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Intnl InsuranceRequirements

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Vendor Insurance Requirements

(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Afghanistan As of May 05 the only insurer in see WC Currently not marketed, but Currently not marketed but Compulsory coverage only applies in Kabul
Afghanistan is the essentially moribund minimum US$ 50,000 minimum US$ 10,000 and is not enforced. The limit is AFN 40,000
Afghan National Insurance Company (US$ 934) for PD and BI.
(ANIC) which is state owned. USAID has a
program in place in an effort to privatize
the company, but in practice all coverage
must currently be placed offshore. ANIC
offers a WC policy insuring an employers
liability at law, coverage is generally
based on 12 months salary.

Albania State scheme under Social Security. No to be added to GL policy not required 250,000 25,000 Compulsory under Decree 295 of 1992. Limits
certification required with minimum limits of are BI 200,000 per person, $500,000 per
$40,000 per person, accident; PD 50,000 per vehicle, $100,000 per
$100,000 per accident accident

Algeria State Scheme - CNASAT no certification not required Minimum Death 500,000 50,000 US$25,000 BI/PD
required Benefit 3 x Annual
Angola Effectively compulsory under Dispositivo Minimum limit of US$ Minimum Death 1,000,000 50000 (generally placed Currently only compulsory for Public Service
Legislativo #2827. Further legislation is 500,000 or a PA policy Benefit 3 x Annual offshore) Vehicles (taxi, bus etc.) with a minimum BI limit
expected to provide more clarity Salary if EL not of US$100,000. Further legislation is expected
purchased to extend this to all vehicles. We require a
minimum of US$50,000 PD/BI combined

Antigua & Barbuda Responsibilities to employees established to be added to the WC not required Minimum limit XCD 500,000 US$25,000. Coverage is Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles
under the Antigua & Barbuda Workers policy, minimum limits XCD generally placed offshore Insurance (Third Party Risks) Ordinance of
Compensation Ordinance of 1957 (Cap 7,500,000 at Lloyds 1950 as amended. Limits are XCD 10,000 per
475), Amendment 1 of 1994 to the person XCD 100,000 per event BI, PD is not
Workers Compensation Ordinance, the compulsory. We require a minimum of XCD
Antigua & Barbuda Factories Act of 12975 250,000 BI/PD.
and Division D of the Labour Code of
1975 (in part). Medical Services are
provided by the Ministry of Health but
treatment abroad is limited to XCD 2000.
While only certain classes of employment
are required by law to carry WC
insurance, it is common for all companies
to have the coverage. Certification is

Argentina Statutory Limits for Riesgos de Trabajo During 9/04 the Supreme Minimum Death 500,000 25,000 \
came into force under Law 24557 of 1995 Court ruled that Art 39 of Benefit 3 x Annual
and is underwritten by specialist insurers. Law 24557 is Salary
Certification is required. unconstitutional. This ruling
reinstates an employees
right to sue employers .
However insurers are
currently unwilling to insure
the exposure; until the
situation is clarified we will
require a PA policy

Armenia There are some very limited benefits not available Minimum Death 100,000 Minimum limit US$50000, Compulsory insurance has been under
available under social security. A Benefit 3 x Annual however the coverage is consideration for some time for Bodily Injury
Personal Accident policy is required in Salary not readily available and only and with very low limits. We require a
lieu. insurers will likely need minimum of US$25,000 PD/BI combined.
external reinsurance

Australia State Monopoly in NSW, VIC, QLD & SA. not required not required 5,000,000 1,000,000 BI is unlimited by Statute. PD A$20,000,000
Private insurers elsewhere. Statutory (commonly offerred)
Benefits. Certification required where
insurance is private

Austria State scheme under Social Security. No not required Minimum Death Euro 1,500,000 Euro 500,000 (certain Compulsory under the Motor Liability
certification required Benefit 3 x Annual professions are required Insurance Act of 1994 with limits of ATS
Salary to have higher limits by 15,000,000 for PD/BI. Limits to increase to
Law). Euro 3,000,000 in 2005 and Euro 5,000,000 in
2007. We require the Euro 3m. Limit

Azerbaijan Not compulsory, no Social Security May become obligatory at Minimum Death 100,000 50,000 Compulsory since 1995 but limits are AZM
system, responsibility of employers some point. Minimum limits Benefit 3 x Annual 5,000,000 BI and AZM 3,.000,000 PD (US$
established under the Civil Code and US$ 15,000 per accident, Salary 1,000, US$ 600). We require US$ 25,000
Labour code. PA is required US$ 1,500,000 aggregate. PD/BI combined.

Bahamas The Workers Compensation Act of 1943 minimum limit US$ Minimum Death 1,000,000 US$ 1,000,000 This is The Road Traffic acts, 1955 - 1988 were
was repealed in 1974 by the Bahamas 1,000,000 Benefit 3 x Annual generally placed offshore. amended by the Road Traffic (Amendment) Act
National Insurance Scheme, The National Salary of 2004 which removed unlimited liability for BI
Insurance Act and Regulations are and relaced this with limits of US$ 2,500,000
incorporated under Chapter 320 of the per person and US$ 30,000,000 per accident.
statute Laws of The Bahamas (1987), No PD is optional, we require a minimum of US$
certification required. 150,000

Bahrein State scheme run by The General minimum limit US$ not required BHD 1,000,000 BHD 500,000 The Road Traffic act of 1954 introduced
Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI) 1,000,000 unlimited liability for BI and was extended by
is regulated by Decree Law 24 of 1976. Decree 3 of 1987 to include unlimited PD.
No certification required. Decree 7 of 1996 reduced the PD limit to BHD

Bangladesh Workmens Compensation Act of 1982 not required (although Minimum Death 100,000 10,000 Road Traffic Act of 1960, amended 1964 and
only covers workers who earn up to BDT liability does exist under the Benefit 3 x Annual 1984 requires unlimited BI/PD cover. (NB
3,000 per month. Certification required if Factories Act) Salary despite this legal requirement many vehicles
Vendor has employees in this category. are uninsured so certification is necessary
PA is mandatory.

Barbados State scheme no certification required minimim BD$5,000,000 not required 500,000 100,000 Statutory BI is unlimited (but projected
legislation may reduce this to BD$30m.)
Statutory PD is BD$50,000

Belarus A mandatory scheme for work injuries and not required Minimum Death 100,000 25,000 Euro 50,000 BI/PD combined. (Statutory Limits
occupational diseases was introduced Benefit 3 x Annual are low, currently Euro 5,000 each for PD and
under a Presidential Decree in 2003. It is Salary Coverage is BI but if there are multiple deaths/injuries the
financed by employers contributions and compulsory for limit is 3 x this amount).
the monopoly insurer is Belgosstrakh. certain State
Certification required employees.

Belgium Occupational diseases are covered by a not required not required 2,500,000 500,000 Statutory BI/PD is unlimited
state scheme. Workers Compensation is
obligatory under Law of 4/10/71, Law of
4/29/96 and Royal decree of 12/28/71 (for
seafarers, certification required).

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Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Belize Covered by the state under the Social Minimum limits BZD Required if staff will BZD 500,000 Not readily available and Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third Party Risks)
Security Act (Chapter 44 of the laws of 500,000 work outside Belize insurers will need external Act is Chapter 21 of the laws of Belize.
Belize). There are some minor exceptions, with minimum Death reinsurance. Minimum limit Statutory requirements are BZD 50,000 per
including work outside Belize. Certification Benefit 3 x Annual BZD 200,000 person and BZD 100,000 per accident for BI
not required. Salary and BZD 20,000 PD. We require a minimum of
BZD 200,000 per person and BZD 800,000 per
accident BI and BZD 200,000 PD.

Benin State scheme under the Caisse Nationale GL policy to be extended to Minimum Death 100,000 GL policy to be extended Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
de Securite Sociale (previously Office include "Responsabilite Benefit 3 x Annual to include "Responsabilite BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
Beninoise de Securite Sociale). No Civile du Chef d'Entreprise". Salary Civile du Chef of the Code include a table of compensation
certification required d'Entreprise". rates.

Bermuda The Workers Compensation Amendment to be added to GL policy not required 1,000,000 1,000,000 The Road Traffic Act, 1943 made BI coverage
Act of 2004 expanded the scope to compulsory with limits of US$ 125,000 per
benefits to include all employees. person, US$ 500,000 per accident. We require
Coverage is only compulsory however for limits of US$ 5,000,000 BI and US$ 500,000
6, essentially manual, occuoations. PD.
Certification required.

