The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - December 2009
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - December 2009
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - December 2009
Vol. 14, No 12 ISSN - 1499-8599 (E-dition) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) DECEMBER 2009 $4.95(US)
M E R RY C H R I S T M A S A Rob McConnell's Christmas Nanny was no longer with us after her battle
with cancer, and looking at the place that was
From The ‘X’ Zone Radio Well here we are at my favourite time of hers at the dining room table and missing her so
the year, the Christmas Holidays. much.
& TV, The ‘X’ Chronicles There’s something very special about I remember all the Christmas traditions
Newspaper XZBN & Christmas. People are walking about with a that my brother and I looked so forward to...
spring in their step, and being much friendlier decorating the house, making Christmas chains
REL-MAR then they are throughout the rest fo the year. from colour papers and helping Mom with the
And A Very Maybe it's because people stop and addressing of Christmas Cards.
think about how lucky they are to have what One of the biggest was going out with
HAPPY NEW YEAR! they have, counting their blessing so to speak or Dad one night in December to the Christmas
is it because there really is a Christmas Spirit Tree lot, and bringing the tree home on the top
that is able to work it’s way through the of our old white Pontiac with smiles on our little
commercialism that the Christmas Season has faces from ear to ear. My Dad, who is an expert
become? at selecting the perfect Christmas Tree, always
Sometimes it seems that commercialism knew which tree in the out door tree lot, was the
has won the battle of the true meaning of perfect tree for our home
Christmas, but not in the hearts of believers in I can still remember the smell of all
Christmas World-wide. those evergreens. Ah yes! Christmas was nearly
No more is Christmas about the family here.
gathering, seeing relatives that you haven’t seen As Christmas Day approached, the
throughout the year, or the wonderful Christmas Christmas cards arrived from all of mom and
Dinner that you will be having Christmas Day dads friends and our family in New Brunswick.
or being thankful for those you love and those We had row, upon row, upon row of Christmas
who love you. cards, and, sometimes there were so many that
When I was young, Christmas was a the string broke.
time of reflection on the year that had just When Mom was cooking the Christmas
From Our Home to Yours passed, and the memories of those who were no turkey, Uncle Stan, who now watches from
longer with us. above, (Continued on Page 2)
Rob & Laura I remember the first Christmas that my would come over for the turkey neck, which
2 Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!
In This Edition of Mom always cooked just right for him.
Cooking cookies required the combined
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
The ‘X’ Chronicles skills of Mom, Aunt Alozia, Aunt Barbara and with Rob McConnell
Aunt Georgie. My brother and I were the
Newspaper unofficial cookie testers. The rating of how the The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show is heard Monday - Friday
(Print/Online/CD ROM/e-Book cookies tasted was equal to the number of from 10 PM to 2 AM Eastern, and then the show is
Version) cookies that we could grab without being repeated in its entirety from 2 AM - 6 AM on the
caught, the consequence of getting caught was ‘X’ ZONE BROADCAST NETWORK family
getting your fingers tapped, and being sent to broadcast of affiliates throughout world on TelStar
DECEMBER 2009 - 44 Pages your room, ironically with milk and some of 12 America, TelStar 12 Europe, Galaxy XI, IntelSat
those yummy Christmas cookies. 801, NSS-K, PAS-1R, Atlantic Bird 2, II-F4,and
Talk abut your win-win situation! Agilia 2.We also deliver The ‘X’ Zone Radio and
A Rob McConnell Christmas.... ...............Pg 01 TV Show to broadcasters and satellite programmers
A Biblical Christmas Story......................Pg 04 One of my all time favourite memories
via a secure and encrypted FTP server.
Christmas Factoids...................................Pg 05 of Christmas was when we lived in the Park
The Three Wisemen................................Pg 06 Extension area of Montréal.
United States of America
A Police Officers Christmas......................Pg 07 It was Christmas Eve, and my Uncle AM 1350 KCHR - Charleston MO
Twas the Night After Christmas................Pg 07 Peter and his wife Aunt Georgie had come into AM 1400 WZNG - Shelbyville / Nashville TN
Where Was Jesus Born..............................Pg 08 the city from their home in rural Chambly with TalkStar 840 - Titusville, Orlando, Mims FL
The Twelve Days of Christmas...............Pg 09 cousins Peter and Nadine. I remember that Peter FM 107.7 WMEX - Rochester NH
More Christmas Factoids..........................Pg 11 and I were sent to the local variety store, FM 89.7 KNTS - John Day OR
The Origins of Christmas.........................Pg 12 "Belliveau's" which was one block away. AM 1330 WELW - Cleveland OH
What Was The Star of Bethlehem..............Pg 14 The excitement of Christmas was in the AM 1340 KSEK - Pittsburgh KS
air. It was Christmas Eve, and Santa would be AM 1510 WDRF - Woodruff SC
The History of Santa Claus.......................Pg 15
making his historic flight in just hours! AM 1600 KOHI - St Helens OR
Winter Solstice Celebrations....................Pg 16 FM 104.7 KEIF, Enid, OK
The Silent Night......................................Pg 17 We both got bundled up in our snow
AM 1320 WARL - New Bedofrd, MA
Christmas Superstitions.............................Pg 18 suits, and I remember crossing Wiseman and St.
FM 99.1 KRUP - Dillingham, AK
Who Started The Christmas Card Craze....Pg 18 Roch, and hearing the snow crunching beneath X Files Paranormal Network
Christmas Around the World......................Pg 19 our feet it was a perfect Christmas Eve. Santa America Talk Radio
The ‘X’ Zone Store Advertisement............Pg 22 would have no problems coming down our
The ‘X’ Zone Store Advertisement...........Pg 23 chimney. Canada
The Real Nativity Story..............................Pg 29 I remember looking up at the moon and AM 630 CKOV - Kelowna BC
The Little Drummer Boy............................Pg 33 my cousin Peter telling me that Santa was AM 580 CFRA - Ottawa ON
Christmas Traditions..................................Pg 36 coming, that he could tell, and it was going to be AM 920 CJCH - Halifax NS
Christmas in Canada..................................Pg 39 a good Christmas, and it was! AM 1330 CHLW - St. Paul, AB
Christmas morning my brother and I FM 104 CJSB - Swan Lake, MB
Merry Christmas To Our Troops...............Pg 41
work up and after rifling through the Christmas FM 90.1 CHMZ - Tofino, BC
What Is The Mayan Calendar About? ..Pg 35 FM 99.5 CIMM - Ucluelet, BC
Christmas Poems.......................................Pg 43 stocking that we always found in our bedrooms,
FM 98.9 CFPV - Pemberton, BC
Christmas Eve............................................Pg 43 we went down the hall to the living room where
the Christmas Tree had been decorated by the Caribbean
The ‘X’ Chronicles is published by REL-MAR angles before Santa's arrival, and we peered into AM 1620 WDHP - Frederikstead USVI
McConnell Media Company. The contents of this the living room which was inaccessible to us by
material are (C) Copyright 1993-2009 by REL-MAR
the glass door that was locked. Trembling with 27 Asian Countries, Including...
McConnell Media Company and may not be copied or
reprinted in whole or in part without the express written excitement and anticipation at what was under The Philippines
consent of the publisher. All opinions, comments or the tree for us, we did our best to be two quiet China
statements of fact expressed by Rob McConnell's guests little boys while Mom and Dad slept in the room Hong Kong
are strictly their own and are not to be construed as those across from the living room.... okay, we made Taiwan
of The 'X' Zone Radio & TV Show or in any manner Korea
enough noise to wake the dead as we yelled to
endorsed by Rob McConnell, REL-MAR McConnell
Media Company, TalkStar Radio Network, its affiliated the sleeping world that "Santa Was Here!"
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show and The ‘X’ Zone TV
stations or employees. REL-MAR McConnell Media Poor Mom and Dad probably had just
Show is now available at iTUNES!
Company assumes no responsibility for claims made by gone to bed for their "long winter nap".
its advertisers and do not endorse any product and or It was many years later with our own
service mentioned herein. To advertise in The ‘X’ Our past shows are available at
children I learned how they must have both felt
Chronicles, please contact us at (905) 575-5916 or send
an email to Christmas morning.
However, mom and dad would always The ‘X’ Zone TV Show give in to Christmas excitement of my brother
and I and the door was unlocked and yes... there
On TV Stations, Cable Operators and Satellite
Suppliers Near You Including:
The ‘X’ Zone Main Site it was... or were we dreaming?!?!? KHPK CH 28 - Dallas/Fort Worth, Texas
No! It was true - there it was! Santa had WBQP CH 12 (Cable 75) - Pensacola, Florida
WBCF CH 3 - Florence/Muscle Shoals, Alabama brought us an electric train with all the
attachments and accessories! A duel control WXLF CH 5 - Florence/Muscle Shoals, Alabama
Watch, Listen & Chat During transformer, electric switches, a mountain, a KWVT CH 52 (Cable 7) - Salem, Oregon
WDRL CH 24 (digital 41) -
The LIVE Daily Broadcast 10 working oil derrick, a beacon light that rotated
Roanoke/Lynchburg, Virginia
pm - 2 am EDT Weeknights (red on one side with green on the other), KCTU CH 41 - Wichita, Kansas
houses, little people...Wow! KBGN CH 59 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The ‘X’ Chronicles I still remember the excitement from
that morning so many years ago.
Western Cable Service - Sequim, Washington
KLFA TV Channel 8, Los Angeles, California.
Newspaper It was not long after that we moved to
the country where all our Aunts and Uncles Cable in Guatemala and parts of Central America
is available for downloads for
lived and Christmas took on a totally different
Apple iPods and iPhones at
meaning for me. Yes! We Are Growing
Continued on Page 3 And It Is With Thanks
Our New Site to You!
A Rob McConnell Christmas 3
A Rob McConnell
Continued from Page 2
AM 1620 WDHP
Listen to The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
with Rob McConnell on
4 The Biblical Christmas Story
Follow JoJo through his journey from hell into heaven as he chronicles his way
from his own beginning through the most treacherous of times and chaotic
existence until he finally finds his "Forever Home" and the "Forever Mom" he
so longs for.
You'll laugh out loud at some of his antics and you'll cry hard, salty tears when
you experience first-hand this tiny little dog's story as told directly from him to
you through an extraordinary animal communicator, Dr. Kim Ogden, and his
new "Forever Mom".
