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Developing Java Software: Answers To The Questions and Exercises

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Third Edition
Answers to the Questions
and Exercises
Russel Winder and Graham Roberts
1 Programming with Objects and Classes 1
1 Introduction 3
2 Programming Fundamentals 5
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
3 Adding Structure 23
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
4 Introducing Containers 49
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
iv Contents
5 Drawing Pictures 71
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
6 Classes and Objects 83
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
7 Class Relationships 105
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
8 Exceptions 113
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
9 Introducing Concurrency with Threads 117
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
10 User Interfaces 129
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Contents v
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
2 The Process of Programming 137
11 The Programming Process 139
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143
12 Unit Testing 145
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
13 Test-driven Programming Strategies 157
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159
14 Programming Tools 161
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
vi Contents
3 Case Studies in Developing Programs 165
15 Introducing the Case Studies 167
16 Contacts Book 169
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170
17 Pedestrian Crossing Simulation 171
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
Challenges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172
4 The Java Programming Language in Detail 173
18 A Java Language Reference 175
19 Variables Types and Expressions 177
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
20 Flow Control 185
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186
21 Classes and Packages 189
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
Contents vii
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190
22 Inheritance and Interfaces 193
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194
23 Exception Handling 197
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 198
24 Threads and Concurrency 199
Self-review Questions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Programming Exercises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200
Part 1
Part 1
Programming with
Objects and Classes
4 Chapter 1: Introduction
There are no self-review questions, exercises or challenges in this chapter.
6 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
Self-review Questions
2.1 Explain the meaning of piece.forward();. Why is the semicolon present?
The object referred to by piece is instructed to move forward. Actually, to be more precise: the
method forward is called for the object referenced by piece. The actual movement made by the
piece depends on how it interprets an invocation of the method forwardin the examples given in
the chapter a piece will move one square forward, but different kinds of piece object could move
The dot associates the method call (forward) with the object that will undertake the method (the
object referred to by piece), while the parentheses (()) cause the method call to take place.
The semicolon is a bit of syntax to mark the end of the method call statement. It can also be
seen as a separator, separating this statement from the next. One reason for having the
semicolon present is to simplify the implementation of the Java compiler by precisely marking the
end of a statement. The semicolon also improves the readability of the code for people and can
help remove ambiguities that otherwise might occur in more complicated sections of code. The
semicolon in Java is directly analogous to the use of full stop in natural language, it marks the end
of a sequence of syntactic features.
2.2 How many different interpretations of the following statement sequence are there?
piece.forward ( ) ;
piece.forward ( ) ;
piece.right ( ) ;
piece.forward ( ) ;
piece.left ( ) ;
The result of executing these statements depends on the behaviour of the methods called.
Hence, the number of interpretations depends on the number of different versions of the
methodsat the extreme, the number of interpretations is innite (for example, a new version of
forward can always be created that moves one square more than the previous version).
In practice, of course, the behaviour of each method will be xed for a given program, so there
will only be a single interpretation of the statement sequence. This makes the statement
sequence deterministic, meaning that it will always perform the same movement actions when
executed. The location of where the piece ends up will depend on its starting position.
2.3 Write down a sequence of statements that describes making a telephone call. Can it be done without using
control statements?
Self-review Questions 7
One of the simplest sequences might be:
1. Pick up handset.
2. Dial number
3. Speak
4. Hang-up
This requires no control statements but is not robust nor particularly realistic. For example, it
assumes the number being called is not engaged and that the conversation is limited to speaking
a message and then hanging up. As soon as we want to manage errors or exceptions, not to
mention actual human interaction (!) then control ow features are required.
2.4 Does the pseudocode below (from Section 2.5, Page 23) describe a general-purpose solution to starting from
and moving to any square on a chessboard?
while ( not at destination )
if ( destination is to the left )
piece moves left
if ( destination is to the right )
piece moves right;
piece moves forward
The way to approach this question is to attempt to nd a start position that does not lead to a
solution which will immediate show that the algorithm is not a solution to the problem. Pencil
and papers sketches can be used to try out ideas, while working with a small-sized board, say
55, would help speed up the search.
Following this approach, you would hopefully notice that the algorithm has a serious awthe
piece can move forward, left or right but not backwards. Hence, for example, if the destination
square is behind the starting square the forward direction of travel is away from the destination
and the destination cannot be reached. Moreover, once the piece reaches the edge of the board
the algorithm fails, as the piece cannot move forward but there is no provision to terminate the
loop. Altogether an really unsatisfactory algorithm!
To fully investigate this algorithm you could construct a program that conducts an exhaustive
search. This would systematically try all combinations of starting and destination squares until
one pair failed to work. However, using exhaustive search to test algorithms in general is not
useful as there are all too often so many possible combinations to examine that the program
would simply takes too long to run (literally years in the case of most real-world algorithms). An
alternative is to attempt to construct a mathematical proof, but for most algorithms this
becomes very (if not too) complex.
8 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
2.5 Write, in pseudocode, a program to move from one corner of a chessboard to the corner diagonally opposite,
assuming that some of the squares are blocked and cannot be used. Note that additional test conditions will
be needed, possibly something like is the square ahead blocked. Does allowing diagonal moves make the
program easier to write?
To solve this problem a search algorithm needs to be developed. This will continually try different
paths across the board until one is found that reaches the destination. An important feature of a
search algorithm is some memory of which paths have already been searched so as to avoid
repeating what has already been done. In the case of this problem, it also avoids going round in
circles when particular patterns of blocked squares occur.
It turns out to be quite hard to give a satisfactory solution to this problem using just loops and if
statements. Here is one possible answer that assumes some memory is available to remember
where the piece has already been.
while (not at far corner) {
if (can move forward) {
move forward
} else if (can go left) {
move left
} else if (can go right) {
move right
} else {
return to previous square
Allowing diagonal moves might lead to a solution being found faster, or a shorter route being
found, but wont simplify the code. In fact, the code would have to include more if statements to
test for possible diagonal moves.
2.6 How might a real number be stored in a variable? How does the xed size of a variable affect the storage of
real numbers?
A binary representation for the real number is required. Such representations are fairly complex
but there are a number of widely used standards dening suitable representations. Java uses the
IEEE-754 format oating point representation, 32 bits in size for type oat and 64 bits in size for
type double.
The size of a variable container determines the number of bits available to represent a real
number and, hence, the range of possible values. Values outside the range cannot be
represented as they require more bits than are available.
2.7 Why cant a value of type int be stored in a variable of type double?
Self-review Questions 9
ints and doubles are stored using different binary representations, and indeed different numbers
of bits (32 for ints and 64 for doubles). If the binary representation of an int were stored in a
double it would not represent the same value when treated as a double, due to the different
representations. It is clear that this is an highly abstract (indeed almost glib) solution to this
question but more detailed (arguably more correct) solutions only add detail they do not add any
actually crucial factors.
2.8 Compare the idea of types with the units used for measuring size or weight. Are such units actually types?
A type denes how a value is to be understood and used, much the same way that a unit of size
or weight does. For example, 1Kg, denotes that the value 1 is to be treated as a measurement of
weight. In doing so, the rules for how the weight value should be used are clearly dened, along
with how weight values can and cannot be combined with size values. Hence, units of size or
weight are effectively types as, like types, they specify how to interpret and use values.
2.9 How would the following strings be ordered if compared using the compareTo method: program, proGram,
PROGRAM, Program, ProGram, programs, program3.
One way to determine the order is to write a program and nd out (see Exercise 2.9 later). This is
often a good strategy for testing how things work and getting more programming practice.
However, it is also wise to consult the programming language manual and to read through the
relevant documentation (the javadoc generated documentation). To answer the question you
need to know that characters are represented by integers and so a character ordering can be
determined based on the integer values. The strings can then be compared
character-by-character to nd the ordering.
Given that the alphabetic characters and the digits are ordered 0-9, A-Z, a-z, the strings are
ordered: PROGRAM, ProGram, Program, proGram, program, program3, programs.
2.10 Find the list of Java keywords and familiarize yourself with them. What happens if a keyword is used as a
variable name?
The Java compiler would report an error, as it would recognize the keyword and determine that its
use where a variable name is expected violates the grammar rules of the Java language.
2.11 Why is each of these variable declarations invalid?
int i = 1.2 ;
double d = 1,200.46 ;
char c = "hello" ;
String s = "word;"
double j = 2.310
10 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
1.2 is of type double and cannot be stored in an int variable.
1,200.46 is a oating point value but is not formatted in a way that is legal in Java. Specically,
the comma is not allowed. Even though it might be normal to use it this way in some cultures,
Java requires you to use 1200.46. In many cultures this value would be written 1 200,46 but again
Java does not recognize this as a legal way of representing the value.
"hello" is a string not a character and cannot be stored in a variable of type char (a char can only
store a single character not a sequence as in a string).
The semicolon that should mark the end of the declaration is missing. The semicolon present is
part of the string not the Java statement.
Although 2.310
shows a widely used way of representing a real number, the Java language
requires a different syntax, in this example 2.3E4. Also, of course, neither the symbol nor
superscriptslike the
appear on the keyboard and moreover they are usually impossible to
create in the sort of text editors used to edit source code.
2.12 What are the values of these expressions:
true || false && true
true && false || true
|| is the boolean or operator, while && is the boolean and operator. Both have equal precedence
and are left associative, i.e. associate left to right, so the expressions are evaluated left to right.
true true || false is true, true && true is true.
true true && false is false, false || true is true.
Programming Exercises
2.1 Type in and run DisplayOneToFive and BasicInputOutput on your computer system.
Do just that! You will need to nd out how to edit and compile Java programs on your particular
2.2 Write a program to keep inputting integer values until 1 is entered.
Programming Exercises 11
public class E_2_2 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
int value = 0 ;
do {
System.out.print ( "Type an int: " ) ;
value = in.nextInt ( ) ;
} while ( value != -1 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_2 object = new E_2_2 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
Dont forget that to compile a program, the source code has to be saved into a le whose name
matches the class name. In the case of this program, it should be saved as E_2_2.java. It is then
compiled, using a command such as javac E_2_2.java or jikes E_2_2.java to create E_2_2.class so
that it can be executed using a command such as java E_2_2.
2.3 Write a program using a while loop to display a message 10 times. Each message should be on a separate
line using the following format with numbering starting from 1:
1: A message
2: A message
3: A message
. . .
public class E_2_3 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
int n = 0 ;
while ( n < 10 ) {
++n ;
System.out.print ( n ) ;
System.out.print ( ": " ) ;
System.out.println ( "Hello World" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_3 object = new E_2_3 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
By combining several statements, the program above can be reduced to this:
public class E_2_3a {
private void doComputation ( ) {
int n = 0 ;
while ( n++ < 10 ) { System.out.println ( n + ": Hello World" ) ; }
12 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_3a object = new E_2_3a ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.4 Repeat Exercise 2.3 using a do loop.
public class E_2_4 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
int n = 1 ;
do { System.out.println ( n + ": Hello World" ) ; } while ( n++ < 10 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_4 object = new E_2_4 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.5 Write a program using loops to display the following with the constraint that only a single character at a
time may be output:
(We appreciate that restricting output to one character at a time is somewhat articial but the point is to
work with loops rather than using sophisticated input-output mechanisms.)
public class E_2_5 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
for ( int m = 0 ; m < 4 ; ++m ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < 4 ; ++n ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_5 object = new E_2_5 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.6 Write a program using loops to display the following with the constraint that only a single character at a
time may be output:
Programming Exercises 13
public class E_2_6 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
for ( int m = 0 ; m < 6 ; ++m ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < m + 1 ; ++n ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
System.out.println( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_6 object = new E_2_6 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.7 Write a program to input 10 integers, add them up and display their sum and average.
public class E_2_7 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
int sum = 0 ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < 10 ; ++n ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter int " + ( n+1 ) +": " ) ;
int val = in.nextInt ( ) ;
sum = sum + val ;
System.out.println ( "Sum = " + sum ) ;
System.out.println ( "Average = " + sum/10 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_7 object = new E_2_7 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
Note the use of the running total stored in the variable sum. The individual integers input by the
user do not need to be kept once added to sum, so we dont have to worry about creating
separate variables to store each input value.
The calculation of the average (sum/10) is done using integer arithmetic, producing an integer
result. If a real number is needed (i.e. a oating point number) then the sum has to be stored as a
value of type double.
public class E_2_7a {
private void doComputation ( ) {
14 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
double sum = 0.0 ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < 10 ; ++n ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter integer " + ( n+1 ) +": " ) ;
nal int val = in.nextInt ( ) ;
sum = sum + val ;
System.out.println ( "Sum = " + sum ) ;
System.out.println ( "Average = " + sum/10 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_7a object = new E_2_7a ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.8 Repeat Exercise 2.6 but rst ask the user how many integers will be typed in and then input that number.
public class E_2_8 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "How many numbers? " ) ;
nal int count = in.nextInt ( ) ;
int sum = 0 ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < count ; ++n ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter integer " + ( n+1 ) +": " ) ;
int val = in.nextInt ( ) ;
sum = sum + val ;
System.out.println ( "Sum = " + sum ) ;
System.out.println ( "Average = " + sum/count ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_8 object = new E_2_8 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.9 Write a program to conrm that your answer to Self-review 2.9 is correct.
public class E_2_9 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal String[] names = { "program" , "proGram" , "PROGRAM" , "Program" , "ProGram" , "programs" , "program3" } ;
nal int size = names.length ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < size-1 ; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < size-1 ; ++j ) {
if ( names[j].compareTo ( names[j+1] ) > 0 ) {
nal String tmp = names[j] ;
names[j] = names[j+1] ;
names[j+1] = tmp ;
Programming Exercises 15
for ( int i = 0 ; i < size ; ++i ) {
System.out.println ( names[i] ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_9 object = new E_2_9 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
This example answer makes use of an array (introduced in detail in a later chapter).
2.10 Modify TriangleCalculation so that it repeatedly asks for input until the user wants to stop.
public class E_2_10 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
String tryAgain = "n" ;
do {
System.out.print ( "Enter length of rst side: " ) ;
nal double side1 = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter length of second side: " ) ;
nal double side2 = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter length of third side: " ) ;
nal double side3 = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
// Test to see if the input describes an invalid triangle by seeing if the sum of the
// lengths of any two sides is less than the length of the third.
if ( ( ( side1 + side2 ) < side3 ) || ( ( side2 + side3 ) < side1 ) || ( ( side3 + side1 ) < side2 ) ) {
System.out.println ( "The input does not describe a triangle." ) ;
else {
nal double perimeter = side1 + side2 + side3 ;
nal double semiperimeter = 0.5 * perimeter ;
nal double temp = semiperimeter * ( semiperimeter - side1 ) * ( semiperimeter - side2 ) * ( semiperimeter - side3 ) ;
nal double area = Math.sqrt ( temp ) ;
System.out.println ( "Perimeter is: " + perimeter ) ;
System.out.println ( "Area is: " + area ) ;
System.out.print ( "\nTry another triangle (y/n)? " ) ;
tryAgain = in.nextLine ( ) ;
} while ( tryAgain.equals ( "y" ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_10 object = new E_2_10 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
The original program has to modied to include a new outer loop that controls whether a new
triangle is input or the program terminates.
2.11 Write a program to input 10 words and then display the words that are rst and last in alphabetical order.
16 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
public class E_2_11 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
String rst = "" ;
String last = "" ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter string " + ( i+1 ) + ": " ) ;
nal String s = in.nextLine ( ) ;
if ( rst.equals ( "" ) || ( rst.compareTo ( s ) > 0 ) ) { rst = s ; }
if ( last.compareTo ( s ) < 0 ) { last = s ; }
System.out.println ( "First word in alphabetical order is: " + rst ) ;
System.out.println ( "Last word in alphabetical order is: " + last ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_11 object = new E_2_11 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
The key to writing this program is to have two variables, rst and last, to keep a record of the
alphabetically rst and last strings. The variables are updated as necessary as each string is input
by the user by testing to see if the input string comes before rst or after last. There is no need to
store all the strings, only the two strings needed for the answer.
One complication is deciding how to initialize the variables holding the rst and last strings, as
we dont want the initial values to be confused with the strings being tested, and then, depending
on what the user actually inputs, being given as one of the answers. For example, we could try to
initialize rst to "a" and last to "z". However, if the user never types in a string that alphabetically
precedes "a", then none of the user input strings will be selected as being rst and the wrong
answer will be given. A similar line of reasoning can be followed for any initialization string,
including the empty string.
The program above uses the empty string to initialize rst and last. However, the empty string
comes alphabetically before any other string, so rst will end up with the wrong value (it wont
change) unless the user happens to enter an empty string by just pressing return at the input
prompt. The rst if statement attempts to address this problem by testing to see if rst holds an
empty string and if so setting rst to be the value of the user input string. Unfortunately this
doesnt fully solve the problem as the user may enter the empty string but it wont be recorded
as being alphabetically rstrun the program and do some tests to verify this.
You might argue that this is good enough, or that the user should not enter an empty string as it
is not a word, or that the problem is sufciently rare not to matter. However, we want to follow
good practice and get the program so that it works properly with all input. Moreover, when
writing real programs, rather than answering exercise questions, it becomes very important to get
these things right, as long experience has shown that sooner or later the aws in an algorithm will
cause a program to be unreliable.
One solution to the initialization problem is to initialize both rst and last with the rst string
Programming Exercises 17
typed in by the user. This effectively unwraps the loop by one iteration, moving that iteration
before the loop. Doing that gives the following program.
public class E_2_11a {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter string 1: " ) ;
String rst = in.nextLine ( ) ;
String last = rst ;
for ( int i = 2 ; i < 11 ; ++i ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter string " + i + ": " ) ;
nal String s = in.nextLine ( ) ;
if ( rst.compareTo(s) > 0 ) { rst = s ; }
if ( last.compareTo(s) < 0 ) { last = s ; }
System.out.println ( "First word in alphabetical order is: " + rst ) ;
System.out.println ( "Last word in alphabetical order is: " + last ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_11a object = new E_2_11a ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
An objection to moving the input of the rst string outside the loop, although not really very
serious in this case, is that there is results in some duplication of code. For more complicated
programs, however, this can be a serious issue, as duplicate code can be difcult to maintain.
It turns out that with a bit of extra knowledge the rst version of the answer can be made to work
without too much extra complication. A string can be initialized to the value null (this is
explained further in a later chapter of the book), not to be confused with the string "null". The
user cannot type in this value so there is no chance of confusing it with any user input. Using null
gives the following program.
public class E_2_11b {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
String rst = null ;
String last = null ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++i ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter string " + ( i+1 ) + ": " ) ;
nal String s = in.nextLine ( ) ;
if ( ( rst == null ) || ( rst.compareTo ( s ) > 0 ) ) { rst = s ; }
if ( ( last == null ) || ( last.compareTo ( s ) < 0 ) ) { last = s ; }
System.out.println ( "First word in alphabetical order is: " + rst ) ;
System.out.println ( "Last word in alphabetical order is: " + last ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_11b object = new E_2_11b ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
18 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
2.12 Write a program that inputs the radius of a circle and displays its circumference and area.
public class E_2_12 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter radius of circle: " ) ;
nal double radius = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Circumference is: " + ( 2 * Math.PI * radius ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "Area is: " + ( Math.PI * radius * radius ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_12 object = new E_2_12 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
The library class Math conveniently provides a variable initialized to the value of , called Math.PI.
2.13 Write a program that determines the height of a building, given the angle of the top of the building and the
distance from the building at which the angle was measured.
Hint: The methods Math.sin, Math.cos and Math.tan are available but they work in radians. The method
Math.toRadians will convert from degrees to radians.
public class E_2_13 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter distance from building: " ) ;
nal double distance = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter angle (degrees) to top of building: " ) ;
nal double angle = in.nextDouble ( ) ;
nal double height = distance * Math.tan ( Math.toRadians ( angle ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "Height of building is: " + height ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
E_2_13 object = new E_2_13 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
The main point of this question is to spend some time looking at the documentation for class
Math, to start to become familiar with what the documentation looks like and how to use it.
Challenges 19
We shall assume you are already in the habit of constructing test plans and running them to
create test logs, so we wont labour the point any more.
2.1 Modify TriangleCalculation so that it tests itself against a reasonable sized collection of tests. Do this by
putting together the tests, complete with the expected correct answers. Then perform each test and compare
the results with the expected answers.
2.2 Write a program to read in a line of text as a String and output the number of characters and words it
contains. Spaces and tabs should not be counted as characters.
Hint: Look in the JDK documentation for information about methods provided by the String class.
The key to answering this question is to rstly realize that a String can be examined character by
character (using the charAt method). Then the task is to come up with a simple algorithm for
determining whether a character is in a word or not. The program below uses a simple boolean
variable that is toggled between true and false as each character is examined, to record whether
the character is in a word or not. If the last character was not in a word (the ag is false) but the
current character is (it is a letter), then the ag can be toggled to true. Similarly if the ag is true it
is toggled to false when the current character is a tab or space. When the ag is toggled to true
the word count can be incremented.
public class C_2_2 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter a line of text: " ) ;
nal String text = in.nextLine ( ) ;
int charCount = 0 ;
int wordCount = 0 ;
boolean inWord = false ;
for ( int n = 0 ; n < text.length ( ) ; ++n ) {
char c = text.charAt ( n ) ;
if ( ( c != ) && ( c != \t ) ) {
++charCount ;
if ( ! inWord ) {
inWord = true ;
++wordCount ;
else { inWord = false ; }
System.out.print ( "\nNumber of characters (exluding space and tabs): " ) ;
System.out.println ( charCount ) ;
System.out.print ( "Number of words: " ) ;
System.out.println ( wordCount ) ;
20 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
C_2_2 object = new C_2_2 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.3 Write a program to read in a day, month and year, create a Date object and output the result.
Hint: You cant create a Date directly. Look at the JavaSE documentation for the Calendar class.
The purpose of this challenge is to spend some time studying the JavaSE documentation and
practice using it to nd the classes and methods needed to solve programming problems. In this
case the rst thing to discover is that although it is possible to directly create a class Date object
using a new Date ( ) expression, doing so is not going to help. A Date object is only meant to
provide the basic representation of a date (as the number of milliseconds since 1970-01-01
00:00:00 GMTthe documentation provided for class Date explains why in detail). Programs that
need to use dates should make use of various other more useful classes to actually manipulate
The example program below makes use of a calendar object, which is obtained by calling the
static method getInstance belonging to Calendar. The object returned will actually be an instance of
a subclass of Calendar called GregorianCalendar that is specialized to represent the familiar calendar
and date system used by many countries in the world.
The reason for obtaining a calendar object in this way is to allow different calendar and date
systems to be used, although no alternatives are directly supported by the at the JDK time of
writing. However, if alternatives were available a calendar object could be returned based on the
calendar system that the computer running the program is congured for. A properly written
program would then be able to work with any supported calendar system without having to be
altered for a specic system.
Once the calendar object is obtained, the set method is used to store the date input by the user.
To verify that the date has been correctly stored in the calendar object the nal two statements
output the stored date. As the format in which a date is displayed differs depending on the
country or locale the users computer is congured for, class DateFormat is asked for a formatting
object using the getDateInstance method. The method format is then called on the formatting
object with the argument of calendar.getTime ( ), and returns a string representing the date in the
desired format. The getTime method actually returns a Date object, so it is at this point in the
program that a Date object appears.
import java.util.Calendar ;
import java.text.DateFormat ;
public class C_2_3 {
private void doComputation ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter Day (1-7): " ) ;
Challenges 21
nal int day = in.nextInt ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter Month (1-12): " ) ;
nal int month = in.nextInt ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter Year: " ) ;
nal int year = in.nextInt ( ) ;
nal Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance ( ) ;
// Set the date -- note that the month is stored as an integer in the range 0-11.
calendar.set ( year , month - 1 , day ) ;
nal String myDate = DateFormat.getDateInstance ( ).format ( calendar.getTime ( ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "The date entered was: " + myDate ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
C_2_3 object = new C_2_3 ( ) ;
object.doComputation ( ) ;
2.4 Modify TriangleCalculation to use the BigDecimal class and so avoid arithmetic overow.
Hint: The BigDecimal class cannot use operators like +, it only has method calls like add, so expression
evaluation is the same but very different.
Hint: You will need to investigate how to calculate square roots since java.util.Math works with doubles not
BigDecimals. The NewtonRaphson iteration method is probably the most appropriate to use.
It is likely that you will come up with something along the lines of:
import java.math.BigDecimal ;
import java.math.BigInteger ;
import java.math.MathContext ;
import java.math.RoundingMode ;
* Program to input the lengths of the sides of a triangle and output the perimeter and area of
* the triangle using Herons Formula to calculate the area. This implementation uses
* <code>BigDecimal</code> varaibles so as to ensure no overows and therefore calculate the
* correct numbers always. The nite size of <code>double</code> representation may be ne
* for most situations but in testing we tried bizarre values and came across Innity. This
* program was written to nd the real values that should have been.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2005-07-26
public class C_2_4 {
* Get initial approximation for the square root.
* @return a representation 10^n for some n that gives something in the same order of
* magnitude as the expected result.
private static BigDecimal getInitialSqrtApproximation ( nal BigDecimal n ) {
nal BigInteger integerPart = n.toBigInteger ( ) ;
int length = integerPart.toString ( ).length ( ) ;
if ( ( length % 2 ) == 0 ) { --length ; }
22 Chapter 2: Programming Fundamentals
length /= 2 ;
return BigDecimal.ONE.movePointRight ( length ) ;
* Calculate the square root of a <code>BigDecimal</code> value using a specied maximum
* number of iterations. This implementation of <code>sqrt</code>makes use of Newton--Raphson
* formula (which is equivalent to Newtons Method, which is the same as Herons Method).
public static BigDecimal sqrt ( nal BigDecimal n , nal int maxIterations ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
if ( n.compareTo ( BigDecimal.ZERO ) <= 0 ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException ( ) ; }
nal MathContext mc = MathContext.DECIMAL64 ;
BigDecimal x_np1 = getInitialSqrtApproximation ( n ) ;
BigDecimal x_n = BigDecimal.ZERO ;
int iterationCount = 0 ;
do {
x_n = x_np1 ;
x_np1 = x_n.add ( n.divide ( x_n , mc ) , mc ).multiply ( new BigDecimal ( "0.5" ) , mc ) ;
nal BigDecimal error = n.subtract ( x_np1.multiply ( x_np1 , mc ) , mc ) ;
} while ( ( ++iterationCount < maxIterations ) && ( x_np1.compareTo ( x_n ) != 0 ) ) ;
return x_np1 ;
private void doComputations ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter length of rst side: " ) ;
nal BigDecimal a = in.nextBigDecimal ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter length of second side: " ) ;
nal BigDecimal b = in.nextBigDecimal ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter length of third side: " ) ;
nal BigDecimal c = in.nextBigDecimal ( ) ;
// Test to ensure that the input describes a valid triangle by checking the triangle
// inequality holds before attempting calculations.
if ( ( a.add ( b ) .compareTo ( c ) > 0 ) && ( b.add ( c ).compareTo ( a ) > 0 ) && ( c.add ( a ).compareTo ( b ) > 0 ) ) {
// Avoid division with BigDecimals if at all possible.
nal BigDecimal perimeter = a.add ( b ).add ( c ) ;
nal BigDecimal s = perimeter.multiply ( new BigDecimal ( 0.5 ) ) ;
nal BigDecimal t = s.multiply ( s.subtract ( a ) ).multiply ( s.subtract ( b ) ).multiply ( s.subtract ( c ) ) ;
nal BigDecimal area = sqrt ( t , 100 ) ;
System.out.println ( "Perimeter is: " + perimeter ) ;
System.out.println ( "Area is: " + area ) ;
else {
System.out.println ( "The input values do not describe a triangle." ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
C_2_4 object = new C_2_4 ( ) ;
object.doComputations ( ) ;
Adding Structure
24 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
Self-review Questions
3.1 Consider a television set. What abstractions does it present and how is encapsulation used?
The way a television set works is complex. It has to receive a signal, decode it, create images on a
frame-by-frame basis and display those images on the screen. With digital television, high
denition pictures and new display technologies, the complexity is increasing. In addition, a
television set is physically complex, containing many parts, some of which are dangerous due to
requiring high voltages and getting very hot.
