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Part A) Professionals Development Report

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Part a) professionals development report

a)Tuckman (1965) proposed four groups development stages.

Forming - At this stage, team members are positive and polite. They do not fully understand the
work of the team about what they do, is enthusiastic. Others are just excited about the move.
Roles and responsibilities of team members' is not clear, as a leader, you have a dominant role in
this phase.
They are trying to identify new partners to start working together as citizens of this country,
which lasted for several hours, and can.
Storming - Next, the team will make people start to push against the boundaries of the
established, move to strike. This is the stage where many teams fail.
Nature of the conflict between the members of the working style, there is often start attacking.
People can work in all kinds of different ways, but if a different style of work can cause
unforeseen problems, they may be disappointed.
Storms can occur in other situations. Their role, for example, the authority of the board
members, or the host be challenged. On the other hand, if you are not clear on how to work as a
team, people are so busy with their work, or they can be uncomfortable to approach you use.
Some may question the worth of the team's goals, and it may prevent the recruitment task.
They are on hand to work with the team that set up the process, or not supported by strong
relationships with their friends, especially if you feel the pressure.

Norming - Gradually, the team moves into the norming stage. People began to settle their
differences and appreciate the strength of friends, and when the leader to respect your authority.
Now the members of your team to each other better, they can socialize together, and they ask
each other for help and can give constructive feedback. A strong commitment to the people in
the team, and you start to see good progress towards it.
As a new task, the team will return to conduct an attack platform, norming between attack and a
long and often.
Performing - The team will have to work hard to reach the goal, without friction, leading to the
stage reached in the team event. You need to provide a structure and process that supports the
President, you can also share your work, and you can focus on the development of team
At this point, it easy to become part of the team, and leave the people to participate or did not
affect performance.

Adjourning - Many teams finally reached this stage. For example, the project team, there is only a
certain time, and the team remains can dissolve through organizational restructuring.
Normal, or board members who are now their future looks uncertain, especially, it is difficult to
find the relationship in this case, members of the other team has developed a close.

b)Team role theory. (belbin)
According to( Belbin (1993) Belbin distinguished nine different roles. In Belbin team roles
are portrayed and classified by four dimensions: feeling, will power, thinking, and decisiveness.
These eight roles were result of his original research. In his later research (Belbin, 1993) he
added a ninth role: the specialist (SP) team role referring to single mindedness, acting solo and
being dedicated to the specialism. This role expresses itself by acting introvert, being silent and
retiring especially outside of the specialist areas. The specialist team role is seen as having a
negligible team contribution.

Co-ordinator - Coordinator of someone's head. These people trust, domination, goals and
objectives, the team is committed to accept. Co-ordinator of others to achieve a goal, trying to
fight and approval is a positive thinker. Coordinators are open-minded sufficient to eavesdrop
toward other people, but someone strong enough to reject their advice. (Coordinator of the
prominent and generally have a sharp mind.)

Shaper - With high motivation to achieve Shaper nervous energy, which has been at the head of
the mission to the user name of the game is to win. Forming a team to achieve the targets for
achieving the goals and requirements of the "form" is committed to someone else. (He's the
challenge, argue or disagree and will display aggression in the pursuit the goals. A group of two
or three forms, Belbin, according to the conflict, disturbance and fire may occur.)

Plant - The plant is portrayed by a high IQ and a predominant item when the thoughtful person
is unique and uncommon thought. The group tend toward get a radical methodology to plant
operations and issues. On the off chance that the undergrowth extra stressed with the huge issue
and not particulars. (The drawback is a propensity to disregard some sensible particulars
notwithstanding pugnacious.)

Resource Investigator -Investigating Source who be never in her room, and she is, she on the
phone. Investigator Resources is developing a relationship and exploring opportunities.
Investigation of sources of information and support, and research and develop them to take other
ideas are good negotiator. They characterized by sociability and enthusiasm and the team will be
a good source of work and study. (Weakness, a tendency to lose interest after the initial curiosity
of ideas, and they are usually the source of the original idea.)

