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RBI Circular For Bank Guarantees

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_________________________ RESERVE BANK OF INDIA_______________________


, , 13 , , , 400001
Fort, MUMBAI- 400001
FAX NO. 0091-22-22701241 Tel. No.022-22601000 E-mail address cgmicdbodco@rbi.org.in

DBOD. No. Dir. BC.12/13.03.00/2013-14 July 1, 2013
10 Ashadha 1935 (Saka)
All Scheduled Commercial Banks
(excluding RRBs)

Dear Sir / Madam

Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances

Please refer to the Master Circular DBOD.No.Dir.BC.2/13.03.00/2012-13 dated J uly 2, 2012
consolidating the instructions / guidelines issued to banks till J une 30, 2012, relating to
Guarantees and Co-acceptances. The Master Circular has been suitably updated by
incorporating the instructions issued up to J une 30, 2013 and has also been placed on the
RBI website (http://www.rbi.org.in). A copy of the Master Circular is enclosed.

Yours faithfully

( Prakash Chandra Sahoo )
Chief General Manager

Encl: as above

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

Para No Particulars Page
A Purpose 1
B Classification 1
C Previous instructions 1
D Application 1
1 Introduction 2
2 Guidelines 2
2.1 General Guidelines 2
2.2 Guidelines relating to conduct of guarantee business 2
2.2.1 Norms for unsecured advances & guarantees 2
2.2.2 Precautions for issuing guarantees 3
2.2.3 Precautions for Averting Frauds 3
2.2.4 Ghosh Committee Recommendations 4
2.2.5 Internal Control Systems 4
2.2.6 Guarantees on behalf of Banks' Directors 4
2.2.7 Bank Guarantee Scheme of Government of India 5
2.2.8 Guarantees on Behalf of Share and Stock Brokers/ Commodity
2.2.9 Guidelines relating to obtaining of personal guarantees of directors
and other managerial personnel of borrowing concerns
2.2.10 Guarantees of State Government 8
2.3 Guarantees governed by regulations issued under Foreign Exchange
Management (Guarantees) Regulations
2.3.1 Bid bonds and performance bonds or guarantees for exports 9
2.3.2 Issue of Bank Guarantee 9
2.3.3 Other Stipulations 10
2.3.4 Unconditional Guarantees in favour of Overseas Employers/ Importers
on behalf of Indian Exporters
2.3.5 Certain Precautions in case of Project Exports 11
2.3.6 Guarantees for Export Advance 11
2.3.7 Review of Banks Procedures 12
2.3.8 Other Guarantees regulated by Foreign Exchange Management
2.4 Restrictions on guarantees of inter-company deposits/loans 16
2.4.1 Restriction on guarantees for placement of funds with NBFCs 16
2.4.2 Restrictions on Inter-Institutional Guarantees 16
2.5 Payment of invoked guarantees 18
2.6 Co-acceptance of bills 21
2.6.1 General 21
2.6.2 Safeguards 21
2.7 Precautions to be taken in the case of Letters of Credit 23
Annex1 Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond 24
Annex 2 Guarantees / LoUs/ LoCs invoked by ADs 26
Appendix List of circulars consolidated 27

Master Circular - Guarantees and Co-acceptances
A. Purpose
This Master Circular provides a framework of the rules/regulations/instructions issued by the
Reserve Bank of India relating to the conduct of guarantee business by banks.
B. Classification

A statutory directive issued by the Reserve Bank in exercise of the powers conferred by the
Banking Regulation Act, 1949.
C. Previous instructions
This Master Circular updates the previous instructions on the above subject contained in the
Master Circular dated J uly 2, 2012.
D. Application
To all Scheduled Commercial Banks, excluding Regional Rural Banks.
2.1 General Guidelines
2.2 Guidelines relating to conduct of Guarantee Business
2.3 Guarantees governed by regulations issued under the
Foreign Exchange Management (Guarantees) Regulations
2.4 Restrictions on guarantees of inter-company deposits/loans
2.5 Payment of invoked guarantees
2.6 Co-acceptance of Bills
2.7 Precautions to be taken in the case of Letters of Credit


Annex 1 Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond
Annex 2 Guarantees / LoUs/ LoCs invoked by ADs

4 Appendix List of circulars consolidated

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

An important criterion for judging the soundness of a banking institution is the size
and character, not only of its assets portfolio but also, of its contingent liability
commitments such as guarantees, letters of credit, etc. As a part of business, banks
issue guarantees on behalf of their customers for various purposes. The guarantees
executed by banks comprise both performance guarantees and financial
guarantees. The guarantees are structured according to the terms of agreement,
viz., security, maturity and purpose. With the introduction of risk weights for both on-
Balance Sheet and off-Balance Sheet exposures, banks have become more risk
sensitive, resulting in structuring of their business exposures in a more prudent
manner. Banks should comply with the following guidelines in the conduct of their
guarantee business.
2.1 General Guidelines
2.1.1 As regards the purpose of the guarantee, as a general rule, the banks should
confine themselves to the provision of financial guarantees and exercise due caution
with regard to performance guarantee business.
2.1.2 As regards maturity, as a rule, banks should guarantee shorter maturities and leave
longer maturities to be guaranteed by other institutions.
2.1.3 No bank guarantee should normally have a maturity of more than 10 years.
However, in view of the changed scenario of the banking industry where banks
extend long term loans for periods longer than 10 years for various projects, it has
been decided to allow banks to also issue guarantees for periods beyond 10 years.
While issuing such guarantees, banks are advised to take into account the impact of
very long duration guarantees on their Asset Liability Management. Further, banks
may evolve a policy on issuance of guarantees beyond 10 years as considered
appropriate with the approval of their Board of Directors.
2.2 Guidelines relating to conduct of guarantee business
2.2.1 Norms for unsecured advances & guarantees
(i) Until J une 17, 2004, banks were required to limit their commitments by way of
unsecured guarantees in such a manner that 20 percent of a banks outstanding
unsecured guarantees plus the total of its outstanding unsecured advances
should not exceed 15 percent of its total outstanding advances. In order to
provide further flexibility to banks on their loan policies, the above limit on
unsecured exposure of banks was withdrawn and banks Boards have been
given the freedom to fix their own policies on their unsecured exposures.
"Unsecured exposure" is defined as an exposure where the realisable value of
the security, as assessed by the bank/ approved valuers/ Reserve Banks
inspecting officers, is not more than 10 per cent, ab-initio, of the outstanding
exposure. Exposure shall include all funded and non-funded exposures
(including underwriting and similar commitments). Security will mean tangible
security properly charged to the bank and will not include intangible securities
like guarantees, comfort letters, etc.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

(ii) For determining the amount of unsecured advances for reflecting in schedule 9 of
the published balance sheet, the rights, licenses, authorisations, etc., charged to the
banks as collateral in respect of projects (including infrastructure projects) financed
by them, should not be reckoned as tangible security. Banks, may however, treat
annuities under build-operate transfer (BOT) model in respect of road/highway
projects and toll collection rights where there are provisions to compensate the
project sponsor if a certain level of traffic is not achieved, as tangible securities,
subject to the condition that banks right to receive annuities and toll collection rights
is legally enforceable and irrevocable.
(iii) All exemptions allowed for computation of unsecured advances stand withdrawn.
2.2.2 Precautions for issuing guarantees
Banks should adopt the following precautions while issuing guarantees on behalf of
their customers.
i. As a rule, banks should avoid giving unsecured guarantees in large amounts and
for medium and long-term periods. They should avoid undue concentration of such
unsecured guarantee commitments to particular groups of customers and/or trades.
ii. Unsecured guarantees on account of any individual constituent should be limited
to a reasonable proportion of the banks total unsecured guarantees. Guarantees on
behalf of an individual should also bear a reasonable proportion to the constituents
iii. In exceptional cases, banks may give deferred payment guarantees on an
unsecured basis for modest amounts to first class customers who have entered into
deferred payment arrangements in consonance with Government policy.
iv. Guarantees executed on behalf of any individual constituent, or a group of
constituents, should be subject to the prescribed exposure norms.
It is essential to realise that guarantees contain inherent risks and that it would not
be in the banks interest or in the public interest, generally, to encourage parties to
over-extend their commitments and embark upon enterprises solely relying on the
easy availability of guarantee facilities.
2.2.3 Precautions for averting frauds
While issuing guarantees on behalf of customers, the following safeguards should
be observed by banks:

i. At the time of issuing financial guarantees, banks should be satisfied that the
customer would be in a position to reimburse the bank in case the bank is
required to make payment under the guarantee.
ii. In the case of performance guarantee, banks should exercise due caution
and have sufficient experience with the customer to satisfy themselves that
the customer has the necessary experience, capacity and means to perform
the obligations under the contract, and is not likely to commit any default.
iii. Banks should refrain from issuing guarantees on behalf of customers who do
not enjoy credit facilities with them. However, BG /LC may be issued by
scheduled commercial banks to clients of co-operative banks against counter
guarantee of the co-operative bank. In such cases, banks may be guided by