The user of a television is primarily interested in watching a TV programme and has no interest in
monitoring how the television displays pictures and plays sound. The user just requires a limited
number of basic abstractions or operations: turn on/off, select channel, raise/lower sound level.
These are provided by a limited number of controls on the television, or more likely, on a remote
control. The controls are typically buttons, a concept that everyone is familiar with and are easy
to use. Hence, the complex operation of a television set is reduced to a small number of controls
sufcient to let the typical user watch television with ease.
Of course, a common complaint about remote controls is that they provide too many controls,
most of which the user does not need or does not understand. In addition, related devices such
as video recorders are notoriously hard to program. However, these are faults of the design of the
user interface, not of the principle of using abstraction to reduce the complexity of a device
down to a manageable and (ideally) straightforward set of controls.
Encapsulation in the form of hard to open cases and cabinets is used to protect the user from
physical harm. Cases also protect the insides of a television from physical damage.
3.2 Which of the following are valid method names:
convert, 2times, add one, add_two, time/space, AddUp, dRaawcIRCle, class
convert, add_two, AddUp and dRaawcIRCle are all validthey start with an alphabetic character and
comprise only alphabetic and numeric character and the character _ as required by the rules of
2times, add one, time/space and class are all invalid. 2times starts with a numeric, add one contains a
space, time/space contains a /. class is a Java keyword and canot be used as a method name.
3.3 Can a method return more than one value at a time?
Self-review Questions 25
However, the value returned could be structured and so itself contain more than one value. This
will arise in a later chapter.
3.4 What type checking is done on methods?
The statements in a method body are type checked to detect any type errors, such as trying to
assign a value of one type to a variable of an incompatible type.
For a method call, the type of each of the parameter value is checked against the type of each
parameter variable specied in the parameter list. For example, given a method declared like this:
int f(int i, String s) { ... }
the method call f(1,"hello") would be valid as the values 1 and "hello" match the types declared in
the methods parameter list. In contrast, the method call f("hello",1) would be invalid as the
values 1 and "hello" do not match those declared even though there is one String and one int
they are not in the correct order.
When a method returns after having been called it can return a value, the type of which is
specied in the method declaration (the type before the method name). The type returned has to
be compatible with what was expected where the method call was made. For example, in the
int n = f(2,"world");
The value returned by the method call must be of type int so that it can be used to initialise the
variable n. Type checking ensures that it is.
In most cases, type checking is performed by the Java compiler. If a type error is found, the code
will not compile successfully and has to be corrected before it will.
3.5 Why are there no values of type void?
A type is dened by a set of values of the type and the operations that can be performed on
those values. For example, for type int the values are the positive and negative integers that can
be represented using 32 bits and the operations are +,-,*,/, etc.
void is the type with an empty set of values and, hence, no operations as there are no values to
apply them to. In Java, void is the type used to denote that a method has no return value. It has
no other use and cannot be used to declare a variable of type void as there are no values that
can be represented and stored in a variable container.
26 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
3.6 Write a summary of the scope rules for compound statements.
A compound statement is a sequence of zero or more statements bounded by braces (curly
brackets). Compound statements can be nested within each other to any depth. A method body
is also a compound statement.
The scope rules are:
a compound statement denes a local scope.
a variable declared in a compound statement is a local variable, accessible within the
compound statement and any nested compound statements.
a local variable is valid from the point of its declaration to the end of the compound
the lifetime of a local variable is limited to the lifetime of the compound statement it is
declared in.
once a local variable is declared in a compound statement no other local variable with
the same name can be declared in the same local scope, including any scopes
declared by nested compound statements.
The last item is worth noting as it means that the following code is invalid:
int n = 1;
int n = 2 ; // ERROR - the variable n is already declared in the enclosing scope.
Unlike some programming languages (notably C and C++) Java does not allow a local variable to
hide another local variable in an enclosing scope.
Local variables with the same name can be declared in disjoint scopes, as disjoint scopes have
no overlap, so there is no ambiguity about which variable is being used in each scope.
3.7 What are the values of these expressions:
22 / 7
4 + 3 / 6.1
1.3 * 2.2
34 % 55
2.1 % 3
2147483647 + 1
Self-review Questions 27
We think the values should be:
4.49180327868852459016 (to 20 decimal places)
but to make sure we werent thinking anything silly, we wrote the program:
public class CheckExpressionValues {
private void printValues ( ) {
System.out.println ( "22 / 7 = " + ( 22 / 7 ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "4 + 3 / 6.1 = " + ( 4 + 3 / 6.1 ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "1.3 * 2.2 = " + ( 1.3 * 2.2 ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "34 % 55 = " + ( 34 % 55 ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "2.1 % 3 = " + ( 2.1 % 3 ) ) ;
System.out.println ( "2147483647 + 1 = " + ( 2147483647 + 1 ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new CheckExpressionValues ( ) ).printValues ( ) ;
and it generated the result:
22 / 7 = 3
4 + 3 / 6.1 = 4.491803278688525
1.3 * 2.2 = 2.8600000000000003
34 % 55 = 34
2.1 % 3 = 2.1
2147483647 + 1 = -2147483648
The apparent discrepancy in the second value is an issue of display. The value is not a nite
fraction and Java is only displaying 16 signicant digits whereas we showed 20 decimal places in
the earlier list.
The denite error in the Java output for the third value shows clearly the problems of rounding
errors in the double arithmetic implemented by computers. If we had restricted the number of
displayed decimal digits to say 6, we would not have seen this.
The apparent bizarreness of the nal value shows that integer arithmetic on computers is nite.
We are seeing here that integers wrap aroundoverow in the jargon so that adding two
numbers that result in a value to large to represent in the computer results in an unexpected
3.8 Is the method times2 (see page 64) referentially transparent?
28 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
Yes. No matter how many time you call the method with the same parameter, it gives the same
3.9 Devise a test plan for a modied version of program MultiplicationTable (see page 68) that allows any
multiplication table from 1 to 100,000,000 to be displayed.
A test plan consists of a collection of test cases where each case should provide the following
the purpose of the test, what error(s) it is looking for,
a procedure for carrying out the test,
the input data,
the expected output.
Exhaustive testing of all tables the program could generate is not possible. To be anywhere near
manageable we must select a very limited number of tables where we believe there is a chance
that errors can be found and then create tests based on those tables. If the tests fail to nd
errors in those cases we gain condence that the program works well enough but cannot say with
absolute certainty that it contains no errors.
Testing a table means running the program, inputting the number of the table and then
comparing the output table with the expected table (which has to be generated some other way).
A range of tables to test would be:
the rst table, which would be for 1.
the last table, for 100,000,000.
for boundary conditions such as tables 9, 10, 11 or 999, 1000, 1001.
for boundary conditions where arithmetic overow might occur (a multiplication results
in a number that cannot be represented in the integer representation chosen).
Also test cases could be added for tables outside the range (less than 1, including negative
numbers or greater than 100,000,000) to conrm that the program displays the correct error
3.10 Execute program ConvertBinaryToDecimal by hand to convert the binary numbers 1001, 11100101 and
1000101010001011 to decimal.
Learning to execute a program by hand (or in your head) is an essential skill for a programmer. A
programmer needs to be able to read through code, especially more complex code using
Self-review Questions 29
structures like loops, and have a clear and accurate idea of what the code does. If code is not
working correctly manual execution is an important technique for tracking down the bugs and
conrming that a proposed bug-x actually works.
For simple code or code with a straightforward linear sequence it is possible to just read the
code, following the ow of control. For more complex code, loops, arithmetic expressions,
parameterised method calls, arrays and data structures, you will need to make notes as you go in
order to keep track of the details and, especially, the values of variables.
A common technique for manually executing code is to create a table of the values of variables.
Each row shows the result of executing one or more statements, with the variable values updated
as necessary. Often the table is drawn up using pen and paper, but alternatively a spreadsheet
can be used with the advantage that it is easy to edit. To illustrate the idea the String based
ConvertBinaryToDecimal program will be used to convert 1001.
Starting with the main method the ow of control is initially linear and can be understood just by
reading through the code. The doOutput method is called with the result returned by a call to
convertBinaryToDecimal passed as a parameter. As doOutput simply consists of a print statement it is
obvious what happens and we can focus on the convertBinaryToDecimal method.
convertBinaryToDecimal takes as an argument a String input from the user by a call to
getBinaryNumberString. Again, however, getBinaryNumberString can be understood by just quickly
reading the method body, so doesnt require detailed attention. With the basic ow of control
through the program clear, we can now focus on using a table to see how convertBinaryToDecimal
comment value power position position > -1 charAt(position)
start of method 0 1
start of rst iteration 0 1 3 true 1
case 1 1 1 3 true 1
start of second iteration 1 2 2 true 0
case 0 1 2 2 true 0
start of third iteration 1 4 1 true 0
case 0 1 4 1 true 0
start of fourth iteration 1 8 0 true 1
case 1 9 8 0 true 1
start of fth iteration 9 8 -1 false
loop terminates, return value 9
As can be seen the rst column of the table is a comment stating what has just been executed.
The rest of the columns are either the values of relevant variables or the values of expressions. In
this case, the two expressions position > -1 and charAt(position) are most helpful in keeping track of
what is happening. Each line of the table corresponds to a useful step in the algorithm, not just a
single statement. Exactly the same process can be used to show the execution of 11100101 and
1000101010001011, although 1001 is really enough to gain an understanding of what is going on.
An alternative to tracking the execution by hand would be to use a debugging tool and go
30 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
through the execution step-by-step. The standard Java tools include a debugger called jdb that
can be run from the command line. However, it is far better to use the debugger in an integrated
programming environment like BlueJ, Netbeans, IDEA or Eclipse. The command line jdb is at best
awkward to use and typically more or less impossible!
3.11 Convert this for loop to a while loop:
for ( int i = 10 ; i > -2 ; i -= 2 ) {
. . .
A for loop can be considered as syntactic sugar for a while loop, meaning that it is simply a
better way of writing the same thing that is easier to understand in some situations. Any for loop
can be translated into a while loop and vice versa following a straightforward set of rules.
The for loop structure:
for ( initialisation ; boolean expression ; end of loop expression ) { loop body }
maps to the while loop structure:
while ( boolean expression ) {
loop body
end of loop expression
The while equivalent of the given for loop is:
int i = 10 ;
while ( i > -2 ) {
. . .
i -= 2 ;
Programming Exercises
3.1 Write methods to do the following:
Convert from feet to centimetres.
Convert from yards to metres.
Convert from miles to kilometres.
Include the methods in an interactive program that lets the user select which conversion to perform.
Programming Exercises 31
public class E_3_1 {
private double feetToCentimetre ( nal double x ) { return x * 30.48 ; }
private double yardsToMetres ( nal double x ) { return x * 0.9144 ; }
private double milesToKilometers ( nal double x ) { return x * 1.609 ; }
private void processConversion ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
System.out.print ( "\nConversion Program\n 1 -- Feet to centimetres\n 2 -- Yards to metres\n 3 -- Miles to kilometres\nSelect Conversion: " ) ;
nal int selection = input.nextInt ( ) ;
if ( ( selection < 1 ) || ( selection > 3 ) ) {
System.out.println ( "Selection not a known conversion, stopping." ) ;
System.exit ( 0 ) ;
System.out.print ( "Value to convert: " ) ;
nal double value = input.nextDouble ( ) ;
double result = 0.0 ;
switch ( selection ) {
case 1 : result = feetToCentimetre ( value ) ; break ;
case 2 : result = yardsToMetres ( value ) ; break ;
case 3 : result = milesToKilometers ( value ) ; break ;
System.out.println ( "Converted value: " + result ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_1 ( ) .processConversion ( ) ;
3.2 Write a program that counts the number of times a specied character appears in a line of text.
This exercise is about using a loop to access each of the characters in the string in turn and if it is
the same as the specied character increment a count. In this answer we take the opportunity to
use a switch statement to make the output wording appropriate for the resulting count.
public class E_3_2 {
private void processLine ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Which letter to count : " ) ;
nal char c = input.nextChar ( ) ; input.nextLine ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter text to scan : " ) ;
nal String s = input.nextLine ( ) ;
int count = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < s.length ( ) ; ++i ) {
if ( s.charAt ( i ) == c ) { ++count ; }
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sb.append ( "There " ) ;
switch ( count ) {
case 0 :
sb.append ( "were no " + c + "s " ) ;
break ;
case 1 :
32 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
sb.append ( "was 1 " + c + " " ) ;
break ;
default :
sb.append ( "were " + count + " " + c + "s " ) ;
break ;
sb.append ( "in the text." ) ;
System.out.println ( sb ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_2 ( ) .processLine ( ) ;
3.3 Write a program to read in a decimal integer and print out the binary equivalent.
This exercise is really about reading the manual page for Integer or Long and spotting that there is
a toString method that can do all the work for us.
public class E_3_3 {
private void processValue ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter value to convert : " ) ;
nal long value = input.nextLong ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Decimal value " + value + " in binary is " + Long.toString ( value , 2 ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_3 ( ) .processValue ( ) ;
3.4 Write a program that uses methods to display the following:
writing a single character at a time.
A simple program to display this shape works by iterating through each row and using two nested
loops to display the correct number of spaces and stars. The number of spaces and stars to
display is determined directly from the row number. This gives the following program:
public class E_3_4 {
private void drawTriangle ( ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < 6 ; ++row ) {
for ( int spaces = 0 ; spaces < 6 - row - 1 ; ++spaces ) { System.out.print ( ) ; }
for ( int stars = 0 ; stars < row + 1 ; ++stars ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
Programming Exercises 33
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_4 ( ) .drawTriangle ( ) ;
While this answers the specc question the program is limited to displaying triangles of one size
only. A more satisfying approach would be to pass the height (number of rows) of the triangle as
a method parameter, giving this:
public class E_3_4b {
private void drawTriangle ( nal int height ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < height ; ++row ) {
for ( int spaces = 0 ; spaces < height - row - 1 ; ++spaces ) { System.out.print ( ) ; }
for ( int stars = 0 ; stars < row + 1 ; ++stars ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_4b ( ) .drawTriangle ( 6 ) ;
The program still contains two nested for loops, which are essentially doing the same thing
outputting zero or more characters. This is an example of duplication of code and it is always
good design practice to eliminate duplication. Hence a further revision is:
public class E_3_4c {
private void displayChars ( nal char character , nal int count ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < count ; ++n ) { System.out.print ( character ) ; }
private void drawTriangle ( nal int height ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < height ; ++row ) {
displayChars( , height - row - 1 ) ;
displayChars( * , row + 1 ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_4c ( ) .drawTriangle ( 6 ) ;
This is a good example of nding duplication by looking for the same pattern of code rather than
simply identical code.
In contrast to the programs above, here is a further answer that uses recursion rather than for
loops to provide the repetition.
public class E_3_4d {
34 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
private void displayChars ( nal char character , nal int count ) {
if ( count < 1 ) return ;
System.out.print ( character ) ;
displayChars ( character, count - 1 ) ;
private void displayTriangle ( nal int spaces , nal int stars ) {
if ( spaces < 0 ) return ;
displayChars( , spaces ) ;
displayChars( * , stars ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
displayTriangle ( spaces - 1 , stars + 1 ) ;
private void drawTriangle ( nal int height ) {
displayTriangle ( height - 1 , 1 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_4d ( ) .drawTriangle ( 6 ) ;
The drawTriangle method sets up the intial call to the recusive displayTriangle method. displayTriangle
takes two parameters giving the number of spaces and stars to output. If the number of spaces is
less than zero the method returns ending the sequence of recursive calls, otherwise the required
number of spaces and stars are output, and the method recursively calls itself with updated
parameter values. The recursive displayChars method displays a sequence of zero or more
3.5 Write a program, using methods, that displays triangles of the following form:
The user should input how many lines to display. You may only display one character at a time. Use the
method in a test program to display triangles of various sizes.
There are a number of strategies for displaying shapes made up from characters. This answer
uses two variables to keep a count of how many spaces and stars to display on each line. At the
start of the drawTriangle method the variables are initialised to one star and the required number
of spaces. The number of spaces is determined by the height of the triangle, which is passed as a
parameter. For a given height, the width of the base of the triangle is (2height) 1, so the
number of spaces one the rst line is width/2 (remember this will do integer division). A loop is
used to count through each line, the spaces and stars are output, and the count variables are
updated at the end of each iteration.
The rest of the program simply deals with the input and calling the drawTriangle method.
public class E_3_5 {
private void drawTriangle ( nal int height ) {
Programming Exercises 35
nal int width = 2 * height - 1 ;
int spaces = width / 2 ;
int stars = 1 ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < height ; ++row ) {
for ( int space = 0 ; space < spaces ; ++space ) { System.out.print ( ) ; }
for ( int star = 0 ; star < stars ; ++star ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
System.out.println ( ) ;
--spaces ;
stars += 2 ;
private int inputHeight ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter height of triangle: " ) ;
return in.nextInt ( ) ;
public void inputAndDraw ( ) {
nal int height = inputHeight ( ) ;
drawTriangle ( height ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_5 ( ).inputAndDraw( ) ;
3.6 Write a method to display rectangles with the following form:
The method parameters should give the number of rows and columns of the rectangle. Use the method in a
test program to display various rectangles of different sizes.
A straightforward way to display a rectangle shape is to use two loops, one nested inside the
other. The outer loop counts through each row, while the inner loop counts through each column
in each row, displaying a star at each iteration.
public class E_3_6 {
private void drawRectangle ( nal int rows , nal int columns ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rows ; row++ ) {
for (int column = 0 ; column < columns ; column++ ) { System.out.print( * ) ; }
System.out.println( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 5 , 4 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 1 , 1 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 3 , 7 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 1 , 4 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 5 , 1 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 3 , 0 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 0 , 3 ) ;
36 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( -2 , 3 ) ;
new E_3_6 ( ) .drawRectangle ( 3 , 3 ) ;
The main method demonstrates a number of calls of the drawRectangle method that can be
made to informally test that the right output is displayed. Note that displaying a rectangle of
three rows and zero columns, simply outputs three newlines, which seems reasonable on
reection. Trying to display a rectangle with -2 rows does nothing as the outer loop terminates
immediately without the loop body being executed.
3.7 Write a program using methods to display your name, or any other message, in the middle of a line 80
characters wide.
Arguably the most straighforward way of programming this is to output the right number of
spaces and then the message. Calculating the correct number of spaces to output is relatively
straightforward subtracting the message length from 80 says how many of the total characters
on the line are spaces and half of those need to go before the message:
public class E_3_7 {
private String getInput ( ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter the string to display: " ) ;
return ( new Input ( ) ).nextLine ( ) ;
private void writeLine ( nal String input ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < ( 80 - input.length ( ) ) / 2 ; ++i ) { System.out.print ( ) ; }
System.out.println ( input ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_7 application = new E_3_7 ( ) ;
application.writeLine ( application.getInput ( ) ) ;
3.8 Modify program ConvertBinaryToDecimal to create a program, called ConvertOctalToDecimal, that converts
from base 8 numbers to base 10 numbers.
The most straightforward answer to this question is a modied version of the rst convert binary
to decimal program presented in chapter 3. This relies on the nextInt(nal int radix) method in
class Input to convert from binary to decimal. By specifying the radix as 8 (octal) the nextInt
method will do octal to binary conversion. This gives the following program:
* Program to convert a <code>String</code> representing an octal number to an <code>int</code> to
* be output in decimal.
* @author Russel Winder
Programming Exercises 37
* @version 2006-07-29
public class ConvertOctalToDecimal_1 {
private void doInputConvertAndOutput ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter octal number: " ) ;
nal int result = in.nextInt ( 8 ) ;
System.out.println ( "Value as decimal is: " + result ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
ConvertOctalToDecimal_1 theObject = new ConvertOctalToDecimal_1 ( ) ;
theObject.doInputConvertAndOutput ( ) ;
In production code we would normally use a Java class library method to do number base
conversions, as we can assume that such a method is fully debugged and reliable so there is no
need to spend time re-inventing it. However, for these example answers it is more instructive to
write our own convert octal to decimal method to understand how it can be done. The next
program, therefore, presents a modied version of the second ConvertBinaryToDecimal program that
converts an octal integer represented as a String into a decimal value.
Following the strategy of the binary version, the conversion is done by multiplying each digit with
the power of 8 corresponding to the position of the digit in the input number. For example:
= 18
= 64+16+3
= 83
* Program to convert a <code>String</code> representing a octal number to an <code>int</code> to
* be output in decimal.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-07-20
public class ConvertOctalToDecimal_2 {
private String getOctalNumberString ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter octal number: " ) ;
return in.nextLine ( ) ;
* Attempt to convert the string argument representing an octal number to a decimal integer.
* If any invalid characters are found in the string stop and return the partially converted
* value.
public int convertOctalToDecimal ( nal String s ) {
int value = 0 ;
int power = 1 ;
for ( int position = s.length ( ) - 1 ; position > -1 ; --position , power *= 8 ) {
38 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
switch ( s.charAt ( position ) ) {
case 0 :
break ;
case 1 :
value += power ;
break ;
case 2 :
value += 2 * power ;
break ;
case 3 :
value += 3 * power ;
break ;
case 4 :
value += 4 * power ;
break ;
case 5 :
value += 5 * power ;
break ;
case 6 :
value += 6 * power ;
break ;
case 7 :
value += 7 * power ;
break ;
case - :
if ( position == 0 ) { value = -value ; break ; }
else { return value ; }
default :
return value ;
return value ;
private void doOutput ( nal int result ) {
System.out.println ( "Value as decimal is: " + result ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
ConvertOctalToDecimal_2 object = new ConvertOctalToDecimal_2 ( ) ;
object.doOutput (
object.convertOctalToDecimal (
object.getOctalNumberString ( )
) ;
When reviewing the program above, the duplication of the pattern of the code in the cases in the
switch statement stands out. Duplicated code or patterns of code should always be removed, so
the program is modied to give the following version.
* Program to convert a <code>String</code> representing a octal number to an <code>int</code> to
* be output in decimal.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-09-04
Programming Exercises 39
public class ConvertOctalToDecimal_3 {
private String getOctalNumberString ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter octal number: " ) ;
return in.nextLine ( ) ;
* Attempt to convert the string argument representing an octal number to a decimal integer.
* If any invalid characters are found in the string stop and return the partially converted
* value.
public int convertOctalToDecimal ( nal String s ) {
int value = 0 ;
int power = 1 ;
for ( int position = s.length ( ) - 1 ; position > -1 ; --position , power *= 8 ) {
char digit = s.charAt ( position ) ;
switch ( digit ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
case 4 :
case 5 :
case 6 :
case 7 :
value += Character.digit(digit,10) * power ;
break ;
case - :
if ( position == 0 ) { value = -value ; break ; }
else { return value ; }
default :
return value ;
return value ;
private void doOutput ( nal int result ) {
System.out.println ( "Value as decimal is: " + result ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
ConvertOctalToDecimal_3 object = new ConvertOctalToDecimal_3 ( ) ;
object.doOutput (
object.convertOctalToDecimal (
object.getOctalNumberString ( )
) ;
As a further exercise, replace the switch statement in the code above with one or more if
3.9 Write a program that uses a recursive method to calculate the product of a sequence of numbers specied by
40 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
the user. For example, if the user species 4 to 8, the method calculates 4*5*6*7*8.
In the following we have a recursive method doCalculation that is an answer to the question. It is
worth noting that in the recursion we change both the start and end point values so we have to
be careful about how we terminate the recursion it is important to deal with both termination
cases, start == end and start < end:
public class E_3_9 {
private int getIntegerValue ( nal String prompt ) {
System.out.print ( prompt ) ;
return ( new Input ( ) ).nextInt ( ) ;
private int doCalculation ( nal int start , nal int end ) {
if ( start > end ) { return 1 ; }
else if ( start == end ) { return start * end ; }
else { return start * end * doCalculation ( start + 1 , end - 1 ) ; }
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_9 application = new E_3_9 ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Result is : " +
application.doCalculation (
application.getIntegerValue ( "Enter start number: ") ,
application.getIntegerValue ( "Enter end number: " )
) ;
There is a bug with this code of course. If the user enters a start number that is larger than the
end number the program writes 1 whereas it should either:
1. Do the calculation as though the start and end numbers were swapped.
2. Put out an error message.
This doesnt affect the doCalculation method, it just means we need to change the way we call it
initially: we need to do more work before calling the doCalculation method.
3.10 Write a program that reads in a line of text and displays the number of characters and words it contains.
Spaces and tabs should not be counted as characters.
Lots of questions to answer with this question before we can write a program. The most obvious
of which is What is a word?
If we assume that words are sequences of characters that are not spaces or tabs, tehn we can
public class E_3_10 {
Programming Exercises 41
private String getInput ( ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter a line of text: " ) ;
return ( new Input ( ) ).nextLine ( ) ;
private int skipSpace ( nal String line , int i ) {
for ( char c ; ( i < line.length ( ) ) && ( ( ( c = line.charAt ( i ) ) == ) || ( c == \t ) ) ; ++i ) { }
return i ;
private void process ( nal String line ) {
int wordCount = 0 ;
int characterCount = 0 ;
if ( line.length ( ) > 0 ) {
int i = skipSpace ( line , 0 ) ;
if ( i < line.length ( ) ) {
do {
nal char c = line.charAt ( i ) ;
if ( ( c == ) || ( c == \t ) ) {
i = skipSpace ( line , i ) ;
++wordCount ;
else {
++ i ;
++characterCount ;
} while ( i < line.length ( ) ) ;
++wordCount ;
System.out.println ( "Number of characters is " + characterCount ) ;
System.out.println ( "Number of words is " + wordCount ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_10 application = new E_3_10 ( ) ;
application.process ( application.getInput ( ) ) ;
as one of the many possible solutions. If, however, we want to take into account that
punctuation symbols separate words then we have to be a little bit more sophisticated:
public class E_3_10_a {
private String getInput ( ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter a line of text: " ) ;
return ( new Input ( ) ).nextLine ( ) ;
private int skipSpace ( nal String line , int i ) {
for ( char c ; ( i < line.length ( ) ) && ( ( ( c = line.charAt ( i ) ) == ) || ( c == \t ) ) ; ++i ) { }
return i ;
private void process ( nal String line ) {
int wordCount = 0 ;
int characterCount = 0 ;
if ( line.length ( ) > 0 ) {
int i = skipSpace ( line , 0 ) ;
boolean inWord = false ;
while ( i < line.length ( ) ) {
42 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
nal char c = line.charAt ( i ) ;
switch ( c ) {
case :
case \t :
i = skipSpace ( line , i ) ;
++wordCount ;
inWord = false ;
break ;
case . :
case , :
case ; :
case: :
if ( inWord ) {
++wordCount ;
inWord = false ;
default :
++ i ;
++characterCount ;
break ;
if ( inWord ) { ++wordCount ; }
System.out.println ( "Number of characters is " + characterCount ) ;
System.out.println ( "Number of words is " + wordCount ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_10_a application = new E_3_10_a ( ) ;
application.process ( application.getInput ( ) ) ;
3.11 Consider displaying a large letter formed from stars:
* *
* *
* *
* *
Write a method that displays one line of the large character H, where the line to display is given as a
parameter (e.g. bigH(3) would display the third line).
