ShareTheHope Book5
ShareTheHope Book5
ShareTheHope Book5
evangelistic teams
Conducting Successful Public Evangelistic Meetings: A step-by-step guide for pastors and
evangelistic teams.
Share the Hope and Live with Hope materials developed with oversight of the Year of
Evangelism Steering Committee.
Ron Clouzet (chair)
Debra Brill
Bernadine Delafield
Bob Folkenberg Jr
Brad Forbes
Gary Gibbs
Mona Karst
Fred Kinsey
Bill McClendon
Fred Russell
Eduard Schmidt
Thanks to the following people for their focus on evangelism here in North America.
This manuscript is taken in large part from materials that were compiled to provide
support for their evangelistic teams.
John Bradshaw
Russell Burrill
Jac and 'dena Colon
Fordyce W. Detamore
Mark and Ernestine Finley
Gary Gibbs
Lynn Martell
Bill McClendon
Jean Ross
Elden Walter
K.S. Wiggins
Special thanks to these organizations for their support of the Share the Hope and Live
with Hope initiatives:
AdventSource, Amazing Facts, Color Press, Hamblins Outreach Publishing Enterprises,
Pacific Press, Review & Herald, Seminars Unlimited and Share Him.
You may download a PDF file of this document at
Additional printed copies available from:
5040 Prescott Avenue
Lincoln, NE 68506
Copyright 2008 North American Division Corporation of Seventh-day Adventists.
Permission to make photocopies or reproduce by any other mechanical or electronic means in
whole or in part of the material in this book is granted providing it is intended for noncommercial
use within the church. None of the material in this book may be reproduced for any commercial
promotion or sale of a product or service. All rights reserved.
Table of Contents
Section 1: Share the Hope
Empowering Members
Avoiding Pitfalls
Planning a Budget
Preparing for Guests
Whole Church Evangelism
Section 2: Conducting the
Evangelistic Series
Developing Leadership Teams
Job Descriptions
Prayer Ministry
Guest Relations
Presentation Coordination
Child Evangelism
Facilities management
General support
Evangelistic Preaching
Reaching the Secular Mind
Planning the Topics
To us PowerPoint or not
Making Appeals (Calls)
TimeLine for Activities
As soon as possible!
Two months
One month
Three weeks
Two weeks
One week
During the Series
Evangelistic Visitation
Preparing for Baptisms
Section 3: Care of New
Whose Responsibility is follow-up?
Spiritual Friends
Small Groups
Section 4: Resources
How to Preach Christ-Centered
Evangelistic Meetings
Photocopy masters
Handbill and ZIP Code Worksheet
Budget Calculation Worksheet
Member Participation Survey
Letter to potential participants
Radio and TV Advertising
Evangelistic Sermon Planning Worksheet
Being Evangelistic Helps for Members
Tips for Visitation
Interest Record Card
Telephone Survey Worksheet
Gaining Decisions for the Truth
Baptismal Certificate master
What to bring to your baptism
Dear Pastor:
As I look ahead on my calendar toward 2009, there is one theme that stands out as
attached to many of my appointments: Share the Hope 2009, The Year of Evangelism.
It is so important that its receiving much of my attention. It is my priority and I hope its
yours as well.
Simply stated the plan is: One year, One goal, 100,000 new members. The goal has
a nice ring with an even nicer finish line. Wow! 100,000 new members! Think of what it
will do for our congregations. They will be bursting with energy and excitement.
A grand goal such as ours takes everyone working. Were asking every pastor and
church leader to hold two evangelistic series. Every member is encouraged to
find at least three people with whom they can connect and establish a friendship.
Members are asked to pray daily for these friends and for God to work in their lives and
We wouldnt ask you to take on this challenge without help. So, the Division has an entire
year of support in place to assist pastors as they work with their congregations to
reach as many people as possible in 2009.
Beginning in January, monthly workers meetings will be offered on the Hope
Church Channel. Bill McClendon and Gary Gibbs, experienced pastors and evangelists,
will walk you through the process of preparing for and holding meetings. Walking with
the Pastor sessions will target April 17 and September 11 as beginning dates for a
spring and fall series. This manual will be your personal guidebook as you learn from
pastors who are experienced evangelists.
Resources are being added to the website. Everything
you need to be successful in evangelism can be found online.
I thank God that you and I have the privilege of preaching the gospel. It is a joyous
experience when we see people discover the only source for lasting peace and hope.
I ask you to pray with me that God will do wondrous things as we step out in faith,
remembering that God is the most powerful member of our team!
Im already praying for you as you plan to Share the Hope in 2009.
Don C. Schneider
North American Division
Section1: Share ThE Hope
Welcome to Share the Hope, the official North American Division evangelism emphasis
for the year 2009. Successful church evangelism of any type includes a systematically
planned approach to growth. It requires taking
the gospel commission to go into all the world
and applying it to each members family,
neighbors, coworkers and friends.
In addition to the resources listed in this hand-
book, you can access
to register your evangelistic series to be shown
on the graphic locator and receive pertinent
downloads. These resources will help prepare
every Adventist pastor and congregation to host
local evangelistic series with a combined goal of
gaining 100,000 new members.
Share the Hope is designed to include as many
members from your congregation as possible.
We all realize life is face-paced in modern society,
and getting members involved can be challeng-
ing. Building a motivating environment and an
effective empowering process will take time and
energy, but the long term rewards will definitely pay off. Start praying about this now, and
ask your churchs prayer team to make it a priority.
There are three processes in transmitting an evangelistic bias to your church:
1. Educate (Time is short; dont be sidetracked)
2. Inspire (Testimonies by serious soul winners)
3. Communicate (Discuss and publicize evangelistic plans)
Goals for
Share the Hope
1. Lead the congregation into
spiritual renewal, allowing
the Holy Spirit to give each
member a greater burden
for souls.
2. Equip members for service.
3. Develop as many
friendships as possible in
the community.
To assist in developing a focus on evangelism
the North American Division is providing ongoing
support using satellite and Internet technology.
Monthly meetings on the Hope Church Channel
and live on will
allow for interactive presentations where ques-
tions can be answered and experienced pastors
can share what has worked for them.
The Share the Hope calendar will assist pastors
and your evangelism committee as you plan your
evangelistic year. For ideas on how you can
connect with your community go to
January 2009
Division wide Prayer Uplink
from Forest Lake Church
January 3
Share the Hope Together
Planning for January
Finalize 2009 Share the Hope evangelistic plan
& budget
Organize your committees (see page 17 for
Request ZIP code lists for interest cards
Order interest cards (these could be Bible Study
interest cards from HOPE, Voice of Prophecy or
other options). Mail interest cards immediately
after the holiday
Prepare advertising for Community Connect seminar in January
Place advertising and news release Community Connect seminar (14 days prior)
Church member training - mid-week meeting is a good time (hospitality, making
friendships, Bible marking, etc.)
Community Connect ideas (health, stress, finance or marriage seminar)
Viewers will
need a Hope
satellite sys-
tem, or equiv-
alent, that is tuned to Hope
Church Channel. Please note that
this is a different channel than
Hope Channel. The channel is
free, but you need to program it
into your receiver. Instructions on
how to program the Hope Church
Channel into your receiver are
available at (click
on the Hope Church Channel
menu and follow the prompts),
email, or call
If you do not have a satellite dish,
call 888-393-4673 for information
on purchasing the Hope Channel
satellite system.
To receive information on Share
the Hope programming sign-up
for the FREE newsletter at
Share the Hope Together
Planning for February
Contact media ministries
for interest lists
Request ZIP code lists
Take sample brochure to check in at post office
Update interest database
Committees meet
Continue member training
Share the Hope Together
Planning for March
Advertise the April 10 communion satellite event to your church
Committees meet
Update interest database
Order Live with Hope brochures
Make sure your site location shows on
Member training (how to give Bible studies, share your testimony, etc.)
Community Connect with your VBS leader
Arrange for brochures to be delivered April 13 and 14
April 10 Communion Service on the Hope Church Channel
Weekly Share the Hope Together Uplinks on the Hope Church
Seminars Unlimited has
numerous materials for training
in effective soul winning and
DVD sermon libraries of some
of our church's best evangelists
and pastors.
Their staff includes individuals
who have been engaged in
full time evangelism and
outreach who are willing to
share tips, techniques, and
Call Seminars Unlimited at
800-982-3344 or visit
Positive promotion includes
Saying it in advance
Saying it frequently
Saying it in different ways
Using good motivation
(invitations to participate, not
guilt trips)
Receive updated information by
signing up for the newsletter at
Pacific Presss has a new Evangelism Resource Guide and
Review and Heralds Bold for Jesus helpful materials for
sharing your faith and through public evangelism. Contact
you ABC for a copy by calling 800-765-6955.)
Planning for April
Last minute details with site or church facility
Finalize with committees
Share the Hope Together will be
Part of Live with Hope Weekly
Planning for May
Check county fair opportunities
Finalize VBS plans and advertising
Invite people that attended Live with Hope to VBS
Share the Hope Together
Planning for June
Mail interest cards
Place advertising and news release for Community
Connect seminar (14 days prior)
Church member train ing (mid-week meeting is a good time)
Share the Hope Together
Planning for July
Contact media ministries for interest lists
Request ZIP code lists
Take sample brochure to check in at post office
Update interest database
Set a fall meeting date and register with
Continue member training
Committees meet (see page 16 for descriptions)
Share the Hope Together
Planning for August
Committees meet
Live with Hope series
starts April 17
Update interest database
Order Live with Hope brochures
Make sure that your site location shows on
Ongoing member training (how to give Bible studies, share your testimony, etc.)
Community Connect with your VBS leader
Arrange for brochures to be delivered September 3 and 4 (before Labor Day)
Share the Hope Together Weekly Uplinks on the Hope Church
Planning for September
Last minute details with site or church facility
Finalize with committees
Share the Hope Together will be
part of Live with Hope weekly
meeting agenda
Planning for October
Invite people that attended Live with Hope to church events
Share the Hope Together
Planning for November
Have new believers invite friends to holiday programs
Promote the December 25 division-wide communion service
December 25 Communion Service on the Hope Church Channel
Share the Hope Together
Planning for December
Advertise the December 25 communion program to church members and others who
may not have made a decision but are part of your church community
Begin 2010 planning
Order interest cards for January
Live with Hope series
starts September 11
Empowering Members
Effective preparation for mobilization of the member-
ship includes building a sense of community and the
opportunity for developing deeper friendships. It
should also offer a chance for personal growth and
Participation by lay leaders in problem solving and
significant decision making is another important ele-
ment. Members need to be able to choose areas of
involvement that relate to their individual interests and
needs. Members should also have an opportunity to
help set goals and to participate in meaningful orien-
tation and training activities.
An empowering process is most effective when it is
built primarily around teams (small task-oriented
groups) rather than church committees. The problem
with committees is that often members do not expect
to do any work, but merely to listen to proposals, give
their opinion and vote them up or down.
As soon as your church board gives approval, begin to build empowering teams for
Share the Hope by choosing potential leaders who already demonstrate ministry in
their lives. For organizational purposes you may wish to divide the main responsibilities
as follows:
Prayer Ministry
Guest Relations
Presentation Coordination
Child Evangelism
Facilities Management
General Support
(Job descriptions on page 16)
Talk with your members about your vision for evangelism and invite ones who are
interested to a leaders meeting. Plan an agenda in advance (include choosing the dates
and location for the series as a priority), send it to them, meet in a home, and take time
for fellowship. Implementing this kind of empowering process in preparation for Share
the Hope will work wonders in mobilizing your members for ministry.
Formally known as Global
Evangelism, this website is
packed with resources you
can use. Download the
Sowing Resource Catalog
where you can find every-
thing from books and DVDs
to seminars that you can
use to connect with people
in your community. You can
also watch video clips from
30+ ministries showing and
telling about the resources
available for use in sowing.
ShareHIM also has an Out-
reach Leadership Team
Handbook, sermon out-
lines, decision cards and
much more available as
free downloads.
