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Standards & Codes

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Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.





1. Codes of Practice

1.1 Approved Codes of Practice
1.2 Trade or Professional Codes of Practice
1.3 Recommended Codes of Practice
1.4 Technical Publications and Safety Information

2. Standards

2.1 British Standards
2.2 ISO Standards
2.3 CEN/CENELEC (euronorm) Standards

3. The use of standards and codes

3.1 Testing and examining
3.2 Construction
3.3 Marking and identification
3.4 WLL, SWL, Proof Load

4. The correct use of metric and imperial

4.1 Why change from imperial to metric?
4.2 Expressing metric units
4.3 Metric multiples and sub-multiples
4.4 Length
4.5 Mass, force, weight and load
4.6 Practical conversions for use in rating lifting equipment
4.7 Conclusion

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2

The law places duties on manufacturers, suppliers, repairers and hirers of equipment
to meet certain minimum requirements. Legal duties are also imposed on the
owners and users of lifting equipment and on those who make the tests and
examinations to verify the equipment. The purpose is to ensure that lifting
equipment is designed and manufactured to be safe and that it is regularly
maintained and examined whilst in service to ensure that it remains safe. The
verification of lifting equipment is the duty of the tester and examiner.

The legal requirements tend to be of a general nature. Detailed guidance to assist
the tester and examiner is provided by standards, codes of practice and
manufacturers instructions. This unit looks at standards and codes of practice in a
general way and considers how they apply to the duties of lifting equipment
engineers. Particular attention is paid to the units of measurement used.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
1. Codes of Practice

Various types of codes of practice are available to guide the tester and examiner.

1.1 Approved Codes of Practice (ACoP)

In the UK, to have this status, a code must be approved by the Health and Safety
Commission with the consent of the Secretary of State. ACoPs have a quasi legal

An ACoP gives practical advice on how to comply with the law. If you follow the
advice you will be doing enough to comply with the law in respect of those specific
matters on which the code gives advice. You may use alternative methods to those
set out in the code in order to comply with the law.

There is no obligation to comply with an ACoP but if a person is prosecuted for a
breach of health and safety law and it is proved that they did not follow the relevant
provisions of the code, then they will need to show that they complied with the law in
some other way or a court will find them at fault. Most modern UK legislation, such
as LOLER and PUWER, is published with an ACoP.

An ACoP is often accompanied by guidance which does not form part of the ACoP
and does not have the same status but is used to give further explanation to the
requirements of the ACoP and to illustrate good practice. Such guidance is
published for both PUWER and LOLER.

It is important that students are familiar with the ACoP and guidance that
accompanies LOLER as it contains much useful information for the competent

The regulations ACoPs and guidance are published combined in book form by HSE
Books and can be purchased by mail order telephone: +44 (0) 1787 881165 fax:
+44 (0) 1787 313995.

The references are as follows:

For PUWER - Safe use of work equipment L22
For LOLER Safe use of lifting equipment L113

1.2 Trade or Professional Codes of Practice

Another type of code of practice is the trade or professional code of practice. These
lay down minimum standards and requirements considered necessary by the
industry or profession to perform certain duties or practice certain functions in a
correct and proper way. Although these have no legal status it is necessary to meet
their requirements to be considered competent to carry out certain work. The LEEA
has such a document reference LEEA 042 which is the Associations Technical
Requirements for Members. This document contains the minimum requirements for
equipment, personnel qualifications and quality systems which a lifting equipment
company must maintain. Members of the LEEA must comply with these

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
The Association carries out regular technical audits of its member organisations to
ensure that they are complying with the Technical Requirements in the areas
applicable to their scope of work.

1.3 Recommended Codes of Practice

A recommended code of practice has no legal status. However, they are
recommended by the HSE as a way of meeting certain requirements of the Health
and Safety at Work Act or of significantly adding to safety. A person could be called
upon to prove they were working to such a code, or that what they were doing was
equivalent to or better than the recommendations of the code.

The LEEA publishes such a code - The Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting
Equipment (COPSULE). This is intended as a source of reference for organisations
using lifting equipment. The code is in sections and section 1 deals with general
matters applicable to most types of lifting equipment. These include definitions, legal
requirements, selection of equipment and the information needed to do so, marking,
storage, handling and in-service inspection of the equipment, safe use and training
of users. There are also appendices to section 1 dealing with matters of particular
importance. These include estimation of weight, load security and stability, planning
of lifting operations, crane signals and guidance on examination schemes.