Bhutan There is only one insurer, the Royal 100,000 25,000

Insurance Corporation of Bhutan (39%
government owned). Social security type
benefits are likely provided by the National
Pension and Provident Fund

Bolivia Statutory under Article 10 of pensions law not required not required 100,000 25,000 Statutory since 1/1/2001 as Seguro Obligatorio
of 1996. Handled by the Life Insurance de Accidentes de Transito (SOAT). Limits are
companies. Certification required low, we require excess limits to a minimum ofof
US$20,000 BI/PD

Bosnia State scheme via Social Security. No not required Minimum Death 750,000 Compulsory for certain Compulsory limits are KM 275,000 BI and KM
certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual professions. We require 165,000 PD. These were due to be increased
Salary US$ 100,000 unless to Euro 250,000 BI and Euro 170,000 PD by
statutory limits higher. 2005 but this has not been enacted (4/05). We
require the Euro limits. BI is supposed to
increase to Euro 500,000 in 2006.

Botswana Compulsory under Workers to be added to WC Minimum Death BWP 1,000,000 BWP 1,000,000 BI is handled by the parastatal Botswana Motor
Compensation act #23 of 1998 (plus insurance (known as Benefit 4 x Annual Vehicle Accident Fund (BMVAF) which was
several regulations). Benefits are low. Common Law cover), with a Salary (in line with established under the Motor Vehicle Accident
Certification is required minimum limit of BWP WC requirements). Fund Act of 1998. It is funded by a levy on fuel.
500,000 We require PD coverage - standard limits are
BWP 2,000,000 which includes excess BI.

Brazil Government Monopoly under INPS, no to be added to GL policy not required 750,000 50,000 Statutory DPVAT + $25,000 PD, $100,000 BI
certification required
Brunei Required by the Workers Compensation BRD 5,000,000 not required BRD 500,000 US$ 100,000 (usually Compulsory under Motor Vehicles (Third Party
Act of 1957. Certification required. placed offshore). Risks) Act of 1950 as revised in 1984 with
unlimited BI. PD is voluntary and we require
the commonly issued amount of BRD

Bulgaria Covered by the National Social Security to be added to GL policy not required BGN 500,000 BGN 500,000 unless Statutory limits are amended annually with a
Institute. No certification required. statutory limits higher. view to reaching EU standards by 2007.
Effective 1/1/05 limits were BGN 140,000 for
Material Losses and BGN 400,000 per person,
BGN 480,000 per accident for Non Material
Losses (Material losses include Medical
Expenses which would normally be paid under
BI). We require twice local statutory limits
capped at EU 4th Directive level (Euro
1,000,000 BI, Euro 500,000 PD), until 5th
Directive limits are implemented.

Burkina Faso State provided via Caisse Nationale de not required Minimum Death Minimum limit CFA Minimum limit CFA Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
Securite Sociale. No certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual 250,000,000 75,000,000 BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
Salary of the Code include a table of compensation

Burundi No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Cabo Verde The Caixa Economica de Cabo Verde (an 100,000 50,000
insurance company), has been sold to
Portuguese interests. There is one other
insurance company, Garantia - companhia
de seguros de cabo verde sarl. Social
Security benefits provided by the Instituto
Nacional de Previdencia Social.

Cambodia The Labor Law establishes employers not available Minimum Death 250,000 Minimum limit US$50000. Insurance Law of 200 as amended by
responsibilities and, under Art 256 Benefit 3 x Annual This will likely need to Executive Orders (Prakas) in 2002 requires
provides for obligatory insurance via a Salary placed offshore, eg in cars to have a minimum of US $5,000 per
Social Security sytem which has not yet Thailand person, US$ 25,000 per accident for BI and
been set up. Limited insurance is available US$ 10,000 PD. We require a minimum of US$
and we require "Plan A" which has a 10,000 per person, US$ 100,000 per accident
US$10,000 limit for BI.

Cameroon State Scheme via Caisse Nationale de GL policy to be extended to not required CFA 500,000,000 CFA 100,000,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
Prevoyance Sociale. No certification include "Responsabilite BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
required Civile du Chef d'Entreprise". of the Code include a table of compensation

Canada Government Monopoly. No certification to be added to GL policy not required C$5,000,000 C$1,000,000 Minimum C$500,000 PD/BI combined unless
required Provincial Statutory limits higher
Cayman Islands The Workers Compensation Law of 1964, Combined WC/EL policies not required KYD 1,000,000 KYD 500,000 Compulsory under the Motor Vehicle Insurance
amended in 1996 only requires mandatory typically have limits of KYD (Third Party Risks) Act of 1990 as amended in
insurance for employees earning less than 1,000,000 1997 and 2003. Current limits are US$
KYD 1,500 per month. The Employment 1,250,000 per person, US$ 6,250,000 per
Law, 2004, when enacted, is to embrace accident for BI and US$ 312,500 for PD
all employees. Certification will be
required once the Employment Law is

Central African Republic No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Chad No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Chile Statutory Limits under Law 16,744 of 1998 Minimum limits of UF5000 Minimum Death 500,000 100,000 Statutory SOAP + plus Excess to UF5000
within Third Party Liability Benefit 3 x Annual BI/PD
policy Salary

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Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
China (separate entry for Not required - Law is very ambiguous to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 1,000,000 25,000 US$25,000 BI/PD unless local city ordinance
Hong Kong) Benefit 3 x Annual requires a higher limit

Colombia WC was privatized by Law 100 of 1993 50,000 Minimum Death 500,000 100,000 The obligatory SOAT coverage has very low
and is known as Riesgos Professionales Benefit 3 x Annual limits. We require excess limits to a minimum
under Decree Law 1295 of 1994. Salary of PD/BI US$25,000
Business is written by specialized groups
known as ARP's (Administradoras de
Riesgos Professionales) - not all being
traditional insurance companies.
Certification is required

Comoros No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Congo, Dem. Rep. Of State scheme under the Instituto not required Minimum Death 100,000 difficult to obtain, minimum Compulsory under Law 73/013 of 1973.
Nationale de Securite Sociale. No Benefit 3 x Annual limits US$ 25,000 Liability is theoretically unlimited but we require
certification required Salary at least US$ 50,000 PD/BI combined

Congo, Rep. Of State scheme under the Caisse Nationale not required Minimum Death CFA 200,000,000 Obligatory for many Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
de Securite Sociale. This entity has Benefit 3 x Annual professions under CIMA. BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
financial problems so PA is a requirement. Salary Minimum limits CFA of the Code include a table of compensation
25,000,000 rates.

Costa Rica Compulsory under Codigo de Trabajo. not required not required 100,000 US$25,000. However the The Ley de Transito por Vias Publicas
Certification required State monopolistic insurer Terrestres # 7331 of 1993 requires compulsory
(INS) is often reluctant to BI but death benefits are very low. Our
give coverage, in which minimum limits are BI: CRC40,000,000 PD:
case consult the Insurance CRC20,000,000
Unit with full details

Cote d'Ivoire State Scheme via Caisse Nationale de GL policy to be extended to CFA 500,000,000 CFA 100,000,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
Prevoyance Sociale. No certification include "Responsabilite BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
required Civile du Chef d'Entreprise". of the Code include a table of compensation

Croatia State monopoly (HZZO) no vertification to be added to GL policy not required 250,000 100,000 Statutory BI/PD limits adequate
required (employees can claim under
the Obligations Act).
Minimum limit US$50,000

Cuba State scheme, no certification required 500,000 not required 1,000,000 Typically US$ 1000000 No mandatory coverage. US$ 25,000 BI, US$
15,000 PD is common practice
Cyprus not required Compulsory under the not required CYP 500,000 CYP 200,000 Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles (Third
Employers Liability Law of Party Liability Insurance) Law of 2000 with
1997 wihich requires minimum limits of CYP 2,000,000 BI and CYP
minimum limits of CYP 60,000 PD. EU 4th Directive limits to be
50,000 per person, CYP implemented.
2,000,000 per event/series
of events and CYP
3,000,000 aggregate. We
require the per person limit
to be increased to CYP

Czech Republic The state Social Security scheme provides Currently only written not required CZK 15,000,000 Obligatory for most Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act
very low limits. These are "topped up" by (fronted) by two insurers for professions. Minimum Amendment wffective 5/1/04 implemented EU
purchasing EL cover. No certification the Ministry of Finance. It is limits CZK 10,000,000 4th Directive increasing statutory limits to CZK
required. uncertain whether the class 35,000,000 per person BI and CZK 18,000,000
will be privatized or rolled PD. The EU 5th Directive is to be implemented.
into Social Security.
Certification is required.