In order to accomplish effective
mobilization, you need to build
an empowering process.
(See surveys on Worksheet 4 and 5 to assist
members in connecting to Share the Hope.)
Avoiding Pitfalls
A major pitfall to avoid when you are
mobilizing the membership is using too
few people to do too much and burning
them out. According to church re-
search, members burn out in three
main ways:
1) Physical exhaustion
2) Disillusionment with the pettiness
and backbiting of some church
members and dealing with other
members who do not follow through on
3) Sitting through too many frustrating
meetings where little or nothing is
Running efficient meetings is a basic leadership skill which is too often overlooked by
churches. Neglecting to develop this skill will cost the church rich resources in man-
power and lead to frustration of lay leadership sitting through meetings that are a waste
of time.
Planning a Budget
Since evangelism is central to the mission of every church you will want to allow a fitting
budget for your endeavors. Your expenses may or may not include renting a hall, but you
will definitely need to plan for:
There are three requirements
for receiving the Holy Spirit
without measure:
1. Ask for it (Zech. 10:1)
2. Totally surrender to a life of
3. Be willing to be empowered
for service
People who volunteer
generally appreciate four
Clear and limited tasks
(outlined in an explicit
contract regarding time
and level of commitment)
Short terms of service
Plenty of manpower for
attaining goals
Simple, direct feedback
about how they are doing,
including lots of affirmation
Information & Support
The 2009 Year of Evangelism initiative of the North American Division
Handbills, radio, newspaper, TV, etc.
Pre-work supplies
Training videos, manuals, Bible study mailings,
cost of community service activities
Extra Bibles, handouts, registration/appeal cards,
Venue rental (if applicable)
Projector, screen, sound equipment, recording
Childrens program
Miscellaneous cost of copying, stationary,
postage, etc.
See Sample Budget Calculation Worksheet on
Worksheet 3
Preparing For Guests
One of the key factors in the success of a
growth-oriented church is the effectiveness of
its guest reception mechanism. The term guest
is preferred to visitor. Visitor sounds outsider and short-term. Guest is warmer,
more inclusive.
Handbill Options
Seminars Unlimited
Do you want to provide handbills,
posters, banners, signs and all
the other materials required for a
successful meeting? Seminars
Unlimited is able to provide eco-
nomical, full support of evangel-
istic outreach events, and
seminars including pre-work, the
event itself and follow-up.
We offer full service handbill and
Bible study response card direct
mail service. Call us for free ZIP
code counts!
Custom banners, billboards, and
yard signs are available.
Call 800-982-3344 or go to
Hamblins Outreach Publishing
Enterprises (HOPE)
We provide handbills and sup-
plies for evangelism, health and
Bible prophecy seminars. From
concept to design, print produc-
tion, web development, finishing
and direct mail the HOPE team
can help prepare and mail pro-
fessional handbills.
Call 800-274-0016 or go to
Its not the size of the budget
that will determine the success
of the series; its how you use it
that matters.
Three principles for guest reception
1. Develop high levels of socialization and a
sense of belonging. Guests need to feel they
belong the minute they arrive. By their very nature
as close-knit social groups, church members tend
to talk among themselves and ignore guests.
2. Strive to eliminate anxiety,
embarrassment and confusion.
This has to do with simple things
in the physical environment, such
as clearly marked restrooms and
classrooms. It also has to do with
the verbal and non-verbal language
of the greeters. Your greeters will
likely be the most crucial partici-
pants in your evangelistic outreach.
They will have approximately 30
seconds to make a positive first impression with guests, and about two minutes until that
impression is fixed in their minds.
3. Initiate follow-up contact within 72 hours of the first visit. This is absolutely crucial,
no matter what kind of event/program your guest has attended. Ideally, the person who
invited him/her (or someone who connected at the event) will be the one to make the
phone call, send the card/email or visit. People expect the pastor to be involved because
it is part of the job, but unexpected kindness by other members leaves a favorable
Consider also how your building looks from all angles. Is it in good repair? Is it clean?
Are the grounds well kept? Is there
adequate parking and lighting? If
guests cannot find parking they may
drive away. Or if the facility is
unappealing they may choose not
to return.
(See page Worksheet 8 for ideas on
connecting with guests that you can
share with members.)
Tracking Interests
Gospel Harvest
Evangelism seminar attendance
tracking software from Amazing
Facts is available FREE at
Live wisely among those who
are not believers, and make
the most of every opportunity
Col. 4:5 NLT
Evangelism will never be outdated.
It is of increasing importance and
intensifying need the nearer we
come to the end of time.
Whole-Church Evangelism
Share the Hope should include some special preparatory weekend services at your
church, as well as meetings during the week. You may wish to have a Share the Hope
prayer breakfast, followed by a week of in-home prayer sessions as members petition
God for the outpouring the Holy Spirit both on members and those who will attend the
evangelistic series.
There are three main steps you will want
your members to take in preparing to invite
people to your evangelistic meetings:
1. Pray earnestly for them
2. Visit/communicate regularly
3. If possible, pray and/or study
the Bible together
As the time for the evangelistic
series comes closer, focus on
encouraging members to specifically
invite their friends to the meetings.
Remind them often about the importance
of a personal invitation and of their own
responsibility to be at the meetings
themselves to welcome their friends.
Investing prayer, time,
money and enthusiasm in
pre-work will transform your
evangelism experience!
The Holy Spirit longs to do
exceedingly abundantly
more than we can imagine.
Even in todays secular
society, we can have
significant results!
Section2: Conducting
ThE Evangelistic Series
Hosting your own Live with Hope series will require intense planning and organization.
You can simplify this process by choosing (with the approval of your church board) six
responsible members who are passionate for ministry, experienced in leadership and
able to commit the necessary time to being team leaders.
Developing LeadershipTeams
This core group will give overall direction to the plans, develop a budget and recruit
coordinators/members for the teams. Six main areas in which you need strong
leadership are:
1. Prayer Ministry
2. Guest Relations
3. Presentation Coordination
4. Child Evangelism
5. Facilities Management
6. General Support
These six coordinators function as
your team leaders throughout the
entire series and into the follow-up stages.
All other volunteers can be organized
beneath one of these umbrellas.
Meet with these six people as soon as possible to begin planning the series and
assembling the teams each one will need. On the next pages are detailed descriptions
of areas you will need to organize a Live with Hope Evangelistic Team.
Evangelism is the singular
mission of the church. It is its
life blood. Without evangelism
the church will cease to exist.
Live with Hope Evangelistic Team
Job Descriptions
1. Prayer Warriors Coordinator
Prayer is one of the most powerful
components of a successful evangelistic
series. If we pray, God will do great things!
Organize as many prayer bands as
possible. Each group should meet at
regular times to pray for the series.
You may want to host a prayer breakfast
a month or so before the Live with Hope
series begins, and a day of fasting and
prayer the week before. If possible, meet
weekly the month before opening night, and again each night of the series. Set up a
prayer box or other system for receiving prayer requests from seminar attendees.
During the meetings schedule someone
to pray every night (either in a private
room or in the auditorium itself).
Pray specifically:
for the Holy Spirit to work powerfully
in the meetings
for the speaker
for the guests in the audience
who are searching
that more honest searchers
will attend
that God will teach each
member how to reach someone
Continue weekly prayer groups after the series
ends to pray for each person who attended.
Pray also for each new believer to have the courage and strength from God to meet the
trials Satan will send.
Prayer MinistriesTeam
1) Leader
2) Prayer Breakfast
3) 24-Hour Chain
4) Day of Fasting &
5) Neighborhood Prayer
Guest Relations Team
1) Leader
2) Greeters/Registrars
3) Ushers
4) Elders
5) Row Hosts
6) Visitation Teams
7) Spiritual Friends
1) Leader
2) MC
3) Music Coordinator
4) Technical Coordinator
5) Speaker(s)
Child EvangelismTeam
1) Leader
2) Stories
3) Crafts
4) Special Feature
5) Nursery
(ages birth 3)
Facilities Management
1) Leader
2) Parking/Security
3) Building Dcor/
4) Baptism Coordinator
General Support Team
1) Leader
2) Advertising
3) Transportation
4) Materials
5) Attendance
6) Meals/Refreshments
7) Photographer
Every aspect of your series
is dependent upon prayer.
(See page 54 for photocopy master.)
All of the people filling these
important jobs need to attend
your two organizational meetings
one month in advance and the
week before the series begins.
2. Guest Relations Coordinator
Any area that has to do with reaching out to your guests comes under this category,
including greeters and registration personnel, ushers, row hosts and elders, visitation
teams, and spiritual friends.
Greeters/registration personnel
Greeters are the first point of contact when
guests step into the building. Because first
impressions are lasting ones, it is crucial that
greeters rightly represent your church through
appropriate appearance, words and body
language. Happy, smiling and well-dressed
people are the best. Ladies need to dress simply
and modestly; men should dress in business
casual or better to represent the great message
you are giving in the best way possible.
Greeters need to be at each entrance to welcome guests and direct them to the
registration tables. A warm smile, a handshake and Welcome to Live with Hope,
were glad youre here! will work well. Greeters should remain on duty at least 15
minutes after the meeting starts in case latecomers arrive.
Depending on the size of your facility you will likely need 3-5 greeters for the first few
nights. After that two or three will generally suffice. It is good to have consistency with
greeters, not only because guests are comfortable seeing the same faces night after
night but also because training lots of people to do everything needed is difficult. Try
to have a mix of young couples greeting along with more mature members.
Greeters should:
Attend the organizational meeting
Arrive early, especially on opening night (40 minutes early first night, 20 on following nights)
Wear name tags
Remember not to place personal items on registration table (keys, purses, water bottles, etc.)
Be totally focused on responsibilities (no long conversations)
Greet each person warmly
Encourage each person to register. Say, Wed like to sign you up for the free prizes,
or Wed like to know how you heard about the seminar. (Children will be registered at
their program)
Follow the same procedure for all NEW people each night, including members
Do their best to learn guests names and welcome them by name each evening
Distribute any materials the speaker requests
A 24-hour prayer chain is another
powerful way to involve many
members in praying for the
series. If you ask for specific
commitments from people
regarding when they will pray,
you have a much better chance
of them actually remembering to
do it than if you just encourage
them to pray without eliciting a
specific time commitment.
Greeters should NOT discuss information about guests. Their addresses, religious affili-
ation and all other information on the cards is strictly confidential. It is also wise to avoid
conversations about the pastor or other members. At this point, also avoid talking about
how you joined the church, past witnessing experiences, and doctrinal issues. Guests
need to have the opportunity to gain confidence in our teachings before they hear things
that might prematurely prejudice their minds. Also, save social visiting among members
for a place other than the Live with Hope series.
Ushers play a big role is keeping the series flowing smoothly. Ushers should:
Always look neat and pleasant
Speak in a polite and friendly manner
Assist guests with parking (instruct members to leave the best parking for guests)
Whenever possible, seat together people who come together
Wait until prayer or special music is
finished to seat people
Always be alert to peoples needs; be
sure no one is overlooked
Move with silent dispatch to the front
when needed; do not delay
Be sensitive to the comfort of guests
regarding temperature control and
respond quickly
When giving out materials, hand needed amount to the person on the end of each row
to pass down saves time
Take a nightly head count, write the total on paper and give to designated person
Discreetly manage any disturbances
Patrol parking lot and building for security reasons (if you dont have a parking/security
team). Be prepared to remove anti-seminar literature from car windshields.
Pick up extra Bibles/literature/trash after the program if needed
Help with any necessary set up or take down
If possible arrange the meeting room with only as many chairs as people expected,
leaving room to add more chairs as necessary. Too many empty chairs can be
The elders should organize to make sure some will be present every night to meet and
develop friendships with guests. The elders need to:
Be in the crowd, shaking hands, learning names and befriending every new guest
Ensure that no guest is left standing or sitting alone before the meeting begins
Participate in visitation with the pastor
If you have a table for selling materials
it is best to have one person who is
friendly, responsible and efficient with
money to handle this area. Of course,
nothing should be sold during the
Sabbath hours.