Each of the subsequent sections deals with one particular type of equipment and
provides more detailed information. This information is presented under standard
headings in all the sections. The headings group the information relevant to the
various departments in the user organisation. So, for example, there is the
information needed for the engineer to select or specify the item, the information the
purchasing department will need to buy it, the information required for the
maintenance department to install, commission and maintain it, the requirements for
storage and, for the training department, the information required to use it safely.
Each section includes information on the relevant manufacturing standards and lists
the faults and defects which can occur in use. As well as giving guidance on the
correct way to use the equipment the section includes the known bad practices to be

Study of this code is an important element of this course and students should be
familiar with its requirements.

1.4 Technical Publications and Safety Information

This covers a wide range of documents and textbooks, including manufacturers
product installation and maintenance manuals, books covering workshop practices,
product catalogues and training manuals. Under this heading the LEEA publishes a
range of training materials, including this course. The LEEA also publishes Lifting
Equipment A Users Pocket Guide which is based on COPSULE and acts as a
quick reference for the rigger and slinger.

Another important document published by the LEEA is The Lifting Engineers
Handbook. This is intended for the lifting equipment engineer, tester and examiner
and students. It contains guidance and reference material on which work
procedures should be based.

To support its members, LEEA also publishes a range of single sheet safety
information leaflets. These are suitable for issue with every item of lifting equipment
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
supplied or hired. The provision of safe use information is required by the Health
and Safety at Work etc Act and the Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations.

Students should try to obtain their own copies of the documents mentioned above.
In any event students need free access to them, particularly LOLER with its
associated ACoP and guidance and the Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting
Equipment, to use as a reference in day to day duties and for study purposes.

2. Standards

2.1 British Standards

Of prime concern to the student of this course are British Standards, which specify
particular products.

Product standards take one of two forms:

fully specified standards, which fully specify dimensions, tolerances, materials
and safe working loads. (eg BS 4278 Eyebolts).

performance standards, which specify the performance criteria that the product
must meet but leave as open as possible the dimensions, material specification
etc. For compatibility purposes, such dimensions as are included are specified
as maximum or minimum. (eg BS EN 13889 - Shackles).

Modern standards for new products are written as performance standards.

Some standards take the form of recommended Codes of Practice, covering the use,
maintenance or application of specific products or the conduct of certain processes.

British Standards are published directly by the British Standards Institute (BSI). Most
of the products with which the student of this course is concerned are covered by
British Standards. However the tester and examiner should be familiar with the other
types of standard available so we will briefly outline them here.

2.2 ISO Standards

ISO standards (or International Standards Organisation Standards) generally take
the form of performance standards. They are agreed internationally by a majority
vote but, because ISO members include some less technologically developed
countries, these standards do not always reflect the latest technology. ISO
standards are published directly by ISO in Switzerland.

They are often used as the basis for writing national standards which may include
more stringent requirements.

Where the UK accepts an ISO standard as written, they are published as a British
Standard. At one time, such standards were given their own BS number. Now the
practice is to use the ISO number and add the prefix BS. For example, ISO 2330 -
Fork lift trucks - Fork arms - Technical characteristics and testing, is published as
BS ISO 2330.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
In the past, where the UK accepted some, but not all, of the contents of an ISO
standard, a British Standard was published which omitted those parts to which
objection was made, or amendments were made which added to the requirements.
These standards appear only with a BS number and it is necessary to refer to the
British Standard catalogue to see the relationship with the International Standard.

Not every ISO standard was taken up by BSI. If it was decided that the ISO
standard was of no value, it contained mainly unacceptable requirements, the
subject was already adequately covered by a British Standard or demand would not
have warranted a British Standard, then no action was taken.

If the tester and examiner are required to work to these standards, their status can
be checked by reference to the BSI Standards catalogue which can be accessed
online at www.bsi-global.com. The catalogue shows any relationship between the
BS standard and an ISO standard. Information on ISO standards can be found in
the ISO Standards catalogue which can be accessed online at:


In more recent times, cooperation between the various standards bodies has led to
changes. This will be considered later.

