: (+39) 0521 036 110 info@efsa.europa.eu www.efsa.europa.eu
Parma, 5 April 2011
Consolidated list of Article 13 health claims
List of references received by EFSA
Part 3
IDs 2001 3000
(This document contains the list of references for claims which the Commission has asked
EFSA to prioritise in the evaluation.)
In accordance with Article 13 of Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006
Member States had provided the
European Commission with lists of claims accompanied by the conditions applying to them and by
references to the relevant scientific justification by 31 January 2008.
EFSA has received from the European Commission nine Access databases with a consolidated list of
4,185 main health claim entries with around 10,000 similar health claims. The similar health claims
were accompanied by the conditions of use and scientific references. The nine Access databases were
sent in three batches - in July 2008, in November 2008 and in December 2008.
Subsequently, EFSA combined the databases into one master database and re-allocated upon request
of the Commission and Member States similar health claims which had been accidentally placed
under a wrong main health claim entry (misplaced claims). During this process some Member States
also identified a number of similar health claims which still needed to be submitted to EFSA
(missing claims). These similar claims were also added to the database.
In March 2010, the European Commission forwarded to EFSA an addendum to the consolidated list
containing an additional 452 main entry claims which have been added to the updated final database
which was published on the EFSA website in May 2010 (containing 4,637 main entry claims).
The references to the scientific justifications provided by Member States were either included in the
database or were provided in separate files. In addition, full-text copies of references were provided
directly to EFSA from stakeholders. The deadline for submission of these references was end of 2008.
EFSA wishes to acknowledge the full-text copies of relevant literature provided by stakeholders until
that date. In some instances, references provided to EFSA were referring to papers which were
submitted for publication. In case the publication had in the meanwhile taken place EFSA has
included the correct citation in the list of references and this may result in some references carrying a
2009 or 2010 publication date.
Regulation (EC) No 1924/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 December 2006 on nutrition and
health claims made on foods. OJ L 404, 30.12.2006, p. 925.
EFSA has screened all health claims on the list using six criteria established by the NDA Panel to
identify claims for which EFSA considers sufficient information has been provided for evaluation and
those for which for which more information or clarification is needed before evaluation can be carried
out. The claims which had been sent back to the Commission and the Member States for further
clarification in January 2009 were received back with additional information in November 2009.
Further information can be found on the EFSA website under the following link:
The present document compiles the lists of references for claims with ID numbers between 2001 and
3000 and which the Commission has asked EFSA to prioritise in the evaluation. The list takes into
account references provided through different sources and those coming from misplaced or missing
claims. The main health claim entries are sorted in ascending order of the ID number.
This document has been updated according to the progress of adoption of opinions related to Article
13 health claims. References for ID numbers which have been added to the document after the last
update of 4 October 2010 have been highlighted in red font.
Table of contents ....................................................................................................................................................... 3
ID 2001: Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) extract containing anthocyanins and Eye Health ........................... 22
ID 2003: Borago officinalis (Common Name : Borage) and Skin health ........................................................ 23
ID 2004: Camellia sinensis (Common Name : Tea) and Mental and cognitive health .................................... 24
ID 2005: Camellia sinensis (Common Name : Tea) and Cognitive Performance: Focussed attention ........... 26
ID 2006: Capsicum annum (Common Name : Cayenne pepper) and Weight management ............................ 29
ID 2007: Carica papaya (Common Name : Papaya) and Antioxidant activity ................................................ 31
ID 2010: Carum carvi (Common Name : Caraway) and Lactation .................................................................. 31
ID 2013: Cinnamomum cassia, zeylanicum (Common Name : Cinnamon) and Glucose metabolism ............ 32
ID 2014: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Digestion ............................................................................. 33
ID 2017: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Cardiovascular..................................................................... 35
ID 2018: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Genitourinary ...................................................................... 35
ID 2020: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Antioxidant .......................................................................... 36
ID 2021: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Antioxidant support ................................................................................................................................... 37
ID 2022: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Joint support .............................................................................................................................................. 38
ID 2023: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Cardiovascular / heart health support ........................................................................................................ 38
ID 2024: Cherries (Prunus cerasus, P. domestica), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart
cherry varieties and Brain/mental/cognitive health ........................................................................................ 39
ID 2025: Citrus paradisi (Common Name : Grapefruit) and Antioxidant properties ...................................... 39
ID 2026: Citrus aurantium (Common Name : Bitter orange) and Metabolism of lipids/Weight
management ....................................................................................................................................................... 41
ID 2027: Citrus aurantium L. ssp. Aurantium (Common name: Bitter orange) and Respiratory health ......... 41
ID 2028: Citrus limon (Common Name: Lemon) and digestive health ........................................................... 41
ID 2029: Cucurbita pepo (Common Name : Pumpkin) and Health of lower urinary tract .............................. 42
ID 2031: CoffeeSLENDER Tablets made from an extract from green coffee beans (Svetol) the active
principle of which is:-=5-caffeoylquinic acid or (Chlorogenic acid) =45%, Caffeine = 2%, 3-
caffeoylquinic acid =10% and Weight loss and weight control in overweight adults Reduces glucose
absorption from gut ............................................................................................................................................ 44
ID 2034: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Urinary ......................................................................................... 45
ID 2035: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Cardiovascular ............................................................................. 46
ID 2037: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Immunity & antioxidant ............................................................... 46
ID 2039: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for enhancing thermogenesis, increasing
energy expenditure and enhancing loss of calories ........................................................................................... 47
ID 2040: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for stimulating carbohydrate oxidation and
burning carbohydrates ........................................................................................................................................ 48
ID 2041: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for fat oxidation and burns fat, leading to loss
in body weight.................................................................................................................................................... 48
ID 2042: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for reducing caloric intake ................................. 48
ID 2043: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for the reduction of oxidative stress ................... 48
ID 2044: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for promotion of hair growth ............................. 49
ID 2045: Dioscorea villosa (Common Name : Wild Yam ) and Menopause ................................................... 49
ID 2046: Elettaria cardamomum SEED and Kidneys ...................................................................................... 50
ID 2049: Elderberry Sambucus nigra and Antioxidant properties ................................................................... 50
ID 2050: Fruit of Vaccinium myrtillus and Maintain eye health and function, through antioxidant and
venous support action ........................................................................................................................................ 52
ID 2052: Foeniculum vulgare ssp. Cappillaceum var. vulgare. DRIED FRUIT and Immunity.
Antioxidant ........................................................................................................................................................ 53
ID 2053: Foeniculum vulgare ssp. Cappillaceum var. vulgare. DRIED FRUIT and Postpartum .................... 53
ID 2055: Foeniculum vulgare Mill (Common name: Fennel) and Respiratory health .................................... 54
ID 2056: Foeniculi aetheroleum (Common name: Fennel oil) and Respiratory Health .................................. 54
ID 2057: Garcinia Cambogia (Common name: Carcinia gummi-gutta, gummi-gutta gum, brindleberry,
Malabar, tamarind) and Weight management ................................................................................................ 55
ID 2058: Green Mate leaf extract (Ilex paragueariensis St.-Hil.) and Mild diuretic effect, drainage of
excess water ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
ID 2059: Natural Grape Extract From red grape skin and Rich in polyphenols - Act as antioxidants -
Antioxidant is a compound able to scavenge free radicals in the body and stop the oxidative chain
reaction............................................................................................................................................................... 58
ID 2060: Grape seed extract and Antioxidant activity ..................................................................................... 58
ID 2061: Natural Grape Extract From white grape skin Solvent free and Rich in polyphenols - Act as
antioxidants - Antioxidant is a compound able to scavenge free radicals in the body and stop the oxidative
chain reaction ..................................................................................................................................................... 60
ID 2062: Guarana and Guarana and mental performance ................................................................................ 60
ID 2063: Guarana and Guarana and mental performance ................................................................................ 61
ID 2064: Griffola fondosa (Common Name : Maitake) and Immune health ..................................................... 62
ID 2065: GLA (example from Borago Officinalis, Primerose oil, Blackcurramt seed oil) and Essential
fatty acid of importance for a healthy skin ........................................................................................................ 63
ID 2068: Hippophae rhamnoides (Common Name : Seabuckthorn) and Skin health...................................... 64
ID 2069: Illicium verum Hook. (Common name: Star anise) and Respiratory health ..................................... 64
ID 2070: Ilex paraguariensis (Common Name : Yerba mate) and Weight management/Metabolism of
lipids................................................................................................................................................................... 64
ID 2073: Illicium verum (Common Name : Star anise) and Respiratory health .............................................. 65
ID 2075: Lentinus edodes (Common Name : Shiitake) and Immune health .................................................... 66
ID 2076: Linum usitatissimum (Common Name : flaxseed linseed) and Gut health ...................................... 67
ID 2080: Lutein (example from tagetes E or Calendula Officinalis) and Antioxidant properties ................... 68
ID 2081: Lycopene (fromTomato extract) and Antioxidant properties ........................................................... 68
ID 2082: Lycopene (fromTomato extract) and Antioxidant properties / protection of DNA .......................... 70
ID 2083: Lycium Barbarum (Common Name: Wolfberry) and Antioxidant properties .................................. 71
ID 2087: Melissa officinalis (Common Name : Lemon Balm ) and Antioxidant properties ........................... 72
ID 2090: Matricaria recutita (Common Name : Chamomile and Antioxidant properties................................ 74
ID 2091: Momordica charantia (Common Name : balsam pear, bitter melon, bitter gourd, ampalaya, karela
(karola), fu kwa) and Glucose metabolism .................................................................................................... 74
ID 2095: Mung bean (Vigna Radiata) and Menopause .................................................................................... 75
ID 2096: Meso-zeaxanthin (derived form lutein of plant extract like marigold ,spinach and Required for
macular pigmentation in the eyes for helping in maintenance of health eye functions ..................................... 76
ID 2097: Menthae piperitae aetheroleum (Common name: Peppermint oil) and Respiratory health .............. 77
ID 2098: Oenothera biennis (Common Name : Evening Primrose) and Joint health ...................................... 77
ID 2103: Paulinia cupana (Common Name : Guarana ) and Cognitive performance ...................................... 77
ID 2104: Phaseolus vulgaris (Common Name : White bean) and Glucose metabolism .................................. 79
ID 2105: Phaseolus vulgaris (Common Name : White bean) and Weight control .......................................... 80
ID 2106: Plantago ovata/ispaghula and Cholesterol ........................................................................................ 81
ID 2107: Punica granatum (Common Name : Pomgranade) and Cardiovascular health ................................. 82
ID 2108: Petroselenium crispum (Common Name : Parsley ) and Kidneys health ......................................... 83
ID 2109: Piper nigrum FRUIT and Digestion .................................................................................................. 83
ID 2115: Piper nigrum FRUIT and Immunity & Antioxidant .......................................................................... 84
ID 2121: Pimpinella anisum L. (Common name: Anise) and Respiratory Health ........................................... 85
ID 2122: Punica granatum FRUIT & SEED and Digestion ............................................................................. 85
ID 2123: Punica granatum FRUIT & SEED and Antioxidant & immunity ..................................................... 86
ID 2124: Raphanus sativus var niger (Common Name : Radish, Black radish, Japanese radish, Daikon)
and Liver health ............................................................................................................................................... 87
ID 2125: Rosmarinus officinalis (Common Name : Rosemary) and Antioxidant properties .......................... 87
ID 2126: Ribes nigrum (Common Name : Blackcurrant) and Muscles and joint health ................................. 88
ID 2127: Rubus fructicosus L. (Common name: Blackberry) and Respiratory health .................................... 89
ID 2132: Syzygium aramaticum. FLOWER BUD and Antioxidant ................................................................ 89
ID 2133: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elder) and Purification .............................................................. 89
ID 2135: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elder) and Glucose metabolism ................................................ 90
ID 2136: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elderberry) and Antioxidative properties ................................. 90
ID 2137: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elderberry) and Respiratory health ........................................... 91
ID 2138: Standardized Guarana extract PC102 Dry extract from seeds of Paullinia Cupana H. B. et Kunth,
drug7native extract ratio (4.5-7) : 1, solvent of extraction Ethanol/Water , 11.0 - 13.0% of caffeine and
For mental performance ................................................................................................................................... 92
ID 2139: Seed of Vitis vinifera (Grapeseed) and Circulatory health through antioxidant action ................... 92
ID 2140: Soy Glycine max and Soy contains the phytoestrogens isoflavones that can function as either an
estrogen agonist or antagonist............................................................................................................................ 92
ID 2141: Sinapis alba (Common Name : White mustard) and Appetite/Digestion ........................................ 93
ID 2142: Standardized tomato extract [Oleoresin extracted from ripe fruits of Licopersicum aesculentum,
solvent of extraction Ethyl acetate, 5% lycopene and For antioxidant protection system/protection of
DNA ................................................................................................................................................................... 93
ID 2143: Standardized tomato extract [Oleoresin extracted from ripe fruits of Licopersicum aesculentum,
solvent of extraction Ethyl acetate, 5% lycopene and For skin health .......................................................... 93
ID 2144: Standardized grape seed extract [Dry extract from grape seeds of Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae),
solvent of extraction Acetone/Water, 8.5 - 13.0% proanthocyanidins] and For antioxidant protection
system ................................................................................................................................................................ 94
ID 2146: Standardized grape seed extract [Dry extract from grape seeds of Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae),
solvent of extraction Acetone/Water, 8.5 - 13.0% proanthocyanidins] and For cardiovascular
(heart/vessel) health ........................................................................................................................................... 94
ID 2147: Salviae officinalis aetheroleum (Common name: Sage oil) and Respiratory health ........................ 95
ID 2149: Thymus vulgaris/zygis (Common Name : Thyme) and Health of the upper respiratory tract .......... 95
ID 2151: Thymus vulgaris (Common Name : Thyme) and Antioxidant properties ........................................ 97
ID 2153: Vaccinium macrocarpon, oxycoccus (Common Name: Cranberry) and Health of the lower
urinary tract ........................................................................................................................................................ 97
ID 2154: Vaccinium macrocarpon (Common Name : Cranberry) and Antioxidant properties ..................... 101
ID2155: Vaccinium macrocarpon (Common Name: Cranberry) and Immune health ................................... 102
ID 2156: Vitis vinifera (Common Name : Grape) and Antioxidant properties ............................................. 102
ID 2157: Vitis vinifera (Common Name : Grape) and Vein health ............................................................... 103
ID 2158: Vitis vinifera (Common Name : Grape) and Skin health/Antioxidative properties ....................... 105
ID 2159: Vitis vinifera (Common Name : Grape) and Heart health .............................................................. 106
ID 2160: VitaBerry Antioxidant Fruit Blend and Excellent source of healthy fruit antioxidants .............. 106
ID 2162: VitaBlue Wild Blueberry Extract and Excellent source of healthy fruit antioxidants ................ 110
ID 2164: VitaCurrant Black Currant Extract 25% Anthocyanins and Excellent source of healthy fruit
antioxidants ...................................................................................................................................................... 113
ID 2165: VitaCurrant Black Currant Extract and Excellent source of healthy fruit antioxidants .............. 114
ID 2166: VitaGrape Grape Seed Extract 95% OPC and Excellent source of oligoremic
proanthocyanidins known to help in the management of heart health ............................................................ 117
ID 2167: VitaGranate Pomegranate Extract 40% Ellagic Acid and Excellent source of healthy fruit
polyphenols known to help in the management of heart health ...................................................................... 119
ID 2169: Zeaxanthin (from marigold/ capsicum extract / wolfberries fruit and Required for macular
pigmentation in the eyes for maintaining health eye functions ....................................................................... 120
ID 2173: ZOTRIM: Herbal food supplement/ingredient containing a proprietary* combination of extracts
of three botanicals, Ilex paraguariensis (Yerba Mate) leaf extract, Paullinia cupana (Guarana) seed extract,
and Turnera aphrodisiaca (Damiana) leaf extract and Helps lose excess weight, maintain a healthy
weight. Supports healthy weight loss .............................................................................................................. 121
ID 2175: Capsicum annum (Common Name: Capsicum) and Stomach health ............................................. 122
ID 2178: Balsamodendron mukul (common name: Balsamodendron mukul) and Joint health .................... 124
ID 2179: Eugenia jambolana (common name: Eugenia jambolana) and Glucose metabolism ..................... 124
ID 2181: Emblica officinalis (common name: Emblica officinalis) and Antioxidant properties .................. 125
ID 2186: Salsa parrilha (Smilax officinalis) and Digestive health ................................................................ 127
ID 2187: Combination of extracts from Scutellaria baicalensis (root) and Acacia catechu (heartwood) for
use in food supplements only (UnivestinTM, LimbrelTM, FlavocoxidTM) and Joint health .................... 127
ID 2188: Grapefrukt//Citrus paradisi (Common Name : Grapefruit) and Antioxidant properties ................ 128
ID 2191: Ribes nigrum (Common Name : Blackcurrant) and Muscles and joint health ............................... 128
ID 2193: Acerola and Antioxidant activity .................................................................................................... 128
ID 2194: Achillea millefolium L. (Common name: Yarrow) and Health of lower urinary tract ................... 130
ID 2195: Achillea millefolium L. (Common name: Yarrow) and Respiratory health ................................... 130
ID 2199: Agrimonia eupatoria and Health of lower urinary tract .................................................................. 130
ID 2200: Agropyron repens - common name : Couch and Renal elimination / organism draining ............... 130
ID 2201: Agropyron repens - common name : Couch and Control of weight ............................................... 130
ID 2202: Alchemilla vulgaris and Joint health ............................................................................................... 130
ID 2205: Alchemilla xanthochlora ROTHM, syn. alchemilla vulgaris L. s.l. (Common name: Ladys
mantle) and Respiratory health .................................................................................................................... 130
ID 2207: Allium cepa - common name: Onion and Renal elimination / Organism draining ......................... 130
ID 2211: Ammi visnaga and Respiratory health ............................................................................................ 131
ID 2212: Ananas comosus - common name: Bromelain, Pineapple and Vascular and Vein Health ............. 131
ID 2213: Ananas comosus - common name: Bromelain, Pineapple and Digestion ....................................... 131
ID 2214: Anethum graveolens - common name: dill and Renal elimination / organism draining ................. 131
ID 2216: Anisi aetheroleum and Respiratory health ...................................................................................... 132
ID 2217: Apium graveolens (common name : celery) and Bladder health/ Health of urinary tract ............. 132
ID 2218: Apium graveolens - common name : celery and Renal elimination / organism draining ............... 132
ID 2222: Arctium lappa - common name : Burdock and Renal elimination / Organism draining................. 133
ID 2223: Armoracia rusticana and Intestinal health ....................................................................................... 133
ID 2224: Armorica rusticana - common name : Horseradish and Renal elimination / Organism draining ... 134
ID 2226: Ascophyllum nodosum - common name: ascophyllum and Control of weight .............................. 134
ID 2227: Ascophyllum nodosum - common name : ascophyllum and Constipation / Intestinal Health ....... 134
ID 2228: Asparagus officinalis and Health of bladder and lower urinary tract ............................................. 134
ID 2230: Avena sativum - common name : Oat and Constipation / Intestinal Health ................................... 135
ID 2233: Capsella bursa-pastoris and Urinary health .................................................................................... 135
ID 2235: Cassia fistula - common name : caneficier and Constipation / Intestinal Health ........................... 135
ID 2243: Citrullus lunatus (Watermelon) extract - ACTI-08 and Weight loss management carbohydrate
& lipid metabolism improvement .................................................................................................................... 136
ID 2244: Citrullus lunatus (Watermelon) extract - ACTI-08 and Antioxidant properties ............................. 136
ID 2246: Cnicus benedictus and Respiratory health ...................................................................................... 137
ID 2248: Coleus forskohlii extract and body weight management - lipid metabolism .................................. 137
ID 2253: Cynara scolymus - common name: artichoke, globe artichoke and Renal elimination / organism
draining ............................................................................................................................................................ 138
ID 2254: Eucalyptus globulus and Muscles and joint health ......................................................................... 138
ID 2255: Filipendula ulmaria - common name: meadowsweet and Joint health ........................................... 138
ID 2256: Fraxinus excelsior and Joint health ................................................................................................. 139
ID 2257: Fraxinus excelsior and Kidney health ............................................................................................. 139
ID 2258: Fraxinus ornus - common name: Manna and Constipation / Intestinal Health ............................... 139
ID 2259: Fucus vesiculosus and Thyroide function and production of hormone, energy metabolism .......... 139
ID 2260: Fucus vesiculosus - common name: fucus, bladderwrack and Constipation / Intestinal Health .... 140
ID 2261: Ginkgo biloba [dry extract GK501 Pharmaton Dry extract from leaves of Ginkgo biloba L.,
drug/native extract ratio (35 - 45) : 1, solvent of extraction Acetone/Water, 6.0% terpene lactones, 24.5%
ginkgoflavonoids] and For cognitive performance / blood circulation ........................................................ 140
ID 2262: Guava and Skin health .................................................................................................................... 145
ID 2263: Guava and Antioxidative activity ................................................................................................... 145
ID 2266: Hedera helix and Urinary health ..................................................................................................... 147
ID 2267: Hibiscus sabdariffa - common name: Hibiscus and Renal elimination / Organism draining ......... 147
ID 2272: Hypericum perforatum and Respiratory health ............................................................................... 147
ID 2273: Hypericum perforatum and Health of lower urinary tract .............................................................. 147
ID 2274: Hyssopus officinalis L. (Common name: Hyssop) and Respiratory health .................................... 147
ID 2275: Ilex paraguariensis - common name: yerba mate, mat, kali chaye and Renal elimination /
organism draining ............................................................................................................................................ 148
ID 2276: Ilex paragueariensis St.-Hil. - Green Mate leaf extract and Mild diuretic effect, drainage of
excess water ..................................................................................................................................................... 148
ID 2278: Inula helenium and Pharyngeal and respiratory health ................................................................... 148
ID 2280: Inula helenium - common name: Elecampane and Renal elimination / Organism draining ........... 148
ID 2281: Iris germanica L., Iris florentina auct., Iris pallida Lam. (Common name: Iris) and Respiratory
health ................................................................................................................................................................ 149
ID 2282: Lagerstroemia speciosa extract and Blood glucose control - glucose metabolism ......................... 149
ID 2285: Lamium album - common name: white dead nettle and Renal elimination / organism draining ... 150
ID 2292: Levisticum officinale - common name: Lovage and Renal elimination / organism draining ......... 150
ID 2293: Limonis aetheroleum and Respiratory health ................................................................................. 150
ID 2294: Linum usitatissimum - common name: flaxseed and Control of weight ........................................ 150
ID 2296. Lycopodium clavatum and Health of bladder and lower urinary tract ........................................... 151
ID 2297: Malva sylvestris and Pharyngeal and respiratory health ................................................................. 151
ID 2298: Medicago sativa and Health of lower urinary tract ......................................................................... 151
ID 2303: Melissa officinalis L. (Common name: Lemon balm) and Respiratory health ............................... 151
ID 2304: Melon extract (containing SOD) / Wheat Gliadin and Endogenous antioxidant enzyme; effects
on immune system ........................................................................................................................................... 152
ID 2305: Melon extract (containing SOD) / Wheat Gliadin and Endogenous antioxidant enzyme, protects
skin from sun damage ...................................................................................................................................... 152
ID 2309: Mentha x piperita L. (Common names: peppermint, mint) and Respiratory health ....................... 152
ID 2310: Menthae arvensis aetheroleum and Respiratory health .................................................................. 153
ID 2311: Myristica fragrans and Muscles and joint health ............................................................................ 153
ID 2314: Ocimum basilicum - common name: Basil and Renal elimination / Organism draining ................ 153
ID 2315: Ononis spinosa L. (Common name : Bugrane) and Health of lower urinary tract ........................ 153
ID 2318: Phaseolus Vulgaris (Kidney bean) - Olea europa (Olive) - Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
extracts - OXY-08 and Weight loss management, fat metabolism & storage improvement ....................... 153
ID 2319 : Pimpinella saxifrage and Health of lower urinary tract ................................................................. 154
ID 2320: Pitanga and Skin health ................................................................................................................... 154
ID 2321: Pitanga and Antioxidant activity ..................................................................................................... 156
ID 2322: Populus nigra and Kidney health .................................................................................................... 157
ID 2325: Prunus mume (Plum) extract - INP-08 and Weight loss management, acid base balancer ............ 158
ID 2326: Prunus spinosa and Kidney health .................................................................................................. 158
ID 2328: Quercus robur and Health of the upper respiratory tract ................................................................ 158
ID 2329: Raphanus sativus - common name: radish, black radish, Japanese radish, Daikon and
Digestion ........................................................................................................................................................ 158
ID 2330: Ribes nigrum - nom commun: blackcurrant and Renal Elimination / Draining organism.............. 158
ID 2331: Ribes nigrum - nom commun: blackcurrant and Control of weight ............................................... 159
ID 2332: Ribes nigrum L. (Common name: Blackcurrant) and Respiratory health ...................................... 159
ID 2333: Rice vinegar extract - INRV-08 and Weight loss management, acid base balancer ....................... 159
ID 2334: Rosa canica - common name : Cynorrhodon, Eglantier and Invigoration of the body .................. 160
ID 2335: Rubus fructicosus and Glucose metabolism ................................................................................... 160
ID 2336: Rubus idaeas (Raspberry) extract - BERI-08 and Weight loss management, thermogenesis ......... 160
ID 2337: Rubus idaeus - common name: Blackberry and Digestion ............................................................. 161
ID 2338: Rubus idaeus - common name: Blackberry and Renal elimination / Organism draining ............... 161
ID 2339: Salvia triloba L. fil. (Common name: Greek sage) and Respiratory health .................................... 161
ID 2340: Salviae lavandulifoliae aetheroleum and Respiratory health .......................................................... 161
ID 2342: Sisymbrium officinale and Respiratory health................................................................................ 162
ID 2344: Triticum sativum and Resistance system ........................................................................................ 162
ID 2345: Undaria pinnatifidia and Body weight ............................................................................................ 162
ID 2346: Urtica dioica - common name: Stinging nettle and Renal Elimination / Organism draining ......... 162
ID 2348: Valerian extract [Dry extract from roots of Valeriana officinalis L., drug/native extract ratio (3-6)
: 1, solvent of extraction Ethanol/Water, min 0.3% valerenic acid] and For insomnia and mental health .. 163
ID 2351: Verbascum thapsiforme and Pharyngeal and respiratory health ..................................................... 163
ID 2352: Verbascum thapsiforme and Bladder and Kidney Health ............................................................... 164
ID 2355: Veronica officinalis and Kidney health .......................................................................................... 165
ID 2356: Viola tricolor and Respiratory health .............................................................................................. 165
ID 2362: Garlic bulb (Allium sativum) and Bodys defence system against microorganism ........................ 165
ID 2365: Pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) and Prostate/urinary tract ............................................................ 165
ID 2368: Combination of sweet fennel seed (Foeniculum dulce), mint leaf (Mentha piperita) and
chamomile flower (Matricaria chamomilla) and Digestive system ............................................................. 166
ID 2372: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Cardio-vascular health ................................................... 166
ID 2373: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Skin health ..................................................................... 171
ID 2374: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Prostate health ............................................................... 174
ID 2375: Guarana seed (Paulina cupana fruit) and Invigoration of the body ................................................ 178
ID 2380: Horseradish root (Armoracia rusticana) and Respiratory system health ........................................ 180
ID 2383: Acorus Calamus (Sweet flag, sweet rush) and Invigoration of the body ........................................ 180
ID 2384: Aegopodium podagraria and Digestive health ................................................................................ 181
ID 2386: Alchemilla vulgaris (Lady's Mantle) and Invigoration the body .................................................... 181
ID 2388: Andrographis paniculata (Creat) and Purification .......................................................................... 181
ID 2391: Angelica sinensis (Angelica) and Invigoration the body ................................................................ 181
ID 2392: Angelica sinensis (Angelica) and Metabolism in joints ................................................................. 181
ID 2393: Apium graveolens (Celery) and Invigoration the body ................................................................... 181
ID 2394: Arctium lappa (Burdock) and Joint health ...................................................................................... 181
ID 2395: Argyreia speciosa and Fertility ....................................................................................................... 181
ID 2396: Ascophyllum nodosum (seaweed) and Structure and function of the skin and mucous
membranes ....................................................................................................................................................... 182
ID 2398: Avena sativa (Green oat) and Digestive system, metabolism ......................................................... 182
ID 2399: Barbarea vulgaris (Garden yellowrocket) and Physical and mental health .................................... 182
ID 2400: Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) and Gastro-intestinal health .............................................................. 182
ID 2401: Beta vulgaris and Purification ......................................................................................................... 183
ID 2407: Capparis spinosa and Liver health, appetite ................................................................................... 183
ID 2408: Cassia fistula and Vein health ......................................................................................................... 183
ID 2409: Centaurium erythraea (Centaury) and Invigoration the body ......................................................... 183
ID 2413: Chamaenerion angustifolium (Willow herb) and Digestive health ................................................ 183
ID 2414: Chamaenerion angustifolium (Willow herb) and Mental health .................................................... 183
ID 2415: Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorella) and Digestive health / Liver health .......................................... 183
ID 2416: Cichorium intybus (Chicory) and Heart health / Vascular health .................................................. 184
ID 2417: Comarum palustre and Joint health ................................................................................................. 184
ID 2418: Commiphora wighti (Indian Bedellium, Guggal) and Joint, bone health ....................................... 184
ID 2427: Crocus sativus and Fertility ............................................................................................................ 184
ID 2428: Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (Guar) and Weight management .......................................................... 185
ID 2429: Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (Guar) and Blood glucose control ....................................................... 185
ID 2430: Cyperus scariosus (Cyperus) and Digestive health ......................................................................... 185
ID 2431: Daucus carota (Carrot) and Eye health ........................................................................................... 185
ID 2432: Didymocarpus pedicellata and Kidneys health ............................................................................... 185
ID 2435: Emblica officinalis (Indian Gooseberry) and Respiratory health ................................................... 185
ID 2436: Elytriga repens and Digestive health .............................................................................................. 186
ID 2437: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Invigoration of the body ......................................................... 186
ID 2438: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Skin, hair health ...................................................................... 186
ID 2439: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Bone health ............................................................................. 186
ID 2441: Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright) and Invigoration of the body ..................................................... 186
ID 2442: Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) and Respiratory health ........................................................ 186
ID 2444: Filipendula ulmaria (Spiraea ulmaria) (Meadowsweet) and Mental health / Relaxation ............... 186
ID 2455: Justicia gendarussa and Health of lower urinary tract .................................................................... 187
ID 2456: Lathirus pratensis and Respiratory health ....................................................................................... 187
ID 2457: Ledebouriella seseloides and Skin health ....................................................................................... 187
ID 2458: Ledebouriella seseloides and Joint health ....................................................................................... 187
ID 2459: Leonurus quinquelobatus syn. L.villosus (motherwort) and Cardiovascular health ...................... 187
ID 2461: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Glucose metabolism ................................................................. 188
ID 2462: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Digestive health ........................................................................ 188
ID 2463: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Invigoration the body ............................................................... 188
ID 2464: Menyanthes trifoliata and Digestive health .................................................................................... 188
ID 2467: Onopordon acanthium and Physical and mental performance ........................................................ 188
ID 2468: Orchis mascula and Fertility ........................................................................................................... 188
ID 2469: Origanum vulgare and Health of the upper respiratory tract / Immune health ............................... 188
ID 2472: Origanum vulgare and Cardiovascular health ................................................................................. 189
ID 2473: Origanum vulgare and Mental performance ................................................................................... 189
ID 2475: Phoenix dactylifera (Date) and Antioxidant activity ...................................................................... 189
ID 2477: Pinus pinaster (Maritime Pine) and Respiratory health .................................................................. 189
ID 2480: Polygonum arenastrum syn. aviculare (Knotweed and Digestive health ........................................ 189
ID 2482: Prunus amygdalus and Fertility ....................................................................................................... 189
ID 2485: Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant) and Invigoration the body ................................................................ 189
ID 2486: Rubus caesicus and Invigoration the body ...................................................................................... 189
ID 2487: Rubus idaeus (Raspberry) and Menstrual health ............................................................................ 190
ID 2488: Salix alba (Willow) and Invigoration the body ............................................................................... 190
ID 2494: Terminalia arjuna and Liver health ................................................................................................. 190
ID 2496: Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) and Heart health, cardiovascular health ..................................... 190
ID 2497: Tussilago farfara (Coltsfoot) and Health of the upper respiratory tract / Immune health .............. 191
ID 2498: Urtica dioica (Nettle) and Respiratory health ................................................................................. 191
ID 2499: Vaccinium macrocarpon, oxycoccus (Cranberry) and Heart health .............................................. 191
ID 2500: Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) and Cardiovascular health ........................................................... 192
ID 2501: Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) and Digestive health .................................................................... 192
ID 2504: Zea mays (Maize) and Liver health ................................................................................................ 192
ID 2505: Zea mays (Maize) and Kidneys health ............................................................................................ 192
ID 2508: Name of Food product: Adhatoda vasica Description of food in terms of food legislation
categories: Food supplement Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health benefits of
food: Adhatoda vasica has antiinflammatory activity. Do benefits relate to a disease risk factor: No.Target
group: Adults aged 18 years and over with some exceptions. If exceptions describe: Pregnant and lactating
women, and children. ....................................................................................................................................... 192
ID 2510: Name of Food product: psyllium seed (plantago ispaghula).Description of food in terms of food
legislation categories: Food supplement.Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health
benefits of food: bowel regularity; feeling of fullness; helps control blood levels of cholesterol.Do
benefits relate to a disease risk factor: Yes.Target group: All of the general population including children
and adults ......................................................................................................................................................... 193
ID 2511: Name of Food product: Terminalia arjuna.Description of food in terms of food legislation
categories: Food supplement.Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health benefits of
food: Terminalia arjuna posesses antioxidant activity..Do benefits relate to a disease risk factor:
No.Target group: Adults aged 18 years and over with some exceptions.If exceptions describe: Pregnant
and lactating women, and children .................................................................................................................. 193
ID 2514: Ananas tige and Anti-inflammatoire ............................................................................................... 194
ID 2515: Ballota nigra L. and Antioxidant .................................................................................................... 194
ID 2517: Bardane racine and Anti-inflammatoire/anti-oxidant de la peau .................................................... 194
ID 2522: Carotte racine and Anti-oxidant Photoprotection .......................................................................... 194
ID 2527: Christe marine and Antioxidant ...................................................................................................... 195
ID 2528: Christe marine and Diurtique ........................................................................................................ 195
ID 2530: Chrysanthellum americanum and Antioxidant................................................................................ 195
ID 2531: Cosse de Haricot and Diurtique .................................................................................................... 195
ID 2541: Frne Feuille and Systme urinaire Diurtique .............................................................................. 195
ID 2552: Levure de bire and Epiderme soigne l'acne ................................................................................. 195
ID 2556: Grifola frondosa (Maitake) thalle and Mtabolisme des glucides antidiabtique,
hypoglycmiant ................................................................................................................................................ 196
ID 2567: Piloselle plante and Systme urinaire Diurtique ........................................................................... 196
ID 2575: Prle and Anti-oxidant .................................................................................................................... 196
ID 2580: Sauge sclare plante and Anti-oxidant ............................................................................................ 196
ID 2585: Alfalfa and Systme circulatoire Hypocholestrolmiant .............................................................. 196
ID 2591: Marjolaine feuille and Anti-oxidant ............................................................................................... 197
ID 2596: Chiendent rhizome plante and Systme urinaire Diurtique, anti-inflammatoire des voies
urinaires, prvention des calculs rnaux .......................................................................................................... 197
ID 2616: Germe de bl and Anti-oxidant. Source de vitamine E ................................................................... 197
ID 2618: Germe de bl and Systme circulatoire. Source d'omga 3, anti-arthrosclrose, diminue les
triglycrides, rduit les risques de crises cardiaques ....................................................................................... 197
ID 2620: Argan and Anti-oxidant Anticancer ................................................................................................ 197
ID 2622: Cynorrhodon and Anti-asthnique, source de vitamine C .............................................................. 198
ID 2628: Bouleau pubescent and Diurtique ................................................................................................. 198
ID 2629: Chatagn and Astringent, anti-oxidant .......................................................................................... 198
ID 2637: Cranberry extract powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and natural antioxidant .............................. 198
ID 2638: blueberry extracts and can support maintainig of proper night vision............................................ 199
ID 2639: blueberry extracts and natural antioxidant ...................................................................................... 199
ID 2640: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and helps to keep normal cholesterol level ........................... 199
ID 2641: extract of Silybum marianum and antioxidant ................................................................................ 200
ID 2642: extract of Gymnema sylvestre and helps to keep normal sugar level in organism ......................... 200
ID 2643: extrakt of Garcinia cambogie hydrodycitric acid and metabolism of fats ...................................... 201
ID 2647: Boswellin (Bosellia serrata) and Metabolism of enzymes: Boswellin positively effects the
enzyme 5-lipoxygenase, as well as the human leukocyte elastase (HLE) ....................................................... 201
ID 2649: ginger extract (Zingiberis officinale) and helps to maintai mobility of joints ................................ 202
ID 2651: Extract from Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA) - (-)-Hydroxycitric acid and HCA is an inhibitor
of ATP-citrate lyase, which is involved in fatty acid synthesis ....................................................................... 204
ID 2652: Extract from Aronia melanocarpa and antioxidant effects ............................................................. 204
ID 2653: Extract from the red grapes skin and antioxidant effects ................................................................ 204
ID 2654: Extract from Hibiscus Chinensis and antioxidant effects ............................................................... 205
ID 2657: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and helps to keep elasticity of vessels .................................. 205
ID 2658: nettle extract (Urtica dioica), dandelion extract (Taraxum officinale), birch extract (Betula
pendula),parsley extract (Petroselinum crispum) and has diuretic effect , helps to maintain proper
function of urinary system, diureticum ............................................................................................................ 205
ID 2660: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to maintain
elasticity, tenderness and health of skin, structure and function of skin and mucose membrane ................... 206
ID 2661: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to keep normal
blood cholesterol .............................................................................................................................................. 207
ID 2662: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to keep normal
blood preassure .................................................................................................................................................. 207
ID 2663: extract of guarana (Paullinia cupana) and natural antioxidant ....................................................... 208
ID 2664: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and natural antioxidant ......................................................... 208
ID 2665: Mucuna pruriens and Metabolism of testosterone .......................................................................... 209
ID 2668: Extract of olive leafs (oleuropein) and natural antioxidant protect organism from oxidative
demage powerful antioxidants beneficial to human health ............................................................................. 209
ID 2672: Ginseng, extract from root and Effective substances, ginsenosides ............................................... 210
ID 2673: Ginseng, extract from root and Acting as antioxidants ................................................................... 212
ID 2674: Eucalyptol and Antiseptic properties .............................................................................................. 212
ID 2675: Menthol and Influense of nasal airflow .......................................................................................... 213
ID 2676: Ginseng and Erection ..................................................................................................................... 213
ID 2677: Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) and Supports bodys renal elimination of water .......................... 213
ID 2680: Valerian-hops combination (Humulus lupulus, Valeriana officinalis) and Sleep .......................... 214
ID 2681: Caraway fruit (Carum carvi) and Spasmolytic effect ..................................................................... 215
ID 2684: Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) and Stimulates secretion of all glands, including lacteal ones ........ 215
ID 2687: Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, Thymus zygis) and Supports secretion of mucus in the
upper respiratory tract ...................................................................................................................................... 216
ID 2690: Lime Tree (Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos) and Supports expectoration .................................... 216
ID 2691: Lime Tree (Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos) and Supports bodys renal elimination of water ..... 216
ID 2692: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Spasmolytic and carminative effect .......................................... 216
ID 2694: German Chamomile (Matricaria/Chamomills recutita L.) and Spasmolytic effect ........................ 217
ID 2696: Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Carminative effect ................................................................... 217
ID 2699: Goats rue (Galega officinalis) and Supports activity of lacteal glands ......................................... 217
ID 2701: Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and Urinary elimination .............................................................. 218
ID 2702: Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and Slimming aid/ Weigth control .............................................. 218
ID 2703: Carob (Ceratonica siliqua L.) and Satiety/ weight control ............................................................. 219
ID 2704 : Artichoke (leaf) Cynara scolymus and Health of lower urinary tract ............................................ 219
ID 2705: Cherry Peduncle. Prunus avium, Prunus cerasus and Health of lower urinary tract ..................... 219
ID 2707: Guarana (seed) Paullinia cupana and Weight control and fat metabolism ..................................... 220
ID 2708: Heather (blossoming top). Calluna vulgaris and Health of lower urinary tract .............................. 221
ID 2709: Mallow (leaf and flower) Malva sylvestris and Pharyngeal health / Softening throat ................... 221
ID 2710: Papaya (leaf) Carica papaya and Body fat reduction ...................................................................... 222
ID 2713: Pyrus malus (Common Name Apple) extract powder containing polyphenols and Blood glucose
control .............................................................................................................................................................. 222
ID 2715: Borago officinalis - common name : Borage and Renal elimination / organism draining.............. 222
ID 2716: Camellia sinensis - common name : tea and Control of weight ...................................................... 223
ID 2717: Ribes nigrum - nom commun : blackcurrant and Control of weight .............................................. 223
ID 2718: Sambucus nigra - common name : black elder, European elder and Control of weight ................. 223
ID 2719: Armorica rusticana - common name : Horseradish and Renal elimination / Organism draining ... 223
ID 2722: Alfalfa. (Medicago sativa L.) and Hair and nails health ................................................................. 223
ID 2723: Bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) and Bones and joints health ....................................................... 223
ID 2724: Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and Slimming / lipids metabolism ................................................... 224
ID 2725: Cola (Cola nitida) and Weight control ............................................................................................ 225
ID 2727: Grape (Vitis vinifera L) and Weight control ................................................................................. 225
ID 2728: Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Mact. = C. decumana L., C. grandis Osbeck ; Citrus maxima) and
Purifying/ detoxifying properties ................................................................................................................... 226
ID 2730: Larch tree (Larix decidua) and Immune health ............................................................................... 226
ID 2731: Lithothamnium calcareum (calcium carbonate) and Bone health - mineralization ........................ 227
ID 2733: Nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) and Weight control ........................................................................... 227
ID 2734: Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and Antioxidant properties ......................................................... 228
ID 2735: Red Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) and Weight control/cellulitis ............................................................. 229
ID 2736: Sage (Salvia lavandulaefolia Vahl.) and Mental health/ cognitive functions ................................. 229
ID 2739: Corn silk (Zea mays L.) and Health of urinary and digestive function .......................................... 230
ID 2740: Couchgrass (Agropyron repens L.) and Detoxification .................................................................. 231
ID 2742: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Urinary elimination - Detoxification ........................................ 232
ID 2743: Papaya (Carica papaya L.) and Skin curves/Cellulitis .................................................................... 233
ID 2744: Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Stimulation of appetite ............................................................. 233
ID 2746: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and Hair growth ........................................................................... 233
ID 2747: Roquette (Eruca sativa): dry hydroethanolic extract and Hair growth .......................................... 234
ID 2748: Huile de carthame (safflower oil) and Skin care ............................................................................ 234
ID 2749: Huile de noisettes : Hazel nut (Corylus avellana) oil and Skin care ............................................... 234
ID 2750: Cassis : Dry extract of Ribes Nigrum fruit standardized at 7% of anthocyanosides and Eye
health ................................................................................................................................................................ 234
ID 2751: Curcuma: Curcuma longa and Liver lipids ..................................................................................... 235
ID 2752: Radis noir: Raphanus niger (Black radish) and Improve digestion/transit ..................................... 235
ID 2753 : Sureau: Elder berry (dry aqueous extract) and Veinous system .................................................... 236
ID 2755: Myrtille: Extract of Vaccinum Myrtillus (bilberries) and Hairs and nails care .............................. 236
ID 2757: Ascophyllum (Ascophyllum nodosum) dry water extract and Action on fats ................................ 237
ID 2758: Spiruline (dry extract of Spirulina maxima) and Amino acid supplementation ............................. 237
ID 2759: Brocoli: Dry extract of concentrated Brassica oleracea inflorescences juice and Gastric
acidities ............................................................................................................................................................ 238
ID 2765: Plante : Th vert Camellia sinensis (Green tea) and Elimination rnale de leau .......................... 238
ID 2767: Plante: Frne Fraxinus excelsior (ash) and Elimination rnale de leau Fonctions
dlimination de lorganisme ........................................................................................................................... 238
ID 2770: Food supplement /Food ingredient: Whole cranberry powder from North American Cranberry
(Vaccinium macrocarpon) Early Black species and Health of the lower urinary tract ............................... 239
ID 2772: Valerian extract [Dry extract from roots of Valeriana officinalis L., drug/native extract ratio(3 -
6): 1, solvent of extraction Ethanol/Water, min 0.3% valerenic acid] and For isomnia and mental
health ................................................................................................................................................................ 240
ID 2773: Graines de brocoli et extraits de graines de brocoli: Sulforaphane and Sant de la prostate ......... 241
ID 2774: Fumaria officinalis, fumitory, nom franais : fumeterre and elimination ....................................... 242
ID 2778: Artemisia vulgaris L. ; Common name : Armoise commune and apptit ....................................... 242
ID 2780: Combretum micranthum G. Don; Common name: Kinkliba and elimination .............................. 242
ID 2782: Equisetum arvense L.; Common name: Prle des champs and limination.................................... 242
ID 2783: Equisetum arvense L. ; Common name : Prle des champs; Common name : Armoise commune
and amincissement ........................................................................................................................................ 243
ID 2784: Hieracium pilosella L.; Common name: Piloselle and limination ................................................ 243
ID 2785: Ononis spinosa L.; Common name: Bugrane and limination ...................................................... 243
ID 2787: Urtica dioica L.; Common name: Ortie dioque and limination ................................................... 243
ID 2788: Zea mays L.; Common name: Mas and amincissement ................................................................. 243
ID 2792: Ajuga extract and Trophism of skin and related tissues ................................................................. 243
ID 2793: Alfalfa and Cardiovascular system ................................................................................................. 244
ID 2794: Avocado-soy extract and Joints ...................................................................................................... 244
ID 2795: Bilberry / flavonols + anthocyanidines and Antioxidativity Cardiovascular system ..................... 245
ID 2796: Bilberry and anthocyanins from blackcurrant and Eyes ................................................................. 246
ID 2798: Bilberry + pine bark and Musculoskeletal system .......................................................................... 247
ID 2800: Bilberry + pine bark and Antioxidativity ........................................................................................ 247
ID 2803: Dandelion root extract and Cardiovascular system ........................................................................ 248
ID 2805: Garlic and Carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity. ........................................................ 248
ID 2807: Ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) and Cardiovascular system. Eyes. Ears ............................................ 248
ID 2808: Ginseng and Physical performance and condition. ......................................................................... 249
ID 2809: Ginseng and Mental state and performance .................................................................................... 249
ID 2812: Green tea extract and Mental state and performance ...................................................................... 250
ID 2813: Green tea extract and Mouth ........................................................................................................... 250
ID 2814: Green tea, green tea extract and Cardiovascular system ................................................................. 250
ID 2815: Heather blossom extract and Mental state and performance .......................................................... 250
ID 2816: Dry extract of common horsetail summer shoots + dry extract of dandelion root and Fluid and
electrolyte balance ........................................................................................................................................... 251
ID 2817: Iceland moss extract (Cetraria islandica) and Antioxidativity ........................................................ 251
ID 2819: Jerusalem artichoke and Gut health ................................................................................................ 251
ID 2820: Jerusalem artichoke and Gut health ................................................................................................ 252
ID 2821: Nettle and Bone, nails, hair ............................................................................................................. 252
ID 2823: Oregano (Oreganum vulgare) and Antioxidativity ......................................................................... 252
ID 2825: Papaya and Digestion ...................................................................................................................... 253
ID 2827: Pine shoot (fresh) (Picea abies) and Respiratory passages ............................................................. 254
ID 2829: Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) and Physical performance and condition. Antioxidativity .................. 254
ID 2830: Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) phospholipid compound and Mental state and performance Physical
performance and condition. ............................................................................................................................. 254
ID 2831: Tribulus terrestris and Sexual organs and/or hormone activity ...................................................... 255
ID 2832: Wheat sprouts and Antioxidativity ................................................................................................. 256
ID 2833: Wheat sprouts and Eyes .................................................................................................................. 256
ID 2835: Yerba mate extract (Ilex paraguarensis) and Antioxidativity ......................................................... 256
ID 2844: Brassica olaracea var italica (broccoli) and Immune system. ......................................................... 257
ID 2845: Brassica olaracea var italica (broccoli) and Antioxidant properties and cell protection ................ 262
ID 2847: Malva sylvestris L. (Common name: Mallow) and -Respiratory health ......................................... 267
ID 2848: Melissa extract [Dry extract from leaves of Melissa officinalis L., drug/native extract ratio (4 - 6)
: 1, solvent of extraction Methanol/Water , min 1.8% rosmarinic acid] and -For mental health ................ 267
ID 2849: Natural Grape Extract From grape seed Solvent free and -- Rich in polyphenols- Act as
antioxidants - Antioxidant is a compound able to scavenge free radicals in the body and stop the oxidative
chain reaction ................................................................................................................................................... 268
ID 2850: Ocimum sanctum LEAF and Antioxidant. Immunity ..................................................................... 268
ID 2854: Bilberry Vaccinium myrtillus and Function as antioxidant ............................................................ 269
ID 2855: Blackcurrant Ribes nigrum and Antioxidant properties ................................................................. 269
ID 2857: Ecklonia cava Kjellman (brown seaweed) extract and Antioxidant effects ................................... 270
ID 2858: Emblica officinalis and Immunity/digestion ................................................................................... 270
ID 2859: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and Immune
support ............................................................................................................................................................. 271
ID 2860: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and
Antioxidant..................................................................................................................................................... 271
ID 2861: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and Control of
blood lipids ...................................................................................................................................................... 272
ID 2862: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and Regulation
of inflammatory responses in the body ............................................................................................................ 272
ID 2865: Polyphenols (from Olea europaea extract) and Antioxidant properties ......................................... 273
ID 2866: Rosemary. Rosmarinus officinalis and Antioxidant properties ...................................................... 273
ID 2867: Zingiber officinale and Blood sugar metabolism ............................................................................ 273
ID 2870: Standardisierter Kartoffelextrakt and Sttigung/ Gewichtsmanagement / Frderung der CCK-
Ausschttung ................................................................................................................................................... 274
ID 2872: Combination of Vitamin C, Selenium and Vitamin E and Anti-oxidant properties ....................... 275
ID 2873: Vitamin E acetate (D,L-alpha tocopherol acetate) and Health of the scalp .................................... 276
ID 2874: Vitamines du groupe B : B-group vitamins (especially vitamin B5 and vitamin B8) and Hairs
and nails care ................................................................................................................................................... 276
ID 2875: Vitamine B3 and Hairs and nails care ............................................................................................. 276
ID 2876: Vitamine B8 (biotin) and Hair loss and regrowth ........................................................................... 276
ID 2877: Vitamine B8 : Vitamin B8 or vitamin H (biotin) and Resistance and strength of the nails ........... 277
ID 2878: Vitamine B5 (Pantothenic acid) and Skin care ............................................................................... 277
ID 2879: Menaquinone-7 (MK-7, a form of vitamin K2) and Bone health ................................................... 278
ID 2880: Menaquinone-7 (MK-7, a form of vitamin K2) and Cardiovascular Health .................................. 281
ID 2881: Folate/ Folic acid (Vitamin B9) and Cell division/multiplication: Nucleic acids and amino acids
synthesis (such as in the gastrointestinal tract) ............................................................................................... 282
ID 2882: Folate/Folic acid and Effect on a normal pregnancy target group: women planning to become
pregnant and pregnant ...................................................................................................................................... 283
ID 2884: Calcium and Gut flora / Natural defences ....................................................................................... 284
ID 2885: Natural mineral water: Sulphates as Mg-, Na- salts: MgSO4, Na2SO4 and Digestion/Intestinal
tract .................................................................................................................................................................. 284
ID 2886: Natural mineral water: Hydrogencarbonates as Na- , Mg-, Ca-, salts: NaHCO3,
Mg(HCO3)2,Ca(HCO3)2 and Stomach acid in digestion............................................................................ 284
ID 2887: Sodium phosphate and Supports an increase in VO2max .............................................................. 284
ID 2888: zeaxantin and helps to preserve elasticity and permeabilityof capilars of retina and supports
good blood circulation in eyes ......................................................................................................................... 285
ID 2889: Fer and lutte contre l'anmie/ la fatigue .......................................................................................... 285
ID 2890: Zinc and Le zinc est un lment ou cofacteur de diffrentes enzymes des mtabolismes
protiques, glucidique et lipidiques ainsi que des acides nucliques : alcool dshydrognase, superoxyde
dismutase, ADN polymrase, ARN polymrase, phosphatases alcalines, carboxy ......................................... 285
ID 2891: Lactotripeptides and Blood pressure ............................................................................................... 285
ID 2892: Conjugated Linoleic acid (cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12) and weight management, fat
metabolism enhancement ................................................................................................................................. 287
ID 2893: Whey protein concentrate rich in alpha-lactalbumin and Cognition / memory .............................. 288
ID 2894: Potato protein isolate and satiety .................................................................................................... 289
ID 2895: Enova Oil (diacylglycerol oil of plant origin Min 80% diacylglycerols) and Weight
maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................... 290
ID 2896: Enova Oil (diacylglycerol oil of plant origin Min 80% diacylglycerols) and Postprandial
serum triglyceride ............................................................................................................................................ 291
ID 2897: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Brain development and maturation of
neurosensorial functions .................................................................................................................................. 291
ID 2898: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Growth and development and
maintenance of body functions ........................................................................................................................ 291
ID 2899: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Artery/Heart health .................................. 292
ID 2900: Fats and Cell growth/cell functioning and structure ....................................................................... 293
ID 2901: Fats (containing EFA) and Essential fatty acids (EFA) supply ...................................................... 293
ID 2902: Fats (fatty acids higher than c-10) and Absorption of fat soluble vitamins .................................... 293
ID 2903: Isomaltulose (or trademark Palatinose) and Reduced speed of digestion and absorption results
in lower glycemic response .............................................................................................................................. 294
ID 2905: Long-chain omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC omega-3 PUFA, LC n-3 PUFA) or
docosahexaenoic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid or omega-3 fish oils and Building block for lipids in the
retinas photoreceptors; Eye Health................................................................................................................. 295
ID 2906: Low or reduced saturated fat (hard fat) or replacement of saturated fat with MUFA PUFA (soft
fat) low cholesterol and Maintains healthy LDL cholesterol levels Arterial/Heart Health ......................... 296
ID 2907: Polyols and Remineralisation of teeth ............................................................................................ 297
ID 2908: Polyols and Low glycemic properties ............................................................................................. 298
ID 2909: Sterols/ stanols and their esters and Heart health and artery health because of LDL cholesterol
maintenance ..................................................................................................................................................... 298
ID 2910: Unsaturated fats/ fatty acids (poly and/or monounsaturates) and Blood cholesterol and
artery/heart health ............................................................................................................................................ 299
ID 2911: Unsaturated fats/fatty acids and Function of the cell membrane .................................................... 299
ID 2912: Carbohydrates in dairy products and Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) give a low and slow
blood glucose response .................................................................................................................................... 300
ID 2913: L-methionine and Improvement of protein quality. Modulation of lipids metabolism .................. 300
ID 2914: Long chain Omega 3 fatty acids and Normal immune system function ......................................... 300
ID 2915: Olibra /Fabuless (Oil-in-water emulsion, containing 40% fractionated palm oil, 2,5% oats
oil and water; no preservatives or stabilisers added.) and Fabuless prolonges the feeling of satiety. ..... 300
ID 2916: Indole-3-carbinol and Cell metabolism - positively affects the fission of cells their immunity
and regeneration ............................................................................................................................................... 301
ID 2917: Indole-3-carbinol and Induction of apoptosis of transformed and damanged cells ........................ 301
ID 2919: Formulated emulsion of palm oil, oat oil and water (Patent: WO 99/02041 Satiety Product) and
Prolongs the feeling of satiety and contributes to a reduced calorie intake at the next meal. Less sensation
of hunger between the meals and less need for snacking ................................................................................ 301
ID 2920: Isomalt and Low glycemic properties ............................................................................................. 301
ID 2921: Isomalt and Dental health - General................................................................................................ 302
ID 2922: Inulin/oligofructose from chicory and Satiety ................................................................................ 302
ID 2923: Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and Calcium absorption ............................................................. 303
ID 2925: Alpha-cyclodextrin (a soluble dietary fiber) and Weight management .......................................... 304
ID 2926: Alpha-cyclodextrin (a soluble dietary fiber) and Glucose homeostasis ......................................... 304
ID 2927: Fibersol-2 (a resistant dextrin, i.e. a soluble dietary fiber) and Vascular/heart health;Blood
lipids................................................................................................................................................................. 304
ID 2929: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and regularity
In healthy people .............................................................................................................................................. 305
ID 2930: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and regularity
In people with irritable bowel syndrom ........................................................................................................... 305
ID 2931: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and regularity
In people receiving total or supplemental enteral nutrition ............................................................................. 305
ID 2932: SunfiberTM (syn.: BenefiberTM) (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and
Postprandial blood glucose ............................................................................................................................ 306
ID 2933: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) Voedingsvezel and Verzadiging................................... 306
ID 2934: CalorieControl Trim Oat Bran 20% and Contribution to the maintenance of healthy blood
cholesterol levels ............................................................................................................................................. 307
ID 2935: CalorieControl Trim Oat Bran and insulin_glucose response ..................................................... 308
ID 2936: Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 (DSM 16604) and Microflora / intestinal transit ............................ 308
ID 2937: Bifidobacterium breve BL 03 (DSM 16603) and Microflora / intestinal transit ............................ 308
ID 2938: Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 (DSM 16604) +Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-21021)
and Microflora / intestinal transit .................................................................................................................. 308
ID 2939: Bifidobacterium infantis Bi1 (LMG P-17502), Bifidobacterium breve Bbr8 (LMG P-17501) and
Bifidobacterium longum Bl10 (LMG P-17500) and he bacteria take part in the commensal
gastrointestina flora. They survive in the gastrointestinal tract and counteract unwanted bacteria,
promoting the intestinal healt ......................................................................................................................... 308
ID 2940: Bifidobacterium lactis BS 01 (LMG P-21384) and Intestinal transit ............................................. 309
ID 2941: Bifidobacterium lactis BS 01 (LMG P-21384)+Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR 04 (DSM
16605)+Lactobacillus plantarum LP 02(LMG P-21020) and Natural defences / immune system /
intestinal discomfort ........................................................................................................................................ 309
ID 2942: Lactobacillus acidophilus bar 13 (CNCM-I-3857) and Bifidobacterium longum bar 33 (CNCM-I-
3858)- mix 1:1 and immune modulation ...................................................................................................... 309
ID 2943: Lactobacillus acidophilus K8 (LMG P-17503) and The strain takes part in the normal vaginal
flora. It colonize the vagina. It counteract unwanted bacteria and yeasts, promoting the vaginal healt ....... 310
ID 2944: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 02 (LMG P-21381)+Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-
21021) and Microflora / intestinal transit .................................................................................................... 311
ID 2945: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA1 (LMG P-21904) and Intestinal flora / gut health .......................... 311
ID 2946: Lactobacillus acidophilus P 18806 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ............... 311
ID 2947: Lactobacillus acidophilus P 18806 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali ........................................... 312
ID 2948: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium (BB46); Bifidobacterium (BB02),Bifidobacterium
Breve(Bbr8 LMG P-17501)CSL, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus ATC C53103 (LGG), Lactobacillus casei
101/37(Img P-17504), Lactobacillus delbruekii spp bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG P1 and Intestinal
microflora - Natural defences - immune response ........................................................................................... 312
ID 2949: Lactobacillus casei CNCM I-1572 DG and Intestinal flora ............................................................ 312
ID 2950: Lactobacillus crispatus P 17631 and Benessere della microflora vaginale .................................... 312
ID 2951: Lactobacillus delbrueckii P18805 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ................ 312
ID 2952: Lactobacillus delbrueckii P18805 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali ............................................ 313
ID 2953: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Intestinal microflora ............................................................... 313
ID 2954: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Natural defence - immune response (Svolgono un'attivit
immunostimulante e immunomodulante verificato in individui adulti e bambini) ......................................... 314
ID 2955: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Lactose digestion ................................................................... 315
ID 2956: Lactobacillus gasseri P 17632 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ...................... 316
ID 2957: Lactobacillus gasseri P 18137 and Benessere della microflora vaginale ....................................... 316
ID 2958: Lactobacillus gasseri P 18137 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ...................... 316
ID 2959: Lactobacillus paracasei B21060 and Funzione intestinale ............................................................. 317
ID 2960: Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I 1687 and Supports your natural (immune) defence system by
increasing the IL-10 production and enanching NK cell activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC). Necessary to mantain the natural defences/helps to mantain a balanced immune system
(increasing the IL-10 production and enanching NK cell activity) ................................................................. 317
ID 2961: Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I 1687 and Is a probiotic; contributes to a healthy digestive
system by supporting the gut flora through an increased number of positive lactobacillus in the intestine;
useful to mantain an healthy intestinal flora adhering to the mucosa; improves intestinal barrier function
by competion (steric encumbrance) against pathogens; reduces gastro-intestinal discomfort; necessary to
mantain a healthy digestive system by production of specific enzymes (e.g. beta-galactosidase) .................. 317
ID 2962: Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali .................................................. 318
ID 2963: Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ...................... 318
ID 2964: Lactobacillus paracasei LMG P-22043 and Intestinal flora ........................................................... 318
ID 2965: Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-21021) and Microflora / intestinal transit ..................... 318
ID 2966: Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 and Benessere del tratto intestinale ........................................... 319
ID 2967: Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 and Benessere della microflora vaginale .................................. 319
ID 2968: Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Promotes the well being of the intestin improving skin, scalp and
hair health. ....................................................................................................................................................... 319
ID 2969: Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR 04 (DSM 16605) and Microflora / intestinal transit ........................ 319
ID 2970: Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ...................... 320
ID 2971: Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali .................................................. 320
ID 2972: PSMIX, miscela di Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 e Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and
Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale ............................................................................................. 320
ID 2973: PSMIX, miscela di Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 e Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and
Rinforzo delle difese naturali ......................................................................................................................... 321
ID 2974: Streptococcus thermophilus LMG P 18807 and Is a probiotic contributes to a healthy digestive
system by supporting the gut flora through an increased number of positive lactobacillus in the intestine;
useful to mantain an healthy intestinal flora adhering to the mucosa; improves intestinal barrier function
by competion (steric encumbrance) against pathogens; reduces gastro-intestinal discomfort; necessary to
mantain a healthy digestive system by production of specific enzymes (e.g. beta-galactosidase) .................. 321
ID 2975: Streptococcus thermophilus LMG P 18807 and Increases the immune defences/response by
reducing the CD34+ cells. As recommended by PASSCLAIM, the functional capacity of the immune
system has been assessed by: - measuring specific cell function in vivo e.g. production of cytokines or
responce to antigens - determining the incidence and severity of infection. Necessary to mantain the
natural defences/helps to mantain a balanced immune system (reducing the CD34+ cells) ........................... 321
ID 2976: Yoghurt cultures (live) and Lactose digestion ................................................................................ 321
ID 2977: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Intestinal microbiota ...................................... 323
ID 2978: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Beneficially affects the oral ecology
measured by increased numbers of positive lactobacilli in the oral microbiota .............................................. 324
ID 2979: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Gut barrier function ....................................... 324
ID 2980: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Balances/supports the immune system
measured by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA ..................................................................... 325
ID 2981: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W56 and Intestinal microbiota ............................................. 325
ID 2982: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W58 and Gut barrier function .............................................. 326
ID 2983: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W61 and Balances/supports the immune system measured
by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA ..................................................................................... 326
ID 2984: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W58 and Intestinal microbiota .............................................. 326
ID 2985: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W61 and Gut barrier function ................................................ 327
ID 2986: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W64 and Balances/supports the immune system measured
by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA ..................................................................................... 328
ID 2987: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis W52)
and Intestinal microbiota ................................................................................................................................ 328
ID 2988: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis W52)
and Gut barrier function ................................................................................................................................. 329
ID 2989: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis W52)
and Balances/supports the immune system measured by increased levels of regulatory cytokines .............. 329
ID 2990: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis W52)
and Supports/maintains abdominal well-being and gastro-intestinal comfort measured by an improved
intestinal passage ............................................................................................................................................. 330
ID 2991: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius LS-33 and Intestinal microbiota .................................... 330
ID 2992: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis BI-07 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis BI-
07) and Promotes the restoration of the intestinal microbiota during and after antibiotic use measured by
increased levels of bifidobacteria and reduced levels of non-beneficial bacteria in the intestine thereby
improving a normal intestinal passage ............................................................................................................. 330
ID 2993: Positively affects the immune response and Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis BI-07
(Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis BI-07) ..................................................................................... 330
ID 2994: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium lactis BL-01
and Bifidobacterium longum BI-04) and Promotes the restoration of the intestinal microbiota during
and after antibiotic use measured by enhanced levels of bifidobacteria in the intestine ................................. 331
ID 2995: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium lactis BL-01
and Bifidobacterium longum BI-04) and Positively affects the immune response ...................................... 331
ID 2996: Probiotic supplement: Winclove 500 and Intestinal microbiotia .................................................... 331
ID 2997: Probiotic supplement: Lactobact omni FOS and Intestinal microbiota .......................................... 331
ID 2998: Probiotic supplement: Lactobact omni FOS and Reduces stress-induced immune responses
measured by the suppression of Th2 cytokines and increased levels of sIgA, thereby promoting resistance
to viral infections ............................................................................................................................................. 331
ID 2999: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Lactose intolerance .................................... 332
ID 3000: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Contributes to gastro-intestinal well-being
measured by the improvement of natural bowel movements and a normal intestinal passage ....................... 332
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ID 2014: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Digestion
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ID 2017: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Cardiovascular
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Cinnamomum zeylanicum and eugenol in peroxynitrite-induced oxidative processes. Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 53, 4762-4765.
