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Bent Mag-Aug 2009

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issue 127 - AUGUST 2009 MAG.BENT.


7 7 1 7 42 3 0 3 0 0 1
ISSN 1742-3030


Fight to the Fetish

Is there a ‘gay’ Fight Club?
Dolly Rockers
The best thing since the Spice Girls!

Jonathan Mendelsohn
New talent from the USA
Page 18

Page 15

Page 11


Publisher: Terry George
Editor: Gordon Hopps
Features Editor: Adam Lowe
London Correspondent: Simon Savidge
Cover: picsbygaz.com
Designer: Graham Goddard
Photo Editor: Mark Hawkins,

Editor's words Contributors: Beyonce, Adrian Gillan, Lee Hudson,

Chris Geary,Terry George, Chris Amos, Jarrett James,
Dino Gamecho, Jason Guy, Johan Volny, Les Lea, Shiva
I’m not a twitterer. I’m not even very a bit of annoyance as to them, we Shandi, Hooper
good at sending regular emails. I are once again being singled out
don’t have a facebook or myspace for preferential treatment. First let Astrologer: Philip Garcia
or… whatever that other one is that me applaud the Tax Man for even
the kids use. Come to think of it, so thinking of doing this, and encourage Editorial: editor@bent.com
reluctant am I to call anyone… my anyone who is thinking about Civil Advertising: advertising@bent.com
£5 top-up pay-as-you-go phone still Partnerships etc to find this useful Accounts: accounts@bent.com
has £4.32p left on it after a month. little booklet (www.hmrc.gov.uk/ Design: designer@bent.com
I’m just not good at telling people leaflets/Pride1.pdf ) and secondly, tell
the minutiae of my life (unless you those who object, to go and boil their ADVERTISING
count this). I have a fear of folk heads. Advertising Director: Darrell Hirst
knowing everything about me. Can I 08712 246 529 darrell@bent.com
On the cusp of boyband Blue
not be just a little mysterious? Does reforming, singer Duncan James has
everything I do or have done have to THE NEXT ISSUE IS OUT 1ST SEPTEMBER
proclaimed himself to be bisexual
be in the public arena? I object to the in an interview with the News of Publishing Director: Michael Rothwell
government bringing in identity cards the World. He says that he is not Finance Director: Ian Ellis
but it would be hard to argue against ashamed to admit that he has had Accounts: Louise Lee
them if I spent all my time sending loving relationships with both men 08712 246 516
twitter messages to all and sundry. I and women and is tired of having to IT Support: Dan Slatford
keep getting messages informing me answer questions about his sexuality. Hugs Distribution and Availability Enquiries:

that everything I need to know about There have been a string of celebrity 08712 246 529
so-and-so is out on twitter and that females he has been linked to… but Clubs & Bars Distribution: Dale Express
I can expect regular updates. I know the boys he’s dated have apparently
that our gay God ‘Stephen of the Fry’ all kept a low profile. The betting is on SUBSCRIPTION
is keen on this particular information now as to which male celeb is the first And finally…
highway but, it is one that I don’t want Tel: 08712 246 529
to pop his head over the ramparts and A word to our beloved politicians: Web: www.mag.bent.com
to travel, as it seems to be heading to admit to feeling a little Blue. Wipe your mouth… there’s still a Basic annual rate: UK: £36.00
a pile up. Doesn’t so much nonsense
touch of bullshit on your lips. International: Call: +44 113 3449536 for prices
and piffle really mean that folk have
too much time on their hands? I’m
sure Stephen sees it another way, but Bent Ltd. APN House, Temple Crescent,
as he’s in the public eye and famous, Leeds LS11 8BP
perhaps he has reason to keep his Telephone: 08712 246 511
profile to the fore. However, I’m not Fax: 08701 222 666
© Copyright, Bent Ltd. 2009. No Part of this publication may be reproduced,
sure that I want to know all the news, stored in an electronic or other retrievable system, or transmitted by any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photo-copying, recording
the latest music releases or the latest or otherwise without the prior permission of the publisher. Advertisers
gossip or… whether some one is on are reminded of their obligations under the 1984 Trade Protection Act.
Advertisers are responsible for the content of their copy under the terms
the loo… of someone I’ve never heard of the Act. The appearance or mention of any establishment, product,
individual or organisation within this publication, should not be taken as an
of, never will know and possibly… endorsement by the publishers of the same unless otherwise stated. The
wouldn’t really want to know. By all appearance, mention or likeness of any individual or organisation within
this magazine should not be construed as an indication of either the sexual
means regard me as a twit but I’ll preference or political persuasion of the same, unless otherwise stated.
Contributions are welcomed on the understanding that any unsolicited
remain twitterless! manuscripts that they may be published without further correspondence,
Meanwhile, there are rumblings with a fee (if applicable) paid at standard rates as specified by Bent Ltd.
Work cannot be returned to the author unless agreed by the publisher.
about the tax office bringing out
a new pamphlet to let GLB&T folk
know their newly defined tax status.
Obviously, to some this has created
A product of a sustainable resource

AUG 2009
A registered charity in England & Wales (no.288527) and in Scotland (no.SC039986).
Treatments have
never been so good.
If you have HIV,
the sooner you find
out the better.


To find a clinic or get advice call
or visit
t i c a l
o l
10 p es i
excusI didn’t know he was a rent
boy… he said he was a
physical therapist.

I was under a great deal

of pressure. I had expense
forms to fill in.

£750 seemed
reasonable for
an hours private
consultation with
Master Spank

I have not broken

any parliamentary

If he’d lied about

what he did… I wouldn’t be in
the shit now.

I didn’t know he was an

undercover journalist

Mr GaGa
I’m a man who lives his
life by the teachings of the
Bible, so you can believe me
when I say, I did not have sexual
Described as ‘a male ‘Lady Gaga’, or one man relations with that man.
‘Scissor Sisters’’ by his ever growing, already
sizeable and dedicated, fan base, it’s clear that
Alexander has caused an incredible buzz around Depends what you mean by
‘sexual relations’.
London’s edgy club scene, especially when
performing live. Coupling the importance of a
visual live gig with the music, Alexander manages
to incorporate contemporary dancing, fashion –
complete with leotards and ballet tights for ironic In my defence…
effect fusing it with electro club land fashions – dressed as a
with the toe tapping, hip gyrating fusion of Electro-
Pop he creates. Such a sensation is Alexander that bunny… he was
various pieces worn at his live dates are those asking for it.
designed, styled and created specifically for him
by local designers. Mix all of this with a hint of
brash Northern England humour and the result is My gaydar
something quite spectacular.
profile is
supposed to
Born in Doncaster, South Yorkshire in August 1984
Alexander was raised in an artistic environment, his
mother being a fashion designer and artist before be private.
going into teaching. A trained dancer and actor,
something he chose to hide from school peers
who deemed a male in a dance class somewhat
unconventional; Alexander found growing up in
a small mining town anything but easy leading to
him feeling something of an outsider, longing for
an escape route. Alexander would later cherish and
draw inspiration from his working class roots and
the Northern humour.

He took to the stage for the first time in 2006,

and performed a memorable rendition of a
track named “Toyboy” which was met with a
warm response from the audience, boosting
his confidence and propelling him to become a
frequent name on the club scene.

“Spend A Little Time”

Out: 7th September
Label: Toyboy
Available from iTunes and all major download sites

AUG 2009
is a free and fun one day
course. It will help you explore
what you want from your sex
life – and make it both safer
and more enjoyable.

CITIES AND DATES BSL Interpreters available by arrangement.

COURSES FOR GAY MEN Saturday 15 August Saturday 22 August Saturday 29 August
We are running The Sex Course in CITY AGENCY CITY AGENCY CITY AGENCY
cities throughout England.
All places on the course are free of Birmingham THT Midlands Bristol THT West Brighton THT South
charge. The course starts at 10am Liverpool Armistead Project Manchester LGF Leeds Yorkshire Mesmac
and finishes at 5pm.
Plymouth Eddystone Trust Nottingham Healthy Gay London GMFA
Book your place online at Nottingham
Sheffield Centre for HIV Newcastle Mesmac North East
& Sexual Health Southampton GCHS
or call 020 7738 3712.

GMFA courses delivered nationally in partnership with

Registered Charity No. 1076854

Photo: Chris Jepson


pRIDe IN F r a mrge e o
yoUR pANTS Bo y
(born G
eo rg e Alan O’D
owd Ju
ne 1961)

figleaves.com, the online underwear and fashion e-tailer, is giving

away 20 pairs of these HOM ‘Safe Love’ trunks, promoting safe sex
the stylish way!
Made in soft, clinging fabric with a hot red ‘Safe Love’ waistband,
they even have a conveniently concealed interior pouch with free
condom and case.
Perfect for the man about town!
£20 a pair and for that extra satisfaction, £1 from each purchase is
donated to the Sidaction AIDS charity.

To be in with a chance to win a pair of these fantastic HOM

special edition pants just answer this simple question:
in the Bible, Adam and eve hid their shame with a… 1. tanga,
2. Y-fronts 3. figleaf

he had
th e e arly 80s nable.
me – in ecame fashio
f the ga b
lw a ys ahead o long before it
A n y lo o k st
y on’s mo
androg at Lond
n d a n t
om atte
Was a c ble club Blitz.
n a is time
fashio about th ,
ic a l T a boo set Leigh Bowery
n n e d the mu characters like
He p g colourful
featurin rilyn.
and Ma
trange b’s first
Steve S ure Clu
H u rt Me, Cult y Boy George
ant to e written b ith
Really W b Moss w
Do You 1, was said to drummer Jon
e r it h
Numb argument w nship.
after an e had a relatio
h possibly
ith the
c o rd label w rotein.
re P
his own e – More
Formed entendre nam
u b le he ‘A’
do ode of T
s e lf in an epis
d as him
Appeare e
Te a m ovie Th
Visit www.figleaves.com to view the full collection and simply n g fro m cult md by the
me so roduce
register for email updates with details on all exclusive offers the the g was p
He sang ame, the son
Crying Boys
Pet Sho ude
label B-R
Turn to page 78 for entry details o w n fashion
Has h is
cised, d
a n y , w ell publi ded up to him
m en ts
Has had s one of which ning the stree

This month’s pride events

problemntenced to cle
being se ork.
of New rugs led
on for d r the
2 August Leeds Pride t a d d ic ti fo
st recen prison
His mo being sent to onment of a

8 August Cornwall Gay Pride – Truro h im to im p ri s

in e
and fals
assault ort.

15 August uK Black Pride – London

male es
d ‘Take
as calle
raphy w
15 August swindon Pride
to b io g
His au Man’
It Like A

15 August Plymouth Pride

ttle reco
a s e s very li t is an ‘in-

16 August Doncaster Pride

He re ese days bu
DJ sets.
work th ’ name for his

21-31 August Manchester Gay Pride

dem a n
ly said in
e famous would prefer
Festival Parade on the 29th He o n c e
w that h x.
intervie up of tea’ to se

29 – 30 August Cardiff Mardi Gras

a ‘n ic e c

29 August Barnsley Gay Pride

5 September Reading Pride
AUG 2009
* Gay Men’s Sex Survey 2005 Charity no 288527 (England & Wales), SC039986 (Scotland).

9 out of 10 gay men who’ve used a
sexual health clinic would recommend it*
Better clinics. Better go.
To find a clinic or get advice
or visit www.betterclinics.co.uk

Photo: BBC

Pride Photos: chrisgeary.com
Pride London in 2009 was an amazing success, with more visitors than last
year heading to the capital to celebrate all things gay. The parade through the
city and the showcase event in Trafalgar Square saw an estimated 1 million
people enjoying what could possibly have become the UK’s largest free event.
Needless to say it wouldn’t have happened without the organisers and the
many volunteers who gave their time so selflessly to make sure that everything
went off well. If you enjoyed your time on the parade or at any point during
the festival, and didn’t get a chance to donate to the Pride London Charity
please spare a little something and donate online using the link (https://rsm2.
Meanwhile, the plannning and preparations have already begun for next year’s
festival, which is provisionally scheduled for 21st June - 4th July 2010, with the
Parade Day on Saturday 3rd July.

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
hARRy poTTeR GAy?
“It’s wonderful. I grew up around gay people my entire life, basically, that’s possibly why I’m quite camp, and some
people think I’m gay when I meet them, which I think is awesome. It’s always good to keep them guessing [laughs].
I don’t go on any blogs or chats or anything, but my friends are demons for them, and apparently someone said
“Daniel Radcliffe is gay. He’s got a gay face!” [Laughs] I really don’t know what a gay face is.
Daniel is appearing in Harry Potter – The Half-Blood Price in cinemas now.
For the complete interview go to www.moviefone.com/insidemovies/

The pRIDe oF eURope

Recently, the mountains head to THE party of the night
and lake were alive with in a converted warehouse in
the sound of blasting music trendy industrial Zurich West.
as Europride took place in ‘Circuit’ at the G-Club was
Zurich, and what is normally the night’s hottest (literally)
By Simon Savidge
a stunning quite tax haven of hotspots with some UK
became every gay boy and talent on show. Skin (of Skunk
girl’s heaven for a weekend. Anansie) blared out some
Over 100,000 people ‘came amazing tunes in the main
out’ to play in style and to room with a second room
celebrate their gayness. dedicated to the wonderful
Twinks, bears, army officers, Horse Meat Disco. Zurich gave
gay parents, drag queens, us all a taste of what Prides
lady boys, Daddies, you name should be like and the city
it they all hit Zurich’s streets should be very proud!
with two things on their
minds ‘to celebrate and to Many thanks to the Hyatt
party’ and that is just what Zurich for such terrific
they did. accommodation and for
more information on Zurich
Once the parade had and Switzerland visit www.
finished the crowds headed MySwitzerland.com or call
for Munsterhof Square, the 00800 100 200 30 for info and
pebbled street not making sales (where you can book
the best dance-floor but hotel, flights, train tickets - the
you know us… once the whole lot!).
throb of the music gets to
us… we’ll dance on
a pinhead if that’s
the only available
space. Even a sudden
thunderstorm didn’t
stop the party. So,
as the rainbow
umbrellas added
even more colour
across the square…
the music played,
the people drank
and everyone
became very merry
indeed. With the
festivities in full
swing the focus
for the evening
changed as the
crowd started to

Four specialist lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender charities have launched a
total-help initiative to reduce homelessness among lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans
(LGBT youth). Jigsaw brings together legal advisers Stonewall Housing, young
people’s homelessness and support charity Albert Kennedy Trust, the UK’s leading
mental health organisation PACE and Galop, which supports victims of homophobic
crime. Together, these organisations will provide a complete network of services for
young people at risk from becoming homeless.
Despite the greater legal recognition of LGBT people, social acceptance is far from
universal. Today, many young LGBT people face rejection from their own family,
persecution from their own communities, and even physical attack. Furthermore,
most offenders of homophobic hate crime are aged between 16 and 20 and the


majority of hate crime happens near victim’s homes.

Jigsaw’s co-ordinator, Michael Nastari, comments: “The effects of homophobia and

transphobia on young people’s lives can be devastating. As a result, they can fail to
succeed in education, miss out on employment and training, and suffer a range of
mental health issues, just because of who they are. Jigsaw is the first initiative of its
kind to put the pieces together, making a clear picture of the portfolio of support
available. Young people who use Jigsaw gain access to a complete range of services,
specially tailored to their individual needs.”
AUG 2009
ReAl Dolly
Charity no 288527 (England & Wales), SC039986 (Scotland).