2.3 CEN/CENELEC Standards

Within Europe, CEN and in the case of electrical equipment, CENELEC are the
bodies responsible for European Standards.

Prior to the completion of the Single European Market in 1992, these standards, then
known as euronorms, were treated for publication in the same way as ISO
Standards. Those accepted by the UK were published as dual numbered British
Standards, which have both BS and EN numbers.

With the introduction of the Single European Market (European Union), it became
necessary for goods to pass freely throughout the member states. For example, an
item made and tested in the UK must be accepted in any of the other states of the
Union as complying with their standards and legal requirements. European
Directives (see Unit 1.1) were introduced to provide common legal requirements for
various products.

The first such Directives had long technical annexes specifying the requirements for
the products but the process of drafting them was taking far too long. What was
called the new approach was adopted. The technical annexes of the new approach
directives were restricted to the essential health and safety requirements. These
are the goals to be achieved rather than the method of achieving them. The method
of achieving those goals was left to a new system of standards prepared by CEN
and CENELEC. They are called harmonised European standards and carry the
prefix EN.

These harmonised EN standards have a quasi-legal status. When a manufacturer
makes a product to the relevant EN standard it is deemed to comply with the
essential health and safety requirements of the Directive in so far as the standard
addresses them. Each standard includes information on which of the essential
health and safety requirements is relevant to the product and whether they are
addressed. Wherever possible, the EN standard does cover all the relevant
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
essential health and safety requirements and that is the case for the standards
relevant to this course.

These manufacturing standards are all performance based and wherever possible
avoid being prescriptive about dimensions, materials, processes etc. This is to allow
for technical innovation.

They are high quality standards, meaning that it should not be possible to
manufacture an unsafe product which genuinely complies with the standard.

To achieve the status of a harmonised standard, an EN must be vetted on behalf of
the European Commission to ensure that it does address the relevant essential
health and safety requirements and is verifiable. Once approved, its acceptance is
published in the Official J ournal of the European Union.

It is mandatory that member states adopt these harmonised standards as national
standards, without alteration, and that they withdraw any existing or conflicting
standards. CEN does not publish standards directly. They are published by the
national standards bodies in each state. In the UK this is BSI which does so with a
BS prefix, ie as a BS EN standard.

Working to harmonised standards is the easiest way for manufacturers to
demonstrate that they meet the legal requirements imposed by the Directive.
Manufacturers do not have to comply with a harmonised standard. However, where
a harmonised standard has been published, it acts as a benchmark by which the
authorities can judge any other specification. In effect, once a harmonised standard
is in place, its requirements become the legal minimum. Manufacturers that claim to
be working to such standards but fail to meet them in full and are unable to show that
they have achieved an equivalent result by other means are liable to prosecution.

A more recent move is under way to bring standards throughout the world to the
same high levels. CEN and ISO are working together with national standard bodies
from around the world with the aim of bringing all of the standards into line. Their
approach follows that taken in Europe. Manufacturers can use the standards to
demonstrate that they are meeting all necessary legal requirements. This family of
standards is being published by ISO, as harmonised standards by CEN as EN ISO,
and by the British Standard Institute as BS EN ISO. Other national standards bodies
follow the same format. For example, in Germany the standard is published as
DIN EN ISO. In this way, no matter which version of the standard is read, the
requirements are the same.

3. The use of Standards and Codes

3.1 Testing and examining

From the above, we can see that reference to current British Standards ensures
compliance with accepted ISO standards and euronorms, and with all CEN
harmonised standards. Therefore in most cases, a UK based tester and examiner
will only have to concern themselves with British Standards.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2

Note: When dealing with existing equipment it is important that reference is made to
the standard, or edition of the standard, to which the equipment was manufactured.
This may not be the current British Standard. LEEA document reference 015
Reference Library - British, European and International Standards - lists most of the
relevant standards, including some which have been withdrawn or declared
obsolescent. It is updated on a regular basis. However, it is the duty of the tester
and examiner to ensure they are referring to the correct standard/edition for the
product being tested or examined.

Standards specify the verification methods which may include type tests, sample
tests, individual load tests, non-destructive tests (NDT) and other tests. They also
give the acceptance and rejection criteria to be applied. For BS EN standards, the
methods of verification must be specified in a way that gives repeatable results. In
other standards, including older British Standards, it is often left to the tester and
examiner to decide how to apply the test and what the examination procedure should
be. Here guidance may be obtained from the LEEAs The Lifting Engineers
Handbook. This gives general details of the various tests available and the
information they will reveal.

