Denver First Church: Keeping in Touch..
Denver First Church: Keeping in Touch..
Denver First Church: Keeping in Touch..
Stephen Abbott
Young Adult & Family Pastor
Rich Cantwell
Business Administrator
Bud Curry
Hospital Chaplain
Tina Hayhurst
Mike Hull
Student Ministries Pastor
Scott Nauman
Pastor of Worship & Arts
Jerry Nelson
Minister of Instrumental Music
Randy Smith
Christian Education Pastor
Marvin Suyen
West Campus Pastor
John Bruneau
Bob Cheney
Curtis Clay
Glenn Domokos
Table of Contents
Troy Edwards
Vini Giannatala
Bryant Jaggers 1. Christmas Eve v. how you can
Judy Jones help…
Gregg Moran
2. news update
Gene Rakes
i. important info… word...
Bud Roe
Kathy Tate ii. kotchadoingood!” 3. calendar of events:
Jim Webb December 13-19
Ron Williams iii. board perspective
Bonnie York
iv. timely news for the
Denver First Church congregation…
3800 E. Hampden Avenue
Englewood, CO 80113
News Update
Important info...
Dear Members and Friends of DFC,
For several years I have avoided it. I had even been a little proud that maybe I was just
a bit different than others. You see others, they succumbed to It. They couldn’t fight It
off. They got It! Well, I got It too! I finally got the flu that so many others have struggled
with. I hadn’t felt this bad in a long time.
When you feel that bad, your perspective changes. I have to admit that I asked God
“why” just a little. “Why now?” “Why couldn’t my wife be present to help me?” I
remember in the writings of Paul that he said this “That is why for Christ sake I delight in
weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak,
then I am strong.” Now, I am not as spiritual as Paul. I didn’t thank God for letting me be
sick. Though I am now reminded that, when God allows sickness or persecution or hard-
ship in our lives, His plan is that you lean on Him and Him alone.
People say, “why, why, why.” I have said why. I believe the reason that He allows these
circumstances in our lives is that He wants us to draw near to Him. Yes, I believe some of
our strongest moments in life have been those weakest moments; those moments that
there was no good answer. The only answer is “My grace is sufficient for you, for my
power is made perfect in weakness.” This is the very voice of God! This is the perfect
answer! His Grace is sufficient. His Presence is enough!
Maybe this note reaches someone facing much more than the flu. Maybe God has
allowed a circumstance that brings you to your knees. He has you where He wants you!
You are now powerful because you have become weak. Now is the time to minister, to
move in His Spirit for His glory. God will always use our weaknesses!
By the way, I am feeling better. When God allows relief and recovery we are thankful!
Let us always be ready when the next “storm” moves in. God is getting ready to use us!
Please take a moment to read several announcements listed below that will appear in
Sunday’s Insight. If you are viewing these in the eblast, click on each for important
details; if you are reading this in the hard copy, please refer to the Insight for important
details regarding these upcoming events.
Today’s email will cover the following topics: “Kotchadoingood!”, Board Perspective,
Timely News for the Congregation, How You Can Help
News Update
Thanksgiving Offering
Thank you to everyone who gave to the Thanksgiving Offering for Others!
We have exceeded our goal of $75,000! Our final tally says that we have
collected $79,842 (that’s almost $5000 over our goal!) that will go to help
people “Across the Street and Across the Sea!”
A Taste Of Christmas
We want to thank Gay Borrego, Cheryl Gallentine and their wonderful
crew of volunteers for making “A Taste of Christmas” such a huge success
this year! Gay helped organize the event and Cheryl did the meal
preparation. Thanks also to the 24 men who showed up to serve. What a
great way to honor the women in our lives!
A Night of Hope
Thank you to Scott Nauman, Diane Easton and the Celebration Choir &
Orchestra for ministering to us with “A Night of Hope” last Sunday. We
had such a great crowd -- over 600 came to the afternoon event! Thank
you for all of your hard work and for leading us in worship.
I notice in Isaiah 9:4 that our Lord shatters the yoke that burdens, the bar across
the shoulders, the rod of the oppressor. He doesn't just ease the pain. He
implements a once-and-for-all solution to break the hold of Satan, the oppressor.
He offers the solace for which our souls long our entire lives.
In Matthew, chapter 2, the magi see the light. In Luke, chapter 2, the shepherds
see the light. In Acts, chapter 9, Paul sees the light. In each case, the response is
dramatic, life-changing and immediate. Today, the light shines just as brilliantly,
heals just as completely and erupts into one's life just as quickly. During this season
in which so much focus is already drawn to the eternity-altering event of the birth
of Christ Jesus, we believers must seize the opportunity to let the Light shine. What
does this require? Gently lifting the weary faces of the unredeemed souls walking
in darkness and simply pointing them to the Savior. No hedging or softening. Like
the angel of the Lord in Luke 2:11, we must state with clarity, "A Savior has been
born to you; He is Christ the Lord." That's what the weary souls are waiting to hear.
