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Global Macro Commentary September 23

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Global Macro Commentary

Ticking Away
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Guy Haselmann
(212) 225-6686
Director, Capital Markets Strategy

John Zawada
Director, US Rate Sales

Ticking Away
In a switch from what are typically only one-sidedly dovish comments, NY Fed
President Dudley was balanced yesterday, even citing reasons for why the Fed would
want to hike rates.
Dudley stated that being at the zero-lower-bound is not a very comfortable place to
be, because it limits flexibility and has consequences for the economy. He said it
hurts savers, and while acknowledging what is happening to financial markets, he
avoided directly citing risks to financial stability. Anxiety-riddled conversations about
financial instability are probably implicitly restricted to a behind-closed-doors-only
FOMC members are slowly and carefully trying to change the conversation. Yellen
completely diluted away any meaning behind considerable period to make it all but
meaningless. Bullard said to that he still sees the first tightening at the end of the first
A March 18
hike seems reasonable to me, since US economic improvement appears
to remain on track (at least for the moment) and since the FOMC seems more anxious
to begin the normalization process. Actually though, by waiting even until March, it
is possible that the FOMC risks missing its window of opportunity in terms of using
US economic momentum as its cover (what irony).
Financial markets are becoming agitated and disturbed by shifting government and
central bank policies, mounting geo-political tensions, and rising nationalist fervor.
QE has not yet ended and the Fed is likely still months away from hiking for the first
time, but markets are using these factors to adjust portfolio exposures. These are hints
that a larger market reaction is likely to unfold as the Feds policy transition
Macro signs are currently evident with steep commodity price declines, rising FX
volatility, rallying global bond markets (long end), and sagging prices for low quality
credits. Some investors are clearly getting out of the Fed-generated herd trades of
recent years and saying that they are doing so because the Feds balance sheet is set to
stop expanding next month.
The strengthening dollar is one consequence and it has already had an impact on
commodities and Emerging Markets. In turn, weakening currencies in EM countries
are starting to trigger capital outflows. It may lead toward domestic central bank hikes
(again) which weaken those economies and cause second-order effects.
The prolonged period of zero rates has enabled many EM-based corporations to issue
debt in USD, so a weakening currency raises their liabilities and lowers the value of
their assets. Such a dynamic was a source of past crises.
Any anti-globalization actions, such as protectionism, will further act as global
economic headwinds. Nationalistic momentum could become disruptive via social
unrest, or via surprises in the voting booth. Extreme nationalist parties continue to gain
in popularity in numerous European countries. Religious, ethnic and tribal conflicts are
spilling across borders. Putins annexation of Crimea was a bold nationalistic action
that hid behind a veil of protecting Russian speakers. China, J apan and India all have
new nationalistic leaders who use patriotic jargon to spur structural and economic
For investors, Fed stimulus has trumped all other factors. It has lowered risk premia
and inflated asset prices. The gig is soon up, but investors have yet to adequately
adjust. Unfortunately, they will attempt to do so with significantly compromised
market liquidity. The path to normalization is made even more challenging, because
J apan and Europe are in recession, and China is slowing.
Note: Pentagon comments today about foiling an imminent attack was negative for
risk assets as are Treasury Department efforts to clampdown on inversion.
I maintain that one of the best places to hide remains in 30-year Treasury bonds.
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun. - Pink Floyd
FOMC Speeches
9/24 Mester 12:15 PM
9/24 Evans 1:00 PM
9/25 Lockhart 1:20 PM
9/28 Bernanke 12:15 PM
9/29 Evans 9:00 AM

Key Events


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