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Meditation Guide

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A Beginner's
To Meditation
For the easiest meditation
with the best results:
check out the Meditation Program.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 1
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The authors of this information and the accompanying
materials hae used their best efforts in preparing this
course! The authors ma"e no representation or
#arranties #ith respect to the accuracy$ applicability$
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They disclaim any #arranties %e&pressed or implied'$
merchantability$ or fitness for any particular purpose!
The authors shall in no eent be held liable for any
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Table of +ontents
Meditation: .......................................................................................................................... 1
Table of Contents ................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 5
Chapter 1: Exactly What Is Meditation Anyay! .............................................................. "
The Stages of the Mind ............................................................................................................. 7
Stage One: The Normal Mind ................................................................................................................ 8
Stage Two: Concentration .................................................................................................................... 10
Stage Three: Final Meditation ............................................................................................................. 11
Understanding Contemplation .............................................................................................. 13
Chapter #: Wait$ What Will Meditation %o &or Me! .................................................... 1'
Benefits You Experience ........................................................................................................ 17
Chapter 3: The Types (f Meditation ................................................................................ 1)
Concentratie Meditation ...................................................................................................... !"
Breathing .............................................................................................................................................. 20
Mindfulness Meditation ......................................................................................................... !!
Chapter *: What +appens %urin, Meditation! ............................................................... #5
The #h$sical %eaction ............................................................................................................ !&
're You Sleeping( .................................................................................................................. 3"
Chapter 5: Are -ou .eady To Meditate -et! ................................................................... 31
' )ord *f )arning ............................................................................................................... 3!
' Bit *f Bac+ground .............................................................................................................. 33
Activitie For Meditation ..................................................................................................................... !"
,et Yourself %ead$ ................................................................................................................ 3-
Chapter ': Ele/ents .e0uired &or Meditation To +appen ............................................ 3'
.ocation .................................................................................................................................. 3&
The %ight #osition .................................................................................................................. 3/
Semi #oied .......................................................................................................................................... "0
#oied #ot$re ...................................................................................................................................... "0
%ot$ #ot$re ........................................................................................................................................ "1
#assieness 0n Your 'ttitude ................................................................................................. 11
&o$r Meditation O'(ect ....................................................................................................................... "!
#ut 0t Together ........................................................................................................................ 1-
Chapter ": Meditatin, In A 1i/ple &or/ &irst .............................................................. *'
Simple Mediation .................................................................................................................... 17
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Chapter 2: (ther Methods (f Mediation ........................................................................ 51
)al+ing Meditation ................................................................................................................ -1
Transcendental Meditation .................................................................................................... -3
Mindfulness Meditation ......................................................................................................... --
There 're More ...................................................................................................................... -/
)o$rne* Meditation ............................................................................................................................... +,
So$nd Meditation ................................................................................................................................. -0
Conclusion ......................................................................................................................... '1
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 4
Have you tried meditation to solve your stress and health
problems !" you haven#t done so yet$ now may be one o"
the best times to ma%e that e&perien'e a reality. (ediation
is one o" the most sought a"ter "orms o" stress relie" and is
even re'ommended by many do'tors.
)omething that valuable is something that you should be
striving to learn. !" you are someone that spends your
evenings worrying$ stressing about all that needs to get done
and even "eeling physi'ally bad without being si'%$ then
meditation may be an ideal solution "or you.
!n meditation$ you trans"orm the way that your mind is
wor%ing. *hile you 'an#t say that it#s a simple pro'ess$
meditation is something that you 'an easily learn to do and
then use daily.
!n "a't$ studies show that when you do allow yoursel"
+espe'ially your mind, to meditate "or -ust a "ew minutes
ea'h day$ you 'an redu'e the stress levels you "a'e
improving your .uality o" li"e. !ndeed$ lowering stress levels
also 'an improve your physi'al sel".
!n this boo%$ you#ll learn how meditation 'an 'hange your
li"e. !t is merely a guide to get you started$ though.
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(ost individuals that are su''ess"ul at meditation are those
that see% out resour'es lo'ally to help them to learn the
pro'ess as well as to pra'ti'e it. (editating with others is
something that 'an be power"ul to the individual. *ith more
and more meditation 'lini's and 'lasses popping up around
the 'ountry$ you are li%ely to "ind one relatively 'lose to you.
0ut$ "irst$ you need to learn a bit more about how meditation
wor%s and what it 'an do "or you.
1his boo% will prepare you to begin meditation and ta%e you
into a world that "ar too many people don#t reali2e e&ists
with su'h bene"its. !" you are s%epti'al$ there is nothing to
lose by investing a "ew minutes in learning this pro'ess. !n
"a't$ you#ll "ind yoursel" striving to learn more on'e you have
-ust one or two sessions o" meditation.
3earn to meditate alone or with "riends. !n either 'ase$
you#ll "ind many di""erent methods to sele't. (ore so$ you
'ould be improving your health and well being. 1hat#s worth
-ust a "ew minutes o" your time4
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 5
+hapter -: .&actly What )s
Meditation Any#ay/
0e"ore you 'an begin pra'ti'ing meditation you do need to
understand what it is and why you need to use this method
o" rela&ation. 1he brain is the primary tool that you#ll use to
de"ine this pro'ess. 0ut$ you may not reali2e that when the
brain is in a 6normal7 state that it a'tually is very abnormal
in what it is doing.
1o help you to understand meditation$ we must "irst brea%
down the di""erent stages in whi'h the brain "un'tions so
that you 'an see the state o" mind that you are "un'tioning
in most o"ten.
The Stages of the Mind
1here are three uni.ue stages in the brain that depi'ts how
it is "un'tioning at any one time. *hen you 'onsider
meditation$ only going through these three stages 'an
a'tually get to you a'hieve the serenity that you are a"ter
with meditation.
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0tage 1ne: The 2ormal Mind
!n the 6normal7 state o" mind$ your mind is wor%ing in
various dire'tions. !t is "un'tioning as it usually does whi'h
means it is boun'ing "rom one idea and thought to the ne&t.
!n "a't$ this is .uite abnormal a'tivity "or the brain be'ause it
needs to "o'us on a lesser amount o" ideas i" it is to be
su''ess"ul in resolving problems.
)timuli "rom all over the pla'e are 'oming in at the brain.
*hen something new stimulates you mind$ it moves "rom its
previous thought to the new one. 9lthough you "eel li%e you
are 'ompletely in 'ontrol o" yoursel" during this type o" brain
"un'tion$ you li%ely aren#t.
:ou have very little 'ontrol over the way that you behave
and thin% during this type o" situation. ;ot only do your
thoughts move "rom one thing to the ne&t thing .ui'%ly$ but
your physi'al being is doing the same thing too. :our
emotions "ollow suite$ too.
9n e&ample o" this type o" brain a'tivity 'an be as simple as
seeing a 'hild playing. !" you see that 'hild while you are
driving$ your mind goes "rom 'ontrol o" the vehi'le to the
'hild. )he#s 'ute$ playing and riding her bi%e. 1hen$ your
mind moves to thoughts "rom your own 'hildhood. :ou "eel
good and smile at the happy memories.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org <
=" 'ourse$ it doesn#t always play out so inno'ently. :ou 'an
go through these same thought and emotional pro'esses
with negative images too. Consider i" that 'hild was a
teenager$ doing something that they shouldn#t be. ;ow$ you
are wondering about your own 'hildren$ what they are doing
that you don#t %now about. 9nd$ your emotions "ollow you
too with thoughts that are "ear"ul and tense.
!n a negative situation$ you are li%ely to be'ome distra'ted
by the thoughts playing through your mind whi'h then
dire'tly impa'ts the way that you drive your vehi'le.
Perhaps you run a red light or$ you narrowly miss a 'ar
9s you 'an see$ in your normal state o" mind$ your emotions
as well as your physi'al being are at sta%e. >a'h plays their
own role in the out'ome o" these events.
="ten$ stresses build up during this pro'ess and sin'e it is
our 6normal7 state o" mind$ they pile on over time. :ou 'an
"ind yoursel" unable to 'on'entrate on anything and overtime
you 'an have trouble balan'ing all that you have to do in
your everyday li"e.