Depending on the item, age and the source of the standard, the required accuracy of
test machines or applied loads/forces will vary. LEEA technical requirements call for
all test machines and load/force measuring equipment to have a minimum accuracy
of 2%. This is necessary to fall within the range of accuracy laid down in most of the
product standards. However some standards require an accuracy of 1%.

Standards are generally limited to new products. However, the majority of thorough
examinations the tester and examiner will do will be on items which are, or have
been, in service. The Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting Equipment lists the
defects which can arise in service and which the examiner must consider when
deciding whether the item is fit for a further period of service.

The acceptance/rejection criterion is given in other publications, such as the
manufacturers instructions. The Lifting Engineers Handbook and product specific
units of this course.

3.2 Construction

Whilst not foolproof, if an item complies with a British Standard the tester and
examiner can be confident that it is of good construction, adequate strength and
made from a suitable material. Indeed as already stated, if it is a BS EN standard, it
should not be possible to manufacture an unsafe product which genuinely complies
with the standard.

If the item is CE marked this is, in effect, a claim by the manufacturer (or whoever
placed the item on the market in the EU) that the product complies fully with the
requirements of the relevant European Directive. This means that it has been
produced to a harmonised standard, or otherwise meets the essential health and
safety requirements.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
The examiner can check what the item complies with by reference to the original
documentation, often referred to as a birth certificate. This should contain all
relevant information about it including any standard it complies with. Items supplied
before the Machinery Directive came into force usually had a test certificate. Items
supplied since the Machinery Directive came into force should have an EC
Declaration of Conformity and manufacturers certificate, or other verification
document such as a report of thorough examination.

3.3 Marking and Identification

British Standards lay down what marking is necessary and where and how it should
be marked to fully identify the item, the WLL or SWL, the grade and to provide
traceability to its documentation.

The identification should be unique so that it is clearly traceable to all relevant
documentation. In some cases standards permit the use of batch numbering for new
items. This presents the examiner with something of a problem once they have
been in service. For example, if an examination is being carried out on a site that
was supplied with 100 shackles from the same batch, how does the examiner ensure
that all of them have been checked and are safe? The chances are that at least one
will not be found. LEEA Technical Requirements therefore call for an individual
identification mark at the point of sale.

3.4 Working Load Limit (WLL), Safe Working Load (SWL), Proof Load

The working load limit (WLL) is the maximum load that an item of lifting equipment is
designed to raise, lower or suspend under ideal conditions. In some standards and
documents the WLL is referred to as the maximum safe working load.

The safe working load (SWL) is the maximum load as assessed by a competent
person which an item of lifting equipment may raise, lower or suspend under the
particular service conditions.

The safe working load will normally be the same value as the working load limit but it
may be less if conditions are not ideal. However for portable items such as slings,
shackles, hand chain blocks and lever hoists, if the conditions are not ideal, rather
than de-rate them, it is good practice to achieve this by specifying normally rated
items with a higher capacity. This avoids the possibility of confusing a normally rated
item with a de-rated item.

(See the LEEA Code of Practice for the Safe Use of Lifting Equipment for full
definitions and an explanation of these terms).

LOLER requires that all lifting equipment be marked with its SWL. Modern
standards for general purpose lifting equipment require it to be marked with the WLL
because the manufacturer will not know the conditions of use. Older standards
specify the SWL. In most cases this is the same value and does not create too
much of a problem. In fact the guidance to LOLER (paragraph 188) acknowledges
the use of alternative terms including WLL. In practice the capacity can be marked
without the prefix SWL. However use of the prefix WLL is also acceptable. It is only
in those special cases where equipment is de-rated and the SWL is less than the
WLL that re-marking be necessary when the item is put into service. Generally,
although not always, this only applies to permanently installed items.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
4. The correct use of metric and imperial

Although modern lifting equipment standards are based on the metric system, a few
older imperial standards remain current. A vast amount of lifting equipment made to
and rated in the imperial system also remains in service. Many users wish to have
all of their equipment rated in the same units. For these reasons the tester and
examiner must be able to convert from one system of units to another. This is also
important where test machines are used to apply a force, but the standard refers to
units of load.