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(Amomum subulatum) seeds in rats fed high fat diet. Indian J Exp Biol, 37, 238-242.
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Homeopathy, New Dehli, India.
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9 Mancini-Filho J, Van-Koiij A, Mancini DA, Cozzolino FF, Torres RP, 1998. Antioxidant activity of
cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, Breyne) extracts. Boll Chim Farm, 137, 443-447.
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ID 2018: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Genitourinary
1 Afzal M, Khan NA, Ghufran A, Iqbal A, Inamuddin M, 2004. Diuretic and nephroprotective effect of
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adolescents with type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 30, 813-816.
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DJ, 2004. Isolation and characterization of polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamon with insulin-like
biological activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 65-70.
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antioxidant properties of some commercial essential oils. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 13, 235-244.
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Cinnamomum zeylanicum and eugenol in peroxynitrite-induced oxidative processes. Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 53, 4762-4765.
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(Amomum subulatum) seeds in rats fed high fat diet. Indian journal of experimental biology, 37, 238-242.
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ID 2020: Cinnamomum zeylanicum BARK and Antioxidant
1 Anderson RA, Broadhurst CL, Polansky MM, Schmidt WF, Khan A, Flanagan VP, Schoene NW, Graves
DJ, 2004. Isolation and characterization of polyphenol type-A polymers from cinnamon with insulin-like
biological activity. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 65-70.
2 Baratta MT, Dorman HJD, Deans SG, Figueiredo AC, Barroso JG, Ruberto G, 1998. Antimicrobial and
antioxidant properties of some commercial essential oils. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, 13, 235-244.
3 Chericoni S, Prieto JA, Iacopini P, Cioni P, Morelli I, 2005. In vitro activity of the essential oil of
Cinnamomum zeylanicum and eugenol in peroxynitrite-induced oxidative processes. Journal of Agricultural
and Food Chemistry, 53, 4762-4765.
4 Dhuley JN, 1999. Anti-oxidant effects of cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum) bark and greater cardamom
(Amomum subulatum) seeds in rats fed high fat diet. Indian journal of experimental biology, 37, 238-242.
5 Kitazuru ER, Moreira AVB, Mancini-Filho J, Delincee H, Villavicencio ALCH, 2004. Effects of irradiation
on natural antioxidants of cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum N.). Radiation Physics and Chemistry, 71,
6 Mancini-Filho J, Van-Koiij A, Mancini DAP, Cozzolino FF, Torres RP, 1998. Antioxidant activity of
cinnamon (Cinnamomum Zeylanicum, Breyne) extracts. Bollettino chimico-farmaceutico(Milano), 137,
7 Murcia MA, Egea I, Romojaro F, Parras P, Jimenez AM, Martinez-Tome M, 2004. Antioxidant evaluation
in dessert spices compared with common food additives. Influence of irradiation procedure. Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 1872-1881.
8 Shobana S and Naidu KA, 2000. Antioxidant activity of selected Indian spices. Prostaglandins Leukotrienes
and Essential Fatty Acids, 62, 107-110.
ID 2021: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Antioxidant support
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ID 2022: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Joint support
1 Bezerra MM, Brain SD, Greenacre S, Jeronimo SM, de Melo LB, Keeble J, da Rocha FA, 2004. Reactive
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ID 2023: Cherries (Prunus cerasus), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart cherry varieties
and Cardiovascular / heart health support
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ID 2024: Cherries (Prunus cerasus, P. domestica), including Montmorency, Balaton or other sour/tart
cherry varieties and Brain/mental/cognitive health
1 Bouayed J, Rammal H, Dicko A, Younos C, Soulimani R, 2007. Chlorogenic acid, a polyphenol from
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ID 2025: Citrus paradisi (Common Name : Grapefruit) and Antioxidant properties
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8 Gorinstein S, Caspi A, Libman I, Katrich E, Lerner HT, Trakhtenberg S, 2004. Fresh israeli jaffa sweetie
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ID 2034: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Urinary
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coriander (Coriandrum sativum) juice on the mutagenesis produced by plant metabolites of aromatic amines.
Toxicol Lett, 153, 283-292.
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ID 2035: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Cardiovascular
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ID 2037: Coriandrum sativum FRUIT and Immunity & antioxidant
1 Aggarwal BB and Shishodia S, 2006. Molecular targets of dietary agents for prevention and therapy of
cancer. Biochem Pharmacol, 71, 1397-1421.
2 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
3 Chithra V and Leelamma S, 1999. Coriandrum sativum changes the levels of lipid peroxides and activity of
antioxidant enzymes in experimental animals. Indian J Biochem Biophys, 36, 59-61.
4 Chithra V and Leelamma S, 2000. Coriandrum sativum--effect on lipid metabolism in 1,2-dimethyl
hydrazine induced colon cancer. J Ethnopharmacol, 71, 457-463.
5 Cortes-Eslava J, Gomez-Arroyo S, Villalobos-Pietrini R, Espinosa-Aguirre JJ, 2004. Antimutagenicity of
coriander (Coriandrum sativum) juice on the mutagenesis produced by plant metabolites of aromatic amines.
Toxicol Lett, 153, 283-292.
6 de Almeida Melo E, Mancini Filho J, Barbosa Guerra N, 2005. Characterization of antioxidant compounds
in aqueous coriander extract (Coriandrum sativum L.). LWT-Food Science and Technology, 38, 15-19.
7 Guerra NB, de Almeida Melo E, Filho JM, 2005. Antioxidant compounds from coriander (Coriandrum
sativum L.) etheric extract. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 18, 193-199.
8 Hashim MS, Lincy S, Remya V, Teena M, Anila L, 2005. Effect of polyphenolic compounds from
Coriandrum sativum on H2O2-induced oxidative stress in human lymphocytes. Food Chemistry, 92, 653-
9 Ramadan MF, Kroh LW, Morsel JT, 2003. Radical scavenging activity of black cumin (Nigella sativa L.),
coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.), and niger (Guizotia abyssinica Cass.) crude seed oils and oil fractions. J
Agric Food Chem, 51, 6961-6969.
10 Ramadan MF and Moersel JT, 2006. Screening of the antiradical action of vegetable oils. Journal of Food
Composition and Analysis, 19, 838-842.
11 Satyanarayana S, Sushruta K, Sarma GS, Srinivas N, Subba Raju GV, 2004. Antioxidant activity of the
aqueous extracts of spicy food additives--evaluation and comparison with ascorbic acid in in-vitro systems. J
Herb Pharmacother, 4, 1-10.
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Ayurveda. Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Delhi.
13 Wangensteen H, Samuelsen AB, Malterud KE, 2004. Antioxidant activity in extracts from coriander. Food
Chemistry, 88, 293-297.
ID 2039: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for enhancing thermogenesis, increasing
energy expenditure and enhancing loss of calories
1 Belza A and Jessen AB, 2005. Bioactive food stimulants of sympathetic activity: effect on 24-h energy
expenditure and fat oxidation. Eur J Clin Nutr, 59, 733-741.
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subjects. Int J Obes (Lond), 31, 121-130.
3 Diepvens K, Westerterp KR, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, 2007. Obesity and thermogenesis related to the
consumption of caffeine, ephedrine, capsaicin, and green tea. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol, 292,
4 Henry CJ and Emery B, 1986. Effect of spiced food on metabolic rate. Hum Nutr Clin Nutr, 40, 165-168.
5 Kawada T, Watanabe T, Takaishi T, Tanaka T, Iwai K, 1986. Capsaicin-induced beta-adrenergic action on
energy metabolism in rats: influence of capsaicin on oxygen consumption, the respiratory quotient, and
substrate utilization. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 183, 250-256.
6 Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, 2003. Effect of capsaicin on substrate oxidation and
weight maintenance after modest body-weight loss in human subjects. Br J Nutr, 90, 651-659.
7 Shin KO and Moritani T, 2007. The combined effects of capsaicin, green tea extract and chicken essence
tablets on human autonomic nervous system activity. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 53, 145-152.
8 Tsi D, Nah AK, Kiso Y, Moritani T, Ono H, 2003. Clinical study on the combined effect of capsaicin, green
tea extract and essence of chicken on body fat content in human subjects. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 49,
9 Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Smeets A, Lejeune MP, 2005. Sensory and gastrointestinal satiety effects of
capsaicin on food intake. Int J Obes (Lond), 29, 682-688.
10 Yoshioka M, Lim K, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki M, 1995. Effects of red-pepper
diet on the energy metabolism in men. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 41, 647-656.
11 Yoshioka M, St-Pierre S, Suzuki M, Tremblay A, 1998. Effects of red pepper added to high-fat and high-
carbohydrate meals on energy metabolism and substrate utilization in Japanese women. Br J Nutr, 80, 503-
ID 2040: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for stimulating carbohydrate oxidation and
burning carbohydrates
1 Lim K, Yoshioka M, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki M, 1997. Dietary red pepper
ingestion increases carbohydrate oxidation at rest and during exercise in runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 29,
2 Yoshioka M, Lim K, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki M, 1995. Effects of red-pepper
diet on the energy metabolism in men. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 41, 647-656.
ID 2041: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for fat oxidation and burns fat, leading to
loss in body weight
1 Ahuja KD and Ball MJ, 2006. Effects of daily ingestion of chilli on serum lipoprotein oxidation in adult
men and women. Br J Nutr, 96, 239-242.
2 Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, 2003. Effect of capsaicin on substrate oxidation and
weight maintenance after modest body-weight loss in human subjects. Br J Nutr, 90, 651-659.
3 Yoshioka M, Lim K, Kikuzato S, Kiyonaga A, Tanaka H, Shindo M, Suzuki M, 1995. Effects of red-pepper
diet on the energy metabolism in men. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 41, 647-656.
4 Yoshioka M, St-Pierre S, Suzuki M, Tremblay A, 1998. Effects of red pepper added to high-fat and high-
carbohydrate meals on energy metabolism and substrate utilization in Japanese women. Br J Nutr, 80, 503-
ID 2042: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for reducing caloric intake
1 Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Smeets A, Lejeune MP, 2005. Sensory and gastrointestinal satiety effects of
capsaicin on food intake. Int J Obes (Lond), 29, 682-688.
2 Yoshioka M, Imanaga M, Ueyama H, Yamane M, Kubo Y, Boivin A, St-Amand J, Tanaka H, Kiyonaga A,
2004. Maximum tolerable dose of red pepper decreases fat intake independently of spicy sensation in the
mouth. Br J Nutr, 91, 991-995.
ID 2043: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for the reduction of oxidative stress
1 Kempaiah RK and Srinivasan K, 2004. Influence of dietary curcumin, capsaicin and garlic on the
antioxidant status of red blood cells and the liver in high-fat-fed rats. Ann Nutr Metab, 48, 314-320.
2 Lee CY, Kim M, Yoon SW, Lee CH, 2003. Short-term control of capsaicin on blood and oxidative stress of
rats in vivo. Phytother Res, 17, 454-458.
3 Luqman S and Rizvi SI, 2006. Protection of lipid peroxidation and carbonyl formation in proteins by
capsaicin in human erythrocytes subjected to oxidative stress. Phytotherapy Research, 20, 303-306.
ID 2044: Capsicum Extract with Capsaicin and Required for promotion of hair growth
1 Harada N, Okajima K, Arai M, Kurihara H, Nakagata N, 2007. Administration of capsaicin and isoflavone
promotes hair growth by increasing insulin-like growth factor-I production in mice and in humans with
alopecia. Growth Horm IGF Res, 17, 408-415.
ID 2045: Dioscorea villosa (Common Name : Wild Yam ) and Menopause
1 Araghiniknam M, Chung S, Nelson-White T, Eskelson C, Watson RR, 1996. Antioxidant activity of
dioscorea and dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) in older humans. Life Sci, 59, PL147-157.
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3 Haimov-Kochman R and Hochner-Celnikier D, 2005. Hot flashes revisited: pharmacological and herbal
options for hot flashes management. What does the evidence tell us? Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand, 84, 972-
4 Higdon K, Scott A, Tucci M, Benghuzzi H, Tsao A, Puckett A, Cason Z, Hughes J, 2001. The use of
estrogen, DHEA, and diosgenin in a sustained delivery setting as a novel treatment approach for
osteoporosis in the ovariectomized adult rat model. Biomed Sci Instrum, 37, 281-286.
5 Hudson TS, Standish L, Breed C, Bettenburg R, Dalen C, Noe J, ODonnell T, Dibble E, 1998. Small
clinical study on herbal formula for menopause. Journal of naturopathic medicine, 7, 73-77.
6 Jin UH, Kim DI, Lee TK, Lee DN, Kim JK, Lee IS, Kim CH, 2006. Herbal formulation, Yukmi-jihang-tang-
Jahage, regulates bone resorption by inhibition of phosphorylation mediated by tyrosine kinase Src and
cyclooxygenase expression. J Ethnopharmacol, 106, 333-343.
7 Komesaroff PA, Black CV, Cable V, Sudhir K, 2001. Effects of wild yam extract on menopausal symptoms,
lipids and sex hormones in healthy menopausal women. Climacteric, 4, 144-150.
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10 Reinhard-Hennch B, Strowitzki T, von Hagens C, 2006. [Complementary and alternative therapies for
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11 Russell L, Hicks GS, Low AK, Shepherd JM, Brown CA, 2002. Phytoestrogens: a viable option? Am J Med
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12 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
13 Wu WH, Liu LY, Chung CJ, Jou HJ, Wang TA, 2005. Estrogenic effect of yam ingestion in healthy
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14 Yen ML, Su JL, Chien CL, Tseng KW, Yang CY, Chen WF, Chang CC, Kuo ML, 2005. Diosgenin induces
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15 Yin J, Tezuka Y, Kouda K, Le Tran Q, Miyahara T, Chen Y, Kadota S, 2004. In vivo antiosteoporotic
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ID 2046: Elettaria cardamomum SEED and Kidneys
1 Gogte VVM, 2000. Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants. Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai.
2 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2001. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Government
of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and
Homeopathy, New Dehli, India.
3 Kapoor LD, 1990. Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
4 Pole S, 2006. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice. Churchill Livingstone, London,
5 Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, 2000. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda. Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
6 Sitaram B, 2006. Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra: Original Text Along With Commentary and Translation:
Including Nighantu Portion. Chaukhambha Orientalia, New Delhi.
ID 2049: Elderberry Sambucus nigra and Antioxidant properties
1 Abuja PM, Murkovic M, Pfannhauser W, 1998. Antioxidant and Prooxidant Activities of Elderberry
(Sambucus nigra) Extract in Low-Density Lipoprotein Oxidation. Journal of Agricultural and Food
Chemistry, 46, 4091-4096.
2 Allen PC, 2003. Dietary supplementation with Echinacea and development of immunity to challenge
infection with coccidia. Parasitol Res, 91, 74-78.
3 Awang DVC and Kindack DG, 1991. Herbal Medicine: Echinacea. Can. Pharm. J, 124, 512-516.
4 Bagchi D, Roy S, Patel V, He G, Khanna S, Ojha N, Phillips C, Ghosh S, Bagchi M, Sen CK, 2006. Safety
and whole-body antioxidant potential of a novel anthocyanin-rich formulation of edible berries. Mol Cell
Biochem, 281, 197-209.
5 Barnes J, Anderson LA, Gibbons S, Phillipson JD, 2005. Echinacea species (Echinacea angustifolia (DC.)
Hell., Echinacea pallida (Nutt.) Nutt., Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench): a review of their chemistry,
pharmacology and clinical properties. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology, 57, 929-954.
6 Bell DR and Gochenaur K, 2006. Direct vasoactive and vasoprotective properties of anthocyanin-rich
extracts. J Appl Physiol, 100, 1164-1170.
7 Blumenthal M, 1998. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
8 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs
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9 Borchers AT, Keen CL, Stern JS, Gershwin ME, 2000. Inflammation and Native American medicine: the
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12 Brinkeborn RM, Shah DV, Degenring FH, 1999. Echinaforce and other Echinacea fresh plant preparations
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Phytomedicine, 6, 1-6.
13 Burger RA, Torres AR, Warren RP, Caldwell VD, Hughes BG, 1997. Echinacea-induced cytokine
production by human macrophages. Int J Immunopharmacol, 19, 371-379.
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increases protection against oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med, 29, 51-60.
ID 2050: Fruit of Vaccinium myrtillus and Maintain eye health and function, through antioxidant and
venous support action
1 Vaccinum myrtillus (Bilberry). Monograph, 2001. Altern Med Rev, 6, 500-504.
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8 Cooke D, Schwarz M, Boocock D, Winterhalter P, Steward WP, Gescher AJ, Marczylo TH, 2006. Effect of
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Phytother Res, 17, 311-314.
ID 2052: Foeniculum vulgare ssp. Cappillaceum var. vulgare. DRIED FRUIT and Immunity.
1 Baliga MS, Jagetia GC, Rao SK, Babu K, 2003. Evaluation of nitric oxide scavenging activity of certain
spices in vitro: a preliminary study. Nahrung, 47, 261-264.
2 Billore K, Yelne M, Dennis T, Chaudhari B, 2005. Database on Medicinal Plants used in Ayurveda. Central
Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
3 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2005. Hagers Handbuch
der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag Heidelberg.
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5 Choi EM and Hwang JK, 2004. Antiinflammatory, analgesic and antioxidant activities of the fruit of
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6 De Marino S, Gala F, Borbone N, Zollo F, Vitalini S, Visioli F, Iorizzi M, 2007. Phenolic glycosides from
Foeniculum vulgare fruit and evaluation of antioxidative activity. Phytochemistry, 68, 1805-1812.
7 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2001. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Government
of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and
Homeopathy, New Dehli, India.
8 Parejo I, Viladomat F, Bastida J, Schmeda-Hirschmann G, Burillo J, Codina C, 2004. Bioguided isolation
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Herb Pharmacother, 4, 1-10.
12 Singh G, Maurya S, de Lampasona MP, Catalan C, 2006. Chemical constituents, antifungal and
antioxidative potential of Foeniculum vulgare volatile oil and its acetone extract. Food control, 17, 745-752.
ID 2053: Foeniculum vulgare ssp. Cappillaceum var. vulgare. DRIED FRUIT and Postpartum
1 Albert-Puleo M, 1980. Fennel and anise as estrogenic agents. J Ethnopharmacol, 2, 337-344.
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Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
3 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
4 Devi K, Vanithakumari G, Anusya S, Mekala N, Malini T, Elango V, 1985. Effect of Foeniculum vulgare
seed extract on mammary glands and oviducts of ovariectomised rats. Ancient Science of Life, 5.
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7 Hoppe HA, 1977. Drogenkunde. Ealter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.
8 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2001. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Government
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9 Malini T, Vanithakumari G, Megala N, Anusya S, Devi K, Elango V, 1985. Effect of Foeniculum vulgare
Mill. seed extract on the genital organs of male and female rats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 29, 21-26.
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11 Schnfelder I and Schnfelder P, 2004. Das neue Handbuch der Heilpflanzen: Botanik, Arzneidrogen,
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12 Sitaram B, 2006. Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra : Original Text Along With Commentary and Translation :
Including Nighantu Portion. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, India.
13 Wichtl M, 2004. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart.
14 Yelne M, Sharma P, Dennis T, 2002. Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda. Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
ID 2055: Foeniculum vulgare Mill (Common name: Fennel) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, 2007. Hagers Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen.
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, 1998. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines. American Botanical Council, Austin, Texas.
3 ESCOP (European Scientific cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. ESCOP and Georg Thieme Verlag, Exeter, Stuttgart, New York.
4 Franke W, 1997. Nutzpflanzenkunde. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
6 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
7 Vogel G, 1990-1995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie. Indikationsgegliedertes Kompendium von
Arzneipflanzen gemss Monographien der Kommission E mit Darstellung von Kombinationsmglichkeiten.
Kooperation Phytopharmaka.
8 Wichtl M, 2004. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart.
ID 2056: Foeniculi aetheroleum (Common name: Fennel oil) and Respiratory Health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, 2007. Hagers Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen.
Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, 1998. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines. American Botanical Council, Austin, Texas.
3 ESCOP (European Scientific cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. ESCOP and Georg Thieme Verlag, Exeter, Stuttgart, New York.
4 Franke W, 1997. Nutzpflanzenkunde. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
6 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
7 Vogel G, 1990-1995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie. Indikationsgegliedertes Kompendium von
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ID 2058: Green Mate leaf extract (Ilex paragueariensis St.-Hil.) and Mild diuretic effect, drainage of
excess water
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ID 2059: Natural Grape Extract From red grape skin and Rich in polyphenols - Act as antioxidants -
Antioxidant is a compound able to scavenge free radicals in the body and stop the oxidative chain
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ID 2060: Grape seed extract and Antioxidant activity
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ID 2061: Natural Grape Extract From white grape skin Solvent free and Rich in polyphenols - Act as
antioxidants - Antioxidant is a compound able to scavenge free radicals in the body and stop the oxidative
chain reaction
1 Bravo L, 1998. Polyphenols: chemistry, dietary sources, metabolism, and nutritional significance. Nutr Rev,
56, 317-333.
2 Cao G, Booth SL, Sadowski JA, Prior RL, 1998. Increases in human plasma antioxidant capacity after
consumption of controlled diets high in fruit and vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr, 68, 1081-1087.
3 DGCCRF (Direction gnrale de la Concurrence, de la Consommation et de la Rpression des Fraudes)
Approved grape extracts daily recommended intake.
4 DH (Department of Health), 5 A DAY health benefits. The health benefits of fruits and vegetables,
5 Manach C, Williamson G, Morand C, Scalbert A, Remesy C, 2005. Bioavailability and bioefficacy of
polyphenols in humans. I. Review of 97 bioavailability studies. Am J Clin Nutr, 81, 230S-242S.
6 Middleton E, Jr., Kandaswami C, Theoharides TC, 2000. The effects of plant flavonoids on mammalian
cells: implications for inflammation, heart disease, and cancer. Pharmacol Rev, 52, 673-751.
7 Monagas M, Hernandez-Ledesma B, Gomez-Cordoves C, Bartolome B, 2006. Commercial Dietary
Ingredients from Vitis vinifera L. Leaves and Grape Skins: Antioxidant and Chemical Characterization. J
Agric Food Chem, 54, 319-327.
8 Scalbert A, Johnson IT, Saltmarsh M, 2005. Polyphenols: antioxidants and beyond. Am J Clin Nutr, 81,
9 Yilmaz Y and Toledo RT, 2004. Major Flavonoids in Grape Seeds and Skins: Antioxidant Capacity of
Catechin, Epicatechin, and Gallic Acid. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 255-260.
ID 2062: Guarana and Guarana and mental performance
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ID 2064: Griffola fondosa (Common Name : Maitake) and Immune health
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ID 2065: GLA (example from Borago Officinalis, Primerose oil, Blackcurramt seed oil) and Essential
fatty acid of importance for a healthy skin
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ID 2068: Hippophae rhamnoides (Common Name : Seabuckthorn) and Skin health
1 Alicja Noculak-Palczewska and Piotr Rykowski, 2003. Sea buckthorn Hippophae rhamnoides L. and its
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ID 2069: Illicium verum Hook. (Common name: Star anise) and Respiratory health
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ID 2070: Ilex paraguariensis (Common Name : Yerba mate) and Weight management/Metabolism of
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ID 2073: Illicium verum (Common Name : Star anise) and Respiratory health
1 Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. 2005. Springer Verlag GmbH & Co., Heidelberg.
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ID 2075: Lentinus edodes (Common Name : Shiitake) and Immune health
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ID 2076: Linum usitatissimum (Common Name : flaxseed linseed) and Gut health
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ID 2080: Lutein (example from tagetes E or Calendula Officinalis) and Antioxidant properties
1 Aleman TS, Cideciyan AV, Windsor EA, Schwartz SB, Swider M, Chico JD, Sumaroka A, Pantelyat AY,
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ID 2081: Lycopene (fromTomato extract) and Antioxidant properties
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ID 2082: Lycopene (fromTomato extract) and Antioxidant properties / protection of DNA
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ID 2083: Lycium Barbarum (Common Name: Wolfberry) and Antioxidant properties
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ID 2087: Melissa officinalis (Common Name : Lemon Balm ) and Antioxidant properties
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ID 2090: Matricaria recutita (Common Name : Chamomile and Antioxidant properties
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ID 2095: Mung bean (Vigna Radiata) and Menopause
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ID 2096: Meso-zeaxanthin (derived form lutein of plant extract like marigold ,spinach and Required
for macular pigmentation in the eyes for helping in maintenance of health eye functions
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ID 2097: Menthae piperitae aetheroleum (Common name: Peppermint oil) and Respiratory health
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ID 2098: Oenothera biennis (Common Name : Evening Primrose) and Joint health
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ID 2103: Paulinia cupana (Common Name : Guarana ) and Cognitive performance
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ID 2104: Phaseolus vulgaris (Common Name : White bean) and Glucose metabolism
1 Bo-Linn GW, Santa Ana CA, Morawski SG, Fordtran JS, 1982. Starch blockers--their effect on calorie
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ID 2105: Phaseolus vulgaris (Common Name : White bean) and Weight control
1 Boivin M, Zinsmeister AR, Go VL, DiMagno EP, 1987. Effect of a purified amylase inhibitor on
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using Phase 2 brand proprietary fractionated white bean extract. Altern Med Rev, 9, 63-69.
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ID 2106: Plantago ovata/ispaghula and Cholesterol
1 Anderson JW, Zettwoch N, Feldman T, Tietyen-Clark J, Oeltgen P, Bishop CW, 1988. Cholesterol-lowering
effects of psyllium hydrophilic mucilloid for hypercholesterolemic men. Arch Intern Med, 148, 292-296.
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5 Anderson JW, Allgood LD, Lawrence A, Altringer LA, Jerdack GR, Hengehold DA, Morel JG, 2000.
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ID 2107: Punica granatum (Common Name : Pomgranade) and Cardiovascular health
1 Aviram M, Rosenblat M, Gaitini D, Nitecki S, Hoffman A, Dornfeld L, Volkova N, Presser D, Attias J,
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ID 2108: Petroselenium crispum (Common Name : Parsley ) and Kidneys health
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ID 2109: Piper nigrum FRUIT and Digestion
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7 Jensen HR, Scott IM, Sims SR, Trudeau VL, Arnason JT, 2006. The effect of a synergistic concentration of
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ID 2115: Piper nigrum FRUIT and Immunity & Antioxidant
1 Billore KV, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, Chaudhari BG, 2005. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda.
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
2 Chatterjee S, Niaz Z, Gautam S, Adhikari S, Variyar PS, Sharma A, 2007. Antioxidant activity of some
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Food Chemistry, 101, 515-523.
3 Chaudhry NM and Tariq P, 2006. Bactericidal activity of black pepper, bay leaf, aniseed and coriander
against oral isolates. Pak J Pharm Sci, 19, 214-218.
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ID 2121: Pimpinella anisum L. (Common name: Anise) and Respiratory Health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Boskabady MH and Ramazani-Assari M, 2001. Relaxant effect of Pimpinella anisum on isolated guinea pig
tracheal chains and its possible mechanism(s). J Ethnopharmacol, 74, 83-88.
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Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Kooperation Phytopharmaka, 1990-1995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie (Indikationsgegliedertes
Kompendium von Arzneipflanzen gemss Monographien der Kommission E mit Darstellung von
Kombinationsmglichkeiten). BAH, BPI, VRH, Gesellschaft fr Phytotherapie.
6 Pourgholami MH, Majzoob S, Javadi M, Kamalinejad M, Fanaee GH, Sayyah M, 1999. The fruit essential
oil of Pimpinella anisum exerts anticonvulsant effects in mice. J Ethnopharmacol, 66, 211-215.
7 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
8 Tabanca N, Bedir E, Kirimer N, Baser KH, Khan SI, Jacob MR, Khan IA, 2003. Antimicrobial compounds
from Pimpinella species growing in Turkey. Planta Med, 69, 933-938.
9 Tirapelli CR, de Andrade CR, Cassano AO, De Souza FA, Ambrosio SR, da Costa FB, de Oliveira AM,
2007. Antispasmodic and relaxant effects of the hidroalcoholic extract of Pimpinella anisum (Apiaceae) on
rat anococcygeus smooth muscle. J Ethnopharmacol, 110, 23-29.
10 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2122: Punica granatum FRUIT & SEED and Digestion
1 Billore KV, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, Chaudhari BG, 2005. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda.
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
2 Gharzouli K, Khennouf S, Amira S, Gharzouli A, 1999. Effects of aqueous extracts from Quercus ilex L.
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damage in rats. Phytother Res, 13, 42-45.
3 Gogte VVM, 2000. Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants. Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai.
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Including Nighantu Portion. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, India.
7 Yelne MB, Sharma PC, Dennis TJ, 2001. Database on Medicinal Plants Used in Ayurveda Central Council
for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha.
ID 2123: Punica granatum FRUIT & SEED and Antioxidant & immunity
1 Adhami VM and Mukhtar H, 2006. Polyphenols from green tea and pomegranate for prevention of prostate
cancer. Free Radic Res, 40, 1095-1104.
2 Chidambara Murthy KN, Jayaprakasha GK, Singh RP, 2002. Studies on antioxidant activity of pomegranate
(Punica granatum) peel extract using in vivo models. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 4791-4795.
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5 Halvorsen BL, Holte K, Myhrstad MC, Barikmo I, Hvattum E, Remberg SF, Wold AB, Haffner K,
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antioxidants in dietary plants. J Nutr, 132, 461-471.
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9 Lansky EP and Newman RA, 2007. Punica granatum (pomegranate) and its potential for prevention and
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11 Mertens-Talcott SU, Jilma-Stohlawetz P, Rios J, Hingorani L, Derendorf H, 2006. Absorption, metabolism,
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extract in healthy human volunteers. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 8956-8961.
12 Negi PS and Jayaprakasha GK, 2003. Antioxidant and Antibacterial Activities of Punica granatum Peel
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14 Pantuck AJ, Leppert JT, Zomorodian N, Aronson W, Hong J, Barnard RJ, Seeram N, Liker H, Wang H,
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15 Reddy MK, Gupta SK, Jacob MR, Khan SI, Ferreira D, 2007. Antioxidant, antimalarial and antimicrobial
activities of tannin-rich fractions, ellagitannins and phenolic acids from Punica granatum L. Planta Med, 73,
16 Ricci D, Giamperi L, Bucchini A, Fraternale D, 2006. Antioxidant activity of Punica granatum fruits.
Fitoterapia, 77, 310-312.
17 Seeram NP, Adams LS, Henning SM, Niu Y, Zhang Y, Nair MG, Heber D, 2005. In vitro antiproliferative,
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18 Singh RP, Chidambara Murthy KN, Jayaprakasha GK, 2002. Studies on the Antioxidant Activity of
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19 Sudheesh S and Vijayalakshmi NR, 2005. Flavonoids from Punica granatum--potential antiperoxidative
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20 Syed DN, Afaq F, Mukhtar H, 2007. Pomegranate derived products for cancer chemoprevention. Semin
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21 Toi M, Bando H, Ramachandran C, Melnick SJ, Imai A, Fife RS, Carr RE, Oikawa T, Lansky EP, 2003.
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Angiogenesis, 6, 121-128.
22 Wang RF, Xie WD, Zhang Z, Xing DM, Ding Y, Wang W, Ma C, Du LJ, 2004. Bioactive compounds from
the seeds of Punica granatum (pomegranate). J Nat Prod, 67, 2096-2098.
ID 2124: Raphanus sativus var niger (Common Name : Radish, Black radish, Japanese radish, Daikon)
and Liver health
1 Barillari J, Cervellati R, Costa S, Guerra MC, Speroni E, Utan A, Iori R, 2006. Antioxidant and choleretic
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Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles, 333-334.
ID 2125: Rosmarinus officinalis (Common Name : Rosemary) and Antioxidant properties
1 Aruoma OI, Spencer JP, Rossi R, Aeschbach R, Khan A, Mahmood N, Munoz A, Murcia A, Butler J,
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5 del Bano MJ, Lorente J, Castillo J, Benavente-Garcia O, del Rio JA, Ortuno A, Quirin KW, Gerard D, 2003.
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ID 2126: Ribes nigrum (Common Name : Blackcurrant) and Muscles and joint health
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ID 2127: Rubus fructicosus L. (Common name: Blackberry) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
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4 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
5 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2132: Syzygium aramaticum. FLOWER BUD and Antioxidant
1 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 2003. A Guide to traditional herbal medicines : a sourcebook
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ID 2133: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elder) and Purification
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ID 2135: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elder) and Glucose metabolism
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ID 2136: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elderberry) and Antioxidative properties
1 Abuja PM, Murkovic M, Pfannhauser W, 1998. Antioxidant and Prooxidant Activities of Elderberry
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ID 2137: Sambucus nigra (Common Name : Elderberry) and Respiratory health
1 Monographie der Kommission E. 1986. Bundesanzeiger, 50.
2 Bisset NG and Wichtl M, 2001. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm GmbH Scientific
Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany.
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Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
4 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
5 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
6 Brendler T, Grnwald J, Jnicke C, 2003. Herbal Remedies: Heilpflanzen, Version 5. Medpharm GmbH
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8 Hoppe HA, 1975. Drogenkunde. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
9 Kooperation Phytopharmaka, 19901995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie (Indikationsgegliedertes
Kompendium von Arzneipflanzen gemss Monographien der Kommission E mit Darstellung von
Kombinationsmglichkeiten). BAH, BPI, VRH, Gesellschaft fr Phytotherapie.
10 Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut Swissmedic, 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren, Annex 1.
11 Thom E, Zakay-Rones Z, Wollan T, Wadstein J, 2002. Randomised study on the efficacy and safety of an
oral elderberry extract in the treatment of influenza A and B virus infection. Antiviral research, 53, A77.
12 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
13 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
14 Zakay-Rones Z, Varsano N, Zlotnik M, Manor O, Regev L, Schlesinger M, Mumcuoglu M, 1995. Inhibition
of several strains of influenza virus in vitro and reduction of symptoms by an elderberry extract (Sambucus
nigra L.) during an outbreak of influenza B Panama. J Altern Complement Med, 1, 361-369.
ID 2138: Standardized Guarana extract PC102 Dry extract from seeds of Paullinia Cupana H. B. et
Kunth, drug7native extract ratio (4.5-7) : 1, solvent of extraction Ethanol/Water , 11.0 - 13.0% of caffeine
and For mental performance
1 Haskell CF, Kennedy DO, Wesnes KA, Milne AL, Scholey AB, 2007. A double-blind, placebo-controlled,
multi-dose evaluation of the acute behavioural effects of guarana in humans. J Psychopharmacol, 21, 65-70.
ID 2139: Seed of Vitis vinifera (Grapeseed) and Circulatory health through antioxidant action
1 Bouhamidi R, Prevost V, Nouvelot A, 1998. High protection by grape seed proanthocyanidins (GSPC) of
polyunsaturated fatty acids against UV-C induced peroxidation. C R Acad Sci III, 321, 31-38.
2 Kim H, Deshane J, Barnes S, Meleth S, 2006. Proteomics analysis of the actions of grape seed extract in rat
brain: technological and biological implications for the study of the actions of psychoactive compounds.
Life Sci, 78, 2060-2065.
3 Sano A, Uchida R, Saito M, Shioya N, Komori Y, Tho Y, Hashizume N, 2007. Beneficial effects of grape
seed extract on malondialdehyde-modified LDL. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 53, 174-182.
ID 2140: Soy Glycine max and Soy contains the phytoestrogens isoflavones that can function as either
an estrogen agonist or antagonist
1 Geller SE and Studee L, 2005. Botanical and dietary supplements for menopausal symptoms: what works,
what does not. J Womens Health (Larchmt), 14, 634-649.
2 Han KK, Soares JM, Jr., Haidar MA, de Lima GR, Baracat EC, 2002. Benefits of soy isoflavone therapeutic
regimen on menopausal symptoms. Obstet Gynecol, 99, 389-394.
3 Kronenberg F and Fugh-Berman A, 2002. Complementary and alternative medicine for menopausal
symptoms: a review of randomized, controlled trials. Ann Intern Med, 137, 805-813.
4 Nagata C, Shimizu H, Takami R, Hayashi M, Takeda N, Yasuda K, 1999. Hot flushes and other menopausal
symptoms in relation to soy product intake in Japanese women. Climacteric, 2, 6-12.
5 Nelson HD, Vesco KK, Haney E, Fu R, Nedrow A, Miller J, Nicolaidis C, Walker M, Humphrey L, 2006.
Nonhormonal therapies for menopausal hot flashes: systematic review and meta-analysis. JAMA, 295, 2057-
6 Seidl MM and Stewart DE, 1998. Alternative treatments for menopausal symptoms. Systematic review of
scientific and lay literature. Can Fam Physician, 44, 1299-1308.
7 Uesugi S, Watanabe S, Ishiwata N, Uehara M, Ouchi K, 2004. Effects of isoflavone supplements on bone
metabolic markers and climacteric symptoms in Japanese women. Biofactors, 22, 221-228.
8 Upmalis DH, Lobo R, Bradley L, Warren M, Cone FL, Lamia CA, 2000. Vasomotor symptom relief by soy
isoflavone extract tablets in postmenopausal women: a multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled study. Menopause, 7, 236-242.
9 Wangen KE, Duncan AM, Xu X, Kurzer MS, 2001. Soy isoflavones improve plasma lipids in
normocholesterolemic and mildly hypercholesterolemic postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr, 73, 225-
ID 2141: Sinapis alba (Common Name : White mustard) and Appetite/Digestion
1 Hnsel R and Sticher O, 2004. Pharmakognosie - Phytopharmazie. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
2 Pahlow M, 1985. Das groe Buch der Heilpflanzen. Grfe und Unzer, Munchen.
3 Wagner H, 1999. Arzneidrogen und ihre Inhaltsstoffe, Pharmazeutische Biologie. Wissenschaftliche
Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
4 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2142: Standardized tomato extract [Oleoresin extracted from ripe fruits of Licopersicum
aesculentum, solvent of extraction Ethyl acetate, 5% lycopene and For antioxidant protection
system/protection of DNA
1 Biesalski HK, 2000. The role of antioxidants in nutritional support. Nutrition, 16, 593-596.
2 Hadley P and Schwartz SJ, 2005. Lycopene. 421-434.
3 Levy J and Sharoni Y, 2004. The functions of tomato lycopene and its role in human health HerbalGram, 62,
4 Stahl W and Sies H, 1996. Lycopene: a biologically important carotenoid for humans? Arch Biochem
Biophys, 336, 1-9.
ID 2143: Standardized tomato extract [Oleoresin extracted from ripe fruits of Licopersicum
aesculentum, solvent of extraction Ethyl acetate, 5% lycopene and For skin health
1 Biesalski HK, 2000. The role of antioxidants in nutritional support. Nutrition, 16, 593-596.
2 Fazekas Z, Gao D, Saladi RN, Lu Y, Lebwohl M, Wei H, 2003. Protective effects of lycopene against
ultraviolet B-induced photodamage. Nutr Cancer, 47, 181-187.
3 Hadley P and Schwartz SJ, 2005. Lycopene.
4 Levy J and Sharoni Y, 2005. The functions of tomato lycopene and its role in human health. Foods & Food
Ingred J Jpn, 210, 49-58.
5 Stahl W and Sies H, 1996. Lycopene: a biologically important carotenoid for humans? Arch Biochem
Biophys, 336, 1-9.
6 Stahl W, Heinrich U, Aust O, Tronnier H, Sies H, 2006. Lycopene-rich products and dietary
photoprotection. Photochem Photobiol Sci, 5, 238-242.
ID 2144: Standardized grape seed extract [Dry extract from grape seeds of Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae),
solvent of extraction Acetone/Water, 8.5 - 13.0% proanthocyanidins] and For antioxidant protection
1 Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Stohs SJ, Das DK, Ray SD, Kuszynski CA, Joshi SS, Pruess HG, 2000. Free radicals
and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract: importance in human health and disease prevention. Toxicology,
148, 187-197.
2 Carini M, Stefani R, Aldini G, Ozioli M, Facino RM, 2001. Procyanidins from Vitis vinifera seeds inhibit
the respiratory burst of activated human neutrophils and lysosomal enzyme release. Planta Med, 67, 714-
3 Kontek A, Campeanu R, Petrescu L, Rizea S, 1995. Effect of grape seed procyanidins on some vascular
diseases. In: Colloques de l'INRA, No. 69. Polyphenols 94; 17th International Conference on Polyphenols,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 23-27, 1994. Brouillard R, Jay M, Scalbert A (eds.). INRA (Institut National
de la Recherche Agronomique), Paris.
4 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, Morelli R, 1994. Free radicals
scavenging action and anti-enzyme activities of procyanidines from Vitis vinifera. A mechanism for their
capillary protective action. Arzneimittelforschung, 44, 592-601.
5 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Berti F, Rossoni G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1996. Procyanidines
from Vitis vinifera seeds protect rabbit heart from ischemia/reperfusion injury: antioxidant intervention
and/or iron and copper sequestering ability. Planta Med, 62, 495-502.
6 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Calloni MT, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1998. Sparing Effect of
Procyanidins from Vitis vinifera on Vitamin E: In Vitro Studies. Planta Medica, 64, 343-347.
7 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Berti F, Rossoni G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1999. Diet enriched
with procyanidins enhances antioxidant activity and reduces myocardial post-ischaemic damage in rats. Life
Sciences, 64, 627-642.
8 Nuttall SL, Kendall MJ, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1998. An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a
standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect. J Clin Pharm Ther, 23, 385-389.
9 Sano T, Oda E, Yamashita T, Naemura A, Ijiri Y, Yamakoshi J, Yamamoto J, 2005. Anti-thrombotic effect
of proanthocyanidin, a purified ingredient of grape seed. Thromb Res, 115, 115-121.
ID 2146: Standardized grape seed extract [Dry extract from grape seeds of Vitis vinifera L. (Vitaceae),
solvent of extraction Acetone/Water, 8.5 - 13.0% proanthocyanidins] and For cardiovascular
(heart/vessel) health
1 Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Stohs SJ, Das DK, Ray SD, Kuszynski CA, Joshi SS, Pruess HG, 2000. Free radicals
and grape seed proanthocyanidin extract: importance in human health and disease prevention. Toxicology,
148, 187-197.
2 Carini M, Stefani R, Aldini G, Ozioli M, Facino RM, 2001. Procyanidins from Vitis vinifera seeds inhibit
the respiratory burst of activated human neutrophils and lysosomal enzyme release. Planta Med, 67, 714-
3 Kontek A, Campeanu R, Petrescu L, Rizea S, 1995. Effect of grape seed procyanidins on some vascular
diseases. In: Colloques de l'INRA, No. 69. Polyphenols 94; 17th International Conference on Polyphenols,
Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 23-27, 1994. Brouillard R, Jay M, Scalbert A (eds.). INRA (Institut National
de la Recherche Agronomique), Paris.
4 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, Morelli R, 1994. Free radicals
scavenging action and anti-enzyme activities of procyanidines from Vitis vinifera. A mechanism for their
capillary protective action. Arzneimittelforschung, 44, 592-601.
5 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Berti F, Rossoni G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1996. Procyanidines
from Vitis vinifera seeds protect rabbit heart from ischemia/reperfusion injury: antioxidant intervention
and/or iron and copper sequestering ability. Planta Med, 62, 495-502.
6 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Calloni MT, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1998. Sparing effect of
procyanidins from Vitis vinifera on vitamin E: in vitro studies. Planta Med, 64, 343-347.
7 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Berti F, Rossoni G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1999. Diet enriched
with procyanidins enhances antioxidant activity and reduces myocardial post-ischaemic damage in rats. Life
Sci, 64, 627-642.
8 Nuttall SL, Kendall MJ, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1998. An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a
standardized grape seed extract, Leucoselect. J Clin Pharm Ther, 23, 385-389.
9 Sano T, Oda E, Yamashita T, Naemura A, Ijiri Y, Yamakoshi J, Yamamoto J, 2005. Anti-thrombotic effect
of proanthocyanidin, a purified ingredient of grape seed. Thromb Res, 115, 115-121.
ID 2147: Salviae officinalis aetheroleum (Common name: Sage oil) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Hoppe HA, 1977. Drogenkunde. Ealter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.
4 Kooperation Phytopharmaka, 1990-1995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie (Indikationsgegliedertes
Kompendium von Arzneipflanzen gemss Monographien der Kommission E mit Darstellung von
Kombinationsmglichkeiten). BAH, BPI, VRH, Gesellschaft fr Phytotherapie.
5 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
6 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
7 Wichtl M, 2004. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart.
ID 2149: Thymus vulgaris/zygis (Common Name : Thyme) and Health of the upper respiratory tract
1 Basch E, Ulbricht C, Hammerness P, Bevins A, Sollars D, 2004. Thyme (Thymus vulgaris L.), thymol. J
Herb Pharmacother, 4, 49-67.
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Maloine, Paris.
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5 Bisset NG and Wichtl M, 2001. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals Medpharm GmbH Scientific
Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany.
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Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
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ID 2151: Thymus vulgaris (Common Name : Thyme) and Antioxidant properties
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2004. HagerROM 2004.
Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
2 Brendler T, Grnwald J, Jnicke C, 2003. Heilpflanzen - Herbal Remedies. CD-ROM. Medpharm Scientific
Publishers, Boca Raton.
3 Gerhardt U, Hall G, Siewek F, 2006. Handbuch Aromen und Gewrze. Behring-Verlag, Hamburg.
4 Haraguchi H, Saito T, Ishikawa H, Date H, Kataoka S, Tamura Y, Mizutani K, 1996. Antiperoxidative
components in Thymus vulgaris. Planta Med, 62, 217-221.
5 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
6 Zieschang P, 2002. Lexikon der Heilpflanzen. Tosa Verlag, Wien.
ID 2153: Vaccinium macrocarpon, oxycoccus (Common Name: Cranberry) and Health of the lower
urinary tract
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2004. Avis dvaluation des justificatifs
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Afssa-Saisine n 2004-SA-214. Saisine lie n2003-SA-0056 et 2003-SA-0352.
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parois des voies urinaires et sur lemploi de la cranberry/canneberge ou Vaccinium macrocarpon
dans des jus concentrs, des complments alimentaires et un cocktail/nectar de jus. Maisons-Alfort le 6 avril
2004. Afssa-Saisine n2003-SA-0352, Saisine lie n2003-SA-0056
3 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2007. Avis relatif l'valuation des
justificatifs concernant l'extension de l'allgation "contribue diminuer la fixation de certaines bactries E.
coli sur les parois des voies urinaires", sur l'emploi de la "cranberrry/canneberge" ou "Vaccinium
macrocarpon" dans la canneberge frache et la canneberge congele, la pure de canneberge, les canneberges
sches/sucres et les canneberges sches/sucres et aromatises. Maisons-Alfort le 14 juin 2007. Afssa
Saisine n 2006-SA-0256.
4 AFSSAPS (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Produits de Sant), 2008. Good practice
recommendations: diagnostics and antibiotherapy for community-acquired bacterial urinary infections in
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ID 2159: Vitis vinifera (Common Name : Grape) and Heart health
1 Beck H, 1997. Rotes Weinlaub von A bis Z. PTA heute, 11, 792-796.
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3 Bombardelli E and Morazzoni P, 1995. Vitis vinifera L. Fitoterapia(Milano), 66, 291-317.
ID 2160: VitaBerry Antioxidant Fruit Blend and Excellent source of healthy fruit antioxidants
1 Aaby K, Skrede G, Wrolstad RE, 2005. Phenolic composition and antioxidant activities in flesh and achenes
of strawberries (Fragaria ananassa). J Agric Food Chem, 53, 4032-4040.
2 Ariga T, 2004. The antioxidative function, preventive action on disease and utilization of proanthocyanidins.
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3 Asami DK, Hong YJ, Barrett DM, Mitchell AE, 2003. Comparison of the total phenolic and ascorbic acid
content of freeze-dried and air-dried marionberry, strawberry, and corn grown using conventional, organic,
and sustainable agricultural practices. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 1237-1241.
4 Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, Atalay M, 2004. Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic
properties of a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula. Biochemistry (Mosc), 69, 75-80, 71 p
preceding 75.
5 Bagchi D, Roy S, Patel V, He G, Khanna S, Ojha N, Phillips C, Ghosh S, Bagchi M, Sen CK, 2006. Safety
and whole-body antioxidant potential of a novel anthocyanin-rich formulation of edible berries. Mol Cell
Biochem, 281, 197-209.
6 Beekwilder J, Hall RD, de Vos CH, 2005. Identification and dietary relevance of antioxidants from
raspberry. Biofactors, 23, 197-205.
7 Beekwilder J, Jonker H, Meesters P, Hall RD, van der Meer IM, Ric de Vos CH, 2005. Antioxidants in
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8 Boivin D, Blanchette M, Barrette S, Moghrabi A, Beliveau R, 2007. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation
and suppression of TNF-induced activation of NFkappaB by edible berry juice. Anticancer Res, 27, 937-
9 Caldwell CR, 2001. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity of the phenolic compounds in plant extracts
fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Anal Biochem, 293, 232-238.
10 Cao G, Alessio HM, Cutler RG, 1993. Oxygen-radical absorbance capacity assay for antioxidants. Free
Radic Biol Med, 14, 303-311.
11 Cao G, Giovanoni M, Prior RL, 1996. Antioxidant capacity decreases during growth but not aging in rat
serum and brain. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 22, 27-37.
12 Cao G, Giovanoni M, Prior RL, 1996. Antioxidant capacity in different tissues of young and old rats. Proc
Soc Exp Biol Med, 211, 359-365.
13 Cao G, Booth SL, Sadowski JA, Prior RL, 1998. Increases in human plasma antioxidant capacity after
consumption of controlled diets high in fruit and vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr, 68, 1081-1087.
14 Cao G and Prior RL, 1998. Comparison of different analytical methods for assessing total antioxidant
capacity of human serum. Clin Chem, 44, 1309-1315.
15 Cao G, Russell RM, Lischner N, Prior RL, 1998. Serum antioxidant capacity is increased by consumption of
strawberries, spinach, red wine or vitamin C in elderly women. J Nutr, 128, 2383-2390.
16 Cao G and Prior RL, 1999. Measurement of oxygen radical absorbance capacity in biological samples.
Methods Enzymol, 299, 50-62.
17 Cao G, Shukitt-Hale B, Bickford PC, Joseph JA, McEwen J, Prior RL, 1999. Hyperoxia-induced changes in
antioxidant capacity and the effect of dietary antioxidants. J Appl Physiol, 86, 1817-1822.
18 Cao G and Prior RL, 2000. Postprandial increases in serum antioxidant capacity in older women. J Appl
Physiol, 89, 877-883.
19 Crozier A, Burns J, Aziz AA, Stewart AJ, Rabiasz HS, Jenkins GI, Edwards CA, Lean ME, 2000.
Antioxidant flavonols from fruits, vegetables and beverages: measurements and bioavailability. Biol Res,
33, 79-88.
20 Davalos A, Gomez-Cordoves C, Bartolome B, 2004. Extending applicability of the oxygen radical
absorbance capacity (ORAC-fluorescein) assay. J Agric Food Chem, 52, 48-54.
21 Deyhim F, Patil BS, Villarreal A, Lopez E, Garcia K, Rios R, Garcia C, Gonzales C, Mandadi K, 2007.
Cranberry juice increases antioxidant status without affecting cholesterol homeostasis in orchidectomized
rats. J Med Food, 10, 49-53.
22 Freeman LM, Rush JE, Milbury PE, Blumberg JB, 2005. Antioxidant status and biomarkers of oxidative
stress in dogs with congestive heart failure. J Vet Intern Med, 19, 537-541.
23 Gillespie KM, Chae JM, Ainsworth EA, 2007. Rapid measurement of total antioxidant capacity in plants.
Nat Protoc, 2, 867-870.
24 Halvorsen BL, Holte K, Myhrstad MC, Barikmo I, Hvattum E, Remberg SF, Wold AB, Haffner K,
Baugerod H, Andersen LF, Moskaug O, Jacobs DR, Jr., Blomhoff R, 2002. A systematic screening of total
antioxidants in dietary plants. J Nutr, 132, 461-471.
25 Halvorsen BL, Carlsen MH, Phillips KM, Bohn SK, Holte K, Jacobs DR, Jr., Blomhoff R, 2006. Content of
redox-active compounds (ie, antioxidants) in foods consumed in the United States. Am J Clin Nutr, 84, 95-
26 Han C, Ding H, Casto B, Stoner GD, D'Ambrosio SM, 2005. Inhibition of the growth of premalignant and
malignant human oral cell lines by extracts and components of black raspberries. Nutr Cancer, 51, 207-217.
27 He X and Liu RH, 2006. Cranberry phytochemicals: Isolation, structure elucidation, and their
antiproliferative and antioxidant activities. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 7069-7074.
28 Huang D, Ou B, Hampsch-Woodill M, Flanagan JA, Deemer EK, 2002. Development and validation of
oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay for lipophilic antioxidants using randomly methylated beta-
cyclodextrin as the solubility enhancer. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 1815-1821.
29 Huang D, Ou B, Hampsch-Woodill M, Flanagan JA, Prior RL, 2002. High-throughput assay of oxygen
radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) using a multichannel liquid handling system coupled with a microplate
fluorescence reader in 96-well format. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 4437-4444.
30 Jaakola L, Maatta K, Pirttila AM, Torronen R, Karenlampi S, Hohtola A, 2002. Expression of genes
involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis in relation to anthocyanin, proanthocyanidin, and flavonol levels
during bilberry fruit development. Plant Physiol, 130, 729-739.
31 Jayaprakasha GK, Mandadi KK, Poulose SM, Jadegoud Y, Nagana Gowda GA, Patil BS, 2007. Inhibition of
colon cancer cell growth and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds from Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.
Bioorg Med Chem, 15, 4923-4932.
32 Juranic Z and Zizak Z, 2005. Biological activities of berries: from antioxidant capacity to anti-cancer
effects. Biofactors, 23, 207-211.
33 Kahkonen MP, Hopia AI, Heinonen M, 2001. Berry phenolics and their antioxidant activity. J Agric Food
Chem, 49, 4076-4082.
34 Kalt W, Forney CF, Martin A, Prior RL, 1999. Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins
after fresh storage of small fruits. J Agric Food Chem, 47, 4638-4644.
35 Kayano S, Yamada NF, Suzuki T, Ikami T, Shioaki K, Kikuzaki H, Mitani T, Nakatani N, 2003.
Quantitative evaluation of antioxidant components in prunes (Prunus domestica L.). J Agric Food Chem, 51,
36 Kayano S, Kikuzaki H, Ikami T, Suzuki T, Mitani T, Nakatani N, 2004. A new bipyrrole and some phenolic
constituents in prunes (Prunus domestica L.) and their oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC). Biosci
Biotechnol Biochem, 68, 942-944.
37 Kelley DS, Rasooly R, Jacob RA, Kader AA, Mackey BE, 2006. Consumption of Bing sweet cherries
lowers circulating concentrations of inflammation markers in healthy men and women. J Nutr, 136, 981-986.
38 Kennedy DD, Ladas EJ, Rheingold SR, Blumberg J, Kelly KM, 2005. Antioxidant status decreases in
children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during the first six months of chemotherapy treatment. Pediatr
Blood Cancer, 44, 378-385.
39 Kikuzaki H, Kayano S, Fukutsuka N, Aoki A, Kasamatsu K, Yamasaki Y, Mitani T, Nakatani N, 2004.
Abscisic acid related compounds and lignans in prunes (Prunus domestica L.) and their oxygen radical
absorbance capacity (ORAC). J Agric Food Chem, 52, 344-349.
40 Kinnunen S, Hyyppa S, Lehmuskero A, Oksala N, Maenpaa P, Hanninen O, Atalay M, 2005. Oxygen
radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and exercise-induced oxidative stress in trotters. Eur J Appl Physiol,
95, 550-556.
41 Liu M, Li XQ, Weber C, Lee CY, Brown J, Liu RH, 2002. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of
raspberries. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 2926-2930.
42 Lopez-Alarcon C and Lissi E, 2006. A novel and simple ORAC methodology based on the interaction of
Pyrogallol Red with peroxyl radicals. Free Radic Res, 40, 979-985.
43 Maatta-Riihinen KR, Kahkonen MP, Torronen AR, Heinonen IM, 2005. Catechins and procyanidins in
berries of vaccinium species and their antioxidant activity. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 8485-8491.
44 Mazza G, Kay CD, Cottrell T, Holub BJ, 2002. Absorption of anthocyanins from blueberries and serum
antioxidant status in human subjects. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 7731-7737.
45 Meyers KJ, Watkins CB, Pritts MP, Liu RH, 2003. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of
strawberries. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 6887-6892.
46 Miller ER, 3rd, Erlinger TP, Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Charleston J, Lin PH, Appel LJ, 2005. A dietary pattern
that lowers oxidative stress increases antibodies to oxidized LDL: results from a randomized controlled
feeding study. Atherosclerosis, 183, 175-182.
47 Moyer RA, Hummer KE, Finn CE, Frei B, Wrolstad RE, 2002. Anthocyanins, phenolics, and antioxidant
capacity in diverse small fruits: vaccinium, rubus, and ribes. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 519-525.
48 Myhrstad MC, Carlsen H, Dahl LI, Ebihara K, Glemmestad L, Haffner K, Moskaug JO, Blomhoff R, 2006.
Bilberry extracts induce gene expression through the electrophile response element. Nutr Cancer, 54, 94-
49 Nakatani N, Kayano S, Kikuzaki H, Sumino K, Katagiri K, Mitani T, 2000. Identification, quantitative
determination, and antioxidative activities of chlorogenic acid isomers in prune (Prunus domestica L. ). J
Agric Food Chem, 48, 5512-5516.
50 Neto CC, 2007. Cranberry and its phytochemicals: a review of in vitro anticancer studies. J Nutr, 137, 186S-
51 Olsson ME, Gustavsson KE, Andersson S, Nilsson A, Duan RD, 2004. Inhibition of cancer cell proliferation
in vitro by fruit and berry extracts and correlations with antioxidant levels. J Agric Food Chem, 52, 7264-
52 Olsson ME, Andersson CS, Oredsson S, Berglund RH, Gustavsson KE, 2006. Antioxidant levels and
inhibition of cancer cell proliferation in vitro by extracts from organically and conventionally cultivated
strawberries. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 1248-1255.
53 Pedersen CB, Kyle J, Jenkinson AM, Gardner PT, McPhail DB, Duthie GG, 2000. Effects of blueberry and
cranberry juice consumption on the plasma antioxidant capacity of healthy female volunteers. Eur J Clin
Nutr, 54, 405-408.
54 Pellegrini N, Serafini M, Colombi B, Del Rio D, Salvatore S, Bianchi M, Brighenti F, 2003. Total
antioxidant capacity of plant foods, beverages and oils consumed in Italy assessed by three different in vitro
assays. J Nutr, 133, 2812-2819.
55 Price JA, Sanny CG, Shevlin D, 2006. Application of manual assessment of oxygen radical absorbent
capacity (ORAC) for use in high throughput assay of "total" antioxidant activity of drugs and natural
products. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods, 54, 56-61.
56 Prior RL and Cao G, 1999. In vivo total antioxidant capacity: comparison of different analytical methods.
Free Radic Biol Med, 27, 1173-1181.
57 Prior RL and Cao G, 2000. Analysis of botanicals and dietary supplements for antioxidant capacity: a
review. J AOAC Int, 83, 950-956.
58 Prior RL, 2003. Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am J Clin Nutr, 78,
59 Prior RL, Hoang H, Gu L, Wu X, Bacchiocca M, Howard L, Hampsch-Woodill M, Huang D, Ou B, Jacob
R, 2003. Assays for hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity
(ORAC(FL))) of plasma and other biological and food samples. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 3273-3279.
60 Prior RL, 2004. Plasma antioxidant measurements. J Nutr, 134, 3184S-3185S.
61 Prior RL, Wu X, Schaich K, 2005. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and
phenolics in foods and dietary supplements. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 4290-4302.
62 Prior RL, Gu L, Wu X, Jacob RA, Sotoudeh G, Kader AA, Cook RA, 2007. Plasma antioxidant capacity
changes following a meal as a measure of the ability of a food to alter in vivo antioxidant status. J Am Coll
Nutr, 26, 170-181.
63 Roberts WG, Gordon MH, Walker AF, 2003. Effects of enhanced consumption of fruit and vegetables on
plasma antioxidant status and oxidative resistance of LDL in smokers supplemented with fish oil. Eur J Clin
Nutr, 57, 1303-1310.
64 Roy S, Khanna S, Alessio HM, Vider J, Bagchi D, Bagchi M, Sen CK, 2002. Anti-angiogenic property of
edible berries. Free Radic Res, 36, 1023-1031.
65 Sofic E, Sapcanin A, Tahirovic I, Gavrankapetanovic I, Jellinger K, Reynolds GP, Tatschner T, Riederer P,
2006. Antioxidant capacity in postmortem brain tissues of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. J Neural
Transm Suppl, 39-43.
66 Stewart RJ, Askew EW, McDonald CM, Metos J, Jackson WD, Balon TW, Prior RL, 2002. Antioxidant
status of young children: response to an antioxidant supplement. J Am Diet Assoc, 102, 1652-1657.
67 Stintzing FC, Stintzing AS, Carle R, Frei B, Wrolstad RE, 2002. Color and antioxidant properties of
cyanidin-based anthocyanin pigments. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 6172-6181.
68 Sun J, Chu YF, Wu X, Liu RH, 2002. Antioxidant and antiproliferative activities of common fruits. J Agric
Food Chem, 50, 7449-7454.
69 Tomer DP, McLeman LD, Ohmine S, Scherer PM, Murray BK, O'Neill KL, 2007. Comparison of the total
oxyradical scavenging capacity and oxygen radical absorbance capacity antioxidant assays. J Med Food, 10,
70 Valentova K, Stejskal D, Bednar P, Vostalova J, Cihalik C, Vecerova R, Koukalova D, Kolar M,
Reichenbach R, Sknouril L, Ulrichova J, Simanek V, 2007. Biosafety, antioxidant status, and metabolites in
urine after consumption of dried cranberry juice in healthy women: a pilot double-blind placebo-controlled
trial. J Agric Food Chem, 55, 3217-3224.
71 Walton MC, Lentle RG, Reynolds GW, Kruger MC, McGhie TK, 2006. Anthocyanin absorption and
antioxidant status in pigs. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 7940-7946.
72 Wang SY and Lin HS, 2000. Antioxidant activity in fruits and leaves of blackberry, raspberry, and
strawberry varies with cultivar and developmental stage. J Agric Food Chem, 48, 140-146.
73 Wu X, Pittman HE, 3rd, Prior RL, 2006. Fate of anthocyanins and antioxidant capacity in contents of the
gastrointestinal tract of weanling pigs following black raspberry consumption. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 583-
74 Yan X, Murphy BT, Hammond GB, Vinson JA, Neto CC, 2002. Antioxidant activities and antitumor
screening of extracts from cranberry fruit (Vaccinium macrocarpon). J Agric Food Chem, 50, 5844-5849.
75 Zafra-Stone S, Yasmin T, Bagchi M, Chatterjee A, Vinson JA, Bagchi D, 2007. Berry anthocyanins as novel
antioxidants in human health and disease prevention. Mol Nutr Food Res, 51, 675-683.
76 Zheng W and Wang SY, 2003. Oxygen radical absorbing capacity of phenolics in blueberries, cranberries,
chokeberries, and lingonberries. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 502-509.
ID 2162: VitaBlue Wild Blueberry Extract and Excellent source of healthy fruit antioxidants
1 Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, Atalay M, 2004. Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic
properties of a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula. Biochemistry (Mosc), 69, 75-80, 71 p
preceding 75.
2 Bagchi D, Roy S, Patel V, He G, Khanna S, Ojha N, Phillips C, Ghosh S, Bagchi M, Sen CK, 2006. Safety
and whole-body antioxidant potential of a novel anthocyanin-rich formulation of edible berries. Mol Cell
Biochem, 281, 197-209.
