Nestlé is a global food and beverage company founded in 1866 with headquarters in Switzerland. It operates five production facilities in Pakistan. The company succeeded in achieving sustainable profitable growth through successful marketing strategies focused on innovation and renovation. It segments the market based on geography and demographics, targeting families, children, females and housewives between ages 20-30 who are health conscious for their children.
Nestlé is a global food and beverage company founded in 1866 with headquarters in Switzerland. It operates five production facilities in Pakistan. The company succeeded in achieving sustainable profitable growth through successful marketing strategies focused on innovation and renovation. It segments the market based on geography and demographics, targeting families, children, females and housewives between ages 20-30 who are health conscious for their children.
Nestlé is a global food and beverage company founded in 1866 with headquarters in Switzerland. It operates five production facilities in Pakistan. The company succeeded in achieving sustainable profitable growth through successful marketing strategies focused on innovation and renovation. It segments the market based on geography and demographics, targeting families, children, females and housewives between ages 20-30 who are health conscious for their children.
Nestlé is a global food and beverage company founded in 1866 with headquarters in Switzerland. It operates five production facilities in Pakistan. The company succeeded in achieving sustainable profitable growth through successful marketing strategies focused on innovation and renovation. It segments the market based on geography and demographics, targeting families, children, females and housewives between ages 20-30 who are health conscious for their children.
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Thanks to Sir Aitzaz and all the other
persons who provide us proper guidance, Under there dynamic guidance we are able to express ourselves. And we are now at the stage to evaluate about the performance of any organization as we have analyzed estle !ilk"ak in our following report. #e is beyond our thoughts and much more than this acknowledgement. !ay $%& bless us with such kind of dedicated teachers in future' And (nally we are thankful you that he cooperate us and appreciate as well. )t is really very nice to study with you. All the research we have done is due to the skill we ac*uire form you. +e have tried our best to provide you the actual facts and (gures. +e hope you will appreciate us. Special Thanks To ,-.h.Sikandar Ali /ia )n charge U#T "lant Sheikhupura 0actory. 1-!r.oman 2ureshi !arketing &epartment estle #ead*uarters 3ahore. 4-&r.0arhat 5ameel 6han !anager Administration Seminars in Marketing 1 78rand !anager9 estle pure 3ife EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Nestl with headquarters in Velvety, Switzerland was founded in 1866 y !enri Nestl and is today the world"s iggest food and everage #om$any% &he 'om$any"s strategy is guided y several fundamental $rin#i$les% Nestl"s e(isting $rodu#ts grow through innovation and renovation while maintaining a alan#e in geogra$hi# a#tivities and $rodu#t lines% &he #om$any su##eeded in a#hieving sustainale $rofitale growth during the year under the view driven y su##essful marketing and sales strategies and fo#us on key initiatives% 'onsumer #onfiden#e in the #om$any)s rand has further strengthened and the trade remains #onfident as ever in doing usiness with it% *nnovation and renovation remained the key to develo$ment of new $rodu#ts% +ood servi#es usiness unit is fast develo$ing the required skill and #om$eten#ies to meet s$e#ialized needs of out,of -home #ustomers and ho$e that the organization stru#ture will e more strengthened in the #oming years% &his is #hanged 1./ w%r%t last year% ..