Company worker/ implementer - Implementers to know the duties and honest, polite and have
a good self-image. They respect tradition established, hard-hearted and practical, tend to trust
and compromise. They characterized by low anxiety and realistic practical way to work in a
team. Implementation the begs companies on the importance of a responsible position. Control
staff (for example, to respond to new possibilities for Implementing, inflexible and slow to be
conservative.), they tend to do the jobs that other people do not do and do it.

Monitor evaluator - According to this model, this is the minimum requirement to achieve,
prudent, intelligent person. Because they have the ability to evaluate competing proposals
evaluators contribute particularly to monitor critical decision making at times. Monitor
candidates will not mind the arguments of extreme emotions, because you have to think things
slow in coming to the decision that had to be proud of. (Critics and they seem dry and boring, but
dangerous. They are not good to inspire other meeting of advanced assessment to monitor
Team worker - Team workers to use their skills for potential friction except positive end one
of the most difficult role in the implementation of interventions that help. Tend to allow
members to contribute effectively to maintain their team spirit. Their diplomatic skills are an
asset to a group with a sense of humor. They along with those who are not good listening skills ,
sociable sensitive and people-friendly. (They do things that hurt other people in crisis and refusal
to be skeptical at times.)

Completer finishers- all the allies giving careful consideration to detail, complete and
completely charge. They attempt consistent exertions and that they are reliable with the work.
They are exceptionally intrigued by the excitement of marvelous achievement. .( Weaknesses, as
indicated by ( Belbin (1993), are that they have a tendency to be over on edge and experience
issues giving up and designating work.)
Specialist- Provide technical information also skill in supply specialist group. They be
frequently more timid also anxious and self-starting, tend dedicated and committed. (Single mind
and other people's weaknesses, "the lack of interest in the subject)

c) Working in group and teams
According to( Randall S. Peterson, Kawon Kim (2012)), With a specific end goal to
distinguish fundamental gathering capacities that ought to be overseen by pioneers and be
produced into refined initiative speculations, we survey both administration and group studies. In
view of the four capacities that we build, we quickly audit a choice of real initiative hypotheses
that we accept can give the establishments to new and better gathering level authority
By utilizing two hypothetical order (overseeing individual gathering parts vs. overseeing
gathering; full of feeling/motivational vs. cognitive capacities), we recommend that pioneers of
little gatherings bargain with the four key administration capacities (1) overseeing inside
gathering interpersonal elements, (2) inside gathering coordination of data/assets, (3) gathering
level influence administration, and (4) overseeing gathering limits for data/assets stream and
gathering personality

That the right things happen for people to work is a key management skill. A team or group of
individuals and to facilitate conflict management and team working under the supervision and
leadership as well as a team, working together to deal with those who seek an effective manager.
This week we will review the work from beginning to end. It is the creation of a group or team is
the best approach to the task at hand involves deciding if (and it is not always!), Individuals at
various stages of the selection process by setting up a task force to support the team, and it is the
work of the development and promotion of research outputs rating -. If you are successful or you
are familiar with the main function of the current situation in terms of a team or group problem
solving, involving.
d) Presentation skills
According to(Khalid Aziz, (1998)) In addition, personnel executives themselves are not filled
with confidence when it comes to speaking in public 73 per cent of personnel directors claimed
public speaking was the most daunting business activity facing them. The following simple rules,
applicable to all professionals, constitute a practical guideline for the preparation and delivery of
a successful presentation. These hints are equally relevant for meetings and daytoday
communication with clients and colleagues: all this is most importuned to a good presentation.
According to(Khalid Aziz, (1998)) Know your audience -Research your audience. Tailoring
your message and medium to your audience makes it more likely they will respond favorably to
your presentation. Writing your presentation -Know your message. Have a clear idea of what you
want to say, and what your aims and objectives are for the presentation.
Visual supports -If you are utilizing slides, verify that every one is important to the presentation
and improves it somehow.

