Altered Sleep - Wake Cycles and Physical Performance in Athletes
Altered Sleep - Wake Cycles and Physical Performance in Athletes
Altered Sleep - Wake Cycles and Physical Performance in Athletes
Thomas Reilly
, Ben Edwards
Research Institute for Sport and Exercise Sciences, Liverpool John Moores University, Henry Cotton Campus,
15-21 Webster Street, Liverpool, L3 2ET, United Kingdom
Received 14 August 2006; accepted 4 September 2006
Sleepwaking cycles are fundamental in human circadian rhythms and their disruption can have consequences for behaviour and performance.
Such disturbances occur due to domestic or occupational schedules that do not permit normal sleep quotas, rapid travel across multiple meridians
and extreme athletic and recreational endeavours where sleep is restricted or totally deprived. There are methodological issues in quantifying the
physiological and performance consequences of alterations in the sleepwake cycle if the effects on circadian rhythms are to be separated from the
fatigue process. Individual requirements for sleep show large variations but chronic reduction in sleep can lead to immuno-suppression. There are
still unanswered questions about the sleep needs of athletes, the role of power naps and the potential for exercise in improving the quality of
2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Circadian rhythm; Exercise; Jet-lag; Shift-work
1. Introduction
The sleepwakefulness cycle is the most discernable of
human circadian functions, activity being associated with the
hours of daylight and sleep with the hours of darkness. This
recurrence on a daily basis is linked with responses of the pineal
gland to the environment, its secretion of melatonin being
promoted at dusk and inhibited on exposure to morning light.
There is a myriad of other biological functions that are knit into a
common systemof circadian rhythms, cycles in behaviour and in
biological functions that recur with a period of about 24 h (circa
Many human performance measures follow broadly the
typical circadian curve in body temperature, including for
example muscle strength, anaerobic power output, joint-
flexibility and self-chosen work-rate [1]. Observations from
time-trials in swimming [2] and cycling [3] provide indirect
support for an endogenous component to these rhythms in
exercise performance. There are suggestions that complex skills
tend to peak earlier in the day than do gross motor skills, due
possibly to an earlier acrophase in the circadian rhythm in
alertness compared to that of body temperature [4,5]. This
separation of central nervous system arousal from alignment
with the body temperature rhythm has been attributed, at least in
part, to the circadian rhythm in circulatory catecholamines [6]
and to the homeostatic drive for recuperation from fatigue due to
time since waking from the previous sleep [7,8]. Indeed, the
amount of sleep individuals have acquired in the previous 24 and
48 h has been incorporated into a predictive model for
determining fatigue-risk thresholds in normal hours of occupa-
tional service [9].
The harmonious co-existence of distinct circadian rhythms
cannot be assumed when the normal sleepwakefulness cycle is
disrupted. Such perturbations occur as a result of changes in
domestic circumstances that interrupt normal sleep, when
anxiety prohibits restful sleep and when operating on nocturnal
shift-work. They also apply to travellers on long-haul flights
over multiple meridians and to a lesser extent to Muslims fasting
during the holy month of Ramadan when eating and drinking are
eschewed from sunrise to sunset (see the paper by Reilly and
Waterhouse in this special issue). The consequences are usually
apparent in mood, alertness and performance [10]. The effects of
these disruptions may be more pronounced in athletic activities,
Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
Corresponding author. Tel.: +44 151 231 4324; fax: +44 151 231 4353.
E-mail address: (T. Reilly).
0031-9384/$ - see front matter 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
particularly adventure events where the amount of time
allocated for sleep is minimised.
The importance of good quality sleep for sports participants
is recognised by practitioners (e.g. [11]). Insights can be gained
into the role of sleep by looking at the consequences of
disruptions to the sleepwaking cycle and how individuals cope
in such conditions. In this review the effects of total sleep
deprivation, chronic sleep loss and partial sleep allowances are
considered, and results reviewed from both laboratory and field
studies. The circumstances inducing jet-lag and nocturnal shift-
work are then reviewed along with remedies for counteracting
any performance impairments. Sleep disruption in the context of
individual differences is discussed prior to setting out guidelines
for coping with necessary breaks to normal sleep.
2. Methodological issues
Whilst the study of sleep itself is inherently attractive to
researchers due to its fundamental nature, it is beset with
methodological problems. Smith and Reilly [12] outlined three
features of research protocols required to define the effects of
sleep deprivation on athletic performance with the desired level
of accuracy. Firstly, the experimental protocol should isolate the
homeostatic from the circadian components as these frequently
confound each other. Secondly, the protocol should include an
externally valid competitive event to reduce motivational con-
founds and decrease the distortion associated with extrapolation
to the real conditions. Thirdly, the research protocol should
effectively reduce the many confounding variables affecting
sports performance, for example home advantage, climate con-
ditions, changes in fitness and individual circumstances.