%6./ as $er share% 0ver all #om$any market share is 81/% Nestl share as #om$ared to nur $ur,nirala and other are moves around .1to 21/%&otal turnover3, 1.%4 5illion 6u$ees Seminars in Marketing . History *n the 1861s !enri Nestl, a $harma#ist, develo$ed a food for aies who were unale to reastfeed% !is first su##ess was a $remature infant who #ould not tolerate his mother"s milk or any of the usual sustitutes% 7eo$le qui#kly re#ognized the value of the new $rodu#t, after Nestl"s new formula saved the #hild"s life, and soon, +arine 8a#te !enri Nestl was eing sold in mu#h of 9uro$e% 1905-1918 *n 141: Nestl merged with the ;nglo,Swiss 'ondensed Milk 'om$any% 5y the early 1411s, the #om$any was o$erating fa#tories in the <nited States, 5ritain, =ermany and S$ain% >orld >ar * #reated new demand for dairy $rodu#ts in the form of government #ontra#ts% 5y the end of the war, Nestl"s $rodu#tion had more than douled% 1918 -1938 ;fter the war =overnment #ontra#ts dried u$ and #onsumers swit#hed a#k to fresh milk% !owever, Nestl"s management res$onded qui#kly, streamlining o$erations and redu#ing det% &he 14.1s saw Nestl"s first e($ansion into new $rodu#ts, with #ho#olate the 'om$any"s se#ond most im$ortant a#tivity 1938 -1944 Nestl felt the effe#ts of >orld >ar ** immediately% 7rofits dro$$ed from ?.1 million in 1428 to ?6 million in 1424% +a#tories were estalished in develo$ing #ountries, $arti#ularly 8atin ;meri#a% *roni#ally, the war hel$ed with the introdu#tion of the Seminars in Marketing 2 'om$any"s newest $rodu#t, Nes#afe, whi#h was a sta$le drink of the <S military% Nestl"s $rodu#tion and sales rose in the wartime e#onomy% 1944 -1975 &he end of >orld >ar ** was the eginning of a dynami# $hase for Nestl% =rowth a##elerated and #om$anies were a#quired% *n 14@A #ame the merger with Magi seasonings and sou$s% 'rosse B 5la#kwell followed in 1461, as did +indus C1462D, 8iy"s C14A1D and Stouffer"s C14A2D% Eiversifi#ation #ame with a shareholding in 8)0real in 14A@% 1975 -1981 Nestl"s growth in the develo$ing world $artially offset a slowdown in the 'om$any"s traditional markets% Nestl made its se#ond venture outside the food industry y a#quiring ;l#ona 8aoratories *n#%%% 1981 -1996 Nestl divested a numer of usinesses1481 F 148@% *n 148@, Nestl"s im$roved ottom line allowed the 'om$any to laun#h a new round of a#quisitions, the most im$ortant eing ;meri#an food giant 'arnation% 1996+ &he first half of the 1441s $roved to e favorale for Nestl3 trade arriers #rumled and world markets develo$ed into more or less integrated trading areas% Sin#e 1446 there have een a#quisitions in#luding San 7ellegrino C144AD, S$illers 7et foods C1448D and 6alston 7urina C.11.D% &here were two maGor a#quisitions in North ;meri#a, oth in .11.3 in Huly, Nestl merged its <%S% i#e #ream usiness into Ereyer"s, and in ;ugust, a <SE .%6n a#quisition was announ#ed of 'hef ;meri#a, *n#% Seminars in Marketing @ MISSI! Build branded food business to improve quality of life by offering tasty, affordable and highly nutritional product to our consumer. While maximizing stakeholder value VISI! The strategic priorities of Nestl milkpak are focuses on delivering shareholder value through the achievement of sustainable, capital efficient and profitable long term gro!th. "mprovements in profitability !ill be achieved !hile respecting quality and safety standards at all times. "n line !ith this ob#ective, !e envision Nestl milkpak to gro! in the shortest possible time into the number one food company in $akistan !ith unique ability to meet the needs of consumers of every age group% from infancy to old age, for nutrition