Denmark Compulsory (certification required) not required not required 1,000,000 500,000 Compulsory EU 4th Directive requires DKK
minimum limit DKK 8,500,000 87,000,000 BI and DKK 17,000,000. These
limits will increase when the 5th Directive is

Djibouti No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Dominica Social Security benefits under the Social Minimum limits XCD not required Minimum limit XCD 500,000 US$25,000. Coverage is Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles
Security Act of 1975, the Employee Safety 1,000,000 generally placed offshore Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act # 19 of 1988
Act of 1982, the Environmental Health at Lloyds with limits of XCD 200,000 per person,
Services Act of 1997 and the Noise XCD1,000,000 per event BI, XCD 100,000 per
Abatement Act of 1993. No certification claim XCD 500,000 per event PD

Dominican Republic The Accidentes de Trabajo Law #385 as to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 150,000 50,000 Statutory limits initially created by Law 4117 of
modified by Law 907 of 1978 have been Benefit 3 x Annual 1955 and amended by Dcree 1339 of 1995
consolidated into the Socoal Security Law Salary were superceded by Insurance Law #146 and
##87 of 2001 which nationalised the Resolution 010 in 2002 but limits remain
business. State scheme, no certification inadequate at DOP 100,000 PD, DOP 100,000
required per person, DOP 200,000 per event BI. We
require minimum limits of US$25,000 PD/BI

50,000 5,000
Ecuador State scheme - IESS no certification not required Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 US$25,000 PD/BI
required Benefit 3 x Annual

Egypt State scheme - Law 79/125 no Minimum limit US$50,000 Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 Statutory BI is unlimited. PD minimum
certification required Benefit 3 x Annual US$20,000
El Salvador State scheme under the Instituto not required Minimum Death 250,000 Limited availability, Compulsory under Decree 487 published in the
Salvadoreno de Seguro Social. No Benefit 3 x Annual minimum limit US$50,000 Official Gazette # 212 on 11/16/95 and
certification required Salary Regulated by Reglamento de Transito Arts. 63
- 71 published in 1996 but the Law has yet to
be enacted. We require minimum limits of US$
25,000 PD/BI combined.

Equatorial Guinea No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Eritrea No information currently available 100,000 50,000
Estonia Was due to become obligatory in 2003 but to be added to GL policy Minimum Death Euro 500,000 Euro 50,000 unless Motor Third Party Liability Insurance Act of
this has been postponed. Until this occurs with minimum limits of EEK Benefit 3 x Annual statutory requirements 2001 made coverage compulsory. The limits of
we require PA cover. 5,000,000 Salary higher EEK 5,500,000 BI and EEK 1,600,000 PD
meet EU 4th Directive requirements. The 5th
Directive is being implemented which will raise
limits to Euro 1,000,000 BI and Euro 500,000

Page 3 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Ethiopia Not obligatory but under Labour not required Minimum Death 250,000 25,000 Legislation has been under discussion for
Proclamation # 377/2003 employers are Benefit 3 x Annual many years but coverage remains voluntary.
liable for injury (Art 96), medical (Art 105) Salary We require limits of US$ 5,000 per person,
and diability/survivors pension (Art 107). 25,000 per accident BI and US$ 15,000 PD
Certification is required. Alternatively, we
will accept a PA policy

Fiji The Workers Compensation Act of 1965 Responsibility established not required FJD 500,000 FJD 100,000 (often placed Compulsory under Ordinance 19 of 1948 and
established benefits but did not make under the Health & Safety at offshore). Ordinance 27 of 1954, BI is unlimited. PD is
insurance compulsory. Benefits have not Work Act of 1966. Policies not compulsory but we require a minimum of
been updated since 1992. Certification are issued in combination FJD 100,000
required with WC. Minimum limits
FJD 250,000

Finland Compulsory under the Occupational not required Not required but Euro 2,000,000 Euro 100,000 Compulsory under Motor Vehicle Insurance
Accidents Insurance Act, 1948, as often added to the Act, 1960. BI is unlimited, PD is Euro
amended in 1981. Certification required. WC policy to provide 3,300,000. EU 5th Directive to be
24 hour coverage. implemented.

France State scheme (CNPS). No certification to be added to GL policy not required Euro 2,000,000 Euro 500,000 Statutory Limits (BI unlimited, PD Euro
required 450,000)
Gabon Limited benefits available under Social not required Minimum Death CFA 100,000,000 CFA 25,000,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
Security. No certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
Salary of the Code include a table of compensation

Georgia Very limited Social Security Benefits. No not required Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 Introduced as compulsory BI only in 1997 with
certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual amendments in 2001. The limits are extremely
Salary low. We require a minimum of US$ 50,000
PD/BI combined

Germany Statutory "Berufsgennosenschaften" no to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 2,500,000 1,000,000 PD/BI US$10,000,000 (Euro 50,000,000 per
certification required Benefit 3 x Annual event)
Ghana Statutory limits under Workers to be added to WC policy Minimum Death 250,000 100,000 Statutory limits under Motor Vehicle (Third
Compensation Act of 1987 amended in Benefit 3 x Annual Party Injuries) Act of 1958 as amended in
1994. Certification required Salary 2002: BI unlimited, PD GHC10m. We require
minimum PD limit of US$10,000

Gibraltar Covered by the Employment Injuries to be added to GL policy not required GBP 2,000,000 GBP 1,000,000 Compulsory under the Insurance (Motor
Insurance Scheme of 1952. No Vehicles)(Third Party Risks) Ordinance of
certification needed 1996. Currently EU 4th Directive limits apply

Greece Covered by Social Security (IKA). No Minimum limit Euro 50,000 not required Euro 500,000 Euro 300,000 Compulsory EU 4th Directive applies
certification required per accident, Euro 100,000
Grenada Social Security benefits under the National Minimum limits XCD not required Minimum limit XCD 500,000 US$25,000. Coverage is Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles
Insurance Act of 1983, the Factories Act of 1,000,000 generally placed offshore Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act #19 of 1939
1958, the Grenada Employment Act of at Lloyds and amendments with limits of XCD 100,000
1999 and the Labour Code of 2000. No per person, XCD 500,000 per event BI, XCD
certification required 100,000 per claim, XCD 200,000 per event PD

Guadeloupe no other information currently available 500,000 100,000

Guam Compulsory under Guam Workers to be added to GL policy not required 1,000,000 500,000 Mandatory limits are US$ 20,000 PD, US$
Compensation Law - Title 22 Guam Code 25,000 per person US$ 50,000 per accident.
Annotated. Certification required We require US$ 50,000 PD, US$ 100,000 per
person US$ 200,000 per accident BI.

Guatemala Covered under Decree Law 295 of 1946 to be added to GL policy not required GTQ 1,000,000 GTQ 250,000 Currently only compulsory for Inter City buses.
by the Instituto Guatemalteco de We require GTQ 200,000 PD/BI combined
Seguridad Social. No certification required

Guinea No information currently available 100,000 50,000

Guinea Bissau No information currently available 100,000 50,000
Guyana State scheme under National Insurance minimum limits of Minimum Death 100,000 25,000 Motor Vehicles Insurances (Third Party Risks)
and Social Security Act no15 of 1969. No US#100,000 to be added to Benefit 3 x Annual Act of 1937, modified in 1986 has inadequate
certification required GL policy Salary statutory limits. Minimum US$10,000 for BI and
PD required

Haiti The Social Security Decree Law of 1949 not required Minimum Death 100,000 US$ 50,000 This would The Motor Third Party Decree of 1964,
established benefits which are Benefit 3 x Annual need to be placed offshore amended in 1987 requires compulsory
administered by the state owned Office Salary coverage of HGO 12,500 for BI and HGO
d'Assurances Accidents du Travail 7,500 PD to be placed via the state owned
(OFATAMA) operated under L'Institute Office d'Assurance Contre Tiers. We require
d'Assurances Sociale d'Haiti. No voluntary cover of US$ 20,000 PD/BI combined
certification required in addition.