A must-read for all ages as you learn the heartbreak and terror of being
abused, abandoned and left alone and finally finding love and peace and
safety at the end of the journey. A very hard lesson in loving and caring for pets
and animals of all kinds as it comes straight from the victim and shows the
world that animals really do have feelings, emotions and longings for love and
6 The Three Wise Men
The Three Wise Men,
The Magi
Early Christian legends tell of twelve
wise men living in the East. Their special
treasure was a scroll written by Seth, the son of
Adam. On this scroll was written prophecies
concerning the Messiah of the Jews and the star
which would appear at His birth. This group of
wise men devoted themselves to watching for
the Messiah's star. From generation to
generation, every month, these twelve wise men
would ascend into a mountain cave and spend
three days purifying themselves in its fountains,
searching for the star, and praying to be led to
the Messiah. As each man died, his son or other
close relative took his place. (According to
some, when these men were not being wise
men, they were simple farmers and only went
up on the mountain for a few days each year
after the corn was threshed.)
About the year 6 B.C., the long awaited
men's visit. According to Matthew 2:11, the "Kings shall see and arise, princes also shall
star appeared. It shone brightly in the shape of a
wise men came "into the house" and saw "the worship.." (Is 49:7); and "The kings of Tarshish
beautiful boy child with a cross glowing behind
young Child with Mary His mother." And in and of the isles will bring presents; the kings of
him. The star-child announced, "The King of
Matthew 2:16, it is written that Herod put to Sheba and Seba will offer gifts" (Ps 72:10). The
the Jews is born in Judea. Go quickly to worship
death all the male children who were "two years number of kings varied - usually being two,
old and under, according to the time which he four, or twelve. Eventually, the number three
Some say the Christ-Star miraculously
had determined from the wise men." was settled upon because of the three gifts they
enabled the wise men to reach Jerusalem in 12
The star which the wise men followed bore and the twelve wise men became known as
or 13 days without stopping for food or rest. The
appeared in fulfillment of the prophecy of the "Three Kings of the Orient" (Mt. 2:11).
journey seemed to last only a day! Others say
Balaam: "I see Him, but not now; I behold Him, They are usually referred to as Caspar,
the journey took about two years during which
but not near; a Star shall come out of Jacob; a Melchior, and Balthasar. Furthermore, some
the Christ-Star taught them the Gospel of Peace
Scepter shall rise out of Israel..." (Num 24:17). people believe each of the wise men came from
and replenished their supplies of food and water
The most likely scientific explanation for the one of the three continents that were known of
so they had no need to stop on the way to
Christmas star is that a triple planetary at the time of Christ's birth.
Jerusalem. This legend was so popular that
conjunction occurred in the House of the Caspar (a.k.a. Gasper) is alternatively
Chrysostom included it in his commentaries.
Hebrews (Pisces) on February 6, 6 B.C. and portrayed as the oldest and the youngest of the
A later legend states that a young
appeared to be a temporary new star. But no wise men. He is believed to have come from
shepherdess named Madelon met the wise men
scientific explanation for the star's appearance Europe or Tarsus bearing the gift of myrrh.
journeying to Bethlehem and wept because she
is necessary. At various times, Christians have Myrrh is the fragrant gum of certain plants
had no suitable gift to give a king. Catching the
believed this star was an angel, the Christ Child, which grew in Arabia and India. It was
sweet aroma of a lily, Madelon looked up from
the Holy Spirit, or even a temporary star created imported by the Israelites for use in expensive
her tears and found an angel standing before her
only for this mission and then removed from perfumes and incense (Ps 45:8; Prov. 7:17; Esth
with a wand made of lilies. As soon as she
creation. 2:12; Ex 30:23). It also had medicinal uses.
shared the cause of her sorrow with the angel, it
The Greek word interpreted as "wise Because it was believed to strengthen a child
waved its wand, causing the road to Bethlehem
men" is "Magoi." It has several possible and get rid of worms, the gift of myrrh signifies
to be lined with white Christmas roses. Madelon
meanings. One is "deceiver." They were magoi Christ's mortality, and His roles of the Suffering
gathered a bouquet of these flowers as she ran to
because they deceived Herod by returning to Savior and the Great Physician. It both a
catch up with the wise men. In Bethlehem, she
their homes by a different route rather than Christmas and a Passion symbol. At Golgotha,
presented her roses to the Christ Child and His
betraying the Child to him. Another meaning for before He was crucified, Jesus was offered
touch caused them to glow with a pink tinge.
Magoi is magicians or sorcerers. The "science" "wine mingled with myrrh to drink, but He did
In exchange for their expensive gifts,
of the Medes, Persians, and other Gentile not take it" (Mk 15:23). This drink was believed
Mary gave the wise men some of the swaddling
nations of that time included astrology, to lessen the pains of crucifixion. Myrrh was
clothes in which Jesus had been wrapped. She
divination, and enchantment. Chrysostom also used in the burial practices of the Jews.
also gave them a little box with a stone in it. The
speculates that Christ chose to reveal His birth Nicodemus supplied a mixture of myrrh and
stone was supposed to remind them that their
to such men in order to give future sinners the aloes to wrap Christ's body when it was placed
faith ought to be as strong as a rock. Mary
hope of divine welcome and forgiveness. in the tomb (Jn 19:39-40; Mk 15:23). The wise
must've neglected to tell them that because,
(Astrology, sorcery, and divination are men are said to have received the gifts of truth
thinking this stone was worthless baggage, the
forbidden in the Bible. The LORD warns that and humility in exchange for their myrrh.
wise men tossed it into a well. Whereupon fire
unavoidable and unpredictable disasters will Melchior (a.k.a. "the white one") came
from heaven filled the well. The amazed wise
fall upon those who rely on such practices (Deut from Asia or Arabia. He is usually portrayed as
men carried the fire back to their own country
18:12-15; 18:18; Is 47:11-24). "Magoi" can also an old man. His gift of gold is believed to have
and built a magnificent cathedral around it so
refer to those who interpret dreams and offer financed the Holy Family's flight into Egypt. It
that the people could worship it. Later, they
wise council. Daniel was called the chief of represents the immortality, purity, divinity, and
were baptized and, giving all their possessions
Nebuchadnezzar's magicians because he kingship of Jesus Christ and His titles of the
to the poor, they went about living a life of
interpreted the dream messages God sent to this Light of the World, the Morning Star, and the
poverty and preaching the Gospel of Peace until
king (Dan 2; 4). Dayspring. Gold was used in both the temple
their martyrdom in India.
By the 6th century, the wise men were worship (Ex 25:11; 28:2-30; 1 Ki 6:14-35) and
Although it is common to see images of
referred to as kings in the popular imagination. in the worship of idols (Ex 32:2-4; 1 Ki 12-28).
the wise men worshiping Jesus in the manger,
This assumption is linked to such prophecies as: The wise men received spiritual wealth and the
two scripture passages make it seem more likely
"The Gentiles shall come to your light, and gift of Charity for their gold.
that the Child was a toddler living in a rented
kings to the brightness of your rising" (Is 60:3);
house in Bethlehem at the time of the wise (Continued on Page 7)
The Three Wise Men 7
The Three Wise Men, POLICE OFFICER As the officer said thank you, the angel
took flight,
The Magi CHRISTMAS "God's got your back, carry on, and
Continued from Page 6
'Twas the night before Christmas, and all
Balthasar came from Ethiopia or Saba. He is through the streets,
often portrayed as a black man of about forty not a person was stirring, 'cept an officer 'Twas the Night After
years of age. He brought the gift of on the beat. Christmas
frankincense. Frankincense is the dried resin of As he quietly patrolled the town with
Boswellia trees which, at the time of Christ, great care,
children and parents slept peacefully By Jeff Foxworthy
grew in Arabia, India, and Ethiopia. It was used
in perfumes (Song 3:6; 4:6) and incense for the there.
'Twas the night after Christmas and all through the
temple worship (Ex 30:9, 34-38; Lev 2:1-12;
The officer was clad in his blues and his trailer, the beer had gone flat and the pizza was
6:14-28; 24:7). Because incense represents the
vest, staler. The tube socks hung empty, no candies or
prayers of the faithful rising towards Heaven,
toys and I was camped out on my old Lay-Z-Boy.
the gift of frankincense symbolizes sacrifice, gun on his hip, always looking his best.
Christ's divine nature, and His titles of High He'd just pulled aside for a quick bite to
The kids they weren't talking to me or my wife,
Priest and Son of God. The wise men were eat,
the worst Christmas they said they had had in their
given the gift of Faith for their frankincense. When all of a sudden, out on the street, lives. My wife couldn't argue and neither could I,
The gifts of the wise men were also so I watched TV and my wife, she just cried.
thought to represent the three items contained in A bright light appeared from out of
the Ark of the Covenant. Gold symbolized the nowhere, When out in the yard the dog started barkin', I
manna. Frankincense represented the tablets of He shielded his eyes from the brilliant stood up and looked and I saw Sheriff Larkin. He
the Ten Commandments. And myrrh was glare. yelled, "Roy I am sworn to uphold the laws and I
emblematic of the rod of Aaron. ' Twas an angel of the Lord at the squad's got a complaint here from a feller named Claus."
The story of the wise men may be found rear,
in Matthew 2:1-16. Their visit is He smiled and spoke, "Dear Officer, I said, "Claus, I don't know nobody named Claus,
commemorated on the feast of the Epiphany don't fear." and you ain't taking me in without probable
(Twelfth Night or January 6). On January 6th, cause." Then the Sheriff he said, "The man was
four great events in the life of Christ are "I've been sent by God with a message shot at last night." I said, "That might have been
celebrated - the visit of the Magi (Epiphany); for you me, just what's he look like."
Christ's baptism in the river Jordan by John who faithfully serve while wearing the
(Theophany); the miracle at Cana where Jesus blue. The Sheriff replied, "Well he's a jolly old feller,
changed water into wine (Bethany); and the He wants you to know He loves you all, with a big beer gut belly, that shakes when he
feeding of the 5000 men along with their wives He's pleased with the way you've laughs like a bowl full of jelly. He sports a long
and children with five loaves of bread answered His call. beard, and a nose like a cherry." I said, "Sheriff
that sounds like my wife's sister Sherri."
At one time Epiphany was celebrated in "To protect and serve others, so selfless
"It's no time for jokes Roy" the Sheriff he said.
much the same way as Christmas is now. Even you've been,
"The man I'm describing in dressed all in red. I'm
today, in some countries, the wise men or their Your bravery and kindness have known
here for the truth now, it's time to come clean. Tell
camels bear Christmas gifts for the children no end.
me what you've done, tell me what you've seen."
each year. In Czechoslovakia, the initials of the Even in tragedy, when nights became
magi's names are written over the entranceways long, Well I started to lie then I thought what the hell, it
of houses to celebrate Epiphany. You've helped countless strangers by wouldn't have been the first time that I've spent
Today, the bodies of the magi are in the being strong. New Years in jail. I said, "Sheriff it happened last
Cologne Cathedral where they are venerated as night about ten, and I thought that my wife had
saints and called the "Three Kings of Cologne." "God sees your heart, the joy and the been drinking again."