Then write a program to display six large Hs in a row, with one space between each H:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
The core of the answer to this question is a method that can display one slice or line of a large H
at a time the bigH method suggested in the question. This can then be used by another
Programming Exercises 43
method to display a row of large Hs, where each line output is a sequence of the same slice of a
large H separated by a space. The following program gives a basic working example:
public class E_3_11 {
private void bigH ( nal int line ) {
switch ( line ) {
case 0 :
case 1 :
case 3 :
case 4 :
System.out.print ( * ) ;
for ( int spaces = 0 ; spaces < 4 ; ++spaces ) { System.out.print ( ) ; }
System.out.print ( * ) ;
break ;
case 2 :
for ( int stars = 0 ; stars < 6 ; ++stars ) { System.out.print ( * ) ; }
break ;
default : ;
private void displayRowOfBigH ( ) {
for ( int line = 0 ; line < 5 ; ++line ) {
for ( int count = 0 ; count < 6 ; ++count ) {
bigH ( line ) ;
System.out.print ( ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_11 application = new E_3_11 ( ) ;
application.displayRowOfBigH ( ) ;
There is room for improvement in the code shown above. Duplication can be removed and literal
values (magic numbers) can be replaced by method parameters, to make the code more general
purpose for example, to easily change the size and number of large H characters displayed.
public class E_3_11a {
private void displayChars ( nal char character , nal int count ) {
for ( int n = 0 ; n < count ; ++n ) { System.out.print ( character ) ; }
private void bigH ( nal char character , nal int height ,
nal int width, nal int line ) {
nal int middle = height / 2 ;
if ( line == middle ) { displayChars ( character , width ) ; }
else {
displayChars ( character , 1 ) ;
displayChars ( , width - 2 ) ;
displayChars ( character , 1 ) ;
private void displayRowOfBigH ( nal char character , nal int height,
nal int width, nal int count , nal int gap ) {
for ( int line = 0 ; line < height ; ++line ) {
44 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
for ( int column = 0 ; column < count ; ++column ) {
bigH ( character , height , width , line ) ;
displayChars ( , gap ) ;
displayChars ( \n , 1 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_3_11a application = new E_3_11a ( ) ;
application.displayRowOfBigH ( * , 5 , 5 , 6 , 1 ) ;
application.displayRowOfBigH ( @ , 8 , 6 , 6 , 2 ) ;
application.displayRowOfBigH ( ^ , 11 , 5 , 8 , 3 ) ;
In this version, method parameters have been introduced to specify the width and height of a
large H, along with the character used to display it. The number of spaces between each large H
can also be set. The bigH method has been modied to display any size H (assuming reasonable
parameter values are supplied no checking is done for negative or very large numbers). The
main method shows some examples of how the displayRowOfBigH method can be called. This
results in the following output:
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
* * * * * * * * * * * *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@ @@@@@@
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Note that a method called displayChars has been introduced to do the work of actually outputting
characters, so that it is the only place in the program to contain a System.out.print statement. A
further renement of the program could replace the System.out.print statement with code to create
a String, write to a le or some other way of capturing the output for future use. The strategy
behind adding the displayChars method is one of reducing the dependency of code on specic
resources such as direct output to the screen via System.out.
3.12 Write a method to test if an integer of type long is a prime number. The method should return a boolean
Programming Exercises 45
value. Test your method by writing a test program that reads an integer typed at the keyboard and states
whether the integer was prime. Using your prime method, write a program that nds all the prime
numbers that can be represented by an integer of type long.
A prime number is a positive integer that has two divisors only, the number 1 and the prime
number itself. The basic test for a prime number is to divide a candidate number by all the
integers from 2 up to the square root of the candidate number. If any divisions give a remainder
of 0 then the number is not prime. The following method performs this test:
public boolean isPrime ( nal long n ) {
if ( n < 2L ) { return false ; }
if ( n == 2L ) { return true ; }
if (( n % 2L ) == 0 ) { return false ; }
long divisor = 3L ;
nal long limit = new Double( Math.sqrt ( n ) ).longValue ( ) ;
while ( divisor <= limit ) {
if ((n % divisor) == 0 ) { return false ; }
divisor += 2L ;
return true ;
Several small optimisations have been made. Firstly any even number is immediately rejected by
checking to see if dividing by two leaves a remainder of zero. Second, the search performed by
the while loop only tries to divide using odd numbers, as any multiple of an even number must be
an even number and hence not prime.
The method above performs a brute force test. There are a number of much more efcient ways
of testing if a number is prime but they require the use of data structures not covered until a later
Using the isPrime method a program can be written to let the user type in a number and check
whether it is prime or not.
public class CheckForPrime {
public boolean isPrime ( nal long n ) {
if ( n < 2L ) { return false ; }
if ( n == 2L ) { return true ; }
if (( n % 2L ) == 0 ) { return false ; }
long divisor = 3L ;
nal long limit = new Double( Math.sqrt ( n ) ).longValue ( ) ;
while ( divisor <= limit ) {
if ((n % divisor) == 0 ) { return false ; }
divisor += 2L ;
return true ;
public void checkPrime ( ) {
Input input = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print( "Enter a number: " ) ;
long candidate = input.nextLong ( ) ;
46 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
if ( isPrime ( candidate ) ) { System.out.println ( candidate + " is a prime number!" ) ; }
else { System.out.println ( candidate + " is not a prime number." ) ; }
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new CheckForPrime ( ).checkPrime ( ) ;
The following program will nd all the prime numbers that can be represented by a long but will
take some time to run!
public class FindAllLongPrimes {
public boolean isPrime ( nal long n ) {
if ( n < 2L ) { return false ; }
if ( n == 2L ) { return true ; }
if (( n % 2L ) == 0 ) { return false ; }
long divisor = 3L ;
nal long limit = new Double( Math.sqrt ( n ) ).longValue ( ) ;
while ( divisor <= limit ) {
if ((n % divisor) == 0 ) { return false ; }
divisor += 2L ;
return true ;
public void ndPrimes ( ) {
long count=0L;
for (long candidate = 3L ; candidate < Long.MAX_VALUE ; candidate++ ) {
if ( isPrime ( candidate ) ) {
System.out.println ( candidate + " is Prime" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
new FindAllLongPrimes ( ).ndPrimes ( ) ;
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prime_number For a starting point to nd out more about prime
3.13 Write a program that acts as a simple desktop calculator, which allows you to type in a sequence of values
and operators and displays the results of your calculation. For example, the following might be typed in
(<return> indicates the return key being pressed):
5 <return>
+ <return>
6 <return>
= <return>
Challenges 47
3.1 Write a program to display the multiplication tables from 2 to 12 displayed as four rows of three tables, i.e.:
1 x 2 = 2 1 x 3 = 3 1 x 4 = 4
2 x 2 = 4 2 x 3 = 6 2 x 4 = 8
3 x 2 = 6 3 x 3 = 9 3 x 4 = 12
. . .
3.2 Write a program that includes a recursive method to calculate the greatest common divisor of two numbers.
3.3 Write methods to display a large E, L and O as below. Use the methods to display HELLO in large letters in
the following arrangement:
* *
* * ******
****** * *
* * **** * *
* * * * * ******
****** * * * *
****** * * *
****** * *
3.4 Consider a table that shows temperature conversions from Celsius to Fahrenheit, like this:
Temperature Conversion
0 32 1 33 2 35 3 37 4 39
5 41 6 42 7 44 8 46 9 48
10 50 11 51 12 53 13 55 14 57
and so on up to 100C.
Write a program that asks for the number of columns to display (one column is one C/F pair) and displays a
conversion table. Make sure the columns of numbers line up neatly.
Hint: Write a method to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
Write a method that displays one line of the table, given the line number and the number of columns.
Write a method that displays the table one line at a time.
Separate the columns of C/F pairs using tab characters. A tab is represented using \t, for example
System.out.print ( \t).
3.5 Write a program that reads an integer between 0 and 99 and verbalizes it. For example, if the program is
given 23 it would display twenty three.
48 Chapter 3: Adding Structure
Hint: Write methods to:
Take a single digit and return a string between zero and nine.
Take a number between 10 and 19 and return a string between ten and nineteen.
Take a number between 0 and 99 and, using the other methods as necessary, verbalize the
Introducing Containers
50 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
Self-review Questions
4.1 Which of the following are valid array declarations?
int x = new int[10] ;
int[][] = new int[][10] ;
double []d = new double[10] ;
char[] s = "Hello" ;
The declaration:
double []d = new double[10] ;
is ne, although it would be much more usual to write it as:
double[] d = new double[10] ;
Whitespace is not signicant in Java so the spacing between non-space elements is of no
consequence. This does mean it is important to space things to aid human readability which is
why the second form is preferred to the rst form as it visually associates the [] with the double as
the compiler does.
The declaration:
int x = new int[10] ;
causes a compilation error:
found : int[]
required: int
int x = new int[10] ;
2 errors
The problem here is that the variable is not of array type so the initialization is not possible.
int[][] = new int[][10] ;
The rst problem here is that there is no variable name so the delcaration is not well formed, it
leads to an error like:
Trial.java:4: not a statement
int[][] = new int[][10] ;
Trial.java:4: ; expected
int[][] = new int[][10] ;
2 errors
Self-review Questions 51
If we correct this to give:
int[][] xx = new int[][10] ;
then we still have an error:
Trial.java:4: ] expected
int[][] xx = new int[][10] ;
Trial.java:4: array dimension missing
int[][] xx = new int[][10] ;
2 errors
The problem here is that we can only ever leave the last size blank. So:
int[][] xx = new int[10][] ;
compiles ne and on execution make xx a reference to a size 10 array of references to int arrays.
The declaration:
char[] s = "Hello" ;
results in the error message:
Trial.java:6: incompatible types
found : java.lang.String
required: char[]
char[] s = "Hello" ;
1 error
The problem is that the types on left and right hand side of the initialization are different. On the
right we have a String on the left we have a char[] and the two are different. To correct this we
have to use one of:
String s = "Hello" ;
char[] s = { H , e , l , l , o , \0 } ;
4.2 What is array bounds checking?
It is a run time check that any index used in an index expression is greater than 0 and less than
the maximum size of the array being indexed into.
4.3 What is the maximum index that can be used with an array of size 7?
52 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
6 because arrays are always 0-origina 7 item array has elements indexed by 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and
4.4 How is a 3D array represented in terms of array objects?
4.5 Which of these are valid array indexing expressions for an array of size 10?
The expressions:
are all valid. The last expression however will lead to an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException if n[1] is
negative or greater than 9.
The expression:
is not valid as the index value is a double and all indexes must be positive and integral.
The expression:
is not valid as the int expression results in -4 and negative indexes are not permitted.
4.6 When is it an advantage to use an ArrayList rather than an array?
Whenever there is any doubt about the exact size of the array at compile time.
4.7 Explain how array parameters work. What happens if an element of an array passed as a parameter to a
method is changed by assignment? Do ArrayLists behave the same or differently?
Programming Exercises 53
The array elements are stored somewhere in memory and a reference to the array is passed from
the caller to the callee.
As the caller has passed a reference to the array, the caller is using the same array elements
which means the callee is changing the data that the caller had.
ArrayLists behave the same.
4.8 What do opening and closing a le do?
Opening a le causes the JVM and the underlying operating system to set up connections
between the program and the le. These connections must always be set up before a program
can read and/or write a le. Closing a le causes the connections to be terminated and all teh
JVM and operating system resources set up suring opening to be released.
4.9 How does eof work?
Programming Exercises
4.1 Write a program to read in 10 integers and store them in an array. Then display the contents of the array.
public class E_4_1 {
private void execute ( ) {
nal int[] data = new int [10] ;
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter " + data.length + " int values : " ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; ++i ) { data[i] = input.nextInt ( ) ; }
System.out.print ( "Values input were : " ) ;
for ( int v : data ) { System.out.print ( v + " " ) ; }
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_4_1 ( ) ).execute ( ) ;
4.2 Write a program to read in a sequence of integers until stop is entered. Store the integers in an array. Then
display the average of the numbers entered.
public class E_4_2 {
private int[] doInput ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
int[] buffer = new int[2000] ;
54 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
System.out.println ( "Type in up to " + buffer.length + " integers, and the input with the word stop." ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < buffer.length ; ++i ) {
nal String s = in.next ( ) ;
if ( s.compareTo ( "stop" ) == 0 ) {
// buffer is too large for the amount of data input so create a new array of the right
// size for the number of items input and replace the current buffer.
nal int[] data = new int[i] ;
System.arraycopy ( buffer , 0 , data , 0 , i ) ;
buffer = data ;
break ;
buffer[i] = Integer.parseInt ( s ) ;
return buffer ;
private double calculateMean ( nal int[] data ) {
int total = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data.length ; ++i ) { total += data[i] ; }
return ( (double) total ) / data.length ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_2 object = new E_4_2 ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Mean of entered data is " + object.calculateMean ( object.doInput ( ) ) ) ;
4.3 Repeat Exercise 4.2 but use an ArrayList instead of an array.
import java.util.ArrayList ;
public class E_4_3 {
private ArrayList<Integer> doInput ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
nal ArrayList<Integer> buffer = new ArrayList<Integer> ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Type in integers and the input with the word stop." ) ;
while ( true ) {
nal String s = in.next ( ) ;
if ( s.compareTo ( "stop" ) == 0 ) { break ; }
buffer.add ( Integer.parseInt ( s ) ) ;
return buffer ;
private double calculateMean ( nal ArrayList<Integer> data ) {
int total = 0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < data.size ( ) ; ++i ) { total += data.get ( i ) ; }
return ( (double) total ) / data.size ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_3 object = new E_4_3 ( ) ;
System.out.println ( "Mean of entered data is " + object.calculateMean ( object.doInput ( ) ) ) ;
4.4 A matrix can be represented using a 2D array. Write methods to perform matrix addition, subtraction and
Programming Exercises 55
multiplication. Each method should take two 2D arrays as a parameter and return a new 2D array
containing the result. Use the methods in a test program to verify that they work correctly.
The following is a potential solution:
* Some methods for doing things with 2D rectangular arrays representing matrices. The data has to be of some
* form of numeric type so for now we make doubles, later we can do this better.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2006-09-10T18:58
public class E_4_4 {
public static boolean isRectangular ( nal double[][] a ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < a.length ; ++i ) {
if ( a[i].length != a[0].length ) { return false ; }
return true ;
public static void checkSameDimensions ( nal double[][] a , nal double[][] b ) {
if ( ! isRectangular ( a ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "a is not a rectangular array." ) ; }
if ( ! isRectangular ( b ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "b is not a rectangular array." ) ; }
if ( a.length != b.length ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "a and b do not have the same number of rows." ) ; }
if ( a[0].length != b[0].length ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "a and b do not have the same number of columns." ) ; }
public static double[][] add ( nal double[][] a , nal double[][] b ) {
checkSameDimensions ( a , b ) ;
nal double[][] r = new double[a.length][a[0].length] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < a[0].length ; ++j ) {
r[i][j] = a[i][j] + b[i][j] ;
return r ;
public static double[][] subtract ( nal double[][] a , nal double[][] b ) {
checkSameDimensions ( a , b ) ;
nal double[][] r = new double[a.length][a[0].length] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < a[0].length ; ++j ) {
r[i][j] = a[i][j] - b[i][j] ;
return r ;
public static double[][] multiply ( nal double[][] a , nal double[][] b ) {
if ( ! isRectangular ( a ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "a is not a rectangular array." ) ; }
if ( ! isRectangular ( b ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "b is not a rectangular array." ) ; }
if ( a[0].length != b.length ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "a and b are not multiplication compatible." ) ; }
nal double[][] r = new double[a.length][b[0].length] ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < b[0].length ; ++j ) {
for ( int k = 0 ; k < b.length ; ++k ) {
r[i][j] += a[i][k] * b[k][j] ;
56 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
return r ;
The following is a short program to test some of the features of the program, there needs to be a
lot more to test it properly.
public class E_4_4_Test {
private void assertEqual ( nal double[][] expected , nal double[][] actual ) {
E_4_4.checkSameDimensions ( expected , actual ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < expected.length ; ++i ) {
for ( int j = 0 ; j < expected[0].length ; ++j ) {
if ( expected[i][j] != actual[i][j] ) {
System.err.println ( "Got a " + actual[i][j] + " expected a " + expected[i][j] ) ;
System.exit ( 1 ) ;
public void addTest ( ) {
nal double[][] a = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } } ;
nal double[][] b = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } } ;
nal double[][] r = new double[][] { { 2 , 2 } ,{ 2 , 2 } ,{ 2 , 2 } } ;
assertEqual ( r , E_4_4.add ( a , b ) ) ;
public void subtractTest ( ) {
nal double[][] a = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } } ;
nal double[][] b = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } ,{ 1 , 1 } } ;
nal double[][] r = new double[][] { { 0 , 0 } ,{ 0 , 0 } ,{ 0 , 0 } } ;
assertEqual ( r , E_4_4.subtract ( a , b ) ) ;
public void multiplyTest ( ) {
double[][] a = { { 1 , 1 } } ;
double[][] b = { { 1 } , { 1 } } ;
double[][] r = { { 2 } } ;
assertEqual ( r , E_4_4.multiply ( a , b ) ) ;
a = new double[][] { { 1 } , { 1 } } ;
b = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } } ;
r = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 } } ;
assertEqual ( r , E_4_4.multiply ( a , b ) ) ;
a = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 } } ;
b = new double[][] { { 1 , 1 , 1 } , { 1 , 1 , 1 } } ;
r = new double[][] { { 2 , 2 , 2 } ,{ 2 , 2 , 2 } ,{ 2 , 2 , 2 } } ;
assertEqual ( r , E_4_4.multiply ( a , b ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_4_Test tester = new E_4_4_Test ( ) ;
tester.addTest ( ) ;
tester.subtractTest ( ) ;
tester.multiplyTest ( ) ;
Programming Exercises 57
4.5 Extend program AddUpColumns in Section 4.2.10, page 110, to add a method that ensures the 2D array is
a square array and employs this new method to ensure adding up the columns actually makes sense.
Although the qeustion as printed said square, it should have said rectangular. In the following
we have created a method ensureRectangular that terminates execution if the array is not
rectangular. The method is called as the rst action in totalColumns since that is the most
appropriate place of responsibility, i.e. it is the responsibility of the totalColumns method to ensure
the array that it is given is a reasonable array to work with. We have added an extra test case to
ensure that the method is called and traps a non-rectangular array. It has to be the last test case
though as it termates execution.
public class E_4_5 {
private void ensureRectangular ( nal double[][] array ) {
for ( int i = 1 ; i < array.length ; ++i ) {
if ( array[i].length != array[0].length ) {
System.out.println ( "Array is not rectangular." ) ;
System.exit ( 1 ) ;
private double[] totalColumns ( nal double[][] array ) {
ensureRectangular ( array ) ;
nal int nColumns = array[0].length ;
nal double[] totals = new double[nColumns] ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < nColumns ; ++column ) {
totals[column] = 0.0 ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < array.length ; ++row ) {
totals[column] += array[row][column] ;
return totals ;
private void displayTotals ( nal double[] totals ) {
System.out.print ( "Totals are: " ) ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < totals.length ; ++column ) {
System.out.print ( totals[column] + " " ) ;
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_5 object = new E_4_5 ( ) ;
double[][] testArray = {
{ 2.1 , 3.4 , 5.6 , 9.6 , 5.5 } ,
{ 4.2 , 3.5 , 6.6 , 1.9 , 3.2 } ,
{ 1.1 , 5.8 , 8.2 , 4.5 , 2.8 }
} ;
object.displayTotals ( object.totalColumns ( testArray ) ) ;
testArray = new double[][] {
{ 2.1 , 3.4 , 5.6 , 9.6 , 5.5 } ,
{ 4.2 , 3.5 , 6.6 , 1.9 }
} ;
object.displayTotals ( object.totalColumns ( testArray ) ) ;
58 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
4.6 Rewrite program AddUpColumns in Exercise 4.5, to use ArrayLists instead of arrays.
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.ArrayList ;
public class E_4_6 {
private ArrayList<Double> totalColumns ( nal ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> array ) {
nal int nColumns = array.get ( 0 ).size ( ) ;
nal ArrayList<Double> totals = new ArrayList<Double> ( nColumns ) ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < nColumns ; ++column ) {
totals.add ( 0.0 ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < array.size ( ) ; ++row ) {
totals.set ( column , totals.get ( column ) + array.get ( row ).get ( column ) ) ;
return totals ;
private void displayTotals ( nal ArrayList<Double> totals ) {
System.out.print ( "Totals are: " ) ;
for ( Double d : totals ) { System.out.print ( d + " " ) ; }
System.out.println ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_6 object = new E_4_6 ( ) ;
nal ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> testArray = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> ( ) ;
testArray.add ( new ArrayList<Double> ( Arrays.asList ( 2.1 , 3.4 , 5.6 , 9.6 , 5.5 ) ) ) ;
testArray.add ( new ArrayList<Double> ( Arrays.asList ( 4.2 , 3.5 , 6.6 , 1.9 , 3.2 ) ) ) ;
testArray.add ( new ArrayList<Double> ( Arrays.asList ( 1.1 , 5.8 , 8.2 , 4.5 , 2.8 ) ) ) ;
object.displayTotals ( object.totalColumns ( testArray ) ) ;
4.7 Rewrite program DisplayTextFile to read and display strings instead of characters.
It seems that this question is a bit redundant in that the version of DisplayTextFile on page 132 is
actually the answer to this question. It appears that in updating the book, the original point
behind this question was taken into the text itself, and we did not update the question.
* A program to display the contents of a text le.
* @author Graham Roberts
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-11-03
public class DisplayTextFile {
public String getFileName ( ) {
nal Input in = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter name of le to display: " ) ;
nal String name = in.nextLine ( ) ;
return name ;
public void display ( nal String leName ) {
nal FileInput in = new FileInput ( leName ) ;
Programming Exercises 59
while ( in.hasNextLine ( ) ) { System.out.println ( in.nextLine ( ) ) ; }
in.close ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal DisplayTextFile object = new DisplayTextFile ( ) ;
object.display ( object.getFileName ( ) ) ;
4.8 Write a program to nd the largest sized array you can use on your computer system.
The brute force method might seem to be:
public class E_4_8_brute {
private void ndLargestArray ( ) {
int i = 1 ;
while ( true ) {
System.out.print ( "Trying " + ( i ) + "... " ) ;
nal byte[] array = new byte[ i ] ;
System.out.println ( "done." ) ;
++i ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_8_brute object = new E_4_8_brute ( ) ;
object.ndLargestArray ( ) ;
but this is not actually a solution because it results (on a 3GHz, 1GB, Ubuntu machine under
normal workstation usage) in a program that is indistinguishable from an innite loop. It is not, in
fact, an innite loop, but it it would take many, many, many, many hours to get to the point where
the array size was too big.
The most obvious way of actually answering this question is to use an interactive program. By
involving a human being we can avoid our program having to make any guesses about the
maximum size of array. The user can apply sophisticated algorithms and heuristics to make the
search relatively quick the hint here is to employ binary chop search. So, using the program:
public class E_4_8 {
private void ndLargestArray ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter a value to try: " ) ;
nal int i = input.nextInt ( ) ;
nal byte[] array = new byte[i] ;
System.out.println ( "Succeeded." ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_8 object = new E_4_8 ( ) ;
60 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
object.ndLargestArray ( ) ;
we found that, on the aforementioned 3GHz, 1GB, Ubuntu machine under normal workstation
usage, using JDK 1.5.0_06, the largest array was around 61860980 bytes. There was a certain
amount of non-determinism sometimes numbers would succeed and sometimes they would
fail. Almost certainly something to do with the exact memory available at the instant the JVM was
allocating the array.
Actually we didnt use the above program, we used:
public class E_4_8_exceptions {
private void ndLargestArray ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
while ( true ) {
System.out.print ( "Enter a value to try: " ) ;
nal int i = input.nextInt ( ) ;
try { nal byte[] array = new byte[i] ; }
catch ( OutOfMemoryError oome ) {
System.out.println ( "Failed." ) ;
continue ;
System.out.println ( "Succeeded." ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_8_exceptions object = new E_4_8_exceptions ( ) ;
object.ndLargestArray ( ) ;
so as to avoid having to restart the Java system for every failure. However at this point we havent
covered exceptions so we you may not have come up with this. This reects the difculties of
sequencing material. It would have been good to put exceptions earlier but. . .
4.9 Create a program that writes a data le containing 1000 random integers between 1 and 25. Use the JDK
class Random to create random numbers, or implement your own random number algorithm. Then write a
second program that reads the integers from the le and counts how many of each integer is in the le.
Writing our own random number generator is almost certainly a bad idea. Generating random
numbers on a computer is a complicated issue both in terms of the mathematics and in terms
of the actual programming and the standard Java library has some good solutions. We will jsut
use them. From the documentation we see there is a class Random that we could use.
Alternatively, we could use the method Math.random, but this is just a utility method for using
Random.nextDouble in a certain way and as the question asks about random integers, and there is a
method Random.nextInt ( int n ) which seems to do more of what we want, let us use that.
So now we are in a position to create the writer of numbers:
Programming Exercises 61
import java.util.Random ;
public class E_4_9_writer {
private void writeNumbers ( ) {
nal Random generator = new Random ( ) ;
nal FileOutput output = new FileOutput ( "random_numbers" ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 1000 ; ++i ) {
// NB Random.nextInt generates in the range 0 <= x < n and the question requires the numbers to be in
// the range 1 <= x <= 25.
output.writeInt ( generator.nextInt ( 25 ) + 1 ) ;
output.writeEndOfLine ( ) ;
output.close ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_9_writer object = new E_4_9_writer ( ) ;
object.writeNumbers ( ) ;
Creating the reader is a question of reading in the numbers from teh le and then counting them.
We do this by having an array where the index of the array is the number being counted and the
value stored in that element of the array is the count. The hard bit is that arrays have index
starting with 0 but the data does not use that value. We cheat a bit and subtract 1 from each data
item in order to know which element of the array to use as the counter. The really hard bit is, of
course, to remember to add one when we print things out!
public class E_4_9_reader {
private void displayCounts ( ) {
nal int maxNumber = 25 ;
nal FileInput input = new FileInput ( "random_numbers" ) ;
nal int[] counts = new int[maxNumber] ;
while ( input.hasNextInt ( ) ) { ++counts[input.nextInt ( ) - 1] ; }
input.close ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < maxNumber ; ++i ) { System.out.println ( "counts [ " + ( i + 1 ) + " ] = " + counts[i] ) ; }
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal E_4_9_reader object = new E_4_9_reader ( ) ;
object.displayCounts ( ) ;
You will see when you run this, that although the counts of the numbers are all reasonable close
together they are not the same. Herein lies the problem with computer generating random
numbers: they arent actually random and it is hard with only a small number (1000 is small in
this sort of situation) to get a good distribution. However, to go further is to diverge to far from
the purpose of this book. There is a mass of literature on pseudo-random and quasi-random
numbers. If you are interested it is well worth hunting out.
4.10 Using the data le created in the last question, write a drawing program that plots a bar chart showing
how many of each integer between 1 and 25 appears in the le.
62 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
4.11 Write a method that takes two character array parameters and returns true if the sequence of characters
stored in the second array is a subsequence of those characters stored in the rst array.