and pleasure, through development of a large variety of food categories of the highest quality. We envision the company to develop an extremely motivated and professionally trained "nnovation and renovation. We aspire, as a respected corporate citizen, to continue playing a significant role in the social and environmental sectors of the country. &ost innovative and fastest gro!ing food company offering $roducts en#oyed in '(very home every day) Seminars in Marketing : Nestl in Pakistan !eadquarters in 8ahore, the #om$any o$erates five $rodu#tion fa#ilities% &wo of its fa#tories in sheikhu$ura and kairwala and multi $rodu#t fa#tories% 0ne fa#tory in *slamaad and two in Iara#hi $rodu#e ottled water% &hrough its effe#tive marketing and a vast sales and distriution network thought out the #ountry, it ensures that its $rodu#ts are made availale to #onsumers whenever, wherever and however% Seminars in Marketing 6 SE"ME!TATI! # TAR"ET MAR$ET %&'o(r)*+i,)--y., =ender wise B *n#ome #lasses% "&o(r)*+i,)--y., National and *nternational market% M&/i) "r)*+i,)--y. - 9le#troni# B 7rint media C0sto'&rs 1ro2i-&.- +amilies, #hildren, +emales !ouse wives etween the ages of .:,2: who are #ons#ious aout health of their #hildren% N9S&89 is fo#using 1&o*-& as a whole regardless of demogra$hi#, $sy#hogra$hi#s and geogra$hi#% &he main target of the firm is 790789% >hi#h #an e seen from their media and hoardings% 9ven on the $a#king design one #an see the +;M*8J, whi#h fo#uses all the age grou$s% M)r3&t S&('&4t)tio4 Market segmentation is dividing a market into disting grou$s thatK 1,!ave #ommon needs% .,>ill res$ond similarly to a marketing a#tion%
S&('&4t)tio4 St&*s. 5 Seminars in Marketing A 1% 7eo$le in areas under the #overage of Nestle su$$ly #hain i%e%, northern B far,off areas% .% Joung mothers having #hildren of age :,11 years% 2% Joung #hildren of age 11 years to youth of age u$ to .6 years% 6)sis 2or S&('&4t)tio4 "&o(r)*+i, S&('&4t)tio4 =eogra$hi# segmentation a$$roa#h markets are divided into different units these units may in#lude nations states, #ountries or even may neighorhood #onsumer often have different uying haits de$ending u$on where thy reside =eogra$hi#ally Nestle has een very su##essful in targeting those areas where its #om$etitors are not easily availale% So Nestle Eelight will have an advantage over its #om$etitors in this #ase of all $ur$ose milk% Nestle #an use its #urrent su$$ly #hain to deliver the milk to its target markets% ; large segment elongs to the northern and rural areas of 7akistan will e #overed y Nestle e#ause of strong distriution network% &here is a ga$ in the su$$ly #y#le of milk in some #riti#al situations when shortage o##urs due to short of raw material su$$ly% %&'o(r)*+i, S&('&4t)tio4 Eividing the market in the asis of demogra$hi# variales su#h as age se(, family size, edu#ation, in#ome, and so#ial #lasses are #alled demogra$hi#s segmentations Nestle is #urrently targeting house wives, $eo$le of all ages es$e#ially growing #hildren on asis of its $urest form of milk% Joung mother)s segment should e addressed for the etter growth of their #hildren e#ause the $urest form of milk% So, Nestle fulfill the need of #om$lete healthy and nutritious food for everyone in family% Jouth is to e addressed with res$e#t to the energy they need to $erform their daily tasks% 6&+)7iorist S&('&4t)tio4 Eividing #onsumer into grou$s a##ording to their uses loyalties or uying res$onses to a $rodu#t is ehaviorist segmentation for e(am$le $rodu#t of rand usage degree of usage are #omined with demogra$hi#s and $sy#hogra$hi# #riteria to develo$ $rofiles of market segments Nestle has an advantage that they have already got a strong rand image% 7eo$le are loyal to this rand, making use Seminars in Marketing 8 of whi#h Nestle #an s$e#ially target this segment B offer them this new $rodu#t% 5y getting advantage of their #urrent #ustomer)s ehaviors% A/7&rtisi4( M&/i) o*t&/ 2or. &elevision, 5ill 5oards and 7rint Media% S-o()4. '*ood food, *ood life) Theme: MILK FOR EVERY ONE 10s+ VS 10--. ;t some stores there is $ush strategy for the $rodu#t where as at some stores its $ull8 1ro'is& # S0**ort. 59S& M*8I +06 E6*NI*N= V)-0& 1r&*ositio4. 