Needless to state, all of the above conditions are rarely
fulfilled in studies of sleep deprivation. Furthermore, compli-
ance with all of these requirements is impractical in a real-life
competitive context. There are also likely to be ethical issues
associated with engaging elite performers in an experimental
set-up where their performance might be impaired. Finally, the
internal validity of research designs is limited since it is not
possible to blind the participants or administer an authentic
The influence of disrupted sleep on the circadian rhythm in
exercise performance is also problematic due to the metabolic
and physiological sequelae to an exercise trial. Reilly and
Bambaeichi [13] highlighted some of the issues confronting
researchers when studying circadian rhythms in human
performance. Relevant factors included sources of measurement
error, selection of physiological and performance measures, use
of laboratory or field-based conditions, and the age, gender and
health status of the participants. It is evident that the research
design must be appropriate to the research question set and
dependant variables must be chosen with particular care. In
some instances important observations on disturbances to the
sleepwakefulness cycles are made possible as unique research
opportunities present themselves, such as in extreme adven-
ture sports. Such measures of entire performance in the field
are in contrast with laboratory studies in which individual
aspects of performance are recorded more precisely.
There remains the problem of separating the circadian
component from the homeostatic drive to sleep. This difficulty
arises irrespective of whether sleep is lost in the early morning
or is due to a late bedtime. The two processes are compounded
in travellers, especially those going westwards on long haul
flights. The forced desynchrony procedures of Cajochen et al.
[14] may have value in applications to the study of sleep and
circadian effects on athletes.
3. Total sleep deprivation
In a study of continuous exercise at moderate intensity,
Thomas and Reilly [15] showed that it was possible to maintain
activity for at least 100 h non-stop. Energy intake was provided
to match the rate of energy expenditure (30.77 MJ day
) and
delivered as a glucose syrup drink. Despite the consistency in
muscular power output (which was controlled), the heart rate
decreased over the first 2 days of the trial, suggesting a reduction
in sympathetic drive. Lung function, indicated by forced vital
capacity and forced expiratory volume after 1 s, displayed a
deteriorating trend over the 100 h, superimposed on circadian
periodicity. There was a significant trend in slowing of visual
reaction time with each successive day without sleep. Errors in a
signal detection test appeared after the first night of sleep loss,
and in mental tasks requiring short-term memory after the
second night, although neither task demonstrated a significant
circadian rhythm under these conditions. The observations
highlighted the erratic nature of performance tasks in these
circumstances and the suppression (or masking) of some circa-
dian rhythms in conditions that demand a constant level of
muscular power output.
Where participants attempt to achieve entry into the Guinness
Book of Records for extreme endurance, activity is usually
sustained at a self-chosen intensity. When two teams playing
five-a-side football for 91.8 h were monitored, the work-rate
demonstrated a significant circadian rhythm each day and a
decline from day-to-day [16]. The rhythm in activity was in
phase with that of body temperature, and in this instance the
heart rate response showed cyclical variation corresponding to
the physical activity. Impairment in mental performance was
evident after only one night, lapses in attention and delays in
reaction time becoming more pronounced than physical
measures such as grip strength which proved resistant to fatigue
effects induced by lack of sleep.
When individuals are deprived of sleep over successive
nights, bizarre behavioural episodes, illusions (visual, auditory
and olfactory) or hallucinations are often noted. The aetiology
of disturbances in cognitive and perceptual processes was
examined in another group of footballers playing five-a-side
games indoors for 71 h [17]. Blood samples were obtained
every 4 h while mood states were monitored at the same time
points in the 5-min rest allowed every 50 min. Unprepared-
reaction time was sampled by means of a portable devise worn
on a harness for administration of a test protocol while play was
continued (see Fig. 1). The data suggested that -phenylethyl-
amine, a naturally occurring brain amine, plays a role in the
cycles of unusual behaviour and mood states occurring in these
275 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
circumstances, since the concentrations of the free amine
demonstrated a circadian rhythm superimposed on a progres-
sive day-to-day increase. Despite the occasional episode of
erratic behaviour, grip strength remained relatively stable over
the 3 days, allowing for the circadian rhythm that existed.
In a study of naval seamen deprived of sleep for over 72 h,
How et al. [18] employed a battery of tests related to cognitive
and physical performance. The more pronounced declines were
observed in cognition, speed and precision while smaller effects
were found in routine tests of physical measures. The changes
became more evident after 36 h: all performance measures
displayed a diurnal rhythm and troughs coincided with the
highest ratings for sleepiness.
A similar correlation between subjective states and skills
performance was reported when military recruits were moni-
tored whilst being kept awake for three successive nights [19].
