Details of The Assignment: "Interview An Entrepreneur and Find Out How They Comply by Labour Laws in Their
Details of The Assignment: "Interview An Entrepreneur and Find Out How They Comply by Labour Laws in Their
Details of The Assignment: "Interview An Entrepreneur and Find Out How They Comply by Labour Laws in Their
Name of the organization: Pradhan Laminators Limited
Name of the Owner/Director: Mr. Govind Pradhan
Contact: +91-9935230444
Product / services: High Density Polythylene Woven Sacks (HDP)
Mission / vision/ objectives/ goals: To Excel in the field and production of Woven Sacks.
No. of Employees: 140
Geographical spread: Kanpur
Name of the Act Are you
aware of
the Act
Are you
abiding by
the Act
Is the Act
for the
e of the
Is the Act
for the
ge of the
Any other comment
Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No
Trade Union Act, 1926
No No No No
Industrial Employment
(Standing Orders) Act,
Yes Yes Yes No It is like the constitution for
the company. It is helpful and
reduces conflict between
management and employees.
Industrial Disputes Act,
Yes Yes Yes No It is a very good act to resolve
the disputes. It is a relief that
there is some way to resolve
the issue.
Payment of Wages Act,
Yes Yes Yes No Clear cut rules are
defined.Wages are paid
regularly & without
unauthorized deductions. D.A.
is also paid.
Minimum Wages Act,
Yes Yes Yes No The minimum wage rate is
defined and this act is helpful
in a way else they would have
gone on strike regarding the
Payment of Bonus Act,
Yes Yes No Yes It is a statutory liability. Even
when the losses are incurred,
bonus is to be paid.
Factories Act, 1948 Yes Yes Yes No Incentives motivate them to
work more efficiently.
Shops & Commercial
Establishments Act,
Yes No No No
Maternity Benefit Act,
Yes No Yes No No female workers are
Equal Remuneration
Act, 1976
No No No No
Compensation Act,1923
Yes Yes Yes No It gives employee a sense of
reliability and security.
Employees State
Insurance Act, 1948
Yes Yes Yes Yes Employee sometimes misuses
the power authorized by this
Employees Provident
Fund & Miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952
Yes Yes Yes No Provident Fund is contributed
equally at certain rates fixed.
Payment of Gratuity
Act, 1972
Yes Yes Yes No It is a retirement benefit and
gives employee a feeling of
Plantation Labour Act,
No No Yes No
Contract Labour
(Regulation & Abolition)
Yes Yes Yes No
Pradhan Laminators Ltd is an industry which deals in the production of High Density Polythylene
Woven Sacks. These sacks are used as packaging for urea fertilizers. Mr. Govind Pradhan strives for
producing maximum at minimum cost. 20 years ago, a new technology was introduces for producing
sacks known as CIRCULAR LOOM TECHNOLOGY which was undertaken by him for the same.
The Factory is well renowned as it deals with many famous industries. The factory supplies these sacks
to industries like TATA and IFCO. The organization has a healthy atmosphere. The workers are satisfied
with the incentives they are provided. The organization is looking well and maintaining properly for the
safety of their employees.
They also showed the process of production step by step. Firstly, Weaving takes place then secondly, a
film is coated on the inner side so that the moisture is not absorbed. Lastly, stitching is done.
The organization is abiding mostly all the labour laws which shows that they are looking after the safety
and security of their employees and this also helps in building healthy relations in the organization. The
entrepreneur is very much aware about all the laws which are followed by his organization and also
keeps a check that the labours are not having any problem with the staff and management.
The organization is functioning well and is incurring good amount of profits, loss has also been incurred
as it is a part of business but the director has managed those situations well and hasnt compromised
with the amount of wages and bonus which is to be paid to employees.