Hilscher is a leading provider of industrial automation technology and communication solutions, offering a wide range of PC cards, modules, ASICs, and gateways to connect industrial devices using various fieldbus and Ethernet protocols. They have over 25 years of experience and a global customer base. Their netX technology provides intelligent network controller solutions that support multiple communication protocols on a single chip.
Hilscher is a leading provider of industrial automation technology and communication solutions, offering a wide range of PC cards, modules, ASICs, and gateways to connect industrial devices using various fieldbus and Ethernet protocols. They have over 25 years of experience and a global customer base. Their netX technology provides intelligent network controller solutions that support multiple communication protocols on a single chip.
Hilscher is a leading provider of industrial automation technology and communication solutions, offering a wide range of PC cards, modules, ASICs, and gateways to connect industrial devices using various fieldbus and Ethernet protocols. They have over 25 years of experience and a global customer base. Their netX technology provides intelligent network controller solutions that support multiple communication protocols on a single chip.
Hilscher is a leading provider of industrial automation technology and communication solutions, offering a wide range of PC cards, modules, ASICs, and gateways to connect industrial devices using various fieldbus and Ethernet protocols. They have over 25 years of experience and a global customer base. Their netX technology provides intelligent network controller solutions that support multiple communication protocols on a single chip.
For the past 25 years Hilscher has set milestones in automation
technology with innovative products and intelligent solutions. We have earned our reputation as market leaders in the field of industrial communication. Our aim is to offer user-friendly technologies and high value products to our customers, economically in our own development, manufacture and servicing. The motor that drives our efforts is our customer base. The constant exchange of experience and our understanding of the demand profile allows for solutions tailored to the requirements of the customers. Our expertise, first class service, as well as adherence to deadlines and reliability with the One-Stop principle contribute to the success of our customers projects. Hilscher has been expanding continually for years. Investments in developments and production ensure our progress. The extension of our company premises gives us space for ideas as well as being the base for further growth. We are expanding our market position with the founding of Hilscher Korea. Hilscher serves branches of control technology of the PLC manufacturers, the motor and performance levels of the drive suppliers up to the sensors technology of the field device producers. Our customers comprise all large manufacturers as well as many smaller and medium sized consultancies for automation. We work internationally with a network of distributors and are represented all over the world with own subsidiaries in China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Switzerland and the USA. An extract from our list of references: The spectrum of industrial communication technologies is very wide- reaching. They range from the traditional fieldbus systems to new technologies that are based on Ethernet. The Ethernet systems are not purely based on traditional technology used in office automation, they have Real-Time extensions, bus based architecture while still offering worldwide access via the internet. These technologies use special gateways, PC boards and ASICs with the associated operating system drivers, OPC Servers and configurators. No matter what communication solution you need for your device: hardly any supplier on the market can offer you this portfolio of solutions. Hardware The automation market is distinguished by many different hardware platforms. For communication interfaces the spectrum ranges from PC-based systems with standardized plug-in cards through plug-on modules with status displays and fieldbus plugs for PLCs