Meditation On Lalita: Tripurasundari Lalita Hindu Tantrik Translations Online
Meditation On Lalita: Tripurasundari Lalita Hindu Tantrik Translations Online
Meditation On Lalita: Tripurasundari Lalita Hindu Tantrik Translations Online
I bow to the goddess made of mantra, who consists of the 51 Ganeshas, the nine planets, the 27
constellations, the six Yoginis, the 12 signs of the Zodiac and the 51 letters of the alphabet and
sacred sites. Vamakeshvara Tantra
"Then one should meditate on Devi, resembling a lotus, like the early morning rays of the Sun,
like a hibiscus or a pomegranate flower, red as a ruby, or like kmkma dissolved in water,
adorned with a bedazzling jewel in Her diadem, and by a dense mass of small bells, Her mouth,
like a line of black bees, amidst beautifully curved red lips, the circle of Her face like the dawn or
a day lotus, a curved half moon of nectar on Her forehead, Her eyes like bows, and a beautiful
brow, !arameshvari"
"Her eyes are moving playfully to and fro, filled with joy and bliss, the roundness of Her cheeks
surpassing the curve of the lunar crescent" The slender line which is Her nose is like a beautiful
wanton shoot" Her upper nectar like lip is of the red effulgence of copper or coral" Her smile is
sweeter than honey, the #uintessence of love" Her very beautiful chin is endowed with all beauty"
"Her neck is shell$like, She has large, open eyes, arms as graceful as lotus stalks" Her hands
e#ual in appearance very beautiful red lotuses, and Her nails are brighter than brightness itself"
Her rising breasts uplift a slender pearl necklace, which resembles a shower of nectar on them"
Her truly beautiful belly is adorned with three lines"
"Her charming begemned navel is like a stream" The roundness of Her hips is like a precious
jewel, She wears a girdle of pearls, and has beautiful buttocks" The circle of Her buttocks is cleft
by a line, Her hair like royal elephant goads" %svari, Her very beautiful thighs are like two beautiful
plantain stems" Her two lovely legs are like two charming plant stems" Her unblemished lotus feet
are like the crest gem of &rahma"
"Her redness surpasses the redness of the 'hina (ose, vermilion, or the pomegranate flower"
She is clothed in red garments, holding an effulgent noose and a goad" She sits on a red lotus,
and is adorned with red gems" She has four arms and three eyes, and She holds five arrows and
a bow" Her mouth is filled with various pieces of betel mi)ed with camphor"
"Her beautiful gazelle like body, smeared with red powder, is the van#uisher of the *od of +ove"
She wears the most beautiful kind of clothes, and is adorned with every kind of precious gem"
She is the ,other -ho gladdens creation, the cause of happiness in the world, causing all love in
the world, creating the world, the Devi made of ,antra, great good fortune Sundari, consisting of
all wealth, eternal, supremely blissful, joyful"" $ dhyana from !amakesh"ara #antra" See also.
Tripurasundari +alita and Hindu Tantrik translations online
Lalita's Paradise Island
$im %rim &hrim hail to the sea of nectar' island of Gems' garden of !arios #rees' $eon #ree
garden' &antana garden' %ari (handana garden' )andata garden' *ari+ata garden' ,adamba
garden' -nclosing wall of #opa.' -nclosing wall of /b0' enclosing wall of Gomeda gem'
enclosing wall of 1iamond' -nclosing wall of !aidr0a gem.
$im %rim &hrim %ail to the -nclosing 2all of &apphire' -nclosing 2all of *earl' -nclosing wall of
-merald' -nclosing wall of (oral' 3ewelled *a"ilion' *a"ilion $dorned with 1444 5nches of
6lowers' nectar 7ake' 5liss 7ake' )irror 7ake' &hining sn' &hining moon' Great 5eatifl Gate'
Great 6orest of 7otses' *alace made of 2ish 6lfilling gem.
$im %rim &hrim %ail to the -astern 6ace 1oer' &othern 6ace 1oor' 2estern 6ace 1oor'
8orthern 6ace 1oor' (ircle of 3ewelled 7amps' Great 7ion #hrone )ade of Gems' 5rahma
(och 6oot' !ishn (och 6oot' /dra (och 6oot' Ish"ara (och 6oot' &adashi"a (och
6oot' %amsa )attress' *illow on the %amsa )attress' )attress strewn with safflower' the great
canop0' $im %rim &hrim hail to the great crtain.