5est value for money% M)r3&ti4( Str)t&(y Us&/.- 7enetration strategy su$$orted y $rodu#t differentiation Cor& 6&4&2it.- +ulfilment +un#tional 5enfit3, M)3&s E4&r(y Seminars in Marketing 4 1RMTI! STRATE"Y I4,&4ti7&s # %is,o04ts +amadan offers Buy one get one free M)r3&t s+)r& 0ver all #om$any market share is 81/% Nestl share as #om$ared to nur $ur, Nirala and other are moves around .1to 21/% S)-&s Eaily sales3 @11,111 liters Monthly sales value3 6s% 21 #rore ;nnual sales value3 6s% @%8 illion S)-&s "ro9t+ r)t& .:/ &his is #hanged 1./ w%r%t last year% %i7i/&4/ ..%6./ as $er share% Tot)- T0r4o7&r .%4 5illion 6u$ees% Seminars in Marketing 11 MAR$ETI!" MIX 1R%UCT 1RICE 1:ACEME!T 1RMTI! Seminars in Marketing 11 1R%UCT ;1ro/0,t 1ort2o-io< NAME Nestle Milk Pack SLOGAN Slogan; Good food, good life. Nestle is the world)s largest food #om$any $rodu#ing 11,111 food items whi#h have #a$tured a large $art of market share and is growing ig time% Nestle has a unique name in $rodu#tion of milk due to $resen#e of large no of #om$etitors the Nestle milk $a#k suffer from a de#line how ever it was the strategy to defeat the #om$etitors so Nestle re laun#hed its $rodu#t in market e#ause it the requirement of the market and time to introdu#e a new trend in market% SI=ES 1\4 Liter 1\2 Liter 1.0 Liter I!"RE%IE!TS CALCIUM 27-30 P!O"EN 1#-1$ POSP%O!US 31-34 &I"AMIN A '-( Seminars in Marketing 1. ENE!G) 1'0-1'( * CAL 1ri,i4( *n the se#ond L7) $ri#ing we have oserved that Nestle is #ontinuously in#reasing its $ri#es as #om$ared to its #om$etitors mostly in other $rodu#ts like 8a#togen, 'irila#, 'ream and $rodu#ts whi#h a numer of #ustomers use rarely so some times he feel un#omfortale when he #om$ares the $ri#es whi#h were sometime efore eg%9very Eay &ea whiter is one of the maGor e(am$les some items the #ustomers #laims that after every new su$$ly of the $rodu#t the $ri#es in#reases% &he different #ost are used in managerial analysis in managerial analysis like ;V', ;&', +', V', M' are all the $ri#es whi#h are involved in $rodu#tion $ro#ess of a $rodu#t%
So we wi l l #on#ent rat e on t hese fa#t ors very mu#h% &here are t wo mai n t y$es of $ri #e set t i ng3 7enet rat i on ;$$roa#h 7ri #e Ski mmi ng ;$$roa#h 1E!ETRATI! A11RACH *t i s an a$$roa#h i n whi #h we set a $ri #e fi rst l y l ow and t hen as demand i n#reases we i n#rease t he $ri #e of t he $rodu#t % &hi s a$$roa#h i s used for #om$et i t i on ase $ri #i ng% *n su#h a market $osi t i on when $rodu#t i s at i t s $eaky demand t hen some of #ust omers e#ome rand l oyal t hey $refer t o $ur#hase $res#ri ed rand $rodu#t s onl y. Seminars in Marketing 12 S$IMMI!" A11RACH *t i s an a$$roa#h whi #h i s used for $ure mono$ol i st i # $rodu#t F servi #e% *n t hi s a$$roa#h fi rst l y we set t he hi ghest $ri #es and t hen gradual l y de#reases t he $ri #e of t he $rodu#t F servi #e as any sust i t ut e $rodu#t F servi #e #ome i nt o t he market 0r demand of our $rodu#t de#rease% *n #ount ri es l i ke 7aki st an $ul i # i s not of t he l evel t hat t hey #an $ay any $ri #e demanded y t he fi rm so somet i mes su#h ki nds of $ri #i ng st rat egi es #ause fai l ure of t he $rodu#t % >e are goi ng t o use t he $enet rat i on a$$roa#h due t o $resen#e of our #om$et i t ors i n a market due t o t hi s reason we #an say t hat t hi s i s #om$et i t or ase $ri #i ng% !owever we #an #l ai m our st andard t hat we are t he est $ri #e t akers Crefers t he si t uat i on i n whi #h $rodu#er #l ai ms t hat we are est $ri #e t akers% D