up to ASICs for compact field devices produced in large quantities. As a result, many companies must adhere to several requirements all at the same time. cifX is the complete spectrum of PC cards from PC/104 to the Compact PCI standard. comX modules are the complete Fieldbus or Ethernet interface on smallest surface. In addition, with the netX we offer powerful ASICs with unique features. Software Our next generation tool SYCON.net runs in an Active X container and utilizes the open industry standard FDT-/DTM. With this technology the configuration tool can now be integrated into the host tool seamlessly; when tag names are entered into SYCON.net they automatically and immediately appear in the host application. This leap in technology allows our customers to offer a comparable level of integration to the major con- trol manufactures but our solution is network independent and works seamlessly for all our network master technologies. An equally important component for simple handling of the products are the drivers for the current operating systems. These we provide free of charge on a CD or are available as downloads on the internet. SYCON.net: We utilize the open industry standard FDT/DTM specification, allowing SYCON.net to share configuration data with any host application. The future of automation will center on your ability to optimize your product design and cost structures while providing more features and functions at a lower cost. Youll need to focus your limited engineering resources on core competences that deliver a better product at a lower cost than the competition. netX The best of both worlds on a single chip With Hilscher, youll only need one driver for all your networks. Our family of netX network controller modules offer intelligent solutions that support established Fieldbus and Real-Time Ethernet systems with a single chip. This innovative networX on chip design reduces the number of part and eliminates network maintenance costs without sacrificing performance. netX networX on chip With four configurable network communication channels, netX can support multiple communication protocols simultaneously. It can be used as a network co-processor with a standard Dual-Port-Memory interface or as a highly integrated Single Chip Solution for your custom control solution. netX Features Four individually configurable communication channels (Real-Time-Ethernet or Fieldbus) 32-Bit/200 MHz ARM 926 with 200 MIPs computing power IEEE 1588 Clock, Integrated Ethernet Hub and Switch functions Dual-Port-Memory AD converter Built-in I/O Encoder interface PWM interface LCD controller We guarantee 10-year availability Company Customers Products netXTechnology Our customers can expect a service from us that ranges from consultation, development up to production and delivery with customers label and with customer-specific packing. Because only in this way can the synergies be used to the full. Through our worldwide subsidiaries we offer comprehensive local support in the largest automation markets. Besides in our headquarters in Hattersheim, development work is also carried out in Bulgaria, France, Switzerland and USA. Besides the normal development tools, we also possess a comprehensive range of equipment for quality control such as climatic chambers, EMV test positions and infra-red cameras. In order to meet our own aims and the challenges of the market we will continue to expand our worldwide development capacity in the next years. In Hattersheim we support a flexible, own SMD Production. It specializes in small and medium lot sizes and permits re-equipping for the next lot even while the current lot is still in production. Services 10,000 for the first five interfaces within 8 weeks after receipt of the order and clarification of details 10,000 one-time series setup costs after release or 10 surcharge for the first 1,500 modules 80 as of 10 each 60 as of 100 each 50 as of 1000 each for further modules Offer Terms and conditions Design In Service & Production Above-standard requirements regarding the host or network plugs, LEDs or the PCB may result in a surcharge. Production rights remain with Hilscher. ECM tests, approvals, certifications are the customers responsibility or are invoiced at cost. All prices are net, plus VAT and shipping costs. Offer subject to change. Produktbersicht_SPS-Messe_GB_V5_11-2011_Prozessf.indd 19-24 09.11.2011 17:47:24 CIFX 50-2ASM CIFX 50E-2ASM
