This document summarizes a revised method for analyzing pipeline stability proposed by Veritec based on extensive dynamic analysis. The method uses dimensionless parameters to compare against stability curves, accounting for 3D effects not captured in traditional analysis. It is valid for parameters like Keulegan-Carpenter number from 4-40 and pipe diameter over 0.4m. Outside these ranges, a simplified static analysis is recommended, calibrated using two factors to match the generalized analysis. The analysis allows for some lateral displacement of the pipe.
This document summarizes a revised method for analyzing pipeline stability proposed by Veritec based on extensive dynamic analysis. The method uses dimensionless parameters to compare against stability curves, accounting for 3D effects not captured in traditional analysis. It is valid for parameters like Keulegan-Carpenter number from 4-40 and pipe diameter over 0.4m. Outside these ranges, a simplified static analysis is recommended, calibrated using two factors to match the generalized analysis. The analysis allows for some lateral displacement of the pipe.
This document summarizes a revised method for analyzing pipeline stability proposed by Veritec based on extensive dynamic analysis. The method uses dimensionless parameters to compare against stability curves, accounting for 3D effects not captured in traditional analysis. It is valid for parameters like Keulegan-Carpenter number from 4-40 and pipe diameter over 0.4m. Outside these ranges, a simplified static analysis is recommended, calibrated using two factors to match the generalized analysis. The analysis allows for some lateral displacement of the pipe.
This document summarizes a revised method for analyzing pipeline stability proposed by Veritec based on extensive dynamic analysis. The method uses dimensionless parameters to compare against stability curves, accounting for 3D effects not captured in traditional analysis. It is valid for parameters like Keulegan-Carpenter number from 4-40 and pipe diameter over 0.4m. Outside these ranges, a simplified static analysis is recommended, calibrated using two factors to match the generalized analysis. The analysis allows for some lateral displacement of the pipe.
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consistent with the generally accepted model if the degree
of embedment into the bottom is small; but if there is significant embedment, th
e lateral resistance includes a significant passive-pressure component, generated by the weight and internal friction of the sand pushed in front of the pipe.39,40 The Danish Hydraulic Institute carried out tests on sand.41 It investigated two kinds of loading history, the first with monotonically increasing lateral fo rce (representing a slow increase of a steady current across the pipe), and the seco nd with an alternating force steadily increasing in magnitude (representing a cycli c increase of an alternating force generated by wave-induced currents that corresp ond to progressive growth of a storm). Very small movements occur at low values of S/R, but the pipe does not move far until S/R reaches about 0.5. The movement then increases rapidly and reaches about half a diameter of the pipeline when S/ R is 0.7. Embedment into the bottom induces a much higher resistance, even if the embedment is only a small fraction of a diameter. Cyclic alternation of S leads the pipe to settle into the bottom and further increases its resistance to lateral m ovement later. The limiting value of S/R (measured when the movement has reached 0.2 diameter) is very much larger than the value observed under monotonically increasing loading (but otherwise identical test conditions). Generally speaking , cyclic loading increases the limiting value of S/R by a factor of about 2. A pipeline in a trench has much more resistance to movement that a pipeline on a level seabed. It can become unstable either by sliding up the side of the trench or by deforming the soil on either side. In the first case, the coefficie nt f is increased to f where f = tan(a +arctan f ) (11.12) where a = side slope of the trench f is much larger than f. Deformation of the side of a trench by hydrodynamic for ces on a pipeline cannot occur unless the soil is very weak. Stability 383 11.6 Stability Design The process of stability design brings together the methods of wave and current prediction, hydrodynamic force calculations from currents, and lateral resistanc e analysis. A helpful way of considering the stability of unanchored pipelines is to think of the variation in the components R and S of the reaction between the pip eline and the seabed, defined in the lateral resistance section. For example, in the c ase in which the current is steady and has no oscillatory component (fig. 114a), S is ze ro and R is equal to the submerged weight w per unit length in still water. When th e current increases, S increases and R falls (because