9ne shold worship sing these :: temple mantras, emplo0ing flowers and rice. ; 8it0otsa"a,
translated in Lalita Magic, &othis 2eirdglow 1<=>.
There is a beautiful island, scented by fragrant breezes, with a multitude of gardens, lakes and
bowers and there Shri Shri +alita Devi resides" &efore you enter through the great curtain you
must pass through four gates, to the east, south, west and north of Her lion throne" Her canopy is
also a hidden gate" This symbolism has some similarities to Shiva with his five faces" The scheme
is set out in full below for the lovers of intricacy"
East of the Lion Throne
/0 Bala" Her mantra is 1im 2lim Sauh" She dwells in the centre of a forest of trees with bright
orange$coloured blossoms 32adambas0, in the centre of a 4ewelled pavilion, below a great 1eon
Tree, seated on a 4ewelled throne, a priceless gem as Her diadem, at Her feet a 4ewelled pot,
with jewels as necklace, effulgent bracelets, holding a book and dispelling fear with Her left hand,
with Her right holding a rosary,
50 Sampatprada Bhairavi" ,antra. Hsraim Hasakalarim Hsraum" She is as bright as / rising
suns, charming, wearing red linen garments, with a garland of flowers on her head, her breasts
smeared with red unguent, carrying a china rose, a hook, dispelling fear and granting boons, with
6 eyes, a face full of love$play, the ,oon as her diadem, smiling slowly"
60 Chaitanya Bhairavi" ,antra. Shaim Sa 2a +a Hrim Shrauh" +ike / rising suns, adorned
with various 4ewels, crescent moon as diadem,wearing red clothes, carrying noose and goad,
bestowing boons and dispelling fear, she is adorned with skulls, has massive round swelling firm
70 Chaitanya Bhairavi 3b0" ,antra. Shaim Sa 2a +a Hrim 8ityaklinne ,adadrave Sauh" She
carries noose and goad, and a skull, she is red, garlanded with skulls, seated on a throne made
of five corpses"
90 Kameshvari Bhairavi" ,antra. Ha Sa 2ha !hrem &a Sa 2a +a (im Ha Saum" She is bright as
/ rising suns, the ,oon is her diadem, she has 6 eyes, beautiful gems, red clothes, garland of
bloody heads, carries a trident, a damaru, a sword, a shield, a bow and arrow, a noose and a
South of the Lion Throne
/0 Aghora Bhairavi" ,antra. 1ghore 1im *hore Hrim Sarvatah Sarvasarvebhy *horaghoratare
Shrim 8amaste astu (udrarupebhyah 2lim Sauh" She is reddish, like a / suns, the ,oon is
bound in her hair, she wears various gems, has pearls as a diadem, wears a blossoming red line
of skulls, has 6 beautiful eyes, with large swelling breasts, wearing red clothes, young, wanton,
holds a book and dispels fear in her two left hands, and in her right holds a rosary and bestows
boons" She is seated on a great corpse"
50 Mahahairavi" ,antra. Ha Sraim Ha Sa 2a +a Hrim Ha Srau" Description as 3/0 above"
60 Lalitahairavi" ,antra. Hrim 2lim Hsraum" She is like / rising suns, with flaming rubies as
her diadem, red pearl earrings, limbs smeared with red unguent, bedecked with beautiful red
flowers, wears red clothes, holds noose, goad, book and rosary" She is the 2umari form"
70 Kameshi Bhairavi" ,antra. 2lim" She is effulgent as the 'hina (ose" She carries bow and
arrows and is adorned with precious gems"
90 !a"tanetra Bhairavi" ,antra. Saim Sa 2a +a (im Sauh" She has a flaming ruby coloured
diadem, red pearl earrings, her limbs all smeared with red paste, a garland of beautiful red
flowers, red clothes, holds a noose, goad, book and rosary, is wanton, youthful, without shame,
has beautiful rising large breasts, beautiful buttocks and lovely slender waist"
#est of the Lion Throne
/0 Sat"uta Bhairavi" ,antra. Ha Sa 2a +a (a Daim Ha Sa 2a +a (a Dim Ha Sa 2a +a (a Dauh"
She is as brilliant as the sun at dawn, resembling the 'hina (ose, wearing a garland of skulls, at