Honduras State Scheme under 1959 Labor Law. to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 50,000 10,000 Not compulsory. We require minimum limits of
Limits are nominal, No certification Benefit 3 x Annual BI US$ 10,000, PD US$ 5,000
required Salary

Hong Kong Statutory limits to be included in WC policy not required 1,000,000 750,000 BI compulsory (HK$100m.) PD US$100,000

Hungary State scheme. No certification required Minimum limits HUF not required HUF 250,000,000 Compulsory for over 30 Statutory minimum limits HUF 300,000,000 BI
25,000,000 per event, HUF professions. Minimum (per person), HUF 500,000,000 PD. EU Fifth
100,000,000 annual limits HUF 20,000,000 per Directive to be applicable in due course.
aggregate event, HUF 100,000,000
annual aggregate

Iceland State scheme under the Social Security included in GL policy (I.e. is Minimum Death ISK 150,000,000 ISK 10,000,000 unless Compulsory. Current EU $th Directive limits
Act 117/1993. No certification required. not excluded). Benefit 3 x Annual statutory limits higher are ISK 228,000,000 BI and ISK 101,000,000
Salary PD. 5th Directive being implemented

India Statutory limits apply under the Workers Either included in WC or Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 PD US$20,000 (Statutory BI is unlimited)
Compensation Act of 1923 as amended added to General Liability Benefit 3 x Annual
by the Act of 1995. Purchase is not Salary if WC not
compulsory. Includes EL. If WC not purchased
purchased, PA becomes a requirement
and EL must be added to Third Party

Indonesia Law 33 of 1977 as amended by Law 3 of Minimum limit US$100.000 Minimun Death 250,000 US$25,000. (Construction Law 34/1964 on the Fund for Road Traffic
1992 and expanded in 1993 created Benefit 3 x Annual Services Law 18/1999 Accidents provide for compulsory insurance via
JAMSOSTEK, which is compulsoty for Salary. requires architects, civil, State owned Jas Raharja, but this is basically
firms with over 10 employees. Foreign mechanical, electrical etc. limited to modest medical expenses (limit IDR
workers are now included via Decree entities to guarantee their 10,000,000). We require a minimum of
#KEP-67/MEN/IV/2004. work for 10 years. It is not US$15,000 for PD, BI and Passenger Liability
clear that this liability can
be insured - as, eg, it must
be in France etc.)

Page 4 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Iran State scheme under Social Security. No Not a traditional coverage not required 250,000 25,000 Compulsory with limits for BI linked to Diyeh
certification required but now available. (see Employers Liability), PD is IRR2m. We
Coverage limked to Diyeh require a minimum of IRR 50,000,000 for PD
(blood money) limits which and IRR 200,000,000 for BI
are changed every six
months by the Ministry of
Justice. We require the

Iraq: Requirements are There is no legislation as such but not required Minimum Death 250,000 Coverage is virtually Compulsory under the Road Traffic Act with
those employees are covered for loss of wages Benefit 3 x Annual unknown in Iraq and even unlimited liability for BI. "Premiums" are paid
technically/theoretically under Social Security. Expatriates are Salary. (Note: it is Doctors/Hospitals do not via a levy on gasoline so theoretically all
available. The current actual covered but the limits are very low so they unclear whether the purchase. This situation is vehicles are insured. These premiums are
situation is unclear should have coverage appropriate for their local insurers have likely to change and we handed over to the National Insurance
country of origin the reinsurance should endeavor to get a Company which administers claims. PD limits
capacity to insure minimum of US$25,000 in are unknown but we should endeavor to get a
foreign workers limits minimum of $25,000

Ireland State scheme. No certification required to be added to GL policy. not required 2,000,000 1,000,000 BI is unlimited under Road Traffic Act.
The Personal Injuries Minimum PD is Euro350,000 under the EU
Assessment Board (PIAB) Fourth Directive
Act of 2003 handles
quantum for claims

Israel State Fund, no certification required. minimum limit not required 1,000,000 150,000 Compulsory under the Compensation for
Administered by National Insurance US$5,000,000 Traffic Accident Casualties Law 5735/1975 and
Institute of Israel under National Insurance Motor Vehicle Insurance Law 5730/1970. BI is
Law, 1995 unlimited by Statute. Minimum PD limit of
NIS350,000 required.

Italy Compulsory under Istituto Nazionale per Minimum limit not required Euro 3,000,000 Euro 1,000,000 Compulsory under Law 990 of 12/24/69 and
L'assicurazione contra gli Infortuni sul Euro3,000,000. May be following. EU Fifth Directive requires Euro
Lavoro (INAIL) No certification required added to GL policy 1,000,000 BI and Euro 500,000 PD

Jamaica State scheme, no certification required minimum J$10,000,000 not required 250,000 100,000 Statutory limits not sufficient. Minimum limit
PDJ$1,500,000 per accident BI J$2,000,000
per person, J$5,000,000 per accident

Japan The Workers Compensation Insurance Act minimum limits Yen Minimum Death 2,500,000 There are special The Automobile Liability Security Law (CALI)
of 1947 provides Social Security type 30,000,000 Benefit 3 x Annual wordings for 23 was introduced in 1955 for BI only. Limits were
benefits. Excess benefits are available Salary (NB the professions with coverage last increased in 2002. We require CALI plus
from the private insurance market but Japanese market usually arranged by a excess limits to US$ 500,000 BI and US$
larger employers tend to self insure the has a broad Professional Association. 100,000 PD
exposure. No certification required definition of PA, We require a minimum of
including, in some Yen 100,000,000
cases, nursing care
and "maturity
refund" which is a
savings vehicle. We
only require
traditional PA

Jordan A state scheme under the Social Security not required Minimum Death JD 100,000 JD 25,000 1984 Law amended by Third Party Liability
Law #19, 2001. Administered by the Benefit 3 x Annual Compulsory Motor Insurance Regulation #32,
Social Security Fund. No certification Salary 2001 establishes BI limits of JD 10,000 (for
required death) and PD limits of JD 75,000. We require
a BI limit of JD 25,000

Kazakhstan Required but not yet obligatory under Art. not required Minimum Death 50,000 10,000 Compulsory under Law 139 of 1996 but limits
20 of the Law on Safety at Work. Benefit of 10 x are inadequate. We require a minimum of
Coverage is provided via a Personal Annual Salary as US$20,000 PD/BI
Accident policy required by Art. 30
of the Law on Safety
at Work

Kenya WC Act 72 of 1948 limits plus PA US$100,000 per occurrence Minimum Death US$250,000 US$100,000 PD US$50,000 (Statutory BI is unlimited)
Benefit 3 x Annual
Kiribati No information currently available 100,000 25,000
Korea, Rep.of Benefits provided by Social Security under KRW 100,000,000 per not required KRW 300,000,000 KRW 100,000,000 (some Obligatory under the Compulsory Liability
the Labour Standards Law 1953 and the person, KRW 200,000,000 professions pay a cash Security Law of 1963 (CALI). Limits were
Industrial Accidents Compensation per occurrence (except not deposit to their increased in 2005 to KRW 100,000,000 for
Insurance Law of 1964. No certification required for one person professional association or Death, KRW 20,000,000 other BI, KRW
required unless it is a one employee firms) purchase a Bond, but 10,000,000 PD. However it is common to
company as these are exempted from the limits are rarely adequate. purchase voluntary additional coverage to
Act unlimited PD/BI and we require this.

Kuwait Benefits are provided for by the Labour Minimum limits KWD not required (but in KWD 150,000 KWD 50,000 Compulsory under Road Traffic Act 1959 as
Law 38.1964 and Ministerial Order 100,000 per person, KWD certain cases WC amended by Traffic Law 67/1976. Both BI and
66.1983 but insurance is not compulsory. 250,000 aggregate issued in PD are unlimited.
Certification required conjunction with PA
and/or Group Life).

Kyrgyz Republic Not compulsory but the Law on Work not required not required 100,000 50,000 Not compulsory. We require minimum limits of
requires employers to pay 20 x salary for US$ 20,000 BI and US$ 20,000 PD.
death plus a pension to dependents to
age 18 (or 23 if in full time education).
Certification required.

Lao PDR Responsibility defined in the Workers not required Minimum Death 100,000 US$ 25,000 but currently Compulsory since 1990 (when no insurance
Compensation Act of 1990 and reaffirmed Benefit 3 x Annual only freely available for company existed!). The limits ae extremely
by the Labor Law of 1994, coverage is Salary architects with a maximum liability under the Act of KIP
provided by the Social Security System for 10,000,000 (US$ 926). We require "Option IV"
Enterprise Employees which incepted in with limits of KIP 450,000,000 BI and KIP
2001. No certification is required but limits 50,000,000 PD.
are very low so PA is a requirement

Latvia Covered by the State Welfare System. No not required Minimum Death LAT 500,000 LAT 50,000 unless EU 4th Directive introduced 2004. Limits are
certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual staturory limits higher LAT 250,000 BI and LAT 70,000 PD
Lebanon Decree #136 of 9/16/83 has not yet been see WC Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 1977 Law requiring Compulsory BI coverage
enacted and we will accept a WC policy Benefit 3 x Annual was enacted in 2003 with limits of US$500,000
(extended to include Employers Liability) Salary if WC not for cars. We require also a minimum of
or a PA policy in lieu. purchased US$50,000 for PD. There is a possibility of new
Legislation in 04/05 which may establish a
higher PD limit.

Lesotho No information currently available but 500,000 200,000

South African limits would not be
Liberia No information currently available 100,000 50,000
Libya Govt. monopoly, no certification Minimum limit US$100.000 not required 250,000 25,000 BI Statutory limits PD US$25,000
Lithuania State scheme administered since 2000 by not required Minimum Death LIT 1,000,000 LIT 150,000 unless Compulsory since 2002 with very low limits. EU
SoDra. No certification required Benefit 3 x Annual statutory requirements 4th Directive limits of Euro 500,000 PD and
Salary higher Euro 1,000,000 BI effective since May 2004.