?or the most part$ your 6normal7 way o" thin%ing may be one
o" the worst things that you 'an do "or yoursel".
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0tage T#o: +oncentration
*hen you enter into 'on'entration$ you enter into the "irst
state that will lead you to meditation. :et$ don#t 'on"use
'on'entration with meditation. !t#s very mu'h something
.uite di""erent.
During the se'ond stage o" meditation$ you 'an begin to get
'ontrol o" your mind. *hen you learn to %eep yoursel" in
this type o" mind "rame$ 'han'es are good that you#ll
improve the .uality o" your li"e 'onsiderably.
!n 'on'entration$ your goal seems simple but it a'tually .uite
di""i'ult to master to any amount o" degree. :ou need to
'on'entrate on one sole thing or ob-e't.
1o be su''ess"ul$ you need to %eep your mind "o'used on
that one thing and not distra'ted by any type o" diversion
that happens to spring up. ?o'us on it$ without allowing
your mind to wander. !t#s very di""i'ult$ a'tually.
During 'on'entration$ although the pro'ess o" "o'using on
one element is simple enough$ the problem is the mind#s
ability to tri'% you ba'% into its 6normal7 state o" being. 0y
pulling o"" the a'tually 'on'entration topi' and "o'using on
another$ it pulls you ba'%.
?or e&ample$ i" you need to 'on'entrate on a paper "or
s'hool$ you 'ould be sitting down thin%ing and wor%ing.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 1A
:ou#ll allow your mind to "o'us and rela& on the topi' at
hand. :ou thin% to yoursel" about the topi' and 'an really
'learly see what it is.
1hen$ you thin% o" what your tea'her had to say about the
paper. 1hat leads to thoughts o" what your "riend said ne&t
to you while the tea'her was tal%ing. *ithin a matter o"
minutes$ you are thin%ing about something 'ompletely
di""erent than the original thought.
1he end result is that you are distra'ted so mu'h so that you
are ba'% at the 6normal7 stage o" thin%ing$ having
a''omplished little in way o" 'on'entration. 1hat#s not what
will help you.
1he goal with 'on'entration$ though$ is to reali2e what#s
happened. *hen you 'an reali2e that you#ve been distra'ted
and that your mind has "ooled you into ma%ing its own
de'isions then you 'an 'ome ba'% and a'tually 'on'entrate.
*hen you 'an master the art o" %eeping your mind "o'used
and 'on'entrating$ you will e&perien'e a new type o"
thin%ing. :ou#ll be able to rela& more and you#ll be able to
a'tually "eel better about li"e. 1hat#s an ama2ing "eeling4
0tage Three: *inal Meditation
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 11
!n meditation$ the third stage o" the pro'ess$ you enter a
'ompletely di""erent realm. ;ow$ you are able to "ully
'on'entrate on the ob-e't or thought that needs to be
a''omplished without "alling "or any type o" distra'tion.
Here$ no distra'tions or mind tri'%s happen to you during the
!t#s a stage that you should strive "or be'ause it really 'an
o""er you a new way o" loo%ing at things. !n many ways$
you#ll be able to "ully "o'us so mu'h so that you 'an better
understand and edu'ate yoursel". :ou ma%e better de'isions
that are "o'used.
During 'on'entration$ your mind is only really 'on'entrating
on the ob-e'ts you present it in a minimal way. Distra'tion
brea%s the 'ontinuously stream o" 'on'entrating thoughts.
1his leaves you with having to re'ogni2e the problem and to
go ba'% and 'hange it.
!n meditation$ though$ this is no longer the 'ase. ;ow$ you
are %eeping an ongoing stream o" thought moving. 1here#s
nothing brea%ing it and nothing that is able to pull your mind
"rom it. 1his is the ultimate e&perien'e in meditation
be'ause o" the amount o" "o'us it provides you.
!n an e&ample o" what meditation 'an do "or you$ 'onsider
this. !" you thin% about -ust one topi'$ over and over again$
anything and everything 'onne'ted to that topi' will 'ome to
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 12
you in one "orm or another. 3et#s say that the word that you
use is that o" love.
!" you thin% o" love in a meditation stage$ you 'on'entrate on
that one word whi'h leads to other love terms. :ou love
something$ you love someone$ di""erent types o" love$ and so
on. >ventually$ you have 'onne'ted virtually everyway
possible to love. :ou physi'ally "eel it$ you emotionally "eel
it. :ou have thought everything about it. 9nd$ eventually$
you have 'onne'ted everything you 'an to love.
*hen you have a'hieved this type o" meditation$ you#ve
elevated yoursel" to a new enlightenment. :ou#ve gone "ar
beyond the simply level o" 'on'entration. ;ow$ you have
entered the "inal stages o" meditation whi'h is 'alled
'ontemplation. 1his part o" the "inal stage o" meditation is
the very best level o" 'ons'iousness that your mind and body
'an enter.
9lthough it ta%es some time to wor% through these various
pro'esses to a'hieve this level o" understanding$ the end
result is well worth it.
Understanding Contemplation
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 13
Contemplation is the "inal level o" meditation. !n this state
o" mind$ virtually anything and everything is possible. :et$
not many 'an understand what 'ontemplation is without
e&perien'ing it.
During 'ontemplation$ you enter an entirely new world o"
thought and mind. !nstead o" thin%ing about yoursel" and
your own problems$ you are now 'onne'ted with the entire
universe. Here$ your body and your own mind are let go.
;ow$ you are e&perien'ing a level o" 'ons'iousness that
allows you to 'onne't with the 'osmos.
:ou reali2e now that you are part o" a mu'h grander s'heme
o" things. :ou %now that you are -ust one small part o" a
very large world. 0ut$ the %ey to 'ontemplation is the ability
to be'ome united with all o" this.
*hen you obtain this highest level o" meditation$ you enter
into the state o" Reali2ation o" Cosmi' Cons'iousness. ;ow$
you have entered into a very enlightened$ meaning"ul and
'ompletely 'onne'ted level.
1hose that pra'ti'e meditation %now that this stage o" being$
o" being in the highest "orm o" meditation is what you should
be e&perien'ing. !n "a't$ most believe it is something that
you are born with the need and ability to a''omplish.
1he pro'ess o" meditation is rather drawn out$ but ea'h
stage in the game is something that must be "ully
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 14
understood i" you are to "ind yoursel" e&perien'ing all that it
'an o""er.
3oo% at the way that your mind wor%s today$ right now.
How does it "eel 9re you thin%ing about this boo%$ reading
it$ but have the 'ommer'ials "rom the television drawn you
in =r$ are the %ids bellowing "or you >a'h time that you
"a'e a distra'tion$ your mind is pulled in another dire'tion
ma%ing it nearly impossible "or you to "o'us and to obtain
true meditation.
:et$ this is something that you 'an learn. !n "a't$ it is
something that you are born with the ability to a'hieve and
even given the right to obtain. 9llow yoursel" -ust a "ew
minutes a day to wor% towards total enlightenment with
meditation and you#ll "ind yoursel" in a 'ompletely di""erent
"rame o" mind.
9s a beginner$ don#t let the pro'ess o" meditation worry you.
1he "a't is that it is easy to understand and "ully something
you 'an obtain.
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+hapter 3: Wait4 What Will
Meditation Do *or Me/
!" e&plaining to you what medi'ation is happens to not be
enough "or you to dive right into it then 'onsider what
meditation 'an do "or you by what it does "or others.
(editation is something you should 'onsider and these are
-ust a hand"ul o" reasons why.
1he largest and most pro"ound bene"it o" meditation is
rea'hing enlightenment through the Contemplation phase o"
meditating. 9'hieving this allows you to be'ome a whole
new person$ one that has the ability to live a "ull and happy
li"e beyond that o" what a person dealing with only 6normal7
brain a'tivity 'an.
:ou 'an learn to be more 'ompassionate. :ou#ll learn how to
be'ome a good person. :ou 'an learn to be more
understanding$ more interesting$ and more edu'ated. :ou#ll
also be'ome a person that is able to en-oy their li"e to the
"ullest$ %nowing what is out there and what role they play in
that universe.