Row Hosts
Large churches with high attendance may need additional help beyond what the elders
can provide. Row hosts can be assigned to:
Learn the first names of guests sitting in their rows and try to make them feel welcome
and comfortable
Introduce guests to other people and to the speaker (after the meeting)
Help to distribute response cards or other materials
Assist with any needs guests may have
If a guest asks a question on a topic that has not yet been covered, the row host is to
affirm the guest by saying, Thats a good question! and then letting the guest know a
presentation is coming up that will deal with the subject.
Visitation Teams
The pastor and elders will likely do most of the decision-making visiting (more on this
later). However, there are a number of times when members organized into visiting
teams can help, especially during the first week or two of the series. Try to visit all
guests who have missed two or three nights in a row. Visiting teams do not have to
knock on doors or talk to people. They just drop off prepared door bags containing
free handouts or books and a note inviting guests back to the seminars.
This no-pressure method says:
We missed you
We cared enough to stop by
We respect your privacy
Spiritual Friends
Match each guest with a spiritual friend who will build a personal relationship of caring
and encouragement. If possible, build on previous friendships or commonalities. These
friends function as mentors in the discipling process of new believers, so this is a long-
term commitment. (Details on this in Section 3.)
3. Presentation Coordinator
This person is responsible for coordinating everything presented during your Live with
Hope series. This includes working with the MC, the music coordinator, the technical
team, and the speaker(s) to present a professional and stimulating meeting each night.
Master of Ceremonies
The MC is the first person on the platform opening night. If possible this should be the
same person every night to provide continuity. This person needs to be positive,
enthusiastic and friendly! He/she needs to:
Know how to make people feel comfortable and relaxed
Set the tone for the program
Arrive 40 minutes early on opening night and 20 minutes on following nights to look
over the schedule and announcements. Being prepared and informed is important!
After the closing prayer the MC thanks everyone for coming, invites them to the next
meeting and announces the topic. Closing remarks should be gracious, but minimal.
DO NOT make any church announcements as this is often confusing to guests.
Music Coordinator
Music has a powerful influence to lead the minds of men and women to themes of
heavenly importance. As such it is a vital part of a series. It is also one that will need
careful consideration, as musical selections should be acceptable to all age groups
and backgrounds. Disregarding the tastes of guests may put them beyond our reach.
The music coordinator should:
Select a theme song (in consultation with the pastor)
Recruit and schedule an appropriate number of pianists/other accompanists to cover
all the meetings
Arrange for appropriate special selections from members as the schedule allows
Arrange for closing/appeal songs if requested
Select instrumental background music for use as people are entering/leaving the meetings
The music coordinator should carefully screen all selections to avoid music that is not of the
highest quality. It is preferable to rely on one or two talented musicians during the series,
provided they are available and willing, than to let everyone have a turn when the gifts of
some folks clearly lie in other areas.
Musicians should also be reminded to uphold
Christian standards of dress and appearance
when performing. In the interest of time, musi-
cians should be asked not to comment before
their selections.
Technical Coordinator
Clear communication between the technical person, the speaker and the presentation team
in advance of the start of each meeting is essential so everyone will know exactly what is
happening and when. Being prepared gives the series a professional feeling instead of a
haphazard one.
Music of the wrong type can cause
people to decide NOT to return to
your meetings. It is better to have
no special musical selections than
ones that may set an undesirable
tone for guests.
The technical coordinator is responsible to:
Ensure that all equipment is functional (at least one week prior to opening night)
Arrive at the site at least one hour early on opening night and 30 minutes early on
following nights for set up and testing
Make sure projection equipment and screen are available as needed
Monitor the quality of sound for distortion, feedback and loudness
Obtain a master schedule one month in advance so assistants can be scheduled for
every night
Avoid the cardinal sin of not having a microphone turned on when someone begins to
speak or sing! Also, if adjustments need to be made to the level of sound it is less
distracting to do it gradually rather than suddenly.
Unless otherwise instructed, the technical coordinator should play soft instrumental
music before and after the meetings. Whether or not to make audio/visual copies of
the meetings each night (and how many) can be decided by the presentation team.
4. Child Evangelism Coordinator
In the children who were brought in contact with Him, Jesus saw the men and women
who should be heirs of His grace and subjects of His kingdom, and some of whom
would become martyrs for His sake. He knew that these children would listen to Him
and accept Him as their Redeemer far more readily than would grown-up people, many
of whom were the worldly-wise and hardhearted. In teaching, He came down to their
level. He, the Majesty of heaven, answered their questions and simplified His important
lessons to meet their childish understanding. He planted in their minds the seeds of
truth, which in after years would spring up and bear fruit unto eternal life. The Ministry
of Healing page 42
This statement shows how important child evangelism really is! The hearts of the children
can easily be reached through character-building stories, crafts and lively songs. Many
times young families are drawn to the Adventist church simply because of the special
interest taken in their children. This is truly soul-winning of the highest level.
If at all possible, provide a nursery for ages 0-3 and a childrens program for ages 4-9.
(Older children are encouraged to attend the seminar.) This will be needed for the entire
series, and will be a real asset in gaining the attendance of young couples and members
with children. It is ideal to have a coordinator who will be there every night, both for the
sake of consistency and building relationships with guests. If this is not possible,
however, if at least one of the main leaders can be there every night the same goal
can be achieved. A general outline for the nursery and childrens program leaders can
be downloaded at
Recruit plenty of adult help for this program. If you have a couple of mature, responsible
teenagers who really want to assist, use them. Many teenagers, however, lack the
maturity and wisdom needed to handle the responsibility, and become a liability to the
program instead of an asset.
At least two responsible adults need to arrive 20 minutes early, be sure everything is
ready, make sure each child is properly signed in, and be able to stay until all children
have been picked up. (Sometimes parents need time to ask questions after the meeting.)
It is very important that no one except those who checked a child in be allowed to check
him/her out.
As children arrive they should be warmly welcomed, and the parents assured that the
children will be well cared for. Strive to keep the children happy. The parents will be
reluctant to return if their children report unpleasant experiences. If a child will not be
contained or is crying uncontrollably send someone to bring the parent. Under no
circumstances should a child be physically disciplined or spoken to harshly. Instructions
for emergency situations (dealing with seizures, choking, etc.) should be posted for
reference along with local numbers to call for assistance.
Suggested Nightly Program:
1. Activities for the early arrivals
2. Lively songfest
3. Character building story
4. Special Feature or Bible story video
5. Bathroom and drink break
6. Doctrinal story/lesson
7. Lesson activity
8. Craft time
Note that a childrens program will be needed on the Sabbath morning sessions as well
as for the evening sessions of the series.
See page 52 for some Childrens programming ideas.
5. Facilities Coordinator
The physical appearance and comfort factor of the building is an important feature for
most guests. If they feel unsafe or uncomfortable they may not return. The facilities
coordinator should work closely with the ushers to ensure the highest possible level
of comfort for the guests.
Parking/Safety Control
Members of this team are actually the
guests first contact before they even get
out of their cars. Therefore, these people
need to be very polite and friendly as they
regulates the flow of cars in and out of the
parking lot and help keep things orderly.
They should also:
Wear orange reflective vests
Use flashlights after dark
Have umbrellas available when necessary to escort people to the door
If a disturbance occurs it should be handled immediately and calmly. Professional
security officers or police should be called if the situation warrants.
Be sure an adequate first aid kit is available and someone is always present who knows
how to administer care.
Building Dcor Coordinator
The chance to make a positive first impression is fleeting. A designated dcor director
Arrange for greenery or attractive seasonal floral displays throughout the facility
(its nice to change things at least once during the series)
Make sure the registration and literature tables remain neat and attractive
Ensure the entryway, hall and restrooms are inviting each night (trash emptied, plenty
of soap, paper towels, toilet paper, etc.)
6. General Support Coordinator
From advertising your Live with Hope series to providing refreshments, the support team
takes care of all the little details that are so important, including transportation and materials.
Advertising Coordinator
The challenge of advertising is to package the gospel in such a way that it becomes
interesting to secular minds. Since research shows that 90 percent of the population is
right-brain dominant and tends to respond to visual and emotional appeal, it is wise to
use graphic illustrations in your advertising instead of attempting to reach them with
logic alone.
Your challenge is to create ads that will grasp the imagination of your audience and
move people to action. They must be convinced that you have something better, and
that you can show them how to get it.
Pacific Presss new Evangelism
Resource Guide and Review and
Heralds Bold for Jesus shows all the
helpful materials for sharing your faith
and through public evangelism.
Contact your ABC for a copy by calling
For this reason it is important that the advertising include something that will give
credibility to the speaker. Include a good picture and background information that will
appeal to a secular mind (instead of advertising the speaker as a pastor).
Secular people are generally interested in the future and in prophecies. They are also
afraid of death and curious about the afterlife. Advertising focusing on these topics is
generally successful.
It is better to advertise on non-religious radio stations because religious stations usually
reach a class of people who are settled in their churches and resistant to change.
(See Worksheet 6 for a sample radio spot.)
The advertising coordinator is also responsible for distributing posters, putting ads in
newspapers and placing a sign in front of building during the series. Adventist media
ministry telecast ads (Voice of Prophecy, Amazing Facts, etc.) can also be used locally.
Transportation Coordinator
Its wonderful to offer transportation to guests who have difficulty getting to the meetings.
You may know of guests who need rides, or it could be generally announced that
transportation is available. The person coordinating rides should:
Be on hand at the end of meetings to make arrangements for rides
Recruit additional drivers as needed
Make a map of locations where members live/work in order to find convenient rides for
Call guests back to let them know the arrangements
Give drivers addresses and directions, as well as names and phone numbers of guests
Materials Coordinator
Having one person order and keep track of all needed materials is a good way to avoid
duplication or missed items. This person is responsible to:
Order all needed registration supplies
Order all handouts, study guides, decision cards, free gifts, etc.
Be sure pens/pencils are available
Be sure the child evangelism leader has all necessary supplies
Be sure the fellowship meal coordinator has all needed supplies
Check with the baptismal coordinator for any
needed supplies
Assemble bags for visitation teams
Attendance Coordinator
Tracking attendance is vitally important for the visitation team. If you want to track
attendance with a computer, you can download free software at
Printouts of guests who have missed meetings can then be given to the visitation teams.
If you want to track attendance with
a computer, you can download free
software at
Fellowship Meals/Refreshments Coordinator
Eating together is an essential part of friendship. Depending on your situation, you may
choose to provide light refreshments occasionally during the series. When the guests are
invited to attend Sabbath services a fellowship meal should definitely be provided for all
guests and members. The purpose of these meals is for members and guests to get
acquainted in an informal atmosphere.
Theme meals often work better than straight potluck. Italian, Mexican, soup and sandwich,
haystacks, and baked potato bar are popular meals. They are also fairly easy to coordinate
with members. It may be best to go easy on the meat analogs for the first few times, as
guests may be unfamiliar with these. (Labeling dishes is recommended.) An attractive
eating location and excellent presentation of meals, complete with soft background
music, will greatly enhance guests acceptance of a healthier lifestyle.
After the blessing, dismiss people to the serving line by tables rather than having guests
go first. Singling out the guests and having them go first makes them feel separate
not part of the group.
The photographer needs to be on hand to take pictures during the first, second or third
night of the series, and during baptismal services. S/he should:
Take a few pictures which would be suitable for news reports and future advertising
Be sure to get a group picture of all who are baptized, and if requested, take pictures
of those who are baptized along with their family or special friends. (Just as with a wedding,
it can mean a lot to new members to have pictures of their special day.)