An increase in self-rated fatigue coincided with a decline in
accuracy of rifle-shooting, both measures exhibiting circadian
rhythmicity over the 3 days. The performance curves were in
phase with circulating noradrenaline concentrations which rose
progressively with a peak each daytime. The increased
concentrations of noradrenaline were thought to reflect an
increased mental drive necessary to maintain performance in the
face of sleep deprivation. Relative changes in noradrenaline and
heart rate might be used to characterise heart rate sensitivity to
sympathetic nervous stimulation under such circumstances. The
observations on the novice soldiers showed how circadian
rhythms can persist alongside a progressive trend in fatigue
under conditions of complete sleep deprivation. A similar
picture is presented for anxiety and unprepared simple reaction
time of the subjects playing football indoors for 71 h without any
sleep (shown in Fig. 1).
Meta-analyses of relevant studies have confirmed the
significant impact of sleep deprivation on psychomotor
performance. Koslowsky and Babkoff [20] concluded that the
longer the period without sleep, the greater was the effect on
performance. Furthermore, decreases in speed were greater than
decrements in accuracy. In a second meta-analysis, Pilcher and
Huffcutt [21] showed that mood measures were more sensitive
than cognitive tasks, which were, in turn, more sensitive than
motor tasks during sleep loss. Sports skills frequently incorpo-
rate decision-making as well as physical components, errors in
either of which are reflected in performance outcomes.
Any deterioration in mood is also likely to affect performance
where maximum effort and determination are required of the
4. Chronic sleep loss
Observations on chronic sleep loss in realistic conditions
have relied mainly on ultra-endurance races, long-distance-
sailing and military operations. In these instances some sleep is
allowed or taken according to strategies for the competitive
event or necessitated by weather conditions.
Smith et al. [22] studied competitors in the Race Across
America (RAAM), a solo-bicycle race over 4640 km in the
USA, which takes approximately 8 days for elite competitors.
Over 3 years the average sleep taken by the winners was 2 h per
night. In a comparable Eco-Challenge event completed in
7 days and 2 h, the sleep taken voluntarily by the winning team
in 2002 averaged 2.4 h per 24 h. After experiencing extreme
physical and cognitive fatigue the previous year, the victorious
sleep strategy was to go no more than 30 h without sleep [12].
Whilst participants can complete these competitions over
challenging terrain and environmental conditions, the events
exact a huge toll on their physical and mental resources.
Chronic sleep disturbances are anticipated by sailors in races
across the great oceans and around the world. Bennet [23]
studied 19 solo yachtsmen during a transatlantic race that took
around 38 days. Most participants awoke at intervals to check
weather and direction, one sailor making these checks every
30 min each 24 h. Errors were common among the yachtsmen,
and hallucinations were reported by some, illustrating the stress
posed by such activities on those who take part in them.
As a strategy to deal with the task associated with sailing
single-handed in the Vendee Globe Race over 40000 km, the
British sailor Ellen McArthur used the cluster-napping technique
promoted by Stampi et al. [24]. The duration of nighttime sleep
varied with weather conditions but it was supported by daytime
naps. The strategy entails separating a long sleep into shorter
Fig. 1. Changes in anxiety state (a) and unprepared simple reaction time (b) in
five-a-side players over 71 h without sleep. The data showed a trend with time of
sleep deprivation and a time-of-day effect (data from [17]).
276 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
units of 2540 min each, during which quick checks are
conducted on the boat, its navigation equipment and the weather
conditions while staying awake, but immediately resuming sleep
once these chores are completed. Her average nap lasted 36 min,
and total sleep averaged 5.5 h day
over the 94 days of the 2001
race in which she finished second overall.
Studies have also been conducted on military personnel with
a view to charting the effects of an arduous physical regimen
whilst on restricted sleep rations. Rognum and co-workers [25]
considered that Norwegian soldiers were ineffective at the end
of 4 days with only 2 h sleep each night. This conclusion was
based on deteriorated performance over a 1-km assault course, a
shooting test and a run over 3 km. A diet high in energy intake
had not prevented the impairment.
In another study, conducted upon 27 soldiers, participants
expended 21 MJ day
over 5 days on a combat course, taking
less than 4 h sleep each day. The participants were divided into
three equal groups according to energy intake; those on lowintake
had 7.6 MJ day
, a medium-intake group had 13.4 MJ day
whilst the soldiers on high intake were given 17.6 MJ day
The participants on the low-energy intake experienced an 8%
drop in maximal oxygen uptake (V
2 max
) and a 14% decline in
anaerobic power by the end of the course, whereas the other two
groups did not show a significant decrease in either of these
resources. It seems that a large energy imbalance leads to a
deterioration in both aerobic and anaerobic power production
when activity is sustained over several days and sleep is reduced.