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*hen you 'an "ully rea'h this state o" being and o"
'ons'iousness$ the "a't is that you 'an trans"orm yoursel"
and e&perien'e true Bra'e.
Benefits ou !"perience
!n addition to this$ there are additional bene"its that 'an
'ome "rom meditation. Here are some o" the many bene"its
your e&perien'e.
(editation allows you to "o'us$ allowing you to
a''omplish your tas%s in a better method as well as
(editation allows you to improve your level o" stress.
0y redu'ing stress$ you will ma%e better de'isions and
"ully handle problems e""e'tively.
(editation allows you to 'ommuni'ate more e""e'tively$
through more de"ined words that ultimately lead you to
a better realm.
(editation allows you to improve your health in'luding
helps to improve heart 'onditions$ 'an'er ris%s$ high
blood pressure and plenty o" other 'onditions. 0y
lowering stress levels on the body$ you 'an heal "aster
and more e""e'tively "rom any o" these e&perien'es.
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(editation allows you to be a better "riend and "amily
member. 1hrough the dedi'ation o" those around you$
you all 'an be'ome enlightened and there"ore on a
higher realm o" being.
(editation promotes health o" the mind$ too. 0y
allowing your mind to enter this improved state$ you
'an 'reate "or yoursel" an ama2ing o" being$ whi'h
allows you to thin% 'learer. !t helps to %eep your mind
(editation allows you to be'ome the real you$ the one
that you want to be$ rather than the person that is held
'aptive by the world around them. !" you meditate$
you 'an learn .uite a bit about yoursel" as well as the
world around you4
1here are many more bene"its to meditation. ?or ea'h
person$ this e&perien'e is going to be .uite uni.ue. !" you
wish to "ind out what it 'an o""er you$ you must learn to
meditate. 1here is nothing negative that 'an 'ome o"
meditation and what#s more there is .uite a bit o" good that
'an 'ome out "rom it.
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+hapter 5: The Types 1f
9s you will learn the "urther you loo% into meditation$ there
are many di""erent types o" meditation. )ome are very
an'ient methods that have been used "or thousands o" years
by various 'ultures. =thers are mu'h more modern and$ in
su'h$ are sometimes more popular. :et$ learning about
these types is something you should invest in.
?inding the right type o" meditation "or you is %ey and the
pro'ess means edu'ating yoursel" about the various types o"
meditation that you 'an sele't "rom.
:et$ all o" these methods o" meditation will "all into one o"
two di""erent 'lassi"i'ations. !" you were to sele't meditation
on any sole "a'tors$ it would be based on these two methods
1horoughly e&ploring both o" these methods o" meditation
'an be very important to "inding su''ess. :ou#ll need to
e&periment with both types$ eventually$ to determine the bet
route "or you to ta%e.
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Concentrati#e Meditation
1he "irst type o" meditation is that o" 'on'entrative
meditation. !n this type o" meditation$ the "o'us is on the
way that you breathe$ on an image$ or on a sound. )ound$
or mantra$ is o"ten used. 0y using these tools$ so to spea%$
you are able to 'lear the mind and allow "or greater
awareness as well as 'larity.
1o "o'us on meditation$ you#ll use one o" these elements to
help you to "o'us. 0y "o'using on it$ li%e you would a
'amera lens$ you 'an then e""e'tively rea'h the state that
you are in.
=ne method o" 'on'entrative meditation that is 'ommonly
used is that o" 'on'entrating on your breathing. !t is
probably the most simple o" methods to use be'ause you 'an
do it any time without mu'h need.
0reathing is e""e'tive be'ause o" how it plays a role in your
daily li"e and well being. (any o" hose that pra'ti'e other
alternative medi'ines$ su'h as yoga$ also believe that
breathing is essential to maintaining the 'orre't state o"
mind. !n meditation$ it is believed that breathing must be
regulated in order to meditate properly.
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:ou 'an see this 'learly in your everyday li"e without
'onsidering meditation at all. *hen you are rela&ed and
'om"ortable$ your breathing is slowly and deeper. 0ut$ when
you are worried$ stressed or an&ious$ your breathing speeds
up. !" you are distra'ted$ this happens as well. 0y
regulating your breathing$ you 'an "o'us your mind and gain
'ontrol over it more e""e'tively.
0ut$ how does breathing e""e't meditation Have you ever
"elt overwhelmed and an&ious *here you a"raid or even
terri"ied !" so$ then you may have told yoursel" to ta%e a
deep breath and to 'alm down. 9s you 'an see$ you 'an
'ontrol your own breathing.
9s a tool in meditation in the 'on'entrative methods$ you
'an gain 'ontrol over your mind using breathing. 1o do this$
you must regulate the breathing. 1o do this$ you#ll need to
"o'us on the rhythm o" your breathing. 1he rhythm is the
movement between inhaling and e&haling.
*hen you do this$ sit and 'lose your eyes. ?o'us on your
breathing$ the movement o" air in and out o" your body.
:ou#ll need to 'on'entrate on that breathing and only the
breathing you are doing.
)oon$ your meditation on breathing will be'ome something
that helps to ease your mind. :ou#ll see this as your
breathing be'omes more regular and then deeper and
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 21
*hen this happens$ your mind too is 'hanging. !t be'omes
.uiet$ 'alm and 'olle'ted. :ou#ll "eel serenity and pea'e. :ou
are also more aware o" your surroundings and more li%ely to
gain the bene"its o" meditation.
0reathing is -ust one e&ample o" 'on'entrative meditation.
1here are many other "orms$ some o" whi'h we will tal%
about later in this boo%. :et$ remember that there is
another type o" method o" meditation that a''ompanies
'on'entrative meditation as the two "orms that all methods
and te'hni.ues o" meditation "all under.
Mindfulness Meditation
(ind"ul meditation is .uite unli%e that o" 'on'entrative. !"
we use the e&ample o" a lens to help show the di""eren'e$
you 'an see this. !n 'on'entrative meditation$ you are
'on'entrating on one single thing$ "o'using the lens on that
one element$ li%e breathing or something in the room that
you are in.
=n the other hand is mind"ulness meditation. Here$ you are
not "o'using your lens$ but widening it to in'lude more and
more in"ormation.
:ou may wonder -ust how in'luding more o" what is
happening in any one moment 'an help you to 'olle't your
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 22
thoughts and "o'us your mind. :et$ the "a't is that you 'an
do this be'ause o" how you do it.
Csing your abilities$ you#ll be'ome very mu'h aware o"
everything around you in'luding all o" your "eelings$ the
things that you see$ the things you hear$ the smells and
sounds$ the very elements that you may want to "ilter out o"
your mind.
?rom here$ though$ something is uni.ue. :ou#ll noti'e and
be mind"ul o" these things$ but you will not rea't to them.
!nstead$ you are simply ta%ing in whatever is happening in
your mind. Don#t be'ome overly involved with these
elements. :ou won#t allow "or images$ thoughts$ or
memories to "ilter into your mind here as they do when you
are 'on'entrating.
0e'ause$ you are not be'oming involved with the images and
elements that are "iltering through your mindD you a'tually
'alm down. :our mind is now 'learer be'ause it has ta%en in
many o" the things that are happening around you. :ou
aren#t "o'using in on any one thing. !nstead$ you are aware
o" everything going on$ but not parti'ipating in it.
9lthough this method o" meditation is one that is less well
%nown and used by beginners be'ause o" how 'hallenging it
'an be$ it is still an ideal 'hoi'e be'ause it allows "or a
renewed sense o" being and wholeness. 0y "o'using on
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 23
everything but not on one single thing$ you 'an 'lear your
mind "ully.
9ll types o" meditation "all in one o" these groups. :ou will
either use methods that are 'on'entrative$ in whi'h you will
'on'entrate on one thing to enter into a meditative state or
you will use a mind"ulness meditation method to enter this
?or those that are loo%ing towards these methods and
wondering whi'h to 'hoose$ don#t. :ou 'an use both types
o" meditation to gain bene"its and sometimes one method
will wor% better than others will. *ith the ability to learn
either type$ you#ll be that mu'h better at meditation that "its
what you are doing and what your body and mind needs at
any one time.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 24
+hapter 6: What 7appens During
(odern medi'ine does not say that meditation wor%s. :ou
won#t "ind a do'tor that will pres'ribe meditation as the sole
means o" healing your illness in traditional medi'ine$
anyway. :et$ meditation is something that do'tor#s do tell
you about in other ways.
