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The document provides an overview of various Finacle commands used for different banking functions and reports.

Some of the main reports mentioned include MIS reports, exceptions report, loan overdue position inquiry report, assets classification report, accounts below minimum balance report and end of day report.

Some of the main transactions mentioned include financial transactions, loan amount disbursement, debit card request, NEFT verification, printing of demand drafts/pay orders and clearing operations.


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Customer Selection
Customer Master Inquiry
Outstanding Item report
Cash Balance Report
Security register
Balancing report
General Deposit Details
Exception Report
Audit File Inquiry
Financial Transactions Inquiry

MIS Reports
Loan Overdue Position Inquiry
Account Turnover Inquiry/Report
Stock Statement not Received
Insurance Expired Report
Loan Document Expirey report
Loan accounts not reviewed
Bills Purchase Report
Guarantee Issued Liability Register
Guarantee Expired not Reversed
Guarantee Invoked not paid
Charges Register

1. To change education loan from simple rate of interest to compound rate of interest- EDUEMI
2. Cheque already paid in system can be marked as unpaid by- UCS
3. To inquire account number on the basis of cheque number and sol id INQACHQ
4. Mutual fund transfer transaction- MFTM
5. Request for duplicate pin for debit card- DPINREQ ; ATMCRA
6. Change account manager of customer- CAMC
7. Krishi card maintenance- KCM
8. Scheme wise distribution of deposit under fixed deposit- SDD
9. To print SI covering letter to customer- SICL
10. What if analysis of account liability- WIALL
11. To change the service outlet of an employee- CSE ; CCS
12. TO give TRACKING NO. to remitter at the time of remittance- XOOM
13. File transfer protocol- FTP
14. To recover charges from account for duplicate passbook, duplicate demand draft GCHRG
15. Option code for enquiry on the exception raised by system- K
16. Inquiry can be made on account opened between two dates by using- GDET
17. House loan under simple rate of interest can be opened by- TLSHL
18. Inward clearing can be uploaded by- Pcunix (SERVICE BRANCH)
19. for receipt of DIRECT taxes- OLTAS (online tax accounting system)
20. to combine the custids of customers CCA
21. Apply for duplicate password OF user- IBSRPOST
22. Interest rate modification- INTTM
23. Generation of interest rate advice- INTADV
24. To print the voucher- VCHR
25. credit card application- CCAPPL
26. Relaxation of inter-sol charges- ISOCR
27. Ledger print out of office accounts- ACLPOA
28. TO change the GL subhead code- TACBSH
29. TO unlock the user id- SAC
30. To restrict certain users to restrict certain accounts- AACM
31. TO attach teller duties to a user- GECM
32. To change your password on your own- PWMNT
33. Any kind of financial transaction (transfer, receipt, payment) - TM
34. Details (deep) of account balance- ACCBAL
35. TO reverse the proxy transaction SPTM
36. Interest run for an a/c- ACINT
37. Inquire into the exceptional transactions- TEI
38. VERification of the exceptional transactions- TEA
39. Inquiry for MINIMum work class required to post and approve a transaction- EXCDM
40. TO reverse a transaction HCRT
41. Print the transaction advice (to send to customer about bank induced charges)- ADVC
42. Option to inquire if a transaction is balanced or not- L
43. Cancellation of DD/PSI- DDC
44. Payment of dd- CDDMP
45. Payment of PSITM
46. Account balance of particular cust id- CUSTBALP
47. To know the total deposit for a customer- ACMP
48. Interest certificate- INTCERT
49. To view the standing instructions for a customer id- SII
50. Opening, suspending, releasing, regularizing the outward clearing zone (be
extremely careful)- MCLZOH then O, S, R, G respectively each function after one day gap.
51. Reversal of wrongly debited ATM payment- ATMREV
52. TO check if a DD is printed or not? DDPALL
53. To unlock an outward clearing zone UNLKZ
54. TO generate report of turnover, min, max balance, avg balance- ATOR
55. Upload transactions through a floppy TTUM
56. Find out a/cS opened and closed during a specific period- ACS
57. View, modify, very, inquire informations about users/ user profile management- HUPM
58. INQUIRE abt enries pending for posting or verification- FTI
59. Inquire abt non-finacial entries pending for posting or verification- AFI
60. To check the scheme code parameters- GSPI
61. TO check interest parameters- TVSI
62. TO Create customer id- CUMM
63. TO create the account number of customer- OAAC
64. Verify account after generation- OAACAU
65. To unfreeze and freeze the accounts- AFSM
66. Generate the interest reports for all types of accounts- AINTRPT
67. TO change the scheme code if it is entered wrongly- ACXFRSC
68. To credit FFD amt. to SB a/c- SWOPS
69. TO charge a/c closure charges- CACC
70. To close an a/c- CAAC
71. To verify closure of an acc.- CAACAU