December Dates:
12/11-13 Navajo Shoebox trip
12/13 Advent Theme:Joy
12/13 DFC Children’s Christmas program
12/13 Evening of Music with Special Speaker: Pastor Shawn
(bring homemade cookies please!)
12/20 Advent Theme: Love
12/23 No Wednesday Evening Activities
12/24 Christmas Eve Candlelight service - 5:00 pm
12/25 Merry Christmas! - church building closed
January Dates:
1/1 New Year’s Day - church building closed
1/3 No evening service - church building closing at 2:00 pm
Christmas Eve
Bring your family and friends and join us at 5:00 pm on Christmas Eve, December
24th for a candlelight service. It is a great way to celebrate the birth of our Savior.
During December, our Worship & Arts Department will be reaching out into our
There is a lengthy roster of our church's people in uniform on the back of the "Prayer
Requests" brochure, available every Sunday at the main usher stations around the
church. Please take one this Sunday and pray for all the military folks.
We're still gathering/updating addresses to begin sending cards and letters to our
military people, especially those in the war zones, for the Christmas season. If you can
help us, please email Pinkysloane at - thanks!!
On the 1st we had a Boys College program at the Convention Center and our core
group was featured. They were on TV and in the newspaper. They were featured
because of the good work they are doing and it’s been a wonderful experience with
the Boy Scouts. On the 2nd we took over 35 gifts to the Navajo Church -- we were
blessed to partner with the Colorado District in this project. During this crucial and
emotional month, we’ve been making lots of home visits to cater to those in need. On
the 19th we plan to have our biker friends, the Biker Angels visit and give gifts to kids in
our church. It’s been great to see that people - some not even from our church - are
looking out for the families in our church. This is the 2nd year that the Biker Angels have
blessed us in this way. We have special Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve services
planned. We plan to go caroling, especially in the homes of senior members. We are
planning a huge Hispanic concert with 4 bands on the 26th of December with lots of
food and music. We have a pastor’s luncheon planned for the Hispanic pastors in our
We are so blessed and thankful to God. We love Him with all our Hearts. We wish you a
merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
Cenida Suyen
News Update
timely news for the congregation...
Kid’s Corner
The final dress rehearsal for “The Mystery of the Manger” is scheduled for
Saturday, December 12, 2009, starting at 9 AM. After this rehearsal, all cast
members are invited to attend the cast party scheduled to begin at 12 Noon.
The cast party will take place in the Fellowship Hall.
As we look forward to “The Mystery of the Manger”, please know that all
are welcome to attend this special service. Those who attend are sure to be
blessed by our children who, like the angels, are eager to “Bring you good news
of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David a Savior
has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” Luke 2:10 – 11 NIV
Susan Foster
News Update
how you can help...
Prayer Needed
Please continue praying for Harold Fleshman. He is still recovering
from back surgery. And please pray for Wilma as well.
Donating Appliances
If you have any appliances to donate, we have a team of men that
would be willing to pick them up and deliver them to charity
organizations. Places like the Nazarene Compassion Center will
make sure that they get to someone in need. To donate an
appliance, please contact Randy Smith’s office at 303/806-2625.
Naz Car
The “Naz Car” ministry will be helping the church repair donor cars
to be given to the needy. We need people who have skills to join
us! We also will be teaching the next generation about cars. We
are accomplishing this by building a drag car. We need an older,
full frame car. Some suggested cars are Nova, Camaro, Firebird,
Vega, etc. Contact Bob Davis if you can help. 303-916-5206
• Seniors going out in sub-zero weather this past week to sing carols to
those in nursing homes
• 24 men who showed up to serve at “A Taste of Christmas”
• Around 140 volunteers helping us make the campus “Shipshape for
• Navajo Shoebox Project—where nearly all the boxes were returned with
gifts for those in need
• A very full pantry—at present—making it possible for us to give to those in
• A Thanksgiving offering that—in one day—surpassed all expectations
A need has come to the surface this week. This past Sunday four families met
with the Tending Committee. The needs were met. But, for the first time in
recent memory, the Tending Committee fund has been completely de-
pleted. In this economy, as you can imagine, the need is great. The Tending
Committee is careful, responsible, discreet, applies sound judgment, and
operates with a high standard of integrity.
Would you join me in giving a special offering to the ministry of meeting the
needs of our congregation? If 400 individuals and/or family units gave $50
each—above our tithe—we could provide solid funding for the Tending
Committee to continue its ministry of benevolence. Just make out a check to
DFC and in the “Memo” section indicate “Tending Committee.” Others will be
blessed by your generosity and you will be blessed for your faithfulness.
As we walk in obedience to His moving among us, may we find favor in His
sight today.
Randy Smith
Calendar of Events
December 13-19