IF yoU hAVeN’T heARD oF The Dolly RoCkeRS TheN A) yoU


The x FACToR SeVeRAl yeARS AGo, The GIRlS hAVe BeeN

Dolly’ BeCAMe A CUlT hIT, SCoTT MIllS hAIleD TheM AS oNe

Photo: Andy Fallon


Symptoms of an infection don’t always

show. So routine check-ups at sexual
health clinics are recommended.
Better clinics. Better go.
To find a clinic or get advice
or visit www.betterclinics.co.uk

Photo: Xposurephotos.com

When I first arrive, their manager We sit down and comment on how it’s They actually started via an audition exclusive insight into the album and…
announces that they are one down as been “manic since the whole Scott Mills advertised in The Stage - for a girl group it’s brilliant. A mix of pop, electro, dance,
she’s running late “We should get them thing” but it didn’t all start with the X called Innocence. Sophie divulges, rock and R&B. “With proper British
tagged… really they run wild”. As soon Factor. Just as the gossip is about to “We thought we were going to get so accents… apparently people all over
as the first two arrive the air is filled with start Sophie arrives. “I’ve been bloody famous. The guy was like… we have the shop love the fact we sound real.”
bubbly manic questions “How do you arrested for having a kids ticket on the guards for you, limos and everything”. Every song could be a single… from the
use this fancy coffee machine”, “Can we tube, I might get community service.” She’s interrupted by Brooke who adds, camp kitsch, angry pop of ‘Champagne
go to River Island later”, “Do you need There follows a chat between the three “He was so full of shit”. Lucie looks Shirley’ to the awesome rock electro of
all this funky furniture we’ve got a very in their own special language before thoughtful. “Again it was good for us. ‘Boys Will Be Boys’. The latter title they
empty new flat”, ‘What’s the plan next she turns and beams in my direction We now really value everything we changed the lyric ‘freaking’ to ‘fucking’
week”. A crazy wildness reminds me of “Hello by the way, sorry I am late I have have and we’ve become smarter both “It was a bit too American and we have
the very early days Spice Girls. “If we been having a Dolly Drama”. Brooke business-wise and in general. We get some attitude in us as you may have
could have half the success that they gives me a knowing look, “We have the tube rather than have cars, it comes noticed.”
had it would be fabulous, mind you quite a few of those… now, where were from our budget, you hear all these When the time comes to say goodbye’s
shame about the reunion for money… we?” popstar moaning they made no money Brooke has gone AWOL. Suddenly when
but for ten million each who wouldn’t?” The girls did indeed go on the X Factor but they had bloody men driving them I am in the lift, the clear glass is covered
The girls nod to each other and laugh a and ended up at Louis Walsh’s house around in huge Mercedes, what do they by the missing Dolly Rocker pulling
lot. “We don’t have nicknames yet… do but didn’t make it to the final ten. “It expect?” We end up having a good old faces and waving like a mad woman.
you want to give us some?” taught us loads though,” Lucie adds, “I natter about the X Factor: “We don’t Anyone who steps into the world of
If I was to label them in that Spicy vein mean how the whole game works… we have any dirt, though I will say the this crazy trio of girls will know that
then Lucie would be Blonde Business were fortunate we didn’t get featured judges aren’t around as much as you they have been well and truly Dolly
Dolly, Brooke would be Northern too much so we haven’t really had the think. We would’ve loved to have Cheryl Rockered!
Chatterbox Dolly and Sophie would be tag attached. I like that. We have had to as a mentor that would have been
Silent Plotter Dolly. Not quite as punchy go away and work our balls off… well amazing.”
The Dolly Rockers debut single ‘Gold
as the nicknames that the Spice Girls if we had any. Now, hopefully whatever So girls, for those who haven’t heard Digger’ is out at the end of August for
had but it definitely sums them all up success comes is on our terms, we are in you before, explain your sound. “Ooh,” more information visit:
individually. charge and the label is aware of that…” Sophie exclaims, “you must come and
Brooke giggles, “Or else”. hear some of our new tracks.” I get an www.thedollyrockers.com

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

2009 IS The yeAR oF DISCo ReVolUTIoN. oFFICIAl. AND
GlAMoRoUS el DIVINo IN IBIzA ToWN FoR 2009. They DARe


oNe loVe
pRoMoTeR AND DJ To DIG DeepeR.
Disco in Ibiza. We didn’t see this one coming…
Maybe you did see it coming, but only because it is about time. We have had nothing
but house on the Island for years. Disco house, maybe we have had, but that is a whole
different thing.

Please tell me you’re playing vinyl!

Naturally. pRoDUCeR. ReMIxeR. DJ. eVeRyThING ThAT DAVID GUeTTA
it’s billed as the buzzing underground disco club scenes of both London and Paris (nu WRITING ThIS, hIS SINGle ‘WheN loVeS TAkeS oVeR’
disco) uniting with the Carwash party (classic sounds). Can you describe the nu sound?
Lets not get too hung up on the Nu bit, it is for sure an aspect of what we will play, but
there will be plenty of fabulous classic original disco too. The Nu we work with is classic RoWlAND (DeSTINyS ChIlD) IS SITTING AT NUMBeR oNe
disco, often well known tunes like ‘I want your love” and “Superstition” re edited to be IN The Uk ChARTS. kelly FIRST heARD The TRACk AS AN
cleaner, with a more modern groove without losing any of the high production and INSTRUMeNTAl oNly VeRSIoN, DURING oNe oF DAVID’S DJ
energy of the original. There is a side to Nu Disco which is more housey and jazzy, but
we will not be venturing there, we are only playing full power, shiny glamorous disco.
And you’ve taken over the infamous el Divino in ibiza Town on a saturday night? Were The oppoRTUNITy To WRITe The lyRICS To The TRACk.
they sold on the idea from the start?
I was surprised how much so. I thought I was talking about a And if you liked the first single, just wait until the album
one off, and came out of the meeting with the Saturday night. ‘One Love’ comes out later this month. It features some of
I did realize, however before I went in how perfect Disco is for the biggest stars in soul and RnB music in the world today,
the profile of the people who like El Divino. People who go there with each song tailored to their individual qualities. With
are unlikely to want deep progressive house. The mix there is every track a possible single release, it was a tough job trying
very international, wealthy, mixed gay/straight and slightly older to pick my favourites, but special mention must go to
(not 18yr old first time holiday makers), those groups are all
predisposed to like Disco, more even than disco house.
One Love
The title track just oozes quality, with the vocals supplied
And you’re to be congratulated on no more “10 euro bottles of
by Grammy award winner Estelle (of ‘American Boy fame’.
water!” A 5 euro flat rate for drinks is pretty much the same as The emotion displayed on this powerhouse will simply
uK prices. makes your hairs stand up on end.
This was the clincher for me. I, like everybody who steps into an
Ibiza club is disgusted with the extortionate prices. This is credit
to El Divino, not me, but I applaud it. Getting’ Over
Carwash. Saturday Nights @ El Divino, Ibiza Town. www.carwash.co.uk A catchy, funky house anthem that stuck in my brain from
the very first play. You’ll instantly recognise the vocal, as
they’re from Chris Willis (vocalist on many of David’s huge
hits including ‘Just A Little More Love’).

it’s the way you love Me

OK, so I’m a sucker for divas with powerhouse voices,
but the second collaboration with Kelly Rowland could
possible be a second number one single from the album.
An emotional ballad-come-dance track that exudes the
qualities not heard since the disco hits of the 1970s.

The roll-call of famous names doesn’t stop there. Akon,

Will.I.Am (from the Black Out Peas), Kid Cudi and Novel also
join in the party. My friends know that it’s very rare that
I would heap such praise on anything in life, let alone an
album, but if I have one recommendation for 2009, it’s this
album. Expect to hear this album blaring from every house
or open car window all summer long.

One Love is released on 24th August

on Virgin Records. Find out more at
www.davidguetta.com or follow david
on www.twitter.com/davidguetta_en

AUG 2009
me playing du
You can catch t in The street for
August at M ea n
nd) Federatio
Leeds Pride (2 ) and both uni
l (1 5t h
Blackpoo tion
h) and Federa
Challenge (29t anchester Pride.
rin g M
(30th) du y got my act
i’ve also finall n download
er an d yo u ca
togeth m
my podcasts fro
uy .p od om atic.com

nth of the

ericK Morillo fT.
Deborah cooPer
i Get Lifted (subliminal Records)
One of the great divas, Deborah was originally the
lead vocalist of the Fatback Band, then moving
on to become the front woman for C&C Music
factory, belting out such hits as ‘Deeper Love’
RoBBIe RIVeRA IS oNe oF The WoRlD’S MoST pRolIFIC and ‘Keep It Coming’. Put simply, this is a piece of
quality house music. Awesome vocals over a tough,
groovy beat. The perfect summer anthem. www.
JUICy ReCoRDS, BACk IN 2000 AND hASN’T lookeD BACk subliminalrecords.com
ShIp (AS hAVe MoST ClUB NIGhTS IN IBIzA ThIS yeAR Fight Again (urbana Recordings)
IT SeeMS) To eVeRy TUeSDAy AT The BIGGeST ClUB IN Deux (aka Spanish producers and DJs David Penn
The WoRlD, pRIVIleGe. pRoMISING (AND DelIVeRING) & Toni Bass) can do no wrong in my eyes. They’re
A MIx oF eDGy GlAMoUR AND The BeST UNDeRGRoUND responsible for some of the biggest gay anthems
in recent years, including ‘Sun Rising Up’. Also
hoUSe MUSIC, expeCT GUeST DJ SloTS FRoM MAJoR known as ‘Deux Anthem’, the funky tribal beats and
INTeRNATIoNAl NAMeS SUCh AS kASkADe, INpeTTo, an extremely catchy and uplifting uplifting vocal
VANDAlISM AND SToNeBRIDGe. ensure a great dancefloor reaction – after all, us
gays love a strong, emotive woman singing while
we’re shimmying! www.urbanarecordings.com
Described as “a little Miami sunshine on
la Isla Blanca”, the launch party in July
was packed to the rafters, no mean feat
as he’s on the same night as clubbing 4yanou
giants Carl Cox at Space and Fedde Le Brighter Day (All Around The World)
Grand at Pacha. If you’re in Ibiza this Funky house can quite often get a slating, but when it’s
year, there’s now 2 weekly essential done as well it’s a joy to listen/dance to. Yes, it’s another
nights at Privilege each week (the diva led track, with Anita Harris singling her lungs out (not
other being gay favourite SuperMartXe the 70 year old Carry On actress if your memory goes back
on Fridays) that far!). Charging, feel good beats, a splash of strings and
a killer breakdown. What more could you want? There’s 8
As a dance4life (an international mixes to choose from in total, the Original Mix has more
initiative set up to involve and than a few similarities to Lauren Wolf’s No Stress, but
empower young people to push back that’s not a bad thing. A close second is the more electro
the spread of HIV and AIDS) supporter, offering from R.I.O. www.aatw.com
Robbie has also decided to donate 1
euro from every ticket to Juicy. This 4JaMes fly
money will go to the further development of the dance4life
schools project in Ibiza and the mainland of Spain. Nothing else seems To Matter
A very clever reworking of the classic 80’s track
‘When I Think Of You’ written by legendary duo Jam
This year, you can also bring Juicy Ibiza 2009 to your home, & Lewis and originally recorded by Janet Jackson. The
with the release of a double mix CD or download which is infectious main vocal has been resung and laid over
now available. Robbie has handpicked the finest summer a pumping, electro tinged groove and has had one of
tunes from his very own Juicy Music label and melted this the best reactions I seen all year from it’s very first play.
into 2 steamy summer mixes of the finest in sexy, dirty house Apparently, there’s plenty more on the way later in the
music. The track listing is a who’s who of who’s hot in 2009 year from London DJ James and if they’re as impressive
from Deadmau5, Jaimy & Kenny D to Joachim Garraud. An as this, I’m expecting he’ll be a household name in no
unashamed workaholic, when Robbie’s not travelling or time! www.deependance.com
remixing, he is locked in either his Ibizan or US studio, infusing
the sounds he hears on his travels, expect many of his own
productions from the man himself on this release too. 4Mr Dyf fT shena
Hold On (Freemaison)
His distinctive brand of dirty and electro-tinged house ignites
dance-floors across the globe. On a continuous world-tour, Released on the Freemasons record label, Mr DYF have
and with a diary resembling an airport departure board, his employed the power vocal of Shena, a real favourite on
music has regularly packed-out the dance-floors from Poland, the gay scene. This is an upbeat offering as you would
Brazil and Australia to his birth place of Puerto Rico and his expect, with some superb mixes available. My pick is
hometown of Miami. the tougher feeling Stockholm Syndrome mix, which
delivers a more underground feel to it. Expect this to be
performed at most Gay Pride festivals throughout the
Find out more on Robbie @ www.robbierivera.com. Juicy Ibiza summer. www.freemaison.com
2009 runs throughout the summer every Tuesday (until 8th
September) at Privilege. www.privilegeibiza.com

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529


by adam lowe


Morning Light
GreaT norThern
GreaT Out: 3rd August
Out: 3rd August Ethereal distortion comes to us this month from the dark, disturbing
This UK debut from Great Northern has been rated‘Must Download Now’by NME, stylings of Gliss. There’s the brutality of My Bloody Valentine with the
whilst iTunes (always tirelessly selling anything they can make money off) called shimmering sheen of Goldfrapp, with a stuttering cool the likes of which
them, rather half-arsedly, the‘next big thing’. Of course, these days, everything’s isn’t quite unoriginal. Yes, it’s buzzy, it’s bassy, and it’s sugary as speed, but
the next best thing. However, this EP has already made its mark in soundtrack this single actually works in a cracked, gleaming way.
overload—featuring on TV shows such as‘Bones’and‘Grey’s Anatomy’. There’s a
dichotomy with having two singer-songwriters, but this is one of their strengths,
with a blitz of classical, psych-pop and bittersweet ballad raining on the listener. For
now, I’d say give them a chance. When they unleash their full LP, then we can decide 4eriK hassle
whether to stone them or dig them. Don’t Bring Flowers
Out: 24th August

Killa Kela
Killa The Guardian rightly pointed out this dude’s
hair is even better than his songs. We agree, and
Amplified! frankly we’re bored of gorgeous Scandinavian
Out: 31st August boy-pop morsels being lobbed at us by big
This third studio album from Killa has the corporate record empires. Okay, maybe he’s not
usual list of stellar music gurus: James Madonna (yet), but we’re still too cynical. Then
Rushent, who helmed a #1 Prodigy album; again, you might like that kind of thing, and I’m
French maestro Alan Braxe; those flash- sure you can imagine how he sounds without me
in-the-pan student hipsters Hadouken!; having to tell you.
and Human League’s legendary producer,
Martin Rushent. Killa, you might remember,
however, doesn’t need any of them,
because he’s famous for beatboxing. If that’s
your thing, and you don’t get bored of an
album’s worth of it, then you’ll love this. Oh
yeah, and the producers have made it all
sound pretty perfect too. 4ben’s broTher
Questions and Answers
Out: 3rd August

The Times gave these chaps a gushing

four-star review for their live show, but we
never had that privilege. Instead we got
to listen to this surprisingly decent single.
It’s all serious melodies, vibrant lyrics and
powerful instrumentals. It’s perfect for
4noah & The Whale summer and perfect for BBQs. If British
weather permits either, buy it. If it rains,
The First Days of spring don’t bother.
Out: 31st August
This album will be launched amongst media overload, with a single and a
film release all at the same time. For those of you who like Noah & the Whale, you’ll
love this cross-pollination madness. As usual, expect emotional meanderings and
made-for-Mum balladic loveliness. Erm, yeah. Maybe I’ll pass.

4The ThouGhT
All the Freaks
Out: 31st August

Energetic electro, ‘All the Freaks’ comes from

The Thought Criminals’ forthcoming album,
‘You’re a Moral Liability’. There’s a searing
4sulTan blend of EBM, pop, electro, new wave
and punk, which offers glimpses of The
Nubreed 08
Prodigy and Marilyn Manson, but also Gary
Out: 24th August Numan and Soft Cell. The flavour is very 80s
Canadian rising star Sultan presents the next instalment of Nubreed, and very 90s at the same time, whilst still
which is a pleasing mish-mash of progressive and techno house. Even coming off as modern. Now if only they’d
Tiesto and Armin Van Helden dig this guy, and it’s clear to see why. cover up their beer bellies and get some
Subtle emotion and a sense of drama are interwoven into the mixing of decent outfits, they might do well.
this disc jockey, making the album epic but not obvious. Expect Dirty
Vegas, Joris Voorn and Tone Depth, and expect to love it.

AUG 2009

After teaching himself piano with the help of his mother, a

classically trained pianist, he began writing his own songs
and developing his craft as a singer/songwriter. In high
school, he found himself basking in the debauchery of
the ‘90s rave scene where he discovered his other musical
passion. Electronic dance music.

A few years later he found himself on stage at the legendary

amateur night at the Apollo theatre in Harlem, New York.
The very same theatre where legends are launched from
The Jackson 5 to Stevie Wonder. What was it like stepping
onto that hallowed stage? “Sheer terror! The audience
will actually boo you off stage if they don’t like your
performance so you can imagine my nerves. When I started
singing there was so much of an uproar I couldn’t hear
myself and I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. They were all
like ‘White boy can sing!’ “.

Following in the footsteps of Michael Jackson, surely he

influenced you on so many levels? “You know, I really wasn’t
allowed to listen to him growing up because my parents
were super Christian and they shielded me from secular
music. My mom once told me that Satan was MJ’s father!
True story!” When Jonathan heard about Michael’s untimely
death he was “in bed crying about Farrah Fawcett”. A man
after our own heart!

His latest single ‘Forgiveness’ a collaboration with the

Wamdue Project is due for release later this month and is
already riding high in the Upfront Charts and is on it’s way
to being one of the house anthem of 2009. Right now he’s
out in Ibiza to perform live for Fierce Angel at the superclub
El Divino. “When I started to get into dance music and
DJing I would read about Ibiza in Mixmag and I remember
thinking, one day I WILL be going there. I never thought in
my wildest dreams my first trip there would be to perform.
Cool Shit!”

The WhITe
How did Forgiveness come about? “The music for
Forgiveness was sent to me by Chris Brann who produces
all the music for Wamdue Project and I chose to write to it
about what I was going through in my relationship with my
partner of 6 years. All these horrible things were happening
like broken trust and disrespect and before all of this I


really thought we were meant to be together forever. I just
spilled my guts and I wrote some painfully honest lyrics.
Everything seemed to fall in to place after that.”

You live in New York so, tell us about the scene as on my

previous visits I’ve found it a tad… well… tired. “The gay
clubbing scene in NY is constantly changing and evolving
By Jason Guy but always exciting. The hot party of the moment is Vandam
on Sunday nights at Greenhouse. It’s run by Kenny Kenny
JoNAThAN MeNDelSohN MAy Be A NeW NAMe FoR MANy oF who was one of the original Club Kids back in the late 80’s/
yoU, BUT ThINGS ARe ABoUT To ChANGe. BoRN IN BRooklyN IN early 90’s during the legendary Limelight days. Great music


and everyone is always decked out in fabulous and freakish
costumes and you’re bound to see a plethora of celebrities
To Top 40 MUSIC WITh A FISheR pRICe RADIo ARMeD WITh A on any given night. Also B-Bar on Tuesdays nights remains
Toy MICRophoNe, SoMeThING I’M SURe We CAN All RelATe To. the place to see and be seen as well as longstanding party
Hiro at the Maritime.”