Be sensitive no picture taking during appeals/alter calls
Baptismal Coordinator
Baptism is a big event in a persons life! The baptism coordinator can make sure things
go smoothly by ensuring that:
The baptismal tank is clean and in good working condition
The tank is filled and heated in ample time
An appropriate number of deacons and deaconesses are on hand to assist candidates
in and out of the tank and with drying/dressing, if needed
Baptismal robes, blankets, or towels are provided as needed
Handkerchiefs/washcloths are available to cover candidates faces, if desired
Changing facilities are clean and private
Each candidate receives a thoughtful gift along with his/her baptismal certificate
Evangelistic Preaching
A well planned advertising program, coupled with an effective member networking
program, will do much to ensure a good opening night crowd, but little to ensure their
return. It is the work of the speaker (together with the presentation team) to create an
environment that will draw guests back.
Preaching is a curious activity. It is instruction, but more than just instruction. It is teaching,
but more than teaching. It is public speaking, but more than that. It is
inspiration, but more. It is a combination of all these for the Holy Spirit to use as a means
of bringing men and women to a better understanding and acceptance of Jesus Christ.
For evangelistic preaching to be effective
it must be Spirit-filled, Bible-oriented
and proclaimed by an enthusiastic
preacher who firmly believes in the life
and death message men and women
need to hear today. If the Holy Spirit
does not have full control of your life
you cannot expect His power in your
Reaching the Secular Mind
Many people today are indifferent to
religion or feel they have outgrown it.
They are self sufficient and place their
confidence in the achievements of
science and technology. The tangible
achievements of humanity are more
important to their minds than the invisible
world of spirituality. Many also seek
meaning through materialism and
personal success and achievement.
A major challenge of evangelism is the
task of convincing a secularized society of the need for an external source of meaning
for life. Many people do not accept the Scripture as Gods word or believe in an absolute
moral standard. They are also very reluctant to commit to an organization with a code of
In reaching this class, Your success will not depend so much upon your knowledge and
accomplishments, as upon your ability to find your way to the heart (Gospel Workers page 193).
Biblical evangelism brings joy
to Gods heart, thus fulfilling
the reason for our existence.
The manner in which the truth
is presented often has much
to do in determining whether
it will be accepted or rejected.
Evangelism page 168
Planning the Topics
Preaching an evangelistic series is like constructing a building. You should so unfold
Gods message, step by step, that your hearers will realize you have built a beautiful
temple of truth.
Titles for topics for the first three nights should be so attractive that your audience is
hooked and will not want to miss a single meeting. The topic for the first night is
especially critical. The advice given on page 345 of Gospel Workers is that a message
must be given that is so out of the usual order that the people will be aroused.
Your first lecture should present something so different from what people have previously
heard that they will be impressed at once that these lectures have important information
and amazing (not sensational) facts for them.
At the same time, the message must
be easy for them to understand and
accept. The prophecy of Daniel 2
often serves as a great opening subject.
Tips for Holding the Crowd
Make it interesting through
participation and illustration
Speak on your audiences level
Use your body, face and voice with
Speak with definite conviction, being
forceful yet tactful
Make it concise (45 minutes
maximum). Begin and end on time!
Allude to interesting topics that will
be covered on subsequent nights
Motivate people to action
It is an awesome thing to know
the Spirit is in full control, and
to see His working upon your
Plan your most
important topics for
weekends. Generally
speaking, thats
when youll have
your biggest crowds.
Your lectures should cover all the essential features of Seventh-day Adventist faith and
practice and can focus on how each belief will allow them to Live with Hope.
The Holy Scriptures
The Trinity
The Father
The Son
The Holy Spirit
The Nature of Man
The Great Controversy
The Life, Death and Resurrection of Christ
The Experience of Salvation
Growing in Christ
The Church
The Remnant and Its Mission
Unity in the Body of Christ
The Lords Supper
Spiritual Gifts and Ministries
The Gift of Prophecy
The Law of God
The Sabbath
Christian Behavior
Marriage and the Family
Christs Ministry in the Heavenly Sanctuary
The Second Coming of Christ
Death and Resurrection
The Millennium and the End of Sin
The New Earth
Prepared Evangelistic Series
New Beginnings Preach It DVD Series
This two-disk package makes it simple
for anyone to present the everlasting
gospel. The set includes a CD containing
an easy-to-follow script for presenting
seminars about Bible prophecy. It also
includes a DVD of corresponding
pictures, graphics, animation, and
video that help each sermon come alive.
No technical expertise is necessary.
To present a program, all you need is a
DVD player and a television or projector.
No more dealing with PowerPoint, video
clips, or missing pictures. If you can
operate a remote control, you can use
the New Beginnings DVD.
Available from
or by calling 800-328-0525.
Truth for Today, Hope for Tomorrow
Sermons builds on well thought out and
proven Seventh-day Adventist outreach
sermons used by successful evangelists.
It brings up-to-date illustrations and
graphics to a solid biblical foundation.
Available from or by
calling 423-236-4856.
Read Pastor David Klinedinsts
story on preaching Christ-centered
evangelistic series at
To Use PowerPoint Slides or Not
The wonders of technology are amazing. And most people are highly visual. But that is
not the same as being able to visualize. In visualization, the listener creates his/her own
mental picture, based on previous experience. For that reason the self-made picture is
stronger than one that is chosen and presented by someone else.
If you are tied to using only prepared media, your audience may lose the benefits of
facial expressions and gestures. There are several resources that can assist you in
making powerful presentations. Make sure to check out the Presentation Synchronizer
Software below.
One very important note when using LCD projectors is to have equipment that allows
for you to show PowerPoint slides while the lights are still up. You need to have a projector
with enough lumens so participants can see what is on the screen and also the presenter.
This allows for you to follow the expressions on participants faces and for them to see you.
Special Offer from Seminars Unlimited
The newly updated Revelation Seminar
is still one of the most cost effective,
productive tools available and our
Daniel Prophecy Seminar has brought
thousands to a loving relationship with
our Lord Jesus.
Seminars Unlimited will provide a
FREE full PowerPoint teaching
program for every Revelation or
Prophecy Seminar that is held in 2009
as part of Live with Hope.* Visit or call
*Certain restrictions apply.
Presentation Synchronizer Software
If you give PowerPoint presentations
and use notes but dont want to be tied
to a podium with paper, then put your
notes right on your laptop screen and
enter the new era of giving presenta-
tions. The Presentation Synchronizer
software allows you to see your
speaker notes on the laptop screen at
the same time your audience views
your regular presentation via your
projector. The Presentation Synchronizer
takes a unique approach to the problem
of how to see your speaker notes and
audience graphics at the same time.
The new version allows you to create
your own presentations and has many
editing features to help you create your
notes. Also has a new countdown timer
Order at or
by calling 877-280-6414. Costs about
$65 plus shipping.
Making Appeals (Calls)
Critics of public evangelism say it is too
emotional. Yet examples in Scripture show
that making appeals is not only important but
necessary. When people have sufficient
knowledge to make a decision, their major
objections have been met, and they are
convicted that God is leading them to make
a decision, the time is right for an appeal.
When you preach, an individuals intellect is enlightened, the heart responds, the Holy
Spirit convicts, creating a specific need to make a decision. If no decision is called for,
the will power is benumbed, the heart hardened and soon the person loses the desire
to act on the convictions of the Holy Spirit.
Caution: Dont treat an appeal as some addendum. The whole message must be an
appeal to the heart. Do all you can to treat every subject as an appeal to understand
truth as it is in Jesus and as it relates to practical godliness.
Timeline for Activities
CountdownStart as Soon as Possible
Establish a team of prayer warriors. Small groups may
want to meet immediately after church each Sabbath
and on other days as well to intercede for your city,
for revival in your congregation, for the upcoming series
and for specific individuals. (Consider using the book
Prayer Warriors by Ron Halvorsen.) The prayer team
could also coordinate a day of fasting and prayer. A
series bathed in prayer will be successful.
Choose you this day
whom you will serve.
Joshua 24:15
The greatest essential in an effective
appeal is the presence and power of
the Holy Spirit.
Pointers for Making Calls
1. Appeal in earnestness,
from the heart.
2. Avoid pleading and
coaxing. Let the Spirit do
this work.
3. Make the appeal specific
enough so people know
exactly what they are
asked to respond to.
No matter whether you
preach using a PowerPoint
series or are preaching
from your sermon notes
you will want to make sure
these subjects are pre-
sented during the course of
your series.
Choose the dates and location for the series. If you have a number of interested people
who are already comfortable attending events at your church AND if your facility is suit-
able for the crowd you hope to attract, you can hold the series there. Otherwise, consider
renting a public hall. Look for a site that is easy to access and has plenty of free parking.
Try to choose a site that is neutral, one that people would not have strong feelings about.
It should have adequate lighting, plenty of seating and be clean and in good repair.
Properly functioning sound equipment is also important, as is a space for the childrens
programs. Be sure to have a detailed, signed contract with the manager.
Possible sites for an evangelistic series include:
hotel/conference rooms
school auditoriums
community colleges
civic centers
public libraries
armory auditoriums (state or national guard)
For more ideas contact the Chamber of Commerce in your area.
Arrange for advertising brochures and other materials you will need. There are several
Seventh-day Adventist suppliers for brochures, banners and materials to support your
evangelistic series.
Options for Promotional Materials
Hamblins Outreach Publishing Enterprises (HOPE)
The Hamblin website offers a complete series of handbills and supporting material for
your evangelistic meetings. or call 800-274-0016
Color Press
Custom handbills plus other services to assist in your evangelist campaign. or call 800-222-2145
Seminars Unlimited
Complete support for your evangelistic meetings from personalized consultation to
brochure printing and mailing services. Seminars Unlimited offers free ZIP code counts
so you know how many brochures to order. or call
CountdownTwo Months in Advance
Meet with all team leaders and assistants to be sure everyone understands his/her
responsibilities. Provide copies of job descriptions/guidelines for each team leader to
distribute to the appropriate individuals on their teams. Announce the date and time of
your last organizational meeting (to be held the week of the series).
Place reminders and notes of encouragement regarding the series in your church
bulletin each week for eight weeks straight before the series begins. Talk, eat, sleep
and preach evangelism. Do not schedule any church/school/finance board meetings for
members to attend during the series unless it is a dire emergency. Focus all energy on
Ensure that advertising is happening. The leader of the guest relations team needs to
be sure brochures are selected and ordered (enough for mailing and for members to
hand out). You can also be included in a national website listing all Live with Hope
host sites by registering your site at
Note: A friendly, responsible member of the guest relations team needs to contact the
specific postal stations from which the brochures will be distributed, kindly letting them
know of the coming mass mailing. This should be done in person, with a copy of the
brochure in hand. Ask the supervisors to look out for the brochures. Remind them of
the in-home requested dates and that this is time-sensitive material.
Prepare the church facility. Whether the series begins at the church or is moved there
later, the building needs to receive attention. The facilities coordinator should check for
any painting or repairs that need done, along with replacing burned out light bulbs or
other small things that may have been neglected. The baptism coordinator should make
sure the baptistery is clean and the water heater works.
Ensure that the presentation team has covered their bases. This includes everything
that will be presented during the series, from the main speaker to the music to the
announcements. If the pastor is to be the speaker for all meetings the job is simpler.
If not, the team must coordinate all the speakers and their topics in addition to the
music, announcements, etc.
Encourage the child evangelism team to be well prepared for their important ministry.
Make sure they have enough responsible adult help.
Make sure the guest relations team is planning a follow-up program (details in Section 3).
CountdownOne Month in Advance
Advertise the April 10 communion satellite event to your church
Make sure the committees meet and have everything planned
Update interest database
Make sure all needed supplies have been ordered, including things for child evangelism
Oreder brochures to be mailed and hand delivered by members
Arrange for brochures to be delivered April 13 and 14
Make sure that your site location shows on
Encourage each member to have a list of people for whom they are committed to
praying daily.
Countdownthe Week of the Series
Hold your last organizational meeting to finalize responsibilities and to provide the
needed resources and training for those involved in the series. It is very important for all
team leaders and their assistants to be at this meeting! Excitement will be high!
