Parentguideg 3
Parentguideg 3
Parentguideg 3
The product of 3 groups of 5 objects
3 x 5 = ___
3 hands with 5 fngers on each hand, models
a product of 15 total fngers.
The missing factor of 24 objects shared with 6
___ x 6 = 24 (same as 24 6 = ____)
Rodrigo has 24 cupcakes. He wants to evenly
divide them into six boxes. How many cupcakes
will he put in each box?
patterns like
rows and
The product of objects evenly distributed into 3
rows and 5 columns:
3 x 5 = ____
3 rows of apples with 5 in each row models the
product of 15 apples.
The missing factor of 24 objects placed in 6 equal-
sized columns:
Darla is arranging a display for her teacher. There
are 24 worm pictures in the display. Her teacher
wants 6 pictures in each row. How many columns
of pictures will she need to create? Draw an array
to represent the problem, and then create an
equation. ___ x 6 = 24 (same as 24 6 = ____)
Possible array: 4 rows of 6 pictures each = 24 pictures
Area models
(using the area
of a rectangle
to model
The product of square units distributed into 3
rows and 5 columns:
Square tiles positioned 3 up and 5 across
models the product of 15 total tiles. 3 x 5 = ___
The missing factor of 24 total tiles in 6
equal rows:
24 tiles positioned in 6
rows models the
missing factor of 4 in
each row. 6 x ___ = 24
(same as 24 6 =___)
Utah State Ofce of Education
250 East 500 South
P.O. Box 144200
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4200
Martell Menlove, Ph.D.
State Superintendent
of Public Instruction
In the Utah Core State Standards for third grade there are four critical areas.
The critical areas defne what students should know and understand (conceptual understanding), and be able to
do (procedural understanding and fuency).
CRITICAL AREA ONE: By the end of third grade, students should:
1. Understand the meaning of multiplication and division.
2. Work through activities and problems involving equal-sized groups, arrays, and area models.
3. Understand the relationship between multiplication and division.
1. Multiplication is fnding an unknown product. 3 x 5 = ___
Division is fnding an unknown factor. ___ x 6 = 24 (same as 24 6 = ___)
CRITICAL AREA TWO: By the end of third grade, students should:
1. Develop understanding of fractions with denominators limited to 2, 3, 4, 6, 8.
a. Start with unit fractions.
b. Non-unit fractions are built of unit fractions.
c. Use fractions and visual models to represent parts of a whole.
d. Understand that the size of a fractional part is related to the size of the whole.
2. Use fractions to represent numbers equal to, less than, and greater than one.
3. Be able to solve problems comparing fractions.
1. Using unit fractions and visual fraction models.
a. Unit fractions are fractions with a numerator of one. For example, , , and 13 are unit fractions.
b. The fraction 34 = + + where represents one unit of a whole shape divided into 4 equal
c. Visual models for the fraction 23.
d. Fraction amounts difer according to the size of the whole. As shown below, the fractional halves do
not cover the same area, but each is still of the whole shape.
2. This example uses a number line model to represent fractions equivalent to numbers less than one, more
than one and equal to one.
24 34 44 54 64 74 84
12 112 1 2
3. My friend and I each had the same-sized chocolate candy bar. I ate of mine and my friend ate 13 of his.
Who ate more? How do you know?
What fraction of the set is orange? What fraction of the area is yellow?
CRITICAL AREA THREE: By the end of third
grade, students should:
1. Recognize area as an attribute of two-
dimensional shapes.
2. Measure the area of a shape:
a. Find the total number of same-sized square
units e.g., inches, centimeters, needed to
cover the shape with no gaps or overlaps.
b. One square unit is the standard unit of
3. Understand that rectangular arrays (organized
patterns like rows and columns) can be
decomposed (taken apart) into identical rows or
a. Use decomposition of arrays into rectangular
arrays of squares to connect area to
1. Area is the measure, in square units, of the inside of
a two-dimensional fgure.
The area of the fgure below is 10 square units.
2. How many one-inch squares would it take to cover a
sheet of paper?
3. An array of squares with 3 rows and 5 columns
can be decomposed (taken apart) into 3 rows of 5
square units as shown below. Each row represents a
group of 5 and can be used to model skip counting
by 5, as row 1 = 5, row 2 = 10 and row 3 = 15 in the
counting process.
CRITICAL AREA FOUR: By the end of third
grade, students should:
1. Describe, analyze and compare properties of
two-dimensional shapes.
2. Compare and classify shapes by their sides and
3. Relate the fractions they are learning to
geometry by expressing the area of part of a
shape as a unit fraction of the whole shape.
1. Describe a rhombus, a square, a rectangle, a
trapezoid, a triangle, a hexagon, etc. Compare
the number of sides of given shapes.
2. Show examples of several 4-sided fgures. What
do these shapes have in common?
3. Compare a triangle to a square. How are they
similar? How are they diferent?
4. Draw examples of diferent quadrilaterals. Given
diferent shapes, have students group them by
similar angles.
5. Cut a rectangle diagonally. Ask students to show
that they are each the same size. These new
triangles now represent of the rectangle.
6. What are all the ways you can divide a
rectangular birthday cake into 8 equal parts
7. Shapes can be partitioned (divided) into
fractions in many diferent ways. The following
squares are all divided into four equal parts.
Parents should act as resources and supports
for homework help. They should never do the
homework themselves. The tips below come from
the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Homework Tips webpage (
The same could be done vertically to reveal
columns of 3 and skip counting by 3.
Math Homework Is Due TomorrowHow Can I Help?
Homework causes trouble in many households. Relaxremember
whose homework it is! Think of yourself as more of a guide than a
teacher. Dont take over for your child. Doing that only encourages him
or her to give up easily or to ask for help when a problem becomes
The best thing you can do is ask questions. Then listen to what your
child says. Often, simply explaining something out loud can help your
child fgure out the problem. Encourage your child to show all work,
complete with written descriptions of all thinking processes. This
record will give your child something to look back on, either to review
or to fx a mistake, and can also help the teacher understand how the
problem was solved.
Asking the following kinds of questions can help you and your child tackle
the challenges of math homework:
What is the problem that youre working on?
Are there instructions or directions? What do they say?
Are there words in the directions or the problem that you do not
Where do you think you should begin?
Is there anything that you already know that can help you work
through the problem?
What have you done so far?
Can you fnd help in your textbook or notes?
Do you have other problems like this one? Can we look at one of
those together?
Can you draw a picture or make a diagram to show how you solved
a problem like this one?
What is your teacher asking you to do? Can you explain it to me?
Can you tell me where you are stuck?
Is there someone you can call to get help? Can you discuss the
problem with a classmate?
Would using a calculator help you solve the problem?
Would it help to go on to another problem and come back to this
one later?
Is there a homework hotline at your school? What is the phone
number for it?
Why dont we look for some help on the Internet?
If you do only part of a problem, will the teacher give you some
Can you go in before or after school for help from the teacher?
Remember, support
homeworkdont do it!
Besides supporting your
child on homework, show
the importance of learning
math by helping your child
connect math with daily
Point out your own activities
that involve mathematics,
such as deciding whether
you have enough money
to buy items on a shopping
list, estimating how long
it will take to make a trip,
determining how much
carpet or wallpaper to buy
for a room, or developing a
schedule to complete a series
of tasks.
Talking about these everyday
situations will give you a
chance to increase your
childs appreciation for the
usefulness of mathematics.
Other tips for parents can be
found at: http://www.nctm.