For a guy so talented and well, good looking, why hasn’t

someone come along and swept him off his feet? “Well If I
could grab him off Fergie’s arm it would be Josh Duhamel
(google him – you’ll be glad you did!) but it would probably
be a big tease cause he is straight. Oh! And Wentworth
Miller for sure”. You’ve gotta admit it, the guy has taste!

Wamdue Project featuring Jonathan Mendelsohn is

released on the 10th August and is also features on the
Fierce Angel CD “El Divino Ibiza 2009”. Find out more at
www.jonathanmendlesohn.com / www.thefutureisfierce.com

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Photo: Dan Dion

Coming to this year’s Fringe is American comedian

Janeane Garofalo, who might be better know to audiences
in the UK for her TV roles in ‘24’ and ‘The West Wing’. She
normally plays the part of a smart, cynical, successful
businesswoman with a razor wit but back in the USA
she is also known for writing comedy scripts, and her
no-nonsense activist stand-up routines. Bent thought
it would catch up with her for a few words before she
boarded the plane from New York to Edinburgh.
Do you have a preference for stand up or acting… or is
it all the same?
Stand up because I find I can control the material more
and it means I can have more interaction with the
audience and an immediate response
We’ve seen you as dynamic women in incredibly highly
rated shows like 24 and West Wing, which did you prefer?
I preferred the West Wing as the part I played was more
challenging and I preferred Martin Sheen’s White House.
Do you remember what the first joke you ever told
on stage that made you think, “Yes, i’ve found my
No, I am afraid I don’t really remember the early days of
doing stand-up. I bombed so frequently that I don’t really
have any recollection of that light bulb moment. I guess I

became more comfortable doing stand-up after around 4/5
years of doing it, by then I had stopped getting nervous.
What has edinburgh got to entice you to these shores?
I would say deep fried chocolate bars but I am not a huge
fan of deep fried candy bars. I guess it would be the ability
to get punched in the face at any bar

What can we expect from your act?
Just don’t know at the moment, I guess you’re gonna have
to come along and find out for yourself!
You’re known for taking quite a stand politically and
being an activist… do you find this an area that appeals
to many of the showbiz crowd these days?
I have no idea really; traditionally people in arts and
entertainment have always been more vocal than other
areas so I guess it is not a new issue really.
Are you any more hopeful of America’s standing in the
world since Obama became President?
Yes, but I won’t be happy until the Republican Party
implodes completely
Janeane is at the Gilded Balloon - Debating Hall, Edinburgh Festival
6th -15th August Tickets: 0131 622 6552
There is also a special show at the Bloomsbury Theatre
with Al Madrigal on 25th Sept Tickets: 0207 388 8822

By Lee Hudson
If you mix beauty, style, hedonism,
homo-erotica and a bevy of
hot lads and lasses in their
underwear… what do you get?
Well, for me it was a wet dream
come to life on the stage but to
Matthew Bourne it is his latest
touring production of Dorian
Gray. Oscar Wilde’s story of a

perversion without prejudice

good-looking innocent corrupted
by his own beauty has been re-
worked with a very modern twist.
Australia’s longest running Gay Theatre Company returns to the UK with Jane Dorian becomes ‘The Immortal
Austen’s Guide to Pornography by Steven Dawson. It’s Sex without Sensibility... Face’ the most desirable, the most
Perversion without Prejudice high-camp, comical, raunchy, romantic and tender loved, the most appealing to both
- sometimes all in the same scene. Jane’s on her last lungs and desperately wants sexes, Dorian is lifted up high only
to go out with a bang; while 21st century pornographic playwright Brett wants to come crashing, violently down.
to write something that doesn’t involve willies. Meanwhile, Darcy is sodomising A superb piece of theatre that I
stableboys, Marianne’s getting rogered rigid and Jane still cant say “fellatio” without can encourage everyone, and not
reaching for the smelling salts. just underpant fetishists, to go
and see. Brilliant!
Edinburgh Festival Fringe Zoo Southside (Venue No. 82) 7th -31st Aug
Check out tour details at
London Theatre 503 - 2nd -12th Sept
AUG 2009
essence of Cumming prick Up your ears
Yes, for just a short series of one-man
shows, the multi-talented Alan Cumming A new play by Simon Bent. Inspired by John Lahr’s
hits the London stage with his new biography & the diaries of Joe Orton.
theatrical offering, the intriguingly London. The 60s are in full swing! Joe Orton, hailed
entitled - I bought a blue car today. as the greatest comic playwright since Oscar Wilde,
Cumming unleashes his favourite tunes, has arrived! But success has its price. After 16 years of
belting out celebrated hits alongside creative collaboration with his lover Kenneth Halliwell,
little-known gems, whilst captivating his the scales have tipped, and someone will be left
audience with poignant anecdotes from behind.
his colourful and fantastic past. A musical Starring Little Britain’s Matt Lucas and Chris New
journey peppered with material by Frank (Best Newcomer nomination, Evening Standard), this
Sinatra, Dory Previn, Kander & Ebb and dark, funny and moving play imagines what really
Cyndi Lauper, to name only a few… and happened; how their co-dependent attachment
who knows… he might also disclose all became recrimination and finally revenge.
about his latest purchase. See it prior to a West End run.
Vaudeville Theatre, 404 The Strand, Lowry Salford - 31 August - 5 September
London WC2 1st-6th September Box Office 0870 787 5780
Box Office: 0844 412 4663

From trench-coat to
sparkly gown
It was only a matter of time (lord) but now it can be revealed,
the star of screen and stage John Barrowman will become the
fourth actor to slip on Zaza’s sparkly stilettos when he joins the
cast of the hit West End show La Cage aux Folles. The butch
bisexual from Cardiff’s Torchwood takes over from current
incumbent on14th September and will continue in the role
until 28th November. La Cage aux Folles is a timeless and
deliciously funny tale of family values, unconditional love, and
above all, the need to celebrate who we are.
La Cage aux Folles
Playhouse Theatre, Northumberland Avenue, WC2N 5DE
Box Office: 0870 060 6631
Website: www.lacagelondon.com

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

FIGhT To The
By Les Lea pIeCe oF NyloN, AlThoUGh AT The TIMe, I WASN’T FUlly AWARe oF Why I

At one point I did actually contemplate When WWF (now WWE) exploded onto bunch of desk-bound softies but real VERY minority interest. To actually train
taking up the sport but, guess what, our screens, I hated the show business men who could take the knocks. for boxing is hard enough, to compete
as I got older I became more worried element to it. I disliked the fact that we Switch on the sports channels and you requires a total dedication of lifestyle,
about touching another guy. At what got so much chat and hype with not will now find Muay Thai, kickboxing and nutrition and training. It doesn’t fit the
point the idea of such physical intimacy enough action, and I begrudged the UFC style boxing on our screens and stereotypical ‘gay’ lifestyle. It doesn’t
scared me I’m not sure but it was then ‘fact’ that it all appeared (albeit well) my love of the perfectly taut body and fit the typical gay man’s interpretation
I metaphorically hung up my trunks choreographed. It took me a while to physical skill, together with my penchant of training either. Going to a gym and
and binned any plans to become a find my ‘gay’ perspective to it and enjoy for watching guys fight it out in shorts, is bodybuilding is the complete opposite of
professional wrestler. I went off the sport the absolute hunks throwing themselves back as strong as ever. Despite the very how a boxer would train.
completely when it seemed that the around in the tightest of shiny PVC and violence these sports portray, the entire The question of whether gay men are
heroes of the ring had become all fat and god knows what other ‘come and f*ck activity just screams homo-erotica to me getting more involved in real sport
showbiz and a belly flop could render a me’ style of garment they seem to wear. and I wondered if others felt the same (competitive sport) as opposed to the
knockout with barely any skill involved. These beefy blokes (cos small and lithe just way. Is it merely the imagery that hooks cosmetic activity of ‘working out’ is
Meanwhile, middleweight and doesn’t happen in WWE) really do know people or is it the right-hook that folk are an interesting one. I took part in three
lightweight boxers became my object how to sell themselves… to everyone. now keen to experience and, I wondered, Gay Games and there are undoubtedly
of fantasy. I didn’t want to fight but I know that gay wrestling is very big and are gay guys looking for that ‘real man’ more gay people in Western Europe
I appreciated the style, stamina and my friend Chris Geary (www.chrisgeary. experience themselves? and the USA playing sport BUT it’s still a
commitment of my new gods of the ring. com) takes part in bouts in this country marginalised activity in gay culture and
Again, for me, it was definitely a fetish and abroad, as well as running his own many young gay people, especially boys,
Jim, who is gay and has been a boxing think that competitive sport is not for
thing. Apart from obviously adoring specialist meets. There are gay clubs coach for many years, offered this
such terrifically toned bodies, I loved the worldwide you can find on the net that them. Mostly the PE they had at school
opinion. was so appallingly bad that they have
look of the smooth though lethal leather encourage guys to get physical with
boxing gloves but especially the shiny each other; wrestling, rugby, swimming, There are no ‘Gay’ boxing clubs or never had a chance to experience sport
satin shorts, which to my burgeoning football and a host of others… but I groups other than Internet sites and in any real sense and think that going to
gay sensibilities became a symbol of wondered… boxing? Not so long ago Yahoo groups (as far as I know). There the gym is sporting activity. It’s actually
manliness and sexuality. These days the there was a trend amongst white-collar are people, especially in the States, who just another form of cosmetics!
shorts have become some kind of baggy workers and city slicker types to get in find the idea of boxing erotic. There Meanwhile Keith, who is a keen amateur
parody of a clown outfit and I think it the ring themselves and have a fight. are probably some here too. Equally, boxer, offers his take on the situation.
unfortunate that some boxers now look It was a way to let off steam to ‘prove’ no problem, as long as no one gets It’s a subject that’s close to my heart
like they belong in a circus. to themselves that they weren’t just a hurt it’s a case of ‘different strokes’. It’s a as I have a life-long love of boxing and

AUG 2009
the question of gay/ bi lads
participating in the sport is
for Ten
something which has long
been uppermost in my mind
for a long, long time. There
are websites, which gay lads
into boxing use, as well as

those into wrestling in order
to contact other guys into the
sport. In my experience, many
of them seem to be interested
purely in the fetishist side of
things; putting on boxing gear
and getting into hot, sweaty
clinches with other guys in
order to satiate their needs.
Most don’t want to box or
are hopeless at it. However, I
have also met guys who want
to meet for private matches
and who have a good grasp The North West’s only gay rugby team, Manchester Village
of boxing techniques. And
again, there are some guys Spartans, were established in 1999. The first game was played
who merely want to be beaten against the Kings Cross Steelers, which attracted over 200
to fulfil a sado-masochistic
spectators. A decade later, the team are going strong and are
I went to a local boxing club currently playing in the North West Intermediate Leagues, with
as a boy and I have friends in over 20 league games against “straight” teams planned for
the sport, both professional 2009/10 season. The Spartans are also working hard to prepare
boxers and amateur coaches.
Most know that I’m gay for the Bingham Cup, an International gay rugby tournament to
and it’s simply not an issue be held in Minneapolis next year.

Gay Boxing
for them. Some have even
confided in me that they’re
bi-curious. My closest friend

is bisexual and boxed both
for an amateur club as a teen
in the North West and in the
armed forces. So there are gay
and bisexual guys out there
who do box; they’re just not Get Fierce boxing is strictly
obvious in the vast majority an LGBT event. Everyone who
of cases. competes will be gay, lesbian or
What also interests me is the transgendered. The event is open
fact that there are very real to the public. Although several
homoerotic undercurrents of the people who have applied
in boxing itself. Many of the do have experience in boxing/
motions, which fighters go kickboxing, no experience is
through in a contest, are necessary as competitors will
very similar to homosexual have been trained professionally
encounters; the close clinches, by gay coach and ABA champion
bodies pressed together, Jimmy Dublin. From those who are
covered in sweat. training - a final 12 will be selected The Bingham Cup is a worldwide would welcome an openly gay player. I
I’ve also had a pro boxer friend to compete in front of a live competition named in remembrance of found out about the Spartans by chance
once say to me in these very audience at the Get Fierce event Mark Kendall Bingham, one of the heroic and went to one of their training sessions.
words: “I dunno if it’s kinky in November - Fight Night staged victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist Within a couple of weeks I was back on
or what, mate, but I love the by Lost the Plot promotions. The action in the USA. The Manchester Village the pitch playing competitive rugby again.
smell of sweat and leather evening takes place at the Troxy Spartans have played at each Bingham It was a great opportunity to get back into
down the gym.” in Limehouse and will be hosted Cup since the first tournament in San the game and is probably one of the best
I think that countless of us can by Ms Kimberly, followed by a Francisco in 2002. decisions I’ve made! It is lots of fun and
appreciate that sentiment but huge after party with live acts and a great way of meeting like minded guys
special guests.  Next year will be the 5th Bingham Cup
at the beginning of writing and will be made up of over 30 gay teams who just want to play rugby. The social
this item I was hoping to find, Competitors will be matched from around the globe. To ensure they life is great as well as keeping fit.” Gareth
not unlike the Brad Pitt movie according to ability (not weight). are able to send their best team over Longley, player and committee member.
Fight Club, an underground, There will be three, one and a half to compete, Spartans fundraising and The Manchester Village Spartans play
secret organisation of gay minute bouts in each match, a sponsorship officer, Dean Bee, is working every Saturday and training sessions are
lads hell bent on venting their total of 6 matches (12 fighters). hard with the rest of the team to raise held on a Wednesday between September
aggression in the ring. I was The bouts will be gender specific £13,500 to assist players and coaching and April at Sale Sports Club. The team
also hoping that it would lead (i.e boys vs boys, girls vs girls). staff with contributions towards travel and is always looking for new players (and
to a gay boxing superstar Although, as it’s a fun fun-raising accommodation costs. supporters) to join and have specialist
coming to the fore that we event they are toying with the coaches to train people of all levels. So if
idea of introducing a  few tongue The Spartans will be looking for support
could all support as he took you’re a seasoned player, or are a complete
in cheek catergories such as (bears from the North West’s gay community to
on his ‘straight’ opponents. I beginner, the Spartans want you!
and twinks) depending on which help send its team to the Bingham Cup
realise it was my own fantasy
competitors make it through!  All and bring home some silverware. They A number of recruitment events are planned
that drove me down this
competitors will get to choose will be organising a number of fundraising over the next few months, the first of which
route and I hadn’t taken into
their own nicknames and theme events in the run up to the competition. will be held at Taurus on Canal Street from
consideration just what it
music for the night.  They also hope to source sponsorship 2pm on Sunday 16th August, so come along
takes to be even moderately
and donations from local and national and meet the guys!
good at this sport. I am in The idea is to encourage the gay businesses and there are whispers of a For more information please visit our website
awe of boxers and I’m sure community to get fit again and 2010 nude calendar being produced! at www.villagespartans.co.uk or:
there are gay boxers all over raise the profile of gay sports. As
the place but I think that money from the event is going to Currently there are around 35 members For recruitment information contact Drew at
their sexuality is perhaps the Crusaid, the underlying themes of; between the ages of 18 and 50 and recruitment@villagespartans.co.uk
least important part of their safe sex will be tied in with the idea of although the team is predominantly made For PR & Communications contact Gareth at
personality. fighting fit and looking after your body. up of gay players, the Spartans welcome pr@villagespartans.co.uk
everyone and often field straight players.
Homo-vision will be filming a For Sponsorship & Fundraising contact Dean
documentary/show following the “I have played for the Manchester Village at fundraising@villagespartans.co.uk
hopefuls from training, through to Spartans for 2 years now, and it had been
www.Gayfighter.com 6 years since I’d played competitively. I
selection and the big night itself. All images © Copyright BigBlueBalloon 2009
www.realjock.com stopped playing when I went to university
www.losttheplotpromotions.com as I didn’t think the university teams
www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
I N ' S T O R I E S


Half naked men grappling in the Turkish sun,
the light glistening from their oil-coated
bodies; hands grab slick flesh as they tumble
on the ground clad in only tight fitting leather
trousers. No, I haven’t stumbled across the set
of the latest R18 movie, but an ancient sport
which has been practised in Turkey since
the 17th century. The Turkish Oil Wrestling
Championship, or Kirkpinar, takes place in the
small and relatively unheard of town of Edirne,
which is around 2 hours from Istanbul by car. I
had been to the competition a couple of years
ago, but had heard it had grown in size and
was keen to see more!

This year I found it much more populated

by foreign journalists and photographers
– The President of Turkey was also there -
surrounded by heavy security. A BBC crew
with 3 Blue Peter presenters took part in the
wrestling too but the officials weren’t happy
about this as they take the contest so seriously
and felt the BBC presenters were taking it
too much as a joke. It will be broadcast in
September apparently.

It’s impossible to ignore the homoeroticism

of the event, both on the competition field
and off. The competitors help each other to
apply the olive oil which is used to foil their
opponent’s grasp; they wait for their round
with their heads on their friend’s laps; they
stroke each other’s hair and walk arm in
arm. These shows of affection between men
however are commonplace in Arab countries
where homosexuality is a crime. Despite this,
the competition is a distinctly masculine
event, so much so you can almost smell the
testosterone on the air. Very few women can
be seen at the stadium, with the audience
made up of all generations of men supporting
their champion. Each match is taken very
seriously, particularly by the really younger
contestants who when defeated fell to their
knees in tears.