of the hydrodynamic lift). T he pipeline becomes unstable at a current corresponding to point Y, and any further increase in current will sweep the pipeline away. The design problem is to make w large enough so that the combination of R and S remains within the stable region . A similar diagram can be drawn for unsteady oscillatory flow under waves (fig. 114b). R and S then change through the wave cycle, and the point that represents them moves along a curve. In regular waves, the curve will be a close d loop. In random waves, it will be an irregular sequence of loops. If the oscilla tory currents are small, loop 1, the pipeline will be stable. If the currents are lar ger, the pipeline will lose stability. Loop 2 represents a combined wave and current case in which the pipeline is just stable. During the design procedure, the engineer has to confirm that the stability condition is satisfied. If it is not, weight has to be added to generate more la teral resistance. Adding weight externally (e.g., by increasing the thickness of a con crete coating) increases the diameter, and the hydrodynamic forces have to be recalcul ated. A simple computer program can carry out the design process very rapidly. It is sometimes argued that it is unnecessarily conservative to design a pipelin e to resist the maximum lateral force that can be applied because the maximum force cannot act simultaneously along the whole length of the line. A limitation of this argument is that sections of pipe that are less heavily loaded can only help to support more heavily loaded sections if shear forces are transmitted along th e pipe. Shear forces can only be present if the pipe bends horizontally. Moreover, there is a possibility of progressive instability, in which the pipe does not mo ve 384 Subsea Pipeline Engineering bodily to one side but instead moves in one area at a time. The Danish Hydraulic Institute, Norwegian Hydrodynamic Laboratory, and American Gas Association have researched the three-dimensional, time-domain analysis that is required to take advantage of this effect. They have developed computer models that allow the progressive motion of a pipeline to be followed in detail. In the present st ate of knowledge, it appears to be better practice to design a pipeline to be comple tely stable; but programs are available that allow the user to determine the movement of the pipeline and design it so that the movement does not exceed a maximum acceptable limit. The results are extremely sensitive to the input assumptions. Occasionally, it is argued that a pipeline should be designed to resist the maximum significant wave, rather than the maximum wave. That argument has little rational basis because if the maximum wave passes across the pipeline, it genera tes the corresponding bottom velocities, and the pipeline has to resist the forces t hey induce. The fact that the existing sea state can be described by a statistical p arameter called the significant wave does not alter this conclusion. However, it is possi ble to defend the significant wave method as a crude rough-and-ready way of accounting for various three-dimensional effects, such as wave directional spectrum spread, short-crested waves, and the variation of instantaneous force along the length of the pipeline. At present, there is no simple way of incorporating these effec ts in analysis, though it is possible to calculate them by a full three-dimensional , finite-element analysis. Veritec has put forward a revised method of stability analysis based on the results of an extensive dynamic analysis of various pipelines and has presented it through the use of a set of dimensionless parameters. The method is the basis of a Norwegian recommended practice, RP E305.42 The dynamic analysis is based on a time-domain solution of the pipeline stability and incorporates three-dimensiona l effects, surface wave spectra, and nonlinear soil resistance. The generalized stability analysis is performed by comparing known dimensionless parameters against a set of parametric curves. The procedure does not give any indication of the physical processes involved or the magnitude of the hydrodynamic or soil resistance forces. It can be performed blind without knowledge of the physical procedures being modeled. Stability 385 The analysis is based on the following dimensionless parameters: Significant Keulegan-Carpenter number K = UsTu /D Pipe weight parameter L = Ws /(0.5?wDUs 2) Current to wave velocity ratio M = Uc /Us Relative soil weight (sand soil) G = ?s /?w - 1 Shear strength parameter (clay soil) S = Ws /(DSu) Time parameter T = Tl /Tu Scaled lateral displacement d = Y/D where Us = significant wave-induced seabed velocity Tu = associated zero-crossing period Uc = current velocity integrated over the diameter of the pipeline Dw = mass density of seawater Ds = mass density of soil Su = undrained shear strength of clay soil Tl = duration of the sea state Y = allowable lateral displacement of the pipe If no information is available, the allowable displacement in sandy soils is recommended as 20 m in DNV Zone 1 (more than 500 m away from a platform) or 0 m in DNV Zone 2 (less than 500 m from a platform). In clay soils, no displacem ent is allowed. The wave-induced velocity Us and period Tu are determined from a Jonswap surface wave spectrum. The standard includes a method that allows both values to be obtained directly from the surface peak period. The required submerged weight for stability can be determined by comparing these parameters against dimensionless curves. A safety factor of 1.1 is recommended on the design submerged weight for clay soils. 