This document provides definitions for various room status and billing terminology used in hotel front office operations. It defines statuses like occupied, stayover, on-change, and clean statuses. It also defines common billing plans like American plan, European plan, and continental plan. Finally it outlines various booking statuses and terms related to reservations, payments, and guest management.
This document provides definitions for various room status and billing terminology used in hotel front office operations. It defines statuses like occupied, stayover, on-change, and clean statuses. It also defines common billing plans like American plan, European plan, and continental plan. Finally it outlines various booking statuses and terms related to reservations, payments, and guest management.
Original Description:
This is a compilation of terms being used in hotel operations
This document provides definitions for various room status and billing terminology used in hotel front office operations. It defines statuses like occupied, stayover, on-change, and clean statuses. It also defines common billing plans like American plan, European plan, and continental plan. Finally it outlines various booking statuses and terms related to reservations, payments, and guest management.
This document provides definitions for various room status and billing terminology used in hotel front office operations. It defines statuses like occupied, stayover, on-change, and clean statuses. It also defines common billing plans like American plan, European plan, and continental plan. Finally it outlines various booking statuses and terms related to reservations, payments, and guest management.
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Hotel Terminologies
Room Status terminologies
Occupied : A guest is currently occupied in the room Stayover: The guest is not expected to check out today and will remain at least one more night. On-Change: The guest has departed, but the room has not yet been cleaned and ready for sale. Do Not Disturb: The guest has requested not to be disturbed Cleaning in progress: Room attendant is currently cleaning this room. Sleep-out: A guest is registered to the room, but the bed has not been used. Skipper: The guest has left the hotel without making arrangements to settle his or her account. acant and ready: The room has been cleaned and inspected and is ready for an arriving guest. Out o! Order "OOO# : Rooms kept under out of order are not sellable and these rooms are deducted from the hotels inventory. A room may be out-of- order for a variety of reasons, including the need of maintenance, refurbishing and extensive cleaning etc. Out o! Service " OOS #: Rooms kept under out of service are not deducted from the hotel inventory. This is a temporary blocking and reasons may be bulb fuse, T remote not working, !ettle not working etc. These rooms are not assigned to the guest once these small maintenance issues are "xed. $ock out: The room has been locked so that the guest cannot re-enter until he or she is cleared by a hotel o#cial. DNCO "did not check out#: The guest made arrangements to settle his or her bills $ and thus not a skipper%, but has left without informing the front desk. Due Out: The room is expected to become vacant after the following guest checks out. Check-Out: The guest has settled his or her account, returned the room keys, and left the hotel. $ate Check out: The guest has requested and is being allowed to check out later than the normal & standard departure time of the hotel. Single: A room assigned to one person. 'ay have one or more beds. Double: A room assigned to two people. 'ay have one or more beds. Triple: A room assigned to three people. 'ay have two or more beds. %uad: A room assigned to four people. 'ay have two or more beds. %ueen: A room with a queen si(ed bed. 'ay be occupied by one or more people. &ing: A room with a king si(ed bed. 'ay be occupied by one or more people. T'in: A room with two twin beds. 'ay be occupied by one or more people. Double-double: A Room with two double $or perhaps queen% beds. 'ay be occupied by one or more person. Studio: A room with a studio bed- a couch which can be converted into a bed. 'ay also have an additional bed. (ini-Suite or )unior suite: A single room with a bed and sitting area. )ometimes the sleeping area is in a bedroom separate from the parlor or living room. Suite: A parlor or living room connected with to one or more bedrooms. Connecting rooms: Rooms with individual entrance doors from the outside and a connecting door between. *uests can move between rooms without going through the hallway. *d)oining rooms: Rooms with a common wall but no connecting door. *d)acent rooms: Rooms close to each other, perhaps across the hall. Hotel +illing ,nstruction codes:
