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Note: No legal advice in connection with this message is being given or implied. If you need legal advice you should seek competent counsel. No one in connection with this message acts under any kind of license issued by any government entity. The rights to Free Speech under Article I of the Maryland Constitution are hereby claimed by Wisdom El and everything in connection with this communication is for entertainment purposes only.
NOTICE: This document originated from a different Jurisdiction. Do Not Trespass. This is an implied and an adhesion contract to all users and receivers. All hieroglyphics, markings, photos, audio, and sound, in this e-mail, and in any attachments are sent under private contract.
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Any violation of these terms shall be under the Jurisdiction and Venue of Admiralty Maritime Law and Common Law, without the UNITED STATES. All Rights Reserved.
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MOABITE / AL MORROCAN MOORISH EMPIRE Aboriginal / Indigenous Natural Peoples and Heirs of North-West Amexem/North-West Africa/North America Al-Moroc (America)
Affidavit of Residency
Moorish National Republic Consulates of the Al Moroccan Moorish Empire Part and Parcel of the United States of America
_____________________________________/ 1432 M.C. / 2012 A.D. Date
.Lamont Maurice El Heir by Birthright and Inheritance
c/o 8787 Branch Avenue Suite 353. Mailing Address
Clinton, Maryland Republic [20735] [ZIP EXEMPT].... City / State / Zip
2 I, Lamont Maurice El, do solemnly, sincerely, and squarely Affirm that the foregoing facts contained in this Constructive and Actual Affirmed Affidavit of Residency are true, to the best of my Knowledge, Culture, Customs, Religion, Laws Nation, Nationality, Birthrights and Beliefs; being actual, correct, not misleading, etc.; and being the Truth, the whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth.
Hibu (Love), Haqq (Truth), Salaam (Peace), Hurryatun (Freedom), Adl (Justice), All Rights Reserved Without Prejudice; U.C.C. 1-207 / 308, U.C.C. 1-103.
I Am:_________________________________________________________. Lamont Maurice Butler - El Natural Person - In Propria Persona - Authorized Representative; All Rights Reserved Free Moor / Muur of Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America
By Special Appearance, before us on Day _________ of ____________________, 2012 C.C.Y. = 1432 M.C., in Honor, the Divine Being, Lamont Maurice El, Affirms that He is the Natural Person / Divine Being herein named, existing in His own Proper Person; meeting the law of evidence as required and defined in Identity; affirmed by Lawful, Substantive Right; by Birthright; and respectively acknowledged - being lawfully qualified and competent to execute this Document. We, therefore, place our hands and great seal thereto.
Witness: _____________________________________. Consulate Natural Person - In Propria Persona - All Rights Reserved
Witness: _____________________________________. Consulate Natural Person - In Propria Persona - All Rights Reserved
Aboriginal / Indigenous, free Sovereign Moor - Natural Person of the Land; In Propria Persona (Not Pro Se Nor Colorable)
*Moors / Muurs: The Aboriginal and Indigenous Natural Peoples and True Inheritors of the Lands (Territories) - North America, Central America, South America, and the Adjoining Islands; Al Moroc / Ameru / Americana)
Aboriginal and Indigenous Peoples Documents: Northwest Amexem / Northwest Africa / North America / The Moroccan Empire - Continental United States.