Their feast day is July 23. They have become pain,
the patron saints of travelers. Their names have He knows the profession can often bring When she walked in from work she was as white
been engraved on rings to prevent cramps and strain. as a ghost. I thought maybe she had seen one of
objects have been touched to their skulls and So he sent me here to let you know, them UFO's. But she said that a bunch of deer had
worn to prevent accidents.[] That as you patrol, He goes where you just flown over her head, and stopped on the roof
go. of our good neighbour Red.
"As you protect others, your Father Well I ran outside to look and the sight made me
protects you, shudder, a freezer full of venison standing right on
His angels go with you, His Spirit does, Red's gutter. Well my hands were a shakin' as I
too. grabbed my gun, when outta Red's chimney this
No bullet too fast, no bad guy too strong, feller did run.
I'm sent to make sure that your life will
be long. And slung on his back was this bag over flowin'. I
thought he stolen Red's stuff while old Red was
out bowling'. So I yelled, "Drop fat boy, hands in
"So fear not the night, and fear not the
the air!" But he went about his business like he
hadn't a care.
fear not the threats that might come your
way. So I popped a warning shot over his head. Well he
I'm sent to accompany you on your beat, dropped that bag and he jumped in that sled. And
There's not one moment you're alone on as he flew off I heard him extort, "That's assault
the street." with intent Roy, I'll see ya in court."
The officer sat stunned by the love of VISIT THE NEW ÈXÈ ZONE INTERNET
He bowed his head, with a tear gave a
8 Where Was Jesus Born?
WHERE WAS JESUS Matthew. It has people in a crowd rejecting
Jesus as the Messiah because the Messiah was
bread,' a common name for settlements with
mills capable of producing fine flour, rather
BORN? expected to come from Bethlehem in Judea, than the course grade most Israelites used for
whereas Jesus was known to come from their daily needs. In 1975, amid the musty,
Christian tradition states that Jesus was born in Galilee. But both are compatible with Luke's damp and badly lit back shelves of the
Bethlehem, Judea (now Palestine). This is about account, assuming that Joseph and Mary University Library in Cambridge, I first learned
six miles, ten kilometers, south of Jerusalem returned quickly from Bethlehem in Judea to of a Galilean Bethlehem, near Nazareth, from
"on the east side of the 'Patriarch's Highway' Nazareth. an obscure study of the Talmud published
that ran along the ridge between Shechem and during the nineteenth century. I was surprised
Hebron:" 1 The Church of the Nativity in * There are numerous references in New by the dearth of discussion of this place in New
Bethlehem was built by Constantine the Great, Testament that identify Jesus as coming from Testament studies as the possible site of Jesus'
circa 330 CE. It is believed by many Christians Nazareth. The early Christians were called birth, especially since a northern Bethlehem is
and Muslims to have been built over the "Nazarenes." Jesus was called "Jesus of mentioned in the Hebrew Bible (Joshua
location of Jesus' birth. The exact spot of Jesus' Nazareth" or "Jesus the Nazarene" or "Jesus the 19:15)....Now, however, archeological
birth is identified by a hole in a 14 point star in Nazorean" - and never "Jesus of Bethlehem." excavations show that Bethlehem in Galilee is a
a underground cave beneath the church. first-century site just seven miles [12 km] from
Perhaps the most important reason to suspect Nazareth, so my former reserve can be put
However, the location of Christ's birth is not the accuracy of Matthew and Luke is that aside. There is good reason to surmise that the
certain. Bethlehem in Judea did not exist as a Bethlehem to which Matthew refers was in
functioning town between 7 and 4 BCE when Galilee."
* Matthew 2:1-6 quotes Micah 5:2 as one proof Jesus is believed to have been born.
that Jesus was the anticipated Messiah. Micah Archaeological studies of the town have turned Aviram Oshiri writes:
predicted that out of Bethlehem would "come a up a great deal of ancient Iron Age material "I had never before questioned the
ruler who will be the shepherd of my people from 1200 to 550 BCE and material from the assumption that Jesus was born in Bethlehem in
Israel." The picture drawn by Matthew is of an sixth century CE, but nothing from the 1st Judea. But in the early 1990s, as an
engaged couple who were living in Bethlehem century BCE and 1st century CE. According to archaeologist working for the IAA, I was
at the time of Jesus' birth. Aviram Oshiri, this included the "...Church of contracted to perform some salvage excavations
the Nativity and associated Byzantine and around building and infrastructure projects in a
* Luke 2:1-7 describes Joseph and Mary as medieval buildings. But there is a complete small rural community in the Galilee. When I
residents of Nazareth in the Galilee. They had to absence of information for antiquities from the started work, some of the people who lived
travel the approximately 90 miles (140 km) Herodian period--that is, from the time around around the site told me how Jesus was really
south from Nazareth in the Galilee to the birth of Jesus." So, it appears that Bethlehem born there, not in the south. Intrigued, I
Bethlehem in Judea in order to take part in the was deserted at the time that Jesus was born. researched the archaeological evidence for
Roman census and taxation. Jesus was born Bethlehem in Judea at the time of Jesus and
while they were in Bethlehem. This version of As usual, there is a division within Christianity found nothing. This was very surprising, as
the Christmas story seems a little strange, for along conservative/liberal lines: Herodian remains should be the first thing one
many reasons: should find. What was even more surprising is
- The status of a woman in 1st century * Conservative Christians usually believe in the what archaeologists had already uncovered and
Palestine was only slightly above that of a slave. inerrancy of the Bible. Since the Gospels of what I was to discover over the next 11 years of
Only Joseph would be required to register with Matthew and Luke both refer to Bethlehem in excavation at the small rural site--Bethlehem of
the authorities, because only men paid taxes. Judea, then that must have been Jesus' place of Galilee."
The presence of his fiancée or wife would be birth. It is confirmed by the passage in Micah
redundant. Mary would hardly have made the 5:2 which implied that the Messiah would be Excavations between 1992 and 2003 have
100 mile trip while 9 months pregnant unless it born there. uncovered the remains of a large church and
was absolutely necessary. Joseph would have monastery built circa 500 CE. Oshri said:
traveled alone. * Some liberal Christians are convinced by the "There is no doubt in my mind that these are
- Aviram Oshri, a senior archaeologist lack of archaeological evidence in Bethlehem, impressive and important evidence of a strong
with the Israeli Antiquities Authority (IAA), has Judea and the presence of archaeological Christian community established in Bethlehem
said: "Basic medical knowledge tells you that a evidence in Bethlehem, Galilee that he was a short time after Jesus' death." He is certain that
heavily pregnant woman could not ride a probably born in the Galilee. Further, according the structures are Christian because of the oil
donkey that kind of distance without losing her to theologians Don Cuppitt and Peter lamps with crosses, baptismal font, bronze
baby." Armstrong, "...our first principle of historical cross, and pig bones found on the site. He
- There is no record of a worldwide criticism must be: be wary of any details in the expects that recognition of Bethlehem in Galilee
census having been made in the last decade gospels which have close parallels in the Old as the birth place of Jesus may take a long time.
BCE. If one had been conducted, it would have Testament."Their reasoning was that Christians He said: "Business interests are too important.
been so disruptive that it certainly would have in the first century CE diligently searched the After all this time, the churches do not have a
been recorded at the time in Roman documents. Hebrew Scriptures (Old Testament) for strong interest in changing the nativity story."
A census was taken by Quirinius during 6 CE, references for the coming Messiah. They would
but that would have been when Jesus was about have found the reference to Bethlehem, Judea, He is probably right. With the fabulous success
ten years of age. Also, it was held in Judea, but in Micah 5:3 and assumed that Jesus must have of The Da Vinci Code, and the newly preserved
not the Galilee where Joseph lived. been born there. So, the authors of Matthew and and translated Gospel of Judas, and the rising
- It makes absolutely no sense to require Luke would have followed this tradition. interest in Gnosticism -- one of the three main
Jews and other inhabitants of the Roman divisions within the early Christian movement -
Empire to return to their ancestral town for An alternate birth location: - Christians are probably not in a mood to
registration. The economy of the Empire would relocate Jesus' birth from its traditional location.
be devastated if everyone had to make such a A new possibility has been suggested recently. It has been a settled issue for over a millennium
visit. The transportation facilities would be There appears to have been a small hamlet in and a half. []
hopelessly overloaded. Censuses are always Galilee that was also called Bethlehem --
taken where people live -- in ancient times and "Bethlehem HaGalilit" in Hebrew. It was MISSED AN EPISODE OF
now. located very close to Nazareth. THE ‘X’ ZONE?
* Mark 6:1 contradicts Matthew by identifying Bruce Chilton, author of "Rabbi Jesus" VISIT
Nazareth as Jesus' birthplace as his comments:
"hometown." John 7:41-43 also contradicts "Bethlehem in Hebrew means 'house of
Twelve Days of Christmas 9
The Twelve Days of century religious wars in England, with hidden
references to the basic teachings of the Christian
December 25, the first day of Christmas. In the
song, Christ is symbolically presented as a
Christmas Faith. They contend that it was a mnemonic mother partridge that feigns injury to decoy
device to teach the catechism to youngsters. The predators from her helpless nestlings, recalling
"true love" mentioned in the song is not an the expression of Christ's sadness over the fate
by Dennis Bratcher
earthly suitor, but refers to God Himself. The of Jerusalem: "Jerusalem! Jerusalem! How
"me" who receives the presents refers to every often would I have sheltered you under my
The Twelve Days of Christmas is
baptized person who is part of the Christian wings, as a hen does her chicks, but you would
probably the most misunderstood part of the
Faith. Each of the "days" represents some aspect not have it so . . . ." (Luke 13:34)
church year among Christians who are not part
of the Christian Faith that was important for
of liturgical church traditions. Contrary to much
children to learn. On the 2nd day of Christmas my true love
popular belief, these are not the twelve days
However, many have questioned the gave to me...
before Christmas, but in most of the Western
historical accuracy of this origin of the song The
Church are the twelve days from Christmas
Twelve Days of Christmas. While some have Two Turtle Doves
until the beginning of Epiphany (January 6th;
trying to debunk this as an "urban myth" out of
the 12 days count from December 25th until
personal agendas, others have tried to deal with The Old and New Testaments, which together
January 5th). In some traditions, the first day of
this account of the song's origin in the name of bear witness to God's self-revelation in history
Christmas begins on the evening of December
historical accuracy (see Snopes on The 12 Days and the creation of a people to tell the Story of
25th with the following day considered the First
of Christmas). There is little "hard" evidence God to the world.