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

the provisions of paragraph of the Master Circular on Loans and
Advances-Statutory and Other Restrictions dated J uly 2, 2012. Further,
banks must satisfy themselves that the concerned co-operative banks have
sound credit appraisal and monitoring systems as well as robust Know Your
Customer (KYC) regime. Before issuing BG/LCs to specific constituents of
co-operative banks, they must satisfy themselves that KYC has been done
properly in these cases.
2.2.4 Ghosh Committee Recommendations
Banks should implement the following recommendations made by the High Level
Committee (Chaired by Shri A. Ghosh, the then Dy. Governor of RBI):
i. In order to prevent unaccounted issue of guarantees, as well as fake
guarantees, as suggested by IBA, bank guarantees should be issued in serially
numbered security forms.

ii. Banks should, while forwarding guarantees, caution the beneficiaries that
they should, in their own interest, verify the genuineness of the guarantee with
the issuing bank.
2.2.5 Internal control systems
Bank guarantees issued for Rs.50,000/- and above should be signed by two officials
jointly. A lower cut-off point, depending upon the size and category of branches, may
be prescribed by banks, where considered necessary. Such a system will reduce the
scope for malpractices/ losses arising from the wrong perception/ judgement or lack
of honesty/ integrity on the part of a single signatory. Banks should evolve suitable
systems and procedures, keeping in view the spirit of these instructions and allow
deviation from the two signatures discipline only in exceptional circumstances. The
responsibility for ensuring the adequacy and effectiveness of the systems and
procedures for preventing perpetration of frauds and malpractices by their officials
would, in such cases, rest on the top managements of the banks. In case,
exceptions are made for affixing of only one signature on the instruments, banks
should devise a system for subjecting such instruments to special scrutiny by the
auditors or inspectors at the time of internal inspection of branches.
2.2.6 Guarantees on behalf of Banks' Directors Section 20 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 prohibits banks from granting loans
or advances to any of their directors or any firm or company in which any of their
directors is a partner or guarantor. However, certain facilities which, inter alia,
include issue of guarantees, are not regarded as 'loan and advances' within the
meaning of Section 20 of the Act, ibid. In this regard, it is pertinent to note with
particular reference to banks giving guarantees on behalf of their directors, that in
the event of the principal debtor committing default in discharging his liability and the
bank being called upon to honour its obligation under the guarantee, the relationship
between the bank and the director could become one of creditor and debtor. Further,
directors would also be able to evade the provisions of Section 20 by borrowing from
a third party against the guarantee given by the bank. These types of transactions
are likely to defeat the very purpose of enacting Section 20, if banks do not take
appropriate steps to ensure that the liabilities there under do not devolve on them.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013 In view of the above, banks should, while extending non-fund based facilities such
as guarantees, etc. on behalf of directors and the companies/firms in which the

director is interested, ensure that:
i. adequate and effective arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the
bank that the commitments would be met out of their own resources by the party on
whose behalf guarantee was issued, and
ii. the bank will not be called upon to grant any loan or advance to meet the liability,
consequent upon the invocation of guarantee. In case, such contingencies arise as at (ii) above, the bank will be deemed to be a
party to the violation of the provisions of Section 20 of the Banking Regulation Act,
2.2.7 Bank Guarantee Scheme of Government of India The Bank Guarantee Scheme formulated by the Government of India for the
issuance of bank guarantees in favour of Central Government Departments, in lieu
of security deposits, etc. by contractors, has been modified from time to time. Under
the scheme, it is open to Government Departments to accept freely guarantees, etc.
from all scheduled commercial banks. Banks should adopt the Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond given in Annex 1.
The Government of India have advised all the Government departments/ Public
Sector Undertakings, etc. to accept bank guarantees in the Model Bond and to
ensure that alterations/additions to the clauses whenever considered necessary are
not one-sided and are made in agreement with the guaranteeing bank. Banks
should mention in the guarantee bonds and their correspondence with the various
State Governments, the names of the beneficiary departments and the purposes for
which the guarantees are executed. This is necessary to facilitate prompt
identification of the guarantees with the concerned departments. In regard to the
guarantees furnished by the banks in favour of Government Departments in the
name of the President of India, any correspondence thereon should be exchanged
with the concerned ministries/ departments and not with the President of India. In
respect of guarantees issued in favour of Directorate General of Supplies and
Disposal, the following aspects should be kept in view:
i. In order to speed up the process of verification of the genuineness of the
bank guarantee, the name, designation and code numbers of the
officer/officers signing the guarantees should be incorporated under the
signature(s) of officials signing the bank guarantee.
ii. The beneficiary of the bank guarantee should also be advised to invariably
obtain the confirmation of the concerned banks about the genuineness of the
guarantee issued by them as a measure of safety.
iii. The initial period of the bank guarantee issued by banks as a means of
security in Directorate General of Supplies and Disposal contract
administration would be for a period of six months beyond the original
delivery period. Banks may incorporate a suitable clause in their bank
guarantee, providing automatic extension of the validity period of the
guarantee by 6 months, and also obtain suitable undertaking from the
customer at the time of establishing the guarantee to avoid any possible
complication later.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

iv. A clause would be incorporated by Directorate General of Supplies and
Disposal (DGS&D) in the tender forms of Directorate General of Supplies
and Disposal 229 (Instruction to the tenderers) to the effect that whenever a
firm fails to supply the stores within the delivery period of the contract
wherein bank guarantee has been furnished, the request for extension for
delivery period will automatically be taken as an agreement for getting the
bank guarantee extended. Banks should make similar provisions in the bank
guarantees for automatic extension of the guarantee period.
v. The Public Notice issued by the Customs Department stipulates, inter alia,
that all bank guarantees furnished by an importer should contain a self-
renewal clause inbuilt in the guarantee itself. As the stipulation in the Public
Notice issued by the Customs Department is akin to the notice in the tender
form floated by the DGS&D, the provision for automatic extension of the
guarantee period in the bank guarantees issued to DGS&D, as at sub-
paragraph (iv) above, should also be made applicable to bank guarantees
issued favouring the Customs Houses.
vi. The bank guarantee, as a means of security in the Directorate General of
Supplies and Disposal contract administration and extension letters thereof,
would be on non-judicial stamp paper.
2.2.8 Guarantees on behalf of Share and Stock Brokers/ Commodity Brokers
Banks may issue guarantees on behalf of share and stock brokers in favour of stock
exchanges in lieu of security deposit to the extent it is acceptable in the form of bank
guarantee as laid down by stock exchanges. Banks may also issue guarantees in
lieu of margin requirements as per stock exchange regulations. Banks have further
been advised that they should obtain a minimum margin of 50 percent while issuing
such guarantees. A minimum cash margin of 25 per cent (within the above margin of
50 per cent) should be maintained in respect of such guarantees issued by banks.
The above minimum margin of 50 percent and minimum cash margin requirement of
25 percent (within the margin of 50 percent) will also apply to guarantees issued by
banks on behalf of commodity brokers in favour of the national level commodity
exchanges, viz., National Commodity & Derivatives Exchange (NCDEX), Multi
Commodity Exchange of India Limited (MCX) and National Multi-Commodity
Exchange of India Limited (NMCEIL), in lieu of margin requirements as per the
commodity exchange regulations. Banks should assess the requirement of each
applicant borrower and observe usual and necessary safeguards including the
exposure ceilings.
2.2.9 Guidelines relating to obtaining of personal guarantees of directors
and other managerial personnel of borrowing concerns Personal guarantees of directors
Banks should take personal guarantees of directors for the credit facilities, etc.
granted to corporates, public or private, only, when absolutely warranted after a
careful examination of the circumstances of the case and not, as a matter of course.
In order to identify the circumstances under which the guarantee may or may not be
considered necessary, banks should be guided by the following broad
A. Where guarantees need not be considered necessary

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

i. Ordinarily, in the case of public limited companies, when the lending
institutions are satisfied about the management, its stake in the concern, economic
viability of the proposal and the financial position and capacity for cash generation,
no personal guarantee need be insisted upon. In fact, in the case of widely owned
public limited companies, which may be rated as first class and satisfying the above
conditions, guarantees may not be necessary even if the advances are unsecured.
Also, in the case of companies, whether private or public, which are under
professional management, guarantees may not be insisted upon from persons who
are connected with the management solely by virtue of their professional/technical
qualifications and not consequent upon any significant shareholding in the company
ii. Where the lending institutions are not so convinced about the aspects of loan
proposals mentioned above, they should seek to stipulate conditions to make the
proposals acceptable without such guarantees. In some cases, more stringent forms
of financial discipline like restrictions on distribution of dividends, further expansion,
aggregate borrowings, creation of further charge on assets and stipulation of
maintenance of minimum net working capital may be necessary. Also, the parity
between owned funds and capital investment and the overall debt-equity ratio may
have to be taken into account.
B. Where guarantees may be considered helpful
i. Personal guarantees of directors may be helpful in respect of companies,
whether private or public, where shares are held closely by a person or connected
persons or a group (not being professionals or Government), irrespective of other
factors, such as financial condition, security available, etc. The exception being in
respect of companies where, by court or statutory order, the management of the
company is vested in a person or persons, whether called directors or by any other
name, who are not required to be elected by the shareholders. Where personal
guarantee is considered necessary, the guarantee should preferably be that of the
principal members of the group holding shares in the borrowing company rather than
that of the director/managerial personnel functioning as director or in any managerial
ii. Even if a company is not closely held, there may be justification for a
personal guarantee of directors to ensure continuity of management. Thus, a lending
institution could make a loan to a company whose management is considered good.
Subsequently, a different group could acquire control of the company, which could
lead the lending institution to have well-founded fears that the management has
changed for the worse and that the funds lent to the company are in jeopardy. One
way by which lending institutions could protect themselves in such circumstances is
to obtain guarantees of the directors and thus ensure either the continuity of the
management or that the changes in management take place with their knowledge.
Even where personal guarantees are waived, it may be necessary to obtain an
undertaking from the borrowing company that no change in the management would
be made without the consent of the lending institution. Similarly, during the formative
stages of a company, it may be in the interest of the company, as well as the lending
institution, to obtain guarantees to ensure continuity of management.
iii. Personal guarantees of directors may be helpful with regard to public limited
companies other than those which may be rated as first class, where the advance is
on an unsecured basis.
iv. There may be public limited companies, whose financial position and/or

