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Objective: Tindivanam Taluk Villupuram District

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G # 01, Barathi Street,

Shanthi Nagar, Lawspet,
Puducherr ! "0#00$.
%&'i(e) *+$"",+###

Seeking a position to utilize my skills and abilities in an organization that offers professional
growth while being highly competent, innovative and flexible.
Work Experience
/&.pan ) i-Spider Technologies.
Designati&n ) .Net eveloper.
Durati&n ) !".!#.#!"$ to till date
Professional Skills )
%sed N-tier architecture for presentation layer, the &usiness and ata 'ccess (ayers
and coded using )*.
eveloped application using )*.
+ritten stored procedures, triggers using S,( in S,( S-./-. #!!0.
+orked intensely on the %ser 1nterface.
eveloped +eb 2orms using )* and 'S3.N-T.
%sed '4'5 in some web forms.
+orked on )ascading Style Sheets
Educational Qualification:
%ai(a. 0ngineering /&((ege, 1indi2ana. 1a(u3, 4i((upura. District.
6aster of )omputer 'pplication #!!7-#!"#
3ercentage 8#9
Sri Ara2indar Arts 5 Science /&((ege, Sedarapet, Puducherr.
&achelor of )omputer Science #!!:-#!!7
3ercentage ;:.$9
Technologies and Tools:
+eb Technologies ) ASP.N01, /#.N01, 6a2aScript, A6A7, H1%L
2ramework ) .N01 8ra.ew&r3 9.0:;.#:,.0
Tools < 'pplications ) %S 4isua( Studi& ,010, ,00$, ,00#
=perating Systems ) <ind&ws Series
atabase ) S=L Ser2er ,00# and S=L Ser2er ,00$
Projects Handled:
Pr&>ect #01)
1it(e ) 3TS >3rocess Tracking System?
R&(e ) eveloper
1ea. Si?e ) "
Durati&n ) 2eb #!"@ A 6arch #!"@
0n2ir&n.ent ) )*.Net, S,( Server.
3TS is a windows based application. 3TS tracking system directs and monitors the flow of Bob in
a company. 3TS tracking system supports the management of complex process plans, ensures that
products receive their intended processing, and can be used to determine the actual processing received
by finished products.
Developed application logic using C#.
Involved in the Analyzing requirements of the project.
Pr&>ect #0,)
1it(e ) &igleap.co
R&(e ) eveloper
1ea. Si?e ) #
Durati&n ) =ctober #!"$ A 4an #!"@
0n2ir&n.ent ) 'S3.Net, S,( Server, 4avaScript, 'Bax

&ig (eap is one of the largest leading and transparent auctioneers in 1ndia, 'nd it one of
the most reputed private limited company for buying and selling scrap, machinery, construction
eCuipments, surplus goods etc.. through online < offline auction.
Developed application logic using C#.
Involved in the Analyzing requirements of the project.
Pr&>ect #0;)
1it(e ) Darleyproducts.co.uk
R&(e ) eveloper
1ea. Si?e ) #
Durati&n ) September #!"$ A =ctober #!"$
0n2ir&n.ent ) 'S3.Net, S,( Server, 4avaScript, 'Bax

Darley 3roducts offers a broad range of the most innovating and advanced technology in
medical cosmetic, eCuipments and nutritional products designed to improve physical well-being.
Maintainance and support of wesite using C#.
Pr&>ect #09)
1it(e ) S6S >Student 6anagement System?
R&(e ) Team 6ember
1ea. Si?e ) @
Durati&n ) 2ebruary #!"$ A 'ugust #!"$
0n2ir&n.ent ) 'S3.Net,)*.Net, S,( Server, 4avaScript,'4'5,

Student 6anagement System is a web application used to maintain all process done every
day in a college and school. This application can use by management, student and staff. This
application 3rocess comes like maintaining of 1nventory detail, Student details, Staff details,
-xamination 3rocess, --mail System, )hat system, S6S System, 'ccount etails, 1nstitute 3roperty
etails, Transport etails, Dostel 6anagement, and 3ayroll details. 3urpose of this application is to
convert all paper works into electronic process which makes much easier for user to work and reduce
the valuable time and resources for the user.
6aintainance and support
+ritten stored procedures in S,( S-./-. #!!;.
1mplement the $tier technology for faster 'ccess.
Personal nfor!ation:
8ather@s Na.e ) 6r. S. Eunaseelan
Date &A Birth ) "@
4uly "700
SeB ) 6ale
Nati&na(it ) 1ndian
%artia( status ) Single
Languages 3n&wn ) Tamil < -nglish
1 hereby declare that the above stated information is authentic and true to the best of my
3laceF 3uducherry

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