PLACEMENT 69=*0N;8 S;89S 0++*'9S NORTH ZONE ISLAMABD&NORTH OUTSTATIONS 4., 9ast 2 r d +l oor, 6aze Shari 7l aza +at al !as 6oad, 5l ue ;rea *sl amaad% PESHAWAR 210 5l o#k 5 . n d +l oor 'i ty &owers Hamrud, 6oad 7eshawar% CENTRAL ZONES 'ent ral zone #overs maG or $ort i on of 7unG a $rovi n#e i n our #ount ry% MaG or 'i t i es #overage are as fol l ows :AHRE Seminars in Marketing 1@ >AISA:A6A% "U?RA!@A:A MU:TA! SAHI@A:8 SUTH =!E Sout h zone i nvol ves maG or $ort i on of Si ndh $rovi n#e i n whi #h t he avai l ai l i t y of fresh mi l k i s very t ough so Nest l e had est al i shed i t s regi onal sal es offi #es i n KARACHI HYDERABAD QUETTA SUKKHUR. Now we dis#uss some thing aout $la#ement at $uli# se#tor for e(am$le su$er stores and #onvenien#e stores% 7la#ement requires very attention e#ause in the asen#e of im$ro$er $la#ement the $rodu#t will e#ome out of market% Nestle $refers two #hannel marketing system more as #om$ared to marketing systems su#h as zero #hannel and single #hannel% St ru#t ure of t wo #hannel market syst em i s as fol l ows% Seminars in Marketing 1: Seminars in Marketing WHOLE SELLER RETALER CUSTOMER MANFACTURER 16 1RMTI! 7romotion a#tivities $lay an im$ortant role in re,laun#hing any $rodu#t% *n#rease in target market is $ossile y $ersonal selling% *t in#ludes $ersons in retail stores telling the enefits to $otential #ustomers aout im$ortan#e of milk in standard $a#ked form% ;wareness $lays the most im$ortant role% &hey should taste house wives on different $la#es% 5e#ause thy are the main servers of su#h kind of nutritional diets to their family memers &V #ommer#ials and 5ill 5oards should e $lanned to advertise $ro$erly Eetermining the 7romotional Methods &here are various $romotional methods like $ersonal selling, advertising, sales $romotions, $uli# relations et#% ut the method ado$ted y Nestl for introdu#ing Nestl <!& Milk was advertising, outdoor $rinted media for advertising like hording oards, new $a$ers, $osters et#% Nestl attra#ted the e(isting #ustomer of the im$orted rands and $otentials #ustomers through its advertising #am$aign% *n their #am$aign, Nestl mostly fo#us the small #hildren who are the maGor $ortion of our so#iety and milk and su#h kinds of 7rodu#ts are asi# requirement of grooming #hildren that the reason Nestle laun#hed Nesvita Milk es$e#ially designed for growing #hildren e#ause introdu#tion of #al#ium diets in daily diet #hart is asi# requirement% &o remind the #onsumers aout the $rodu#t, Nestl also made some s$e#ial ra#ks for retailers and $ut them on their outlets and as #om$ared to other milk selling #om$anies e(isting in the #ountry Nestle shows always #onvin#ing messages to realize #ustomers that always drink milk ut only * $ure form % RE A :AU!CHI!" ;fter thoroughly analyzing the reasons of $resen#e of large numer of #om$etitors Nestle de#ided to re,laun#h it $rodu#t with new $a#king and new statement M%% $I $HA:IS "A=AIATN *t was an o$$ortunity for Nestle to #a$ture the market in su#h a way that it will over #ome it)s all the dis#re$an#ies su#h as shortage, inflation ased $ri#ings whi#h gave an o$$ortunity to the #om$etitors to #a$ture the market% Seminars in Marketing 1A 6RA%CAST ME%IA Television Nestle use @1/ of their udget on the road#ast media% &elevision is the maGor medium used for the advertisement% Nestle has een $laying #ommer#ials on the &V sin#e they have laun#hed the Nestle Milk $a#k% &heir ;ds #over all the lifestyles of the $eo$le% *n their ads they have shown many situationsO% Friends sitting together Child playing Swimmer Families in good modes Younger generation in smiling energy form. In the entire above sitation the! have sho"e# the i$%ortan&e o' the %re $il() "hen it*s abot athlete) he is health &ons&ios) "hen 'rien#s sittin+ to+ether an# havin+ 'n "hat the! nee#, The $ain thin+ the NESTLE "ante# that %eo%le shol# trst on that Nestle is %rest 'or$ o' $il(, RA%I Nestle is not onl! a#vertisin+ on Television bt the! are also a#vertisin+ on ra#io, The! %la! the vo&al a#s on F$ -.. an# -.