Have a short devotional that is inspirational and motivational. (Be sure to keep it short
because you have a lot to cover.) Hopefully your members will already be familiar with
their job descriptions. Go over the order of service give everyone a copy and answer any
questions. Conclude with a time of prayer.
Have a church cleaning bee a few days before the series begins, if needed. The facilities
team should also take stock of necessary supplies and ensure that everything needed
for the series is on hand. Remember extra fellowship meals and baptismal celebrations.
Make a return visit or call to the post office as a friendly reminder three days before the
brochures will be distributed. This is extremely important because the devil often attacks
this phase of the operation. Tell the supervisor you have people scattered throughout the
mailing area with whom you will be checking to see if the brochures arrived. If someone
does not personally connect with the postal stations it is likely that the brochures will
NOT be delivered in a timely fashion and may not be delivered at all. See pastors
guidelines for assuring proper postal delivery of handbills at
If youre renting a hall, double check with the manager. Ensure everything is in order
with the facility.
Confirm plans with deaconesses/social committee to host fellowship dinners and/or
serve refreshments during the series.
Make sure materials for the series are on-site registration cards, commitment card,
pens, paper for note taking, extra Bibles, name tags for volunteers, baptismal certificates
and profession of faith cards. Ask the childrens evangelism coordinator if s/he has all
necessary supplies.
Send a personal letter of invitation and a brochure to people you know who may be in-
terested in the series. Call people youve invited one or two days before the series starts
to remind them of the meetings and ask if they need a ride. Remind your members to do
the same.
Invite members to participate
in a day of fasting and prayer
(perhaps a Sabbath) for all
those who will participate in
the series and those who will
attend. Asking earnestly for the
outpouring of the Holy Spirit is
vital. You have not because
you ask not (James 4:2).
During the Series
Opening night. Greeting and registering guests in a timely way will be critical. Be sure
you have enough help! For the first few nights you need extra help two or three
greeters at each door and a minimum of three people registering for every 50 people
you expect, including members. You may choose to conduct registration from the front as
a group process on opening night.
Have people available to walk guests to the location of the childrens program.
Keep records of attendance and topics. Have a list of individuals and their phone
numbers so you can follow up. Mapping out where they live may help with visitation
and providing rides for those who need it.
Visit no-shows. Bring them a handout from
the meeting. Dont say We missed you,
because that makes them feel bad. Instead
say, I know you wanted to come so I brought
you an outline from the meeting. Then youll
be caught up for the next one.
The topic is __________. Hope you can make it.
Let the church have special seasons
of daily prayer for the work that is
being doneLet there be less talking
and more sincere, earnest prayer.
Evangelism page 111-112
Go out quickly and
compel them to come in.
Luke 14:21
Keep all previous handouts available. The literature table should be neatly maintained
so if guests miss a night they can pick up the handouts.
Meet with prayer teams as time allows. Pass on to them specific needs and requests.
Remember to guard your own devotional times during all the busyness. You are engaged
in spiritual warfarestay protected!
Access weekly uplinks for pastors from
Sabbath Worship During the Series
At some point in your series you will want Live
with Hope to take the place of the Sabbath
worship service. Sabbath school should end a
bit early to allow all volunteers to be in their places
and prepared for their usual duties before guests
If a bulletin is used on Sabbath morning during the
series it should be prepared with guests in mind. It is best not to refer to your meetings
as a crusade or evangelistic series. Live with Hope seminar is a more preferable
choice of wording.
Childrens programs will continue on Sabbath mornings in the same way they have
functioned during the evening meetings.
AWord about Offerings
Giving an offering should be a spiritual event. People work hard for their money, investing
both time and energy. The offerings they present, then, are a part of themselves given
to God.
Dont be apologetic about the offering. Lift it high as an act of worship. It is a supreme
privilege to be able to give back to God!
When you sense your audience is ready for this, make a spiritual offering appeal. Stress
that the money does not go to you; it is used for the expenses of the seminar. This gives
the audience the opportunity to buy into the program.
Note: Since time is at a premium during the meetings, collect the offerings using one
container per row (shallow baskets work well). One usher distributes containers as fast
as they can from one end of each row while another usher collects them at the other end.
More people than we
think are longing to
find the way to Christ.
Evangelism page 185
Evangelistic Visitation
The effectiveness of evangelism depends on the establishment and cultivation of
meaningful relationships through personal visitation. If possible, you should visit all
active guests (those who have attended at least four meetings). If there are too many
guests for you to visit personally, pray sincerely for the Holy Spirit to lead you to visit
those you can help the most. Then enlist the help of your elders. Hopefully, most of
your guests will have established friendships with members already, and visits from
the pastor/elders will just be frosting on the cake.
Personal Visits
The main purpose of your first visit will be to build rapport and establish a friendly level
of trust. You also want to encourage the guest to keep attending the meetings. Use all
your listening skills. Keep the visit short (10 minutes is good) so theyll be happy to see
you again.
The second type of visit is for attitude evaluation. This usually occurs after heavy subjects
(such as celebrating the Sabbath) have been presented. Be sure to ask if they understand
or have any questions. When you assist someone in making a major decision which
involves giving up something important to them, you must reestablish rapport.
For the third type of visit (securing a decision) you must be sure that:
The person has been visited before and trust level is high
There is a solid assurance of salvation
The person has a positive attitude toward making a decision
Then you can proceed to the five major decisions:
1. To accept Christ totally
2. To accept the Sabbath and other major beliefs
3. To make lifestyle changes
4. To be baptized
5. To join the Adventist church
You must also assist people in dealing with problems they are confronting in obeying
truths they have discovered.
Remember also to take advantage of auditorium visiting. Arrive at the meetings early to
have everything set up so when the first guests enter you can introduce yourself (if you
havent met personally yet) and get to know them. Try to visit with different guests each
evening, and encourage your elders to do the same.
After the closing prayer and saying Good night shake hands with guests as they leave,
always calling by name those you can remember. Ask people with questions to wait just
a moment. Otherwise you will have one person absorbing all your attention while the
rest of your audience files out.
After your crowd is gone, focus on the questions. Caution: Avoid lengthy after-meeting
visits with anyone of the opposite sex.
Other Types of Visitation
Telephone visitation is a non-intrusive way to make personal contact with guests. If they
leave their email address, use that too. These types of communication save time and are
very inexpensive. Plus, you can make notes during the visit without the guest knowing it.
For example, you can record the date, the persons interests, challenges, etc.
The disadvantages of visits that are not face-to-face include not being able to ascertain
the persons home-life situation and not being as personable. You also miss the clues of
body language, which some specialists say comprises 50 percent of communication.
Gaining Positive Decisions
Every decision in life, whether it be to buy a vacuum cleaner or become a Seventh-day
Adventist, involves four basic levels:
1. Information
2. Conviction
3. Desire
4. Action
When helping people make a spiritual decision, you must ask: Does this person have
sufficient information? Is he or she being convicted by the Holy Spirit? Many people do
not know what conviction really is help them recognize it.
Remember that since most people are
right-brain dominant, using logic alone
will not create a desire that leads to
action. You must convince the right
side of the brain by appealing to the
imagination and creating a positive
thought process. This generates the
positive feelings needed to produce
the desire to take action.
We are not only responsible
for presenting the truth but we
must present it in a winning
and compelling manner.
Desire of Ages page 826.
In doing this, be direct, but kind and courteous. Arguing never helps. Always use the love
of Jesus as the basis for your appeals.
Avoid the extremes of exerting undue pressure or being so passive that you never invite
people to make a decision. Persuasive influence without undue pressure is an effective
method for securing positive, lasting decisions.
Dealing with Objections
Very few people make up their
minds to unite with the church
without a struggle. It is a major
decision that will have personal,
economic and social consequences.
Each person must make a personal
evaluation of these consequences.
Encourage the person to express his
or her views on these consequences
so you can work through them
together. Some can be overcome
through action based on faith in God. Some are, in reality, nonexistent.
If needed, show the dangers of delaying. Remind your listener that there will by only two
classes at the end of time the saved and the unsaved. Be as positive as possible in
assuming the person desires to follow Christ completely and will choose to take action.
Preparing for Baptisms
If you have been faithful to preach the Word without compromise, most of the prepara-
tion for baptism will have been accomplished during the series for those who have at-
tended regularly. However, the final preparations for baptism must be conducted on a
one-to-one basis.
During the last week of the series it is wise for the pastor and an elder to have
appointments with each person desiring baptism. If usually works best to meet at the
church so you are sure of a quiet environment without interruptions. During this visit
confirm each persons desire to be baptized and review the teachings theyve learned
during the meetings. Answer any questions they may have regarding doctrine or lifestyle,
and be sure they understand clearly what it will mean to be a member of the Adventist
church. Set a date for the baptism, give them a paper telling what to bring (swimsuit,
plastic bag, hair dryer, etc.) and encourage them to invite lots of people. Ensure them
their new church family is planning a big celebration.
Accompanied by the power of
persuasion, the power of prayer,
the power of the love of God, the
evangelists work will not, cannot
be without fruit.
Review and Herald, June 2, 1903
Ask each candidate to choose a special verse and/or song to be included in the service.
Also talk about how when Jesus came up out of the water the Holy Spirit descended on
Him. Encourage them to pause as they come from the water to experience the peace
and blessing of the Holy Spirit. Tell them that the baptismal service will be followed by a
dedication service where the pastor and elders surround the new members and lay
hands on them, dedicating them to a life of serving God and His church through using
the spiritual gifts which the Holy Spirit has just given them.
Do all you can, together with the
baptism coordinator, to make
each person who is baptized
feel truly special and welcomed
by your congregation. Celebrate
together on earth as God and
the angels celebrate in heaven!
In working with interested people
who are holding back from making
a decision, we must be alert to
discover what is hindering them
and be prepared, as far as
possible, to remove the obstacle.
Section3: Care Of NewBelievers
As we all know, baptism is not a magic formula to solve all spiritual challenges, nor a
panacea to deliver people from difficulties. Baptism is the beginning of a new life of
growth in fellowship with Christ in the context of His church.
Often, immediately after baptism, new believers are faced with serious challenges.
The devil zeroes in on new believers, seeking to sever their relationship with the body
of Christ. He knows that in order to grow up into Christ new believers need nurturing.
Some of your new believers will most likely become discouraged shortly after baptism.
It is the churchs responsibility to anticipate this and be prepared to help each new
member develop a deep, abiding relationship with Christ and secure a bond with His
Whose Responsibility is Follow-up?
First, it is the work of God. I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes
things grow (I Cor. 3: 6, 7 NIV). It is always God who causes the growth!
Second, it is the work of the Word. If the Word of God becomes the new believers food,
he or she will be properly nourished to grow to full potential.
Third, it is the work of the discipler (spiritual friend), who has the privilege of providing
for the new believer like a parent caring for a small child. We loved you so much that
we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God but our lives as well,
because you had become so dear to us (I Thess. 2:8 NIV).
Fourth, it is the work of the church. Scripture admonishes us not to forsake the
assembling of ourselves together (Heb. 10:25). A healthy, maturing walk with God will be
strengthened by the fellowship of other believers united in fulfilling the gospel commission.
I have come to believe that the formula for successful evangelism
can be diagrammed as follows in the form of a time glass:
40% Preparation 20% Public Meetings 40% Preservation
-Jac Colon
Last, it is the work of the new believer. No two people grow in exactly the same manner.
People are affected differently by environment and the attitudes of others toward their
faith. New believers must maintain the desire to grow in Christ and become involved in
the church.
There are generally three phases of a new believers growth:
Phase 1: The Honeymoon
This is a passionate phase where the Adventist truths appear vital and self-evident.
The new believer experiences victory over sins and wants to be involved with everything
in the church. Established church members are friendly and supportive.
This phase may be quite short, but it is the time to establish spiritual friendships and try
to involve new members in church activities so the effects of the next stage will be lessened.