Luxembourg State scheme not required not required 2,500,000 1,000,000 Statutory BI/PD is unlimited

Page 5 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Macedonia State scheme, no certification required. not required Minimum Death Euro 100,000 Euro 50,000 unless The Motor Third Party Liability Act of 2005 will
PA is required. Benefit 3 x Annual statutory requirements replace Part 5 of the Insurance Act of 1997
Salary higher with increased limits of Euro 50,000 PD/BI (for
cars). These limits will increase annually to
2010 when they will be Euro 500,000 PD and
Euro 1,000,000 (for cars). As of 4/04 the new
Act was not in force but require a minimum of
Euro 50,000 PD/BI or higher as required by

Madagascar Some coverage available from the Caisse not required Minimum Death MFR 5,000,000,000 MFR 1,000,000,000 Statutory is theoretically unlimited but in
Nationale de Prevoyance Sociale Benefit 3 x Annual practice limited by Reinsurance to MFR
(CNaPS). Certification not required. (PA is Salary 5,000,000. The Insurance Law of
required). 1999/Application Decree 2000-986 is to
include a scale of benefits for most injuries but
has not yet been published (May 05).

Malawi Introduced by the Workers Compensation Minimum limits MWK Minimum Death US$100,000. Up to US$50,000 Road Traffic Act of 1997 provide for unlimited
Acy of 1990 (and amendments) but is not 1,000,000 per person, MWK Benefit 3 x Annual US$1,000,000 said to be liability for Bodily Injury. The Property Damage
compulsory by law. Limits are very low 5,000,000 annual aggregate Salary available limit of MWK 250,000 was increased (in error)
and should be supplemented by a by the Government Gazette to a minimum of
Personal Accident insurance. Certification MWK 5,000,000. This is under discussion. We
required will accept MWK 2,500,000

Malaysia State Scheme under the Employers Social Minimum limit of not required 500,000 50,000 Road Traffic Act of 1987 requires unlimited BI
Security Act of 1969 and Employers Social US$500,000 coverage (passenger liability is only
Security (General Regulations) 1971 compulsory for public transport vehicles). We
which brought in the Social Security require a minimum of US$25,000 for
Organization (SOCSO). Coverage is Passenger Liability and PD.
obligatory but does not apply to foreign
workers. These are protected by the
Workers Compensation Act of 1952 (as
amended). No certification required for
SOCSO. Certification is required if foreign
workers are employed

Maldives not known to be added to the GL policy not required 100,000 25,000 Statutory coverage

Mali State scheme under the Institute not required Minimum Death 100,000 50,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
Nationale de la Prevoyance Sociale. No Benefit 3 x Annual BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
certification required. Salary of the Code include a table of compensation

Malta Under the Conditions of Employment The Employers Liability not required MTL 1,000,000 MTL 100,000 unless Malta Road Traffic Act 1939 limits amended on
Registration (ERA) Act employers are (Compulsory Insurance) Act statutory requirements are EU accession to MTL 500,000 for BI and MTL
responsible health and welfare of staff for of 1974 was passed by higher. 100,000 for PD
full salary for 12 months (6 day parliament but never
"deductible" for work related accidents). enacted, Cover for
Insurance is not compulsory and should occupational accidents and
be added to the EL policy disease is available and we
also require that the policy
be extended to cover ERA
benefits (see Workers

Marshall Islands No information currently available 100,000 25,000

Mauretania No information currently available 100,000 50,000
Mauritius State scheme administered by the Required - used to pay first To comply with IIS MUR 10,000,000 MUR 5,000,000 Statutory coverage is unlimited for BI/PD but
National Pension Scheme (1976) with 15 days disability which is benefits standard is there are some indications legislation will be
benefits defined by the Industrial Injury not covered by NPS 6 x Annual Salary introduced to limit liability.
Scheme (1979). for Death and 8 x for
Permanent Disability

Mexico State Scheme under Social Security to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 500,000 100,000 The Federal District Assembly passed a law in
legislation. No certification required. Benefit 3 x Annual 1997 (Seguro Obligatorio para el Uso de
Salary Vehiculos Automotores - SUVA), to introduce
compulsory BI cover. Due to a change in
government it was only enacted for Public
Transport Vehicles (however this applies
nationally for vehicles carrying fare paying
passengers). Nueva Leon and Chihuahua
have legislation requiring compulsory
coverage. Users of toll roads have a form of
coverage applicable only while on the road.
Commercial vehicles on any Federal Highway
are required to have compulsory BI/PD
coverage. As all of these limits are quite low,
we require a minimum of US$ 50,000
combined for BI/PD.

Micronesia No information currently available 100,000 25,000

Moldova Law on Labor Protection insurance is not required Law on Labor 100,000 25,000 Law on Compulsory Third Party Liability
effectively issued as Personal Accident (effectivelycovered by Protection requires a Insurance of the Owners of Motor Vehicles and
Personal Accident) minimum Death City Electric Transport of 1994 (effective
Benefit of 10 years 1/1/95) requires unlimited BI and PD cover of
salary MOL 180,000. Due to devaluation, we require
a minimum PD limit of US$25,000

Mongolia The Law requiring this coverage has not not required Minimum Death 25,000 5,000 Law on Insurance of 1997, amended by
been implemented. We will accept PA Benefit 3 x Annual Regulation 95 of 19 March, 2003 provides
coverage in lieu Salary complulsory limits of MTN1,000,000. We
require a minimum of US$5,000 for both PD
and BI

Morocco Insurance, with limits as per the Workers not required Minimum Death MDH 5,000,000 MDH 1,000,000 Compulsory under Law 1-69-100 of 1969 as
Compensation Insurance Law 18-01 of Benefit 3 x Annual amended by Law 1-84-177 of 1984. The BI
2002 (amended in 2003, will not become Salary coverage, which was unlimited, was reduced to
compulsory until 2006, but we require the MDH 10,000,000 under the Insurance Law of
coverage to be in place. 2002 (17-99). We require minimum limits of
MDH 10,000,000 for BI/PD combined.

Mozambique to be insured as per the requirements of not required not required 50,000 10,000 minimum limits of US$ 25,000 BI/PD combined
Decree 8/85. Certfication required

Page 6 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Myanmar The Workmens Compensation Act of 1923 not required Minimum Death Obligatory under the Very undeveloped market Compulsory under Art. VI of the 1993
imposes strict liability on employers but no Benefit 3 x Annual Insurance Law, but not even though the Insurance Law. Limits are MMK 25,000 for
obligation to insure. Firms with more than Salary enforced. Minimum limit US$ Commercial Law on Death and BI but unlimited per accident. PD
five employees are also bound by the 100,000 negligence follows English limit is MMK 10,000. It would appear that
Social Security Act of 1954, which is a Law and practice. Excess limits are only available if the premium
state scheme, no certification required. Minimum US$ 10,000 is paid in US$. We should endeavor to obtain a
Social security benefits are limited so we minimum of US$15,000 PD
require PA coverage.

Namibia The Employees Compensation Act of Minimum limit of NMD Minimum Death Minimum limit of NMD Minimum limit of The Motor Vehicle Act of 1990 requires
1995, which amended the Workmens 1,000,000 Benefit of 3 x Annual 5,000,000 NMD500,000 (Note: this coverage of NMD 250,000 for BI (Passenger
Compensation Act of 1941 provides Salary coverage may need to be Liability is NMD 25,000 per occurrence). This
compulsory coverage for employees placed in South Africa) cover is granted by the State via a levy on
earning up to NMD72,000 p.a. This is gasoline. We require additional limits with a
administered by the State under the Social minimum of NMD 2,500,000 BI/PD which is
Security Act of 1994. No certification is commonly offered.
required. (NB most employees will have
no coverage under this scheme)

Nepal Labor Act of 1992, Art.38 establishes not required Minimum Death 50,000 10,000 Transportation Act has not been implemented.
mandatory insurance for certain Benefit 5 x Annual Minimum requirements PD/BI US$10,000
occupations but insurance is provided via Salary
PA policy - see requirements

Netherlands There are numerous Acts that trigger To be added to the GL not required Euro 1,250,000 - 5,000,000 as Many professions have EU 4th Directive limits. EU 5th Directive to be
payments under the state Social Security policy. Liability is generally per WC "required", but not implemented
schemes but the government involvement unlimited in the aggregate. "statutory" limits. Euro
is reducing. We require a minimum WC 1,000,000 is the minimum
limit of Euro 1,250,000 for small
companies, increasing to Euro 5,000,000
for large companies

Netherlands Antilles no other information currently available 1,000,000 50,000

New Zealand Accident Compensation Corporation NZ$2,000,000 (cover will not required NZ$2,000,000 NZ$1,000,000 BI is handled on a No-Fault basis by the
provides no-fault coverage. No exclude liability for which Govt.Accident Compensation Comission
certification required. compensation is provided to (ACC), there are no statutory limits as such.
any extent by the Accident The scheme is funded by a levy on gasoline
Rehabilitation and and a charge in the vehicle registration fee. PD
Compensation Act, 1992. NZ$20,000,000 is commonly available.