-, A#vertisin+ on ra#io is basi&all! 'or the %eo%le "ho are on roa#s, 1RI!T ME%IA In the %rint $e#ia Nestle is sin+ the 'ollo"in+ $e#i$s to a#vertise, Magazines & Newspapers Nestle a#vertise in both $a+a/ine an# ne"s %a%er on "ee(l! an# $onthl! basis, The 'ollo"in+ list o' $a+a/ine an# ne"s%a%er in "hi&h nestle a#vertise0 The Ne"s Nation 1a"n Sn#a! Ma+a/ine Seminars in Marketing 18 The E&ono$ist MA2) Et& BELOW THE LINE 3elo" the line in&l#es 'ollo"in+ $e#i$s o' a#vertise$ent, Direct mail Outdoor Transit Supplementary material 1IRECT MAIL A1VERTISIN2 It is an! 'or$ o' a#vertisin+ isse# #ire&tl! to the %ros%e&t) "hether thro+h the $ail) 'a4) online &o$%ter servi&es) sales%erson) #ealers or other $eans rather than thro+h tra#itional $ass $e#ia, Postar!s Nestle send $ost#ards to their home and offi#e $ersons in the #ategory of retailers and whole sellers% 0n different o##asion nestle send them different $ost #ards to uild long term healthy relationshi$s so that they #an #ontriute in in#reasing the market share of there $rodu#t% Lea"lets# "l$ers Nestle has %la&e# $an! t!%es o' lea'lets) "hi&h &ontain in'or$ation abot Nestle Milk pack at #i''erent otlets, Folders ! "rochures Nestle sen# bro&hres o' their %ro#&t to their &sto$ers thro+h $ail to $a(e the$ a"are o' ne" innovations an# %ro#&ts, This hel%s nestle in +ettin+ $ore &sto$ers, Seminars in Marketing 14 O%T&OO' Nestle s%en# a bi+ share o' their a#vertise$ent b#+et on the ot#oor a#vertise$ent) "hi&h in&l#es
5ainte# 3illboar#s MMT Vin!l Sheets Rotar! 5lan Here is an e4a$%le o' their billboar#s an# rotar! %lan Nestle has %la&e# $ore than -.. billboar#s a&ross the roa#s, The! have %t on #i''erent s(ins o' the$) "hi&h are sho"in+ #i''erent sitations in "hi&h %eo%le are sin+ %re "ater, A&&or#in+ to the NESTLE the! se heav! ot#oor a#vertise$ent to re$in# %eo%le abot the availabilit! o' their %ro#&t be&ase it is a %ro#&t 'or "hi&h %eo%le never %re %lan to %r&hase it so to $otivate the$ 'or the %r&hase o' Nestle Mil( 5a&( the! have to %la&e billboar#s, 3esi#e this the! rotate the s(ins o' their billboar#s a'ter 'e" $onths the reason 'or this is that %eo%le loose interest in those s(ins "hen the! see it 'or a lon+ ti$e so "hen the! rotate the$ n %la&e the ne" one that &reate the interest a$on+ the %eo%le, T'(N)IT (&*E'TI)IN+ Transit a#vertisin+ is a &ate+or! o' ot o' ho$e $e#ia that in&l#es bs an# ta4i&ab a#vertisin+ as "ell as %osters on transit shelters) ter$inals) an# air%orts, T!%es o' transit a#vertisin+ #nside cards Outside posters Terminal posters Ta$i ! "us e$teriors Seminars in Marketing .1 Seminars in Marketing .1 Seminars in Marketing .. Terminal posters Nestle has %la&e# $an! attra&tive an# attention +ettin+ %oster on the ter$inals an# stations in #i''erent &ities, )roll Works Nestle is also a#vertisin+ on s&roll "or(s) as "e (no" s&roll "or(s a#vertise thro+h $ini vans in the &it!, These van $oves thro+hot the &it! "hen %eo%le see the s&roll "or( those a#s re$in# the$ o' Nestle Mil( 5a&( #rin+ #eliver! to"ar#s the retail otlets an# "hole sellers, )kins on B,ses Nestle has %aste# their s(ins on 1ae"oo &it! bses) in this &ate+or! the! are a#vertisin+ on &ertain bses, Seminars in Marketing .2 Sa$%le Vie" Seminars in Marketing .