We can create an answer to this question using indexing and iteration:
import java.util.Arrays ;
public class E_4_11 {
private boolean containsSequence ( nal char[] a , nal char[] b ) {
if ( a.length >= b.length ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i <= a.length - b.length ; ++i ) {
boolean areTheSame = true ;
for ( int j = 0 ; j < b.length ; ++j ) {
if ( a[ i + j ] != b[ j ] ) { areTheSame = false ; break ; }
if ( areTheSame ) { return true ; }
return false ;
private void assertTrue ( nal boolean b , nal String message ) {
if ( ! b ) { System.out.println ( "Test failed: " + message ) ; }
private void runTest ( ) {
char[] a = { a , b , c , d , e , f } ;
char[] b = { a , b , c , d } ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( a , a ) , "a == a" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( b , b ) , "b == b" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( a , b ) , "b is in a" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( b , a ) , "a is longer than b" ) ;
char[] c = { c , d } ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( c , c ) , "c == c" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( a , c ) , "c is in a" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( c , a ) , "a is longer than c" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( b , c ) , "c is in b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( c , b ) , "b is longer than c" ) ;
char[] d = { b , z } ;
assertTrue ( containsSequence ( d , d ) , "d == d" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( a , d ) , "d is not in a" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( b , d ) , "d is not in b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsSequence ( c , d ) , "d is not in c" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_4_11 ( ) ).runTest ( ) ;
Note how we are written lots of tests for the method. In fact, these proved crucial since the rst
version of the method that was written failed the test labelled Position3. The problem was that
we had written i < a.length - b.length instead of i <= a.length - b.length. A minor slip, but a major
error nontheless. The tests found this and so stopped us issuing a program with a bug in it.
There is also a trick solution for this question:
private boolean containsSequence ( nal char[] a , nal char[] b ) {
Programming Exercises 63
return ( new String ( a ) ).contains ( new String ( b ) ) ;
This works by converting each character array to a String and then using the method String.contains
which tests to see if the parameter String is a subsequence of the String the method is called on.
Which of these two answers is better is a moot point. Without a context in which to compare and
contrast the solutions, asking the question Which is better? is fairly meaningless.
4.12 Write a method that takes two character array parameters and returns true if both arrays contain the same
characters but not necessarily in the same order.
If the arrays contain the same characters then it implies that they are the same length and that
one array is just a permutation of the other other array. For two sequences to be permutations of
one another, the count of each value present in either sequences must be the same in both
sequences. The brute force method is to loop over one of the sequences checking the counts in
both sequences of the each value in the chosen sequence. This involved an inner loop to pass
over each item in both sequences creating a count.
import java.util.Arrays ;
public class E_4_12 {
private boolean isPermutation ( nal char[] a , nal char[] b ) {
if ( a.length != b.length ) { return false ; }
for( int i = 0 ; i < a.length ; ++i ) {
int countA = 0 ;
int countB = 0 ;
char c = a[i] ;
for ( int j = 0 ;j < a.length ; ++j ) {
if ( c == a[j] ) { ++countA ; }
if ( c == b[j] ) { ++countB ; }
if ( countA != countB ) { return false ; }
return true ;
private void assertTrue ( nal boolean b , nal String message ) {
if ( ! b ) { System.out.println ( "Test failed: " + message ) ; }
private void runTest ( ) {
char[] a = { a , b , c , d , e , f } ;
char[] b = { a , b , c , d } ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( a , a ) , "a is permutation of a" ) ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( b , b ) , "b is permutation of b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! isPermutation ( a , b ) , "a is different from b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! isPermutation ( b , a ) , "b is different from a" ) ;
char[] c = { f , e , d , c , b , a } ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( c , c ) , "c is permutation of c" ) ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( a , c ) , "a is permutation of c" ) ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( c , a ) , "c is permuation of a" ) ;
char[] d = { a , a , a , b } ;
char[] e = { a , b , b , b } ;
64 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( d , d ) , "d is permutation of d" ) ;
assertTrue ( isPermutation ( e , e ) , "e is permutation of e" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! isPermutation ( d , e ) , "d is different from e" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! isPermutation ( e , d ) , "e is different from d" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_4_12 ( ) ).runTest ( ) ;
This is actually quite inefcient if there are repeated values since it implies recalculating the
count for the same value.
An alternative approach if the two sequences are permutations is to sort them in which case they
should now be equal. Well we cant sort the originals since that would disturb the original data,
and that is unacceptable. So, we have to create copies (clone) the original and then we can sort
the clones.
private boolean isPermutation ( nal char[] a , nal char[] b ) {
if ( a.length != b.length ) { return false ; }
char[] aa = (char[]) a.clone ( ) ;
Arrays.sort ( aa ) ;
char[] bb = (char[]) b.clone ( ) ;
Arrays.sort ( bb ) ;
return Arrays.equals ( aa , bb ) ;
Many people would consider this less good because of the resources required to make the clones
and sort them. In fact, this may be a false position. The counting method is an O(n
) algorithm,
we have two nested loops both of which loop over the entire sequence. Cloning an array is O(n),
comparing arrays is O(n), and sorting them is O(nlog
(n)) for a total of O(n(2+log
(n))) which
is O(nlog
(n)). So this method may actually be more efcient! For small arrays other factors
dominate, but for very large arrays the difference could well be signicant.
If it turns out that the number of items is not actually an issue then there is a trick solution. If
the number of times a character appears is not relevant, then we can use a set data structure (we
will use HashSet) and ask if the two sets are equal:
import java.util.Arrays ;
import java.util.HashSet ;
public class E_4_12_trick {
private boolean containsTheSame ( nal Character[] a , nal Character[] b ) {
nal HashSet<Character> hA = new HashSet<Character> ( Arrays.asList ( a ) ) ;
nal HashSet<Character> hB = new HashSet<Character> ( Arrays.asList ( b ) ) ;
return hA.equals ( hB ) ;
private void assertTrue ( nal boolean b , nal String message ) {
if ( ! b ) { System.out.println ( "Test failed: " + message ) ; }
private void runTest ( ) {
Character[] a = { a , b , c , d , e , f } ;
Challenges 65
Character[] b = { a , b , c , d } ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( a , a ) , "a contains the same as a" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( b , b ) , "b contains the same as b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsTheSame ( a , b ) , "a does not contain the same as b" ) ;
assertTrue ( ! containsTheSame ( b , a ) , "b does not contain the same as a" ) ;
Character[] c = { f , e , d , c , b , a } ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( c , c ) , "c contains the same as c" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( a , c ) , "a contains the same as c" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( c , a ) , "c is permuation of a" ) ;
Character[] d = { a , a , a , b } ;
Character[] e = { a , b , b , b } ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( d , d ) , "d contains the same as d" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( e , e ) , "e contains the same as e" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( d , e ) , "d does not contain the same as e" ) ;
assertTrue ( containsTheSame ( e , d ) , "e does not contain the same as d" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_4_12_trick ( ) ).runTest ( ) ;
Notice that we have made the data Character arrays in this version. We do this because we are
making use of Collections classes and these cannot use primitive types. The trick here is to use
the method Arrays.asList to create a Collections view of the array so that we can use them as the
initializing data for the newly created HashSets. This creates two sets that can be compared. Sets
have a single instance of any value so creating the sets from the arrays removes any duplicates.
Comparing the sets for equality asks the question Do the two sets contain one or more
instances of the same values? which is close the question we were asked to answer.
4.13 Amend the AverageUsingArrayList program (Section 4.3.4, page 119) to take its input from a le instead
of the keyboard. (It may well be best to start with the nal version of the program discussed in that section!)
4.14 Amend the AddUpColumns program (Section 4.2.10, page 110) and the solution to Exercise 4.6 so as to
read the numbers to total from a le.
4.15 Write a program that reads a text le and counts the number of times a selected word appears in the le.
4.16 Write a program that reads a text le containing Java source code and veries that there is a matching
number of opening and closing braces (curly brackets). Beware of braces appearing in comments, or in
character literals and constants.
66 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
4.1 Write a program that sorts an array of integers into ascending order. Include a sort method that you write
yourself, rather than using one from the JDK.
4.2 Write a program to act as a simple address book, storing names and addresses in a data le.
The following program is a basic one-class program implementing an address book storing a list
of names and addresses. It provides a core set of operations to add, remove and search entries,
along with the ability to load and save the entries from and to a text le. A simple text based user
interface is implemented.
Two ArrayList<String>s are used to store the name and addresses, relying on the corresponding
element in each ArrayList to represent the same address book entry. An entry is stored in a data
le as two lines, the rst containing the name string and the second the address string. Loading a
data le appends the contents of the le to the current address book.
* A simple address book program that allows a collection of names and addresses to be added,
* deleted, searched, stored in a le and appended from a le.
* @author Graham Roberts
* @version 2006-11-02T21:42
import java.util.ArrayList ;
public class C_4_2 {
private static nal int SEARCH = 1 ;
private static nal int LIST = 2 ;
private static nal int ADD = 3 ;
private static nal int REMOVE = 4 ;
private static nal int SAVE = 5 ;
private static nal int APPEND = 6 ;
private static nal int QUIT = 7 ;
private Input in = new Input ( ) ;
private ArrayList<String> names = new ArrayList<String> ( ) ;
private ArrayList<String> addresses = new ArrayList<String> ( ) ;
public void go ( ) {
boolean quit = false ;
while ( !quit ) {
displayMenu ( ) ;
int item = getMenuOption ( ) ;
if ( item == QUIT ) { quit = true ; }
else { doOption ( item ) ; }
public void displayMenu ( ) {
System.out.println ( "\nAddress Book" ) ;
System.out.println ( SEARCH + ". Search for an address" ) ;
System.out.println ( LIST + ". List all entries in the address book" ) ;
Challenges 67
System.out.println ( ADD + ". Add a new name and address" ) ;
System.out.println ( REMOVE + ". Remove a name and address" ) ;
System.out.println ( SAVE + ". Save address book to a le" ) ;
System.out.println ( APPEND + ". Append an address book from a le" ) ;
System.out.println ( QUIT + ". Quit" ) ;
public int getMenuOption ( ) {
while ( true ) {
System.out.print ( "\nEnter selection: " ) ;
if ( in.hasNextInt ( ) ) {
int temp = in.nextInt ( ) ;
in.nextLine ( ) ;
return temp ;
in.nextLine ( ) ;
System.out.println( "Menu option not recognised, please try again" ) ;
public void doOption ( int item ) {
switch ( item ) {
case SEARCH :
searchForEntry ( ) ;
break ;
case LIST :
listAllEntries ( ) ;
break ;
case ADD :
addEntry ( ) ;
break ;
case REMOVE :
removeEntry ( ) ;
break ;
case SAVE :
saveAddressBook ( ) ;
break ;
case APPEND :
appendAddressBook ( ) ;
break ;
default :
System.out.println( "\nSorry - dont recognise that selection, try again" ) ;
public void searchForEntry ( ) {
System.out.println( "\nSearch address book" ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter a name: " ) ;
String name = in.nextLine ( ) ;
int index = names.indexOf(name) ;
if (index != -1) { System.out.println( "The address is: " + addresses.get ( index ) ) ; }
else { System.out.println( "Sorry - nothing found" ) ; }
public void listAllEntries ( ) {
if ( names.size ( ) == 0 ) {
68 Chapter 4: Introducing Containers
System.out.println( "There are no entries in the address book" ) ;
return ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < names.size ( ) ; i++ ) {
String name = names.get ( i ) ;
String number = addresses.get ( i ) ;
System.out.println( "Entry " + ( i + 1 ) + ": " ) ;
System.out.println( " Name: " + name ) ;
System.out.println( " Address: " + number ) ;
public void addEntry ( ) {
System.out.println ( "\nAdd entry to address book" ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter a name: " ) ;
String name = in.nextLine ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter an address: " ) ;
String address = in.nextLine ( ) ;
names.add ( name ) ;
addresses.add ( address ) ;
public void removeEntry ( ) {
System.out.println ( "\nRemove entry from address book" ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter a name: " ) ;
String name = in.nextLine ( ) ;
remove( name ) ;
public void remove ( String name ) {
int index = names.indexOf ( name ) ;
if ( index != -1 ) {
names.remove ( index ) ;
addresses.remove ( index ) ;
System.out.println ( "The entry for: " + name + " has been removed" ) ;
else { System.out.println ( "Name not found - nothing removed" ) ;
public void saveAddressBook ( ) {
System.out.println ( "\nSave address book to a le" ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter the le name: " ) ;
String leName = in.nextLine ( ) ;
FileOutput out = new FileOutput ( leName ) ;
writeToFile ( out ) ;
out.close ( ) ;
public void writeToFile ( FileOutput le ) {
for ( int i = 0 ; i < names.size ( ) ; i++ ) {
le.writeString ( names.get ( i ) ) ;
le.writeEndOfLine ( ) ;
le.writeString ( addresses.get ( i ) ) ;
le.writeEndOfLine ( ) ;
Challenges 69
public void appendAddressBook ( ) {
System.out.println ( "\nAppend address book from a le" ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter the le name: " ) ;
String leName = in.nextLine ( ) ;
FileInput leIn = new FileInput ( leName ) ;
readFromFile ( leIn ) ;
leIn.close ( ) ;
public void readFromFile ( FileInput le ) {
while ( le.hasNextLine ( ) ) {
String name = le.nextLine ( ) ;
String address = le.nextLine ( ) ;
names.add ( name ) ;
addresses.add ( address ) ;
public static void main(String[] args) {
new C_4_2 ( ).go ( ) ;
4.3 Write a program that reads a text le and builds an ArrayList containing each distinct word found in the le,
in sorted order, along with a count of how many times each word appears.
Drawing Pictures
72 Chapter 5: Drawing Pictures
Self-review Questions
5.1 Use a Web browser to nd the documentation for classes: Line2D, Line2D.Double, Graphics2D, BasicStroke
and Color.
This is more of a did you try, type question, so trying to provide an answer is a bit fatuous.
5.2 Find class Arc2D.Double in the JDK documentation and work out how to draw arcs.
Another did you try question, but this time there is a concrete deliverable. We should write a
program to draw an arc. Basing things on the line drawing program on page 148, we came up with:
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Arc2D.Double ;
public class S_5_2 extends DrawPanel {
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
nal Arc2D aLine = new Arc2D.Double ( 10 , 10 , 160 , 160 , 45 , 135 , Arc2D.OPEN ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "S_5_2" , new S_5_2 ( ) ) ;
When executed we got the frame:
5.3 What needs to be done to rename class Drawing to class MyPicture?
Self-review Questions 73
Edit the source code to change the Drawing to MyPicture wherever it occurs. This can be done
quickly by using the Find and Replace command in your editor.
5.4 How can the size of the drawing grid be changed?
Drawing programs are created by copying the class Drawing template and editing it. The template
denes a main method, which looks like this:
DrawFrame.display ( "Drawing" , new Drawing ( ) ) ;
The expression new Drawing ( ) creates a new drawing with the default size of 300 by 300 pixels, as
the parameter list following Drawing is empty. If two size parameter values are added to the
parameter list then a drawing can be created with specied size. For example, this:
DrawFrame.display ( "Drawing" , new Drawing ( 500 , 400 ) ) ;
will create a window with a grid 500 pixels in width and 400 pixels in height. You need to copy the
entire class Drawing template for this to work correctly.
5.5 Where is the origin (position (0, 0)) of a drawing grid?
The origin is at the top left corner of a grid or panel. This follows from the way that the Java 2D
graphics system denes its coordinate system.
5.6 How is the size and shape of an ellipse specied?
An ellipse is drawn using the Ellipse2D class from the Java class libraries. The size and position of
an ellipse is specied by giving the rectangular boundary that it should be drawn in, with the
width and height of the ellipse determined by the size of the rectangle. For example:
Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double ( x , y , width , height ) ;
This displays an ellipse with a rectangular boundary of width by height in size, with the top left
corner of the boundary at (x,y).
74 Chapter 5: Drawing Pictures
Note that Ellipse2D declares two nested subclasses Ellipse2D.Float and Ellipse2D.Double, which are
used to instantiate ellipse objects, as Ellipse2D itself is abstract.
Once an ellipse object has been created it is drawn by calling methods like draw or ll from class
5.7 How can you draw a circle?
A circle should be seen as a kind of ellipse and drawn using the Ellipse2D class (see previous
question). If a square is specied as the boundary, the ellipse will actually be a circle. For
Ellipse2D circle = new Ellipse2D.Double ( 10 , 10 , 25 , 25 ) ;
Here, 10 , 10 species the top left corner of the square boundary of the circle, with 25 , 25 giving
the width and height to give the size of the square (both should, of course, be equal).
5.8 What is the path of a dodecahedron?
Programming Exercises
5.1 Write a program to draw a hexagon using lines.
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double ;
public class E_5_1 extends DrawPanel {
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
Line2D aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 100 , 100 , 200 , 100 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 200 , 100 , 250 , 150 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 250 , 150 , 200 , 200 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 200 , 200 , 100 , 200 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 100 , 200 , 50 , 150 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
aLine = new Line2D.Double ( 50 , 150 , 100 , 100 ) ;
g2d.draw ( aLine ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "E_5_1" , new E_5_1 ( ) ) ;
Programming Exercises 75
5.2 Write a program to draw a hexagon using class GeneralPath.
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath ;
public class E_5_2 extends DrawPanel {
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath ( ) ;
path.moveTo ( 100, 100 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 200 , 100 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 250 , 150 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 200 , 200 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 100 , 200 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 50 , 150 ) ;
path.closePath ( ) ;
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "E_5_2" , new E_5_2 ( ) ) ;
This seems a whole lot more sensible that using lines. In particular, we do not have to repeat the
coordinates of points that are end points of one line and start points of another line. But then
that is the whole point of a path.
5.3 Write a program to draw a collection of hexagons of different sizes and in different positions, using the
GeneralPath you created in the last question.
The code:
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.GeneralPath ;
public class E_5_3 extends DrawPanel {
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
GeneralPath path = new GeneralPath ( ) ;
path.moveTo ( 100, 100 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 200 , 100 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 250 , 150 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 200 , 200 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 100 , 200 ) ;
path.lineTo ( 50 , 150 ) ;
path.closePath ( ) ;
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
g2d.scale ( 0.5 , 0.5 ) ;
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
g2d.translate ( -20 , -20 ) ;
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
g2d.translate ( 120 , 200 ) ;
76 Chapter 5: Drawing Pictures
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
g2d.rotate ( Math.PI / 8 ) ;
g2d.draw ( path ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "E_5_3" , new E_5_3 ( ) ) ;
creates the drawing:
5.4 Write a program to draw a picture of a house.
A basic house can be drawn using mostly rectangles with two lines to form the roof. This is
primarily an exercise in determining the correct coordinates for drawing everything.
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ;
public class E_5_4 extends DrawPanel {
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( 50 , 100 , 150 , 25 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( 150 , 25 , 250 , 100 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 130 , 190 , 40 , 60 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 50 , 100 , 200 , 150 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 70 , 195 , 40 , 30 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 190 , 195 , 40 , 30 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 70 , 125 , 40 , 30 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( 190 , 125 , 40 , 30 ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "House" , new E_5_4 ( ) ) ;
The house looks like this:
Programming Exercises 77
5.5 Write a program that uses drawString to display your name and a message, using a large font.
5.6 Write a program to draw a sine wave.
5.7 As suggested in Section 5.2.4, page 147, write a method called createTriangle that can be used to create
triangles of any size at any position. Use the method in a program to demonstrate that triangle drawing
works correctly.
5.8 Repeat the last question but additionally allow the ll colour and outline width of triangles to be specied as
well. (This will require some thinking about what actually goes in the createTriangle method.)
5.9 Rewrite program Chessboard so that it can display a board of any size in any position, as suggested in the
design review section.
5.10 Write a program to display a shape like this one:
5.11 Write a program that displays a graph showing the curves y = sinx, y = cosx and y = tanx.
78 Chapter 5: Drawing Pictures
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ;
public class E_5_11 extends DrawPanel {
public E_5_11 ( nal int w , nal int h ) { super ( w , h ) ; }
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g ;
nal int width = getWidth ( ) ;
nal int height = getHeight ( ) ;
nal int x_zero = width / 2 ;
nal int y_zero = height / 2 ;
nal double y_max = 1.2 ;
// Draw and label the x axis.
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( 0 , y_zero , width , y_zero ) ) ;
for ( int x = 60 ; x < x_zero ; x += 60 ) {
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( x_zero + x , y_zero , x_zero + x , y_zero + 5 ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( x_zero - x , y_zero , x_zero - x , y_zero + 5 ) ) ;
g2d.drawString( "" + x , x_zero + x - 10 , y_zero + 20 ) ;
g2d.drawString( "-" + x , x_zero - x - 15 , y_zero + 20 ) ;
// Draw the and label the y axis.
g.drawLine ( x_zero , 0 , x_zero , height ) ;
for ( double y = 0.2 ; y < y_max ; y += 0.2 ) {
nal int y_pixel = (int) ( y * ( y_zero / y_max ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( x_zero , y_pixel , x_zero + 5 , y_pixel ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Line2D.Double ( x_zero , y_pixel + y_zero, x_zero + 5 , y_pixel + y_zero ) ) ;
String label = ( "" + y ).substring ( 0, 3 ) ;
g.drawString( label , x_zero + 8 , y_zero - y_pixel + 5 ) ;
g.drawString( label , x_zero + 8 , y_zero + y_pixel + 5 ) ;
// Draw the curves.
for ( double x = -x_zero ; x < x_zero ; x += 0.2 ) {
g2d.setColor ( Color.red ) ;
double y = Math.cos ( Math.toRadians ( x ) ) ;
int y_pixel = y_zero - (int) ( y * ( y_zero / y_max ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( (int) x + x_zero , y_pixel , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
g2d.setColor ( Color.blue ) ;
y = Math.sin ( Math.toRadians ( x ) ) ;
y_pixel = y_zero - (int) ( y * ( y_zero / y_max ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( (int) x + x_zero , y_pixel , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
g2d.setColor ( Color.green ) ;
y = Math.tan ( Math.toRadians ( x ) ) ;
y_pixel = y_zero - (int) ( y * ( y_zero / y_max ) ) ;
g2d.draw ( new Rectangle2D.Double ( (int) x + x_zero , y_pixel , 1 , 1 ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Curves" , new E_5_11 ( 700 , 480 ) ) ;
This program displays the following:
Challenges 79
Most of the detail in this program is about getting the visual presentation neat and tidy, so that
the displayed graph lls the window whatever size the window is set to. The size specied in the
main method to 700 by 400, but this can be changed to any sensible size.
5.12 Extend the program Graph allowing the graph to be placed in any position and to be of any size, with
multiple lines given data from multiple les.
5.1 Write a program to draw a random collection of shapes, with different lls and outline widths.
Hint: The JDK has a class that generates random numbers, which can be employed to determine the
properties of the shapes drawn.
5.2 Write a program that draws a series of curves using the classes CubicCurve2D.Double and
5.3 Draw a picture of a Mandelbrot set.
The Mandelbrot set is a kind of fractal that has an appealing visual representation. The drawing
program listed below displays this basic Mandelbrot:
80 Chapter 5: Drawing Pictures
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D.Double ;
public class C_5_3 extends DrawPanel {
public C_5_3 ( ) { }
public C_5_3 ( nal int w , nal int h ) { super ( w , h ) ; }
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = ( Graphics2D ) g ;
int numberOfColours = 8;
Color colours[] = new Color[] {
Color.black , Color.red , Color.green , Color.blue,
Color.cyan , Color.magenta , Color.yellow , Color.white
} ;
int columns = getWidth ( ) ;
int rows = getHeight ( ) ;
int iterations = 256 ;
int size = 4 ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < columns ; column++ ) {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rows ; row++ ) {
double x = 0.0 ;
double y = 0.0 ;
int colour ;
for ( colour = 0 ; colour < iterations ; colour++ ) {
if ( ( x * x + y * y ) > size ) { break ; }
double newy = 2 * x * y + ( ( row * 0.01 ) - 1.5 ) ;
x = x * x - y * y + ( ( column * 0.01 ) - 2.0 ) ;
y = newy ;
g2d.setColor ( colours [ colour % numberOfColours ] ) ;
nal Line2D point = new Line2D.Double ( column , row , column , row ) ;
g2d.draw ( point ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Mandelbrot" , new C_5_3 ( ) ) ;
Challenges 81
See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mandelbrot_set or
http://mathworld.wolfram.com/MandelbrotSet.html for more information about the Mandelbrot
5.4 Write a program to create an array of squares where every square is a different colour.
Classes and Objects
84 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
Self-review Questions
6.1 Why is an abstract data type abstract?
Because there is no concept of representation involved an abstract data type species the
bahviour of values of the type, it does not say how the type should be represented in a specic
6.2 How is the state of an object represented?
By the values associated with elds declared in the class.
6.3 What is object identity?
The identity of an object is the way that it is uniquely identied. For the JVM, references to
objects are the identities of the objects. Thus, a == b, where a and b are variables that are
references to objects, is only true if a and b refer to the same object, i.e. the identities of the
objects are the same.
6.4 What determines the public interface of an object?
The set of public methods.
6.5 Dene an ADT for a set data type.
6.6 What are the rules for method overloading?
If two or more methods in a class have the same name but different signatures then the method
is said to be overloaded. The signature of the methods is determined by the number and type of
the parameters to the method. The return type of the methods is not considered to be part of
the signature for the purposes of overloading.
6.7 Why should instance variables not be made public?
Self-review Questions 85
If any of the instance variables are public then the representation of the type is being exposed to
code using the class. This means that it can become impossible to make changes to the
representation without having to rewrite code that uses teh class. The strategy of providing
accessor methods separates use and representation so that changes of representation are easy
and have no consequences outside the class itself.
6.8 How is object encapsulation enforced?
By ensuring that nothing of the state of an object is visible from outside the object except via the
public interface.
6.9 How many ways can an instance variable be initialized?
1. By direct initialization of the eld.
2. By assignment in an instance initializer.
3. By assignment in a constructor.
6.10 What would a private constructor mean?
Only methods within the class can create objects of the class. This is a commonly used
technique: The class has static methods (called factory methods) that return newly created
objects. This design means that the class itself can keep track of all created objects and/or apply
specic sorts of creation strategies. Design patterns such as Factory Method, Abstract Factory,
etc. make use of this technique.
6.11 What is a shared object?
A shared object is one that has more than one variable holding a reference to it, i.e. more than
one reference to the shared object is being used at the same time in the program.
6.12 What is an unreachable object?
An unreachable object is one for which there is no chain of references from the main entry that
end up referring to the object. This is an important concept since it drives garbage collection:
any unreachable object is garbage and can be collected.
6.13 How do object references work when passing parameters and performing assignment?
86 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
References are passed by value and create shared objects.
6.14 Why cant static methods access instance variables and instance methods?
Instance variables and instance methods require there to be an object to access those variables
and methods. Static methods can be called without a particular object being referred to and so
cannot access instance variables and methods.
6.15 What is this?
this is a keyword that is either:
1. the name of the reference to the current object; or
2. the name of an overloaded constructor.
6.16 Devise a comprehensive test plan for class Matrix.
6.17 Outline the differences between procedural and object-oriented programming.
This is actually a deep and complicated issue when addressed fully. The following is the (relatively
glib) short answer.
Procedural programming is about creating a heirarchy of function calls that act on the local and
global state. Object oriented programming is about creating a system of interacting objects
where objects encapsulate state and offer services via their public interface.
Programming Exercises
6.1 Write and test a class to represent phone numbers. To support generality and future expansion, international
codes, area codes and the phone number within the area should be stored separately from each other.
We chose to represent phone number as a trio of character arrays. Of course, this means
checking that we only have decimal digits but that is straightforward. There are in fact rules
(speciced by the ITU) of what constitutes a phone number, so we work with those.