In this study there were not adequate intermediate observations to
show transient falls in performance whilst on the combat
The fall in V
2 max
with sleep deprivation is not inevitable and
no decline in V
has been reported at work rates up to 80%
2 max
[27]. While maximal oxygen uptake is itself a robust
function, a difficulty facing researchers is to get subjects who
are deprived of sleep to exercise at progressive work-rates until
voluntary exhaustion is reached. Criteria that V
2 max
is actually
attained include a plateau in V
before termination, a high
blood lactate concentration and a respiratory exchange ratio
above 1.10. Some subjects have shown a small decline in V
2 max
after incurring a sleep debt over two successive nights [28,29]
but others [30] have found that maximal aerobic power can be
retained, at least after one whole night's sleep loss. Disruptions
to normal eating and drinking patterns and to the individual's
motivational climate may contribute to a failure to sustain
exercise on an incremental test to exhaustion as is required to
satisfy the standard criteria that a maximal physiological state
was reached. The neurological basis for such an increased
exercise intolerance is uncertain.
Changes in gene expression may help in gaining insights into
the consequences of sleep loss on energy processes. Genes
expressed during wakefulness to regulate mitochondrial activity
and glucose transport are likely to reflect increased energy
needs. One gene for the enzyme arylsulfotransferase has shown
stronger induction as a function of the length of sleep
deprivation. This induction was suggested to reflect a homeo-
static response to continuing central noradrenergic activity
during loss of sleep [31].
5. Experimental studies in partial sleep deprivation
As the majority of sports entail competition within a single
day, the study of partially reduced sleep in the day or days prior
to sports contests has more relevance than the study of total
sleep deprivation or chronic sleep loss. The experimental
regimens have entailed substantially reduced sleep allowances,
partly to ensure that all sleep stages are affected and partly also
to safeguard against a Type II experimental error. Those studies
relevant to sport have included time-trials or components of
performance whilst others have employed laboratory-based
measures that have more generic applications.
Sinnerton and Reilly [32] focused on swimming perfor-
mance and on restricted nightly sleep (2.5 h sleep a night). Eight
swimmers were tested in a 50-m pool on 4 consecutive days,
morning (06:30 h) and evening (17:30 h), under conditions of
normal sleep and under partial sleep deprivation. Measurements
included grip and back strength, lung function (vital capacity,
forced expiratory volume in 1 s), resting heart rate and mood
states. Swimming performances over four trials at 50 m and one
trial at 400 m were also measured. No decrements were
observed with sleep deprivation either in back or grip strength,
lung function, or swim times, although these variables
demonstrated an effect of time of day. Sleep loss affected
mood states, increasing depression, tension, confusion, fatigue
and anger, while decreasing vigour significantly. The data were
interpreted as supporting Horne's [33] brain restitution theory
of sleep, suggesting that the primary need for sleep is located in
nerve cells rather than in other biological tissues.
Reilly and Deykin [34] investigated the effects of partial
sleep deprivation in a group of trained men (3 nights of sleep
loss and a single night of subsequent recovery sleep) on a
battery of psychomotor, physical working capacity, and
subjective-state tests. A novel feature of the study was the
measurement of various performance tasks at the same time as
running on a treadmill at 10 km h
to investigate the effects of
exercise as an antidote to sleep loss. The authors concluded that
gross motor functions including muscle strength, lung power
and endurance running on a treadmill can remain unaffected by
3 nights of severely restricted sleep. Decrements occurred in a
range of psychomotor functions, the majority of which were
evident after only 1 night of reduced sleep. Exercise had a
beneficial effect on arousal after sleep loss, providing an
obvious temporary counteraction to falls in mental alertness. All
functions monitored were restored to normal after a full night of
recovery sleep.
It seems that effects of sleep deprivation apply equally to
females as to males. Reilly and Hales [35] restricted the sleep of
well-trained females to 2 h per night for 3 nights. Baseline
measures were obtained for 4 days as a control. Measurements
were made each morning (07:0009:30 h) and evening (19:00
21:30 h) for oral temperature, lung function, grip strength,
anaerobic power output, limb steadiness and speed and
subjective sensations at rest and during exercise. Apart from
hand steadiness, diurnal variations were observed in all
measures in phase with the variation in oral temperature.
Gross motor functions were less affected by sleep loss than the
277 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
tasks requiring fast reactions. A 5-min submaximal exercise
bout at 60% V
2 max
was effective in reducing the feeling of
sleepiness, which was more pronounced in the morning than in
the evening. The exercise was rated harder in the morning than
in the evening, and the rating was increased with successive
days of partial sleep deprivation. It was concluded that the
effects of sleep loss may be masked if time of day is not taken
into consideration.