3 Bradham RR and Gangemi JD, 2000. The medicinal potential of blueberries. A new nutraceutical for South
Carolina farmers. J S C Med Assoc, 96, 300-303.
4 Caldwell CR, 2001. Oxygen radical absorbance capacity of the phenolic compounds in plant extracts
fractionated by high-performance liquid chromatography. Anal Biochem, 293, 232-238.
5 Cao G, Alessio HM, Cutler RG, 1993. Oxygen-radical absorbance capacity assay for antioxidants. Free
Radic Biol Med, 14, 303-311.
6 Cao G, Giovanoni M, Prior RL, 1996(a). Antioxidant capacity in different tissues of young and old rats.
Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 211, 359-365.
7 Cao G, Giovanoni M, Prior RL, 1996(b). Antioxidant capacity decreases during growth but not aging in rat
serum and brain. Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 22, 27-37.
8 Cao G, Booth SL, Sadowski JA, Prior RL, 1998(a). Increases in human plasma antioxidant capacity after
consumption of controlled diets high in fruit and vegetables. Am J Clin Nutr, 68, 1081-1087.
9 Cao G and Prior RL, 1998(b). Comparison of different analytical methods for assessing total antioxidant
capacity of human serum. Clin Chem, 44, 1309-1315.
10 Cao G and Prior RL, 1999(a). Measurement of oxygen radical absorbance capacity in biological samples.
Methods Enzymol, 299, 50-62.
11 Cao G, Shukitt-Hale B, Bickford PC, Joseph JA, McEwen J, Prior RL, 1999(b). Hyperoxia-induced changes
in antioxidant capacity and the effect of dietary antioxidants. J Appl Physiol, 86, 1817-1822.
12 Cao G and Prior RL, 2000. Postprandial increases in serum antioxidant capacity in older women. J Appl
Physiol, 89, 877-883.
13 Davalos A, Gomez-Cordoves C, Bartolome B, 2004. Extending applicability of the oxygen radical
absorbance capacity (ORAC-fluorescein) assay. J Agric Food Chem, 52, 48-54.
14 Freeman LM, Rush JE, Milbury PE, Blumberg JB, 2005. Antioxidant status and biomarkers of oxidative
stress in dogs with congestive heart failure. J Vet Intern Med, 19, 537-541.
15 Gillespie KM, Chae JM, Ainsworth EA, 2007. Rapid measurement of total antioxidant capacity in plants.
Nat Protoc, 2, 867-870.
16 Halvorsen BL, Carlsen MH, Phillips KM, Bohn SK, Holte K, Jacobs DR, Jr., Blomhoff R, 2006. Content of
redox-active compounds (ie, antioxidants) in foods consumed in the United States. Am J Clin Nutr, 84, 95-
17 Huang D, Ou B, Hampsch-Woodill M, Flanagan JA, Deemer EK, 2002(a). Development and validation of
oxygen radical absorbance capacity assay for lipophilic antioxidants using randomly methylated beta-
cyclodextrin as the solubility enhancer. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 1815-1821.
18 Huang D, Ou B, Hampsch-Woodill M, Flanagan JA, Prior RL, 2002(b). High-throughput assay of oxygen
radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) using a multichannel liquid handling system coupled with a microplate
fluorescence reader in 96-well format. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 50, 4437-4444.
19 Huang D, Ou B, Prior RL, 2005. The chemistry behind antioxidant capacity assays. J Agric Food Chem, 53,
20 Jayaprakasha GK, Mandadi KK, Poulose SM, Jadegoud Y, Nagana Gowda GA, Patil BS, 2007. Inhibition of
colon cancer cell growth and antioxidant activity of bioactive compounds from Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.
Bioorg Med Chem, 15, 4923-4932.
21 Kalt W, Forney CF, Martin A, Prior RL, 1999. Antioxidant capacity, vitamin C, phenolics, and anthocyanins
after fresh storage of small fruits. J Agric Food Chem, 47, 4638-4644.
22 Kay CD and Holub BJ, 2002. The effect of wild blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium) consumption on
postprandial serum antioxidant status in human subjects. Br J Nutr, 88, 389-398.
23 Kennedy DD, Ladas EJ, Rheingold SR, Blumberg J, Kelly KM, 2005. Antioxidant status decreases in
children with acute lymphoblastic leukemia during the first six months of chemotherapy treatment. Pediatr
Blood Cancer, 44, 378-385.
24 Kinnunen S, Hyyppa S, Lehmuskero A, Oksala N, Maenpaa P, Hanninen O, Atalay M, 2005. Oxygen
radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) and exercise-induced oxidative stress in trotters. Eur J Appl Physiol,
95, 550-556.
25 Lopez-Alarcon C and Lissi E, 2006. A novel and simple ORAC methodology based on the interaction of
Pyrogallol Red with peroxyl radicals. Free Radic Res, 40, 979-985.
26 Mazza G, Kay CD, Cottrell T, Holub BJ, 2002. Absorption of anthocyanins from blueberries and serum
antioxidant status in human subjects. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 7731-7737.
27 Miller ER, 3rd, Erlinger TP, Sacks FM, Svetkey LP, Charleston J, Lin PH, Appel LJ, 2005. A dietary pattern
that lowers oxidative stress increases antibodies to oxidized LDL: results from a randomized controlled
feeding study. Atherosclerosis, 183, 175-182.
28 Moyer RA, Hummer KE, Finn CE, Frei B, Wrolstad RE, 2002. Anthocyanins, phenolics, and antioxidant
capacity in diverse small fruits: vaccinium, rubus, and ribes. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 519-525.
29 Price JA, Sanny CG, Shevlin D, 2006. Application of manual assessment of oxygen radical absorbent
capacity (ORAC) for use in high throughput assay of "total" antioxidant activity of drugs and natural
products. J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods, 54, 56-61.
30 Prior RL and Cao G, 1999. In vivo total antioxidant capacity: comparison of different analytical methods.
Free Radic Biol Med, 27, 1173-1181.
31 Prior RL and Cao G, 2000. Analysis of botanicals and dietary supplements for antioxidant capacity: a
review. J AOAC Int, 83, 950-956.
32 Prior RL, 2003(a). Fruits and vegetables in the prevention of cellular oxidative damage. Am J Clin Nutr, 78,
33 Prior RL, Hoang H, Gu L, Wu X, Bacchiocca M, Howard L, Hampsch-Woodill M, Huang D, Ou B, Jacob
R, 2003(b). Assays for hydrophilic and lipophilic antioxidant capacity (oxygen radical absorbance capacity
(ORAC(FL))) of plasma and other biological and food samples. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 3273-3279.
34 Prior RL, 2004. Plasma antioxidant measurements. J Nutr, 134, 3184S-3185S.
35 Prior RL, Wu X, Schaich K, 2005. Standardized methods for the determination of antioxidant capacity and
phenolics in foods and dietary supplements. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 4290-4302.
36 Prior RL, Gu L, Wu X, Jacob RA, Sotoudeh G, Kader AA, Cook RA, 2007. Plasma antioxidant capacity
changes following a meal as a measure of the ability of a food to alter in vivo antioxidant status. J Am Coll
Nutr, 26, 170-181.
37 Rababah TM, Ereifej KI, Howard L, 2005. Effect of ascorbic acid and dehydration on concentrations of
total phenolics, antioxidant capacity, anthocyanins, and color in fruits. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 4444-4447.
38 Roberts WG, Gordon MH, Walker AF, 2003. Effects of enhanced consumption of fruit and vegetables on
plasma antioxidant status and oxidative resistance of LDL in smokers supplemented with fish oil. Eur J Clin
Nutr, 57, 1303-1310.
39 Sofic E, Sapcanin A, Tahirovic I, Gavrankapetanovic I, Jellinger K, Reynolds GP, Tatschner T, Riederer P,
2006. Antioxidant capacity in postmortem brain tissues of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. J Neural
Transm Suppl, 39-43.
40 Stewart RJ, Askew EW, McDonald CM, Metos J, Jackson WD, Balon TW, Prior RL, 2002. Antioxidant
status of young children: response to an antioxidant supplement. J Am Diet Assoc, 102, 1652-1657.
41 Stintzing FC, Stintzing AS, Carle R, Frei B, Wrolstad RE, 2002. Color and antioxidant properties of
cyanidin-based anthocyanin pigments. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 6172-6181.
42 Tomer DP, McLeman LD, Ohmine S, Scherer PM, Murray BK, O'Neill KL, 2007. Comparison of the total
oxyradical scavenging capacity and oxygen radical absorbance capacity antioxidant assays. J Med Food, 10,
43 Ueda Y, Le Nguyen TD, Inoue H, Kunii D, Yamamoto S, Azuma M, 2004. Relationship between smoking
habits and serum oxygen radical absorbance capacity and dietary intake in Japanese adults. Clin Exp
Pharmacol Physiol, 31 Suppl 2, S35-36.
44 Walton MC, Lentle RG, Reynolds GW, Kruger MC, McGhie TK, 2006. Anthocyanin absorption and
antioxidant status in pigs. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 7940-7946.
45 Yi W, Fischer J, Krewer G, Akoh CC, 2005. Phenolic compounds from blueberries can inhibit colon cancer
cell proliferation and induce apoptosis. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 7320-7329.
46 Zheng W and Wang SY, 2003. Oxygen radical absorbing capacity of phenolics in blueberries, cranberries,
chokeberries, and lingonberries. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 502-509.
ID 2164: VitaCurrant Black Currant Extract 25% Anthocyanins and Excellent source of healthy
fruit antioxidants
1 Bell DR and Gochenaur K, 2006. Direct vasoactive and vasoprotective properties of anthocyanin-rich
extracts. J Appl Physiol, 100, 1164-1170.
2 Canter PH and Ernst E, 2004. Anthocyanosides of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) for night vision--a
systematic review of placebo-controlled trials. Surv Ophthalmol, 49, 38-50.
3 Kahkonen MP and Heinonen M, 2003. Antioxidant activity of anthocyanins and their aglycons. J Agric
Food Chem, 51, 628-633.
4 Karlsen A, Retterstol L, Laake P, Paur I, Kjolsrud-Bohn S, Sandvik L, Blomhoff R, 2007. Anthocyanins
inhibit nuclear factor-kappaB activation in monocytes and reduce plasma concentrations of pro-
inflammatory mediators in healthy adults. J Nutr, 137, 1951-1954.
5 Maatta K, Kamal-Eldin A, Torronen R, 2001. Phenolic compounds in berries of black, red, green, and white
currants (Ribes sp.). Antioxid Redox Signal, 3, 981-993.
6 Matsumoto H, Inaba H, Kishi M, Tominaga S, Hirayama M, Tsuda T, 2001. Orally administered delphinidin
3-rutinoside and cyanidin 3-rutinoside are directly absorbed in rats and humans and appear in the blood as
the intact forms. J Agric Food Chem, 49, 1546-1551.
7 McGhie TK and Walton MC, 2007. The bioavailability and absorption of anthocyanins: towards a better
understanding. Mol Nutr Food Res, 51, 702-713.
8 Nakaishi H, Matsumoto H, Tominaga S, Hirayama M, 2000. Effects of black current anthocyanoside intake
on dark adaptation and VDT work-induced transient refractive alteration in healthy humans. Altern Med
Rev, 5, 553-562.
9 Nielsen IL, Dragsted LO, Ravn-Haren G, Freese R, Rasmussen SE, 2003. Absorption and excretion of black
currant anthocyanins in humans and watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic rabbits. J Agric Food Chem, 51,
10 Park SJ, Shin WH, Seo JW, Kim EJ, 2007. Anthocyanins inhibit airway inflammation and
hyperresponsiveness in a murine asthma model. Food Chem Toxicol, 45, 1459-1467.
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ID 2166: VitaGrape Grape Seed Extract 95% OPC and Excellent source of oligoremic
proanthocyanidins known to help in the management of heart health
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ID 2167: VitaGranate Pomegranate Extract 40% Ellagic Acid and Excellent source of healthy fruit
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ID 2169: Zeaxanthin (from marigold/ capsicum extract / wolfberries fruit and Required for macular
pigmentation in the eyes for maintaining health eye functions
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ID 2175: Capsicum annum (Common Name: Capsicum) and Stomach health
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ID 2178: Balsamodendron mukul (common name: Balsamodendron mukul) and Joint health
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ID 2179: Eugenia jambolana (common name: Eugenia jambolana) and Glucose metabolism
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ID 2181: Emblica officinalis (common name: Emblica officinalis) and Antioxidant properties
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ID 2186: Salsa parrilha (Smilax officinalis) and Digestive health
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ID 2187: Combination of extracts from Scutellaria baicalensis (root) and Acacia catechu (heartwood) for
use in food supplements only (UnivestinTM, LimbrelTM, FlavocoxidTM) and Joint health
1 Burnett BP, Jia Q, Zhao Y, Levy RM, 2007. A medicinal extract of Scutellaria baicalensis and Acacia
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4 Kim YS, Unpublished. Double-blind, randomized, placebo controlled, comparative study to assess the safety
and efficacy of Univestin K and the efficacy of Univestin K vs. Glucosamin in the adults suffering from
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6 Naik GH, Priyadarsini KI, Satav JG, Banavalikar MM, Sohoni DP, Biyani MK, Mohan H, 2003.
Comparative antioxidant activity of individual herbal components used in Ayurvedic medicine.
Phytochemistry, 63, 97-104.
7 Qi J, 2003. Generating and screening a natural product library for cyclooxygenase and lipooxygenase dual
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ID 2188: Grapefrukt//Citrus paradisi (Common Name : Grapefruit) and Antioxidant properties
1 Sharamon S, Baginski J, Hessov L, 1997. Zzran sla grapefruitu. Pragma, Prague.
ID 2191: Ribes nigrum (Common Name : Blackcurrant) and Muscles and joint health
1 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
2 Garbacki N, Angenot L, Bassleer C, Damas J, Tits M, 2002. Effects of prodelphinidins isolated from Ribes
nigrum on chondrocyte metabolism and COX activity. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 365, 434-
3 Garbacki N, Kinet M, Nusgens B, Desmecht D, Damas J, 2005. Proanthocyanidins, from Ribes nigrum
leaves, reduce endothelial adhesion molecules ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. J Inflamm (Lond), 2, 9.
4 Matsumoto H, Takenami E, Iwasaki-Kurashige K, Osada T, Katsumura T, Hamaoka T, 2005. Effects of
blackcurrant anthocyanin intake on peripheral muscle circulation during typing work in humans. Eur J Appl
Physiol, 94, 36-45.
ID 2193: Acerola and Antioxidant activity
1 Bhathena SJ and Velasquez MT, 2002. Beneficial role of dietary phytoestrogens in obesity and diabetes. Am
J Clin Nutr, 76, 1191-1201.
2 Brouwer IA, Van Dusseldorp M, West CE, Meyboom S, Thomas CMG, Duran M, Van Het Hof KH, Eskes
T, Hautvast T, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, 1999. Dietary folate from vegetables and citrus fruit decreases
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3 Ceriello A and Motz E, 2004. Is oxidative stress the pathogenic mechanism underlying insulin resistance,
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Biol, 24, 816-823.
4 Clifford MN, 1985. Chlorogenic acids. In: Coffee. Vol 1. Chemistry. Clarke RJ and Macrae R (eds.).
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5 Clifford MN, 1999. Chlorogenic acids and other cinnamatesnature, occurrence and dietaryburden. Journal
of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 79, 362-372.
6 Clifford MN, 2000. Chlorogenic acids and other cinnamates-nature, occurrence, dietary burden, absorption
and metabolism. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80, 1033-1043.
7 Hanamura T, Hagiwara T, Kawagishi H, 2005. Structural and functional characterization of polyphenols
isolated from acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) fruit. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 69, 280-286.
8 Harats D, Chevion S, Nahir M, Norman Y, Sagee O, Berry EM, 1998. Citrus fruit supplementation reduces
lipoprotein oxidation in young men ingesting a diet high in saturated fat: presumptive evidence for an
interaction between vitamins C and E in vivo. Am J Clin Nutr, 67, 240-245.
9 Hassimotto NM, Genovese MI, Lajolo FM, 2005. Antioxidant activity of dietary fruits, vegetables, and
commercial frozen fruit pulps. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 2928-2935.
10 Hwang J, Hodis HN, Sevanian A, 2001. Soy and alfalfa phytoestrogen extracts become potent low-density
lipoprotein antioxidants in the presence of acerola cherry extract. J Agric Food Chem, 49, 308-314.
11 Kawaguchi M, Tanabe H, Nagamine K, 2007. Isolation and characterization of a novel flavonoid possessing
a 4,2''-glycosidic linkage from green mature acerola (Malpighia emarginata DC.) fruit. Biosci Biotechnol
Biochem, 71, 1130-1135.
12 Kushi LH, Folsom AR, Prineas RJ, Mink PJ, Wu Y, Bostick RM, 1996. Dietary antioxidant vitamins and
death from coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med, 334, 1156-1162.
13 Lecerf JM, 1997. Nutrition, antioxydants et athroclrose. Rev Fr Endocrinol Clin, 38, 119-141.
14 Lecerf JM, 1999. Les antioxidants et les autres lments protecteurs dans les jus de fruits et lgumes.
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16 Manach C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Remesy C, Jimenez L, 2004. Polyphenols: food sources and
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17 Manach C, Williamson G, Morand C, Scalbert A, Remesy C, 2005. Bioavailability and bioefficacy of
polyphenols in humans. I. Review of 97 bioavailability studies. Am J Clin Nutr, 81, 230S-242S.
18 Mezadri T, Fernandez-Pachon MS, Villano D, Garcia-Parrilla MC, Troncoso AM, 2006. [The acerola fruit:
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19 Ruxton CH, Gardner EJ, Walker D, 2006. Can pure fruit and vegetable juices protect against cancer and
cardiovascular disease too? A review of the evidence. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 57, 249-272.
20 Scalbert A and Williamson G, 2000. Dietary intake and bioavailability of polyphenols. J Nutr, 130, 2073S-
21 Tucker KL, Selhub J, Wilson PW, Rosenberg IH, 1996. Dietary intake pattern relates to plasma folate and
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22 Wakabayashi H, Fukushima H, Yamada T, Kawase M, Shirataki Y, Satoh K, Tobe T, Hashimoto K,
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macrophage-like cells by Barbados cherry, a fruit of Malpighia emarginata DC. Anticancer Res, 23, 3237-
ID 2194: Achillea millefolium L. (Common name: Yarrow) and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2195: Achillea millefolium L. (Common name: Yarrow) and Respiratory health
1 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
ID 2199: Agrimonia eupatoria and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2200: Agropyron repens - common name : Couch and Renal elimination / organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahier de l'Agence, 1998. Mdicaments base de plantes: Cahiers de l'Agence no 3. Rpublique Franaise,
Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
ID 2201: Agropyron repens - common name : Couch and Control of weight
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de L'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lagence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
ID 2202: Alchemilla vulgaris and Joint health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2205: Alchemilla xanthochlora ROTHM, syn. alchemilla vulgaris L. s.l. (Common name: Ladys
mantle) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database, Alchemilla, www.naturaldatabase.com.
ID 2207: Allium cepa - common name: Onion and Renal elimination / Organism draining
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2211: Ammi visnaga and Respiratory health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2212: Ananas comosus - common name: Bromelain, Pineapple and Vascular and Vein Health
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2213: Ananas comosus - common name: Bromelain, Pineapple and Digestion
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Grabovac V and Bernkop-Schnurch A, 2006. Improvement of the intestinal membrane permeability of low
molecular weight heparin by complexation with stem bromelain. Int J Pharm, 326, 153-159.
4 Hale LP, 2004. Proteolytic activity and immunogenicity of oral bromelain within the gastrointestinal tract of
mice. Int Immunopharmacol, 4, 255-264.
5 Hale LP, Greer PK, Trinh CT, Gottfried MR, 2005. Treatment with oral bromelain decreases colonic
inflammation in the IL-10-deficient murine model of inflammatory bowel disease. Clin Immunol, 116, 135-
6 Malamud A and Wilson KT, 2000. Treatment of gastrointestinal infections. Curr Opin Gastroenterol, 16,
7 University of Maryland Medical Centre, Bromelain, http://www.umm.edu/altmed/articles/bromelain-
8 WHFOODS, Pineapple, http://www.whfoods.com/genpage.php?tname=foodspice&dbid=34.
ID 2214: Anethum graveolens - common name: dill and Renal elimination / organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de L'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lagence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
ID 2216: Anisi aetheroleum and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Boskabady MH and Ramazani-Assari M, 2001. Relaxant effect of Pimpinella anisum on isolated guinea pig
tracheal chains and its possible mechanism(s). J Ethnopharmacol, 74, 83-88.
4 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Kooperation Phytopharmaka, 1990-1995. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie (Indikationsgegliedertes
Kompendium von Arzneipflanzen gemss Monographien der Kommission E mit Darstellung von
Kombinationsmglichkeiten). BAH, BPI, VRH, Gesellschaft fr Phytotherapie.
6 Pourgholami MH, Majzoob S, Javadi M, Kamalinejad M, Fanaee GH, Sayyah M, 1999. The fruit essential
oil of Pimpinella anisum exerts anticonvulsant effects in mice. J Ethnopharmacol, 66, 211-215.
7 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
8 Tabanca N, Bedir E, Kirimer N, Baser KH, Khan SI, Jacob MR, Khan IA, 2003. Antimicrobial compounds
from Pimpinella species growing in Turkey. Planta Med, 69, 933-938.
9 Tirapelli CR, de Andrade CR, Cassano AO, De Souza FA, Ambrosio SR, da Costa FB, de Oliveira AM,
2007. Antispasmodic and relaxant effects of the hidroalcoholic extract of Pimpinella anisum (Apiaceae) on
rat anococcygeus smooth muscle. J Ethnopharmacol, 110, 23-29.
10 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2217: Apium graveolens (common name : celery) and Bladder health/ Health of urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2218: Apium graveolens - common name : celery and Renal elimination / organism draining
1 Anton R and Wichtl M, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques (2 e dition franaise). Tec&Doc, Paris, 692.
2 Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD, 2003. Herbal Medicines. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
3 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
4 Blumenthal M, 1998. The complete German commission E monographs. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Bradley P, 1992. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Exeter.
6 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
7 Cahiers de L'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lagence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
8 Crellin JK and Philpott J, 1990. A Reference Guide to Medicinal Plants. Duke University Press, Durham,
9 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
10 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
11 Hellemont JV, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. APB Service Scientifique.
12 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
13 Mills S and Bone K, 2000. Principles and Practices of Phytotherapie: Modern Herbal Medecine. Churchill
Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
14 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
15 Wren RC, 1988. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. The C.W. Daniel Company
Limited, Essex.
16 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 582- 584.
ID 2222: Arctium lappa - common name : Burdock and Renal elimination / Organism draining
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1997. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
7 Foster S and Leung AY, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drug and
cosmetics. Wiley-Interscience, New York
8 Mills S and Bone K Elsevier, 2005. The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety. Churchill Livingstone, London,
9 Moatti R and Musarella P, 1993. Le guide complet des plantes pour se soigner. Editions du Rocher, Monaco
10 Valnet J, 1983. Phytothrapie. Traitement des maladies par les plantes. Livre de Poche / Maloine, Paris.
11 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de phytothrapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
12 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
13 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
14 Wichtl M, 2004. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart.
ID 2223: Armoracia rusticana and Intestinal health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2224: Armorica rusticana - common name : Horseradish and Renal elimination / Organism
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
ID 2226: Ascophyllum nodosum - common name: ascophyllum and Control of weight
1 Etude clinique: Evaluation de lefficacit de glules ventre plat par mesures centimtriques.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2227: Ascophyllum nodosum - common name : ascophyllum and Constipation / Intestinal Health
1 Etude clinique : Evaluation de lefficacit de glules ventre plat par mesures centimtriques.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
5 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
6 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2228: Asparagus officinalis and Health of bladder and lower urinary tract
1 Gogte VVM, 2000. Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants. Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai.
2 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2004. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India, Vol IV.
Government of India, New Dehli, India.
3 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
4 Kapoor LD, 1990. Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
5 Pole S, 2006. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice. Churchill Livingstone, London,
6 Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, 2000. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda. Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
7 Sitaram B, 2006. Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra: Original Text Along With Commentary and Translation:
Including Nighantu Portion. Chaukhambha Orientalia, New Delhi.
8 Williamson EM, 2002. Major Herbs of Ayurveda. Churchill Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
ID 2230: Avena sativum - common name : Oat and Constipation / Intestinal Health
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2233: Capsella bursa-pastoris and Urinary health
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2235: Cassia fistula - common name : caneficier and Constipation / Intestinal Health
1 Abo KA and Adeyemi AA, 2002. Seasonal accumulation of anthraquinones in leaves of cultivated Cassia
podocarpa Guill et Perr. Afr J Med Med Sci, 31, 171-173.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
5 Elujoba AA, Ajulo OO, Iweibo GO, 1989. Chemical and biological analyses of Nigerian Cassia species for
laxative activity. J Pharm Biomed Anal, 7, 1453-1457.
6 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
ID 2243: Citrullus lunatus (Watermelon) extract - ACTI-08 and Weight loss management
carbohydrate & lipid metabolism improvement
1 Edwards AJ, Vinyard BT, Wiley ER, Brown ED, Collins JK, Perkins-Veazie P, Baker RA, Clevidence BA,
2003. Consumption of watermelon juice increases plasma concentrations of lycopene and beta-carotene in
humans. J Nutr, 133, 1043-1050.
2 Fisler JS and Warden CH, 2006. Uncoupling proteins, dietary fat and the metabolic syndrome. Nutr Metab
(Lond), 3, 38.
3 Furukawa S, Fujita T, Shimabukuro M, Iwaki M, Yamada Y, Nakajima Y, Nakayama O, Makishima M,
Matsuda M, Shimomura I, 2004. Increased oxidative stress in obesity and its impact on metabolic syndrome.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, 114, 1752-1761.
4 Micol V, 2007. ACTISOD: the second generation antioxidant for weight management.
5 Micol V, Larson H, Edeas B, Ikeda T, 2007. Watermelon extract stimulates antioxidant enzymes and
improves glycemic and lipid metabolism. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 18, 22.
6 Ninapharm, ACTISOD - Ingredient description, composition certificate.
7 Nishikawa T, Edelstein D, Du XL, Yamagishi S, Matsumura T, Kaneda Y, Yorek MA, Beebe D, Oates PJ,
Hammes HP, Giardino I, Brownlee M, 2000. Normalizing mitochondrial superoxide production blocks three
pathways of hyperglycaemic damage. Nature, 404, 787-790.
8 Richeux F, 2006. Evaluation of acute oral toxicity in rats. Up and down procedure. Test LD50. TAO425-
ID 2244: Citrullus lunatus (Watermelon) extract - ACTI-08 and Antioxidant properties
1 Alscher RG, Erturk N, Heath LS, 2002. Role of superoxide dismutases (SODs) in controlling oxidative
stress in plants. Journal of Experimental Botany, 53, 1331-1341.
2 Edwards AJ, Vinyard BT, Wiley ER, Brown ED, Collins JK, Perkins-Veazie P, Baker RA, Clevidence BA,
2003. Consumption of watermelon juice increases plasma concentrations of lycopene and beta-carotene in
humans. J Nutr, 133, 1043-1050.
3 Micol V, Larson H, Edeas B, Ikeda T, 2007. Watermelon extract stimulates antioxidant enzymes and
improves glycemic and lipid metabolism. Agro Food Industry Hi Tech, 18, 22.
4 Ninapharm, ACTISOD - Ingredient description, composition certificate. NINAPH-ACTI-08.
5 Ninapharm, Supplementation with ACTISOD offers an Internal skin protection and regeneration in a
double blind, placebo-controlled study.
6 Ninapharm, ACTISOD Antioxidant actions.
7 Ninapharm, ACTISOD An Innovative Anti-ageing. For beverages.
8 Ninapharm, Localization and antioxidant capacity of ACTISOD in a cellular system.
9 Ninapharm, ACTISOD bioavailability.
10 Ninapharm, Protective action against cell damage.
11 Ninapharm, Cell activating action.
12 Ninapharm, Collagen productivity in normal human fibroblasts.
13 Ninapharm, Comparison of lycopene composition.
14 Ninapharm, Lycopene absorption.
15 Ninapharm, Anti-oxidative activity SOD-like mechanism and DDPH radical scavenging activity.
16 Ninapharm, Antiradical effects of ACTISOD against the hydrogene peroxyde.
17 Richeux F, 2006. Evaluation of acute oral toxicity in rats. Up and down procedure. Test LD50.
18 Rougier Y, Pouyssegur V, Edeas B, Nasu M, Sit P, 2006. Vieillissement tissulaire, stress oxydatif et tests
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ID 2253: Cynara scolymus - common name: artichoke, globe artichoke and Renal elimination /
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ID 2256: Fraxinus excelsior and Joint health
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ID 2257: Fraxinus excelsior and Kidney health
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ID 2258: Fraxinus ornus - common name: Manna and Constipation / Intestinal Health
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ID 2262: Guava and Skin health
1 Aust O, Stahl W, Sies H, Tronnier H, Heinrich U, 2005. Supplementation with tomato-based products
increases lycopene, phytofluene, and phytoene levels in human serum and protects against UV-light-induced
erythema. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 75, 54-60.
2 Cesarini JP, Michel L, Maurette JM, Adhoute H, Bejot M, 2003. Immediate effects of UV radiation on the
skin: modification by an antioxidant complex containing carotenoids. Photodermatol Photoimmunol
Photomed, 19, 182-189.
3 Eichler O, Sies H, Stahl W, 2002. Divergent optimum levels of lycopene, beta-carotene and lutein protecting
against UVB irradiation in human fibroblastst. Photochem Photobiol, 75, 503-506.
4 Greul AK, Grundmann JU, Heinrich F, Pfitzner I, Bernhardt J, Ambach A, Biesalski HK, Gollnick H, 2002.
Photoprotection of UV-irradiated human skin: an antioxidative combination of vitamins E and C,
carotenoids, selenium and proanthocyanidins. Skin Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol, 15, 307-315.
5 Heinrich U, Gartner C, Wiebusch M, Eichler O, Sies H, Tronnier H, Stahl W, 2003. Supplementation with
beta-carotene or a similar amount of mixed carotenoids protects humans from UV-induced erythema. J Nutr,
133, 98-101.
6 Ribaya-Mercado JD, Garmyn M, Gilchrest BA, Russell RM, 1995. Skin lycopene is destroyed preferentially
over beta-carotene during ultraviolet irradiation in humans. J Nutr, 125, 1854-1859.
7 Rodriguez-Amaya DB, 1999. Latin American food sources of carotenoids. Arch Latinoam Nutr, 49, 74S-
8 Stahl W, Heinrich U, Wiseman S, Eichler O, Sies H, Tronnier H, 2001. Dietary tomato paste protects
against ultraviolet light-induced erythema in humans. J Nutr, 131, 1449-1451.
9 Stahl W and Sies H, 2002. Carotenoids and protection against solar UV radiation. Skin Pharmacol Appl
Skin Physiol, 15, 291-296.
10 Stahl W, Heinrich U, Aust O, Tronnier H, Sies H, 2006. Lycopene-rich products and dietary
photoprotection. Photochem Photobiol Sci, 5, 238-242.
11 Stahl W and Sies H, 2007. Carotenoids and flavonoids contribute to nutritional protection against skin
damage from sunlight. Mol Biotechnol, 37, 26-30.
ID 2263: Guava and Antioxidative activity
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2001. Apports nutritionnels conseills pour
la population franaise. Editions Tec&Doc, Paris.
2 Bhathena SJ and Velasquez MT, 2002. Beneficial role of dietary phytoestrogens in obesity and diabetes. Am
J Clin Nutr, 76, 1191-1201.
3 Brouwer IA, van Dusseldorp M, West CE, Meyboom S, Thomas CMG, Duran M, Hof KHV, Eskes TKAB,
Hautvast JGAJ, Steegers-Theunissen RPM, 1999. Dietary folate from vegetables and citrus fruit decreases
plasma homocysteine concentrations in humans in a dietary controlled trial. J Nutr, 129, 1135-1139.
4 Ceriello A and Motz E, 2004. Is oxidative stress the pathogenic mechanism underlying insulin resistance,
diabetes, and cardiovascular disease? The common soil hypothesis revisited. Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis
and Vascular Biology, 24, 816-823.
5 Clifford MN, 1985. Chlorogenic acids. In: Coffee. Clarke RJ and Macrae R (eds.). Elsevier, London, 153-
6 Clifford MN, 1999. Chlorogenic acids and other cinnamates - nature, occurrence and dietary burden. Journal
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7 Clifford MN, 2000. Chlorogenic acids and other cinnamates - nature, occurrence, dietary burden, absorption
and metabolism. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 80, 1033-1043.
8 Harats D, Chevion S, Nahir M, Norman Y, Sagee O, Berry EM, 1998. Citrus fruit supplementation reduces
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interaction between vitamins C and E in vivo. Am J Clin Nutr, 67, 240-245.
9 Jimenez-Escrig A, Rincon M, Pulido R, Saura-Calixto F, 2001. Guava fruit (Psidium guajava L.) as a new
source of antioxidant dietary fiber. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49, 5489-5493.
10 Kushi LH, Folsom AR, Prineas RJ, Mink PJ, Wu Y, Bostick RM, 1996. Dietary antioxidant vitamins and
death from coronary heart disease in postmenopausal women. N Engl J Med, 334, 1156-1162.
11 Kuskoski EM, Asuero AG, Morales MT, Fett R, 2006. Wild fruits and pulps of frozen fruits: antioxidant
activity, polyphenols and anthocyanins. Cincia Rural, 36, 1283-1287.
12 Lecerf JM, 1997. Nutrition, antioxydants et athroclrose. Rev Fr Endocrinol Clin, 38, 119-141.
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14 Lecerf JM, 2006. Functional Claims of Article 13: Polyphenols in Juices. References and Scientific
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15 Manach C, Scalbert A, Morand C, Remesy C, Jimenez L, 2004. Polyphenols: food sources and
bioavailability. Am J Clin Nutr, 79, 727-747.
16 Manach C, Williamson G, Morand C, Scalbert A, Remesy C, 2005. Bioavailability and bioefficacy of
polyphenols in humans. I. Review of 97 bioavailability studies. Am J Clin Nutr, 81, 230s-242s.
17 Miean KH and Mohamed S, 2001. Flavonoid (myricetin, quercetin, kaempferol, luteolin, and apigenin)
content of edible tropical plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 49, 3106-3112.
18 Rodriguez-Amaya DB, 1999. Latin American food sources of carotenoids. Archivos Latinoamericanos De
Nutricion, 49, 74s-84s.
19 Ruxton CHS, Gardner EJ, Walker D, 2006. Can pure fruit and vegetable juices protect against cancer and
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20 Scalbert A and Williamson G, 2000. Dietary intake and bioavailability of polyphenols. J Nutr, 130, 2073s-
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activities of guava fruits. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health, 36, 254-257.
22 Tucker KL, Selhub J, Wilson PWF, Rosenberg IH, 1996. Dietary intake pattern relates to plasma folate and
homocysteine concentrations in the Framingham Heart Study. J Nutr, 126, 3025-3031.
ID 2266: Hedera helix and Urinary health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2267: Hibiscus sabdariffa - common name: Hibiscus and Renal elimination / Organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2272: Hypericum perforatum and Respiratory health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2273: Hypericum perforatum and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2274: Hyssopus officinalis L. (Common name: Hyssop) and Respiratory health
1 Hyssop. 2006. Health Products and Food Branch of Health Canada, the Natural Health Products Directorate
2 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
3 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
7 Eberwein E and Vogel G, 1990. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, Berlin.
8 Valnet J, 1983. Phytothrapie. Traitement des maladies par les plantes. Livre de Poche / Maloine, Paris.
9 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de phytothrapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
10 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2275: Ilex paraguariensis - common name: yerba mate, mat, kali chaye and Renal elimination /
organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
5 Paris R and Myose H, 1981. Prcis de Matire Mdicale, Tome II, Pharmacognosie spciale. Masson, Paris.
6 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
7 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2276: Ilex paragueariensis St.-Hil. - Green Mate leaf extract and Mild diuretic effect, drainage of
excess water
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Gtz V and Kessler H, 1990. Mate-Tee als untersttzende Manahme bei Reduktionsditen. Natur- und
GanzheitsMedizin, 3, 252-258.
3 Neuhauser Berthold M, Beine S, Verwied SC, Luhrmann PM, 1997. Coffee consumption and total body
water homeostasis as measured by fluid balance and bioelectrical impedance analysis. Annals of Nutrition
and Metabolism, 41, 29-36.
4 Newall CA, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD, 1996. Herbal medicines: a guide for health-care professionals.
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
5 Rieg T, Steigele H, Schnermann J, Richter K, Osswald H, Vallon V, 2005. Requirement of intact adenosine
A1 receptors for the diuretic and natriuretic action of the methylxanthines theophylline and caffeine. J
Pharmacol Exp Ther, 313, 403-409.
6 Wemple RD, Lamb DR, McKeever KH, 1997. Caffeine vs caffeine-free sports drinks: Effects on urine
production at rest and during prolonged exercise. International Journal of Sports Medicine, 18, 40-46.
ID 2278: Inula helenium and Pharyngeal and respiratory health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
2 Rubine H, 2001. lante helniju. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 7.
ID 2280: Inula helenium - common name: Elecampane and Renal elimination / Organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Rubine H, 2001. lante helniju. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 7.
5 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2281: Iris germanica L., Iris florentina auct., Iris pallida Lam. (Common name: Iris) and
Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Eberwein E and Vogel G, 1990. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, Berlin.
4 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
5 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2282: Lagerstroemia speciosa extract and Blood glucose control - glucose metabolism
1 Fukushima M, Matsuyama F, Ueda N, Egawa K, Takemoto J, Kajimoto Y, Yonaha N, Miura T, Kaneko T,
Nishi Y, Mitsui R, Fujita Y, Yamada Y, Seino Y, 2006. Effect of corosolic acid on postchallenge plasma
glucose levels. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice, 73, 174-177.
2 Hattori K, Sukenobu N, Sasaki T, Takasuga S, Hayashi T, Kasai R, Yamasaki K, Hazeki O, 2003.
Activation of insulin receptors by lagerstroemin. Journal of Pharmacological Sciences, 93, 69-73.
3 Hayashi T, Maruyama H, Kasai R, Hattori K, Takasuga S, Hazeki O, Yamasaki K, Tanaka T, 2002.
Ellagitannins from Lagerstroemia speciosa as activators of glucose transport in fat cells. Planta Medica, 68,
4 Judy WV, Hari SP, Stogsdill WW, Judy JS, Naguib YMA, Passwater R, 2003. Antidiabetic activity of a
standardized extract (Glucosol) from Lagerstroemia speciosa leaves in Type II diabetics - A dose-
dependence study. Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 87, 115-117.
5 Klein G, Kim JK, Himmeldirk K, Cao Y, Chen XZ, 2007. Antidiabetes and anti-obesity activity of
Lagerstroemia speciosa. Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine, 4, 401-407.
6 Li YS, Kim J, Li J, Liu F, Liu XQ, Himmeldirk K, Ren YL, Wagner TE, Chen XZ, 2005. Natural anti-
diabetic compound 1,2,3,4,6-penta-O-galloyl-D-glucopyranose binds to insulin receptor and activates
insulin-mediated glucose transport signaling pathway. Biochemical and Biophysical Research
Communications, 336, 430-437.
7 Liu XQ, Kim J, Li YS, Li J, Liu F, Chen XZ, 2005. Tannic acid stimulates glucose transport and inhibits
adipocyte differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells. J Nutr, 135, 165-171.
8 Miura T, Itoh Y, Kaneko T, Ueda N, Ishida T, Fukushima M, Matsuyama F, Seino Y, 2004. Corosolic acid
induces GLUT4 translocation in genetically type 2 diabetic mice. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 27,
9 Miura T, Ueda N, Yamada K, Fukushima M, Ishida T, Kaneko T, Matsuyama F, Seino Y, 2006.
Antidiabetic effects of corosolic acid in KK-Ay diabetic mice. Biological & Pharmaceutical Bulletin, 29,
10 Ulbricht C, Basch E, Weissner W, Hackman D, 2006. An evidence-based systematic review of herb and
supplement interactions by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. Expert Opinion on Drug Safety, 5,
ID 2285: Lamium album - common name: white dead nettle and Renal elimination / organism
1 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Chabrol E, Charonnat R, Maximin M, Waitz R, Porin J, 1931. L'action cholrtique des composes. CR Soc
Biol, 108, 1100-1102.
5 Fournier P, 1948. Le livre des plantes mdicinales et vnneuses de France. Lechevalier, Paris.
6 Friley J, Lamier blanc. In: Les simples et autres plantes mdicinales. CNPMAI (Conservatoire National des
Plantes Parfum, Mdicinales, Aromatiques et Industrielles de Milly-la-Fort), 73.
7 Paris R and Moyse H, 1961. Labies mdicinales diverses. In: Abrg de matire mdicale. Matires
premires dorigine vgtale. Vigot, Paris, 142.
8 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de phytothrapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
9 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
10 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2292: Levisticum officinale - common name: Lovage and Renal elimination / organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
ID 2293: Limonis aetheroleum and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
ID 2294: Linum usitatissimum - common name: flaxseed and Control of weight
1 Blumenthal M, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs American Botanical Council.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
4 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2296. Lycopodium clavatum and Health of bladder and lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2297: Malva sylvestris and Pharyngeal and respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Hiller K and Melzig MF, 2003. Lexikon der Arzneipflanzen und Drogen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,
4 Hoppe HA, 1977. Drogenkunde. Ealter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.
5 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
6 Schnfelder I and Schnfelder P, 2004. Das neue Handbuch der Heilpflanzen: Botanik, Arzneidrogen,
Wirkstoffe, Anwendungen Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
7 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
8 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2298: Medicago sativa and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2303: Melissa officinalis L. (Common name: Lemon balm) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
3 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2304: Melon extract (containing SOD) / Wheat Gliadin and Endogenous antioxidant enzyme; effects
on immune system
1 Dugas B, Mercenier A, Lenoir-Wijnkoop I, Arnaud C, Dugas N, Postaire E, 1999. Immunity and probiotics.
Immunol Today, 20, 387-390.
2 Dugas B, Dugas N, Conti M, Calenda A, Pino P, Thomas Y, Mazier D, Vouldoukis I, 2003. Wheat gliadin
promotes the interleukin-4-induced IgE production by normal human peripheral mononuclear cells through a
redox-dependent mechanism. Cytokine, 21, 270-280.
3 He Y, Vemulapalli R, Schurig GG, 2002. Recombinant Ochrobactrum anthropi expressing Brucella abortus
Cu,Zn superoxide dismutase protects mice against B. abortus infection only after switching of immune
responses to Th1 type. Infect Immun, 70, 2535-2543.
4 Marikovsky M, Ziv V, Nevo N, Harris-Cerruti C, Mahler O, 2003. Cu/Zn superoxide dismutase plays
important role in immune response. J Immunol, 170, 2993-3001.
5 Rahman H, Rocco R, Latorre J, Tabassum V, 2005. The effects of a specialized superoxide dismutase
nutritional supplement for HIV patients on HAART. The 3rd IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis and
Treatment, Rio de Janeiro, Abstract no. MoPe11.11C10.
6 Vouldoukis I, Conti M, Kolb JP, Calenda A, Mazier D, Dugas B, 2003. Induction of Th1-dependent
immunity by an orally effective melon superoxide dismutase extract. Curr Trends Immunol, 5, 141-145.
ID 2305: Melon extract (containing SOD) / Wheat Gliadin and Endogenous antioxidant enzyme,
protects skin from sun damage
1 Albicini M, Kick J, Hauser B, Ehrmann U, Leverve X, Radermacher P, Speit G, Muth CM, 2005. The Orally
Effective Mixture of Sod and Gliadin Glisodin Protects Against Oxidative DNA Damage. 11th Congress
of the European Shock Society, Vienna.
2 Laverdet C, 2003. Glisodin Sun Pilot Trial: an open study conducted in France on 15 patients presenting
fragile skin, hypersensitivity to the sun or even problems of sun disease.
3 Laverdet C, Pomarede N, Oliveres-Ghouti C, 2005. Glisodin and Exposure to the Sun: an open study
conducted in France on 150 patients by 40 dermatologists.
4 Mac-Mary S, Sainthillier JM, Creidi P, Series JP, Vix F, Humbert P, 2005. Evaluation of the Effect of
GliSODin on the Intensity of Actinic Erythema Induced with Radiation. CARD (Annual Congress of
Dermatological Research), Brest.
5 Mac-Mary S, Sainthillier JM, Courderotmasuyer C, Creidi P, Humbert P, 2007. Could a photobiological test
be a suitable method to assess the anti-oxidant effect of a nutritional supplement Glisodin? Eur J Dermatol,
17, 254-255.
ID 2309: Mentha x piperita L. (Common names: peppermint, mint) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Mills S and Bone K, 2000. Principles and Practices of Phytotherapie: Modern Herbal Medecine. Churchill
Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
3 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
ID 2310: Menthae arvensis aetheroleum and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Eberwein E and Vogel G, 1990. Arzneipflanzen in der Phytotherapie. Kooperation Phytopharmaka, Berlin.
ID 2311: Myristica fragrans and Muscles and joint health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, 2003. HagerROM 2003. Hagers
Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
ID 2314: Ocimum basilicum - common name: Basil and Renal elimination / Organism draining
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
ID 2315: Ononis spinosa L. (Common name : Bugrane) and Health of lower urinary tract
1 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
2 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
3 Villalobos MA, De La Cruz JP, Martin-Romero M, Carmona JA, Smith-Agreda JM, Sanchez de la Cuesta F,
1998. Effect of dietary supplementation with evening primrose oil on vascular thrombogenesis in
hyperlipemic rabbits. Thromb Haemost, 80, 696-701.
ID 2318: Phaseolus Vulgaris (Kidney bean) - Olea europa (Olive) - Rosemarinus officinalis (Rosemary)
extracts - OXY-08 and Weight loss management, fat metabolism & storage improvement
1 Cecil KM, Lin A, Ross BD, Egelhoff JC, 2002. Methylsulfonylmethane observed by in vivo proton
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11 Ninapharm, 2008. Ingredient mechanisms of actions: OXYLIA a powerful and safe balancing diet
12 Ninapharm, 2008. OXYLIA. Certificate of non toxicity - Test LD5.
13 Ninapharm, 2008. OXYLIA enhances and mantains weight loss in humans.
14 Ninapharm, 2008. OXYLIA. Reduction of calorie absorption study done on rats.
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21 Venkateswaran S, Pari L, Saravanan G, 2002. Effect of Phaseolus vulgaris on circulatory antioxidants and
lipids in rats with streptozotocin-induced diabetes. J Med Food, 5, 97-103.
ID 2319 : Pimpinella saxifrage and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2320: Pitanga and Skin health
1 Alaluf S, Heinrich U, Stahl W, Tronnier H, Wiseman S, 2002. Dietary carotenoids contribute to normal
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27 Obermuller-Jevic UC, Francz PI, Frank J, Flaccus A, Biesalski HK, 1999. Enhancement of the UVA
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ID 2321: Pitanga and Antioxidant activity
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2001. Apports nutritionnels conseills pour
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2 Bhathena SJ and Velasquez MT, 2002. Beneficial role of dietary phytoestrogens in obesity and diabetes. Am
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3 Brouwer IA, van Dusseldorp M, West CE, Meyboom S, Thomas CM, Duran M, van het Hof KH, Eskes TK,
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8 Freyre MR, Baigorria CM, Rozycki VR, Bernardi CM, Charpentier M, 2000. Suitability of wild
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9 Harats D, Chevion S, Nahir M, Norman Y, Sagee O, Berry EM, 1998. Citrus fruit supplementation reduces
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17 Miquel J, Ramirez-Bosca A, Ramirez-Bosca JV, Alperi JD, 2006. Menopause: a review on the role of
oxygen stress and favorable effects of dietary antioxidants. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 42, 289-306.
18 Rodriguez-Amaya DB, 1999. Latin American food sources of carotenoids. Arch Latinoam Nutr, 49, 74S-
19 Ruxton CH, Gardner EJ, Walker D, 2006. Can pure fruit and vegetable juices protect against cancer and
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21 Tucker KL, Selhub J, Wilson PW, Rosenberg IH, 1996. Dietary intake pattern relates to plasma folate and
homocysteine concentrations in the Framingham Heart Study. J Nutr, 126, 3025-3031.
ID 2322: Populus nigra and Kidney health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2325: Prunus mume (Plum) extract - INP-08 and Weight loss management, acid base balancer
1 No authors listed, 2007. Clinical trial randomized -double blind placebo controlled study supplement 1/urine
pH measure, 2/ weight loss supplement, 3/ blood fluidity. Medica Center Osaka in collaboration with MIREI
2 Chuda Y, Ono H, Ohnishi-Kameyama M, Matsumoto K, Nagata T, Kikuchi Y, 1999. Mumefural, citric acid
derivative improving blood fluidity from fruit-juice concentrate of Japanese apricot (Prunus mume Sieb. et
Zucc). J Agric Food Chem, 47, 828-831.
3 Dogasaki C, Murakami H, Nishijima M, Ohno N, Yadomae T, Miyazaki T, 1994. Biological activity and
structural characterization of alkaline-soluble polysaccharides from the kernels of Prunus mume Sieb. et
Zacc. Biol Pharm Bull, 17, 386-390.
4 Kim TK, Cha MR, Kim SJ, Kim SY, Jeon KI, Park HR, Park E, Lee SC, 2005. Antioxidative Activity of
Methanol Extract from Prunus mume Byproduct. Cancer Prev Res, 10, 251-256.
5 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Plum. Composition certificate.
6 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Plum. Ingredient description, mechanisms of actions.
7 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Plum. Prunus mume extract rich in citric acid.
8 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Plum. Certificate of non toxicity - Test LD50.
9 Son SS, Ji WD, Chung HC, 2003. Optimum condition for acetic acid fermentation using mume (Prunus
mume Sieb. et Zucc) fruits. J Korean Soc Food Sci Nutr, 32, 544-548.
10 Utsunomiya H, Yamakawa T, Kamei J, Kadonosono K, Tanaka S, 2005. Anti-hyperglycemic effects of plum
in a rat model of obesity and type 2 diabetes, Wistar fatty rat. Biomed Res, 26, 193-200.
ID 2326: Prunus spinosa and Kidney health
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2328: Quercus robur and Health of the upper respiratory tract
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2329: Raphanus sativus - common name: radish, black radish, Japanese radish, Daikon and
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
ID 2330: Ribes nigrum - nom commun: blackcurrant and Renal Elimination / Draining organism
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
4 Leclerc H, 1994. Prcis de phytothrapie: essais de thrapeutique par les plantes franaises. Masson, Paris.
5 Musarella P and Moatti R, 1993. Le guide complet des plantes pour se soigner. Editions du Rocher, Paris.
6 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
7 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2331: Ribes nigrum - nom commun: blackcurrant and Control of weight
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2332: Ribes nigrum L. (Common name: Blackcurrant) and Respiratory health
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2007. Hagers
Enzyklopdie der Arzneistoffe und Drogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
2 Swissmedic (Schweizerisches Heilmittelinstitut), 2007. Anleitung zum Einreichen von Zulassungsgesuchen
fr Husten- und Halsbonbons sowie Pastillen der Abgabekategorie E im Meldeverfahren.
ID 2333: Rice vinegar extract - INRV-08 and Weight loss management, acid base balancer
1 No authors listed, 2007. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Clinical trial randomized -double blind placebo
controlled study supplement: 1/ 24h net acid excretion & urine ph measure-2/ weight loss supplement.
Medica Center Osaka in collaboration with MIREI International.
2 Fushimi T, Kishi M, Oshima Y, Tsukamoto Y, Ito A, 2005. Investigation of Safety of Drinks Containing
Vinegar. Journal of Urban Living Health Association, 49, 267-278.
3 Gerber J, Hutchins A, Johnston C, 2006. Impact of daily vinegar consumption on body composition and
insulin sensitivity in overweight, healthy adults. FASEB J, 20, A579.
4 Johnston CS, Kim CM, Buller AJ, 2004. Vinegar improves insulin sensitivity to a high-carbohydrate meal in
subjects with insulin resistance or type 2 diabetes. Diabetes Care, 27, 281-282.
5 Johnston CS and Buller AJ, 2005. Vinegar and peanut products as complementary foods to reduce
postprandial glycemia. J Am Diet Assoc, 105, 1939-1942.
6 Leeman M, Ostman E, Bjorck I, 2005. Vinegar dressing and cold storage of potatoes lowers postprandial
glycaemic and insulinaemic responses in healthy subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr, 59, 1266-1271.
7 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Ingredient description, composition certificate.
8 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Natural acetic acid source.
9 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Inhibitory effects and its constituents on -
glucosidase activity.
10 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Bibliographic report on beneficial effects of
11 Ninapharm, 2008. INNER7+ - Rice Vinegar Extract. Certificate of non toxicity.
12 Ostman E, Granfeldt Y, Persson L, Bjorck I, 2005. Vinegar supplementation lowers glucose and insulin
responses and increases satiety after a bread meal in healthy subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr, 59, 983-988.
ID 2334: Rosa canica - common name : Cynorrhodon, Eglantier and Invigoration of the body
1 Boullard B, 2001. Plantes mdicinales du monde: Ralits & Croyances. Paris, Estem.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Daels-Rakotoarison DA, Gressier B, Trotin F, Brunet C, Luyckx M, Dine T, Bailleul F, Cazin M, Cazin JC,
2002. Effects of Rosa canina fruit extract on neutrophil respiratory burst. Phytother Res, 16, 157-161.
5 Girre L, 2001. Les plantes et les mdicaments : L'origine vgtale de nos mdicaments. Delachaux et
Niestl, Lausanne.
6 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
7 Leclerc H, 1976. Les tonique astringents. In: Prcis de phytothrapie. Essais de thrapeutique par les plantes
franaises. Masson, Paris.
8 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
9 No authors listed, 2001. Encyclopdie des plantes medicinales. Larousse, Paris.
10 Salminen JP, Karonen M, Lempa K, Liimatainen J, Sinkkonen J, Lukkarinen M, Pihlaja K, 2005.
Characterisation of proanthocyanidin aglycones and glycosides from rose hips by high-performance liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometry, and their rapid quantification together with vitamin C. J Chromatogr A,
1077, 170-180.
11 Schauenberg P and Paris F, 1977. Guide des plantes mdicinales. Analyse, description et utilisation de 400
plantes. Lutterworth Press, Guildford.
12 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
13 WHO and FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization), 2004. Vitamin and
mineral requirements in human nutrition.
14 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2335: Rubus fructicosus and Glucose metabolism
1 Jellin JM, Gregory P, Batz F, 2000. Natural Medicines Comprehensive Database. Pharmacists Letter,
ID 2336: Rubus idaeas (Raspberry) extract - BERI-08 and Weight loss management, thermogenesis
1 Bertrand PP, 2004. Real-time detection of serotonin release from enterochromaffin cells of the guinea-pig
ileum. Neurogastroenterol Motil, 16, 511-514.
2 Braun T, Voland P, Kunz L, Prinz C, Gratzl M, 2007. Enterochromaffin cells of the human gut: sensors for
spices and odorants. Gastroenterology, 132, 1890-1901.
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ID 2337: Rubus idaeus - common name: Blackberry and Digestion
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ID 2338: Rubus idaeus - common name: Blackberry and Renal elimination / Organism draining
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science et thrapeutique. Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2339: Salvia triloba L. fil. (Common name: Greek sage) and Respiratory health
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ID 2340: Salviae lavandulifoliae aetheroleum and Respiratory health
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ID 2342: Sisymbrium officinale and Respiratory health
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ID 2344: Triticum sativum and Resistance system
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ID 2345: Undaria pinnatifidia and Body weight
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ID 2346: Urtica dioica - common name: Stinging nettle and Renal Elimination / Organism draining
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ID 2348: Valerian extract [Dry extract from roots of Valeriana officinalis L., drug/native extract ratio (3-
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ID 2351: Verbascum thapsiforme and Pharyngeal and respiratory health
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ID 2352: Verbascum thapsiforme and Bladder and Kidney Health
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ID 2355: Veronica officinalis and Kidney health
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ID 2356: Viola tricolor and Respiratory health
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Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe. Springer Verlag, Heidelberg.
ID 2362: Garlic bulb (Allium sativum) and Bodys defence system against microorganism
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ID 2365: Pumpkin seed (Cucurbita pepo) and Prostate/urinary tract
1 Berges RR, Windeler J, Trampisch HJ, Senge T, 1995. Randomised, placebo-controlled, double-blind
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ID 2368: Combination of sweet fennel seed (Foeniculum dulce), mint leaf (Mentha piperita) and
chamomile flower (Matricaria chamomilla) and Digestive system
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Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
ID 2372: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Cardio-vascular health
1 Agarwal S and Rao AV, 1998. Tomato lycopene and low density lipoprotein oxidation: a human dietary
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8 Balestrieri ML, De Prisco R, Nicolaus B, Pari P, Moriello VS, Strazzullo G, Iorio EL, Servillo L, Balestrieri
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ID 2373: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Skin health
1 Alaluf S, Heinrich U, Stahl W, Tronnier H, Wiseman S, 2002. Dietary carotenoids contribute to normal
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erythema. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 75, 54-60.
3 Bhuvaneswari V, Velmurugan B, Balasenthil S, Ramachandran CR, Nagini S, 2001. Chemopreventive
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4 Black HS, 1998. Radical interception by carotenoids and effects on UV carcinogenesis. Nutr Cancer, 31,
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10 Eichler O, Sies H, Stahl W, 2002. Divergent optimum levels of lycopene, beta-carotene and lutein protecting
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16 Heinrich U, Gartner C, Wiebusch M, Eichler O, Sies H, Tronnier H, Stahl W, 2003. Supplementation with
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19 Maffei Facino R, Carini M, Aldini G, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, Morelli R, 1994. Free radicals
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22 Matulka RA, Hood AM, Griffiths JC, 2004. Safety evaluation of a natural tomato oleoresin extract derived
from food-processing tomatoes. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol, 39, 390-402.
23 Millen AE, Tucker MA, Hartge P, Halpern A, Elder DE, Guerry Dt, Holly EA, Sagebiel RW, Potischman N,
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28 Nuttall SL, Kendall MJ, Bombardelli E, Morazzoni P, 1998. An evaluation of the antioxidant activity of a
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29 Offord EA, Gautier JC, Avanti O, Scaletta C, Runge F, Kramer K, Applegate LA, 2002. Photoprotective
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30 Paetau I, Rao D, Wiley ER, Brown ED, Clevidence BA, 1999. Carotenoids in human buccal mucosa cells
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31 Pool-Zobel BL, Bub A, Muller H, Wollowski I, Rechkemmer G, 1997. Consumption of vegetables reduces
genetic damage in humans: first results of a human intervention trial with carotenoid-rich foods.
Carcinogenesis, 18, 1847-1850.
32 Porrini M and Riso P, 2000. Lymphocyte lycopene concentration and DNA protection from oxidative
damage is increased in women after a short period of tomato consumption. J Nutr, 130, 189-192.
33 Porrini M, Riso P, Oriani G, 2002. Spinach and tomato consumption increases lymphocyte DNA resistance
to oxidative stress but this is not related to cell carotenoid concentrations. Eur J Nutr, 41, 95-100.
34 Postaire E, Jungmann H, Bejot M, Heinrich U, Tronnier H, 1997. Evidence for antioxidant nutrients-induced
pigmentation in skin: results of a clinical trial. Biochem Mol Biol Int, 42, 1023-1033.
35 Rao AV and Agarwal S, 1998. Bioavailability and in vivo antioxidant properties of lycopene from tomato
products and their possible role in the prevention of cancer. Nutr Cancer, 31, 199-203.
36 Ribaya-Mercado JD, Garmyn M, Gilchrest BA, Russell RM, 1995. Skin lycopene is destroyed preferentially
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37 Richelle M, Bortlik K, Liardet S, Hager C, Lambelet P, Baur M, Applegate LA, Offord EA, 2002. A food-
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38 Riso P, Pinder A, Santangelo A, Porrini M, 1999. Does tomato consumption effectively increase the
resistance of lymphocyte DNA to oxidative damage? Am J Clin Nutr, 69, 712-718.
39 Riso P, Visioli F, Erba D, Testolin G, Porrini M, 2004. Lycopene and vitamin C concentrations increase in
plasma and lymphocytes after tomato intake. Effects on cellular antioxidant protection. Eur J Clin Nutr, 58,
40 Shao A and Hathcock JN, 2006. Risk assessment for the carotenoids lutein and lycopene. Regul Toxicol
Pharmacol, 45, 289-298.
41 Sies H and Stahl W, 2003. Non-nutritive bioactive constituents of plants: lycopene, lutein and zeaxanthin.
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Pharmacol Physiol, 17, 238-245.
44 Stahl W, von Laar J, Martin HD, Emmerich T, Sies H, 2000. Stimulation of gap junctional communication:
comparison of acyclo-retinoic acid and lycopene. Arch Biochem Biophys, 373, 271-274.
45 Stahl W, Heinrich U, Wiseman S, Eichler O, Sies H, Tronnier H, 2001. Dietary tomato paste protects
against ultraviolet light-induced erythema in humans. J Nutr, 131, 1449-1451.
46 Stahl W, Ale-Agha N, Polidori MC, 2002. Non-antioxidant properties of carotenoids. Biol Chem, 383, 553-
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48 Stahl W and Sies H, 2003. Antioxidant activity of carotenoids. Mol Aspects Med, 24, 345-351.
49 Stahl W and Sies H, 2005. Bioactivity and protective effects of natural carotenoids. Biochim Biophys Acta,
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50 Stahl W, Heinrich U, Aust O, Tronnier H, Sies H, 2006. Lycopene-rich products and dietary
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51 Torbergsen AC and Collins AR, 2000. Recovery of human lymphocytes from oxidative DNA damage; the
apparent enhancement of DNA repair by carotenoids is probably simply an antioxidant effect. Eur J Nutr,
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52 Vainio H and Rautalahti M, 1998. An international evaluation of the cancer preventive potential of
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53 Visioli F, Riso P, Grande S, Galli C, Porrini M, 2003. Protective activity of tomato products on in vivo
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54 Walfisch Y, Walfisch S, Agbaria R, Levy J, Sharoni Y, 2003. Lycopene in serum, skin and adipose tissues
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55 Walfisch S, Walfisch Y, Kirilov E, Linde N, Mnitentag H, Agbaria R, Sharoni Y, Levy J, 2007. Tomato
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56 Wright TI, Spencer JM, Flowers FP, 2006. Chemoprevention of nonmelanoma skin cancer. J Am Acad
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ID 2374: Tomato extract containing lycopene and Prostate health
1 Agarwal S and Rao AV, 1998. Tomato lycopene and low density lipoprotein oxidation: a human dietary
intervention study. Lipids, 33, 981-984.
2 Amir H, Karas M, Giat J, Danilenko M, Levy R, Yermiahu T, Levy J, Sharoni Y, 1999. Lycopene and 1,25-
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HL-60 leukemic cells. Nutr Cancer, 33, 105-112.
3 Ansari MS, Gupta NP, Hemal AK, 2002. Chemoprevention of carcinoma prostate: a review. Int Urol
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4 Ansari MS and Gupta NP, 2003. A comparison of lycopene and orchidectomy vs orchidectomy alone in the
management of advanced prostate cancer. BJU Int, 92, 375-378; discussion 378.
5 Ansari MS and Gupta NP, 2004a. Lycopene: a novel drug therapy in hormone refractory metastatic prostate
cancer. Urol Oncol, 22, 415-420.
6 Ansari MS and Gupta NP, 2004b. A comparison of lycopene and orchidectomy vs orchidectomy alone in the
management of advanced prostate cancer. BJU Int, 94, 678.
7 Ansari MS and Ansari S, 2005a. Lycopene and prostate cancer. Future Oncol, 1, 425-430.
8 Ansari MS and Sgupta NP, 2005b. A comparison of lycopene and orchidectomy vs orchidectomy alone in
the management of advanced prostate cancer. BJU Int, 95, 453.
9 Astley SB and Elliott RM, 2005. How strong is the evidence that lycopene supplementation can modify
biomarkers of oxidative damage and DNA repair in human lymphocytes? J Nutr, 135, 2071S-2073S.
10 Barber NJ, Zhang X, Zhu G, Pramanik R, Barber JA, Martin FL, Morris JD, Muir GH, 2006. Lycopene
inhibits DNA synthesis in primary prostate epithelial cells in vitro and its administration is associated with a
reduced prostate-specific antigen velocity in a phase II clinical study. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis, 9, 407-
11 Basu A and Imrhan V, 2007. Tomatoes versus lycopene in oxidative stress and carcinogenesis: conclusions
from clinical trials. Eur J Clin Nutr, 61, 295-303.