Both imperial and metric systems contain many units and divisions of units. To avoid
confusion, not all of them are used in the rating, marking and testing of lifting
equipment. Instead, a limited range of units and certain conventions in terms of how
they are expressed have been adopted. When dealing with any aspect of lifting
equipment it is essential that these units and conventions are understood.

When specifying and testing lifting equipment, the units of concern are length, mass
and force. Their use, and the conversion from one system to another, will now be

4.1 Why change from imperial to metric?

The imperial system was formed haphazardly. Originally it was based on non-
constant standards, such as a foot being the length of a man's foot. This meant that
wide variations existed. As technology advanced it became necessary to introduce a
fixed base standard - a national standard. Even then variations existed between the
actual measures and weights used in one country to another. For example, the inch
used in America was shorter than the inch used in the UK, albeit the variations were

This only became a problem when international trade expanded, with precision
components from different countries of origin being assembled into a final product.
Some international standardisation was therefore needed.

As with so many attempts at standardisation, there are often two or more methods
each vying for superiority. The main competitor to the Imperial system was the
metric system. However, as with the imperial system, there were ambiguities in the
older metric system as practised from one country to another. To overcome these
problems, the SYSTEME INTERNATIONAL D'UNITS (international system of units),
known as the SI system, was internationally adopted in 1960.

The metric SI system soon gained in popularity. One factor to justify changing is the
ease of learning. Not only did the imperial system form haphazardly, but it was also
a random system, with no direct relationship between the units.

For example: 12 inches =1 foot, 3 feet =1 yard, 1760 yards =1 mile.

The metric system, in contrast, is a decimal system with a logical progression of 10
between the units.

For example: 10 millimetres = 1 centimetre, 10 centimetres = 1 decimetre,
10 decimetres =1 metre.

The metric system is therefore a simpler system to learn and apply and by the 1970s
was adopted for all new British Standards.
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
4.2 Expressing metric units

Care is needed when writing, stamping or marking the names of the metric units,
particularly if they are being abbreviated where the same letter may be common to
more than one unit. Many of the SI units take their names from historical people
associated with the unit. An example of this, which is relevant to the tester and
examiner, is the unit of force - the Newton. This takes its name from Sir Isaac
Newton due to his early work on gravity.

Where it is derived from someones name, the unit is usually written with a capital
letter and the abbreviation for the unit is an upper case letter. For example, the
Newton abbreviated as N and the Watt abbreviated as W. This applies wherever the
abbreviation appears. If the unit is not derived from someones name the unit is
always written with a lower case letter which is also used for its abbreviation. For
example, the SI unit of mass is the tonne and its abbreviation is a lower case t. An
upper case T is used as the abbreviation for the unit of magnetic flux. Therefore a
WLL or SWL should always be shown as xxt and never xxT.

4.3 Metric multiples and sub-multiples

The metric system uses standard terms for the multiples and sub-multiples of the
various base units as shown in the following table:

Factor by which unit
is multiplied:
Prefix Symbol

These terms are applied to show the multiplication or division of the base unit. For
example the gram is the base unit of mass in the metric system. Thus it can be seen
that 1/10th (0.1) of a gram is known as a decigram and 1000 grams is known as a

As with the unit names, the symbols for the divisions and multiples also use upper
and lower case letters, eg Mega =M and milli =m. This then leads to some unusual
capitalization, eg MegaNewton =MN, millimetre =mm, Watt =W, kiloWatt =kW.

There are a few exceptions, so some care is needed, but it is important to use this
convention to avoid any confusion between the units.

4.4 Length

The base unit of length within the SI metric system is the metre (m). Industry and
standards accept the thousandth (ie 3 decimal places) as the only subdivision. This
is known as the millimetre (mm). Other multiples or sub-multiples are not used.
This is partly to avoid confusion on drawings where the symbol is not commonly
shown. If, for any reason, the decimal point is omitted or obscured, the dimension
will be identical, eg 1250 mm =1.250 m and would therefore appear as 1250 or
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
1.250. Therefore other subdivisions are not used for reasons of clarity. The
meaning is obvious by the relative scale of the dimensions.