386 Subsea Pipeline Engineering The generalized analysis is valid for a certain range of parameters, correspondi ng to the range for which the dynamic analysis validation was performed. The parameters are: 4 < K < 40 0 < M < 0.8 0.7 < G < 1.0 (for sand soil) 0.05 < S < 8.0 (for clay soil) D > 0.4 m Outside these ranges, Veritec recommends the simplified static stability analysis, based on a link between the traditional stability design procedure and the generalized stability analysis. The results from the two distinct methods ar e made consistent with each other through the use of two calibration factors: one based on the soil conditions, and one based on the Keulegan-Carpenter number and ratio of wave to current velocity. The calibration factors ensure that the r esults of the simplified analysis tie in with the generalized analysis. Each stage in t he simplified analysis may not be truly representative of the actual process, but t he results are corrected using the two calibration factors. The analysis is again b ased on pipelines designed with an allowable lateral displacement of up to 20 m in sa ndy soil and 0 m in clay soil. The water particle velocities are obtained in the same way as in the generalized analysis. The hydrodynamic forces on the pipeline are obtained from the Morison equation using coefficients of CD = 0.7, CM = 3.29 and CL = 0.9. (Note that thes e values are nominal, as correction is made through the calibration factor.) The soil resistance is modeled by a linear friction factor. Again, allowance for thi s assumption is made through the calibration factor. A safety factor of 1.1 is inc luded in the results of the analysis for both clay and sandy soils. Hale has compared the designs arrived at with those derived from a parallel program carried out by the American Gas Association.43,44 RP- E 305 is going to be replaced by a new standard, F 109. A draft was sent out for industry comment in the summer of 2006, and had substantial changes from E 305. At the time of this writing (November 2007) the new standard had not been issued. Stability 387 11.7 Interaction with Instability of the Seabed The traditional stability design methods described above treat the seabed as stationary and immovable. That assumption is not usually correct under the extreme wave and current conditions that govern design.45 The seabed too can begin to move in response to hydrodynamic forces, so that pipeline movement and active sediment transport occur together. The stability of a pipeline cannot be considered in isolation from the stability of the seabed on which it rests. If the pipeline is unstable, the stability of the seabed is likely to be marginal at best. If the seabed is unstable, the pipeline becomes u nstable with it. Indeed, a possible interpretation of the success of the traditional app roach to design is that it ensures that the pipeline is always heavy enough for the se abed to become unstable before the pipeline and that the pipeline then sinks into the moving seabed material. If the pipeline is initially partially buried, and a top layer of the seabed beg ins to move, then the following three things will occur: 1. The pipeline will be exposed to hydrodynamic forces over a greater fraction of its diameter. 2. The fluid moving past the line will have a density greater than water because of the presence of seabed particles. 3. A smaller fraction of the pipeline will be embedded in stationary material, and the lines resistance to lateral movement will therefore be much reduced. All three factors have an adverse effect and undermine (literally!) the validity of the traditional approach. Palmer and Damgaard examine the issue of seabed instability in detail. They describe two case studies of pipelines off the coast of Australia, where the seabed unquestionably becomes grossly unstable long before the extreme design conditions are reached.46,47 The conventional design calculations then become irrelevant. They show that seabed mobility in extreme 388 Subsea Pipeline Engineering conditions is the rule rather than the exception, and that it applies over wide areas of the North Sea. Figure 115 shows the wave height at which seabed instability begins, as a function of particle size, for two water depths. Fig. 115. Onset