12 Bhuvaneswari V, Velmurugan B, Balasenthil S, Ramachandran CR, Nagini S, 2001. Chemopreventive
efficacy of lycopene on 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene-induced hamster buccal pouch carcinogenesis.
Fitoterapia, 72, 865-874.
13 Bohm V and Bitsch R, 1999. Intestinal absorption of lycopene from different matrices and interactions to
other carotenoids, the lipid status, and the antioxidant capacity of human plasma. Eur J Nutr, 38, 118-125.
14 Boileau TW, Clinton SK, Erdman JW, Jr., 2000. Tissue lycopene concentrations and isomer patterns are
affected by androgen status and dietary lycopene concentration in male F344 rats. J Nutr, 130, 1613-1618.
15 Boileau TW, Liao Z, Kim S, Lemeshow S, Erdman JW, Jr., Clinton SK, 2003. Prostate carcinogenesis in N-
methyl-N-nitrosourea (NMU)-testosterone-treated rats fed tomato powder, lycopene, or energy-restricted
diets. J Natl Cancer Inst, 95, 1578-1586.
16 Bowen P, Chen L, Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, Duncan C, Sharifi R, Ghosh L, Kim HS, Christov-Tzelkov K,
van Breemen R, 2002. Tomato sauce supplementation and prostate cancer: lycopene accumulation and
modulation of biomarkers of carcinogenesis. Exp Biol Med (Maywood), 227, 886-893.
17 Breinholt V, Lauridsen ST, Daneshvar B, Jakobsen J, 2000. Dose-response effects of lycopene on selected
drug-metabolizing and antioxidant enzymes in the rat. Cancer Lett, 154, 201-210.
18 Campbell JK, Canene-Adams K, Lindshield BL, Boileau TW, Clinton SK, Erdman JW, Jr., 2004. Tomato
phytochemicals and prostate cancer risk. J Nutr, 134, 3486S-3492S.
19 Cerhan JR, Parker AS, Putnam SD, Chiu BC, Lynch CF, Cohen MB, Torner JC, Cantor KP, 1999. Family
history and prostate cancer risk in a population-based cohort of Iowa men. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers
Prev, 8, 53-60.
20 Chen L, Stacewicz-Sapuntzakis M, Duncan C, Sharifi R, Ghosh L, van Breemen R, Ashton D, Bowen PE,
2001. Oxidative DNA damage in prostate cancer patients consuming tomato sauce-based entrees as a whole-
food intervention. J Natl Cancer Inst, 93, 1872-1879.
21 Cohen JH, Kristal AR, Stanford JL, 2000. Fruit and vegetable intakes and prostate cancer risk. J Natl Cancer
Inst, 92, 61-68.
22 Di Mascio P, Kaiser S, Sies H, 1989. Lycopene as the most efficient biological carotenoid singlet oxygen
quencher. Arch Biochem Biophys, 274, 532-538.
23 Gann PH, Ma J, Giovannucci E, Willett W, Sacks FM, Hennekens CH, Stampfer MJ, 1999. Lower prostate
cancer risk in men with elevated plasma lycopene levels: results of a prospective analysis. Cancer Res, 59,
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ID 2380: Horseradish root (Armoracia rusticana) and Respiratory system health
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ID 2383: Acorus Calamus (Sweet flag, sweet rush) and Invigoration of the body
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ID 2384: Aegopodium podagraria and Digestive health
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ID 2386: Alchemilla vulgaris (Lady's Mantle) and Invigoration the body
1 Rubine H, 2001. Raskrsli parastais. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 49.
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ID 2388: Andrographis paniculata (Creat) and Purification
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ID 2391: Angelica sinensis (Angelica) and Invigoration the body
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ID 2392: Angelica sinensis (Angelica) and Metabolism in joints
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ID 2393: Apium graveolens (Celery) and Invigoration the body
1 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2394: Arctium lappa (Burdock) and Joint health
1 and , 2002. . In: (,
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ID 2395: Argyreia speciosa and Fertility
1 Agrawal HSK and Kulkarni KS, 2003. Efficacy and safety of Speman in patients with oligospermia: an open
clinical study. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 14, 29-31.
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3 Singh I, Pandey RN, Sarkar S, Kulkarni KS, 2003. Efficacy of Speman in the treatment of male subfertility.
Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 14, 31-33.
ID 2396: Ascophyllum nodosum (seaweed) and Structure and function of the skin and mucous
1 Cousens R, 1984. Estimation of annual production by the intertidal brown alga Ascophyllum nodosum.
Botanica Marina, 27, 217-227.
2 Pavia H and Brock E, 2000. Extrinsic factors influencing phlorotannin production in the brown alga
Ascophyllum nodosum. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 193, 285-294.
3 Santelices B and Ojeda FP, 1984. Effects of canopy removal on the understory algal community structure of
coastal forest of Macrocystis pyrifera from Southern South America. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 14,
4 Sharp GJ, 1986. Ascophyllum nodosum and its harvesting in Eastern Canada. In: Case studies of seven
commercial seaweed resources. FAO Technical Report 281. 3-46.
5 Yan X, Nagata T, Fan X, 1998. Antioxidative activities in some common seaweeds. Plant Foods Hum Nutr,
52, 253-262.
ID 2398: Avena sativa (Green oat) and Digestive system, metabolism
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. The American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Rubine H, 2002. Auzas sjas. rstniecbas augu avze, 3, 1.
4 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Sjas auza. rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC.
5 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Riga.
6 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). , , 597-598.
7 and , 2002. / . In: 32
(, , ). ., ,
ID 2399: Barbarea vulgaris (Garden yellowrocket) and Physical and mental health
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Zvrene. rstniecbas augi, 1, 226.
2 Plants For A Future, Barbarea vulgaris, http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Barbarea+vulgaris.
ID 2400: Berberis vulgaris (Barberry) and Gastro-intestinal health
1 and , 2002 32 (,
, ). , .
ID 2401: Beta vulgaris and Purification
1 Mike I and Brutane D, 2004. Bietes. Dzivibas elementi. Nordik, Riga.
ID 2407: Capparis spinosa and Liver health, appetite
1 Baijal R, Patel N, Kolhapure SA, 2004. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Liv. 52 DS tablets in acute viral
hepatitis: a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase III clinical trial. Medicine, 12,
2 Kolhapure SA and Mitra SK, 2004. Meta-analysis of 50 Phase III clinical trials in evaluation of efficacy and
safety of Liv. 52 in infective hepatitis. Medicine, 12, 51-61.
ID 2408: Cassia fistula and Vein health
1 Reddy SS, Nagabushanam M, Ramanuja Rao M, 1984. Role of Pilex tablets and ointment in the treatment of
piles and fissures. Probe, 23, 213.
2 Sahu M and Pankaj S, 2001. Clinical study of Pilex combination therapy vs conventional ayurvedic therapy
in the management of haemorrhoids. Indian Practitioner, 54, 799-805.
3 Tripathi A, 2000. Comparative evaluation of Pilex with Daflon in haemorrhoids. Antiseptic, 97, 317.
ID 2409: Centaurium erythraea (Centaury) and Invigoration the body
1 Plants For A Future, Centaurium erythraea, http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Centaurium+erythraea.
ID 2413: Chamaenerion angustifolium (Willow herb) and Digestive health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Ugunspue aurlapu. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 55.
2 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2414: Chamaenerion angustifolium (Willow herb) and Mental health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Ugunspue aurlapu. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 55.
2 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2415: Chlorella pyrenoidosa (Chlorella) and Digestive health / Liver health
1 Kerem M, Salman B, Pasaoglu H, Bedirli A, Alper M, Katircioglu H, Atici T, Percin EF, Ofluoglu E, 2008.
Effects of microalgae Chlorella species crude extracts on intestinal adaptation in experimental short bowel
syndrome. World J Gastroenterol, 14, 4512-4517.
2 Northcote DH, Goulding KJ, Horne RW, 1958. The chemical composition and structure of the cell wall of
Chlorella pyrenoidosa. Biochem J, 70, 391-397.
3 Shibata S, Hayakawa K, Egashira Y, Sanada H, 2007. Hypocholesterolemic mechanism of Chlorella:
Chlorella and its indigestible fraction enhance hepatic cholesterol catabolism through up-regulation of
cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase in rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 71, 916-925.
ID 2416: Cichorium intybus (Chicory) and Heart health / Vascular health
1 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Parastais cigori. rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC. 84-86.
2 and P, 2002. ( ) Cichorium intybus L..
ID 2417: Comarum palustre and Joint health
1 , 2000. . -, .
2 Rubine H, 2002 Vrnkja purva. rstniecbas augu avze, 3, 55.
ID 2418: Commiphora wighti (Indian Bedellium, Guggal) and Joint, bone health
1 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
2 Gogte VVM, 2000. Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants. Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai.
3 Herbal Monograph, Indian Bedellium. Himalaya,
4 Indian Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2001. The Ayurvedic Pharmacopoeia of India. Government
of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Department of Indian Systems of Medicine and
Homeopathy, New Dehli, India.
5 Mills S and Bone K, 2005. The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety. Churchill Livingstone, London,
6 Pole S, 2006. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice. Churchill Livingstone, London,
7 Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, 2000. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda. Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
8 Singh BB, Mishra LC, Vinjamury SP, Aquilina N, Singh VJ, Shepard N, 2003. The effectiveness of
Commiphora mukul for osteoarthritis of the knee: an outcomes study. Altern Ther Health Med, 9, 74-79.
9 Srikantha Murthy KR, 2006. Bhavaprakasa of Bhavamisra. Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi.
10 Srivastava N, Sadh R, Jain BK, Kolhapure SA, 2005. Evaluation and comparative clinical efficacy and
safety of rumalaya forte in patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee. Indian Journal of Clinical
Practice, 16, 19- 30.
11 Srivastava RN, Sharma VD, Mahendra A, 2005. Evaluation of the clinical efficacy and safety of Rumalaya
forte and glucosamine and chondroitin combination, in patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee.
Medicine Update, 12, 43-50.
12 Upadhyay L, Tripathi K, Kolhapure SA, 2004. Clinical evaluation of the efficacy of JT-2000 (Rumalaya
forte) in management of osteoarthritis - a double-blind placebo-controlled trial. Medicine Update, 11, 31-36.
ID 2427: Crocus sativus and Fertility
1 Garg SK, 2002. Clinical Evaluation of Tentex Royal in Erectile Dysfunction. Antiseptic, 99, 161-162.
2 Gopumadhavan S, Rafiq M, Venkataranganna MV, Kulkarni KS, Mitra SK, 2003. Assessment of Tentex
royal for sexual activity in an experimental model. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 13, 23-26.
3 Mohan, 2002. Efficacy of Tentex Royal in the management of erectile dysfunction in diabetics. Capsule,
XLI, 2.
ID 2428: Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (Guar) and Weight management
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Burton-Freeman B, 2000. Dietary fiber and energy regulation. J Nutr, 130, 272S-275S.
3 Facts and Comparisons, 1993. Guar Gum. In: The Lawrence Review of Natural Products. J. B. Lippincott
Co, St. Louis.
4 Kovacs EM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Saris WH, Goossens I, Geurten P, Brouns F, 2001. The effect of
addition of modified guar gum to a low-energy semisolid meal on appetite and body weight loss. Int J Obes
Relat Metab Disord, 25, 307-315.
ID 2429: Cyamopsis tetragonolobus (Guar) and Blood glucose control
1 Facts and Comparisons, 1993. Guar Gum. In: The Lawrence Review of Natural Products. J. B. Lippincott
Co, St. Louis.
ID 2430: Cyperus scariosus (Cyperus) and Digestive health
1 Cyperus rotundus Linn. In: Selected Medical Plants of India. 428-429.
2 Jagtap AG, Shirke SS, Phadke AS, 2004. Effect of polyherbal formulation on experimental models of
inflammatory bowel diseases. J Ethnopharmacol, 90, 195-204.
3 MDidea, Cyperus scariosus or Cyperus rotundus, an old famous Sedge from ancient Egypt and China,
4 Wikipedia, Cyperus rotundus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cyperus_rotundus.
ID 2431: Daucus carota (Carrot) and Eye health
1 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). , , 515-516.
ID 2432: Didymocarpus pedicellata and Kidneys health
1 Bhatnagar V, Agarwal S, Gupta S, Kolhapure S, 2004. Effect of Cystone on pediatric urolithiasis with
special refetrence to urinary excretion of calculogenesis inhibitors. Medicine Update, 11, 47-54.
2 Chatterjee B, 1982. Role of Cystone in various urinary disorders. Probe, XXII, 27- 30.
3 Deepak Verma, Pendse AK, Singh PP, 1989. Hyperoxaluria in urolithiasis and Cystone Therapy. The
Antiseptic (): (),, 86, 257.
4 Gajjar AK, 1987. Experience with Cystone in Urolithiasis. Probe, XXVI, 127-128.
ID 2435: Emblica officinalis (Indian Gooseberry) and Respiratory health
1 101 Herbs, Emblica officinalis, http://www.101herbs.com/emblica_officinalis.html.
ID 2436: Elytriga repens and Digestive health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Vrpata lou. rstniecbas augu avze, 2.
ID 2437: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Invigoration of the body
1 Do Monte FH, dos Santos JG, Jr., Russi M, Lanziotti VM, Leal LK, Cunha GM, 2004. Antinociceptive and
anti-inflammatory properties of the hydroalcoholic extract of stems from Equisetum arvense L. in mice.
Pharmacol Res, 49, 239-243.
2 Dos Santos JG, Jr., Blanco MM, Do Monte FH, Russi M, Lanziotti VM, Leal LK, Cunha GM, 2005.
Sedative and anticonvulsant effects of hydroalcoholic extract of Equisetum arvense. Fitoterapia, 76, 508-
3 Dos Santos JG, Jr., Hoffmann Martins do Monte F, Marcela Blanco M, Maria do Nascimento Bispo
Lanziotti V, Damasseno Maia F, Kalyne de Almeida Leal L, 2005. Cognitive enhancement in aged rats after
chronic administration of Equisetum arvense L. with demonstrated antioxidant properties in vitro.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 81, 593-600.
4 Rubine H, 2000. Kosa truma. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 28.
ID 2438: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Skin, hair health
1 Rubine H, 2000. Kosa truma. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 28.
ID 2439: Equisetum arvense (Horsetail) and Bone health
1 Rubine H, 2000. Kosa truma. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 28.
ID 2441: Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright) and Invigoration of the body
1 EMEA (European Medicines Agency) Committee for Veterinary Medicinal Products, 1999. Euphrasia
officinalis. Summary report. EMEA/MRL/667/99-FINAL.
2 Rubine H and Enina V, 2004. Stavais zibulitis. Arstniecibas augi. Leteikumi arstniecibas augu vaksana un
lietoana. ABC, Zvaigzne.
ID 2442: Fagopyrum esculentum (Buckwheat) and Respiratory health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Griki. rstniecbas augu avze.
ID 2444: Filipendula ulmaria (Spiraea ulmaria) (Meadowsweet) and Mental health / Relaxation
1 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Meadowsweet. In: Herbal Medicine: Expanded
Commission E Monographs. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 253-255.
2 Rubine H, 2000. Vgrieze lielziedu, vgrieze parast. rstniecbas augu avze, 1.
3 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2455: Justicia gendarussa and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Plants For A Future, Justicia gendarussa, http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Justicia+gendarussa.
ID 2456: Lathirus pratensis and Respiratory health
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Dedestias. rstniecbas augi, 1, 168.
ID 2457: Ledebouriella seseloides and Skin health
1 Tierra M, Upper respiratory system, http://planetherbs.com/research-articles-2.html
ID 2458: Ledebouriella seseloides and Joint health
1 Fogarty JE, 1977. A Barefoot Doctors Manual: the American Translation of the Official Chinese
Paramedical Manual. Running Pr, Philadelphia.
2 Israel Program for Scientific Translation, 1968. Flora of the USSR. Gantner Verlag, Jerusalem.
3 Kunkel G, 1984. Plants for Human Consumption: an Annotated Checklist of the Edible Phanerogams and
Ferns. Lubrecht & Cramer Ltd, Monticello, N.Y.
4 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 619- 620.
5 Reid BE, 1977. Famine Foods of the Chiu-Huang Pen-ts'ao. Southern Materials Centre, Taipei.
6 Stuart GA, 1911. Chinese Materia Medica. Presbyterian Mission Press, Shanghai.
7 Tanaka T and Nakao S, 1976. Tanaka's Encyclopaedia of Edible Plants of the World. Keigaku Pub Co,
8 Yeung HC, 1985. Handbook of Chinese Herbs and Formulas. Institute of Chinese Medicine, Los Angeles.
ID 2459: Leonurus quinquelobatus syn. L.villosus (motherwort) and Cardiovascular health
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. Motherwort
herb. In: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 267-269.
2 Rubine H, 2002 Vrnkja purva. rstniecbas augu avze, 3, 55.
3 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augur farmakoloija. Rga.
4 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). A, , 490-491.
5 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). A, , 491-494.
6 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). A, , 558-560.
ID 2461: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Glucose metabolism
1 Gray AM and Flatt PR, 1997. Pancreatic and extra-pancreatic effects of the traditional anti-diabetic plant,
Medicago sativa (lucerne). Br J Nutr, 78, 325-334.
2 Ptersone A, 1976. Lucerna. rstniecbas augi.
3 Swanston-Flatt SK, Day C, Bailey CJ, Flatt PR, 1990. Traditional plant treatments for diabetes. Studies in
normal and streptozotocin diabetic mice. Diabetologia, 33, 462-464.
ID 2462: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Digestive health
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Lucerna. rstniecbas augi.
ID 2463: Medicago lupulina / M.sativa and Invigoration the body
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Lucerna. rstniecbas augi, 1, 386.
ID 2464: Menyanthes trifoliata and Digestive health
1 Rubine H, 2000. Pelais parastais. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 48.
ID 2467: Onopordon acanthium and Physical and mental performance
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Baltdadzis. rstniecbas augi, 1, 131.
ID 2468: Orchis mascula and Fertility
1 Agrawal HSK and Kulkarni KS, 2003. Efficacy and safety of Speman in patients with Oligospermia: an
open clinical study. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 14, 29-31.
2 Mukherjee K, Tripathi A, Kulkarni KS, 2003. Evaluation of the efficacy of Speman in the management of
male subfertility. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 13, 29-31.
3 Singh I, Pandey RN, Sarkar S, Kulkarni KS, 2003. Efficacy of Speman in the treatment of male subfertility.
Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 14, 31-33.
ID 2469: Origanum vulgare and Health of the upper respiratory tract / Immune health
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Plants For A Future, Origanum vulgare, http://www.pfaf.org/database/plants.php?Origanum+vulgare2.
3 Rubine H, 2001. Raudene parast. rstniecbas augu avze, 2.
4 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2472: Origanum vulgare and Cardiovascular health
1 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). , , 625- 626.
2 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 627- 628.
ID 2473: Origanum vulgare and Mental performance
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. Oregano.
In: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 358-359.
2 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2475: Phoenix dactylifera (Date) and Antioxidant activity
1 No authors listedm, PartySmart - Product Monograph. HerbalScience Group LLC.
2 Mitra SK, Expert Report on PartySmart. HerbalScience Group LLC.
ID 2477: Pinus pinaster (Maritime Pine) and Respiratory health
1 Rubine H, 2000. Priede parast. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 43.
ID 2480: Polygonum arenastrum syn. aviculare (Knotweed and Digestive health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Puplaksis trejlapu. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 48.
ID 2482: Prunus amygdalus and Fertility
1 Gopumadhavan S, Rafiq M, Venkataranganna MV, Kulkarni KS, Mitra SK, 2003. Assessment of Tentex
royal for sexual activity in an experimental model. Indian Journal of Clinical Practice, 13, 23-26.
2 Kulkarni SK and Garg V, 2002. Clinical Evaluation of Tentex Royal in Erectile Dysfunction. The
Antiseptic, 99, 161-162.
3 Mohan, 2002. Efficacy of Tentex Royal in the management of erectile dysfunction in diabetics. Capsule,
XLI, 2.
ID 2485: Ribes nigrum (Blackcurrant) and Invigoration the body
1 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Parast upene. rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC. 290-292.
2 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Riga.
ID 2486: Rubus caesicus and Invigoration the body
1 Ptersone A, 1976. Kazenes. rstniecbas augi. 305.
2 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Zilgan kazene un meln ccene. rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne, 141-
ID 2487: Rubus idaeus (Raspberry) and Menstrual health
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. Raspberry
leaf. In: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 366.
2 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Mea avene. In: rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC, 59-60.
3 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2488: Salix alba (Willow) and Invigoration the body
1 Rubine H, 2000. Vtols, baltais. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 60.
ID 2494: Terminalia arjuna and Liver health
1 Baijal R, Patel N, Kolhapure SA, 2004. Evaluation of efficacy and safety of Liv. 52 DS tablets in acute viral
hepatitis: a prospective, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled, phase III clinical trial. Medicine, 12,
2 Kolhapure SA and Mitra SK, 2004. Meta-analysis of 50 Phase III clinical trials in evaluation of efficacy and
safety of Liv. 52 in infective hepatitis. Medicine, 12, 51-61.
ID 2496: Trifolium pratense (Red Clover) and Heart health, cardiovascular health
1 Atkinson C, Oosthuizen W, Scollen S, Loktionov A, Day NE, Bingham SA, 2004. Modest protective effects
of isoflavones from a red clover-derived dietary supplement on cardiovascular disease risk factors in
perimenopausal women, and evidence of an interaction with ApoE genotype in 49-65 year-old women. J
Nutr, 134, 1759-1764.
2 Blakesmith SJ, Lyons-Wall PM, George C, Joannou GE, Petocz P, Samman S, 2003. Effects of
supplementation with purified red clover (Trifolium pratense) isoflavones on plasma lipids and insulin
resistance in healthy premenopausal women. Br J Nutr, 89, 467-474.
3 Campbell MJ, Woodside JV, Honour JW, Morton MS, Leathem AJ, 2004. Effect of red clover-derived
isoflavone supplementation on insulin-like growth factor, lipid and antioxidant status in healthy female
volunteers: a pilot study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 58, 173-179.
4 Clifton-Bligh PB, Baber RJ, Fulcher GR, Nery ML, Moreton T, 2001. The effect of isoflavones extracted
from red clover (Rimostil) on lipid and bone metabolism. Menopause, 8, 259-265.
5 Geller SE and Studee L, 2006. Soy and red clover for mid-life and aging. Climacteric, 9, 245-263.
6 Hidalgo LA, Chedraui PA, Morocho N, Ross S, San Miguel G, 2005. The effect of red clover isoflavones on
menopausal symptoms, lipids and vaginal cytology in menopausal women: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled study. Gynecol Endocrinol, 21, 257-264.
7 Howes JB, Sullivan D, Lai N, Nestel P, Pomeroy S, West L, Eden JA, Howes LG, 2000. The effects of
dietary supplementation with isoflavones from red clover on the lipoprotein profiles of post menopausal
women with mild to moderate hypercholesterolaemia. Atherosclerosis, 152, 143-147.
8 Howes JB, Tran D, Brillante D, Howes LG, 2003. Effects of dietary supplementation with isoflavones from
red clover on ambulatory blood pressure and endothelial function in postmenopausal type 2 diabetes.
Diabetes Obes Metab, 5, 325-332.
9 Knudson Schult TM, Ensrud K, Blackwellc T, Ettingerd B, Wallacee R, Tice JA, 2004. Effect of
isoflavones on lipids and bone turnover markers in menopausal women. Maturitas, 48, 209-218.
10 Nestel PJ, Pomeroy S, Kay S, Komesaroff P, Behrsing J, Cameron JD, West L, 1999. Isoflavones from red
clover improve systemic arterial compliance but not plasma lipids in menopausal women. J Clin Endocrinol
Metab, 84, 895-898.
11 Nestel P, Cehun M, Chronopoulos A, DaSilva L, Teede H, McGrath B, 2004. A biochanin-enriched
isoflavone from red clover lowers LDL cholesterol in men. Eur J Clin Nutr, 58, 403-408.
12 Rubine H, 2001. boli. rstniecbas augu avze, 2, 5.
13 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. bolii. rstniecbas augi. . Apgds Zvaigzne ABC, 31-32.
14 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
15 Squadrito F, Altavilla D, Morabito N, Crisafulli A, D'Anna R, Corrado F, Ruggeri P, Campo GM, Calapai
G, Caputi AP, Squadrito G, 2002. The effect of the phytoestrogen genistein on plasma nitric oxide
concentrations, endothelin-1 levels and endothelium dependent vasodilation in postmenopausal women.
Atherosclerosis, 163, 339-347.
16 Teede HJ, McGrath BP, DeSilva L, Cehun M, Fassoulakis A, Nestel PJ, 2003. Isoflavones reduce arterial
stiffness: a placebo-controlled study in men and postmenopausal women. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol,
23, 1066-1071.
ID 2497: Tussilago farfara (Coltsfoot) and Health of the upper respiratory tract / Immune health
1 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 567- 568.
2 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 573- 574
ID 2498: Urtica dioica (Nettle) and Respiratory health
1 Rubine H, 2000. Ntre liel. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 371.
2 Skutelis A, Pakalns D, Mikaans V, Fatare I, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2499: Vaccinium macrocarpon, oxycoccus (Cranberry) and Heart health
1 Kemper KJ, 1999. Cranberry (Vaccinum macrocarpon). The Longwood Herbal Task Force. The Center for
Holistic Pediatric Education and Research, 1-14.
2 Kruse-Elliott K, 2005. Cranberry juice modulates atherosclerotic vascular dysfunction. Congress of the
International Union of Physiological Sciences, San Diego, March 31-April 5 2005.
3 Lila MA, 2004. Anthocyanins and Human Health: An In Vitro Investigative Approach. J Biomed
Biotechnol, 2004, 306-313.
4 Wilson T, Porcari JP, Harbin D, 1998. Cranberry extract inhibits low density lipoprotein oxidation. Life Sci,
62, PL381-386.
ID 2500: Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) and Cardiovascular health
1 and , 2002. . In: 32
(, , ). , , 491- 494.
ID 2501: Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) and Digestive health
1 Rubine H, 2001. Baldrins parastais. rstniecbas augu avze, 1, 55pp.
2 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. Z/S Vecpvuli, Rga.
ID 2504: Zea mays (Maize) and Liver health
1 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Parast kukurza. rstniecbas augi. [In Latvian]. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC,
2 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. [In Latvian]. 136.
3 and , 2002. . 32 (,
, ). . . [In Russian]. 582-584, 587-590.
ID 2505: Zea mays (Maize) and Kidneys health
1 Maksimovic Z, Dobric S, Kovacevic N, Milovanovic Z, 2004. Diuretic activity of Maydis stigma extract in
rats. Pharmazie, 59, 967-971.
2 Rubine H and Enia V, 2004. Parast kukurza. rstniecbas augi. Apgds Zvaigzne ABC., 152-153.
3 Skutelis A and Pakalns D, 2005. rstniecbas augu farmakoloija. . Z/S Vecpovuli, Rga.
4 Velazquez DVO, Xavier HS, Batista JEM, de Castro-Chaves C, 2005. Zea mays L. extracts modify
glomerular function and potassium urinary excretion in conscious rats. Phytomedicine, 12, 363-369.
5 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
6 and , 2002. . In: 32 (,
, ). , , 582-584.
ID 2508: Name of Food product: Adhatoda vasica Description of food in terms of food legislation
categories: Food supplement Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health benefits of
food: Adhatoda vasica has antiinflammatory activity. Do benefits relate to a disease risk factor: No.Target
group: Adults aged 18 years and over with some exceptions. If exceptions describe: Pregnant and lactating
women, and children.
1 Bhattacharyya D, Pandit S, Jana U, Sen S, Sur TK, 2005. Hepatoprotective activity of Adhatoda vasica
aqueous leaf extract on D-galactosamine-induced liver damage in rats. Fitoterapia, 76, 223-225.
2 Chakraborty A and Brantner AH, 2001. Study of alkaloids from Adhatoda vasica Nees on their
antiinflammatory activity. Phytother Res, 15, 532-534.
3 Dhuley JN, 1999. Antitussive effect of Adhatoda vasica extract on mechanical or chemical stimulation-
induced coughing in animals. J Ethnopharmacol, 67, 361-365.
4 Jahangir T, Khan TH, Prasad L, Sultana S, 2006. Reversal of cadmium chloride-induced oxidative stress and
genotoxicity by Adhatoda vasica extract in Swiss albino mice. Biol Trace Elem Res, 111, 217-228.
5 Kumar A, Ram J, Samarth RM, Kumar M, 2005. Modulatory influence of Adhatoda vasica Nees leaf extract
against gamma irradiation in Swiss albino mice. Phytomedicine, 12, 285-293.
ID 2510: Name of Food product: psyllium seed (plantago ispaghula).Description of food in terms of food
legislation categories: Food supplement.Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health
benefits of food: bowel regularity; feeling of fullness; helps control blood levels of cholesterol.Do benefits
relate to a disease risk factor: Yes.Target group: All of the general population including children and
1 Blaschek W, Ebel S, Hackenthal E, Holzgrabe U, Keller K, Reichling J, Schulz V, 2006. HagerROM 2006.
Hagers Handbuch der Drogen und Arzneistoffe Springer Medizin Verlag, Heidelberg.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 EMEA (European Medicines Agency) HMPC ( Committee on Herbal Medicinal Products), 2006.
Community Herbal Monograph on Plantago Ovata Forssk., Seminis tegumentum.
4 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Fernandez-Banares F, Hinojosa J, Sanchez-Lombrana JL, Navarro E, Martinez-Salmeron JF, Garcia-Puges
A, Gonzalez-Huix F, Riera J, Gonzalez-Lara V, Dominguez-Abascal F, Gine JJ, Moles J, Gomollon F,
Gassull MA, 1999. Randomized clinical trial of Plantago ovata seeds (dietary fiber) as compared with
mesalamine in maintaining remission in ulcerative colitis. Spanish Group for the Study of Crohn's Disease
and Ulcerative Colitis (GETECCU). Am J Gastroenterol, 94, 427-433.
6 McRorie JW, Daggy BP, Morel JG, Diersing PS, Miner PB, Robinson M, 1998. Psyllium is superior to
docusate sodium for treatment of chronic constipation. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 12, 491-497.
7 Odes HS and Madar Z, 1991. A double-blind trial of a celandin, aloevera and psyllium laxative preparation
in adult patients with constipation. Digestion, 49, 65-71.
8 Ramkumar D and Rao SS, 2005. Efficacy and safety of traditional medical therapies for chronic
constipation: systematic review. Am J Gastroenterol, 100, 936-971.
9 Rodriguez-Moran M, Guerrero-Romero F, Lazcano-Burciaga G, 1998. Lipid- and glucose-lowering efficacy
of Plantago Psyllium in type II diabetes. J Diabetes Complications, 12, 273-278.
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Antiinflammatory and anticarcinogenic effects of dietary fibre. Clinical Nutrition Supplements 1, 8.
ID 2511: Name of Food product: Terminalia arjuna.Description of food in terms of food legislation
categories: Food supplement.Was food on Irish market before 1st July 2007: No and Health benefits of
food: Terminalia arjuna posesses antioxidant activity..Do benefits relate to a disease risk factor:
No.Target group: Adults aged 18 years and over with some exceptions.If exceptions describe: Pregnant
and lactating women, and children
1 Bharani A, Ahirwar LK, Jain N, 2004. Terminalia arjuna reverses impaired endothelial function in chronic
smokers. Indian Heart J, 56, 123-128.
2 Devi RS, Narayan S, Vani G, Shyamala Devi CS, 2007. Gastroprotective effect of Terminalia arjuna bark on
diclofenac sodium induced gastric ulcer. Chem Biol Interact, 167, 71-83.
3 Devi RS, Narayan S, Vani G, Srinivasan P, Mohan KV, Sabitha KE, Devi CS, 2007. Ulcer protective effect
of Terminalia arjuna on gastric mucosal defensive mechanism in experimental rats. Phytother Res, 21, 762-
4 Gauthaman K, Maulik M, Kumari R, Manchanda SC, Dinda AK, Maulik SK, 2001. Effect of chronic
treatment with bark of Terminalia arjuna: a study on the isolated ischemic-reperfused rat heart. J
Ethnopharmacol, 75, 197-201.
5 Gupta R, Singhal S, Goyle A, Sharma VN, 2001. Antioxidant and hypocholesterolaemic effects of
Terminalia arjuna tree-bark powder: a randomised placebo-controlled trial. J Assoc Physicians India, 49,
6 Manna P, Sinha M, Sil PC, 2006. Aqueous extract of Terminalia arjuna prevents carbon tetrachloride
induced hepatic and renal disorders. BMC Complement Altern Med, 6, 33.
7 Manna P, Sinha M, Pal P, Sil PC, 2007. Arjunolic acid, a triterpenoid saponin, ameliorates arsenic-induced
cyto-toxicity in hepatocytes. Chem Biol Interact, 170, 187-200.
8 Manna P, Sinha M, Sil PC, 2007. Phytomedicinal activity of Terminalia arjuna against carbon tetrachloride
induced cardiac oxidative stress. Pathophysiology, 14, 71-78.
9 Raghavan B and Kumari SK, 2006. Effect of Terminalia arjuna stem bark on antioxidant status in liver and
kidney of alloxan diabetic rats. Indian J Physiol Pharmacol, 50, 133-142.
10 Sivalokanathan S, Ilayaraja M, Balasubramanian MP, 2006. Antioxidant activity of Terminalia arjuna bark
extract on N-nitrosodiethylamine induced hepatocellular carcinoma in rats. Mol Cell Biochem, 281, 87-93.
ID 2514: Ananas tige and Anti-inflammatoire
1 Brien S, Lewith G, Walker A, Hicks SM, Middleton D, 2004. Bromelain as a Treatment for Osteoarthritis: a
Review of Clinical Studies. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med, 1, 251-257.
2 Hale LP, Greer PK, Sempowski GD, 2002. Bromelain treatment alters leukocyte expression of cell surface
molecules involved in cellular adhesion and activation. Clin Immunol, 104, 183-190.
3 Walker AF, Bundy R, Hicks SM, Middleton RW, 2002. Bromelain reduces mild acute knee pain and
improves well-being in a dose-dependent fashion in an open study of otherwise healthy adults.
Phytomedicine, 9, 681-686.
ID 2515: Ballota nigra L. and Antioxidant
1 Citoglu GS, Coban T, Sever B, Iscan M, 2004. Antioxidant properties of Ballota species growing in Turkey.
J Ethnopharmacol, 92, 275-280.
2 Vrchovsk V, Spilkov J, Valento P, Sousa C, Andrade PB, Seabra RM, 2007. Antioxidative properties
and phytochemical composition of Ballota nigra infusion. Food Chemistry 105, 1396-1403.
ID 2517: Bardane racine and Anti-inflammatoire/anti-oxidant de la peau
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Lin CC, Lu JM, Yang JJ, Chuang SC, Ujiie T, 1996. Anti-inflammatory and radical scavenge effects of
Arctium lappa. Am J Chin Med, 24, 127-137.
ID 2522: Carotte racine and Anti-oxidant Photoprotection
1 Bruneton J, 1993. Pharmacognosy, phytochemistry, medicinal plants. Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Hoppe HA, 1975. Drogenkunde. Walter de Gruyter, Berlin.
3 Tapiero H, Townsend DM, Tew KD, 2004. The role of carotenoids in the prevention of human pathologies.
Biomed Pharmacother, 58, 100-110.
4 WHO and FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization), 2004. Vitamin and
mineral requirements in human nutrition.
ID 2527: Christe marine and Antioxidant
1 Ruberto G, Baratta MT, Deans SG, Dorman HJ, 2000. Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Foeniculum
vulgare and Crithmum maritimum essential oils. Planta Med, 66, 687-693.
ID 2528: Christe marine and Diurtique
1 Cunsolo F, Ruberto G, Amico V, Piattelli M, 1993. Bioactive metabolites from Sicilian marine fennel,
Crithmum maritimum. J Nat Prod, 56, 1598-1600.
ID 2530: Chrysanthellum americanum and Antioxidant
1 Amos S, Binda L, Adamu M, Vongtau HO, Abbah J, Omogbai EK, Akah PA, Bukar BB, Wambebe C,
Gamaniel K, 2003. Effect of the aqueous extract of Chrysanthellum indicum on calcium mobilization and
activation of rat portal vein. J Ethnopharmacol, 88, 57-62.
ID 2531: Cosse de Haricot and Diurtique
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2541: Frne Feuille and Systme urinaire Diurtique
1 Kostova I and Iossifova T, 2007. Chemical components of Fraxinus species. Fitoterapia, 78, 85-106.
2 Ledoux F, Meurin P, Depors P, 2002. La Phytothrapie entre Science et Tradition. Amyris, Bruxelles.
ID 2552: Levure de bire and Epiderme soigne l'acne
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2556: Grifola frondosa (Maitake) thalle and Mtabolisme des glucides antidiabtique,
1 Horio H and Ohtsuru M, 2001. Maitake (Grifola frondosa) improve glucose tolerance of experimental
diabetic rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 47, 57-63.
2 Konno S, Tortorelis DG, Fullerton SA, Samadi AA, Hettiarachchi J, Tazaki H, 2001. A possible
hypoglycaemic effect of maitake mushroom on Type 2 diabetic patients. Diabet Med, 18, 1010.
3 Preuss HG, Echard B, Bagchi D, Perricone NV, Zhuang C, 2007. Enhanced insulin-hypoglycemic activity in
rats consuming a specific glycoprotein extracted from maitake mushroom. Mol Cell Biochem, 306, 105-113.
ID 2567: Piloselle plante and Systme urinaire Diurtique
1 Beaux D, Fleurentin J, Mortier F, 1999. Effect of extracts of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth, Hieracium
pilosella L., Sambucus nigra L. and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. in rats. Phytother Res, 13, 222-225.
2 Ledoux F, Meurin P, Depors P, 2002. La Phytothrapie entre Science et Tradition. Amyris, Bruxelles.
ID 2575: Prle and Anti-oxidant
1 Guilherme dos Santos J, Jr., Hoffmann Martins do Monte F, Marcela Blanco M, Maria do Nascimento
Bispo Lanziotti V, Damasseno Maia F, Kalyne de Almeida Leal L, 2005. Cognitive enhancement in aged
rats after chronic administration of Equisetum arvense L. with demonstrated antioxidant properties in vitro.
Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 81, 593-600.
2 Oh H, Kim DH, Cho JH, Kim YC, 2004. Hepatoprotective and free radical scavenging activities of phenolic
petrosins and flavonoids isolated from Equisetum arvense. J Ethnopharmacol, 95, 421-424.
ID 2580: Sauge sclare plante and Anti-oxidant
1 Miliauskasa G, Venskutonis PR, van Beekb TA, 2004. Screening of radical scavenging activity of some
medicinal and aromatic plant extracts. Food Chemistry, 85, 231-237.
2 Orhana I, Kartalb M, Nazc Q, Ejazc A, Yilmazd G, Kan Y, Konuklugil B, enera B, Choudharyc MI, 2007.
Antioxidant and anticholinesterase evaluation of selected Turkish Salvia species. Food Chemistry 103,
3 Tepe B, Sokmen M, Askin Akpulat H, Sokmen A, 2006. Screening of the antioxidant potentials of six Salvia
species from Turkey. Food Chemistry, 95, 200-204.
ID 2585: Alfalfa and Systme circulatoire Hypocholestrolmiant
1 Esper E, Barichello AW, Chan EK, Matts JP, Buchwald H, 1987. Synergistic lipid-lowering effects of
alfalfa meal as an adjuvant to the partial ileal bypass operation. Surgery, 102, 39-51.
2 Malinow MR, McLaughlin P, Naito HK, Lewis LA, McNulty WP, 1978. Effect of alfalfa meal on shrinkage
(regression) of atherosclerotic plaques during cholesterol feeding in monkeys. Atherosclerosis, 30, 27-43.
3 Malinow MR, McLaughlin P, Stafford C, Livingston AL, Kohler GO, 1980. Alfalfa saponins and alfalfa
seeds. Dietary effects in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Atherosclerosis, 37, 433-438.
4 Malinow MR, 1983. Experimental models of atherosclerosis regression. Atherosclerosis, 48, 105-118.
ID 2591: Marjolaine feuille and Anti-oxidant
1 el-Ashmawy IM, el-Nahas AF, Salama OM, 2005. Protective effect of volatile oil, alcoholic and aqueous
extracts of Origanum majorana on lead acetate toxicity in mice. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, 97, 238-243.
2 Jun WJ, Han BK, Yu KW, Kim MS, Chang HS, Kim HY, Hong YC, 2001. Antioxidant effects of Origanum
majorana L. on superoxide anion radicals. Food Chemistry 75, 439-444.
3 Ninfali P, Mea G, Giorgini S, Rocchi M, Bacchiocca M, 2005. Antioxidant capacity of vegetables, spices
and dressings relevant to nutrition. Br J Nutr, 93, 257-266.
ID 2596: Chiendent rhizome plante and Systme urinaire Diurtique, anti-inflammatoire des voies
urinaires, prvention des calculs rnaux
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2616: Germe de bl and Anti-oxidant. Source de vitamine E
1 Paranich VA, Cherevko OI, Frolova NA, Paranich AV, 2000. [The effect of wheat germ oil on the
antioxidant system of animals]. Lik Sprava, 40-44.
ID 2618: Germe de bl and Systme circulatoire. Source d'omga 3, anti-arthrosclrose, diminue les
triglycrides, rduit les risques de crises cardiaques
1 Alessandri C, Pignatelli P, Loffredo L, Lenti L, Del Ben M, Carnevale R, Perrone A, Ferro D, Angelico F,
Violi F, 2006. Alpha-linolenic acid-rich wheat germ oil decreases oxidative stress and CD40 ligand in
patients with mild hypercholesterolemia. Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol, 26, 2577-2578.
2 Balk EM, Lichtenstein AH, Chung M, Kupelnick B, Chew P, Lau J, 2006. Effects of omega-3 fatty acids on
serum markers of cardiovascular disease risk: a systematic review. Atherosclerosis, 189, 19-30.
3 McKenney JM and Sica D, 2007. Role of prescription omega-3 fatty acids in the treatment of
hypertriglyceridemia. Pharmacotherapy, 27, 715-728.
4 Zhao G, Etherton TD, Martin KR, West SG, Gillies PJ, Kris-Etherton PM, 2004. Dietary alpha-linolenic
acid reduces inflammatory and lipid cardiovascular risk factors in hypercholesterolemic men and women. J
Nutr, 134, 2991-2997.
ID 2620: Argan and Anti-oxidant Anticancer
1 Bennani H, Drissi A, Giton F, Kheuang L, Fiet J, Adlouni A, 2007. Antiproliferative effect of polyphenols
and sterols of virgin argan oil on human prostate cancer cell lines. Cancer Detect Prev, 31, 64-69.
2 Drissi A, Girona J, Cherki M, Godas G, Derouiche A, El Messal M, Saile R, Kettani A, Sola R, Masana L,
Adlouni A, 2004. Evidence of hypolipemiant and antioxidant properties of argan oil derived from the argan
tree (Argania spinosa). Clin Nutr, 23, 1159-1166.
3 Drissi A, Bennani H, Giton F, Charrouf Z, Fiet J, Adlouni A, 2006. Tocopherols and saponins derived from
Argania spinosa exert, an antiproliferative effect on human prostate cancer. Cancer Invest, 24, 588-592.
4 Khallouki F, Younos C, Soulimani R, Oster T, Charrouf Z, Spiegelhalder B, Bartsch H, Owen RW, 2003.
Consumption of argan oil (Morocco) with its unique profile of fatty acids, tocopherols, squalene, sterols and
phenolic compounds should confer valuable cancer chemopreventive effects. Eur J Cancer Prev, 12, 67-75.
ID 2622: Cynorrhodon and Anti-asthnique, source de vitamine C
1 Daels-Rakotoarison DA, Gressier B, Trotin F, Brunet C, Luyckx M, Dine T, Bailleul F, Cazin M, Cazin JC,
2002. Effects of Rosa canina fruit extract on neutrophil respiratory burst. Phytother Res, 16, 157-161.
2 Salminen JP, Karonen M, Lempa K, Liimatainen J, Sinkkonen J, Lukkarinen M, Pihlaja K, 2005.
Characterisation of proanthocyanidin aglycones and glycosides from rose hips by high-performance liquid
chromatography-mass spectrometry, and their rapid quantification together with vitamin C. J Chromatogr A,
1077, 170-180.
3 WHO and FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization), 2004. Vitamin and
mineral requirements in human nutrition.
ID 2628: Bouleau pubescent and Diurtique
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
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8 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2629: Chatagn and Astringent, anti-oxidant
1 Calliste CA, Trouillas P, Allais DP, Duroux JL, 2005. Castanea sativa Mill. leaves as new sources of natural
antioxidant: an electronic spin resonance study. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 282-288.
2 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2637: Cranberry extract powder (Vaccinium macrocarpon) and natural antioxidant
1 AFSSA (Agence Francaise de Securite Sanitaire des Aliments), AFFSAs list of opinions related to human
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preceding 75.
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blind randomized placebo-controlled cross-over trial. World J Urol, 24, 21-27.
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concentrations in urine of human volunteers after consumption of cranberry juice. J Agric Food Chem, 53,
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in cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon) powder. J Agric Food Chem, 52, 188-195.
ID 2638: blueberry extracts and can support maintainig of proper night vision
1 Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, M. A, 2004. Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic properties of
a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula. Biochemistry 69, 75-80.
2 Newport A and Lockwood B, 2005. Use of nutraceuticals for eye health The Pharmaceutical Journal 275,
ID 2639: blueberry extracts and natural antioxidant
1 Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, Atalay M, 2004. Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic
properties of a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula. Biochemistry (Mosc), 69, 75-80, 71 p
preceding 75.
ID 2640: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and helps to keep normal cholesterol level
1 Ahmed S, Wang N, Lalonde M, Goldberg VM, Haqqi TM, 2004. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-
gallate (EGCG) differentially inhibits interleukin-1 beta-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1
and -13 in human chondrocytes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 308, 767-773.
2 Hamblin T, 2006. Natural products and the treatment of leukemia. Leuk Res, 30, 649-650.
3 Kazi A, Smith DM, Daniel K, Zhong S, Gupta P, Bosley ME, Dou QP, 2002. Potential molecular targets of
tea polyphenols in human tumor cells: significance in cancer prevention. In Vivo, 16, 397-403.
4 Kemberling JK, Hampton JA, Keck RW, Gomez MA, Selman SH, 2003. Inhibition of bladder tumor growth
by the green tea derivative epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J Urol, 170, 773-776.
5 Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, Wu ZG, Li YH, Chen H, Zhu JQ, Jin XJ, Wouters BC, Zhao J, 2003.
Cholesterol-lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch
Intern Med, 163, 1448-1453.
6 Moyers SB and Kumar NB, 2004. Green tea polyphenols and cancer chemoprevention: multiple
mechanisms and endpoints for phase II trials. Nutr Rev, 62, 204-211.
7 Rezai-Zadeh K, Shytle D, Sun N, Mori T, Hou H, Jeanniton D, Ehrhart J, Townsend K, Zeng J, Morgan D,
Hardy J, Town T, Tan J, 2005. Green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) modulates amyloid precursor
protein cleavage and reduces cerebral amyloidosis in Alzheimer transgenic mice. J Neurosci, 25, 8807-8814.
8 Skrzydlewska E, Ostrowska J, Farbiszewski R, Michalak K, 2002. Protective effect of green tea against lipid
peroxidation in the rat liver, blood serum and the brain. Phytomedicine, 9, 232-238.
9 Yokozawa T, Nakagawa T, Kitani K, 2002. Antioxidative activity of green tea polyphenol in cholesterol-fed
rats. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 3549-3552.
ID 2641: extract of Silybum marianum and antioxidant
1 Flaig TW, Gustafson DL, Su LJ, Zirrolli JA, Crighton F, Harrison GS, Pierson AS, Agarwal R, Glode LM,
2007. A phase I and pharmacokinetic study of silybin-phytosome in prostate cancer patients. Invest New
Drugs, 25, 139-146.
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3 Hoh C, Boocock D, Marczylo T, Singh R, Berry DP, Dennison AR, Hemingway D, Miller A, West K,
Euden S, Garcea G, Farmer PB, Steward WP, Gescher AJ, 2006. Pilot study of oral silibinin, a putative
chemopreventive agent, in colorectal cancer patients: silibinin levels in plasma, colorectum, and liver and
their pharmacodynamic consequences. Clin Cancer Res, 12, 2944-2950.
4 Huseini HF, Larijani B, Heshmat R, Fakhrzadeh H, Radjabipour B, Toliat T, Raza M, 2006. The efficacy of
Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn. (silymarin) in the treatment of type II diabetes: a randomized, double-blind,
placebo-controlled, clinical trial. Phytother Res, 20, 1036-1039.
5 Mayer KE, Myers RP, Lee SS, 2005. Silymarin treatment of viral hepatitis: a systematic review. J Viral
Hepat, 12, 559-567.
6 Rambaldi A, Jacobs BP, Iaquinto G, Gluud C, 2005. Milk thistle for alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus
liver diseases. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, CD003620.
ID 2642: extract of Gymnema sylvestre and helps to keep normal sugar level in organism
1 Gymnema sylvestre Monograph. 1999 Altern Med Rev, 4, 46-47.
2 Baskaran K, Kizar Ahamath B, Radha Shanmugasundaram K, Shanmugasundaram ER, 1990. Antidiabetic
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3 Grover JK, Yadav S, Vats V, 2002. Medicinal plants of India with anti-diabetic potential. J Ethnopharmacol,
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4 Luo H, Kashiwagi A, Shibahara T, Yamada K, 2007. Decreased bodyweight without rebound and regulated
lipoprotein metabolism by gymnemate in genetic multifactor syndrome animal. Mol Cell Biochem, 299, 93-
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J, 2004. [Gymnema sylvestre leaf extract: a 52-week dietary toxicity study in Wistar rats]. Shokuhin
Eiseigaku Zasshi, 45, 8-18.
6 Persaud SJ, Al-Majed H, Raman A, Jones PM, 1999. Gymnema sylvestre stimulates insulin release in vitro
by increased membrane permeability. J Endocrinol, 163, 207-212.
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pharmacology and patents. Pharmazie, 58, 5-12.
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Suppression of glucose absorption by some fractions extracted from Gymnema sylvestre leaves. J Vet Med
Sci, 59, 245-251.
ID 2643: extrakt of Garcinia cambogie hydrodycitric acid and metabolism of fats
1 Jena BS, Jayaprakasha GK, Singh RP, Sakariah KK, 2002. Chemistry and biochemistry of (-)-hydroxycitric
acid from Garcinia. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 10-22.
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71, 87-94.
3 Tomita K, Okuhara Y, Shigematsu N, Suh H, Lim K, 2003. (-)-hydroxycitrate ingestion increases fat
oxidation during moderate intensity exercise in untrained men. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 67, 1999-2001.
4 Westerterp-Plantenga MS and Kovacs EM, 2002. The effect of (-)-hydroxycitrate on energy intake and
satiety in overweight humans. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 26, 870-872.
ID 2647: Boswellin (Bosellia serrata) and Metabolism of enzymes: Boswellin positively effects the
enzyme 5-lipoxygenase, as well as the human leukocyte elastase (HLE)
1 Ammon HP, Safayhi H, Mack T, Sabieraj J, 1993. Mechanism of antiinflammatory actions of curcumine
and boswellic acids. J Ethnopharmacol, 38, 113-119.
2 Ammon HP, 2006. Boswellic acids in chronic inflammatory diseases. Planta Med, 72, 1100-1116.
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4 Banno N, Akihisa T, Yasukawa K, Tokuda H, Tabata K, Nakamura Y, Nishimura R, Kimura Y, Suzuki T,
2006. Anti-inflammatory activities of the triterpene acids from the resin of Boswellia carteri. J
Ethnopharmacol, 107, 249-253.
5 Basch E, Boon H, Davies-Heerema T, Foppo I, Hashmi S, Hasskarl J, Sollars D, Ulbricht C, 2004.
Boswellia: an evidence-based systematic review by the Natural Standard Research Collaboration. J Herb
Pharmacother, 4, 63-83.
6 Fan AY, Lao L, Zhang RX, Wang LB, Lee DY, Ma ZZ, Zhang WY, Berman B, 2005. Effects of an acetone
extract of Boswellia carterii Birdw. (Burseraceae) gum resin on rats with persistent inflammation. J Altern
Complement Med, 11, 323-331.
7 Fan AY, Lao L, Zhang RX, Zhou AN, Wang LB, Moudgil KD, Lee DY, Ma ZZ, Zhang WY, Berman BM,
2005. Effects of an acetone extract of Boswellia carterii Birdw. (Burseraceae) gum resin on adjuvant-
induced arthritis in lewis rats. J Ethnopharmacol, 101, 104-109.
8 Frank A and Unger M, 2006. Analysis of frankincense from various Boswellia species with inhibitory
activity on human drug metabolising cytochrome P450 enzymes using liquid chromatography mass
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ID 2651: Extract from Garcinia cambogia (60% HCA) - (-)-Hydroxycitric acid and HCA is an
inhibitor of ATP-citrate lyase, which is involved in fatty acid synthesis
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ID 2652: Extract from Aronia melanocarpa and antioxidant effects
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for Human Nutrition, 62, 19-24.
ID 2653: Extract from the red grapes skin and antioxidant effects
1 Dani C, Oliboni LS, Vanderlinde R, Bonatto D, Salvador M, Henriques JA, 2007. Phenolic content and
antioxidant activities of white and purple juices manufactured with organically- or conventionally-produced
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ID 2654: Extract from Hibiscus Chinensis and antioxidant effects
1 Gauthaman KK, Saleem MT, Thanislas PT, Prabhu VV, Krishnamoorthy KK, Devaraj NS, Somasundaram
JS, 2006. Cardioprotective effect of the Hibiscus rosa sinensis flowers in an oxidative stress model of
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Arch Biochem Biophys, 332, 183-186.
ID 2657: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and helps to keep elasticity of vessels
1 Ahmed S, Wang N, Lalonde M, Goldberg VM, Haqqi TM, 2004. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-
gallate (EGCG) differentially inhibits interleukin-1 beta-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1
and -13 in human chondrocytes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 308, 767-773.
2 Hamblin T, 2006. Natural products and the treatment of leukemia. Leuk Res, 30, 649-650.
3 Kazi A, Smith DM, Daniel K, Zhong S, Gupta P, Bosley ME, Dou QP, 2002. Potential molecular targets of
tea polyphenols in human tumor cells: significance in cancer prevention. In Vivo, 16, 397-403.
4 Kemberling JK, Hampton JA, Keck RW, Gomez MA, Selman SH, 2003. Inhibition of bladder tumor growth
by the green tea derivative epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J Urol, 170, 773-776.
5 Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, Wu ZG, Li YH, Chen H, Zhu JQ, Jin XJ, Wouters BC, Zhao J, 2003.
Cholesterol-lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch
Intern Med, 163, 1448-1453.
6 Moyers SB and Kumar NB, 2004. Green tea polyphenols and cancer chemoprevention: multiple
mechanisms and endpoints for phase II trials. Nutr Rev, 62, 204-211.
7 Rezai-Zadeh K, Shytle D, Sun N, Mori T, Hou H, Jeanniton D, Ehrhart J, Townsend K, Zeng J, Morgan D,
Hardy J, Town T, Tan J, 2005. Green tea epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) modulates amyloid precursor
protein cleavage and reduces cerebral amyloidosis in Alzheimer transgenic mice. J Neurosci, 25, 8807-8814.
8 Skrzydlewska E, Ostrowska J, Farbiszewski R, Michalak K, 2002. Protective effect of green tea against lipid
peroxidation in the rat liver, blood serum and the brain. Phytomedicine, 9, 232-238.
9 Yokozawa T, Nakagawa T, Kitani K, 2002. Antioxidative activity of green tea polyphenol in cholesterol-fed
rats. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 3549-3552.
ID 2658: nettle extract (Urtica dioica), dandelion extract (Taraxum officinale), birch extract (Betula
pendula),parsley extract (Petroselinum crispum) and has diuretic effect , helps to maintain proper
function of urinary system, diureticum
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7 Hu C and Kitts DD, 2003. Antioxidant, prooxidant, and cytotoxic activities of solvent-fractionated
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ID 2660: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to maintain
elasticity, tenderness and health of skin, structure and function of skin and mucose membrane
1 Brosche T and Platt D, 2000. Effect of borage oil consumption on fatty acid metabolism, transepidermal
water loss and skin parameters in elderly people. Arch Gerontol Geriatr, 30, 139-150.
2 Campbell EM, Peterkin D, O'Grady K, Sanson-Fisher R, 1997. Premenstrual symptoms in general practice
patients. Prevalence and treatment. J Reprod Med, 42, 637-646.
3 Das UN, Madhavi N, Sravan Kumar G, Padma M, Sangeetha P, 1998. Can tumour cell drug resistance be
reversed by essential fatty acids and their metabolites? Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 58, 39-54.
4 Fan YY and Chapkin RS, 1998. Importance of dietary gamma-linolenic acid in human health and nutrition. J
Nutr, 128, 1411-1414.
5 Fukushima M, Matsuda T, Yamagishi K, Nakano M, 1997. Comparative hypocholesterolemic effects of six
dietary oils in cholesterol-fed rats after long-term feeding. Lipids, 32, 1069-1074.
6 Granlund H, 2002. Treatment of childhood eczema. Paediatr Drugs, 4, 729-735.
7 Johnson MM, Swan DD, Surette ME, Stegner J, Chilton T, Fonteh AN, Chilton FH, 1997. Dietary
supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid alters fatty acid content and eicosanoid production in healthy
humans. J Nutr, 127, 1435-1444.
8 Leventhal LJ, Boyce EG, Zurier RB, 1993. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with gammalinolenic acid.
Ann Intern Med, 119, 867-873.
9 Muggli R, 2005. Systemic evening primrose oil improves the biophysical skin parameters of healthy adults.
Int J Cosmet Sci, 27, 243-249.
10 Muggli R, 2007. Systemic evening primrose oil for irritated skin care. Cosmetics and toiletries, 122, 42-56.
11 Rothman D, DeLuca P, Zurier RB, 1995. Botanical lipids: effects on inflammation, immune responses, and
rheumatoid arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 25, 87-96.
12 Samson S, Rawlings AV, Guyonnet D, Lassel T, 2007. Improvements in stratum corneum barrier function
from a probiotic yogurt containing borage oil, green tea polyphenols and vitamin E. Journal of Investigative
Dermatology, 27, S65.
13 Soeken KL, Miller SA, Ernst E, 2003. Herbal medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a
systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford), 42, 652-659.
14 Vassilopoulos D, Zurier RB, Rossetti RG, Tsokos GC, 1997. Gammalinolenic acid and
dihomogammalinolenic acid suppress the CD3-mediated signal transduction pathway in human T cells. Clin
Immunol Immunopathol, 83, 237-244.
15 Yoon S, Lee J, Lee S, 2002. The therapeutic effect of evening primrose oil in atopic dermatitis patients with
dry scaly skin lesions is associated with the normalization of serum gamma-interferon levels. Skin
Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol, 15, 20-25.
ID 2661: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to keep
normal blood cholesterol
1 Campbell EM, Peterkin D, O'Grady K, Sanson-Fisher R, 1997. Premenstrual symptoms in general practice
patients. Prevalence and treatment. J Reprod Med, 42, 637-646.
2 Das U, Madhavi N, Sravan Kumar G, Padma M, Sangeetha P, 1998. Can tumour cell drug resistance be
reversed by essential fatty acids and their metabolites? Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 58, 39-54.
3 Fan YY and Chapkin RS, 1998. Importance of dietary gamma-linolenic acid in human health and nutrition. J
Nutr, 128, 1411-1414.
4 Fukushima M, Matsuda T, Yamagishi K, Nakano M, 1997. Comparative hypocholesterolemic effects of six
dietary oils in cholesterol-fed rats after long-term feeding. Lipids, 32, 1069-1074.
5 Granlund H, 2002. Treatment of childhood eczema. Paediatr Drugs, 4, 729-735.
6 Johnson MM, Swan DD, Surette ME, Stegner J, Chilton T, Fonteh AN, Chilton FH, 1997. Dietary
supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid alters fatty acid content and eicosanoid production in healthy
humans. J Nutr, 127, 1435-1444.
7 Leventhal LJ, Boyce EG, Zurier RB, 1993. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with gammalinolenic acid.
Ann Intern Med, 119, 867-873.
8 Rothman D, DeLuca P, Zurier RB, 1995. Botanical lipids: effects on inflammation, immune responses, and
rheumatoid arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 25, 87-96.
9 Soeken KL, Miller SA, Ernst E, 2003. Herbal medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a
systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford), 42, 652-659.
10 Vassilopoulos D, Zurier RB, Rossetti RG, Tsokos GC, 1997. Gammalinolenic acid and
dihomogammalinolenic acid suppress the CD3-mediated signal transduction pathway in human T cells. Clin
Immunol Immunopathol, 83, 237-244.
11 Yoon S, Lee J, Lee S, 2002. The therapeutic effect of evening primrose oil in atopic dermatitis patients with
dry scaly skin lesions is associated with the normalization of serum gamma-interferon levels. Skin
Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol, 15, 20-25.
ID 2662: Evening primrose oil (Oenothera biennis) contains gamalinolenic acid and helps to keep
normal blood preassure
1 Campbell EM, Peterkin D, O'Grady K, Sanson-Fisher R, 1997. Premenstrual symptoms in general practice
patients. Prevalence and treatment. J Reprod Med, 42, 637-646.
2 Das U, Madhavi N, Sravan Kumar G, Padma M, Sangeetha P, 1998. Can tumour cell drug resistance be
reversed by essential fatty acids and their metabolites? Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids, 58, 39-54.
3 Fan YY and Chapkin RS, 1998. Importance of dietary gamma-linolenic acid in human health and nutrition. J
Nutr, 128, 1411-1414.
4 Fukushima M, Matsuda T, Yamagishi K, Nakano M, 1997. Comparative hypocholesterolemic effects of six
dietary oils in cholesterol-fed rats after long-term feeding. Lipids, 32, 1069-1074.
5 Granlund H, 2002. Treatment of childhood eczema. Paediatr Drugs, 4, 729-735.
6 Johnson MM, Swan DD, Surette ME, Stegner J, Chilton T, Fonteh AN, Chilton FH, 1997. Dietary
supplementation with gamma-linolenic acid alters fatty acid content and eicosanoid production in healthy
humans. J Nutr, 127, 1435-1444.
7 Leventhal LJ, Boyce EG, Zurier RB, 1993. Treatment of rheumatoid arthritis with gammalinolenic acid.
Ann Intern Med, 119, 867-873.
8 Rothman D, DeLuca P, Zurier RB, 1995. Botanical lipids: effects on inflammation, immune responses, and
rheumatoid arthritis. Semin Arthritis Rheum, 25, 87-96.
9 Soeken KL, Miller SA, Ernst E, 2003. Herbal medicines for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis: a
systematic review. Rheumatology (Oxford), 42, 652-659.
10 Vassilopoulos D, Zurier RB, Rossetti RG, Tsokos GC, 1997. Gammalinolenic acid and
dihomogammalinolenic acid suppress the CD3-mediated signal transduction pathway in human T cells. Clin
Immunol Immunopathol, 83, 237-244.
11 Yoon S, Lee J, Lee S, 2002. The therapeutic effect of evening primrose oil in atopic dermatitis patients with
dry scaly skin lesions is associated with the normalization of serum gamma-interferon levels. Skin
Pharmacol Appl Skin Physiol, 15, 20-25.
ID 2663: extract of guarana (Paullinia cupana) and natural antioxidant
1 Andersen T and Fogh J, 2001. Weight loss and delayed gastric emptying following a South American herbal
preparation in overweight patients. J Hum Nutr Diet, 14, 243-250.
2 Espinola EB, Dias RF, Mattei R, Carlini EA, 1997. Pharmacological activity of Guarana (Paullinia cupana
Mart.) in laboratory animals. J Ethnopharmacol, 55, 223-229.
3 Galduroz JC and Carlini Ede A, 1994. Acute effects of the Paulinia cupana, "Guarana" on the cognition of
normal volunteers. Sao Paulo Med J, 112, 607-611.
4 Galduroz JC and Carlini EA, 1996. The effects of long-term administration of guarana on the cognition of
normal, elderly volunteers. Sao Paulo Med J, 114, 1073-1078.
5 Lima WP, Carnevali LC, Jr., Eder R, Costa Rosa LF, Bacchi EM, Seelaender MC, 2005. Lipid metabolism
in trained rats: effect of guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) supplementation. Clin Nutr, 24, 1019-1028.
6 Mattei R, Dias RF, Espinola EB, Carlini EA, Barros SB, 1998. Guarana (Paullinia cupana): toxic behavioral
effects in laboratory animals and antioxidants activity in vitro. J Ethnopharmacol, 60, 111-116.