Programming Exercises 87
import java.util.Arrays ;
* A class to represent a telephone number. ITU-T E164 requires phone numbers to contain at most 15
* digits, with a maximum of 3 digits for the country code. All digits must be decimal digits, i.e. in the
* range [0-9]. Allowed print formats of phone number are specied by ITU-T E123.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-06
public class PhoneNumber {
// Store the components of the number as arrays of characters. This means though that we must ensure we
// only have decimal digit characters.
private char[] country ;
private char[] area ;
private char[] subscriber ;
private void checkDigits ( nal char[] array ) {
for ( char c : array ) {
if ( ( c < 0 ) || ( c > 9 ) ) { throw new RuntimeException ( "Digit not in the range [0-9]." ) ; }
private void checkCorrectness ( ) {
if ( country.length > 3 ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "Phone numbers can contain at most 3 decimal digits in the country code." ) ;
if ( country.length + area.length + subscriber.length > 15 ) {
throw new RuntimeException ( "Phone numbers can contain at most 15 decimal digits." ) ;
checkDigits ( country ) ;
checkDigits ( area ) ;
checkDigits ( subscriber ) ;
public PhoneNumber ( nal char[] country , nal char[] area , nal char[] subscriber ) {
this.country = country ;
this.area = area ;
this.subscriber = subscriber ;
checkCorrectness ( ) ;
public PhoneNumber ( nal String country , nal String area , nal String subscriber ) {
this.country = new char[ country.length ( ) ] ;
country.getChars ( 0 , country.length ( ) , this.country , 0 ) ;
this.area = new char[ area.length ( ) ] ;
area.getChars ( 0 , area.length ( ) , this.area , 0 ) ;
this.subscriber = new char[ subscriber.length ( ) ] ;
subscriber.getChars ( 0 , subscriber.length ( ) , this.subscriber , 0 ) ;
checkCorrectness ( ) ;
public String toStringNationalFormat ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sb.append ( ( ) ;
for ( char c : area ) { sb.append ( c ) ; }
sb.append ( ") " ) ;
for ( char c : subscriber ) { sb.append ( c ) ; }
return sb.toString ( ) ;
public String toStringInternationalFormat ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
88 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
sb.append ( + ) ;
for ( char c : country ) { sb.append ( c ) ; }
sb.append ( ) ;
for ( char c : area ) { sb.append ( c ) ; }
sb.append ( ) ;
for ( char c : subscriber ) { sb.append ( c ) ; }
return sb.toString ( ) ;
public String toString ( ) { return toStringInternationalFormat ( ) ; }
Notice that we provide a way of specifying phone nubmers using strings as well as arrays of
characters. It is important to give users of the class easy ways to use it. Specifying everything
with character arrays is awkward, so we provide the ability to use strings. The awkwardness of
character arrays is exemplied in our test program.
public class PhoneNumber_Test {
private void assertTrue ( nal String message , nal String expected , nal String actual ) {
if ( ! expected.equals ( actual ) ) {
System.out.println ( "assertTrue failed: " + message + "; expected " + expected + ", but got " + actual ) ;
private void assertRuntimeException ( nal String country , nal String area , nal String subscriber ) {
try { nal PhoneNumber pn = new PhoneNumber ( country , area , subscriber ) ; }
catch ( nal RuntimeException re ) { return ; }
System.out.println ( "assertRuntimeException failed: " + country + " " + area + " " + subscriber ) ;
private void runTests ( ) {
PhoneNumber pn = new PhoneNumber (
new char [] { 4 , 4 } ,
new char [] { 2 , 0 } ,
new char [] { 7 , 5 , 8 , 5 , 2 , 2 , 0 , 0 }
) ;
assertTrue ( "String constructor, international format", "+44 20 75852200" , pn.toStringInternationalFormat ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( "String constructor, national format", "(20) 75852200" , pn.toStringNationalFormat ( ) ) ;
pn = new PhoneNumber ( "44" , "20" , "75852200" ) ;
assertTrue ( "String constructor, international format", "+44 20 75852200" , pn.toStringInternationalFormat ( ) ) ;
assertTrue ( "String constructor, national format", "(20) 75852200" , pn.toStringNationalFormat ( ) ) ;
assertRuntimeException ( "1234" , "5678" , "9012345" ) ;
assertRuntimeException ( "123" , "456" , "7890123456" ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new PhoneNumber_Test ( ) ).runTests ( ) ;
6.2 Write and test a class to represent dates. (We know there is a Date class in the JDK and that we normally
advocate using the JDK whenever possible, but this is an exercise in building a class and understanding the
issues in representing dates you would of course use the JDK class in a production program; or more likely
6.3 Extend the Chessboard class (Section 5.5.1, page 156) so that it can be used to create objects for drawing
Programming Exercises 89
any sized chessboard.
This is really a question of adding elds to store the row and column count and constructors to
allow them to be set. We ensure that the default constructor creates an 88 chessboard:
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.Color ;
* A program to draw a chessboard.
* @author Graham Roberts
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2005-08-12
public class Chessboard extends DrawPanel {
private nal int rows ;
private nal int columns ;
public Chessboard ( ) { this ( 8 , 8 ) ; }
public Chessboard ( nal int rows , nal int columns ) {
this.rows = rows ;
this.columns = columns ;
public Chessboard ( nal int rows , nal int columns , nal int w , nal int h ) {
super ( w , h ) ;
this.rows = rows ;
this.columns = columns ;
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
nal int squareSize = getWidth ( ) / rows ;
Color colour = Color.green ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rows ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < columns ; ++column ) {
g2d.setColor ( colour ) ;
g2d.llRect ( row * squareSize , column * squareSize , squareSize , squareSize ) ;
if ( ( column != ( columns - 1 ) ) || ( ( columns % 2 ) != 0 ) ) { colour = ( colour == Color.red ) ? Color.green : Color.red ; }
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Chessboard" , new Chessboard ( 9 , 9 ) ) ;
Other changes of note:
We had to change the size of each square from being xed to being calculated
according to the size of the drawing area.
We had to change the algorithm for swapping colours since previously it had assumed
that the number of columns was an even number.
90 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
The chessboard can now be used for Shogi, which uses a 99 board. Or even the more extreme
forms of draughts (aka checkers) where boards as big as 1212 are used.
6.4 Write a comprehensive test class for the Stack<T> class. In particular provide tests for Stack<Double>,
Stack<Boolean> and Stack<Stack<Integer>>.
6.5 Write and test a pie-chart panel class to display pie-charts, following the structure shown by class
6.6 Implement matrix subtraction and multiplication methods for class Matrix. Extend the test class so as to
provide suitable tests for the new code.
We add methods subtract and multiply to the class:
* A basic matrix class.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-18
public class Matrix {
private double[][] elements ;
* Create a <code>Matrix</code> with a given size and each element initialized to 0.0. If a
* number less than one is given for either or both of the parameters then create a 0x0
* representation.
public Matrix ( nal int rows , nal int columns ) {
elements = ( rows < 1 ) || ( columns < 1 ) ? new double[0][0] : new double[rows][columns] ;
* Conversion constructor that takes a 2D array of <code>double</code>s and creates a
* <code>Matrix</code>. Assumes that the array that is the parameter is a rectangular structure,
* i.e. all rows have the same number of columns -- perhaps ought to check this?
public Matrix ( nal double[][] elements ) { this.elements = (double[][]) elements.clone ( ) ; }
public int getNumberOfRows ( ) { return elements.length ; }
public int getNumberOfColumns ( ) { return elements[0].length ; }
public double getElement ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
return isValidElement ( row , column ) ? elements[row][column] : 0.0 ;
public void setElement ( nal int row , nal int column , nal double value ) {
if ( isValidElement ( row , column ) ) { elements[row][column] = value ; }
* @return a new matrix that is the sum of this matrix and the parameter matrix.
public Matrix add ( nal Matrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
Programming Exercises 91
nal Matrix result = new Matrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) + m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
* @return a new matrix that is the difference of this matrix and the parameter matrix.
public Matrix subtract ( nal Matrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal Matrix result = new Matrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) - m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
* @return a new matrix that is the product of this matrix and the parameter matrix.
public Matrix multiply ( nal Matrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal Matrix result = new Matrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < result.getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < result.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
double sum = 0.0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++i ) {
sum += getElement ( row , i ) * m.getElement ( i , column ) ;
result.setElement ( row , column , sum ) ;
return result ;
public String toString ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
sb.append ( "| " ) ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
sb.append ( getElement ( row , column ) + " " ) ;
sb.append ( "|\n" ) ;
return sb.toString ( ) ;
private boolean isValidElement ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
return ( row > -1 ) && ( row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ) && ( column > -1 ) && ( column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
92 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
and then create a framework for testing the code:
* A test for the <code>Matrix</code> class. This is not really a proper unit test it just ensures the code is
* not obviously broken.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-18
public class Matrix_Test {
private void assertEquals ( nal String m , nal Matrix a , nal Matrix b ) {
nal int rowCount = a.getNumberOfRows ( ) ;
nal int columnCount = a.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ;
if ( ( rowCount != b.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) || ( columnCount != b.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) {
System.out.println ( m + " -- matrices not of same shape." ) ;
else {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rowCount ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < columnCount ; ++column ) {
if ( ( a.getElement ( row , column ) - b.getElement ( row , column ) ) > 0.00000000000001 ) {
System.out.println ( m + " -- values not equal." ) ;
System.out.println ( "\ta = " + a ) ;
System.out.println ( "\tb = " + b ) ;
return ;
private void testAdd ( ) {
nal Matrix m1 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.2 , 2.5 , 4.5 } , { 3.9 , 4.2 , 0.9 } } ) ;
nal Matrix m2 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.3 , 7.5 , 5.2 } , { 4.8 , 8.3 , 9.1 } } ) ;
nal Matrix expected = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 2.5 , 10.0 , 9.7 } , { 8.7 , 12.5 , 10.0 } } ) ;
Matrix result = m1.add ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Add 1" , result , expected ) ;
result = m2.add ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Add 2" , result , expected ) ;
private void testSubtract ( ) {
nal Matrix m1 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.2 , 2.5 , 4.5 } , { 3.9 , 4.2 , 0.9 } } ) ;
nal Matrix m2 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.3 , 7.5 , 5.2 } , { 4.8 , 8.3 , 9.1 } } ) ;
Matrix result = m1.subtract ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Subtract 1" , result , new Matrix ( new double[][] { { -0.1 , -5.0 , -0.7 } , { -0.9 , -4.1 , -8.2 } } ) ) ;
result = m2.subtract ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Subtract 2" , result , new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 0.1 , 5.0 , 0.7 } , { 0.9 , 4.1 , 8.2 } } ) ) ;
private void testMultiply ( ) {
nal Matrix m1 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.2 , 2.5 , 4.5 } , { 3.9 , 4.2 , 0.9 } } ) ;
nal Matrix m2 = new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 1.3 , 7.5 } , { 5.2 , 4.8 } , { 8.3 , 9.1 } } ) ;
Matrix result = m1.multiply ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Multiply 1" , result , new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 51.91 , 61.95 } , { 34.38 , 57.60 } } ) ) ;
result = m2.multiply ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Multiply 2" , result , new Matrix ( new double[][] { { 30.81 , 34.75 , 12.60 } , { 24.96 , 53.16 , 27.72 } , { 45.45 , 58.97 , 45.54 } } ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal Matrix_Test mt = new Matrix_Test ( ) ;
mt.testAdd ( ) ;
Programming Exercises 93
mt.testSubtract ( ) ;
mt.testMultiply ( ) ;
This is not really a comprehensive test, we should try with many more values and especially we
should test lots of the error conditions. However, we avoid doing this now since error handling
should involve exceptions and the TestNG framework should be used for testing anyway.
6.7 Write and test a sparse matrix class which stores only values explicitly added to a matrix. All other values
are assumed to be zero. The class should not allocate any variables or objects to represent matrix elements
that have not been added.
There are two answers presented here. The rst is an answer that can be created with the
material we have covered so far. The problem is that this is a far from good solution, but features
of Java not yet covered are required for the second, better solution. We present this second
solution here, even though it uses features not covered till the next two chapters, to ensure that
the point about good algorithm and good use of library is made. Feel free to ignore the second
solution initially, but do return to it after having covered inheritance and exceptions.
What the question is asking us to do is to store the data on an as needed basis. We assume that
the entry in the matrix is 0.0 unless a specic value is held in some data structure. Clearly this is
leading us towards having a container of entries where each entry has integers for row and
column position and a double for the non-zero value. So we need a class to represent the entries
and a container to hold them in. For a container, we can use an ArrayList. When we need to nd an
item, we search the ArrayList and if we nd an entry with the right row and column, we return the
value of the datum, otherwisae we return 0.0. Something along the lines of:
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Iterator ;
public class SparseMatrix {
private static class Entry {
private nal int row ;
private nal int column ;
private double datum ;
public Entry ( nal int row , nal int column , nal double datum ) {
this.row = row ;
this.column = column ;
this.datum = datum ;
public int getRow ( ) { return row ; }
public int getColumn ( ) { return column ; }
public double getDatum ( ) { return datum ; }
public void setDatum ( nal double datum ) { this.datum = datum ; }
private nal ArrayList<Entry> entries = new ArrayList<Entry> ( ) ;
private nal int rows ;
private nal int columns ;
public SparseMatrix ( nal int rows , nal int columns ) {
94 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
this.rows = rows ;
this.columns = columns ;
public int getNumberOfRows ( ) { return rows ; }
public int getNumberOfColumns ( ) { return columns ; }
public double getElement ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
if ( isValidElement ( row , column ) ) {
nal Entry e = getEntry ( row , column ) ;
if ( e != null ) { return e.getDatum ( ) ; }
return 0.0 ;
public void setElement ( nal int row , nal int column , nal double value ) {
if ( isValidElement ( row , column ) ) {
nal Entry e = getEntry ( row , column ) ;
if ( e != null ) {
if ( value != 0 ) { e.setDatum ( value ) ; }
else { entries.remove ( e ) ; }
else { if ( value != 0.0 ) { entries.add ( new Entry ( row , column , value ) ) ; } }
public SparseMatrix add ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) + m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
public SparseMatrix subtract ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) - m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
public SparseMatrix multiply ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < result.getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < result.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
double sum = 0.0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++i ) {
sum += getElement ( row , i ) * m.getElement ( i , column ) ;
result.setElement ( row , column , sum ) ;
Programming Exercises 95
return result ;
public String toString ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
sb.append ( "| " ) ;
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
sb.append ( getElement ( row , column ) + " " ) ;
sb.append ( "|\n" ) ;
return sb.toString ( ) ;
private boolean isValidElement ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
return ( row > -1 ) && ( row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ) && ( column > -1 ) && ( column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
private Entry getEntry ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
Iterator<Entry> i = entries.iterator ( ) ;
while ( i.hasNext ( ) ) {
nal Entry e = i.next ( ) ;
if ( ( row == e.getRow ( ) ) && ( column == e.getColumn ( ) ) ) { return e ; }
return null ;
and we can test that this is not totally broken with a small test program. To use this usefully,
assertions must be set to on (-ea option to the java command) on when running this or it will
seem like tests pass even if they do not. This is why we put the always failing assertion at the end
just to ensure that we have. Not really the best thing to do, agreed, but, we havent covered
using TestNG as our test framework yet so this will do for now.
public class SparseMatrix_Test {
private void assertEquals ( nal String m , nal SparseMatrix a , nal SparseMatrix b ) {
nal int rowCount = a.getNumberOfRows ( ) ;
nal int columnCount = a.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ;
if ( ( rowCount != b.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) || ( columnCount != b.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) {
System.out.println ( m + " -- matrices not of same shape." ) ;
else {
for ( int row = 0 ; row < rowCount ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < columnCount ; ++column ) {
if ( Math.abs ( a.getElement ( row , column ) - b.getElement ( row , column ) ) > 0.00000000000001 ) {
System.out.println ( m + " -- values not equal." ) ;
System.out.println ( "\ta = " + a ) ;
System.out.println ( "\tb = " + b ) ;
return ;
private void testCreate ( ) {
nal SparseMatrix m = new SparseMatrix ( 10000 , 20000 ) ;
96 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
m.setElement ( 200 , 300 , 4.5 ) ;
assert m.getElement ( 0 , 0 ) == 0.0 ;
assert m.getElement ( 1000 , 2000 ) == 0.0 ;
assert m.getElement ( 200, 300 ) == 4.5 ;
private void testAdd ( ) {
nal SparseMatrix m1 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m1.setElement ( 0 , 1 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix m2 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m2.setElement ( 1 , 0 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix expected = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 0 , 1 , 2.0 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 1 , 0 , 2.0 ) ;
SparseMatrix result = m1.add ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Add 1" , result , expected ) ;
result = m2.add ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Add 2" , result , expected ) ;
private void testSubtract ( ) {
nal SparseMatrix m1 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m1.setElement ( 0 , 1 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix m2 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m2.setElement ( 1 , 0 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix expected = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 0 , 1 , 2.0 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 1 , 0 , -2.0 ) ;
SparseMatrix result = m1.subtract ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Subtract 1" , result , expected ) ;
expected.setElement ( 0 , 1 , -2.0 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 1 , 0 , 2.0 ) ;
result = m2.subtract ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Subtract 2" , result , expected ) ;
private void testMultiply ( ) {
nal SparseMatrix m1 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m1.setElement ( 0 , 1 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix m2 = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
m2.setElement ( 1 , 0 , 2.0 ) ;
nal SparseMatrix expected = new SparseMatrix ( 3 , 3 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 0 , 0 , 4.0 ) ;
SparseMatrix result = m1.multiply ( m2 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Multiply 1" , result , expected ) ;
expected.setElement ( 0 , 0 , 0.0 ) ;
expected.setElement ( 1 , 1 , 4.0 ) ;
result = m2.multiply ( m1 ) ;
assertEquals ( "Multiply 2" , result , expected ) ;
private void run ( ) {
testCreate ( ) ;
testAdd ( ) ;
testSubtract ( ) ;
testMultiply ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new SparseMatrix_Test ( ) ).run ( ) ;
assert 1 == 0 ;
Programming Exercises 97
Of course, storing a sparse matrix is all very well but as soon as operations are added, the result
may not actually be sparse!
Note that the add, subtract, and multiply operations are basically the same as the class Matrix since
they were coded up in a way that is dependent only on the public interface and not on the
representation. This is leading up to material in the next chapter about inheritance we can
create a class to hold the operations and then inherit from it for the different representations.
More on this issue later in the next chapter, in fact.
Although, the above answers the question as set, it is not a good way of implementing a sparse
matrix. Using an array to store the items is a very inefcient way of doing things. What we really
need is a container that maps the pairs ( row , column ) to the datum. Such a data structure is
called a map: a matrix is a map between pairs of integers and values, the integers are the row and
column index values. So for an mn matrix the map keys are the pairs (a , b) where 0 < a < m
and 0 < b < n. Thus a sparse matrix is a map with keys that are pairs of integers but where the
vast majority of values are 0. So instead of storing the whole array, we create a map that contains
only the non-zero items.
So how are we going to represent this map? If we look at the JDK documentation, we see that
there are a number map types already impemented in the standard library in particular TreeMap
and HashMap. It seems sensible therefore to spend the time learning to use the standard types
rather than devising our own implementation a map of this sort we want is exactly a general
purpose map, we have no special requirements.
Of course, it is at this point that we need to know more that we have covered so far. To use a
TreeMap, or HashMap, we need to know a bit about inheritance and overloading, and also a bit
about exceptions. So you may want to wait reading the rest of this answer till after you have
studied those features of the language.
Since we have to store a pair of integers as a single key value, we need to spend time thinking
about how to manage pairs of values and provide all the methods needed for the pairs to be used
in the map type. The JDK has no predened pair type so we have to create our own. We chose to
do this as a top-level nested class so as to minimize the visibility of this specialized type.
To use a TreeMap, we have to ensure that our pair type has a natural order, i.e. a total order. The
type must implement the interface Comparable, and we must implement the methods equals and
compareTo, dening a total order on our pair of integer types. Unfortunately, it is not possible to
dene a good total order on a pair of integers we could try but it would be something of a hack.
So what about using a HashMap? To use this type we have to implement equals and hashCode in our
pair type. equals is easy, but the hashCode function has a quite strict requirement, see the online
manual on Object.hashCode. In this particular case things are relatively straighforward, we can map
98 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
the (row, column) to a unique integer: we can atten the integer pair to a sequence of integers,
and whilst this is good for hash codes it is not a good way of creating a total order. So we use the
expression row * columns + column to linearize the integer pair, and can therefore use HashMap:
import java.util.HashMap ;
public class SparseMatrix {
private class Index {
private nal int row ;
private nal int column ;
public Index ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
this.row = row ;
this.column = column ;
public boolean equals ( nal Object o ) {
if ( this == o ) { return true ; }
if ( ( o == null ) || ! ( o instanceof Index ) ) { return false ; }
nal Index p = (Index) o ;
if ( ( row == p.row ) && ( column == p.column ) ) { return true ; }
return false ;
public int hashCode ( ) { return row * columns + column ; }
private nal HashMap<Index,Double> map = new HashMap<Index,Double> ( ) ;
private nal int rows ;
private nal int columns ;
public SparseMatrix ( nal int rows , nal int columns ) {
this.rows = rows ;
this.columns = columns ;
public int getNumberOfRows ( ) { return rows ; }
public int getNumberOfColumns ( ) { return columns ; }
public double getElement ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
throwExceptionIfNotValidIndex ( row , column ) ;
nal Index index = new Index ( row , column ) ;
if ( map.keySet ( ).contains ( index ) ) { return map.get ( index ) ; }
return 0.0 ;
public void setElement ( nal int row , nal int column , nal double value ) {
throwExceptionIfNotValidIndex ( row , column ) ;
nal Index i = new Index ( row , column ) ;
if ( value == 0.0 ) { map.remove ( i ) ; }
else { map.put ( i , value ) ; }
public SparseMatrix add ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) + m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
public SparseMatrix subtract ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ||
Programming Exercises 99
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
result.setElement ( row , column , getElement ( row , column ) - m.getElement ( row , column ) ) ;
return result ;
public SparseMatrix multiply ( nal SparseMatrix m ) {
if ( ( getNumberOfRows ( ) != m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ||
( getNumberOfColumns ( ) != m.getNumberOfRows ( ) ) ) { return null ; }
nal SparseMatrix result = new SparseMatrix ( getNumberOfRows ( ) , m.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ;
for ( int row = 0 ; row < result.getNumberOfRows ( ) ; ++row ) {
for ( int column = 0 ; column < result.getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++column ) {
double sum = 0.0 ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ; ++i ) {
sum += getElement ( row , i ) * m.getElement ( i , column ) ;
result.setElement ( row , column , sum ) ;
return result ;
private void throwExceptionIfNotValidIndex ( nal int row , nal int column ) {
if ( ! ( ( row > -1 ) && ( row < getNumberOfRows ( ) ) && ( column > -1 ) && ( column < getNumberOfColumns ( ) ) ) ) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException ( "(" + row + ", " + column + ") is not a valid index for this matrix." ) ;
This SparseMatrix implementation should (and indeed does) run with the same test program as
used earlier.
6.8 Extend the bridge hand dealing source code to sort the hands in descending order.
We have to extend the Card class so that cards are comparable:
import java.util.Comparator ;
* A class to represent a playing card from a standard pack.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-12-21
public class Card {
* An enum to provide a type for suits in a pack of cards.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-12-21
public enum Suit {
100 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
CLUBS { public String toString ( ) { return "C" ; } } ,
DIAMONDS { public String toString ( ) { return "D" ; } } ,
HEARTS { public String toString ( ) { return "H" ; } } ,
SPADES { public String toString ( ) { return "S" ; } }
* An enum to provide a type for the values of the cards.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-12-21
public enum Value {
TWO { public String toString ( ) { return "2" ; } } ,
THREE { public String toString ( ) { return "3" ; } } ,
FOUR { public String toString ( ) { return "4" ; } } ,
FIVE { public String toString ( ) { return "5" ; } } ,
SIX { public String toString ( ) { return "6" ; } } ,
SEVEN { public String toString ( ) { return "7" ; } } ,
EIGHT { public String toString ( ) { return "8" ; } } ,
NINE { public String toString ( ) { return "9" ; } } ,
TEN { public String toString ( ) { return "10" ; } } ,
JACK { public String toString ( ) { return "J" ; } } ,
QUEEN { public String toString ( ) { return "Q" ; } } ,
KING { public String toString ( ) { return "K" ; } } ,
ACE { public String toString ( ) { return "A" ; } }
private nal Suit suit ;
private nal Value value ;
public Card ( nal Suit suit , nal Value value ) {
this.suit = suit ;
this.value = value ;
public String toString ( ) { return value.toString ( ) + suit.toString ( ) ; }
* <code>Card</code> comparator factory method that creates a descending order on the cards in a
* pack. The order is determined by the fact that the suits have rank (in decreasing rank
* (spades, hearts, diamonds, clubs) and the value in a suit is ordered A, K, Q, J, 10, 9, 8, 7,
* 6, 5, 4, 3, 2 as per normal.
* @returns -1 if c1 > c2, +1 if c1 < c2 and 0 iff c1 == c2.
public static Comparator<Card> getComparator ( ) {
return new Comparator<Card> ( ) {
public int compare ( nal Card c1 , nal Card c2 ) {
nal int c1s = c1.suit.ordinal ( ) ;
nal int c2s = c2.suit.ordinal ( ) ;
if ( c1s < c2s ) {
return +1 ;
} else if ( c1s > c2s ) {
return -1 ;
} else {
nal int c1v = c1.value.ordinal ( ) ;
nal int c2v = c2.value.ordinal ( ) ;
if ( c1v < c2v ) {
return +1 ;
} else if ( c1v > c2v ) {
Programming Exercises 101
return -1 ;
} else {
return 0 ;
} ;
We then amend the Player class to ensure that the hand can be sorted. No need to create our own
sort method, we can just use the one in the Collections class:
import java.util.ArrayList ;
import java.util.Collections ;
* A class to represent a player in a game of whist or bridge.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-12-21
public class Player {
private String name ;
private ArrayList<Card> hand = new ArrayList<Card> ( ) ;
public Player ( nal String name ) { this.name = name ; }
public void newCard ( nal Card card ) { hand.add ( card ) ; }
public void sortHand ( ) { Collections.sort ( hand , Card.getComparator ( ) ) ; }
public String toString ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
sb.append ( name + ": " ) ;
for ( Card c : hand ) { sb.append ( c + " " ) ; }
return sb.toString ( ) ;
Then we amend the Table class to initiate the sorting of the hand after each deal:
* A class to represent a table of 4 players.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004-12-21
public class Table {
public enum Position {
WEST { Position next ( ) { return NORTH ; } } ,
NORTH { Position next ( ) { return EAST ; } } ,
EAST { Position next ( ) { return SOUTH ; } } ,
SOUTH { Position next ( ) { return WEST ; } } ;
abstract Position next ( ) ;
private Player[] table = new Player [4] ;
private Position dealer = Position.SOUTH ;
private Pack pack = new Pack ( ) ;
public void seat ( nal Player player , nal Position position ) {
102 Chapter 6: Classes and Objects
table[position.ordinal ( )] = player ;
public void deal ( ) {
pack.shufe ( ) ;
Position position = dealer.next ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < Pack.SIZE ; ++i ) {
table[position.ordinal ( )].newCard ( pack.get ( i ) ) ;
position = position.next ( ) ;
for ( Player player : table ) { player.sortHand() ; }
public String toString ( ) {
nal StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( Position p : Position.values ( ) ) {
sb.append ( p + ( p == dealer ? " * " : " " ) + table[p.ordinal ( )].toString ( ) + "\n" ) ;
return sb.toString ( ) ;
The Pack and Table_Example classes remain unchanged.
6.1 Write a program that can act as an interactive dictionary with the following functionality:
The meaning of a word can be looked up. For example, entering the word hello will display the
meaning a greeting.
New words and their meanings can be added.
Words and meanings can be deleted.
The entire collection of words and meanings can be saved to a le and read back again next time the
program is run.
Lots of hints:
1. A word and its meaning can be represented as a pair of Strings. Write a class Pair, so that a Pair
object can store one word and its meaning. Make sure you provide appropriate public methods and
remember that instance variables must be kept private.