Day of Christmas (December 26th). In these
available either way. Some church historians
traditions, the twelve days begin December 26
affirm this account as basically accurate, while On the 3rd day of Christmas my true love
and include Epiphany on January 6.
others point out apparent historical and logical gave to me...
The origin and counting of the Twelve
Days is complicated, and is related to
However, we need to acknowledge that Three French Hens
differences in calendars, church traditions, and
the "evidence" on both sides is mostly in logical
ways to observe this holy day in various
deduction and probabilities. Lack of positive The Three Theological Virtues: 1) Faith, 2)
cultures (see Christmas). In the Western church,
evidence does not automatically provide Hope, and 3) Love (1 Corinthians 13:13)
Epiphany is usually celebrated as the time the
negative evidence. One internet site devoted to
Wise Men or Magi arrived to present gifts to the
debunking hoaxes and legends says that, "there On the 4th day of Christmas my true love
young Jesus (Matt. 2:1-12). Traditionally there
is no substantive evidence to demonstrate that gave to me...
were three Magi, probably from the fact of three
the song 'The Twelve Days of Christmas' was
gifts, even though the biblical narrative never
created or used as a secret means of preserving Four Calling Birds
says how many Magi came. In some cultures,
tenets of the Catholic faith, or that this claim is
especially Hispanic and Latin American culture,
anything but a fanciful modern day speculation. The Four Gospels: 1) Matthew, 2) Mark, 3)
January 6th is observed as Three Kings Day, or
. .." What is omitted is that there is no Luke, and 4) John, which proclaim the Good
simply the Day of the Kings (Span: la Fiesta de
"substantive evidence" that will disprove it News of God's reconciliation of the world to
Reyes, el Dia de los Tres Reyes, or el Dia de los
either. Himself in Jesus Christ.
Reyes Magos; Dutch: Driekoningendag). Even
It is certainly possible, in fact probable,
though December 25th is celebrated as
that this view of the song is legendary or On the 5th day of Christmas my true love
Christmas in these cultures, January 6th is often
anecdotal. Without corroboration and in the gave to me...
the day for giving gifts. In some places it is
absence of "substantive evidence," we probably
traditional to give Christmas gifts for each of
should not take rigid positions on either side and Five Gold Rings
the Twelve Days of Christmas. Since Eastern
turn the song into a crusade for personal
Orthodox traditions use a different religious
opinions. That would do more to violate the The first Five Books of the Old Testament,
calendar, they celebrate Christmas on January
spirit of Christmas than the song is worth. So, known as the Torah or the Pentateuch: 1)
7th and observe Epiphany or Theophany on
for the sake of historical accuracy, we need to Genesis, 2) Exodus, 3) Leviticus, 4) Numbers,
January 19th.
acknowledge the likelihood that the song had and 5) Deuteronomy, which gives the history of
By the 16th century, some European and
secular origins. humanity's sinful failure and God's response of
Scandinavian cultures had combined the Twelve
However, on another level, this should grace in the creation of a people to be a light to
Days of Christmas with (sometimes pagan)
not prevent us from using the song in the world.
festivals celebrating the changing of the year.
celebration of Christmas. Many of the symbols
These were usually associated with driving
of Christianity were not originally religious, On the 6th day of Christmas my true love
away evil spirits for the start of the new year.
including even the present date of Christmas, gave to me...
The Twelfth Night is January 5th, the
but were appropriated from contemporary
last day of the Christmas Season before
culture by the Christian Faith as vehicles of Six Geese A-laying
Epiphany (January 6th). In some church
worship and proclamation. Perhaps, when all is
traditions, January 5th is considered the
said and done, historical accuracy is not really The six days of creation that confesses God as
eleventh Day of Christmas, while the evening of
the point. Perhaps more important is that Creator and Sustainer of the world (Genesis 1).
January 5th is still counted as the Twelfth Night,
Christians can celebrate their rich heritage, and
the beginning of the Twelfth day of Christmas
God's grace, through one more avenue this On the 7th day of Christmas my true love
the following day. Twelfth Night often included
Christmas. Now, when they hear what they once gave to me...
feasting along with the removal of Christmas
thought was only a secular "nonsense song,"
decorations. French and English celebrations of
they will be reminded in one more way of the Seven Swans A-swimming
Twelfth Night included a King's Cake,
grace of God working in transforming ways in
remembering the visit of the Three Magi, and
their lives and in our world. After all, is that not The seven gifts of the Holy Spirit: 1) prophecy,
ale or wine (a King's Cake is part of the
the meaning of Christmas anyway? 2) ministry, 3) teaching, 4) exhortation, 5)
observance of Mardi Gras in French Catholic
giving, 6) leading, and 7) compassion (Romans
culture of the Southern USA). In some cultures,
On the 1st day of Christmas my true love 12:6-8; cf. 1 Corinthians 12:8-11)
the King's Cake was part of the celebration of
gave to me...
the day of Epiphany.
(Continued on Page 11)
The popular song "The Twelve Days of
A Partridge in a Pear Tree
Christmas" is usually seen as simply a nonsense
Visit the all new ‘X’ Zone Radio & TV
song for children with secular origins. However,
The partridge in a pear tree is Jesus the Christ, Show Portal at :
some have suggested that it is a song of
the Son of God, whose birthday we celebrate on
Christian instruction, perhaps dating to the 16th
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The Silent Night 19
The Silent Night Christmas Superstitions Who Started The
A true Christmas miracle About Trees Christmas Cards
born from the horror of Tradition?
world war and the unifying Unusual Christmas
music of Christmas superstitions about Why We Send Christmas Cards
everyone's favorite During the Holiday Season
In any conversation about Christmas
miracles, someone usually refers to the true decoration! The Christmas This year while you're preparing all of
story of a Silent Night during 1914 when an Tree the Christmas cards that will be going out to
unlikely truce between opposing German and friends and family you may take a moment to
British forces demonstrated the true spirit of It's hard to write too many articles about wonder why you do it and who started it all.
Christmas in a way unlikely to be forgotten Christmas superstitions involving your tree -- After all, it's not like the apostles took it upon
there are literally hundreds of stories, legends, themselves to send each other greeting cards to
The Beginnings and myths about trees. So no matter how much remember the birthday of Jesus. Hey, Hallmark
of a Christmas buff you may be, there might be didn't even exist back then! So how did
People associate the song Silent Night a few superstitions you have yet to encounter. Christmas cards become a part of this Christian
with the so-called "Christmas Truce" because holiday? Here's where it all began...
it's the first song known to have echoed across 1. Spring, Spring, Come Around!
the war-torn battlefield and also because for that Let's Travel Back in Time
night the rifles went silent. On that Christmas Long before anyone set up the first
Eve, German soldiers began decorating their Christmas tree, people brought winter greenery Let's go back in time to 1840s Britain.
trenches and singing the famous song. Inspired, into their homes. The superstition was that if The first postal deliveries were being sent
the British soldiers returned carols in English, you forgot this custom, spring might forget to thanks to the brand new “Penny Post” that had
and one of the most famous Christmas miracles return next season! Of course, that's not the only been set up.
of modern history was born. magic of the tree: winter greenery is thought to Now that the Penny Post enabled people
keep away witches, spirits, and other evil to send Christmas greetings to one another it
The Truce forces. became customary to do so. However, many
People would actually decorate greenery people found it tedious and time consuming to
By December 24th, soldiers on both long before Christmas superstitions came about, hand write all of their Christmas letters. In
sides were discouraged and dispirited, and it's but they'd decorate the bushes outside their 1843, the first Christmas card was
safe to say no one wanted to spend Christmas in homes. Why? Because they figured those evil commissioned.
a trench, far from family and friends. So it spirits were looking for shelter (I guess they
makes sense that both sides were ready for a don't like winter, either) and they didn't want Christmas Cards Come to America
truce. them moving into their homes.
Once the carols had been sung, soldiers For about 30 years, Americans had to
began to shout greetings across the field. 2. The Yule Log import their Christmas cards from Britain. It
Several of the German soldiers spoke English, wasn't until 1875 that the first Christmas cards
allowing the sides to communicate freely. Soon, There are enough Christmas would be printed in the United States.
brave soldiers began to visit across the neutral superstitions about the Yule log to fill their own And the Christmas cards sent back then
zone in the middle of the field (also known as book -- but one of the sweetest says that if you really didn't mirror today's popular cards at all.
"No Man's Land"). They exchanged gifts of want good luck, you should cut the Yule log The Christmas cards of yesteryear tended to
whatever they had: whiskey, jam, cigars, from this year's tree and let it cure until next depict flowers and faeries. It wasn't until later
chocolate and uniform buttons or pieces. Christmas. Of course, if you let that log go out years that Christmas cards took on a “holiday
One of the more painful but important during the twelve days of Christmas you're theme”.
part of such Christmas miracles is the emotional ruined: bad luck for the rest of the year. Keep
impact, and the truce allowed both sides to adding wood but make sure a section of the And the Evolution Continues...
retrieve soldiers whose bodies had fallen in the original Yule log keeps burning.
middle of the field. Prior to now, it had been too What the Penny Post did for Christmas
dangerous to emerge from the trenches to claim 3. Light up your Life cards back in the mid 1800s, the Internet is
the bodies. Now, soldiers were given the chance doing today. The way we greet one another at
to bury the bodies of their fallen brothers. The original candles were placed on Christmas is changing once again. Thanks to the
In fact, in some cases German and trees to frighten away the devil and evil spirits wider acceptance of “e-cards” all it takes is the
British soldiers joined together to hold funeral long before the tree was called a "Christmas click of the mouse to send your friends and
services for their friends, reading verses from tree." Romans started this tradition, and they family Christmas greetings. Who knows what
the Bible, particularly the 23rd psalm. took it a step further by attaching pieces of tomorrow brings...
metal so the added reflections would further
All Good Things... terrify those evil presences.
Unfortunately, Christmas miracles are often all 4. Apples Galore
too fleeting. In this case, the war had to resume,
and while some soldiers refused to fight, If you've ever seen apple decorations on
understandably reluctant to resume killing their a tree, you probably didn't realize they were part
new found friends, army officials intervened, of Christmas superstitions. In the eleventh
and by New Year's Day, the truce was over in all century, before the official "Christmas tree" as
areas -- but not in the hearts of those who we know it, people would decorate trees with
experienced it. apples on Christmas eve to encourage luck and
The last surviving veteran of the plenty in the coming year.