7 Santa Maria A, Lopez A, Diaz MM, Munoz-Mingarro D, Pozuelo JM, 1998. Evaluation of the toxicity of
guarana with in vitro bioassays. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf, 39, 164-167.
ID 2664: green tea extract (Camelia sinensis) and natural antioxidant
1 Ahmed S, Wang N, Lalonde M, Goldberg VM, Haqqi TM, 2004. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-
gallate (EGCG) differentially inhibits interleukin-1 beta-induced expression of matrix metalloproteinase-1
and -13 in human chondrocytes. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 308, 767-773.
2 Hamblin T, 2005. Natural products and the treatment of leukemia. Leuk Res, 30, 649-650.
3 Kazi A, Smith DM, Daniel K, Zhong S, Gupta P, Bosley ME, Dou QP, 2002. Potential molecular targets of
tea polyphenols in human tumor cells: significance in cancer prevention. In Vivo, 16, 397-403.
4 Kemberling JK, Hampton JA, Keck RW, Gomez MA, Selman SH, 2003. Inhibition of bladder tumor growth
by the green tea derivative epigallocatechin-3-gallate. J Urol, 170, 773-776.
5 Maron DJ, Lu GP, Cai NS, Wu ZG, Li YH, Chen H, Zhu JQ, Jin XJ, Wouters BC, Zhao J, 2003.
Cholesterol-lowering effect of a theaflavin-enriched green tea extract: a randomized controlled trial. Arch
Intern Med, 163, 1448-1453.
6 Moyers SB and Kumar NB, 2004. Green tea polyphenols and cancer chemoprevention: multiple
mechanisms and endpoints for phase II trials. Nutr Rev, 62, 204-211.
7 Rezai-Zadeh K, Shytle D, Sun N, Mori T, Hou H, Jeanniton D, Ehrhart J, Townsend K, Zeng J, Morgan D,
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ID 2665: Mucuna pruriens and Metabolism of testosterone
1 Ahmad MK, Mahdi AA, Shukla KK, Islam N, Jaiswar SP, Ahmad S, 2008. Effect of Mucuna pruriens on
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ID 2668: Extract of olive leafs (oleuropein) and natural antioxidant protect organism from oxidative
demage powerful antioxidants beneficial to human health
1 Al-Azzawie HF and Alhamdani MS, 2006. Hypoglycemic and antioxidant effect of oleuropein in alloxan-
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2 Andreadou I, Iliodromitis EK, Mikros E, Constantinou M, Agalias A, Magiatis P, Skaltsounis AL, Kamber
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3 Hamdi HK and Castellon R, 2005. Oleuropein, a non-toxic olive iridoid, is an anti-tumor agent and
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4 Khayyal MT, el-Ghazaly MA, Abdallah DM, Nassar NN, Okpanyi SN, Kreuter MH, 2002. Blood pressure
lowering effect of an olive leaf extract (Olea europaea) in L-NAME induced hypertension in rats.
Arzneimittelforschung, 52, 797-802.
5 Micol V, Caturla N, Perez-Fons L, Mas V, Perez L, Estepa A, 2005. The olive leaf extract exhibits antiviral
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6 Puel C, Quintin A, Agalias A, Mathey J, Obled C, Mazur A, Davicco MJ, Lebecque P, Skaltsounis AL,
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9 Visioli F and Galli C, 2002. Biological properties of olive oil phytochemicals. Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr, 42,
ID 2672: Ginseng, extract from root and Effective substances, ginsenosides
1 Bahrke MS and Morgan WR, 2000. Evaluation of the ergogenic properties of ginseng: an update. Sports
Med, 29, 113-133.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Bucci LR, 2000. Selected herbals and human exercise performance. Am J Clin Nutr, 72, 624S-636S.
6 Buettner C, Yeh GY, Phillips RS, Mittleman MA, Kaptchuk TJ, 2006. Systematic review of the effects of
ginseng on cardiovascular risk factors. Ann Pharmacother, 40, 83-95.
7 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
8 Coleman CI, Hebert JH, Reddy P, 2003. The effects of Panax ginseng on quality of life. J Clin Pharm Ther,
28, 5-15.
9 Commissie Keuring Fytoproducten, 2007. Master file Ginseng Radix.
10 Coon JT and Ernst E, 2002. Panax ginseng: a systematic review of adverse effects and drug interactions.
Drug Saf, 25, 323-344.
11 Council of Europe, European Pharmacopoeia.
12 Delgoda R and Westlake AC, 2004. Herbal interactions involving cytochrome p450 enzymes: a mini review.
Toxicol Rev, 23, 239-249.
13 EBSCO CAM Review Board, 2006. Ginseng.
14 Engels HJ, Fahlman MM, Wirth JC, 2003. Effects of ginseng on secretory IgA, performance, and recovery
from interval exercise. Med Sci Sports Exerc, 35, 690-696.
15 Ernst E, 2002. The risk-benefit profile of commonly used herbal therapies: Ginkgo, St. John's Wort,
Ginseng, Echinacea, Saw Palmetto, and Kava. Ann Intern Med, 136, 42-53.
16 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
17 Fulder S, 2002. O enenu. Pragma, Prague.
18 Glenn MB and Lexell J, 2003. Ginseng. J Head Trauma Rehabil, 18, 196-200.
19 Gurley BJ, Gardner SF, Hubbard MA, Williams DK, Gentry WB, Cui Y, Ang CY, 2002. Cytochrome P450
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24 Izzo AA, Di Carlo G, Borrelli F, Ernst E, 2005. Cardiovascular pharmacotherapy and herbal medicines: the
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25 Jiang X, Williams KM, Liauw WS, Ammit AJ, Roufogalis BD, Duke CC, Day RO, McLachlan AJ, 2004.
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subjects. Br J Clin Pharmacol, 57, 592-599.
26 Kakizoe T, 2000. Asian studies of cancer chemoprevention: latest clinical results. Eur J Cancer, 36, 1303-
27 Kamenkov D, 2000. Zdravotnick noviny
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disease. J Pharmacol Sci, 95, 158-162.
29 Kennedy DO and Scholey AB, 2003a. Ginseng: potential for the enhancement of cognitive performance and
mood. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75, 687-700.
30 Kennedy DO, Scholey AB, Drewery L, Marsh VR, Moore B, Ashton H, 2003b. Electroencephalograph
effects of single doses of Ginkgo biloba and Panax ginseng in healthy young volunteers. Pharmacol
Biochem Behav, 75, 701-709.
31 Kennedy DO, Haskell CF, Wesnes KA, Scholey AB, 2004. Improved cognitive performance in human
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43 UMMC (University of Maryland Medical Centre), Asian Ginseng.
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45 Vogler BK, Pittler MH, Ernst E, 1999. The efficacy of ginseng. A systematic review of randomised clinical
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ID 2673: Ginseng, extract from root and Acting as antioxidants
1 Fulder S, 2002. O enenu. Pragma, Prague.
2 Kamenkov D, 2000. Zdravotnick noviny
ID 2674: Eucalyptol and Antiseptic properties
1 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
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3 Cermelli C, Fabio A, Fabio G, Quaglio P, 2008. Effect of eucalyptus essential oil on respiratory bacteria and
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4 Cimanga K, Kambu K, Tona L, Apers S, De Bruyne T, Hermans N, Totte J, Pieters L, Vlietinck AJ, 2002.
Correlation between chemical composition and antibacterial activity of essential oils of some aromatic
medicinal plants growing in the Democratic Republic of Congo. J Ethnopharmacol, 79, 213-220.
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6 Grassmann J, Hippeli S, Dornisch K, Rohnert U, Beuscher N, Elstner EF, 2000. Antioxidant properties of
essential oils. Possible explanations for their anti-inflammatory effects. Arzneimittelforschung, 50, 135-139.
7 Hoppe HA, 1977. Eucaliptus. In: Drogenkunde. Ealter de Gruyter & Co, Berlin.
8 Juergens UR, Stober M, Vetter H, 1998. Inhibition of cytokine production and arachidonic acid metabolism
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9 Lu XQ, Tang FD, Wang Y, Zhao T, Bian RL, 2004. [Effect of Eucalyptus globulus oil on
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13 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
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ID 2675: Menthol and Influense of nasal airflow
1 Eccles R, Jawad MS, Morris S, 1990. The effects of oral administration of (-)-menthol on nasal resistance to
airflow and nasal sensation of airflow in subjects suffering from nasal congestion associated with the
common cold. J Pharm Pharmacol, 42, 652-654.
ID 2676: Ginseng and Erection
1 Choi HK, Seong DH, Rha KH, 1995. Clinical efficacy of Korean red ginseng for erectile dysfunction. Int J
Impot Res, 7, 181-186.
2 Choi YD, Rha KH, Choi HK, 1999. In vitro and in vivo experimental effect of Korean red ginseng on
erection. J Urol, 162, 1508-1511.
3 de Andrade E, de Mesquita AA, Claro Jde A, de Andrade PM, Ortiz V, Paranhos M, Srougi M, 2007. Study
of the efficacy of Korean Red Ginseng in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Asian J Androl, 9, 241-244.
4 Hong B, Ji YH, Hong JH, Nam KY, Ahn TY, 2002. A double-blind crossover study evaluating the efficacy
of korean red ginseng in patients with erectile dysfunction: a preliminary report. J Urol, 168, 2070-2073.
5 Murphy LL and Lee TJ, 2002. Ginseng, sex behavior, and nitric oxide. Ann NY Acad Sci, 962, 372-377.
6 Salvati G, Genovesi G, Marcellini L, Paolini P, De Nuccio I, Pepe M, Re M, 1996. Effects of Panax Ginseng
C.A. Meyer saponins on male fertility. Panminerva Med, 38, 249-254.
ID 2677: Elder Flower (Sambucus nigra) and Supports bodys renal elimination of water
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
3 Bradley P, 1992. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Leclerc H, 1994. Prcis de phytothrapie. Masson, Paris.
7 WHO (World Health Organization), 2005. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
8 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2680: Valerian-hops combination (Humulus lupulus, Valeriana officinalis) and Sleep
1 Bent S, Padula A, Moore D, Patterson M, Mehling W, 2006. Valerian for sleep: a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Am J Med, 119, 1005-1012.
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Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
7 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
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8 Bradley P, 1992. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
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12 Cerny A and Schmid K, 1999. Tolerability and efficacy of valerian/lemon balm in healthy volunteers (a
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14 Fernandez S, Wasowski C, Paladini AC, Marder M, 2004. Sedative and sleep-enhancing properties of
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29 Wren RC, 1975. Potter's new cyclopaedia of botanical drugs and preparations. Health Science Press, Saffron
ID 2681: Caraway fruit (Carum carvi) and Spasmolytic effect
1 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
2 Bisset NG and Wichtl M, 2001. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals Medpharm GmbH Scientific
Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany.
3 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
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Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
7 Forster HB, Niklas H, Lutz S, 1980. Antispasmodic effects of some medicinal plants. Planta Med, 40, 309-
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9 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
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ID 2684: Aniseed (Pimpinella anisum) and Stimulates secretion of all glands, including lacteal ones
1 Bruckner C, 1989. [Use and value of common European lactation-promoting medicinal plants
(galactagogues)]. Padiatr Grenzgeb, 28, 403-410.
2 Hiller K and Melzig MF, 2003. Lexikon der Arzneipflanzen und Drogen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,
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Wirkstoffe, Anwendungen Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
5 Wichtl M, 2002. Teedrogen und Phytopharmaka. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
ID 2687: Common Thyme (Thymus vulgaris, Thymus zygis) and Supports secretion of mucus in the
upper respiratory tract
1 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
ID 2690: Lime Tree (Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos) and Supports expectoration
1 Bradley P, 1992. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
ID 2691: Lime Tree (Tilia cordata, Tilia platyphyllos) and Supports bodys renal elimination of water
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
ID 2692: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Spasmolytic and carminative effect
1 Alexandrovich I, Rakovitskaya O, Kolmo E, Sidorova T, Shushunov S, 2003. The effect of fennel
(Foeniculum Vulgare) seed oil emulsion in infantile colic: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. Altern
Ther Health Med, 9, 58-61.
2 Billore KV, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, Chaudhari BG, 2005. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda.
Central Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
3 Birdane FM, Cemek M, Birdane YO, Gulcin I, Buyukokuroglu ME, 2007. Beneficial effects of Foeniculum
vulgare on ethanol-induced acute gastric mucosal injury in rats. World J Gastroenterol, 13, 607-611.
4 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
5 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
6 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
7 Bruckner C, 1989. Anwendung und Wert in Europa gebraulichlicher lactationsfordernder Heilpflanzen
(Galactagoga). Padiatr. Grenzgeb., 28, 403-410.
8 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
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Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
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11 Franke W, 1997. Nutzpflanzenkunde. Thieme, Stuttgart.
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14 Kapoor LD, 1990. Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
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trial of a standardized extract of Matricariae recutita, Foeniculum vulgare and Melissa officinalis (ColiMil)
in the treatment of breastfed colicky infants. Phytother Res, 19, 335-340.
18 Ternes W, Tufel A, Tunger L, Zobel M, 2005. Lebensmittel-Lexikon. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg.
19 Weizman Z, Alkrinawi S, Goldfarb D, Bitran C, 1993. Efficacy of herbal tea preparation in infantile colic. J
Pediatr, 122, 650-652.
20 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2694: German Chamomile (Matricaria/Chamomills recutita L.) and Spasmolytic effect
1 Bradley P, 1992. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
2 Carle R and Gomaa K, 1992. Chamomile: a pharmacological and clinical profile. Drugs of today, 28, 559
3 Savino F, Cresi F, Castagno E, Silvestro L, Oggero R, 2005. A randomized double-blind placebo-controlled
trial of a standardized extract of Matricariae recutita, Foeniculum vulgare and Melissa officinalis (ColiMil)
in the treatment of breastfed colicky infants. Phytother Res, 19, 335-340.
4 Weizman Z, Alkrinawi S, Goldfarb D, Bitran C, 1993. Efficacy of herbal tea preparation in infantile colic. J
Pediatr, 122, 650-652.
ID 2696: Peppermint (Mentha piperita) and Carminative effect
1 Aktug SE and Karapinar M, 1986. Sensitivity of some common food-positioning bacteria to thyme, mint and
bay leaves. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 3, 349-354.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bradley P, 1993. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
4 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
5 Harries N, James KC, Pugh WK, 1977. Antifoaming and Carminative Actions of Volatile Oils. Journal of
Clinical Pharmacy and Therapeutics, 2, 171-177.
6 McKay DL and Blumberg JB, 2006. A review of the bioactivity and potential health benefits of peppermint
tea (Mentha piperita L.). Phytother Res, 20, 619-633.
7 WHO (World Health Organization), 2002. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
ID 2699: Goats rue (Galega officinalis) and Supports activity of lacteal glands
1 Typl H, 1961 The galactogogue effect of Galega officinalis. Zentralbl Gynakol, 83, 713-716
ID 2701: Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and Urinary elimination
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Boullard B, 2001. Plantes mdicinales du monde: croyances et ralits. Estem, Paris.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
7 Garnier G, Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Debraux G, Souges R, Dol G, 1961. Ressources medicinales de la
flore francaise. Vigot, Paris.
8 Girre L, 2001. Les plantes et les mdicaments: L'origine vgtale de nos mdicaments. Delachaux et Niestl,
9 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
10 Leclerc H, 1976. Prcis de phytothrapie. Essais de thrapeutique par les plantes franaises. Masson, Paris.
11 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
12 Loeper M and Lesure J, 1960. Formulaire pratique de thrapeutique et de pharmacologie. Doin, Paris.
13 Roberfroid MB, 1999. Concepts in functional foods: the case of inulin and oligofructose. J Nutr, 129,
14 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
15 Thom E, 2000. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a new weight-reducing agent of
natural origin. J Int Med Res, 28, 229-233.
16 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
17 Wren RC Potters, 1988. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. C.W. Daniel,
Saffron Walden.
ID 2702: Chicory (Cichorium intybus L.) and Slimming aid/ Weigth control
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Roberfroid MB, 1999. Concepts in functional foods: the case of inulin and oligofructose. J Nutr, 129,
4 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
5 Thom E, 2000. A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of a new weight-reducing agent of
natural origin. J Int Med Res, 28, 229-233.
ID 2703: Carob (Ceratonica siliqua L.) and Satiety/ weight control
1 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
2 Corcoran MR, 1966. Reduction of alpha-Amylase by an Inhibitor from Carob. Plant Physiol, 41, 1265-1267.
3 Couplan F, 1998. Le guide nutritionel des plantes sauvages et cultivees. Delachaux et Niestl, Lausanne
4 Hulshof T, De Graaf C, Weststrate JA, 1993. The effects of preloads varying in physical state and fat
content on satiety and energy intake. Appetite, 21, 273-286.
5 Ollier C, 2001. Minceur et Phytothrapie. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des Laboratoires Cahier Conseil II
du n2393, 51, 1-16.
6 Videment E, 2006 Minceur et complments alimentaires. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des
Laboratoires.Cahier Conseil II du n2626, 78, 1-15.
ID 2704 : Artichoke (leaf) Cynara scolymus and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
2 Boni U and Patri G, 1977. Scoprire, riconoscere, usare le Erbe. Fabbri Editori, Milano.
3 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Capasso F, Gaginella TS, Grandolini G, Izzo AA, 2003. Phytotherapy: a quick reference to herbal medicine.
Springer, Berlin.
7 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
8 Paris RR and Myose H, 1971. Prcis de matire Mdicale, Tome III. Masson, Paris.
ID 2705: Cherry Peduncle. Prunus avium, Prunus cerasus and Health of lower urinary tract
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
2 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
3 Boni U and Patri G, 1977. Scoprire, Riconoscere, Usare le Erbe. Fabbri Editori, Milano.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
7 Leclerc H, 1983. Precis de Phytotherapie. Masson, Paris.
8 Lievre H, 1980. Les thrapeutiques vgtales de lappareil urinaire. La revue du jeune mdecin, 50, 91-107.
9 Loeper M and Lesure J, 1960. Formulaire pratique de thrapeutique et de pharmacologie. Doin, Paris.
10 Olivier JF, 60 fruits et lgumes qui gurissent. La vie Mdicale, 40.
11 Paris R and Myose H, 1976. Prcis de Matire Mdicale. Masson, Paris.
12 Scimeca D and Ttau M, 2006. Le Guide de Phytothrapie. La sant par les plantes. Alpen, Monaco.
13 Videment E, 2006. Minceur et complments alimentaires. Cahier Conseil II du n2626, 1-13.
ID 2707: Guarana (seed) Paullinia cupana and Weight control and fat metabolism
1 Andersen T and Fogh J, 2001. Weight loss and delayed gastric emptying following a South American herbal
preparation in overweight patients. J Hum Nutr Diet, 14, 243-250.
2 Astrup A, Toubro S, Cannon S, Hein P, Breum L, Madsen J, 1990. Caffeine: a double-blind, placebo-
controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers. Am J Clin
Nutr, 51, 759-767.
3 Astrup A, Toubro S, Cannon S, Hein P, Madsen J, 1991. Thermogenic synergism between ephedrine and
caffeine in healthy volunteers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Metabolism, 40, 323-329.
4 Belza A, Frandsen E, Kondrup J, 2007. Body fat loss achieved by stimulation of thermogenesis by a
combination of bioactive food ingredients: a placebo-controlled, double-blind 8-week intervention in obese
subjects. Int J Obes (Lond), 31, 121-130.
5 Belza A, Toubro S, Astrup A, 2009. The effect of caffeine, green tea and tyrosine on thermogenesis and
energy intake. Eur J Clin Nutr, 63, 57-64.
6 Boozer CN, Nasser JA, Heymsfield SB, Wang V, Chen G, Solomon JL, 2001. An herbal supplement
containing Ma Huang-Guarana for weight loss: a randomized, double-blind trial. Int J Obes Relat Metab
Disord, 25, 316-324.
7 Boullard B, 2001. Plantes mdicinales du monde: Ralits & Croyances. Estem.
8 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
9 Cahier de l'Agence, 1998. Mdicaments base de plantes: Cahiers de l'Agence no 3. Rpublique Franaise,
Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
10 Capasso F, Gaginella TS, Grandolini G, Izzo AA, 2003. Phytotherapy: a quick reference to herbal medicine.
11 Carlini EA, 2003. Plants and the central nervous system. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75, 501-512.
12 Couturier C, Janvier B, Girlich D, Bereziat G, Andreani-Mangeney M, 1998. Effects of caffeine on
lipoprotein lipase gene expression during the adipocyte differentiation process. Lipids, 33, 455-460.
13 Fallet C, 1994. Cellulite et amincissement. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies, 2073, 1-8.
14 Greenway FL, 2001. The safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical and herbal caffeine and ephedrine use as a
weight loss agent. Obes Rev, 2, 199-211.
15 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
16 Henry A, 1998. Mince pour tre belle et bien dans sa peau. Le Trbuchet, 179, 15-26.
17 Kobayashi-Hattori K, Mogi A, Matsumoto Y, Takita T, 2005. Effect of caffeine on the body fat and lipid
metabolism of rats fed on a high-fat diet. Bioscience, biotechnology, and biochemistry, 69, 2219-2223.
18 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
19 Lima WP, Carnevali LC, Jr., Eder R, Costa Rosa LF, Bacchi EM, Seelaender MC, 2005. Lipid metabolism
in trained rats: effect of guarana (Paullinia cupana Mart.) supplementation. Clin Nutr, 24, 1019-1028.
20 Mason P, 2001. Dietary Supplements. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
21 Morelli V and Zoorob RJ, 2000. Alternative therapies: Part I. Depression, diabetes, obesity. Am Fam
Physician, 62, 1051-1060.
22 Moro CO and Basile G, 2000. Obesity and medicinal plants. Fitoterapia, 71 Suppl 1, S73-82.
23 Ollier C, 2001. Minceur et phytothrapie. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies, 2393.
24 Roberts AT, de Jonge-Levitan L, Parker CC, Greenway F, 2005. The effect of an herbal supplement
containing black tea and caffeine on metabolic parameters in humans. Altern Med Rev, 10, 321-325.
25 Roux D, 2005. Les nouvelles plantes qui soignent. Editions Alpen.
26 Videment E, 2006. Minceur et complments alimentaires. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des Laboratoires.
Cahier Conseil II no 2626, 51, 1-13.
27 Westerterp-Plantenga MS, Lejeune MP, Kovacs EM, 2005. Body weight loss and weight maintenance in
relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation. Obes Res, 13, 1195-1204.
28 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques : tradition, pratique officinale, science et
thrapeutique. Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
29 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques : tradition, pratique officinale, science et
thrapeutique. Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
30 Wichtl M, 2004. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm Scientific Publishers, Stuttgart.
ID 2708: Heather (blossoming top). Calluna vulgaris and Health of lower urinary tract
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Rapport allgations plantes du 27
fvrier 2003.
2 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
3 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1990. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Boni U and Patri G, 1986. Scoprire, Riconoscere, Usare le Erbe. Fabbri Editori, Milano.
5 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
6 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1997. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
7 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
8 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
9 Paris RR and Myose H, 1971. Prcis de matire Mdicale. Masson, Paris.
10 Valnet J, 1983. Phytothrapie. Traitement des maladies par les plantes. Livre de Poche / Maloine, Paris.
11 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
ID 2709: Mallow (leaf and flower) Malva sylvestris and Pharyngeal health / Softening throat
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
2 Blumenthal M, 1988. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Boni U and Patri G, 1997. Scoprire, riconoscere, usare le erbe. Gulliver libri.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Capasso F, Gaginella TS, Grandolini G, Izzo AA, 2003. Phytotherapy: a quick reference to herbal medicine.
7 Dorvault FLM, 1850. L'Officine ou Rpertoire gneral de pharmacie pratique. Lab, Paris.
8 Paris R and Myose H, 1981. Prcis de Matire Mdicale, Tome II, Pharmacognosie spciale. Masson, Paris.
9 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2710: Papaya (leaf) Carica papaya and Body fat reduction
1 Blumenthal M, 1987. Papaya leaf. In: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic
Guide to Herbal Medicines. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Dorvault F, 1995. Papaye. In: L'officine. Vigot, Paris, 1204.
4 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
5 Moro CO and Basile G, 2000. Obesity and medicinal plants. Fitoterapia, 71 Suppl 1, S73-82.
6 Paris R and Myose H, 1981. Prcis de Matire Mdicale, Tome II, Pharmacognosie spciale. Masson, Paris.
7 Zucker S, Buttle DJ, Nicklin MJ, Barrett AJ, 1985. The proteolytic activities of chymopapain, papain, and
papaya proteinase III. Biochim Biophys Acta, 828, 196-204.
ID 2713: Pyrus malus (Common Name Apple) extract powder containing polyphenols and Blood
glucose control
1 DianaNaturals,Malusdomestica(apple),http://www.diananaturals.com/pages/product.php?SELECTPDT=3.
2 Ehrenkranz JR, Lewis NG, Kahn CR, Roth J, 2005. Phlorizin: a review. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 21, 31-38.
3 Johnston KL, Clifford MN, Morgan LM, 2002. Possible role for apple juice phenolic compounds in the
acute modification of glucose tolerance and gastrointestinal hormone secretion in humans. J Sci Food Agric,
82, 1800-1805.
ID 2715: Borago officinalis - common name : Borage and Renal elimination / organism draining
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
5 Leclerc H, 1994. Prcis de phytothrapie. Masson, Paris.
ID 2716: Camellia sinensis - common name : tea and Control of weight
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2717: Ribes nigrum - nom commun : blackcurrant and Control of weight
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahier de l'Agence, 1998. Mdicaments base de plantes: Cahiers de l'Agence no 3. Rpublique Franaise,
Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques : tradition, pratique officinale, science et
thrapeutique. Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2718: Sambucus nigra - common name : black elder, European elder and Control of weight
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
3 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2719: Armorica rusticana - common name : Horseradish and Renal elimination / Organism
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
ID 2722: Alfalfa. (Medicago sativa L.) and Hair and nails health
1 Rombi M, Robert D, Guedon D, Rosier-Sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales : Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique ... de l'Ail la Vigne rouge. Alpen Editions Monaco.
2 Scimeca D and Tetau M, 2006. Alfalfa. In: Le guide de phytothrapie. Alpen editions, Monaco.
ID 2723: Bamboo (Bambusa arundinacea) and Bones and joints health
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2001. Apports nutritionnels conseills pour
la population franaise. Editions Tec&Doc, Paris.
2 Calomme MR and Vanden Berghe DA, 1997. Supplementation of calves with stabilized orthosilicic acid.
Effect on the Si, Ca, Mg, and P concentrations in serum and the collagen concentration in skin and cartilage.
Biol Trace Elem Res, 56, 153-165.
3 Eisinger J and Clairet D, 1993. Effects of silicon, fluoride, etidronate and magnesium on bone mineral
density: a retrospective study. Magnes Res, 6, 247-249.
4 EVM (Expert Group on Vitamins and Minerals), 2003. Safe Upper Levels for Vitamins and Minerals. Food
Standards Agency, London.
5 Food Standards Agency, Silicon,
6 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
7 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2000. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron,
Chromium, Copper, Iodine, Iron, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Silicon, Vanadium, and Zinc. National
Academies Press, Washington DC.
8 Jugdaohsingh R, Tucker KL, Qiao N, Cupples LA, Kiel DP, Powell JJ, 2004. Dietary silicon intake is
positively associated with bone mineral density in men and premenopausal women of the Framingham
Offspring cohort. J Bone Miner Res, 19, 297-307.
9 Jugdaohsingh R, 2007. Silicon and bone health. J Nutr Health Aging, 11, 99-110.
10 Martin KR, 2007. The chemistry of silica and its potential health benefits. J Nutr Health Aging, 11, 94-97.
11 Reffitt DM, Ogston N, Jugdaohsingh R, Cheung HF, Evans BA, Thompson RP, Powell JJ, Hampson GN,
2003. Orthosilicic acid stimulates collagen type 1 synthesis and osteoblastic differentiation in human
osteoblast-like cells in vitro. Bone, 32, 127-135.
12 Rombi M, Robert D, Guedon D, Rosier-Sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales : Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique ... de l'Ail la Vigne rouge. Alpen Editions Monaco.
13 Schiano A, Eisinger F, Detolle P, Laponche AM, Brisou B, Eisinger J, 1979. Silicon, bone tissue and
immunity. Rev Rhum Mal Osteoartic, 46, 483-486.
14 Seaborn CD and Nielsen FH, 2002. Dietary silicon and arginine affect mineral element composition of rat
femur and vertebra. Biol Trace Elem Res, 89, 239-250.
15 Seaborn CD and Nielsen FH, 2002. Silicon deprivation decreases collagen formation in wounds and bone,
and ornithine transaminase enzyme activity in liver. Biol Trace Elem Res, 89, 251-261.
ID 2724: Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) and Slimming / lipids metabolism
1 Dulloo AG, Seydoux J, Girardier L, 1992. Potentiation of the thermogenic antiobesity effects of ephedrine
by dietary methylxanthines: adenosine antagonism or phosphodiesterase inhibition? Metabolism, 41, 1233-
2 Fredholm BB and Lindgren E, 1984. The effect of alkylxanthines and other phosphodiesterase inhibitors on
adenosine-receptor mediated decrease in lipolysis and cyclic AMP accumulation in rat fat cells. Acta
Pharmacol Toxicol (Copenh), 54, 64-71.
3 Inoue H, Kobayashi-Hattori K, Horiuchi Y, Oishi Y, Arai S, Takita T, 2006. Regulation of the body fat
percentage in developmental-stage rats by methylxanthine derivatives in a high-fat diet. Biosci Biotechnol
Biochem, 70, 1134-1139.
4 Matsui N, Ito R, Nishimura E, Yoshikawa M, Kato M, Kamei M, Shibata H, Matsumoto I, Abe K,
Hashizume S, 2005. Ingested cocoa can prevent high-fat diet-induced obesity by regulating the expression of
genes for fatty acid metabolism. Nutrition, 21, 594-601.
5 SFA (Societe Francaise des Antioxydants), 2005. Etat actuel de la recherche scientifique sur les ingrdients
minceur Dernires avances dans le domaine de la perte de poids. La thobromine.
ID 2725: Cola (Cola nitida) and Weight control
1 Astrup A, Toubro S, Cannon S, Hein P, Breum L, Madsen J, 1990. Caffeine: a double-blind, placebo-
controlled study of its thermogenic, metabolic, and cardiovascular effects in healthy volunteers. Am J Clin
Nutr, 51, 759-767.
2 Blecher M, Merlino NS, Ro'Ane JT, 1968. Controle of the metabolism and lipolytic effects of cyclic 3',5'-
adenosine monophosphate in adipose tissue by insulin, methyl xanthines, and nicotinic acid. J Biol Chem,
243, 3973-3977.
3 Bracco D, Ferrarra JM, Arnaud MJ, Jequier E, Schutz Y, 1995. Effects of caffeine on energy metabolism,
heart rate, and methylxanthine metabolism in lean and obese women. Am J Physiol, 269, E671-678.
4 Couturier C, Janvier B, Girlich D, Bereziat G, Andreani-Mangeney M, 1998. Effects of caffeine on
lipoprotein lipase gene expression during the adipocyte differentiation process. Lipids, 33, 455-460.
5 Fallet C, 1995. Minceur et fermet. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des Laboratoires. Cahier cosmto-
pratique du n2117 1-8.
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Cahier Conseil II du n2626, 1-13.
ID 2727: Grape (Vitis vinifera L) and Weight control
1 Ardevol A, Blade C, Salvado MJ, Arola L, 2000. Changes in lipolysis and hormone-sensitive lipase
expression caused by procyanidins in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 24, 319-324.
2 Dabis G and Siou A, 1988. Microcirculation et lipodystrophie segmentaire: application l'tude des
OPC(Endotelon). Gazette mdicale de France, 95, 66-70.
3 Delaby M, 1989. Endotelon en pratique quotidienne: dsorganisation de l'unit circulatoire et O. P. C.
Gazette mdicale de France, 96, 18-32.
4 Delacroix P, 1981. Etude en double aveugle de lendotelon dans linsuffisance veineuse chronique. La rvue
de mdecine, 27-28, 1793-1802.
5 Houdret JC, 1989. De lutilit du marc de raisin dans le traitement de lobsit et de la cellulite.
Mdecines Naturelles Actualits 2, 26-27.
6 Juhel C, Armand M, Lairon D, 1999. Effet inhibiteur dun extrait du proaffinol (extrait de raisin) sur la
lipase gastrique et la lipase pancratique. INSERM-U476, Arkopharma, 1-12.
7 Moreno DA, Ilic N, Poulev A, Brasaemle DL, Fried SK, Raskin I, 2003. Inhibitory effects of grape seed
extract on lipases. Nutrition, 19, 876-879.
8 Rombi M, Robert D, Guedon D, Rosier-Sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales : Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique ... de l'Ail la Vigne rouge. Alpen Editions Monaco.
9 Tsuda T, Horio F, Uchida K, Aoki H, Osawa T, 2003. Dietary cyanidin 3-O-beta-D-glucoside-rich purple
corn color prevents obesity and ameliorates hyperglycemia in mice. J Nutr, 133, 2125-2130.
10 Tsuda T, Ueno Y, Aoki H, Koda T, Horio F, Takahashi N, Kawada T, Osawa T, 2004. Anthocyanin
enhances adipocytokine secretion and adipocyte-specific gene expression in isolated rat adipocytes.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 316, 149-157.
11 Vogels N, Nijs IM, Westerterp-Plantenga MS, 2004. The effect of grape-seed extract on 24 h energy intake
in humans. Eur J Clin Nutr, 58, 667-673.
ID 2728: Grapefruit (Citrus paradisi Mact. = C. decumana L., C. grandis Osbeck ; Citrus maxima) and
Purifying/ detoxifying properties
1 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
2 Cho J, 2006. Antioxidant and neuroprotective effects of hesperidin and its aglycone hesperetin. Arch Pharm
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4 Gorinstein S, Caspi A, Libman I, Katrich E, Lerner HT, Trakhtenberg S, 2004. Fresh israeli jaffa sweetie
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patients suffering from coronary artery disease: studies in vitro and in humans and positive changes in
albumin and fibrinogen fractions. J Agric Food Chem, 52, 5215-5222.
5 Jagetia GC, Venkatesha VA, Reddy TK, 2003. Naringin, a citrus flavonone, protects against radiation-
induced chromosome damage in mouse bone marrow. Mutagenesis, 18, 337-343.
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Function Statements.
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in rat liver. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, 98, 456-461.
9 Paris RR and Moyse H, 1981. Citrus divers fruits alimentaires. In: Prcis de Matire Mdicale.
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10 Remesy C, Manach C, Demigne C, Texier O, Regerat F, 1996. Intrt nutritionnel des flavonodes.
Mdecine et nutrition 32, 17-27.
11 Tirillini B, 2000. Grapefruit: the last decade acquisitions. Fitoterapia, 71 Suppl 1, S29-37.
12 Wilmsen PK, Spada DS, Salvador M, 2005. Antioxidant activity of the flavonoid hesperidin in chemical and
biological systems. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 4757-4761.
ID 2730: Larch tree (Larix decidua) and Immune health
1 Larch Arabinogalactan. Monograph. 2000. Altern Med Rev, 5, 463-466.
2 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. Larch tree (Larix decidua). In: PDR for herbal medicines.
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Altern Med Rev., 4, 96-103.
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5 Roxas M and Jurenka J, 2007. Colds and influenza: a review of diagnosis and conventional, botanical, and
nutritional considerations. Altern Med Rev, 12, 25-48.
6 Scimeca D and Tetau M, 2006. Mlze. In: Le Guide de Phytothrapie. La sant par les plantes. Alpen
editions, Monaco.
ID 2731: Lithothamnium calcareum (calcium carbonate) and Bone health - mineralization
1 Aloia JF, Vaswani A, Yeh JK, Ross PL, Flaster E, Dilmanian FA, 1994. Calcium supplementation with and
without hormone replacement therapy to prevent postmenopausal bone loss. Ann Intern Med, 120, 97-103.
2 Dorvault FLM, 1996. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
3 Eklou-Kalonji E, Zerath E, Colin C, Lacroix C, Holy X, Denis I, Pointillart A, 1999. Calcium-regulating
hormones, bone mineral content, breaking load and trabecular remodeling are altered in growing pigs fed
calcium-deficient diets. J Nutr, 129, 188-193.
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6 NIH (National Institute of Health), 2000. Osteoporosis Prevention, Diagnosis, and Therapy. NIH Consens
Statement, 17, 1-36.
7 Peterson CA, Eurell JA, Erdman JW, Jr., 1995. Alterations in calcium intake on peak bone mass in the
female rat. J Bone Miner Res, 10, 81-95.
8 Prince RL, Devine A, Dhaliwal SS, Dick IM, 2006. Effects of calcium supplementation on clinical fracture
and bone structure: results of a 5-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial in elderly women. Arch Intern
Med, 166, 869-875.
9 Stear SJ, Prentice A, Jones SC, Cole TJ, 2003. Effect of a calcium and exercise intervention on the bone
mineral status of 16-18-y-old adolescent girls. Am J Clin Nutr, 77, 985-992.
10 Storm D, Eslin R, Porter ES, Musgrave K, Vereault D, Patton C, Kessenich C, Mohan S, Chen T, Holick
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markers of bone turnover in elderly New England women: a randomized placebo-controlled trial. J Clin
Endocrinol Metab, 83, 3817-3825.
11 Sweetman S, 2002. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
ID 2733: Nopal (Opuntia ficus indica) and Weight control
1 Ennouri M, Fetoui H, Bourret E, Zeghal N, Attia H, 2006. Evaluation of some biological parameters of
Opuntia ficus indica. 1. Influence of a seed oil supplemented diet on rats. Bioresour Technol, 97, 1382-1386.
2 Ennouri M, Fetoui H, Bourret E, Zeghal N, Guermazi F, Attia H, 2006. Evaluation of some biological
parameters of Opuntia ficus indica. 2. Influence of seed supplemented diet on rats. Bioresour Technol, 97,
3 Fernandez ML, Trejo A, McNamara DJ, 1990. Pectin isolated from prickly pear (Opuntia sp.) modifies low
density lipoprotein metabolism in cholesterol-fed guinea pigs. J Nutr, 120, 1283-1290.
4 Feugang JM, Konarski P, Zou D, Stintzing FC, Zou C, 2006. Nutritional and medicinal use of Cactus pear
(Opuntia spp.) cladodes and fruits. Front Biosci, 11, 2574-2589.
5 Frati AC, Gordillo BE, Altamirano P, Ariza CR, Cortes-Franco R, Chavez-Negrete A, Islas-Andrade S,
1991. Influence of nopal intake upon fasting glycemia in type II diabetics and healthy subjects. Arch Invest
Med (Mex), 22, 51-56.
6 Frati-Munari AC, Fernandez-Harp JA, de la Riva H, Ariza-Andraca R, del Carmen Torres M, 1983. Effects
of nopal (Opuntia sp.) on serum lipids, glycemia and body weight. Arch Invest Med (Mex), 14, 117-125.
7 Frati-Munari AC, Gordillo BE, Altamirano P, Ariza CR, 1988. Hypoglycemic effect of Opuntia
streptacantha Lemaire in NIDDM. Diabetes Care, 11, 63-66.
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1989. [Hypoglycemic action of Opuntia streptacantha Lemaire: study using raw extracts]. Arch Invest Med
(Mex), 20, 321-325.
9 Frati-Munari AC, Del Valle-Martinez LM, Ariza-Andraca CR, Islas-Andrade S, Chavez-Negrete A, 1989.
[Hypoglycemic action of different doses of nopal (Opuntia streptacantha Lemaire) in patients with type II
diabetes mellitus]. Arch Invest Med (Mex), 20, 197-201.
10 Frati-Munari AC, Rios Gil U, Ariza-Andraca CR, Islas Andrade S, Lopez Ledesma R, 1989. [Duration of
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11 Frati-Munari AC, Licona-Quesada R, Araiza-Andraca CR, Lopez-Ledesma R, Chavez-Negrete A, 1990.
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(Mex), 21, 99-102.
12 Laurenz JC, Collier CC, Kuti JO, 2003. Hypoglycaemic effect of Opuntia lindheimeri Englem in a diabetic
pig model. Phytother Res, 17, 26-29.
13 Li CY, Cheng XS, Cui MZ, Yan YG, 2005. [Regulative effect of Opuntia powder on blood lipids in rats and
its mechanism]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi, 30, 694-696.
14 Shapiro K and Gong WC, 2002. Natural products used for diabetes. J Am Pharm Assoc (Wash), 42, 217-
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robusta) on glucose- and lipid-metabolism in non-diabetics with hyperlipidemia--a pilot study. Wien Klin
Wochenschr, 114, 840-846.
ID 2734: Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.) and Antioxidant properties
1 Arruda SF, Siqueira EM, Souza EM, 2004. Malanga (Xanthosoma sagittifolium) and purslane (Portulaca
oleracea) leaves reduce oxidative stress in vitamin A-deficient rats. Ann Nutr Metab, 48, 288-295.
2 Charleux JL, 1996. Beta-carotene, vitamin C, and vitamin E: the protective micronutrients. Nutr Rev, 54,
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4 Huang Z, Wang B, Eaves DH, Shikany JM, Pace RD, 2007. Total phenolics and antioxidant capacity of
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Project. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 1-9.
5 JHCI (Joint Health Claims Initiative), 2003. Joint Health Claims Initiative Final Technical Report A List of
Well Established Nutrient Function Statements . "Antioxidant activity in cell membrane : Vitamin E is
necessary for protecting cell membranes from some type of damage caused by free radicals".
6 JHCI (Joint Health Claims Initiative), 2003. Joint Health Claims Initiative Final Technical Report A List of
Well Established Nutrient Function Statements. "Antioxidant activity : Vitamin C contributes to cell
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7 Lim YY and Quah EPL, 2007. Antioxidant properties of different cultivars of Portulaca oleracea. Food
Chemistry, 103, 734-740.
8 Liu L, Howe P, Zhou YF, Xu ZQ, Hocart C, Zhan R, 2000. Fatty acids and beta-carotene in australian
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20 Zeng X, 1999. [A study of scavenging action of purslane aquenous extracts on oxygen free radical]. Hunan
Yi Ke Da Xue Xue Bao, 24, 133-135.
ID 2735: Red Vine (Vitis vinifera L.) and Weight control/cellulitis
1 Ardevol A, Blade C, Salvado MJ, Arola L, 2000. Changes in lipolysis and hormone-sensitive lipase
expression caused by procyanidins in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 24, 319-324.
2 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
3 Dabis G and Siou A, 1988. Microcirculation et lipodystrophie segmentaire: application l'tude des
OPC(Endotelon). Gazette mdicale de France, 95, 66-70.
4 Delaby M, 1989. Endotelon en pratique quotidienne: dsorganisation de l'unit circulatoire et O. P. C.
Gazette mdicale de France, 96, 18-32.
5 Delacroix P, 1981. Etude en double aveugle de lendotelon dans linsuffisance veineuse chronique. La rvue
de mdecine, 27-28, 1793-1802.
6 Juhel C, Armand M, Lairon D, 1999. Effet inhibiteur dun extrait du proaffinol (extrait de raisin) sur la
lipase gastrique et la lipase pancratique. INSERM-U476, Arkopharma, 1-12.
7 Thebaut JB, Thebaut P, Vin F, 1985. Etude de lEndotlon dans les manifestations fonctionnelles de
linsuffisance veineuse priphrique. Rsultats dune tude en double aveugle portant sur 92 patients.
Gazette Mdicale, 92, 96-100.
8 Videment E, 2006. Minceur et complments alimentaires. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des Laboratoires.
Cahier Conseil II du n2626, 1-13.
ID 2736: Sage (Salvia lavandulaefolia Vahl.) and Mental health/ cognitive functions
1 Howes MJ, Perry NS, Houghton PJ, 2003. Plants with traditional uses and activities, relevant to the
management of Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive disorders. Phytother Res, 17, 1-18.
2 Kennedy DO and Scholey AB, 2006. The psychopharmacology of European herbs with cognition-enhancing
properties. Curr Pharm Des, 12, 4613-4623.
3 Perry EK, Pickering AT, Wang WW, Houghton PJ, Perry NS, 1999. Medicinal plants and Alzheimer's
disease: from ethnobotany to phytotherapy. J Pharm Pharmacol, 51, 527-534.
4 Perry NS, Houghton PJ, Sampson J, Theobald AE, Hart S, Lis-Balchin M, Hoult JR, Evans P, Jenner P,
Milligan S, Perry EK, 2001. In-vitro activity of S. lavandulaefolia (Spanish sage) relevant to treatment of
Alzheimer's disease. J Pharm Pharmacol, 53, 1347-1356.
5 Perry NS, Houghton PJ, Jenner P, Keith A, Perry EK, 2002. Salvia lavandulaefolia essential oil inhibits
cholinesterase in vivo. Phytomedicine, 9, 48-51.
6 Savelev S, Okello E, Perry NS, Wilkins RM, Perry EK, 2003. Synergistic and antagonistic interactions of
anticholinesterase terpenoids in Salvia lavandulaefolia essential oil. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75, 661-
7 Tildesley NT, Kennedy DO, Perry EK, Ballard CG, Savelev S, Wesnes KA, Scholey AB, 2003. Salvia
lavandulaefolia (Spanish sage) enhances memory in healthy young volunteers. Pharmacol Biochem Behav,
75, 669-674.
8 Tildesley NT, Kennedy DO, Perry EK, Ballard CG, Wesnes KA, Scholey AB, 2005. Positive modulation of
mood and cognitive performance following administration of acute doses of Salvia lavandulaefolia essential
oil to healthy young volunteers. Physiol Behav, 83, 699-709.
9 Wake G, Court J, Pickering A, Lewis R, Wilkins R, Perry E, 2000. CNS acetylcholine receptor activity in
European medicinal plants traditionally used to improve failing memory. J Ethnopharmacol, 69, 105-114.
ID 2739: Corn silk (Zea mays L.) and Health of urinary and digestive function
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Rapport allgations plantes du 27
fvrier 2003.
2 Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD, 2002. Herbal Medicines, A guide for healthcare professionals.
Pharmaceutical Press, London.
3 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
4 Bisset NG and Wichtl M, 1994. Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals. Medpharm GmbH Scientific
Publishers, Stuttgart, Germany.
5 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
6 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
7 Ebadi M, 2002. Pharmacodynamic basis of herbal medicine. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
8 Kerhard J and Adam JG, 1974. La Pharmacope sngalaise traditionnelle, plantes mdicinales et toxiques.
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cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
11 Maksimovic Z, Dobric S, Kovacevic N, Milovanovic Z, 2004. Diuretic activity of Maydis stigma extract in
rats. Pharmazie, 59, 967-971.
12 Mills S and Bone K, 2000. Principles and Practices of Phytotherapie: Modern Herbal Medecine. Churchill
Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
13 Sweetman S, 2002. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
14 Velazquez DV, Xavier HS, Batista JE, de Castro-Chaves C, 2005. Zea mays L. extracts modify glomerular
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15 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2740: Couchgrass (Agropyron repens L.) and Detoxification
1 Larousse L'encyclopdie des plantes mdicinales 2001. Larousse, Paris.
2 Barnes J, Anderson LA, Phillipson JD, 2002. Herbal Medicines. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
3 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1975. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
4 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes Mdicinales des Rgions Tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
5 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
6 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
7 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
8 Boullard B, 2001. Plantes mdicinales du monde: croyances et ralits. Estem, Paris.
9 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
10 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
11 Crellin JK and Philpott J, 1990. A reference guide to medicinal plants. Herbal Medicine Past and Present.
Duke University Press, Durham, London.
12 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
13 Garnier G, Bezanger-Beauquesne L, Debraux G, 1961. Ressources mdicinales de la Flore Franaise Tom.
1-2. Vigot, Paris.
14 Girre L, 2001. Les plantes et les mdicaments Delachaux et Niestl, Paris.
15 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 1998. PDR for herbal medicines. Medical Economics Company,
Montvale, New Jersey.
16 Leclerc H, 1994. Precis de Phytotherapie. Masson, Paris.
17 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
18 Leung A and Foster S, 2003. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
19 Mills S and Bone K, 2000. Principles and Practices of Phytotherapie: Modern Herbal Medecine. Churchill
Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
20 No authors listed, 1983. Rsum de phytothrapie. Edition de lHerboristerie, Nice.
21 Paris R and Myose H, 1981. Prcis de Matire Mdicale, Tome II, Pharmacognosie spciale. Masson, Paris.
22 Rombi M, Guedon D, Robert D, Rosier-sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales: Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique. Alpen, Monaco.
23 Sweetman S, 2002. Martindale: The Complete Drug Reference. Pharmaceutical Press, London.
24 Valnet J, 1976. Phytothrapie. Traitement des maladies par les plantes. Maloine, Paris.
25 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
26 Videment E, 2006. Minceur et complments alimentaires. Le Moniteur des Pharmacies et des Laboratoires,
78, 1-13.
27 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
28 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
29 Wren RC Potters, 1980. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. Health Science
Press, Bradford.
30 Wren RC, 1988. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. C.W. Daniel, Saffron
ID 2742: Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) and Urinary elimination - Detoxification
1 Larousse L'encyclopdie des plantes mdicinales 2001. Larousse, Paris.
2 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, Trotin F, 1980. Plantes mdicinales des rgions tempres.
Maloine, Paris.
3 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
4 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
5 Blumenthal M, 1986. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines The American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
6 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
7 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
8 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
9 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
10 Fournier P, 1948. Le livre des plantes mdicinales et vnneuses de France. Paul Le Chevalier, Paris.
11 Girre L, 2001. Les plantes et les mdicaments : L'origine vgtale de nos mdicaments. Delachaux et
Niestl, Lausanne.
12 Leclerc H, 1976. Prcis de phytothrapie. Essais de thrapeutique par les plantes franaises. Masson, Paris.
13 Loeper M and Lesure J, 1960. Formulaire pratique de thrapeutique et de pharmacologie. Doin, Paris.
14 Mills S and Bone K, 2005. The Essential Guide to Herbal Safety. Churchill Livingstone London, Edinburgh.
15 Moatti R, 1993. Le guide complet des plantes pour se soigner. Editions Du Rocher, Paris.
16 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
17 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
18 Wright CI, Van-Buren L, Kroner CI, Koning MM, 2007. Herbal medicines as diuretics: a review of the
scientific evidence. J Ethnopharmacol, 114, 1-31.
ID 2743: Papaya (Carica papaya L.) and Skin curves/Cellulitis
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Gruenwald J, Brendler T, Jaenicke C, 2004. PDR for herbal medicines. Thomson Reuters, Montvale.
3 Leung AY and Foster S, 1996. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. John Wiley & Sons, New York.
4 Miller JM, Papastrat CJ, Ginsberg M, 1958. The administration of papain buccally in the treatment of
inflammation and edema. Antibiotic Med Clin Ther, 5, 720-722.
5 Moro CO and Basile G, 2000. Obesity and medicinal plants. Fitoterapia, 71 Suppl 1, S73-82.
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7 Rombi M, 1991. Cent plantes mdicinales: Composition, mode daction et intrt thrapeutique. Romart,
8 Rombi M, Guedon D, Robert D, Rosier-sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales: Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique. Alpen, Monaco.
ID 2744: Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) and Stimulation of appetite
1 Ammon HP and Wahl MA, 1991. Pharmacology of Curcuma longa. Planta Med, 57, 1-7.
2 Araujo CC and Leon LL, 2001. Biological activities of Curcuma longa L. Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz, 96, 723-
3 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
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4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Gautam SC, Gao X, Dulchavsky S, 2007. Immunomodulation by curcumin. Adv Exp Med Biol, 595, 321-
7 Grant KL and Schneider CD, 2000. Turmeric. Am J Health Syst Pharm, 57, 1121-1122.
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9 Rombi M, Robert D, Guedon D, Rosier-Sala C, Renzacci E, 2007. 120 plantes mdicinales : Composition,
mode d'action et intrt thrapeutique ... de l'Ail la Vigne rouge. Alpen Editions Monaco.
10 Roux D and Danielle R, 2005. Les nouvelles plantes qui soignent: dcouvrez les pouvoirs naturels des
plantes mdicinales. Alpen Editions, Monaco.
11 Shishodia S, Singh T, Chaturvedi MM, 2007. Modulation of transcription factors by curcumin. Adv Exp
Med Biol, 595, 127-148.
12 Tirkey N, Kaur G, Vij G, Chopra K, 2005. Curcumin, a diferuloylmethane, attenuates cyclosporine-induced
renal dysfunction and oxidative stress in rat kidneys. BMC Pharmacol, 5, 15.
ID 2746: Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa) and Hair growth
1 Reis PJ, 1992. Length growth and diameter relationships of Merino wool fibres. Wool technology and Sheep
breeding, 40, 52.
2 Ruales J, de Grijalva Y, Lopez-Jaramillo P, Nair BM, 2002. The nutritional quality of an infant food from
quinoa and its effect on the plasma level of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in undernourished children.
Int J Food Sci Nutr, 53, 143-154.
ID 2747: Roquette (Eruca sativa): dry hydroethanolic extract and Hair growth
1 Takahashi T, Kamiya T, Hasegawa A, Yokoo Y, 1999. Procyanidin oligomers selectively and intensively
promote proliferation of mouse hair epithelial cells in vitro and activate hair follicle growth in vivo. J Invest
Dermatol, 112, 310-316.
2 Vallette G, Tenaud I, Branka JE, Jarry A, Sainte-Marie I, Dreno B, Laboisse CL, 1998. Control of growth
and differentiation of normal human epithelial cells through the manipulation of reactive nitrogen species.
Biochem J, 331 ( Pt 3), 713-717.
ID 2748: Huile de carthame (safflower oil) and Skin care
1 Cosgrove MC, Franco OH, Granger SP, Murray PG, Mayes AE, 2007. Dietary nutrient intakes and skin-
aging appearance among middle-aged American women. Am J Clin Nutr, 86, 1225-1231.
2 Hansen HS and Jensen B, 1985. Essential function of linoleic acid esterified in acylglucosylceramide and
acylceramide in maintaining the epidermal water permeability barrier. Evidence from feeding studies with
oleate, linoleate, arachidonate, columbinate and alpha-linolenate. Biochim Biophys Acta, 834, 357-363.
3 Marsh KA, Ruedisueli FL, Coe SL, Watson TGD, 2000. Effects of zinc and linoleic acid supplementation
on the skin and coat quality of dogs receiving a complete and balanced diet. Vet. Derm., 11, 277-284.
4 Rondinone R, 1991. Peau et apport lipidique. Lexicon Vevy Europe, skin care instant reports, 8, 179-183.
5 Wright S, 1991. Essential fatty acids and the skin. Br J Dermatol, 125, 503-515.
ID 2749: Huile de noisettes : Hazel nut (Corylus avellana) oil and Skin care
1 Breiden B, Gallala H, Doering T, Sandhoff K, 2007. Optimization of submerged keratinocyte cultures for
the synthesis of barrier ceramides. Eur J Cell Biol, 86, 657-673.
2 Elias PM, Brown BE, Ziboh VA, 1980. The permeability barrier in essential fatty acid deficiency: evidence
for a direct role for linoleic acid in barrier function. J Invest Dermatol, 74, 230-233.
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acylceramide in maintaining the epidermal water permeability barrier. Evidence from feeding studies with
oleate, linoleate, arachidonate, columbinate and alpha-linolenate. Biochim Biophys Acta, 834, 357-363.
4 Oikawa D, Nakanishi T, Nakamura YN, Yamamoto T, Yamaguchi A, Shiba N, Iwamoto H, Tachibana T,
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other fatty acids in mice. Br J Nutr, 94, 275-281.
5 Wertz PW, Cho ES, Downing DT, 1983. Effect of essential fatty acid deficiency on the epidermal
sphingolipids of the rat. Biochim Biophys Acta, 753, 350-355.
ID 2750: Cassis : Dry extract of Ribes Nigrum fruit standardized at 7% of anthocyanosides and Eye
1 Canter PH and Ernst E, 2004. Anthocyanosides of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) for night vision--a
systematic review of placebo-controlled trials. Surv Ophthalmol, 49, 38-50.
2 Ghosh D and Konishi T, 2007. Anthocyanins and anthocyanin-rich extracts: role in diabetes and eye
function. Asia Pac J Clin Nutr, 16, 200-208.
3 Kahkonen MP, Hopia AI, Vuorela HJ, Rauha JP, Pihlaja K, Kujala TS, Heinonen M, 1999. Antioxidant
activity of plant extracts containing phenolic compounds. J Agric Food Chem, 47, 3954-3962.
4 Maher P and Hanneken A, 2005. Flavonoids protect retinal ganglion cells from oxidative stress-induced
death. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 46, 4796-4803.
5 Matsumoto H, Nakamura Y, Tachibanaki S, Kawamura S, Hirayama M, 2003. Stimulatory effect of
cyanidin 3-glycosides on the regeneration of rhodopsin. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 3560-3563.
6 Matsumoto H, Nakamura Y, Iida H, Ito K, Ohguro H, 2006. Comparative assessment of distribution of
blackcurrant anthocyanins in rabbit and rat ocular tissues. Exp Eye Res, 83, 348-356.
7 Nakaishi H, Matsumoto H, Tominaga S, Hirayama M, 2000. Effects of black current anthocyanoside intake
on dark adaptation and VDT work-induced transient refractive alteration in healthy humans. Altern Med
Rev, 5, 553-562.
8 Nakajima JI, Tanaka I, Seo S, Yamazaki M, Saito K, 2004. LC/PDA/ESI-MS Profiling and Radical
Scavenging Activity of Anthocyanins in Various Berries. J Biomed Biotechnol, 2004, 241-247.
ID 2751: Curcuma: Curcuma longa and Liver lipids
1 Asai A, Nakagawa K, Miyazawa T, 1999. Antioxidative effects of turmeric, rosemary and capsicum extracts
on membrane phospholipid peroxidation and liver lipid metabolism in mice. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 63,
2 Asai A and Miyazawa T, 2001. Dietary curcuminoids prevent high-fat diet-induced lipid accumulation in rat
liver and epididymal adipose tissue. J Nutr, 131, 2932-2935.
3 Deshpande UR, Joseph LJ, Manjure SS, Samuel AM, Pillai D, Bhide SV, 1997. Effects of turmeric extract
on lipid profile in human subjects. Medical Science Research, 25, 695-698.
4 Gogte VVM, 2000. Ayurvedic Pharmacology and Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Plants. Bharatiya Vidya
Bhavan, Mumbai.
5 Kapoor LD, 1990. Handbook of Ayurvedic Medicinal Plants. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
6 Pole S, 2006. Ayurvedic Medicine: The Principles of Traditional Practice. Churchill Livingstone, London,
7 Rukkumani R, Aruna K, Varma PS, Rajasekaran KN, Menon VP, 2005. Comparative effects of curcumin
and its analog on alcohol- and polyunsaturated fatty acid-induced alterations in circulatory lipid profiles. J
Med Food, 8, 256-260.
8 Sharma PC, Yelne MB, Dennis TJ, 2000. Database on Medical Plants used in Ayurveda. Central Council for
Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Dehli.
9 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
10 Williamson EM, 2002. Major Herbs of Ayurveda. Churchill Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
ID 2752: Radis noir: Raphanus niger (Black radish) and Improve digestion/transit
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Rombi M, 1991. Cent plantes mdicinales: Composition, mode daction et intrt thrapeutique. Romart,
5 Schauenberg P and Paris F, 1977. Guide des plantes mdicinales. Analyse, description et utilisation de 400
plantes. Lutterworth Press, Guildford.
ID 2753 : Sureau: Elder berry (dry aqueous extract) and Veinous system
1 Bell DR and Burt TD, 2007. Phenolic acids contained in anthocyanin enriched extracts from Elderberry,
Bilberry and Chokeberry possess endothelium dependent and independent vasorelaxation properties in
porcine coronary arteries. FASEB Journal, 21(5), 366.
2 Youdim KA, Martin A, Joseph JA, 2000. Incorporation of the elderberry anthocyanins by endothelial cells
increases protection against oxidative stress. Free Radic Biol Med, 29, 51-60.
ID 2755: Myrtille: Extract of Vaccinum Myrtillus (bilberries) and Hairs and nails care
1 Bilberry. 1996. In: Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs and cosmetics. Leung A
and Foster S (eds.). Wiley-Interscience, New York.
2 Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry). 1999. In: Textbook of natural medicine. Pizzorno J and Murray M (eds.).
Churchill Livingstone, London, Edinburgh.
3 Allaert FA, Vin F, Levardon M, 1992. [Comparative study of the effectiveness of continuous or intermittent
courses of a phlebotonic drug on venous disorders disclosed or aggravated by oral, estrogen-progesterone
contraceptives]. Phlebologie, 45, 167-173.
4 Amouretti M, 1972. [Therapeutic value of Vaccinium myrtillus anthocyanosides in an internal medicine
department]. Therapeutique, 48, 579-581.
5 Antignani PL and Caliumi C, 2007. Medical treatment of chronic venous insufficiency. Vasc Dis Prev, 4,
6 Bell DR and Gochenaur K, 2006. Direct vasoactive and vasoprotective properties of anthocyanin-rich
extracts. J Appl Physiol, 100, 1164-1170.
7 Bertuglia S, Malandrino S, Colantuoni A, 1995. Effect of Vaccinium myrtillus anthocyanosides on
ischaemia reperfusion injury in hamster cheek pouch microcirculation. Pharmacol Res, 31, 183-187.
8 Costantini A, De Bernardi T, Gotti A, 1999. [Clinical and capillaroscopic evaluation of chronic
uncomplicated venous insufficiency with procyanidins extracted from vitis vinifera]. Minerva Cardioangiol,
47, 39-46.
9 Kay CD, Kris-Etherton PM, West SG, 2006. Effects of antioxidant-rich foods on vascular reactivity: review
of the clinical evidence. Curr Atheroscler Rep, 8, 510-522.
10 Lietti A, Cristoni A, Picci M, 1976. Studies on Vaccinium myrtillus anthocyanosides. I. Vasoprotective and
antiinflammatory activity. Arzneimittelforschung, 26, 829-832.
11 Serraino I, Dugo L, Dugo P, Mondello L, Mazzon E, Dugo G, Caputi AP, Cuzzocrea S, 2003. Protective
effects of cyanidin-3-O-glucoside from blackberry extract against peroxynitrite-induced endothelial
dysfunction and vascular failure. Life Sci, 73, 1097-1114.
12 Youdim KA, McDonald J, Kalt W, Joseph JA, 2002. Potential role of dietary flavonoids in reducing
microvascular endothelium vulnerability to oxidative and inflammatory insults ( small star, filled). J Nutr
Biochem, 13, 282-288.
ID 2757: Ascophyllum (Ascophyllum nodosum) dry water extract and Action on fats
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1975. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1996. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
Medicine Association, Exeter.
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Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
4 Bradley P, 2006. British Herbal Compendium. British Herbal Medicine Association, Bournemouth.
5 Brendler T, Gruenwald J, Jaenicke C, 1997. Herbal Remedies: Heilpflanzen. Deutscher Apotheker Verlag,
6 Cahiers de L'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lagence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
7 Donadieu Y and Basire J, 1985. Les Algues Les Therapeutiques Naturelles. Maloine, Paris.
8 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2758: Spiruline (dry extract of Spirulina maxima) and Amino acid supplementation
1 Clement G, Giddey C, Menzi R, 1967. Amino acid composition and nutritive valve of the alga Spirulina
maxima. J Sci Food Agric, 18, 497-501.
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Rundschau, 91, 50-52.
7 Kataoka N and Misaki A, 1983. Glycolipids isolated from Spirulina maxima: structure and fatty acid
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8 Lacaz-Ruiz R and Mos EN, 1990. Produao de biomassa de Spirulina maxima para alimentaao humana e
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9 LiChuan Q, 2004. Study on nutritional ingredients of Spirulina major. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia
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supplemented by amino acids: digestive and metabolic utilization by the growing rat]. Ann Nutr Aliment,
29, 535-552.
ID 2759: Brocoli: Dry extract of concentrated Brassica oleracea inflorescences juice and Gastric
1 Fahey JW, Haristoy X, Dolan PM, Kensler TW, Scholtus I, Stephenson KK, Talalay P, Lozniewski A, 2002.
Sulforaphane inhibits extracellular, intracellular, and antibiotic-resistant strains of Helicobacter pylori and
prevents benzo[a]pyrene-induced stomach tumors. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 99, 7610-7615.
2 Galan MV, Kishan AA, Silverman AL, 2004. Oral broccoli sprouts for the treatment of Helicobacter pylori
infection: a preliminary report. Dig Dis Sci, 49, 1088-1090.
3 Haristoy X, Angioi-Duprez K, Duprez A, Lozniewski A, 2003. Efficacy of sulforaphane in eradicating
Helicobacter pylori in human gastric xenografts implanted in nude mice. Antimicrob Agents Chemother, 47,
4 Johnson IT, 2002. Glucosinolates: bioavailability and importance to health. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 72, 26-31.
5 Keck AS and Finley JW, 2004. Cruciferous vegetables: cancer protective mechanisms of glucosinolate
hydrolysis products and selenium. Integr Cancer Ther, 3, 5-12.