@ &I'E-T M('.ETIN+ & )(LE) P'OMOTION NESTLE TAKES OVER MURREE HILLS Murree !ills draw enormous #rowds from all over 7akistan in the summers% *n a id to eat the heat in the lush and eautiful surroundings, men, women and #hildren throng this ig and most $o$ular hill station% &hose who #ame to Murree this summer were in for a $leasant sur$rise% &he rand and sales $romotion teams of the North Pone had $ut together an effe#tive outdoor #am$aign% &he road to Murree was awash with illoards, sho$ signs, sho$ oards, randed umrellas, stands, sho$ $aintings, wall $aintings, 70S materials, regular mer#handising, #ross road signs, $rodu#t sam$ling and sti#ker sam$ling% &he a#tivity #reated a remarkale im$a#t and the visitors were im$ressed% Seminars in Marketing .: 3illboar#s Seminars in Marketing .6 Seminars in Marketing .A Sor&e It &an be ass$e# that all &o$$ni&ation has a sor&e, The sor&e %rovi#es the %r%ose 'or &o$$ni&ation, This sor&e shol# &onsist o' i#eas) nee#s intentions) in'or$ation an# %r%ose, Here in this billboar# the sor&e is0 Nestle 6The Co$%an!7 Eno!ing Translatin+ the sor&e into a &o#e re8ires en&o#in+, En&o#in+ #evelo%s the in'or$ation 'ro$ the sor&e into a &o#e, Here in this billboar# the! are en&o#in+ that0 The Mil( the! are %rovi#in+ is so %re that it le# !o live a lon+ health! li'e be&ase it %rovi#es !o the real ener+! an# &al&i$*s, The! 'o&s on the !on+ster "ho loo(s so 'resh a'ter havin+ the Nestle Mil( 5a( #rin(in+ habit, Nestle is the one "ho hel%s &hil#ren to +ro" have %rest 'or$ o' ener+! an# all the &al&i$) vita$in) %ho%hors "hi&h are the basi& re8ire$ent 'or +ro"in+ &hil#ren, Message An en&o#e# #o&$ent "ol# then e4%ress the %r%ose or $essa+e o' the sor&e) the $essa+e bein+ that bo#! o' in'or$ation ne&essar! 'or s''i&ient +ra%hi& &o$$ni&ation, Here in this billboar# the $essa+e is0 9&OO&H .I .H(LI) +I/(IT: Seminars in Marketing .8 -hannel The $e#i$ or &arrier o' the $essa+e "ol# be the &hannel, It is &orre&t to sa! that $essa+es &an e4ist onl! in so$e &hannel; ho"ever) the &hoi&e o' &hannels is o'ten an i$%ortant 'a&tor in the e''e&tiveness o' &o$$ni&ation, Here the &hannel is billboar#, 'eei0er The re&eiver is the tar+et o' the &o$$ni&ation, Mass Mar(et is tar+ete# as ever!one $il( in #ail! li'e in #i''erent nee#s, Yon+sters are %ro$inent in the a# bt the! are sin+ as s!$bol o' 'itness b! sin+ Nestl< Mil(, &eo!ing The re&eiver $st have a set o' s(ills an# abilities ne&essar! to #e&o#e in'or$ation into a sable 'or$at, =st as a sor&e nee#s en&o#in+ to translate the %r%ose into a $essa+e) the re&eiver nee#s a #e&o#er to n#erstan# the $essa+e, Here in this billboar# the #e&o#in+ is0 Natral 3eat! Health! > Attra&tive S(in Fresh Ener+eti& 3ri+ht Fa&es Noise#Inter"erene Un'ortnatel!) this ti#! %a&(a+e o' &o$$ni&ation ten#s to brea(?#o"n "hen sb@e&te# to the ne$esis o' all &o$$ni&ation environ$ents) inter'eren&e, Inter'eren&e is the n#esire# otsi#e in'len&e that ten#s to %revent the &o$%letion o' e''e&tive &o$$ni&ation, It is &a%able o' o&&rrin+ at an! level or sta+e in the %ro&ess, The +oal o' an! &o$$ni&ation is to eli$inate or $ini$i/e inter'eren&e, In &ase o' billboar# "e &an onl! &onsi#er the tra''i& si+nal as sor&e o' noise, Seminars in Marketing .4 'esponse#1ee!2ak: The e''e&tiveness o' a &o$$ni&ation is assesse# "hen the sor&e re&eives a res%onse, The res%onse &an be in $an! 'or$s, Ho%e'll!) the res%onse or 'ee#ba&( is %re$e#itate# an# #esirable, The 'ee#ba&( &an be a tan+ible %ro#&t o' the &o$$ni&ation an# &an len# itsel' to eas! evalation, We li(e to b! Nestl<*s Mil( be&ase its %rest 'or$ o' $il(, Seminars in Marketing 21 (!0ertising 'esearh: A sbset o' $ar(et i n+ resear&h) a#vert i si n+ resear&h is the s!ste$ati& +atherin+ an# anal!sis o' in'or$ation to hel% #evelo% or evalate a#vertisin+ strate+ies) a#s an# &o$$er&ials an# $e#ia &a$%ai+ns, Follo"in+ are the t!