2. Write a class WordDictionary to provide a dictionary object. The class should have methods to look up
the meaning of a word, add a word and meaning, remove a word and meaning, save the dictionary to
le and load the dictionary from le. Use an array of Pairs to store the words and meanings.
3. Provide a main method (and possibly some supporting methods) that consists of a main loop which
asks the user if they want to search, add, remove, load, save, or quit. Having read appropriate input
values it should then call the methods of the WordDictionary object. The main loop should run until
the user asks to quit.
Challenges 103
4. The two classes need to be stored in separate .java les which are named after the classes. The main
method can be included as part of the WordDictionary class (so run the program using java
6.2 Write a collection of classes to implement an initial prototype of a theatre seat-booking program.
Class Relationships
106 Chapter 7: Class Relationships
Self-review Questions
7.1 How is association between classes implemented?
An association between two classes is realized as a link between instance objects of the classes
at runtime. With Java the link is represented by an object reference. An association represents a
long-term relationship between instance objects, so the reference is stored in an instance
In this example:
class Country has a uni-directional association with class City, so a Java Country object has a
reference to a City object. The reference will be stored in an instance variable belonging to
Country. Note, however, that the Country class in the UML diagram fragment does not show an
instance variable (attribute) in the icon as the need for the variable is denoted by the association
line. Putting in both the variable and association would be redundant. This does mean that you
have to take into account associations when determining what instance variables a Java class
should have and should not rely on just what is shown in the icon.
7.2 When is association more appropriate to use than inheritance?
Inheritance should be used only when a subclass object can be used or substituted where the
superclass type was specied. This means that the subclass must meet the entire behavioural
specication of the superclass either by inheriting methods or overriding methods to behave in a
compatible way. In addition, the subclass must have an is-kind-of relationship with the superclass
so that all the inherited behaviour is relevant to the subclass. A subclass must never be written to
support only part of the behaviour of a superclass.
If a class needs to use only some of the features of another class, inheritance should not be to
gain those features. Instead the class should use an association implemented via a private
instance variable.
The classic example of the misuse of inheritance is trying to implement a Stack class by
subclassing a collection class like Arraylist. A stack has a different set of public methods from an
Self-review Questions 107
Arraylist (for example, push, pop and top). Inheritance, however, would give the stack all the
public methods of Arraylist, which would be invalid as many of the methods are not part of the
stack abstraction. Instead, a Stack class should use an Arraylist by private association.
7.3 What does object ownership mean?
An object is owned when it is controlled by another object and accessible only by that other
object. Typically this occurs when a class denes a private instance variable (or association with
UML) used to reference an object that forms part of the implementation of a class instance and is
not intended to be accessible from outside the scope of the class. For example, a Stack class can
have a private instance variable of type Arraylist to provide an object to hold the stack data. The
Arraylist is never accessible from outside the Stack class and is completely controlled by the Stack
Ownership also implies control of the lifetime of the owned object. The owning object creates
the owned object and determines when it becomes unused and inaccessible.
7.4 How is a subclass object initialized?
Once the JVM has created the space for the instance, the superclass part of the instance is
initialized then the explicitly initialized elds are initialized and all instance initializers executed,
then the constructor executed. Searching up the inheritance hierarchy eventually stops because
superclass is Object which has no superclass.
7.5 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using protected variables?
In object-oriented programming generally, protected variables are variables are ones that can be
manipulated directly by the class and all subclasses. The advantage is that it makes it easier for
subclasses to work with the whole of the state. The disadvantage is that the subclass code needs
to replicate all the constraints on the state required by the superclass if it manipulates supeclass
state directly. This is the reason for favouring private variables and requiring subclasses to use
the public interface of the superclass scope or for the superclass to provide a protected interface
that does not allow direct manipulation of the state.
Java has the added issue that protected variables are accessible by any class in the same
package. This opens up the state of a class very widely and so is generally a huge disadvantage.
So in Java, using protected variables is generally a bad thing.
7.6 What is super?
108 Chapter 7: Class Relationships
super is a keyword. It can be used in two ways. As the name of a function called in a subclass
constructor, it causes the call of the superclass constructor of the given signature. Used as a
variable it is a reference to the superclass cscope of the current object.
7.7 How does a name get hidden?
7.8 What is type conformance?
7.9 Why can a reference of type Object refer to any kind of object?
All classes are either direct or indirect subclasses of class Object. This means that wherever a
reference of type Object is specied an object of any type can be provided, as all objects must be
instances of a subclass of Object. The principle that a reference of superclass type can refer to an
object of a subclass type follows from this.
7.10 Why is casting potentially dangerous?
A cast expression explicitly forces a conversion from one type to another, for example from type
Object to type String. At compile time it is typically not possible for the compiler to check that the
forced conversion will be valid at runtime. Instead the checking has to be done dynamically when
the program is actually run. This means that code that compiled without any type error being
reported can still fail with a type error at runtime. Hence, this dangerous in the sense that the
programmer cannot rely on the compiler to detect certain kinds of type error and the errors can
occur unpredictably when a program is run.
Prior to generics being added to the Java language this meant that retrieving a value from a
container like an Arraylist required a cast expression to recover the type of the object reference
returned. For example:
ArrayList list = new ArrayList ( ) ;
list.add ( "Hello" ) ;
String s = (String) list.get ( 0 ) ;
The reference returned by the get method is of type Object as an ArrayList works by storing
references of type Object. Without the cast expression the attempted initialization of a String
reference with a reference of type Object would result in a compilation error. Even with the cast
expression in place it is up to the prgrammer to ensure that the reference returned by get will be
of type String.
Generics in Java 5 remove the container problem by allowing the type of the reference values in
the container to be specied and then used for compile time type checking:
Self-review Questions 109
ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String> ( ) ;
list.add ( "Hello" ) ;
String s = list.get ( 0 ) ;
Behind the scenes the compiler is actually inserting a cast expression as the generic ArrayList still
works by storing references of type Object. However, the compiler can now guarantee that the
cast expression will never result in a runtime type error.
7.11 How is a method overridden?
The glib answer is that if a subclass denes a method of the same signature as a method in the
superclass then that class is overridden. However, for various reasons, Java actually has quite
complicated rules for deciding when a method is overridden. Java has the concept of an
override-equivalent method.
7.12 What are the differences between an abstract class and an interface?
An interface is limited to declaring abstract instance methods (with no method body), static
variables and classes, interfaces and enums. Anything declared in an interface is public. The
primary role of an interface is declaring a type that an implementing classes must conform to,
allowing mechanisms such as Programing to an Interface to be used.
An abstract class must have at least one abstract method, with no method body, but otherwise
can declare anything that an non-abstract class can including method bodies. The primary role of
an abstract class is to provide a partial implementation that can be inherited and completed by
concrete subclasses. This allows common methods and variable to be declared in a single class
and not be duplicated across several classes. Like interfaces, abstract classes also declare a type
that subclasses must conform to, so can also be used in the same way as an interface in that
Like a class, an interface can extend or inherit from another interface but is not required to. In
contrast to the way that all classes are direct or indirect subclasses of class Object, interfaces are
not constrained by a rigid single-inheritance hierarchy. In addition, while a class can inherit from
one superclass only, a class can implement any number of interfaces.
7.13 Describe how shallow and deep copying work.
The terms shallow and deep copy are only really meaningful for containers. A container must
have storage to hold the references to the objects contained in the container. A shallow copy
means using different storage for the references to the data but sharing the actual references to
the data. Deep copy means having new space to hold the references and creating copies of the
data as well. This can mean a lot of copyinf as the data might itslef be a container and so the
110 Chapter 7: Class Relationships
notion of deep copy can go very deep indeed. Effectively shallow copy means different storage of
references to the shared data and deep copy means no sharing of any objects.
7.14 What is a nested class?
A nested class is declared within another class and, hence, is within the scope of the enclosing
class. There are several kinds of nested classes, including inner or member classes:
Top-level nested classes, declared as static. These are ordinary classes that are
declared within the scope of another class. They have access to static members of
the class they are declared in only.
Inner or member classes, declared without using static. An inner class has full access
to the scope of the class it is declared in and must be created by an object of the
inner class.
Local classes, declared within a local scope.
Anonymous classes, also declared within a local scope but not given a name.
7.15 How does a package work?
Programming Exercises
7.1 Extend the Stack<T> class (page 196) to include a method equals that implements value equality for this
type. Write a test for the extended class.
7.2 Implement matrix multiplication for all the matrix implementation classes shown in Section 7.10,
page 255. The multiplication method should not depend upon how a specic kind of matrix is implemented.
7.3 Write a program to manage the inventory of a simple warehouse. Class Item denes the basic properties of
an item stored in the warehouse, with subclasses representing real kinds of items. All items have a common
set of properties such as size, weight, sell-by date and so on. Allow items to be added to and removed from
the warehouse, and also make it possible to display a complete list of the current contents of the warehouse.
Challenges 111
7.1 Starting with class GraphPanel shown in Section 6.8.3, page 207, create a Graphing interface declaring a
common set of methods to be implemented by class GraphPanel, PieChartPanel and BarChartPanel, each of
which draws a graph or chart of the appropriate form.
7.2 By analogy from Ellipse2D and Rectangle2D, create a class Triangle2D for drawing triangles.
114 Chapter 8: Exceptions
Self-review Questions
8.1 Is there anything wrong with simply stopping a program when an error occurs?
Yes, for a number of reasons:
It leads to a bad user experience when, from the users point of view, the program
appears to have crashed.
Any data held in memory, along with the general state of the program, is lost and
cannot be recovered.
Useful or detailed information about why the error occurred is lost, especially if no
stack trace is generated. This makes it impossible to accurately report the cause of an
error and very hard for the developer to reproduce and x the problem.
8.2 What kinds of error should the exception handling mechanism be used to catch?
8.3 Why should methods that throw exceptions not also try to catch them?
8.4 What happens to an uncaught exception?
If a method does not catch an exception in a try-catch block the expection will be propagated, or
passed back, to the calling method. If the calling method does not catch the exception it will in
turn propagate the exception back to its calling method. If the exception is propagated all the
way up the method call chain to the main method where it is still not caught the program will
terminate displaying a stack trace.
If an exception is thrown and not caught in a thread started by a program, the exception is
propated back to the run method and the thread terminates displaying a stack trace. The
program will continue running if there are other threads but may or may not be able to continue
depending on how critical the loss of the thread that threw the exception is.
8.5 What is the purpose of a throws declaration?
The throws declaration states that the named exception will not be handled in the method but, if
it is raised, it will be propogated.
8.6 How does a catch block work?
Programming Exercises 115
A catch block is a place where a thrown exception can be handled. A catch block species which
exception it will handle, it will also handle any subclasses of the named exception. If an
exception is thrown in the try block then each catch block associated with the try block is tried in
turn, in the order they appear in the source code. If the thrown exception is compatible with the
exception handled by the catch block then that catch block will handle the exception. If it does
not then the next is tried, and so on.
8.7 What does nally do?
A nally block, if present, will always be executed. If a try block throws and exception, then the
catch blocks are searched. If one of them handles the exception then the nally block will be
executed immediately afterwards but before any return. if no catch block handles the exception
then the nally block is executed prior to exception propogation. If there is no exception raised
then the nally block is executed priori to execution continuing with the statements immediately
following the try-catch-nally block. If the try block or a catch block executes a return the nally
block is executed prior to the return.
Programming Exercises
8.1 Create an implementation of the interface Queue that throws exceptions appropriately. Declare any exception
classes needed and write a test class.
8.2 Create an implementation of interface Dequeue that throws exceptions appropriately. Declare any exception
classes needed and write a test class.
8.3 Update the Matrix interface and related classes shown in Section 7.10, page 247, so that they throw
exceptions to deal with error conditions. Write a test class to check that the exception handling works
8.4 Create a program to nd out how much memory Java can use on the machines you have access to. Find out
how to change the amount of memory available using command line options and check if your program has
all this memory available to it.
Concurrency with
118 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
Self-review Questions
9.1 What is a thread?
A thread is a single path of execution through a program that can be characterized as a sequence
of method calls. In a multi-threaded program a number of threads are each following their own
distinct paths.
9.2 How are threads created?
A thread is represented by an instance of class Thread, so a new thread is started by creating a
new Thread object.
A new thread can be created in two ways:
By creating a subclass of Thread and overriding the run method.
By creating a class that implements the interface Runnable and passing an instance of
the class as a parameter to a Thread constructor when a new instance of Thread is
created. Runnable requires that an implementing class implements the run method.
In both cases a new thread is started by calling the start method on the Thread object. This will
initialize a new thread and make it available for running when its turn comes. The run method is
called as the rst method in the method call sequence of the new thread. The thread will
continue running until the run method terminates.
9.3 What is the purpose of a critical region?
If two or more threads try to assign a value to the same variable, or call a method on the same
object to change its state, there is the possibility that the activities will overlap and corrupt the
state of the variable or object. For example, two threads may try to add a value to a data
structure at roughly the same time and end up leaving the data structure in undened state as
one thread has only partially updated the data structure when a second thread starts another
update. This is often known as a race condition as the threads are racing to access a resource.
To avoid these sorts of problem code vulnerable to race conditions is placed inside a critical
region. The region guarantees that only one thread can execute the code in the region at any one
time, and must leave the region before any other thread can enter. In Java, the principle
mechanisms for establishing a critical region are the synchronized block and the synchronized
method. Both of these require that a thread obtains a specic object lock before entering the
Programming Exercises 119
region. If the object lock is already held by another thread, a new thread cannot enter the region
and will be suspended until the lock becomes available. When a thread leaves a synchronized
block or method the object lock is released.
9.4 What is thread scheduling?
Thread scheduling is used to control when a thread is running or when it is suspended waiting to
run. A thread scheduler typically attempts to give each thread a fair chance to run, avoiding any
threads being permanently suspended or not having enough time to do its job properly. A
common scheduling strategy is the round-robin approach, where the scheduler gives each thread
an equal amount of time to run, switching between threads as each uses up its time. This is
known as time slicing, as the total runtime is sliced up amongst multiple threads.
In practice, thread scheduling gets more complicated than the simple round-robin approach as
threads can have different priorities and some threads may be blocked waiting to synchronize
with other threads or for access to critical regions.
9.5 How does a thread terminate?
A thread terminates when the run method used to start the thread terminates. That is when the
thread has completed its task, control returns back to the run method in the normal way and the
run method returns.
A thread will also be forcibly terminated when the entire program is terminated or when an
uncaught exception is thrown within a thread causing the run method to terminate. In both these
cases it is good practice to terminate threads properly by allowing their run methods to terminate
in a controlled way if the thread state needs to be cleaned up. This avoids the possibility of a
thread being terminated and either data being lost or the program not exiting cleanly.
Programming Exercises
9.1 Modify the clock program to display only the time, without the day, date or year.
The clock program displays the date and time by simply creating a new Date, which by default is
initialized to the current time, and using the toString method to get a string representing the date.
The string includes the time, day, year, and so on. Displaying just the time can be done by using a
method like subString to pull out the relevant section of the string returned by toString. However, a
better approach is to use SimpleDateFormat from the Java class libraries as this gives full control
over how a date string can be formatted, and avoids depending on the location of characters in a
string that using subString relies on. The following modied version of the clock program shows
how SimpleDateFormat is used.
120 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ;
import java.util.Date ;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
* A program to display a simple text clock.
* <p>The <code>DrawPanel</code> displays the current time at the moment of painting. An associated thread
* object creates repaint events every second causing the update of the clock.</p>
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-11
public class ClockPanel extends DrawPanel {
* Instances of this inner class call the <code>repaint</code> method in the parent object (which is a
* <code>DrawPanel</code> that is a <code>ClockPanel</code> application) every second.
* @authors Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-11
private class SecondTicker extends Thread {
public void run ( ) {
while ( true ) {
try { sleep ( 1000 ) ; }
catch ( Exception e ) { }
repaint ( ) ;
private nal SecondTicker ticker = new SecondTicker ( ) ; { ticker.start ( ) ; }
public ClockPanel ( ) { }
public ClockPanel ( nal int w , nal int h ) { super ( w , h ) ; }
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
nal Rectangle2D background =
new Rectangle2D.Double ( 0 , 0 ,
getSize ( ).getWidth ( ) , getSize ( ).getHeight ( ) ) ;
g2d.ll ( background ) ;
g2d.setFont ( new Font ( "Serif" , Font.PLAIN , 40 ) ) ;
g2d.setPaint ( Color.white ) ;
nal SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat ( "hh:mm:ss a" ) ;
nal String time = dateFormat.format ( new Date ( ) ) ;
g2d.drawString ( time , 20 , 50 ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Clock" , new ClockPanel ( 250 , 75 ) ) ;
This program displays:
Programming Exercises 121
The string "hh:mm:ss a" is used to control how the time is formatted. There are many other
formatting variations possible, see the Javadoc for the details.
9.2 Rewrite class ClockPanel to display a graphical representation of a round clock face with hour, minute and
second hands.
The following class displays the required clock face. It is capable of displaying a clock face of any
reasonable size, scaling the representation depending on the size of the panel. There are two
constructors provided, the rst taking three arguments specifying the width and height of the
panel, and the minumum size of the margin, or space, left around the clock face. The second
constructor takes an additional two arguments specifying the colour of the panel background and
the colour of the clock face. The default colours are black and white respectively. The clock face
is always centred in the middle of the panel.
import java.awt.BasicStroke ;
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.RenderingHints ;
import java.util.Calendar ;
* A program to display an analogue clock face with hour, minute and second hands that is updated every
* second.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-11
public class RoundClockFacePanel extends DrawPanel {
* Instances of this inner class call the <code>repaint</code> method in the parent object (which is a
* <code>DrawPanel</code> that is a <code>RoundClockFacePanel</code> application) every second.
* @authors Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-12-03
private class SecondTicker extends Thread {
public void run ( ) {
while ( true ) {
try { sleep ( 1000 ) ; }
122 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
catch ( Exception e ) { }
repaint ( ) ;
private nal SecondTicker ticker ;
private nal int centerX ;
private nal int centerY ;
private nal int diameter ;
private nal int radius ;
private nal int boundaryWidth ;
private nal Color backgroundColour ;
private nal Color faceColour ;
private nal Line2D line ;
private nal BasicStroke secondHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke minuteHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke hourHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke tickStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke thickTickStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke clockBoundary ;
private nal Ellipse2D clockFace ;
private nal Rectangle2D clockBackground ;
public RoundClockFacePanel ( nal int width , nal int height , nal int margin ,
nal Color background , nal Color face ) {
super ( width , height ) ;
centerX = getWidth ( ) / 2 ;
centerY = getHeight ( ) / 2 ;
diameter = Math.min ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) ) - margin ;
radius = diameter / 2 ;
boundaryWidth = length ( 0.03 ) ;
backgroundColour = background ;
faceColour = face ;
ticker = new SecondTicker ( ) ;
ticker.start ( ) ;
line = new Line2D.Double ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
secondHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.01 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
minuteHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.03 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
hourHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.05 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
tickStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.01 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
thickTickStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.02 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
clockFace = new Ellipse2D.Double ( centerX - radius , centerY - radius , diameter , diameter ) ;
clockBackground = new Rectangle2D.Double ( 0 , 0 , getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) ) ;
clockBoundary = new BasicStroke ( boundaryWidth ) ;
public RoundClockFacePanel ( nal int width , nal int height , nal int margin ) {
this ( width , height , margin , Color.black , Color.white ) ;
private void drawAngledLine ( nal Graphics2D g2d ,
nal int x , nal int y ,
nal int startLength , nal int endLength ,
nal BasicStroke stroke , nal int position , nal int scale ) {
Programming Exercises 123
g2d.setPaint ( Color.black ) ;
g2d.setStroke ( stroke ) ;
nal double angle = ( Math.PI * ( ( ( position * 360.0 ) / scale ) - 90.0 ) ) / 180.0 ;
line.setLine (
x + ( startLength * Math.cos ( angle ) ) ,
y + ( startLength * Math.sin ( angle ) ) ,
x + ( endLength * Math.cos ( angle ) ) ,
y + ( endLength * Math.sin ( angle ) )
) ;
g2d.draw ( line ) ;
private int length ( nal double scale ) {
return (int) ( radius * scale ) ;
private void drawTicks ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal int boundaryWidth ) {
for ( int tick = 0 ; tick < 60 ; tick++ ) {
nal int end = radius - ( ( ( tick % 5 ) == 0 ) ? length ( 0.09 ) : length ( 0.05 ) ) ;
nal BasicStroke stroke = ( tick % 5 == 0 ) ? thickTickStroke : tickStroke ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , radius - boundaryWidth + 3 , end , stroke , tick , 60 ) ;
private void drawClockFace ( nal Graphics2D g2d ) {
g2d.setPaint ( backgroundColour ) ;
g2d.ll ( clockBackground ) ;
g2d.setPaint ( faceColour ) ;
g2d.ll ( clockFace ) ;
g2d.setPaint ( Color.gray ) ;
g2d.setStroke ( clockBoundary ) ;
g2d.draw ( clockFace ) ;
drawTicks ( g2d , boundaryWidth ) ;
private void drawSecondHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int second = time.get ( Calendar.SECOND ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.88 ) , - length ( 0.1 ) , secondHandStroke , second , 60 ) ;
private void drawMinuteHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int minute = ( time.get ( Calendar.MINUTE ) * 10 ) + (int) ( 10 * ( time.get ( Calendar.SECOND ) / 60.0 ) ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.8 ) , - length ( 0.05 ) , minuteHandStroke , minute , 600 ) ;
private void drawHourHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int hour = ( time.get ( Calendar.HOUR ) * 10 ) + (int) ( 10 * ( time.get ( Calendar.MINUTE ) / 60.0 ) ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.6 ) , - length ( 0.02 ) , hourHandStroke , hour , 120 ) ;
private void drawHands ( nal Graphics2D g2d ) {
nal Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance ( ) ;
drawSecondHand ( g2d , time ) ;
drawMinuteHand ( g2d , time ) ;
drawHourHand ( g2d , time ) ;
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
g2d.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING , RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ) ;
g2d.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING , RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY ) ;
drawClockFace ( g2d ) ;
drawHands ( g2d ) ;
124 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Clock" , new RoundClockFacePanel ( 400 , 400 , 40 ) ) ;
As the clock program could potentially be left running for some time the graphics objects used to
display the clock face are all created in the main constructor and reused throughout the time the
clock is left running. This avoids having to repeatedly create and then discard the Line, BasicStroke
and other graphics objects every second as the clock face is re-drawn.
The image below shows two example clock faces of different sizes, illustrating how the clock face
scales to different size panels. When displayed the second hand ticks round at one second
intervals, with the minute and hour hands moving as appropriate.
9.3 Extend the clock program to display ve clocks showing Tokyo time, Moscow time, London time, New York
time and San Francisco time.
The main challenge here is to nd out how to determine the time in each of the cities relative to
the local time on the computer where the program will be run. As always the rst step in nding a
solution to this kind of problem is to investigate what the standard Java libraries have to offer.
This is very worthwhile as it turns out that the libraries offer a complete solution in the form of
class TimeZone in the package java.util.
A TimeZone object can be initialised to represent any time zone such as GMT, EST or PST. The
object can then be passed to a Calendar instance in order to access the time in the particular
Programming Exercises 125
zone. A time zone is identied using a set of standard strings such as "GMT", "PST" and
"America/New_York" (see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/timezone.html for a list of strings used by
Java and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timezone for information about time zones in general).
The class below is a modied version of the one from the previous exercise answer. An extra
String parameter has been added to the constructor to specify the time zone. The only other
modication is to add the code to get the TimeZone object and call the setTimeZone method on the
Calendar object used to determine the time to display. This is done by these two lines of code in
the drawHands method:
nal Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance ( ) ;
time.setTimeZone ( TimeZone.getTimeZone ( location ) ) ;
The main method creates the ve clocks for each of the cities listed in the question.
import java.awt.BasicStroke ;
import java.awt.Color ;
import java.awt.Font ;
import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Line2D ;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D ;
import java.awt.Graphics ;
import java.awt.Graphics2D ;
import java.awt.RenderingHints ;
import java.util.Calendar ;
import java.util.TimeZone ;
* A program to display an analogue clock face with hour, minute and second hands that is updated every
* second. The time displayed is for the selected time zone.
* @author Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-11-11
public class WorldRoundClockFacePanel extends DrawPanel {
* Instances of this inner class call the <code>repaint</code> method in the parent object (which is a
* <code>DrawPanel</code> that is a <code>RoundClockFacePanel</code> application) every second.
* @authors Graham Roberts and Russel Winder
* @version 2006-12-03
private class SecondTicker extends Thread {
public void run ( ) {
while ( true ) {
try { sleep ( 1000 ) ; }
catch ( Exception e ) { }
repaint ( ) ;
private nal SecondTicker ticker ;
private nal String location ;
private nal int centerX ;
126 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
private nal int centerY ;
private nal int diameter ;
private nal int radius ;
private nal int boundaryWidth ;
private nal Color backgroundColour ;
private nal Color faceColour ;
private nal Line2D line ;
private nal BasicStroke secondHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke minuteHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke hourHandStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke tickStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke thickTickStroke ;
private nal BasicStroke clockBoundary ;
private nal Ellipse2D clockFace ;
private nal Rectangle2D clockBackground ;
public WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( nal String clockLocation , nal int width , nal int height ,
nal int margin , nal Color background , nal Color face ) {
super ( width , height ) ;
location = clockLocation ;
centerX = getWidth ( ) / 2 ;
centerY = getHeight ( ) / 2 ;
diameter = Math.min ( getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) ) - margin ;
radius = diameter / 2 ;
boundaryWidth = length ( 0.03 ) ;
backgroundColour = background ;
faceColour = face ;
ticker = new SecondTicker ( ) ;
ticker.start ( ) ;
line = new Line2D.Double ( 0 , 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
secondHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.01 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
minuteHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.03 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
hourHandStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.05 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
tickStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.01 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
thickTickStroke =
new BasicStroke ( length ( 0.02 ) , BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND , BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND ) ;
clockFace = new Ellipse2D.Double ( centerX - radius , centerY - radius , diameter , diameter ) ;
clockBackground = new Rectangle2D.Double ( 0 , 0 , getWidth ( ) , getHeight ( ) ) ;
clockBoundary = new BasicStroke ( boundaryWidth ) ;
public WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( nal String clockLocation , nal int width ,
nal int height , nal int margin ) {
this ( clockLocation , width , height , margin , Color.black , Color.white ) ;
private void drawAngledLine ( nal Graphics2D g2d ,
nal int x , nal int y ,
nal int startLength , nal int endLength ,
nal BasicStroke stroke , nal int position , nal int scale ) {
g2d.setPaint ( Color.black ) ;
g2d.setStroke ( stroke ) ;
nal double angle = ( Math.PI * ( ( ( position * 360.0 ) / scale ) - 90.0 ) ) / 180.0 ;
line.setLine (
x + ( startLength * Math.cos ( angle ) ) ,
Programming Exercises 127
y + ( startLength * Math.sin ( angle ) ) ,
x + ( endLength * Math.cos ( angle ) ) ,
y + ( endLength * Math.sin ( angle ) )
) ;
g2d.draw ( line ) ;
private int length ( nal double scale ) {
return (int) ( radius * scale ) ;
private void drawTicks ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal int boundaryWidth ) {
for ( int tick = 0 ; tick < 60 ; tick++ ) {
nal int end = radius - ( ( ( tick % 5 ) == 0 ) ? length ( 0.09 ) : length ( 0.05 ) ) ;
nal BasicStroke stroke = ( tick % 5 == 0 ) ? thickTickStroke : tickStroke ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , radius - boundaryWidth + 3 , end , stroke , tick , 60 ) ;
private void drawClockFace ( nal Graphics2D g2d ) {
g2d.setPaint ( backgroundColour ) ;
g2d.ll ( clockBackground ) ;
g2d.setPaint ( faceColour ) ;
g2d.ll ( clockFace ) ;
g2d.setPaint ( Color.gray ) ;
g2d.setStroke ( clockBoundary ) ;
g2d.draw ( clockFace ) ;
drawTicks ( g2d , boundaryWidth ) ;
private void drawSecondHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int second = time.get ( Calendar.SECOND ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.88 ) , - length ( 0.1 ) , secondHandStroke , second , 60 ) ;
private void drawMinuteHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int minute = ( time.get ( Calendar.MINUTE ) * 10 ) + (int) ( 10 * ( time.get ( Calendar.SECOND ) / 60.0 ) ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.8 ) , - length ( 0.05 ) , minuteHandStroke , minute , 600 ) ;
private void drawHourHand ( nal Graphics2D g2d , nal Calendar time ) {
int hour = ( time.get ( Calendar.HOUR ) * 10 ) + (int) ( 10 * ( time.get ( Calendar.MINUTE ) / 60.0 ) ) ;
drawAngledLine ( g2d , centerX , centerY , length ( 0.6 ) , - length ( 0.02 ) , hourHandStroke , hour , 120 ) ;
private void drawHands ( nal Graphics2D g2d ) {
nal Calendar time = Calendar.getInstance ( ) ;
time.setTimeZone ( TimeZone.getTimeZone ( location ) ) ;
drawSecondHand ( g2d , time ) ;
drawMinuteHand ( g2d , time ) ;
drawHourHand ( g2d , time ) ;
public void paint ( nal Graphics g ) {
nal Graphics2D g2d = (Graphics2D) g ;
g2d.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING , RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON ) ;
g2d.setRenderingHint ( RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING , RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_QUALITY ) ;
drawClockFace ( g2d ) ;
drawHands ( g2d ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
DrawFrame.display ( "Tokyo Time" , new WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( "Asia/Tokyo" , 250 , 250 , 20 ) ) ;
DrawFrame.display ( "Moscow Time" , new WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( "Europe/Moscow" , 250 , 250 , 20 ) ) ;
DrawFrame.display ( "London Time" , new WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( "Europe/London" , 250 , 250 , 20 ) ) ;
128 Chapter 9: Introducing Concurrency with Threads
DrawFrame.display ( "New York Time" , new WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( "America/New_York" , 250 , 250 , 20 ) ) ;
DrawFrame.display ( "San Francisco Time" , new WorldRoundClockFacePanel ( "America/Los_Angeles" , 250 , 250 , 20 ) ) ;
Note that the time zone name strings for Tokyo, Moscow, London and New York happen to use
the city name (there are also alternative names for all of these zones). However, there is no
"America/San_Francisco" name as the string "America/Los_Angeles" is used as the name for the
time zone that San Francisco is in. A web site like http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/ can
be used to conrm that the correct times are displayed when the program is run.