While athletes may be able to overcome the adverse effects
of sleep loss in single all-out efforts, they may be unable or
unwilling to maintain a high level of performance in sustained
exercise and in repeated exercise bouts such as those that occur
in extended training sessions. Reilly and Piercy [36] focused on
weight-lifting tasks, using typical weight-training exercise as
maximal lifts and adopting a psychophysical approach toward
assessing repeated submaximal efforts. There was no significant
effect of sleep loss on performance of maximal biceps curl but a
significant effect was noted on maximal bench press, leg press
and dead lift. Trend analysis indicated decreased performance in
submaximal lifts for all four tasks; the deterioration was
significant after the second night of sleep loss. These changes
were evident in the perception of effort whether rated for
breathing, muscles or general whole-body feeling as indicated
by the responses to biceps curl (Fig. 2a) and dead lift (Fig. 2b).
Results indicate that submaximal lifting tasks are more affected
by sleep loss than are maximal efforts, particularly for the first
2 nights of successive sleep restriction. The observations
highlighted that the greatest impairments were found the later in
the protocol that the lifts were performed, indicating a
cumulative fatigue effect due to sleep loss accruing during the
training sessions.
The fact that muscle strength may be resistant to the effects
of one night's sleep deprivation has been confirmed, whether
sleep loss was total [37] or partial [38]. Meney et al. [37] noted
that body temperature did not decline as a result of no sleep, and
maximal performance in back and leg isometric strength was
retained. Bambaeichi et al. [38] conducted measurements at
06:00 and 18:00 h on female subjects using isokinetic
dynamometry. Peak torque was about 5% higher in the evening
compared to the morning for concentric actions of knee flexors
at angular velocities of 1.05 and 3.14 rad s
. The variations
were in phase with changes in rectal temperature but were
unaffected by restriction of sleep to 2.5 h overnight. It seems
that circadian variations in muscle performance are more robust
than are any changes due to sleep deprivation.
In those instances that have been examined, performance has
taken different guises. A taxonomy is presented in Table 1
suggestive of how performance in certain types of activity might
be affected. Such a classification itself entails broad general-
isation, since the effects of sleep loss can be mitigated by the
challenging nature of the activity to the individual concerned.
6. Travelling across time-zones
When individuals travel on long-haul flights across multiple
meridians, their circadian rhythms are desynchronised. Jet-lag
refers to the feelings of disorientation, light-headedness,
impatience, lack of energy and general discomfort that follow
travelling across time-zones. These feelings are not experienced
while travelling directly northwards or southwards within the
same time-zone when the passenger simply becomes tired from
the journey or stiff after a long stay in a cramped posture. The
feelings associated with jet-lag may persist for several days after
arrival and can be accompanied by loss of appetite, constipa-
tion, difficulty in sleeping and reduced motivation. Although
individuals differ in severity of symptoms they experience,
many people simply fail to recognise how they themselves are
affected, especially in tasks requiring concentration and
complex coordination. For instance they may have difficulty
in sleeping at the appropriate time but not recognise it as jet-lag.
The different components of jet-lag were identified by Water-
house et al. [39] when they designed the Liverpool Jet-lag
Questionnaire. Besides a global sensation of jet-lag, symp-
toms cluster around sleep, fatigue, mental performance and
mood, meals and bowel activity.
Following a journey across multiple time zones the body's
circadian rhythm at first retains the characteristics of the point of
departure. The new environment forces new influences on these
cycles, mainly the time of sunrise and onset of darkness, which
act as Zeitgebers and adjust the body clock. The body attempts
to adjust to this new context but core temperature is relatively
slow to do so. It takes about 1 day for each time-zone crossed
for body temperature to adapt completely [40]. The individual
may not sleep well for a few days but activity and social contact
during the day help to adjust the rhythm in arousal. Arousal
adapts more quickly than does body temperature to the new
time-zone. Until the whole range of biological rhythms adjusts
to the new local time, thereby becoming re-sychronized, athletic
performance may be below par. A schematic illustration of the
adjustment of different key rhythms is shown in Fig. 3. The
sleepwake cycle may be normalised prior to adjustment of
body temperature where re-synchronization seems to coincide
with disappearance of jet-lag symptoms. Only then does the
performance curve return to its normal circadian rhythm (see
Fig. 4, Day 7).
The severity of jet-lag is affected by a number of factors
besides individual differences. The greater the number of time-
zones travelled, the more difficult it is to cope. A 2-h phase shift
may have marginal significance but a 3-h shift (e.g. British or
Irish sports teams travelling to play European football matches
in Russia or teams within the USA travelling coast to coast) will
encounter desynchronization to a substantial degree. In such
cases the flight times time of departure and time of arrival
may determine how severe are the symptoms of jet-lag that
occur. Training times might be altered to take the direction of
travel into account. Such an approach was suggested as a
strategy for American football teams travelling across time-
zones within the USA and scheduled to play at different times of
day [41].