Each bout of the contest takes place to the

constant rhythm of banging drums and
music, which plays continuously for around
8 hours. After their match, the wrestlers
wash themselves down and laze on the grass
waiting for the ultimate champion to grapple
to victory and receive the prize, either money
or a ram. The rules differ to regular wrestling
and one of the easiest ways to beat your
opponent is to get your hands down the
back of their leather trousers and pull! These
trousers look like motorbike leathers, but in
fact date back hundreds of years.

The Kirkpinar Festival takes place every year

at Edirne in a week between the end of June
and the beginning of July, The oil wresting
championship is the highlight of the last three
days of the festival, which includes a beauty
contest, food competition and various shows
and exhibitions. I felt honoured to be able to
attend this ancient competition which makes
tourists feel very welcome, and will certainly be
returning in years to come.

I’m working on an exhibition featuring many

photographs from the Festival, watch this space
or email me on Terry@bent.com for more details.

AUG 2009

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529


The holIDAy SeASoN IS AT lAST UpoN US…
Here in the Czech Republic we’ve waited far too long for the first
warm and sunny days of the year but now, finally, we can begin
to spend some time outdoors.

I spent a long weekend with a very good friend of mine, hiking

in the woods in the northern parts of the Czech Republic. Due
to our country’s geography, we don’t have the sea or beaches
to enjoy; although sometimes the lakes and forests can be even
better. Especially when you plan something special and don’t
want to be disturbed. It took us approximately three hours to
hike through the woods, at which point we arrived at this small,
glittering lake. Kilometres from anywhere, the romantic waters
lay right in front us, surrounded by trees and the greenery
of nature. Of course, being hot and sweaty, we immediately
stripped out of our clothes and jumped straight into the cold
water. The job of building our tents could wait.

You can probably imagine what happened in the water and

afterwards when we came back out. First there was some rather
shy and innocent touching; followed by kissing, wanking and
(you know me) shagging. The obvious things, given that we
were two extremely hot guys out in the wilderness together.
I just hope my boyfriend doesn’t read these lines. Hey, he still
thinks that I’m Mr. Innocent!

Still, enough of my horny stories for now …

The arrival of summer means that the Pride season is well

underway – not unnaturally – I’ve been invited to quite a few
events in Germany. I’ve already visited Berlin, Hamburg and
Munich, for what are always events of tremendous fun. As you
probably know, Pride started as a political demonstration,
but these days it’s more of a street parade, with a weekend of
parties, cute guys and lots of horny sex.

Luckily, I’ve always been invited to share a truck with the clubs
that host our Staxus parties (www.StaxusOnTour.com), which
means that I get the very best view of all the fantastic, cute and
mega-horny folk joining the parade. Unfortunately, however,
most of the guys around me on the truck are usually much
taller, better looking and more muscular than I am. As a result
it’s sometimes really hard to get the attention of the crowd, who
always seems to be watching other guys rather than me. Still,
I’ve taken a load of photos and have posted them on my site for
you to enjoy (www.Johan-Volny.com)

I have to work in the evening of Pride weekends because we are

always booked for a variety of different shows in the city clubs – but
the people attending such parties are totally different to the crowds
that gather on the streets earlier in the day. For example, we had a
show the other week in Berlin where we engaged in wanking and
blow-jobs on stage. It was a Pride “Gays and Friends” Party, and the
crowd was in a perfect state of wild expectation!

When we came on stage and began our show there was a lot of
applause and shouting; but by the time we’d finished we noticed
there was only girls standing at the front of the audience,
each one with open mouths! Clearly they hadn’t ever seen
anything like our performance before, and were rather shocked
to begin with – though it hadn’t taken very long before they
photos: www.staxus.com Carsten Schlink

were cheering like crazy! As for the boys … well, they’d all got so
hot during the course of our show that they’d had to leave for the
darkrooms to relieve their sexual excitement, no doubt trying out
for themselves some of the things they’d seen us do on the stage! 4 “biG, biGGer, biGGesT”
If you like totally uncompromising sex
It’s funny, but gay sex sometimes really does seem to be more between young twinks with cocks that
interesting to girls than it does to boys. Still, one thing I did learn is wouldn’t look out of place in the farmyard
that girls are more generous than guys – after all, a number of them then this is most definitely your sort of
invited me out for drinks and even gave me their phone numbers too! movie. Lots of threesomes and more spunk
than you could ever wish for - if that’s
To me – a gay guy! Hey, sometimes girls are just hopeless! possible! - makes this a definite must-see
for all you cock-size junkies out there.

AUG 2009
‘ThIVk - TeST - R G A Y U K
TAke CoNTRol’ M
In a bid to reduce dangerous levels of undiagnosed HIV
among gay men, Terrence Higgins Trust (THT) is launching
a new campaign encouraging men to take control of their
sexual health by regularly testing for HIV. The campaign
‘THIVK – Test – Take Control’ will be run through a stand-
alone website (www.thinkHIV.co.uk), adverts in gay press,
posters, leaflets and condom packs, carrying the following
“Treatments have never been so good. If you have HIV, the
sooner you find out the better.”
“Think HIV testing takes too long? Some clinics offer ‘rapid
tests’ with results in 20 minutes.”
“You think you’re HIV negative? You might be wrong.”
The Health Protection Agency (HPA) estimates that,
in the UK, up to 10,000 gay men have HIV without
knowing – one in four men infected with the virus
don’t know they have it. Despite this, around a third of
gay men in England have never taken an HIV test, with
the figure even higher in Scotland and Wales. Reasons men don’t
test include not realising how much they’ve put themselves at risk, concern about the

Hey guys
length of time they’ll have to wait for the result, and fear of getting a positive result.
THT’s new campaign ‘THIVK - Test - Take Control’ directly addresses these concerns, outlining why - if you
have HIV - it’s vitally important it be diagnosed as early as possible. People diagnosed late (CD4 count
< 200) are much more likely to die within a year of diagnosis than those diagnosed sooner, while those
who leave it too long to start HIV treatment are also more likely to pass the virus on to their partners
than those who are already receiving treatment.
how's it
Crusaid’s Summer Garden party charity
Crusaid has been a leading HIV & AIDS
de support
for over 20 years, and aims to provi Had a completely mental month so far!
and AIDS
to adults and children affected by HIV nally. Last year, when I won the Mr Gay UK competition, part of my
living in poverty in the UK and inter prize was a holiday in Tenerife. Well I have been so busy since
Crusaid’s key
The Summer Garden Party is one of that fateful day that I’ve only just got around to taking that trip
proceeds going
annual fundraising events, with all to the Canaries. It was totally awesome. My best friend, Goose
both in the
towards continuing their vital work and I had so much fun. It was lush and hot – 37 degrees one
of the kind of
UK and internationally. More details day but we chilled loads by the beach and enjoyed all the lovely
s raised by the
projects which will benefit from fund aid.org.uk restaurants and bars. If you’ve never been, Tenerife is quite a
Garden Party can be found at www holiday destination if you want to take things easy, but not as
ble afternoon which will include a
for just £65, admit guests to a socia in-yer-face as Gran Canaria but
Tickets, available to purchase now s by the pool and live musical entertainment.
, cooling drink definitely a place not just for relaxing
delicious Mediterranean buffet lunch chan ce to win some amaz ing prizes, with every
on offering the cos there’s plenty to do. Apart from
There’ll also be a tombola and aucti you need to book now!
id. 16th August, trekking to the top of the island’s
penny raised going to support Crusa l hughw@crusaid.org.uk
Hugh Wright on 020 7539 3896 or emai extinct volcano Mount Teide, giving
For bookings and more info contact a view that is just fantastic, we also

Sex Tour
took a day out on a quad bike. Hell,
those things are fun and we got
absolutely filthy as the off road tracks
lived up to their name… but it was
hilarious. My favourite day by far
was our trip to Siam Park – Europe’s
GMFA, the gay men’s health charity, today announced that its biggest water park! I’m such a thrill
popular Sex Course will be touring the UK this August, seeker, so the gravity defying slides
bringing better sex to a city near you. GMFA will run were right up my alley, which oddly
the free one-day course in 12 cities across the UK to enough is where your shorts end up
help men improve their sex life and gain a better once you hit the water at force… right
understanding of how their body works. up the bum.! Just to show my softer
Matthew Hodson, Head of Programmes at GMFA, side, we also went to Lorro Parque
says: “This is real sex education designed specifically and saw orcas, sea lions, dolphins and
for gay men - the kind many of us wished we’d loads of other animals… Aaah! I’d
had but didn’t get in school. It’s fun, informal and like to say thank you to all the staff at
educational, providing lots of practical advice on how Jet2holidays.com who donated the
the mouth, cock, balls and arse work.” prize for such a wicked holiday.
The course includes hints and tips on making sex both safer and more Then it was back to rainy London…
enjoyable and will help you to explore what you want from your sex life it is nice to be home but things just
in a non-threatening, non-judgmental and fun way. It covers a broad don’t stop. Me and two of my best
range of topics, including putting a condom on properly, how to use sex friends; Matty and Cath went to the Brixton 02 academy to see Lady Gaga.
toys and practical tips for oral sex. She was absolutely amazing! I was so shocked when I heard her slow
Matthew adds: “The demand for this course is always high and I think rendition of ‘Pokerface’ – what a voice! I didn’t know the girl had such a
that’s because there is a real need for this type of sex education across pair of lungs on her – I was genuinely very impressed!
the UK. Through this course, our aim is for gay men to become better Summer’s been great so far! Me and my friends made the best of the nice
informed about sex and sexual practices, allowing them to be more weather we had and went down to the notorious ponds in Hampstead
confident and to make healthier choices.” Heath for a swim – it was really fun!
All of GMFA’s courses and workshops are free of charge to In between all that my drama course is building up to a grand finale. I’m in
participants but places are limited and must be booked in rehearsals with a play which we’re taking to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival
advance. GMFA’s National Sex Course is funded by CHAPS. it’s called ‘Black Swans’. Out of thousands of plays being shown only a
To book a place, go to www.gmfa.org.uk/national or call 020 7738 3712. select few have been chosen for the press release and ours is one of them!
Come up and see us! I’ll be there from the 20th – 30th August! We’d really
The Sex Course takes place on a Saturday from 10am to 5pm. appreciate all your support!
The dates for the Sex Course in August are:

Hope you all enjoy the rest of your summer!!!
15th - Birmingham, Liverpool, Plymouth & sheffield
22nd - Bristol, Manchester, Nottingham & southampton
29th - Brighton, Leeds, London & Newcastle Lots of love

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
BookS Calling All Book Geeks!
Our very own self confessed Gay Book Geek Simon Savidge is on the hunt for the Great Gay Reads of All Time. He needs your
recommendations and input. You can go to http://greatgayreads.blogspot.com to see his journey through the highs and lows of
gay writing. To email him with suggestions of your favourite gay reads drop him a line at greatgayreads@googlemail.com


Luscious, bulging and
all-embracing: Stripped
Uncensored - as a
follow-up to “Stripped -
The Illustrated Male” - is
the second anthology
presenting gay
illustrations from most
various artists, including
comics, paintings and
everything in-between.
And just like the
title promises, you’ll
find even more filthy
stuff in here than in
its predecessor. There
are truly no borders
for fantasy! Most of
the pictures are simply
bursting with lust and
virility - everything is
allowed to be bigger and
more muscular and juicy.
£ 26.95
Bruno Gmunder

AUG 2009
4Who’s Your Daddy?
and other writings on queer parenting
Edited by Rachel Epstein

This could be classed as a help, a guide

or an information book because it brings
a groundbreaking collection of writings
and insights into the queer parenting
discussion. There are ‘voices’ here from
Canada, the United States, England
and Australia and the contributors
range from academics, activists, health
care professionals, parents and not
forgetting… the children who are gay or
have gay parents. A heavy tome no doubt
but one that might help answer some of
those nagging questions you may have...
£19.50 – Gazelle Books

4The Picture of
Dorian Gray
By Oscar Wilde

With a new film of this Wilde classic

soon ready for release and Matthew
Bourne touring an updated dance
version, it is timely that the original
story is released for those curious to
know what Oscar had in mind. Dorian
is a good-natured young man until
he discovers the power of his own
exceptional beauty. AS he outwardly
never ages as his selfishness and
decadence increases over time…
his portrait in the attic records every
corrupting influence.
£4.99 – Vintage Random House

4Wet, Wild &

By Lew Bull

A sun-bleached 28 year-old blonde

construction worker takes off on a
trip around Europe bent on finding
a boyfriend. When he’s joined by his
equally hunky 19 year-old nephew
things begin to go a bit wrong. In
fact, the young hunk is kidnapped
and it’s up to his uncle, and a couple
of men who he’s enticed on the way,
to track down and rescue him.
What could be simpler?
£11.99 - Nazca Plains

4Hiding in Hip Hop

By Terrance Dean
4Side by Side
Terrance Dean worked his way up
Journal of a Smalltown Boy
in the entertainment industry for
By Mioki 10 years, from intern to executive.
He lived a life of glamour, in an
This is the story of Evan and Rick, industry founded on maleness –
who have been close friends since where his career, his friendships
kindergarten and, on how their and his reputation all depended
friendship evolves into the love of on remaining in hiding. This is the
their lives. Mioki presents a moving explosive memoir of a Hollywood
and sexy portrait of gay life with hip hop culture, where seemingly
all its highs and lows. Written as a straight male celebrities find
classy carton strip but with drawings themselves in relationships with
that have style and are wonderfully other men.
incisive. By the way… these lads £10.99 – Atria Books
really love their sex!
£15.95 – Bruno Gmunder

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
DylAN Vox

WITh The ReleASe oF The 2ND SeRIeS oF CUlT
STAR DylAN Vox ABoUT hIS CAReeR. UNDeR The touched the Iliad until finally they
NAMe “BRAD BeNToN,” Vox peRFoRMeD IN GAy made the movie Troy. The movie isn’t
poRNoGRAphIC FIlMS AND WAS NoMINATeD FoR that great, but Brad Pitt, of course, got
to play the great Greek legend. LOL
even I gotta admit that was casting
leAp INTo MAINSTReAM MoVIeS. BeFoRe All ThAT, brilliance even if I was a little jealous.
Describe you perfect partner?
You were quite a good ice skater Cove, and so far it has been a really I really would love to find someone
what made you change direction? great ride. I have crossed over into who is almost exactly like me, with
making more mainstream films like just a little bit of a darker side to
Well I skated with a partner, and them. I love outgoing people who
when she and I split up to attend Homewrecker and Zombo and have
some great new projects coming up can also be very laid back, who
schools, it was kind of just a natural have goals and a drive to succeed.
so definitely stay tuned!
progression to move onto to a
new path. Skating is a sport that
Someone who looks like me, but not
better, and who is as smart as I am,
The lair season 2
definitely takes a toll on your body How did you feel about playing but not smarter. I do love tattoos If you thought it impossible to set a
and requires an inordinate amount gay vampire? and piercings though, which I have new record for the largest quantity of
of discipline. Eventually most It’s oddly a role that I can identify neither, but I like people who stand hot bodies, wild
competitors have to do other things. with lol. I think Vampires in general out from the crowd and are just a little sex and buckets of blood per episode
have a lot of sex appeal and outside of the mainstream. I know that than The Lair Season 1 then look no
Are you still involved in any sports? sensuality and those attributes are sounds completely narcissistic lol, but further than the second series of this
I do compete in a few intramural something that I think I possess. I’m I think that you have to be happy with hit show! Taking us even deeper into
leagues, and I play tons of tennis. I not the hottest dude by any means, yourself before you can share with the seedy underworld of the male-only
also am a sports freelance journalist, but I think my style, my confidence, someone else. club known simply as ‘The Lair’, we
and I enjoy doing more extreme and conformability with myself have delve further in to its murky world
activities like rock climbing and created a pretty sexy person. Also, I of steamy love affairs, mysterious
mountain biking. never go to sleep early. I’m definitely murders, vampires and hot, hot guys.
a night owl, or bat lol. But being Introducing new, even sexier characters
afforded the opportunity to work at and ever more surprising twists and
How did you get into making TV what I love is definitely an honour turns, will leave lovers of genuine
and what had you done prior to Lair? and a privilege that I don’t take for camp fun satisfied – at least until they
Well, having a performance granted. become hungry for more!
background, when I moved to Los Out: 3rd August - £14.99 – tlareleasing
Angeles for law school I instantly
knew I would need a creative outlet. is there a part you’d kill for?
I took a lot of classes and began Hmmm. One of my favourite To be in with a chance of winning
working in theatre productions and characters of all time is Achilles in a copy of this fabulous DVD just
smaller parts in film and television. the Iliad. Hollywood kept making answer this simple question:
The Lair kind of came about by Homer’s Odyssey in to television Which Vampire did Bram stoker write
accident after my role on Dante’s shows and movies, but never about?