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

capacity for cash generation is not satisfactory even though the relevant advances
are secured. In such cases, personal guarantees are useful.
v. Cases where there is likely to be considerable delay in the creation of a
charge on assets, guarantee may be taken, where deemed necessary, to cover the
interim period between the disbursement of loan and the creation of the charge on
vi. The guarantee of parent companies may be obtained in the case of
subsidiaries whose own financial condition is not considered satisfactory.
vii. Personal guarantees are relevant where the balance sheet or financial
statement of a company discloses interlocking of funds between the company and
other concerns owned or managed by a group.
C. Worth of the guarantors, payment of guarantee commission, etc.
Where personal guarantees of directors are warranted, they should bear reasonable
proportion to the estimated worth of the person. The system of obtaining guarantees
should not be used by the directors and other managerial personnel as a source of
income from the company. Banks should obtain an undertaking from the borrowing
company as well as the guarantors that no consideration whether by way of
commission, brokerage fees or any other form, would be paid by the former or
received by the latter, directly or indirectly. This requirement should be incorporated
in the bank's terms and conditions for sanctioning of credit limits. During the periodic
inspections, the bank's inspectors should verify that this stipulation has been
complied with. There may, however, be exceptional cases where payment of
remuneration may be permitted e.g. where assisted concerns are not doing well and
the existing guarantors are no longer connected with the management but
continuance of their guarantees is considered essential because the new
management's guarantee is either not available or is found inadequate and payment
of remuneration to guarantors by way of guarantee commission is allowed.
D. Personal guarantees in the case of sick units
As the personal guarantees of promoters/ directors generally instill greater
accountability and responsibility on their part and prompt the managements to
conduct the running of the assisted units on sound and healthy lines and to ensure
financial discipline, banks, may in their discretion, obtain guarantees from directors
(excluding the nominee directors) and other managerial personnel in their individual
capacities. In case, for any reasons, a guarantee is not considered expedient by the
bank at the time of sanctioning the advance, an undertaking should be obtained
from the individual directors and a covenant should invariably be incorporated in the
loan agreement that in case the borrowing unit show cash losses or adverse current
ratio or diversion of fund, the directors would be under an obligation to execute
guarantees in their individual capacities, if required by the banks. Banks may also
obtain guarantees at their discretion from the parent/holding company when credit
facilities are extended to borrowing units in the same Group.
2.2.10 Guarantees of State Government

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013
The guidelines laid down in paragraph 2.2.9 above, for taking personal guarantees
of directors and other managerial personnel, should also be followed in respect of
proposal of State Government undertakings/projects and guarantees may not be
insisted upon unless absolutely warranted. In other words, banks could obtain

guarantees of State Governments on merits and only in circumstances absolutely
necessary after thorough examination of the circumstances of each case, and not as
matter of course.

2.3 Guarantees governed by regulations issued under Foreign
Exchange Management (Guarantees) Regulations
2.3.1 Bid bonds and performance bonds or guarantees for exports
i. In terms of Notification No.FEMA.8/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000, Authorised
Dealer banks have the permission to give performance bond or guarantee in favour
of overseas buyers on account of bona fide exports from India.
ii. Prior approval of RBI should be obtained by the Authorised Dealer banks for
issue of performance bonds/ guarantees in respect of caution-listed exporters.
Before issuing any such guarantees, they should satisfy themselves with the bona
fides of the applicant and his capacity to perform the contract and also that the value
of the bid/ guarantee as a percentage of the value of the contract/ tender is
reasonable and according to the normal practice in international trade, and that the
terms of the contract are in accordance with the Foreign Exchange Management
iii. Authorised Dealer banks, should also, subject to what has been stated
above, issue counter-guarantees in favour of their branches/ correspondents abroad
in cover of guarantees required to be issued by the latter on behalf of Indian
exporters, in cases where guarantees of only resident banks are acceptable to
overseas buyers in accordance with local laws/ regulations.
iv. If and when the bond/ guarantee is invoked, Authorised Dealer banks may
make payments due there under to non-resident beneficiaries.

2.3.2 Issue of Bank Guarantee
In terms of Regulation 4 of the Foreign Exchange Management (Guarantees)
Regulations, 2000 notified by Notification no. FEMA.8/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000,
AD banks are allowed to give guarantees in certain cases, as stated therein.
(i) Issue of Bank Guarantee in favour of Foreign Airlines/IATA
Indian agents of foreign airline companies who are members of International Air
Transport Association (IATA), are required to furnish bank guarantees in favour of
foreign airline companies/IATA, in connection with their ticketing business. As this is
a standard requirement in this business, Authorised Dealer banks in their ordinary
course of business can issue guarantees in favour of the foreign airline
companies/IATA on behalf of Indian agents of foreign airline companies, who are
members of IATA, in connection with their ticketing business.
(ii) Issue of Bank Guarantee on behalf of Service Importers
With a view to further liberalise the procedure (other than in respect of a Public
Sector Company or a Department / Undertaking of the Government of India / State
Governments) for import of services, it has been decided to increase the limit for
issue of guarantee by AD Category-I Banks from USD 100,000 to USD 500,000.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

Accordingly, AD Category-I banks are now permitted to issue guarantee for amount
not exceeding USD 500,000 or its equivalent in favour of a non-resident service
provider, on behalf of a resident customer who is a service importer, provided:

(a) the AD Category-I bank is satisfied about the bonafides of the transaction;

(b) the AD Category-I bank ensures submission of documentary evidence for import
of services in the normal course; and

(c) the guarantee is to secure a direct contractual liability arising out of a contract
between a resident and a non-resident.

In the case of a Public Sector Company or a Department/ Undertaking of the
Government of India/ State Governments, approval from the Ministry of Finance,
Government of India for issue of guarantee for an amount exceeding USD 100,000
(USD One hundred thousand) or its equivalent would be required.
(iii) Issue of Bank Guarantee-commodity hedging
An Authorised Dealer Category I bank in India may give guarantee or standby Letter
of Credit in respect of an obligation incurred by a person resident in India and owed
to a person resident outside India in connection with payment of margin money in
respect of approved commodity hedging transaction of such person residing in India
subject to terms and conditions as may be stipulated by the Reserve Bank from time
to time. Banks are advised to refer to the Master Circular on Risk Management &
Inter Bank Dealings dated J uly 2, 2012 for the conditions and guidelines based on
which a standby letter of credit /bank guarantee under the facility may be issued by
Authorised Dealer Category I banks.
(iv) Invocation of guarantee
In case of invocation of the guarantee, the authorised dealer bank should send a
detailed report to the Chief General Manager-in-Charge, Foreign Exchange
Department, External Payments Division(EPD), Reserve Bank of India, Central
Office, Mumbai 400 001, explaining the circumstances leading to the invocation of
the guarantee.
2.3.3 Other stipulations
i. With a view to boost exports, banks should adopt a flexible approach in the
matter of obtaining cover and earmarking of assets/ credit limits, drawing power,
while issuing bid bonds and performance guarantees for export purposes. Banks
may, however, safeguard their interests by obtaining an Export Performance
Guarantee of ECGC, wherever considered necessary.
ii. Export Credit Guarantee Corporation of India Ltd. (ECGC) would provide 90
percent cover for bid bonds, provided the banks give an undertaking not to insist on
cash margins.
iii. Banks may not, therefore, ask for any cash margin in respect of bid bonds
and guarantees which are counter-guaranteed by ECGC.
iv. In other cases, where such counter-guarantees of ECGC are not available,

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

for whatever reasons, the banks may stipulate a reasonable cash margin only where
it is considered absolutely necessary, as they satisfy themselves generally about the
capacity and financial position of the exporter while issuing such bid bonds/
v. Banks may consider sanctioning separate limits for issue of bid bonds.
Within the limits so sanctioned, bid bonds against individual contracts may be
issued, subject to usual considerations.
2.3.4 Unconditional Guarantees in favour of Overseas Employers/
Importers on behalf of Indian Exporters
i. While agreeing to give unconditional guarantee in favour of overseas
employers/importers on behalf of Indian Exporters, banks should obtain an
undertaking from the exporter to the effect that when the guarantee is invoked, the
bank would be entitled to make payment, notwithstanding any dispute between the
exporter and the importer. Although, such an undertaking may not prevent the
exporter from approaching the Court for an injunction order, it might weigh with the
Court in taking a view whether injunction order should be issued.
ii. Banks should, while issuing guarantees in future, keep the above points in
view and incorporate suitable clauses in the agreement, in consultation with their
legal advisers. This is considered desirable as non-honouring of guarantees on
invocation might prompt overseas banks not to accept guarantees of Indian banks,
thus hampering the country's export promotion effort.
2.3.5 Certain precautions in case of Project Exports
i. Banks are aware that the Working Group mechanism has been evolved for
the purpose of giving package approvals in principle at post-bid stages for high
value overseas project exports. The role of the Working Group is mainly regulatory
in nature, but the responsibility of project appraisal and that of monitoring the project
lies solely on the sponsor bank.
ii. As the Working Group approvals are based on the recommendations of the
sponsor banks, the latter should examine the project proposals thoroughly with
regard to the capacity of the contractor/ sub-contractors, protective clauses in the
contracts, adequacy of security, credit ratings of the overseas sub-contractors, if
any, etc.
iii. Therefore, the need for a careful assessment of financial and technical
demands involved in the proposals vis--vis the capability of the contractors
(including sub-contractors) as well as the overseas employers can hardly be under-
rated to the financing of any domestic projects. In fact, the export projects should be
given more attention, in view of their high values and the possibilities of foreign
exchange losses in case of failure, apart from damage to the image of Indian
iv. While bid bonds and performance guarantees cannot be avoided, it is to be
considered whether guarantees should be given by the banks in all cases of
overseas borrowings for financing overseas projects. Such guarantees should not
be executed as a matter of course, merely because of the participation of Exim Bank
and availability of counter-guarantee of ECGC. Appropriate arrangements should