When jet-lag is experienced, symptoms abate after the first 2
or 3 days following arrival, but may still be most marked at
particular times of day. There will be a window of time during
the day when time of high arousal associated with the time zone
departed from and the new local time overlap. This window
278 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
may be predicted in advance and should be utilised when
arranging times for training practices in the first few days at the
The direction of travel also influences the severity of jet-lag.
It is easier to cope with flying in a westward direction compared
to flying eastward. In flying westward, the first day is
lengthened and the body's rhythms can extend in line with
their natural free-running period of about 25 h and thus delay, so
reducing the duration of jet-lag. By contrast, travelling from the
United Kingdom to Korea (9 h in advance of British Summer
Time) and Malaysia (7 h in advance of British Summer Time)
required more than 9 and 7 days, respectively, for jet-lag
symptoms to disappear in some individuals. In contrast, re-
adaptation was more rapid on returning to Britain [42].
However, when time-zone shifts approach near maximal
values the maximum is a 12-h change there may be little
difference between eastward and westward travel and the body
clock is likely to adjust as if the latter had occurred [40].
Fig. 2. Perceived exertion (RPE) during sustained biceps curl (a) and deadlift (b), rated for breathing, muscle, and general whole-body feeling. The CRS scale refers to
category ratio. Day 1 indicates a baseline day after a normal sleep, and PSD refers to partial sleep deprivation (from [36]).
279 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
Sleeping pills have been used by some travelling sports
teams to induce sleep whilst on board. Drugs such as short-
acting benzodiazepines are effective in getting people to sleep
but they do not guarantee a prolonged period asleep. They have
been shown to be ineffective in accelerating adjustment of the
body-clock in a group of British Olympic athletes travelling to
the USA [43]. Besides, they have not been satisfactorily tested
for subsequent residual effects on motor performances such as
competitive sports. They may also be counter-productive if
administered at the incorrect time. Melatonin can act directly on
the body clock as well as being a soporific but the timing of
administration is critical. Athletes and support personnel
travelling between the United Kingdom and Australia, a
journey which can elicit the most severe jet-lag symptoms,
were found to derive no benefit [44]. Melatonin administered in
the few hours before the trough of body temperature will have a
phase-advance effect whereas if administered in the hours after
this trough will delay the circadian rhythm [45]. Ingestion of
melatonin at other times will have no chronobiotic effect but
will still induce drowsiness.
Daytime sleepiness may be overcome by use of pharmaco-
logical aids that promote alertness in these conditions and in
other circumstances where sleep is lost. Such drugs include
modafinil, dextroamphetamine and caffeine [46,47]. Modafinil
is used to treat narcolepsy and has been uncovered as a drug of
abuse amongst sprinters competing at the World Track and Field
Championships [40]. Caffeine can be considered for general
use, both fast-acting and slow-release forms of caffeine offering
temporary relief of fatigue [48]. Other drugs such as cocaine and
nicotine act as CNS stimulants but are addictive and
inappropriate for health-related reasons.
Fitting in as soon as possible with the phase characteristics of
the new environment is important. Individuals may already
have been informed of the local time for their disembarkation,
information that can help in planning the rest of the daily
activity. Light inhibits melatonin and natural daylight is the key
signal that helps to re-adjust the body clock to the new
environment. There may be other environmental factors to
consider such as heat, humidity or even altitude. For the first
few days after arrival naps should be avoided since a long nap at
the time the individual feels drowsy (presumably at the time he/
she would have been asleep in the time zone just departed from)
anchors the rhythms at their former phases and so delays the
adaptations to the new time zone [49].
A phase delay of the circadian rhythm is required after a
westward flight and visitors may be encouraged to retire to bed
early in the evening. Early onset of sleep will be less likely after
an eastward flight. In this case, a light exercise training session
on that evening would be helpful in instilling local cues into the
rhythms. Exercise does speed up the adaptation to a new time-
zone primarily by facilitating adjustment to the appropriate
habitual activity in the locality. In contrast, exercise in the
morning is not recommended after a long-haul flight to the East
since it is normally done outdoors in daylight and collectively
these factors could act to delay the body clock rather than
promote the phase adjustment required in this circumstance.
These practices are based largely on chronobiological princi-
ples; methodological difficulties in acquiring supportive
evidence from physical performance measures under controlled
conditions have forced researchers into an emphasis on
subjective measures of jet-lag [50].