Conveying the presentation the substance for your presentation is, obviously, vital, it is
additionally crucial to focus on your conveyance.

Voice improvement -Do not talk excessively rapidly. Surging passes on an absence of certainty
as well as makes it more troublesome for your crowd to take after what you are stating.

Individual appearance -How you look is very nearly as vital as what you say. Your group of
onlookers will judge you on what you wear. Your garments ought to reflect your status and be
clean and savvy. Non-verbal communication -Research demonstrates that 60 for every penny of
all correspondence is nonverbal. Significance might be passed on through pace, pitch, timing
and non-verbal communication.

Unwind - While crowds do have a tendency to be thoughtful to apprehensive speakers, a
vacillating voice and trembling hands will degrade your execution. For a senior official,
appearing to be excessively anxious may decrease your group of onlookers' trust in you as a
speaker and, sadly, by relationship, with your material.
my own experiences of delivering presentation in year one . I have been go true lot of
presentations in my university in this university one of it was MR .Terrence tan presentation for
Business Planning &Development. It was a group presentation we was four members in a group
we also . we was follow Tuchman (1965) theory of group development in for example like
forming ,storming, norming, performing adjourning. In the forming stage i find group members
for our presentation .storming stage we was planning about our topic and find a company we
was presented about elegant outfit it was a Indian batik .in norming stage we find all the
information and make in to a power point slide .performing stage we was present but the
presentation must be more than 45 minute but we just get to do about 25 minute . Adjourning
stage we have finally but as a team we all put more effete and spend more time after class to find
more information and make our slide more attractive and lot of information the second week
everyone in our team work hard and start to achieve our gold .our gold was to do more then 45
minute and we have also question asking section to those who dont understand anything we
able to answer all the question ask my by our class members and we also done our presentation
for 55 minute we was really happy. we also done team role theory ( Belbin (1993)) to complete
our presentation. Not only this we also have been to brogan hall for our( ppd 1) .we was
separated to 2 group and each group have their own task to done in our group we really work to
gather to complete our task on time and we work to gather to find the things and to complete
stage by stage in the and we complete our stages by making Milo . It was really effective for me
because am not the person how will talk to everyone but by this activity I have lean more things
and now am more close to all my class meet .This was good chance for me to interact with
everyone. Maybe I will do something differently next time will stay 2 night and have more fun
and get to know about their culture better in future.

Individual presentation.