Christmas truce died in Scotland at the age of If you love Christmas trees -- and really,
109, but like all Christmas miracles, this one who doesn't? -- these Christmas superstitions
will survive those who experienced it for many should help you enjoy your holiday season to its
years. [] very fullest.[]
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Christmas Around the World 21
Christmas in Africa up and down the streets singing Christmas ground or on dry grass and eating meatless
Carols and shouting "Christ is coming, Christ is food. There were 7 or 12 meals: wine, Rakia ,
Preparation for Christmas in the Congo coming! He is near!" in their language. In the sarmy and so on. There always was a huge
begins when some group is designated to evening, people flock to churches which have round bread where all the cattle, the house and
prepare the annual Christmas pageant. been decorated with Christmas evergreens or things like that were carved.
Christmas day begins with groups of palm trees massed with candles. Hymns are Bulgarians make Christmas wishes
carolers walking to and fro through the village, sung and Nativity plays are presented. around the fire and eat blood sausage.
along the roadway, by the houses of the On Christmas Day, children and older
missionaries, singing the lovely carols known people, representing the angels in the fields Christmas in China
the world around. Often people may be outside Bethlehem, go from house to house
awakened by a group of carolers beginning to singing. Another church service is held where The Christian children of China
converge on the house of worship. They return they dress in their native attire or Western decorate trees with colorful ornaments. These
home to make final preparation as to the clothes costumes. Later on there is a feast of rice and ornaments are made from paper in the shapes of
one must wear and also as to his offering for the yam paste called fufu with stew or okra soup, flowers, chains and lanterns. They also hang
Christmas service. porridge and meats. Families eat together or muslin stockings hoping that Christmas Old
The most important part of their with close neighbors, and presents are given. Man will fill them with gifts and treats.
Christmas worship service is the love offering, On the west coast of Africa, in Liberia, The Chinese Christmas trees are called
this is the gift in honor of Jesus. Then at about 8 most homes have an oil palm for a Christmas "Trees of Light." Santa Claus is called Dun Che
or 9 o'clock everyone makes their way to the tree, which is decorated with bells. On Lao Ren which means "Christmas Old Man.".
celebration of the birthday of Jesus. Christmas morning, people are woken up by The non-Christian Chinese call this
Everyone who attends the service goes carols. Presents such as cotton cloth, soap, season the Spring Festival and celebrate with
forward to lay down their gift upon the raised sweets, pencils, and books are exchanged. Also many festivities that include delicious meals
platform near the Communion table. Not one in the morning a church service is held in which and pay respects to their ancestors. The children
person will attend the service without giving a the Christmas scene is enacted and hymns and are the main focus of these celebrations, they
gift. carols are sung. Dinner is eaten outdoors with receive new clothes and toys, eat delectable
Now people have Christmas dinners everyone sitting in a circle to share the meal of food and watch firecrackers displays.
after the service, preparing tables out in front of rice, beef and biscuits. Games are played in the
their home and inviting many of their intimate afternoon, and at night fireworks light up the Christmas in Egypt
friends to share. sky.
Christmas in South Africa is a summer The Coptic Church is an Orthodox
holiday. In December, the southern summer Christmas in Bethlehem Church and in the Coptic Church Christmas is
brings glorious days of sunshine that carry an celebrated on the 7th January. Advent is
irresistible invitation to the beaches, the rivers, In Bethlehem the town where Jesus is observed for forty days and during this period
and the shaded mountain slopes. Then the South said to have been born is the site of the Church people are expected to fast eating no meat,
African holiday season reaches its height. of the Nativity, which is ablaze with flags and poultry or dairy products. Some people only do
Schools are closed, and camping is the order of decorations on every Christmas. On Christmas this during the last week of Advent.
the day. In South Africa there is no snow, but it Eve natives and visitors alike crowd the On the Eve of Christmas everyone goes
has many flowers, many beautiful varieties of church's doorways and stand on the roof to to church wearing a completely new outfit. The
cultivated and wild flowers being in their full watch for the dramatic annual procession. Christmas service ends at midnight with the
pride. Galloping horsemen and police mounted on ringing of church bells, then people go home to
In the cities and towns carolers make Arabian horses lead the parade. They are eat a special Christmas meal known as fata,
their rounds on Christmas Eve. Church services followed by solitary horseman carrying a cross which consists of bread, rice, garlic and boiled
are held on Christmas morning. Christmas Eve and sitting astride a coal-black steed, then meat.
celebrations in larger centers include "Carols by comes the churchmen and government officials. On Christmas morning people in Egypt
Candlelight" and special screen and floor The procession solemnly enters the doors and visit friends and neighbors. They take with them
shows. places an ancient effigy of the Holy Child in the kaik which is a type of shortbread, which they
Homes are decorated with pine Church. Deep winding stairs lead to a grotto take with them to give to the people they visit
branches, and all have the decorated Christmas where visitors find a silver star marking the site and eaten with a drink known as shortbat.
fir in a corner, with presents for the children of the birth of Jesus. Christmas Day is a public holiday for
around. At bedtime on Christmas Eve, children Christian homes in Bethlehem are Christians.
may also hang up their stockings for presents marked by a cross painted over the door and
from Father Christmas. each home displays a homemade manger scene. Christmas in Ethiopia
Many South Africans have a Christmas A star is set up on a pole in the village square.
dinner in the open-air lunch. For many more, it The Ethiopian Christmas known as Ganna is
is the traditional dinner of either turkey, roast Christmas in Bulgaria celebrated on January 7th. This celebration
beef, mince pies, or suckling pig, yellow rice takes place in ancient churches carved from
with raisins, vegetables, and plum pudding, Christmas Eve is as important as solid volcanic rock and also in modern churches
crackers, paper hats, and all. In the afternoon, Christmas day in Bulgaria. A special diner, that are designed in three concentric circles.
families go out into the country and usually consisting of at least twelve dishes is prepared. Men and boys sit separately from girls and
there are games or bathing in the warm All of them are without meat and each of them women. Also the choir sings from the outside
sunshine, and then home in the cool of the represents a separate month of the year. The circle.
evening. Boxing Day is also a proclaimed dishes consist of beans, different kinds of nuts, People receive candles as they enter the
public holiday usually spent in the open air. It dried plums, cakes, and the traditional Banitza. church. After lighting the candles everyone
falls on December 26 and is a day of real On this day the whole family gathers, eat on walks around the church three times, then
relaxation. straw and get off the table in the same time. stands throughout the mass, which may last up
In Ghana, on Africa's west coast, most In the past Christmas was celebrated to three hours.
churches herald the coming of Christmas by differently. There were boys and non-married Food served at Christmas usually
decorating the church and homes beginning young men who were visiting the houses, includes injera, a sourdough pancake like bread.
with the first week in Advent, four weeks before singing songs for wealth and health for the Injera serves as both plate and fork. Doro wat, a
Christmas. This season happens to coincide hosts. They were rewarded with money, food spicy chicken stew might be the main meal. A
with the cocoa harvest, so it is a time of wealth. and so on. They were bringing long sticks to put piece of the injera is used to scoop up the wat.
Everyone returns home from wherever they kravai which are round breads with holes in Baskets decorated beautifully are used to serve
might be such as farms or mines. them. They were called Rkoledaris. In the the wat. (Continued on Page 24)
On the eve of Christmas, children march houses the families gathered sitting on the
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24 Christmas Around the World
Christmas Around the Gifts are exchanged on January 1st, St Basil's
dipped into water to bless it. People would take
the water home with them drink three sips
World On Christmas Eve, groups of people before eating anything.
gather around the holiday table. Figs, dried on
Continued from Page 21
rooftops are served with the spicy golden Christmas in India
Chrisopsomo bread.
Christmas in Ethiopia
As people are they greet one another by Christians in India decorate banana or
saying Hronia polla or many happy years. The mango trees. They also light small oil-burning
Gift giving is a very small part of
table filled with food may include such dishes lamps as Christmas decorations and fill their
Christmas celebration. Children usually receive
as kourambiethes, a Greek nut cookie. churches with red flowers.
very simple presents such as clothing.
In Ethiopia Christmas day is January 7, They give presents to family members
Christmas in Holland and baksheesh, or charity, to the poor people.
so on Christmas Eve the city is crowded with
pilgrims from all parts of the country. They In India, the poinsettia is in flower and
St Nicholas arrives early in Holland with so the churches are decorated with this brilliant
remain outdoors all night, praying and chanting.
his gifts, in November. He is dressed in Bishop's bloom for the Christmas Midnight Mass.
In the morning, a colorful procession makes its
robes and journeys in a boat with his helper who In South India, Christians put small
way to a nearby hilltop where a service is held.
is called Black Peter and who wears Spanish clay lamps on the rooftops and walls of their
Three young men march at the head of the
clothes. It is said that the pair live most of the houses at Christmas, just as the Hindus do
crowd, lashing whips from left to right to keep
year preparing lists of presents and writing during their festival called Diwali.
the people in line. Those who worship are fed
every child's behavior in a very large book.
with bread and wine that has been blessed by
Many people go to Amsterdam docks to greet Christmas in Iran (Persia)
priests. After the service is over the rest of the
him. He mounts a snow horse and rides through
day is spent dancing, playing sport and feasting.
the streets in a great parade, amid many Christmas in Iran is known as the Little
festivities. Feast. For the first 25 days of December, a great
Christmas in Greece
December 5th is Sinterklaas Eve or fast is observed, during which no meat, eggs,
Sinterklass Eve, and presents are given and milk, or cheese is eaten. It is a time of peace and
St. Nicholas is important in Greece as
received. meditation; a time for attending services at the
the patron saint of sailors. According to Greek
Farmers in Holland blow long horns at church. When the fast is over, the feast is begun,
tradition, his clothes are drenched with brine,
sunset each evening during the Christmas for plenty of meat is prepared for the Christmas
his beard drips with seawater, and his face is
period. The horns are blown over water wells dinner.
covered with perspiration because he has been
which makes the sound extremely loud. This is Christmas Eve is the last day of the fast.
working hard against the waves to reach sinking
done to announce the coming of Christmas. Almost before dawn on Christmas Day, the
ships and rescue them from the angry sea. Greek
All Dutch children know that people attend Mass to receive Communion and
ships never leave port without some sort of St.
Sinterklaas or Sinterklass lived in Spain, where it is not until they have received this
Nicholas icon on board.
he spends his time recording the behavior of all Communion that they are permitted to break
On Christmas Eve small boys to the
the children in his little red book, while Piet fast.
beating of drums and the tinkling of triangles
stocks up on the presents. The boys and girls of Iran have never
usually sing carols. They go from house to
Christmas Day is a religious time, and heard of Santa Claus, so they do not exchange
house and are given dried figs, almonds,
the day is spent with visits to Church. In the gifts at Christmas. But they do receive new
walnuts and lots of sweets or sometimes small
afternoon, people sit around the tree, sing carols clothes, which they proudly wear all during the
and tell stories. happy Christmas week.