Phase 2: Disillusionment
The new believer discovers politics in the church. He or she also discovers that not all
Adventists believe and practice the same doctrines. Friends and family members outside
the church may reject the new believers faith. True friends inside the church may be
hard to come by. The new believers participation in church activities may decline.
More individuals leave the church during the first six months because of discouragement
or loneliness than for any other reasons. It is crucial that spiritual friends and small
groups remain strong and focused, giving special attention during this time because
unless the new member moves on to the next stage he or she will eventually leave the
Phase 3: Integration
The believer learns to distinguish
between what people practice
and what the church believes.
He or she finds assurance of
salvation while still struggling
with issues. The development
of relationship networks in the
church help him or her mature
in approaching spiritual matters.
The believer learns to become a student of the Word and a partner in the churchs
mission. The believer actively (but sensitively) shares his or her faith with others.
During the first six months, more
individuals leave the church because
of discouragement or loneliness
than for any other reasons.
As your Live with Hope series
comes to a close you will likely
find your church with three
groups of people who attended:
newly baptized members
those preparing for baptism
people who showed interest
and need follow-up care
Each of these groups should
be included in your discipling
program in a specific way.
Continuing the mentoring
relationship between spiritual
friends and establishing
discipleship groups are two
great ways to do this.
Each of these groups should
be included in your discipling
program in a specific way.
Continuing the mentoring
relationship between spiritual friends and establishing discipleship groups are two
great ways to do this.
Spiritual Friends
Research shows that if people make at least six close friends within the first six months
of joining a church they have a much greater chance of remaining faithfully involved in
that church. Notice the words close friends. This means more than a smile and hand-
shake on Sabbath. The level of friendship required must transcend the Sabbath hours.
Actually, it is more important to visit a person and develop friendships after he or she
has made a decision to join the church than before. The pastor or a trained lay worker
should visit each new member at least once a week for the first six months. After that,
they should be visited once a month for their first two years.
If each guest who attended your Live with Hope series was assigned a spiritual friend
you are well on your way to developing this mentoring program, the goal of which is to
find practical ways of helping new disciples understand what it means to be a Seventh-
day Adventist and connecting them to the church family.
Those who have newly come to the
faith should be patiently and tenderly
dealt with, and it is the duty of the
older members of the church to
devise ways and means to provide
help and sympathy and
instructionThey should not be
left alone, a prey to Satans most
powerful temptations; they need
to be educated in regard to their
duties, to be kindly dealt with, to
be led along, and to be
visited and prayed with.
Evangelism page 351
After each spiritual friend has prepared a welcoming gift for the new members baptism
and assisted with the baptismal celebrations, s/he should also:
Greet new members at all church functions
Sit with them, or be sure someone else does
Envite them to stay for fellowship meals or to eat at their house (dont let certain foods
become an issue)
Entroduce them to other church members
Speak positively about the pastor and other church leaders
Look for ways to involve the new members in church programs and activities
Visit or phone at least once during the week
Think in terms of including new members in as many social activities as possible
Be very patient and encouraging as new members develop spiritually
Spiritual friends should NOT:
Act shocked if new members make remarks not in harmony with the faith
Be preachy or critical
Overload new believers with reading material a few well-chosen items presented as
special gifts are more beneficial
Criticize other denominations
Share church problems or variances of beliefs
Push new believers to develop faster than they are ready, particularly in lifestyle issues
Its important for spiritual friends to meet
together with the pastor as a group for updates
and support, especially during the first two
months after the evangelistic series.
During this time new believers should also be
attending the pastors Bible study class during
Sabbath school time, to be more firmly
grounded in their new beliefs. Many pastors
choose to conduct this class for 13 weeks to
solidify the habit of Sabbath morning church
Many pastors also set a personal goal of visiting new members in their homes at least
three times during their first six months. Its good if one of these visits can be on a
Friday evening to help the new believer learn ways of welcoming the Sabbath hours.
Goals of follow-up visits are to:
1. Establish the new believers
confidence in Scripture as the
basis of faith
2. Help him or her understand
scriptural principles of spiritual
3. Build a solid friendship
4. Introduce the new believer to
Gods desire that all Christians
share their faith with others
Spiritual friends also need to encourage new believers to attend a spiritual gifts seminar,
organized by the church as part of the follow-up integration. If necessary friends should
attend with the new members, then look for ways to help them begin to use their
newly-discovered gifts to benefit the church and community.
Small Groups
Integration into small groups is another crucial step for new members. If you have only
a few new people, they can be encouraged to join existing groups. If you have a
substantial number of new believers, you may need to create additional groups. Try
to match new members with others of a similar spiritual level, age or background.
Group leaders should be chosen based on their love for Jesus, spiritual maturity and
leadership potential. Their responsibilities include leading out in the weekly meetings,
connecting with those in the group and encouraging friendship and spiritual growth.
Where possible, the discipleship groups should meet once a week in a members
home or some other comfortable environment.
It is important to provide for the children of
those attending the discipleship groups. Some
churches do this by having all the groups meet
at the same time and offering a program at the
church for the children. Scheduling the small
groups at the same time your Pathfinder and
Adventurer clubs meet is also an option.
Have a clear start and end date in mind
for these groups. It usually works well to run
them one night a week for 13 weeks.
Having a specific topic is also important. Some ideas are:
Reviewand in depth study of Bible doctrines
The Spirit of Prophecy
Adventist lifestyle
History of the church
Stewardship and church life
More and more churches, both Adventist
and non-Adventist, are finding that a
school approach is often the most
effective means of perpetuating growth. These classes may be offered on Friday nights,
Sabbath afternoons or midweek, either in homes or at the church.
Growth Groups
Developed by Pastor Milton Adams,
Growth Groups is a great resource
for the care of new believers. Go to for all the
information including video and
free downloads.
The ultimate method of discipling new
members in apprenticeship classes
and keeping the church growing is:
I do it you observe
We do it together I observe
You do it I observe
You do it someone else observes
After the first session people may want to choose other topics and continue meeting, or
join another group. The main point is to keep new members connected and deepen their
commitment to the church.
It may seem like a lot of work to teach spiritual gifts seminars and other classes for new
believers and develop spiritual friendships and establish a variety of discipling groups.
But every effort will be rewarded by the Holy Spirit. As a rock thrown into a pond sends
its ripples across the surface, the influence of spiritual friendships will have a ripple
effect on scores of lives. Only eternity will reveal the lasting results.
Basics of a Practical Follow-up Program
Congregations Responsibility
Appoint spiritual friends
Host a new believers Sabbath school class
Connect each new member (or interested person) with a small group
Develop a prayer ministry for new believers
Attend to practical needs through Adventist Community Services
Spiritual Friends Responsibility
Contact new believer weekly outside of church
Provide appropriate devotional materials
Assist with integration into fellowship with other social groupings
Discuss questions new believers may have
Mediate with family if needed
New Believers Responsibility
Develop a devotional life
Continue studying the doctrines
Develop new friendships
Develop positive lifestyle habits
Discover and use spiritual gifts
Deepen level of commitment and spiritual maturity
Section4: Resources
The official leadership resource distribution center for the North American Division. Ad-
ventSource has books, seminars and DVDs to assist in preparing your church for Share
the Hope.
The Color Press site for custom handbills plus other services to assist in your evangelist
The Amazing Facts site with all types of support resources.
Simple, practical, and reproducible holistic small groups that work in Adventism The
website is packed with everything from training and sermons to audio and video files you
can download.
The Hamblin website offers a complete series of handbills and supporting material for
your evangelistic meetings.
Health-related seminars to connect with your community.
The official website for community. Will have a graphical locator map pointing to the clos-
est Live with Hope sites. This website will be promoted by media ministries and will be
on brochures and advertisements.
Evangelism seminar attendance tracking software from Amazing Facts.
Seminars Unlimited offers complete support for your evangelistic meetings from consul-
tation to brochure printing and mailing services. Call 800-982-3344
The official year of evangelism site for pastors and members. Youll find calendar of
events, resources and video training. Register your site for the graphical locator map.
Formally known as Global Evangelism, this website is packed with resources you can
use. Everything from sowing ideas (including video clips) to their Outreach Leadership
Team Handbook, sermon outlines, decision cards and much more available as free
Complete Yearly Evangelistic Program
The Empowered Church
The Empowered Church program is built on solid, biblical principles and the council of
the Spirit of Prophecy. This well laid-out program gives you proven methods that will
guide your church step by step in building an effective evangelism cycle where evangel-
ism is seen as an ongoing process and not just a one-time event. It builds on what your
church is already doing, providing practical ways of being more effective in the areas of
revival, church health, evangelism, and discipleship.
Throughout this 12-month program you will experience a strong emphasis on spiritual
renewal in your church and the discipleship of all believers, especially new members.
Not only is this program designed to acquaint souls with the fundamental teaching of the
church, it will also encourage spiritual growth and a commitment to Jesus Christ in all
your members.
There are five primary goals of the Empowered Church program:
1. Help the church establish an ongoing evangelism cycle.
2. Involve every department of the church in evangelism.
3. Encourage as many members as possible to be involved in soul-winning.
4. Ignite revival and spiritual renewal in the church.
5. Encourage the nurturing and discipleship of all believers.
This Empowered Church kit contains the following outstanding resources:
New Empowered Church evangelism manual.
Companion DVDs that go along with the Empowered Church evangelism manual.
A 12-month evangelism calendar.
The Empowered Church assessment and survey.
Meeting agendas for the Outreach Leadership Team.
Church revival resources.
Evangelism pre-work calendar.
Suggested bridge events and community seminars.
Outreach and witnessing resources.
The SALT program (weekly community outreach program).
A new DVD outreach training seminar for the church.
Evangelism advertising information.
Work responsibilities for the evangelistic meetings.
Evangelistic countdown schedule.
Spiritual mentors program for new believers.
Discipleship and small group resources.
Commonly asked questions and answers.
Access to the Empowered Church website resources and downloads.
Available from Amazing Facts or order from or 800-328-0525.
Prepared Evangelistic Presentations
Share Him (formerly Global Evangelism) has prepared evangelistic sermons for pastors
and lay members to use. For more information go to
The New Beginnings evangelistic series is also a great resource of sermons/slides and
can be obtained from
Answers to Difficult Bible Texts (available from Amazing Facts)
Christian Service by Ellen G. White (available from your Adventist Book Center)
Sharing Our Faith With Friends Without Losing Either by Monte Sahlin (available from
your Adventist Book Center or AdventSource)
Evangelism by Ellen G. White (available from your Adventist Book Center)
Good Things Come In Small Groups written by a small group (available from
Light Your World for God by Ernestine and Mark Finley (available from AdventSource)
The Ministry of Healing by Ellen G. White (available from your Adventist Book Center)
The Radical Prayer by Derek Morris (available from your Adventist Book Center)
Health for the Harvest by Robert S. Folkenberg, Jr. (available from AdventSource)
Just Walk Across the Room by Bill Hybels (available from AdventSource)
Path to the Heart by Glen Coon (available from Amazing Facts)
Prayer Warriors by Ron Halvorsen (available from AdventSource)
Thirty Days to a More Effective Prayer Life by Joe Engelkemier (available from your
Adventist Book Center)
Christs Way of Reaching People by Philip Samaan (available from your Adventist Book
Center or AdventSource)
New Testament Witnessing by Elden K. Walter (available from AdventSource)
Training Lessons & Seminars
Friend 2 Friend by Monte Sahlin with Curtis Rittenour
This six-part workshop offering a refreshing approach to evangelism can be presented
during a weekend or over multiple weeks to groups of any size.
Materials in this kit include:
Leaders guide
Participants guide
Video vignettes for teaching
PowerPoint presentations
The 100+ page leaders guide provides all the materials needed to effectively lead a
group through the workshop.
Each participant uses a particpants guide. It breaks each session into four parts that
encourage reflection, sharing, learning, application, and integration.
The audio/computer presentation tools CD-ROM provides the leader with colorful
presentation slides that enhance the visual aspect of the workshop and add a
professional touch to the presentation.