AUG 2009
Turn to page 78 for entry details DVD

breaKfasT WiTh scoT Kylie – WhiTe Kylie X 2008 – blu-ray

The relationship between two career- DiaMonD eDiTion
minded men is put to the test by the
In May 2005, Kylie Minogue was forced Costing a breathtaking £10 million to stage,
sTar sTories – series 3
surprise arrival of a unique child. Eric, a
former hockey star, now a closeted sports to cancel the Australian leg of her the KylieX2008 tour is the biggest and most The light-hearted comedy returns to
announcer, is initially freaked out when Showgirl tour after being diagnosed expensive show that Kylie has produced to viewers to force open the doors of the
his partner Sam, ends up with custody with breast cancer. The highs and lows date, with performance tickets selling out closely guarded world of celebrity, as
of 11-year old Scot. It turns out Scot isn’t of Kylie’s world are perfectly captured, to 120,000 eager fans within two hours of the lives and loves of Hollywood actors
your average child - seemingly ‘gayer’ from the pleasures of relaxing and their release. Ever the byword for style, Kylie and international pop stars are once
than not only Eric and Sam, but perhaps having fun on a secluded beach during commissioned her head-to-toe couture worn again satirically reconstructed. In Series
even Liberace, he poses a very distinct a break in her schedule, celebrating throughout the performance from Jean 3, celebrities to receive the irreverent
challenge to the otherwise reserved homo New Year’s Eve with thousands of Paul Gaultier. This sets the sophisticated tone treatment include; Elton John, Kate Moss,
household! Recognising all the high and fans at Wembley Arena, to the pain of for an extraordinary visual and musical feast, Stella McCartney, Bono, Heather Mills
lows that come with being a parent, whilst having to abandon a concert mid-show in lovely Blu-Ray hi definition, that celebrates and Paul McCartney and Peter Andre and
also reaffirming that true love really does and suffering a post-show collapse due a pop star who has been at the top of her Jordan.
transcend all - this award-winning comedy to a respiratory tract infection. game for over 20 years and shows no sign of Out now - £14.99 – 4DVD
is a crowd-pleasing classic! Out now - £12.99 - Fremantle Home relinquishing her crown!
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To be in with a chance of winning a To be in with a chance of winning To be in with a chance of winning a copy of this simple question:
copy of this fabulous DVD just answer a copy of this fabulous DVD just this fabulous DVD just answer this simple On which reality show did Peter Andre
this simple question: answer this simple question: question: and Jordan meet?
Which instrument is Liberace best What is the name of Kylie’s singing Who did Kylie duet with on her hit uK
know for playing? sister? single ‘Kids’

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www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

10 ThINGS yoU
1. His deal for Hulk (2003) included an option for two
sequels, with substantial salary raises for each film but he
declined to reprise the role.
2. Admitted to eating junk food for four weeks to put on the
extra weight needed to play Chopper (2000). He gained 30
pounds for the role.
3. First jobs: Washing cars at a service station, pushing
trolleys at Coles New World, barman at Melbourne’s
Castle Hotel in 1991.
4. In an ironic twist, Mark Brandon Read, who was portrayed
by Bana in the movie Chopper (2000), has a small role in the
film Trojan Warrior (2002); where he plays a guy named “Erik
Bana”. This is not to be confused with Troy (2004) which also
stars Bana and features a Trojan horse.
5. He had never ridden a horse before Troy (2004), and
had to start from scratch without a saddle.
6. Has two children with wife Rebecca: Klaus (b. August 1999)
and Sophia (b. April 2002).
7. Tall by almost any standards at 6’ 3”, he is actually
medium-sized or small by his family’s standards. For
instance, his brother stands 6’ 8”.
Eric stars alongside Rachel McAdams in
8. Brad Pitt personally requested Bana as a co-star for Troy The Time Traveler’s Wife, a romantic drama
(2004) because he was a huge fan of Chopper (2000). about a Chicago librarian with a gene that
9. When asked in 2005 who his idols are, he named causes him to involuntarily time travel,
Richard Pryor, Paul Newman and Barry Humphries (Dame and the complications it creates for his
edna everage) marriage. Comes out on 12th August.
10. His full name Eric Banadinovic

The uGly TruTh G.i. Joe: The rise of cobra

Out: 5th August Out: 7th August
A superb rom-com and very funny in a kind of 40-Year Old Virgin kind of way. Probably Paramount Pictures and Hasbro, whose previous collaboration are the
the best rom-com since There’s Something About Mary. The battle of the sexes heats up Transformers blockbusters, join forces again for another extraordinary
in The Ugly Truth. Abby Richter (Katherine Heigl) is a romantically challenged morning action-adventure G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra. From the Egyptian desert
show producer whose search for Mr. Perfect has left her hopelessly single. She’s in for a to deep below the polar ice caps, the elite G.I. Joe team uses the latest
rude awakening when her bosses team her with Mike Chadway (dreamy Gerard Butler), a in next-generation spy and military equipment to fight the corrupt
chauvinistic TV personality who promises to spill the ugly truth on what makes men and arms dealer Destro and the growing threat of the mysterious Cobra
women tick. Everyone at the preview screening loved this film, should be a big hit. organization to prevent them from plunging the world into chaos.
Stars mega-hot and recently married Channing Tatum; this is the
movie that finally sees him become A-list in Hollywood.
AUG 2009

FI e
Bla nch
Zr as Lady edwina
Cat ment) (Atone
Mountbatten in Joe Wright’s t foll ows the
ind ian sum me r, a sto ry tha
as Bri tain ’s Lor d Mo untbatten,
fateful events t to ove rse e the
with edwina in tow, is sen summer of 1947 to
handover of pow er in the
me minister.
Jawaharlal Nehru, india’s first pri get
to retu rn as Brid
Renee Zellweger is set atte mp ts to hav ea
Jones; now in her 40s , she
baby before its too late .
Marvel has just announced tNat alie Portman
of Tho r as Jane
has officially joined the cas Chr is Hem sworth
Foster. Portman will join
who’s pla yin g the titl e role and Tom
Hiddleston who is playinnet g the villain Loki,
the god of mis chi ef. Ken h Branagh is
directing for a May 20, 201 1 release.
shorTs ds will take the lead role
Meanwhile Ryan Rey nol
Out: 21st August
in the Warner Bros. superhero fea ture Green
Shorts is set in the suburb of Black Falls,
where all the houses look the same and Lantern based on the DC Com ics hero. In the
everyone works for Blackbox Unlimited
past Rey nol ds has bee n rum ore d as the lead in
com ic The Flas h and just
an adaptation of the
Worldwide Industries Incorporated,
whose Mr. Black’s Black Box is the ultimate
pla yed the par t of Dea dpo ol in X-Men
communication and do-it-all gadget that’s recently ecte d to star in a spin-
sweeping the nation (i-Phone piss-take). Origins: Wolverine and is exp
er as wel l.
Other than keeping his parents employed,
off film of his own with that charact co- star
however, Mr. Black’s Black Box has done
Jodie Foster signed on to dire ct and
nothing for 11- year-old Toe Thompson,
in The Bea ver and wil l cen ter
who just wants to make a few friends... with Mel Gibson wh o we ars a bea ver
until a mysterious rainbow-coloured rock on a grown man (Gibson)he treats as a real
falls from the sky, hits him in the head and
puppet on his hand that wif e.
person. Foster will play his
changes everything. The Rainbow Rock
(yes, very camp) does Mr. Black’s Black Box
is Beverly
one better: it grants wishes to anyone who The Smurfs Movie is cominga Gosrd ! Wo
nel l, will be
holds it. Before long, wishes-gone wrong
Hills Chihuahua hel me r, Raj
wh ich is set for a
taking the reigns on the filmin 2D and 3D.
have left the neighborhood swarming
with tiny spaceships, crocodile armies,
giant boogers... and outrageous magical December 17, 201 0 rele ase
mayhem around every corner.

inGlourious basTerDs The hurT locKer

Out: 21st August Out: 28th August
Quentin Tarantino’s films are always quite an event when they come out. Director Katherine Bigelow is likely to be one of the few women ever Oscar
Expect nothing less here. Inglourious Basterds begins in German-occupied nominated for Best Director for this incredible war film which has received
France, where Shosanna Dreyfus (Mélanie Laurent) witnesses the execution glowing reviews everywhere. The Hurt Locker is an intense portrayal of elite
of her family at the hand of Nazi Colonel Hans Landa (Oscar worthy Christoph soldiers who have one of the most dangerous jobs in the world: disarming
Waltz). Shosanna narrowly escapes and flees to Paris, where she forges a bombs in the heat of combat. When a new sergeant, James, takes over a
new identity as the owner and operator of a cinema. Elsewhere in Europe, highly trained bomb disposal team amidst violent conflict, he surprises his
Lieutenant Aldo Raine (Brad Pitt) organizes a group of Jewish soldiers two subordinates, Sanborn and Eldridge, by recklessly plunging them into a
to engage in targeted acts of retribution. Known to their enemy as “The deadly game of urban combat. James behaves as if he’s indifferent to death.
Basterds,” Raine’s squad joins German actress and undercover agent Bridget As the men struggle to control their wild new leader, the city explodes into
Von Hammersmark (Diane Kruger) on a mission to take down the leaders of chaos, and James’ true character reveals itself in a way that will change each
The Third Reich. Fates converge under a cinema marquee, where Shosanna is man forever. A must-see!
poised to carry out a revenge plan of her own... 29
www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

The TomTom White Pearl – a special edition navigation

product with a twist! - will add a touch of glamour to any
car. The White Pearl’s stylish, pearlescent design makes
it the perfect gift for any special occasion and a stylish
companion for any car journey.
Based on the TomTom ONE IQ Routes™ edition, the White
Pearl ensures that driving is safe and stress-free but
also includes some brand new features: special Points
of Interest such as, ‘Places to be seen’ and ‘Shop ‘til you
drop’. Covering everything from restaurants, bars, cafes,
coffee shops, cinemas and theatres to fashion and home
furnishing stores – the White Pearl gives drivers the ability
to explore new places.
As well as Points of Interest, the White Pearl comes with
TomTom’s extremely useful Help Me! safety features,
including emergency phone numbers and a ‘Where Am I?’
function – essential if the car breaks down on a journey,
for example. And, as with all TomTom devices, the driver
CoMpeTITIoN TIMe can simply plug in and go. The White Pearl and its mount
are presented in a luxurious silk drawstring bag, which
Turn to page 78 for entry details also keeps it clean and safe from any knocks and bumps.
£179.99 visit: www.tomtom.com
To be in with a chance to win this fabulous TomTom
Prices are set by retailers and may vary
satnav just answer this simple question:
in which shellfish do you traditionally associate
with finding a pearl?

bluray recorDer
LG Electronics has launched its first
Blu-ray player with integrated digital
Freeview+ recorder. The LG HR400
features video on demand, powered
by YouTube, which effectively allows 4no labels
viewers access to more than 2.5
billion videos in the comfort of their ABSOLUT wants to challenge labels
own home. It is combined with BD and prejudice to make the world more
Live and has a built-in 160GB hard diverse, vibrant and respectful, and so
disk drive (HDD), enough to record is introducing a naked bottle – with
up to 477 hours of programming. It no label, but with a lot of attitude. The
can receive over 40 digital Freeview limited edition bottle is available in the
channels and pause, play and UK, at Selfridges and will be available
rewind live TV at the touch of nationwide in September.
a button thanks to advanced £24.99 At the same time ABSOLUT is
timeshift functionality – enabling launching absolut.co.uk/nolabel where
viewers to control the way they consumers from around the world
watch their favourite programmes. are invited to discard their labels and
Price TBA www.lge.com prejudice about LGBT.

Vintage New York Traffic Lights

H: 107cm W: 38cm D: 18cm
£165 www.theoldcinema.co.uk

AUG 2009

4ViVa fiesTa!
The new Fiesta is a vivid expression of all that is
inspirational in design today. If you’ve ever marvelled
at ground-breaking architecture, been excited by
haute couture, or been moved by art – this car will
provoke a strong sense of déjà vu. Today’s design
icons have influenced every line and detail, from
the sculpted, dynamic exterior to its sophisticated
interior. And the technology in the cabin is as
innovative as the most advanced electronics around
today. No wonder the experts at What Car? not only
crowned the new Fiesta as Car of the Year 2009 , but
also voted it Best Supermini.
Starting from £10.5K 4PocKeT Tools
Those clever people at True
Green Bugatti Vera kettle identity have created a few
£185 wheredidyoubuythat.com more fun things that you
never thought you
needed but will prove
from now on.

4sounDs GooD
The Ovator S-600 is the result of three
years’ extensive research and development
and combines established Naim
loudspeaker manufacturing techniques
with true leading-edge high-end audio Like a clever capsule that clips on your key-ring but
technology. For those passionate about that can hide cash… so you never need run out of
audio technology… and a pretty healthy money again.
bank balance.
£5995 a pair www.naim-audio.com

Perhaps a tiny pen that expands to a full size writing


Or three bright ideas.

aPPle iPhone 3Gs A neat little light bulb that illuminates everything
The iPhone remains one of the most user-friendly touch-screen handsets on the nearby or, if you prefer, perhaps a torch shaped like
market. Plus, it now sports voice control and a copy and paste feature, which dog tags? Maybe a flexible beam, with a laser pointer
only adds to the ease of use factor. The ‘S’ in is more in tune with producing your own light show.
iPhone 3GS stands for speed, which means
the iPhone can do everything it did before,
but faster. Genius.
Available from O2 on contract
To be in with a chance of winning one of
these stunning communication devices
just answer this simple question:
Which scot is credited with inventing
the first phone?

With prices from £4.99 Trueutility.com

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
£75 - Jumper
£50 - Shorts

speedo Alexandar shorts

Whether you’ve got waves to
ride, kites to fly, cars to wash or
dogs to walk- watershorts have
been original on the beach and
a staple in every man’s wardrobe
since Speedo introduced them in
1928. On trend, in style and forever
practical, there’s 101 uses for them,
how do you wear yours?
£35 www.speedo.com

“You wanna see my jocks?”
The Bone Wear ad slogan says it all. This is underwear that’s too
good to be hidden away. South African’s first international men’s
underwear collection has distinctive styling, great fabrics and
that unmistakeable waistband! Bone Wear undies come in two
fabrics - cotton Lycra or bijou Lycra - and all styles share the same
modern cut, second skin fit and masses of ooh-la-laa… And by
the way Bone Wear is the official supplier of men’s underwear for
the 2009 Mr South Africa pageant.
Prices start at £21 and are exclusively from deadgoodundies.com

Dog woof
Doghouse presents The Debut Collection: 24 hard-hitting,
strictly limited edition t-shirts that take fashion print to
dangerous new levels. Provocative illustrations, sexual
imagery and razor sharp geometrics, are all combined with
editorial styling to create a brand that is ready to disrupt
the whole fashion system.
£20 www.doghouseprint.com

AUG 2009
“Tattoo Underwear”
Athos de oliveira is a
Brasilian designer and artist
living in Zürich.He became
internationally known after his
naked underwear colection,
which looks as if one does not
wear anything, with your sexy
outline printed on both the
front and back.
But now, for tattoo fans there
is a limited design series of
man´s underwear with fantastic
looking tattoo motives. The
underwear is made from silky
micr-fibre that clings tightly to
your outline which looks and
feels stunning to wear.
This great underwear can also
be worn as swimwear check it
out at the online store:

£39.99 - OC Zipper
£24.99 - Miami Cargo
£200 - White suit jacket
£100 - White suit trousers
£45 - Cobalt blue polo

Kenneth Cole at House of Fraser

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

Website: JarrettJames.moonfruit.co.uk
Mobile: 07876525392
Location: London




ARe The DeVIl AND All They WANT To Do IS MAke yoU FAT.
Low-carb diet books like Atkins, Sugar out carbs is a far cry from a long-term health with the fuel it needs for physical activity and
Busters, and Protein Power have all topped solution. Most low-carb regimens are loaded peak performance, but also for proper organ
the best sellers lists, and from restaurants to with saturated fat, cheering you to eat as much function. While it may be true that easily
supermarkets, there are plenty of low-carb meat, butter, and cream as you want. F*@K! digested carbohydrates from white bread, white
products out there encouraging weight- Numerous scientific studies have shown that rice, pastries, and other highly processed foods
conscious men to jump on the bacon and diets high in fat and saturated fat can increase may contribute to weight gain and interfere
cheese bandwagon. However, before you your CHD, Heart disease. with weight loss, the same cannot be said about
swear off pasta and potatoes forever, you need Low-carb diets also severely limit your all carbs.
to learn the truth about carbs and the health intake of—you guessed it Bent readers!— Carbohydrates should provide 45 to 60 percent
dangers of knelling before the low-carb altar. carbohydrates. Excluding fibre-rich fruits, of your total calories, and fibre-rich sources
vegetables, and whole grains, and all their including many fruits, vegetables (all types
Diet Dangers proven health benefits (including a reduced and varieties are good for you), and whole
Critics of low-carb diets—including most health risk of cancer and heart disease, and enhanced grains should provide you the bulk of your carb
professionals (myself included), nutritionists, immune protection), is certainly not going to calories. For optimal health and fitness, get your
and members of the medical field—have help you look or feel your best. A low immune system grains intact from whole foods such as whole
significant concerns about their healthiness. is especially dangerous, for obvious reasons. wheat bread, brown rice, whole-grain pasta, and
And it’s no wonder. Medically dangerous, What you may feel is woozy and weak, as other interesting grains like whole oats, Buloga
unsustainable, and nutritionally unsound, low- there is the dangerous possibility of throwing Be careful of foods labelled “multi-grain,”
carb diets have more than just a few flies in your body into ketosis. What’s ketosis? If “stone-ground,” “100% wheat,” “cracked
their ointment. your carbohydrate intake is so low that the wheat,” “seven-grain,” and more. They may
It’s important to understand that low-carb glucose needs of your brain are not met, your sound whole grain, they may even look whole
plans are essentially just low-calorie diets. body will burn fat incompletely to produce a grain (FYI: colour is not an indication of whole
None are advertised that way. In fact, the diets substance called ketone, which is a substitute grain), but to find out the whole truth you need
encourage weight watchers to eat as much as brain fuel. This can cause light-headedness, to check out the ingredient list. Look for one
they want of a particular food. Nevertheless, nausea, and bad breath. of the following whole-grain ingredients first
these diets prescribe a daily caloric intake that is Last but not least, there is the glaring fact that on the label’s list: brown rice, bulgur, oatmeal,
well below average requirements. There is not for athletic males participating in sports and whole oats, whole rye, whole wheat, wild rice,
some magical transformation of your internal athletics, there is no better way to trash your and whole-grain corn. Also use the nutrition
pathways due to the “special combination” of performance than cutting your carbs. facts on the label and choose products with a
the foods eaten. Sorry boys! higher percent daily value for fibre, as it is a good
clue to the amount of whole grain in a product.
Carbs Done Right
A low-carb diet, like any low-calorie diet, will Your body needs carbohydrates for energy—
certainly help you shed pounds, but cutting period. Carbs provide your body not only