?or e&ample$ how many times has your do'tor told you that
stress was a problem in your health issue =r$ perhaps he
told you o" the need to rela& more so that you 'an over'ome
your heada'hes$ your pain$ or your tension !n your do'tor#s
words$ he is en'ouraging you to 'lear your mind o" the
things you worry about and 'on'entrate instead on rela&ing.
1hat is what meditation 'an do "or you.
:et$ the me'hani's behind how meditation wor%s is
something 'ompletely di""erent. ;ot many a'tually reali2e
how meditation wor%s or why it matters that they %now why
it wor%s. :ou#ll learn both elements here.
!n studies that have been done$ there is eviden'e that
meditation 'an produ'e a rea'tion in the body. !t has been
shown to provide a healthy state o" rela&ation. Physi'ally$
your body rea'ts in several ways.
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1. :our breathing be'omes regulated$ smoother and
2. :our heart rate de'reases whi'h means your heart is
beating slower.
3. !t 'an help to de'rease the amount o" the stress
hormone$ 'alled plasma 'ortisol that is produ'ed by
your body.
4. !t 'an de'rease your pulse rate.
/. !t 'an in'rease a brain wave stimulation that 'auses
you to rela&. 1his is 'alled your >>B or
ele'troen'ephalograph alpha whi'h is dire'tly
asso'iated with the body#s ability to rela&
5. Probably the most astonishing physi'al e&perien'e to
the body is the de'rease in your metaboli' rate$ or the
rate at whi'h your body ta%es "uel and burns it "or
energy. 1his rate seemed to have dropped by some 2A
per'ent in those that had otherwise normal metaboli'
:et$ not -ust physi'al 'hanges happen during meditation. !n
addition$ your body enters into a state o" pro"ound rest$ rest
that goes beyond that o" any other stage o" 'ons'iousness
you 'ould be in.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 25
During this time$ your mind and your brain are e&tremely
alert and in tune. 1his has been shown through medi'al
e&periments as well. Patients were told to meditate while
their brain#s a'tivity was monitored.
During these tests$ there were indi'ations that your brain
was in a state 'alled 6rest"ul alertness7 where it was
'ompletely and e&tremely alert but 'alm and "o'used.
!t has also been shown in the way that your body rea'ts to
various stimuli. ?or e&ample$ most individuals e&perien'e
stimulations that allow them to be "aster in movements.
1hey may be more 'reative as well. )ome are able to
'omprehend at a higher level a"ter they#ve meditated as
9s mentioned$ the body#s metaboli' rate also drops$ whi'h
means that you don#t eat nearly as mu'h as you should.
Patients that have been monitored during one spe'i"i'
te'hni.ue o" meditation %nown as 1rans'endental
meditation$ 'alled 1( "or short$ had metaboli' rates that
dropped below that o" those that were in a deep sleep
:our heart rate will drop by several beats ea'h minute as
well as your breathing redu'es by an average o" two breaths
"or ea'h minute.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 28
9nother result o" 1rans'endental meditation was the e""e't
that it seemed to have on patients and their blood pressure
rates. !n those that had normal levels o" blood pressure
'onsidered healthy$ nothing 'hanged and those numbers
remained in low numbers. 0ut$ those that started with
higher$ above average and healthy blood pressure numbers
saw a "all in their blood pressure rates. !t "ell to a
'onsiderably lower level in these patients.
9nother area that was tested during this type o" meditation
is that o" the body#s rela&ation o" its mus'les. 1his 'an be
hard to measure but during some tests$ do'tors will
administer a very low level o" ele'tri'al 'urrent and monitor
the rea'tion that your body#s mus'les have to it.
!ndividuals that have a "all in their s%in#s resistan'e are
%nown to be people that su""er "rom tension and an&iety or
have high levels o" stress. !" you had a rise in your
resistan'e$ on the other hand$ that means that your mus'les
are very rela&ed.
=n'e tested$ it was easy to tell how the e""e'ts o" meditation
are. 1hose that meditated then had this ele'tri'al test down
were "ound to have signi"i'antly more rela&ed mus'les than
those that did not.
The Ph$sical %eaction
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9s you 'an see$ there is a real physi'al and mental 'hange in
the body when you are or have been meditating. 0ut$
do'tors want to learn more and o"ten people as%$ why
meditating has this e""e't on the body and mind. ?or that$
let#s e&plain a bit more.
=ne o" the mar%ed improvements during meditation happens
to the individual#s nervous system. !nstead o" what normally
happens$ a di""erent bran'h o" this system ta%es 'harge$
whi'h it normally does not. 1his bran'h$ 'alled the
parasympatheti' bran'h$ is prone to help rela& and 'alm you
and your body.
9nother e&ample o" what happens to the body is that o" the
amount o" la'tate in your blood be"ore and a"ter meditation.
3a'tate is a naturally produ'ed substan'e that is ne'essary
in the body. !t is produ'ed by your metabolism and is done
so in the mus'les surrounding your s%eleton.
*hen you meditate$ this la'tate level drops signi"i'antlyD
whi'h there"ore 'auses your metaboli' rate to signi"i'antly
drop$ as we mentioned. !n "a't$ the amount o" la'tate in
your body de'reases by some "our times the rate that it
would i" you were lying on your ba'% and had not meditated.
!n addition to this$ the amount o" la'tate produ'ed in your
body "its the "a't that your blood will "low "aster and more
e""e'tively throughout your body during and a"ter
meditation. 0e'ause your blood is "lowing "aster +in some
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 2@
areas by up to 3A per'ent4, that means that o&ygen is
getting to your mus'les "aster.
*hen your mus'les have an in'reased amount o" o&ygen$
whi'h they need$ they don#t produ'e nearly the amount o"
la'tate that they would otherwise. 1here"ore$ meditation
helps to in'rease your blood "low and de'rease your
metaboli' rate.
&re ou Sleeping'
(any o" the things that happen to your body while you are
meditating are a'tually .uite li%e what happens to the body
when you are sleeping. :our breathing and heart rate drop.
:our body and mind enter a very rest"ul$ deep rela&ation and
enter a very rest"ul$ deep rela&ation.
0ut$ are you sleeping when you meditate$ then
1he .uestion that many "a'e is how your body 'an be both
so rela&ed and yet so alert. :ou see$ when you meditate$
your body is e&tremely alert$ not nearly sleeping.
*hen you are meditating$ your body enters a type o" rest
that is similar to that o" deep sleep andEor a hypnoti' state.
1hat#s due to the "a't that your body responds to the
meditation in all o" the ways that we#ve listed whi'h 'auses
the rela&ed state to happen.
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0ehind everything is your ability to tell your mind and your
body to rela&. *hen you enter meditation in a 'omplete
manner and these things happen$ you#ve learned to a''ess
your body#s rela&ation response$ something that allows you
to then 'ontrol when and how well you 'an rela&.
!n addition to this$ many do'tors and resear'hers believe
that those that meditate also are able to allow their own
body to ma%e the right de'isions about healing.
1here are many theories on how meditation happens and
what the real physi'al and mental 'hange that happens in
your body when you meditate is. *hat#s important "or you
to reali2e$ then$ is that a physi'al as well as a mental 'hange
happens in your body. 1hat 'hange is one o" serenity and
enlightenment$ two things that ea'h person should strive to
a'hieve "or their ultimate state o" mind.
+hapter 8: Are 9ou :eady To
Meditate 9et/
;ow that you understand a bit behind the reasoning behind
meditation$ you 'an 'learly see what the bene"its are. ;ow$
you are ready to learn how to meditate. =ver the ne&t
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 31
'hapters$ we#ll tal% about many o" the di""erent te'hni.ues
that are 'ru'ial to meditation.
)ome te'hni.ues you 'an learn through this eboo%$ others$
though$ you#ll need a trained and e&perien'ed instru'tor to
help you to learn how. *e suggest starting with some o" the
simpler "orms li%e those listed here and then wor%ing your
way into more 'omple& ones. :ou#ll "ind that this allows you
to be more su''ess"ul with the di""i'ult meditation e&er'ises
as well.