Also included are six 20-minute video presentations by Monte Sahlin that cover the
teaching portion of each session.
Available from or by calling 800-328-0525.
Light Your World for God by Earnestine and Mark Finley
This step-by-step Bible study ministry manual details the careful planning involved in
beginning a successful Bible study program in your church. Inside you will find practical,
field-tested principles that can make a dramatic difference in your church and community.
Discover how to:
Revive your church
Organize and sustain powerful intercessory prayer groups
Equip and train each member to use his or her spiritual gifts in service
Develop an ongoing, effective Bible study ministry outreach
Foster weekly witnessing activities
Reap the greatest results from public evangelistic meetings
Nurture new believers to become solid members of the body of Christ
This book may be used as a self-study guide, as a resource for pastors, or as a textbook
for college Bible witnessing courses. Put these simple principles into practice and watch
what God will do!
Available from or by calling 800-328-0525.
Making Friends for God by Mark Finley
Developed to train church members to witness in their daily spheres of influence. Learn
how to progress from simply making friends to actively seeking opportunities to lead
friends to Christ.
Topics include:
Making friends
Conversational evangelism
Sharing the word
Prayer power
Includes instructors manual, five videos, and a participant book.
Available from or by calling 800-328-0525.
Millennium of Prophecy series by Doug Batchelor
This is a good follow-up series for new believers to be used one evening a week and on
Sabbath morning as part of the pastors Bible class featuring the Storacles of Prophecy
lessons from Amazing Facts. Available from Amazing Facts at or
by calling 800-538-7275.
Winsome Witnessing by Gary Gibbs (book and video)
Author Gary Gibbs illuminates useful how-to instructions with inspiring and humorous
stories from his witnessing adventures. Here you will learn simple skills to lead people
to Christ, insights to revitalize your church, a proven strategy to give interesting Bible
studies, and much more. This practical manual is sure to energize your relationship
with God.
Available from or by calling 800-328-0525.
You Are My Witness by Don and Marjorie Grey (book and DVD)
Jesus used simple yet powerful methods to win the hearts of people around Him. You
can learn to use those methods, and this manual can help. As you study this simple and
practical guide, youll learn:
How to know Jesus and be a witness for Him
How to share your personal testimony
How to study the Bible with others
How to encourage former or missing members
How to help people decide for Jesus, while answering their concerns and overcoming
their fears
Jesus Christ is not only the heart of our witness; He is the best example of how to reach
and win people to Him. As you follow His example, youll be amazed how He will use you
in winning others to His love.
Available from or by calling 800-328-0525.
Child Evangelism
Forever Stories Funpack
A complete child evangelism program that comes in a convenient carrying case. This
all-in-one-place kit provides everything needed to conduct meetings for kids ages 4-11
during an evangelism series. Also use it for neighborhood Bible clubs, childrens church,
and VBS follow-up programs.
Includes the five-volume Forever Stories set, five fun books, a guide book, two videos,
two coloring books, and two prints.
Cost is about $90. Available at or by calling 800-328-0525.
Hope to the World
Hope to the World coordinates with nearly any Seventh-day Adventist evangelistic series
and has 30 Bible topics ready for three levels of lower divisions: beginner/kindergarten,
primary, and junior/earliteen.
Each lesson coordinates with the topics the adults are learning about each night, but at
an age-appropriate level. By studying the junior/earliteen lessons ahead of time, juniors
or teens can teach the simple, but complete, Bible lessons.
The kit includes far more than you would ever need during one series of meetings. You
can save what you dont use for supplementing Sabbath school classes, VBS, for
follow-up, or in any number of other ways.
The kit also includes 90 full-color trading cards that children can collect and trade
throughout the course of the meetings. It is recommend that you purchase additional
sets of trading cards so each child has the opportunity to receive all 90 cards (additional
90-card sets are available).
Hope to the World has "Children of the World" and "Animal Adventure" components as
well. The "Children of the World" segments foster a missionary spirit while teaching
students about 30 various locations and cultures around the world. The "Animal
Adventure" segments cover 30 different animals that correspond to the countries in
the "Children of the World" section. "Animal Adventure" is also a good way to connect
children to God as our Creator. Original art throughout the program helps the lessons
come alive. The Bible lessons, "Animal Adventure," and "Children of the World" coloring
sheets are provided as reproducible masters.
Also included:
Large (nearly 400-page) notebook which includes reproducible masters
Two colorful giant game boards printed on heavy, durably vinyl for the games
Colorful marker playing pieces and cubes
One set of 90 full-color trading cards
Suggestions for coordinated music
Lists of exactly where to find additional resources in familiar books you or your church
probably already have
Teachers resource materials
Patterns and instructions for coordinated crafts
An appendix with additional visuals
A special game guide to show you how to play evangelistic games with children that
reach them spiritually and reinforce the lessons
Cost is about $100. Available at or by calling 800-328-0525
Truth 4Youth
An excellent complete childrens evangelistic series available fromYoung Disciple
Ministries. This is a Christ-centered program appealing to children of all ages and
backgrounds, leading them to choose Christ as their personal Savior. It is largely
prepared, formatted, and easy to use. The cost is approximately $100. For more
information visit or call 509.722.4300.
Prayer MinistriesTeam
1) Leader
2) Prayer Breakfast
3) 24-Hour Chain
4) Day of Fasting &
5) Neighborhood Prayer
Guest Relations Team
1) Leader
2) Greeters/Registrars
3) Ushers
4) Elders
5) Row Hosts
6) Visitation Teams
7) Spiritual Friends
1) Leader
2) MC
3) Music Coordinator
4) Technical Coordinator
5) Speaker(s)
Child EvangelismTeam
1) Leader
2) Stories
3) Crafts
4) Special Feature
5) Nursery
(ages birth 3)
Facilities Management
1) Leader
2) Parking/Security
3) Building Dcor/
4) Baptism Coordinator
General Support Team
1) Leader
2) Advertising
3) Transportation
4) Materials
5) Attendance
6) Meals/Refreshments
7) Photographer
Live with Hope Evangelistic Team
Worksheet 1: Live with Hope Staff List
Live withHope Staff List
Name Phone/Cell
Prayer Ministries Team
1) Leader ___________________ ______________
2) Prayer Breakfast ___________________ ______________
3) 24-Hour Chain ___________________ ______________
4) Day of Fasting & Prayer ___________________ ______________
5) Neighborhood Prayer Walking ___________________ ______________
Guest Relations Team
1) Leader ___________________ ______________
2) Greeters/Registrars ___________________ ______________
3) Ushers ___________________ ______________
4) Elders ___________________ ______________
5) Row Hosts ___________________ ______________
6) Visitation Teams ___________________ ______________
7) Spiritual Friends ___________________ ______________
Presentation Team
1) Leader ___________________ ______________
2) MC ___________________ ______________
3) Music Coordinator ___________________ ______________
4) Technical Coordinator ___________________ ______________
5) Speaker(s) ___________________ ______________
Name Phone/Cell
Child Evangelism Team
1) Leader ___________________ ______________
2) Stories ___________________ ______________
3) Crafts ___________________ ______________
4) Special Feature ___________________ ______________
5) Nursery (ages birth 3) ___________________ ______________
Facilities Management Team
1) Leader ___________________ ______________
2) Parking/Security Coordinator ___________________ ______________
3) Building Dcor/Janitorial Coordinator ___________________ ______________
4) Baptism Coordinator ___________________ ______________
General Support Team
1) Leader Coordinator ___________________ ______________
2) Advertising Coordinator ___________________ ______________
3) Transportation Coordinator ___________________ ______________
4) Materials Coordinator ___________________ ______________
5) Attendance Coordinator ___________________ ______________
6) Meals/Refreshments Coordinator ___________________ ______________
7) Photographer ___________________ ______________
Worksheet 1: Live with Hope Staff List
Worksheet 2: Handbill and Zip Code
Handbill andZip Code
Use the following worksheet to calculate the number of
handbills to order.
1. Locate the zip codes within a 15-mile radius of the meetings
2. List the zip code numbers on the table below.
3. Call the mailing service to find out how many addresses are in each zip code.
4. Record the numbers in the table
5. Calculate the total number of addresses.
6. Add about 1,000 more for use by the church members
Total Addresses _______ + 1,000 = _______ Handbills Needed
Cost per 1,000 handbills _______ x _______ handbills = $_______ Total
Budget CalculationSheet
The following are items to consider in your planning process.
Pre-work, organizational, and Technical Manuals __________
See Resources section of this book __________
Handbills __________
Other materials (CP order form) __________
Radio spots __________
Television spots __________
Newspaper __________
Other __________
Seminar materials and giveaway books __________
Venue rental (if applicable) __________
Childrens program __________
Other __________
TOTAL __________
Worksheet 3: Budget Calculation Sheet
Worksheet 4: The Spirits Invitation My Service for the Lord
The Spirits Invitation
My Service for the Lord
Name: ____________________________________ Church: ____________________
Address: __________________________________
__________________________________ Baptized ________ Year _______
K I want to do something to witness for Jesus.
I am willing to participate in the following evangelistic team positions:
K Prayer Ministry
K Greeter
K Registration
K Ticket Collector
K Usher
K Fellowship Meals
K Janitorial help
K Nursery / Child Care
K Sanctuary / Hall Decorating
K Parking Attendant
K Security Control
K Photographer
K First Aid
K Ride Coordinator
K Photo Copies of seminar handouts
K Bible School
K Other: (please specify) __________________________________________
K I will pray that God will use me to win someone to Him.
Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?
Then said I, Here am I; send me. Isaiah. 6:8.
I CanHelp Here
I realize the importance of being involved in Gods work for His church and I would like
to volunteer my services in the following areas. I recognize that I may not be able to do
all I have checked.
Worksheet 5: I Can Help Here
Church Evangelism
K Distributing Literature
K Community Services:
K Leader for Community Services
K Repairing Clothes
K Gathering Clothes
K Distributing Clothes to the Needy
K Collecting Food for the Needy
K Quilt making
K Other
K Giving Bible Studies
K Having Bible Study Group in home
K Assisting in Cooking Class
Assisting in Breathe Free Stop
Smoking Classes
K Assisting in parenting seminar
K Helping to maintain SDAXA program
K Preach
K Visit Shut-ins
K Visit Nursing Homes
K Telephone Committee
K Vacation Bible School
K ______________________________
Church Nurturing
K Choir
K Lead Song Service
K Sing or provide other special music
K Play piano
K Play organ
K Play musical instrument
K Tell Childrens Stories in Church
K Intercessory Prayer Group
K Fund Raising
K Teen Sabbath School Class (Which
age group?)
K Assisting in Childrens Sabbath School
K Pathfinders (Like Boy and Girl
K Lead Pathfinders, or be trained to
K Teach Specialized Skills (for exam-
ple: baking, sewing, woodworking,
mechanics, knowledge of nature
subjects) (what skills _________ )
K Assist with Pathfinders as adult
teacher, helper, counselor
K Fellowship Meal Committee (Setting up
and cleaning after fellowship meals on
a rotating basis)
K Greeting people at door as official
K Child care during church events
K Maintain sign board
K Sound system operator
K Maintaining Church Building
K Painting
K Miscellaneous carpentry work
K Maintaining Grounds
K Yard work
K Church Newsletter production (Editing,
typing, layout work, or preparing for
bulk mail)
K Sign making, or occasional art work
K Social Committee (planning and
preparing for church socials)
Your Name ________________________
Phone ____________________________
Worksheet 6: Advertising (page 1)
Securing TV and Radio Advertising Spots
Contact your conference or local Chamber of Commerce for a list of stations in
your local area.
Call the stations asking for rates for 60- or 30-second spots. Prime-time slots will
be more expensive, necessitating the shorter spot.
For each station, find out the following information in order to determine listener
demographics and coverage area. (This will assist you in deciding which stations
meet your coverage and financial needs.)