Although there are several units of length within the imperial system, only two are
used when discussing lifting equipment. The others are too large.

For small items the inch (abbreviation =in or ") is used.
For larger items the foot (abbreviation =ft or ') is used.
Sub-division of the inch is by fractions based on 1/64 or multiples thereof,
obtaining a progression of 1/64, 1/32, 3/64, 1/16, 5/64, 3/32 etc.
Sub-division of the foot is by the inch and there are 12 inches to 1 foot.
Plural of inch =inches, plural of foot =feet.

It is also true that when machining items which are required to fit or run together,
decimals of an inch to three or four places are used. However, such items are of
little concern when dealing with lifting equipment, so this is not considered here.

For precision work and conversion purposes it is often necessary to subdivide the
millimetre. These subdivisions are expressed as decimals, for example, the
conversion 1 inch = 25.4 mm.


(i) 2 ft 7 inches =24 +7 =31 inches =31.5 x 25.4 =800.1 mm
(ii) 27 ft =27 x 12 =324 inches =324 x 25.4 =8229.6 mm or 8.2296 m
(iii) 152 mm =152 25.4 =5.98 inches
(iv) 3.048 m =3048 mm 25.4 =120 inches =10 feet

4.5 Mass, force, weight and load

4.5.1 Mass

Mass is the amount of matter in a body. The mass of a body remains unchanged
irrespective of where it is. The force of gravity acts on a mass and we generally
think of this as weight. We all know that everything weighs less on the Moon than on
Earth because the force of gravity on the Moon is less. The force of gravity does
vary a little on Earth. However for practical purposes, a given mass can be said to
weigh the same wherever it is on Earth.

The SI basic unit of mass is the gram, but this is much too small for every day use.
The kilogram (kg) is used for light measurements, whilst the Megagram is used for
heavier ones. This too is inconvenient and would lead to confusion, as there would
be at least seven digits for even relatively light loads. The Megagram
(1,000,000grams or 1,000kg) therefore has its own name, the tonne. Although
these are units of mass, in everyday language we say that a load weighs X
kilograms or Y tonnes meaning the force exerted by gravity on a mass of X
kilograms or Y tonnes.

1000 kilograms (kg) = 1 tonne (t)

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
Within the imperial system, the units of weight that are used in association with lifting
equipment are the hundredweight (cwt) and ton. In calculation, and when dealing
with pressure and stress, a further sub-division is used - the pound (lb). As with the
imperial units of length, there is no regular relationship between the units so:

112 lbs = 1 cwt, 20 cwt (2240 lbs) = 1 ton

J ust to confuse matters, in North America a unit called the ton (US) or short ton is
sometimes used.

1 ton (US) = 2000 pounds = 0.892 tons (UK)

Note: Caution is needed when dealing with items of USA origin, such as federal
specification shackles found commonly in use in the oil industry. Although now
marked in metric units, older equipment was often rated in (US) tons without the US
being shown.

The relationship between the metric weight and imperial weight is as follows:

1 tonne =2204 lbs and 1 ton =2240 lbs, a 1.6% difference. However it has been
agreed that for practical purposes of conversion:

1 ton = 1 tonne and therefore 1 cwt = 50 kg

Note: The metric tonne and the imperial ton both have the same pronunciation.
Where confusion may arise, it is normal to say metric tonne in conversation.

4.5.2 Force

A force is something that moves, or tries to move, the body on which it acts. Force is
actually a combination of the mass of the body and the acceleration of the body. We
can easily understand that it takes more power, ie force, to accelerate a car quickly
than to accelerate it slowly. Similarly it take more power to accelerate a heavy car
(greater mass) at the same rate as a light car.

In the metric system the SI unit of force is the Newton (N). This is defined as that
force which, when applied to a body having a mass of one kilogram, gives an
acceleration of one metre per second, per second. Hence:

Force (N) = mass (kg) x acceleration (m/s).

As previously stated, the force of gravity acts on a mass and we generally think of
this as weight. Weight is the measure of the particular force due to the action of
gravity. Acceleration due to gravity on the earths surface is 9.806 m/s.

Therefore using the above formula it can be seen that:

1 kg (mass) x 9.806 m/s (acceleration) =9.806 N (force).