& (ord )f (arning
9s you begin meditation$ you should reali2e that the pro'ess
'an bring up "eelings$ thoughts and even traumati' events
that happened in your past. !" you have repressed
memories or otherwise are psy'hologi'ally a""e'ted by
meditation$ don#t give up on it. :ou should wor% with a
s%illed instru'tor though to wor% through these problems so
that meditation 'an be su''ess"ul "or you.
(editation may not be "or you i" you are a person that is
paranoid$ have problems with delusions or are "a'ing high
levels o" an&iety to the point o" not being able to "un'tion
properly. 1hese individuals o"ten "ind that meditation 'an be
help"ul$ but only when under guidan'e "rom their do'tors.
1hose that have psy'hoti' episodes o" any sort should wor%
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 32
with their meditation spe'ialist "irst and "oremost be"ore
starting their own meditation
1hose that are interested in meditation but are worried
about what 'ould happen during meditation should insure
that they have a s%illed meditation spe'ialist to help them
through the "irst "ew episodes.
& Bit )f Background
(editation is an art "orm that has 'ome down "rom all types
o" 'ultures and "rom an'ient 'ivili2ations. :et$ ea'h "orm
'omes "rom its own pla'e$ ma%ing it a bit uni.ue "rom
=ne thing that you will noti'e about meditation is its ability
to 'hange with the 'ulture and there"ore you#ll "ind various
names "or some o" the te'hni.ues and styles that you "ind.
!n addition$ you will "ind 'ountless religious or mysti'al
appli'ations to meditation as well. 9s you move through
meditation$ reali2e that ea'h aspe't is di""erent in where it is
"rom and how it is used$ yet all strive to o""er the same end
result to you.
?or e&ample$ in an'ient Christian training o" the spirit$
meditation is the pro'ess o" thin%ing with a good amount o"
'on'entration on a topi'. :et$ in >astern meditation$
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 33
meditation doesn#t have any su'h meaning. !nstead$ you
are doing the opposite o" thin%ing about a topi'.
1he goal o" meditation in this "orm is to be'ome deta'hedD to
pull away "rom your thoughts and then allow the silen'e to
open up to you. *hen this happens$ your mind be'omes
.uite. !n >astern meditation arts$ this is 'alled the
rela&ation response that your body presents. :et$ in
Christian mysti'al pra'ti'es$ it is 'alled 'ontemplation$ whi'h
we have already tou'hed on.
Actiities *or Meditation
9s we wor% through meditation$ it is important to "ind
something to use as your "o'us or your tool to enter into a
meditation e&perien'e. 1here are many di""erent tools that
you 'an use. 1he best things to do are those that allow you
to rela&$ stay still and to have some passive amount o"
attention paid to the ob-e't.
Here are some e&amplesF
Rela&ing 'om"ortably on the 'ou'h listening to so"t
musi'. 3ying down is generally more bene"i'ial than
sitting up be'ause it allows all o" your mus'les to rela&.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 34
Prayer$ probably the oldest and most pro"oundly used
tool in meditation is still one o" the best tools to use to
meditate with. Prayer allows you to "o'us and helps you
to 'on'entrate. :ou are .uiet and still$ generally. !t is
the most 'ommonly used meditation stan'e.
9 "ire 'an be a wonder"ul meditation tool as well.
)itting .uietly by the "ire$ gau2ing into it is alluring and
o"ten times allow a person to 'ompletely be'ome
memori2ed. ?or meditation purposes$ a "ireside
meditation 'an be the per"e't lo'ation$ assuming you
are sa"e o" 'ourse.
?o'using your attention on any single ob-e't 'an be
bene"i'ial as well. ="ten times$ this 'an be on anything
that#s in the room where it#s .uiet and open enough to
rela&. :ou 'an do this with anything in the room$ a
person$ a s'ene or even -ust the atmosphere o" the
!n meditation$ the goal is to "ind something to meditate on
that allows you to "o'us$ .uietly and still$ on it. 9nything
that provides this 'an wor% "or you.
*et ourself %ead$
;ow that you have a basi' idea o" what goes into meditation$
you 'an provide yoursel" with the ne'essary tools to get
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 3/
started. *e will get into that a bit more in -ust a minute.
:et$ be"ore you do this$ as% yoursel" a 'ouple o" .uestions.
9re you able to "ully e&perien'e meditation be'ause you
are open to the potential bene"its it 'an provide to you
9re you able to have someone to wat'h over you during
your "irst sessions$ or perhaps wor% with you through
them$ in order to insure that you do not have any type
o" problem during one
Do you have a partner that may li%e to learn to
meditate with you 1his 'an allow you to better
e&perien'e the pro'ess.
;ow$ you are ready to dive into meditation. ?irst$ ready
your mind "or the bene"its that it 'an o""er you. )%epti's
needs to stay behind$ now.
+hapter ;: .lements :e(uired *or
Meditation To 7appen
)o$ you want to meditate. ;ow that you have a bit o"
ba'%ground on meditation you thin% you 'an sit down and
'ompletely get into it$ right !t#s not .uite that easy.
;evertheless$ the pro'ess 'an be bro%en down to allow
anyone to "ully learn it.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 35
1o per"orm meditation$ there are several %ey elements that
must be ta%en into 'onsideration prior to getting started. !"
and when you a''omplish these tas%s$ you#ll be in a better
pla'e to a'tually meditate to the highest possible level o"
1here are "our big things to 'onsider. ?irst$ you need to
have the right attitude. ?or that$ you need what is 'alled a
passive attitude. 1his attitude allows "or the right
e&perien'e be'ause it ta%es away some o" the lesser and
o"ten negative aspe'ts that you may have towards
9ttitude isn#t everything$ though. 1he ne&t element that you
need is the right lo'ation. 1he best lo'ation "or meditation is
one that is .uiet and rela&ing to you. *hatever it ta%es to
get into the right setting$ ma%e it happen.
;e&t$ you need the right physi'al posture. :our body must
be in the right stage so that you are both 'om"ortable and
rela&ed to the level that meditation re.uires. *hen you
enter this stage$ meditation is easier to a''omplish.
?inally$ you need something to meditate on. 9s we#ve
already dis'ussed$ there is importan'e in what this is as it
should be something that is rela&ing and something that
allows you to remain still and .uiet while meditating with
that element.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 38
;ow$ we#ll go into detail about ea'h o" these aspe'ts. >a'h
is a very important part to the meditation pro'ess.
?irst$ we need to help you to "ind the right lo'ation to
meditate. 9s you 'an probably imagine$ you need a lo'ation
that is .uiet and 'alm. !" you wish to e&perien'e meditation$
being in the 'orre't surroundings will ma%e all o" the
di""eren'e to you.
1he best lo'ations "or you to sele't are those that will allow
not only your mind to rela& but also your body#s mus'les.
1his is generally done in a sitting or a lying position$ so ma%e
sure that the lo'ation you 'hoose o""ers that.
1he lo'ation should be one that does not o""er many
distra'tions. 1his is 'ru'ial to the ability to "ilter these things
out o" your mind. 1hose that are -ust starting to learn
meditation need the least distra'tions possible. =n'e you
hone your s%ills$ though$ you#ll be able to meditate is more
busy lo'ations in'luding in publi' lo'ations where you 'an#t
'ontrol the distra'tion and noise levels. ?irst$ though$ loo%
"or .uiet4
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The %ight Position
Gust li%e the right lo'ation$ being in the right position "or
meditation is 'ru'ial. 9'tually$ what we are loo%ing "or here
is the right posture "or your body that provides "or the best
abilities to meditate.
1he posture in whi'h your body is in is very mu'h a role
player in the type o" e&perien'e that you have. 1his is
believed in many "orms o" alternative medi'ine and wellness.
!n :oga$ there are a number o" postures per"ormed to get
the desired results.
!" you are pra'ti'ing Hum ;ey$ whi'h is a type o" !slami'
prayer$ there are postures bene"i'ial here. !n 0uddhist
religious 'eremonies$ the posture o" the body is very 'riti'al
to the e&perien'e that the individual has in the prayer that
they lead.