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

also be made for post-award follow-up and monitoring of the contracts.
2.3.6 Guarantees for Export Advance

(i) It had come to the notice of Reserve Bank that exporters with low export
turnover are receiving large amounts as export advances, in low interest rate
currencies, against domestic bank guarantees and are depositing such advances
with banks in Indian Rupees for interest rate arbitrage. Further, the guarantees are
being issued even before the receipt of the advances, with a proviso that the
guarantees would be operational only upon receipt of the advances. The
guarantees have been issued at par values, against the discounted values of the
export advances. The exporters have also been allowed to freely book, cancel and
rebook forward contracts without any crystallized exports and / or past
performances, in contravention of the FEMA regulations. It has also been observed
that the exporters keep a substantial part of their Indian Rupee US Dollar leg of
the currency exposure open, thereby exposing both the exporters and the domestic
banks to foreign exchange risk. In such cases, generally no exports have taken
place and the exporters have neither the track record nor the ability to execute large
export orders. The transactions have basically been designed for taking advantage
of the interest rate differential and currency movements and have implications for
capital flows.

(ii) Guarantees are permitted in respect of debt or other liability incurred by an
exporter on account of exports from India. It is therefore intended to facilitate
execution of export contracts by an exporter and not for other purposes. In terms of
extant instructions banks have also been advised that guarantees contain inherent
risks, and that it would not be in the banks' interest or in the public interest generally
to encourage parties to over-extend their commitments and embark upon
enterprises solely relying on the easy availability of guarantee facilities. It is,
therefore, reiterated that as guarantees contain inherent risks, it would not be in the
interest of the banks or the financial system if such transactions, as mentioned at
paragraph 2.3.6(i) above, are entered into by banks. Banks should, therefore, be
careful while extending guarantees against export advances so as to ensure that no
violation of FEMA regulations takes place and banks are not exposed to various
risks. It will be important for the banks to carry out due diligence and verify the track
record of such exporters to assess their ability to execute such export orders.

(iii) Banks should also ensure that the export advances received by the
exporters are in compliance with the regulations/ directions issued under the Foreign
Exchange Management Act, 1999.
2.3.7 Review of banks procedures
Banks may periodically review the position regarding delegation of powers and their
procedures, and take such action as may be necessary with a view to expediting
decision on export proposals. They may also consider designating a specified
branch, equipped with adequately qualified and trained staff, in each important
centre to deal expeditiously with all export credit proposals at the centre.
2.3.8 Other Guarantees regulated by
Foreign Exchange Management Rules
Issue of the following types of guarantees are governed by the Foreign Exchange
Management Regulations:

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

i. Minor Guarantees
ii. Bank Guarantees - Import under Foreign Loans/Credits
iii. Guarantees for Non-Residents
For operative instructions, a reference may be made to the notification issued under
FEMA.8/ 2000 dated May 3, 2000 cited above, as well as to the guidelines issued by
the Foreign Exchange Department in its Master Circulars. However, for ease of
reference, instructions/ guidelines in regard to issue of these guarantees are
reproduced hereunder. Minor guarantees
Authorised Dealer banks may freely give on behalf of their customers and overseas
branches and correspondents, guarantees in the ordinary course of business in
respect of missing or defective documents, authenticity of signatures and for other
similar purposes. Bank guarantees - Import under foreign loans/credits
Banks / Financial Institutions are not permitted to issue guarantees/ standby letters
of credit or letters of comfort in favour of overseas lenders relating to External
Commercial Borrowing (ECB). Applications for providing guarantees/ standby letters
of credit or letters of comfort by banks relating to ECB in the case of SMEs will be
considered by the Reserve Bank on merit under the Approval Route, subject to
prudential norms. Applications by banks for issue of guarantees, standby letters of
credit, letters of undertaking or letter of comfort in respect of ECB by textile
companies for modernization or expansion of the textile units, after the phasing out
of Multi Fibre Agreements, will be considered by Reserve Bank under the Approval
Route subject to prudential norms. Trade Credits for imports into India
Issue of Guarantees - Delegation of powers

i. Credit extended for imports directly by the overseas supplier, bank and
financial institution for maturity of less than three years is hereinafter referred to as
trade credit for imports. Depending on the source of finance, such trade credit will
include suppliers credit or buyers credit. It may be noted that buyers credit and
suppliers credit for three years and above come under the category of External
Commercial Borrowings (ECB), which are governed by ECB guidelines issued vide
A. P. (DIR Series) Circular No. 60 dated J anuary 31, 2004 and modified from time to

ii. AD banks can approve trade credits for imports into India up to USD 20
million per import transaction for imports permissible under the current Foreign
Trade Policy of DGFT with a maturity period up to one year from the date of
shipment. For import of capital goods classified by DGFT, AD banks may approve
trade credits up to USD 20 million per import transaction with a maturity period of
more than one year and less than three years. No roll-over/ extension will be
permitted by the AD banks beyond the permissible period.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013
iii. General permission has been granted to Authorised Dealer banks to issue
guarantees/ Letter of Undertaking (LoU)/ Letter of Comfort (LoC) in favour of the

overseas supplier, bank and financial institution up to USD 20 million per import
transaction for a period up to one year for import of all non-capital goods
permissible, under the Foreign Trade Policy (except gold) and up to three years for
import of capital goods, subject to prudential norms issued by the Reserve Bank
from time to time. The period of such guarantees/LoUs/LoCs has to be co-terminus
with the period of credit, reckoned from the date of shipment.
iv. As regards reporting arrangements, AD banks are required to furnish data on
issuance of guarantees/LoUs/LoCs by all its branches, in a consolidated statement,
at quarterly intervals (format in Annex 2) to the Chief General Manager-in-Charge,
Foreign Exchange Department, ECB Division, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office
Building, 11
floor, Fort, Mumbai 400 001 (and in MS-Excel file through email
from December, 2004 onwards so as to reach the department not later than the 10

of the following month. Loans abroad against securities provided in India
In terms of Regulation 4(2) of Notification No. FEMA.8/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000,
an AD may give guarantee in respect of any debt, obligations or other liability
incurred by a person resident outside India, among others, where such debt,
obligation or liability is owed to a person resident in India in connection with a bona
fide trade transaction, provided that the guarantee is covered by a counter
guarantee of a bank of international repute resident abroad. Guarantees for non-residents
i. Reserve Bank has granted general permission to Authorised Dealer banks,
vide its Notification No. FEMA/8/ 2000 dated 3
May 2000, to give guarantees in
favour of persons resident in India in respect of any debt or other obligation or
liability of a person resident outside India, subject to such instructions as may be
issued by RBI from time to time.
ii. Authorised Dealer banks may, accordingly, give on behalf of their overseas
branches/ correspondents or a bank of international repute, guarantees/
performance bonds in favour of residents of India in connection with genuine
transactions involving debt, liability or obligation of non-residents, provided the bond/
guarantee is covered by a counter-guarantee of the overseas Head Office/ branch/
correspondent or a bank of international repute.
iii. Authorised Dealer banks should ensure that counter-guarantees are properly
evaluated and their own guarantees against such guarantees are not issued in a
routine manner. Before issuing a guarantee against the counter-guarantee from an
overseas Head Office/branch/ correspondent/ bank of international repute,
Authorised Dealer banks should satisfy themselves that the obligations under the
counter-guarantee, when invoked, would be honoured by the overseas bank
promptly. If the Authorised Dealer bank desires to issue guarantee with the condition
that payment will be made, provided reimbursement has been received from the
overseas bank which had issued the counter-guarantee, this fact should be made
clearly known to the beneficiary in the guarantee document itself.
iv. Authorised Dealer banks may make rupee payments to the resident
beneficiaries immediately when the guarantee is invoked and, simultaneously,
arrange to obtain the reimbursement from the overseas bank concerned, which had
issued the counter-guarantee.