72. TO Set THE temporary overdraft limit (for cash credit a/c and OD a/c)- ACTODM
73. TOD Inqiry- ACTODI
74. To give the sanction limit and drawing power- ACLHM (if not performed timely, face exception-
limit sanction expired)
75. To add the security- SRM
76. TO print acc. Statement- PSP
77. To or remove the lien amount ALM
78. To jotting the number of a/c opened and many more information- ACSP
79. To take ledger print of customer accounts- ACLPCA
80. For transferring cash from one branch to another branch- CASHTR
81. Request for cheque book generation- CREQ; ICHB; CHQBKR
82. VERIFY chqbk req- CREQAU; ICHBAU
83. To calculate interest for deposits before opening the acc.- DEPMOD
84. To print FDR or Deposit receipts- DRP; NEWDRP
85. To reprint the FDR or Deposit receipts- REDRP
86. To extend the period of deposit- TDEXT
87. To renew the FD- TDREN
88. To check the TDS for Particular TDS code- ASTI
89. To refund the TDS- RFTDS
90. To remit TDS to govt.- RMTDS
92. To recover the TDS shortfall from the customer- RECSHF
93. Account limit history maintenance- ACLHM
94. Limit tree lookup- LTL
95. Limit node maintenance- LNM
96. Outward remittance maintenance- ORM
97. Inward remittance maintenance- IRM
98. GUARANTEE master maintenance- GMM
99. GUARANTEE inquiry- GI
100. Guarantee printing- GP
101. GUARANTEE jotting- GILR
102. BILL maintenance- BM
103. BILL inquiry- BI
104. Foreign BILL maintenance-FBM
105. Foreign bill INQUIRY- FBI
106. FOReign bill balancing register- FBBR
107. Foreign bill advice printing- FBADVP
108. HOW to delete/modify outward clearing in verified status open a new zone in
MCLZOH other than outward clearing zone. Then TROFSETS- transfer the entry from outward zone to
new zone. Delete/ modify entry in new zone.
109. Verify outward clearing entries- OCTM
110. VERIFY inward clg. Entries- ICTM
111. TO check whether all instruments entered in zone are verifiedIOCLS
112. WROng chebk series issued to account, how to destroy, reissue new series- CHBM
113. Inventory management- ISIA
114. STOP cheque payment- SPP then SPPAU
115. TO transfer inventory from one operator to another- IMC
116. Employee file maintenance or users functions management- EFM
117. Role profile management- RPM
118. Disable user- PAPW
119. ACC. Ledger inquiry- ACLI
120. ACCOUNT maintenance/ modification ACM
121. View the joint holders for an account- JTHOLDER
122. Passbook printing- PBP; NEWPBP
124. Mass posting/ verification- TV
125. Intersol transaction report- ISTR
126. Previous day transaction verification- PTV
127. Post proxy transaction- PPT
128. Abnormal transaction inqiry- ATI
129. Financial transactions report- FTR
130. RATE list query (gold coins rates)- RTHQRY
131. CUStomer unutilized limit inquiry- CULI
132. Exceptions report- EXCPRPT
133. Report of matured od/fd acc.- ODFDREP
134. Loan overdue position inqiry- LAOPI
135. Loan repayment schedule report- LARSH
136. Pending instalments list- PLIST
137. Loan overdue reports- LOANODUE
138. Overdue foreign bills- ODFB
139. LOAN sanction limit review- LAROR
140. Change in sanction limit- CHLMT
141. Non submitted stock statement- STKSTMT
142. Loan account master report- LAMP
143. Assets Classification report- ASSCR
144. ABMR- Report of Accounts Below Min Balance
145. Shroff cash report- SCWRPTA
146. CALendar table maintenance/TO Mark holiday CTM
147. Branch inquiry- BRTI
148. Bank inquiry- BKTI
149. Loan account general inquiry- LAGI
150. Loan amount disbursement- LAMOD
151. DEBIT cum ATM card request- ADCREQ
152. Verify debit catd/atm request ADCMOD
153. NEFT verification- NEFT then option V
154. RTGS verification- HRTGS
155. VERIFICATIONN of JET clearing- JETCL; verify TICKET no.; jcs generation- J; report
generation- R
156. Printing of Reports- PR; then P; F10
157. Quick OPENING OF acc.- MACOP
158. Load scanned images of customer photo/sign- LDIMG
159. Verify images- IMGMNT
160. REPORT generation of outward clearing zone- CHQENCDL
162. Loan against TERM deposit- LATDR
163. Duplicate FDR print- DUDRP
164. Standing instructions execution- SIE
165. To mark pending- MARKPEN
166. To reverse pending- REVPEND
167. Opening the reject zone- MICZ
168. Batch processing of inward zone (loading inward clearing data)- RMI
169. Inward rejects report generation- REJREP
170. Printing of Demand draft/pay order- DDMI
171. Entering loss of DD/pay order- DDLOST
172. Print non-payment advice- DDNPADV
173. Issue of duplicate DD/Pay order- DDD
174. Reversing the status of DD/pay order lost- DDREVERT
175. Inquiry on DD/pay order issued- DDIC
176. Inquiry on DD/pay order paid- DDID
177. Validation of operation at branch (to view pending jobs)- SOLVAL
178. Address and name maintenance- ADDRM
179. Inventory status report- ISRA
180. Outward clearing instrument inquiry- OIQ
181. Print clearing schedule- PCLSO
182. Print outward clearing schedule- PICS
183. Day end activity- check AFI and FTI; then DDXFERNE; then OTCHRGDL; then
184. Status of SOL- SOLSTAT
185. END OF THE day report- EODREP


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