=ne o" the most important elements in maintaining your
posture is to %eep your spine straight. 9lthough there is no
proo" medi'ally spea%ing$ it is believed that when the spine
is 'orre'tly aligned$ in a straight line$ whi'h it helps to
bene"it the state o" mind that you are in.
!" you have a problem with your spine and this is not
'om"ortable "or you$ do not insist on it. (ost individuals will
e&perien'e some dis'om"ort during their "irst "ew
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e&perien'es with this type o" straightening o" the ba'%. ?or
most$ this will go away a"ter you get used to it. !" it is pain$
though$ don#t "or'e yoursel" to do this.
:ou may be tempted to meditate in a lying down position.
9lthough this position does wor%$ it o"ten 'auses individuals
that are new to meditation to "all asleep. 1here"ore$ unless
you %now that you 'an re"rain "rom sleepingD try to use the
sitting up position.
0emi <oised
1he semi poised posture is another 'hoi'e. !n a semi poised
posture$ you are not sitting straight up and you are not lying
down "lat. :ou are re'lining to a point. 1his is o"ten done by
those that 'an#t sit well straight up. !t 'an be done on your
so"a "or additional 'om"ort. (a%e sure that your head is
supported in this position. :ou should not put yoursel" in a
position that allows you to "all asleep$ though.
<oised <osture
1he most 'ommon and the most bene"i'ial type o" posture is
that o" poised. 1he poised posture is one in whi'h the ba'%
and spine is upright and straight$ but is not rigidly so. 1he
reasoning behind this bene"it is a'tually important to
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 4A
*hen you are in the poised posture$ your body is alert. :our
state o" mind is that o" being aware and poised$ ready "or
attention. 0y %eeping your ba'% straight$ you are %eeping
your mind alert.
Lotus <osture
9nother option is that o" the lotus posture. 1his is a'tually
the most 'ommon and well li%ed posture in the >astern
"orms o" meditation. !n this position$ you will sit with your
legs 'rossed and the ba'% and spine in a verti'al line. :our
legs are 'rossed with the "eet pla'ed on the thighs.
1he problem with the lotus posture is that it 'an be
somewhat pain"ul "or those that aren#t "le&ible. !t 'an be
something learned and even mastered a"ter a "ew tries.
1here are other postures that 'an be used as well. !" you
would li%e to learn a posture that allows you to sit in a
spe'i"i' position$ loo% towards your meditation guide to help
you to "ind one that wor%s "or you.
Passi#eness ,n our &ttitude
1he ne&t %ey ingredient in meditation is your attitude.
="ten$ the attitude that is most 'ommonly re.uired and
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 41
tal%ed about is that o" poised awareness. :our attitude is
probably the most important element in this entire pro'ess.
!t is 'alled poised awareness be'ause that#s -ust what you
are. :ou are rela&ed but alert in su'h a way that is the
per"e't balan'e between the two.
*hen you enter this type o" awareness$ you noti'e what is
happening around you but you are not "o'using on it. :ou
are 'asually aware o" these things and yet you are deta'hed
"rom them.
*hen new thoughts enter your mind$ you must let them -ust
pass through$ %nowing that they have 'ome but not 'aring
mu'h about them. 9s you ga2e at your meditation ob-e't$
you#ll want to allow your mind the ability to noti'e what is
happening around you.
0ut$ when your mind wanders away and you begin to add
additional thoughts onto that original one$ developing an
interest in them$ 'ome ba'% to that meditation ob-e't and
readdress your methods o" entering into meditation.
*hen you learn to %eep your mind "o'used and rela&ed$ you
'an reali2e that your mind has gone o"" into another
dire'tion and bring it ba'% to where we want it to be "or
*hen you enter poised awareness$ you will at "irst need to
"ight to stay there. :et$ over time$ you#ll "ind yoursel" being
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 42
able to stay in "o'us throughout your meditation e&perien'e.
:ou don#t have to "ight it as mu'h.
9 passive attitude is one in whi'h your mind 'an noti'e that
there are other thoughts passing through$ but that stays
rela&ed and doesn#t "o'us on those thoughts. *hen you 'an
do this$ you#ll be able to noti'e but not rea't to those
distra'tions that 'ome your way$ there"ore allowing your
body and mind to enter into meditation easier.
9our Meditation 1b=ect
1here is one more pie'e o" the pu22le to enter into
meditation through pra'ti'ing yoursel". :ou need to have a
meditation ob-e't to use to help dire't and "o'us your
attention on.
1he ob-e't that you use is generally 'alled a mantra$ whi'h is
a'tually a spe'i"i' word or even a syllable.
)ometimes$ li%e in 0uddhism meditation$ you#ll "o'us on your
breathing movements as your ob-e't "or meditation. !" you
do de'ide to use breathing as your method "or entering into
meditation$ then do so 'orre'tly. :ou need to ma%e your
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 43
meditation method use the rise and "all o" your abdomen
rather than the presen'e o" inhaling air.
!n addition$ ma%e sure to use breathing that 'omes you#re
your diaphragm rather than "rom your stoma'h. Proper
posture will help this as will pra'ti'ing how to use it. =n'e
you get into a meditation state$ you#ll "ind that the rhythm o"
your breathing in the movement o" your body will help to
promote deep rela&ation.
>ither o" these$ mantra or breathing$ 'an be used as your
meditation ob-e't so long as they provide "or rela&ation.
:ou 'an also use various other elements in the room you are
in. !" you 'hoose to do this$ ma%e sure that the element you
sele't is something that provides "or rela&ation. )ome
individuals li%e to 'lose their eyes in order to rela& and then
to indu'e meditation. 1his is up to you and your pre"eren'es
"or meditation.
)hould you go with a mantra "or your method o" indu'ing
meditation$ do so with 'are"ul thought. 9lthough some
meditation therapists will tell you that a spe'i"i' sele'tion o"
sounds should be used "or your mantra as determined by
your nervous system$ there isn#t a lot o" noti'eable bene"it
"rom this. :ou 'an use any word that is neutral and that
allows you to stay "o'used. !t should not be something that
easily brings another thought to your mind.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 44
!t doesn#t have to be a word either. !t 'an be a nonsensi'al
sound or a grouping o" sounds.
Remember that your mind needs to enter into a phase in
whi'h no thoughts or very "ew thoughts and no thoughts o"
meaning are passing through it. *hen this happens$ the
deepest level o" thought and 'ons'iousness are "ound and
only then 'an it happen.
Put ,t Together
=n'e you have learned ea'h o" these "our very important
elements to the meditation pro'ess$ you 'an begin to
develop a pattern "or yoursel".
(ost o" the time$ it does ta%e some pra'ti'e and -ust trying
out di""erent methods to a'tually "ind the pro'ess that wor%s
the best "or you. 1he goal is to remember what you are
a"ter. :ou want a state o" mind that is 'lear "rom other
thoughts and you want to put yoursel" both your mind and
your body in a rela&ed state.
?or you$ this may be di""erent "rom what it is "or others that
meditate. *e re'ommend starting with those methods
des'ribed here and pra'ti'ing with them until you have
a'hieved them. 3ater$ i" you "ind that something wor%s
better "or you$ su'h as with your posture or your meditation
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ob-e't$ you 'an then 'hange it to mat'h the bene"its that
you#ve "ound.
(ost 'ommonly$ though$ meditation involves a trial and
error. Don#t assume that -ust one try o" a mantra will wor%.
!" you don#t "ully learn how to do something$ this too 'an
lead to the wrong e&perien'e. ?or e&ample$ i" you don#t
breathe 'orre'tly$ you 'an#t %now that breathing doesn#t
wor% "or you. ;e&t$ we#ll try to meditate.
+hapter >: Meditating )n A 0imple
*orm *irst
(editating is an art "orm$ we#ve told you that. ;ow$ to get
you started$ you must "irst learn about the various stro%es
you 'an ma%e in your art so that the end result is what you
'an appre'iate.
*ith meditation$ everything is built "rom the simplest o"
methods up to more 'omple& types. 1o enter into
enlightenment$ then$ you need to "irst ta%e baby steps. =ur
"irst meditation is one that#s simple$ straight"orward and
honesty is something you 'an master in a "ew tries at it$ i"
you do it 'orre'tly.