Favorable circumstances and employments of SWOT examination specialists (Ansoff, 1965;
Andrews, 1987; Porter, 1991; Mintzberg et al., 1998) concur SWOT gives the establishment to
acknowledgment of the craved arrangement of variables or issues. By posting great and
unfavorable interior and outer issues in the four quadrants of a SWOT investigation, organizers
can better see how qualities could be leveraged to acknowledge new open doors and see how
shortcomings can moderate advancement or amplify dangers. What's more, it is conceivable to
propose approaches to overcome dangers and shortcomings (Hofer and Schendel, 1978;
Schnaars, 1998; Mcdonald, 1999; Kotler, 2000).
Its brief explanations of swot analysis and the advantages of swot analysis. I have been
indentified my 1 year action steps my strengths was in speaking and listening am mostly
confident about talking to people that I dont know and I also used to join in class or group
discussions I often ask question with my lecturer went I dont understand what they are teaching
.am also comfortable to giving a talk or presentation to my team members and also I find easy to
explain what I mean .am very confident in numbering for example like decimals, percentages
,ratios, graphs and also averages I love calculation even I have diploma in my accounting before
. I am really confident in using computers for example like words processing, spreadsheets ,
databases , power point, statistics ,graphics packages ,very confident in researching on internet ,
using library catalogs and also using electronic journals am good in computers because I have
me done my computer basis after my SPM for 6 month its make me more familiar to all this .
My weaknesses is am really vary bed in writing in English am not really confident about my
spelling and using grammar some time all this make me low confident in taking notes in lectures
and I also have vary bed time management skill and not well organized my time and I dont
work well to deadlines and hand work in on time and also I never been used timetable to help to
plan my work .to overcome my weaknesses am also started to read lot of news paper and book to
overcome my reading problem and also going to joint English class soon moreover I also plan to
used time table to manage my time so that no more last minute work in future and will do all my
works on time .
My opportunities in university was I have a very good internet lab in university to do my
coursework or to my information for my notes and e-library its really play a very big role in
my opportunities and library to find books and also rooms in library its help used to make a
group diction and come place to study or make our revision .my opportunities also to get to know
with new peoples and also lot of foreigner friends where its make and opportunities to us to get
to know about them and also their culture .true the university have are vary experience lecturer
to teach us from the m really get more knowledge all this tips and knowledge make us to me
good degree holder and make good product to the market or to the company or society later
.university is also giving us scholarship to those how have good pointer 3.9 to 4.00 the best
student will get the scholarship its also play a big role for us to study wall to get good result its
make the student to study and make a good opportunities for us to study and it also help us to get
good work after our graduated
My threats was in university is vary bed management because every time exam docket we really
have hard time to go true the management because even small work take them to done 2 to 3
week and accounted department as wall and I also think caseworks is also threats because we
used to get back to back coursework to summit we have not enacted time and plagiarism also
plays big role and its was vary big problem to students.
Smart goal action According to(KENNETH SMART, (1976) ) Some rationality was introduced
into the picture by the 1964 Industrial Training Act, but less sanguine observers anticipated that
there would need to be further steps within a decade or so (pumppriming is useful, but in the
long run one expects the pump to work unaided). Not until 1973 did the country have an
umbrella organization for guidance, placement, training and retraining, with an explicit
mandate to correlate manpower needs on a national scale. My smart goal action is to
complete my 1 year and enter to 2 second year without any pending paper and overcome all
my threats and completed my degree it is measurable and it is achievable to by study wall its is
realistic to do my degree by do wall in my all coursework and exams . The times frame for
completion my degree in next 2 years.

Belbin team type questionnaire
Team workers
In the belbin survey looks to indentify my favored part in a group. In this inquiry and after
answer all the inquiry baci of my won feeling I have been expressed in great group specialist
According (Bianey C. Ruiz Ulloa, Stephanie G. Adams, (2004))to Experiences from
associations utilizing the group approach for enhancing execution have indicated cooperation as
an imperative device all hands on deck achievement. This finding has provoked associations to
begin searching for cooperation aptitudes in their new representatives. Despite the fact that
executives may be eager to give onthejob preparing, they expect that their new workers in any
event have the essential understanding of why cooperation aptitudes are paramount to their
Searching for methods for shortening the new representatives learning background on gaining
cooperation abilities in the work environment, associations are recommending foundations of
advanced education to plan future workers (understudies) to be powerful cooperative people
(Busse, 1992; Alexander and Stone, 1997; Mcfarland, 1992; Kunkel and Shafer, 1997).
Therefore, accreditation associations at the university level, for example, the Accounting
Education Change Commission (AECC), the joint Commission for Accreditation of health
awareness Organizations (JCAHO) and the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology
(ABET), among others, are obliging advanced education organizations to bring collaboration
exercises into their educational programs (Ravenscroft and Buclkess, 1995; ABET, 2002;
Richardson et al., 1999).
In light of this interest, foundations of advanced education are creating procedures for presenting
cooperation in their classrooms. They additionally need to improve the methodology of adapting
through the utilization of groups realizing that in corporate situations collaboration has been a
key component to enhancing representative execution and learning (Cohen and Bailey, 1997;
Katzenbach and Smith, 1993; Guzzo and Dickson, 1996; Devine et al., 1999).
Team work is very imported to work place and also in university to do grout assignment and also
presentation without team work we cant complete with success to couple. and to get go mark
team work is way important every one have to do one work to coupled it and if we have a good
team working team members we and really do our task on time with success and every want in
team must help to find the points to present and this will be in only in one people shoulder to
complete every think .for example in work place team work is very imported to archive the goal
and to achieve the mission of the company for example in sales department every one have to
work together to get their sales for every month .
Team work also play a big roll to understand and get to know more about people .team work also
can prevent from lot of problem and can done work more faster every CEO will really find for
quality works this is also one of the method to show them that we are good worker to the
company but done our work on dote or in the time even everyone dont like quaintly base
worker every one like quality base worker team woke is vary important to everyone and its will
teach us lot of good and bed things . in team work we also must know how to control our temper
or anger if we disagree with someone we shout not angry with them we shout tell them in right
manner to keep on be in the same team. We must not fight with our team members .moreover to
complete our task. According to ( Fiorella Foscarini, (2012)) This study provides a number of
suggestions that may be used to improve the analysis of functions and business processes for any
records management purposes. In particular, it discusses some of the nonfunctional and cultural
factors that influence the design and implementation of functionbased records classification
systems. However, more empirical research is needed in order to broaden our understanding of
functions in realworld organizations.