Nicaragua State scheme under the Instituto not required Minimum Death 100,000 10,000 The Ley de Regimen de Circulation Vehicular
Nicaraguense de Seguridad Social. No Benefit of 3 x Annual e Infracciones de Transito passed 6/20/02 and
certification required Salary is now approved as Law # 431. Some doubt
exists as to whether certain types of
organisations (such as Cooperatives) will be
allowed to "insure" the liabilities themselves.
The limits ar US$ 2,500 per persom/US$ 5,000
per accident for Bodily Injury. We require
increased limits of US$10,000 for PD/BI

Niger State scheme under the Caisse Nationale not required Minimum Death 100,000 50,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
de Securite Sociale. No certification Benefit 3 x Annual BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
required. Salary of the Code include a table of compensation

Nigeria Obligatory under the Workmens included in the WC not required NGN 10,000,000 NGN 5,000,000 BI is for unlimited liability and is compulsory
Compensation Decree 17 of 1985. coverage in Nigeria under the Motor Vehicles (Third Party)
Certification required Insurance Act of 1950. PD cover of NGN
1,000,000 is compulsory under the Insurance
Act. However we require a minimum of NGN

Norway Compulsory to statutory limits (based on not required not required NOK 10,000,000 NOK 5,000,000 (certain Compulsory under Motor Liability Law
earnings) under Lov om yrkesskade, professions required by (Bilansvarsloven, 1961) amended in 1974. BI
1989. We require certification of this and Law to have higher limits is unlimited and PD is NOK 1,000,000. We
also of the complementary "safety" require increased PD limits of NOK 5,000,000
(trygghet) coverage

Oman Compulsory under Decree 44/77 for to be added to GL For companies with OMR 150,000 OMR 50,000 Compulsory since 1983 with limits of OMR
companieds that have more than 8 fewer than 8 75,000 any one accident
employees. Certification required. (Omani employees,
nationals also have a Social Security Minimum Death
scheme) Benefit 3 x Annual

Pakistan The Workers Compensation Act of 1923 to be added to GL policy Minimum Death US$ 250,000 US$ 25,000 Section 95 of the Motor Vehicle Act. 1939
obligates employers with more than 10 with a minimum limit of US$ Benefit 3 x Annual requires compulsory, unlimited, BI cover. We
staff to provide benefits but does not make 100,000 Salary also require minimum PD limits od US$ 20,000
the insurance compulsory. There is a
salary cap so only lower paid workers
benefit. If the Industry is subject to the
Social Security Ordinance of 1965 the
Social Security Act of 1965 takes
precedence. Benefits were increased
under the Labour Laws (Amendment)
Ordinance, 2001 but are still low. We
therefore require the Personal Accident
coverage as a supplement. A WC
certificate is required where appropriate,
no certification required for Social

Palau No information currently available 100,000 25,000

Panama State scheme via the Caja de Seguro to be added to GL policy not required 500,000 50,000 Compulsory cover was introduced in 1993 but
Social. No certification required never enacted. Vehicles entering port areas
are required to carry US$ 100,000 per person,
US$ 300,000 per accident for BI. We require
these limits plus US$ 25,000

Papua New Guinea No information currently available 100,000 25,000

Page 7 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Paraguay Statutory (IPS) under Decree Law 1860 of minimum limit US$25,000 not required 100,000 25,000 Not compulsory, legislation has been pending
1950, no certification required for some time. Standard coverage is PYG
40,000,000 Bi and PYG 20,000,000 PD.

Peru Statutory under Law 26790 (as amended), to be added to GL policy not required 250,000 25,000 Statutory under Law 27181 Art 30 and
known as Seguro Complementario de Ministerial Resolution 336-2001-MTC 15.02.
Trabajo de Riesgo (SCTR). Handled by Known as Seguro Obligatorio de Accidentes
Life insurers and Health companies de Transito (SOAT), as amended by Supreme
(Entidades Prestadoras de Salud). Decree 001-2004-MTc. However limits are
Certification required. very low and we require excess limits of
US$30,000 BI/PD

Philippines Regulated by the Employees to be added to GL policy not required 100,000 25,000 Chapter VI of the Insurance Code 1978
Compensation and State Insurance Fund with minimum limits of PHP imposes compulsory BI limit of PHP 50,000.
(Presidential Decree 626). Originally via 1,000,000 This is inadequate and we require a minimum
Decree 442 - the Labor Code of the of US$25,000 PD/BI combined
Philippines. As a state administered
scheme we do not require certification

Poland State scheme under the Social Insurance to be added to GL policy not required 500,000 100,000 Act of 5/22/03 requires Euro 350,000 per
Institute (ZUS) (which is financially with minimum limits of person for BI and Euro 200,000 for PD. These
unstable). No certification required US$50,000 limits are acceptable. Limits are expected to
increase to match the EU 5th Directive

Portugal Required under Law 100/1997, Decree Euro 500,000 not required Euro 500,000 Euro 500,000 unless Compulsory under the Codigo da Estrada.
Law 143/1999, Law 99/2003 and Law statutory limits higher Current limits in line with EU 4th Directive
35/2004. Certification required

Puerto Rico State scheme under Workers accident not required not required 1,000,000 US$ 1,000,000 (medical Compulsory BI is on a No-Fault basis with
Compensation Act of 1935 and malpractice is placed via a limits of up to US$ 25,000 for Death. PD is
amendments. No certification required. pool of insurers with lower US$ 3,000 on a negligence basis. Cost is paid
limits). with Vehicle Licensing. We require a minimum
of US$ 100,000 BI/PD combined.

Qatar Responsibilities established by Labour Minimum QAR 1,000,000 not required unless QAR 2,000,000 QAR 3,500,000 Compulsory by Art.58 of the Resolution of the
Law #3/1992 but insurance is not (added to WC policy) WC not in force. Minister of the Interior #1/1981. Limits
compulsory. Some firms may insure via a Minimum Death established under Law #4/1992 are unlimited
PA policy. Certification required Benefit equal to for PD and BI. "Blood Money" for death claims
"Diya" requirements was increased to QAR 150,000 in 2004

Romania Law 346/2002 establishes a social 500,000 Minimum Death 250,000 Compulsory for several Current Statutory limits (2005) are ROL
security fund but this is not expected to be Benefit 3 x Annual professions. Minimum 1,000,000,000 per person, ROL 5,000,000,000
operational until 2005 and it is not clear Salary Euro 250,000 unless per accident BI and ROL 3,000,000,000 PD.
whether the benefits will cover the statutory limits higher. EU 4th Directive limits to be reached by 2007.
liabilities established by Law 19/2000. We accept current statutory limits.
Until this situation is clarified, PA is a
mandatory requirement

Russia State scheme (Social Insurance Fund) no not required Minimum Death 250,000 20,000 Compulsory limits under Law 40-F2 are not
certification required Benefit 3 x Annual adequate (RUR 400,000). We require a
Salary minimum of US$20,000 PD/BI

Rwanda No information currently available. 100,000 50,000

Saipan no other information currently available 500,000 50,000

Samoa (American) No information currently available.

Samoa (Western) No information currently available. 100,000 25,000
Sao Tome & Principe No information currently available. 100,000 50,000
Saudi Arabia State scheme under the General SRY 1,000,000 Minimum Death SRY 1,000,000 SRY 500,000 but may be Compulsory under Royal Decree #222 of 2001.
Organisation for Social Insurance (GOSI). Benefit 3 x Annual difficult to obtain. BI is unlimited, PD is SRY 5,000,000.
No certification required. However the Salary However insurance is issued to holders of
Labor Law prescribes different benefits drivers licenses rather than to vehicles.
which can be insured under a "Difference
in Conditions" (DIC) policy - limits noted
under EL. We require either the DIC policy
or a PA policy.

Senegal Nationalized in 1975 under Law 75-50 but not required Minimum Death 250,000 US$ 50,000 Coverage is Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
the scheme is poorly funded. No Benefit 3 x Annual compulsory for some BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
certification required. PA is required Salary professions but is not of the Code include a table of compensation
easily obtainable. In some rates.
cases Bonds are posted.