of seabed instability The problem of determining the depth below mud line to which the seabed becomes mobile is only partly understood. That depth depends on the Sleath number: S U g s = 0 1 ? ( - ) (11.13) where U0 = amplitude of the orbital velocity ? = cyclic wave frequency g = gravitational acceleration s = particle specific gravity (referred to seawater) The depth increases rapidly when S reaches a critical value.48,49,50 Stability 389 The question is complicated by the increases of pore pressure that occurs as a result of cyclic shear stresses induced by waves. This was the subject of acti ve research under the European Union (EU) Liquefaction Around Marine Structures (LIMAS) program. Within that program, tests on a pipeline resting on a fine-grai ned silty soil showed that the soil partially liquefies and that the final level rea ched by the pipe depends on its mean specific gravity.51, 52, 53, 54 Neglect of seabed instability is the central flaw in the conventional approach to stability design, and correcting that flaw is much more important than contin ued argument (or continued research) into the Morison equation coefficients or into more sophisticated hydrodynamic models. Future studies will have to take a more integrated view of a pipelines interaction with seabed stability and with process es like self-burial and scour. Having said that, the conventional design method does seem in practice to lead to satisfactory designs, however irrational it may be. There are several factors that probably make the conventional method conservative, among them the enhanced lateral resistance produced by embedment, the neglect of wave long-crestedness and three-dimensional effects generally, and the overestimate o f seabed wave-induced velocities produced by idealizing the maximum wave as one of a series of regular waves all with the same height. It should not be thought that instability never occurs, but it is invariably a result of design mistakes (particularly in estimates of maximum waves), construction mistakes, or loss of weight coating. 390 Subsea Pipeline Engineering References 1 Komar, P.D. (1976). Beach Processes and Sedimentation. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: P rentice Hall. 2 Komar, Beach Processes and Sedimentation. 3 Pond, S., and Pickard, G.L. (1989). Introductory Dynamical Oceanography. Oxfor d: Pergamon. 4 Brown, J., Colling, A., Park, D., Phillips, J., Rothery, D., and Wright, J. (1 989).Waves, Tides and Shallow-Water Processes. Oxford: Pergamon. 5 Sarpkaya, T., and Isaacson, M. (1981).Mechanics of Wave Forces on Offshore Str uctures. New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold. 6 Embrechts, P., Kluppelberg, C., and Mikosch, T. (1997). Modelling Extreme Even ts. Berlin: Springer-Verlag. 7 Brink-Kjaer, O., Knudsen, J., Roodenhuis, G.S., and Rugbjerg, M. (1984). Extre me Wave Conditions in the Central North Sea. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Offshore Tec hnology Conference, Houston, TX, 3, 283293. 8 Komar, Beach Processes and Sedimentation. 9 Holthuijsen, L.H. (2007). Waves in Oceanic and Coastal Waters. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. 10 Sarpkaya and Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces. 11 St. Denis, M. (1969) On Wind-Generated Waves. In: Topics in Ocean Engineering , Bretschneider, C.L. (Ed.; pp. 3741). Houston: Gulf. 12 Borgmann, L.E. (1961). The Frequency Distribution of Near Extremes. Journal o f Geophysical Research, 66, 32953307. 13 Brown et al., Waves, Tides and Shallow-Water Processes. 14 Sarpkaya and Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces. 15 Pond and Pickard, Introductory Dynamical Oceanography. 16 Sarpkaya and Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces. 17 Sumer, B.M., and Fredse, J. (2002). The Mechanics of Scour in the Marine Envir onment. Singapore: World Scientific. 18 Littlejohns, P.S.G. (1974). Current-Induced Forces on Submarine Pipelines, Hy draulics Research, Wallingford, UK [Report], INT 138. 19 Ibid. 20 Ibid. Stability 391 21 Sarpkaya and Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces. 22 Zdravkovich, M.M. (1997). Flow Around Circular Cylinders: A Comprehensive Gui de Through Flow Phenomena, Experiments, Applications, Mathematical Models and Computer Simu lations. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 23 Bearman, P.W., and Zdravkovich, M.M. (1978). Flow Around a Circular Cylinder Near a Plane Boundary. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 89, 3347. 24 Sarpkaya and Isaacson, Mechanics of Wave Forces. 25 Bryndum, M.B., and Jacobsen, V. (1983). Hydrodynamic Forces from Wave and Cur rent Loads on Submarine Pipelines. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 1, 95102. 26 Wilkinson, R.H., Palmer, A.C., Ells, J.W., Seymour, E., and Sanderson. N. (19 88). Stability of Pipelines in Trenches. Proceedings of the Offshore Oil and Gas Pipeline Technolo gy Seminar, Stavanger, Norway. 