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 45
3et#s go through the pro'ess now. !n this meditation$ our
goal is to introdu'e you with the rela&ation response. 1his is
a great type o" meditation to do daily$ even when you are
1o get started$ put aside time to meditate. :ou need to try
and do this daily to "ully learn through pra'ti'e how to
a''omplish it as well as to bene"it "rom all that meditation
'an o""er to you.
Simple Mediation
)imple mediation 'an start li%e this.
1. ?ind a lo'ation that#s .uiet and where you %now you
won#t be bothered. :ou are loo%ing "or ten to twenty
minutes o" undisturbed meditation here. 1urn o"" all
telephones and anything else that 'ould be'ome a
2. ;ow$ sit 'om"ortably and .uietly. Heep your ba'% in
position with your spine verti'ally aligned. Remember
that posture is something that you need to ma%e
3. Commit to what you are doing right now. 1hat means
not allowing distra'tion to play a role now. Commit to
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 48
not being interrupted by anything happening in the
world around you. (ost importantly$ remove anything
"rom the room or "rom your line o" view that 'ould be a
potential distra'tion. Commit to per"orming
4. )ele't a word that "its into your natural belie" system.
?or e&ample$ use 6love7 6pea'e7 or others. !" you are
religious$ sele't a wor% o" a short phrase that signi"ies
what you believe. 6Hallelu-ah7 or 6=m7 ma%e good
'hoi'es. Close your eyes on'e you#ve sele'ted the right
word. Closing your eyes helps you to enter into
/. ;ow$ we#ll go through the body and rela& ea'h o" the
mus'les in it. )tart with your toes. Cons'iously thin%
to yoursel" that your toes should rela& and "eel them
rela&. ;e&t$ move to your "eet$ your legs and so on.
:ou want to allow ea'h o" your mus'les to rela&. (a%e
sure to in'lude your ne'%$ your -aw$ your pelvis$ ba'%$
your arms$ "ingers and hands$ and shoulders. 9s this
happens$ "eel the tension leave your body.
5. Continue to breathe through the pro'ess in deep$ long
breathes and repeat your mediation word over and over
again. 0reathe in$ say your word$ breathe out$ and
repeat. :ou don#t need to say the word out loud$ but
rather mentally pronoun'e it.
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8. Cse the passive attitude that we#ve tal%ed about. !"
any thoughts 'ome into your mind while you are
sitting$ rela&ing$ let them go out simply by telling
yoursel" 6oh well.7 (ost people will have trouble with
this at "irst$ so don#t worry about how well you are
doing. Gust let go o" those words the best that you 'an.
Heep repeating your meditation word$ too.
<. Heep this going "or ten minutes at least and strive "or
twenty. Don#t use any alarm to warn you$ -ust open
your eyes "or a moment to 'he'%.
@. )it and rela& "or several minutes on'e you#ve 'ome out
o" your meditation. Heep your eyes 'losed "or a 'ouple
o" minutes be"ore opening them. Don#t stand up -ust
yet. 9llow yoursel" time to 'ome ba'% into reality
be"ore doing so.
:ou should try to do this simple meditation at least on'e a
day but two or more times per day really 'an have a positive
e""e't on your daily stresses. (any people "ind that this
simple meditation wor%s well be"ore they get their day
started$ when they are "ully rested and be"ore they have
eaten brea%"ast.
*hen you have pra'ti'ed this type o" mediation "or several
days or even longer$ you should learn the bene"its o"
meditation and what it 'an o""er. !" you don#t "eel any
di""erent$ you may not be "ollowing ea'h step appropriately.
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:ou need to "o'us on rela&ation not on whether or not
meditation is going to heal all o" you.
*hen you do a''omplish this "orm o" meditation$ try out
some o" the others that we#ve in'luded here in the ne&t
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+hapter ?: 1ther Methods 1f
1here are many other types o" mediation that 'an easily be
used -ust li%e that o" the simple meditation. Here$ we#ll tal%
about several other options that may "ill your needs. )hould
you 'hoose one
9"ter you have learned the basi's o" meditation you 'an
begin to e&periment with other sometimes more 'ompli'ated
(alking Meditation
=ne other type o" meditation that you 'an easily in'orporate
into your daily li"estyle is that o" *al%ing (editation. 1he
pro'ess seems mu'h simpler than it is$ but it#s worth the try
be'ause it 'an allow you to enter into a new enlightenment
no matter where you are.
*al%ing meditation does ta%e pra'ti'e so plan on giving it a
"ew 'han'es be"ore you write it o"" as something that#s not
wor%ing "or you.
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Here#s how wal%ing meditation wor%s.
)tart by paying attention to your body as you wal%. :ou
should ta%e note o" the way it "eels$ not -ust wal%ing but how
it a""e'ts ea'h part o" your body. :ou should "eel the ground
hitting the bottom o" your "oot. :ou should "eel the mus'les
in your legs and ba'% tighten with ea'h step that you ta%e.
Pay attention to these things.
?o'us your attention$ now on ea'h o" your "eet. )tart with
-ust one "oot. 9s it hits the ground$ ta%e noti'e o" it. ?eel
the ne&t "oot 'ome up and go down$ noti'e how it "eels too.
Continue to do this over and over again until it almost
be'omes a mantra that you are saying to yoursel".
!" your mind begins to wander o""$ "or'e yoursel" to "o'us on
your movements again. :our eyes should be wat'hing in
"ront o" you$ without really loo%ing at anything in parti'ular.
Don#t "o'us on anything else. 1his will help you to ta%e your
meditation to the ne&t level o" meditation.
*hy should you use wal%ing meditation !ts simple. *hen
was the last time that you paid attention to the a'tually
wal%ing part o" your movements
:ou thin% about the 'ountless things you have to do$ where
you are going and who#s tal%ing to you$ but not the
movements o" wal%ing itsel"$ whi'h 'an o""er a high level o"
rela&ation when "o'used on.
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0y 'on'entrating on wal%ing itsel"$ you 'an better e&perien'e
rela&ation and the movements o" wal%ing itsel". 1hrough
this$ you 'an enter into a new awareness o" the world
around you and o" your physi'al sel".
Transcendental Meditation
!" you have 'ome to learn meditation$ it is li%ely that you
want to learn trans'endental meditation or 1( "or short.
1here are many people that have set their sights on this type
o" meditation and with good reason.
?irst$ it#s easy to learn. )e'ond$ you 'an a'tually "ind
'ountless bene"its "rom this type o" meditation.
=n'e you learn to pra'ti'e 1rans'endental (editation$ you#ll
"ind results and bene"its right away. 1hrough a bit o"
pra'ti'e$ you 'ould be doing this within a wee% or so$
espe'ially i" you have pra'ti'ed the other types o"
meditations prior to this.
During 1rans'endental (editation$ you will wor% 'losely with
an instru'tor. 1his instru'tor not only will wal% you through
the pro'ess o" entering into this type o" meditation$ but he or
she will also provide you with a uni.ue mantra to use during
the pro'ess.
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Remember that a mantra is a word or a "ew syllables o" a
word that you will say over and over again. !n this type o"
meditation$ your instru'tor will give you a spe'i"i' mantra to
say that is 'hosen spe'i"i'ally "or you. 1his type o" sele'tion
is based on your body#s needs and your nervous system
=n'e you have been given this type o" meditation mantra$
you 'an then begin the pro'ess o" meditation. :ou must
promise not to tell anyone what your mantra is as that#s part
o" the pro'ess.
?rom this point$ you will sit down .uietly and 'lear your mind
o" anything that is going through it. 1hen$ you#ll 'lose your
eyes gently and rela& your mus'les throughout your body$
mu'h li%e that o" a simple meditation. ?rom here$ you#ll
begin repeating your mantra over and over again. 1he goal
is to 'ompletely "o'us on those words.
*hen you do this$ over and over again$ you#ll want to dispel
any other thoughts that 'ome into your mind. Clearing your
mind and bring it ba'% to the mantra is going to allow you to
"ind bene"its in meditation.
:ou should pra'ti'e this type o" meditation at least two times
per day$ every day.