By preparing for time-zone transitions and the disturbances
they impose on the body's rhythms, the severity of jet-lag
symptoms may be reduced. There has been little success in
attempting to predict good and poor adaptors to long-haul
flights. The fact that an individual feels relatively unaffected on
one occasion is no guarantee that the same individual will do so
Table 1
A taxonomy of sports and recreational activities affected by sleep loss
Characteristics Sports Effects
high vigilance
Sailing, road cycling,
aiming sports
Moderate aerobic,
high concentration
Field sports, team games,
court games
High aerobic,
gross skills
Running 3000 m,
swimming 400 m
Mixed aerobic
Combat sports, swimming,
middle distance running
Anaerobic Sprints, power events Marginal
Multiple anaerobic
Jumping events,
Fig. 3. A schematic illustration of the adjustment of different key rhythms.
Fig. 4. The diurnal variation in leg strength after travelling between the United
Kingdom and Florida, USA (from [50]).
280 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
again on the next visit. Regular travellers do benefit from their
experiences and develop personal strategies for coping with jet-
lag [51,52]. The disturbances in mental performance and
cognitive functions have consequences not only for competitors
but also for support personnel and medical staff travelling with
the team, who too are likely to suffer from jet-lag symptoms.
Besides, the long periods of inactivity during the plane journey
may lead to the pooling of blood in the legs and in susceptible
individuals to a deep-vein thrombosis [53]. Moving around the
plane periodically during the journey about every 2 h and
doing light stretching exercises have been recommended [54].
7. Nocturnal shift-work
Participation in nocturnal shift-work can disrupt human
circadian rhythms. The stress provided by shift-work differs
from that of traversing multiple meridians in that the
environmental signals for biological timekeeping stay constant
and the workrest cycle stays out of phase with the alternations
of day and night. This relative permanence means that the body
never adapts fully to working at nights.
The difficulty of sleeping during the day is compounded by
the distraction of noise and also social factors. Both the amount
of sleep taken each day and the quality of sleep as indicated by
electroencephalograph recordings are decreased in night-work-
ers sleeping during the day [55]. The extreme difficulty
experienced by shift-workers in adjusting to nocturnal shifts
forces many to abandon night-work. The unease with the
unsocial hours of work and circadian rhythm disturbances has
been a concern to the workers' health and well-being [6].
There is a myriad of reports detailing impaired mental and
physical performance of shift-workers during the night-time
hours. Falls in attention, increases in errors, decreases in vigour
and progressive fatigue [56] and impaired performance in
perceptual-motor tasks [57] have been associated with failure of
circadian rhythms to adapt. In contrast, rhythms adjust relatively
quickly to a day-work routine and normal sleep patterns are
quickly re-established. Petrilli et al. [58] showed that a tracking
task which measured hand-eye co-ordination was sensitive to
fatigue-related errors during shift-work and so could be used to
determine fitness-for-duty in workplace environments.
Shift-workers are presented with difficulties in organising
their domestic, athletic and occupational commitments. Few
workers on shift-schedules compete in sport at a high level [59].
Adoption of an optimal shift-system would alleviate adverse
effects of night-work and promote a more active lifestyle
profile. There is a wealth of evidence that a forward-rotating
shift-work programme (morning shift, afternoon shift, and night
shift) facilitates adjustment to working at night, although such
an option is not always accepted in industrial contexts [60].
8. Lifestyle circumstances
The need for sleep seems to vary between individuals and
may range from 5 to 10 h in normal people [33]. Generally,
athletes take longer than sedentary individuals for sleep, often
supplementing nocturnal sleep with an afternoon nap [6].
Research evidence supports the view that exercise training helps
to promote sleep, the intensity of activity being the predominant
factor [61]. This effect has led to the recommendation that
exercise can be employed as therapy for transient sleeping
The timing of sleep may be influenced by personality type.
Extroverts tend to cope more easily with a delayed bedtime than
do introverts whose characteristics are more suited to a
morning-type behaviour. Whilst chronotypes may be classed
according to morning, intermediate or evening types (and about
80% are intermediate types), morning and evening types are
rarely associated with significant shifts in the circadian rhythm
of their performance capability [62]. There is a shift towards
morning-type behaviour with ageing (after 47 years of age)
which coincides with a decrease in the amount and quality of
nocturnal sleep [59]. In this instance the circadian rhythm in
performance becomes slightly phase advanced, and veteran
athletes tend to do relatively better in the morning compared to
their younger counterparts.
Athletes engaged in strenuous training encounter an under-
performance syndrome when the loads experienced are too high
to allow recovery to occur. The drop in performance is
secondary to signs of overtraining which include untoward
endocrine responses, disturbances in metabolic markers and
immunological variables. These abnormalities share similarities
with those observed after sleep deprivation, including impair-
ment in autonomic, immune, metabolic, hypothalamic and
neurochemical function [12]. These associations suggest there
is a link between the recuperative processes of sleep and the
immune system. In view of the immuno-suppression that occurs
for some 46 h after strenuous exercise [63], there may be a
protective effect of the prolonged sleeps taken by elite athletes.