27 Bryndum and Jacobsen, Hydrodynamic Forces. 28 Wolfram, W.R., Getz, J.R., and Verley, R.L.P. (1987). PIPESTAB Project: Impro ved Design Basis for Submarine Pipeline Stability. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Offshore Techno logy Conference, Houston, TX, 3, 153158. 29 Holte, K., Sotberg, T., and Chao. J.C. (1987). An efficient Computer Model fo r Predicting Submarine Pipeline Response to Waves and Currents. Proceedings of the 19th Annua l Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 3, 159169. 30 Verley, R.L.P., and Reed, K. (1987). Prediction of Hydrodynamic Forces on Sea bed Pipelines. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 3, 1 59169. 31 Fyfe, A. J., Myrhaug, D., and Reed. K. (1987). Hydrodynamic Forces on Seabed Pipelines: Large- Scale Laboratory Experiments. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 1, 125134. 32 Wilkinson, R.H., and Palmer, A.C. (1988). Field Measurements of Wave Forces o n Submarine Pipelines. Proceedings of the 20th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Housto n, TX. 33 Grace, R.A. (1978). Marine Pipeline Systems. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice H all. 34 Grace, R.A., Castiel, J., Shak, A.T., and Zee. G.T.Y. (1979) Hawaii Ocean Tes t Pipe Project: Force Coefficients. Civil Engineering in the Oceans IV, American Society of Civil Engi neers, 99110. 35 Grace, R.A., and Nicinski, S.A. (1976). Wave Force Coefficients from Pipeline Research in the Ocean. Proceedings of the 8th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX , OTC 2676. 36 Grace, R.A., J.M. Andres, and E.K.S. Lee. Forces Exerted by Shallow Ocean Wav es on a Rigid Pipe Set at an Angle to the Flow. Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 83, 4359 (1987). 37 Lyons, C.G. (1973). Soil Resistance to Lateral Sliding of Marine Pipelines. P roceedings of the 5th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, TX, 2, 479484. 392 Subsea Pipeline Engineering 38 Lambrakos, K.F. (1985). Marine Pipeline Soil Friction Coefficients from In-Si tu Testing. Ocean Engineering, 12, 131150. 39 Brennoden, H., Sveggen, O., Wager, D.A., and Murff, J.D. (1986). Full-Scale P ipe-Soil Interaction Tests. Proceedings of the 18th annual Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 5338, 4, 433440. 40 Wagner, D.A., Murff, J.D., Brennoden, H., and Sveggen, O. (1987). Pipe-Soil I nteraction Model. Proceedings of the 19th Annual Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 5504, 3, 18119 0. 41 Palmer, A.C., Steenfelt, J., Steensen-Bach, J.O., and Jacobsen, V. (1988). Pr oceedings of the 20th annual Offshore Technology Converence, OTC 5853, 4, 399408. 42 On-Bottom Stability Design of Marine Pipelines. (1988). RP E305, Veritec.<Is this note complete?> 43 Hale, J.R., Lammert, W.F., and Allen, D.W. (1991). Pipeline On-Bottom Stabili ty Calculations: Comparison of Two State-Of-The-Art Methods and Pipe-Soil Model Interaction. Proc eedings of the 23rd Annual Offshore Technology Conference, OTC 6761, 4, 567582. 44 Submarine Pipeline On-Bottom Stability: Vol. 1. Analysis and Design Guideline s, Final Report on Projects PR-178516 and PR-178717. (1988). American Gas Association. 45 Palmer, A.C. (1996). A Flaw in the Conventional Approach to Stability Design of Pipelines. Proceedings of the Offshore Pipeline Technology Conference, Amsterdam. 46 Palmer, A Flaw in the Conventional Approach to Stability Design of Pipelines. 47 Damgaard, J.S., and Palmer, A.C. (2001). Pipeline Stability on a Mobile and L iquefied Seabed: A Discussion of Magnitudes and Engineering Implications. Proceedings of the 20th I nternational Conference on Offshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, Rio de Janeiro. 48 Sleath, J.F.A. (1994). Sediment Transport in Oscillatory Flow. In: Sediment T ransport Mechanisms in Coastal Environments and Rivers, Belorgey, M., Rajaona, R.D. , and Sleath, J.F.A. (Eds.). Singapore: World Scientific . 49 Sleath, J.F.A. (1998). Depth of Erosion Under Storm Conditions. Proceedings o f the 26th Conference on Coastal Engineering, ASCE, New York, 29682979. 50 Zala Flores, N., and Sleath, J.F.A. (1998). The Mobile Layer in Oscillatory S heet Flow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 103, 1278312793. 51 Sassa, S., and Sekiguchi. H. (1999). Wave-induced Liquefaction of Beds of San d in a Centrifuge. Geotechnique, 49, 621638. 52 Teh, T.C., Palmer, A.C., and. Damgaard, J.S. (2003). Experimental Study of Ma rine Pipelines on Unstable and Liquefied Seabed. Coastal Engineering, 50, 117. 53 Teh, T.C., Palmer, A.C., and Bolton, M.D. (2004)Wave-Induced Seabed Liquefact ion and the Stability of Marine Pipelines. Proceedings, International Conference on Cycl ic Behaviour of Soils and Liquefaction Phenomena, Ruhruniversitt Bochum, Germany, 449453, A.A. Balkema, Leiden. 54 Palmer, A.C., Teh, T.C., Bolton, M.D., and Damgaard, J. (2004). Stable Pipeli nes on Unstable Seabed: Progress Towards a Rational Design Method. Proceedings, Offshore Pipelin e Technology Conference, Amsterdam. 