T e c h n o l o g y netIC NIC NIC 50-COS/COS NIC 10-CCS/CCS NIC 10-CPS/CPS NIC 50-DNS/DNS NIC 50-DPS/DPS NIC * only as Master available ** only as Slave available Innenseite oben NT 100 NT 100-RE-CO( ) NT 100-CO-CC( ) NT 100-CO-CO( ) NT 100-CO-DN( ) NT 100-CO-DP( ) NT 100-CO-RS( ) NT 100-RE-CC( ) NT 100-CO-CC( ) NT 100-DN-CC( ) NT 100-DP-CC( ) NT 100-RE-DN( ) NT 100-DN-CC( ) NT 100-DN-CO( ) NT 100-DN-DN( ) NT 100-DN-DP( ) NT 100-DN-RS( ) NT 100-RE-DP( ) NT 100-DP-CC( ) NT 100-DP-CO( ) NT 100-DP-DN( ) NT 100-DP-DP( ) NT 100-DP-RS( ) NT 100 netBRICK NB NB 100-RE-CO( ) NB 100-RS-CO( ) NB 100-RE-DN( ) NB 100-RS-DN( ) NB 100-RE-DP( ) NB 100-RS-DP( ) NT 50 COMX netJACK NJ NJ 10D-COS/COS NJ 100DN-CO/COS NJ 100DN-CO/COM NJ 100EN-CO/COS NJ 100EN-CO/COM NJ 10D-CCS/CCS NJ 10D-CPS/CPS NJ 10D-DNS/DNS NJ 100DN-DN/DNS NJ 100DN-DN/DNM NJ 100EN-DN/DNS NJ 100EN-DN/DNM NJ 10D-DPS/DPS NJ 100DN-DP/DPS NJ 100DN-DP/DPM NJ 100EN-DP/DPS NJ 100EN-DP/DPM NJ ( ) = Master or Slave configurable via Software. Please order one Master License separately *
T e c h n o l o g y netPLC NPLC NPLC-M100-DP NPLC-C100-DP NPLCEB-M100 Controller NHMI NHMI NHMI 500 NJ-CO NHMI 500 NJ-DN NHMI 500 NJ-DP netHMI HMI *
** **
CC-LINK STARTER KIT BASIC TWR 50 RE-DN TWR Kit TWR NHMI NHMI NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE NHMI 500 NJ-RE netHMI HMI Kits Real-Time- Ethernet-Kit RTE-KIT RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX RTE-KIT RTE-KIT BOX TWR 50 RE-DN TWR TWR Kit Kits netX Board Support Package Configurator / Server U S A H i l s c h e r N o r t h A m e r i c a , I n c . L i s l e , I L 6 0 5 3 2 P h o n e : + 1 6 3 0 - 5 0 5 - 5 3 0 1 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . u s C h i n a H i l s c h e r S y s t e m a u t o m a t i o n ( S h a n g h a i ) C o . L t d . 2 0 0 0 1 0 S h a n g h a i P h o n e : + 8 6 ( 0 ) 2 1 - 6 3 5 5 - 5 1 6 1 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . c n K o r e a H i l s c h e r K o r e a I n c . S u w o n , G y e o n g g i , 4 4 3 - 7 3 4 P h o n e : + 8 2 ( 0 ) 3 1 - 6 9 5 - 5 5 1 5 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . k r S w i t z e r l a n d H i l s c h e r S w i s s G m b H 4 5 0 0 S o l o t h u r n P h o n e : + 4 1 ( 0 ) 3 2 6 2 3 6 6 3 3 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . c h F r a n c e H i l s c h e r F r a n c e S . a . r . l . 6 9 5 0 0 B r o n P h o n e : + 3 3 ( 0 ) 4 7 2 3 7 9 8 4 0 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . f r I n d i a H i l s c h e r I n d i a P v t . L t d . N e w D e l h i - 1 1 0 0 6 5 P h o n e : + 9 1 1 1 4 3 0 5 5 4 3 1 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . i n J a p a n H i l s c h e r J a p a n K K T o k y o , 1 6 0 - 0 0 2 2 P h o n e : + 8 1 ( 0 ) 3 - 5 3 6 2 - 0 5 2 1 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . j p I t a l y H i l s c h e r I t a l i a S . r . l . 2 0 0 9 0 V i m o d r o n e ( M I ) P h o n e : + 3 9 0 2 2 5 0 0 7 0 6 8 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . i t G e r m a n y H i l s c h e r G e s e l l s c h a f t f r S y s t e m a u t o m a t i o n m b H R h e i n s t r a s s e 1 5 6 5 7 9 5 H a t t e r s h e i m P h o n e : + 4 9 ( 0 ) 6 1 9 0 9 9 0 7 - 0 F a x : + 4 9 ( 0 ) 6 1 9 0 9 9 0 7 - 5 0 E - M a i l : i n f o @ h i l s c h e r . c o m W e b : w w w . h i l s c h e r . c o m H e a d q u a r t e r s S u b s i d i a r i e s D i s t r i b u t o r s A u s t r a l i a F i e l d b u s S p e c i a l i s t s w w w . f i e l d b u s . c o m . a u A u s t r i a V I P A E l e k t r o n i k - S y s t e m e G m b H w w w . v i p a . a t B e l g i u m T e l e r e x N . V . w w w . t e l e r e x - e u r o p e . c o m B r a z i l S o f t B r a s i l A u t o m a c a o L t d a . w w w . s o f t b r a s i l . c o m . b r C z e c h R e p u b l i c Z P A - I n d u s t r y a . s . w w w . z p a i n d u s t r y . c z D e n m a r k N o v o t e k D e n m a r k A / S w w w . n o v o t e k . d k F i n l a n d E l k o m e S y s t e m s O y w w w . e l k o m e . f i S p a i n S i s t e l C o n t r o l S . L . w w w . s i s t e l c o n t r o l . c o m N o v a t r o n i c S i s t e m a s S . L . w w w . n o v a t r o n i c s i s t e m a s . c o m S w e d e n N o v o t e k S v e r i g e A B w w w . n o v o t e k . s e U K M i l e s I n d u s t r i a l E l e c t r o n i c s L t d w w w . m i l e s i e . c o . u k N e t h e r l a n d s T e l e r e x N e d e r l a n d B . V . w w w . t e l e r e x - e u r o p e . c o m N o r w a y A D E l e k t r o n i k k A S w w w . a d e . n o P o l a n d R A C o n t r o l s S P . z o . o . w w w . r a c o n t r o l s . c o m . p l P o r t u g a l N o v a t r o n i c S i s t e m a s S . L . w w w . n o v a t r o n i c s i s t e m a s . c o m R u s s i a P r o S o f t L t d . w w w . p r o s o f t . r u S i n g a p o r e V e c t o r I n f o T e c h P t e L t d w w w . v e c t o r i n f o t e c h . c o m S o u t h A f r i c a I n n o m a t i c w w w . i n n o m a t i c . c o . z a Produktbersicht_SPS-Messe_GB_V5_11-2011_Prozessf.indd 13-18 09.11.2011 17:47:05 Product Overview For the past 25 years Hilscher has set milestones in automation technology with innovative products and intelligent solutions. We have earned our reputation as market leaders in the field of industrial communication. Our aim is to offer user-friendly technologies and high value products to our customers, economically in our own development, manufacture and servicing. The motor that drives our efforts is our customer base. The constant exchange of experience and our understanding of the demand profile allows for solutions tailored to the requirements of the customers. Our expertise, first class service, as well as adherence to deadlines and reliability with the One-Stop principle contribute to the success of our customers projects. Hilscher has been expanding continually for years. Investments in developments and production ensure our progress. The extension of our company premises gives us space for ideas as well as being the base for further growth. We are expanding our market position with the founding of Hilscher Korea. Hilscher serves branches of control technology of the PLC manufacturers, the motor and performance levels of the drive suppliers up to the sensors technology of the field device producers. Our customers comprise all large manufacturers as well as many smaller and medium sized consultancies for automation. We work internationally with a network of distributors and are represented all over the world with own subsidiaries in China, France, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Switzerland and the USA. An extract from our list of references: The spectrum of industrial communication technologies is very wide- reaching. They range from the traditional fieldbus systems to new technologies that are based on Ethernet. The Ethernet systems are not purely based on traditional technology used in office automation, they have Real-Time extensions, bus based architecture while still offering worldwide access via the internet. These technologies use special gateways, PC boards and ASICs with the associated operating system drivers, OPC Servers and configurators. No matter what communication solution you need for your device: hardly any supplier on the market can offer you this portfolio of solutions. Hardware The automation market is distinguished by many different hardware platforms. For communication interfaces the spectrum ranges from PC-based systems with standardized plug-in cards through plug-on modules with status displays and fieldbus plugs for PLCs up to ASICs for compact field devices produced in large quantities. As a result, many companies must adhere to several requirements all at the same time. cifX is the complete spectrum of PC cards from PC/104 to the Compact PCI standard. comX modules are the complete Fieldbus or Ethernet interface on smallest surface. In addition, with the netX we offer powerful ASICs with unique features. Software Our next generation tool SYCON.net runs in an Active X container and utilizes the open industry standard FDT-/DTM. With this technology the configuration tool can now be integrated into the host tool seamlessly; when tag names are entered into SYCON.net they automatically and immediately appear in the host application. This