Short Code Description
+, +ill ,irect +T- +ill To company ./0/ /nternet 12,R3 1aundry 45A 4ay 5wn Account 4R64A/, 4re 4ayment done -T- -harge to -ompany -TA -harge to Travel Agent -T-- -harge to -redit -ard +TTA +ill to Travel Agent R, Rest ,irect ,4'T ,irect 4ayment -- -redit -ard T61 Telephone -alls TR2)0R Airport Transfer A11-7*) All charges to ,64 ,86 ,eposit ,ue -51-7R -ollect voucher R' Room R' +T- Room +ill to -ompany R' +TTA R, Room +ill to Travel Agent Rest ,irect +0)T +reakfast '6A1) All meals 6+ 6xtra +ed 64 6uropean 4lan -4 -ontinental 4lan 'A4 'odi"ed American 4lan 6+T- 6ntire +ill to -ompany R+T- Room 5nly +ill to -ompany 19 1iquor 0, 0ood + +everage )' )mokes 1, 1aundry &ey terms or )argons used in hotel -ront o.ce department
*merican /lan "*/# - A billing arrangement under which room charges include the guestroom and three meals, Also called as full board & full pension. 0uropean /lan "0/# - A billing arrangement under which meals are priced separately or room only plan (odi1ed *merican /lan "(*/# - A billing arrangement under which the daily rate is including room and two meals, generally +reakfast and dinner. Continental /lan " C/ # - 5ne of the most common & preferred billing arrangement which includes room and continental breakfast. Rack Rate - The published tari: for each room type & category in a hotel. $og +ook - 1ocated at reception containing instructions&information& happenings & handover of the day to know of. Registration Card- A printed form for a registration record, /n most countries the guest;s signature on a registration card is required by law. Reservation Status - An indicator of a room;s long term availability for assignment. Room Rate - The price a hotel charges for overnight accommodations. Skipper - A guest who leaves with no intention of paying for the room. Scanty +aggage - A guest who checks in to the hotel with very less or no luggage. 2alk -in - A guest who arrives at a hotel without a reservation. 2alking - Turning away a guest who has a reservation because of a lack of room availability. Due outs - *uests expected to check out on a given day who have not yet done so. Credit limit 3 house limit - A limit assigned by the hotel to guest or company accounts. 4pselling - A sales technique whereby a guest is o:ered a more expensive room than what he or she reserved or originally requested, and then persuaded to rent the room based on the room;s features, bene"ts, and his or her needs. +lock - An agreed-upon number of rooms set aside for members of a group planning to stay in a hotel. +ook - To sell or reserve rooms ahead of time. Con1rmation Number - A code that provides a unique reference to a reservation record and assures the guest that the reservation record exists. Con1rmed +ooking - .hen Reservation is guaranteed with -redit card, ,eposit, -ompany & TA voucher etc. Tentative +ooking - .hen reservation is waiting bookers con"rmation. 2aitlisted +ooking - Reservation kept on hold due to hotel over Cut-o5 date - The date agreed upon between a group and a hotel after which all unreserved rooms in the group;s block will be released back to the general availability. Cancelation date - /ndicates the date when the reservation was manually canceled. No-Sho' - A guest who made a room reservation but did not register or -heck in. $ong Stay - A *uest who stays more than certain number of days, 6g< 'ore than = days etc. Overbooking - accepting more reservations than there are available rooms. 2ash do'n - +locking fewer rooms than the number requested by a group, based on previous group history. 6uest Cycle - A division of the >ow of business through a hotel that identi"es the physical contacts and "nancial exchanges between the guests and the hotel. 6uest -olio - A form $paper or electronic % used to chart transactions on a account assigned to an individual person or guest room. $ate Charge - A transaction requiring posting to a guest account that does not reach the front o#ce for posting before the guest had checked out or done the "nal settlement. 6lobal Distribution System "6DS# - A distribution channel for reservations that provides worldwide distribution of hotel reservation information and allows selling of hotel reservations around the world, usually accomplished by connecting the hotel reservation system with an airline reservation system $ 6g - Amadeus, )aber, *alileo&Apollo or .orldspan % /(S - 4roperty 'anagement )ystem T* - Travel Agent who receives commission for the bookings. OT* - 5nline Travel Agents oid - Reversal of -harges which was posted on the same day *llo'ance - Reversal of charges which was posted before current system & 4') date.