Station call letters (for membership monitoring purposes)
TV channel/radio frequency
Major city covered -- get coverage map
Potential audience/reach (Note that households = audience divided by three)
Sister stations or repeaters
Only broadcast or airing on cable, satellite or combination of these
Available times with corresponding rates (determine when and where your
spots are to be placed, and therefore who will be listening)
Number of times the spot will run
Dates and times they spot will run
What format they take the spots in: CD-WAV, CD-WMA, CD-MP3, Beta SP, DV
Cam, etc. (this will enable you to decide what format your spots should be
produced in)
Attempt to get bonus time at no cost
NOTE: If you would like sample scripts for radio and TV public announcements, please
check online in January.
Sample Radio Advertisement
(note: customize to fit your needs)
What is the future for America? Friends, every hour someone is murdered; every thirty
minutes a woman is raped; every five minutes a home is robbed. We have school shoot-
ings, AIDS, and pornography, yet the United States is one of the most Christianized na-
tions in the world. What is happening to this great society that was founded on moral
Have you ever wondered if there is hope for Americas future? Then you will not
want to miss this! Live with Hope presents, a free Bible prophecy seminar coming
to _____________ on _____________. Tens of thousands have attended these
international seminars and have discovered how Bible prophecy reveals the future
and brings hope for today. The seminar begins _____________ at ____________.
The seminar location is _____________ which is located on _________________.
Look for the flyer in the local paper and in the mail. 30 seconds.
Topics presented nightly will include: The Rapture, Unmasking the Anti-Christ, The Mark
of the Beast, America in Prophecy, and much more. For your convenience, this seminar
is located at the Whistle Stop Theatre. The seminar includes free parking and child care.
All are invited to attend as we open our Bibles together in this relaxed atmosphere.
Look for the advertisements in your local paper and in the mail.
The total radio ad is right at 60 seconds. Depending on how fast you read.
Worksheet 6: Advertising (page 2)
Worksheet 7: Evangelism Sermon Planning Sheet
Evangelistic Sermon Planning
K The Bible (general) ________________________________
K Origin of Evil ________________________________
K Creation and Evolution ________________________________
K Archaeology and the Bible ________________________________
K Salvation ________________________________
K Prayer ________________________________
K God ________________________________
K Christ ________________________________
K Christian Growth ________________________________
K Second Coming (the fact) ________________________________
K Second Coming (the signs) ________________________________
K Second Coming (the manner) ________________________________
K Sanctuary ________________________________
K Judgment ________________________________
K Law of God ________________________________
K Sabbath ________________________________
K How to Keep Sabbath ________________________________
K Change of the Sabbath ________________________________
Worksheet 7: Evangelism Sermon Planning Sheet
K Spiritualism ________________________________
K State of the Dead ________________________________
K Health Message ________________________________
K True Church ________________________________
K Denominations (who so many?) ________________________________
K Babylons Fall ________________________________
K Mark of the Beast ________________________________
K Millennium ________________________________
K Hell ________________________________
K Heaven ________________________________
K Spirit of Prophecy ________________________________
K Certainty of Advent Movement ________________________________
K Holy Spirit and Unpardonable Sin ________________________________
K Tithe & Christian Stewardship ________________________________
K 2300 Days ________________________________
K Three Angels Messages ________________________________
K Seven Last Plagues ________________________________
K Developing Faith ________________________________
K Decision (sermon 1) ________________________________
K Decision (sermon 2) ________________________________
K Your Choice ________________________________
Worksheet 8: Being Evangelistic = Building Relationships for Jesus (page 1)
Building a Relationship for Jesus
There are several important points to consider in striving to be as effective as possible in
drawing people to Jesus and His truth in the Live with Hope Seminar.
O Be there! Your influence can only tell if youre at the seminar yourself!
O In the meetings, please pray. Pray for the speaker, the people around you, pray
during appeals, pray when testing the truths are presented. Pray, pray, pray!
O Be friendly! Dont hesitate to smile and greet people, and get to know people.
O Dont be too friendly! Early in the seminar, people will warm to a smile and a
greeting, but we want to give them space and time to become comfortable.
O Dont argue with seminar visitors!! Never, about anything, anytime. Even if a guest
is argumentative, we only lose ground if we try to win arguments and drive home
our points. If someone is awkward, offer to have the speaker help them.
O Be helpful. Help people find Bible verses they cant locate, help find a drink of
water, help them find a ride home. Helping people wins hearts and makes attractive
what you believe.
O Please dont call the pastor Pastor. Hes not the visitors pastor, and it will tend
to make the visitors feel like outsiders.
O Dont answer theological questions. No matter how simple they appear to be,
refer all questions to the speaker. Encourage guests to put questions in the ques-
tion box, or approach the speaker personally. Visitors will have many Bible ques-
tions. Dont answer them! The only exceptions would be very general questions
about the Bible, or questions on topics that have already been covered, in which
case you may quote the speaker. We build up to topics, and can not have ques-
tions being answered out of sequence, before they are ready to digest them prop-
erly. Even the speaker and the pastor will not answer questions out of order. Just
say, Good question, put that in the question box. Im sure the speaker will be able
to give you a really thorough answer for that.
O Watch your language! Please, no Happy Sabbaths, no Ill see you at church to-
morrow morning!, no Sister White said. Talking like an insider will make anyone
who is not an insider feel like an outsider.
O Dont group together with people from church. Spread out in the auditorium, and
your influence will spread out. We are the salt of the earth. Salt must be dis-
persed if it is going to add flavor.
O Please dont congregate in the doorway, at the registration tables or in the back of
the room.
O Please dont sit in the back row or along the back wall. Leave those seats for visi-
O Please be thinking, How can I help?
O Please pray. And please know that the speaker and his family are very grateful for
your prayers, and your support of this seminar!
Worksheet 8: Being Evangelistic = Building Relationships for Jesus (page 2)
Worksheet 9: Tips for Visitation
Tips for Visitation
1. Select the names you are going to visit that day and plot them on a map. Then
arrange the visits in the most expeditious order. You want to avoid driving back
and forth across town.
2. Even if you are having difficulty finding anyone home in the daytime, go out anyway.
You will be learning your territory so that when we are pressed for time at the end
of the meetings, you can go directly to their homes.
3. Dress appropriately. You represent God and the SDA church. We will be talking
about Christian Dress when we prepare them for baptism and it is much easier if
we model it for them.
4. Insure you have Sweet Breath, etc.
5. Your introductory remarks are very important. You can use the evangelists rapport
to establish rapport with them by using the following introduction and the door.
Hi, my name is ____________________ with Revelation now. ______________
asked me to stop by. We are trying to visit everyone attending, just to let you
know how much we appreciate you coming to Revelation Now, and to pray with
you. Do you have a moment?
6. Sit where you can see both interests with out turning your back on one.
7. Select a lead person to make the visit
8. Partner should be prepared to handle distractions.
9. When beginning the Gospel presentation or evaluation portion of the visit the
partner should pray silently and not say anything.
10. At the close of the visit, always ask if you can come back sometime.
11. Always be pleasant.
12. Do not take these instruction sheets or computer printouts into the meeting or
leave them around where Interest can see them.
13. Wait until you have driven away before filling out your report sheet. Dont do
reports in their driveway.
14. Do not get ahead of the meetings. Only answer questions about material we have
already covered.
15. Do not distribute any literature except for the sermons and the materials we give
Key Sentences
It isnt safe to depend on your feelings. Depend on the Word of God.
Our only true security is in the following truth. Error always leads to disappointment.
Truth will finally triumph. You want to be on the winning side.
More and more thinking people are changing.
As long as the devil sees that you will let circumstances hold you back, he will surround
you with unfavorable circumstances (e.g., in debt, have to work on Sabbath, opposition
from wife). We must come on Gods terms, not if, when, etc
Indecision upsets the whole family. The sooner you decide for right, the sooner the
family will adjust and get back to normal.
You cant run away from the truth.
We never win out loved ones by compromising.
When you do what is right, God makes Himself responsible for the circumstances.
The longer we delay after seeing the truth, the more chance the devil has to confuse us.
You can go to any church in town, but as soon as you become seriously interest in the
church that keeps all of Gods commandments, things begin to happen. People who
never before showed any concern about your spiritual life begin bringing you books,
pamphlets, and list of texts to read; all designed to discourage you from keeping all the
commandments of God. You will see what the Bible means when it says, The dragon
was wroth with the womanwent to make war with remnantcommandments of God.
The majority has never been right. Its never safe to follow the crown.
(Quote Matthew 7:13, 14)
The religious leaders of Christs day were the very ones who fought Him.
No one wants to be pushed, but it is interesting how men will let the devil push them
away from eternal life.
Satans most successful approach is Wait awhile. He keeps whispering, Dont rush
into anything. Its too late for some of you to rush into this message. Youve known it for
years. To decide this very moment wouldnt be rushing, would it? God says, Now, today.
Worksheet 10: Key Sentences (page 1)
Worksheet 10: Key Sentences (page 2)
People appreciate help in making right decisions. The devil will bring influences to bear
in an attempt to hold you back. Unless you have help to encourage you to move forward,
Satan may succeed.
So many have said, Thank you for not giving us up.
The little things that people hold on to are often the very things that rob them of the joy
of full surrender.
As soon as you learn a new truth, begin to live it.
Settle each issue as you meet it.
Dont let duties accumulate. This is one of the rules of efficiency in life.
Team: Interest Record
Names _________________________ Map Coordinate ________________________
_________________________ Source _______________________________
Address ________________________ Decisions _____________________________
________________________ _____________________________________
Phone _________________________ A=Accept Christ, Sab=Sabbath,
D=Death, H=Health, B=Baptism
Phone _________________________ C=Join Church, O=Other
Date Notes
____ ________________________________________________________________
____ ________________________________________________________________
____ ________________________________________________________________
____ ________________________________________________________________
____ ________________________________________________________________
____ ________________________________________________________________
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Worksheet 11: Interest Record
Worksheet 12: Telephone Survey
Telephone Survey
Name: _______________________________________ Left Message: ____________
Phone: _______________________________________ Interest Rating: ___________
Date Called: ___________________________________ Called Back: _____________
Your Name:
Good morning/evening, my name is ________________. Im with the Live with Hope
Seminar which is currently here in _______________ . The reason Im calling is that we
are doing a survey of those who are attending or have attended our seminar to see how
our seminars are meeting the needs of people and Id like to ask you just 3 quick ques-
tions regarding the seminar.
1) Did the opening night program meet your expectations?
K Yes
K Somewhat
K No
2) Do you plan to return for another session?
K Yes
K Maybe
K No
(If answer is no,) ask, May I ask why?
K Work Schedule
K Family
K Negative Press
K Inconvenient
K Other ___________________________________________________
If answer is Work Schedule or Inconvenient) ask, Would you be interested in listening to
the prophecy lectures by audio cassette at your own convenience?
3) What do you think would make the seminar better in the future?
Gaining Decision
for the Truth
Thou Shalt Nots
1. Dont proceed without heart preparations and prayer.
2. Dont condemn a persons past life. Give him hope for the future.
3. Dont argue, lose your temper, or your patience.
4. Dont interrupt the person who is raising an honest objection. Their opinion
matters to them.
5. Dont adapt the thats nothing compared with attitude toward the persons
6. Dont shut the door of mercy in his face because he is slow to accept
7. Dont use the take it or leave it approach.
8. Dont give the candidate the impression that you are running him down to
get him. Over-anxiety has driven many fish from the hook.
9. Dont talk with a person about joining the church in the presence of friends.
10. Dont over urge, or give the sense that you are pressuring.
11. Dont give the impression that you are in a hurry, even if you are.
12. Dont stay for refreshments after the decision is secured.
Worksheet 13: Gaining Decisions for the Truth
Baptism Preparation
1. Towel
2. Swimsuit or underclothes to wear under the baptismal robe
3. Socks (optional) to wear during the baptism
4. Plastic Bag (for wet clothes)
5. Comb
6. Hair dryer
Worksheet 15: Baptism Preparation, What to Bring...