leap in technology allows our customers to offer a comparable level of integration to the major con- trol manufactures but our solution is network independent and works seamlessly for all our network master technologies. An equally important component for simple handling of the products are the drivers for the current operating systems. These we provide free of charge on a CD or are available as downloads on the internet. SYCON.net: We utilize the open industry standard FDT/DTM specification, allowing SYCON.net to share configuration data with any host application. The future of automation will center on your ability to optimize your product design and cost structures while providing more features and functions at a lower cost. Youll need to focus your limited engineering resources on core competences that deliver a better product at a lower cost than the competition. netX The best of both worlds on a single chip With Hilscher, youll only need one driver for all your networks. Our family of netX network controller modules offer intelligent solutions that support established Fieldbus and Real-Time Ethernet systems with a single chip. This innovative networX on chip design reduces the number of part and eliminates network maintenance costs without sacrificing performance. netX networX on chip With four configurable network communication channels, netX can support multiple communication protocols simultaneously. It can be used as a network co-processor with a standard Dual-Port-Memory interface or as a highly integrated Single Chip Solution for your custom control solution. netX Features Four individually configurable communication channels (Real-Time-Ethernet or Fieldbus) 32-Bit/200 MHz ARM 926 with 200 MIPs computing power IEEE 1588 Clock, Integrated Ethernet Hub and Switch functions Dual-Port-Memory AD converter Built-in I/O Encoder interface PWM interface LCD controller We guarantee 10-year availability Company Customers Products netXTechnology Our customers can expect a service from us that ranges from consultation, development up to production and delivery with customers label and with customer-specific packing. Because only in this way can the synergies be used to the full. Through our worldwide subsidiaries we offer comprehensive local support in the largest automation markets. Besides in our headquarters in Hattersheim, development work is also carried out in Bulgaria, France, Switzerland and USA. Besides the normal development tools, we also possess a comprehensive range of equipment for quality control such as climatic chambers, EMV test positions and infra-red cameras. In order to meet our own aims and the challenges of the market we will continue to expand our worldwide development capacity in the next years. In Hattersheim we support a flexible, own SMD Production. It specializes in small and medium lot sizes and permits re-equipping for the next lot even while the current lot is still in production. Services 10,000 for the first five interfaces within 8 weeks after receipt of the order and clarification of details 10,000 one-time series setup costs after release or 10 surcharge for the first 1,500 modules 80 as of 10 each 60 as of 100 each 50 as of 1000 each for further modules Offer Terms and conditions Design In Service & Production Above-standard requirements regarding the host or network plugs, LEDs or the PCB may result in a surcharge. Production rights remain with Hilscher. ECM tests, approvals, certifications are the customers responsibility or are invoiced at cost. All prices are net, plus VAT and shipping costs. Offer subject to change. Produktbersicht_SPS-Messe_GB_V5_11-2011_Prozessf.indd 19-24 09.11.2011 17:47:24 D r i v e r S o f t w a r e N X B S P 5 0 0 - L I N U X N X B S P 5 0 0 - L I N U X U P D A T E N X B S P 5 0 0 - W I N C E N X B S P - R C X N X B S P - R C X U P D A T E N X B S P 5 0 0 - V X W O R K S N X B S P 5 0 0 - V X W O R K S U P D A T E N X B S P N X D R V S Y C O N . n e t / N X S Y C O N . n e t N X - O P C S Y C O N . n e t / N X www.hilscher.com 1 1 / 2 0 1 1
V 5
G B M o d b u s T C P N X D R V - R T X N X D R V - I N T I M E N X D R V - L I N U X N X D R V - W I N N X D R V - C E N X D R V - Q N X
N X D R V - T K I T N X D R V - V X W O R K S