12Marine Pipeline Construction 12.1 Introduction This chapter examines the principal methods of construction. Most marine pipelines are constructed by the lay-barge method described in section 12.2. Many small- and intermediate-diameter lines are constructed by the reel-ship method described in section 12.3. Bundles and some other lines are installed by pull and tow techniques covered in section 12.4. Many pipelines have to be trenched, particularly in shallow water, and some are buried: Trenching and burial are described in section 12.5. 394 Subsea Pipeline Engineering 12.2 Lay-Barge Construction 12.2.1 Introduction Lay-barge construction is by far the most frequently used technique for marine pipeline construction. It remains the method of choice for most pipelines. Lay-b arge construction is versatile, flexible, and self-contained. Though it may be expens ive to mobilize a lay barge to a remote location, once the barge is in place, it can st art work and operate as efficiently as anywhere else, with minimal support from the shore . The lay-barge method has little competition for installing large-diameter single lines (though not bundles); and for smaller-diameter lines, it competes aggressi vely with the reel and tow techniques. The lay-barge system can be seen as a natural development from lowering-in methods of onshore pipeline construction. It was originally developed in shallow water in the nearshore Gulf of Mexico in the 1940s and 1950s. The first North Se a pipelines were laid in the period 1968 to 1975, among them West Sole, Leman, Forties (the first large-diameter line in more than 100 m), Frigg, Brent, and Noordgastransport, all constructed by the lay-barge method. By the standards of today, lay-barge operations were prone to weather downtime and mechanical breakdown, and productivity was extraordinarily low and costs very high. The fir st Forties line, 170-km long, took two lay barges two seasons each in 197374, and ot her lines took even more lay-barge effort. In contrast, the second Forties line was laid by one barge in 3 months in the summer of 1990. Figure 121 shows the production rates on that project, and shows that high lay rates were achieved after a short time and that there were few interruptions.1 Laying rates of several km/day are nowad ays routine. In 2003, for example, the Allseas Solitaire laid 105 km of 22-in. (558. 8-mm) concrete-coated pipe in just under 18 days, for the BP (British Petroleum) Clair project in the North Atlantic to the west of the Shetland Islands. The average l ay rate was 6.9 km/day, and the peak lay rate 7.8 km in 24 hours. Marine Pipeline Construction 395 Fig. 121. Lay-barge production. Courtesy of London, C.J. Figure 122 shows the S-lay version of the lay barge system schematically and gives some of the terminology. The construction is based on a moored or dynamically positioned barge, on which the pipeline is built on a ramp. Lengths of pipe are lined up at the upper end of the ramp and pass through a series of welding stations as the barge moves forward. A separate welding line on the barg e sometimes welds the pipe lengths together in twos (double jointing) before they join the main line. Tensioners apply a tension force to the pipe near the stern end of the ramp. The pipe leaves the barge at the stern, and its configuration immediately beyond the stern is a convex-upward curved section, called the overbend, within which i t is supported on rollers by a stinger structure. The stinger is a substantial str ucture, often nearly 100 m long, generally constructed as a single open framework rigidl y fixed to the barge, but it sometimes has one or more buoyant segments hinged to each other and to the barge. 396 Subsea Pipeline Engineering Fig. 122. S-Lay lay-barge pipelaying schematic (not to scale) The pipe loses contact with the stinger at the lift-off point just above the end. It continues downward through the water as a long suspended span, a concave-upward curve called the sagbend. It reaches the seabed tangentially at the touchdown point. The shape taken up by the pipe in the sagbend is primarily controlled by the interaction between the applied tension and the submerged weight of the pipe, and to a lesser extent by the flexural rigidity of the pipe. If the applied tens ion is increased, the curvature of the pipe in the sagbend decreases, so that the sagbe nd becomes longer and flatter, while the touchdown point moves further from the barge and the liftoff point moves up the stinger. If the applied tension is redu ced, the sagbend curvature increases; and if the tension is reduced too far, the bend ing curvature may
Hydraulic Tables; The Elements Of Gagings And The Friction Of Water Flowing In Pipes, Aqueducts, Sewers, Etc., As Determined By The Hazen And Williams Formula And The Flow Of Water Over The Sharp-Edged And Irregular Weirs, And The Quantity Discharged