Part b) personal development report
The event
As part of Personal Development Challenge .I attended Broga hill team building where there was
a leader Norman and Deming. I was decided to attend the Braga hill team building to get mo
experience to know each and every one more batter because we have to be together next 3 years.
Beside on that I can apply what I learn in future. I can lend more prior knowledge in the event
for my future .I wanted to tack part in all the activities it will make are very good opportunity to
know each and other more detail and have fun.
My feelings
Brogan hill team building was great event and I really have lot of experience and fun and there
was lot of foreigner also join the activity ones we arrive to brogan hill we was instruct by brogan
hill trainers there was two trainers for hold them building and we was separated by counting
reach other 1 and 2 I was in group 2 and our group instruct was by Mr.Gana he had give us an
activity which called treasure hunt we are given a task by the instructor on a activity to find
things to make Milo drink we should complete each stage to get the equipment to make a Milo
drink I feel so excited to complete the activity. The next activity was flying fox it was really
awesome rather then that we also have archery game I really have wonderful time and have lot
of new experience and it was really a good chance for me to try all this game and flaying fox
was the most I fear even I cry went am on the top because of fear but once are in the game the
instruct not allowed us to quick the game because its not save to used the staircase and it is so
long so he force to do so but even I cry in beginning but it was awesome in the end and am
really thank my trainer without him I will not have the experience in my life moreover
I really enjoy my day with my team members and also with my lecturer it was really is great time
with them.

Evaluation of the event
Overall the brogan hill team work was excellent and I have really are good time with my team
members and really enjoy all the game that I have take place example like treasure hunt ,flaying
fox archery ,barb wire crawling and soon the event was really good but only there was some
issue with the costume that where my the china girls because they cant participate and its make
the other team to lose and my friend in that group get mad with them but I hope they also enjoy
team building section .
The event was a good experiences especially the flying fox after our group done with the
treasure hunt activity and done with our lunch we line up to tack part and there will be instructor
to help us to put the safety costume every time only two people can go up and

we have to
clime are very long height of staircases to reach up the flying fox and there will be and
instructor to guide us to fly and it was really scary and my fame change to red all my friends
told I look life tomato most of my friend tack part because they also want to get and experience
and few of them example like Kevin and isha did tack part because they feel so fear and no
confidant their self and I also wine gift from quiz section that we had in bus went we on our way
back it was really good and question ask my norman he ask me what we have done from
morning till now everyone also try to answer him from their answer my answer was aqua rat
compare to them its make me to win the game my gift was tissue a4 paper, pen and also orange
color bucket I love it and it was unforgettable gift that I have and it was fun too.
We have successfully tack part in all the game and done all the activity that we have in the team
building .lot of people grow their interest please .in future activity plan if I have conduct any
plain I will sagest it we will discuss with our class meet to improve our activity in future.

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