her feet is a gold vessel, she has large swelling breasts, holds a noose, goad, book and rosary"
Sits on a corpse"
50 $itya Bhairavi" ,antra. Da (a +a 2a Sa Haim Da (a +a 2a Sa Him Da (a +a 2a Sa Hauh"
Seated on 9 skulls, wears a garland of skulls, as effulgent as the sun" 1dorned with gems, holds a
noose and goad and dispels fear and grants boons"
60 Mrita Sam%ivani" ,antra. Hrim Hamsah Samjivani 4um 4ivah !ranagranthim 2uru 2uru 2uru
2uru Svaha" 8o description given"
70 Mrityun%ayapara" ,antra. :ada :ada :agvadini Ha Saim 2linne 2ledini ,ahakshobham 2uru
2uru Hasaim ;m ,oksha 2uru 2uru Ha Sauh" Dwelling in the centre of the 2adamba <orest, she
holds a book in her left hand, and in her right a rosary" She is as white as dazzling jasmine"
90 &a%ra Prastarini" ,antra. Hrim 2linne 1im 2rom 8itya ,adadrave Hrim" She is in the centre of
the 2adamba <orest, red, with a beautiful crescent ,oon 3,oon 2ala0 as her diadem, very red,
with 6 beautiful eyes, upon a great yantra in the centre of a crimson sea, holds pomegranate,
arrow, noose, goad, bow, skull" She is smeared with red"
$orth of the Lion Throne
/0 Bhuvaneshvari Bhairavi" ,antra. Hasraim Ha Sa 2a +a Hrim Hrasaum" She is as brilliant as
a 'hina (ose, like a pomegranate flower, with a crescent moon as her diadem, 6 eyes, red
clothes, various beautiful gems, large rising swelling breasts, seated on a corpse, with a garland
of skulls, holds a noose and goad and grants boons and dispels fear"
50 Kamaleshvari Bhairavi" ,antra. Sahraim Sahakalahrim Sahraum" Description as 3/0 above"
60 Siddha Kaulesha Bhairavi" ,antra. Hasraim Hasrim Hasrauh" She is a 2umari, effulgent as
/ rising suns, with 6 eyes, ,oon as her diadem, slender waisted, large buttocks, wearing
large 4ewels, adorned with red, wanton, youthful, proud, large high swelling breasts, wears a
garland of skulls, beautifully bejewelled, holds a book and dispels fear with her left hands, in her
right she holds a rosary and grants boons" She sits on a corpse"
70 'amara Bhairavi" ,antra. Hashaim Haklim Hasauh" +ike a &andhuka flower, seated on 9
skulls, the ,oon is the peak of her beautifully gemmed diadem, wears a garland of skulls, has 6
eyes, red clothes, large rising swelling breasts, holds book, rosary, gives boons, dispels fears"
90 Kamini Bhairavi" ,antra. Hasaim Ha Sa 2lim Hasauh" She wears red jewels and ornaments"
Holds a noose, a goad, grants boons and dispels fears, sits on a corpse, she is garlanded with
(reat )pper 'ire*tion
/0 Sundari" ,antra. Haim Ha 2a +a Hrim Hasauh
50 Sundari" ,antra. 1 Ha Saim 1h 1 Sim 1 Hasauh
60 Sundari" ,antra. 1im Ha Sa = Ha Sa Ha Shaim Ha Ha Ha 2a +a Hrim Ha Ha Ha Harauh
70 Sundari" ,antra. 2a +a Sa Sa Sa Sa Haim 2a +a Ha Ha Sa Sa Sa Ha Haim 2a +a Ha Ha Sa
Sa Sa Hrim
90 Sundari" ,antra. Ha Sa +a 2sha Sa Ha Sa Hauh Sa Ha Ha Sa +a 2shah Saim Ha Sa Ha Sa
+a 2sha Ha Sim
This concludes the description of the (ed >oginis who dwell in the five directions around Devi
+alita in Her palace of gems" The bija mantras, of tongue twisting perple)ity have an inner logic
related to the root mantra"
The &hri !id0a /atna &tras shows that Devi +alita outrays thousands upon millions of rays
which are each Devis of a certain colour" The /9 *oddesses above are important in the overall
scheme, and mentioned in such works as 1akshinamrti &amhita and 3nanarna"a #antra $$ both
important tantras of the Shri :idya path"
1 few of the mantras are Sanskrit words interspersed with bija $$ for e)ample South 6 $$ Speak?
Speak? *iver of Speech? Hasaim" ,oisten? ; ,oistener? 'ause *reat 1gitation@ 'ause *reat
1gitation? Hasrim" ;m *ive, *ive +iberation? Hasauh"