Accurate Computation of Wave Loads On A Bottom Fixed Circular Cylinder
Accurate Computation of Wave Loads On A Bottom Fixed Circular Cylinder
Accurate Computation of Wave Loads On A Bottom Fixed Circular Cylinder
B. T. Paulsen
, H. Bredmose
, H. B. Bingham
Huseby Grue - kA=0.19, h/R=20
Huseby Grue - kA=0.19, h/R=15
Figure 1: The magnitude of the third-harmonic wave force on circular cylinder. Blue symbols indicate
third-harmonic forces from the numerical calculations. Red symbols indicate experimental results by
Huseby & Grue [4]. For all calculations h/R = 10
When the bottom mounted cylinder is exposed to a eld of incident waves, it is subjected to
a depth-integrated force, F(t), which can be written as,
F(t) =
+ f
+ f
+ . . .
where i =
Time - t [s]
Investigated period
Surface elevation at x=4000 m
Figure 3: The surface elevation calculated by the potential ow model at the position of the cylinder,
x = 4000m.
In order to drive the Navier-Stokes solver, a one-way coupling between the potential ow
model and the Navier-Stokes solver has been developed and incorporated into the interface of the
waves2Foam utility [5]. At the start of the CFD computations, information from the potential
ow model is interpolated into the computational domain of the Navier-Stokes solver. Hereafter
the two models are time stepped concurrently and the generation and absorption zones of the
CFD model are, at every time step, feeded with data from the potential ow model. This is
ecient because the potential ow model is faster than the CFD solver and does therefore not
add substantial computational overhead.
The combined model is applied to a case of unidirectional irregular JONSWAP waves of
= 12s and H
= 8m. A sketch of the domain for the potential ow model is shown in
gure 2. The waves are generated at h
= 135m and propagated by the potential ow model
to a nite water depth of h
= 30m. The resulting free surface elevation at x = 4000m is
shown in gure 3. The time series was visually inspected and the shaded period recalculated
with the combined model. The computational domain of the Navier-Stokes solver had a size of
, L
, L
} = {650; 30, 40}m and was resolved with 300.000 cells.
A simple estimate of the forces on the cylinder is provided by application of the Morison
equation with kinematics from the potential ow model. While this approach allows a practical
prediction of the forces from fully nonlinear waves, even for long time series (see e.g. [8]),
the Morison approximation is limited to non-breaking waves with no severe run-up and slender
cylinders. A more accurate calculation of the forces on the cylinder can be made by integrating
the pressure on the cylinder, calculated by the Navier-Stokes solver. With this method the
hydrodynamic forces can be calculated with the accuracy of the numerical approximation, even
for violently breaking waves.
400 420 440 460 480 500
Time - t [s]
Morison force - OceanWave3D
Integrated pressure - OpenFOAM
Figure 4: Depth integrated hydrodynamic force from irregular waves on a circular cylinder. Blue line
represents forces based on the Morison equation and kinematics form the potential ow solver. Red line
represents forces from the solution of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.
For the event indicated in gure 3, forces on the cylinder are calculated and presented in gure
4. Especially for the smaller waves in the beginning of the simulation an excellent agreement is
seen. The discrepancy observed for the largest wave and hereafter is attributed to the eect of
runup and the diracted eld.
Further application of the model will include breaking waves and multidirectional sea states.
Comparison with experiments carried out at DHI, Denmark, will also be made.
I would like to thank Signe Schler and associate professor Allan Engsig-Karup for providing
invaluable help with the running and analysing output from the potential ow solver,
OceanWave3D. The research was supported by as a part of the Wave Loads project
(ForskEL grant 10495).
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