AUG 2009
Q: I am being
bullied at work
Because of my sexuality.
How does the law stand
and what can I do?
Says Shiva Shadi, employment partner at Davis Harley Street in
Blank Furniss:

A: Bullying continues to be an important issue

in the workforce and can take a variety of forms
whether it be invalid criticism, fault finding, unfair
treatment, excessive work load or monitoring, Discretion, combined with the friendliness
being threatened or simply passed over for and relaxed atmosphere ensure all visitors to
promotion or denied training opportunities. the Northampton Laser Clinic find themselves
As awful as bullying is, it is not possible to immediately at ease. The clinic specializes
bring a legal claim directly about bullying, but in hair and tattoo removal using the latest
certainly you can pursue claims under the rules laser technology, allowing local clients the
covering discrimination and harassment. The convenience of the best possible treatment
government specifically introduced regulations and service by the most experienced and well
in 2003 prohibiting discrimination in the work known Laser Practitioner in this area. With
place by reason of sexual orientation. These have Healthcare Commission Registered, Hazel
been implemented to protect individuals against Barrett at the helm, the clinic includes among
discrimination in relation to recruitment, terms its clients both men and women wanting to be
and conditions, promotions, transfers, dismissals, free from unwanted hair or tattoos.
training etc. Your employer has a duty of care The Northampton Laser Clinic is at 307
towards you and this will include dealing with Wellingborough Road, Northampton.
bullying at work. Telephone 01604 601 777 for a Free
Confronting the perpetrator and attempting to resolve the matter informally is Consultation.
a first step. However, if you feel that you are not able to confront them yourself, www.northamptonlaserclinic.co.uk
you can approach your Manager/Supervisor or human resources department
who will be able to address any issues of bullying informally.


If none of these options are successful, then you can make a formal complaint
under your company’s Grievance Procedure. You will then be invited to give
details of the bullying in writing, attend a meeting to discuss your grievance-
following which your employer should carry out an investigation and provide

you with an outcome in writing. If you do not agree with the outcome you have
a right of appeal against it.
Ultimately, if the internal Grievance Procedure does not stop the bullying and
no steps are taken to prevent such treatment you may want to consider going
to an Employment Tribunal. You should always take legal advice beforehand to
ascertain the strength of your claim.
Alternatively, if the bullying causes you to leave work, then you may also have
a claim for constructive dismissal. The burden on employees to prove that they
have been constructively dismissed is quite difficult and therefore again you • Safe & Effective
should take professional advice
Davis Blank Furniss, 90 Deansgate, Manchester M3 2QJ Tel: 0161 832 3304 • Brilliant Results
• Latest Technology
• Relaxed & Friendly

Hair or
No problem.
Call us.

Easy to find:
Northampton Laser Clinic 307 Wellingborough Road,
Northampton between
Hair and Tattoo Removal Lloyds bank and the Nationwide.

Free Consultation: 01604 601777


www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

AT The heART oF The

The three islands of Malta (the history of the place and capturing
largest), Gozo and Comino make up it all on camera to be shown back
the Maltese archipelago. Covering in at their Women’s Institute meetings
total an area of little more than 315 to an appreciative, though ageing
square kilometres, this small cluster audience. Now things have changed.
of islands with just over 400,000 Guided by the Malta Tourist Board,
inhabitants, should hardly register on the country is now running the
the world vacation or cultural map… Malta Music Week and MTV Malta
Photos: visitmalta.com - Jurgen Scicluna

but they do. With a 7000 years history, Special, where a younger, more
and a constant stream of occupation exuberant crowd, has found its way
by everyone from the Phoenicians, to its shores. They have not done
the Carthaginians, Romans… right away with the history of the place,
through to the British (each leaving far from it, as there are many mind-
its own calling card) this gem in the boggling attractions that should be
middle of the Med has something for seen by all, but the partying crowd
everyone. have also now found a new place
Photos: Darrell Hirst

to enjoy. That’s one of the fantastic

Not so long ago, Malta was always things about Malta – there seems
associated with the older, perhaps to be something for everyone. The
more conservative visitor. Ones weather is mild no matter what time
intent on delving into the unique of year. According to our tour guide,
Clive, they often just have one week

AUG 2009

of rain… if they’re lucky. The island is packed with

world class hotels and restaurants (great steaks, Resort which offers guests, not only a spa in their own bedroom,
chicken, fish dishes often with an exciting Maltese but also an array of 200 treatments to pamper and beautify those
twist), The waters around the island are temperate who like a more relaxed
and ideal for all manner of fun water sports. Diving and indulgent holiday.
the wrecks or visiting the world-heritage capital You can while away the
Valetta, you’re sure to find something to fascinate sunny days lounging by
your interest. the pool, eating in the
6 exquisite restaurants
or feel the power of the
Valetta – Over-looking the harbour, the capital healing therapy at their
of the island has superb vistas and is adorned renowned Belle Époque
with beautiful baroque buildings. The demand for Spa.
berthing expensive yachts and power boats is so
great, the island is planning on building five more The island doesn’t have a
marinas to cope. version of Manchester’s
Canal Street or London’s
Soho so the gay scene is
Sliema and St Julians – Near to the capital, these spread around, although
two towns are regarded as the main tourist areas there are bars or clubs in the main cities. Check on local
with a vast array of accommodation, shopping and sites to find the nearest venue near where you are staying but
entertainment zones. local word of mouth will find you the
current ‘in’ places.
St Paul’s and Bugibba – Another main tourist area The island is a historians
north of the island; with a good mixture of bars, and archaeologist
clubs, eateries and a place with its own attractions dream but it also offers
and a growing list of new fans. opportunities for rock
climbing, cycling, trekking,
para-gliding and some of
A trip around the island will throw up a host of
the best diving in the Med.
hidden treasures; small bays, rocky outcrops a
few tiny sandy beaches, secluded villages and The country has a football
many historical artefacts. For those who don’t team that is linked, via
want to hire a car, the centre of Valetta has a very sponsorship, to Sheffield
substantial bus network to deliver you to your United back in the UK. In fact,
chosen destination. A ferry trip will take you to the Blades goalie Justin Haber
Gozo and its fantastic beaches, restaurants and comes from Malta.
laid back attitude. An outing to the Blue Lagoon at
Comino is also recommended where you can swim The eating in most restaurants is splendid and reasonably priced,
in the crystal clear water. try these Local dishes:
Bragjoli – Beef olives filled with a mash of spiced Maltese
sausage and egg.
Anchor Bay – A small bay with a tiny sandy beach Timpana – Macaroni pie
and home to the Sweethaven Village Lampuki – Dorado fish
set for the 1979 Robin William’s film, Popeye Stewed or fried rabbit is also a local delicacy as are the many
www.popeyemalta.com is regarded by many as fantastic soups and pasta dishes.
one of the most beautiful open air venues in the
Mediterranean. It also hosts many of the MTV
dance parties and has become something of a Since the beginning of this year the currency is the Euro
clubbing sensation on the island. I grooved along
happily to Roger Sanchez on my visit and the Flights to Malta from most major UK airports. Approx 3 hours
young excited crowd partied the night away. This We travelled courtesy easyJet - flies from London Gatwick to
was the start to many musical shows and events Malta from £43.99 one way (£70.98 return) including tax. To book
across the island culminating in the 3rd MTV visit www.easyJet.com or call 0905 821 0905
sponsored Isle of MTV concert featuring amongst
others, Lady GaGa and the Black Eyed Peas.
Attracting crowds of around 50,000 and broadcast With thanks to the five star Fortina Spa Resort in Sliema, standard
on MTV this is one event that shouldn’t be missed. 5* room from £699 including return flights from Manchester,
www.isleofmtv.com Gatwick or Heathrow for a 7 night all inclusive stay. Cost of a
spa bedroom from £998 including return flights Manchester,
Gatwick or Heathrow for a 7 night all inclusive stay. For further
The great thing about Malta and Gozo is that information about the Fortina Spa Resort or to make a booking
both islands want to look after you. From the call UK: 0800 917 3001 or Malta: +356 2346 0000 or visit
friendliness of the natives, to the accommodation www.hotelfortina.com
on offer, your comfort and desires come first. Over
the past 5 years Malta has moved away from the Finally, to the people who made the trip exceptional;
tired hotels of the past and has embraced the chic www.visitmalta.com where you can plan every part of your stay.
and up market. Like the Five Star Fortina Spa

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
MALLORCA It bore the likes of Rafael Nadal - so it won’t bore you! Largest of
the Balearic islands - those Spanish gems set in the Med - Mallorca

Mad about
has a diamond shape, the north east- and south west-facing sides
of which support large bays, the former vast and sandy, the latter
dominated by capital Palma; the north west-facing side, being
ridged by the Serra de Tramuntana range soaring to 1450 m;

the south east side dotted with secluded Menorcan-style coves.
Romans conquered indigenous settlers, only to themselves be
ousted by Moors, trailed by Christians and Spaniards, then the
mass-market package holiday brigade plus, increasingly, discerning
queers, after year-round sun but a more local, authentic scene than
the in-your-face global gathering on nearby Ibiza.

Hotel III Tres (Calle Apuntadores 3, Palma de Mallorca; T: 0034 971
717 333; www.hoteltres.com) – Boutique 4* hotel in old Palma,
overlooking the Cathedral; offering contemporary chic within a
16th Century palace, with great courtyard and roof terrace.
Seen Ibiza? Loved Menorca? Adrian Gillan tries that TO SEE ‘N DO
other beautiful Balearic: mighty Mallorca! Palma – Half of Mallorca’s 700,000+ population live in its buzzing
capital, recently voted the best Spanish city to live in by a national
magazine. Highlights include the well-nigh-waterfront Seu Cathedral;
nearby Old Town with ancient 10th Century Arab baths ruins; 14th
Century hilltop Bellver Castle just west of centre; marina and busy
working port; and Joan March Gallery, brimming with the likes of
Picasso, Dali and Miró – plus self-explicably eponymous Juan Miró
Gallery; and fab contemporary Es Baluard(www.esbaluard.org). Do
breakfast at historic Can Joan de S’aigo café (Ca’n Sanc 10; T: +34 971
710 759), beloved by locals ever since opening shop in 1700AD.
Sóller & Port de Sóller – Take a pleasant 60-minute mountain train
ride out of Palma up into the small picturesque town of Sóller in the lofty
Serra de Tramuntana, then another 15-minute tram ride down to the
fishing village of Port de Sóller. Train/tram details: www.trendesoller.com
Valldemossa – Monastery-dominated mountain village north-west
of Palma, once home to an ill Chopin and his lover. Also check out
nearby Deià, once home to Brit author, Robert Graves.
Roman remains – These are dotted all over the island, but
particularly impressive are the ruins (theatre plus houses) of ancient
Pollentia, near Port d’Alcúdia, to the north.
Secluded bays (“cales”) – If you’ve been to neighbouring Menorca,
you’ll be strangely familiar with bits of Mallorca’s south eastern
coast, with its numerous well-nigh hidden bays, many of them with
small pine-fringed sandy beaches reached by winding paths, ideal
for skinny-dipping.
Mallorcan gay life if pretty much all centred around capital, Palma
- mainly in its Gomila district, about 20 minutes’ walk from the
Cathedral, in the shadow of the Castle, on/around Avenida Joan
Miró, including...
Aries (Porras 3) – Modern music bar with dark room; adjoining gay-
beckoning hotel and sauna.
Dark (Ticià 22) – Recently-opened cruise bar with cabins, slings and things.
Isi (Alvaro de Bazán 2) – Pub.
Rosamar (Joan Miró 74) – Terraced bar and gay-friendly hotel.
Silenci (Joan Miró 57) – Chic bar.
Black Cat (Joan Miró 75) – Thurs to Sun drag shows; with dark room.
La Demence (Polígono Son Castelló) – Mixed but gay-frequented,
north of centre.
Sauna Aries (Porres 3) – Modern steamer; adjoining gay-wooing bar
and hotel.
Otherwise, gents oft “take airs” in Palma’s Parque del Mar, aptly just
in front of the Cathedral. Also a few gay venues in nearby Arenal. Yet
further afield, try the south-eastern nude beach of Es Trenc.


Award-wining low fares airline Monarch offers flights to Mallorca,
during the summer season, from Birmingham, London Luton and
Manchester airports with fares, including taxes, from £46.50 one
way (£76.99 return). Monarch also offers a unique range of tasty
hot and cold meals onboard, with prices from £3. Seats can
be pre-booked at £6 per one-way flight; or, from only £20, try
one of their extra-legroom seats which offer up to six inches
more space. Passengers travelling on scheduled flights can
also avoid the queues and take advantage of online check-in
which is available between seven days and 4.5 hours prior to
departure. For more info or to book: www.monarch.co.uk
Gay info about Mallorca: www.ilovegaymallorca.com
General info about Mallorca: www.illesbalears.es
General info on Spain: www.spain.info/uk; or request a
brochure via 08459 400 180 (24 hrs)
Spanish Tourist Office: PO Box 4009, London , W1A 6NB;
020 7486 8077; info.londres@tourspain.es

AUG 2009
Gay ciTy GuiDe
Berlin Von Hinten Ten top tips for BITS
Seven chapters - clearly designed with a coloured
register - take the reader on a trip through one saving money
when eating
of the most exciting cities in the world. Well-
structured maps and an intensively updated info
section will lead you safely through all relevant

districts. Highlighted insider tips give information
on things that will be new even for some of the
locals. In addition, when it comes to shopping and
feasting, bed and breakfast, culture and history…
you’ll find everything worth knowing in this 1. Avoid the tourist spots and head
stunning guide where the natives get their food, whic
£ 11.99 Bruno Gmunder are likely to be cheaper (and probably .
serve better food) than the tourist traps
2. Go self-catering. save money by
shopping at the supermarket and
cooking for yourself.
3. In some countries, eating out can
cheaper than eating in. For instance,
in many countries in Asia, eating out
an everyday occurrence, rather than
special treat, and hence can offer bette
value than eating in.
4. shop at the street vendors. it can
TreVor sorbie
be a gamble, but street vendors can TraVel WashbaG
offer a cheap alternative to sit dow
restaurants. This stylish graphite grey
washbag contains four key
5. Look out for all-you-can-eat lunch
products from Trevor’s best
time buffets and fill up your tank
selling range of men’s hair
6. if you’re on a bed and breakfast and grooming products -
tariff… fill up on breakfast and skip including Shaving Gel, Body
lunch Spray, Two in One Shampoo
7. Skip dessert from the restaurant and Face Wash. With all
buy an ice cream from a shop inste products under 100ml and
8. Order local food and drink bran thus airport friendly this is
rather than imported ones the perfect washbag for your
9. Take a packed lunch when you go summer holiday needs.
day trips £11.75 available from Boots
10. if you have a ‘must-have’ bran
take it with you as any uK name will
be expensive.

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
Sauna Guide
When responding to an advert, please tell the advertiser that you saw their advertisment in Bent Magazine.

To advertise in these pages contact Darrell: 08712 246 529 or email: Darrell@bent.com

Plastic Ivy Sauna

Get Hot This Summer
Entry into Yorkshire’s busiest gay/bi sauna is a crazy £5 after 6pm! So if you’re feeling
hot and sticky after stressful day at work, why not call in on the way home to Plastic
Ivy to shower off, relax, meet other men, and get hot and sticky all over again!

If you haven’t been before, Plastic Ivy is a busy, clean, and stylish sauna located just
outside of Leeds next to the motorways, and is very popular with married & bi guys,
as well as those wanting discretion.