6 Yanaka A, Zhang S, Tauchi M, Suzuki H, Nakahara A, Tanaka N, Yamamoto M, 2005. Daily Intake of
Sulforaphane-Rich Broccoli Sprouts Suppresses H. Pylori Colonization and Attenuates Gastritis in H.
Pylori-infected Human Subjects. Gastroenterology, 128, A64.
ID 2765: Plante : Th vert Camellia sinensis (Green tea) and Elimination rnale de leau
1 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Hiller K and Melzig MF, 2003. Lexikon der Arzneipflanzen und Drogen. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag,
5 Leung A and Foster S, 2003. Encyclopedia of common natural ingredients used in food, drugs, and
cosmetics. Wiley-Interscience, New York.
6 Paris R and Myose H, 1981. Prcis de Matire Mdicale, Tome II, Pharmacognosie spciale. Masson, Paris.
7 Rombi M, 1991. Cent plantes mdicinales: Composition Mode Daction et Interet Therapeutique. Romart,
8 Valnet J, 1976. Phytothrapie. Traitement des maladies par les plantes. Maloine, Paris.
9 Wichtl M and Anton R, 2003. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2767: Plante: Frne Fraxinus excelsior (ash) and Elimination rnale de leau Fonctions
dlimination de lorganisme
1 Larousse L'encyclopdie des plantes mdicinales. 2001. Larousse, Paris.
2 Bzanger-Beauquesne L, Pinkas M, Torck M, 1986. Les plantes dans la thrapeutique moderne. Maloine,
3 Boullard B, 2001. Plantes mdicinales du monde. Estem, Paris.
4 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
5 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
6 Casadebaig J, Jacob M, Cassanas G, Gaudy D, Baylac G, Puech A, 1989. Physicochemical and
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26, 211-216.
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9 Kowalczyk B and Olechnowicz-Stepien W, 1990. A further contribution to the lipophilic constituents of
Fraxinus excelsior leaves. Planta Med, 56, 561-562.
10 Leclerc H, 1994. Precis de Phytotherapie. Masson, Paris.
11 Paris RR and Myose H, 1971. Prcis de matire Mdicale, Tome III. Masson, Paris.
ID 2770: Food supplement /Food ingredient: Whole cranberry powder from North American Cranberry
(Vaccinium macrocarpon) Early Black species and Health of the lower urinary tract
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2004. Avis dvaluation des justificatifs
concernant lallgation contribue diminuer la fixation de certaines bactries E. coli sur les parois
urinaires pour un nectar/cocktail de jus de cranberry/canneberge. Maisons-Alfort, le 3 dcembre 2004.
Saisine n 2004-SA-214. Saisine lie n2003-SA-0056 et 2003-SA-0352.
2 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2004. Avis relatif lvaluation des
justificatifs concernant lallgation contribue diminuer la fixation de certaines bactries E.coli sur les
parois des voies urinaires et sur lemploi de la cranberry/canneberge ou Vaccinium macrocarpon
dans des jus concentrs, des complments alimentaires et un cocktail/nectar de jus. Maisons-Alfort le 6 avril
2004. Saisine n2003-SA-0352, Saisine lie n2003-SA-0056.
3 American Herbal Pharmacopoeia, 2002. Cranberry fruit. Vaccinium macrocarpon Aiton. Standards of
Analysis, Quality Control. American Herbal Pharmacopoeia.
4 Battle M, Martin T, Fulton J, 2001. Lactulose may help prevent urinary tract infections. BMJ, 323, 936.
5 Blumenthal M, 2003. The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs. American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
6 Brigham and Womens Hospital, Cranberry,
7 Bruyere F, 2006. [Use of cranberry in chronic urinary tract infections]. Med Mal Infect, 36, 358-363.
8 Di Martino P, Agniel R, David K, Templer C, Gaillard JL, Denys P, Botto H, 2006. Reduction of
Escherichia coli adherence to uroepithelial bladder cells after consumption of cranberry juice: a double-
blind randomized placebo-controlled cross-over trial. World J Urol, 24, 21-27.
9 Donabedian H, 2006. Nutritional therapy and infectious diseases: a two-edged sword. Nutr J, 5, 21.
10 Goodine W, 2002. Regular drinking of cranberry-lingonberry juice concentrate reduced recurrent urinary
tract infections in women. Evid Based Nurs, 5, 43.
11 Harvard Medical School, Consumer health information. Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon),
12 Howell AB, Reed JD, Krueger CG, Winterbottom R, Cunningham DG, Leahy M, 2005. A-type cranberry
proanthocyanidins and uropathogenic bacterial anti-adhesion activity. Phytochemistry, 66, 2281-2291.
13 Hutchinson J, 2005. Do cranberries help prevent urinary tract infections? Nurs Times, 101, 38-40.
14 Jepson RG, Mihaljevic L, Craig J, 2004. Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. Cochrane
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16 Kemper KJ, 1999. Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon). The Longwood Herbal Task Force and The Center
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17 Kontiokari T, Sundqvist K, Nuutinen M, Pokka T, Koskela M, Uhari M, 2001. Randomised trial of
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18 Lynch DM, 2004. Cranberry for prevention of urinary tract infections. Am Fam Physician, 70, 2175-2177.
19 Mayo Clinic, Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon),
20 McMurdo MET, Bissett LY, Price RJG, Phillips G, Crombie IK, 2005. Does ingestion of cranberry juice
reduce symptomatic urinary tract infections in older people in hospital? A double-blind, placebo-controlled
trial. Age Ageing, 34, 256-261.
21 MedlinePlus, Cranberry (Vaccinium macrocarpon),
22 National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Herbs at a glance: Cranberry,
23 Netzel M, Strass G, Herbst M, Dietrich H, Bitsch R, Bitsch I, Frank T, 2005. The excretion and biological
antioxidant activity of elderberry antioxidants in healthy humans. Food Research International, 38, 905-910.
24 Sengupta K, Alluri KV, Golakoti T, Gottumukkala GV, Raavi J, Kotchrlakota L, SigaIan SC, Dey D, Ghosh
S, Chatterjee A, A randomized, double blind, controlled, dose dependent clinical trial to evaluate the
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28 Turner A, Chen SN, Joike MK, Pendland SL, Pauli GF, Farnsworth NR, 2005. Inhibition of uropathogenic
Escherichia coli by cranberry juice: a new antiadherence assay. J Agric Food Chem, 53, 8940-8947.
ID 2772: Valerian extract [Dry extract from roots of Valeriana officinalis L., drug/native extract ratio(3 -
6): 1, solvent of extraction Ethanol/Water, min 0.3% valerenic acid] and For isomnia and mental
1 Cerny A and Schmid K, 1999. Tolerability and efficacy of valerian/lemon balm in healthy volunteers (a
double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicentre study). Fitoterapia, 70, 221-228.
2 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
3 Schwander J and Mann C, 1999. The pupil unrest index as a measure of sleep restoration in patients with
psychophysiological insomnia.
4 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
ID 2773: Graines de brocoli et extraits de graines de brocoli: Sulforaphane and Sant de la prostate
1 Brooks JD, Paton VG, Vidanes G, 2001. Potent induction of phase 2 enzymes in human prostate cells by
sulforaphane. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 10, 949-954.
2 Chiao JW, Chung FL, Kancherla R, Ahmed T, Mittelman A, Conaway CC, 2002. Sulforaphane and its
metabolite mediate growth arrest and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Int J Oncol, 20, 631-636.
3 Chiao JW, Wu H, Ramaswamy G, Conaway CC, Chung FL, Wang L, Liu D, 2004. Ingestion of an
isothiocyanate metabolite from cruciferous vegetables inhibits growth of human prostate cancer cell
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17 Wang L, Liu D, Ahmed T, Chung FL, Conaway C, Chiao JW, 2004. Targeting cell cycle machinery as a
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Induction of GST and NQO1 in cultured bladder cells and in the urinary bladders of rats by an extract of
broccoli (Brassica oleracea italica) sprouts. J Agric Food Chem, 54, 9370-9376.
ID 2774: Fumaria officinalis, fumitory, nom franais : fumeterre and elimination
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
3 Cahiers de L'Agence, 1998. Les Cahiers de lagence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
Franaise, Ministre de l'Emploi et de la Solidarit, Paris.
4 Dorvault FLM, 1995. L'Officine. Vigot, Paris.
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6 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de phytothrapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
7 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2778: Artemisia vulgaris L. ; Common name : Armoise commune and apptit
1 AFSSA (Agence franaise de scurit sanitaire des aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2780: Combretum micranthum G. Don; Common name: Kinkliba and elimination
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2782: Equisetum arvense L.; Common name: Prle des champs and limination
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
2 Blumenthal M, 1986. The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal
Medicines The American Botanical Council, Austin.
3 Bruneton J, 1999. Pharmacognosie Phytochimie plantes mdicinales. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
4 Cahiers de l'Agence, 1997. Les Cahiers de lAgence n3. Mdicaments base de plantes. Rpublique
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Medicine. Springer Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
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8 Van Hellemont J, 1986. Compendium de Phytotherapie. Association Pharmaceutique Belge, Bruxelles.
9 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2783: Equisetum arvense L. ; Common name : Prle des champs; Common name : Armoise
commune and amincissement
1 AFSSA (Agence franaise de scurit sanitaire des aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2784: Hieracium pilosella L.; Common name: Piloselle and limination
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
2 Beaux D, Fleurentin J, Mortier F, 1999. Effect of extracts of Orthosiphon stamineus Benth, Hieracium
pilosella L., Sambucus nigra L. and Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. in rats. Phytother Res, 13, 222-225.
3 Depors P, Ledoux F, Meurin P, 2002. La phytothrapie entre science et tradition Amyris, Paris.
ID 2785: Ononis spinosa L.; Common name: Bugrane and limination
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2787: Urtica dioica L.; Common name: Ortie dioque and limination
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2788: Zea mays L.; Common name: Mas and amincissement
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2003. Dmarche dvaluation de la scurit,
de lintrt et de lallgation des denres alimentaires, contenant des plantes, destines la consommation
humaine (Framework for the evaluation of the safety, the effect and the claims of foodstuff, made from
plants, for the human diet).
ID 2792: Ajuga extract and Trophism of skin and related tissues
1 Calcagno MP, Camps F, Coll J, Mele E, Messeguer J, Tomas YJ, 1994. Sengosterone, an ecdysteroid
present in Ajuga reptans L. Anales de Quimica, 90, 483-486.
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Ajuga reptans extract. Verona International Joint Meeting on Foods, Phytotherapic Compounds and Health.
4 Nikolova M and Asenov A, 2006. Surface flavonoid aglycones in newly studied plant species. Natural
product research, 20, 103-106.
ID 2793: Alfalfa and Cardiovascular system
1 Boue SM, Wiese TE, Nehls S, Burow ME, Elliott S, Carter-Wientjes CH, Shih BY, McLachlan JA,
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seeds. Dietary effects in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Atherosclerosis, 37, 433-438.
6 Malinow MR, 1983. Experimental models of atherosclerosis regression. Atherosclerosis, 48, 105-118.
7 Molgaard J, von Schenck H, Olsson AG, 1987. Alfalfa seeds lower low density lipoprotein cholesterol and
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8 Pierre S, Crosbie L, Duttaroy AK, 2005. Inhibitory effect of aqueous extracts of some herbs on human
platelet aggregation in vitro. Platelets, 16, 469-473.
ID 2794: Avocado-soy extract and Joints
1 Altinel L, Saritas ZK, Kose KC, Pamuk K, Aksoy Y, Serteser M, 2007. Treatment with unsaponifiable
extracts of avocado and soybean increases TGF-beta1 and TGF-beta2 levels in canine joint fluid. Tohoku J
Exp Med, 211, 181-186.
2 Appelboom T, Schuermans J, Verbruggen G, Henrotin Y, Reginster JY, 2001. Symptoms modifying effect
of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables (ASU) in knee osteoarthritis. A double blind, prospective, placebo-
controlled study. Scand J Rheumatol, 30, 242-247.
3 Blotman F, Maheu E, Wulwik A, Caspard H, Lopez A, 1997. Efficacy and safety of avocado/soybean
unsaponifiables in the treatment of symptomatic osteoarthritis of the knee and hip. A prospective,
multicenter, three-month, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Rev Rhum Engl Ed, 64, 825-
4 Boumediene K, Felisaz N, Bogdanowicz P, Galera P, Guillou GB, Pujol JP, 1999. Avocado/soya
unsaponifiables enhance the expression of transforming growth factor beta1 and beta2 in cultured articular
chondrocytes. Arthritis Rheum, 42, 148-156.
5 Cake MA, Read RA, Guillou B, Ghosh P, 2000. Modification of articular cartilage and subchondral bone
pathology in an ovine meniscectomy model of osteoarthritis by avocado and soya unsaponifiables (ASU).
Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 8, 404-411.
6 Henrotin YE, Sanchez C, Deberg MA, Piccardi N, Guillou GB, Msika P, Reginster JY, 2003.
Avocado/soybean unsaponifiables increase aggrecan synthesis and reduce catabolic and proinflammatory
mediator production by human osteoarthritic chondrocytes. J Rheumatol, 30, 1825-1834.
7 Henrotin YE, Deberg MA, Crielaard JM, Piccardi N, Msika P, Sanchez C, 2006. Avocado/soybean
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II collagen synthesis by chondrocytes. J Rheumatol, 33, 1668-1678.
8 Khayyal MT and el-Ghazaly MA, 1998. The possible "chondroprotective" effect of the unsaponifiable
constituents of avocado and soya in vivo. Drugs Exp Clin Res, 24, 41-50.
9 Kut C, Assoumou A, Dridi M, Bonnefoix M, Gogly B, Pellat B, Guillou GB, Godeau G, 1998.
Morphometric analysis of human gingival elastic fibres degradation by human leukocyte elastase protective
effect of avocado and soybean unsaponifiables (ASU). Pathol Biol (Paris), 46, 571-576.
10 Kut-Lasserre C, Miller CC, Ejeil AL, Gogly B, Dridi M, Piccardi N, Guillou B, Pellat B, Godeau G, 2001.
Effect of avocado and soybean unsaponifiables on gelatinase A (MMP-2), stromelysin 1 (MMP-3), and
tissue inhibitors of matrix metalloproteinase (TIMP- 1 and TIMP-2) secretion by human fibroblasts in
culture. J Periodontol, 72, 1685-1694.
11 Lequesne M, Maheu E, Cadet C, Dreiser RL, 2002. Structural effect of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables on
joint space loss in osteoarthritis of the hip. Arthritis Rheum, 47, 50-58.
12 Little CV and Parsons T, 2001. Herbal therapy for treating osteoarthritis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev,
13 Maheu E, Mazieres B, Valat JP, Loyau G, Le Loet X, Bourgeois P, Grouin JM, Rozenberg S, 1998.
Symptomatic efficacy of avocado/soybean unsaponifiables in the treatment of osteoarthritis of the knee and
hip: a prospective, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, multicenter clinical trial with a six-month
treatment period and a two-month followup demonstrating a persistent effect. Arthritis Rheum, 41, 81-91.
ID 2795: Bilberry / flavonols + anthocyanidines and Antioxidativity Cardiovascular system
1 Bagchi D, Sen CK, Bagchi M, Atalay M, 2004. Anti-angiogenic, antioxidant, and anti-carcinogenic
properties of a novel anthocyanin-rich berry extract formula. Biochemistry (Mosc), 69, 75-80, 71 p
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lipoprotein and liposome oxidation. J Agric Food Chem, 46, 4107-4112.
6 Hertog MGL, Kromhout D, Aravanis C, Blackburn H, Buzina R, Fidanza F, Giampaoli S, Jansen A, Menotti
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Flavonoid intake and long-term risk of coronary heart disease and cancer in the seven countries study. Arch
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7 Khknen MP, Heinmki J, Ollilainen V, Heinonen M, 2001. Berry anthocyanins: isolation, identification
and antioxidant activities. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 83, 1403-1411.
8 Middleton E, Jr., Kandaswami C, Theoharides TC, 2000. The effects of plant flavonoids on mammalian
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13 Zheng W and Wang SY, 2003. Oxygen radical absorbing capacity of phenolics in blueberries, cranberries,
chokeberries, and lingonberries. J Agric Food Chem, 51, 502-509.
ID 2796: Bilberry and anthocyanins from blackcurrant and Eyes
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18 Wichtl M and Anton R, 1999. Plantes thrapeutiques: tradition, pratique officinale, science et thrapeutique.
Ed. Tec & Doc, Lavoisier, Paris.
ID 2798: Bilberry + pine bark and Musculoskeletal system
1 Ahotupa M, 1996. Tutkimusraportti, Havupuu-uutteen ja Pycnogenolin antioksidatiiviset vaikutukset. MCA
Tutkimuslaboratorio, Turku.
2 Bravetti G, 1989. Preventive medical treatment of senile cataract with vitamin E and anthocyanosides:
clinical evaluation. Ann Ottalmol Clin Ocul, 115, 109.
3 Canter PH and Ernst E, 2004. Anthocyanosides of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) for night vision--a
systematic review of placebo-controlled trials. Surv Ophthalmol, 49, 38-50.
4 Cignarella A, Nastasi M, Cavalli E, Puglisi L, 1996. Novel lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus
L. leaves, a traditional antidiabetic treatment, in several models of rat dyslipidaemia: a comparison with
ciprofibrate. Thromb Res, 84, 311-322.
5 Fursova A, Gesarevich OG, Gonchar AM, Trofimova NA, Kolosova NG, 2005. [Dietary supplementation
with bilberry extract prevents macular degeneration and cataracts in senesce-accelerated OXYS rats]. Adv
Gerontol, 16, 76-79.
6 Head KA, 2001. Natural therapies for ocular disorders, part two: cataracts and glaucoma. Altern Med Rev,
6, 141-166.
7 Kamuren ZT, McPeek CG, Sanders RA, Watkins JB, 3rd, 2006. Effects of low-carbohydrate diet and
Pycnogenol treatment on retinal antioxidant enzymes in normal and diabetic rats. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther,
22, 10-18.
8 Liu X, Wei J, Tan F, Zhou S, Wurthwein G, Rohdewald P, 2004. Antidiabetic effect of Pycnogenol French
maritime pine bark extract in patients with diabetes type II. Life Sci, 75, 2505-2513.
9 Schonlau F and Rohdewald P, 2001. Pycnogenol for diabetic retinopathy. A review. Int Ophthalmol, 24,
10 Sivonova M, Waczulikova I, Kilanczyk E, Hrnciarova M, Bryszewska M, Klajnert B, Durackova Z, 2004.
The effect of Pycnogenol on the erythrocyte membrane fluidity. Gen Physiol Biophys, 23, 39-51.
ID 2800: Bilberry + pine bark and Antioxidativity
1 Ahotupa M, 1996. Tutkimusraportti, Havupuu-uutteen ja Pycnogenolin antioksidatiiviset vaikutukset. MCA
Tutkimuslaboratorio, Turku.
2 Bravetti G, 1989. Preventive medical treatment of senile cataract with vitamin E and anthocyanosides:
clinical evaluation. Ann Ottalmol Clin Ocul, 115, 109.
3 Canter PH and Ernst E, 2004. Anthocyanosides of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry) for night vision--a
systematic review of placebo-controlled trials. Surv Ophthalmol, 49, 38-50.
4 Cignarella A, Nastasi M, Cavalli E, Puglisi L, 1996. Novel lipid-lowering properties of Vaccinium myrtillus
L. leaves, a traditional antidiabetic treatment, in several models of rat dyslipidaemia: a comparison with
ciprofibrate. Thromb Res, 84, 311-322.
5 Fursova A, Gesarevich OG, Gonchar AM, Trofimova NA, Kolosova NG, 2005. [Dietary supplementation
with bilberry extract prevents macular degeneration and cataracts in senesce-accelerated OXYS rats]. Adv
Gerontol, 16, 76-79.
6 Head KA, 2001. Natural therapies for ocular disorders, part two: cataracts and glaucoma. Altern Med Rev,
6, 141-166.
7 Kamuren ZT, McPeek CG, Sanders RA, Watkins JB, 3rd, 2006. Effects of low-carbohydrate diet and
Pycnogenol treatment on retinal antioxidant enzymes in normal and diabetic rats. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther,
22, 10-18.
8 Liu X, Wei J, Tan F, Zhou S, Wurthwein G, Rohdewald P, 2004. Antidiabetic effect of Pycnogenol French
maritime pine bark extract in patients with diabetes type II. Life Sci, 75, 2505-2513.
9 Schonlau F and Rohdewald P, 2001. Pycnogenol for diabetic retinopathy. A review. Int Ophthalmol, 24,
10 Sivonova M, Waczulikova I, Kilanczyk E, Hrnciarova M, Bryszewska M, Klajnert B, Durackova Z, 2004.
The effect of Pycnogenol on the erythrocyte membrane fluidity. Gen Physiol Biophys, 23, 39-51.
ID 2803: Dandelion root extract and Cardiovascular system
1 Cho SY, Park JY, Park EM, Choi MS, Lee MK, Jeon SM, Jang MK, Kim MJ, Park YB, 2002. Alternation of
hepatic antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid profile in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats by
supplementation of dandelion water extract. Clin Chim Acta, 317, 109-117.
2 Sweeney B, Vora M, Ulbricht C, Basch E, 2005. Evidence-based systematic review of dandelion
(Taraxacum officinale) by natural standard research collaboration. J Herb Pharmacother, 5, 79-93.
ID 2805: Garlic and Carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity.
1 Cicero AF, Derosa G, Gaddi A, 2004. What do herbalists suggest to diabetic patients in order to improve
glycemic control? Evaluation of scientific evidence and potential risks. Acta Diabetol, 41, 91-98.
2 Kiesewetter H, Jung F, Pindur G, Jung EM, Mrowietz C, Wenzel E, 1991. Effect of garlic on thrombocyte
aggregation, microcirculation, and other risk factors. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther Toxicol, 29, 151-155.
ID 2807: Ginkgo tree (Ginkgo biloba) and Cardiovascular system. Eyes. Ears
1 Liste der in der Schweiz zulssigen Anpreisungen fr Vitamine und Mineralstoffe.
2 Burschka MA, Hassan HA, Reineke T, van Bebber L, Caird DM, Mosges R, 2001. Effect of treatment with
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randomized double-blind study of 106 outpatients. Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol, 258, 213-219.
3 Cieza A, Maier P, Poppel E, 2003. Effects of Ginkgo biloba on mental functioning in healthy volunteers.
Arch Med Res, 34, 373-381.
4 D-A-CH (Deutsche Gesellschaft fr Ernhrung - sterreichische Gesellschaft fr Ernhrung -
Schweizerische Gesellschaft fr Ernhrungsforschung - Schweizerische Vereinigung fr Ernhrung), 2000.
Referenzwerte fr die Nhrstoffzufuhr. Umschau Braus Verlag, Frankfurt am Main.
5 Diamond BJ, Shiflett SC, Feiwel N, Matheis RJ, Noskin O, Richards JA, Schoenberger NE, 2000. Ginkgo
biloba extract: mechanisms and clinical indications. Arch Phys Med Rehabil, 81, 668-678.
6 Gertz HJ and Kiefer M, 2004. Review about Ginkgo biloba special extract EGb 761 (Ginkgo). Curr Pharm
Des, 10, 261-264.
7 Grber U, 2002. Orthomolekulare Medizin. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft, Stuttgart.
8 Loew D, 2002. [Value of Ginkgo biloba in treatment of Alzheimer dementia]. Wien Med Wochenschr, 152,
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10 McKenna DJ, Jones K, Hughes K, 2001. Efficacy, safety, and use of ginkgo biloba in clinical and
preclinical applications. Altern Ther Health Med, 7, 70-86, 88-90.
11 Morgenstern C and Biermann E, 2002. The efficacy of Ginkgo special extract EGb 761 in patients with
tinnitus. Int J Clin Pharmacol Ther, 40, 188-197.
12 Reisser CH and Weidauer H, 2001. Ginkgo biloba extract EGb 761 or pentoxifylline for the treatment of
sudden deafness: a randomized, reference-controlled, double-blind study. Acta Otolaryngol, 121, 579-584.
13 Ritch R, 2005. Complementary therapy for the treatment of glaucoma: a perspective. Ophthalmol Clin North
Am, 18, 597-609.
ID 2808: Ginseng and Physical performance and condition.
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. The
Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
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5 Srensen H and Sonne J, 1996. A double-masked study of the effects of ginseng on cognitive functions.
Current Therapeutic Research, 57, 959-968.
6 Sotaniemi EA, Haapakoski E, Rautio A, 1995. Ginseng therapy in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients.
Diabetes Care, 18, 1373-1375.
7 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
ID 2809: Ginseng and Mental state and performance
1 Attele AS, Wu JA, Yuan CS, 1999. Ginseng pharmacology: multiple constituents and multiple actions.
Biochem Pharmacol, 58, 1685-1693.
2 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
3 Branth S and Gruber P, 1990. Ginseng frbttrar prestationen! Biomed, 3, 14-17.
4 Caso Marasco A, Vargas Ruiz R, Salas Villagomez A, Begona Infante C, 1996. Double-blind study of a
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5 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
6 Kennedy DO and Scholey AB, 2003. Ginseng: potential for the enhancement of cognitive performance and
mood. Pharmacol Biochem Behav, 75, 687-700.
7 Kiefer D and Pantuso T, 2003. Panax ginseng. Am Fam Physician, 68, 1539-1542.
8 Le Gal M, Cathebras P, Strby K, 1996. Pharmaton capsules in the treatment of functional fatigue : a
double-blind study versus placebo evaluated by a new methodology. PTR. Phytotherapy research 10, 49-53.
9 Pieralisi G, Ripari P, Vecchiet L, 1991. Effects of a standardized ginseng extract combined with
dimethylaminoethanol bitartrate, vitamins, minerals, and trace elements on physical performance during
exercise. Clin Ther, 13, 373-382.
10 Srensen H and Sonne J, 1996. A double-masked study of the effects of ginseng on cognitive functions.
Current Therapeutic Research, 57, 959-968.
11 Tode T, Kikuchi Y, Hirata J, Kita T, Nakata H, Nagata I, 1999. Effect of Korean red ginseng on
psychological functions in patients with severe climacteric syndromes. Int J Gynaecol Obstet, 67, 169-174.
12 Ussher J, Dewberry C, Malson H, Noakes J, 1995. The relationship between health related quality of life
and dietary supplementation in british middle managers: A double blind placebo controlled study
Psychology & Health, 10, 97-111.
13 Wesnes K, Luthringer R, Ambrosetti L, Edgar C, Petrini O, 2003. he effects of a combination of Panax
ginseng, vitamins and minerals on mental performance, mood and physical fatigue in nurses working night
shifts: a double-blind, placebo controlled trial. Current Topics in Nutraceutical Research, 1, 169-176.
14 WHO (World Health Organization), 1999. WHO Monographs on Selected Medicinal Plants. WHO (World
Health Organization), Geneva.
ID 2812: Green tea extract and Mental state and performance
1 Hanley JL, 1999. Attention Deficit Disorder. Impakt Communications Inc, Green Bay, WI.
2 Kuriyama S, Hozawa A, Ohmori K, Shimazu T, Matsui T, Ebihara S, Awata S, Nagatomi R, Arai H, Tsuji I,
2006. Green tea consumption and cognitive function: a cross-sectional study from the Tsurugaya Project 1.
Am J Clin Nutr, 83, 355-361.
ID 2813: Green tea extract and Mouth
1 Hirasawa M, Takada K, Otake S, 2006. Inhibition of acid production in dental plaque bacteria by green tea
catechins. Caries Res, 40, 265-270.
ID 2814: Green tea, green tea extract and Cardiovascular system
1 Clark J and You M, 2006. Chemoprevention of lung cancer by tea. Mol Nutr Food Res, 50, 144-151.
2 Cooper R, Morre DJ, Morre DM, 2005. Medicinal benefits of green tea: Part I. Review of noncancer health
benefits. J Altern Complement Med, 11, 521-528.
3 Cooper R, Morre DJ, Morre DM, 2005. Medicinal benefits of green tea: part II. review of anticancer
properties. J Altern Complement Med, 11, 639-652.
4 Hoensch HP and Kirch W, 2005. Potential role of flavonoids in the prevention of intestinal neoplasia: a
review of their mode of action and their clinical perspectives. Int J Gastrointest Cancer, 35, 187-195.
5 Mandel S, Amit T, Reznichenko L, Weinreb O, Youdim MB, 2006. Green tea catechins as brain-permeable,
natural iron chelators-antioxidants for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders. Mol Nutr Food Res, 50,
6 Siddiqui IA, Adhami VM, Saleem M, Mukhtar H, 2006. Beneficial effects of tea and its polyphenols against
prostate cancer. Mol Nutr Food Res, 50, 130-143.
7 Stangl V, Lorenz M, Stangl K, 2006. The role of tea and tea flavonoids in cardiovascular health. Mol Nutr
Food Res, 50, 218-228.
8 Zaveri NT, 2006. Green tea and its polyphenolic catechins: medicinal uses in cancer and noncancer
applications. Life Sci, 78, 2073-2080.
ID 2815: Heather blossom extract and Mental state and performance
1 Girau Bach L, 1955. [Pharmacognosia of Calluna vulgaris (L.) Hull (common heath) of the northeast region
of Spain.]. Farmacognosia, 15, 49-144.
2 Plants For A Future, Calluna vulgaris, http://www.ibiblio.org/pfaf/cgi-bin/arr_html?Calluna+vulgaris.
3 Tunon H, Olavsdotter C, Bohlin L, 1995. Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of some Swedish
medicinal plants. Inhibition of prostaglandin biosynthesis and PAF-induced exocytosis. J Ethnopharmacol,
48, 61-76.
ID 2816: Dry extract of common horsetail summer shoots + dry extract of dandelion root and Fluid
and electrolyte balance
1 Hagers Handbuch der pharmazeutischen Praxis. 1992. Springer Verlag, Berlin.
2 BHMA (British Herbal Medicine Association), 1983. British Herbal Pharmacopoeia. British Herbal
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Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
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Verlagsgesellschaft, Schorndorf.
8 Wren RC Potters, 1980. Potter's New Cyclopaedia of Botanical Drugs and Preparations. Health Science
Press, Bradford.
ID 2817: Iceland moss extract (Cetraria islandica) and Antioxidativity
1 Gulcin I, Oktay M, Kufrevioglu OI, Aslan A, 2002. Determination of antioxidant activity of lichen Cetraria
islandica (L) Ach. J Ethnopharmacol, 79, 325-329.
2 Ingolfsdottir K, Jurcic K, Fischer B, Wagner H, 1994. Immunologically active polysaccharide from Cetraria
islandica. Planta Med, 60, 527-531.
3 Kempe C, Gruning H, Stasche N, Hormann K, 1997. [Icelandic moss lozenges in the prevention or treatment
of oral mucosa irritation and dried out throat mucosa]. Laryngorhinootologie, 76, 186-188.
4 Olafsdottir ES, Ingolfsdottir K, Barsett H, Paulsen BS, Jurcic K, Wagner H, 1999. Immunologically active
(1-->3)-(1-->4)-alpha-D-glucan from Cetraria islandica. Phytomedicine, 6, 33-39.
5 Puodziuniene G, Janulis V, Milasius A, Budnikas V, 2005. [Development of cough-relieving herbal teas].
Medicina (Kaunas), 41, 500-505.
ID 2819: Jerusalem artichoke and Gut health
1 Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT, Englyst HN, 2001. Prebiotic digestion and fermentation. Am J Clin Nutr,
73, 415S-420S.
2 Kaur N and Gupta AK, 2002. Applications of inulin and oligofructose in health and nutrition. J Biosci, 27,
3 Rumessen JJ, Bode S, Hamberg O, Gudmand-Hoyer E, 1990. Fructans of Jerusalem artichokes: intestinal
transport, absorption, fermentation, and influence on blood glucose, insulin, and C-peptide responses in
healthy subjects. Am J Clin Nutr, 52, 675-681.
4 Zhuk EA and Zelenkov VN, 1997. [Topinambur concentrate in the treatment of patients with insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus]. Vopr Pitan, 34-36.
ID 2820: Jerusalem artichoke and Gut health
1 Cummings JH, Macfarlane GT, Englyst HN, 2001. Prebiotic digestion and fermentation. Am J Clin Nutr,
73, 415S-420S.
2 Kaur N and Gupta AK, 2002. Applications of inulin and oligofructose in health and nutrition. J Biosci, 27,
3 Rumessen JJ, Bode S, Hamberg O, Gudmand-Hoyer E, 1990. Fructans of Jerusalem artichokes: intestinal
transport, absorption, fermentation, and influence on blood glucose, insulin, and C-peptide responses in
healthy subjects. Am J Clin Nutr, 52, 675-681.
4 Zhuk EA and Zelenkov VN, 1997. [Topinambur concentrate in the treatment of patients with insulin-
dependent diabetes mellitus]. Vopr Pitan, 34-36.
ID 2821: Nettle and Bone, nails, hair
1 Blumenthal M, Goldberg A, Brinckmann J, 2000. Herbal Medicine: Expanded Commission E Monographs.
American Botanical Council, Austin, TX.
2 Frater M and Halasz S, 1991. Experiences with Urticalcin for the prevention of tooth decay, brittle nails,
problems with hair growth and other indications. Bioforce.
3 Hiltunen R and Holm Y, 1994. Luonnonlkkeet. Painotalo Miktor, Helsinki.
4 Weiss RF and Fintelmann V, 2000. Weiss's Herbal Medicine. Thieme, Stuttgart.
ID 2823: Oregano (Oreganum vulgare) and Antioxidativity
1 Baricevic D and Bartol T, 2002. Bibliometric analysis of agricultural and biomedical bibliographic
databases with regard to medicinal plants genera Origanum and Lippia in the period 1981-1998. In:
Oregano: the genera Origanum and Lippia. Medicinal and Aromatic Plants - Industrial Profiles. Kintzios SE
(ed.) Taylor and Francis, London, New York, 245-268.
2 Burt SA and Reinders RD, 2003. Antibacterial activity of selected plant essential oils against Escherichia
coli O157:H7. Lett Appl Microbiol, 36, 162-167.
3 Dorman HJ and Deans SG, 2000. Antimicrobial agents from plants: antibacterial activity of plant volatile
oils. J Appl Microbiol, 88, 308-316.
4 el-Ashmawy IM, el-Nahas AF, Salama OM, 2005. Protective effect of volatile oil, alcoholic and aqueous
extracts of Origanum majorana on lead acetate toxicity in mice. Basic Clin Pharmacol Toxicol, 97, 238-243.
5 Elgayyar M, Draughon FA, Golden DA, Mount JR, 2001. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils from plants
against selected pathogenic and saprophytic microorganisms. J Food Prot, 64, 1019-1024.
6 Hammer KA, Carson CF, Riley TV, 1999. Antimicrobial activity of essential oils and other plant extracts. J
Appl Microbiol, 86, 985-990.
7 Jin Jun W, Kyung Han B, Won Yu K, Sung Kim M, Seop Chang I, Yun Kim H, Yon Cho H, 2001.
Antioxidant effects of Origanum majorana L. on superoxide anion radicals. Food Chemistry, 75, 439-444.
8 Lopez V, Akerreta S, Casanova E, Garcia-Mina JM, Cavero RY, Calvo MI, 2007. In vitro antioxidant and
anti-rhizopus activities of Lamiaceae herbal extracts. Plant Foods Hum Nutr, 62, 151-155.
9 Mejlholm O and Dalgaard P, 2002. Antimicrobial effect of essential oils on the seafood spoilage micro-
organism Photobacterium phosphoreum in liquid media and fish products. Lett Appl Microbiol, 34, 27-31.
10 Nevas M, Korhonen AR, Lindstrom M, Turkki P, Korkeala H, 2004. Antibacterial efficiency of Finnish
spice essential oils against pathogenic and spoilage bacteria. J Food Prot, 67, 199-202.
11 Ninfali P, Mea G, Giorgini S, Rocchi M, Bacchiocca M, 2005. Antioxidant capacity of vegetables, spices
and dressings relevant to nutrition. Br J Nutr, 93, 257-266.
12 O'Mahony R, Al-Khtheeri H, Weerasekera D, Fernando N, Vaira D, Holton J, Basset C, 2005. Bactericidal
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Gastroenterol, 11, 7499-7507.
13 Oussalah M, Caillet S, Lacroix M, 2006. Mechanism of action of Spanish oregano, Chinese cinnamon, and
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monocytogenes. J Food Prot, 69, 1046-1055.
14 Srihari T, Sengottuvelan M, Nalini N, 2008. Dose-dependent effect of oregano (Origanum vulgare L.) on
lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in 1,2-dimethylhydrazine-induced rat colon carcinogenesis. J
Pharm Pharmacol, 60, 787-794.
15 Tognolini M, Barocelli E, Ballabeni V, Bruni R, Bianchi A, Chiavarini M, Impicciatore M, 2006.
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Life Sci, 78, 1419-1432.
16 Ultee A, Gorris LG, Smid EJ, 1998. Bactericidal activity of carvacrol towards the food-borne pathogen
Bacillus cereus. J Appl Microbiol, 85, 211-218.
ID 2825: Papaya and Digestion
1 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. Papaya leaf.
In: The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 361.
2 Blumenthal M, Busse W, Goldberg A, Gruenwald J, Hall T, Klein S, Riggins C, Rister R, 1998. Papain. In:
The Complete German Commission E Monographs: Therapeutic Guide to Herbal Medicines. American
Botanical Council, Austin, TX, 360-361.
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18 Zucker S, Buttle DJ, Nicklin MJ, Barrett AJ, 1985. The proteolytic activities of chymopapain, papain, and
papaya proteinase III. Biochim Biophys Acta, 828, 196-204.
ID 2827: Pine shoot (fresh) (Picea abies) and Respiratory passages
1 Hiltunen R and Holm Y, 1994. Luonnonlkkeet. Painotalo Miktor, Helsinki.
2 Lagoni N, 2004. Arzneiliche Anmerkungen zur Tanne, Abies alba MILL. In: LWF Wissen: Beitrge zur
Tanne. Bayrische Landesanstalt fr Wald und Forstwirtschaft (ed.) 83-86.
ID 2829: Roseroot (Rhodiola rosea) and Physical performance and condition. Antioxidativity
1 Rhodiola rosea. Monograph. 2002. Altern Med Rev, 7, 421-423.
2 Abidov M, Crendal F, Grachev S, Seifulla R, Ziegenfuss T, 2003. Effect of extracts from Rhodiola rosea
and Rhodiola crenulata (Crassulaceae) roots on ATP content in mitochondria of skeletal muscles. Bull Exp
Biol Med, 136, 585-587.
3 Abidov M, Grachev S, Seifulla RD, Ziegenfuss TN, 2004. Extract of Rhodiola rosea radix reduces the level
of C-reactive protein and creatinine kinase in the blood. Bull Exp Biol Med, 138, 63-64.
4 Brown RP, Gerbarg P, Ramazanov Z, 2002. Rhodiola rosea: A Phytomedicinal Overview. HerbalGram, 56,
5 De Bock K, Eijnde BO, Ramaekers M, Hespel P, 2004. Acute Rhodiola rosea intake can improve endurance
exercise performance. International journal of sport nutrition and exercise metabolism, 14, 298-307.
6 Furmanowa M, Skopinska-Rozewska E, Rogala E, Hartwich M, 1998. Rhodiola rosea in vitro culture:
phytochemical analysis and antioxidant action. Acta societatis botanicorum Poloniae, 67, 69-73.
7 Kelly GS, 2001. Rhodiola rosea: a possible plant adaptogen. Altern Med Rev, 6, 293-302.
8 Kucinskaite A, Briedis V, Savickas A, 2004. [Experimental analysis of therapeutic properties of Rhodiola
rosea L. and its possible application in medicine]. Medicina (Kaunas), 40, 614-619.
9 Oliff H, 2004. Optimum Dosage of Rhodiola rosea Extract for Antifatigue Effects and Improved Mental
Performance. HerbalGram, 63.
ID 2830: Suma (Pfaffia paniculata) phospholipid compound and Mental state and performance
Physical performance and condition.
1 Ballas SK, 2000. Hydration of sickle erythrocytes using a herbal extract (Pfaffia paniculata) in vitro. Br J
Haematol, 111, 359-362.
2 Crook TH, Tinklenberg J, Yesavage J, Petrie W, Nunzi MG, Massari DC, 1991. Effects of
phosphatidylserine in age-associated memory impairment. Neurology, 41, 644-649.
3 De Oliveira FG, 1980. Contribution to the Pharmacognostic Study of Brazilian Ginseng Pfaffia paniculata.
An Farm Chim, 20, 277-361.
4 De Oliveira F, 1986. Pfaffia paniculata (Martius) Kuntze-Brazilian Ginseng. Rev Bras Farmacog, 1, 86-92.
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type. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol, 2, 149-155.
6 Gindin J, Novikov M, Kedar D, Walter-Ginzburg A, Nacr S, Karta O, Zur E, Levi S, 1995. The effect of
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8 Mazzanti G and Braghiroli L, 1994. Analgesic antiinflammatory action of Pfaffia paniculata (Martius)
Kuntze. Phytotherapy Research, 8, 413-416.
ID 2831: Tribulus terrestris and Sexual organs and/or hormone activity
1 Adaikan PG, Gauthaman K, Prasad RN, Ng SC, 2000. Proerectile pharmacological effects of Tribulus
terrestris extract on the rabbit corpus cavernosum. Ann Acad Med Singapore, 29, 22-26.
2 Adimoelja A, Setiawan L, Djojotananjo T, 1996. Tribulus terrestris (protodioscin) in the treatment of male
infertility with idiopathic oligoasthenoterato-zoospermia. Proceedings of the First International Conference
of Medical Plants for Reproductive Medicine, Taipei, Taiwan.
3 Adimoelja A, 2000. Phytochemicals and the breakthrough of traditional herbs in the management of sexual
dysfunctions. Int J Androl, 23 Suppl 2, 82-84.
4 Al-Ali M, Wahbi S, Twaij H, Al-Badr A, 2003. Tribulus terrestris: preliminary study of its diuretic and
contractile effects and comparison with Zea mays. J Ethnopharmacol, 85, 257-260.
5 Frawley D and Lad V, 1986. The yoga of herbs: an Ayurvedic guide to herbal medicine. Lotus Press,
6 Gauthaman K, Adaikan PG, Prasad RN, 2002. Aphrodisiac properties of Tribulus Terrestris extract
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7 Gauthaman K, Ganesan AP, Prasad RN, 2003. Sexual effects of puncturevine (Tribulus terrestris) extract
(protodioscin): an evaluation using a rat model. J Altern Complement Med, 9, 257-265.
8 Gauthaman K and Adaikan PG, 2005. Effect of Tribulus terrestris on nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate-diaphorase activity and androgen receptors in rat brain. J Ethnopharmacol, 96, 127-132.
9 Kistanova E, Zlatev H, Karcheva V, Kolev A, 2005. Effect of plant Tribulus terrestris extract on
reproductive performances of rams. Biotechnology in Animal Husbandry, 21, 55-63.
10 Kumanov F, Bozadjieva E, Platonova M, Ankov V, Clinical Testing of Tribestan. Instituite of
Endocrinology, Gerontology, Geriatrics and HMMI.
11 MacKay D, 2004. Nutrients and botanicals for erectile dysfunction: examining the evidence. Alternative
medicine review, 9, 4-16.
12 Neychev VK and Mitev VI, 2005. The aphrodisiac herb Tribulus terrestris does not influence the androgen
production in young men. J Ethnopharmacol, 101, 319-323.
13 Obreshkova D, Pangarova T, Mitkov S, Dinchev D, 1998. Comparative analytical investigation of tribulus
terrestris preparations. Farmacija (Sofija), 45, 10-12.
14 Rowland DL and Tai W, 2003. A review of plant-derived and herbal approaches to the treatment of sexual
dysfunctions. J Sex Marital Ther, 29, 185-205.
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18 Wikipedia, Tribulus, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tribulus.
19 Zarkova S, 1981. Tribestan: experimental and clinical investigations. Sopharma Chemical Pharmaceutical
Research Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria.
ID 2832: Wheat sprouts and Antioxidativity
1 Marsili V, Calzuola I, Gianfranceschi GL, 2004. Nutritional relevance of wheat sprouts containing high
levels of organic phosphates and antioxidant compounds. J Clin Gastroenterol, 38, S123-126.
2 Peryt B, Szymczyk T, Lesca P, 1992. Mechanism of antimutagenicity of wheat sprout extracts. Mutat Res,
269, 201-215.
ID 2833: Wheat sprouts and Eyes
1 Marsili V, Calzuola I, Gianfranceschi GL, 2004. Nutritional relevance of wheat sprouts containing high
levels of organic phosphates and antioxidant compounds. J Clin Gastroenterol, 38, S123-126.
2 Peryt B, Szymczyk T, Lesca P, 1992. Mechanism of antimutagenicity of wheat sprout extracts. Mutat Res,
269, 201-215.
ID 2835: Yerba mate extract (Ilex paraguarensis) and Antioxidativity
1 Bixby M, Spieler L, Menini T, Gugliucci A, 2005. Ilex paraguariensis extracts are potent inhibitors of
nitrosative stress: A comparative study with green tea and wines using a protein nitration model and
mammalian cell cytotoxicity. Life Sciences, 77, 345-358.
2 Bracesco N, Dell M, Rocha A, Behtash S, Menini T, Gugliucci A, Nunes E, 2003. Antioxidant activity of a
botanical extract preparation of Ilex paraguariensis: Prevention of DNA double-strand breaks in
Saccharomyces cerevisiae and human low-density lipoprotein oxidation. Journal of Alternative and
Complementary Medicine, 9, 379-387.
3 Gugliucci A and Stahl AJC, 1995. Low-Density-Lipoprotein Oxidation Is Inhibited by Extracts of Ilex
Paraguariensis. Biochemistry and Molecular Biology International, 35, 47-56.
4 Gugliucci A, 1996. Antioxidant effects of Ilex paraguariensis: Induction of decreased oxidability of human
LDL in vivo. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 224, 338-344.
5 Mosimann ALP, Wilhelm D, da Silva EL, 2006. Aqueous extract of Ilex paraguariensis attenuates the
progression of atherosclerosis in cholesterol-fed rabbits. Biofactors, 26, 59-70.
6 Schinella GR, Troiani G, Davila V, de Buschiazzo PM, Tournier HA, 2000. Antioxidant effects of an
aqueous extract of Ilex paraguariensis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 269, 357-
7 Schinella G, Fantinelli JC, Mosca SM, 2005. Cardioprotective effects of Ilex paraguariensis extract:
evidence for a nitric oxide-dependent mechanism. Clinical Nutrition, 24, 360-366.
ID 2844: Brassica olaracea var italica (broccoli) and Immune system.
1 Ambrosone CB, McCann SE, Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Zhang Y, Shields PG, 2004. Breast cancer risk
in premenopausal women is inversely associated with consumption of broccoli, a source of isothiocyanates,
but is not modified by GST genotype. J Nutr, 134, 1134-1138.
2 Bacon JR, Williamson G, Garner RC, Lappin G, Langouet S, Bao Y, 2003. Sulforaphane and quercetin
modulate PhIP-DNA adduct formation in human HepG2 cells and hepatocytes. Carcinogenesis, 24, 1903-
3 Bacon JR, Plumb GW, Howie AF, Beckett GJ, Wang W, Bao Y, 2007. Dual action of sulforaphane in the
regulation of thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin in human HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem,
55, 1170-1176.
4 Barcelo S, Mace K, Pfeifer AM, Chipman JK, 1998. Production of DNA strand breaks by N-
nitrosodimethylamine and 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline in THLE cells expressing human CYP
isoenzymes and inhibition by sulforaphane. Mutat Res, 402, 111-120.
5 Basten GP, Bao Y, Williamson G, 2002. Sulforaphane and its glutathione conjugate but not sulforaphane
nitrile induce UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT1A1) and glutathione transferase (GSTA1) in cultured
cells. Carcinogenesis, 23, 1399-1404.
6 Bertl E, Bartsch H, Gerhauser C, 2006. Inhibition of angiogenesis and endothelial cell functions are novel
sulforaphane-mediated mechanisms in chemoprevention. Mol Cancer Ther, 5, 575-585.
7 Brooks JD and Paton V, 1999. Potent induction of carcinogen defence enzymes with sulforaphane, a
putative prostate cancer chemopreventive agent. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis, 2, S8.
8 Brooks JD, Paton VG, Vidanes G, 2001. Potent induction of phase 2 enzymes in human prostate cells by
sulforaphane. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 10, 949-954.
9 Callaway EC, Zhang Y, Chew W, Chow HH, 2004. Cellular accumulation of dietary anticarcinogenic
isothiocyanates is followed by transporter-mediated export as dithiocarbamates. Cancer Lett, 204, 23-31.
10 Campbell L, Howie F, Arthur JR, Nicol F, Beckett G, 2007. Selenium and sulforaphane modify the
expression of selenoenzymes in the human endothelial cell line EAhy926 and protect cells from oxidative
damage. Nutrition, 23, 138-144.
11 Choi S, Lew KL, Xiao H, Herman-Antosiewicz A, Xiao D, Brown CK, Singh SV, 2007. D,L-Sulforaphane-
induced cell death in human prostate cancer cells is regulated by inhibitor of apoptosis family proteins and
Apaf-1. Carcinogenesis, 28, 151-162.
12 Conaway CC, Wang CX, Pittman B, Yang YM, Schwartz JE, Tian D, McIntee EJ, Hecht SS, Chung FL,
2005. Phenethyl isothiocyanate and sulforaphane and their N-acetylcysteine conjugates inhibit malignant
progression of lung adenomas induced by tobacco carcinogens in A/J mice. Cancer Res, 65, 8548-8557.
13 Cornblatt BS, Ye L, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Erb M, Fahey JW, Singh NK, Chen MS, Stierer T, Garrett-
Mayer E, Argani P, Davidson NE, Talalay P, Kensler TW, Visvanathan K, 2007. Preclinical and clinical
evaluation of sulforaphane for chemoprevention in the breast. Carcinogenesis, 28, 1485-1490.
14 Dinkova-Kostova AT, Jenkins SN, Fahey JW, Ye L, Wehage SL, Liby KT, Stephenson KK, Wade KL,
Talalay P, 2006. Protection against UV-light-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 high-risk mice by
sulforaphane-containing broccoli sprout extracts. Cancer Lett, 240, 243-252.
15 Fahey JW, Zhang Y, Talalay P, 1997. Broccoli sprouts: an exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes
that protect against chemical carcinogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 94, 10367-10372.
16 Fahey JW and Stephenson KK, 1999. Cancer Chemoprotective Effects of Cruciferous Vegetables.
HortScience, 34, 1159-1163.
17 Fahey JW and Talalay P, 1999. Antioxidant functions of sulforaphane: a potent inducer of Phase II
detoxication enzymes. Food Chem Toxicol, 37, 973-979.
18 Fahey JW and Kensler TW, 2007. Role of dietary supplements/nutraceuticals in chemoprevention through
induction of cytoprotective enzymes. Chem Res Toxicol, 20, 572-576.
19 Farnham M, Stephenson K, Fahey J, 2000. Capacity of broccoli to induce a mammalian chemoprotective
enzyme varies among inbred lines. Journal of the American Society of Horticultural Science 125, 482-488.
20 Farnham WW, Wilson PE, Stephenson KK, Fahey JW, 2004. Genetic & environmental effects on
glucosinolate content & chemoprotective potency of broccoli. Plant Breeding, 123, 60-65.
21 Fimognari C, Nusse M, Cesari R, Iori R, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2002. Growth inhibition, cell-cycle
arrest and apoptosis in human T-cell leukemia by the isothiocyanate sulforaphane. Carcinogenesis, 23, 581-
22 Fimognari C, Berti F, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2005. Effect of sulforaphane on micronucleus induction in
cultured human lymphocytes by four different mutagens. Environ Mol Mutagen, 46, 260-267.
23 Fimognari C, Nusse M, Lenzi M, Sciuscio D, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2006. Sulforaphane increases the
efficacy of doxorubicin in mouse fibroblasts characterized by p53 mutations. Mutat Res, 601, 92-101.
24 Fimognari C and Hrelia P, 2007. Sulforaphane as a promising molecule for fighting cancer. Mutat Res, 635,
25 Finley JW, Davis CD, Feng Y, 2000. Selenium from high selenium broccoli protects rats from colon cancer.
J Nutr, 130, 2384-2389.
26 Fowke JH, Chung FL, Jin F, Qi D, Cai Q, Conaway C, Cheng JR, Shu XO, Gao YT, Zheng W, 2003.
Urinary isothiocyanate levels, brassica, and human breast cancer. Cancer Res, 63, 3980-3986.
27 Frydoonfar HR, McGrath DR, Spigelman AD, 2003. The effect of indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane on a
prostate cancer cell line. ANZ J Surg, 73, 154-156.
28 Gamet-Payrastre L, Li P, Lumeau S, Cassar G, Dupont MA, Chevolleau S, Gasc N, Tulliez J, Terce F, 2000.
Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring isothiocyanate, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in HT29 human
colon cancer cells. Cancer Res, 60, 1426-1433.
29 Gao X, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Talalay P, 2001. Powerful and prolonged protection of human retinal pigment
epithelial cells, keratinocytes, and mouse leukemia cells against oxidative damage: the indirect antioxidant
effects of sulforaphane. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A, 98, 15221-15226.
30 Han JM, Lee YJ, Lee SY, Kim EM, Moon Y, Kim HW, Hwang O, 2007. Protective effect of sulforaphane
against dopaminergic cell death. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 321, 249-256.
31 Hecht SS, 1999. Chemoprevention of cancer by isothiocyanates, modifiers of carcinogen metabolism. J
Nutr, 129, 768S-774S.
32 Herman-Antosiewicz A, Johnson DE, Singh SV, 2006. Sulforaphane causes autophagy to inhibit release of
cytochrome C and apoptosis in human prostate cancer cells. Cancer Res, 66, 5828-5835.
33 Higdon JV, Delage B, Williams DE, Dashwood RH, 2007. Cruciferous vegetables and human cancer risk:
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34 Hu R, Khor TO, Shen G, Jeong WS, Hebbar V, Chen C, Xu C, Reddy B, Chada K, Kong AN, 2006. Cancer
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35 IARC (The International Agency for Research on Cancer), 2004. Cruciferous Vegetables, Isothiocyanates
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36 Jackson SJ and Singletary KW, 2004. Sulforaphane inhibits human MCF-7 mammary cancer cell mitotic
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38 Johnson IT, 2002. Glucosinolates: bioavailability and importance to health. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 72, 26-31.
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40 Kensler TW, Chen JG, Egner PA, Fahey JW, Jacobson LP, Stephenson KK, Ye L, Coady JL, Wang JB, Wu
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Groopman JD, Talalay P, 2005. Effects of glucosinolate-rich broccoli sprouts on urinary levels of aflatoxin-
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41 Khor TO, Hu R, Shen G, Jeong WS, Hebbar V, Chen C, Xu C, Nair S, Reddy B, Chada K, Kong AN, 2006.
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43 Kristal AR and Lampe JW, 2002. Brassica vegetables and prostate cancer risk: a review of the
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44 Kuroiwa Y, Nishikawa A, Kitamura Y, Kanki K, Ishii Y, Umemura T, Hirose M, 2006. Protective effects of
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45 Langouet S, Furge LL, Kerriguy N, Nakamura K, Guillouzo A, Guengerich FP, 2000. Inhibition of human
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ID 2845: Brassica olaracea var italica (broccoli) and Antioxidant properties and cell protection
1 Ambrosone CB, McCann SE, Freudenheim JL, Marshall JR, Zhang Y, Shields PG, 2004. Breast cancer risk
in premenopausal women is inversely associated with consumption of broccoli, a source of isothiocyanates,
but is not modified by GST genotype. J Nutr, 134, 1134-1138.
2 Bacon JR, Williamson G, Garner RC, Lappin G, Langouet S, Bao Y, 2003. Sulforaphane and quercetin
modulate PhIP-DNA adduct formation in human HepG2 cells and hepatocytes. Carcinogenesis, 24, 1903-
3 Bacon JR, Plumb GW, Howie AF, Beckett GJ, Wang W, Bao Y, 2007. Dual action of sulforaphane in the
regulation of thioredoxin reductase and thioredoxin in human HepG2 and Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem,
55, 1170-1176.
4 Barcelo S, Mace K, Pfeifer AM, Chipman JK, 1998. Production of DNA strand breaks by N-
nitrosodimethylamine and 2-amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f]quinoline in THLE cells expressing human CYP
isoenzymes and inhibition by sulforaphane. Mutat Res, 402, 111-120.
5 Basten GP, Bao Y, Williamson G, 2002. Sulforaphane and its glutathione conjugate but not sulforaphane
nitrile induce UDP-glucuronosyl transferase (UGT1A1) and glutathione transferase (GSTA1) in cultured
cells. Carcinogenesis, 23, 1399-1404.
6 Bertl E, Bartsch H, Gerhauser C, 2006. Inhibition of angiogenesis and endothelial cell functions are novel
sulforaphane-mediated mechanisms in chemoprevention. Mol Cancer Ther, 5, 575-585.
7 Brooks JD and Paton V, 1999. Potent induction of carcinogen defence enzymes with sulforaphane, a
putative prostate cancer chemopreventive agent. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis, 2, S8.
8 Brooks JD, Paton VG, Vidanes G, 2001. Potent induction of phase 2 enzymes in human prostate cells by
sulforaphane. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 10, 949-954.
9 Callaway EC, Zhang Y, Chew W, Chow HH, 2004. Cellular accumulation of dietary anticarcinogenic
isothiocyanates is followed by transporter-mediated export as dithiocarbamates. Cancer Lett, 204, 23-31.
10 Campbell L, Howie F, Arthur JR, Nicol F, Beckett G, 2007. Selenium and sulforaphane modify the
expression of selenoenzymes in the human endothelial cell line EAhy926 and protect cells from oxidative
damage. Nutrition, 23, 138-144.
11 Choi S, Lew KL, Xiao H, Herman-Antosiewicz A, Xiao D, Brown CK, Singh SV, 2007. D,L-Sulforaphane-
induced cell death in human prostate cancer cells is regulated by inhibitor of apoptosis family proteins and
Apaf-1. Carcinogenesis, 28, 151-162.
12 Conaway CC, Wang CX, Pittman B, Yang YM, Schwartz JE, Tian D, McIntee EJ, Hecht SS, Chung FL,
2005. Phenethyl isothiocyanate and sulforaphane and their N-acetylcysteine conjugates inhibit malignant
progression of lung adenomas induced by tobacco carcinogens in A/J mice. Cancer Res, 65, 8548-8557.
13 Cornblatt BS, Ye L, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Erb M, Fahey JW, Singh NK, Chen MS, Stierer T, Garrett-
Mayer E, Argani P, Davidson NE, Talalay P, Kensler TW, Visvanathan K, 2007. Preclinical and clinical
evaluation of sulforaphane for chemoprevention in the breast. Carcinogenesis, 28, 1485-1490.
14 Dinkova-Kostova AT, Jenkins SN, Fahey JW, Ye L, Wehage SL, Liby KT, Stephenson KK, Wade KL,
Talalay P, 2006. Protection against UV-light-induced skin carcinogenesis in SKH-1 high-risk mice by
sulforaphane-containing broccoli sprout extracts. Cancer Lett, 240, 243-252.
15 Fahey JW, Zhang Y, Talalay P, 1997. Broccoli sprouts: an exceptionally rich source of inducers of enzymes
that protect against chemical carcinogens. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 94, 10367-10372.
16 Fahey JW and Stephenson KK, 1999. Cancer chemoprotective effects of cruciferous vegetables.
HortScience, 34, 1159-1163.
17 Fahey JW and Talalay P, 1999. Antioxidant functions of sulforaphane: a potent inducer of Phase II
detoxication enzymes. Food Chem Toxicol, 37, 973-979.
18 Fahey JW and Kensler TW, 2007. Role of dietary supplements/nutraceuticals in chemoprevention through
induction of cytoprotective enzymes. Chem Res Toxicol, 20, 572-576.
19 Farnham MW, Stephenson KK, Fahey JW, 2000. Capacity of broccoli to induce a mammalian
chemoprotective enzyme varies among inbred lines. HortScience, 125, 482-488.
20 Farnham MW, Wilson PE, Stephenson KK, Fahey JW, 2004. Genetic and environmental effects on
glucosinolate content and chemoprotective potency of broccoli. Plant Breeding, 123, 60-65.
21 Fimognari C, Nusse M, Cesari R, Iori R, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2002. Growth inhibition, cell-cycle
arrest and apoptosis in human T-cell leukemia by the isothiocyanate sulforaphane. Carcinogenesis, 23, 581-
22 Fimognari C, Berti F, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2005. Effect of sulforaphane on micronucleus induction in
cultured human lymphocytes by four different mutagens. Environ Mol Mutagen, 46, 260-267.
23 Fimognari C, Nusse M, Lenzi M, Sciuscio D, Cantelli-Forti G, Hrelia P, 2006. Sulforaphane increases the
efficacy of doxorubicin in mouse fibroblasts characterized by p53 mutations. Mutat Res, 601, 92-101.
24 Fimognari C and Hrelia P, 2007. Sulforaphane as a promising molecule for fighting cancer. Mutat Res, 635,
25 Finley JW, Davis CD, Feng Y, 2000. Selenium from high selenium broccoli protects rats from colon cancer.
J Nutr, 130, 2384-2389.
26 Fowke JH, Chung FL, Jin F, Qi D, Cai Q, Conaway C, Cheng JR, Shu XO, Gao YT, Zheng W, 2003.
Urinary isothiocyanate levels, brassica, and human breast cancer. Cancer Res, 63, 3980-3986.
27 Frydoonfar HR, McGrath DR, Spigelman AD, 2003. The effect of indole-3-carbinol and sulforaphane on a
prostate cancer cell line. ANZ J Surg, 73, 154-156.
28 Gamet-Payrastre L, Li P, Lumeau S, Cassar G, Dupont MA, Chevolleau S, Gasc N, Tulliez J, Terce F, 2000.
Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring isothiocyanate, induces cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in HT29 human
colon cancer cells. Cancer Res, 60, 1426-1433.
29 Gao X, Dinkova-Kostova AT, Talalay P, 2001. Powerful and prolonged protection of human retinal pigment
epithelial cells, keratinocytes, and mouse leukemia cells against oxidative damage: the indirect antioxidant
effects of sulforaphane. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 98, 15221-15226.
30 Han JM, Lee YJ, Lee SY, Kim EM, Moon Y, Kim HW, Hwang O, 2007. Protective effect of sulforaphane
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ID 2857: Ecklonia cava Kjellman (brown seaweed) extract and Antioxidant effects
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ID 2858: Emblica officinalis and Immunity/digestion
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ID 2859: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and Immune
1 Chanarat P, Chanarat N, Fujihara M, Nagumo T, 1997. Immunopharmacological activity of polysaccharide
from the pericarb of mangosteen garcinia: phagocytic intracellular killing activities. J Med Assoc Thai, 80
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xanthone from Garcinia mangostana Linn. in immunopathological & inflammatory reactions. Indian J Exp
Biol, 18, 843-846.
3 Muruganandan S, Lal J, Gupta PK, 2005. Immunotherapeutic effects of mangiferin mediated by the
inhibition of oxidative stress to activated lymphocytes, neutrophils and macrophages. Toxicology, 215, 57-
4 Osman MB and Milan AR, 2006. Mangosteen. Garcinia mangostana L. International Centre for
Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK.
5 Shaneyfelt ME, Burke AD, Graff JW, Jutila MA, Hardy ME, 2006. Natural products that reduce rotavirus
infectivity identified by a cell-based moderate-throughput screening assay. Virol J, 3, 68.
6 Shankaranarayan D, Gopalakrishnan C, Kameswaran L, 1979. Pharmacological profile of mangostin and its
derivatives. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther, 239, 257-269.
ID 2860: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and
1 Fu C, Loo AE, Chia FP, Huang D, 2007. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins from mangosteen pericarps. J Agric
Food Chem, 55, 7689-7694.
2 Haruenkit R, Poovarodom S, Leontowicz H, Leontowicz M, Sajewicz M, Kowalska T, Delgado-Licon E,
Rocha-Guzman NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, Trakhtenberg S, Gorinstein S, 2007. Comparative study of health
properties and nutritional value of durian, mangosteen, and snake fruit: experiments in vitro and in vivo. J
Agric Food Chem, 55, 5842-5849.
3 Jung HA, Su BN, Keller WJ, Mehta RG, Kinghorn AD, 2006. Antioxidant xanthones from the pericarp of
Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen). J Agric Food Chem, 54, 2077-2082.
4 Moongkarndi P, Kosem N, Kaslungka S, Luanratana O, Pongpan N, Neungton N, 2004. Antiproliferation,
antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) on SKBR3 human breast
cancer cell line. J Ethnopharmacol, 90, 161-166.