When run the program displays the following (the windows need to be positioned on the screen
9.4 Extend Exercise 9.2 so that the ClockPanel displays four clock faces, one updated continuously, one once per
second, one once per minute and one every ve minutes.
User Interfaces
130 Chapter 10: User Interfaces
Self-review Questions
10.1 What is a GUI component?
10.2 What does a layout manager do?
10.3 What are the advantages of using a layout manager?
10.4 Why are panels layered?
10.5 What role does a JFrame provide?
10.6 What does the method setVisible do?
10.7 How is an event represented?
10.8 What is a listener?
10.9 Why are listeners implemented as objects?
10.10 What is an anonymous class?
10.11 How is a menu constructed?
10.12 What does a JTextField component do?
10.13 What does paint do?
10.14 How is a GUI program terminated?
10.15 Why are GUI programs multi-threaded?
Programming Exercises 131
Programming Exercises
10.1 Draw a pencil and paper picture illustrating how the GUI of the Convert program in Section 10.3,
page 328 is laid out.
10.2 Implement a program with this interface:
Clicking the buttons increments or decrements the displayed counter value.
Hint: How do you position the two buttons? You might try this: add a panel, using a FlowLayout, to hold
the two buttons.
import java.awt.GridLayout ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory ;
import javax.swing.JButton ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JLabel ;
import javax.swing.JPanel ;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities ;
* A counting application using Swing that keeps and displays a counter. There are two buttons,
* one for increment the counter and one for decrementing the counter.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004.12.13
public class Counter extends JFrame {
private int counter = 0 ;
private Counter() {
super("Counter") ;
nal String leader = " Count is : " ;
nal JLabel label = new JLabel (leader + counter) ;
nal JButton incrementButton = new JButton ("Increment") ;
incrementButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener () {
public void actionPerformed(nal ActionEvent ae) {
++counter ;
label.setText(leader + counter) ;
}) ;
nal JButton decrementButton = new JButton ("Decrement") ;
decrementButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener () {
public void actionPerformed(nal ActionEvent ae) {
132 Chapter 10: User Interfaces
--counter ;
label.setText(leader + counter) ;
}) ;
nal JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel () ;
buttonPanel.add(incrementButton) ;
buttonPanel.add(decrementButton) ;
nal JPanel panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (2, 1)) ;
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(20, 20, 20, 20));
panel.add(label) ;
panel.add(buttonPanel) ;
add(panel) ;
pack() ;
setVisible(true) ;
public static void main(nal String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable () {
public void run() {
new Counter () ;
10.3 Write a Swing program to display this window:
When the button is clicked, the text typed into the JTextField at the top of the window is copied into the
label in the middle of the window. Note the position and size of the button.
import java.awt.BorderLayout ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory ;
import javax.swing.JButton ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JLabel ;
import javax.swing.JPanel ;
import javax.swing.JTextField ;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities ;
* A somewhat trivial application that copies text from a text entry box to the background of the
* window when a button is pressed.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004.12.17
public class AcceptText extends JFrame {
private AcceptText() {
Programming Exercises 133
super("AcceptText") ;
nal JTextField textField = new JTextField (30) ;
nal String leader = " You typed: " ;
nal JLabel label = new JLabel (leader) ;
nal JButton button = new JButton ("Copy") ;
button.addActionListener(new ActionListener () {
public void actionPerformed(nal ActionEvent ae) {
label.setText(leader + textField.getText()) ;
textField.setText("") ;
textField.requestFocusInWindow() ;
}) ;
nal JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel () ;
buttonPanel.add(button) ;
nal JPanel panel = new JPanel (new BorderLayout ()) ;
panel.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10,20,10,20)) ;
panel.add(textField, BorderLayout.NORTH) ;
panel.add(label, BorderLayout.CENTER) ;
panel.add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH) ;
add(panel) ;
pack() ;
setVisible(true) ;
textField.requestFocusInWindow() ;
public static void main(nal String[] args) {
SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable () {
public void run() {
new AcceptText () ;
10.4 Modify the rst version of the Very Simple Editor so that the buttons remain a xed size when the window
is made larger.
10.5 Implement a Swing program with this interface:
The buttons on the left are radio buttons (JRadioButton objects-see the JDK documentation for more
information). When a number is entered in the JTextField on the right, and a radio button clicked, the
number is converted to the new number base and displayed in place of the original. Note, only digits valid
in the current number base can be typed into the JTextField.
Hint: Use an EtchedBorder on the panel holding the radio buttons, the BorderFactory class will create one
for you. The radio buttons need to be in a ButtonGroup. A JTextField can generate a KeyEvent
when a character is typed and accepts KeyListeners. Class Integer will do all the work of number
base conversion.
134 Chapter 10: User Interfaces
import java.awt.GridLayout ;
import java.awt.event.ActionEvent ;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener ;
import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter ;
import java.awt.event.KeyEvent ;
import javax.swing.BorderFactory ;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup ;
import javax.swing.JButton ;
import javax.swing.JFrame ;
import javax.swing.JLabel ;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane ;
import javax.swing.JPanel ;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton ;
import javax.swing.JTextField ;
import javax.swing.SwingUtilities ;
import javax.swing.border.EtchedBorder ;
* An application that accepts sequences of digits in a given radix and then performs conversion
* from one radix to another.
* @author Russel Winder
* @version 2004.12.17
public class RadixConvert extends JFrame {
private static enum Radix {
DECIMAL ( 10 ) ,
OCTAL ( 8 ) ,
BINARY ( 2 ) ;
private nal static String hexadecimalDigits = "0123456789abcdefABCDEF" ;
private nal static String decimalDigits = "0123456789" ;
private nal static String octalDigits = "01234567" ;
private nal static String binaryDigits = "01" ;
private nal int radix ;
private nal String validDigits ;
Radix ( nal int radix ) {
this.radix = radix ;
switch ( radix ) {
case 2 : this.validDigits = binaryDigits ; break ;
case 8 : this.validDigits = octalDigits ; break ;
case 10 : this.validDigits = decimalDigits ; break ;
case 16 : this.validDigits = hexadecimalDigits ; break ;
default : throw new RuntimeException ( "This cannot happen" ) ;
public int value ( ) { return radix ; }
public boolean isValidDigit ( nal char c ) { return validDigits.indexOf(c) >= 0 ; }
private Radix radix = Radix.DECIMAL ;
private nal JTextField textField = new JTextField ( 25 ) ; {
textField.addKeyListener ( new KeyAdapter ( ) {
public void keyTyped ( nal KeyEvent ke ) {
char c = ke.getKeyChar ( ) ;
if ( ( c == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE ) || ( c == KeyEvent.VK_DELETE ) ) { return ; }
if ( ! radix.isValidDigit ( c ) ) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog ( RadixConvert.this , "Character " + c + " is not a valid digit in this radix." ) ; }
Programming Exercises 135
}) ;
private RadixConvert ( ) {
super ( "Radix Convert" ) ;
ButtonGroup buttonGroup = new ButtonGroup ( ) ;
JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel ( new GridLayout ( 4 , 1 ) ) ;
buttonPanel.setBorder ( new EtchedBorder ( ) ) ;
JRadioButton button = new JRadioButton ( "Hexadecimal" ) ;
button.setMnemonic ( KeyEvent.VK_H ) ;
button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( nal ActionEvent ae ) { selectRadix ( Radix.HEXADECIMAL ) ; }
}) ;
buttonGroup.add ( button ) ;
buttonPanel.add ( button ) ;
button = new JRadioButton ( "Decimal" ) ;
button.setMnemonic ( KeyEvent.VK_D ) ;
button.setSelected ( true ) ;
button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( nal ActionEvent ae ) { selectRadix ( Radix.DECIMAL ) ; }
}) ;
buttonGroup.add ( button ) ;
buttonPanel.add ( button ) ;
button = new JRadioButton ( "Octal" ) ;
button.setMnemonic ( KeyEvent.VK_O ) ;
button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( nal ActionEvent ae ) { selectRadix ( Radix.OCTAL ) ; }
}) ;
buttonGroup.add ( button ) ;
buttonPanel.add ( button ) ;
button = new JRadioButton ( "Binary" ) ;
button.setMnemonic ( KeyEvent.VK_B ) ;
button.addActionListener ( new ActionListener ( ) {
public void actionPerformed ( nal ActionEvent ae ) { selectRadix ( Radix.BINARY ) ; }
}) ;
buttonGroup.add ( button ) ;
buttonPanel.add ( button ) ;
nal JPanel panel = new JPanel ( ) ;
panel.setBorder ( BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder ( 20 , 20 , 20 , 20 ) ) ;
panel.add ( buttonPanel ) ;
panel.add ( textField ) ;
add ( panel ) ;
pack ( ) ;
setDefaultCloseOperation ( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE ) ;
setVisible ( true ) ;
textField.requestFocusInWindow ( ) ;
private void selectRadix ( nal Radix r ) {
String s = textField.getText ( ) ;
if ( ! s.equals ( "" ) ) {
long value = Long.parseLong ( s , radix.value ( ) ) ;
textField.setText ( Long.toString ( value , r.value ( ) ) ) ;
radix = r ;
textField.requestFocusInWindow ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
136 Chapter 10: User Interfaces
SwingUtilities.invokeLater ( new Runnable ( ) {
public void run ( ) { new RadixConvert ( ) ; }
10.6 Repeat the last question but replace the radio buttons with a JComboBox.
10.7 Rewrite the palindrome program presented in Section 3.4.2, page 69, so that it has a GUI.
10.1 Implement a calculator program based on the GUI shown in Figure 10.1, page 314.
10.2 Extend the graph program shown in Section 6.8.3, page 201 to include a complete GUI with a menu bar.
It should be possible to select and load a data le, and select and congure the kind of graph to be
displayed (support at least bar graphs, line graphs and pie charts).
10.3 Modify the second version of the Very Simple Editor program with the menu bar (Section 10.5, page 334),
so that it uses a JTextPane rather than a JTextArea to display and edit text. Extend the program to provide
support for different fonts, and bold and italic text.
Part 2
Part 2
The Process of
The Programming
140 Chapter 11: The Programming Process
Self-review Questions
11.1 What is a problem domain? Why are problem domains relatively stable?
When identifying the requirements for a software application a description of the real-world
environment in which the software will operate is needed. This is the problem domain. It will
describe the concepts, entities, relationships and tasks that take place. The application being
developed will either interact or replace some of these elements.
A description of a problem domain typically includes a vocabulary, a list of entities and a set of
task descriptions.
11.2 Identify the problem domain entities for payroll systems.
A very basic approach is to write a description of how the payroll process is currently managed
and run within a specic organisation and then look for the things named. Input to and output
from the payroll process should be carefully identied. Note, however, doing this for real would
be a much more rigourous and detailed process, making use of Software Engineering techniques
like requirements analysis and use cases.
Example entities might include: Employee, payslip, money, tax, deduction, salary, date, hours
worked, pay rate, pay clerk, payroll run, bank, bank account and so on. Not all of these would be
part of a software payroll system but are relevant as they need to interact with such a system.
11.3 What are the strengths and weaknesses of prototyping?
A prototype is often considered as a throw-away piece of code that has served its useful purpose
as identifying the correct design for an application but is not of good enough quality to actually
be the production version of the application. A prototype should be developed only as far as
necessary to identify a good solution.
Demonstrates the feasibility (or not) of building a working application based on the
current specication.
Allows the design and implementation to be explored.
Can make rapid progress in nding out how to solve a problem without the overhead
of needing to create production quality code.
Self-review Questions 141
What is meant to be experimental code becomes production code due to time and
resource constraints, resulting in poor quality code and design.
The prototype becomes too big and complex, using up too much time and resources
to develop.
11.4 Write a collection of scenarios for an application to manage the renting of videos from a video rental store.
11.5 What is the role of analysis?
Analysis is about identifying the required behaviour of an application that is to be developed.
This typically involves specifying the requirements in detail, identifying the data the application
will work on and specifying the tasks that need to be performed showing how data is input,
transformed and output.
With Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA), the behaviour is modelled in terms of objects and their
collaborations (method calls on each other).
11.6 How can classes be identied?
Identifying a good set of classes is a key part of object-oriented design. One way to start is to
identify entities, strategies and concepts by systematically reviewing the requirements
specication. This activity can be initialised by looking at the nouns in the requirements and
treating the named things as potential classes.
Once a small set of potential classes have been identied, the Class, Responsibility, Collaboration
method (CRC see Appendix B in Developing Java Software) can be used to identify attributes
and methods for the proposed classes, along with the relationships between classes. In addition,
new classes are likely to be identied and some of the potential classes dropped as they turn out
not to be relevant.
With a working set of classes, attributes and methods, a process like Test-driven Development
(TDD) can be started to turn the proposed classes into code. This is highly likely to lead to the
further addition and removal of classes as the design falls into place. It is also possible to use
(TDD) right from the beginning as a way of identifying classes
11.7 What is the role of design?
142 Chapter 11: The Programming Process
Design is about determining how a software application will be realised. It involves identifying
and specifying packages, detailed classes, data structures, methods, algorithms and all the
details needed to actually go ahead and implement an application.
Good design is typically an exploratory process with coding and testing forming an important
part of determining whether a design will work and if it is a good solution for the current context.
Attempting to completely design an application before implementation and testing invariably
leads to serious difculties as it is very hard to validate a design on its own.
Design can be viewed as a step within the development process but the label design is best
applied to the entire activity of specifying and creating a working implementation.
11.8 List the properties of a well designed class.
A class should:
Be cohesive, meaning that it should focus on representing one entity, concept or
strategy. A class that is a collection of several distinct parts should be split up.
Not be too long (too many lines of code) or have too many methods. A class that
gets too long is probably not very cohesive and should be split up.
Make proper use of encapsulation, so that the internal implementation and data
structures are not exposed to users of the class. This reduces the coupling or
dependency of client code on a specic class implementation. Instance variables
should always be private or protected.
Have a thin interface, meaning that the minimal set of public methods should be
11.9 What is the aim of testing and what are the limitations?
The aim of testing is to nd errors, so tests should be focussed on those most likely to locate an
error. Exhaustive testing, that is testing every possible state, is not usually possible and, in
addition, testing is subject to time and budget constraints. Hence, tests should be selected to
maximise the chance of errors being found. Although developers often talk of all tests passing
meaning that no errors were found, a successful test is better characterised as one which nds an
error, as that error can then be removed from the software.
Tests that do not nd any errors give condence that the code works according to the
specication set by the tests but cannot demonstrate that no errors exist. Testing can not prove
the absence of errors in the formal sense, and the major limitation of testing is that undetected
errors can still exist as no test has been written to trigger them.
11.10 Make suggestions as to how a code review might be conducted.
Programming Exercises 143
First and foremost, a code review should not be a confrontation. The aim is to locate errors and
make suggestions for improvements to the code quality.
11.11 What is an appropriate amount of documentation for a program? What should it include?
11.12 What is the key information that you require in order to effectively maintain code written by someone
11.13 Summarize the strengths and weaknesses of object-oriented development.
11.14 What is the point of reuse? What features should a reusable class have?
Programming Exercises
11.1 Write Java classes corresponding to the classes shown in this UML diagram.
11.2 The UML class diagram below represents a simple order system.
Write a Java class for each class identied in the diagram.
11.1 Consider the following specication:
"A program is required to run the controller of a burglar alarm system. A typical system
consists of a number of sensors connected by individual circuits to a central control box
containing the controller. The control box has a simple keypad and display. Sensors include
144 Chapter 11: The Programming Process
switches, heat detectors and motion detectors. Each sensor has an identication code which
can be read by the controller to identify the sensor.
The controller allows an operator to select which sensors are active and turn on or off the
system. If a sensor is triggered when the system is active, the controller must activate the
alarms (a siren and a bell) and display a message on the display panel indicating which
sensor is involved. The operator must enter a security code before the system is turned on or
1. Identify a set of classes which might be used to model the system from an object-oriented point of
2. Use the classes to construct a class diagram to show the structure of the system.
3. Write a program to simulate the system, using the classes.
11.2 Create a UML class diagram showing the classes and their relationships in the JDK package java.util.
Unit Testing
146 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
Self-review Questions
12.1 Why is testing not just necessary but fundamental to good programming practice?
Code must work correctly in order to deliver the right result. Even a single error can cause a
program to fail, either by crashing immediately or, worse, by appearing to work but producing
invalid results that go unnoticed. When run, a typical program will move through many millions of
states, each of which needs to be valid. The sheer number of states a program can enter,
combined with the range of potential errors that can made in the program code, makes the task
of checking every state effectively impossible.
A number of tools and techniques help the programmer produce correct code, such as the type
checking done by the compiler and the programming language specication, but testing is the
technique of primary importance in producing correct code. Mathematical and proof techniques
can be of use in checking code but there is no practical mathematical approach to proving that
an arbitrary program is correct (indeed, the Halting Problem shows us that there is no general
purpose way of even proving that a program will terminate, see
The aim of testing is to nd errors by running sections of code and observing the results. While
some tests are used to simply conrm that the right result is computed, the majority of tests are
focussed on running the code in ways most likely to nd errors. Testing is the one general
purpose, and practical, way that a program can be shown to work correctly.
12.2 What is a unit in unit testing?
Unit testing is based on calling methods and checking the result. Hence, a unit is a collection of
related methods that can be tested within the same test class using the same xtures declared in
the test class.
A unit can be a complete class from the application being developed, or it can be some subset of
the methods declared within a class that deal with a related piece of functionality. It is also
possible to form a unit from methods from several class, providing those methods are dealing
with the same unit of behaviour and all use the same xtures. An interface, being a collection of
related methods, is also a potential unit.
Typically when a class is rst being developed, a test class is created to test the methods as they
are written. When the test methods no longer all use the same xtures, or an interface is
introduced, the test class can be split up into several test classes so that the tests in each new
test class do use the same xtures. This has the affect of changing the unit from being a class to
a subset of the methods in a class. It may also be a good idea to subdivide a test class if it simply
Self-review Questions 147
gets too long. As the development of the application proceeds, the units will be progressively
rened to match the current design.
Beginners often assume that you must have one test class for each application class, and that
this is the only organisation of test class. Use refactoring to move away from this position as a
program is developed.
12.3 What is a Red test?
A Red test is one that has found an error when an assertion has failed or an unexpected
exception gets thrown.
This can be described as a test that as succeeded, as the test has served its purpose of locating
an error. Often, however, programmers talk about a red test as a failed test, meaning failed in the
sense that an assertion has failed.
A Red test should be addressed immediately in order to x the problem found. Ideally, there
should never be more than one Red test at any one time.
12.4 What is a Green test?
A Green test is one that has completed without any assertions failing or any unexpected
exceptions being thrown.
12.5 What is an assertion?
An assertion asserts, or checks, that the value of a boolean expression is true. If the value is false
an error is raised. The boolean expression represents some property of the code being tested.
For example, assertEquals will check that the value of two expressions is the same, so that if a
method call is meant to return the value 10 assertEquals will compare the expected value with the
actual value returned.
12.6 Why must tests be automated?
Testing manually (that is by having a person run each test step-by-step), is tedious, slow, error
prone and very, very boring. Tests are likely to be chosen arbitrarily, will not be re-run and only a
few tests will actually be run.
In contrast, automated testing allows large numbers of tests to be run repeatedly at high speed.
The computer does all the hard work of setting up the tests, performing the tests and checking
the results, which is what computers are very good at. This makes it possible to create a
comprehensive test suite and use it effectively.
148 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
12.7 Why must tests be repeatable?
A unit test should always be repeatable, meaning that it can be run whenever required under
exactly the same conditions. The test can then be relied on to detect when the code being tested
no longer meets the specication set by the test, throughout the lifetime of that code. This
avoids arbitrary decisions being made about how to perform the test or under what conditions.
Unit tests should be run every time a change is made to code and it is recompiled. This
immediately identies any errors that were made in the last change with respect to the test
specication and also gives condence that all the code still works correctly. If an error in the
code is found directly after it has been introduced then the programmer (i.e., you) is in a much
better position to x the error as all the details will be fresh. In addition, by keeping each change
small (literally one line of code) the location of the error can be found quickly without having to
resort to a tool like a debugger. Of course, this depends on a test being in place that will detect
any new error that has been introduced. If in doubt, new tests should be added.
Repeated running of a test suite is sometimes referred to as regression testing, where regression
means that an error has been introduced into previously working code. If the code "regresses"
then the test suite can be used to locate the cause of the error via the test or tests that detect
12.8 What is a dummy object and why is it needed?
A dummy object provides a fake implementation that an be substituted, or injected, into code
when running a test. The dummy object allows the code to run without having to create real
objects, which may be difcult to create and initialise when testing.
12.9 What is TestNG?
TestNG is a testing framework consisting of set of annotations used to create test classes,
infrastructure and a test runner to run tests and a reporting mechanism to record the results of
running tests. TestNG is written in Java, requiring Java 5. Full details can be found at the TestNG
website http://testng.org.
12.10 How is a TestNG test run?
By creating a testng.xml conguration le that describes the test suite and then running the
framework and supplying it with the conguration le. From the command line this looks like:
java org.testng.TestNG testng.xml
Self-review Questions 149
(this also requires that your classpath is set correctly).
In practice it is more convenient to run TestNG either via an Ant build le or from within an IDE
like Eclipse or Intellij IDEA. The TestNG download includes an Ant task that provides a
comprehensive set of attributes for conguring the TestNG task and Ant will also manage issues
like the setting up the classpath.
12.11 What does a conguration method do?
A conguration method can be called either before or after running tests. When called before a
test it is used to initialise the test xtures and any other data needed to run the test. When called
after a test, a conguration method can be used to tidy-up or release any resources held by
xtures such as open les or network connections.
The @Conguration annotation is used to mark an instance method as a conguration method.
There are a number of attributes that can be added to the annotation declaration to specify
exactly when a conguration method is called. For example, before or after each test method,
before and after a test class and so on. A full list of annotations is given in the TestNG
documentation (see http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#annotations).
12.12 How is a test method annotated?
A test method is annotated with the @Test annotation. The annotation has various attributes that
are used to control when and how the annotated test method is run. Further information can be
found at: http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html#annotations
12.13 List the steps of the test-driven development cycle.
1. Think. Identify the next small piece of functionality to work on, moving the design
forward one small step.
2. Write a test that species what the next small piece of code to be written should do.
The piece of code should be a small method, or statement(s) with in method.
3. Write enough code to let the new test compile and nothing else.
4. Run the test and see the new test detect an error. This gives the RED state.
5. Write just enough code to make the new test complete without error. Use the
simplest code you can. This gives the GREEN state.
Keep the code really simple, even if it is messy code or temporarily creates
6. Refactor as necessary (not needed on every iteration).
150 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
All tests must run unchanged before and after refactoring.
Clean up and restructure code.
Remove compromises and duplication made to get test passing initially.
An important aspect of TDD is to maintain design and code quality.
If a test must be changed, go to step 1 and treat the change as the next
7. Repeat for next small step.
12.14 Explain refactoring and give an example.
Refactoring is the process of altering the internal structure of code without changing its external
behaviour, with the goal of cleaning-up and improving the detailed design of the code. The
external behaviour means that the same method calls to invoke the code being refactored must
work after the refactoring. An individual refactoring is typically straightforward, such as renaming
a variable or method, although it may require a number of changes throughout sections of the
code. A sequence of refactorings can make substantial changes to code, while preserving the
external interface in terms of the public classes and methods. Refactoring is frequently used to
remove code duplication.
Refactoring is an integral part of the Test Driven Development process. After each iteration
potential refactorings should be considered and applied if they will result in better quality code.
An absolutely essential requirement of refactoring is that all tests must run without failure before
any refactoring is performed and must still run without error after the refactoring is done.
Most integrated development environments, including Eclipse, NetBeans and IDEA, include
extensive support for refactoring. Automated tools are the best, quickest and most reliable way
of performing refactoring and are a good argument for using one of the development
Each refactoring is given a simple name allowing it to be referred to easily. As a result a common
vocabulary or language of refactorings has developed and is in wide use amongst developers. The
denitive work on refactoring is: "Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code", by Martin
Fowler with Kent Beck, John Brant, William Opdyke, and Don Roberts (June 1999), Addison-Wesley,
ISBN 0201485672. This book forms a refactoring catlog, and the names of many of the
refactorings are now in common use.
Example refactorings include:
Extract Method remove one of more lines of code from a method into a new
method, replacing the code in the original method with a method call, passing
parameters as necessary. This is a standard technique for reducing the size and
complexity of methods.
Programming Exercises 151
Extract Class simplify a class by removing one or more instance variables and
methods into a new class.
Pull Up Method move a duplicated method from two or more subclasses into a
superclass, so only one version of the method exists.
Rename Method (or Variable or Class or Interface or Package) rename a method
so the name better describes the purpose of the method. Choosing a good name
for a method can be hard and it can take time to identify what the best name is. It is
always better to rename a method than to stick with the original but inappropriate
name. The automated refactoring tools give the major advantage that they will
automatically rename a method throughout the source code of a program, which
can save a lot of time and avoid mistakes in nding all the places the name is used.