The boys at Plastic Ivy also tell us that the website gallery has now been updated to
include photos of some customers and staff - including naked bottoms and torsos,
whilst there is now a ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ section for first timers thinking of
visiting a sauna.

www.plasticivy.co.uk | Open every day except Tuesday | 12noon-11pm

33 Leeds Rd, Dewsbury, WF12 7BB | 01924 455 600



A fresh, new addition to the leisure scene in the North East for gay and bi-sexual
men. The only sauna in the heart of the gay quarter in Newcastle, it’s the perfect
place to unwind, relax and meet others in inviting, discreet and stylish surroundings.
Open seven days a week! Sunday to Thursday, 11am to 10pm and Friday & Saturday,
11am through to 6am.
Find out more at www.number52sauna.co.uk or call 0191 221 2189.
50-52 Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE4 7JB

West Yorkshire
Fire & Rescue Service

Making West Yorkshire Safer

AUG 2009
event of the Month
leeDS pRIDe heADlINeRS
With over 12,000 people expected to attend, Leeds
Pride is the largest mass participation Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) event in Yorkshire. starting
at noon sunday 2nd August in Millennium square,
this year’s stage is being sponsored and presented by
Real Radio.

Ordinary Boy Preston, who is now launching himself

on a solo career, and this year’s eurovision uK
representative Jade ewan, have been confirmed.
Also taking to the Millennium square stage will
be Frankmusik and the Yeah Yous plus a variety of
local acts including Leeds’s very own tribute to Girls
Aloud… Bears Aloud. Not forgetting a parade of Pride
favourite with guests from Drag idol, Bridge Factor
and Viaduct plus many more.
Following this jamboree the main event continues
later in the Lower Briggate area of the city… just
follow the parade to the gay zone for even more
entertainment and fun. You wont be able to miss it
as it will be led, as has become the tradition, by the
stunning hundred foot long rainbow flag… followed
by a cavalcade of motorised and walking floats,
thousands of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans folk,
friends, families and allies.
The Lower Briggate venues have already started
gearing up for what will be the biggest day of the year,
with other business getting on board too. Pick up your
official Leeds Pride t-shirt from Nice and Naughty to
show your support

They are still looking for volunteers to assist with

stewarding duties on the day in Millennium square
and on the Parade, for more information contact Ann
Marie on 0113 244 4209, or email: amaguire@mesmac.

Latest News…

Further new developments for Leeds Pride this year is

the Jongleurs Comedy Club Pride event on saturday
the 1st August, with the doors opening at 2.30pm
for three hours of comedy followed by an after show
party at Bar Risa, to get everyone in the mood for
the big day on sunday. The Jongleurs line up will
include; Mandy Knight, Mark Walker and Jason Wood.
Jongleurs are donating 33% of the ticket value to
Leeds Pride so with only 300 tickets at £15.00 per
person available book now to avoid any pre Pride
disappointment, contact Jongleurs on 0844 844 0044
or online at www.jongleurs.com, and start your Pride
weekend with a smile.

For more information visit www.leedspride.com,

follow us on Twitter Leedspride09 join our Facebook
group Leeds Pride 2009.

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529
The boutique Malmaison hotel in
Leeds has its own unique story to tell.
A one-time bus and tram company
office, we’re proud of the remnants of
its past which we still have on show.
The Yorkshire Tourist Board’s Hotel
of the Year is delighted to welcome
you for a luxury weekend, a business
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if you’re looking for the best place
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further. it has to be the Mal.

You’ll love our divinely tasty,

beautifully presented cuisine prepared
with delectable local ingredients. And
you’ll also love our surroundings – the
brasserie screams style and elegance,
with an impressive vaulted ceiling,
leather booths and a contemporary
open-through glass fireplace.

Whether you’re eating with friends,

having a business lunch or a romantic
dinner for two, this is the perfect place
for wining and dining in Leeds.

The Malmaison Wine Bar is one of the
most stylish bars in Leeds. sexy and
intimate, it is decorated with dark
wood and leather furnishings, has
cosy alcoves for that intimate meeting,
and offers a light snack menu and a
heavenly cocktail list.

All our rooms have the complete set of
Mal ingredients - great beds, moody
lighting, power showers, CD players,
CD libraries, satellite TV, serious
wines and naughty nibbles. Other
little luxuries include fast internet
access (see below), same-day laundry,
toiletries that you’re encouraged to
take with you and ‘vroom’ room service
for breakfast, dinner or those midnight

AUG 2009
AUG 2009

Award Winning
The Viaduct showbar in Leeds in now
an award winning venue after a run
away success at last months best Bar
None Awards at which they won Best
Pub and Best Overall Venue.
Recently taken over by a new
management team (Gordon and Rob)
the venue is now looking to become
the best cabaret showbar in Leeds, if
not the north of the country, and are
now attracting big name performers
from all over the uK.
Headlining in August will be
internationally star - Miss Kandi Kane
Baxter who will take to the stage
on Friday 7th August. New regular
nights will include male strippers on
a Thursday/sunday and drag queens
on Wednesday/ sunday… along with
our resident performers The Viaduct
showgirls and The Dazzling Divas.
The venue is also trying to establish
a regular women only night (last
Thursday of the month) and again are
looking to have recognised female
performers take to the stage.
The Viaduct showbar is now the place
to be seen.

Find us on Facebook just look for The

Viaduct showbar Leeds.

Drag 4U 2009 -
Your chance to be
a drag star!
After the phenomenal success of
last year’s “Drag 4 u” event at the
Metrodome Arena in Barnsley, the
venue is gearing up for it’s 3rd Annual
amateur drag pageant.
Working alongside the Terrence
Higgins Trust (THT) to help raise funds
for National AiDs day, the glittering
competition final will be held at the
Metrodome Arena on 5th December.
Ten qualifying heats will be held in
bars and clubs throughout the north of
england and Wales and the successful
glamorous winners will perform for an
audience of 1200 guests and a panel
of judges.

For more info on how to enter go to:


early Bird Tickets from £10 to the

end of November, normal price £13.
sponsored tables with waitress service
£150 and seats 12 people.

AUG 2009

This year’s Leeds Pride is expected
to be bigger and better than ever
before. They are expecting record
crowd to descend on the city centre
and after all the madness up in
Millennium square the real event
kicks off down in Lower Briggate.

2PM (straight after the parade) -

Midnight @ the Fibre & Queen’s
Court courtyard
To celebrate Leeds Pride Queens
Court, Fibre, Homo, Backdoor Disco
and Federation join forces with a
special free outdoor party!

Featuring an amazing laser show,

outdoor soundstage and the
biggest gay crowd in Leeds DJs kick
off at 2pm straight after parade
until Midnight with DJs Amanda
Hamond (Queen’s Court), scott
Kelly (Backdoor Disco/Homo), Jason
Guy (Federation/Fibre) and stuart
Robinson (Federation/Fibre)

Venue Awards Non Scene/Voluntary Sector

Nominations can include: Nominations can include any organisations and
This is the second year for the Leeds Pride bars/clubs/saunas/shops/non scene individuals that promotes and assists the LGBT
Awards. Community
Voting will take place through the entire 1) Best Venue ___________________________________
10) Best Organisation ___________________________
month of August, with voting slips available 2) Best Venue Manager____________________________
11) Best Organisation Worker _____________________
in Bent and SHOUT! magazines. 3) Best Venue Worker_____________________________
12) Best Individual Volunteer _____________________
4) Best DJ ______________________________________
You can place your vote by returning this 13) Best Support Service _________________________
form or online at www.leedspride.com by 5) Best Drag Act _________________________________

following the link. Please note that online 6) Best Door Person ______________________________
votes will only be counted once from the 7) Best Regular Night _____________________________
same IP Address.
Social Group Hall OF Fame
So remember it’s up to you, if you want your 8) Best Social Group ______________________________ This is a special category dedicated to all and
favourite to win place your vote now! everyone in the LGBT community. Nominations can
Event include individuals, groups, events, venues and those
who work hard to promote diversity and the equality of
Nomination include any one off event from the Leeds LGBT community
last 12 months
Please fill in your voting slips and send your 14) ___________________________________________
9) Best Event ____________________________________
nominations to: Please return and complete nominations no
Leeds Pride Awards later than Friday 4th September 2009.
c/o Yorkshire MESMAC
PO Box 417 Thank you x
50 5PN
AUG 2009

Mission possible
Mission Night Club will be firmly at the
centre of the partying for the Leeds Pride
weekend on the 1st and 2nd of August.
The city’s biggest gay night, Back Door
Disco, will kick start celebrations on
saturday from 11pm with cheap drinks on
all night and unmissable sets from their
resident superstar DJs.

On sunday, during the Lower Briggate

street party, the club is opening its doors
with The Viaduct to host Pride’s Free
Alternative Courtyard party from 4pm –
9pm. Held throughout the huge terraces
of both venues and with local Drag
legend Anna Glypta on the decks, this
event is set to be the only way to move
from daytime partying in town, to Pride’s
main attraction, the 4Play after party.

4Play will see Leeds’ most popular

clubbing establishments, Back Door
Disco, Blasphemy, Homo and The Viaduct,
join forces at Mission. Promising to be
Pride’s ultimate climax,
this super sized party with be only £5
on the door and will offer rock bottom
drinks prices until the early hours of the

Bringing together the very best of all four

brands, the event will feature the Back
Door Disco shot boys, Homo dancers
and the drag stars from Blasphemy and
the Viaduct. A combination of the best
DJing talent of each will be showcased
and include scott Kelly, Mark Park, Philip
James alongside Galaxy FM’s best, James
Bar and Adam O’Neil. expect Mission to
be packed out all weekend across all main
arenas with the very hottest of the city’s
gay boys and girls.

For more information search “4Play” on


AUG 2009
AUG 2009
www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

Gaylicious @
Darlington Pride
it’s been a busy month with two huge
events at Joe’s Bar (The Darlington White
Party & Christmas in July) hosted by the
fabulous drag queens Flick Ma Bean,
Duchess Davinya, Lucylicious, Madgesti
& Gina Tonic, with a guest appearance by
the one and only Chrissy Darling!

August is set to be a real scorcher with

Darlington Gay Pride - in association
with Gay Advice Darlington and
Durham. events start at around 7.30pm
on Monday 10th August with stalls,
giveaways and cabaret! Last year was
a massive success and this year will be
even bigger and better, with DJs David
Bourne (superstar Boudoir & satur-GAY)
and Dave Robson (Trannyshack & G-A-Y)
joined by our fabulous Drag Queens.
The usual fantastic drinks promos will be
available all night too.
For more details find the “Gaylicious
group” on facebook.

AUG 2009
Granby Lodge
Nigel welcomes you to the

making facilities VERY WARM WELCOME TO BOTH
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Telephone 01253 620541

www.mag.bent.com To subscribe to Bent please call 08712 246 529

Seaside Special
saturday 15th August & the 3rd saturday
of the month.
11pm – 5am @ Flamingo, 44 Queen street,

Oh we do love to be beside the seaside, Oh

we do love to be beside the sea.

Hold onto your donkeys as Federation

continue their scorching summer season
at the seaside.

With their fierce summer soundtrack

provided by smith’n West’n, Jason Guy
& Baby Jane and all new rock-sucking
action from the Federation entertainment
Troupe .

For more information, DJ downloads,

Facebook groups and our coach trip
to Blackpool Federation running from
Manchester’s Gay Village and back… go to
www.clubfederation.com or email gareth@

Flamingo Friday
it’s August, and time to get yourself to
the seaside !! As always, Flamingo is well
positioned to provide the best night out;
by providing a huge range of events and
New look Fridays presents ultimate Friday
with a host of events and top name cabaret
bringing an eventful start to the weekend.
The first Friday in August brings back Fomo by
popular demand, when the mammoth ibiza
style Foam party returns to Flamingo closely
followed by Rachel McFarlane live on stage on
Friday 14th August, performing her numerous
hits including the monster anthem “Take me
to the clouds above”. Don your shorts and
swimming costumes for our beach party on
Friday 21st , lifeguards on duty as our wet
swimming costume competition takes place.
The last Friday in the month kick starts Bank
Holiday weekend, with the Gayfest Album
launch and a host of cabaret artists performing
tracks from the latest album.
Take a well deserved break for the last long
weekend of the year, and experience Katherine
ellis live on stage on Bank Holiday sunday,
30th August, and an appearance from Michael
Jackson look alike on Bank Holiday Monday.
so, with something for everyone, there really
is no better place to enjoy your August and
the late bank holiday weekend.

AUG 2009
Essential Muscle!
essential has been workin out all
summer to bring you a special all-nighter
Pride Muscle shack, sunday 30th August.
if you want more muscle, more boys
and more men then this is your night
to come and get it! Mornin Glory after-
party (4am-10am) wristbands on sale in
essential, more on the door

super saturday
The theme for Manchester Pride 2009
is super Heroes so Pride chose the
only gay super club in Manchester to
host the official saturday club night.
super saturday at essential will be a
super Hero packed all-nighter with a
super DJ line-up and an extraordinary
entertainment schedule. Tickets
are priced to guarantee a sell-out.
Mornin Glory after-party (4am-10am)
wristbands on sale in essential, more on
the door.

For Friday:

Pride Weekend Opening Party

essential are honoured to be opening

Pride 2009 with a huge DJ line-up and a
special set from ALPHABeAT this will be
the biggest party in the Village on Pride
Friday. Admission is just £3 B4 1am so
arrive early to avoid disappointment

For Monday:

Official Pride Closing Party

This is you last chance to party at

Manchester’s only gay superclub this
Pride with over 1500 other gay guys and
gals. Free admission B4 1am with a Pride
wristband plus be in with a chance to
WiN a £2000 holiday to euroski Pride.

AUG 2009

Cruz 101 - Event

listings - Manchester
Pride 2009
This year Cruz 101 hosts its 17th Manchester
Pride guaranteeing a party to remember.
Disco Inferno is the club’s longest running
night, in fact nearly as long as the club has
been open. To celebrate it’s huge success
and popularity the club has devoted Pride
celebrations to the golden age of Disco, when
afros and platforms ruled the streets, shoulder
pads, men in makeup and ra-ra skirts were
the required attire and the disco dance floor
was born. With a weekend dedicated to all
the hits from the 70’s 80’s and 90’s including
Wham, Madonna, Village People, Abba, Sinita,
Cher, Pet Shop Boys, Kylie, the list goes on....
from the golden age of the dance floor, this
promises to be a weekend not to be missed.
Decked out in true disco style complete with
a funky illuminated dance floor and mirror
balls galore Cruz will re-live the hedonistic
days of Studio 54 giving those who were
there a chance to remember, and those who
missed it to experience it firsthand.

The 10 day festival kicks off with a

special ribbon cutting ceremony to mark
the opening of Pride:

Friday 21st August Manchester

Pride 2009 opening ceremony
11pm – 6am

A rainbow of fun and frolics with ribbon

cutting and speeches from Manchester
Pride herald the start of this 10 day festival.
Miss Cara hosts the festivities, open on both
floors with DJ Spook spinning all the latest
pop tunes upstairs and Rob James playing
classic vocal trance in Sub.

Contact the club on 0161 9500 101

Tickets are available from Clone Zone &
Quay Tickets: 0870 428 0785

AUG 2009

Uni Challenge/Federation
@ Manchester Pride 09.
exclusive DJ Podcasts and Competition.
Federation is already gearing up for their parties at
Manchester Pride 09 – and this year is going to be bigger
and better than ever before!
On saturday 29th August uni Challenge celebrates its
10th anniversary as the uK’s largest gay clubnight. This
year features Federation, evolved events (the team behind
Matinee London, Revolver, BPM), Federation Classics, Organic
(Manchester’s number 1 afterhours) and Gaydio (Manchester gay
radio station).
Over the next few weeks leading up to the event,
we’re sending out exclusive DJ podcasts from all of
the clubnights and brands involved from DJs Jason
Guy (Federation), Paul Heron (evolved events Matinee
London, Revolver & BPM after hours) Pagano (Organic/
Trade) Christian Appleby (Federation Classics) and Paul
Furley (Gaydio/Organic) to set you up ready for the night.
To get hold of these hot exclusive DJ downloads you
need to be on our uni Challenge mailing list. To do this,
simply enter the ticket competition on http://www.uni-
challenge.com/index.html (you’ll also be entered into
the draw to win one of 10 pairs of uni Challenge tickets
Federation’s sell-out Bank Holiday sunday parties at the
Ritz continue on 30th August with the biggest of the
year. Federation Wild Wild West will see thousands of
sexy cowboys, cowgirls and indians at the biggest hoe-
down in the country. DJ sheriffs Baby Jane, Jason Guy
and Nik Denton will be providing a soundtrack to keep
you going until high noon, plus rodeo action from the
infamous Federation entertainment Troupe.

This is set to be one weekend you can’t afford to miss.