For most practical purposes, the weight of 1 kg = a force of 10N
Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
The Newton is too small a unit for every day use in the lifting industry, so the
kiloNewton (kN) and MegaNewton (MN) are used.

Therefore: 1 kiloNewton (kN) = 1,000 N = 100 kg
and 10 kN = 1,000 kg = 1 tonne

Some lifting equipment is tested using weights but, for various reasons, some is
carried out on a test machine. The test machine applies a force, not a weight so it is
calibrated in units of force.

When metric standards require a load test, this is expressed in units of force. For
example a single leg chain sling of 500 kg WLL which is to be proof tested to twice
its WLL would be subject to a proof test force of 10 kN.

In the imperial system, the old lifting equipment standards refer to loads and proof
loads, which are expressed as weights, ie the force due to gravity. The terms
weight and load have the same meaning. Using the above example, a single leg
sling of ton SWL which is to be proof load tested to twice its SWL would be subject
to a test load of 1 ton. Although what is actually being applied to the sling is a force,
not a load, the test machines were usually calibrated in units of load rather than

4.6 Practical conversions for use in rating lifting equipment

Because many items of lifting equipment have a long life, items manufactured to
imperial standards may be found in use alongside equipment to metric standards.
To avoid operator error, it may be desirable to have all of the equipment on a site
marked in the same system of units. The British Standards Institute offered the
following guidance with regard to marking SWL (or WLL) when converting from
imperial to metric units:

"Safe Working Loads of less than 1000kg should be marked in kilograms to the
nearest whole kilogram. SWLs of 1000kg or more should be marked in tonnes. Only
one place of decimals should be used except for 1.25t; for integral values of SWL the
0 after the decimal point should be omitted."

It must be acknowledged that, despite the advantages of a standardised conversion,
this system is not always followed. Webbing slings and roundslings in particular are
often marked only in kg and small forgings such as eyebolts where space is limited
are often marked in t, eg .25t, as it requires less space than 250kg.

The following table gives examples of the conversions; others can then be calculated
on the same basis.

Lifting Equipment Engineers Association 2013 Unit 1.2
Examples of the conversions:

1 cwt =50kg

1 Ton =1 t

1 Ton 11 cwt =1.5 t

1 Ton 1 cwt =1 t

1 Ton 12 cwt =1.6 t

2 cwt =100kg

1 Ton 2 cwt =1.1 t

1 Ton 13 cwt =1.6 t

1 Ton 3 cwt =1.1 t

1 Ton 14 cwt =1.7 t

5 cwt =250kg

1 Ton 4 cwt =1.2 t

1 Ton 15 cwt =1.7 t

1 Ton 5 cwt =1.25 t

1 Ton 16 cwt =1.8 t

7 cwt =375kg

1 Ton 6 cwt =1.3 t

1 Ton 17 cwt =1.8 t

1 Ton 7 cwt =1.3 t

1 Ton 18 cwt =1.9 t

10 cwt =500kg

1 Ton 8 cwt =1.4 t

1 Ton 19 cwt =1.9 t

12 cwt =625kg

1 Ton 9 cwt =1.4 t

2 Ton =2 t

15 cwt =750kg

1 Ton 10 cwt =1.5 t

It will be noted from the table that in the case of, say, 1 ton 3 cwt, the exact
conversion would be 1.15t. However, as the second decimal place is disregarded,
this becomes 1.1 t.


(i) ton =750 kg.
(ii) 1 ton 5 cwt =1.25 t.
(iii) 4 ton 17 cwt =4.8 t.

4.7 Conclusion

This section has outlined the units used in association with lifting equipment. It has
also addressed their relationships and the conversion factors used when converting
from the imperial system to the metric system and vice versa. For the conversion of
length a factor is used which gives an exact conversion. However it is normally
rounded off to a single millimetre decimal place. For weight an approximate
conversion is used, which operates on the safe side, so that at no time would a piece
of lifting equipment be overloaded. In everyday life these same approximations can
be used to visualise the quantity or length of an item measured in either system even
if that system of measurement is unfamiliar.

To help prepare students for the examinations, the Assignment to this unit is in the
form of a multi-choice paper, similar to that used in the Part 1 Entry Examination.
This form of questioning enables a wide scope of coverage in a short period of time.
The questions are typical of those that may be asked in the exam although only a
limited number on this topic will be included on any exam paper.

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