A full catalog of common refactorings can be found at Martin Fowlers Refactoring website:
Also see the Wikipedia article on refactoring at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Refactoring for more
12.15 Why is duplication bad?
Duplication is a frequent source of errors and a symptom of poor design. Both design and code
can be duplicated, leading to the same structures being declared multiple times within a program.
Duplicated code is often created via a copy-and-paste approach, where existing code is simply
copied somewhere else in a program as a quick coding solution. When an error is discovered in
one copy of the code, the programmer has to nd and edit all the other copies. In practice this is
error prone, as it is easy to miss one or more copies, and the programmer may not know or have
forgotten that the other copies exist.
Duplication does not require identical sections of code or parts of a design. Similar elements can
often be abstracted into a single more general version. One of the core goals of refactoring and
the Test Driven Development process is to identify and remove duplication.
Programming Exercises
12.1 Use the test-driven approach to develop a method for calculating the nth Fibonacci number. Remember to
take very small steps, one test at a time, and always write the simplest code that will pass the tests.
The Fibonacci numbers are a sequence of positive numbers where each number is the sum of the
two preceding numbers. The rst two numbers are zero and one, giving the sequence:
152 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765, 10946, and so on.
The sequence can be computed recursively using:
f ibonacci(n) =

0 if n = 0
1 if n = 1
f ibonacci(n1) + f ibonacci(n2) if n > 1
Developing a Fibonacci method starts by writing the rst test:
public void bonacci_zero ( ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci( 0 ) , 0 ) ;
This simply asserts that bonacci(0) is 0 as dened in the formula above. The decision has been
made to name the method bonacci and make it a static method. TestNG has, of course, been
used to write the test code. In order to make this compile, the simplest version of bonacci is
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
return 0 ;
The test now runs and no errors are found, so we have Green. As the rst step is very
straightforward, we have skipped the need to see the rst test fail (i.e., Red). Next a test for
bonacci(1) is added, which does result in Red:
public void bonacci_one ( ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci( 1 ) , 1 ) ;
The simplest way to get the new test to pass is to add an if statement to the bonacci method:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
else { return 1 ; }
The second test passes and so does a third test for bonacci(2) as that happens to return 1 as
well. Writing the fourth test for bonacci(3) is more interesting as it requires the bonacci method to
be modied. Keeping things simple, as always, gives:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
else {
if ( n == 1 || n == 2 ) { return 1 ; }
else { return 2 ; }
Programming Exercises 153
Noting that the denition of bonacci denes f ibonacci(3) = f ibonacci(2) + f ibonacci(1), the
method can be refactored to:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
else {
if ( n == 1 || n == 2 ) { return 1 ; }
else { return bonacci ( 2 ) + bonacci ( 1 ) ; }
This has introduced recursion into the method. A further refactoring can eliminate the literal
values passed as parameters in the recursive calls, replacing them with values computed using
the parameter n. This makes use of the fact that
f ibonacci(n) = f ibonacci(n1) + f ibonacci(n2).
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
else {
if ( n == 1 || n == 2 ) { return 1 ; }
else { return bonacci ( n - 1 ) + bonacci ( n - 2 ) ; }
With this in place tests for bonacci(4) and bonacci(5) can be added, resulting in Green and
building condence that the method works:
public void bonacci_four ( ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci( 4 ) , 0 ) ;
public void bonacci_ve ( ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci( 5 ) , 0 ) ;
At this point it is becoming very obvious that there is some serious duplication occurring in the
test methods. They differ only in the value passed to the bonacci method and the expected
result. We could do all the testing via a single parameterised test method, where the value passed
to the bonacci call and the expected result are the parameters.
It turns out that not only can a TestNG test method be parameterised but TestNG also supports a
mechanism called a DataProvider that allows a paramterised test method to be repeatedly called
using different parameters each time (see http://testng.org/doc/documentation-main.html for
detailed information). This allows all the tests so far, and additional ones, to be run using the
following code:
@DataProvider ( name = "sequence" )
public Object[][] createData () {
154 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
return new Object[][] {
{ 0 , 0 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 2 , 1 } , { 3 , 2 } , { 4 , 3 } ,
{ 5 , 5 } , { 6 , 8 } , { 7 , 13 } , { 8 , 21 } , { 9 , 34 } ,
{ 10 , 55 } , { 11 , 89 } , { 18 , 2584 } , { 21 , 10946 }
@Test( dataProvider = "sequence" )
public void bonacci_n (nal int n, nal int expected ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci ( n ) , expected ) ;
The method createData is annotated with @DataProvider ( name = "sequence") to denote that it returns
a data structure containing test data. The annotation parameter name allows the DataProvider to be
named so it can be referred to by test methods.
The test method bonacci_n is annotated with @Test as normal but a dataProvider parameter is used
to name the DataProvider that should be used when the test method is run. Given that the test
method takes two parameters, the DataPovider provides two parameter values for each call of the
test method. This is why the DataProvider method returns an array of pairs (each pair actually being
an array with 2 items). When the tests are run the test method will be automatically be called for
each pair of values declared by the DataProvider.
The tests are now Green. With the DataProvider and bonacci_n methods in place, all the other test
methods can be deleted as they are now redundant. They have, however, served their purpose in
getting development to this point.
Next it is time to consider any other refactorings that might take place. The test code does not
need any further work now but the bonacci method can be improved. The rst step is to note
that bonacci(2) does not need to be treated as a special case as it can be computed recursively.
This gives:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n == 0 ) { return 0 ; }
else {
if ( n == 1 ) { return 1 ; }
else { return bonacci ( n - 1 ) + bonacci ( n - 2 ) ; }
A little better but we still have a nested if statement, which looks clumsy. Noting that if n<2 the
method can just return n, bonacci can be further simplied to:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n < 2 ) { return n ; }
else { return bonacci ( n - 1 ) + bonacci ( n - 2 ) ; }
The end result of all this is the following code:
Programming Exercises 155
import static org.testng.Assert.assertEquals ;
import org.testng.annotations.DataProvider ;
import org.testng.annotations.Test ;
public class Fibonacci {
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n < 2 ) { return n ; }
else { return bonacci ( n - 1 ) + bonacci ( n - 2 ) ; }
@DataProvider ( name = "sequence" )
public Object[][] createData () {
return new Object[][] {
{ 0 , 0 } , { 1 , 1 } , { 2 , 1 } , { 3 , 2 } , { 4 , 3 } ,
{ 5 , 5 } , { 6 , 8 } , { 7 , 13 } , { 8 , 21 } , { 9 , 34 } ,
{ 10 , 55 } , { 11 , 89 } , { 18 , 2584 } , { 21 , 10946 }
@Test ( dataProvider = "sequence" )
public void bonacci_n ( nal int n, nal int expected ) {
assertEquals ( bonacci ( n ), expected );
For convenience the bonacci method has been declared in the test class while being developed.
In summary, this answer has shown a step-by-step test-driven approach to developing a bonacci
method. It might be argued that in a realistic development setting many of the steps could have
left out but that misses the point of deliberately taking small steps, all the time writing tests and
thinking carefully about design and refactoring. We are left with a method that has been tested
and that we have good condence in.
Or do we? Doing some more research on Fibonacci numbers reveals some further issues. First
there is the question of whether 0 is actually a Fibonacci number at all. Then there is the problem
that Fibonacci numbers quickly get too large to be represented by values of type int or long.
Also, our bonacci method can be called with negative values, always returning zero. Should it
throw an exception instead? To address these issues we need to go back and specify the method
rather more carefully. We leave that as a further exercise for you.
12.2 Could the method or variable names in the extended class Person be improved to make the code even easier
to understand? Suggest some new names and see if they work better.
12.3 Make the calculateAge method in the extended class Person public and provide a set of tests for it in class
PersonTest. Are your new tests any different from those for the method getAgeOn? Was it worth making
calculateAge public?
12.4 Follow the test-driven approach to write a basic DateValidator class for use with the Person class.
156 Chapter 12: Unit Testing
12.5 Modify the Person class getAgeOn method to perform date validation. Extend your validator class and
interface as necessary, using the test-driven approach obviously!
12.6 Use test-driven development to add a getEmailAddress method to class Person. Email address must be
validated to check they have the correct structure.
12.7 Evolve the classes so as to remove all the String parameters from Person.
12.1 Use test-driven development to write a program using class Person that allows the user to:
Enter a list of famous historical people (name and birth date).
elect a person from the list and print their age on a selected date.
158 Chapter 13: Test-driven Programming Strategies
Self-review Questions
13.1 What are the aims of a well-designed unit test?
13.2 What are the advantages and disadvantages of using real File objects when testing?
13.3 When does the design of application code have to be modied to facilitate testing?
13.4 What is a dummy object?
A dummy object provides a fake implementation of a real object. A dummy object can be
substituted for the real object when running a test, avoiding the need for the test to depend on
creating and using a real object. This is particularly useful in situations where the real object is
difcult to create, as it depends on creating other objects, and also where the real object makes
use of resources such as les.
A dummy object is an instance of a dummy class that either implements an interface or
subclasses the real class. A reference variable of the interface or superclass type can refer to the
dummy object, allowing it to be injected into code being testing in place of an object of the real
class. Typically any inherited behaviour is ignored and the dummy class overrides methods to
check they are called or that certain parameter values have been passed.
A dummy class is typically written by a programmer as required, often as a nested class within a
test class so that it forms part of the infrastructure of the test class. Commonly used dummy
classes can be collected into a small class library and reused in different projects.
13.5 What is a mock object?
A mock object also provides a fake implementation but the mock object is generated
automatically at runtime from an interface or class. In addition, the mock object has the ability to
automatically check its usage in terms of method calls made and parameter values passed.
13.6 What is injection?
Injection is used to insert a mock or dummy object into code being tested, in place of a real
object. This can be done is several ways, the simplest of which is when the method being tested
can be passed a mock object reference via a parameter normally used for a real object. If this
cannot be done, the method being tested may need to be refactored to replace an expression
with a method call for a method can that be overridden in a subclass created when testing. The
overriding method can then create and inject a mock object.
Programming Exercises 159
13.7 Outline the advantages and disadvantages of mock compared to dummy objects.
13.8 Outline how a GUI object can be located for testing.
13.9 What features of a GUI can and cannot be unit tested?
Programming Exercises
13.1 Extend the SwingAssert class to include assert methods that check a component like a button is in the
correct panel and a panel has the correct layout manager.
13.2 Extend the directory structure used when testing the matchFiles method to include another sub-directory
and conrm that three les with the same name will be matched. Do this for both the live le test class and
the dummy le test class.
13.3 Consider a test to conrm that a window is the correct size when it is displayed. Show how this test could
be written and how needing to know the size affects the design of the GUI.
13.4 Use the test-driven approach to modify the searcher GUI to display a warning dialogue when the search
button is clicked but no le name has been specied.
13.1 Modify the FileNameSearch class to use regular expressions to match le names.
13.2 Use the test-driven approach to replace the JTextArea used to display the list of les found with a JList.
13.3 Extend Searcher to search the contents of les for a string specied using a regular expression.
13.4 Use test-driven development to write an application that searches websites for HTML les with a specic
Programming Tools
162 Chapter 14: Programming Tools
Self-review Questions
14.1 Identify the directories used to structure a project and what goes into each directory.
14.2 Outline the build process.
14.3 What is an Ant target?
The actions actions carried out by a build le, such creating a zip le or running the tests, are
organised as a set of named targets. Each target is a sequence of tasks that perform individual
actions like creating a directory or compiling a le. A target can depend on other targets, so
running one target such at the all target results in all the actions needed to build a project being
carried out.
See http://ant.apache.org/manual/index.html for detailed information about Ant.
14.4 What is an Ant task?
A task is an individual action carried out within a target. Tasks typically have a wide range of
attributes and nested elements to control their behaviour.
14.5 How does Ant manage classpaths?
14.6 What are the key features of version control?
14.7 What is the difference between importing and checking out a project?
14.8 What is branching and why is it needed?
14.9 What are the key features of an IDE?
14.10 What is a debugger?
Programming Exercises
Challenges 163
14.1 Modify the example Ant build le to create and use separate classes and tests directories in the build
14.2 Add a target to the example build le that creates a .zip le containing a .jar le with the program code
and libraries, and the user documentation from the doc directory.
14.3 Create an example project and import it into version control. Then try the various commands to see how
they work.
14.4 Download an IDE like Eclipse and start experimenting with it.
14.1 Write an Ant build le to send an email reporting the result of a build.
14.2 Write Ant targets to import, update, commit and check out a project from version control.
Part 3
Part 3
Case Studies in
Developing Programs
Introducing the Case
168 Chapter 15: Introducing the Case Studies
There are no self-review questions, exercises or challenges in this chapter.
Contacts Book
170 Chapter 16: Contacts Book
Programming Exercises
16.1 Add the ability to sort the data into an order specied by the user at run time.
You may want to treat this as an opportunity to rewrite the whole application so that the rst names and
last names of the contacts are kept separately and so can be sorted on separately.
16.2 Add the ability to commit edits to the contacts data.
The basic infrastructure is all in place. The data can already be edited, what is needed is a button to press
to action any edits made to the data. Editing a persons name is of course different from editing their
contact details.
You might want to consider what happens when the user quits the application but there are pending edits.
16.3 Add the ability to add and remove data elds from the set of data known about a contact.
16.4 Add the ability to add and delete new contacts.
16.5 Amend the application so that when it is started it opens the le that was open when the application was
last closed.
You might also want to think about adding a list of the last three or four les opened, making them
available as a menu then the top of that list (i.e. the last le opened) can be treated as the default le to
16.1 Write and integrate into the application a class VCardContactFile to provide the ability for the application
to read and write vCard format les as well as XML format les.
Remember that you want to be able to read one format and write the same or a different format.
Pedestrian Crossing
172 Chapter 17: Pedestrian Crossing Simulation
Programming Exercises
17.1 There is a bug in the pedestrian crossing: if a pedestrian request button is pressed whilst the pedestrian
lights are green or ashing green the button lights up WAIT but causes no sequencing. We believe that a
button press on pedestrian green should do nothing and a button press on ashing should schedule a new
sequencing-ashing green means pedestrians should not start crossing, they should only start on green.
Implement this bug x.
17.2 Undertake Direction 1 of the fth round of development reworking the use of threads so as to get more
accuracy to the switching on and off of the lights.
17.3 Undertake the development of a simulation of a right-hand-drive crossroads where the up trafc stream has
a left lter.
17.1 Investigate the subject of Discrete Event Simulation and do the initial design of a full simulation with
animation of the vehicles in the pedestrian crossing simulation.
Part 4
Part 4
The Java
Language in Detail
A Java Language
176 Chapter 18: A Java Language Reference
There are no self-review questions, exercises or challenges in this chapter.
Variables Types and
178 Chapter 19: Variables Types and Expressions
Self-review Questions
19.1 Which of the following are illegal variable names and why?
aName, 2D, WIDTH, Position, HeIgHt, this, x&y,
whiletrue, name$, current_position, Float
The name 2D is not allowed as it starts with a numeric digit. x&y is not allowed as it contains a
symbol not permitted in variable names. Float is not allowed since it is the name of a built-in
19.2 What is seen if the following strings are displayed on the computer screen?
19.3 Are any of the following expressions using ++ and legal? If not, why not?
int j = 5 ;
j++ ++ ;
j(++) ;
(j++)++ ;
j++-- ;
(j)++ ;
j++ ++ is not allowed since the result of j++ is a value not a variable and the ++ operator can only
be applied to a variable. (j++)++ is not allowed for exactly the same reason. Similarly j++--, -- must
be applied to a variable not a value.
(j)++ is allowed since the result of the expression (j) is the variable j.
19.4 What value is assigned to n in each of the following?
int n = 0 ;
int x = 1 ;
n = x++ + x++ ;
n = n++ - x++ ;
n = x-- + -x++ ;
Self-review Questions 179
The value assigned for the three assignment statements are:
1. 3
2. 0
3. 1
which can be checked by executing a small program:
public class S_19_4 {
private void run ( ) {
int n = 0 ;
int x = 1 ;
n = x++ + x++ ;
System.out.println ( n ) ;
n = n++ - x++ ;
System.out.println ( n ) ;
n = x-- + -x++ ;
System.out.println ( n ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new S_19_4 ( ) ).run ( ) ;
19.5 Why cant the largest integer be negated in Java?
19.6 What does the expression:
i < 0 ? 0 : i > 10 ? 1 : i > 20 ? 2 : 3
evaluate to for values of i between -5 and 50?
For negative values of i the value is 0.
For values of i such that 0 i 10, the value is 3.
For all values of i > 10 the value is 1.
This result can be veried by writing, compiling and executing a small program:
public class S_19_6 {
private void run ( ) {
for ( int i = -5 ; i < 51 ; ++i ) {
int n = i < 0 ? 0 : i > 10 ? 1 : i > 20 ? 2 : 3 ;
System.out.println ( i + ": " + n ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
180 Chapter 19: Variables Types and Expressions
( new S_19_6 ( ) ).run ( ) ;
When executed this gives:
-5: 0
-4: 0
-3: 0
-2: 0
-1: 0
0: 3
1: 3
2: 3
3: 3
4: 3
5: 3
6: 3
7: 3
8: 3
9: 3
10: 3
11: 1
12: 1
13: 1
14: 1
15: 1
16: 1
17: 1
18: 1
19: 1
20: 1
21: 1
22: 1
23: 1
24: 1
25: 1
26: 1
27: 1
28: 1
29: 1
30: 1
31: 1
32: 1
33: 1
34: 1
35: 1
36: 1
37: 1
38: 1
39: 1
40: 1
41: 1
42: 1
43: 1
44: 1
45: 1
46: 1
47: 1
48: 1
49: 1
50: 1
Programming Exercises 181
Programming Exercises
19.1 Write a program to use each kind of cast between primitive types. Which casts lose information and what is
public class E_19_1 {
private byte b = (byte) 5 ;
private short s = (short) 5 ;
private int i = 5 ;
private long l = 5 ;
private oat f = 5.0f ;
private double d = 5.0 ;
private void checkByte ( ) {
byte v ;
v = (byte) s ;
v = (byte) i ;
v = (byte) l ;
v = (byte) f ;
v = (byte) d ;
private void checkShort ( ) {
short v ;
v = (short) b ;
v = (short) i ;
v = (short) l ;
v = (short) f ;
v = (short) d ;
private void checkInt ( ) {
int v ;
v = (int) b ;
v = (int) s ;
v = (int) l ;
v = (int) f ;
v = (int) d ;
private void checkLong ( ) {
long v ;
v = (long) b ;
v = (long) s ;
v = (long) i ;
v = (long) f ;
v = (long) d ;
private void checkFloat ( ) {
oat v ;
v = (oat) b ;
v = (oat) s ;
v = (oat) i ;
v = (oat) l ;
v = (oat) d ;
private void checkDouble ( ) {
182 Chapter 19: Variables Types and Expressions
double v ;
v = (double) b ;
v = (double) s ;
v = (double) i ;
v = (double) l ;
v = (double) f ;
private void run ( ) {
checkByte ( ) ;
checkShort ( ) ;
checkInt ( ) ;
checkLong ( ) ;
checkFloat ( ) ;
checkDouble ( ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_19_1 ( ) ).run ( ) ;
19.2 Write a program to investigate the effects of overow. What happens to the result when an overow occurs
when multiplying two integers or doubles?
19.3 Write a program to illustrate how each primitive type is represented as a string. What happens to the value
The program:
public class E_19_3 {
private byte b = (byte) 5 ;
private short s = (short) 5 ;
private int i = 5 ;
private long l = 5 ;
private oat f = 5.0f ;
private double d = 5.0 ;
private void run ( ) {
System.out.println ( b ) ;
System.out.println ( s ) ;
System.out.println ( i ) ;
System.out.println ( l ) ;
System.out.println ( f ) ;
System.out.println ( d ) ;
System.out.println ( (String) null ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_19_3 ( ) ).run ( ) ;
results in the output:
Programming Exercises 183
The reason for explicitly casting the null literal is because without it there is ambiguity: There are
two overloads of the System.println method that could apply, String or char[], so the cast is needed
to disambiguate.
19.4 Write a program that demonstrates the effects of applying the shift operators.
19.5 Write a program that inputs an integer value and uses the bitwise operators to print out the binary
representation of the integer.
The algorithm we use here is peel off the least signicant bit of a number and append a
character (0 or 1) to a StringBuilder depending on whether the bit was 0 or 1 respectively. We loop
for 32 bits (the size of an int) or until the value is zero, i.e. all bits left are zero and so dont need
printing. This results in a string representation which is in the reverse order to the way we ned to
print it, so we reverse it prior to printing:
public class E_19_5 {
private void run ( ) {
nal Input input = new Input ( ) ;
System.out.print ( "Enter and integer: " ) ;
int number = input.nextInt ( ) ;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder ( ) ;
for ( int i = 0 ; i < 32 ; ++i ) {
if ( ( number & 1 ) == 1 ) { sb.append ( 1 ) ; }
else { sb.append ( 0 ) ; }
number >>= 1 ;
if ( number == 0 ) { break ; }
System.out.println ( sb.reverse ( ) ) ;
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
( new E_19_5 ( ) ).run ( ) ;
Flow Control
186 Chapter 20: Flow Control
Self-review Questions
20.1 Run the programs While1 and While2 and determine what the introduced bug is. Why do we get this
behaviour? What can we do to x it (apart from using the original, correctly behaved program)?
20.2 The repetition of the Boolean expression in Do3 can be avoided. How is this possible?
20.3 Compare and contrast the four programs, iterative and recursive implementation of factorial numbers and
Fibonacci series programs, using the factors of time to implement, execution speed and memory usage.
See Exercise 12.1
Programming Exercises
20.1 Re-code the program Break1 without using the break statement. Which version of the program do you
prefer? Why?
20.2 Implement the factorial function without using recursion, i.e. implementing the iteration using iteration
statements. Have you tested your factorial implementation? If you have, you will have noticed a serious
aw in the implementation. What is it and why is it there?
We came up with the function:
public static int factorial ( nal int n ) {
int product = 1 ;
for ( int i = 2 ; i <= n ; ++i ) { product *= i ; }
return product ;
Simply outputing the rst 20 values, highlights the problem:
0: 1
1: 1
2: 2
3: 6
4: 24
5: 120
6: 720
7: 5040
8: 40320
9: 362880
Programming Exercises 187
10: 3628800
11: 39916800
12: 479001600
13: 1932053504
14: 1278945280
15: 2004310016
16: 2004189184
17: -288522240
18: -898433024
19: 109641728
factorial ( 14 ) is smaller than factorial ( 13 ) according to this function, but that is clearly wrong.
The problem is that an integer is a 32-bit binary quantity and the value of factorial(14) is too
large to be represented in an int. So overow occurs and no expression evaluation is correct. The
factorial function creates very large values very rapidly, the only way of working with numbers
such as these is to use the BigDecimal class for expression evaluation.
20.3 Implement the Fibonacci function using recursion rather than implementing the iteration using iteration
An example recursive method is:
public static int bonacci ( nal int n ) {
if ( n < 2 ) { return 1 ; }
else { return bonacci ( n - 1 ) + bonacci ( n - 2 ) ; }
For an explanation of how this method was written see Exercise 12.1
Classes and Packages
190 Chapter 21: Classes and Packages
Self-review Questions
21.1 In the class Blah:
class Blah {
public String hello = "hello" ;
public nal String world = "world" ;
protected int count = 0 ;
private oat length = 2.345f ;
long size = 123432L ;
Why is the length variable completely redundant?
The eld length is private and is not used in the public or protected interface. This means the eld
cannot ever been accessed. If there were methods then we would need check whether the eld
was used in the methods, but as there are only eld dened in this class and private elds are
21.2 Why are the cast expressions necessary in the rst two calls of max in the Methods2 program?
21.3 What happens if the following calls had existed in Methods2?
maxObject.max ( 3.0 , 5 ) ;
maxObject.max ( 3 , 3l ) ;
maxObject.max ( 3.4f , 5.0 ) ;
21.4 In program Class2 each max method is identical except for the type name used. Is it possible to write a
single max method that will work for any of the integral types? If it is possible, would you use the single
21.5 Explain why the statement s2.f ( ) in StaticMethods2 is legal.
21.6 Work through the execution of program MemberClass2 as a pencil and paper exercise to determine how it
works. What does the program display?
21.7 What does the MemberClass3 program display?
Programming Exercises
Programming Exercises 191
21.1 Write a class to represent complex numbers, where the real and imaginary parts are represented by double
values. Provide at least two constructors for creating complex number objects and implement the basic
operations of addition and subtraction.
Inheritance and
194 Chapter 22: Inheritance and Interfaces
Self-review Questions
22.1 What is the output from running Inheritance1? Why is this the output?
22.2 What is the output from running Inheritance2? Why is this the output?
22.3 What is the output from running Override1? Why is this the output?
22.4 What is the output from running Final1? Why is this the output?
22.5 Referring to the MethodCallExample4 example on page 742, what happens with the following calls:
s.f ( 1.0 , 1.0 ) ;
s.f ( 1.0f , 1 ) ;
s.f ( 1.0f , 1.0f ) ;
s.f ( 1L , 1 ) ;
s.f ( 1L , 1L ) ;
22.6 Looking at the Call1 program:
1. Which methods are overridden and which overloaded?
2. What does the program display?
3. What is the signicance of the last statement?
22.7 What does program Lookup1 display? Why is this the output?
22.8 What does program Super2 display? Why is this the output?
22.9 What does program Abstract1 display? Why is this the output?
Programming Exercises
22.1 Write a program incorporating all the different varieties of scope that displays the variable and method
search algorithm, i.e. veries the published variable and method lookup rules.
Programming Exercises 195
22.2 Write a program based on the outline on page 742 to verify that the most specic rules work when a
method with two or more reference type parameters is used.
22.3 Write a program to explore the interaction between member classes, containment and inheritance
hierarchies, and overloaded methods and overridden methods.
Exception Handling
198 Chapter 23: Exception Handling
Self-review Questions
23.1 What is the output of the Exception1 program? Why is this the output?
23.2 Why does the default constructor of class Exception3 appear with an empty body in the program above?
Would it make any difference if it were deleted?
Threads and
200 Chapter 24: Threads and Concurrency
Self-review Questions
24.1 Would removing the synchronized statement, and just leaving the statement body, ever make any difference
to the execution of the program TestThread7?
Programming Exercises
24.1 Amend program TheadTest4 to include a thread running at a higher priority that periodically runs and
displays the status of each Calculate thread.
24.2 Amend the following program so that PrimeFilter extends Thread and each lter object runs as a separate
thread. Think very carefully about how the lter objects have to communicate and how the run method
might work.
// Class to represent a lter object.
class PrimeFilter {
private nal int prime ; // Prime number held by lter object.
private PrimeFilter next ; // Reference to next lter object.
public PrimeFilter ( ) { this ( 2 ) ; }
private PrimeFilter ( nal int prime ) {
this.prime = prime ;
System.out.println ( prime + " is prime" ) ;
// Process the test value to see if it is divisible by the prime held by the current
// object. If it is then it can be rejected, otherwise it is passed on to the next prime in
// the list. If there is no object to pass it on to then we have found a new prime so create
// a new object.
public void process ( nal int i ) {
if ( ( i % prime) != 0 ) {
if ( next != null ) { next.process ( i ) ; }
else { next = new PrimeFilter ( i ) ; }
public class SieveOfEratosthenes {
public static void main ( nal String[] args ) {
nal PrimeFilter two = new PrimeFilter ( ) ;
for ( int i = 3 ; i < 10000 ; i += 2 ) { two.process ( i ) ; }
24.3 Write a test program to test the SimpleThreadSafeQueue class and demonstrate that it works correctly.

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