Serbia & Montenegro - State scheme under Social Security, no not available not required Euro 100,000 often added to TP Compulsory limits for cars are Euro 100,000
Kosovo certification required. Employers are coverage with 25% of that per person, Euro 300,000 per event BI, Euro
responsible for the first 60 days of benefits limit 50,000 per claim, Euro 100,000 per event PD
but there is no insurance available to
cover this.

Serbia & Montenegro - State scheme under Social Security, no not available not required Euro 100,000 often added to TP Current Law, Arts 73 - 108 of the Property &
Serbia certification required. Employers are coverage with 25% of that Personal Insurance Act, 1996 requires
responsible for the first 60 days of benefits limit compulsory limits of US$ 100,000 PD/BI for
but there is no insurance available to cars. Anew law, due to be passed in 2005 will
cover this. increase these limits to Euro 500,000 PD and
Euro 1,000,000 BI but the law has been
delayed following revocation of the licenses of
15 insurance companies (6/05)

Seychelles no information currently available 250,000 100,000

Sierra Leone no information currently available 100,000 50,000
Singapore Compulsory under the Workers Issued as part of WC policy, not required S$ 1000000 S$ 500,000 certain The Singapore Road Traffic Act requires
Compensation Act for most manual limit is typically S$ professional associations unlimited BI cover. The market standard for PD
workers and office staff earning less than 10,000,000 require members to carry is S$ 5,000,000 for cars
S$ 1,600 per month higher limits

Slovak Republic State Monopoly since 4/1/02 under Social not required not required SKK 20,000,000 minimum limit SKK Auto Liability> From 1/2/02 minimum
Insurance Institute. No certification 5,000,000 Certain compulsory limits are SKK 5,000,000 for PD
required professions have and SKK 19,000,000 for BI. These limits can
compulsory requirements. be increased to SKK 60,000,000 for 20%
Where these exist we will additional premium. The SKK 60m. is our
take the lower statutory minimum requirement except for vehicles that
limit subject to a minimum travel outside Slovakia where SKK 100m. ir
of SKK 1,000,000 (about required. The EU 4th Directive came into force
US$30,000). on 1/15/05 and the above limits are said to
comply. The 5th Directive, when enacted, will
require higher limits. (NB benefits for Pain &
Suffering are capped at about US$100,000
under Amendment 437/2004 to Act 381/2001).

Page 8 of 10 26481893.xls
Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Slovenia State controlled through Social Security Required unless very Minimum Death Euro 1,000,000 Compulsory for many
system. No certification required. specifically nor excluded by Benefit of 3 x Annual professions but often with
GL policy (increasingly Salary low limits. Coverage may
rare). Policy mainly covers be provided by a
difference between actual professional association
earnings ans social security but "top-up" cover is
benefits but also pays for available. Our minimum
pain & suffering. limit is Euro 200,000
unless statutory limit is

Solomon Islands no information currently available 100,000 25,000

Somalia no information currently available 100,000 50,000
South Africa State Scheme - Compensation for to be added to GL policy not required SAR 5,000,000 SAR 1,000,000 (may be Unlimited BI under Compulsory Motor Vehicle
Occupational Illnesses and Diseases Act # offered by a professional Insurance Act # 56 of 1972 and Road Traffic
131 of 1993 (COIDA). No certification association) Act # 29 of 1989 (as amended). Standard
required voluntary PD cover of SAR 2,500,000 is

Spain Nationalized under Social Security Law of to be added to GL policy not required Euro 1,000,000 Euro 500,000 (often done Compulsory limits under EU 4th directive are
1963. No certification required (seguro patronal) via a professional acceptable, no certification required. 5th
association directive with higher limits pending - will be
Euro1m. BI Euro 500k PD

Sri Lanka The Workers Compensation Amendment not required Minimum Death 100,000 25,000 Motor Traffice Act of 1951 requires unlimited BI
Act of 1990 extended employers legal Benefit 3 x Annual coverage. PD is not compulsory but insurers
liabilities but did not make the insurance Salary routinely give cover on an unlimited basis
compulsory. Limits are low. Certification of
insurance is required

St. Lucia Social Security benefits under the St. Minimum limits XCD not required Minimum limit XCD 500,000 US$25,000. Coverage is Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles
Lucia National Insurance Corporation Act 1,000,000 generally placed offshore Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act #24 of 1988.
of 2000, the Employees (Occupational at Lloyds Limits are XCD 300,000 per person, XCD
Health & Safety) Act of 1985, the Industrial 1,500,000 per event BI, XCD 200,000 per
and Commercial Buildings (Fire Safety claim, XCD 500,000 per event PD
Act) of 1973, the Factories Ordinance
Chapter 106 and the Steam Boilers
Ordinance Chapter 187. No certification

St. Vincent & the Grenadines Social Security benefits under the National Minimum limits XCD not required Minimum limit XCD 500,000 US$25,000. Coverage is Compulsory under the Motor Vehicles
Insurance Act #33 of 1986 and the 1,000,000 generally placed offshore Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act of 1947.
Factories Act of 1990. No certification at Lloyds Limits are XCD 10,000 per person, XCD
required 100,000 per event BI. PD is not compulsory
under this Act. A new Act, the Motor Vehicles
Insurance (Third Party Risks) Act #4 of 2003
increased the BI to XCD 250,000 per persom
and XCD 1,000,000 per event and includes PD
with limits of XCD 250,000 per "item" and XCD
500,000 per event. As of 6/05 this legislation
has not been enacted, however we require the
new limits as a minimum

Sudan The National Social Insurance Fund included in the WC not required 100,000 10,000 The Road Traffic Act #5 of 1962 was amended
(NSIF) is administers benefits payable coverage in Sudan in 1993 to take Sharia into account. The Act
under the Social Insurance Act of 1990. limit for BI is SDD 2,000,000. Per person. PD is
This only applies if a worker is disabled by unlimited. The BI limit (called Deya) is awarded
more than 15% (or is killed). For other in almost all cases as it is so low.
injuries Workers Compensation is
compulsory under the Work Injuries
Compensation Act of 1981 but
enforcement has been limited.

Suriname Statutory under Law of 1947 (amended in not required Minimum Death 100,000 25,000 Motor Third Party (WAM) Act of 1981 amended
1950, 1975, 1983 and 2001). Certification Benefit 3 x Annual in 2001 provides statutory limits of
required Salary SRG7,000,000 for BI and PD. Excess limits to
US$10,000 PD/BI required

Swaziland No information currently available but 500,000 200,000

South African limits would not be
Sweden State social security benefits often not required not required SEK 10,000,000 SEK 5,000,000 individual The Motor Traffic Damage Act of 1975
supplemented by collective agreements industry practice may be imposes obligatory BI/PD for limits as
under TFA (trygghetsforsakrimg vid higher announced. Currently this is SEK 300,000,000
arbetsskada) which is provided by but is expected to be aligned with the EU 5th
specialized insurers. No certification Directive in due course

Switzerland Compulsory under Federal Law on not required not required CHF 4,000,000 CHF 1,000,000 Statutory limits closely follow EU Directives.
Accident Insurance (UVG), introduced on Current minimum PD/BI is CHF 5,000,000 for
1/1/84. May be placed with semi-state cars but most people carry CHF 100,000,000.
owned SUVA (which has a monopoly for We require a minimum of CHF 20,000,000
civil servants and certain other
categories), or via private insurers.
Certification required

Syria State scheme. No certification required not available Minimum Death SYP 50,000,000 US$ 25,000 may be Technically legal liability is unlimited but the
Benefit 5 x Annual difficult to obtain other state insurer usually offers SYP 300,000 each
Salary than for engineers for BI and PD. We require limits of SYP
1,500,000 BI and SYP 1,000,000 PD

Taiwan (R.O.C.) State scheme under the Labor Insurance Minimum limits TWD not required 500,000 50,000 Compulsory for BI with limit of TWD 1,400,000
Act of 1958 as amended in 1995. No 5,000,000 per person, unlimited per accident PD is not
certification required compulsory. We require TWD 5,000,000 each
for BI and PD.

Tajikistan no information currently available 100,000 25,000 The compulsory coverage is for extremely low
limits (US$ 400). We should look for a
minimum of US$15,000 PD/BI combined.

Tanzania Introduced by the Workmens to be added to WC policy Minimum Death TZS 1,000,000,000 TZS 50,000,000 Compulsory under the Vehicles Insurance
Compensation Ordinance, 1948 as Benefit equal to 41 x (Third Party Riskd Ordinance 1945
amended and updated by other Statutes Monthly Salary (Tanganyika) and Motor Vehicles (Third Party
(Zanzibar has similar legislation). Limits Risks) Decree 1953 (Zanzibar). BI is unlimited,
are extremely low so PA is mandatory. PD is not compulsory. We require PD cover of
Certification is required. US$ 25,000.