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v Cases where payments are not received by the Authorised Dealer banks
when the guarantees of overseas banks are invoked, should be reported to RBI
indicating the steps being taken by the bank to recover the amount due under the
vi. Authorised Dealer banks may issue guarantees in favour of overseas
organisations issuing travellers cheques in respect of blank travellers cheques
stocked for sale by them or on behalf of their constituents who are full-fledged
money changers holding valid licenses from Reserve Bank, subject to suitable
counter-guarantee being obtained from the latter. In the event of the guarantee
being invoked, Authorised Dealer banks may effect remittance but should send a
separate report thereon furnishing full details to the Chief General Manager, Foreign
Exchange Department, (Forex Markets Division), Reserve Bank of India, Central
Office, Mumbai - 400 001. Overseas Investment Guarantee on behalf of
Wholly Owned Subsidiaries (WOSs)/J oint Ventures (J Vs) abroad

(i) An Indian party may have financial commitment to its J V / WOS to the limit of 400
percent of the net worth of the Indian party as on the date of the last audited balance
sheet. The financial commitment may be in the form of
(a) capital contribution and loan to the J V / WOS;
(b) corporate guarantee (only 50 percent value in case of performance guarantee) and /
or bank guarantee (which is backed by a counter guarantee / collateral by the
Indian party) on behalf of the J V / WOS and
(c) charge on immovable / movable property and other financial assets of the
Indian party (including group company) on behalf of J V / WOS.
(ii) An Indian party may offer any form of guarantee on behalf of the J V / WOS [corporate or
personal / primary or collateral / guarantee by the promoter company / guarantee by
group company, sister concern or associate company in India] provided that:
a) The total financial commitment of the Indian party, including all forms of
guarantees, are within the overall ceiling prescribed for overseas direct
b) No guarantee should be 'open ended' i.e. the amount and period of the
guarantee should be specified upfront.
c) In the case of performance guarantee, time specified for the completion of the
contract shall be the validity period of the related performance guarantee;
d) In cases where invocation of the performance guarantee breaches the specified
ceiling for the financial commitment of 400 per cent, the Indian party shall seek
prior approval of the Reserve Bank before remitting funds from India;
e) All forms of guarantees are required to be reported to the Reserve Bank in Form
ODI Part II.

(iii) An Indian party may extend corporate guarantee on behalf of the first generation step
down operating subsidiary under the Automatic Route within the prevailing limit for the
overseas direct investments.
(iv) An Indian party may issue corporate guarantee on behalf of second generation or
subsequent generation step down operating subsidiaries with prior approval from the
Reserve Bank, provided the Indian party indirectly holds 51 percent or more stake in the
overseas subsidiary for which such guarantee is intended to be issued.
(v) The bank guarantee issued by a resident bank on behalf of an overseas J V / WOS of
the Indian party, which is backed by a counter guarantee / collateral by the Indian party,
shall be reckoned for computation of the financial commitment of the Indian party for
overseas direct investments. The bank guarantee to be issued would be subject to the
prudential norms issued by the Reserve Bank (DBOD) from time to time.

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2.4 Restrictions on guarantees of inter-company deposits/loans
Banks should not execute guarantees covering inter-company deposits/loans there
by guaranteeing refund of deposits/loans accepted by NBFC/firms from other
2.4.1 Restriction on guarantees for placement of funds with NBFCs
These instructions would cover all types of deposits/ loans irrespective of their
source, including deposits/loans received by NBFCs from trusts and other
institutions. Guarantees should not be issued for the purpose of indirectly enabling
the placement of deposits with NBFCs.
2.4.2 Restrictions on Inter-Institutional Guarantees Banks should not execute guarantees covering inter-company deposits/ loans.
Guarantees should not, also, be issued for the purpose of indirectly enabling the
placement of deposits with non-banking institutions. This stipulation will apply to all
types of deposits/loans irrespective of their source, e.g. deposits/ loans received by
non-banking companies from trusts and other institutions. Transactions of the following type are in the nature of guarantees executed by
banks in respect of funds made available by one non-banking to another non-
banking company and banks should therefore, desist from such practices:
a) A seller drew bills, normally of 120 to 180 days usance, on the buyer
which were accepted by the buyer and co-accepted by his banker. The bills
were discounted by the seller with the accommodating company, which
retained the bills till the due date. The bank which gave co-acceptance
invariably earmarked funds for the liability under the bills against the drawing
power in respect of stocks held in the cash credit account of its client, the
buyer, or
b) The accommodating company kept deposits for a specific period with
the bank's borrowers under a guarantee executed by the bank. In such a
case also, the bank earmarked the amount against drawing power available
in the cash credit account. (a) Banks may issue guarantees favouring other banks/ FIs/ other lending agencies
for the loans extended by the latter, subject to strict compliance with the following
i. The Board of Directors should reckon the integrity/ robustness of the banks
risk management systems and, accordingly, put in place a well-laid out policy in this
The Board approved policy should, among others, address the following issues:

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

a. Prudential limits, linked to banks Tier I capital, up to which
guarantees favouring other banks/FIs/other lending agencies may be
b. Nature and extent of security and margins
c. Delegation of powers
d. Reporting system
e. Periodical reviews
ii. The guarantee shall be extended only in respect of borrower constituents
and to enable them to avail of additional credit facility from other banks/FIs/lending
iii. The guaranteeing bank should assume a funded exposure of at least 10% of
the exposure guaranteed.
iv. Banks should not extend guarantees or letters of comfort in favour of
overseas lenders including those assignable to overseas lenders. However, AD
banks may also be guided by the provisions contained in Notification No. FEMA
8/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000.
v. The guarantee issued by the bank will be an exposure on the borrowing
entity on whose behalf the guarantee has been issued and will attract appropriate
risk weight, as per the extant guidelines.
vi. Banks should ensure compliance with the recommendations of the Ghosh
Committee and other internal requirements relating to issue of guarantees, to
obviate the possibility of frauds in this area.
vii. Of late, certain banks have been issuing guarantees on behalf of corporate
entities in respect of non-convertible debentures issued by such entities. It is
clarified that the extant instructions apply only to loans and not to bonds or debt
instruments. Guarantees by the banking system for a corporate bond or any debt
instrument not only have significant systemic implications but also impede the
development of a genuine corporate debt market. Banks are advised to strictly
comply with the extant regulations and in particular, not to provide guarantees or
equivalent commitments for issuance of bonds or debt instruments of any kind. (b) Lending banks
Banks extending credit facilities against the guarantees issued by other banks/FIs
should ensure strict compliance with the following conditions:
i. The exposure assumed by the bank against the guarantee of another
bank/FI will be deemed as an exposure on the guaranteeing bank/FI and will attract
appropriate risk weight as per the extant guidelines.
ii. Exposures assumed by way of credit facilities extended against the
guarantees issued by other banks should be reckoned within the inter bank
exposure limits prescribed by the Board of Directors. Since the exposure assumed
by the bank against the guarantee of another bank/FI will be for a fairly longer term
than those assumed on account of inter-bank dealings in the money market, foreign
exchange market and securities market, the Board of Directors should fix an
appropriate sub-limit for the longer term exposures, since these exposures attract

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greater risk.
iii. Banks should monitor the exposure assumed on the guaranteeing bank/ FI,
on a continuous basis and ensure strict compliance with the prudential limits/ sub
limits prescribed by the Board for banks and the prudential single borrower limits
prescribed by RBI for FIs.
iv. Banks should comply with the recommendations of the Ghosh Committee
and other internal requirements relating to acceptance of guarantees of other banks,
to obviate the possibility of frauds in this area. Exceptions
i. In regard to rehabilitation of sick/weak industrial units, in exceptional cases,
where banks are unable to participate in rehabilitation packages on account of
temporary liquidity constraints, the concerned banks could provide guarantees in
favour of the banks which take up their additional share. Such guarantees will
remain extant until such time that the banks providing additional finance against
guarantees are re-compensated.
ii. In respect of infrastructure projects, banks may issue guarantees favouring
other lending institutions, provided the bank issuing the guarantee takes a funded
share in the project at least to the extent of 5 percent of the project cost and
undertakes normal credit appraisal, monitoring and follow up of the project.
iii. In cases of Sellers Line of Credit Scheme (since renamed as Direct
Discounting Scheme) operated by IDBI Bank Ltd.
and all India financial institutions
like SIDBI, PFC, etc for sale of machinery, the primary credit is provided by the
sellers bank to the seller through bills drawn on the buyer and the sellers bank has
no access to the security covered by the transaction which remains with the buyer.
As such, buyers banks are permitted to extend guarantee/ co-acceptance facility for
the bills drawn under sellers line of credit.
iv. Similarly, guarantees can be issued in favour of HUDCO/ State Housing
Boards and similar bodies/ organisations for the loans granted by them to private
borrowers who are unable to offer clear and marketable title to property, provided
banks are otherwise satisfied with the capacity of the borrowers to adequately
service such loans.
(v) Banks may sanction issuance of guarantees on behalf of their constituents,
favouring Development Agencies/ Boards like Indian Renewable Energy
Development Agency, National Horticulture Board, etc., for obtaining soft loans
and/or other forms of development assistance. Infrastructure projects
Keeping in view the special features of lending to infrastructure projects viz., the
high degree of appraisal skills on the part of lenders and availability of resources of
a maturity matching with the project period, banks have been given discretion in the
matter of issuance of guarantees favouring other lending agencies, in respect of
infrastructure projects alone, subject to the following conditions:

The scheme which was being operated by the erstwhile IDBI is being continued by IDBI Bank Ltd.