After 40 days of fasting, the Christmas
feast is looked forward to with great A dish eaten for Christmas day is a kind
Christmas in the Holy Land of chicken stew. It is cooked in large quantities
anticipation by adults and children alike. Pigs
are slaughtered and on almost every table are and lasts several days.
Christmas in the Holy Land where
loaves of christopsomo or "Christ Bread". This
Christ is believed to have been born is often full Christmas in Iraq
bread is made in large sweet loaves of various
of travelers come to celebrate Christmas. Here
shapes and the crusts are engraved and
in a grotto there is a 14-pointed Silver Star on In the Christian homes an unusual
decorated in some way that reflects the family's
the floor is where the birthplace is supposed to ceremony is held in the courtyard of the home
have been. on Christmas Eve. One of the children in the
Christmas trees are not commonly used
There are three Christmas Eves in the family reads the story of the Nativity from an
in Greece. In almost every home the main
Holy Land. One on the 24th December Arabic Bible. The other members of the family
symbol of the season is a shallow wooden bowl
celebrated by the Protestant and Catholic hold lighted candles, and as soon as the story
with a piece of wire is suspended across the rim;
Churches. The second for the Greek Orthodox, has been read a bonfire is lit in one corner of the
from that hangs a sprig of basil wrapped around
Coptic (Egyptian) and Syrian churches. The courtyard. The fire is made of dried thorns and
a wooden cross. A small amount of water is kept
third is the Armenian Church. At times, all three the future of the house for the coming year
in the bowl to keep the basil alive and fresh.
services are going on at the same time, but, in depends upon the way the fire burns. If the
Once a day, a family member, usually the
different parts of the church, as well as in thorns burn to ashes, the family will have good
mother, dips the cross and basil into some holy
different languages. For lunch they eat turkey, fortune. While the fire is burning, a psalm is
water and uses it to sprinkle water in each room
spiced with pepper, cinnamon and nutmeg and sung. When the fire is reduced to ashes,
of the house. This ritual is believed to keep the
stuffed with rice, meat,, pine nuts and almonds. everyone jumps over the ashes three times and
Killantzaroi away from the house.
Early in the evening, members of the makes a wish.
There is a tradition kallikantzeri, where
Protestant church groups would go around On Christmas day a similar bonfire is
the mischievous goblins appear from the earth
singing carols. On Christmas morning children built in the church. While the fire burns the men
during the 12 days of Christmas.
would open their presents before breakfast. of the congregation chant a hymn. Then there is
At Christmas very few presents are
After breakfast Protestant people would go to a procession in which the officials of the church
given to each other. Instead, small gifts are
church, and visit friends to wish them a happy march behind the bishop, who carries an image
given to hospitals and orphanages.
Christmas. of the infant Jesus upon a scarlet cushion. The
Priests sometimes go from house to
The Catholic Church priests would long Christmas service always ends with the
house sprinkling holy water around to get rid of
come a bless water from which all members of blessing of the people. The bishop reaches forth
the bad spirits who may be hiding in people's
the family would take a sip. and touches a member of the congregation with
The member of the Greek Orthodox his hand, putting his blessing upon him. That
In most Greek homes an evergreen tree
Church Epiphany is very important. They have person touches the one next him, and so on,
is decorated with tinsel and a star placed on top.
a special church service at which a cross was until all have received "the Touch of Peace."
Christmas Around the World 25
Christmas Around the so they may receive their presents from Santa
who goes around with a red-nosed reindeer.
Christmas in Peru
Children, Aliens, Ghosts, Vampires, Mummies, and the
rest of the gang can send an e-letter to Santa himself at
28 A Book of Insight
A Book of Insight
Wisdom from the Other Side
As long as mankind has had conscious awareness, he has sought answers to questions
about his true purpose here on Earth. Questions about God, reality, life and death.
What really happens to us when we die? Are heaven and hell real? Are we alone in this
Universe or do other realities exist?
One day, in September of 2004, Tina and Tilde were experimenting with a Ouija board
when they were joined by three entities who were not of this world. They began to
receive wisdom and knowledge from a realm of existence that was beyond anything
they had ever experienced, and were given the answers to these questions, and many
A Book of Insight takes you through a fascinating journey of the soul and mankind’s
evolution from the time man first came to inhabit the Earth to present day. It takes us
through an explanation of alternate realities. What other worlds exist around us? Are
they inhabited? Where did we come from and what is our purpose here? And what
“In light and in love, we about death? What can we expect when we depart this life? A Book of Insight unravels
wish you a joyous all these mysteries and more.
There is an awakening that is now beginning to take place within the collective
consciousness of humanity. A Book of Insight explains the purpose of this awakening
“A Book of Insight” is available at
and the role we each play in it.
the following locations: This truly is a book of insight. Tina and Tilde would like to share with you, the messages contained within “A Book of Insight” that forever altered the course of their lives. Take a journey through its pages
and and discover how “A Book of Insight” can have an impact on your life.
w w w. a b o o k o f i n s i g h t . c o m
The Real Nativity Story 29
The Real Nativity
Story: Surprising
Truths You May Not
The biblical accounts of Jesus
Christ's birth present some
surprising differences from
popular ideas and traditions. Do
you know the facts from the
by John Ross Schroeder and Doug Johnson
The primary purpose of this book is to
empower readers and encourage them to
become proactive consumer-patients. This
book isn't an attempt to be politically
correct, but is dedicated to providing tools
that readers can put to use when they
encounter challenges when making their
best efforts to navigate their way into,
through and out of the maze that has
become our healthcare system. Americans
are concerned more about healthcare than
the mortgage crisis, credit card debt, rising
food prices, or losing money in the stock
market. Now is the time to get educated,
find out what the future might hold, and get
active in the decision-making that
surrounds your healthcare. With physicians
making misdiagnoses between fifteen and
twenty percent of the time, the examination
room treadmill speeding up, and
emergency rooms stressed out and
overcrowded, here is a wakeup call that
encourages the adoption of a more
responsible, proactive, energetic, and
consumer oriented attitude when it comes
to personal and family health - before it is
too late.
Educated in England, the U.S. and Switzerland, Jeff Knott has wide
experience in healthcare serving as International Marketing
Director for Johnson & Johnson worldwide. He has lectured as a
visiting professor at a number of universities, spoken on
international subjects and appeared on TV. He is co-chairman of
Healthy Together and is a trustee of the University of Tampa
The Real Nativity Story 31
The Real Nativity dead of winter, as so many today mistakenly
under these circumstances.
"And she brought forth her firstborn
Story: Surprising Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling cloth, and
The evidence of the Roman census laid Him in a manger [margin, feed trough],
Truths You May Not because there was no room for them in the inn"
Know! Can we find other biblical evidence that
Jesus was born in the autumn rather than in
(verse 7).
But why was there no room for Joseph
winter? Indeed we can. and Mary in Bethlehem? We learn a great deal
The biblical accounts of Jesus Continuing in Luke's account: "And it from understanding the culture of the time.
Christ's birth present some came to pass in those days that a decree went If we have judged the time frame
out from Caesar Augustus that all the world correctly based on John being conceived shortly
surprising differences from should be registered" (Luke 2:1). "All the after the time of the first term of Abijah around
popular ideas and traditions. Do world" in this context would mean all the areas Pentecost, and his birth following nine months
you know the facts from the under Roman rule. "This census took place later, followed by Jesus' birth six months after
while Quirinius was governing Syria. So all that in late September or possibly early October,
fiction? went to be registered, everyone to his own city" was something else happening at that particular
(verses 2-3). time of the year that would've created crowded
Continued from Page 29 What kind of people were the Romans conditions in Bethlehem?
when it came to order and efficiency? They built Indeed there was. Late September and
This account clearly shows that Mary bridges, roads and buildings that in some cases early October is the autumn festival season on
was a remarkable young woman of faith. are still in use to this day, 2,000 years later. God's calendar, one of the three times in the
Gabriel said to her, "And behold, you will Their roads were marvels of engineering. They year when families would travel to Jerusalem to
conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, constructed great waterworks and sewage observe God's Holy Days (see Deuteronomy
and shall call His name Jesus. He will be great, systems. Even today, our city planning owes a 16:16). With the Jews of Israel still obeying this
and will be called the Son of the Highest . . . great deal to the Romans. Even much of modern command, even today it is difficult to find a
And He will reign over the house of Jacob government and military organization is copied hotel room in Jerusalem at this time of year!
[Israel] forever" (verses 31-33). from the Romans. They were masters of The population of Jerusalem swelled
Mary, since she was a virgin, then asked organization and structure. several times over to overflowing at this time.
the obvious question. The answer came back: Would the Romans, then, have ordered a This affected nearby towns such as Bethlehem,
"The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the census in the dead of winter? Of course not. a few miles south of Jerusalem. Because of this
power of the Highest will overshadow you" This would have defeated the whole purpose! In huge influx of people, every house was filled.
(verse 35). winter, temperatures drop below freezing Joseph and Mary did find a place in what was
Gabriel emphasized God's miracle- around Jerusalem, and the roads would have normally used to shelter animals. It certainly
working power: "Now indeed, Elizabeth, your been muddy and wet with cold rains and wouldn't have been first class, but likely they
relative [ cousin, KJV] has also conceived a son occasional snow. It would've been a terrible were thankful to have even that.
in her old age; and this is now the sixth month time to travel, especially for a wife nearing her
for her who was called barren. For with God delivery. The shepherds and their flocks
nothing will be impossible" (verses 36-37). One author states that this census "could
hardly have been at that season [winter], Continuing in Luke's account, we find
Mary and Elizabeth however, for such a time would surely not have further proof that Jesus wasn't born in winter.
been chosen by the authorities for a public Verse 8 tells us, " Now there were in the same
So a little more time has elapsed. It is enrollment, which necessitated the population's country shepherds living out in the fields,
now Elizabeth's sixth month, perhaps late traveling from all parts to their natal districts, keeping watch over their flock by night."
December or a little beyond. "Now Mary arose storms and rain making journeys both unsafe This likewise shows that these events
in those days [the same basic time frame] and and unpleasant in winter, except in specially did not take place in winter. The common
went into the hill country with haste, to a city of favorable years. Snow is not at all uncommon at practice of shepherds was to keep their flocks in
Judah, and entered the house of Zacharias and Jerusalem in the winter months, and I have the open fields from April to October, but in the
greeted Elizabeth. And it happened, when known it so deep that people lost their way cold and wet winter months they took their
Elizabeth heard the greeting of Mary, that the outside the gates" (Cunningham Geikie, flocks back home and sheltered them.
babe leaped in her womb" (verses 39-41). "Christmas at Bethlehem," Edward Deems, The Interpreter's One-Volume
Elizabeth at this time was in her sixth editor, Holy-Days and Holidays, 1968, p. 405). Commentary (1971) says this passage argues
month of pregnancy with John the Baptist. It No rational Roman official would have "against the birth [of Christ] occurring on Dec.
would not be a stretch to understand from the scheduled a census in winter. For an agrarian 25 since the weather would not have permitted"
previous passage that Mary was now also society such as that of first-century Judea, a shepherds watching over their flocks in the
pregnant with Jesus. Elizabeth even speaks of census in the autumn, when the crops would've fields at night.