!n this type o" meditation$ your goal is to "ind an 6oneness7
with the universe. 0y repeating this one word or idea over
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and over again$ you enter into a state o" 'ons'iousness that
is elevated. :ou are 'reating a one between you and the
During the pro'ess$ you#ll use your passive attitude to easily
dispel any distra'tions that 'ome into your mind.
Remember$ when your mind wanders$ a simple$ 6oh well7
will allow you to 'ome ba'% to your mantra and there"ore
re"o'us your meditation e&er'ises.
!" you remember 'orre'tly "rom our earlier 'hapters$ there
are many bene"its to 1rans'endental (editation. !" you will
be pra'ti'ing this type o" meditation "or any purpose$ you
should still 'lear your mind o" all o" those thoughts prior to
getting started otherwise it may not a'tually wor% well "or
:ou should also remember our in"ormation about
1rans'endental (editation in how it relates to your health.
1his type o" mediation is the most pro"ound type o"
meditation in the way o" rela&ation and health and mental
Mindfulness Meditation
1here is another type o" meditation that should be
mentioned be'ause o" its many bene"its on your li"estyle as
well as -ust how uni.ue it is.
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!n the other meditations that we#ve sele'ted to tell you
about$ your goal will be to use a mantra or a breathing "o'us
to help you enter into a state o" meditation. 0ut$ that#s not
ne'essarily the only method to do so. !n (ind"ulness
(editation$ whi'h is also %nown as Iipassana$ you don#t
"o'us on something around you but rather on inside
!n (ind"ulness (editation$ you are not paying attention to
the physi'al aspe'ts o" what is happening around you.
!nstead$ you are "o'using on what is happening in the
present moment$ not the "uture or the past. :ou will learn
how to "o'us on what is happening right now$ at this very
:ou#ll "ind that the (ind"ulness (editation is one that 'an
help to turn the brain down to low. !" you are one that has
'onstant thoughts ra'ing through your head and o"ten "inds
that there#s -ust too mu'h noise happening in your brain at
any time$ then this type o" meditation may be one o" the
best types "or you.
!n (ind"ulness (editation$ you will not "o'us on any one
thing. :ou are not even going to loo% at this "a'tor yet.
!nstead$ you are going to 'on'entrate on the .uality o" your
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org /5
:ou will be what is 'alled a 6silent witness7 whi'h simply
means that you need to be aware o" what is happening
around you at that very moment silently. :ou are witnessing
what#s happening around you.
Don#t mista%e this type o" meditation "or a mediation that
allows you to be passive in what happens in your daily li"e.
Rather$ (ind"ulness (editation helps you to stop and ma%e
de'isions based on reality rather than ma%ing impulse
)o$ how do you do (ind"ulness (editation :ou may have
heard o" it be"ore$ a'tually. 1here are two ways to do it.
=ne is in"ormal. 1he other is "ormal and a good e&ample o"
this is through :oga.
:oga wor%s as a method o" meditation be'ause o" the
'on'entration that is paid to the here and now. :ou are
mind"ul o" the movements and positions o" your body. >a'h
movement is done slowly and 'are"ully as planned. :ou are
"ully aware o" ea'h move you are ma%ing and thus you are
mind"ul. *hen you pra'ti'e in this manner$ you are
mind"ully aware o" your "eelings$ your physi'al movements
and what#s happening in your mind.
:ou are taught through this type o" meditation to allow
breathing to enter into your body and then to leave your
body ta%ing with it your stress$ your an&iety and other
elements. 1hrough methods li%e yoga$ you 'an "o'us your
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org /8
attention on removing these to&ins "rom your body and live
a more mind"ul li"estyle.
1he other type o" (ind"ulness (editation is that o" in"ormal
means. !n the in"ormal meditation$ you ta%e in the world
around you through -ust ea'h thing that you do. >a'h thing
that you do or en'ounter is "ully e&perien'ed in a very
uni.ue way.
?or e&ample$ i" you are hungry and grab an apple "or a
sna'%$ you bite it$ 'hew and swallow while probably wat'hing
television or even sitting on the web. 0ut$ when you use
(ind"ulness (editation when you are 'onsuming that apple$
things 'hange 'onsiderably.
;ow$ you are not -ust ta%ing a bite. :ou are observing the
apple in all ways. *hat does it "eel li%e in your hand *hat
does the apple smell li%e 1a%e in its 'olor and its weight.
9s you ta%e a bite$ hear the 'run'h o" the apple#s s%in$ the
te&ture o" the apple#s inside and the way that the -ui'es
'ome out o" the apple as you 'hew.
9s you 'an see$ with (ind"ulness (editation$ you are "ully
aware o" everything to do with the tas% at hand. !t doesn#t
-ust have to do with your "oods$ either. 1he same goes "or
everything that you are doing.
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:our hand on the mouse o" your 'omputer$ the putting on o"
your shoes$ and the movement o" your pen on the paper are
all a'tivities that you 'an use (ind"ulness (editation on.
*hy do this type o" meditation in an in"ormal way *hen
you do this type o" a'tivity$ over and over again$ you gain
bene"its o" meditation at a basi' level over and over again
throughout your day. 1hat means that you#ll enter into a
rela&ed state o"ten$ probably do2ens o" times ea'h day.
There &re More
=ne thing to ta%e away "rom this boo% is the "a't that there
are many ways to enter into a state o" meditation. Here are
a "ew more e&amples o" meditation methods that you 'an
learn and pra'ti'e "or bene"its.
@ourney Meditation
!n this type o" meditation$ you will ta%e yoursel" to a new
lo'ation through meditation. :ou gain meditation by ta%ing
yoursel" to a di""erent lo'ation where pea'e is the "o'us o"
the trip.
1o do this type o" meditation$ sit up in a proper posture yet
'om"ortably. Heep some paper and pen near you so that
you 'an write down anything that you worry about during
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this type o" meditation. 0reathe in slowly and deeply "or
about "ive 'ounts to 'leanse your mind and thoughts. 1hen$
"ind your pea'e"ul pla'e. !t#s generally a lo'ation that helps
you to "eel rela&ed and at pea'e. Heep distra'tions out o"
your mind and en-oy the pea'e that#s o""ered to you.
0ound Meditation
!n this type o" meditation$ also %nown as vibrating
meditation$ you#ll use the sound o" your mantra to move
you. )tand up while doing this type o" meditation and allow
deep breathing to 'leanse your thoughts. 1hen$ pi'% a word
that sounds good and show'ases pea'e "or you. Repeat it
over and over again$ in a 'hant li%e method. Rela& your
mus'les and en-oy what this method has to o""er to you.
>ven thought we#ve 'overed many o" the best types o"
meditation$ espe'ially "or the beginner$ there are plenty
more. (a%e it your e&perien'e to learn more o" them.
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9s you 'an see$ meditation is a very 'omple& pro'ess that
really 'an be brought down into a "ew simple things. 0y
"inding an element to 'on'entrate on and then 'learing your
mind o" all that is happening around you$ you 'an enter into
a state o" meditation.
*hy do it *hy should you meditate 9lthough it 'an be
di""i'ult "or anyone to really understand the bene"its o"
meditation without "irst giving it a try$ the "a't is that
meditation 'an ta%e you to a new level o" 'ons'iousness.
;ot only will it help to improve your stress levels$ o"ten
helping you to redu'e them to healthy levels$ but it helps
you to "eel good$ too. :ou will "eel more 'olle'ted and
organi2ed in your thoughts. *hen this alone happens$ you#ll
be able to ma%e better de'isions$ wor% harder without
wor%ing too mu'h and you#ll a''omplish more ea'h and
every day.
(editation has many health bene"its and has been help"ul in
improving the .uality o" li"e "or many. 0ut$ don#t ta%e our
word "or it. :ou %now have the ability to learn how to ta%e
your own li"e to a new level through meditation.
>nlightenment truly 'an happen through this pro'ess o"
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 51
e&perien'ing meditation. (ost individuals 'an master is
.ui'%ly and there"ore will improve their li"e easily.
(editation is something to e&perien'e$ with your "ull heart
and your empty mind.
*or the easiest meditation
#ith the best results:
chec" out the Meditation <rogram!
Copyright PersonalDevelopmentReviews.org 52

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