It is thought also that persistent inadequate sleep, or successive
nights of shortened or disrupted sleep, causes vulnerability to
common colds and upper respiratory tract infections, a
suggestion that supports the immunosuppressive effects of
sleep loss [64].
The link between sleep loss and immune function has been
studied by various authors but consistent conclusions are
difficult to draw due to differences between experimental
protocols. Nevertheless, there is evidence that natural killer cells
are decreased after sleep loss and interleukin (IL-6) levels are
increased [10]. Besides, Boyum et al. [65] reported increased
infection rates in sleep-deprivation studies involving exercise,
along with other factors. Interactions between slow-wave sleep
and the immune system have implicated a common role for a
number of sleep-related substances (see [6]). The hypothalamus
and the raphe system are associated not only with sleep
regulation but also with immune function.
In contrast to the sleep profile of athletes, many individuals
habitually incur and carry a sleep debt which leads to an
increased homeostatic drive to sleep and a likely fall in physical
performance. The extent of the sleep debt can be determined by
a formal sleep latency test [66]. This phenomenon is likely to
explain the beneficial effects of so-called power naps (see
[51,52]), and the sensitivity of cognitive function and
motivation to time-on-task in sleep-deprivation studies [36].
281 T. Reilly, B. Edwards / Physiology & Behavior 90 (2007) 274284
Various pharmacological means have been considered to
counter the effects of sleep deprivation on mental fatigue,
especially their use in military contexts and in vigilance tasks to
maintain both physical and mental performance capability. Such
drugs include methylphenidate, pemoline, dextra-amphetamine
and modafinil [67]. Most stimulants that have been used in
maintaining arousal following sleep loss are banned for use in
sport [68], although drugs like caffeine and theophylline are
freely imbibed in the course of the normal fluid intake. Both of
these methylxanthines have ergogenic properties and have a
stimulatory effect on the central nervous system, including an
improvement in cognitive performance [69].
An alternative employed by athletes is to exploit the
restorative function of short naps, especially if taken at the
time of the post-lunch dip in performance that is linked to a
propensity towards drowsiness at that time of day. This transient
drop in performance typically occurs during the mid-afternoon
hours and is attributed to the existence of ultradian biological
rhythms that recur within the circadian cycle. The post-lunch
dip is accentuated by alcohol and by a high-carbohydrate meal
and is more frequently displayed by extreme morning types.
Short naps can produce substantial benefits, as can longer naps
for overcoming a sleep debt, providing that time is allowed to
overcome sleep inertia the short-term impairment in
wakefulness when woken, particularly from slow-wave sleep
[70]. Besides considering sleep inertia, the effects of napping
depend on their timing and duration, prior wake time, setting,
and individual differences. Those who habitually nap have been
reported to derive greater subjective benefit from this practice
than did subjects unaccustomed to napping [71]. Even so, both
groups are likely to benefit by an improved predisposition to
exercise in circumstances where a sleep debt is being repaid.
Some of the factors influencing physical performance after
sleep loss are listed in Table 2 [12]. Individual circumstances
might include periods of negative energy balance such as when
undergoing weight-control dietary regimens or religious
daytime fasts such as practised by Muslims during their holy
9. Overview
The sleepwakefulness cycle is a fundamental feature of
human survival and its disruption is common in contemporary
society. Physiological and behavioural responses to sleep
deprivation have been investigated with a view to identifying
more clearly the biological necessity of sleep. Technologies
used in clinical investigations, such as polysomnography and
electroencephalography, have shed insights into the nature of
sleep disorders and appropriate therapies. In contrast, studies of
physical performance have relied on monitoring responses to
exercise in laboratory and field settings. These respective
approaches have been combined in addressing the interactions
between exercise and sleep, and have led to the prescription of
exercise as therapy for difficulties in sleeping [72]. In a clinical
context, exercise is potentially a healthy, safe and socially
acceptable alternative to expensive therapeutic treatment for
insomnia. A complementary development has been the attempt
to promote regular good quality sleep in the lifestyle of athletes,
and the use of restorative naps in the daytime for those training
twice a day [11]. The specific sleep characteristics that support
such practices are yet to be clarified.
It seems that the behavioural and biological effects of sleep
loss are fairly well defined and cannot be ignored by athletic
practitioners. The consequences of sleep loss for human error
leading to industrial and aviation accidents are recognised in the
ergonomics community. In contrast, the impact of such errors in
sports activities with physical contact between participants is
rarely considered in the sports injuries literature. There are many
instances in practice of individuals overcoming sleep disruptions
and circadian rhythm disturbances to achieve excellence in
competitive outcomes. Identifying the mechanisms by which they
can do so provides a real challenge to researchers for the future.
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