Thailand The Workmens Compensation Act of 1994 Minimum limit of US$50,000 not required 500,000 US$100,000, unless in the Statutory limits under Protection of Motor
amended in 2002 moved coverage to the medical field where Accident Victims Act of 1992 are very low. We
State. No certification required minimum is US$250,000 require minimum limits of $25,000 per person,
$250,000 per accident for BI and $50,000 PD

The Gambia no information currently available 250,000 100,000

Timor Leste No information currently available 100,000 25,000
Togo State scheme under the Caisse Nationale not required not required Written as Responsabilite 50,000 Compulsory under the CIMA code. Liability for
de Securite Sociale. No certification Civile du Chef d'Entreprise. BI is theoretically unlimited but Arts 258 - 266
required. (previously Office Beninoise de Minimum limit CFA of the Code include a table of compensation
Securite Sociale). No certification required 1,000,000,000 rates.

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Vendor Insurance Requirements
(US$ unless otherwise specified)

Personal Accident Auto Liability (BI = Third Party Bodily Injury,

Country Workers Compensation (WC) Employers Liability (EL) (PA) General Third Party Liability Professional Liability PD + Third Party Property Damage)
Tonga no information currently available 100,000 25,000
Trinidad & Tobago The National Insurance Board, to be added to the WC not required TTD 2,500,000 TTD 1,000,000 unless Statutory under Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third
established in 1971, only provides limited policy. statutory limits higher Party Risks) Act of 1998. Limits are TTD
benefits and WC cover is complementary 1,000,000 per person, TTD 2,000,000per
under the Workers Compensation Act of sccident for BI and TTD 1,000,000 PD.
1960. Certain benefits were amended
under the National Insurance Act of 2004.
Certification required.

Tunisia State Scheme - CNSS. No certification not required Minimum Death 500,000 50,000 Statutory is currently unlimited for PD/BI but
required Benefit 3 x Annual pending legislation may change this
Turkey State Scheme under Law 4772 of 1946 Minimum limit of US$50,000 not required US$250,000 US$100,000 (contracts Statutory Auto Liability as required by the Road
amended by Law 506 of 1964 (SSK). No per person, US$150,000 under US$10,000, Traffic Act, 1983. The amounts have
certification required per accident minimum limit US$20,000 historically been amended periodically in line
with inflation. We requirethat the statutory
coverage be increased to a minimum of
US$25,000 PD/BI on a facultative basis

Turkmenistan not available not available Minimum Death 100,000 US$ 25,000 minimum but Compulsory but limits are extremely low. We
Benefit 3 x Annual might be difficult to obtain require a minimum of US$ 25,000 PD/BI
Salary without outside combined.
reinsurance support

Turks & Caicos Islands State scheme under National Insurance US$250,000 Not required US$1,000,000 US$100,000. Generally Compulsory under the Motor Vehicle (Third
Ordinance and regulations, 1992. No placed offshore Party) Insurance Ordinance, 1991. Limits are
certification required. US$500,000 BI, US$10,000 PD. We require a
minimum of US$50,000 PD.

Uganda Statutory under Workers Compensation not required not required 50,000 25,000 Statutory Vehicle Insurance (Third Party Risks)
Act No 8 of 2000. Certification required Statute of 1988 has inadequate limits. We
require a minimum of US$20,000 PD/BI

Ukraine The Fund for Social Insurance for not required Minimum Death 250,000 50,000 Compulsory cover for BI introduced in 1997
Accidents at Work and Occupational Benefit 3 x Annual and for PD in 2000 but not effective until
Diseases started operation in 2001 as a Salary 1/1/05. Limits are HRY 51,000 BI and HRY
state scheme. No certification required 25,000 PD. We require a minimum of US$
25,000 PD/BI combined.

United Arab Emirates Strict liability under Federal Law No 12 of to be added to GL policy not required 250,000 100,000 Compulsory. BI is unlimited, PD is AED
1986. Certification required 250,000. Limits acceptable, certification
United Kingdom State scheme governed by the Social The Employers Liability not required GBP 1,000,000 GBP 1,000,000. Coverage The Road Traffic Act of 1972 (amended 1989)
Security and Benefits Act of 1992. No (Compulsory Insurance) Act is often provided on a requires unlimited BI. The Motor Vehicles
certification required of 1969 as amended in group basis by (Compulsory Insurance) Regulations of 1987
1999 imposes minimum professional associations imposes a statutory minimum PD limit of GBP
limits of GBP5,000,000. 250,000 although most insurers commonly
Certification required offer much higher limits. No certification

USA (excludes Guam, Statutory Limits. Certification required 500,000 not required 5,000,000 1,000,000 $ 1,000,000 BI/PD combined
Puerto Rico, Saipan & US
Virgin Islands). SERVICES
USA (excludes Guam, Statutory Limits. Certification required 500,000 not required 2,000,000 not required US$ 500,000 BI/PD combined
Puerto Rico & US Virgin
Islands). GOODS

Uruguay Compulsory under Law 16074 of 1989. not required Minimum Death 500,000 100,000 Not compulsory, we require a minimum of
Statutory Limits. Certification required Benefit 3 x Annual $50,000 BI/PD combined

Uzbekistan Theoretically covered by Social Security. not required Minimum Death 25,000 10,000 Compulsory by Law 122 of 1995 but limits are
No certification required Benefit 3 x Annual extremely low. We require a minimum of US$
Salary 50,000 PD/BI
Vanuatu no other information currently available 50,000 25,000

Venezuela Basically provided by Social Security but to be added to GL policy not required 100,000 US$ 25,000. Outside Obligatory but limits severely reduced by
certain regions/types of employment have reinsurance probably inflation even though they are denominated in
private sector protection under Seguro de required Unidades Tributarias (tax units). We require
Responsabilidad Patronal (RP). We minimum limits of US$ 25,000 PD/BI
require certification of RP cover or combined.
confirmation that it is not applicable

Vietnam 1,000,000 not required Minimum Death 50,000 25,000 PD/BI 25.000
Benefit 3 x Annual
Virgin Islands (British) State scheme for Social Security under 1,000,000 not required 1,000,000 500,000 The Motor Vehicle Insurance (Third Party
Act #17 of the Legislative Council, 1979. Risks) Ordinance of 1961 as amended in 2000
No certification required. requires US$ 25,000 per person, US$ 75,000
per accident for BI and US$ 30,000 for PD. We
require a minimum of US$ 100,000 BI and US$
50,000 PD.

Virgin Islands (US) Compulsory under Title 24 of the Virgin Not required Minimum Death US$1,000,000 250,000 (may be placed Compulsory under Title 20 of The Virgin
Islands Code, Chapter 254 onwards. This Benefit 3 x Annual via professional Islands Code, Chapter 47. Limits are US$
is managed by a state fund (which is said Salary associations). 10,000 per person, US$ 20,000 per accident BI
to be underfunded). No certification (recommended). and US$ 10,000 PD. We require US$ 300,000
required. BI and US$ 100,000 PD.

West Bank-Gaza State Fund, no certification required. minimum limit US$500,000 not required 250,000 50,000 BI is unlimited by Statute. Minimum PD limit of
Administered by National Insurance NIS350,000
Institute of Israel under National Insurance
Law, 1995

Yemen The Civil Code (Art. 313) imposes a to be added to GL policy Minimum Death 100,000 20,000 BI limit as per Workers Comp. We require a
Statutory Limit for Death of one person at Benefit 3 x Annual minimum per event limit of US$25,000.
YMR560,000. We require certification of Salary Standard PD limit of YMR4,000,000 is
coverage with a minimum limit of acceptable
US$25,000 per event

Zambia State scheme under the Workers Minimum limits of US$ not required 250,000 100,000 Compulsory under the Roads and Road Traffic
compensation Act # 10 of 1999 and 50,000 Act of 1995 but limits are extremely low. We
administered by the Workers require a minimum of US$ 25,000 PD/BI
Compensation Fund Board. No combined.
certification required.

Zimbabwe The Accident Prevention and Workers' Minimum limits ZWD not required 250,000 100,000 1976 Zimbabwean Road Traffic Act as revised
Compensation Scheme, Statutory 100,000,000 in 1996 requires "Act" cover with limits variable
Instrument 68 of 1990 , was gazetted in by type of vehicle of ZWD 10m. - 20m. BI and
terms of the National Social Security ZWD 250k. - 500k. PD. Third Party Liability for
Authority Act Number 12 of 1989 and excess limits is issued separately. We require
amended by Statutory Instrument 146 of a minimum of US$ 25,000 PD/BI
2004, the National Social Security
Authority (Accident Prevention and
Workers' Compensation Scheme)
(Prescribed Matters) Notice. State
scheme, no certification required.

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