(i) The bank issuing the guarantee takes a funded share in the project at least
to the extent of 5 percent of the project cost and undertakes normal credit
appraisal, monitoring and follow-up of the project.
(ii) The guarantor bank has a satisfactory record in compliance with the
prudential regulations, such as, capital adequacy, credit exposure, norms
relating to income recognition, asset classification and provisioning, etc.
2.5. Payment of invoked guarantees
2.5.1 Where guarantees are invoked, payment should be made to the beneficiaries
without delay and demur. An appropriate procedure for ensuring such immediate
honouring of guarantees should be laid down so that there is no delay on the pretext
that legal advice or approval of higher authorities is being obtained.
2.5.2 Delays on the part of banks in honouring the guarantees when invoked tend to
erode the value of the bank guarantees, the sanctity of the scheme of guarantees
and image of banks. It also provides an opportunity to the parties to take recourse to
courts and obtain injunction orders. In the case of guarantees in favour of
Government departments, this not only delays the revenue collection efforts but also
gives an erroneous impression that banks are actively in collusion with the parties,
which tarnish the image of the banking system.
2.5.3 There should be an effective system to process the guarantee business to ensure
that the persons on whose behalf the guarantees are issued will be in a position to
perform their obligations in the case of performance guarantees and honour their
commitments out of their own resources, as and when needed, in the case of
financial guarantees.
2.5.4 The top management of the banks should bestow their personal attention to the
need to put in place a proper mechanism for making payments in respect of invoked
guarantees promptly, so that no room is given for such complaints. When complaints
are made, particularly by the Government departments for not honouring the
guarantees issued, the top management of the bank, including its Chief Executive
Officer, should personally look into such complaints.
2.5.5 In this regard, the Delhi High Court has made adverse remarks against certain
banks in not promptly honouring the commitment of guarantees when invoked. It has
been observed that a bank guarantee is a contract between the beneficiary and the
bank. When the beneficiary invokes the bank guarantee and a letter invoking the
same is sent in terms of the bank guarantee, it is obligatory on the bank to make
payment to the beneficiary.
2.5.6 The Supreme Court had observed [U.P. Co-operative Federation Private Ltd. versus
Singh Consultants and Engineers Private Ltd. (1988 IC SSC 174)] that the
commitments of the banks must be honoured, free from interference by the courts.
The relevant extract from the judgement of the Supreme Court in a case is as under:
'We are, therefore, of the opinion that the correct position of law is that commitment
of banks must be honoured free from interference by the courts and it is only in
exceptional cases, that is, to say, in case of fraud or any case where irretrievable
injustice would be done if bank guarantee is allowed to be encashed, the court
should interfere'.

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2.5.7 In order to avoid such situations, it is absolutely essential for banks to appraise the
proposals for guarantees also with the same diligence, as in the case of fund based
limits, and obtain adequate cover by way of margin so as to prevent the constituents
to develop a tendency of defaulting in payments when invoked guarantees are
honoured by the banks.
2.5.8 i. In the interest of the smooth working of the Bank Guarantee Scheme, it is
essential to ensure that there is no discontentment on the part of the Government
departments regarding its working. Banks are required to ensure that the guarantees
issued by them are honoured without delay and hesitation when they are invoked by
the Government departments in accordance with the terms and conditions of the
guarantee deed, unless there is a Court order restraining the banks.
ii. Any decision not to honour the obligation under the guarantee invoked may
be taken after careful consideration, at a fairly senior level, and only in the
circumstances where the bank is satisfied that any such payment to the beneficiary
would not be deemed a rightful payment in accordance with the terms and
conditions of the guarantee under the Indian Contract Act.
iii. The Chief Executive Officers of banks should assume personal responsibility
for such complaints received from Government departments. Sufficient powers
should be delegated to the line functionaries so that delay on account of reference to
higher authorities for payment under the guarantee does not occur.
iv. Banks should also introduce an appropriate procedure for ensuring
immediate honouring of guarantees, so that there is no delay on the pretext that
legal advice or approval of higher authorities is being obtained.
v. For any non-payment of guarantee in time, staff accountability should be
fixed and stern disciplinary action including award of major penalty such as
dismissal, should be taken against the delinquent officials at all levels.
vi. Where banks have executed bank guarantees in favour of Customs and
Central Excise authorities to cover differential duty amounts in connection with
interim orders issued by High Courts, the guarantee amount should be released
immediately when they are invoked on vacation of the stay orders by Courts. Banks
should not hold back the amount on the pretext that it would affect their liquidity
2.5.9 There have also been complaints by Ministry of Finance that some of the
departments such as Department of Revenue, Government of India are finding it
difficult to execute judgements delivered by various Courts in their favour as banks
do not honour their guarantees, unless certified copies of the Court judgements are
made available to them. In this regard, the banks may follow the following
i. Where the bank is a party to the proceedings initiated by Government for
enforcement of the bank guarantee and the case is decided in favour of the
Government by the Court, banks should not insist on production of certified copy of
the judgement, as the judgement/ order is pronounced in open Court in presence of
the parties/ their counsels and the judgement is known to the bank.

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ii. In case the bank is not a party to the proceedings, a signed copy of the
minutes of the order certified by the Registrar/ Deputy or Assistant Registrar of the
High Court or the ordinary copy of the judgement/ order of the High Court, duly

attested to be true copy by Government Counsel, should be sufficient for honouring
the obligation under guarantee, unless the guarantor bank decides to file any appeal
against the order of the High Court.
iii. Banks should honour the guarantees issued by them as and when they are
invoked in accordance with the terms and conditions of the guarantee deeds. In
case of any disputes, such honouring can be done under protest, if necessary, and
the matters of dispute pursued separately.
iv. The Government, on their part, have advised the various Government
departments, etc. that the invocation of guarantees should be done after careful
consideration at a senior-level that a default has occurred in accordance with the
terms and conditions of the guarantees and as provided in the guarantee deed.
v. Non-compliance of the instructions in regard to honouring commitments
under invoked guarantees will be viewed by Reserve Bank very seriously and
Reserve Bank will be constrained to take deterrent action against the banks.
2.6 Co-acceptance of bills
2.6.1 General
Reserve Bank has observed that some banks co-accept bills of their customers and
also discount bills co-accepted by other banks in a casual manner. These bills
subsequently turn out to be accommodation bills drawn by groups of sister concerns
on each other where no genuine trade transaction takes place. Banks, while
discounting such bills, appear to ignore this important aspect presumably because of
the co-acceptance given by other banks. The bills, on maturity, are not honoured by
the drawees and the banks which co-accept the bills have to make payment of these
bills, and they find it difficult to recover the amount from the drawers/ drawees of
bills. Banks also discount bills for sizeable amounts, which are co-accepted by
certain Urban Co-operative Banks. On maturity, the bills are not honoured and the
co-operative banks, which co-accept the bills, also find it difficult to make the
payment. The financial position and capacity of the co-accepting bank to honour the
bills, in the event of need, is not being gone into. Cases have also been observed
where the particulars regarding co-acceptance of bills are not recorded in the bank's
books, with the result that the extent thereof cannot be verified during inspections,
and the Head Office becomes aware of the co-acceptance only when a claim is
received from the discounting bank.
2.6.2 Safeguards
In the light of the above, banks should keep in view the following safeguards:
i. While sanctioning co-acceptance limits to their customers, the need therefor
should be ascertained, and such limits should be extended only to those customers
who enjoy other limits with the bank.

ii. Only genuine trade bills should be co-accepted and the banks should ensure
that the goods covered by bills co-accepted are actually received in the stock
accounts of the borrowers.

iii. The valuation of the goods as mentioned in the accompanying invoice should be
verified to see that there is no over-valuation of stocks.

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iv. The banks should not extend their co-acceptance to house bills/ accommodation
bills drawn by group concerns on one another.

v. The banks discounting such bills, co-accepted by other banks, should also
ensure that the bills are not accommodation bills and that the co-accepting bank has
the capacity to redeem the obligation in case of need.

vi. Bank-wise limits should be fixed, taking into consideration the size of each bank
for discounting bills co-accepted by other banks, and the relative powers of the
officials of the other banks should be got registered with the discounting banks.

vii. Care should be taken to see that the co-acceptance liability of any bank is not
disproportionate to its known resources position.

viii. A system of obtaining periodical confirmation of the liability of co-accepting
banks in regard to the outstanding bills should be introduced.

ix. Proper records of the bills co-accepted for each customer should be maintained,
so that the commitments for each customer and the total commitments at a branch
can be readily ascertained, and these should be scrutinised by Internal Inspectors
and commented upon in their reports.

x. It is also desirable for the discounting bank to advise the Head Office/ Controlling
Office of the bank, which has co-accepted the bills, whenever such transactions
appear to be disproportionate or large.

xi. Proper periodical returns may be prescribed so that the Branch Managers report
such co-acceptance commitments entered into by them to the Controlling Offices.

xii. Such returns should also reveal the position of bills that have become overdue,
and which the bank had to meet under the co-acceptance obligation. This will enable
the Controlling Offices to monitor such co-acceptances furnished by the branches
and take suitable action in time, in difficult cases.

xiii. Co-acceptances in respect of bills for Rs.10,000/- and above should be signed
by two officials jointly, deviation being allowed only in exceptional cases, e.g. non-
availability of two officials at a branch.

xiv. Before discounting/ purchasing bills co-accepted by other banks for Rs. 2 lakh
and above from a single party, the bank should obtain written confirmation of the
concerned Controlling (Regional/ Divisional/ Zonal) Office of the accepting bank and
a record of the same should be kept.

