This document outlines the process for a student's nursing dissertation. It includes 3 sections for the student to provide brief notes and obtain supervisor feedback:
1. A practice-based extended critical review of literature covering the topic, approach, reflexivity, and implications.
2. A practice-based reflective account covering context, personal theory, ethics, and implications.
3. Practice development covering critical reflection, managing change, and integrating knowledge to support practice development.
For each section, the student is asked to write brief notes on their progress and structured plan, and indicate what stage they have reached. The supervisor will provide feedback. The completed form must be returned by September 23rd.
This document outlines the process for a student's nursing dissertation. It includes 3 sections for the student to provide brief notes and obtain supervisor feedback:
1. A practice-based extended critical review of literature covering the topic, approach, reflexivity, and implications.
2. A practice-based reflective account covering context, personal theory, ethics, and implications.
3. Practice development covering critical reflection, managing change, and integrating knowledge to support practice development.
For each section, the student is asked to write brief notes on their progress and structured plan, and indicate what stage they have reached. The supervisor will provide feedback. The completed form must be returned by September 23rd.
This document outlines the process for a student's nursing dissertation. It includes 3 sections for the student to provide brief notes and obtain supervisor feedback:
1. A practice-based extended critical review of literature covering the topic, approach, reflexivity, and implications.
2. A practice-based reflective account covering context, personal theory, ethics, and implications.
3. Practice development covering critical reflection, managing change, and integrating knowledge to support practice development.
For each section, the student is asked to write brief notes on their progress and structured plan, and indicate what stage they have reached. The supervisor will provide feedback. The completed form must be returned by September 23rd.
This document outlines the process for a student's nursing dissertation. It includes 3 sections for the student to provide brief notes and obtain supervisor feedback:
1. A practice-based extended critical review of literature covering the topic, approach, reflexivity, and implications.
2. A practice-based reflective account covering context, personal theory, ethics, and implications.
3. Practice development covering critical reflection, managing change, and integrating knowledge to support practice development.
For each section, the student is asked to write brief notes on their progress and structured plan, and indicate what stage they have reached. The supervisor will provide feedback. The completed form must be returned by September 23rd.
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Appendix B
BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice Development
AC6630 Analsing !no"ledge #or Practice $ dissertation module D%SS&'(A(%)N P')*'&SS +)', %t is t-e student.s responsi/ilit to ma0e sure t-at t-e dissertation supervisor receives t-is completed #orm /1 +rida 23 - Septem/er 4025 Student.s name1 Co-ort num/er1 Contact details1 Clinical Area1 Primar Supervisor1 Support Supervisor1 )P(%)N A1 Practice Based &xtended Critical 'evie" o# 6iterature The review should cover the following: Context for the topic The approach taken to the review Reflexivity Managing the situation and the self Implications for practice and the future 7rite /rie# notes on our progress to date under eac- o# t-e a/ove -eadings including t-e aim o# t-e dissertation and our proposed timeline1 Supervisor +eed/ac0 1 Appendix B BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice Development AC6630 Analsing !no"ledge #or Practice $ dissertation module D%SS&'(A(%)N P')*'&SS +)', %t is t-e student.s responsi/ilit to ma0e sure t-at t-e dissertation supervisor receives t-is completed #orm /1 +rida 23 - Septem/er 4025 Student.s name1 Co-ort num/er1 Contact details1 Clinical area1 Primar Supervisor1 Support Supervisor1 )P(%)N B1 Practice Based '&+6&C(%8& ACC)9N( The reflective account mig-t cover the following: Context for the topic Personal theory Reflexivity and heuristics Moral, legal and ethical considerations, personal and professional politics Managing the situation and the self Implications for practice and the future 7rite /rie# notes on our progress to date under eac- o# t-e a/ove -eadings and include our structured plan and indicate at "-at stage o# our plan ou are at1 Supervisor +eed/ac0 2 Appendix B BSc (Hons) Nursing Practice Development AC6630 Analsing !no"ledge #or Practice $ dissertation module D%SS&'(A(%)N P')*'&SS +)', %t is t-e student.s responsi/ilit to ma0e sure t-at t-e dissertation supervisor receives t-is completed #orm /1 +rida 23 - Septem/er 4025 Student.s name1 Co-ort num/er1
Contact details1 Clinical area1 Primar Supervisor1 Support Supervisor1 )P(%)N C1 P'AC(%C& D&8&6)P,&N( Criticall re#lect in and on practice and t-e process o# Practice Development ,anage t-e identi#ication and planning o# c-ange "it-in t-eir practice setting Appraise and integrate appropriate #orms o# 0no"ledge to support t-e process o# practice development: 7rite /rie# notes on our progress to date under eac- o# t-e a/ove -eadings and include our structured plan and indicate at "-at stage o# our plan ou are at1 Supervisor +eed/ac0 3