The document describes a scene of sardine fishermen using purse seine nets at night to catch schools of fish. It discusses the process of a lookout spotting the fish, circling them with the boat and net, and then purging the bottom of the net to haul it in full of caught fish. It reflects on the beauty but also terror of this process and how modern society has made humanity interdependent yet vulnerable.
The document describes a scene of sardine fishermen using purse seine nets at night to catch schools of fish. It discusses the process of a lookout spotting the fish, circling them with the boat and net, and then purging the bottom of the net to haul it in full of caught fish. It reflects on the beauty but also terror of this process and how modern society has made humanity interdependent yet vulnerable.
The document describes a scene of sardine fishermen using purse seine nets at night to catch schools of fish. It discusses the process of a lookout spotting the fish, circling them with the boat and net, and then purging the bottom of the net to haul it in full of caught fish. It reflects on the beauty but also terror of this process and how modern society has made humanity interdependent yet vulnerable.
The document describes a scene of sardine fishermen using purse seine nets at night to catch schools of fish. It discusses the process of a lookout spotting the fish, circling them with the boat and net, and then purging the bottom of the net to haul it in full of caught fish. It reflects on the beauty but also terror of this process and how modern society has made humanity interdependent yet vulnerable.
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Our sardine fshermen work at night in the dark
o the moon! da"#ight or moon#ight The" $ou#d not te## where to s%read the net& una'#e to see the %hos%hores$en$e o the shoa#s o fsh( The" work northward rom )ontere"& $oasting Santa *ru+! o, New -ear.s Point or o, Pigeon Point The #ook-out man wi## see some #akes o mi#k-$o#or #ight on the sea.s night-%ur%#e! he %oints& and the he#msman Turns the dark %row& the motor'oat $ir$#es the g#eaming shoa# and drits out her seine-net( The" $#ose the $ir$#e /nd %urse the 'ottom o the net& then with great #a'or hau# it in( I $annot te## "ou How 'eautiu# the s$ene is& and a #itt#e terri'#e& then& when the $rowded fsh 0now the" are $aught& and wi#d#" 'eat rom one wa## to the other o their $#osing destin" the %hos%hores$ent 1ater to a %oo# o 2ame& ea$h 'eautiu# s#ender 'od" sheeted with 2ame& #ike a #i3e ro$ket / $omet.s tai# wake o $#ear "e##ow 2ame! whi#e outside the narrowing F#oats and $ordage o the net great sea-#ions $ome u% to wat$h& sighing in the dark! the 3ast wa##s o night Stand ere$t to the stars( 4ate#" I was #ooking rom a night mountain-to% On a wide $it"& the $o#ored s%#endor& ga#a5ies o #ight6 how $ou#d I he#% 'ut re$a## the seine-net 7athering the #uminous fsh8 I $annot te## "ou how 'eautiu# the $it" a%%eared& and a #itt#e terri'#e( I thought& 1e ha3e geared the ma$hines and #o$ked a## together into inter-de%enden$e! we ha3e 'ui#t the great $ities! now There is no es$a%e( 1e ha3e gathered 3ast %o%u#ations in$a%a'#e o ree sur3i3a#& insu#ated From the strong earth& ea$h %erson in himse# he#%#ess& on a## de%endent( The $ir$#e is $#osed& and the net Is 'eing hau#ed in( The" hard#" ee# the $ords drawing& "et the" shine a#read"( The ine3ita'#e mass-disasters 1i## not $ome in our time nor in our $hi#dren.s& 'ut we and our $hi#dren )ust wat$h the net draw narrower& go3ernment take a## %owers--or re3o#ution& and the new go3ernment Take more than a##& add to ke%t 'odies ke%t sou#s--or anar$h"& the mass-disasters( These things are Progress! 9o "ou mar3e# our 3erse is trou'#ed or rowning& whi#e it kee%s its reason8 Or it #ets go& #ets the mood 2ow In the manner o the re$ent "oung men into mere h"steria& s%#intered g#eams& $ra$k#ed #aughter( But the" are :uite wrong( There is no reason or ama+ement6 sure#" one a#wa"s knew that $u#tures de$a"& and #ie.s end is death( Norton /ntho#og" o Poetr"