* *
* * * o n l y a s M a s t e r a v a i l a b l e * * o n l y a s S l a v e a v a i l a b l e n e t X S y s t e m D e v e l o p m e n t B o a r d N X D B N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S B o a r d s N X H X N X H X 5 0 - E T M + N X H X - C O N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M + N X H X - C O N X H X 5 0 - E T M + N X H X - C C N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M + N X H X - C C N X H X 5 0 - E T M + N X H X - D N N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M + N X H X - D N N X H X 5 0 - E T M + N X H X - D P N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M + N X H X - D P N X H X n e t X S o f t w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t B o a r d n e t X S y s t e m D e v e l o p . B o a r d N X D B N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S N X D B - S Y S B o a r d s N X H X N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 - E T M N X H X 5 0 0 - E T M N X I O N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O 5 0 - R E N X I O 1 0 0 - R E N X I O n e t X I O - B o a r dn e t X S o f t w a r e D e v e l o p m e n t B o a r d N A N L N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E N A N L - C 5 0 0 - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 E - R E N A N L - B 5 0 0 G - R E A n a l y z e r n e t A N A L Y Z E R
R e a l - T i m e - E t h e r n e t
T e c h n o l o g y
F i e l d b u s
T e c h n o l o g y n e t P L C N P L C N P L C - M 1 0 0 - D P N P L C - C 1 0 0 - D P N P L C E B - M 1 0 0 C o n t r o l l e r N H M IN H M I N H M I 5 0 0 N J - C O N H M I 5 0 0 N J - D N N H M I 5 0 0 N J - D P n e t H M I H M I *
* * * *
C C - L I N K S T A R T E R K I T B A S I C T W R 5 0 R E - D N T W R K i t T W R N H M IN H M I N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E N H M I 5 0 0 N J - R E n e t H M I H M IK i t s R e a l - T i m e - E t h e r n e t - K i t R T E - K I T R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X R T E - K I T R T E - K I T B O X T W R 5 0 R E - D N T W RT W R K i t K i t s n e t X B o a r d S u p p o r t P a c k a g e C o n f i g u r a t o r / S e r v e r USA Hilscher North America, Inc. Lisle, IL 60532 Phone: +1 630-505-5301 E-Mail: info@hilscher.us China Hilscher Systemautomation (Shanghai) Co. Ltd. 200010 Shanghai Phone: +86 (0) 21-6355-5161 E-Mail: info@hilscher.cn Korea Hilscher Korea Inc. Suwon, Gyeonggi, 443-734 Phone: +82 (0) 31-695-5515 E-Mail: info@hilscher.kr Switzerland Hilscher Swiss GmbH 4500 Solothurn Phone: +41 (0) 32 623 6633 E-Mail: info@hilscher.ch France Hilscher France S.a.r.l. 69500 Bron Phone: +33 (0) 4 72 37 98 40 E-Mail: info@hilscher.fr India Hilscher India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi-110065 Phone: +91 11 43055431 E-Mail: info@hilscher.in Japan Hilscher Japan KK Tokyo, 160-0022 Phone: +81 (0) 3-5362-0521 E-Mail: info@hilscher.jp Italy Hilscher Italia S.r.l. 20090 Vimodrone (MI) Phone: +39 02 25007068 E-Mail: info@hilscher.it Germany Hilscher Gesellschaft fr Systemautomation mbH Rheinstrasse 15 65795 Hattersheim Phone: +49 (0) 6190 9907-0 Fax: +49 (0) 6190 9907-50 E-Mail: info@hilscher.com Web: www.hilscher.com Headquarters Subsidiaries Distributors Australia Fieldbus Specialists www.fieldbus.com.au Austria VIPA Elektronik-Systeme GmbH www.vipa.at Belgium Telerex N.V. www.telerex-europe.com Brazil SoftBrasil Automacao Ltda. www.softbrasil.com.br Czech Republic ZPA-Industry a.s. www.zpaindustry.cz Denmark Novotek Denmark A/S www.novotek.dk Finland Elkome Systems Oy www.elkome.fi Spain Sistel Control S.L. www.sistelcontrol.com Novatronic Sistemas S.L. www.novatronicsistemas.com Sweden Novotek Sverige AB www.novotek.se UK Miles Industrial Electronics Ltd www.milesie.co.uk Netherlands Telerex Nederland B.V. www.telerex-europe.com Norway AD Elektronikk AS www.ade.no Poland RAControls SP. z o.o. www.racontrols.com.pl Portugal Novatronic Sistemas S.L. www.novatronicsistemas.com Russia ProSoft Ltd. www.prosoft.ru Singapore Vector Info Tech Pte Ltd www.vectorinfotech.com South Africa Innomatic www.innomatic.co.za P r o d u k t b e r s i c h t _ S P S - M e s s e _ G B _ V 5 _ 1 1 - 2 0 1 1 _ P r o z e s s f . i n d d 1 3 - 1 8 0 9 . 1 1 . 2 0 1 1 1 7 : 4 7 : 0 5