%es o' the a#vertisin+ resear&h %uantitati&e 'esearch %ualitati&e 'esearch %uantitati&e 'esearch A#vertisers se 8antitative resear&h to $easre $ar(et sitation in har# n$ber, A basi& $etho#s to &olle&t 8antitative #ata are O"ser&ation ($periment Sur&ey Nestle se this resear&h $etho# to +et the reslts abot their a#vertise$ent resear&h, %ualitati&e 'esearch Balitative resear&h see(s in #e%th) o%en en#e# res%onses) not !es or no ans"ers to +et %eo%le to share their tho+hts an# 'eelin+s, This resear&h is se# $ore o'ten to +ive a#vertisers a +eneral i$%ression o' the $ar(et) the &sto$er) or the %ro#&t, The $etho#s se# in 8alitative resear&h are sall! #es&ribe# as )ro*ecti&e Techni+ues Nestle #o both t!%e o' resear&h, The! #o on +oin+ resear&h "hole !ear an# on the basis o' the reslts the! $a(e their #e&ision 'or the 'tre, F((D,-C. / (0-12-T#N3 '(S21TS Seminars in Marketing 21 At the en# o' ever! $onth there is a $eetin+ 'or evalation o' reslts an# to a&t on the 'ee#ba&(, The %er'or$an&e i' not C) lea#s to"ar# &han+e in strate+ies, 6U%"ET Nestle in terms of finan#ial analysis how mu#h amount it uses on its a#tivities in the industrial se#tor and it also refle#ts how effi#iently the organization is utilizing its resour#es% Seminars in Marketing 2. 60/(&ti4( E-&,tro4i, M&/i) Cost o2 TV A/ 7rime &ime3 6,11$m 'hannels3 &o$ e%g%, =eo, ;;H, 7&V 'ost in 7rime &ime3 6s% A1,111Fmin 'ost in 0ff,$eak time3 6s% .:,111,21,111Fmin Cost o2 6i--Bo)r/ Size3 .A11 Sq% ft Skin3 6s% :@,111 6ent for 1 month in 'at,;1 area3 611,111,1,111,111 Cost o2 H)4(i4( Ho)r/i4(s Size3 :ft ( . ft 'ost3 6s% 1:1Fhoarding 6ent in 'at,;13 1,2:1Fweek Cost o2 1ost&r 7a$er weight3 12: gram Size3 18in#h ( .2in#h Quantity3 2111 R 6s% @%1:F$oster Seminars in Marketing 22 (ppliation o" 'e0en,es &,ring the 3ear Seminars in Marketing 2@ Co4,-0sio4 &o $ut the $re,going dis#ussion in a nut,shell% *t #an e safely e ventured to o$ine that our #om$any has mu#h $otential at that time ut if we use the aove strategy in $ro$er manner we easily #on#lude that we will e ale to lead the #om$anies in the 7akistan and aroad% However there are some dis#re$an#ies in su#h se#tors so we #an realize that all the features that are involved dire#tly or indire#tly in the $rodu#tion are working $ro$erly at their $ositions% Nestle trans$aren#y in the Milk $ri#e and the marked in#rease in the fresh milk delivered to its fa#tories is for#ing the hands of #om$etitors to $rogressively ada$t to new im$aritives%;s for 7akistani #ustomers ut *n all over the world% S$eaking for Nestle Milk 7a#k is the evident that the #om$any has enefited its regular #ustomer on the asis of quality and originality% &hus the story of Nestle in 7akistan $rovides a good e(am$le of su##essful Goint venture etween lo#al #om$anies Milk 7a#k 8td% ;nd a foreign #om$any Nestle% *t is also an e(am$le of win win,$artnershi$ etween a #om$any Nestle Milk$ak 8td and all of its su$$liers in raw material% *n addition Nestle trans$aren#y in the milk $ri#es and the marked quality in#rease in the fresh milk deliver to its fa#tories are for#ing the hands of the #om$etitors to $rogressively ada$t to the new im$arities% S$eaking for Nestle milk$ak it is evident that the #om$any has enefiting for the s$e#ta#ular develo$ment of its fa#tories in the milk distri#t sales of finished $rodu#ts in <!& milks , yogurts ,milk $owder ,infantformulas,milk ase #ereals rea#hed in .11@ #om$are to sales% ;fter taking an overview of the strategies of Nestle we #an easily understand the su##essful Gourney of Nestle Milk$ak in all fa#tors of advertisement and $ro$er awareness aut its $rodu#ts to the #ustomers efore laun#hing and after laun#hing% ;lso evaluates the res$onse and feeda#k of #ustomers on asis or its advertisement resear#h% Seminars in Marketing 2: Seminars in Marketing 26