xv. When the value of the total bills discounted/ purchased (which have been co-
accepted by other banks) exceeds Rs. 20 lakh for a single borrower/ group of
borrowers, prior approval of the Head Office of the co-accepting bank must be
obtained by the discounting bank in writing.
2.6.3 In addition to the above safeguards to be observed by banks in co-accepting the
bills, it must be noted that the banks are precluded from co-accepting bills drawn
under Buyers Line of Credit Schemes introduced by IDBI Bank Ltd. and all India
financial institutions like SIDBI, Power Finance Corporation Ltd. (PFC), etc.
Similarly, banks should not co-accept bills drawn by NBFCs. In addition, banks are
advised not to extend co-acceptance on behalf of their buyers/constituents under the

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DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

SIDBI Scheme.
2.6.4 However, banks may co-accept bills drawn under the Sellers Line of Credit
Schemes (since renamed as Direct Discounting Scheme) operated by IDBI Bank
and all India financial institutions for Bill Discounting operated by IDBI Bank
and all India financial institutions like SIDBI, PFC, etc. without any limit, subject
to the buyers capability to pay, and compliance with the exposure norms prescribed
by the bank for individual/ group borrowers.
2.6.5 There have been instances where branches of banks open L/Cs on behalf of their
constituents and also co-accept the bills drawn under such L/Cs. Legally, if a bank
co-accepts a bill drawn under its own L/C, the bill so co-accepted becomes an
independent document. The special rules applicable to commercial credits do not
apply to such a bill and the bill is exclusively governed by the law relating to Bills of
Exchange, i.e. the Negotiable Instruments Act. The negotiating bank of such a bill is
not under any obligation to check the particulars of the bill with reference to the
terms of the L/C. This practice is, therefore, superfluous and defeats the purpose of
issuing the L/C. The discounting banks should first ascertain from the co-accepting
banks, the reason for such co-acceptance of bills drawn under their own L/C and
only after satisfying themselves of genuineness of such transactions, they may
consider discounting such bills.
2.6.6 It should be ensured that the branch officials strictly adhere to the above referred
instructions at the time of co-acceptance of bills. It would be advisable to determine
clear accountability in this respect and officials found to be not complying with the
instructions must be dealt with sternly.
2.7 Precautions to be taken in the case of Letters of Credit
2.7.1 Banks should not extend any non-fund based facilities or additional/ad-hoc credit
facilities to parties who are not their regular constituents, nor should they discount
bills drawn under LCs, or otherwise, for beneficiaries who are not their regular
clients. In the case of LCs for import of goods, banks should be very vigilant while
making payment to the overseas suppliers on the basis of shipping documents.
They should exercise precaution and care in comparing the clients. The payments
should be released to the foreign parties only after ensuing that the documents are
strictly in conformity with the terms of the LCs. There have been many irregularities
in the conduct of LC business, such as the LC transactions not being recorded in the
books of the branch by officials issuing them, the amount of LCs being much in
excess of the powers vested in the officials, fraudulent issue of LCs involving a
conspiracy/collusion between the beneficiary and the constituent. In such cases, the
banks should take action against the concerned officials as well as the constituent
on whose behalf the LCs were opened and the beneficiary of LCs, if a criminal
conspiracy is involved.
2.7.2 Settlement of claims under Letters of Credits(LCs)
In case the bills drawn under LCs are not honoured, it would adversely affect the
character of LCs and the relative bills as an accepted means of payment. This could
also affect the credibility of the entire payment mechanism through banks and affect
the image of the banks. Banks should, therefore, honour their commitments under
LCs and make payments promptly.

The scheme which was being operated by the erstwhile IDBI is being continued by IDBI Bank Ltd.
The Scheme which was being operated by the erstwhile IDBI is being continued by IDBI Bank Ltd.


Model Form of Bank Guarantee Bond
[ paragraph]
1. In consideration of the President of India (hereinafter called 'the Government') having
agreed to exempt _______________________________ [hereinafter called 'the said
Contractor(s)'] from the demand, under the terms and conditions of an Agreement dated
___________ made between _______________________________________________
and___________________________________for_____________ (hereinafter called 'the
said Agreement'), of security deposit for the due fulfilment by the said Contractor(s) of the
terms and conditions contained in the said Agreement, on production of a bank Guarantee
for Rs. __________ (Rupees______________________________________ Only) We,
______________________________________________________________, (hereinafter
referred (indicate the name of the bank) to as 'the Bank') at the request of
_________________________________________________ [contractor(s)] do hereby
undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding Rs. ______________
against any loss or damage caused to or suffered or would be caused to or suffered by the
Government by reason of any breach by the said Contractor(s) of any of the terms or
conditions contained in the said Agreement.
2. We _______________________________________________________ (indicate the
name of the bank) do hereby undertake to pay the amounts due and payable under this
guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand from the Government stating that the
amount claimed is due by way of loss or damage caused to or would be caused to or
suffered by the Government by reason of breach by the said contractor(s) of any of the
terms or conditions contained in the said Agreement or by reason of the contractor(s)'
failure to perform the said Agreement. Any such demand made on the bank shall be
conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this guarantee.
However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding
Rs. _______________.
3. We undertake to pay to the Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any
dispute or disputes raised by the contractor(s)/supplier(s) in any suit or proceeding pending
before any Court or Tribunal relating thereto our liability under this present being absolute
and unequivocal.
The payment so made by us under this bond shall be a valid discharge of our liability for
payment thereunder and the contractor(s)/supplier(s) shall have no claim against us for
making such payment.
4. We,_____________________________________________________________
(indicate the name of bank) further agree that the guarantee herein contained shall remain
in full force and effect during the period that would be taken for the performance of the said
Agreement and that it shall continue to be enforceable till all the dues of the Government
under or by virtue of the said Agreement have been fully paid and its claims satisfied or
discharged or till__________________________________ Office/Department/Ministry
of_______________________ certifies that the terms and conditions of the said Agreement
have been fully and properly carried out by the said contractor(s) and accordingly
discharges this guarantee. Unless a demand or claim under this guarantee is made on us in
writing on or before the ___________________________________________ we shall be
discharged from all liability under this guarantee thereafter.

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

5. We, _______________________________________________ (indicate the name of
bank) further agree with the Government that the Government shall have the fullest liberty
without our consent and without affecting in any manner our obligations hereunder to vary
any of the terms and conditions of the said Agreement or to extend time of performance by
the said contractor(s) from time to time or to postpone for any time or from time to time any
of the powers exercisable by the Government against the said Contractor(s) and to forbear
or enforce any of the terms and conditions relating to the said agreement and we shall not
be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation, or extension being granted to
the said Contractor(s) or for any forbearance, act or omission on the part of the Government
or any indulgence by the Government to the said Contractor(s) or by any such matter or
thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this provision, have
effect of so relieving us.
6. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or
the Contractor(s)/Supplier(s).
7. We, ________________________________________ (indicate the name of bank) lastly
undertake not to revoke this guarantee during its currency except with the previous consent
of the Government in writing.
8.Dated the_________ day of ________________for ______________________________
(indicate the name of the Bank).

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

Annex to A. P. DIR Series Circular No. 24 dated November 1, 2004
Guarantees / Letter of Undertaking / Letter of Comfort issued / invoked by ADs
As on quarter ended .
Name of the AD : Contact Person:
Address : Tel:
e-mail: Fax:
(USD million)
Guarantees / Letter of Undertaking /
Letter of Comfort
On behalf of Residents
Buyers Credit Suppliers Credit
Trade Credits (less than 3 years)
a. Up to one year
b. Above one year and less than
three years **
** (Limited to Import of Capital Goods)

Place:----------------------- Signature of the Authorised
Date: ----------------------- [ Stamp]

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013


List of Circulars consolidated by the Master Circular on Guarantees and
Circular No. Date Subject
1. A.P.(DIR Series)Circular No.96 28.03.2012 Overseas Direct
Investments by Indian Party-
2 A.P.(DIR Series)Circular No.69 27.05.2011 Overseas Direct Investment
- Liberalisation /
3 Mail-Box Clarification 19.05.2011 Issue of Bank Guarantee
(BG) / Letter of Credit (LC)
by Commercial Banks to
constituents of Co-operative
4 DBOD.BP.BC.96/08.12.014/2009-10 23.04.2010 Prudential Norms on
Advances to Infrastructure
5 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.136/13.03.00/2008-

Issue of Guarantees by
6 DBOD.No.BP.BC.127/21.04.009/2008-
22.04.2009 Extension of Guarantee -
Maturity Beyond Ten Years
7 Mail-Box Clarification 15.04.2009 Bank Guarantee with Auto
Renewal Clause
8 Mail-Box Clarification 27.05.2008 Signing of Bank Guarantee
9 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.72/13.03.00/2006-07 03.04.2007 Guarantees for Export
10 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.51/13.03.00/2006-07 09.01.2007 Banks Exposure to
Commodity Markets
Margin Requirements
11 AP(DIR Series)Circular No.13 17.11.2006 Issue of Bank Guarantee on
behalf of Service Importers
12 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.35/13.07.10/2006-07 11.10.2006 Guarantees and Co-
13 A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.29 27.03.2006 Overseas Investment
14 FEMA Notification No. 8/2000-RB 03.05.2000

Foreign Exchange
Management (Guarantees)
Regulations, 2000
15 A.P.(DIR Series) Circular No.24 01.11.2004