5 Osman MB and Milan AR, 2005. Mangosteen. Garcinia mangostana L. International Centre for
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6 Weecharangsan W, Opanasopit P, Sukma M, Ngawhirunpat T, Sotanaphun U, Siripong P, 2006.
Antioxidative and neuroprotective activities of extracts from the fruit hull of mangosteen (Garcinia
mangostana Linn.). Med Princ Pract, 15, 281-287.
7 Williams P, Ongsakul M, Proudfoot J, Croft K, Beilin L, 1995. Mangostin inhibits the oxidative
modification of human low density lipoprotein. Free Radic Res, 23, 175-184.
ID 2861: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and Control
of blood lipids
1 Fu C, Loo AE, Chia FP, Huang D, 2007. Oligomeric proanthocyanidins from mangosteen pericarps. J Agric
Food Chem, 55, 7689-7694.
2 Haruenkit R, Poovarodom S, Leontowicz H, Leontowicz M, Sajewicz M, Kowalska T, Delgado-Licon E,
Rocha-Guzman NE, Gallegos-Infante JA, Trakhtenberg S, Gorinstein S, 2007. Comparative study of health
properties and nutritional value of durian, mangosteen, and snake fruit: experiments in vitro and in vivo. J
Agric Food Chem, 55, 5842-5849.
3 Jung HA, Su BN, Keller WJ, Mehta RG, Kinghorn AD, 2006. Antioxidant xanthones from the pericarp of
Garcinia mangostana (Mangosteen). J Agric Food Chem, 54, 2077-2082.
4 Moongkarndi P, Kosem N, Kaslungka S, Luanratana O, Pongpan N, Neungton N, 2004. Antiproliferation,
antioxidation and induction of apoptosis by Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen) on SKBR3 human breast
cancer cell line. J Ethnopharmacol, 90, 161-166.
5 Osman MB and Milan AR, 2006. Mangosteen. Garcinia mangostana L. International Centre for
Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK.
6 Weecharangsan W, Opanasopit P, Sukma M, Ngawhirunpat T, Sotanaphun U, Siripong P, 2006.
Antioxidative and neuroprotective activities of extracts from the fruit hull of mangosteen (Garcinia
mangostana Linn.). Med Princ Pract, 15, 281-287.
7 Williams P, Ongsakul M, Proudfoot J, Croft K, Beilin L, 1995. Mangostin inhibits the oxidative
modification of human low density lipoprotein. Free Radic Res, 23, 175-184.
ID 2862: Mangosteen (Garcinia mangostana L) fruits and extracts derived from the fruits and
Regulation of inflammatory responses in the body
1 Chairungsrilerd N, Furukawa K, Ohta T, Nozoe S, Ohizumi Y, 1996. Pharmacological properties of alpha-
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receptor blocking substances from the medicinal plant Garcinia mangostana. Planta Med, 62, 471-472.
3 Chairungsrilerd N, Furukawa KI, Ohta T, Nozoe S, Ohizumi Y, 1998. Gamma-mangostin, a novel type of 5-
hydroxytryptamine 2A receptor antagonist. Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol, 357, 25-31.
4 Chomnawang MT, Surassmo S, Nukoolkarn VS, Gritsanapan W, 2007. Effect of Garcinia mangostana on
inflammation caused by Propionibacterium acnes. Fitoterapia, 78, 401-408.
5 Dharmaratne HR, Piyasena KG, Tennakoon SB, 2005. A geranylated biphenyl derivative from Garcinia
malvgostana. Nat Prod Res, 19, 239-243.
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from the medicinal plant Garcinia mangostana]. Nippon Yakurigaku Zasshi, 110 Suppl 1, 153P-158P.
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Biol, 18, 843-846.
8 Marona H, Pekala E, Filipek B, Maciag D, Szneler E, 2001. Pharmacological properties of some
aminoalkanolic derivatives of xanthone. Pharmazie, 56, 567-572.
9 Nakatani K, Yamakuni T, Kondo N, Arakawa T, Oosawa K, Shimura S, Inoue H, Ohizumi Y, 2004. gamma-
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cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression in C6 rat glioma cells. Mol Pharmacol, 66, 667-674.
10 Osman MB and Milan AR, 2006. Mangosteen. Garcinia mangostana L. International Centre for
Underutilised Crops, Southampton, UK.
11 Shaneyfelt ME, Burke AD, Graff JW, Jutila MA, Hardy ME, 2006. Natural products that reduce rotavirus
infectivity identified by a cell-based moderate-throughput screening assay. Virol J, 3, 68.
12 Shankaranarayan D, Gopalakrishnan C, Kameswaran L, 1979. Pharmacological profile of mangostin and its
derivatives. Arch Int Pharmacodyn Ther, 239, 257-269.
13 Yamakuni T, Aoki K, Nakatani K, Kondo N, Oku H, Ishiguro K, Ohizumi Y, 2006. Garcinone B reduces
prostaglandin E2 release and NF-kappaB-mediated transcription in C6 rat glioma cells. Neurosci Lett, 394,
ID 2865: Polyphenols (from Olea europaea extract) and Antioxidant properties
1 Aldini G, Piccoli A, Beretta G, Morazzoni P, Riva A, Marinello C, Maffei Facino R, 2006. Antioxidant
activity of polyphenols from solid olive residues of c.v. Coratina. Fitoterapia, 77, 121-128.
2 Liu MJ, Li JX, Guo HZ, Lee KM, Qin L, Chan KM, 2003. The effects of verbascoside on plasma lipid
peroxidation level and erythrocyte membrane fluidity during immobilization in rabbits: a time course study.
Life Sci, 73, 883-892.
ID 2866: Rosemary. Rosmarinus officinalis and Antioxidant properties
1 al-Sereiti MR, Abu-Amer KM, Sen P, 1999. Pharmacology of rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis Linn.) and
its therapeutic potentials. Indian J Exp Biol, 37, 124-130.
2 Cheung S and Tai J, 2007. Anti-proliferative and antioxidant properties of rosemary Rosmarinus officinalis.
Oncol Rep, 17, 1525-1531.
3 ESCOP (The European Scientific Cooperative on Phytotherapy), 2003. ESCOP Monographs: The Scientific
Foundation of Herbal Medicinal Products. Thieme, Stuttgart.
4 Nakatani N, 2000. Phenolic antioxidants from herbs and spices. Biofactors, 13, 141-146.
5 Perez-Fons L, Aranda FJ, Guillen J, Villalain J, Micol V, 2006. Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)
diterpenes affect lipid polymorphism and fluidity in phospholipid membranes. Arch Biochem Biophys, 453,
6 Wijeratne SS and Cuppett SL, 2007. Potential of rosemary (Rosemarinus officinalis L.) diterpenes in
preventing lipid hydroperoxide-mediated oxidative stress in Caco-2 cells. J Agric Food Chem, 55, 1193-
ID 2867: Zingiber officinale and Blood sugar metabolism
1 Akhani SP, Vishwakarma SL, Goyal RK, 2004. Anti-diabetic activity of Zingiber officinale in
streptozotocin-induced type I diabetic rats. J Pharm Pharmacol, 56, 101-105.
2 Ojewole JA, 2006. Analgesic, antiinflammatory and hypoglycaemic effects of ethanol extract of Zingiber
officinale (Roscoe) rhizomes (Zingiberaceae) in mice and rats. Phytother Res, 20, 764-772.
3 Srinivasan K, 2005. Plant foods in the management of diabetes mellitus: spices as beneficial antidiabetic
food adjuncts. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 56, 399-414.
ID 2870: Standardisierter Kartoffelextrakt and Sttigung/ Gewichtsmanagement / Frderung der
1 Crawley JN and Corwin RL, 1994. Biological Actions of Cholecystokinin. Peptides, 15, 731-755.
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4 Gumbmann MR, Dugan GM, Spangler WL, Baker EC, Rackis JJ, 1989. Pancreatic Response in Rats and
Mice to Trypsin-Inhibitors from Soy and Potato after Short-Term and Long-Term Dietary Exposure. Journal
of Nutrition, 119, 1598-1609.
5 Gutzwiller JP, Drewe J, Ketterer S, Hildebrand P, Krautheim A, Beglinger C, 2000. Interaction between
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6 Halford JCG, 2001. Pharmacology of appetite suppression: Implication for the treatment of obesity. Current
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28 Woods SC, Schwartz MW, Baskin DG, Seeley RJ, 2000. Food intake and the regulation of body weight.
Annual Review of Psychology, 51, 255-277.
ID 2872: Combination of Vitamin C, Selenium and Vitamin E and Anti-oxidant properties
1 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2001. Apports nutritionnels conseills pour
la population franaise. Editions Tec&Doc, Paris.
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9 Rayman MP, 2000. The importance of selenium to human health. The Lancet, 356, 233-241.
ID 2873: Vitamin E acetate (D,L-alpha tocopherol acetate) and Health of the scalp
1 Skyrme-Jones RA, O'Brien RC, Berry KL, Meredith IT, 2000. Vitamin E supplementation improves
endothelial function in type I diabetes mellitus: a randomized, placebo-controlled study. J Am Coll Cardiol,
36, 94-102.
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human aortic endothelial cells through opposing effects on cyclooxygenase-2 and phospholipase A2. J Nutr,
135, 1847-1853.
ID 2874: Vitamines du groupe B : B-group vitamins (especially vitamin B5 and vitamin B8) and Hairs
and nails care
1 Budde J, Tronnier H, Rahlfs VW, Frei-Kleiner S, 1993. [Systemic therapy of diffuse effluvium and hair
structure damage]. Hautarzt, 44, 380-384.
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3 Floersheim GL, 1992. [An examination of the effect of biotin on alopecia and hair quality]. H&G Zeitschrift
fr Hautkrankenheiten, 67, 246-255.
4 Petri H, Pierchalla P, Tronnier H, 1990. [The efficacy of drug therapy in structural lesions of the hair and in
diffuse effluvium--comparative double blind study]. Schweiz Rundsch Med Prax, 79, 1457-1462.
ID 2875: Vitamine B3 and Hairs and nails care
1 Aikawa H and Suzuki K, 1986. Lesions in the skin, intestine, and central nervous system induced by an
antimetabolite of niacin. Am J Pathol, 122, 335-342.
2 BIAM, Nicotinique acide, www.biam2.org.
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5 Gupte SA, Rupawalla T, Mohazzab HK, Wolin MS, 1999. Regulation of NO-elicited pulmonary artery
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7 Gupte SA, Li KX, Okada T, Sato K, Oka M, 2002. Inhibitors of pentose phosphate pathway cause
vasodilation: involvement of voltage-gated potassium channels. J Pharmacol Exp Ther, 301, 299-305.
ID 2876: Vitamine B8 (biotin) and Hair loss and regrowth
1 Bryant KL, Kornegay ET, Knight JW, Veit HP, Notter DR, 1985. Supplemental biotin for swine. III.
Influence of supplementation to corn- and wheat-based diets on the incidence and severity of toe lesions,
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2 Charles BM, Hosking G, Green A, Pollitt R, Bartlett K, Taitz LS, 1979. Biotin-responsive alopecia and
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a primary phenomenon in androgen-dependent skin disorders? J Invest Dermatol, 89, 87-92.
5 Fabre P, 1987. Les alopcies, leur traitement par vitaminothrapie: Vitamine B5 et biotine. Tempo mdical,
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12 Mercurio MG and Gogstetter DS, 2000. Androgen physiology and the cutaneous pilosebaceous unit. J Gend
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16 Shelley WB and Shelley ED, 1985. Uncombable hair syndrome: observations on response to biotin and
occurrence in siblings with ectodermal dysplasia. J Am Acad Dermatol, 13, 97-102.
ID 2877: Vitamine B8 : Vitamin B8 or vitamin H (biotin) and Resistance and strength of the nails
1 Colombo VE, Gerber F, Bronhofer M, Floersheim GL, 1990. Treatment of brittle fingernails and
onychoschizia with biotin: scanning electron microscopy. J Am Acad Dermatol, 23, 1127-1132.
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5 Hochman LG, Scher RK, Meyerson MS, 1993. Brittle nails: response to daily biotin supplementation. Cutis,
51, 303-305.
ID 2878: Vitamine B5 (Pantothenic acid) and Skin care
1 Hurley LS and Mackenzie JB, 1954. Adrenal function in the pantothenic acid-deficient rat; liver glycogen,
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4 Wirtschafter ZT and Walsh JR, 1963. Adrenocortical alterations induced by deficiency and excess of
pantothenic acid. Endocrinology, 72, 725-734.
ID 2879: Menaquinone-7 (MK-7, a form of vitamin K2) and Bone health
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13 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2000. Dietary Reference Intakes for Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Arsenic, Boron,
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ID 2884: Calcium and Gut flora / Natural defences
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ID 2885: Natural mineral water: Sulphates as Mg-, Na- salts: MgSO4, Na2SO4 and
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ID 2886: Natural mineral water: Hydrogencarbonates as Na- , Mg-, Ca-, salts: NaHCO3,
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ID 2887: Sodium phosphate and Supports an increase in VO2max
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ID 2889: Fer and lutte contre l'anmie/ la fatigue
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ID 2890: Zinc and Le zinc est un lment ou cofacteur de diffrentes enzymes des mtabolismes
protiques, glucidique et lipidiques ainsi que des acides nucliques : alcool dshydrognase, superoxyde
dismutase, ADN polymrase, ARN polymrase, phosphatases alcalines, carboxy
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ID 2891: Lactotripeptides and Blood pressure
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ID 2892: Conjugated Linoleic acid (cis-9, trans-11 and trans-10, cis-12) and weight management, fat
metabolism enhancement
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ID 2893: Whey protein concentrate rich in alpha-lactalbumin and Cognition / memory
1 Booij L, Merens W, Markus CR, Van der Does AJW, 2006. Diet rich in a-lactalbumin improves memory in
unmedicated recovered depressed patients and matched controls. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 20, 526-
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ID 2894: Potato protein isolate and satiety
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ID 2895: Enova Oil (diacylglycerol oil of plant origin Min 80% diacylglycerols) and Weight
1 FNFC/FOSHU (Food with Nutrient Functional Claims/Foods for Specified Health Use), Ministry of Health,
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energy diet enhances loss of body weight and fat in comparison with consumption of a triacylglycerol
control oil. Am J Clin Nutr, 76, 1230-1236.
6 Nagao T, Watanabe H, Goto N, Onizawa K, Taguchi H, Matsuo N, Yasukawa T, Tsushima R, Shimasaki H,
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Significant effects of diacylglycerol on body fat and lipid metabolism in patients on hemodialysis. Clin Nutr,
23, 1122-1126.
ID 2896: Enova Oil (diacylglycerol oil of plant origin Min 80% diacylglycerols) and Postprandial
serum triglyceride
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diacylglycerol ingestion on postprandial hyperlipidemia in diabetes. Clin Chim Acta, 353, 87-94.
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chylomicron triacylglycerol responses in healthy humans. J Am Coll Nutr, 19, 789-796.
6 Takase H, Shoji K, Hase T, Tokimitsu I, 2005. Effect of diacylglycerol on postprandial lipid metabolism in
non-diabetic subjects with and without insulin resistance. Atherosclerosis, 180, 197-204.
7 Tomonobu K, Hase T, Tokimitsu I, 2006. Dietary diacylglycerol in a typical meal suppresses postprandial
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8 Yamamoto K, Asakawa H, Tokunaga K, Meguro S, Watanabe H, Tokimitsu I, Yagi N, 2005. Effects of
diacylglycerol administration on serum triacylglycerol in a patient homozygous for complete lipoprotein
lipase deletion. Metabolism, 54, 67-71.
ID 2897: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Brain development and maturation of
neurosensorial functions
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ID 2898: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Growth and development and
maintenance of body functions
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ID 2899: Essential fatty acid Linoleic Acid (LA - omega 6) and Artery/Heart health
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ID 2900: Fats and Cell growth/cell functioning and structure
1 Garrow JS, James WPT, Ralph A, 2000. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, London,
2 Gibney MJ, Vorster H, Kok F, 2002. Introduction to Human Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook).
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
3 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2005. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids,
cholesterol, protein, and amino acids. National Academies Press, Washington DC.
4 Mann J and Truswell AS, 2002. Essentials of Human Nutrition. Oxford University Press, New York.
ID 2901: Fats (containing EFA) and Essential fatty acids (EFA) supply
1 Garrow JS, James WPT, Ralph A, 2000. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, London,
2 Gibney MJ, Vorster H, Kok F, 2002. Introduction to Human Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook).
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
3 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2005. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids,
cholesterol, protein, and amino acids. National Academies Press, Washington DC.
4 Mann J and Truswell AS, 2002. Essentials of Human Nutrition. Oxford University Press, New York.
ID 2902: Fats (fatty acids higher than c-10) and Absorption of fat soluble vitamins
1 Garrow JS, James WPT, Ralph A, 2000. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, London,
2 Gibney MJ, Vorster H, Kok F, 2002. Introduction to Human Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook).
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
3 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2005. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids,
cholesterol, protein, and amino acids. National Academies Press, Washington DC.
4 Mann J and Truswell AS, 2002. Essentials of human nutrition. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ID 2903: Isomaltulose (or trademark Palatinose) and Reduced speed of digestion and absorption
results in lower glycemic response
1 Commission Decision 2005/581/EC of 25 July 2005 authorising the placing on the market of isomaltulose as
a novel food or novel food ingredient under Regulation (EC) No 258/97 of the European Parliament and of
the Council
2 Achten J, Jentjens RL, Brouns F, Jeukendrup AE, 2007. Exogenous oxidation of isomaltulose is lower than
that of sucrose during exercise in men. J Nutr, 137, 1143-1148.
3 Arai H, Mizuno A, Sakuma M, Fukaya M, Matsuo K, Muto K, Sasaki H, Matsuura M, Okumura H,
Yamamoto H, Taketani Y, Doi T, Takeda E, 2007. Effects of a palatinose-based liquid diet (Inslow) on
glycemic control and the second-meal effect in healthy men. Metabolism, 56, 115-121.
4 Dahlqvist A, 1961. Hydrolysis of palatinose (isomaltulose) by pig intestinal glycosidases. Acta chem. Scand,
15, 808-816.
5 German Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR), 2004. Initial assessment report on the application made
by Sudzucker AG to place on the market the novel food ingredient isomaltulose (Palatinose(TM)) in
accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EC) No 258/97.
6 Gostner A, Holub I, Theis S, Volk A, Kozianowski G, Scheppach W, 2006. Intestinal digestibility of
isomaltulose (Palatinose) in patients with ileostoma [Intestinale Verdaulichkeit von Isomaltulose
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10 Kawai K, Okuda Y, Yamashita K, 1985. Changes in blood glucose and insulin after an oral palatinose
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12 Knig L, Polland T, Kozianowski B, 2007. Metabolic effects of low-glycemic Palatinose during long-
lasting endurance exercise. Ann Nutr Metab, 51, 69.
13 Liao ZH, Li YB, Yao B, Fan HD, Hu GL, Weng JP, 2001. The effects of isomaltulose on blood glucose and
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14 Lina BA, Jonker D, Kozianowski G, 2002. Isomaltulose (Palatinose): a review of biological and
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15 Livesey G, (unpublished). Glycaemic and inslinaemic response curves to isomaltulose in healthy humans.
16 MacDonald I and Daniel JW, 1983. The bio-availability of isomaltulose in man and rat. Nutrition reports
international, 28, 1083-1090.
17 SUGiRS, (unpublished). Glycaemic Index Report - Isomalt. Sydney University's GI Database.
18 Suzuki, Tsuyuki, Taihichi, Watanabe, Mizutani, 2000. Method for continuing oxidative metabolism
accompanying to exercise and food and drink for sport, Patent Publication JP2000300212.
19 Tsuji Y, Yamada K, Hosoya N, Moriuchi S, 1986. Digestion and absorption of sugars and sugar substitutes
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20 Van Weerden EJ, Huisman J, Van Leeuwen P, (unpublished). Digestion processes of Palatinose and
saccharose in the small and large intestine of the pig. ILOB-Report No. 520.
21 Yamada K, Shinohara H, Hosoya N, 1985. Hydrolysis of 10-alpha-D-glucopyranosyl-D-fructofuranose by
rat intestinal sucrase-isomaltase complex. Nutr Rep Int, 32, 1211-1220.
22 Ziesenitz SC, 1986. Zur Verwertung des Zuckeraustauschstoffs Palatinit im Stoffwechsel. Beitrge zu
Infusionstherapie und Klinische Ernhrung, 16.
23 Ziesenitz SC, 1986. Stufenweises Prfschema fr Zuckeraustauschstoffe Vorprfung mittels Enzymen. 3.
Carbohydrasen aus Jejunalmucosa des Menschen. Z Ernhrungswiss, 25, 253-258.
ID 2905: Long-chain omega-3 (n-3) polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC omega-3 PUFA, LC n-3 PUFA) or
docosahexaenoic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid or omega-3 fish oils and Building block for lipids in the
retinas photoreceptors; Eye Health
1 Anderson GJ, Connor WE, Corliss JD, 1990. Docosahexaenoic acid is the preferred dietary n-3 fatty acid for
the development of the brain and retina. Pediatr Res, 27, 89-97.
2 Auestad N, Scott DT, Janowsky JS, Jacobsen C, Carroll RE, Montalto MB, Halter R, Qiu W, Jacobs JR,
Connor WE, Connor SL, Taylor JA, Neuringer M, Fitzgerald KM, Hall RT, 2003. Visual, cognitive, and
language assessments at 39 months: a follow-up study of children fed formulas containing long-chain
polyunsaturated fatty acids to 1 year of age. Pediatrics, 112, e177-183.
3 Birch EE, Hoffman DR, Castaneda YS, Fawcett SL, Birch DG, Uauy RD, 2002. A randomized controlled
trial of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation of formula in term infants after weaning at 6
wk of age. Am J Clin Nutr, 75, 570-580.
4 Birch EE, Garfield S, Castaneda Y, Hughbanks-Wheaton D, Uauy R, Hoffman D, 2007. Visual acuity and
cognitive outcomes at 4 years of age in a double-blind, randomized trial of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty
acid-supplemented infant formula. Early Hum Dev, 83, 279-284.
5 Cheatham CL, Colombo J, Carlson SE, 2006. N-3 fatty acids and cognitive and visual acuity development:
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6 Connor KM, SanGiovanni JP, Lofqvist C, Aderman CM, Chen J, Higuchi A, Hong S, Pravda EA,
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Increased dietary intake of omega-3-polyunsaturated fatty acids reduces pathological retinal angiogenesis.
Nat Med, 13, 868-873.
7 Diau GY, Loew ER, Wijendran V, Sarkadi-Nagy E, Nathanielsz PW, Brenna JT, 2003. Docosahexaenoic
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Sci, 44, 4559-4566.
8 Fliesler SJ and Anderson RE, 1983. Chemistry and metabolism of lipids in the vertebrate retina. Prog Lipid
Res, 22, 79-131.
9 Innis SM, 1993. Essential fatty acid requirements in human nutrition. Can J Physiol Pharmacol, 71, 699-706.
10 Innis SM, Nelson CM, Rioux MF, King DJ, 1994. Development of visual acuity in relation to plasma and
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11 Jeffrey BG, Weisinger HS, Neuringer M, Mitchell DC, 2001. The role of docosahexaenoic acid in retinal
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12 Jensen CL, Voigt RG, Prager TC, Zou YL, Fraley JK, Rozelle JC, Turcich MR, Llorente AM, Anderson RE,
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in breastfed term infants. Am J Clin Nutr, 82, 125-132.
13 Johnson EJ and Schaefer EJ, 2006. Potential role of dietary n-3 fatty acids in the prevention of dementia and
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14 Judge MP, Harel O, Lammi-Keefe CJ, 2007. A docosahexaenoic acid-functional food during pregnancy
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17 Lauritzen L, Jorgensen MH, Mikkelsen TB, Skovgaard M, Straarup EM, Olsen SF, Hoy CE, Michaelsen
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18 Makrides M, Neumann MA, Byard RW, Simmer K, Gibson RA, 1994. Fatty acid composition of brain,
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19 Malcolm CA, Hamilton R, McCulloch DL, Montgomery C, Weaver LT, 2003. Scotopic electroretinogram in
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20 Montgomery C, Speake BK, Cameron A, Sattar N, Weaver LT, 2003. Maternal docosahexaenoic acid
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21 Rojas CV, Martinez JI, Flores I, Hoffman DR, Uauy R, 2003. Gene expression analysis in human fetal
retinal explants treated with docosahexaenoic acid. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 44, 3170-3177.
22 SanGiovanni JP and Chew EY, 2005. The role of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in health
and disease of the retina. Prog Retin Eye Res, 24, 87-138.
23 Uauy R, Hoffman DR, Peirano P, Birch DG, Birch EE, 2001. Essential fatty acids in visual and brain
development. Lipids, 36, 885-895.
24 Williams C, Birch EE, Emmett PM, Northstone K, 2001. Stereoacuity at age 3.5 y in children born full-term
is associated with prenatal and postnatal dietary factors: a report from a population-based cohort study. Am
J Clin Nutr, 73, 316-322.
ID 2906: Low or reduced saturated fat (hard fat) or replacement of saturated fat with MUFA PUFA (soft
fat) low cholesterol and Maintains healthy LDL cholesterol levels Arterial/Heart Health
1 Arntzenius AC, Kromhout D, Barth JD, Reiber JH, Bruschke AV, Buis B, van Gent CM, Kempen-Voogd N,
Strikwerda S, van der Velde EA, 1985. Diet, lipoproteins, and the progression of coronary atherosclerosis.
The Leiden Intervention Trial. N Engl J Med, 312, 805-811.
2 Dayton S, Pearce ML, Hashimoto S, Dixon WJ, Tomiyasu U, 1969. A Controlled Clinical Trial of a Diet
High in Unsaturated Fat in Preventing Complications of Atherosclerosis. Circulation, 40 (Suppl 2), 1-63.
3 JHCI (Joint Health Claims Initiative), 2003. Final Technical Report. A List of Well Established Nutrient
Function Statements. JHCI/76/03.
4 Law MR, Wald NJ, Thompson SG, 1994. By how much and how quickly does reduction in serum
cholesterol concentration lower risk of ischaemic heart disease? BMJ, 308, 367-372.
5 Leren P, 1970. The Oslo diet-heart study. Eleven-year report. Circulation, 42, 935-942.
6 Mensink RP, Zock PL, Kester AD, Katan MB, 2003. Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the
ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60
controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr, 77, 1146-1155.
7 National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on Detection, Evaluation and Treatment of
High Blood Cholesterol in Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III), 2002. Final Report. NIH Publication No. 02-
8 NFA (Finnish National Food Authority), 2002. Terveysvitteiden valvontaopas. Control guides number
9 SNF (Swedish Nutrition Foundation), 2004. Health claims in the labelling and marketing of food products.
The food sectors code of practice. 2004:1.
10 Turpeinen O, Karvonen MJ, Pekkarinen M, Miettinen M, Elosuo R, Paavilainen E, 1979. Dietary prevention
of coronary heart disease: the Finnish Mental Hospital Study. Int J Epidemiol, 8, 99-118.
11 Watts GF, Jackson P, Burke V, Lewis B, 1996. Dietary fatty acids and progression of coronary artery
disease in men. Am J Clin Nutr, 64, 202-209.
12 WHO (World Health Organization), 2003. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases.
Technical Report No. 916.
ID 2907: Polyols and Remineralisation of teeth
1 Barber LR and Wilkins EM, 2002. Evidence-based prevention, management, and monitoring of dental
caries. J Dent Hyg, 76, 270-275.
2 Birkhed D, 1994. Cariologic aspects of xylitol and its use in chewing gum: a review. Acta Odontol
Scand, 52, 116-127.
3 Dawes C and Macpherson LM, 1992. Effects of nine different chewing-gums and lozenges on salivary
flow rate and pH. Caries Res, 26, 176-182.
4 Edgar WM, 1990. Saliva and dental health. Clinical implications of saliva: report of a consensus
meeting. Br Dent J, 169, 96-98.
5 Edgar WM, 1998. Sugar substitutes, chewing gum and dental caries--a review. Br Dent J, 184, 29-32.
6 Featherstone JD, 2000. The science and practice of caries prevention. J Am Dent Assoc, 131, 887-899.
7 Imfeld TN, 1994. Clinical caries studies with polyalcohols. A literature review. Schweiz Monatsschr
Zahnmed, 104, 941-945.
8 Imfeld T, 1999. Chewing gum--facts and fiction: a review of gum-chewing and oral health. Crit Rev Oral
Biol Med, 10, 405-419.
9 Itthagarun A and Wei SH, 1997. Chewing gum and saliva in oral health. J Clin Dent, 8, 159-162.
10 Kandelman D, 1997. Sugar, alternative sweeteners and meal frequency in relation to caries prevention:
new perspectives. Br J Nutr, 77 Suppl 1, S121-128.
11 Leach SA, 1987. Sugar substitutes and remineralization. Dtsch Zahnarztl Z, 42, S135-138.
12 Lingstrom P and Moynihan P, 2003. Nutrition, saliva, and oral health. Nutrition, 19, 567-569.
13 Rigmont Barber L, 2002. Evidence based prevention, management and monitoring of dental caries. The
Journal of Dental Hygiene, 76.
14 Sentko A, Tietze W, Ster L, 2006. Zuckerfreie Swaren in der Kariesprophylaxe. Prophylaxe impuls,
10, 174-183.
15 Stsser L, Tietze W, Sentko A, 2006. Sugar-free sweets and their role in caries prevention.
16 Takatsuka T, 2000. Influence of Palatinit and xylitol on demineralisation/remineralisation on bovine
enamel. Cariology Today, 1, 2740.
17 Takatsuka T, 2002. Enamel remineralisation by isomalt-toothpaste in situ. J Dent Res, 81 Supplement,
Seq No 259, Presentation 2815.
18 Van Loveren C, 2004. Sugar alcohols: what is the evidence for caries-preventive and caries-therapeutic
effects? Caries Res, 38, 286-293.
19 WHO/FAO (World Health Organization and Food and Agriculture Organization), 2003. Expert Report:
Diet, nutrition and prevention of chronic diseases. Report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation.
WHO Technical Report Series 916.
ID 2908: Polyols and Low glycemic properties
1 European Parliament and Council Directive 94/35/EC of 30 June 1994 on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs.
OJ L 237, 10.9.1994, p. 312
2 Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC, 2002. International table of glycemic index and glycemic load
values: 2002. Am J Clin Nutr, 76, 5-56.
3 Gee JM, Cooke D, Gorick S, Wortley GM, Greenwood RH, Zumbe A, Johnson IT, 1991. Effects of
conventional sucrose-based, fructose-based and isomalt-based chocolates on postprandial metabolism in
non-insulin-dependent diabetics. Eur J Clin Nutr, 45, 561-566.
4 Gostner A, Schaffer V, Theis S, Menzel T, Luhrs H, Melcher R, Schauber J, Kudlich T, Dusel G, Dorbath
D, Kozianowski G, Scheppach W, 2005. Effects of isomalt consumption on gastrointestinal and metabolic
parameters in healthy volunteers. Br J Nutr, 94, 575-581.
5 Livesey G, 2003. Health potential of polyols as sugar replacers, with emphasis on low glycaemic properties.
Nutr Res Rev, 16, 163-191.
6 Livesey G, 2005. Low-glycaemic diets and health: implications for obesity. Proc Nutr Soc, 64, 105-113.
7 Pometta D, Trabichet C, Spengler M, 1985. Effects of a 12-week administration of isomalt (Palatinit) on
metabolic control in type-II-diabetics. Aktuelle Ernhrungsmedizin, 10, 174-177.
8 Thiebaud D, Jacot E, Schmitz H, Spengler M, Felber JP, 1984. Comparative study of isomalt and sucrose by
means of continuous indirect calorimetry. Metabolism, 33, 808-813.
ID 2909: Sterols/ stanols and their esters and Heart health and artery health because of LDL
cholesterol maintenance
1 Commission Regulation (EC) No 608/2004 of 31 March 2004 concerning the labelling of foods and food
ingredients with added phytosterols, phytosterol esters, phytostanols and/or phytostanol esters. OJ L 97,
1.4.2004, p. 4445.
2 Food labeling: health claims; plant sterol/stanol esters and coronary heart disease. Food and Drug
Administration, HHS. Interim final rule. 2000. Fed Regist, 65, 54686-54739.
3 Expert Panel on Detection Evaluation and Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol in Adults, 2001. Executive
Summary of The Third Report of The National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) Expert Panel on
Detection, Evaluation, And Treatment of High Blood Cholesterol In Adults (Adult Treatment Panel III).
JAMA, 285, 2486-2497.
4 Lipid management guidelines--2001. National Heart Foundation of Australia, The Cardiac Society of
Australia and New Zealand. 2001. Med J Aust, 175 Suppl, S57-85.
5 Flemish Dietetic Association, 2002. Intervention protocol for dyslipidemia published by the VVVD.
6 IAS (International Atherosclerosis Society), 2003. Harmonized clinical guidelines on prevention of
atherosclerotic vascular disease.
7 JHCI (Joint Health Claims Initiative), 2003. Final Technical Report A List of Well Established Nutrient
Function Statements.
8 Katan MB, Grundy SM, Jones P, Law M, Miettinen T, Paoletti R, 2003. Efficacy and safety of plant stanols
and sterols in the management of blood cholesterol levels. Mayo Clin Proc, 78, 965-978.
9 Lichtenstein AH, Appel LJ, Brands M, Carnethon M, Daniels S, Franch HA, Franklin B, Kris-Etherton P,
Harris WS, Howard B, Karanja N, Lefevre M, Rudel L, Sacks F, Van Horn L, Winston M, Wylie-Rosett J,
2006. Diet and lifestyle recommendations revision 2006: a scientific statement from the American Heart
Association Nutrition Committee. Circulation, 114, 82-96.
10 SCF (Scientific Committee on Food), 2002. General view on the long-term effects of the intake of elevated
levels of phytosterols from multiple dietary sources, with particular attention to the effects on R-carotene.
11 SNF (Swedish Nutrition Foundation), Product-specific physiological claims (PFP).
ID 2910: Unsaturated fats/ fatty acids (poly and/or monounsaturates) and Blood cholesterol and
artery/heart health
1 Brouwer IA, Katan MB, Zock PL, 2004. Dietary alpha-linolenic acid is associated with reduced risk of fatal
coronary heart disease, but increased prostate cancer risk: a meta-analysis. J Nutr, 134, 919-922.
2 De Lorgeril M and Salen P, 2005. Dietary prevention of coronary heart disease: the Lyon diet heart study
and after. World Rev Nutr Diet, 95, 103-114.
3 EFSA (European Food Safety Authority), 2005. Opinion of the Scientific Panel on Dietetic Products,
Nutrition and Allergies on a request from the Commission related to nutrition claims concerning omega-3
fatty acids, monounsaturated fat, polyunsaturated fat and unsaturated fat (Request NEFSA-Q-2004-107).
The EFSA Journal, 253, 1-29.
4 FDA (US Food and Drug Administration), 2003. Monounsaturated Fatty Acids from Olive Oil and Coronary
Heart Disease (Docket No 2003Q-0559). Letter Responding to Health Claim Petition dated August 28, 2003.
5 Finnegan YE, Minihane AM, Leigh-Firbank EC, Kew S, Meijer GW, Muggli R, Calder PC, Williams CM,
2003. Plant- and marine-derived n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids have differential effects on fasting and
postprandial blood lipid concentrations and on the susceptibility of LDL to oxidative modification in
moderately hyperlipidemic subjects. Am J Clin Nutr, 77, 783-795.
6 Goyens PLL and Mensink RP, 2005. The Dietary a-Linolenic Acid to Linoleic Acid Ratio Does Not Affect
the Serum Lipoprotein Profile in Humans. J Nutr, 135, 2799-2804.
7 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2002. Dietary Reference Intakes for Energy, Carbohydrate, Fiber, Fat, Fatty
acids, Cholesterol, Protein, and Amino Acids. National Academies Press, Washington D.C.
8 Mensink RP, Zock PL, Kester AD, Katan MB, 2003. Effects of dietary fatty acids and carbohydrates on the
ratio of serum total to HDL cholesterol and on serum lipids and apolipoproteins: a meta-analysis of 60
controlled trials. Am J Clin Nutr, 77, 1146-1155.
9 Stanner S, 2005. Cardiovascular Diease: Diet, Nutrition and Emerging Risk Factors. Blackwell Publishing,
10 WHO (World Health Organization), 2003. Diet, Nutrition and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases.
Technical Report No. 916.
ID 2911: Unsaturated fats/fatty acids and Function of the cell membrane
1 Garrow JS, James WPT, Ralph A, 2000. Human Nutrition and Dietetics. Churchill Livingstone, London,
2 Gibney MJ, Vorster H, Kok F, 2002. Introduction to Human Nutrition (The Nutrition Society Textbook).
Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester.
3 IoM (Institute of Medicine), 2005. Dietary reference intakes for energy, carbohydrate, fiber, fat, fatty acids,
cholesterol, protein, and amino acids. National Academies Press, Washington DC.
4 Mann J and Truswell AS, 2002. Essentials of human nutrition. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
ID 2912: Carbohydrates in dairy products and Foods with a low glycemic index (GI) give a low and
slow blood glucose response
1 Foster-Powell K, Holt SH, Brand-Miller JC, 2002. International table of glycemic index and
glycemic load values: 2002. Am J Clin Nutr, 76, 5-56.
ID 2913: L-methionine and Improvement of protein quality. Modulation of lipids metabolism
1 Di Buono M, Wykes LJ, Cole DE, Ball RO, Pencharz PB, 2003. Regulation of sulfur amino acid metabolism
in men in response to changes in sulfur amino acid intakes. J Nutr, 133, 733-739.
2 Fomon SJ, Ziegler EE, Filer LJ, Jr., Nelson SE, Edwards BB, 1979. Methionine fortification of a soy protein
formula fed to infants. Am J Clin Nutr, 32, 2460-2471.
3 Fujisawa K, Yagasaki K, Funabiki R, 1995. Reduction of hyperlipidemia and proteinuria without growth
retardation in nephritic rats by a methionine-supplemented, low-soy-protein diet. Am J Clin Nutr, 61, 603-
4 Fukagawa NK, 2006. Sparing of methionine requirements: evaluation of human data takes sulfur amino
acids beyond protein. J Nutr, 136, 1676S-1681S.
5 Garlick PJ, 2006. Toxicity of methionine in humans. J Nutr, 136, 1722S-1725S.
6 Harvey Mudd S, Braverman N, Pomper M, Tezcan K, Kronick J, Jayakar P, Garganta C, Ampola MG, Levy
HL, McCandless SE, Wiltse H, Stabler SP, Allen RH, Wagner C, Borschel MW, 2003. Infantile
hypermethioninemia and hyperhomocysteinemia due to high methionine intake: a diagnostic trap. Mol
Genet Metab, 79, 6-16.
7 Oda H, 2006. Functions of sulfur-containing amino acids in lipid metabolism. J Nutr, 136, 1666S-1669S.
8 Raguso CA, Regan MM, Young VR, 2000. Cysteine kinetics and oxidation at different intakes of
methionine and cystine in young adults. Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 491-499.
9 van de Poll MC, Dejong CH, Soeters PB, 2006. Adequate range for sulfur-containing amino acids and
biomarkers for their excess: lessons from enteral and parenteral nutrition. J Nutr, 136, 1694S-1700S.
ID 2914: Long chain Omega 3 fatty acids and Normal immune system function
1 Calder PC, 2001. omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, inflammation and immunity. World Rev Nutr Diet,
88, 109-116.
2 Calder PC, 2002. Dietary modification of inflammation with lipids. Proc Nutr Soc, 61, 345-358.
3 Calder PC, 2005. Polyunsaturated fatty acids and inflammation. Biochem Soc Trans, 33, 423-427.
ID 2915: Olibra /Fabuless (Oil-in-water emulsion, containing 40% fractionated palm oil, 2,5% oats
oil and water; no preservatives or stabilisers added.) and Fabuless prolonges the feeling of satiety.
1 Burns AA, Livingstone MB, Welch RW, Dunne A, Rowland IR, 2002. Dose-response effects of a novel fat
emulsion (Olibra) on energy and macronutrient intakes up to 36 h post-consumption. Eur J Clin Nutr, 56,
ID 2916: Indole-3-carbinol and Cell metabolism - positively affects the fission of cells their immunity
and regeneration
1 Meng Q, Yuan F, Goldberg ID, Rosen EM, Auborn K, Fan S, 2000. Indole-3-carbinol is a negative regulator
of estrogen receptor-alpha signaling in human tumor cells. J Nutr, 130, 2927-2931.
2 Reed GA, Peterson KS, Smith HJ, Gray JC, Sullivan DK, Mayo MS, Crowell JA, Hurwitz A, 2005. A phase
I study of indole-3-carbinol in women: tolerability and effects. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev, 14,
ID 2917: Indole-3-carbinol and Induction of apoptosis of transformed and damanged cells
1 Fan S, Meng Q, Auborn K, Carter T, Rosen EM, 2006. BRCA1 and BRCA2 as molecular targets for
phytochemicals indole-3-carbinol and genistein in breast and prostate cancer cells. Br J Cancer, 94, 407-426.
ID 2919: Formulated emulsion of palm oil, oat oil and water (Patent: WO 99/02041 Satiety Product) and
Prolongs the feeling of satiety and contributes to a reduced calorie intake at the next meal. Less sensation
of hunger between the meals and less need for snacking
1 Burns AA, Livingstone MB, Welch RW, Dunne A, Robson PJ, Lindmark L, Reid CA, Mullaney U,
Rowland IR, 2000. Short-term effects of yoghurt containing a novel fat emulsion on energy and
macronutrient intakes in non-obese subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 24, 1419-1425.
2 Burns AA, Livingstone MB, Welch RW, Dunne A, Reid CA, Rowland IR, 2001. The effects of yoghurt
containing a novel fat emulsion on energy and macronutrient intakes in non-overweight, overweight and
obese subjects. Int J Obes Relat Metab Disord, 25, 1487-1496.
3 Burns AA, Livingstone MB, Welch RW, Dunne A, Rowland IR, 2002. Dose-response effects of a novel fat
emulsion (Olibra) on energy and macronutrient intakes up to 36 h post-consumption. Eur J Clin Nutr, 56,
4 Logan CM, McCaffrey TA, Wallace JM, Robson PJ, Welch RW, Dunne A, Livingstone MB, 2006.
Investigation of the medium-term effects of Olibratrade mark fat emulsion on food intake in non-obese
subjects. Eur J Clin Nutr, 60, 1081-1091.
ID 2920: Isomalt and Low glycemic properties
1 European Parliament and Council Directive 94/35/EC of 30 June 1994 on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs.
OJ L 237, 10.9.1994, p. 3-12.
2 Gee JM, Cooke D, Gorick S, Wortley GM, Greenwood RH, Zumbe A, Johnson IT, 1991. Effects of
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ID 2921: Isomalt and Dental health - General
1 European Parliament and Council Directive 94/35/EC of 30 June 1994 on sweeteners for use in foodstuffs.
OJ L 237, 10.9.1994, p. 3-12.
2 Title 21, Food and Drugs. Chapter I Food and Drug Administration Departement of Health and Human
Services. Subchapter B Food for Human Consumption Part 101 Food labeling: Health claims: dietary
noncariogenic carbohydrate sweeteners and dental caries. Code of Federal Regulations (Revised 2008).
3 Featherstone JDB, 1994. Effects of Isomalt Sweetener on the Caries Process. Journal of Clinical Dentistry,
5, 82-82.
4 FNFC/FOSHU (Food with Nutrient Functional Claims/Foods for Specified Health Use), Ministry of Health,
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properties. Oral Dis, 2, 32-40.
6 Imfeld T and Muhlemann HR, 1978. Cariogenicity and acidogenicity of food, confectionery and beverages.
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7 Imfeld TN, 1983. Identification of low caries risk dietary components. Monographs in Oral Science, 11, 1-
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ID 2922: Inulin/oligofructose from chicory and Satiety
1 Archer BJ, Johnson SK, Devereux HM, Baxter AL, 2004. Effect of fat replacement by inulin or lupin-kernel
fibre on sausage patty acceptability, post-meal perceptions of satiety and food intake in men. Br J Nutr, 91,
2 Benini L, Rigo L, Tacchella N, Marangoni E, Deiorio F, Ghirelli F, Santi R, Martini R, Vantini I, 2004.
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3 Cani PD, Dewever C, Delzenne NM, 2004. Inulin-type fructans modulate gastrointestinal peptides involved
in appetite regulation (glucagon-like peptide-1 and ghrelin) in rats. Br J Nutr, 92, 521-526.
4 Cani PD, Neyrinck AM, Maton N, Delzenne NM, 2005. Oligofructose promotes satiety in rats fed a high-fat
diet: involvement of glucagon-like Peptide-1. Obes Res, 13, 1000-1007.
5 Cani PD, Joly E, Horsmans Y, Delzenne NM, 2006. Oligofructose promotes satiety in healthy human: a
pilot study. Eur J Clin Nutr, 60, 567-572.
6 Cani PD, Hoste S, Guiot Y, Delzenne NM, 2007. Dietary non-digestible carbohydrates promote L-cell
differentiation in the proximal colon of rats. Br J Nutr, 98, 32-37.
7 Delmee E, Cani PD, Gual G, Knauf C, Burcelin R, Maton N, Delzenne NM, 2006. Relation between colonic
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8 Delzenne NM and Cani PD, 2005. A place for dietary fibre in the management of the metabolic syndrome.
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12 Whelan K, Efthymiou L, Judd PA, Preedy VR, Taylor MA, 2006. Appetite during consumption of enteral
formula as a sole source of nutrition: the effect of supplementing pea-fibre and fructo-oligosaccharides. Br J
Nutr, 96, 350-356.
ID 2923: Galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) and Calcium absorption
1 Bongers A and Heuvel EHM, 2003. Prebiotics and the bioavailability of minerals and trace elements. Food
Reviews International, 19, 397-422.
2 Chonan O, Matsumoto K, Watanuki M, 1995. Effect of galactooligosaccharides on calcium absorption and
preventing bone loss in ovariectomized rats. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 59, 236-239.
3 Chonan O and Watanuki M, 1995. Effect of galactooligosaccharides on calcium absorption in rats. J Nutr
Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 41, 95-104.
4 Chonan O, Takahashi R, Yasui H, Watanuki M, 1996. Effects of beta 1-->4 linked galactooligosaccharides
on use of magnesium and calcification of the kidney and heart in rats fed excess dietary phosphorous and
calcium. Biosci Biotechnol Biochem, 60, 1735-1737.
5 Chonan O and Watanuki M, 1996. The effect of 6'-galactooligosaccharides on bone mineralization of rats
adapted to different levels of dietary calcium. Int J Vitam Nutr Res, 66, 244-249.
6 Perez-Conesa D, Lopez G, Abellan P, Ros G, 2006. Bioavailability of calcium, magnesium and phosphorus
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physiological and nutritional parameters. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 86, 2327-2336.
7 Sako T, Matsumoto K, Tanaka R, 1999. Recent progress on research and applications of non-digestible
galacto-oligosaccharides. International Dairy Journal, 9, 69-80.
8 Scholz-Ahrens KE, Ade P, Marten B, Weber P, Timm W, Acil Y, Gluer CC, Schrezenmeir J, 2007.
Prebiotics, probiotics, and synbiotics affect mineral absorption, bone mineral content, and bone structure. J
Nutr, 137, 838S-846S.
9 Schoterman HC, 2001. Galacto-oligosaccharides: properties and health aspects. In: Advanced Dietary Fibre
Technology. McCleary BV and Prosky L (eds.). Blackwell Science, Malden, MA, 494-502.
10 van den Heuvel EG, Schoterman MH, Muijs T, 2000. Transgalactooligosaccharides stimulate calcium
absorption in postmenopausal women. J Nutr, 130, 2938-2942.
11 Yanahira S, Morita M, Aoe S, Suguri T, Takada Y, Miura S, Nakajima I, 1997. Effects of lactitol-
oligosaccharides on calcium and magnesium absorption in rats. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo), 43, 123-132.
ID 2925: Alpha-cyclodextrin (a soluble dietary fiber) and Weight management
1 Artiss JD, Brogan K, Brucal M, Moghaddam M, Jen KL, 2006. The effects of a new soluble dietary fiber on
weight gain and selected blood parameters in rats. Metabolism, 55, 195-202.
2 Gallaher DD, Gallaher CM, Plank DW, 2007. Alpha-cyclodextrin selectively increases fecal excretion of
saturated fats. FASEB J., 21, A730.
3 Grunberger G, Jen KL, Artiss JD, 2007. The benefits of early intervention in obese diabetic patients with
FBCx: a new dietary fibre. Diabetes Metab Res Rev, 23, 56-62.
4 Wagner EM, Jen K-LC, Artiss JD, Remaley AT, 2007. Effects of FBCx on lipid lowering in LDLr-KO
mice. FASEB J., 21, A341.
ID 2926: Alpha-cyclodextrin (a soluble dietary fiber) and Glucose homeostasis
1 Buckley JD, Thorp AA, Murphy KJ, Howe PR, 2006. Dose-dependent inhibition of the post-prandial
glycaemic response to a standard carbohydrate meal following incorporation of alpha-cyclodextrin. Ann
Nutr Metab, 50, 108-114.
2 Diamantis I and Br A, 2002. Effect of alpha-cyclodextrin on the glycemic index (GI) and insulinemic index
(II) of starch in human volunteers. Unpublished study report (included in the novel food application for
ID 2927: Fibersol-2 (a resistant dextrin, i.e. a soluble dietary fiber) and Vascular/heart health;Blood
1 Fujiwara K and Matsuoka A, 1993. Continuous administration tests of indigestible dextrin; II. Japanese
Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 83, 301305.
2 Kajimoto O, 2002. Effects of a tea beverage containing indigestible dextrin on the serum triglyceride level
in subjects with mild hypertriglyceridemia. J Nutritional Food, 5, 117-130.
3 Kawasaki F, 2000. Efficacy of tea drinking conatining indigestible dextrin. J Nutritional Food, 3, 65-72.
4 Kishimoto Y, Wakabayashi S, Tokunaga K, 2000. Effects of long-term administration of indigestible dextrin
on visceral fat accumulation. J Jpn Assoc Dietary Fiber Res, 4, 59-65.
5 Kishimoto Y, Wakabayashi S, Yuba K, 2000. Effects of instant miso-soup containing dextrin on moderating
the rise of postprandial blood glucose levels, and safety of long-term administration. J Nutritional Food, 3,
6 Kishimoto Y, Oga H, Tagami H, Okuma K, Gordon DT, 2007. Suppressive effect of resistant maltodextrin
on postprandial blood triacylglycerol elevation. Eur J Nutr, 46, 133-138.
7 Konnya H, (Unpublished). Effects of drinks containing indigestible dextrin on insulin and secretion of GLP-
1. Study report submitted in support of FOSHU application.
8 Mizushimaa N, 2000. Effect of long-term ingestion of indigestible dextrin-containing soft drinks on safety
and blood glucose levels. J Nutritional Food, 3, 75-82.
9 Nomura M, Nakajima Y, Abe H, 1992. Effects of long-term administration of indigestible dextrin as soluble
dietary fiber on lipid and glucose metabolism. Journal of Japanese Society of Nutrition and Food Science,
45, 21-25.
10 Sekizaki K and Yonezawa H, 2001. Efficacy of packed boiled rice containing indigestible dextrin on
moderating the rise of postprandial blood glucose levels, and safety of long-term administration. J
Nutritional Food, 4, 81-88.
11 Tokunaga K and Matsuoka A, 1999. Effects of a FOSHU (food for specified health use) containing
indigestible dextrin as a functional component on glucose and fat metabolisms. J Jpn Diabetes Soc, 42, 61-
ID 2929: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and
regularity In healthy people
1 DeLegge MH, Marx SC, Gohman SM, Patrick PG, Greenberg NA, 1995. The effect of partially
hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG) on the use of laxative agents in an elderly nursing home population.
Gastroenterology, 108 (Suppl.), A722.
2 Patrick PG, Gohman SM, Marx SC, DeLegge MH, Greenberg NA, 1998. Effect of supplements of
partially hydrolyzed guar gum on the occurrence of constipation and use of laxative agents. J Am Diet
Assoc, 98, 912-914.
3 Takahashi H, Yang SIL, Hayashi C, Kim M, Yamanaka J, Yamamoto T, 1993. Effect of partially
hydrolyzed guar gum on fecal output in human volunteers. Nutrition research, 13, 649-657.
4 Takahashi H, Wako N, Okubo T, Ishihara N, Yamanaka J, Yamamoto T, 1994. Influence of Partially
Hydrolyzed Guar Gum on Constipation in Women. Journal of Nutritional Science and Vitaminology, 40,
ID 2930: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and
regularity In people with irritable bowel syndrom
1 Giaccari S, Grasso G, Tronci S, Allegretta L, Sponziello G, Montefusco A, Siciliano IG, Guarisco R,
Candiani C, Chiri S, 2001. Partially hydrolyzed guar gum: a fiber as coadjuvant in the irritable colon
syndrome. Clin Ter, 152, 21-25.
2 Giannini EG, Mansi C, Dulbecco P, Savarino V, 2006. Role of partially hydrolyzed guar gum in the
treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Nutrition, 22, 334-342.
3 Parisi GC, Zilli M, Miani MP, Carrara M, Bottona E, Verdianelli G, Battaglia G, Desideri S, Faedo A,
Marzolino C, Tonon A, Ermani M, Leandro G, 2002. High-fiber diet supplementation in patients with
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS): a multicenter, randomized, open trial comparison between wheat bran diet
and partially hydrolyzed guar gum (PHGG). Dig Dis Sci, 47, 1697-1704.
4 Parisi G, Bottona E, Carrara M, Cardin F, Faedo A, Goldin D, Marino M, Pantalena M, Tafner G,
Verdianelli G, 2005. Treatment Effects of Partially Hydrolyzed Guar Gum on Symptoms and Quality of Life
of Patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome. A Multicenter Randomized Open Trial. Digestive Diseases and
Sciences, 50, 1107-1112.
ID 2931: Sunfiber (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and Intestinal health and
regularity In people receiving total or supplemental enteral nutrition
1 Alam NH, Meier R, Schneider H, Sarker SA, Bardhan PK, Mahalanabis D, Fuchs GJ, Gyr N, 2000. Partially
Hydrolyzed Guar Gum-Supplemented Oral Rehydration Solution in the Treatment of Acute Diarrhea in
Children. Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition, 31, 503.
2 Homann HH, Kemen M, Fuessenich C, Senkal M, Zumtobel V, 1994. Reduction in diarrhea incidence by
soluble fiber in patients receiving total or supplemental enteral nutrition. JPEN J Parenter Enteral Nutr, 18,
3 Nakao M, Ogura Y, Satake S, Ito I, Iguchi A, Takagi K, Nabeshima T, 2002. Usefulness of soluble dietary
fiber for the treatment of diarrhea during enteral nutrition in elderly patients. Nutrition, 18, 35-39.
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LB, Edington JD, 1990. Bowel function of long-term tube-fed patients consuming formulae with and
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incidence of diarrhea in septic patients receiving total enteral nutrition: a prospective, double-blind,
randomized, and controlled trial. Clinical Nutrition, 20, 301-305.
ID 2932: SunfiberTM (syn.: BenefiberTM) (enzymatically partially depolymerised guar gum) and
Postprandial blood glucose
1 Golay A, Schneider H, Bloise D, Vadas L, Assal J, 1995. The effect of a liquid supplement containing guar
gum and fructose on glucose tolerance in non-insulin-dependent diabetic patients. Nutr. Metab. Cardiovasc.
Dis, 5, 141-148.
2 Gu Y, Yamashita T, Suzuki I, Raj Juneja L, Yokawa T, 2003. Effects of enzyme hydrolyzed guar gum on
the elevation of blood glucose levels after meal. Medicine and Biology, 147, 19-24.
3 Kondo S, Xiao JZ, Takahashi N, Miyaji K, Iwatsuki K, Kokubo S, 2004. Suppressive effects of dietary fiber
in yogurt on the postprandial serum lipid levels in healthy adult male volunteers. Biosci Biotechnol
Biochem, 68, 1135-1138.
4 Trinidad T, Perez E, Loyola A, Mallillin A, Encabo R, Yokawa T, Aoyama N, Juneja L, 2004. Short
communication. Glycemic index of Sunfibre (Cyamoposis tetragonolobus) products in normal and diabetic
subjects. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39, 1093-1098.
ID 2933: Hydroxypropyl methylcellulose (HPMC) Voedingsvezel and Verzadiging
1 Astrup A, Vrist E, Quaade F, 1990. Dietary fibre added to very low calorie diet reduces hunger and
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ID 2934: CalorieControl Trim Oat Bran 20% and Contribution to the maintenance of healthy blood
cholesterol levels
1 Title 21, Food and Drugs. Chapter I Food and Drug Administration Departement of Health and Human
Services. Subchapter B Food for Human Consumption Part 101 Food labeling Health Claims; Oats and
Coronary Heart Disease. Code of Federal Regulations (Revised 2008).
2 Behall KM, Scholfield DJ, Hallfrisch J, 1997. Effect of beta-glucan level in oat fiber extracts on blood lipids
in men and women. J Am Coll Nutr, 16, 46-51.
3 Behall KM, Scholfield DJ, Hallfrisch J, 2004. Diets containing barley significantly reduce lipids in mildly
hypercholesterolemic men and women. Am J Clin Nutr, 80, 1185-1193.
4 Kays SE and Barton FE, 2nd, 2002. Near-infrared analysis of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber fractions of
cereal food products. J Agric Food Chem, 50, 3024-3029.
5 McCarty MF, 2005. Nutraceutical resources for diabetes prevention--an update. Med Hypotheses, 64, 151-
6 Queenan KM, Stewart ML, Smith KN, Thomas W, Fulcher RG, Slavin JL, 2007. Concentrated oat beta-
glucan, a fermentable fiber, lowers serum cholesterol in hypercholesterolemic adults in a randomized
controlled trial. Nutr J, 6, 6.
7 Reyna-Villasmil N, Bermudez-Pirela V, Mengual-Moreno E, Arias N, Cano-Ponce C, Leal-Gonzalez E,
Souki A, Inglett GE, Israili ZH, Hernandez-Hernandez R, Valasco M, Arraiz N, 2007. Oat-derived beta-
glucan significantly improves HDLC and diminishes LDLC and non-HDL cholesterol in overweight
individuals with mild hypercholesterolemia. Am J Ther, 14, 203-212.
8 United States Patent and Trademark Office, Homepage, http://www.uspto.gov/.
ID 2935: CalorieControl Trim Oat Bran and insulin_glucose response
1 Title 21, Food and Drugs. Chapter I Food and Drug Administration Departement of Health and Human
Services. Subchapter B Food for Human Consumption Part 101 Food labeling Health Claims; Oats and
Coronary Heart Disease. Code of Federal Regulations (Revised 2008).
2 Hallfrisch J, Scholfield DJ, Behall KM, 1995. Diets containing soluble oat extracts improve glucose and
insulin responses of moderately hypercholesterolemic men and women. Am J Clin Nutr, 61, 379-384.
3 Jenkins AL, Jenkins DJ, Zdravkovic U, Wursch P, Vuksan V, 2002. Depression of the glycemic index by
high levels of beta-glucan fiber in two functional foods tested in type 2 diabetes. Eur J Clin Nutr, 56, 622-
4 United States Patent and Trademark Office, Homepage, http://www.uspto.gov/.
ID 2936: Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 (DSM 16604) and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Del Piano M, Montino F, Carmagnola S, Anderloni A, Orsello M, Garello E, Sforza F, Ballare M, 2005. The
use of probiotics in the treatment of constipation in the elderly. Cibus, 1, 23-30.
ID 2937: Bifidobacterium breve BL 03 (DSM 16603) and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Del Piano M, Montino F, Carmagnola S, Anderloni A, Orsello M, Garello E, Sforza F, Ballare M, 2005. The
use of probiotics in the treatment of constipation in the elderly. Cibus, 1, 23-30.
ID 2938: Bifidobacterium breve BR 03 (DSM 16604) +Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-21021)
and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Saggioro A, 2004. Probiotics in the treatment of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Journal of Clinical
Gastroenerology, 38, 104-106.
ID 2939: Bifidobacterium infantis Bi1 (LMG P-17502), Bifidobacterium breve Bbr8 (LMG P-17501) and
Bifidobacterium longum Bl10 (LMG P-17500) and he bacteria take part in the commensal
gastrointestina flora. They survive in the gastrointestinal tract and counteract unwanted bacteria,
promoting the intestinal healt
1 Bazzocchi G, Gionchetti P, Swennen E, Matteuzzi D, Campieri M, 1998. Ruolo della flora batterica nella
sindrome dell'intestino irritabile: un nuovo approccio terapeutico. Argomenti di Gastroenterologia Clinica,
11 (Suppl 1), 17-21.
2 Bianchi-Salvadori B, Vesely R, Ferrari A, Canzi E, Casiraghi C, Brighenti F, 2001. Behaviour of the
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elements. Microbiologica, 24, 23-33.
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4 Brigidi P, Vitali B, Swennen E, Bazzocchi G, Matteuzzi D, 2001. Effects of probiotic administration upon
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or functional diarrhea. Res Microbiol, 152, 735-741.
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batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 8, 1-9.
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placebo-controlled trial. Gastroenterology, 119, 305-309.
10 Mogensen G, Salminen S, O'Brien J, Owehand A, Holzapfel W, Shortt C, Fonden R, Miller GD, Donohue
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12 Ouwehand A, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fondn R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
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13 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
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14 Venturi A, Gionchetti P, Rizzello F, Johansson R, Zucconi E, Brigidi P, Matteuzzi D, Campieri M, 1999.
Impact on the composition of the faecal flora by a new probiotic preparation: preliminary data on
maintenance treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 13, 1103-1108.
ID 2940: Bifidobacterium lactis BS 01 (LMG P-21384) and Intestinal transit
1 Del Piano M, Montino F, Carmagnola S, Anderloni A, Orsello M, Garello E, Sforza F, Ballare M, 2005. The
use of probiotics in the treatment of constipation in the elderly. Cibus, 1, 23-30.
ID 2941: Bifidobacterium lactis BS 01 (LMG P-21384)+Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR 04 (DSM
16605)+Lactobacillus plantarum LP 02(LMG P-21020) and Natural defences / immune system /
intestinal discomfort
1 Pregliasco F, et al., (Unpublished). Clinical efficacy of administration of new synbiotics formulation
(Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium lactis and FOS-s.c.) in the
prevention of respiratory tract infection and in the improvement of the intestinal function.
ID 2942: Lactobacillus acidophilus bar 13 (CNCM-I-3857) and Bifidobacterium longum bar 33 (CNCM-
I-3858)- mix 1:1 and immune modulation
1 Deposit certificates for Bar 13 and Bar 33 (CONFIDENTIAL). 2007.
2 Bifidobacterium longum R0175 - Antibiotic Profile (CONFIDENTIAL). 2008.
3 Lactobacillus helveticus R0052 - Antibiotic Profile (CONFIDENTIAL). 2008.
4 Certificate from Lallemand regarding the denomination of the strains (CONFIDENTIAL). 2008.
5 Brigidi P, 2008. Genetic identification certificates for Bar 13 and Bar 33 (CONFIDENTIAL).
6 Candela M, Perna F, Carnevali P, Vitali B, Ciati R, Gionchetti P, Rizzello F, Campieri M, Brigidi P, 2008.
Interaction of probiotic Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains with human intestinal epithelial cells:
adhesion properties, competition against enteropathogens and modulation of IL-8 production. Int J Food
Microbiol, 125, 286-292.
7 Mengheri E, 2008. Health, probiotics, and inflammation. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42 Suppl 3 Pt 2, S177-178.
8 Roselli M, Finamore A, Nuccitelli S, Carnevali P, Brigidi P, Vitali B, Nobili F, Rami R, Garaguso I,
Mengheri E, 2009. Prevention of TNBS-induced colitis by different Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium
strains is associated with an expansion of T and regulatory T cells of intestinal intraepithelial
lymphocytes. Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Published Online ahead of print: 5 June 2009.
ID 2943: Lactobacillus acidophilus K8 (LMG P-17503) and The strain takes part in the normal vaginal
flora. It colonize the vagina. It counteract unwanted bacteria and yeasts, promoting the vaginal healt
1 Bottazzi V, 1987. Aggiornamento di microbiologia dei batteri lattici. Centro Sperimentale del Latte S.p.A,
2 De Simone C, Bianchi Salvadori B, Negri R, Terrazzi M, Baldinelli L, Vesely R, 1986. The adjuvant effect
of yogurt on production of gamma-interferon by Con A-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Nutrition Reports International, 33, 419-433.