Mary as though she knows Mary is an expectant been safely gathered in, would have made much Adam Clarke's Commentary explains
mother: "But why is this granted to me, that the more sense. that, "as these shepherds had not yet brought
mother of my Lord should come to me? For home their flocks, it is a presumptive argument
indeed, as soon as the voice of your greeting Why was there no room in Bethlehem? that October had not yet commenced, and that,
sounded in my ears, the babe leaped in my consequently, our Lord was not born on the 25th
womb for joy" (verses 43-44). Picking up our story in Luke again, we of December, when no flocks were out in the
Verse 56 says, "And Mary remained find other biblical evidence for the true timing fields; nor could He have been born later than
with her about three months, and returned to her of Jesus Christ's birth. September, as the flocks were still in the fields
house." Timewise it was now late March. Mary "Joseph also went up from Galilee, out by night. On this very ground the nativity in
stayed with Elizabeth right to the birth of John of the city of Nazareth . . . because he was of the December should be given up. The feeding of
the Baptist. "Now Elizabeth 's full time came for house and lineage of David, to be registered the flocks by night in the fields is a
her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son" with Mary, his betrothed wife, who was with chronological fact, which casts considerable
(verse 57). child. So it was, that while they were there, the light upon this disputed point."
We see, then, that Mary was probably days were completed for her to be delivered" Again, the evidence in Luke points to a
three months pregnant when John was born. (verses 4-6). late September birth.
John was probably born in late March or early We don't know how far ahead of time
April. So when was Jesus Christ born? Six they traveled, nor how long they were there for (Continued on Page 32)
months later would be late September or early the census. The essential point is that the most
October—in the autumn of the year, not in the important human birth in all history took place Visit our portal -
32 The Real Nativity Story
The Real Nativity "And when he had gathered all the chief priests
and scribes of the people together, he inquired
timing of when it really occurred. John the
Baptist was born in the spring. His cousin Jesus
Story: Surprising of them where the Christ was to be born. So was born six months later—probably in late
they said to him, 'In Bethlehem of Judea'" September, possibly early October. The
Truths You May Not (verses 4-5). shepherds visited immediately; the wise men—
Know! King Herod carefully concealed his
murderous intentions. "Then Herod, when he
their number unknown—arrived much later.
It's tragic that the true story should have
had secretly called the wise men, determined become so badly garbled by human traditions.
The biblical accounts of Jesus from them what time the star appeared. And he It's also tragic that people ignore the Bible's
Christ's birth present some sent them to Bethlehem and said, 'Go and search clear instructions and invent their own. Jesus
carefully for the young Child, and when you Himself roundly condemned religious leaders
surprising differences from have found Him, bring back word to me, that I of His day who were "making the word of God
popular ideas and traditions. Do may come and worship Him also'" (verses 7-8). of no effect through your tradition" (Mark
you know the facts from the Notice that now Herod referred to Jesus 7:13).
not as a baby, but as "the young Child." He A strong and weighty biblical principle
fiction? realized how long their travels would have is found in Deuteronomy 12. It tells us why we
taken the wise men—possibly from as far away should observe the annual Holy Days and
Continued from Page 31 as Parthia or the region around Babylon, where festivals God has revealed in His Word—not
the Israelites and Jews had been exiled centuries traditional holidays borrowed from paganism:
The shepherds come to see Jesus before. Herod knew from when the star had "You shall not worship the LORD your
appeared that he was not seeking a newborn God in that way; for every abomination to the
Continuing the story in Luke 2:10-17: " baby, but a boy by now considerably older. LORD which He hates have they done to their
Then the angel said to them, 'Do not be afraid, And to remove any threat to his position, gods . . . whatever I command you, be careful to
for behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy Herod "put to death all the male children who observe it; you shall not add to it, nor take away
which will be to all people. For there is born to were in Bethlehem and in all its districts, from from it" (Deuteronomy 12:31-32).
you this day in the city of David a Savior, who two years old and under, according to the time Have you ever thought it curious that
is Christ the Lord. And this will be the sign to which he had determined from the wise men" although two of the Gospel writers describe the
you: You will find a Babe wrapped in swaddling (verse 16). Herod, covering all of his bases in circumstances surrounding Christ's birth (the
cloths, lying in a manger.' protecting his throne, ordered the murderous other two don't even cover the event), neither of
". . . And they came with haste and slaughter of those 2 years old and under. them gives the date? Has it puzzled you that the
found Mary and Joseph, and the Babe lying in a Bible never once mentions "Christmas"? And
manger. Now when they had seen Him, they It wasn't the common nativity scene that none of the biblical writers says anything
made widely known the saying which was told about commemorating that birth?
them concerning this Child." The wise men were miraculously guided We do find, however, explicit
We might notice that only the shepherds to the Christ child (verses 9-10). "And when commands to commemorate Jesus Christ's
arrive in time to see Jesus in the manger. The they had come into the house, they saw the sacrifice and death on our behalf (1 Corinthians
wise men, as we will see, didn't arrive on the young Child with Mary His mother" (verse 11). 11:23-26). We also find commands to observe
scene until later. The typical nativity scene completely falls apart other biblical festivals, the same festivals Jesus
" And when eight days were completed at this point. There is no mention of a manger and the New Testament Church celebrated. Isn't
for the circumcision of the Child, His name was here. Rather Jesus was, as stated, in a house. it about time you looked into the Bible to see
called Jesus, the name given by the angel before And Jesus was no longer an infant, He was a what God's Word says about them? []
He was conceived in the womb. Now when the young child. The wise men obviously visited
days of her purification according to the law of Jesus long after the shepherds had come and More Christmas Factoids!
Moses were completed, they brought Him to gone—perhaps a year or more later.
Jerusalem to present Him to the Lord (as it is The typical manger scene includes three Cultured Christmas trees must be
written in the law of the Lord, 'Every male who wise men. The Bible, however, nowhere says shaped as they grow to produce fuller foliage.
opens the womb shall be called holy to the how many wise men there were. It does note, To slow the upward growth and to encourage
Lord'), and to offer a sacrifice . . . a pair of however, that they presented three kinds of branching, they are hand-clipped in each spring.
turtledoves or two young pigeons" (Luke 2:21- giftsto Him—gold, frankincense and myrrh. Trees grown in the wild have sparser branches,
24; compare Exodus 13:2). Why these three particular gifts? Their and are known in the industry as "Charlie
This was called "redeeming the symbolism is striking when we understand it. Brown" trees.
firstborn." Leviticus 12:2-3, 6 tells us that this Gold was a gift for royalty—in this case During the ancient 12-day Christmas
ceremony occurred 40 days after the birth of a the chosen King of the Jews and ultimately the celebration, the log burned was called the "Yule
son. So if Christ was born in late September, we "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" who will log." Sometimes a piece of the Yule log would
are now into mid-November. rule over the entire earth (Revelation 19:16). be kept to kindle the fire the following winter, to
Frankincense was an incense intimately ensure that the good luck carried on from year
The wise men and Herod connected with the priesthood and temple to year. The Yule log custom was handed down
sacrifices, foreshadowing the fact that Jesus from the Druids.
We'll now continue the story flow in Christ would serve as our High Priest and give During the Christmas buying season,
Matthew 2:1-3: "Now after Jesus was born in Himself as the perfect sacrifice to pay the Visa cards alone are used an average of 5,340
Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the penalty for the sins of all mankind (Hebrews times every minute in the United States.
king, behold, wise men from the East came to 4:14-15; 9:11-14; 1 Peter 1:18-19). During the Christmas/Hanukkah season,
Jerusalem, saying, 'Where is He who has been Myrrh had a much more sobering more than 1.76 billion candy canes will be
born King of the Jews? For we have seen His symbolism. When a person died, this perfuming made.
star in the East and have come to worship Him.' agent was wrapped with the body to help cover During World War II it was necessary
When Herod the king heard this, he was up the stench of death. Jesus' own body would for Americans to mail Christmas gifts early for
troubled, and all Jerusalem with him." be wrapped in linen with myrrh and aloes (John the troops in Europe to receive them in time.
Why did this news disturb Herod? Other 19:39-40). Merchants joined in the effort to remind the
historical accounts attest to Herod's paranoia public to shop and mail early and the protracted
about being overthrown. The news that a new Why we should celebrate God's Holy Days shopping season was born.
king of the Jews had been born threatened his instead For every real Christmas tree harvested,
position. 2 to 3 seedlings are planted in its place.
Herod obviously knew of the traditions Matthew and Luke reveal the true story
and the prophecies relating to the Messiah. of the birth of Jesus Christ and the general MERRY CHRISTMAS ‘X’ ZONE NATION
The Little Drummer Boy 33
The Little Drummer Boy
David grew up in the kitchen of the inn.
His father was the innkeeper. His mother
cooked the food. David's older sisters cleaned
the rooms, and his older brother swept the
stable. David loved to sing. He would sing to his
mother as she cooked the food. David made up
songs and banged on pots and bowls as he sang
to her. David's mother smiled at him. "Someday
you will sing in the temple, my son," his mother
said. David grinned at his mother. "Tem-ple,"
David said very carefully.
David's father came into the kitchen.
"How is my big boy?" David's father asked as
he swung David onto his shoulders. "Pum Pum
Pum! Tem-ple come!" David sang as he
drummed on his father's head with a wooden
spoon. David's father smiled as his son kept on
drumming. "We must find this boy a drum or
my poor head will not survive!" said David's
father, with a laugh.