Trade Credits for Imports
into India-Issue of
Guarantees-Delegation of
16 A.P. (DIR Series) Circular No.17


Issue of Bank Guarantee in
favour of Foreign

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

17 FED Master Circular No.8/2004-05 01.07.2004 Master Circular Export of
Goods and Services
18 FED Master Circular No.7/2004-05 01.07.2004 Master Circular Import of
Goods and Services
19 DBOD.BP.BC.No.97/21.04.141/2003-
17.06.2004 Annual Policy Statement for
the year 2004-05 -
Prudential Guidelines on
Unsecured Exposures
20 IECD.No.17/08.12.01/2002-03

05.04.2003 Guarantees and Co-
21 DBOD.No.BP.BC.47/21.04.141/2002

13.12.2002 Limit of Unsecured
Guarantees and Advances
22 DBOD.No.BP.BC.39/21.04.141/2002-
06.11.02 Exemption of Advances
granted to Self Help Groups
(SHGs) against Group
Guarantee from the Limit of
Unsecured Guarantees and
23 DBOD.No.BP.BC.90/21.04.141/2001-
18.04.02 Exclusion of Credit Card
Outstanding from the Norms
relating to Unsecured
Advances and Guarantees
24 IECD No 16/08.12.01/2001-02 20.02.02 Financing of Infrastructure
25 DBOD.BP.BC.119/21.04137/2000-02 11.05.01 Bank Financing of Equities
and Investment in Shares
Revised Guidelines
26 DBOD.No.BP.BC.78/21.04.009/99 04.08.99 Bank Guarantees
27 IECD.No.26/08.12.01/98-99 23.04.99 Financing of Infrastructure
28 DBOD.No.BP.BC.16/21.04.009/97 28.02.97 Payment under Bank
Guarantees - Immediate
Settlement of Cases
29 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.90/13.07.05/98 28.08.98 Bank Finance against
Shares and Debentures-
Master CircularBank
30 IECD.No.21/08.12.01/96-97 21.02.97 Bill Discounting Scheme/
Rediscounting Schemes
Operated by Power Finance
Corporation Ltd. (PFC)
31 IECD.No.37/08.12.01/94-95 23.02.95 Issue of Bank Guarantees in
favour of Financial
32 IECD.No.21/08.12.01/94-95 01.11.94 Bill Discounting Schemes
Operated by Small
Industries Development
Bank of India (SIDBI)

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

33 DBOD.No.BP.BC.194/21.04.009/ 93 22.11.93 Payment under Bank
Guarantees - Immediate
Settlement of Cases
34 DBOD.No.BC.185/21.04.009-93 21.10.93 Bank Guarantee - Delay in
Obtaining Certified Copies
of J udgements
35 DBOD.No.BC.20/17.04.001/92 25.08.92 Committee to Enquire into
Various Aspects Relating to
Frauds and Malpractices in
36 DBOD.No.BP.BC.53/C.473-91 27.11.91 Payment under Bank
Guarantees - Immediate
Settlement of Cases
37 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.35/C.96 (Z)-90 22.10.90 Bank Guarantee Scheme
38 IECD.No.PMD.BC.12/C.446 (C&P)-
21.09.90 Co-acceptance/Issuance of
Guarantee Favouring
Financial Institutions -
Buyers' Line of Credit
Scheme (BLCS)
39 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.11/C.96-89 09.08.89 Bank Guarantee Scheme
40 DBOD.No.BP.BC.124/C.473-89 31.05.89 Payment under Bank
Guarantees - Immediate
Settlement of Cases
41 DBOD.No.Inf.BC.73/C.109(H)-89 15.02.89 Bank Guarantee Scheme
42 IECD.No.PMS.207/C.446 (C&P)-87/88 29.06.88 Advances on Consortium
Basis - Co-ordination
Between Banks and All-
India Financial Institutions in
Dealing with New
43 IECD.No.EFD.197/822-WGM-MOD-88 30.01.88 Project Exports Grant of
Credit Facilities to Indian
44 DBOD.No.BP.BC.71/C.473-87 10.12.87 Payment under Bank
Guarantees - Immediate
Settlement of Cases
45 DBOD.No.BP.BC.11/C.473-87 10.02.87 Payment of Invoked
46 DBOD.SIC.BC.5A/C.739 (A-1)-87 29.01.87 Co-acceptance of Bills
Drawn under Letters of
Credit by Banks
47 DBOD.No.BP.BC.130/C.473-86 15.11.86 Bank Guarantee
48 DBOD.No.Inf.BC.45/C.109(H)-86 09.04.86 Bank Guarantee Scheme
49 DBOD.NO.BP.BC.28/C.469(W)-86 07.03.86 Safeguards for Issue of
Banks Instruments, etc.
50 DBOD.No.BP.BC.18/C.473-86 24.02.86 Bank Guarantee
51 IECD.No.PMS.129/C.446 (PL)-85 11.10.85 CAS - IDBI Bills
Rediscounting Scheme

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

52 DBOD.NO.BP.BC.111/C.469(W)-85 02.09.85 Safeguards for Issue of
Banks Instruments, etc.
53 DBOD.No.Leg.BC.77/C.235C-85 05.07.85 Section 20 of the Banking
Regulation Act, 1949
54 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.25/C.96-84 26.03.84 Guarantee of Inter-company
Deposits/Loans by
Commercial Banks
55 IECD.No.CAD.82/C.446(HF-P)-84 02.02.84 Guarantee Furnished by
Banks in favour of HUDCO
in respect of Loans to State
Housing Boards and similar
56 DBOD.No.GC.SIC.BC.97/C.408 (A)-83 26.11.83 Opening of Letters of Credit
Issue of Guarantees and
Co-acceptance of Bills by
57 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.44/C.96-83 30.05.83 Guarantee of Inter-company
Deposits/Loans by
Commercial Banks
58 DBOD.No.BP.678/C.473-83 11.01.83 Bank Guarantee
59 DBOD.No.Clg.BC.91/C.109(H)-82 30.09.82 Bank Guarantee Scheme
60 ICD.No.CAD.18/C.446-82 10.02.82 Bank Guarantee -
Honouring of
61 DBOD.No.Inf.BC.103/C.109-80 11.09.80 Bank Guarantee Scheme
62 DBOD.No.Clg.BC.21/C.109(H)-80 08.02.80 Bank Guarantee Scheme
63 DBOD.No.Dir.BC.122/C.107(N)-78 20.09.78 Guarantee of Inter-company
Deposits/Loans by
Commercial Banks
64 DBOD.No.Clg.BC.1/C.109-78 02.01.78 Bank Guarantee Scheme
65 DBOD.No.ECC.BC.77/C.297L(1-A)-78 07.06.78 Unconditional Guarantee
Issued by Indian Banks in
favour of Overseas
Employers/ Importers on
Behalf of Indian Exporters
66 DBOD.No.ECC.BC.89/C.297L(1-D)-76 04.08.76 Bid Bonds and Performance
67 DBOD.No.Fol.BC.9/C.249-76 20.01.76 Co-acceptance of
Bills/Guarantees by
Commercial Banks on Inter-
company Deposits/ Loans
68 DBOD.No.GCS.BC.25/C.107(N)-74 01.04.74 Guarantee of Inter-company
Deposits/Loans by
Commercial Banks
69 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.88/C.96(S)-72 10.10.72 Unsecured Advances
Guaranteed by
Credit Guarantee
Corporation of India Ltd--
70 DBOD.No.BM.BC.81/C.297(P)-72 14.09.72 Bid Bonds and Performance

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

71 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.68/C.109-72 31.07.72 Bank Guarantee Scheme
72 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.27/C.96(S)-72 24.03.72 Continuance of Exemption
in respect of Inland D/A Bills
for the purpose of Norm
relating to Unsecured
73 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1610/C.96(S)-70 23.10.70 Unsecured Advances and
74 Nat 2002/c.473-70 29.7.70 Guidelines under which
guarantees may or may not
be considered
75 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1051/C.96(S)-69 01.07.69 Unsecured Advances made
to Exporters on
Consignment Basis to be
Excluded for the Purpose of
76 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1001/C.96Z-69 23.06.69 Bank Guarantees
77 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.2381/C.96(Z)-68 14.08.68 Bank Guarantees
78 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.2342/C.96S-68 08.08.68 Advances against Book
79 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.481/C.96S-68 30.03.68 Unsecured Advances
80 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.421/C.96(S)-68 19.03.68 Unsecured Advances -
Advances against
Supply Bills Drawn on
Central/State Governments
81 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.359/C.96S-68 07.03.68 Unsecured Advances -
Inland D/A Bills having a
Usance of 90 Days
82 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.68/C.96(S)-68 12.01.68 Unsecured Advances -
83 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1850/C.96Z-67 07.12.67 Bank Guarantees
84 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1794/C.96Z-67 29.11.67 Bank Guarantees
85 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1693/C.96S-67 08.11.67 Advances against Shares
and Unsecured Advances -
86 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1296/C.96Z-67 21.08.67 Bank Guarantees
87 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.1069/C.96Z-67 11.07.67 Guarantee Business of
Banks - Guidelines -
88 DBOD.No.Sch.BC.666/C.96Z-67 03.05.67 Guidelines and Norms for
Guarantee Business
Undertaken by Banks

DBOD MC on Guarantees & Co-acceptances 2013

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