3 De Simone C, Famularo G, Birillo E, Vesely R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Santini G, 1995. Rethinking the role of
probiotics for the prevention and treatment of enteropathies. In: Old Herborn University Seminar
Monograph 8. Probiotics: prospects of use in opportunistic infections. Fuller R, Heidt PJ, Rusch V, Van Der
Waaij D (eds.). Institute for Microbiology and Biochemistry, Herborn-Dill, 67-80.
4 De Simone C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1998. Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici -
Teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A, Padova.
5 Di Silverio F, Von Heland M, Macr D, Flammia G, 1998. Il ruolo della microflora intestinale nelle cistiti
urinarie e sindrome colon-pelvica. Argomenti di Gastroenterologia Clinica, 11 Suppl.1, 23-27.
6 Faustini M, Bianchi Salvadori B, Giardini A, Vesely R, Maffeo G, Russo V, 1994. Valutazione della
sicurezza di una miscela di batteri probiotici nel ratto, 2004. Valutazione della sicurezza di una miscela di
batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 8, 1-9.
7 Mastromarino P, Petruzziello R, Macchia S, 1998. Adesione dei batteri lattici alle cellule HeLa. In:
Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici - Teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. De Simone
C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R (eds.). Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A, Padova, 133-150.
8 Mogensen G, Salminen S, O'Brien J, Ouwehand A, Holzapfel W, Shortt C, Fonden R, Miller GD, Donohue
D, Playne M, Crittenden R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Zink R, 2002. Inventory of Microorganisms with a
documented history of use in food IDF Bulletin, 377, 10-19.
9 Naidu AS, Bidlack WR, Clemens RA, 1999. Probiotic spectra of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr, 39, 13-126.
10 Ouwehand A, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fondn R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
probiotics and culture-containing dairy products in humans. IDF Bulletin, 380, 4-19.
11 Reid G and Bruce AW, 2003. Urogenital infections in women: can probiotics help? Postgrad Med J, 79,
12 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
ID 2944: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA 02 (LMG P-21381)+Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-
21021) and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Saggioro A, 2004. Probiotics in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Journal of clinical
gastroenterology, 38, 104-106.
ID 2945: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA1 (LMG P-21904) and Intestinal flora / gut health
1 Bottazzi V, 1987. Aggiornamento di microbiologia dei batteri lattici. Centro Sperimentale del Latte S.p.A,
2 Camaschella P and Bianchi Salvadori B, 1987. Distribuzione del Lactobacillus acidophilus nel lume
intestinale di animali gnotoxenici trattati con Streptococcus faecium. Obiettivi e Documenti Veterinari, VIII,
3 Campieri M, 1999. Clinical trial for a comparative versus placebo evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of a
new product (VSL3 Forte) in subjects affected by diarrhoeic syndrome of various origin. Scientific report of
the University of Bologna.
4 De Simone C, Famularo G, Birillo E, Vesely R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Santini G, 1995. Rethinking the role of
probiotics for the prevention and treatment of enteropathies. In: Prospects of Use un Opportunistic
Infections. Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph. Fuller R, Heidt PJ, Rusch V, Van DerWaaij D
(eds.). 67-80.
5 De Simone C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1998. Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici
Teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A., Padova.
6 EFFCA (European food and feed cultures association), Inventory of Microorganisms with a documented
history of use in food, http://www.effca.com/anglais/pages/statique/11_list_of_microorg.htm.
7 Faustini M, Bianchi Salvadori B, Giardini A, Vesely R, Maffeo G, Russo V, 1994. Valutazione della
sicurezza di una miscela di batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 1.
8 Naidu AS, Bidlack WR, Clemens RA, 1999. Probiotic spectra of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr, 39, 13-126.
9 Ouwehand A, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fondn R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
probiotics and culture-containing dairy products in humans. Bulletin - International Dairy Federation, 380,
10 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
11 Zoppi G, Cinquetti M, Benini A, Bonamini E, Minelli EB, 2001. Modulation of the intestinal ecosystem by
probiotics and lactulose in children during treatment with ceftriaxone. Current Therapeutic Research, 62,
ID 2946: Lactobacillus acidophilus P 18806 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 Dondi G, 2000. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical properties and
strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP1046713, European Patent Office.
2 Elli M, Callegari ML, Ferrari S, Bessi E, Cattivelli D, Soldi S, Morelli L, Goupil Feuillerat N, Antoine JM,
2006. Survival of yogurt bacteria in the human gut. Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 5113-5117.
3 Proge Farm, 1999. Determination of carbohydrate fermentation pattern SDS-PAGE protein profiling report
ID 2947: Lactobacillus acidophilus P 18806 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali
1 Mastrandrea F, Coradduzza G, Serio G, Minardi A, Manelli M, Ardito S, Muratore L, 2004. Probiotics
reduce the CD34+ hemopoietic precursor cell increased traffic in allergic subjects. Eur Ann Allergy Clin
Immunol, 36, 118-122.
ID 2948: Lactobacillus acidophilus, Bifidobacterium (BB46); Bifidobacterium (BB02),Bifidobacterium
Breve(Bbr8 LMG P-17501)CSL, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus ATC C53103 (LGG), Lactobacillus casei
101/37(Img P-17504), Lactobacillus delbruekii spp bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG P1 and Intestinal
microflora - Natural defences - immune response
No references provided
ID 2949: Lactobacillus casei CNCM I-1572 DG and Intestinal flora
1 Drago L, De Vecchi E, Valli M, Nicola L, Lomabardi A, Gismondo MR, 2002. Colonizzazione intestinale di
Lactobacillus casei subsp.casei l-1572 CNCM (L.casei DG) in volontari sani e in topi germ-free. Farmaci e
terapia, 19, 72-76.
ID 2950: Lactobacillus crispatus P 17631 and Benessere della microflora vaginale
1 Lattobacilli ad uso .etc. Universit degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
2 Dondi G and Morelli L, 1998. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microrganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
European Patent 0949330A3.
3 Dondi G and Morelli L, 2002. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microorganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
United States Patent 6342366.
4 Gianella C, 2003. Activity and tolerability study of lactobacillus crispatus P 17631 vaginal capsules
administered in repeated dose regimen to 24 females suffering from vaginal infections. Institute for
Pharmacokinetic and Analytical Sudies, Ligornetto, Switzerland.
5 Pietronave S, Bonetti A, Martinotti MG, 2003. Caratterizzazione delle propriet probiotiche di alcuni ceppi
del genere Lactobacillus spp. Atti del 5 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Rimini,
ID 2951: Lactobacillus delbrueckii P18805 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 BCCM-LMG (Belgian co-ordinated collections of micro-organisms - Laboratorium voor Microbiologie
Universiteit Gent), 1997. Identification of 3 bacterial isolates reported 29/01/97.
2 Dondi G, 2000. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical properties and
strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP1046713, Office EP.
3 Elli M, Callegari ML, Ferrari S, Bessi E, Cattivelli D, Soldi S, Morelli L, Goupil Feuillerat N, Antoine JM,
2006. Survival of yogurt bacteria in the human gut. Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 5113-5117.
4 Proge Farm, 1999. Determination of carbohydrate fermentation pattern SDS-PAGE protein profiling report
ID 2952: Lactobacillus delbrueckii P18805 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali
1 Mastrandrea F, Coradduzza G, Serio G, Minardi A, Manelli M, Ardito S, Muratore L, 2004. Probiotics
reduce the CD34+ hemopoietic precursor cell increased traffic in allergic subjects. Eur Ann Allergy Clin
Immunol, 36, 118-122.
ID 2953: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Intestinal microflora
1 Bianchi Salvadori B, Brughera F, Salvadori P, 1967. Studio sulle variazioni coprocolturali nel lattante in
rapporto alla somministrazione di yoghurt. Min Diet, 7, 176-180.
2 Bianchi Salvadori B, Gotti M, Brughera F, Polinelli U, 1978. Etude sur les variations de la flore lactique et
bifide intestinale par rapport l'administration des cellules lactiques du yaourt. Le Lait, 58, 17-42.
3 Bianchi Salvadori B, Camaschella P, Bazzigaluppi E, 1984. Distribution and adherence of Lactobacillus
bulgaricus in the gastroenteric tract of germ-free animals. Milchwissenschaft, 39, 387-391.
4 Bianchi Salvadori B and Camaschella P, 1986. Yogurt as re-equilibration agent of the intestinal flora of
dispeptic babies. Annali Ist. Sup. Sanit, 22, 1149-1152.
5 Bianchi Salvadori B, Camaschella P, Cislaghi S, 1989. Effect of yogurt lactic acid bacteria and
Bifidobacteria on translocation of Escherichia coli in the lymph system. Microecol Therapy, 18, 137-142.
6 Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, Ferrari A, Canzi E, Casiraghi C, Brighenti F, 2001. Behaviour of the
pharmaceutical probiotic preparation VSL#3 in human ileostomy effluent containing its own natural
elements. New Microbiol, 24, 23-33.
7 Bottazzi V, 1987. Aggiornamenti di Microbiologia dei batteri lattici. Centro Sperimentale del Latte, Milano.
8 Camaschella P, Cislaghi S, Bianchi Salvadori B, 1988. Propriet probiotiche dei batteri lattici dello yogurt e
fenomeno di traslocazione batterica. Proceedings of Recenti progresi in gastroenterologia e nutrizione
pediatrica, Napoli, 115-124.
9 Campieri M, 1999. Clinical trial for a comparative versus placebo evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of a
new product (VSL3 Forte) in subjects affected by diarrhoeic syndrome of various origin. University of
10 Canzi E, Casiraghi MC, Zanchi R, Gandolfi R, Ferrari A, Brighenti F, Bosia R, Crippa A, Maestri P, Vesely
R, 2002. Yogurt in the diet of the elderly: a preliminary investigation into its effect on the gut ecosystem and
lipid metabolism. Le Lait, 82, 713-723.
11 De Simone C, Famularo G, Birillo E, Vesely R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Santini G, 1995. Rethinking the role of
probiotics for the prevention and treatment of enteropathies. In: Prospects of Use in Opportunistic
Infections. Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph. Fuller R, Heidt PJ, Rusch V, Van DerWaaij D
(eds.). 67-80.
12 De Simone C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1998. Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici:
teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova.
13 EFFCA (European food and feed cultures association), Inventory of Microorganisms with a documented
history of use in food, http://www.effca.com/anglais/pages/statique/11_list_of_microorg.htm.
14 Faustini M, Bianchi Salvadori B, Giardini A, Vesely R, Maffeo G, Russo V, 2004. Valutazione della
sicurezza di una miscela di batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 8, 1-9.
15 Naidu AS, Bidlack WR, Clemens RA, 1999. Probiotic spectra of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr, 39, 13-126.
16 Ouwehand AC, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fonden R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
probiotics and culture-containing dairy products in humans. Bulletin- International Dairy Federation, 4-19.
17 Pacini N, Ferrari A, Canzi E, Bianchi Salvadori B, 1979. Etude sur la microflore intestinale et sur les
transformations biliares chex des souris aliments avec du yaourt. Le Lait, LIX, 589-590, 615-624.
18 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
19 Salvadori P and Bianchi Salvadori B, 1973. Studio sulle variazioni coprocolturali nell'uomo in rapporto alla
somministrazione di yogurt. Minerva Dietologica, 13, 8-12.
20 Zanini K, Marzotto M, Castellazzi A, Borsari A, Dellaglio F, Torriani S, 2007. The effects of fermented
milks with simple and complex probiotic mixtures on the intestinal microbiota and immune response of
healthy adults and children. International Dairy Journal, 17, 1332-1343.
ID 2954: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Natural defence - immune response (Svolgono un'attivit
immunostimulante e immunomodulante verificato in individui adulti e bambini)
1 Bianchi Salvadori B, Camaschella P, Bazzigaluppi E, 1984. Distribution and adherence of Lactobacillus
bulgaricus in the gastroenteric tract of germ-free animals. Milchwissenschaft, 39, 387-391.
2 Bottazzi V, 1987. Aggiornamenti di Microbiologia dei batteri lattici. Centro Sperimentale del Latte, Milano.
3 Campieri M, 1999. Clinical trial for a comparative versus placebo evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of a
new product (VSL3 Forte) in subjects affected by diarrhoeic syndrome of various origin. University of
4 De Simone C, Bianchi Salvadori B, Negri R, Ferrazzi M, Baldinelli L, Vesely R, 1986. The adjuvant effect
of yogurt on production of gamma interferon by con A-stimulated human peripheral blood lymphocytes.
Nutrition reports international, 33, 419-433.
5 De Simone C, Grassi PP, Bianchi-Salvadori B, Miragliotta G, Vesely R, Jirillo E, 1988. Adherence of
specific yogurt micro-organisms to human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Microbios, 55, 49.
6 De Simone C, Tzantzoglou S, Baldinelli L, Difabio S, Bianchi-Salvadori B, Jirillo E, Vesely R, 1988.
Enhancement of host resistance against Salmonella typhimurium infection by a diet supplemented with
yogurt. Immunopharmacology and Immunotoxicology, 10, 399-415.
7 De Simone C, Bianchi Salvadori B, Jirillo E, Baldinelli L, Di Fabio S, Vessely R, 1989. Yogurt and the
immune response. Les Laits Ferments: actualits de la recherche, Congrs International, Paris.
8 De Simone C, Bianchi Salvadori B, Tzantzoglou S, Jirillo E, Camaschella P, Cislaghi S, Ciardi A, Vesely R,
1992. Bacterial translocation and immunological responses in mice monoassociated or biassociated with
Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Escherichia coli. Dynamic Nutrition Research, 1, 57-65.
9 De Simone C, Famularo G, Birillo E, Vesely R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Santini G, 1995. Rethinking the role of
probiotics for the prevention and treatment of enteropathies. In: Prospects of Use in Opportunistic
Infections. Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph. Fuller R, Heidt PJ, Rusch V, Van DerWaaij D
(eds.). 67-80.
10 De Simone C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1998. Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici:
teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. Piccin Nuova Libraria, Padova.
11 EFFCA (European food and feed cultures association), Inventory of Microorganisms with a documented
history of use in food, http://www.effca.com/anglais/pages/statique/11_list_of_microorg.htm.
12 Faustini M, Bianchi Salvadori B, Giardini A, Vesely R, Maffeo G, Russo V, 2004. Valutazione della
sicurezza di una miscela di batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 8, 1-9.
13 Naidu AS, Bidlack WR, Clemens RA, 1999. Probiotic spectra of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr, 39, 13-126.
14 Ouwehand AC, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fonden R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
probiotics and culture-containing dairy products in humans. Bulletin- International Dairy Federation, 4-19.
15 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
16 Simone CD, Vesely R, Negri R, Salvadori BB, Zanzoglu S, Cilli A, Lucci L, 1987. Enhancement of immune
response of murine Peyer's patches by a diet supplemented with yogurt. Immunopharmacology and
Immunotoxicology, 9, 87-100.
17 Simone C, Baldinelli L, Di Fabio S, Tzantzoglou S, Jirillo E, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1988.
Lactobacilli feeding increases NK cells and gamma-IFN levels in humans. Dietetics in the 90s. Role of the
dietitian/nutritionist, 1.
18 Vesely R, Negri R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Lavezzari D, De Simone C, 1985. Influence of diet additioned with
yogurt on the mouse immune system. Journal of Immunology and. Immunopharmacology, 5, 30-35.
19 Zanini K, Marzotto M, Castellazzi A, Borsari A, Dellaglio F, Torriani S, 2007. The effects of fermented
milks with simple and complex probiotic mixtures on the intestinal microbiota and immune response of
healthy adults and children. International Dairy Journal, 17, 1332-1343.
ID 2955: Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. bulgaricus AY/CSL (LMG-P 17224) and Streptococcus
thermophilus 9Y/CSL (LMG-P 17225) and Lactose digestion
1 Bianchi Salvadori B, Camaschella P, Bazzigaluppi E, 1984. Distribution and adherence of Lactobacillus
bulgaricus in the gastroenteric tract of germ free-animals. Milchwissenschaft, 39, 387-391.
2 Bottazzi V, 1987. Aggiornamento di microbiologia dei batteri lattici. Centro Sperimentale del Latte S.p.A.,
3 Campieri M, 1999. Clinical trial for a comparative versus placebo evaluation of efficacy and tolerability of a
new product (VSL3 Forte) in subjects affected by diarrhoeic syndrome of various origin. University of
4 De Simone C, Famularo G, Birillo E, Vesely R, Bianchi Salvadori B, Santini G, 1995. Rethinking the role of
probiotics for the prevention and treatment of enteropathies. In: Prospects of Use in Opportunistic
Infections. Old Herborn University Seminar Monograph. Fuller R, Heidt PJ, Rusch V, Van DerWaaij D
(eds.). 67-80.
5 De Simone C, Famularo G, Bianchi Salvadori B, Vesely R, 1998. Prospettive terapeutiche dei batteri lattici -
Teoria e applicazioni nel dismicrobismo intestinale. Piccin Nuova Libraria S.p.A., Padova.
6 Ecuba P, Zambrini AV, Camaschella P, Cislaghi S, Pannone P, Di Martino L, Pettoello M, Guandalini S,
1992. Valutazione dell'uso dello yogurt nel malassorbimento di lattosio in et pediatrica. Riv Ital Pediatr, 18,
7 EFFCA (European food and feed cultures association), Inventory of Microorganisms with a documented
history of use in food, http://www.effca.com/anglais/pages/statique/11_list_of_microorg.htm.
8 Faustini M, Bianchi Salvadori B, Giardini A, Vesely R, Maffeo G, Russo V, 1994. Valutazione della
sicurezza di una miscela di batteri probiotici nel ratto. Cibus, 8, 1-9.
9 Naidu AS, Bidlack WR, Clemens RA, 1999. Probiotic spectra of lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Crit Rev Food
Sci Nutr, 39, 13-126.
10 Ouwehand AC, Bianchi Salvadori B, Fonden R, Mogensen G, Salminen S, Sellars R, 2003. Health effects of
probiotics and culture-containing dairy products in humans. Bulletin- International Dairy Federation, 4-19.
11 Roberfroid MB, 2000. Prebiotics and probiotics: are they functional foods? Am J Clin Nutr, 71, 1682S-
1687S; discussion 1688S-1690S.
ID 2956: Lactobacillus gasseri P 17632 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 BCCM-LMG (Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms - Laboratorium voor Microbiologie),
1997. Identification of 3 bacterial isolates reported 29/01/97.
2 Dondi G, 2000. Use of agent active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, United States Patent Application Publication US2004/0043011A1.
3 Dondi G, 2000. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical properties and
strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP1046713, European Patent Office.
4 Dondi G and Morelli L, 2002. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microrganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
United States Patent 6,342,366 B1.
5 Dondi G, 2007. Use of agent active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, European Patent 1339419 B1, European Patent Office.
6 Lattobacilli ad uso .etc. Universit degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
7 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Universit
Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
8 Pietronave S, Bonetti A, Martinotti MG, 2003. Caratterizzazione delle propriet probiotiche di alcuni ceppi
del genere Lactobacillus spp. Atti del 5 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Rimini,
9 Pietronave. S, Malfa P, Martinotti M, 2004. Lactobacillus gasseri P 17632: a potencial probiotic strain. Atti
del 6 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Riva del Garda, 473.
10 Proge Farm, 1997. Identification of 3 bacterial isolates Report 29/01/1997.
ID 2957: Lactobacillus gasseri P 18137 and Benessere della microflora vaginale
1 Lattobacilli ad uso .etc. Universit degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
2 Dondi G and Morelli L, 1998. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microrganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
European Patent 0949330A3.
3 Dondi G and Morelli L, 2002. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microrganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
United States Patent 6,342,366 B1.
4 Pietronave S, Bonetti A, Martinotti MG, 2003. Caratterizzazione delle propriet probiotiche di alcuni ceppi
del genere Lactobacillus spp. Atti del 5 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Rimini,
ID 2958: Lactobacillus gasseri P 18137 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 Lattobacilli ad uso .etc. Universit degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale.
2 BCCM-LMG (Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms - Laboratorium voor Microbiologie),
1998. Determination of carbohydrate fermentation pattern.
3 Dondi G and Morelli L, 1998. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microrganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
European Patent 0949330A3.
4 Dondi G and Morelli L, 2002. Lactobacilli strains having inhibitory and/or microbicidal activity against
pathogenic microorganisms and a method for inducing and keeping said activity in lactobacilli cultures,
United States Patent 6342366.
5 Pietronave S, Bonetti A, Martinotti MG, 2003. Caratterizzazione delle propriet probiotiche di alcuni ceppi
del genere Lactobacillus spp. Atti del 5 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Rimini,
ID 2959: Lactobacillus paracasei B21060 and Funzione intestinale
1 Andriulli A, Neri M, Loguercio C, Terreni N, Merla A, Cardarella MP, Federico A, Chilovi F, Milandri GL,
De Bona M, Cavenati S, Gullini S, Abbiati R, Garbagna N, Cerutti R, Grossi E, 2008. Clinical trial on the
efficacy of a new symbiotic formulation, Flortec, in patients with irritable bowel syndrome: a multicenter,
randomized study. J Clin Gastroenterol, 42 Suppl 3 Pt 2, S218-223.
2 Drago L, Gismondo MR, Lombardi A, de Haen C, Gozzini L, 1997. Inhibition of in vitro growth of
enteropathogens by new Lactobacillus isolates of human intestinal origin. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 153, 455-
3 Federico A, Tuccillo C, Grossi E, Abbiati R, Garbagna N, Salerno R, Mucherino C, Tiso A, Romano M, Del
Vecchio Blanco C, Loguercio C, 2007. The role of a synbiotic (FLORTEC, Bracco SpA, Italy) on the
plasma levels and peripheral blood mononuclear cell expression of cytokines in patients with ulcerative
colitis: a pilot study. 4th Probiotics and Prebiotics New Foods jointly with XXX International Congress on
Microbial Ecology and Disease (SOMED), Rome.
4 Morelli L, Cesena C, de Haen C, Gozzini L, 1998. Taxonomic Lactobacillus Composition of Feces from
Human Newborns during the First Few Days. Microb Ecol, 35, 205-212.
5 Morelli L, Zonenschain D, Callegari ML, Grossi E, Maisano F, Fusillo M, 2003. Assessment of a new
synbiotic preparation in healthy volunteers: survival, persistence of probiotic strains and its effect on the
indigenous flora. Nutr J, 2, 11.
6 Morelli L, Garbagna N, Rizzello F, Zonenschain D, Grossi E, 2006. In vivo association to human colon of
Lactobacillus paracasei B21060: map from biopsies. Dig Liver Dis, 38, 894-898.
7 Peluso I, Fina D, Caruso R, Stolfi C, Caprioli F, Fantini MC, Caspani G, Grossi E, Di Iorio L, Paone FM,
Pallone F, Monteleone G, 2007. Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei B21060 suppresses human T-cell
proliferation. Infect Immun, 75, 1730-1737.
ID 2960: Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I 1687 and Supports your natural (immune) defence system
by increasing the IL-10 production and enanching NK cell activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
(PBMC). Necessary to mantain the natural defences/helps to mantain a balanced immune system
(increasing the IL-10 production and enanching NK cell activity)
1 Castellazzi A, 2007. Studio in vitro sulle propriet immunomodulanti del ceppo batterico Lactobacillus
paracasei I 1687. Final report.
ID 2961: Lactobacillus paracasei CNCM I 1687 and Is a probiotic; contributes to a healthy digestive
system by supporting the gut flora through an increased number of positive lactobacillus in the intestine;
useful to mantain an healthy intestinal flora adhering to the mucosa; improves intestinal barrier function
by competion (steric encumbrance) against pathogens; reduces gastro-intestinal discomfort; necessary to
mantain a healthy digestive system by production of specific enzymes (e.g. beta-galactosidase)
1 Morelli L, 1996. Identification of two strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Final Report.
2 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Final Report.
3 Pedraglio G, 2004. Novel lactobacilli strains useful in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal
system, 0861905B1, Office EP.
ID 2962: Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali
1 Castellazzi A, Avanzini MA, Oliveri M, Valsecchi C, Malfa P, Marseglia G, 2006. "In vitro" and "in Vivo"
immunomodulant attivity of PSMIX (Lactobacillus paracasei l 1688 and Lactobacillus salivarius l 1794).
Poster at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, San Francisco.
2 Castellazzi AM, 2007. Final report on Florilac Trial. University of Pavia.
3 Castellazzi AM, Valsecchi C, Montagna L, Malfa P, Ciprandi G, Avanzini MA, Marseglia GL, 2007. In
vitro activation of mononuclear cells by two probiotics: Lactobacillus paracasei l 1688, Lactobacillus
salivarius l 1794, and their mixture (PSMIX). Immunological Investigations, 36, 413-421.
4 Dondi G and Malfa P, 2007. Use of Specific Lactic Bacteria for the Preparation of Immunomodulating
Compositions, WO/2007/015132.
ID 2963: Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 Bonetti A, 2002. Assessment of the persistence in the human intestinal tract of two probiotic lactobacilli
Lactobacillus salivarius I 1794 and Lactobacillus paracasei I 1688. Microbial Ecology in Health and
Disease, 14, 229-233.
2 Morelli L, 1996. Identification of two strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit.
3 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Universit
Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
4 Pedraglio G, 2004. Novel lactobacilli strains useful in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal
system, European Patent EP0861905, European Patent Office.
ID 2964: Lactobacillus paracasei LMG P-22043 and Intestinal flora
1 Lavermicocca P, Valerio F, Lonigro SL, De Angelis M, Morelli L, Callegari ML, Rizzello CG, Visconti A,
2005. Study of adhesion and survival of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria on table olives with the aim of
formulating a new probiotic food. Appl Environ Microbiol, 71, 4233-4240.
2 Lavermicocca P, 2006. Highlights on new food research. Dig Liver Dis, 38 Suppl 2, S295-299.
3 Lavermicocca P, Valerio F, Lonigro SL, Di Leo A, Visconti A, 2008. Antagonistic activity of potential
probiotic Lactobacilli against the ureolytic pathogen Yersinia enterocolitica. Curr Microbiol, 56, 175-181.
4 Ministero della Salute, 2007. Oggetto: Arricchimento con probiotici di prodotti orticoli - su richiesta della
Copaim. (Lettera del 23/05/2007).
5 Valerio F, De Bellis P, Lonigro SL, Morelli L, Visconti A, Lavermicocca P, 2006. In vitro and in vivo
survival and transit tolerance of potentially probiotic strains carried by artichokes in the gastrointestinal
tract. Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 3042-3045.
ID 2965: Lactobacillus plantarum LP 01 (LMG P-21021) and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Del Piano M, Montino F, Carmagnola S, Anderloni A, Orsello M, Garello E, Sforza F, Ballare M, 2005. The
use of probiotics in the treatment of constipation in the elderly. Cibus, 1, 23-30.
ID 2966: Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 and Benessere del tratto intestinale
1 BCCM-LMG (Belgian Co-ordinated Collections of Micro-organisms - Laboratorium voor Microbiologie),
1997. Identification of 3 bacterial isolates reported 29/01/97.
2 Dho G, Marchese A, Debbia E, 2003. Caratteristiche microbiologiche di Lactobacillus Plantarum P17630
contenuto in un preparato probiotico per uso vaginale. Giornale Italiano di Microbiologia Medica
Odontoiatrica e Clinica, 7, 102-108.
3 Dondi G and It P, 1999. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical
properties and strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP 1046713A2, European Patent Office.
4 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Universit
Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
5 Morelli L, 2000. Microbiological characteristics of Lactobacillus Plantarum P17630 contained in vaginal
suppositories. Universit Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
6 Pietronave S, Bonetti A, Martinotti MG, 2003. Caratterizzazione delle propriet probiotiche di alcuni ceppi
del genere Lactobacillus spp. Atti del 5 Congresso Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita (FISV), Rimini,
ID 2967: Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 and Benessere della microflora vaginale
1 Bonetti A, Morelli L, Campominosi E, Ganora E, Sforza F, 2003. Adherence of Lactobacillus plantarum P
17630 in soft-gel capsule formulation versus Doderlein's bacillus in tablet formulation to vaginal epithelial
cells. Minerva Ginecol, 55, 279-284, 284-277.
2 Carriero C, Lezzi V, Mancini T, Selvaggi L, 2007. Vaginal capsules of Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 for
prevention of relapse of candida vulvovaginitis: an Italian multicentre observational study. Int. J. Probiotics
and Prebiotics, 2, 155-162.
3 Culici M, Dal Sasso M, Braga P, 2004. Ladesione del Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630 alle cellule vaginali
inibisce ladesivit della Candida albicans. Giornale Italiano di Microbiologia Medica Odontoiatrica e
Clinica, 8, 34-41.
4 Dondi G and It P, 1999. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical
properties and strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP 1046713A2, European Patent Office.
5 Escorsell J, 2007. Lactobacillus plantarum P 17630: Eficacia y tolerabilidad en el tratamiento y la
prevencin de la vaginitis recurrente. Drugs of Today, 43 (supl. 5), 1-14.
6 Nava S, Garone GP, Colombo D, Mongelli L, 2002. Considerazioni sullimpiego del Lactobacillus
plantarum P17630 nella patologia vaginale su base infettivo-infiammatoria. Riv. Ostetr. Ginecol. Pratica e
Med. Perin, 17, 14-19.
ID 2968: Lactobacillus rhamnosus and Promotes the well being of the intestin improving skin, scalp
and hair health.
No references provided.
ID 2969: Lactobacillus rhamnosus LR 04 (DSM 16605) and Microflora / intestinal transit
1 Dezi A, Carmagnola S, Ballar M, Orsello M, Del Piano M, Capurso L, 2004. Probiotics and chronic
diarrhoea in the elderly. Cibus, 8, 58-64.
ID 2970: Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 Bonetti A, 2002. Assessment of the persistence in the human intestinal tract of two probiotic lactobacilli
Lactobacillus salivarius I 1794 and Lactobacillus paracasei I 1688. Microbial Ecology in Health and
Disease, 14, 229-233.
2 Dondi G, 2000. Use of agents active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, United States Patent Application Publication US2004/0043011A1.
3 Dondi G, 2007. Use of agents active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, European Patent EP1339419B1.
4 Morelli L, 1996. Identification of two strains of lactobacillus for a patetent deposit. Universit Cattolica del
sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
5 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Universit
Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
6 Pedraglio G, 2004. Novel lactobacilli strains useful in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal
system, European Patent EP 0861905, European Patent Office.
ID 2971: Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and Rinforzo delle difese naturali
1 Castellazzi A, Avanzini MA, Oliveri M, Valsecchi C, Malfa P, Marseglia G, 2006. "In vitro" and "in vivo"
immunomodulant attivity of PSMIX (Lactobacillus paracasei l 1688 and Lactobacillus salivarius l 1794).
Poster at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, San Francisco.
2 Castellazzi A, 2007. Final report on Florilac Trial. University of Pavia.
3 Castellazzi AM, Valsecchi C, Montagna L, Malfa P, Ciprandi G, Avanzini MA, Marseglia GL, 2007. In
vitro activation of mononuclear cells by two probiotics: Lactobacillus paracasei I 1688, Lactobacillus
salivarius I 1794, and their mixture (PSMIX). Immunological Investigations, 36, 413-421.
4 Dondi G and Malfa P, 2007. Use of Specific Lactic Bacteria for the Preparation of Immunomodulating
Compositions, WO/2007/015132.
ID 2972: PSMIX, miscela di Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 e Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and
Benessere generale del tratto gastro-intestinale
1 Bonetti A, 2002. Assessment of the persistence in the human intestinal tract of two probiotic lactobacilli
Lactobacillus salivarius I 1794 and Lactobacillus paracasei I 1688. Microbial Ecology in Health and
Disease, 14, 229-233.
2 Dondi G, 2000. Use of agents active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, United States Patent Application Publication US2004/0043011A1.
3 Dondi G, 2007. Use of agents active against Candida in the treatment of disorders of the oral and intestinal
mucosa, European Patent EP1339419B1.
4 Morelli L, 1996. Identification of two strains of lactobacillus for a patetent deposit. Universit Cattolica del
sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
5 Morelli L, 1997. Microbiological analysis of 6 strains of lactobacillus for a patent deposit. Universit
Cattolica del sacro Cuore di Piacenza.
6 Pedraglio G, 2004. Novel lactobacilli strains useful in the treatment of disorders of the gastrointestinal
system, European Patent EP 0861905, European Patent Office.
ID 2973: PSMIX, miscela di Lactobacillus paracasei I1688 e Lactobacillus salivarius I1794 and
Rinforzo delle difese naturali
1 Castellazzi A, Avanzini MA, Oliveri M, Valsecchi C, Malfa P, Marseglia G, 2006. "In vitro" and "in vivo"
immunomodulant attivity of PSMIX (Lactobacillus paracasei l 1688 and Lactobacillus salivarius l 1794).
Poster at the 6th Annual Meeting of the Federation of Clinical Immunology Societies, San Francisco.
2 Castellazzi A, 2007. Final report on Florilac Trial. University of Pavia.
3 Castellazzi AM, Valsecchi C, Montagna L, Malfa P, Ciprandi G, Avanzini MA, Marseglia GL, 2007. In
vitro activation of mononuclear cells by two probiotics: Lactobacillus paracasei I 1688, Lactobacillus
salivarius I 1794, and their mixture (PSMIX). Immunological Investigations, 36, 413-421.
4 Dondi G and Malfa P, 2007. Use of Specific Lactic Bacteria for the Preparation of Immunomodulating
Compositions, WO/2007/015132.
ID 2974: Streptococcus thermophilus LMG P 18807 and Is a probiotic contributes to a healthy
digestive system by supporting the gut flora through an increased number of positive lactobacillus in the
intestine; useful to mantain an healthy intestinal flora adhering to the mucosa; improves intestinal barrier
function by competion (steric encumbrance) against pathogens; reduces gastro-intestinal discomfort;
necessary to mantain a healthy digestive system by production of specific enzymes (e.g. beta-
1 BCCM-LMG (Belgian co-ordinated collections of micro-organisms - Laboratorium voor Microbiologie
Universiteit Gent), 1999. Determination of carbohydrate fermentation pattern SDS-PAGE protein profiling
report 4/2/1999.
2 Dondi G and It P, 1999. Method for the selection of adhesive lactobacilli strains having therapeutical
properties and strains obtained by said method, European Patent EP 1046713A2, European Patent Office.
3 Elli M, Callegari ML, Ferrari S, Bessi E, Cattivelli D, Soldi S, Morelli L, Goupil Feuillerat N, Antoine JM,
2006. Survival of yogurt bacteria in the human gut. Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 5113-5117.
ID 2975: Streptococcus thermophilus LMG P 18807 and Increases the immune defences/response by
reducing the CD34+ cells. As recommended by PASSCLAIM, the functional capacity of the immune
system has been assessed by: - measuring specific cell function in vivo e.g. production of cytokines or
responce to antigens - determining the incidence and severity of infection. Necessary to mantain the
natural defences/helps to mantain a balanced immune system (reducing the CD34+ cells)
1 Mastrandrea F, Coradduzza G, Serio G, Minardi A, Manelli M, Ardito S, Muratore L, 2004. Probiotics
reduce the CD34+ hemopoietic precursor cell increased traffic in allergic subjects. Eur Ann Allergy Clin
Immunol, 36, 118-122.
ID 2976: Yoghurt cultures (live) and Lactose digestion
1 Adolfsson O, Meydani SN, Russell RM, 2004. Yogurt and gut function. Am J Clin Nutr, 80, 245-256.
2 AFSSA (Agence Franaise de Scurit Sanitaire des Aliments), 2005. Effets des probiotiques et
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immunity in adults).
3 Conway PL, Gorbach SL, Goldin BR, 1987. Survival of lactic acid bacteria in the human stomach and
adhesion to intestinal cells. J Dairy Sci, 70, 1-12.
4 de Vrese M, Stegelmann A, Richter B, Fenselau S, Laue C, Schrezenmeir J, 2001. Probiotics--compensation
for lactase insufficiency. Am J Clin Nutr, 73, 421S-429S.
5 Dewit O, Pochart P, Desjeux JF, 1988. Breath hydrogen concentration and plasma glucose, insulin and free
fatty acid levels after lactose, milk, fresh or heated yogurt ingestion by healthy young adults with or without
lactose malabsorption. Nutrition, 4, 131-135.
6 DGCCRF (Direction Gnrale de la Concurrence de la Consommation et de la Rpression des Fraudes),
2005. Allegations "ferments lactiques vivants du yaourt / digestion du lactose" (Claims "live ferments of
yoghurt / lactose digestion").
7 Drouault S, Corthier G, Ehrlich SD, Renault P, 1999. Survival, physiology, and lysis of Lactococcus lactis
in the digestive tract. Appl Environ Microbiol, 65, 4881-4886.
8 Drouault S, Anba J, Corthier G, 2002. Streptococcus thermophilus is able to produce a beta-galactosidase
active during its transit in the digestive tract of germ-free mice. Appl Environ Microbiol, 68, 938-941.
9 Greenberg NA and Mahoney RR, 1982. Production and Characterization of -Galactosidase from
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10 Guarner F, Perdigon G, Corthier G, Salminen S, Koletzko B, Morelli L, 2005. Should yoghurt cultures be
considered probiotic? Br J Nutr, 93, 783-786.
11 Klaenhammer TR and Kullen MJ, 1999. Selection and design of probiotics. Int J Food Microbiol, 50, 45-57.
12 Kolars JC, Levitt MD, Aouji M, Savaiano DA, 1984. Yogurt--an autodigesting source of lactose. N Engl J
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13 Lerebours E, N'Djitoyap Ndam C, Lavoine A, Hellot MF, Antoine JM, Colin R, 1989. Yogurt and
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14 Lin MY, Yen CL, Chen SH, 1998. Management of lactose maldigestion by consuming milk containing
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16 Martini MC, Bollweg GL, Levitt MD, Savaiano DA, 1987. Lactose digestion by yogurt beta-galactosidase:
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17 Martini MC, Lerebours EC, Lin WJ, Harlander SK, Berrada NM, Antoine JM, Savaiano DA, 1991. Strains
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18 Mater DD, Bretigny L, Firmesse O, Flores MJ, Mogenet A, Bresson JL, Corthier G, 2005. Streptococcus
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volunteers consuming yogurt. FEMS Microbiol Lett, 250, 185-187.
19 Montes RG, Bayless TM, Saavedra JM, Perman JA, 1995. Effect of milks inoculated with Lactobacillus
acidophilus or a yogurt starter culture in lactose-maldigesting children. J Dairy Sci, 78, 1657-1664.
20 Newcomer AD, Park HS, O'Brien PC, McGill DB, 1983. Response of patients with irritable bowel
syndrome and lactase deficiency using unfermented acidophilus milk. Am J Clin Nutr, 38, 257-263.
21 Onwulata CI, Rao DR, Vankineni P, 1989. Relative efficiency of yogurt, sweet acidophilus milk,
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22 Payne DL, Welsh JD, Manion CV, Tsegaye A, Herd LD, 1981. Effectiveness of milk products in dietary
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23 Pelletier X, Laure-Boussuge S, Donazzolo Y, 2001. Hydrogen excretion upon ingestion of dairy products in
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24 Piaia M, Antoine J, Mateos-guardia J, Leplingard A, Lenoir-wijnkoop I, 2003. Assessment of the benefits of
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25 Pochart P, Bisetti N, Bourlioux P, Desjeux JF, 1989. Effect of daily consumption of fresh or pasteurized
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29 Shermak MA, Saavedra JM, Jackson TL, Huang SS, Bayless TM, Perman JA, 1995. Effect of yogurt on
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pasteurized milk on lactose absorption in an institutionalized elderly group. J Am Coll Nutr, 11, 168-171.
ID 2977: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Intestinal microbiota
1 Coomans M, Hazen M, Jonkers D, Maes J, Stobberingh E, 2002. De invloed van een probioticum versus een
placebo op de fecale flora. External report, University of Maastricht, Dept of Medical Microbiology.
2 Koning C, Jonkers D, Stobberingh E, Stockbrugger R, 2005. The effect of a multispecies probiotic on the
intestinal flora and bowel habits in healthy volunteers treated with amoxycillin. European Journal of
Gastroenterology & Hepatology, 17, A62.
3 Koning CJM, Jonkers DMAE, Stobberingh EE, Smidt H, Stockbrgger RW, 2005. The effect of a
multispecies probiotic on the composition of the dominant faecal flora in healthy volunteers treated with
amoxicillin. Gut 54 (suppl VII), A234.
4 Koning CJM, Jonkers D, Stobberingh EE, Mulder L, Rombouts FM, Stockbrgger RW, 2007. The Effect of
a Multispecies Probiotic on the Intestinal Microbiota and Bowel Movements in Healthy Volunteers Taking
the Antibiotic Amoxycillin. Am J Gastroenterol, 10, 1-12.
5 Kuipers M, Timmerman H, Willems R, Rijkers GT, Wamel WJBv, 2006. Selected probiotic bacteria disrupt
biofilm development of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Abstracts of an international
conference: Biofilms II: Attachment and detachment in pure and mixed cultures, Leipzig.
6 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of Candida sp. by L. salivarius W24. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
7 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of several potential pathogenic bacteria by L.salivarius W24. Internal
report, Winclove Bio Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
8 Mulder L, 2007. Production of hydrogen peroxide by L.salivarius W24. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
9 No authors listed, 2004. Survival of bifidobacteria in the GI tract. External report. Wageningen University,
Molecular Ecology Group.
10 No authors listed, 2007. In vitro inhibition of Clostridium difficile ribotype 027 by L.salivarius W24.
Internal report, Winclove Bio Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
11 Ridwan BU, Koning CJM, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Brouwer EC, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, 2008. Antimicrobial activity of a multispecies probiotic (Ecologic 641) against pathogens
isolated from infected pancreatic necrosis. Lett Appl Microbiol, 46, 61-67.
12 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
13 van Bindsbergen L, Ridwan BU, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, 2005. Can probiotics inhibit the growth of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms? In-vitro study.
Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse En Vlaamse Verenigingen Voor Gastroenterologie, Nederlandse
Vereniging Voor Hepatologie, Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Gastrointestinale Chirurgie, Nederlands
Genootschap Van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen, Veldhoven.
ID 2978: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Beneficially affects the oral ecology
measured by increased numbers of positive lactobacilli in the oral microbiota
1 Caglar E, Kargul B, Tanboga I, 2005. Bacteriotherapy and probiotics' role on oral health. Oral Dis, 11, 131-
2 Koll-Klais P, Mandar R, Leibur E, Marcotte H, Hammarstrom L, Mikelsaar M, 2005. Oral lactobacilli in
chronic periodontitis and periodontal health: species composition and antimicrobial activity. Oral Microbiol
Immunol, 20, 354-361.
3 Kuipers MI, 2007. The effect of probiotics on the growth and development of saliva biofilms. Internal
4 Meurman JH, 2005. Probiotics: do they have a role in oral medicine and dentistry? Eur J Oral Sci, 113, 188-
5 Zaura E, Buijs MJ, Kuipers MI, Crielaard W, ten Cate JM, Effects of probiotics on dental plaque ecology.
ID 2979: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Gut barrier function
1 Koning C, Jonkers D, Stobberingh E, Out T, Stockbrugger R, 2007. Amoxycillin and multispecies probiotic
intake affect cytokine production in healthy volunteers. Gastroenterology, 132 (Suppl2), A209.
2 Lutgendorff F, van Minnen L, Timmerman H, Gooszen H, Akermans L, 2006. Prophylactic probiotics
reduce bacterial translocation in experimental pancreatitis. European Journal of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, 18, A2-A3.
3 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Rijkers GT, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, Sderholm JD, 2007. Probiotics reduce mucosal barrier failure in the early phase of acute
4 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, JD S, 2007. Prophylactic probiotics reduce intestinal permeability in early phase experimental
5 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen
JL, Hoekstra MO, 2005. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-
regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy, 35, 1481-1489.
6 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT,
2007. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal
dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 149, 344-352.
7 Timmerman HM, 2006. Multispecies probiotics - Composition and Functionality. Thesis, Utrecht
8 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
9 van Minnen LP, 2006. Acute Pancreatitis: Surgery, Pathophysiology and probiotic prophylaxis. Thesis,
Utrecht University.
10 van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W, Konstantinov SR, Smidt H,
Visser MR, Rijkers GT, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LM, 2007. Modification of intestinal flora with
multispecies probiotics reduces bacterial translocation and improves clinical course in a rat model of acute
pancreatitis. Surgery, 141, 470-480.
ID 2980: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius W24 and Balances/supports the immune system
measured by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA
1 Koning CJM, Jonkers DMAE, Stobberingh EE, Out TA, Stockbrgger RW, 2005. The effect of a
multispecies probiotic on components of the mucosal and systemic immune system in healthy volunteers
treated with amoxicillin. . Gut, 54 Suppl VII, A260.
2 Koning CJM, Jonkers D, Stobberingh E, Out T, Stockbrgger R, 2007. Amoxycillin and multispecies
probiotic intake affect cytokine production. Gastroenterology, 132 Suppl 2, A209.
3 Koning CJ, Jonkers DM, Stobberingh EE, Mulder L, Rombouts FM, Stockbrugger RW, 2008. The effect of
a multispecies probiotic on the intestinal microbiota and bowel movements in healthy volunteers taking the
antibiotic amoxycillin. Am J Gastroenterol, 103, 178-189.
4 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen
JL, Hoekstra MO, 2005. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-
regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy, 35, 1481-1489.
5 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT,
2007. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal
dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 149, 344-352.
6 Timmerman HM, 2006. Multispecies probiotics - Composition and Functionality. (Thesis), Utrecht
7 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
8 Timmerman HM, van Minnen LP, de Jager W, Konstantinov SR, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W,
Visser MR, Smidt H, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LMA, Rijkers GT, 2007. The systemic cytokine response
during experimental acute pancreatitis: impact of enteral probiotics Chapter 10 and 12.
ID 2981: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W56 and Intestinal microbiota
1 Kuipers M, Timmerman H, Willems R, Rijkers GT, Wamel WJBv, 2006. Selected probiotic bacteria disrupt
biofilm development of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Abstracts of an international
conference: Biofilms II: Attachment and detachment in pure and mixed cultures, Leipzig.
2 Mulder L, 2007. Production of hydrogen peroxide by L.salivarius W24. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of several potential pathogenic bacteria by L.salivarius W24. Internal
report, Winclove Bio Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
4 Ridwan BU, Koning CJM, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Brouwer EC, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, 2008. Antimicrobial activity of a multispecies probiotic (Ecologic 641) against pathogens
isolated from infected pancreatic necrosis. Lett Appl Microbiol, 46, 61-67.
5 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
6 van Bindsbergen L, Ridwan BU, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, 2005. Can probiotics inhibit the growth of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms? In-vitro study.
Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse En Vlaamse Verenigingen Voor Gastroenterologie, Nederlandse
Vereniging Voor Hepatologie, Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Gastrointestinale Chirurgie, Nederlands
Genootschap Van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen, Veldhoven.
ID 2982: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W58 and Gut barrier function
1 Lutgendorff F, van Minnen L, Timmerman H, Gooszen H, Akermans L, 2006. Prophylactic probiotics
reduce bacterial translocation in experimental pancreatitis. European Journal of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, 18, A2-A3.
2 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Rijkers GT, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, Sderholm JD, 2007. Probiotics reduce mucosal barrier failure in the early phase of acute
3 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, JD S, 2007. Prophylactic probiotics reduce intestinal permeability in early phase experimental
4 van Minnen LP, 2006. Acute Pancreatitis: Surgery, Pathophysiology and probiotic prophylaxis. Thesis,
Utrecht University.
5 van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W, Konstantinov SR, Smidt H,
Visser MR, Rijkers GT, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LM, 2007. Modification of intestinal flora with
multispecies probiotics reduces bacterial translocation and improves clinical course in a rat model of acute
pancreatitis. Surgery, 141, 470-480.
ID 2983: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus casei W61 and Balances/supports the immune system
measured by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA
1 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen
JL, Hoekstra MO, 2005. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-
regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy, 35, 1481-1489.
2 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT,
2007. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal
dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 149, 344-352.
3 Roll H, Rosler P, Lachtermann E, Jung K, 2000. Beeinflussung von sekretorischen IgA-Defiziten bei
Sportstudenten durch Nahrungsergnzungsmittel. Erfahrungsheilkunde, 8, 489-494.
4 Timmerman HM, 2006. Multispecies probiotics - Composition and Functionality. (Thesis), Utrecht
5 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
ID 2984: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W58 and Intestinal microbiota
1 Beasley SS and Saris PEJ, 2004. Nisin-producing Lactococcus lactis strains isolated from human milk. Am
Soc Microbiol, 70, 5051-5053.
2 Kuipers M, Timmerman H, Willems R, Rijkers GT, Wamel WJBv, 2006. Selected probiotic bacteria disrupt
biofilm development of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Abstracts of an international
conference: Biofilms II: Attachment and detachment in pure and mixed cultures, Leipzig.
3 Martin R, Heilig HG, Zoetendal EG, Jimenez E, Fernandez L, Smidt H, Rodriguez JM, 2007. Cultivation-
independent assessment of the bacterial diversity of breast milk among healthy women. Res Microbiol, 158,
4 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of Candida sp. by Lc. lactis W58. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of Clostridium difficile by Lc. lactis W58. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
6 Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Besselink MG, Timmerman HM, Brouwer EC, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LM, 2008. Antimicrobial activity of a multispecies probiotic (Ecologic 641) against pathogens
isolated from infected pancreatic necrosis. Lett Appl Microbiol, 46, 61-67.
7 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
8 van Bindsbergen L, Ridwan BU, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, 2005. Can probiotics inhibit the growth of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms? In-vitro study.
Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse En Vlaamse Verenigingen Voor Gastroenterologie, Nederlandse
Vereniging Voor Hepatologie, Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Gastrointestinale Chirurgie, Nederlands
Genootschap Van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen, Veldhoven.
ID 2985: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W61 and Gut barrier function
1 Lutgendorff F, van Minnen L, Timmerman H, Gooszen H, Akermans L, 2006. Prophylactic probiotics
reduce bacterial translocation in experimental pancreatitis. European Journal of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, 18, A2-A3.
2 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Rijkers GT, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, Sderholm JD, 2007. Probiotics reduce mucosal barrier failure in the early phase of acute
3 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, JD S, 2007. Prophylactic probiotics reduce intestinal permeability in early phase experimental
4 Mulder L, 2007. The effect of probiotic strain Lc. lactis W58 on the transepithelial electrical resistance
(TEER) of Caco-2 cells in the presence of Salmonella. Internal Report, Winclove Bio Industries,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5 van Minnen LP, 2006. Acute Pancreatitis: Surgery, Pathophysiology and probiotic prophylaxis. Thesis,
Utrecht University.
6 van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W, Konstantinov SR, Smidt H,
Visser MR, Rijkers GT, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LM, 2007. Modification of intestinal flora with
multispecies probiotics reduces bacterial translocation and improves clinical course in a rat model of acute
pancreatitis. Surgery, 141, 470-480.
ID 2986: Probiotic strain: Lactococcus lactis W64 and Balances/supports the immune system measured
by increased levels of regulatory cytokines and sIgA
1 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen
JL, Hoekstra MO, 2005. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-
regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy, 35, 1481-1489.
2 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT,
2007. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal
dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 149, 344-352.
3 Timmerman HM, 2006. Multispecies probiotics - Composition and Functionality. (Thesis), Utrecht
4 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
ID 2987: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis
W52) and Intestinal microbiota
1 Collins MD and Gibson GR, 1999. Probiotics, prebiotics, and synbiotics: approaches for modulating the
microbial ecology of the gut. Am J Clin Nutr, 69, 1052S-1057S.
2 Coomans M, Hazen M, Jonkers D, Maes J, Stobberingh E, 2002. De invloed van een probioticum versus een
placebo op de fecale flora. External report, University of Maastricht, Dept of Medical Microbiology.
3 Edwards CA and Parrett AM, 2002. Intestinal flora during the first months of life: new perspectives. Br J
Nutr, 88 Suppl 1, S11-18.
4 Fanaro S, Chierici R, Guerrini P, Vigi V, 2003. Intestinal microflora in early infancy: composition and
development. Acta Paediatr Suppl, 91, 48-55.
5 Kuipers M, Timmerman H, Willems R, Rijkers GT, Wamel WJBv, 2006. Selected probiotic bacteria disrupt
biofilm development of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium. Abstracts of an international
conference: Biofilms II: Attachment and detachment in pure and mixed cultures, Leipzig.
6 Mackie RI, Sghir A, Gaskins HR, 1999. Developmental microbial ecology of the neonatal gastrointestinal
tract. Am J Clin Nutr, 69, 1035S-1045S.
7 Mountzouris KC, McCartney AL, Gibson GR, 2002. Intestinal microflora of human infants and current
trends for its nutritional modulation. Br J Nutr, 87, 405-420.
8 No authors listed, 2004. Survival of bifidobacteria in the GI tract. External report. Wageningen University,
Molecular Ecology Group.
9 Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Besselink MG, Timmerman HM, Brouwer EC, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LM, 2008. Antimicrobial activity of a multispecies probiotic (Ecologic 641) against pathogens
isolated from infected pancreatic necrosis. Lett Appl Microbiol, 46, 61-67.
10 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
11 van Bindsbergen L, Ridwan BU, Besselink MGH, Timmerman HM, Verhoef J, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, 2005. Can probiotics inhibit the growth of antibiotic resistant micro-organisms? In-vitro study.
Najaarsvergadering Nederlandse En Vlaamse Verenigingen Voor Gastroenterologie, Nederlandse
Vereniging Voor Hepatologie, Nederlandse Vereniging Voor Gastrointestinale Chirurgie, Nederlands
Genootschap Van Maag-Darm-Leverartsen, Veldhoven.
12 van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W, Konstantinov SR, Smidt H,
Visser MR, Rijkers GT, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LM, 2007. Modification of intestinal flora with
multispecies probiotics reduces bacterial translocation and improves clinical course in a rat model of acute
pancreatitis. Surgery, 141, 470-480.
ID 2988: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis
W52) and Gut barrier function
1 Lutgendorff F, van Minnen L, Timmerman H, Gooszen H, Akermans L, 2006. Prophylactic probiotics
reduce bacterial translocation in experimental pancreatitis. European Journal of Gastroenterology &
Hepatology, 18, A2-A3.
2 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Rijkers GT, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG,
Akkermans LMA, Sderholm JD, 2007. Probiotics reduce mucosal barrier failure in the early phase of acute
3 Lutgendorff F, Sandstrm PA, Trulsson LM, van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Gooszen HG, Akkermans
LMA, JD S, 2007. Prophylactic probiotics reduce intestinal permeability in early phase experimental
4 Mulder L, 2007. The effect of probiotic strain Lc.lactis W58 on the transepithelial electrical resistance
(TEER) of Caco-2 cells in the presence of Salmonella. Internal Report, Winclove Bio Industries,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
5 van Minnen LP, 2006. Acute Pancreatitis: Surgery, Pathophysiology and probiotic prophylaxis. Thesis,
Utrecht University.
6 van Minnen LP, Timmerman HM, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W, Konstantinov SR, Smidt H,
Visser MR, Rijkers GT, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LM, 2007. Modification of intestinal flora with
multispecies probiotics reduces bacterial translocation and improves clinical course in a rat model of acute
pancreatitis. Surgery, 141, 470-480.
ID 2989: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis
W52) and Balances/supports the immune system measured by increased levels of regulatory cytokines
1 Niers LE, Timmerman HM, Rijkers GT, van Bleek GM, van Uden NO, Knol EF, Kapsenberg ML, Kimpen
JL, Hoekstra MO, 2005. Identification of strong interleukin-10 inducing lactic acid bacteria which down-
regulate T helper type 2 cytokines. Clin Exp Allergy, 35, 1481-1489.
2 Niers LE, Hoekstra MO, Timmerman HM, van Uden NO, de Graaf PM, Smits HH, Kimpen JL, Rijkers GT,
2007. Selection of probiotic bacteria for prevention of allergic diseases: immunomodulation of neonatal
dendritic cells. Clin Exp Immunol, 149, 344-352.
3 Timmerman HM, 2006. Multispecies probiotics - Composition and Functionality. (Thesis), Utrecht
4 Timmerman HM, Niers LE, Ridwan BU, Koning CJ, Mulder L, Akkermans LM, Rombouts FM, Rijkers GT,
2007. Design of a multispecies probiotic mixture to prevent infectious complications in critically ill patients.
Clin Nutr, 26, 450-459.
5 Timmerman HM, van Minnen LP, de Jager W, Konstantinov SR, Lutgendorff F, Verheem A, Harmsen W,
Visser MR, Smidt H, Gooszen HG, Akkermans LMA, Rijkers GT, 2007. The systemic cytokine response
during experimental acute pancreatitis: impact of enteral probiotics Chapter 10 and 12.
ID 2990: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis W52 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis
W52) and Supports/maintains abdominal well-being and gastro-intestinal comfort measured by an
improved intestinal passage
1 Bekkali NL, Bongers ME, Van den Berg MM, Liem O, Benninga MA, 2007. The role of a probiotics
mixture in the treatment of childhood constipation: a pilot study. Nutr J, 6, 17.
ID 2991: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus salivarius LS-33 and Intestinal microbiota
1 Daniel C, Poiret S, Goudercourt D, Dennin V, Leyer G, Pot B, 2006. Selecting lactic acid bacteria for their
safety and functionality by use of a mouse colitis model. Appl Environ Microbiol, 72, 5799-5805.
2 Engelbrektson A, Korzenik JR, Pittler A, Sanders ME, Klaenhammer TR, Leyer G, Kitts CL, 2009.
Probiotics to minimize the disruption of faecal microbiota in healthy subjects undergoing antibiotic therapy.
J Med Microbiol, 58, 663-670.
3 Foligne B, Nutten S, Grangette C, Dennin V, Goudercourt D, Poiret S, Dewulf J, Brassart D, Mercenier A,
Pot B, 2007. Correlation between in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory properties of lactic acid bacteria.
World J Gastroenterol, 13, 236-243.
4 Foligne B, Zoumpopoulou G, Dewulf J, Ben Younes A, Chareyre F, Sirard JC, Pot B, Grangette C, 2007. A
key role of dendritic cells in probiotic functionality. PLoS ONE, 2, e313.
ID 2992: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis BI-07 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis BI-
07) and Promotes the restoration of the intestinal microbiota during and after antibiotic use measured
by increased levels of bifidobacteria and reduced levels of non-beneficial bacteria in the intestine thereby
improving a normal intestinal passage
1 Engelbrektson AL, Korzenik JR, Sanders ME, Clement BG, Leyer G, Klaenhammer TR, Kitts CL, 2006.
Analysis of treatment effects on the microbial ecology of the human intestine. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 57,
2 Engelbrektson A, Korzenik JR, Pittler A, Sanders ME, Klaenhammer TR, Leyer G, Kitts CL, 2009.
Probiotics to minimize the disruption of faecal microbiota in healthy subjects undergoing antibiotic therapy.
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 58, 663.
3 Halpin-Dohnalek MI, Hilty MD, Bynum DG, 1999. Method and formula for the prevention of diarrhea
5902578 United States Patent Office.
4 Ruiz-Palacios GF, Guerrero M, Hilty M, et al, 1996. Feeding of a probiotic for the prevention of community
acquired diarrhoea in young Mexican children. Pediatr Res, 39, 104.
5 Wagner RD, Pierson C, Warner T, Dohnalek M, Farmer J, Roberts L, Hilty M, Balish E, 1997.
Biotherapeutic effects of probiotic bacteria on candidiasis in immunodeficient mice. Infect Immun, 65,
ID 2993: Positively affects the immune response and Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis BI-07
(Formerly known as Bifidobacterium infantis BI-07)
1 Foligne B, Nutten S, Grangette C, Dennin V, Goudercourt D, Poiret S, Dewulf J, Brassart D, Mercenier A,
Pot B, 2007. Correlation between in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory properties of lactic acid bacteria.
World J Gastroenterol, 13, 236-243.
ID 2994: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium lactis BL-01
and Bifidobacterium longum BI-04) and Promotes the restoration of the intestinal microbiota during
and after antibiotic use measured by enhanced levels of bifidobacteria in the intestine
1 Bartosch S, Woodmansey EJ, Paterson JC, McMurdo ME, Macfarlane GT, 2005. Microbiological effects of
consuming a synbiotic containing Bifidobacterium bifidum, Bifidobacterium lactis, and oligofructose in
elderly persons, determined by real-time polymerase chain reaction and counting of viable bacteria. Clin
Infect Dis, 40, 28-37.
2 Engelbrektson AL, Korzenik JR, Sanders ME, Clement BG, Leyer G, Klaenhammer TR, Kitts CL, 2006.
Analysis of treatment effects on the microbial ecology of the human intestine. FEMS Microbiol Ecol, 57,
3 Engelbrektson A, Korzenik JR, Pittler A, Sanders ME, Klaenhammer TR, Leyer G, Kitts CL, 2009.
Probiotics to minimize the disruption of faecal microbiota in healthy subjects undergoing antibiotic therapy.
Journal of Medical Microbiology, 58, 663.
ID 2995: Probiotic strain: Bifidobacterium lactis Bl-04 (Formerly known as Bifidobacterium lactis BL-01
and Bifidobacterium longum BI-04) and Positively affects the immune response
1 Foligne B, Nutten S, Grangette C, Dennin V, Goudercourt D, Poiret S, Dewulf J, Brassart D, Mercenier A,
Pot B, 2007. Correlation between in vitro and in vivo immunomodulatory properties of lactic acid bacteria.
World J Gastroenterol, 13, 236-243.
ID 2996: Probiotic supplement: Winclove 500 and Intestinal microbiotia
1 Coomans M, Hazen M, Jonkers D, Maes J, Stobberingh E, 2002. De invloed van een probioticum versus een
placebo op de fecale flora. External report, University of Maastricht, Dept of Medical Microbiology.
2 No authors listed, 2004. Survival of bifidobacteria in the GI tract. External report. Wageningen University,
Molecular Ecology group.
ID 2997: Probiotic supplement: Lactobact omni FOS and Intestinal microbiota
1 Mulder L, 2007. In vitro inhibition of several potential pathogenic bacteria by probiotic strains in Lactobact
omni FOS. Internal report, Winclove Bio Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
2 Mulder L, 2007. Production of hydrogen peroxide by L. salivarius W24. Internal report, Winclove Bio
Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
3 Mller M, Rathmann S, Grathwohl D, Knig D, Staats R, Moch K, Berg A, Intake of a probiotic food
supplement changes fecal microflora and exercise-induced NK-cell decrease in endurance athletes. Freiburg
University, Center for Internal Medicine, Dept. of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Gieen
University, Institut fr Ernhrungswissenschaften, Germany.
ID 2998: Probiotic supplement: Lactobact omni FOS and Reduces stress-induced immune responses
measured by the suppression of Th2 cytokines and increased levels of sIgA, thereby promoting resistance
to viral infections
1 Mller M, Rathmann S, Grathwohl D, Knig D, Staats R, Moch K, Berg A, Intake of a probiotic food
supplement changes fecal microflora and exercise-induced NK-cell decrease in endurance athletes. Freiburg
University, Center for Internal Medicine, Dept. of Prevention, Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine, Gieen
University, Institut fr Ernhrungswissenschaften, Germany.
2 Roll H, Rosler P, Lachtermann E, Jung K, 2000. Beeinflussung von sekretorischen IgA-Defiziten bei
Sportstudenten durch Nahrungsergnzungsmittel. Erfahrungsheilkunde, 8, 489-494.
3 Van Uden N, 2006. Ex vivo production of several cytokines by probiotic strains in Lactobact omni FOS
(Internal report). Winclove Bio Industries, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
ID 2999: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Lactose intolerance
1 Jiang TY and Savaiano DA, 1993. Impact of lactobacilli supplements on colonic fermentation of lactose in
vitro. Dept of Food Sciece and Nutrition, University of Minesota.
2 Jiang T and Savaiano DA, 1997. In vitro lactose fermentation by human colonic bacteria is modified by
Lactobacillus acidophilus supplementation. J Nutr, 127, 1489-1495.
3 Lin MY, Savaiano D, Harlander S, 1991. Influence of nonfermented dairy products containing bacterial
starter cultures on lactose maldigestion in humans. J Dairy Sci, 74, 87-95.
4 Virta P, Otterstrom K, Niemi L, Wieser-Aho MT, Lahteenmaki AL, Leppanen T, 1993. The Effect of a
Preparation Containing Freeze-Dried Lactic Acid Bacteria [L. acidophilus LA-5 (LA-1) and
Bifidobacterium TB-12] on Lactose Intolerance. External Report, Pharmacia, Finland.
ID 3000: Probiotic strain: Lactobacillus acidophilus LA-5 and Contributes to gastro-intestinal well-
being measured by the improvement of natural bowel movements and a normal intestinal passage
1 Alm L, Ryd-Kjellen E, Setterberg G, Blomquist L, 1993. Effect of a new fermented milkproduct Cultura
on constipation in geriatric patients. 1st Lactic acid bacteria computer conference proceedings.
2 Sagen OB, 1989. Treatment of functional disturbance in the intestine by administration of lactic acid
bacteria. Internal report.