Manchester Pride Festival

21st – 31st August
Former Destiny’s Child star *Kelly Rowland* will headline
Manchester Pride’s Big Weekend celebrations next
month. The *Freemasons* and *Peter Andre* have
also signed-up to appear alongside 80’s pop sensation
Bnanarama and ‘artist of the moment’ Little Boots.
There’s much more to Manchester Pride than the Big
Weekend and this year there is an even wider range
of festival events happening across the city than ever
before. Plays, comedy, music, culture, film, sports,
readings, special interest, heritage trails… the list goes
on as the City proves once again that when it comes
to this type of event - Manchester has more Pride than
anyone else. To find out exactly who is appearing, and
when each event will take place, check the online (and
free to download) brochure on their website. Tickets cost
£17.50 for the full weekend access
This year’s Manchester Pride Parade will pass through
the heart of the city. A carnival atmosphere will fill the
streets and is set to enthral the thousands of spectators
– young and old, gay and straight, friends and family
– who will come down to see the glamorous and the
outrageously fabulous people who take part. The
Parade starts from Liverpool Road in Castlefield at 1pm
on saturday 29th August and winds its colourful way
through the city centre. The parade route can be viewed
at www.manchesterpride.com

Photos: chrisgeary.com

AUG 2009

Opening Party
Thursday 27th August

The Fabulous David Dale

from the world famous Birdcage
Appearing over the Pride weekend
Tuitti Fruitti
Dance night
Rowetta Host and compere
Smilie Steve

Latin Carnival DJs include Rick Parker

With Samba Band + loads more & Dean Savage

Closing Party
Monday 31st August
Direct from Las Vegas Legends Show
Melissa Totten – as –

Restaurant open daily from noon – 9pm licensed bar ‘til 4am
The first place to be this Pride

G Spot
Manchester Pride
Date; saturday 29th August
Venue; satan’s Hollow

The NeW and greatly anticipated event is here,

with feminine queer and it’s JusT for the girls!
Over the years, many have been working long
and hard to put their finger on it, however,
have failed….
some have searched all over the country yet
still couldn’t find it with a map….
However, with support from Coyotes and Baa
Bar; the creators of Poptastic & Genisis have
struck gold and found………….your G sPOT!
G spot, the latest ‘women’s’ event will be
bringing you seductive sounds, erotic and
exotic pleasure with a blend old and new pop/
dance anthems along with Poptastics famous
‘split room’; providing alternative listening
which is set to ensure your pleasure! so set
your erogenous zone to maximum!
in true devilish taste, G spot is pleased to be
tying itself down at never before used satan’s
Hollow, on the edge of the village [Princess
street] behind Cruz 101. This intimate club with
its sensual seclusion, along with its circular
dance floor; has the final ingredient for what is
going to be a fantastic recipe…all washed down by
guaranteed cheap drinks at £1.90
Tickets can be bought in advance from
Coyotes and Clone Zone…
Girls are welcome to bring their stag Hags
along as guests: so long as they aren’t too
influenced by the power of a woman!

it’s said that this, your feminine kick start to

pride and anticipated all new monthly event is
set to be the new ‘pleasure zone’ of the village;
so whether your want to be naughty or not….
it’s time for G spot!

Madonna Via Melissa

Melissa Totten is one of the world’s best
Madonna impersonators with some fans
saying she out Madonna’s Madonna. Via is
proud to showcase her and her album of
dance fuelled Madonna covers. Where ever
she goes she creates a crowd of people who
are debating whether it is or it isn’t…
so make sure you don’t miss out on the
most enigmatic and memorable event of
Manchester Pride.

Pride closing Party - Monday 31st July

Via, 28/30 Canal street, Manchester

Tel: 0161 236 6523

AUG 2009
Free Venue
star and Garter is Hull’s newest late night
venue. This top entertainment bar has added
an additional ‘Dark’ dance area to its venue.
The s&G is also Hull’s latest gay/lesbian
establishment to have a late, late licence
and entrance is totally free right through to
closing time.

As soon as you walk into this fun bar/club,

the in-residence drag hostesses make you
instantly welcome. A cheery hello and
fantastic banter make you feel like a friend
from the word go. Meanwhile, the young cute
bar staff are equally as friendly and efficient
as they serve your desired drink with a smile
and no attitude. The s&G is quickly making a
name for itself and the management must be
congratulated in bringing what was once just
a simple bar, into a fantastic day and night
venue with entertainment for all.

The venue that will also be hosting the city’s

official Pride’s 8th Birthday bash... and is
always looking for new ways to please and
entertain its customers.

Coming soon ‘Bears Night’ all Bears groups,

cubs and appreciative fans welcome.

it’s Hull’s alternative FRee venue.

star & Garter 48 Portland street, Hull, Hu2 8JX

AUG 2009



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By Hooper

My little single bed was squeaking under later I was back at his place and he made
the pressure as Shawn and I made love for love to me like there was no tomorrow, and,
the third time that morning. A new lover although I was taken slightly by surprise,
and everything becomes centered on just I actually loved his dominant ‘take charge’
making each other happy. Feeling a guy’s attitude. I liked Shawn a lot and wanted
cock embedded deep in me was something everyone to know I was with him. So, come
I’d never really got used to but Shawn’s Saturday night, instead of going to a gay
magnificent, sturdy love-muscle had opened club, he came and met my family and we
me up to new and thrilling experiences. It spent the night with them drinking, listening
was also very unusual for me to take anyone to a terrible act and playing bingo at the
back home as I lived with my mother and local Working Men’s Club. Yes, everyone
stepfather, so it never seemed appropriate loved him and even the rough guys in the
to inflict my latest shag on them but Shawn snooker room wanted him to have a game
was different. I wanted everyone to meet with them. The look of disappointment on
him. He was good-looking, tall, funny and their faces when he “…sadly had to refuse”
seemed to have a way of putting people was only altered when he promised to play
at ease when he was in their company. I’d another time. Back home we’d drunkenly
noticed it at the bar when I first saw him but gone to bed with the families blessing,
didn’t know who he was. Though not quite they knew we’d be sleeping together and
a local celebrity, in the gay community he it just wasn’t an issue. “As long as you’re
was very well known. A bit of a gay-rights happy” were my mum’s words. And I was,
champion, organizer of the gay football desperately happy. Up until Shawn, I don’t
team, captain of the gay rugby club and think I can ever remember screaming out
volunteer on the local Gay Switchboard. in ecstasy during sex or begging for an
Being on every gay committee… he was immediate repeat performance. Shawn’s
much loved by everyone and not only for total domination of my senses and my
his enthusiasm and great organizing ability. body had been a fantastic revelation, so all
Normally in gay circles, bitchiness is rampant I wanted was to take more of what he had
and guys gain ‘reputations’ whether they to offer. He knew intuitively what to do…
deserved one or not. Shawn was different. and where to do it… to take me on that
I’m sure he had his detractors somewhere sexual thrill ride. The squeaking bedsprings
but I never heard them so, when he sidled and banging headboard got faster, while
up to me a couple of months back and my moans of desire got louder. I stretched
asked if I wanted a drink, I couldn’t actually out on the mattress opening myself up as
believe my luck. That first night we went wide as possible to take every centimetre
back to his place and he gently wanked of his superb probing and stimulating dick.
me off as we kissed and hugged. He knew I With each deep penetration and thrust I was
wasn’t ready for the ‘full works’ and although crying in lustful agony. My mum called up
in my heart I just wanted him to take me and the stairs that our Sunday morning breakfast
shag me all night long, I loved the way he fry-up was ready. “Coming” I shouted back
refused to let his, or my, passion rule a nice and, once again, Shawn and I did just that…
sensual introduction. However, a few nights in perfect spunky unison.

AUG 2009
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or email: Darrell@bent.com

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help & CoMMeNT
Find more out about Simon or
message him your problems at
and the
Dear Simon, Dear Anon,
My Dad has recently come out. i haven’t encountered this

Straight to
Now, as a gay man myself I problem before. i guess it
shouldn’t probably feel the way depends how important a
that I do but I am really upset partner’s pecker is to you.
and quite angry about it. Partly i think i have been very
because he is leaving my mother, fortunate in the fact i have

though I know in the long term never come across an ugly one
that’s for the best, but also before, but i can understand
because I feel we have all been this must be difficult if you
living a lie and when I came out don’t want to touch it. in what
he was really distant with me. It way is it ugly? is it still ugly
also makes me wonder if he will with the lights out? Does it
make a move on my boyfriend. not even appeal when his Straight boys are always good in That was all. But the closet-case had
Paul, Notts underpants hide it? sadly, as theory. But in practice, they can be so another idea. Instead he spent all
i don’t think things should be disappointing it’d be better to sleep night trying to coax the both of us
all about the aesthetics, this with a waxwork Ann Widdecombe for into a threesome and then, every time
Dear Paul, seems like it could be a deal all the fun it’d give you. I learned this I went to the toilet, tried to blow Paul
You are right - it is the best for breaker. the hard way. off. Paul had a boyfriend so wasn’t
your mother and everyone in interested, and I found the whole
the long term. With regards to A couple of months back I was out thing rather cringe-worthy. True, our
how you should or shouldn’t Dear Simon closeted friend had probably never
with some friends in a straight club. As
feel, ignore that, this is a huge I hate my best friend’s partner. it got later and later and later, people met a gay man before—at least, not
shock to you and so you are They have been dating for about peeled off from the group to go home, two as hot as us—but was it really
going to have many emotions six months now and it is really have sex or collapse in a rohypnolled necessary to be so persistent? He
to deal with. Maybe your Dad becoming between us. I am not mess in the corner, leaving me and my slipped his hands down Paul’s pants
was distant with you because jealous or wanting my friend best mate Amy on our own. We went on a number of occasions, and I had
all for myself, I just think his to physically stop him molesting the
he knew he couldn’t be as to a club together and this strange,
poor boy whilst he was asleep. Luckily,
open with you and yet you boyfriend is a complete arsehole. although rather hot, guy came and sat
He bosses him around, makes Paul was creating a barrier between
could be open with everyone. with us. Since it wasn’t a gay night, I
the closet-case and myself.
As to stealing your boyfriends, him feel like shit about himself assumed he was trying to chat her up.
why do you suddenly see and generally is no good. The Inevitably, she went off to screw her
your dad as a predator or thing is how do I tell my friend, dealer and I was left with him. When I The next day was even worse. He
competition? Do you suddenly as he is so head over heels he decided to leave he asked if he could wanted my number. He wanted to see
forgives him everything. join me, and I said yes. me again. I simply said no. Then Paul
move in the same circles? Does was kind enough to give him a lift
he not have mates of his own? Tony, London home, and the closet-case tried luring
Give the man a chance he’s An hour later, my cum all over his
chest, I rolled over and went to bed. him in for sex. Paul said no and floored
obviously been struggling Dear Tony, the accelerator, left with memories of
with this decision for a very It was hardly worth it. He didn’t have
Don’t tell your best friend you a clue how to blow a guy and had the closeteer saying how much he’d
long time. love to be his boyfriend.
hate his boyfriend as this could even less of a clue about how to take
actually ruin your friendship it. Contrary to popular belief, a guy
Dear Simon far more. i would suggest shouldn’t just lie there and think of Since then, we’ve been verifiably
I really fancy the guy that I have that you keep schtum on the England. stalked. Oh, it’s fun to have a few
been seeing, but there is a slight whole subject and let the stalkers every now and again, but
catch. It’s his dick. It’s not too relationship run its course. if it Then a week or so ago, Amy went out this one keeps scaring off the boys
small and it’s not too big, in ends… be the best friend you and pulled a guy. He was a bit of a approaching my house and it’s having
a serious impact on my sexlife.
fact, you could say that it is the can by supporting him during chav but fit. His friend, however, was
perfect size. The problem with that period. if they don’t split even hotter, and soon revealed to
it is that it’s ugly and I don’t up, just try and do as little Amy that he was gay but not yet out. So it seems ‘straight’ men leave
want to touch it, which being with his boyfriend as possible She brought him back to mine as a something to be desired. A knowledge
a gay man is quite a problem to stop yourself from saying ‘present’ and I proceeded to fuck him. of the male anatomy, surprisingly, is
in a relationship. I don’t really something you might regret. Again, it was a bit of a waste of time. one. A sense of restraint and decorum
know how to get around it, what Just like we can’t choose our He didn’t have a clue and I ended up is, perhaps, another.

nc é
pleasuring myself to get off.
advice do you have. family, we can’t choose who our

Anon, Leicestershire friends date. Remember, he’s
not asking for any approval he But it got worse. At the same time my
has what he wants. friend Paul was at the house too and
was meant to be staying over. Once
we’d cleaned up the mess and the
coast was clear, we invited him in to
get into bed. Platonically speaking,
I wanted him to be comfortable.

AUG 2009
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STARS Philip has just started to write detailed monthly travel
horoscopes in addition to his existing content of weekly
love & gay horoscopes, daily horoscopes and weekly &
monthly in depth scripts for phone lines.

Aries (Mar21/Apr20)
Try to be sensitive and consider why someone is
Scorpio (Oct24/Nov22)
Understanding why someone is behaving strangely
deliberately trying to rub you the wrong way. There’s will make a big difference in your relationship. You
Illustrations: Oliver Weiss/oweiss.com

every chance they are winding you up to mask the are starting to realise that you can’t always expect
attraction they feel for you. Change your tactics over others to be the same in all situations with all people.
the weeks ahead. Don’t rise to the bait and very soon You might admire their persistence in some areas
you may have managed to get a budding romance and laugh at their antics in others. This will help
off the ground. You can be persuasive in a gentle way strengthen your romance over the weeks ahead.
now and this works well with someone who has a The same can’t be said for a friend who has been
quiet and serene personality. deceived and cheated on. He is ready to call it a day
and you will support him all the way.

Taurus (Apr21/May21) Sagittarius (Nov23/Dec21)

You are more easy going and flexible than usual. If you’re unhappy in a relationship and you see no
You’re giving more time to your closest relationships future in it, why waste time pretending all is okay?

Leo (Jul24/Aug23)
and this helps you sense what other people are There’ll be plenty chance to enjoy romance in the
thinking and feeling. Something is making you weeks ahead if you accept a certain union is past its
reconsider your approach to a romantic interest. sell-by date and it’s time to find someone new. An
Suspicion is now being replaced with sincerity and energetic period begins and a vein of enthusiasm
Be wary in new relationships; give yourself you seem to know immediately how to bring out the for community affairs appears. You are in the good
time to get to know people before you best in others. Over the weeks ahead someone will books of an older relative and an official will become
put your trust in them. Someone is trying be left in no doubt about how you feel for them. a useful ally.

Gemini (May22/June21) Capricorn (Dec22/Jan20)

to agree to plans that will benefit them
more than you. You will be against these
initially but once they’ve put their powers You’re feeling unusually sensitive and emotional
) There are some unspoken anxieties affecting a close
of persuasion into action, you could find relationship. Postpone major discussions until you’ve now and it isn’t easy to hide your feelings. This
yourself changing your mind. Don’t! Your had a chance to decide how you really feel. Spending mood could surface in any number of situations.
first impressions were the right ones. Trust a little time on your own will help you plan your Its importance lies not in that of helping and
future and sort out your priorities. In the next few understanding others but in realising the hidden
your instincts these next few weeks rather depths of your personality. You will want to do
weeks you will receive just the bit of news you’ve been
than trusting a stranger. waiting for towards finalising some very special future something definite to help those less fortunate than
arrangements. The picture gets brighter and brighter. yourself and over the weeks ahead you will realise
this is something you can be proud of.

Cancer (Jun22/Jul23)
If you find yourself staring at a bulging wardrobe but Aquarius (Jan21/Feb19)
24/7 Jennifer Lopez still not able to find something suitable to wear, you Although it is generally better to look forward, this
25/7 Matt LeBlanc could probably do with updating your look. Take a might be a good time to quickly look over previous
fashion conscious friend along with you and enjoy weeks to assess their successes and disappointments.
26/7 Helen Mirren You might then place them in the context of your
a spending spree. Suddenly what to wear to the
27/7 Bobby Gentry general life structure. From this exercise one or two
office every morning won’t be such an ordeal and
28/7 Jacqueline people will compliment you on your appearance. An problems might seem to crop up consistently. Or
Kennedy Onassis overseas connection could bring an exciting offer, perhaps an issue where you are being constantly
29/7 Benito Mussolini over the weeks ahead. called on to carry more than your fair share of the
load stands out. In which case, now is a good time to

Virgo (Aug24/Sept23)
30/7 Arnold
schwarzenegger rectify these issues.
31/7 J.K. Rowling
01/8 Yves saint Laurent
02/8 Peter O’Toole
A private matter needs dealt with immediately; you
can’t put it off any longer. This could put a damper on
any social plans you had been hoping to be included
PISCES (Feb20/Mar20)
After a quiet start to the month you could find
03/8 Martha stewart in. You will be looking at life in an objective fashion yourself thrown from this desire for peace by the
04/8 Billy Bob Thornton over the weeks to come. Especially for the fact you discovery of a whirl of new social contacts and
05/8 Neil Armstrong are considering making new future plans or deciding opportunities. In turn, this will light the flames
on a new direction for your life or career. Life is likely of a whole new set of hopes and wishes. Friends
06/8 Andy Warhol made these next few weeks could involve you in
to take an interesting new turn with new ideas
07/8 David Duchovny presenting themselves. group activities; expect to be doing more travelling
08/8 J.C. Chasez 16/8 Madonna around. All of which could result in some positive
09/8 Whitney Houston
10/8 Antonio Banderas
11/8 Hulk Hogan
17/8 sean Penn
18/8 edward Norton
19/8 Bill Clinton
Libra (Sept24/Oct23)
A female friend might come to you for advice and
achievements both personally and professionally.

12/8 Cecil B. DeMille 20/8 Fred Durst

21/8 Kim Cattrall
if you put yourself in her shoes, you could offer her
some useful tips. You might really feel for what other Is that special relationship
13/8 Alfred Hitchcock
14/8 Halle Berry 22/8 Tori Amos people are going through now. Getting involved in
their business could provide just the outlet you need
around the corner?
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will tend to involve temperamental periods over
the weeks ahead; friendships will bring you most
happiness now.
for your look into the future.
Calls cost £1.50/min from BT Landline. 18+. Calls
Recorded. Po Box 322, WA15 8YL
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AUG 2009

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