A few years later David got a small
drum for his birthday. Soon he was beating
rhythms on his drum wherever he went. Pat-a- am a poor boy, too. I have no gift to bring that's And he whistled, and shouted, and
rum, pat-a-rum, pat-a-rum, David drummed to fit to give a king. Shall I play for you on my called them by name;
copy the donkeys on the road. Swish-click- drum?
click-tum, swish-click-click-tum, went David's David stepped closer to Mary, Joseph, "Now, Dasher! now, Dancer! now,
drumming to copy his brother sweeping straw in and their son. Baby Jesus smiled at David, Prancer and Vixen!
the stable. reached out, and patted his drum. On, Comet! on, Cupid! on, Donder and
One day David's father said to his Love, spirit, and the beat of his drum Blitzen!
family, "We are going to be very busy. Caesar brought one little boy closer to the infant Jesus. To the top of the porch! to the top of the
Augustus has ordered a count of all the families Continue to the next page to Read 'The Wishing wall!
in all the towns." "Pum Pum. Pa-rum-pum-pum- Star,' and learn how hope, love, and a shining Now dash away! dash away! dash away
pum. I counted six of us!" David sang. "Why star helped bring another little boy closer to all!"
does this make us busy?" "Because people will someone he loved -- on Christmas Eve. As dry leaves that before the wild
come to Bethlehem to be counted with their hurricane fly,
families," said David's father. "They will need a
place to stay. They will stay with us, and we will
Santa’s Reindeer When they meet with an obstacle, mount
to the sky;
be very busy." So up to the house-top the coursers they
David's mother cooked more food. The legend of Santa's reindeer was flew,
David's sisters cleaned the rooms. David's created in a famous poem by Clement Clarke With the sleigh full of Toys, and St.
brother swept out the stable and put new hay Moore (1779-1863). Clement was the son of the Nicholas too.
and pots of water in the stalls. David's father bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the
greeted the people as they came into town. Soon New York. The poem "A Visit From Saint roof,
the inn was very full. David played his drum Nicholas" was written as a Christmas gift for his The prancing and pawing of each little
and sang his songs for the people. children in 1822. The poem is currently better hoof.” []
Late one night there was a knock at the known by the title "The Night Before
door. David peeked around his father at the Christmas" from its famous opening line.
young man and his wife, who was on a donkey. Santa has eight reindeer, who magically
They had no room for these people! What could pull his sleigh through the sky. They are named
they do? David's father was a kind man. "You Dasher, Dancer, Prancer, Vixen, Comet, Cupid,
can stay in the stable," he said. "It is warm and Donder and Blitzen.
dry there. I can send food out to you." The Another, perhaps now more famous,
young man thanked David's father and walked reindeer used by Santa on foggy nights is
the donkey to the stable. Rudolf. The story of Rudolf the red-nosed
David helped his mother carry bread and Reindeer was created by Robert L May in 1939,
cheese out to the young couple. His mother told in a give-away booklet for the Montgomery
him the woman was going to have a baby soon. Ward department stores chain of Chicago where
The next day there was a lot of excitement. "The he worked. Rudolf the red-nosed Reindeer was
young woman who stayed in the stable last then made famouse by the song recorded by
night had her baby," David's mother told him. Gene Autry in 1949.
"The baby is the King of Kings, they say!" said Here is an extract from Clement Clarke
David's father. Moore's famous work:-
David could not see the baby because of
the crowd around the stable. David stood at the When, what to my wondering eyes
back of the crowd and began to make up a song should appear,
for the baby: "Come, they told me, our newborn But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny
king to see. Our finest gifts we bring to lay rein-deer,
before the king. So to honor him when we With a little old driver, so lively and
come." quick,
The crowd began to part when they I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
heard David's beautiful singing: "Baby Jesus, I More rapid than eagles his coursers they
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36 Christmas Traditions
Christmas Traditions
Christmas Stockings
country was populated with people emigrating TRADITIONAL Place all the ingredients in a saucepan. Bring to
from other countries searching for a better life.
The Christmas tree came from Germany, as well
TOURTIERE a boil, stirring to break meat into small pieces.
as the Advent Calendars and gingerbread Cover and simmer for 30 minutes.
House, the English introduced greeting cards, Add a bit of Quebec to your Christmas meal this
from Ireland came the custom of decorating our winter. A meat lover's delight, this savory pork
Remove from heat and cool.
windows with lights, the United States gave us pie is sure to stave off the heartiest of appetites.
Roll out chilled dough, and cut two pieces for
Santa Claus, and the French introduced the one 8-inch pie or 8 individual pie plates.
creche (Nativity) scene and carols. So really a Ingredients
Canadian Christmas is a mixture of various Line pie plate with one of pieces of pastry.
cultures combined to create the festivities we Pastry:
have come to know. Fill generously with meat mixture.
When I sat down to write this article, I 2 cups (500 ml) all-purpose flour
was not sure what to write about, since 1 tsp (5 ml) salt
Top with the other pastry and pinch edges
Christmas in Canada is basically the same as 1/2 tsp (2 ml) baking soda
Christmas in the United States. As I was doing pinch of turmeric
research, I came across articles on the Boston 1/4 tsp (1 ml) savory
Brush top with an egg beaten with 2 tbsp. (30
Christmas tree. Growing up in Halifax, Nova 1/2 cup (125 ml) pure lard
ml) of water.
Scotia, I had taken this tradition for granted, and 1/3 (80 ml) ice water
had not really taken a look at the significance 1/3 (80 ml) butter
Bake at 400 degrees F until golden brown, serve
behind this tradition. This seems to be a habit hot.
we all can to fall into around the holidays, Filling:
getting caught up into the shopping and
commercialism Christmas has become, and 1 lb ground pork
forgetting what Christmas is all about. 2 medium potatoes, peeled and grated
For those of you that have not heard of 1 small onion, chopped
the Boston Christmas Tree tradition, it started 1 garlic clove, minced
over eighty years ago with the Halifax 1 tsp. (5 ml) salt
Explosion. On December 6, 1917, two ships 1/2 tsp. (2 ml) savory
collided in the harbor and caused a large 1/4 (1 ml) ground cloves
explosion heard over 100 Km away. The 1/2 cup (125 ml) water
explosion and the tidal wave in its aftermath Cooking Instructions
40 Chuckin’ Chuck by Mike Seid
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Apex Strategic Investigations Group 43
Christmas poems have been part of the The day before Christmas is known as
Christmas tradition for ages. These poems have the Christmas Eve. Thus 24th December is the
been written by famous poets over centuries. Christmas Eve celebrated all over the world.
They are commonly written on the traditions, The midnight mass celebration is conducted on
history and origin of Christmas. the Christmas Eve. In the Western Christian
These poems go back hundreds of years. churches, the Christmas Eve marks the
The famous poem "Nativity" was written by beginning of the Christmas season. The
John Donne who was born in 1572. However, Christmas vigil services are celebrated in the
the tradition of writing poems specifically for afternoons or the evenings on the Christmas
Christmas started in 1822 when Clement C. Eve. This service marks the beginning of the
Moore published his famous poem "A Visit Christmas day.
from Saint Nicholas". The poem was published All the churches through out the world
under a different name - the popularly known
"Night Before Christmas." He wrote it as a gift
celebrate the midnight mass. However in the
present times due to time restrictions many
for his children and read it to them during the churches celebrate the services in the late STRATEGIC
Christmas time. It was the story of Santa Claus, evenings. The catholic churches also organize a
flying around on his sleigh with eight reindeers candle service on the Christmas Eve. Some INVESTIGATIONS
and climbing down chimneys. The story of that
poem eventually became inseparable from
churches organize skits depicting the nativity
scenes. The protestant churches also organize
Christmas and has forever been woven into the prayer services on the Christmas Eve.
very idea of Christmas. The BBC broadcasts a carol singing all For over thirty years, Apex Strategic
Other poets have contributed to the rich over the world that is a symbol that Christmas Investigations Group has been active in
collection of popular Christmas poems. Poets celebrations have begun in the UK. On the the United States and abroad
like Thomas hardy, Henry, Vaughan, Richard Christmas Eve the entire family and the conducting investigative research and
Wilber and Henry Wordsworth Longfellow relatives gather to enjoy a wonderful dinner
have penned Christmas poems in their times. along with singing and dancing. There are
special operations for attorneys,
Some Christmas poems are dedicated to the different specialties prepared on the Christmas insurance companies, corporations,
special occasion of Christmas, while others are Eve in different parts of the world. financial institutions, government and
religious and dedicated to the Jesus Christ and Preparations of turkey, fish, chicken, law enforcement agencies, and other
His teachings. Still others are children poems salads and other varieties are prepared. It is a investigative firms.
meant for kids to playfully sing with friends popular belief that on the night of the Christmas
during the Christmas season. All these poems Eve Santa Claus visits the hoses and stuffs the
have a common thread – they are all in the spirit stockings hung on the fire place with presents.
Our extensive experience and cutting
of the Christmas season and touch a cord in the Different parts of the world have different gift- edge techniques have led us to winning
heart of anyone who sings it or listens to it. givers. In some places it is the Baby Jesus who strategies for our clients' intelligence,
These also form the emotional connections to gives presents weeks before the Christmas day. litigation and business needs.
fond memories of childhood, when children of In many countries the gifts are opened on the
today become adults of tomorrow. Christmas Eve itself. In US and UK children The staff at Apex Strategic
Poems have a life of their own. open their gifts on the Christmas morning. The
Admittedly, seasoned poets know how to rhyme Christmas tree is set up on this day in most of
Investigations Group is composed of
and make it flow and thus make it an easy read. the families. Some set up their Christmas trees experienced, multilingual professionals
However, poems can be and have been written weeks before the Christmas Eve at the time of from a variety of fields, including legal,
by many ordinary people. Whether written by the thanks giving day. law enforcement, electronics, finance,
famous poets and read by millions or written by The Christmas Eve is also known as the intelligence, computer science and
a Mom for her loving children or even penned Good Night in some parts and is celebrated by human resources.
by a lonely soul talking to God out there, poems people enjoying party until midnight. After the
sizzle with the raw emotions contained in their party they open the gifts presented to them. The
words. party is a get together of family and friends Our staff is competent and
Christmas poems are no different. feasting on delicious meals and dancing and committed. We make full utilization of
Hidden in the lines that are all too familiar to singing in merriment. The food prepared for the each individual's unique strengths and
those who read it every year are emotions, celebrations vary with the regions of the world. abilities in order to provide the highest
stories of bygone eras and teaching from ancient We can also relish on the desserts prepared from level of services and quality of results.
times. These provide us with a unique vision of eggs, milk, almonds and honey. The Christmas
the life at the time the poem was written. Eve is a day you spend along with your loved
Christmas poems have been written over many ones enjoying the Christmas season. The Apex Strategic Investigations
years, each presenting a unique view of the Group is available to assist you around
same occasion, filtered by the norms of those the clock.
Christmas poems have been written in
many forms and for many kinds of people who Apex Strategic
have played a significant role in our society and
in our lives. Poems for teachers, for fathers, for
Investigations Group
mothers, funny poems, melancholy ones and
many others have been written by professional 578 Washington Blvd. Suite 500
and amateur writers alike. Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Write a poem this season, for someone Voice: 1.310.663.0257
you love or care for. Or just write one to
celebrate the Christmas season. Draw
inspiration by reading other poems let your
creativity flow. Let your words remain a fond WWW.WORLDFIND.BIZ
memory for others, for years after you have
44 The Exodus Revelation